#best friend!jj maybank
moremaybank · 2 months
in between 𓂃 ࣪ ˖ 𐦍
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pairing bestfriend!jj maybank x fem!reader
summary best friends since the first grade, it was only inevitable that you and jj would fall for each other. however, when a single night suddenly changes things between you, you’re both left wondering if you ever should’ve tried to cross the line at all. [11.8k]
warnings 18+, unprotected sex (sorry, but what else is new?), dry humping, oral (m. receiving), daddy kink, pet names (pretty girl, princess, etc.), dirty talk, body-shaming (not by jj), reader's parents being shitty, drunk jj causing a scene at a party, childhood best friends to lovers, a love confession, i think that's it???
author's note i really hope you guys like this one! kinda nervous bc i haven't posted a full fic in awhile, but i think i'm happy with it. ik it's long, but i think it's worth it! also, enjoy the logan huntzberger (gilmore girls) cameo LOL
in between universe | jj masterlist | playlist | kofi
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Amid the raging storm outside, a series of frantic knocks on your front door echoed through your house. You rushed to the door, swinging it open to reveal a drenched and dishevelled JJ Maybank. 
“Oh my god!” You exclaimed in panic, yanking him inside. Your hands quickly found his face, and then his shoulders as your eyes scanned his body for any signs of injury. “What the hell is wrong with you?!” 
“Hello to you, too,” he greeted, smiling down at you. He couldn’t deny the stroke his ego got, nor the fluttering in his stomach he felt when you worried for him. “I’m fine, by the way. Jus’ a tad cold.” 
JJ hoped you’d take the hint and pull him into your arms — the place he always longed to be — but was caught off guard when your hand slapped his chest. “Hey!” 
“What if you catch pneumonia?!”
“I’m fine, Y/N/N.”
“Fine? You could’ve gotten killed!” 
“By what? The gentle breeze outside?” That earns him another slap. “Ow!”
“Don’t smart-mouth me, Maybank.” 
“You love my smart mouth,” he teases, pinching your cheek playfully. 
Once again, his hopes were wrong, because while he was praying for a glimpse of that smile that made his knees weak, your hand came flying at him for a third time. Luckily for him, he was quick, catching your wrist and pulling you to stand right in front of him. 
“You’re gonna wanna be real careful about what you do next, princess.” Powerful blue eyes locked with yours and you knew that he’d won. “Gotta say, this is not the welcome I was expecting. Kinda hoped I’d get a kiss or somethin’.” 
Your heart sang at his comment, but you remained focused on the outside, keeping your face straight. 
“For what? Being an idiot?”
Then, he gave you the face. 
Pouty, and adorable, and JJ, and just like he had planned, you started to fold. 
You couldn’t stay mad at him if you tried. 
Even if he helped. 
“I’m sorry. I’m just worried. You aren’t invincible, you know.” 
He visibly softened at your words, as if he wasn’t soft on you before, and he released your wrist. But he didn’t give your hand back to you. Instead, he kept it with him, mindlessly playing with your fingers so he wouldn’t have to give up the physical contact.
“C’mon. You really think I’m gonna let anythin’ stop me from annoying you for the rest of your life? Not a chance, baby.” 
Baby. Uh oh. Your resolve was beginning to waver. 
“‘N the reason I came is ‘cause I didn’t want my pretty girl alone in this mess,” he murmured, and you detected some shyness in his voice. “Besides, when have we ever spent a storm night apart?” 
Aaand it was gone. 
He always knew how to get you. Then again, you always let him. 
You tilted your head, fighting a smile and losing miserably when it broke free. “Alright. I guess you’re sweet. Even if you’re an idiot.” 
“There’s my girl,” he grinned. “Now gimme a hug. I’m cold.” He tried to reach out for you, but you backed away, putting more distance between you two.
“No way, you’re soaked,” you laughed, now extremely grateful for the cozy pjs you were sporting.
“Oh, c’mon. You’re really not gonna hug me?” He picked up an old-timey accent when he spoke next, “I ventured through the brave storm to see you, m’lady. The least you could do is offer me a warm embrace.” 
He was so animated with it that it was damn near impossible not to giggle. “My sincerest apologies, sir. You seem to be out of luck.” 
“Alright, that’s it.” 
Before you knew it, JJ lunged at you. You let out a squeal, running as fast as you could with your socks slipping against the marble tiles. 
It took a little bit of time, and you’d covered a lot of area in the house by the time he finally captured you. Strong, brawny arms wrapped around your frame and picked you up right off the ground. He spun you around in the air a few times, relishing in the sun-soaked laughter that escaped you before putting you down. 
You turned around in his grip, looking incredibly earnest when your hands came to rest on his arms. “Thanks for coming to save me. Not that I needed it.” 
He smiled warmly at your statement. “I’ll always come ‘n save you,” he said, capturing your chin between his fingers. His thumb stroked over your chin softly. “You’re my Y/N/N. Nothin’s more important than you.” 
You found yourself stuck in an intense stare with him yet again, your heart thumping loudly at his sincerity and gooey sweetness. 
“Come on. You need to shower before you get sick.” 
You grabbed his hand, but he came willingly with a lovestruck look you couldn’t see. 
“Yes, ma'am.” 
After shoving JJ into the shower and practically pouring a hot cup of tea down his throat to ensure he was warm from the inside out, the two of you found solace in your cozy and — in JJ’s words — kooky bed with your backs against the pillows and headboard. 
“Make fun all you want but you and I both know I have to drag you out of here kicking ‘n screaming every time you sleepover.” 
“…Shut up.”
Despite his words, JJ huddled closer to you under the plush covers. The wind howled outside, alongside the occasional rumble of thunder. If it weren’t for the light casting around the room from your TV, and the entirely hilarious sitcom How I Met Your Mother playing in the background, the ambience would’ve made the room feel eerie.
“So,” JJ began, breaking the silence, “you heard from your parents lately? Thought they were supposed to come back this week?” 
Ah, yes. Your parents. 
From a young age, you’d learned not to expect much from the people who had brought you into the world.
The minute they realized they could, they’d handed you off to a nanny and threw themselves back into the lives they’d lived before you had arrived. Your mom went heavy on the scotch and retail therapy, and your dad had re-immersed himself in his work. When he wasn’t doing that, he was squandering his free time away at the country club, playing golf and consuming copious amounts of alcohol alongside your mother.
Anything to get out of the house, and, evidently, away from you. 
The older you grew, the less you saw of them as they travelled the world for business. By the time you were fifteen, you’d pretty much been living in that enormous mansion all by yourself for ten months out of the year. 
Sometimes, even more. 
Not that you’d ever voice your complaints to them. You knew they wouldn’t hear you. They’d simply spew out something along the lines of ‘Sweetheart, you’ve never had to work for anything in your life. if you had, you’d understand that we can’t be there for every silly little dance recital or graduation.’ 
And yes, that included your high school graduation. 
When they did spend time with you, that time would be filled with snarky comments about your appearance and about your sympathy for the pogues. Nothing about you ever seemed to satisfy them.
But somehow, amid the loneliness and abandonment you’d been able to comprehend from far too young of an age, you’d found and held onto the one person who made it all melt away. 
It was the first day of second grade, and all the children in your class were colouring. All of them except for the little blonde boy who sat across the room, by himself, with a blank sheet of paper in front of him, but nothing to colour with. You were only six at the time, but you could sense that he was alone too. And your heart hurt for him because it hurt the same way for you. 
So, you got up from your seat, grabbed your paper and your sixty-four pack of crayons (the pack that every child dreamt of having) and trotted off to his table. You perched yourself in the chair beside his and offered to share your crayons with him. 
At first, he just stared at you. You thought that maybe he didn’t want you there, but then, you saw the tiniest glimpse of his dimple when he gave you a small smile, nodding. 
And now, a decade and a half later, you were just as inseparable as you had been since that very first day. 
Your house was now considered a home, had been since the moment JJ first stepped onto the marble flooring with his boyishly muddy shoes. He filled the aching silence with laughter and excitement and finally, finally, some cherishable memories. 
Like how he’d helped you climb your first tree, and carried you on his back into your house after you’d scraped your knee while doing so. Camping in your backyard and sprinting inside once non-forecasted rain came pouring down on your flimsy little kiddy tent. He’d accidentally stolen your first kiss (and he’d never admit it, but he was and still is overjoyed to have done so). Movie nights where he’d let you pick the film and sit happily while you pushed his hair back and applied a face mask to his tanned skin. 
Anything you wished for, JJ would give it to you without a second thought. Any time you needed him, he’d drop everything to run over to you. He was loyal, sweet, hilarious, thoughtful, and though he was good at hiding it from the light, his heart was pure gold. 
But what had mattered most to you was that in a world where everyone close to you had chosen to leave, he was the one who had stayed. 
Without him, there was noise. 
With him? Quiet. 
Peaceful, and calm, and quiet. 
No one turned your world like him. And that made it that much more inevitable to fall for him. 
The feeling of JJ’s finger tapping against your temple broke you out of your daze. “Hey. You in there?”
“Yeah, sorry,” you replied. “My mom called me a couple days ago to tell me they cancelled their flight. They’re coming back on Monday instead.” 
“So, basically, what I’m hearin’ is that they just didn’t wanna be stuck in the house with you all weekend.” 
You mocked your mother’s voice when you spoke next. “You know I can only take that sorry little island in small doses. Besides, if we come home now, we’ll be holed up in the house during that storm. Why on earth would I trade my penthouse view for that?”
JJ gave you a sad look, obviously upset for you. It wasn’t like he expected much from them either, but he knew that deep down, even if you refused to admit it, it stung. 
They really couldn’t spend one weekend with you? Being with their daughter is that much of a hardship for them? 
“Stop. It’s fine.” And you meant it. These kinds of stunts were nothing new to you. You didn’t think they were gonna race home to you to make sure you were okay. A quick text would suit them just as well. 
“Don’t do that,” he stopped you. “You’re allowed to be upset. Your parents are assholes.” 
Assholes that were so far past unaware of the remarkable person they’d given life to. It shook him to his core, the realization that someone so beautiful both inside and out had come from two cold and selfish people. 
But if they would never appreciate you, who cared, because JJ knew he always would. 
He’d never let a single moment pass without telling you how special you were. How much you’d helped him, given him a safe haven and shoulder to cry on when he needed it. 
Given him peace. 
And, if he ever worked up the damn courage…he’d spend every minute of the rest of his life telling you how much he loved you. 
You just shrugged in response. “It is what it is. I’m luckier than most.” 
He frowned at that. It’d always hurt him to watch you belittle your problems just because you were better off financially. It was almost as if you were numb.
“Well, at least they’ll be here for your birthday. That’s somethin’.” 
“Nah, they’re flying back to New York on Friday.” 
“Are you serious?” He asked, sitting up straight now. “They couldn’t wait one day?” 
“You know how they feel about birthdays, J.” 
That was true. JJ had heard them give you the ‘Why should you be rewarded for being born? That isn’t an achievement,’ talk countless times over the years. They’d just stick a wad of cash into your nanny’s hand and tell her to take you out to the mall as if their missing your birthday would be fixed with a shopping spree. 
As if it would erase the resentment you knew they felt toward you. 
“That doesn’t make it right,” he said, growing frustrated. “Y/N/N, it, like, sickens me to keep watchin’ ‘em treat you like this. You gotta say something.” 
“Like what, J? They’d never listen. Just drop it.” 
He deflated a bit, leaning back into his original position. “Look, ‘m sorry, okay? I just…I don’t get it. You’re amazin’, you’re— you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I don’t know how they don’t feel the same.” 
Damn it. There he went again, making it impossible for you to be in a sour mood. 
Gingerly, you turned to him, sitting with your legs criss-crossed. “You’re the only one keeping me going, y’know that? I don’t know what I’d do without you.” 
He sat up once more and cupped your cheek, thumb brushing against the apple of it as he looked deep into your eyes. It felt like he was staring into your soul. 
“I promise you’ll never have to find out.” He looked down then, biting his lip slightly before meeting your gaze again. “I put that on my life.”
The rest of the world faded away while the two of you stayed in that moment, frozen in time as if you were a scene captured in a snow globe. 
It was times like these when you felt yourself start to believe the things Kie was always telling you. 
“I’m just saying, like, how do you not see it?” 
She’d been up your ass ever since the boys had split up from you two and left The Wreck. Kie was working at the counter, filling up drinks and cashing out takeout orders. 
Oh, and pestering you about JJ’s so-called affections for you.
“Maybe because I’ve known him since we were six and I know what it looks like when he flirts with other girls,” you remarked.
“Okay, but, like, you’re not just some random girl to him. You’re you.”
You made a face. “I don’t even know what that means.” 
The groan that emitted from her lips was loud enough to catch the attention of countless customers, but she didn’t seem to care.
“You’re impossible,” she said, placing the lids on three soft drinks. “I’ve known JJ almost as long as you have, and in that time, one thing about him has always been crystal-fucking-clear. He’s in love with you. Always has been, always will be.”
“Whatever you say,” you hummed in response, taking a sip of your Coke and pushing away the warm, fuzzy feeling floating through you at the thought of her words being true. 
Meanwhile, JJ was struggling not to act on his desires. 
It was the perfect moment. 
You were quite literally in his hands — or hand, rather — looking as beautiful as ever. He could kiss you. Right now. Plant one on you, a real kiss, unlike that accidental peck he shared with you at the age of twelve. He’d truly get to taste you this time around and silently convey all his love for you. 
And then, fate helped him out. 
The lights flickered and cut out in time with a rumble of thunder, leaving the two of you in complete darkness. 
JJ took it as a sign. 
He leaned forward, and his lips connected with yours. It was soft, tentative at first to see if you’d back off or push him away. To his surprise, your hand snaked up his front, fisting his shirt and pulling him closer. He took that as permission and kissed you deeper, his tongue stroking against yours in a dizzying fashion. The action made you moan into his mouth, and he pocketed the sound in his mind, saving it for later when he was alone and was thinking about you. 
And not in an innocent way. 
JJ’s hands found your waist, sliding down to your hips before tugging you closer. You took his invitation and clambered your way onto his lap, your lips never leaving his. 
God, kissing him felt good. Too good. It was nothing like you’d ever imagined. No, it was better. He kissed you like he’d stop breathing if he didn’t. Like the world would burst into flames and end right then and there if he let go of you. 
You didn’t know what was happening, and frankly, in fear of the truth, you had no plans of asking him. If this was the only way you could ever have him, you’d take it without a second thought, consequences be damned. 
You were sure that your decision was nowhere near wise, but there was simply no time for wisdom. 
JJ, your JJ, was kissing you. Kissing you and touching you and giving himself over to you, even if it was only for one night. 
And if doing this was wrong, for once in your life, you didn’t want to be right.
JJ’s hands pulled at the hem of your shirt, and you broke the kiss to let him strip you of it. He tossed it carelessly while his eyes landed on your bare tits. 
“Christ,” he whispered, his hands coming up to cup them both. “These are fuckin’ perfect.” 
His thumbs brushed over your nipples and you shivered. “J.” 
“Shh. I gotchu, baby. Relax for me, yeah? Let me take my time?” 
“Yeah,” you breathed. “But can you take your shirt off? Wanna see you too.” 
He smiled. You were so damn sweet, it would nearly give him a toothache. “Yeah, pretty girl. I can do that.” 
JJ shrugged off his beat-up Heyward’s tee, discarding it on the floor. You ogled at him, at least ninety percent sure that huge red cartoon hearts were projecting from your eyes. 
“You’re droolin’ a bit, there,” JJ teased, thumbing at your lip. 
Heat crept up into your face at his comment. “Shut up.” 
On the inside, he loved the way you were looking at him. You handled him delicately, hands cradling his face as if he were an intricate piece of artwork that you wanted to study and commit to memory. 
Every line, every slope, every curve.  
Every last stunning piece of him.
“You’re so beautiful, J.” 
JJ had been loved by you since elementary school. Sure, it was in a best friend's way, but being loved by you had changed his world. Now, with the way you were looking at him, the way you were speaking to him, the way you were touching him…he couldn’t help but imagine that this was what it’d be like to really be with you. 
He turned bashful, his heart still fluttering at your words. “‘M supposed to be sayin’ that to you. Look at you.” 
“Stop that,” you said, looking him right in the eyes. “You deserve to be loved on. Let yourself have this. Let yourself feel loved, J.” 
Those words echoed in his mind. JJ never felt like he deserved anything good, so he always pushed those opportunities away. Ruined them and made them inaccessible. But with you in his arms, pleading with him to let you show him that he was worthy, he started to believe that maybe he did deserve something positive. 
And if it were coming from you? Well, he’d take it without question.
He surged forward, capturing your lips in a searing kiss. He wanted to kiss you until his lips were sore, and even then, he wouldn’t stop. 
With greedy hands, the both of you touched every sliver of skin you could find, your lips never leaving the others for a second. Your hands found their way to JJ’s unruly golden locks, fingers carding through them so you could tug on them a little. A deep rumble of satisfaction came from JJ’s throat, and the noise had been so heavenly that your hips started to roll against his on their own accord. 
The friction was toe-curling, so addicting that you couldn’t stop rutting against him even if you wanted to. He was hard as a rock, and big. So big. You didn’t even need him to get naked to know you were right. 
“F-Fuck,” JJ stammered against your lips, though his hands didn’t stop helping your hips move. “Keep goin’ ‘n I’ll cum before I’m even inside you.” 
“But you feel so good,” you whined. Your brows were pulled together and your jaw was slack, the stimulation already getting you close. “Oh my god.” 
“Please, J. I need it. Don’t make me stop. P-Please don’t make me stop.” 
You were right on the edge, and all JJ could focus on were your pretty pleas and the desperation written all over your face. He wanted to watch you explode, wanted to watch you go slack as the pleasure rolled through you. Wanted to hear what you sounded like when you came for him.
So he encouraged you. 
“Go ‘head, pretty girl. Make a mess. Get yourself nice ‘n wet for me.” His lips found your neck, nipping and sucking at your skin to leave his mark. He felt you cling to him as your actions sped up, his cock throbbing as he tried to fight off his high. It almost took everything in him not to give in. “Good girl. You got it.” 
You came loudly, chest heaving up and down as your body twitched and went through the motions of your release. You felt JJ leave more wet kisses across your chest as you tried to regulate your breathing, your hand playing with his hair carelessly. 
“That might’ve been the hottest thing I’ve ever seen, baby,” he spoke, his hands rubbing up and down your sides. Goosebumps formed underneath his fingertips, and he couldn’t help himself from realizing how responsive your body was for him. 
It’d never been like this with anyone else. No one could compare to you. He didn’t even have to sink into you for confirmation. 
He was fucking done for.
JJ never thought his complete and utter devotion to you could ever run deeper in his veins, but here you were, proving him wrong. 
He was more than fine with that. 
“Fuck me, J. Need you inside me,” you said, hands running over the planes of his chest. Your lip was caught between your teeth, and JJ could tell that you were feeling shy. 
“How could I ever deny you when you’re askin’ me so nicely, huh?” He thumbed at your bottom lip, trying to break it free so he could kiss you again. He did, giving you a deep kiss bubbling over the top with affection. “How do you want it?” 
“Wanna ride you. Can I?” 
“You can have whatever you want, princess.” 
You grinned, your hands running down the path of his front before finding the button of his pants with ease. You popped it open, unzipping them and tugging his boxers down. His cock sprang out, beautiful and pink and curved. The bead of pre-cum caught your eye, and your mouth watered instantly, dying to know what he tasted like. You dipped your head down, your tongue sticking out and swirling around his tip gently as you coated your tastebuds with him. You were about to dive in for seconds when JJ stopped you. 
“Please don’t, baby. I won’t last.” 
You pouted. “But I wanna suck you off. Don’t you wanna fuck my throat?” 
Christ. Those sinful words sounded nothing but heavenly, and it was hard to resist you. 
“Promise you can later. But right now,” he paused, hands grabbing you and pulling you to straddle his lap again, “I need to feel that pretty pussy.” 
“Yes, daddy.” 
JJ threw his head back with a groan. “You’re really tryna kill me, aren’t you?” 
You simply giggled in response, before circling your hand around his cock. You slid his tip through your folds, from your creamy slit to your clit — and the whimper you let out when you rubbed it over your bundle of nerves almost sent JJ into shock — then back down to your hole again. You started to sink down on him, letting out a hiss when he stretched you wide. Once his tip was inside, JJ swore he started to drool. He was barely inside you and yet your hot, wet walls felt like ecstasy. 
When you sank down all the way, JJ let out a tortured, “Fuckin’ soaked, fuck.” Your walls fluttered subconsciously, and he groaned. “Move for me before I bust. Please.” 
“No cumming yet, J,” you tutted, slowly beginning to bounce on him and giving in to his wishes. He was so big, it was a miracle that you could fit him completely. The intrusion had you feeling so full, but he was hitting every square inch of your cunt and you were on cloud nine. You picked up a good rhythm, earning praise from JJ as you did so.  
“There ya go, baby. Thaaat’s it,” he rasped, leaning back against the headboard to watch you work. His hands cupped your tits as they bounced, feeling your pert nipples rubbing against his palms. “Fuck. Me. Shit.” 
His favourite girl, the star of every single fantasy he’s ever had, was beautifully bare and in his lap, riding the fuck out of his cock. He denied the urge to shut his eyes, no matter how euphoric he felt, ‘cause he didn’t want to miss a single second.
Lost in the pleasure, your hands migrated from his built shoulders to his chest, and you clawed at him. He hissed but ultimately enjoyed the stinging feeling pricking at his skin. 
You could tell because, within a millisecond, his broad arms had enveloped your entire frame and started bucking his hips upward and taking control.
You gasped his name in shock, your own arms instinctively wrapping around him to hold on for dear life. 
“Shh, baby. Let me do the work. You just keep takin’ this cock like a good girl for me, ‘kay?”  
Oh, that mouth. That perfect, filthy mouth. You could’ve died right there if he let you. 
“Yeah, who? What’s my name in here, angel?” 
And the cheeky fucker smirked. “Damn fuckin’ straight.” 
He flipped you onto your back, your bare skin hitting the thick comforter. His hands curled around the backs of your knees as he kept you spread wide open for him. His eyes couldn’t help but drift to where you two were connected, watching you swallow his cock whole. 
“Such a good fuckin’ pussy,” he grunted. “Jus’ keeps gettin’ wetter ‘n tighter f’me.” 
“Yes. Yes. All for you, Daddy. S’all for you,” you called out when he started to fuck you harder. He was animalistic with it, the lust and need for you going into overdrive. It was the sexiest thing you’d ever seen. 
Your excitement only grew when JJ leaned forward, his deliciously carved frame hovering above yours. Thick arms caged you in, and large palms held your head up. His forehead leaned against yours, blue eyes holding yours captive in a hypnotizing fashion.
“Eyes on me, baby. Want your eyes on me when you cum.” 
He knew you were getting there, your cries only increasing in volume as your pussy coated him completely in your slick. Your walls were contracting, tightening around him and threatening to take his breath away.
He also knew that his words would go a long way right now, judging by the way you’d been reacting to them thus far. 
“Tired, aren’t you, baby? Tired of carrying all that weight on your shoulders?” He asked, his breath fanning over your lips as he panted. He littered soft pecks across your cheek when you nodded, an intoxicating juxtaposition from the savoury and harsh pounding he was giving you. “Yeah, I know, babygirl. Always workin’ so damn hard tryna take care of all of us. Jus’ need someone to take care a’you for a change, yeah? Need Daddy to do all the work ‘n make y’feel good? That right?” 
Don’t get him wrong. JJ was a feminist. You’d raised him right. But he always had the crippling need to do whatever he could to make your days lighter, make your life easier. 
And now, apparently, that included fucking the stress out of you until you couldn’t even remember what had caused it in the first place. 
He let out a breathy and proud chuckle when your walls started to clamp down harder on him. He had you right where he wanted you; clinging onto him like a koala and keeping his skin pressed to yours, crying from his gifted hip work, and teetering on the peak of your orgasm. 
“C-Close, J. So close,” you gasped out, chest heaving drastically.
“Let go, baby. Let it all go for me, yeah?” 
One of JJ’s hands snaked down to rub your clit in tight circles, and he watched flames ignite in your eyes at the added stimulation. The wind was knocked out of your lungs when the band deep in your core finally snapped.
“That’s fuckin’ right,” he encouraged, continuing to fuck you through your high. His was creeping up on him, and he selfishly started to go harder, faster. “‘M gonna cum. Where d’ya want it, baby? Your tits? Stomach?” 
“M-My mouth. Promised you’d fuck it, remember?” 
He grinned maniacally. The mere thought of fucking his cum down your throat, hearing your gags and watching more of those pretty tears stain your cheeks…nothing sounded better. 
“I never break my promises with you, angel. Y’know that.” He pulled out from you, lifting you into a seated position so he could reach your mouth. You struggled to keep yourself upright, clinging onto JJ’s thighs. You looked up at him, teary-eyed with your tongue out and waiting. “Could fuckin’ cum just from the way you look right now, swear to God.” 
He smacked his length against your hot tongue a few times before sliding in all the way. A shiver rippled through him in delight. “Fuckin’ hell. Where’s this mouth been all my life?” 
He throbbed wildly, twitching when your tongue slithered against the thick vein of his underside. It didn’t take long for him to start thrusting into your mouth, starting off slow but speeding up as his greed skyrocketed. His hands thread through your hair, holding your head in place. Spit was pooling out around him and down your chin, countless tears were escaping from your eyes. Your hair was a mess. But you’d never looked more gorgeous. 
You moaned around him, sending vibrations and little jolts through his entire body when he announced to you that he was close. You released your grip on one of his thighs, cupping and massaging his balls. He fucked deeper and deeper into your throat and soon, you watched him fall over the edge. A string of groans and curses fell from his lips, and he sounded better than anything you’d ever heard. 
Your favourite song of all time was now dethroned by the pornographic sounds emitting from the gorgeous and hypnotizing man in front of you. 
When he withdrew from your mouth and finally caught his breath, all he could do was beam down at you. His fingers scooped up the string of cum that clung to your lips and stuffed themselves into your mouth. You licked every last drop up and savoured it. 
Savoured him.
“‘N just when I thought you couldn’t drive me any crazier.” 
The world was different when JJ woke up. 
He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and noticed the sun was shining, a nice contrast to the horrible weather from the previous night. He could hear birds chirping and the light breeze of wind flowing against the trees. But what was most different was the fact that you were curled up in his arms, smooth, bare skin pressed against his as you slept. It wasn’t like you two hadn’t cuddled before, but after last night’s escapades, the action just felt so much more intimate. He felt the smile growing on his face as the memories played in his head. He couldn’t believe he’d finally gotten to kiss you, let alone partake in any of the other activities you two did. 
JJ looked down at you, his precious girl, watching your chest heave as you tried to regulate your breathing. You were glowing, your hair a little messy, but it made his heart skip a beat when he thought about how it’d gotten to that point. The ghost of a smile played on your lips while you watched him in wonder. 
JJ leaned down, planting a soft kiss on your forehead and closing his eyes as he did so. “Stay here. Gonna grab a towel so I can clean you up.” 
He started to move, but your smaller hand wrapped around his wrist and tugged. “Don’t go. Can you just…lay with me for a bit?” 
The combination of your sulky doe eyes and still kiss-swollen, pouted lips was all too much. He could never say no to you, but at that moment? You’d never looked more vulnerable, and he just wanted to wrap you up in his arms and shield you from anything that would make you look as sad as you did right now. 
“Yeah, pretty girl,” he assured you, getting situated under the covers and opening his arms wide for you. “C’mere. Not goin’ anywhere.” 
You smiled with a shy nod, instantly slotting yourself into his arms and resting your head on his chest. You nuzzled your cheek against his bare skin, closing your eyes as you let his presence envelope you. 
“You promise?” You asked quietly. Your eyelids grew heavy, and you felt yourself slipping out of consciousness when his fingers danced up and down your back. 
“I promise,” JJ said. His head came to lean atop yours, his cheek smushed against your hair. “Couldn’t leave you if I tried, princess.” 
You started to shift in his hold, a small groan escaping your lips. 
“Mornin’, sunshine,” he greeted, sweeping some baby hairs away from your face. How you managed to look so effortlessly beautiful all the time was beyond him. Not that he was complaining. “You sleep okay?” 
“Mhm,” you hummed, unable to stop your lips from curling upward. “You?”
“Slept great.” 
You peered up at him, and he was already looking down at you. The minute your eyes met, it was just as last night when the rest of the world went quiet. It was just you and your favourite boy, stuck in a bubble where for once, everything felt right. Where you and JJ felt so happy, that nothing could put a damper on things.
Until your bedroom door swung open, revealing your mother. Once her eyes landed on a shirtless JJ beside you, steam was coming out of her ears. 
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” 
You sat up and held the sheets to your chest, keeping yourself covered up. “Mom, close the door!”
“Get up, get dressed, and get that pogue out of my house.”
“Always a pleasure, Mrs. Y/L/N.” 
She glared at him and slammed the door shut. You didn’t dare to look at JJ, completely mortified and ashamed of her behaviour. JJ sat up then, watching your teeth sink into your bottom lip the way they always did when you were deep in thought or stressed out. Without a second thought, he reached over, thumbing at your lip until it broke free from your teeth. 
“Stop that. Any harder ‘n you’ll bleed, babe.”
You gave him the tiniest glimpse of a smile. “Sorry.” 
You got up before he could respond, wrapping one of your sheets around your body and making your way to your bedroom door so you could lock it. Behind you, JJ also got up, slipping on his clothes before walking over to where you stood. 
“Hey,” he spoke, nudging your chin upward with his hooked index finger. “You okay?”
You nodded, slowly looking at him. “I’m just sorry about her.”
“You don’t need to apologize to me, alright? I don’t care about her, I just wanna make sure you’re good.” 
You nodded again wordlessly. It didn’t put JJ at ease. 
“I won’t go if you don’t want me to,” he told you. “Jus’ say the word ‘n I’ll stay.” 
You wanted to grab him and hold onto him for dear life. He was so sweet, too sweet for his own good. He always thought of you first, put you above everything else. It was nice, having someone do that for you for a change, but you couldn’t be selfish with him. So, you shook your head, looking downward and grabbing both of his hands. Your thumbs swiped over his knuckles as you mustered up the courage to let him go, knowing it was for the better. 
“No, it’s okay. I’ll be fine.” 
It was clear JJ didn’t believe you, but he knew better than to push you when it came to your parents. “You sure?” 
He stayed right where he was for a moment. He didn’t want to go. Didn’t want to leave you to deal with the wrath of your mother alone. But he remembered the promise he’d made to himself; that he’d always do what you wished of him. 
He looked down at your joined hands, ignoring the butterflies in his stomach. His gaze flitted back up to yours, and he nodded hesitantly. Breaking free from your grasp, he gathered his belongings. He walked over to you again, his hand cradling your face. Tilting your head down slightly, he kissed your forehead in goodbye. 
“I’ll come by ‘n see you later, alright?” 
“Okay,” you said. 
He nodded, letting go of you slowly and walking the few footsteps to your door. But then, he turned around, his hand pausing on the doorknob. “Y/N/N?” His chest fluttered nervously, and he took a deep breath. “There’s, uh, somethin’ I wanna tell you. Somethin’ I needa tell you.” 
You watched him intently, and a sense of anticipation bubbled in your stomach. “What is it, J?”
You grasped his hand gently, and his mouth went dry. You were in such a vulnerable place with your parents showing up out of the blue, and that was not how he wanted things to be when he told you he loved you for the first time. 
“Y’know what? It’s nothin’. Forget it. I’ll see you tonight.” 
With that, he exited your bedroom, leaving both you and himself with heavy hearts. 
“Well, well. Look who’s finally decent,” your mother commented when you entered the kitchen fully dressed. 
You chose to ignore her comment. “What are you doing here, Mom? I thought the ferry wasn’t running.” 
“We took the jet and flew to the airstrip. Honestly, Y/N, it’s a miracle you can brush your teeth in the morning.” 
You held back your impending eye-roll.
“Is your little friend gone?” 
“Yes, Mom. JJ’s gone.” 
And you’d never needed him more. 
“Good. I knew that boy made you act like a child but I never thought that you’d throw everything we’ve given you away for someone with no potential and a criminal record.” 
And there it was. 
Any time your parents even thought they caught a glimpse of your blonde best friend, they were quick to pick out all his ‘flaws.’ Right off the bat, even as a child, they’d never respected him due to his pogue status. As if it were his fault, like he’d chosen his life himself. As if he’d chosen to be stuck with a father who’d never shown him love a day in his life. 
As if they had room to talk. 
Because the truth of the matter was, everything parents were supposed to do for their children — support them, comfort them, make them believe that they could be any and everything they wanted to be — wasn’t done by your parents. 
They were done by JJ.
If you hadn’t had JJ, you wouldn’t have known what unconditional love was. 
He was the one who reminded you that you could conquer the world. He’d held you through lonely nights, patched up your cuts and bruises when you were clumsy, helped you study (though he didn’t even study himself), and never failed to remind you that you were adored by him. 
So, when your mother dared to speak on JJ as if she had ever really tried to know him, it boiled your blood. “Where do you get off talking about him like that? He’s done more for me than you and Dad ever have.” 
The fire in your tone made your mother get up from her seat at the table immediately. She downed the contents of her glass — presumably scotch — and nearly slammed the glass on the table. 
“Is that so?” She scoffed. Steam practically shot out of your ears when she looked at you. “So he put you up in this house? He paid for all your foolish little dance lessons and bought you that Benz sitting in the driveway?” 
“That’s not what I—”
“I don’t care what you meant. You paint us out to be the villains in your life when we’ve done nothing but support you and give you everything you’ve ever dared to wish for.” 
“Support me?!Areyou delusional? When have you two ever supported me?”
Financially? Yes. Emotionally? Mentally? Likely story. 
“Don’t start. I’m simply speaking the truth. Now, tomorrow night, I expect you to stop acting like a spoiled brat and drop the attitude.” 
Your brows furrowed. “What’s tomorrow?”
“Last night, your father and I were at dinner with some colleagues, discussing the horrible storm and what it’s done to the southside of the island. They said they’d love to help support the people down there, and so your father came up with the brilliant idea to throw a benefit for The Cut.” 
Your parents wanted to help the pogues of the island? Were you dreaming? 
“It’s wonderful publicity for our company. We’ve been looking for an opportunity like this for weeks.” 
Nevermind. You were wide awake. 
“That being said, your father and I have informed the Huntzbergers that their son would be your date. You remember Logan, don’t you? He asked for you. I can’t fathom why, but what does it matter?” 
You’d met Logan many times over the years, the two of you being dragged by your parents to banquets, dinners, golf games, and so on. He was sweet, with a good sense of humour and a very handsome face if you were being honest. You’d always had the suspicion that he liked you, but obviously, those feelings had never been reciprocated. Not when a certain blonde troublemaker had plucked your heart right out of your chest and never given it back. 
A true kleptomaniac. 
“Mom, I can’t be Logan’s date.” 
Her eyes narrowed. “Don’t tell me this is because of the Maybank boy.” Your silence and shifty look were enough to answer her. “Oh, honey. You don’t think that the two of you are together now, do you? He got what he wanted from you. You’ll never be anything more than an easy lay to him.” 
Though the morning had been tumultuous at best, your mind hadn’t even gone there. Not once. In fact, it’d been the opposite. You weren’t foolish enough to believe that JJ would profess his undying love for you, but you certainly didn’t think he’d up and leave now that he’d been with you. 
Would he? 
As the thoughts consumed you, you were once again reminded that every time you’d found an ounce of happiness, your parents were always quick to rip it from your grasp and stomp on it for good measure. 
“So, back to what I was saying. Please do not embarrass us. Wear something slimming.” She moved closer to you, tapping your hip. “You’re looking a little wide. Let’s hope you aren’t pregnant with the poor pogue’s child.” 
Without looking back, she exited the room, leaving you alone to chew on her words in the oh-so-familiar silence. 
JJ spent his entire shift at the auto shop convincing himself that tonight would be the night he finally fessed up. It’d always been so difficult for him; pushing his feelings for you so deep inside and ensuring that they’d never escape, but something had changed. Maybe it had been the events that had taken place the night before, or maybe it was the utter disappointment he’d felt in himself all day long after not confessing earlier on. 
He hopped in his truck, swinging down to the pier so he could grab a bouquet from your favourite flower cart. He might not have been a renowned romantic, but his girl was special, and she deserved to be treated as such. Though he stayed there for a while, scratching the back of his neck with a stressed look on his face, he eventually settled on a carefully wrapped set that he thought you’d like. 
A mixture of anticipation, nerves and excitement bubbled in his system. He hoped he wasn’t setting himself up for failure. But with the way you looked at him yesterday, shimmering stars in your eyes and the most gorgeous yet shy smile playing on your lips, it was hard not to let himself begin to trust the impossible. 
Maybe his dreams were within his reach after all. 
He let himself inside your house, skillfully sneaking past your parents (who were busy in planning mode) and making his way up to your empty room. He could hear shuffling coming from the bathroom and could see dozens of dresses littered across the floor accompanied by a few pairs of shoes. Half of him wondered if there’d been a tornado that only hit your closet. 
He was aching to get a glimpse of the girl who had spent the day taking up every one of his thoughts. Seeing you and being with you felt like home. A home someone would have to pry from his cold, dead hands because he’d rather die than ever let you go. 
“Y/N/N? You here?” 
When you emerged from the bathroom, JJ swore the wind was knocked out of him. His eyes trailed down your elegant frame, your curves clad in a dress he hadn’t seen you in before. Your hair was natural, and you were bare-faced, but JJ believed you could walk a damn red carpet looking the way you did and capture the eyes and hearts of everyone in that room. 
“Woah…” he breathed, awestruck. 
Your eyes were sad, and your lips were in a pout, but your tone would’ve been enough on its own to tell him that something had upset you. Reaching out for you, his warm hands found your hips and pulled you to him.  
“You make sad look beautiful, princess.” 
You smiled a little at his words before wrapping your arms around his torso and melting into him. “Thanks.” 
He hugged you back, completely void of hesitation. He took the time to drown in your scent. It was incredibly fitting; sweet and hypnotic, just like you. 
“What’s the matter?” 
You shook your head. “Nothing, it’s not a big deal. I’m just being sensitive.” 
“Hey,” he said, pulling away from you a little so he could look you in the eye. “It’s a big deal to me if it’s bothering you.” 
God, how did he do that? He could convince you to unload everything on him with a few words and that look in his eye that made you feel as if he wanted to know every single detail running around in your mind. Pair that with the warm loving touch he was smoothing over you, calloused palms rubbing your sides up and down a few times, and your words came leaking out of you like a faucet.
“Does this dress look right on me? It’s okay, you can be honest. I just need an opinion I can trust.” 
JJ felt a crack in his heart when those words left your lips. You wouldn’t even look at him, you just stared at the floor beneath your feet and smoothed out the fabric around your hips over and over as if you viewed yourself as anything less than perfection. 
You were the most beautiful person he had ever laid his eyes on. There wasn’t a single thing about you that he wasn’t crazy about. 
That he didn’t dream about. 
Tipping your face up by your chin and forcing your eyes on him so you could really hear what he was about to tell you, he spoke. 
“Pretty girl, y’almost killed me when you walked through that door.” 
JJ couldn’t tell if he wanted to hug you so tight that you’d end up stuck to him, or kiss the daylights out of you when he saw that spark of hope light your face up. “Really. You look perfect.”
You smiled that adorable, bashful smile, the one you always gave him when he calmed your mind and silenced your doubts. 
Little did you know that he’d sell everything he owned to keep that smile there for eternity. If only you would’ve seen the lovestruck look JJ was giving you. There might as well’ve been hearts floating around his head. 
However, your eyes were too busy looking at the splash of springtime colours against the white backsplash of your bedding. You felt your smile grow into a grin at the gorgeous bouquet lying there, and your eyes finally moved back onto the tall blonde in front of you. 
“You got me flowers?” 
“Uh, y-yeah.” 
It was JJ’s turn to be bashful. He scratched his brow, trying to hide his now rosy cheeks as he turned around to grab the bouquet. He handed them to you carefully, and he could hear his heart thumping wildly as you stared down at them adoringly. 
“You got me flowers.”
“It’s not a big deal. Jus’ swung by your favourite shop after work.”
Jesus, had you always made him this nervous?
You cradled the flowers in one arm, and let your free hand grab his. You tugged at it, silently telling him to come closer. You looked up at him, eyes sparkling. 
“You got me flowers, J.” 
The act of getting flowers was out of the ordinary for him. It seemed so…romantic. That’s not to say that he hasn’t bore his heart to you, ‘cause he had, but this…this was different. 
At least, it felt different. 
“Look, I jus’ thought, y’know…a girl as special as you deserves flowers.”
Oh, if you could’ve kissed him, you would’ve done so until you both ran out of oxygen. Maybe even longer. Even if it meant that you’d perish because of it. 
But, you couldn’t, so you settled on pressing a lingering kiss to his cheek. “Thank you.” 
“Yeah,” he breathed. Then, he cleared his throat when he realized he might’ve been staring at you too long. “So, what’s the fancy getup for?” 
“Oh, right,” you spoke. “My parents decided to pimp me out tomorrow night.” 
His eyes almost bulged out of his head. “I beg your finest pardon?” 
You couldn’t help but laugh. Between the look on his face and his tone, he was making it impossible not to. “They’re throwing some benefit here for the Cut tomorrow night, and Logan asked for me to be his date. You remember Logan, right?” 
You spun around, grabbing your empty vase off the dresser and heading back into your bathroom to fill it up. Meanwhile, JJ was stuck in place, his mind buffering. 
Date? Did he hear that right? 
When he came to, he was quick to follow you. “You— Wait— Huh?” 
“Logan Huntzberger? I told you that story about how we snuck onto that boat once with a bottle of champagne and got busted by the owners, remember?”
“That’s not the part I’m confused about, Y/N.” 
His tone was more icy than he intended, but he couldn’t help but feel something like rage boiling and brewing in his core. You didn’t seem to notice, though, and if you did, you didn’t show it. Instead, you unwrapped the bouquet cautiously and placed the flowers into the vase. You were about to pass him and the threshold back into your bedroom when his hard curled around your bicep. 
“You’re goin’ on a date?” 
You gave him a weird look. “He just wants to escort me to this thing tomorrow. And to be honest, there’s safety in numbers. My parents will be so focused on him that they’ll forget about me.”
His jaw clenched, and his eyes darted away from yours as he let go of you. “You coulda just asked me.”
A chuckle escaped your lips as you placed the full vase back where it belonged. “You hate kook shit like this.” 
“I woulda came for you. You didn’t need to say yes to some spoiled rich kid.” 
“I didn’t say yes to him. My mom and dad did,” you reminded him. You walked up to him, arms crossing your arms over your chest, suddenly feeling very open and vulnerable. “Why are you being like this? You know how they are.” 
“‘M not bein’ like anythin’,” he denied. He moved away from you, grabbing his bag off your bed. “I gotta go.” 
He didn’t know what he was doing. He just knew he had to get out of there before he exploded on you and ruined everything. How could you be going on a date with someone else when JJ was ready to tell you that he wanted you forever? 
You grabbed his arm this time around. “Don’t do that. Don’t walk away from me. Just talk to me.” 
JJ couldn’t stay. He felt sick. He felt like he wanted to strangle someone.
Okay, fine. Not just anyone. 
And maybe your dad, too.
“Have fun tomorrow, alright?” 
JJ made his second escape of the day much quicker than he had with his first, practically poofing into thin air right before your eyes. You wanted to chase after him, beg him to just let you in instead of running away from you, but you knew getting him to open up wasn’t that easy. He’d have to want to come to you. So you just stood there, watching the doorframe hoping he’d come back, and growing utterly disappointed when he didn’t. 
After the events at your home, JJ had decided to crash at John B’s. He thought being around him and the group would help take his mind off things, but all he could focus on was the void he felt without you beside him. 
That night he had been even worse. He tossed and turned restlessly all night, never the one to be able to sleep without you in his presence. He needed to hear your rhythmic breathing and feel your warmth as you curled into his side in your slumber. It’s like his mind was never at rest unless he was with you. 
The next day had dragged on, your date with Logan being the only thing on his mind from the minute he’d opened his eyes. He went to work, though he was clearly somewhere else mentally. He’d gotten scolded a few times, but he failed to remember why. Then, his bike broke down on the way back home, so he walked to Sarah’s house, hoping to catch a ride. He eventually made it, but was greeted by a party he had completely forgotten the group had planned. 
JJ had half a mind to turn back and just go home. All he wanted to do was slump into a chair on his porch, smoke a joint and try to forget about the shittiest day he’d had in a long while. But he was far too exhausted to make that trip, and why go all the way home when he could get shitfaced instead? It’d help him forget just the same. 
As the intoxication began to take over him, so did the thoughts of you. 
Why did he walk away? Why didn’t he just open his mouth and say something? 
‘I love you. I’m in love with you, and you can’t be with anyone else because you should be with me.’ 
That’s all he had to say. 
And he blew it. 
The group groaned around him when he started to rant about you and your date again. He’d been rambling on and on, causing a few people in the circle to leave so they wouldn’t have to hear yet another string of complaints fall from his lips. 
“And it’s jus’ like, of course she’d ch-choose him,” he hiccupped into his red solo cup. “He’s like, rich ‘n loaded ‘n-n stacked.” 
Pope rolled his eyes. “Those all mean the same thing, J.” 
“Well, y’know what ‘m tryna say. He can give her everything. He could prolly buy her the planet. I could never do that.” 
Sarah watched her friend wallow in his drunken sorrows, and she felt saddened for him. She had always known how much JJ loved you. She could see it in his eyes the first time she saw you two together. He’d bleed himself dry for you, and there was never any question about it. 
“Okay,” she cooed, getting up from her seat and plucking his cup from his hand. “Think you’ve had enough, JJ. C’mon. Let’s get you to bed.”
JJ grumbled out a few protests, but Sarah ignored them, asking John B to help her lead JJ to one of the guest rooms. They managed to get him tucked into bed, and when his eyes fluttered shut, they figured they were okay to leave. 
Unfortunately, not even a half hour later, JJ woke up. He was still way past intoxicated, but he stumbled into the kitchen in search of another bottle. He almost came up dry until he saw a bottle of whiskey less than a quarter full. He chugged down the remaining contents, and instantly made a hasty exit, his boots dragging against the pavement as he walked. 
Though he was drunk, his feet led him in a familiar direction. He knew where he longed to be, where he needed to be. 
He arrived at your house, clambering his way to your door and ignoring the nasty looks he’d gotten from your parents friends and colleagues. He pushed the door open, tripping over the threshold but managing to keep himself upright. He made his way through the house, and his mind quieted when his eyes finally landed on you. He was elated for all of five seconds because then he saw Logan’s hand find your waist. He pulled you closer to him, angling his head down slightly. 
“Hey! Keep your hands off my damn girl!” 
Your eyes, Logan’s, and countless other partygoers’ all shot over to JJ. He was stumbling and had almost taken out one of the serves as he made his way over to you. 
“J? What are you doing here?” 
JJ ignored your words and your hands on his chest as he pointed an accusatory finger at your date. “Don’t you fuckin’ touch her again.” 
“JJ, stop! You’re drunk!” You shout in a whisper, pushing him back a little now. 
“You don’t know her. You haven’t spent your whole life loving her and making sure she had someone. You aren’t there to remind her to eat when she gets stressed, ‘c-cause she always forgets. ‘N you aren’t there when she cries, ‘n your heart doesn’t break when she does. You’re nothin’.” 
More eyes were now on the three of you, and before you knew it, your parents were making their way over to you. 
“Enough, Maybank. Get out of this house before I throw you out,” your father snarled. 
“Dad, stop it!” 
“You,” JJ said, turning his attention to your parents. “You two are the worst of ‘em all. Throwin’ this bullshit party when you’re never even here. You care about the cut? You don’t even care about your damn daughter!” 
“JJ, enough! Let’s go!” You pleaded, trying to pull him. 
He freed his arm from your grasp. “No, Y/N/N, everyone needs to hear this. They need to know they’re supportin’ two people who think it’s fun to body shame their daughter and remind her time and time again that they couldn’t care less about her. They didn’t even go to your graduation, Y/N/N. You worked your ass off, ‘n they couldn’t even be bothered to send you a damn card! Never mind the last five birthdays of yours that they missed. They’re pieces of shit, ‘n all their friends should know it!” 
“You’re lucky I don’t call the cops!” 
“Go ‘head. Call ‘em. Call ‘em ‘n tell ‘em that you’re arresting me for defending your daughter.” 
“That’s it,” you mumbled to yourself. You grabbed JJ, pulling him hard this time. “Come with me, now.” 
JJ’s voice got quieter the further away you dragged him, but it was clear enough. “‘M not done with you, Y/F/N!” 
Luckily, Logan had come to your aid, helping you haul JJ up the stairs. It wasn’t an easy feat, as JJ had been swatting him away the entire way up. The two of you finally got him into your room, and you told Logan to rejoin the party. JJ sunk into your bed, and you tucked him under the sheets before handing him a water bottle. He pouted, not wanting to drink it, but relented when he saw the look on your face. 
“Are you mad?” 
You ignored his words, continuing to help him get settled. You were trying hard to bite your tongue because you knew that even if you scolded him, he most likely wouldn’t remember a single thing you said. That, and you could tell he was hurting. That’s the only reason he would’ve gotten this drunk. 
“Uh oh. You’re mad. ‘M soo in trouble.” 
“Tomorrow, JJ. Go to sleep.” 
His big blue eyes sulked at you, though they were a tad hazy, and he latched onto your hand after you smoothed some hair from his eyes. “‘M sorry. ‘M just sad.”
You closed your eyes, letting out a deep breath. “It’s okay, J. Now sleep.” 
He tapped his right cheek, silently asking you for a kiss there. You did as he requested, unable to refuse him, but not without an eye roll. Then he repeated his taps on his other cheek. You kissed him there too. The cycle continued with his forehead, and then his nose. When you were done, he tried his luck, tapping his puckered lips. 
To that, you laughed softly. “Nice try, Maybank.”
If you could pay someone to pluck the memories of the previous night from your brain, you’d fork over all the cash you could muster. JJ’s behaviour, your embarrassment, apologizing to Logan profusely…. 
You’d erase all of it. 
Mad and anxious as you were, though, you couldn’t stop thinking about how your ‘date’ had only made things more abundantly clear; you would forever be in love with JJ. 
All night long, you knew Logan was trying to charm you. He was the perfect gentleman. He helped you down the stairs in your heels, guided you through the crowd, and got your drinks for you. Talked to you about your interests and actually, genuinely cared about what you had to say. But with every touch of his, all you could feel was the ghost of JJ’s and the trails of fire he’d left behind every time his skin brushed against yours. Could smell his familiar scent of weed, sea salt and some high-end cologne he’d snatched from a party on Figure 8, in place of the cologne that Logan had spritzed on himself. And when Logan tried to kiss you, you couldn’t even think about it. Because the truth was, you knew it would never compare to the sliver of heaven you’d ascended to when JJ’s mouth was on yours.  
Your mind moved over to the boy you’d tucked into your bed last night, and a pang of worry hit you. Yes, you were still mad, at least partly, but you couldn’t focus on that. All you could focus on was your concern for him. 
What was he battling? And why did he feel as if he couldn’t approach you about it? Didn’t he know by now that you’d stand by him through anything? 
Didn’t he know by now that he wasn’t alone? 
A loud clang in the kitchen caught your attention, and you decided to head down to investigate. You were also in desperate need of a cup of coffee. 
You hadn’t expected to find JJ moving around your kitchen less-than-expertly during what would probably go down as the worst hangover known to man, but the sight that greeted you was nothing but endearing. 
There he was, your best friend, surrounded by a chaotic array of ingredients and bowls and utensils. Flour dusted the tips of his blonde (now white) strands, there was a smear of what you assumed was batter across the apple of his cheek, and his clothes looked even worse off than his face. 
Still, his tongue was poked out adorably while he concentrated on the soon-to-be-cooked ingredients in front of him. 
“J?” You chuckled softly, unable to suppress your smile at the sight before you. 
JJ’s eyes flit up to yours abruptly, a worried and panicked look spreading across his face. You could see the dark circles, and his voice was slightly hoarse when he spoke. 
“Shit! You’re supposed to be in bed!” He rushed over to you, hands finding your shoulders with ease and trying to urge you to spin back around. “You gotta go back up.” 
Your amusement was clear on your face as you looked around at the mess. “I don’t think that’s wise, J.” 
JJ scratched the back of his neck, huffing frustratedly. His eyes weren’t as bright as usual, noticeably clouded by shame. “I jus’ wanted to apologize for last night. I thought makin’ breakfast would maybe help me get back on your good side.” 
Your heart softened at his sincerity, your annoyance from the previous night now dissipating at his intentions. “You’re always on my good side. I just wish you’d talk to me about what’s going on instead of completely dodging me and getting blackout drunk just ‘cause you’re avoiding things.” 
You’d always known him so well. Most times, you knew him better than himself. That being said, JJ should’ve known that you’d figure him out the minute he showed up at your house. He messed up terribly. He knew he embarrassed you, he knew he might’ve ruined the party and angered your parents beyond belief. But right now, he knew that even after all those things, they’d never stop you from worrying for him and making sure he was good on all fronts. 
He definitely didn’t deserve you, but at that moment, he decided; he was going to keep you anyway. 
“You’re way too good for me.” JJ’s flour-dusted hand cupped your cheek, and he looked down at you with all the love he could muster up, and then some. “You’re way too good for me, and I fell in love with you anyway.”
Your heart skipped a beat as his words hung in the air, and you blinked, momentarily taken aback by the confession you’d spent nearly your entire life yearning for, yet never expected to hear. 
“You’re…you’re in love with me?” You repeated, your voice barely above a whisper. Your eyes searched his, and now, they were as clear and sincere as ever. 
JJ nodded earnestly. “After that night, when I showed up with those flowers…I was gonna tell you. ‘N then you told me about your date with Logan ‘n I jus’ freaked ‘cause I could feel myself losin’ you to this, like, superior guy who could give you everythin’ I couldn’t.” 
“J…” you trailed off sadly in a whisper. 
“It’s always been us, y’know? Two peas in a shitty-parents-pod. But even on my worst days with Luke…it never mattered, ‘cause I had you. ‘N when I thought about you leavin’ me…Y/N/N, I couldn’t even stomach it. Then I kinda went off the deep end.”
You grabbed his hands with urgency. “I could never leave you, J. Never.” 
“Yeah,” you confirmed with a soft voice. “I love you too much.” 
JJ’s gaze searched yours, his eyes mixed with hope and trepidation. “For real?”
“Yes, for real, dummy. I love you. I’ve always loved you.” A smile tugged at the corners of your lips, and your heart pounded in your chest at your confession. But this time, it wasn’t with nerves or fear, it was one hundred percent, wholeheartedly with love. 
“So, does that mean I can finally kiss you again?” 
Even at his most vulnerable, this cheeky boy could still whip out a boyish smirk on command. This only prompted you to toy with him a little, just to get back at him. 
“And what makes you think I’m gonna kiss you, Maybank?” 
His hands surged toward your hips, and he pulled you impossibly closer while licking his lips. “I know you, remember? ‘N after the other night, I know what you look like when you want to.” 
Damn, he was good. 
Your arms looped around the back of his neck, and you threw him a daring look. “So do it.” 
He didn’t have to be told twice. His lips found yours, and you stood there for some time, just drowning each other without anything holding you back this time. Things couldn’t have been more perfect. 
He couldn’t have been more perfect.
Just like that, the two of you were home. And you’d never dare to leave. 
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nanaanatiion · 3 months
bbf!jj (brothers bestie) hc
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bbf!jj who comes over almost everyday after he met u !
bbf!jj who tells ur brother that he has to use the bathroom so he can sneak into ur room to see u !
bbf!jj who sets ur brother up with girls so he can come to ur house !
bbf!jj who fucks u while ur brother is in the next room sleeping !
bbf!jj who stuffs ur panties in his pocket for later wen he comes over !
bbf!jj who almost gets caught eating u out but hides under ur bed !
bbf!jj who gets caught making out with u by ur brother nd ur brother drags him out by his hoodie while jj blows u kisses !
bbf!jj who has u nd him kissing as his wallpaper (his face covers urs) nd ur brother teases him abt it !
@princessmaybank ts is 4 u 😻😽
send request in comments or ask box !
ask if u want 2 b added 2 future tag list !
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rafesfavgirl · 2 months
treat you better — j. maybank
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❝ tell me, why are we wasting time on all your wasted crying when you should be with me instead? i know i can treat you better ❞
pairing: best friend!jj x cheater!reader
context: once again, you went through your boyfriend's phone and found things you didn't wanna find. but for some reason, you can't seem to build up the courage to finally end things with him (he was your first love, after all). so, you turn to your best friend, jj, for advice and comfort.
words: 1.4k+
warnings: reader's in a toxic relationship, mild cheating (physical & emotional, but i don't condone it!!), a little angst, fluff
you sat at the edge of the pier at the chateau, your eyes focused on the way the moon reflected off the marsh. you had just snuck out of your boyfriend's house after he fell asleep and you looked through his phone.
adriana. kelly. paige. maya. lauryn. the number of girls' names you found in his insta dms and messages went on and on.
why did you put up with this? i mean, sure, he was your first… everything, but was he really worth it?
"y/n?" you hear a familiar voice call out your name and turn your head to find jj walking down the dock to join you. "what are you doing out here?"
"just needed some time to think," you said, looking back out towards the marsh.
jj lets out a sigh, already having an inkling of what must be bothering you, and takes a seat beside you. "let me guess… liam again?"
"i just don't understand why it can't just be me," you shrug, a thousand things running through your head. most of the time, liam told you the girls were just his "friends". but deep down, you always wondered whether or not he took it any further with any of them. and that thought, alone, made you sick to your stomach.
"i mean, am i doing something wrong?" you turn your head to look jj, only to find that he was already looking at you, a certain kind of sadness filling his baby blues. he hated that you even thought you were the one in the wrong.
"it's not you, y/n. whatever he's doing, it's on him," he tells you. "stop putting up with it."
"but i love him, j," you admit, your voice cracking a little. you knew that you shouldn't. he was a scum bag. nothing but a cheater. but he was also the guy who made you feel like the most special girl in the world. the one you'd completely laid yourself bare to. "what am i suppose to do about that?"
the defeated look in your eyes broke his heart. but instead of listing off different ways you could deal with liam, jj decides to be a friend, and opens his arms up to you, "come here."
for the first time all night, you let yourself break, and immediately fall into his arms.
"i just don't get it," you sobbed into jj's chest, as he ran a hand through your hair and rested his head on top of yours,
in an attempt to soothe you. "i've done everything, j." you continued. "everything he needs from me, i do. everything he wants me to be, i try to be. so why can't he just let the other girls go? why can't i just be the one?"
hearing you cry about this guy was not only breaking jj's heart, but also making his blood boil. liam didn't deserve you, he knew that much.
after a few minutes in silence of jj just running his hands through your hair and pepperring soft kisses on your head, you finally pull away from him, looking like a complete mess.
there were now black stains under your eyes from crying some of your mascara off, and pieces of your hair stuck to your tear-stained cheeks, as you sniffled.
"i'm sorry," you said, attempting to rub off the mascara stains also leftover on jj's shirt. "your shirt's all stained with tears and mascara now."
"i don't give a shit about my shirt, y/n," he tells you, bringing a hand up to tuck your messy hair behind your ear. "are you okay?"
you sighed, the tears threatening to well up in your eyes again. ugh. after hearing yourself going on about the way you've felt about liam treating you, you were beginning to wonder whether or not it was really love you were feeling for him or not.
but if it wasn't love, why did you still feel like crying?
"i don't even know anymore," you say honestly, shaking your head and running your fingers through your hair. "i mean, how do you even go about loving someone who's hurt you so much?"
"you don't," jj tells you.
"you don't think i love him?" i asked. i wasn't sure why i was asking jj, but i also knew that he knew me better than anyone. maybe even better than liam. so if there was anyone who could tell whether or not i was in love… it'd be him, right?
"i can't tell you how you feel, y/n," he says.
"i'm not asking you to," i reply. "i just wanna know what you think."
he sighs, and shifts his eyes between yours. he knew exactly what he wanted to say, but he wasn't sure it was his place to do so—more so, he wasn't sure you'd like his take.
"promise you won't get mad?"
you chuckle, feeling uneasy now. "why would i get mad?"
"i think you're scared," he says, causing you to furrow your brows.
you scoff, thinking he sounds ridiculous. "scared? why would i be scared?"
"because he's your first," he shrugs. "i mean, he was your first, right?"
"so? what does that have to do with anything?" you ask, knowing damn well the information was relevant.
"i know you, y/n," he says, locking his eyes with mine. "you're a hopeless romantic who has your head buried in those romance books all the time because that's what you want. you want your first to be the one. and you're a perfectionist. you can't stand the idea of putting your all into one person only for them to not be worth it… so all this time… that's what you've tried to do."
you stay quiet. jj was actually making sense.
"i'm not saying you didn't love him," he continues. "i think you really did, but the love you felt before isn't what you're feeling now. i think it's just indifference. you don't want to believe that you've actually lost feelings for someone you've fought so hard for, so you try to convince yourself those feelings are still there. because that way… at least you won't be the bad guy."
your mouth had fallen agape, as you realized that jj was right. "wow."
"but you're not the bad guy anyway," he assures you, placing a hand on top of yours. "you've done all you can. what he does isn't your fault. your only fault would be staying."
"but what if he's fucked me up so bad that i've become unlovable?" you ask, voicing your real fear. truth was, you weren't always the best girlfriend. since liam made you feel so insecure about his feelings towards you all the time, it made you act out in ways you never thought you would. you'd call him incessantly when he wouldn't answer. you'd demand he cut certain girls off. ask for his location at all times. he saw the absolute worst of you. and yet, he stayed. what if no one else did?
"is that really what you think?" jj asks.
"i wasn't always the perfect girlfriend, j," i admit, glancing down and fiddling with his fingers on top of mine. "i was insecure all the time. i constantly-"
"because he made you feel that way," jj cuts you off, and picks your head up with his hands to make you look at him. "don't you get it, y/n? whatever you did, it was because of him. anyone made to feel insecure would act out. that's not your fault. you're just…" his eyes shift between yours. "human."
"but what if-"
"but nothing," he shook his head. "you are the absolute perfect version of yourself, y/n. and liam's an idiot for not realizing that. it doesn't get better than you."
without even thinking and being overwhelmed by the sweetness of jj's words, you lean in to kiss him.
he doesn't even hesitate to kiss you back, his hands on your face immediately tangling into your hair. 
your hands make their way to back of his head, the kiss deepening as they do.
your tongues dance together in perfect harmony, until you abruptly pull away.
"wait, wait, wait," you say, and he looks at you, a mix of confusion and sadness at the lost of touch present on his face. "this feels wrong."
he glances down, "oh."
"no, not like that. i mean-" you take a deep breath to get your words together, while jj just looks at you. "the kiss was great. amazing, even. it's just… i'm still technically liam's girlfriend."
his eyes light up at the compliment about the kiss, before he chuckles, "shit."
reblogs and comments are deeply appreciated <33
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lostinhisworld · 6 months
who else, if not her - JJ MAYBANK
warnings: none really, fluff, y/n x jj maybank, she/her pronouns, mention of potential jiara (just y/n being suspicious), overthinking?, happy ending, friends to lovers trope, y/n being dumb? jj being dumb?? them both being dumb??? pure brainrot and mindless writing (i was half asleep when i came up with this idea lol) unedited
words count: 734
hope you enjoy xx
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The boy's fingers drummed against the counter as he rolled his eyes, feeling like it was the hundredth time in the past ten minutes. "I've told you already, Y/n, there's nothing going on between me and Kie."
Sighing deeply, she turned to scrutinize his face, a pout on her lips.
For the past half-hour, she'd been pressing him, convinced a love story was unfolding between her two best friends. From her perspective—decided after a long night of overthinking and staring at her wall—the two "friends" had been spending extra time together, whispering secrets away from the group and sharing inside jokes with only their eyes.
And this could only mean one thing—true love.
"Come on, Jay," she huffed, stalking closer to his position on the kitchen counter. "I've known you for over a decade. I know when you have feelings for a girl."
"Clearly, you don't," he declared, hands braced on the girl's shoulders to emphasize his statement. "Because I am not in love with Kiara."
Narrowing her eyes, she thought harder, a crease forming between her brows.
Reaching forward, JJ used his thumb to calm her expression, a teasing smile on his lips. "Don't do that; you'll get wrinkles," he joked, hoping to end their previous conversation.
"Fine," Y/n concluded. "You're not in love with Kie."
"That's what I've been saying," the boy mumbled, relaxing against the wall behind him.
"But you are in love with someone," Y/n announced, earning another eyeroll from him. "No, don't do that. It makes sense why you've been spending so much time with Kiara now. You've been asking for advice," she rambled, eyes lighting up with discovery.
"But who else, if not her?" she suddenly wondered aloud after a moment of silence.
JJ chuckled, shaking his head at Y/n's persistence. "You've got an imagination, but it's not as complicated as you're making it out to be."
She raised an eyebrow, challenging him to spill the secret. "Enlighten me then. If it's not Kiara, who's the lucky one? Someone from school?"
He sighed, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Alright, detective, since you won't let this go. I may have been seeking advice, but it wasn't about someone from school. It's about someone else."
Her eyes widened with curiosity. "Someone else? Who?"
He leaned in conspiratorially, his tone hushed. "It's a secret, Y/n. Can't spill all the beans."
She crossed her arms, feigning offense. "After all these years of friendship, you won't share your secrets with me?"
He grinned, playfully tapping her nose. "Some secrets are meant to be kept, but I promise, it's nothing dramatic. Just life stuff."
Y/n rolled her eyes, a smirk playing on her lips. "Fine, keep your secrets, Jay. But one day, you'll spill the beans, willingly or not."
He chuckled, pulling her into a quick hug. "Deal. Now, can we drop the detective act and get back to normal conversation?"
She nodded, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "For now, Jay. But the mystery isn't over."
As they resumed their conversation, the lingering question of JJ's secret continued to dance in Y/n's mind, ensuring that this little mystery wasn't going to be forgotten easily.
Later that evening, Y/n walked into the Chateau’s spare bedroom to find JJ and Kiara deep in conversation, their heads close together. Suspicion ignited once again, but before she could intervene, John B and Pope burst into the room, excitement radiating from their expressions.
"Guess what, guys! Keggar at the beach tonight!" John B announced, a wide grin on his face.
Kiara's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, and JJ shot Y/n a quick, relieved glance, grateful for the timely interruption.
As they all geared up for the beach party, the night unfolded with laughter, music, and the sound of waves crashing on the shore. The atmosphere was lively, and Y/n couldn't resist the chance to tease JJ once more.
Amidst the party chaos, she sidled up to him, a playful smirk on her lips. "So, Jay, any progress on that secret of yours?"
He feigned innocence, feigning ignorance. "Secret? What secret?"
Y/n leaned in, lowering her voice. "You know, the one about the person you're in love with. Any revelations?"
JJ chuckled, glancing around to ensure no one overheard. "You're persistent, Y/n. But no, no revelations yet."
She arched an eyebrow. "Hmm, I don't buy it. I bet you're just waiting for the right moment."
He smirked, catching onto her playful banter. "Maybe, or maybe I'm enjoying the mystery."
Y/n laughed, shaking her head. "You're impossible, Jay."
As the night wore on, with waves crashing and the bonfire casting flickering shadows, Y/n couldn't resist one last playful jab.
"Come on, spill the beans. Who's the lucky person?" she teased.
JJ sighed dramatically. "You won't let this go, will you?"
She grinned, eyes sparkling. "Not a chance."
Finally, unable to resist her persistent charm, JJ leaned in, his expression serious. "Alright, Y/n, you win. The secret is..." He paused, drawing out the suspense.
Y/n eagerly waited for the revelation, only for JJ to say, "I'm in love with someone special. Someone who's been by my side for years."
Her eyes widened, anticipation building. "Who is it?"
He looked into her eyes, a warm sincerity in his gaze. "It's you, Y/n. I'm in love with you."
The revelation hung in the air, the beach party swirling around them as the truth finally came to light.
JJ's eyes widened in a mix of panic and anticipation as he awaited Y/n's response. The seconds stretched, and he began to nervously babble, attempting to play it off.
"Ha! Gotcha, right? I mean, who would actually say something like that at a party? Classic joke, JJ, classic joke. You know how I am—always kidding around."
He forced a laugh, trying to gauge her reaction. Y/n, however, remained silent, her expression unreadable. The tension hung in the air until, unexpectedly, she cut through his rambling with a deep and passionate kiss.
Caught off guard, JJ initially froze before responding with equal fervor. Their lips moved in sync, the world around them fading into the background. When they finally pulled away, foreheads resting against each other, Y/n spoke in a soft, sincere tone.
"You know, JJ, you don't have to hide behind jokes. I've been in love with you for years too."
JJ's eyes widened again, this time in disbelief and joy. "Wait, really?"
She nodded, a tender smile on her lips. "Yeah, really. I just never thought you'd feel the same way."
He cupped her face in his hands, his thumb gently brushing against her cheek. "Well, surprise! I've been trying to find the right moment to tell you, and I guess a beach party was it."
Y/n chuckled, the warmth of the moment settling between them. "I guess it was. So, what now, JJ?"
He grinned, his eyes filled with affection. "Now? Now, we stop hiding behind secrets and jokes. We give this a real shot."
As the waves crashed on the shore and the party continued in the background, JJ and Y/n stood on the beach, hand in hand, ready to explore the new chapter unfolding in their longstanding friendship.
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lydiaas · 1 year
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JJ MAYBANK & JOHN B ROUTLEDGE in S03E06 THE DARK FOREST I don't know what to do, JJ. How the hell do we get to South America? No clue, but…
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marvelsgirl616 · 16 days
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Biker!jj + Best Friends Brother vibes. 😩
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velvet-pumpkin · 1 year
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OBX 3x04 - The Diary
Not to gif the entire scene, but this one is so good (aren't they all?). The way that Kie checks with JJ if he's in the right space to talk. His expressions and difficulty with vulnerability, but really trying for her.
Kie looking heartbroken when he says to call a truce. The slight linger with the handshake, and the attraction pulling between them before JJ breaks it. And the music.
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moremaybank · 1 month
best-friend!!jj where he has just rearranged your guts and he’s all chill while you’re there hanging on like your life depends on it and I love the idea that he’s like “oh yeah the group wants us to meet them on the boat” and you’re like “???? You just fucked everything out of me please give me a moment” and he’s all smug and cocky about it
you're still shivering post-orgasm just minutes after the final time jj had made you cum. your core aches from the loss of him inside you, throbbing wildly and spasming as you come down. your cheat heaves, and it takes entirely too much energy to keep your eyes open. "you with me, babygirl?" jj's lips move against your temple after he dots a few kisses there. "mm— mhm. yea," you reply. it's clear to him that you're on another planet, but you took everything he gave so well. you'd surely live to be his personal toy another day. he kisses your cheek this time, "good, 'cause the group wants to go out on the marsh. they're on their way." your eyes shoot open despite the lack of lucidity. "what?!" he nods, littering love all over your jaw, neck and clavicle using his kiss-swollen lips. "relax, angel. you still got five minutes." you nudge him off you, "j, i'm like, pretty sure that you fucked all my organs out of place, so you better call 'em 'n cancel." and then he's moving down your torso, spitting onto your puffy core despite the fact that his cum was still dripping out of you. his hot breath fans over your core when he speaks, and you can't help but flinch from your sensitivity when he licks at your swollen cunt. "take my phone 'n do it yourself, baby. 'm gonna spend my time nursin' you back to health."
concepts ; concepts (ii)
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nanaanatiion · 2 months
Omg your BBF!JJ is amazing could I request a BBF!JJ blurb(or however u wish to write it)of him and reader being in a secret relationship and how he would be in that situation!
Thank you and you’re an amazing writer!!
| Restricted Relations |
warnings: underage drinking and smoking, profanity, fluff, mentions of abuse. MDNI!!
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Introduction: John B brought you to hang out with him and his friends after you practically begged him. You strut in with your f/c bikini and 2nd f/c cover-up, your brother looks embarrassed by your behavior but you just find it funny. John B introduces to his friends, Pulp, Sandrah, and Kekia, you think that's their names.., oh and you don't think you could ever forget JJ. JJ caught your eye the whole time, you could barely pay attention to your brother telling you his other friend's names. You quickly start a conversation with JJ, 'Hi, I'm Y/N but you can call me N/N, you're JJ right?' he gives you a warming smile, and you almost melt right there and then. 'Yup, that's me, do you uhm drink or smoke?' you've smoked a few times with your friends but not on the daily, but you do drink a lot at parties that you attend, so you take his offer 'Yeah, why not' you take the blunt from his hand and take a drag from it before handing back to him. You hope this is a good start....
Staying Secret: You begin going with your brother more often but he pays it no mind you make close friends with Pope, Sarah, and Kiara (you finally learned their names) but you have an even better relationship with JJ. You guys hit it off perfectly after meeting and you begin coming around more often but not too often so they don't get suspicious of your (drumroll plsss) relationship. You and JJ usually hang out when the group isn't together or when you guys take beer runs together. You usually hang out place is at your house when John B is out doing something, you guys makeout, cuddle, do his makeup, watch movies, cook, and just other stuff when you're with each other privately.
You think your relationship is perfect, with no problems from your side, and you don't think he has any problems either until you find him at your window bloody and tears running is his face 'JJ what happened to you?!' you pull him into your room and leading him into your bedroom bathroom, he looks at you as if he's contemplating telling you something, he takes a deep breath. 'my dad beats me..' he mumbles, refusing to make eye contact, the air in your lungs immediately leaves 'w-wha..?' eyes prickle as you look at him for conformation. 'my dad did this' he slowly turns his head towards you, small tears running down his face. You kiss his wounds after wiping them with alcohol pads, you take a warm towel and wipe his face.
'do you want to stay the night.?' you mumble while cuddling him, he hums in response and you slowly get up. you pull out some of his clothes and turn on the shower, 'jj c'mon so you can get in the shower..' you mumble, he groans as you pull him up and walk him into the bathroom ' get in the shower so we can sleep jj' you say sleepily ' can you get in with me?' you nod as you take off your clothes and get in. you wash him up then yourself and get out and cuddle for the rest of the night.
Q: why is she john b's half sister and not blood?
A: because john b is white and as a black women I don't want to exclude other races by them being fully blood
Q: why is there no smut?
A: because i wasnt sure if miss/mister wanted smut but feel free to ask for a smut part 2
Q:can i request a hc,blurb, or series?
A: yes for now because soon i will be closing my submission box because of school reasons but I can take to week for ur ask to be published
pls send asks and ideas and if u want to be added to my tag list pls ask
published by nanaanatiion™! please do not copy, translate, or post on other website/apps, reblogging is fine as seen in my banner
banner credits: @cafekitsune pls support her
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lis4ux · 2 months
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In this alternate universe, JJ left the OBX to become a member of the 75 Army Ranger Battalion, leaving behind friends, family, and the one person he loves the most.
Kiara never wanted JJ to leave in the first place, and has been holding a grudge ever since he left.
What will happen when his unexpected return catches her off guard and they both have to confront feelings of the past that never faded over time.
Can love heal all wounds or will they be forever scarred?
This fic is a request from Kaden7081 on wattpad. @kadenfff
Damn I’m excited 😆
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oxpogues4lifexo · 3 months
Not my pictures
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lydiaas · 1 year
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JJ MAYBANK and KIARA CARRERA in S03E04 THE DIARY Is it something Pope said? I know he's not all obsessed about what happened between me and him. We're both past that, but something's bugging you.
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meganroutledge · 2 months
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Happy birthday to my amazing best friend no one could ever compare to you jay. I know I can tell you anything and you won’t judge me. It’s been a long and rough journey but with you by my side it was made so much easier. You’re not my little bubs anymore you’re 21 and I can’t believe it. All those things you have been doing illegally you can now do legally. Enjoy youre day sweetie you deserve the absolute world and more 🤍 @jjmaybankk18
@addictedtosarah @rafecameron24
@carsoniswack @tobyiscooll
@topperthortonn @imjustkiara
@itsjustwheezie @lukethorton
@jb0019 @theprettythorton
@imjustkiara @topperthortonn
Bet ur surprised I actually remember you’re favourite song 🙌🏼🙄
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however u want to interpret it the relationship between jj n John B season one can be something so personal to a man
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comfortfics · 5 months
I Don't Ever Wanna Lose My Best Friend
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"Her head has no open wounds and he thanks a God he’s never prayed to before. He brushes hair out of Kiara’s face and looks at her with a teary gaze. “Kie baby? Can you open those beautiful eyes for me?” Those eyes that can bring down armies if it came down it. He has no doubt they could both start and end a war."
or, Kiara and Sofia race on their boyfriends motorcycles to break a tie, but Kie doesn't come out of it the same way she went into it.
“Our girlfriends have to break the tie” Rafe sneers looking right at Kiara.
JJ subconsciously takes a step in front of her, “No fucking way.”
Rafe shrugs, “It's the rules. Always has been.” 
“You can shove your rules-“ JJ starts but Kiara cuts him off. “-I’ll do it.” “The hell you will Kiara you don’t have to prove anything I’m not letting you put yourself in danger for a stupid bet.”
“You’re right, you aren’t letting me because you know that you don’t let me do anything. I can do it.”
“I know you can Kie, of course you can but…” He knows arguing is useless. She does anything she sets her mind to. Even if it scares the shit out of him. 
“Are you sure?” JJ tries one more time. Kie smiles “Yeah, you know as well as I do, you can’t kill a pogue.” He’d really rather not test that theory on her. “Besides,” Kiara looks over to Rafe putting his helmet on Sofia and giving her what looks like a pep talk. “I really want to wipe that smirk off his prepubescent face.” JJ breathes a small laugh. This girl.  
JJ reluctantly grabs his helmet and guides it over Kiara’s head. It’s his favorite part about her because it is what makes her her. If anything happens to that beautiful head of hers...he pushes the thought away immediately. Nothing is gonna happen. You can’t kill a pogue. Right?
Continue reading here!
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driversatellite · 1 year
cruel summer | r.c | part one
synopsis: after she had been left heartbroken by jj maybank, y/n had felt herself feeling withdrawn from everything around her, it seemed that nothing could make her feel better, except for maybe her best friend sarah’s older brother, rafe cameron. the two had a rivalry that began before either of them could remember but after her heart was broken y/n found herself enjoying rafe’s presence more and more, maybe he wasn’t who she thought he was.
rafe cameron x desi!reader  
part one: cried like a baby coming home from the bar
word count: 4.2k
a/n: hi everyone!!! sorry for being so mia, i’ve lowkey been going through it, but it’s okay! anyways i know i said that i had another harry series coming, but i’m kinda in a writing slump for that especially cause it’s so school based and i’m in a very summery mood right now, and this idea was kinda birthed because of that, but don’t worry, i’ll get that series out soon, but while you wait for that, i hope you enjoy this one, it’s got a few of my fav tropes and i’ve had a lot fun writing it, i’ll try to get this one out on a schedule, but life happens so no promises about that! but i hope you all enjoy! as always endless love to you all <3!! (also omg new olivia rodrigo music, i’m so excited!!!)
series masterlist | main masterlist | next part 
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It was a typical Friday night for the teens who lived on Kildare island. This night was especially special because it was the first official boneyard party of the summer and everyone was ready to really let loose after how tough their school year had been. Y/N showed up to the party a few shots in, her arm hooked around her best friend Sarah’s. She was a giggling mess as Sarah dragged her to where the pogues sat. Once she spotted JJ sitting on the log Y/N quickly slipped her arm out of Sarah’s and headed toward her boyfriend, greeting him with a sloppy kiss on his cheek. 
JJ looked at his girlfriend in confusion, “Did you pregame?” 
Y/N giggled and nodded, “Sar and I wanted a little something before.” 
JJ just nodded and didn’t say anything more, tuning back into the conversation that the rest of the pogues were having. That was pretty unusual for him, typically he’d ask about Y/N’s day and she wanted to walk closer to the water so they could talk more, but that night he barely greeted her and didn’t even ask how she was. 
She let out a small hmph and looked over to her side where Kiara was sat, “Want to get a drink?” 
Kiara nodded and grinned and the two girls got up and started towards where the drinks were, Y/N turned around and saw that JJ hadn’t done anything to acknowledge that she was leaving and she let out another huff, Kiara looked at the girl with a knowing look. 
“What’s up with you?” Kiara questioned as the girls got farther from where the pogues were and closer to the drinks. 
Y/N sighed and shook her head, “It’s nothing, I’m probably just being dramatic.” 
Kiara nudged the girl affectionately, “I’m sure you’re not being dramatic.” 
“Well JJ’s acting weird, I don’t know what’s up with him. Has he been acting weird around you too?” Y/N asked. 
Kiara shook her head, “I don’t think so, he hasn’t been as talkative, but nothing else seems off.” 
Y/N sighed, “I don’t know, it’s just weird. Like this is going to be our last carefree summer and I just wanted to let loose and enjoy it, like I worked so hard during high school and now I can finally breathe before college and it just seems like he doesn’t like me letting loose.” 
Kiara nodded along, “Yeah, him asking about you pregaming was weird, acting like he doesn’t pregame before every single party.” 
“Will you talk to him for me? Or maybe I could get one of the guys to, I just want to know what’s wrong, if I did something or if it’s something else.” Y/N rambled. 
“You’re stressing out about this too much Y/N, it’s the beginning of summer, we can’t have any negative thoughts weighing us down tonight.” Kiara said as she handed Y/N a red solo cup, “Now drink up, so we can have fun.” 
Y/N took the cup and didn’t think twice as she downed as Kiara cheered, “Give me another one, I’m gonna need it to let loose tonight.” 
Kiara just laughed but obliged and handed Y/N another drink before the girls headed to where John B and Sarah were dancing. They joined their friends and Y/N felt her stress slowly leave, Kiara was right, tonight was not the night to have any negative thoughts, she just wanted to let loose. 
The girls had been dancing for a while before Sarah pulled Kiara and Y/N with her to grab some more drinks and some fresh air.
“God, I needed this.” Sarah said as she took a sip of beer. Kiara and Y/N nodded along as they too took sips of their new beverages. 
“I’m gonna go find Jayj, I’ll find you guys later kay?” Y/N said as she looked around the beach, it had been awhile since she had seen him and wanted to check in. Kiara and Sarah nodded and Y/N was off to where the pogues were previously sat, she spotted JJ’s familiar mop of blond hair sitting on a log, along with some other pogues that she had met, but couldn’t remember their names. 
As Y/N neared the group, she could make out what JJ was saying, “I don’t know, it’s just weird, with college and all, I don’t know what to do.” Her brows scrunched in confusion at JJ’s words but she didn’t pay much mind to them as she leaned down and wrapped her arms around his shoulders from behind. JJ nearly jumped at the feeling of arms around him, but slightly relaxed once he spotted Y/N’s perfectly manicured and bracelet adorned hand. 
“Come dance with me Jayj, you’ve been sitting here the entire time.” Y/N whined. 
“Babe, I'm in the middle of a conversation.” JJ said 
She rolled her eyes, “You can finish it later, come dance with me.” 
JJ let out a huff but got up and Y/N grinned as she slipped her hand into his and tugged him along to where she had left the rest of their friends. 
“Why are you being like this?” JJ asked and Y/N halted and turned to him in confusion. 
“Being like what?” Y/N questioned.
JJ shrugged, “I don’t know, all giggly and drunk, it’s not like you.” 
“Well, I graduated as valedictorian, I think I’m allowed to get drunk and celebrate that.” Y/N snapped and JJ rolled his eyes and she scoffed at him, “Do you have a problem with it?”
“No, it’s just weird. It’s not like you. Are you gonna be like this in college?” JJ asked. 
“Why do you care?” She asked. 
“Well I want to know if you’re gonna go get wasted every week when you’re across the country.” JJ said. 
“You do it.” She challenged. 
JJ sighed, “Yeah, but that’s different.” 
Y/N’s eyes narrowed, “How is it different? Why am I not allowed to have fun?” 
“I never said that.” JJ grumbled. 
“Well you implied it.” She retorted. 
JJ rolled his eyes, “Can we not fight? You’re being unreasonable about this.” 
She scoffed again and then pointed to herself, “I’m being unreasonable?” She then pointed to JJ with a frown on her face, “You’re being an asshole JJ. You’ve been an asshole for a while, but I haven’t said anything to you about it.” 
“I’m being an asshole? How am I being an asshole?” JJ questioned as he crossed his arms against his chest. 
“Where do I even start? First, we haven’t been on a date in weeks, you’re always busy whenever I ask. You’re also questioning my every move, you don’t control me. You’ve been super moody and today you didn’t even greet me properly.” She ranted. 
All JJ could do was scoff and roll his eyes, “I told you, I’m busy. I have work, I’m not some kook who’s going to college and getting their entire future paid for, I actually have to work and I’m in the wrong for asking what you’re doing, you’re always complaining about how I don’t seem to care enough, isn’t me asking you caring? So what if I’m moody, some days you’re a bitch, but you don’t see me telling you that.” 
“I’m being bitch?” She snapped. 
“That’s all you took from that?” JJ asked. 
She just shook her head in disbelief, “Do you have a problem with me going to college JJ? Cause I want to know, you’ve only started acting like this since I committed to Cal. I know it’s across the country and it’ll be hard, but we can do it, if we try.” 
“That’s what they all say.” JJ mumbled. 
“You don’t think we’ll make it through college?” She questioned. 
“Look at us Y/N, we’re not supposed to be together, you’re a kook and you’ve got your whole life planned out and paid for you, you don’t know what it’s like to work for a living.” JJ snapped. 
“I might not understand what you’ve had to go through JJ, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t had any hardships.” She said. 
“Right, I forgot, your mom got you the wrong colored Prada bag.” JJ snarkily replied. 
Y/N frowned, “You’re being mean JJ.” 
“I think we should call it.” JJ murmured and Y/N held her breath. 
“What?” She whispered. 
“We should call it, we won’t be happy if we keep doing this.” JJ said. 
“You want to break up?” She whimpered. JJ couldn’t even give her the decency of eye contact, he was looking everywhere but her. 
“It’s for the best.” JJ said. 
“What about the past 2 and half years?” Y/N asked. 
JJ shrugged, “It was fun, but I just don’t think we’ll work. I don’t have time for a relationship right now.” 
She shook her head, “No, you just don’t care enough to put the effort in, Sarah and John B are staying together and Sarah’s going to Georgia, but they care enough to put in the work.”
“It’s just I’ll be so busy with work that I won’t have time for a relationship, I wish it could be different.” JJ said and Y/N had to hold in her eye roll, “Sorry tonight went this way.” He mumbled. 
She scoffed, “Whatever JJ.” She gave the blond boy one last glare before stomping away, all she knew is that she wanted to get out of there. 
Her tears were blurring her vision as she headed to where the cars were, so she didn’t see Pope coming her way and it was too late when they crashed into each other. As she landed on the ground the tears she had been so desperately trying to hold him burst out and she just started sobbing. 
Pope, who was wearing a grin on his face, quickly scrunched his eyebrows in confusion, “Wha-Y/N what happened?” 
“He broke up with me.” She whimpered out through her sobs. Pope didn’t waste time pulling the girl into a hug, JJ may have been his friend for longer, but he and Y/N had grown incredibly close in the years that they had known each other and seeing her like this broke Pope’s heart. 
“Let’s go find somewhere to sit.” Pope said as he helped her to her feet. All she could do was nod and follow as she continued to cry. Pope led the girl to where a few logs were haphazardly placed and helped her sit down before grabbing his phone and sending Kie and Sarah and code red text. After sending the text, he took a seat beside Y/N and wrapped his arm around her shoulder and let her cry into him. 
It wasn’t too much later when a confused Kie and Sarah approached the pair, but as soon as they saw Y/N’s tears they didn’t question anything, they just pulled their crying friend into their arms. 
“What happened, y/n/n?” Sarah questioned as she pulled away from the hug. 
“He dumped me.” Y/N murmured through the hiccups and tears. 
“He dumped you here? In the middle of a party? What an asshole.” Kiara scoffed as she wrapped her arm around Y/N’s other side. 
“It’s his loss y/n/n. Just remember that, you’re one of the most incredible people I’ve ever met and if he doesn’t see that he doesn’t deserve you.” Sarah tells her 
Y/N gave her friends a watery smile, “I love you guys, thanks for being here for me.”
The three of them just smiled and pulled her back into a hug, all they wanted was for their friend to feel better. 
It had been a few days since the party and Y/N was still moping but Sarah had dragged her along to the club so they could sip on mai tais while lying poolside. She knew it was risky with all the adults around, but she couldn’t find it in herself to care. Her half-drinken mai tai sat on the side table along with a plate of truffle fries as she flipped through the pages of her latest read, a murder mystery novel, she couldn’t bring herself to bring a romance novel, her broken heart wound still being too fresh. Sarah had abandoned her to go grab some more drinks and it felt like ages since she had disappeared. Y/N scanned the club and spotted Sarah talking to a few people that they had gone to school with and knew she would be awhile when she saw that Sarah hadn’t made it to the bar. She let out a huff and flipped onto her stomach and slipped her sunglasses back on before going back to the book, but before she could fully be invested in her book a shadow loomed over her and she looked up and let out a groan when she saw a smirking Rafe Cameron. 
“What do you want Rafael?” She questioned, not bothering to get up. 
Rafe just smirked, “Drinking out in public? That’s bold of you Y/N. I thought you wouldn’t wouldn’t want to tarnish that good girl rep.” 
Y/N rolled her eyes and sat up and reached over to grab her mai tai before bringing it to her lips and draining the whole thing in one gulp, “I don’t care and I don’t have a good girl rep.” 
Rafe just chuckled, “Keep telling yourself that miss goody two shoes.” 
“Leave me alone, Rafael.” Y/N grumbled as she settled back into a comfortable position with her book. Though she and Sarah had been best friends since before she could remember and so had Rafe and her brother Neal, she had also been enemies with Rafe before she could remember. Okay, maybe enemies was too harsh a term, but the two had been rivals since they were little, making sure to get on each other’s nerves whenever possible. Sometimes their siblings joined in on their rivalry, but usually it was Rafe versus Y/N. She can’t even remember how their rivalry started, but she knew it wasn’t ending anytime soon, Rafe still managed to get on her nerves and she knew she got on his nerves and that feeling of satisfaction was just too good for her to stop playing their childish games. 
Rafe just smirked and languidly walked away from the agitated girl, he had done his job of annoying her and now he wanted to treat himself. Y/N just rolled her eyes and went back to her book. 
It wasn’t too much later that Sarah came back with new drinks and the club’s famous arancini balls, “Damn, you finished your drink? You never finish a drink from here.” 
Y/N shrugged her shoulders, “I wanted to. It helps drown out my sorrow.” 
Sarah rolled her eyes, “Ok, ok, no more wallowing in self pity. It’s his loss and if you keep being sad about it he’s winning. Just show him that you don’t care.” 
“I just don’t understand Sar, everything was great, I don’t know what changed.” Y/N mumbled. 
Sarah gave the girl a small frown before wrapping her arms around her, “I know it’s hard, but sometimes things happen for a reason, maybe you two aren’t meant to be and that’s okay, there’s gonna be someone out there that’s perfect for you.” 
Y/N smiled and leaned into Sarah’s arms, “You always know the right thing to say Sar.” 
Sarah smiled and hugged her friend tighter, “I’ll always be here for you y/n/n, no matter what.” 
It officially hit the two week mark since Y/N and JJ’s break up and even though Y/N still wasn’t feeling 100% better, she was slowly getting there, which is why she agreed to go to the chateau that night. Sarah and Kiara had begged her to come, telling her that it was going to be a super chill evening, just them and some other pogues just having fun. Y/N begrudgingly agreed, it had been a while since she had been out and she decided that she needed to stop letting JJ stop her from having fun, she deserved to have fun. 
The trio was getting ready at Kiara’s place and pregaming there too. 
“So who’s gonna be there?” Y/N questioned as she applied her blush. 
“The usual people, us, the boys, and a few other pogues and some tourons. John B said it wasn’t going to be super small, but it’s not gonna be super big.” Sarah told her and Y/N nodded, she could do that, as long as she didn’t have to make conversation with JJ she’d be fine. 
The girls took a few shots and made sure that they looked good before ubering to the chateau, they could hear music and chatter as they stepped out of the uber and Y/N relaxed knowing there’d be enough people to shield her from JJ. 
Sarah tugged her friends along as she looked for her boyfriend and it wasn’t too long before she spotted John B, Pope, and Cleo all conversing near the drinks and they made a beeline towards them. 
“Finally, you guys made it.” Cleo said as she greeted the girls, she had opted out from getting ready with them to finish some work, but had promised them next time she’d join them in getting ready. 
“Sorry, we took a bit longer than expected, we took a few little shots and lost track of time.” Kiara explained and Cleo laughed. 
“Well, let’s get you guys some more drinks.” Cleo said, handing each of them a cup full of a beverage. The girls happily accepted and they all downed their drinks before dragging Cleo to dance with them, Pope and John B staying behind. 
Y/N was having fun, actual fun and she couldn’t be gladder. She was worried that she’d be in that sad broken heart phase forever, because it felt like that for her, but she was glad to be drunk and having fun with her girls, she had desperately needed it. They danced for what felt like hours before stumbling to where the hammocks were and seating themselves as they caught their breaths. 
“God, I needed this.” Y/N panted out. 
“We’re glad you came out with us, it’s been a while.” Cleo said. 
Y/N nodded and smiled, before leaning her head on Sarah’s shoulder, “I just needed a bit of time to recuperate, but I’m glad to be back.” 
The girls smiled and they caught Y/N up on what she had missed at the previous parties, all of them laughing and having the time of their lives. It wasn’t too much later that John B and Pope joined them, and Y/N felt at peace, she had missed this, missed them. 
But her happy bubble burst as soon as she saw JJ. He was heading their way and he had his arm draped around a girl, a girl that Y/N didn’t recognize. She swallowed and sat up straighter as the two of them approached the group. The laughter and chatter ceased as JJ brough the new girl to them, everyone unsure what to say. 
JJ cleared his throat, “Hey guys, this is Rina.” 
The rest of the pogues gave Rina a tight smile, confused on what JJ was doing. 
“It’s so good to meet you guys, Jayj is always gushing about you.” Rina rambled out, wrapping her arm around JJ. Y/N swore she felt her patched up heart crack at the sight of that and the use of JJ’s nickname, her nickname for him. 
John B was the one to break the rest of the group’s silence, “It’s good to meet you. Are you new here? I haven’t seen you before.” 
Rina nodded, “I’m new. Just moved to the island, I met Jayj working at the docks, he’s been helping out with my uncle’s fishing boat.” 
“Sounds like JJ’s been a great welcoming committee.” Kiara snarkily said. 
Rina grinned, it didn’t seem like she picked up on Kiara’s tone, “He’s been the best.” 
Y/N wanted to walk away, but she knew she couldn’t, she didn’t want to make a scene and she had just spent the entire night convincing her friends that she was over the break up and if she did anything to counter that, she would continue to get all those pity looks from them and she couldn’t bare it. 
“Well, I just wanted to introduce you guys, I think we’re gonna go grab a drink now.” JJ said as he made a move to turn towards where the drinks were, but Rina stopped him grabbing his hand. 
“Jayj, you said we were gonna tell them tonight.” Rina whispered, but it was loud enough for everyone to hear. 
JJ nodded and swallowed hard, “Right, yeah, um, well, I don’t know how to say this-”
Before he could get through the rest of his sentence Rina interrupted him, “Jayj asked me to be his girlfriend a week ago!” 
The statement was met with complete silence from the friend group, none of them knew what to say, all they could do was glance at Y/N who sat with a blank expression. 
Y/N felt her heart break at the announcement, she couldn’t believe he had moved on so fast, especially after he had told her that he didn’t have time for a relationship and that was why they were breaking up. She dug her nails into her palm and bit her cheek to stop herself from bursting into tears right there. She just wanted someone to say something and for them to walk away so she could be left alone to her own thoughts and cry in peace. 
It was John B who broke the silence seeing as no one else was willing to do it, “Wow, a week?” 
Rina nodded excitedly and JJ just gave him a curt nod, “Well, we’re gonna go grab some drinks, see you guys later.” 
The group waited for the new couple to be out of earshot before whipping their heads towards Y/N, who was hanging on by a thread. 
“Y/N are you okay?” Pope asked. She could do nothing but nod, she didn’t want to cause a scene and cause a rift in the friend group. 
“I’m fine, we’re broken up, he deserves to be happy.” She said. 
“But-” Kiara went to say but Y/N shook her head, “No, really, I’m fine. I’m over it.” 
It was a lie and Y/N was hoping none of them could see that, she just wanted to go home and cry, she was so completely over everything. The rest of the group exchanged looks, they knew that Y/N looked far from fine, but they knew not to push it, the boys got up and walked away, leaving just the girls alone. 
“It’s just us y/n/n, you can talk to us.” Sarah said. 
“I already told you, I’m fine. Please can we just drop it?” Y/N snapped, she didn’t mean for it to come out so harshly, but she just wanted to forget that past ten minutes had happened. 
“Okay, yeah, we can go get more to drink.” Kiara said. 
Y/N shook her head and glanced down at her phone, “Actually, it’s pretty late, I have to run errands with my mom early tomorrow morning, I think I’m gonna call it a night.” 
“I can come with you.” Sarah offered.
“No, it’s okay, I’ll just get an uber, you guys stay and have fun. I just need to call it an early night.” She said as she stood up and headed towards the front of the chateau. The girls shared a look with each other, they knew that their friend was far from okay, but they didn’t want to push her, they knew she’d come to them eventually. 
Y/N hadn’t called an uber, she had called her brother, knowing that he was already on the cut, she just wanted to get home. She had wrapped her arms around herself to keep warm and sat on the front steps of the porch to the chateau. It wasn’t too much later when she saw her brother’s black Range Rover pull up and she quickly stood up and made her way to the passenger side, but was surprised to see Rafe sitting there. She just let out a huff and slid into the backseat wordlessly.
Neal, her brother, turned to look at her, “What’s wrong? Why didn’t you get an uber with the rest of them?” 
She shrugged, “I didn’t want to, can we just go home, I’m tired.” 
Neal didn’t want to push it, he could sense something was off, so he dropped it and started towards figure 8. 
Rafe glanced at Y/N through the mirror and noticed her melancholy expression and how quiet she was being. Growing up together meant you learned a lot about each other, so he could easily read her like a book and he too could tell something was off. He had noticed something had been off since a couple weeks ago, when Sarah, Kiara, and Y/N had a sleepover, but tonight she looked especially somber. He knew not to push her tonight, but he’d figure out what was wrong, one way or another.
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