#black widow x reader
redroomreflections · 23 hours
Guide Me
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Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Gentle Hands One Shot
Summary: Natasha is going away on a mission and she wants R to think of her while she's away.
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI
note: I wrote this entirely for myself. There's fluff in here too.
w/c: 3.6k
Natasha sat quietly on the couch, her eyes drawn to the scene unfolding in front of her. You were kneeling in front of her, your arms stretched out, your eyes and face reflecting the huge smile you had as you encouraged Brynn to walk.
"Come on, Bubs, come to me," You said. "Come to Mommy."
Brynn was clinging tightly to Natasha's knees, her own tiny, chubby legs wobbling. She gave a little squeal of excitement, almost as if to say "I'm nervous", her determination both endearing and fierce.
"Go to your Mommy," Natasha coaxed, "you can do it, kotik."
Brynn seemed to be encouraged by Natasha's voice, patting her leg before reaching out a hand towards you. Your excitement was palpable, Natasha could feel it radiating off of you, and she was sure Brynn could sense it, too.
"Yeah, that's it, Brynnie," You continued. "I'm right here. I'll catch you."
And then Brynn took her first, tiny, tentative step, the biggest smile on her face.
"Nat," You whispered, looking up at her. "She's walking."
Natasha laughed, her heart filling with happiness, the moment seemingly frozen in time. Everyone seemed to be holding their breath, as Brynn navigated the cool hardwood floors. You were only a few feet away from her.
And then Brynn wobbled and fell forward into your arms. There was a moment of quiet cheering as you hugged her to you.
"Good job, baby," You praised. "Kaia, guess what? Your sister just walked to me." You informed your almost three-year-old of her baby sister's milestone.
Kaia giggled, clapping her hands together in delight. "Yay, Brynnie."
Natasha chuckled. Kaia was so like you in many ways. Almost a mini clone. Even down to the dance you two performed in celebration of Brynn's first steps. The baby giggled loudly as you twirled her, blowing raspberries on whatever body part of hers you could reach, as you danced around the living room.
"My turn," Natasha said. "I want to dance with my baby." She stood, holding out her arms in anticipation.
You carefully passed Brynn over, who clung to Natasha.
"Mama," She said.
"Hi, my love." Natasha smiled widely. "I'm so proud of you."
Brynn grinned, reaching for Natasha's hair, and tugging on it gently.
"Ouch, kotik, " Natasha laughed. "That hurts."
Brynn looked concerned, pulling back to look at Natasha.
"No, no, it's okay, sweetheart." Natasha smiled softly, bouncing the baby on her hip. "Just a little tug. But never mind that, you walked." She leaned in, giving Brynn a loud, smacking kiss on her cheek.
Brynn giggled, squirming in Natasha's arms, before laying her head on her shoulder.
"I think she's tired," You said as you scooped Kaia into your arms to twirl her around. "It is almost bedtime." Natasha's heart warmed at the sight. She couldn't believe you were the woman she had once only wanted to protect—a woman who had been through so much, who had needed space to heal. Back then, Natasha hadn't imagined your friendship could turn into anything more. She hadn't let herself imagine it. Sure, she'd found you beautiful—who wouldn't? There had always been a quiet strength in the way you carried yourself, even on the days when your world felt like it was crumbling around you.
But this? A life with you, with Brynn and Kaia? That had seemed like a dream she didn’t know she was allowed to have. And now, Natasha had it. She had all of you.
"You should get them ready for bed, Nat," You said, as Kaia wrapped her arms around your neck, clinging like she always did when bedtime rolled around.
"But, Mama, I want to play with Brynn," Kaia whined, her voice laced with the beginnings of a pout.
"I'm sorry, Solnyshko, but you need to sleep. Come on, kiss Mama goodnight," Natasha said, and Kaia sighed but pressed a sloppy, wet kiss to your cheek. "We'll play tomorrow. You have school, remember?"
"I hate school," Kaia grumbled.
"No, you don't," Natasha chuckled.
"Do so."
"Kaia," You warned, and Kaia stuck out her bottom lip.
"Fine," she grumbled, though there was a softness in her voice now. "But you have to promise two songs before bed." Her eyes gleamed as she stared over at Natasha, knowing exactly how to tug at her heartstrings.
Natasha feigned reluctance, though the smile on her face betrayed her. She held out her pinkie finger to Kaia. "I promise," she said, locking their pinkies together with a gentle squeeze.
"And you have to sing them, not play the music."
"Kaia," You sighed.
"Okay, fine." Natasha laughed.
"You're the best, Mama," Kaia cheered, stretching in your arms to kiss Natasha's cheek and then leaning over to give Brynn one, too.
"How sweet," You murmured, watching them with a smile. Kaia’s pout disappeared instantly, replaced with a satisfied grin as she slipped out of your arms and shuffled toward the bedroom. "I'll catch up on dishes while you handle these two." You offered.
"You've done enough already," Natasha insisted. "I can wash the dishes."
"It's alright, I'll get them," You replied, brushing off her protest. "Besides, I want us to have tonight together before bed."
"I'll put Brynn to bed, and then I'll meet you in the bedroom," Natasha decided, and you nodded, making your way into the kitchen. Natasha watched you go, unable to help the smile that came to her lips. God, she loved you.
By the time Natasha stepped out of Brynn’s nursery, the house was quiet—save for the soft clinking of dishes being washed in the kitchen. She had promised herself she would come to bed after putting the kids down, but when she saw you moving around the house, still tidying up, she paused in the hallway. You had already done so much—cleaning up the toys in the living room, starting another load of laundry, and now finishing up the dishes that she had insisted on taking care of herself.
Natasha leaned against the doorframe, watching you for a moment. There was something peaceful about the way you moved, even in the mundane tasks. She loved how you always wanted to keep the home you had together running smoothly, even when you were tired. But it also made her heart ache a little. You did so much, often more than you needed to, always giving, always caring.
Quietly, Natasha made her way over to you, her footsteps soft on the kitchen floor. You didn’t hear her at first, too focused on rinsing the last of the plates, but the warmth of her presence behind you made you pause.
"You’ve done enough for tonight," Natasha murmured, slipping her arms around your waist from behind and resting her chin on your shoulder. "I thought we agreed we'd have time together."
"I was just cleaning up." You shrugged, letting the water from the faucet run over your hands for a moment. "You were busy with the kids. It's fine."
"It's not fine," Natasha said gently. "You do so much, and I appreciate everything, but I want you to relax."
"I'm used to taking care of things, Nat."
"I know," Natasha replied. "And I love that you are."
"I don't mind," You said, turning off the water and leaning back against her.
"But I do," Natasha replied. "Let me take care of you for once."
"Natasha," You sighed, but Natasha was already tugging you away from the sink. You turned into her arms, closing your eyes in pure delight when she kissed your lips. Her kiss was soft and slow, making your heart race. When you pulled away, your smile was wide, your cheeks a bit flushed, and Natasha thought you looked absolutely beautiful.
"I love you," She whispered, pulling you closer and brushing her nose against yours. "You mean so much to me. I wish I could show you how much."
"You do, Nat. More than you know." You smiled softly, leaning in to kiss her again, a little harder this time, your teeth grazing her bottom lip. "Though I do love how affectionate you're being, why do I get the sense you're about to tell me bad news?"
"I don't think it's bad, necessarily." Natasha shrugged even as her hands continued to roam your waist. Lovingly, of course, no ulterior motives there. "It's just, I got an assignment."
"Oh," You said, your expression falling.
"I leave in two days," She explained.
"How long will you be gone?"
"Three weeks."
"And you won't tell me where?" You guessed.
"I can't," Natasha said. "It's a matter of national security."
"I understand." You nodded.
"But," Natasha added, her hand coming up to cup your cheek. "When I get back, I'm not leaving the country for a long time."
"Is that a promise?" You teased, even though your chest was heavy with worry.
"That's a promise," Natasha replied, leaning in to kiss you again.
"How are you going to break it to the girls?" You asked. "You know Kaia has hard drop-offs at school whenever you leave."
"I have some ideas," Natasha said, "I'll have Wanda and Pepper take turns visiting. They can keep Kaia and Brynn distracted."
"Okay," You replied.
"Hey," Natasha whispered, her eyes searching yours with that intensity she always had when she needed you to feel her presence, her sincerity. Her thumb gently stroked your cheek as she leaned in closer. "I know it's hard. Believe me, I hate leaving you and the girls. But I'll come back. Always."
You swallowed, your heart feeling heavier despite her soft reassurances. It wasn’t just about her leaving for the mission—it was the way Kaia would cry at drop-offs, the way Brynn would ask for “Mama” with big, confused eyes, not understanding why Natasha wasn’t there. And as much as you tried to be strong for them, there was always a part of you that felt empty when she was gone.
"I know you will," you whispered, forcing a small smile. "It's just... three weeks is a long time."
Natasha pressed her forehead against yours, before her lips brush your temple. "I’ll make it up to you," she murmured, her voice low, comforting. "To all of you. When I get back, it’s just us. I’ll take a break—no missions, no assignments. We'll do whatever you want. I’ll even take Kaia to her soccer shots classes every week."
You laughed softly at the last part, shaking your head. "She loves those."
"I know," Natasha smirked. "But she's getting a little better at kicking the ball, and I'd like to see it."
You could hear the truth in her voice, feel it in the way she held you like she never wanted to let go. But the reality of her job was always there, lurking in the background, pulling her away when you needed her most. Still, you nodded, trying to push the worry aside, even if only for tonight.
"Okay," you said softly, resting your head against her chest, feeling the steady rhythm of her heartbeat. "But you’re the one telling Kaia in the morning. I’m not dealing with that meltdown alone."
Natasha chuckled, holding you tightly, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "Deal."
You held her tightly, breathing her in, committing this moment to memory, knowing that no matter how much she assured you that she'd be back, there would always be a part of you that was worried she wouldn't.
"I'm going to miss you," Natasha began, her voice soft and laced with sincerity. She kissed your lips again. An apology.
"I'm going to miss you too," you replied, your heart aching at the thought of her being away. "More than you know."
"I'll call every day," she promised, her hands tracking your back under your shirt. "Or as much as I can."
"I'd like that," you replied, kissing her once more.
"It'll go by fast," Natasha said. "Before you know it, I'll be back home with you, and we'll finally have a few weeks to ourselves."
"It's hard for me when you leave," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "Your side of the bed gets cold. I don't have anyone there to hold me. To kiss me." You're laying it on thick. "It's hard not having someone there to—"
"Stop it," Natasha said, and you smirked, pulling back slightly to look at her.
"Stop what?" You asked, playing innocent.
"You're not being very subtle. If you're trying to make me change my mind about leaving, it won't work. But the other part..." Natasha grinned. "You have ways to care for yourself while I'm gone."
"I know," you said, your tone softening, a smile creeping onto your lips. "but..."
"But what?" Natasha inquired. "Hmm?"
"I've never actually done that,"
"Wait. Really? You've never touched yourself before?"
You shook your head. "Never needed to."
"So you're telling me you're a virgin in that department." Natasha smiled. "This is news to me."
"Nat, don't tease." You pushed her away gently.
"Come here." Natasha pulled you back in. "I'll show you what to do," She promised. "I'll make sure you feel good. Better than good. Amazing. The best orgasm of your life."
"You make big promises," You raised a brow.
"You've had better?" She scoffed.
"No," You shook your head. "I've just never felt the need or the desire to do it."
"So you have no idea what to do?" Natasha questioned, and you nodded, a little shyly. "What is it, baby?" She asked, tipping your chin up gently, so you were looking into her eyes. "Don't be shy."
"I just—I've always been a little repressed with sex," You explained, avoiding her gaze. "I mean we've talked about it before. I'm a woman with two kids. I'm no virgin Mary. There's still so much I haven't explored and I can't help but think how inexperienced I am."
"Hey, look at me," Natasha said softly, cupping your cheek. "There's no rush to explore everything at once, but I'll be more than happy to guide you. In fact, I'm honored."
"You're sweet," You whispered, and Natasha smiled.
"Come on," She said, pulling you towards the bedroom. She closed the door behind th both of you and got to work setting up pillows and a small area in front of the six-foot mirror you'd insisted on having in here.
"Now, I'm not saying it's going to happen right away," Natasha began, pulling you into her arms and peppering kisses on your neck. "But if you'd like me to teach you the ropes, I'd be more than happy to."
"I'd say yes to anything you offer," You whispered to her as you sat in front of her. She instructed you to take your pants off while she did the busy work of unbuttoning your blouse.
"Are you comfortable?" She asked and you nodded, pulling her closer, craving her body heat and the comfort her touch offered.
"Tell me if you want to stop," Natasha began. She gently coaxed your legs open, admiring the wet spot already forming, as she leaned her head against yours. "You don't know how sexy you are like this."
"In a nursing bra and Wednesday panties even though it's Friday?" You joked.
"Especially in that," Natasha murmured. "You always look so good to me, baby." Natasha kissed your neck.
"Touch me," You whispered.
"We're getting there, beautiful," She promised, her hand sliding up and down your thigh. You sighed, closing your eyes. You knew Natasha would make you feel good, and would make this experience pleasurable and enjoyable. "But tonight you're doing all the work. Just follow my voice." She instructed as she trailed her hands along your body.
"Take off your panties," Natasha whispered, and you obeyed. Your hand hovered over the waistband of your panties, hesitating. "Are you nervous?"
"A little," You admitted, taking a deep breath.
"You're gorgeous, Y/n."
"You make me feel that way."
"Good. Because it's true." She replied, pulling her hands away. "Take your time."
You slowly slid the underwear down your legs, biting your lip nervously.
"I'll start, and then you can take over," Natasha said.
"What are you going to do?" You asked.
"You'll see." She replied. "Are you ready?"
"Yeah," You said, nodding, feeling a rush of anticipation run through your body.
She began by stroking your belly, moving to cup your breasts and toy with your nipples.
"Do you like that?"
"Yeah," You nodded.
"How about this?" She murmured, her hands running over your hips. You moaned, arching into her touch.
"Mhmm," You cursed, feeling yourself get wetter.
"What else would you like me to do?"
"Just talk to me, please."
"Talk to you about what, baby?" She whispered, her voice sending a shiver down your spine.
"Anything. I just want to hear your voice," You whimpered.
"I can do that."
Natasha's hands trailed along your inner thighs, her fingertips teasing your folds."I want you to use your fingers, just one," She began. "Feel around for that spot that feels good."
You hesitated for a moment, feeling shy.
"It's okay," Natasha whispered. "I'm right here. Do whatever feels good, baby."
You slid your fingers down between your legs, tentatively over your slit, before you pressed it between your lips. You were familiar with your own anatomy enough to find your clit. Your eyes widened slightly at the pleasure, the intensity, as you rubbed it gently.
You bit your lip, closing your eyes at the immediate pleasure, as you leaned your head back against her shoulder. Having her there as a source of support felt even better.
"Open your eyes, baby," Natasha instructed. "Look in the mirror."
You obeyed, your eyes meeting her's in the reflection.
"That's it, Y/n," Natasha murmured. "See how beautiful you look like this? With your legs spread open for me, your pussy soaking wet and waiting for me. You're perfect, Y/n."
"I want to go inside," You whispered. "Can I?"
"Of course," Natasha whispered. "Put one finger in."
You slowly eased a finger into yourself, whimpering at the sensation.
"How does it feel?"
"Good," You gasped. "But I don't know if it's enough."
"Try adding another," She instructed, and you obliged.
"Ah, fuck," You moaned, arching up into your hand.
"That's it, baby. Feel yourself, feel what you do to yourself," She whispered, her hands still stroking your inner thighs.
"Feels so good," You panted. Natasha used her hand to slow you down.
"Not yet," She kissed the side of your head. "I want you to enjoy this. I want you to think about me. How good I make you feel. Imagine your fingers are mine. Fucking you."
You groaned, the pleasure overwhelming, as you moved slower, taking your fingers in and out.
"Natasha," You whispered.
"Shh," She kissed the side of your head.
"I'm close," You whined.
"I know," She smiled. "But you have to wait."
"But why," You whimpered.
"Because it's better when I say so," She explained. She raised her hand, gently rubbing your breasts, careful not to be too rough. Though you do think about how much you would like it. "You're such a good girl for me."
"Nat," You whined, thrusting faster, as she held you closer.
"You're close, baby," She whispered, her fingers finding your nipples, gently tugging them.
"Please, Natasha, I'm so close."
"Tell me what you want," She demanded.
"Bite me," You tilted your neck for easier access. "Mark me. Please."
Natasha growled as she sunk her teeth into your neck, the pain and pleasure mingling together and making you moan. She sucked on the mark she had made, her hands roaming your body. You could feel your pussy clench around your fingertips.
"Fuck," You cried, your back arching.
"Cum, baby. Come for me," She commanded, and you obeyed, moaning loudly, as your orgasm crashed through your body, your muscles contracting.
"That's it," She soothed, holding you tightly, her hands caressing your sides. "Such a good girl for me."
You collapsed back into her embrace, breathing heavily, a thin sheen of sweat covering your skin.
"I don't know how you do that to me." You panted, your voice low and sated.
"Because I love you." She replied, pressing a kiss to your temple.
"I love you too," You sighed, leaning back into her arms, as she stroked your hair. "Thank you."
"Of course, baby," She whispered, smiling at the sleepy expression on your face. "I want you to feel good when I'm not home. I want you to make yourself feel good."
"Thank you," You mumbled.
"You haven't taken your fingers out," Natasha pointed out.
"I haven't," You nodded.
"Is it good?"
"Are you ready to go again?"
"Not right now," You shook your head, closing your eyes. "I like being filled."
"Alright," Natasha chuckled.
"Can we just cuddle?"
"We can do whatever you want," Natasha replied. "Though we need to talk about the comment you just made."
"About being filled?" You questioned.
"Yeah," Natasha replied.
"Well, I like the feeling. And I'd like to feel more."
"Oh really," Natasha smirked. "How much more?"
"However much more you're willing to give." You kissed the part of her chin you could reach. "I do not doubt that if possible, I'd be pregnant by now."
"I'd love that," Natasha murmured. "Filling you with my cum and watching it leak out of you. Stretching you."
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" You smiled.
"Very much so," Natasha kissed the top of your head.
"Would you want to be on top or should I?" You asked, opening your eyes.
"You can." Natasha offered.
"But I don't know what I'm doing," You protested.
"Trust me. I'll walk you through it."
"You always do," You sighed. "I'm so glad I met you. The way you love me."
"Me too, baby," Natasha said. "You make me so happy."
"And you make me happy."
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The Soldier Of Death (7)- Recruitment
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Natasha Romanoff X Super Soldier Reader 18+
Summary: Soldat Smerti. The Soldier of Death. You were the perfect weapon: loyal, obedient, and merciless, or so Hydra thought. What happens when these traits are put to the test? Your captivity in the Avenger's tower and the presence of a redhead makes you realise you didn't have to be a monster. The question was though; Did Hydra make you the monster or were you always one?
This fic will contains dark themes. Please read these warnings before starting any of these chapters: graphic descriptions of murder, violence, gore and torture, heavy angst, mental issues.
Please consider these warnings before reading
Word Count: 2.7k
General Masterlist | The Soldier Of Death Masterlist
Chapter Warning: Dark thoughts, anxiety, brief reference to torture
"You wanted to see me?" Natasha says as she strolls into Nick's office, him requesting her presence as soon as possible. The redhead ditched the mission reports she was doing to come and see the Director, having a feeling this was something far more important.
"How are things progressing with our Soldat Smerti?" he asks as his eye is trained on her, his expression blank as he doesn't want to give away his ideas. Natasha also keeps her face stoic as for some reason the name he called you bothered her, did he not see that your name was Y/n on the file she submitted?
"She's open to talking more, still very hesitant and cautious but that's understandable for someone who's been institutionalised for a large amount of time, especially someone who was maltreated," Natasha replies, having spent more time with you over the last couple of weeks, still delivering your food but also trying to get you to talk more, expressing how you weren't going to be hurt here.
"You have taken a liking to her," he says, a little out of nowhere, catching the redhead by surprise. "You would have made your assessment by now but you seem to be waiting for something," her jaw clenches subtly, not liking how somehow this man was always able to have some sort of read on her. "What are you waiting for?"
"She wants to accept our offer," Natasha answers honestly, the man's smile sneaking onto his lips as his own plans were falling into place, the assassin unaware of his ideas. "She's just scared."
"Do you think she could be an Avenger?" He asks and she pauses for a moment, thinking carefully about his question. She could see that same glint in your eyes that she had when she was first rescued from the red room, that hopeful glint that you would be able to be more than what they made you, but at the same time the fear of betrayal hovering at the back of your mind.
"In time, yes," Fury moves to stand from his chair, moving to lean against the front of his desk while Natasha stands in front of him, her arms crossing over her chest as the man ponders for a moment.
"Why are you so sure about her?" Natasha watches the man's curious gaze, his hands resting against the wooden desk as the redhead responds to her boss.
"When Clint didn't take his shot against me in Budapest, he told me that he had this gut feeling about me, that I could be more than what they made me," Fury listens with interest at Natasha's words, remembering the mixed emotions he felt that day when Clint disobeyed his orders but helped saved what would soon become one of his most valuable agents. "I have this same feeling about her," she confesses and the man knows not to take this lightly, the Russian never letting her emotions affect her work, renowned for her professionalism.
The room lingers in silence for a moment, both figures letting the weight of the situation settle before Fury speaks up, a plan having formed in his head.
"Talk to the team about her being potentially recruited, see what they make of it," he says and Natasha is a bit suspicious as to why she was doing it, Fury normally taking the lead on these types of situations.
"What are you going to do?" she asks and he just chuckles at her scepticism.
"I'm going to talk her into accepting our offer," he says, the smile now visible on his lips as he sees the small one tugging at the redhead's lips, "See you soon Romanoff."
"He wants to do what?" Steve's tone laced with disbelief as he braces his arms on the kitchen island, having just finished making a smoothie after his morning run.
"He wants us to give her a chance," Natasha answers, the super soldier letting out a sigh before taking a large sip of his drink, the rest of the team gathered in various places around the common room, listening in to the conversation.
They were all up to date about you, brief knowledge of your past and known abilities being sent to them all in your file once you were brought back into the base and put in the glass cell. They knew you were powerful and loyal, so the question was would you be able to betray Hydra and trust them.
"Why should we do that? She's done nothing to prove she won't just try and kill us all," Steve says, still bitter about the pain in his side, multiple ribs having been broken during the last encounter with you, the moment where you almost decapitated him also being added to the list as to why he wasn't fond of you. "She's powerful and dangerous," he says, caution in his tone as he tries to get his point across, "She's also clearly not in control."
"She needs our help," Wanda cuts in, taking a few by surprise as she tended to stay quiet during conversations like this, only speaking once someone asked her opinion. "We can help her, that's what we do right? As Avengers?" Her words settle in a few, Natasha smiling at the brunette woman and nodding her head subtly in appreciation.
"I can't believe I'm going to say this," Tony says, finally speaking up which was unlike his character, normally first to voice his opinion in literally anything. "I agree partly with the old man," he says, earning a disapproving look from Steve at the nickname, "We can't be sure it's safe. Statistically, the chances of her losing control or hurting one of us is extremely high."
"See someone who agrees-" Steve tries to say, being cut off by the billionaire.
"I haven't finished Capsicle," he says, a mocking smile on his lip at the other nickname he called Steve who just glared at the man. "But since when has anything we have done been safe?"
"That's because of you Tony," Steve mutters, "You're the one who always puts us in these situations,"
"Last I recall, you were the one who wanted an ex-hydra brainwashed murderer to join our team, what's different about this one?" Steve's jaw visibly clenches at Tony's description of Bucky, the brown haired man making a valid point though. You were extremely similar to Bucky, if they could help him, why couldn't they help you?
"Bucky's different," he grits out, defending his best friend while everyone else in the room notices the tension rising in the atmosphere. "I know him."
"Knew," corrects Tony, "You knew him, Hydra changed him."
"This isn't about Bucky," Natasha cuts in, not wanting a proper fight to break out between the two, the billionaire lacking the care of stepping too far over the line, Steve being far too defensive about his friend. "Look at the facts, yes she's hydra but how many of us here have a past we want to forget, we want to put behind us? She's no different to some of you when you first joined, so why should we put that against her?"
Everyone listens as Natasha takes control of the room, Clint hiding a smile at his best friend and noticing this was her moment with you. She wasn't taking her shot with you just as he did her.
"As Steve said, she's powerful, we need that if we want to stop Hydra and any other threats."
"Since when did you do the speeches Romanoff," teases Tony, already making his mind up about his stance on your potential recruitment to the team. "How about we have a vote?" he says, using his typical cocky voice to get the other's opinion, "Who thinks Y/n should join?"
In his usual manner, Tony playfully raises his arm, making a show of himself before looking around the room to see who else agrees. Wanda raises her arm up shyly, Natasha doing so more confidently, just not as dramatically as the billionaire, Clint also raising his hand up as he trusts Natasha's gut feeling about you, the rest of those in the room, being Steve, Bruce and Vision, Sam and Thor currently not available, keeping theirs down.
Steve goes to protest, but the sounds of footsteps can be heard, interrupting the conversation.
"Well, I'm glad the vote went in our favour," Fury says as he strides into the room with authority, the room going quiet as they see you standing by his side, face stoic to mask your nerves.
Everything was so loud, the electricity buzzing around the room, the tv playing in the corner, the sounds of fists clenching, bodies tensing, hearts starting to race, it was all too loud. It was overwhelming. Steve's heart in particular started to pound against his rib cage, the memories of your last encounter causing him to be tense and on edge, your gaze meeting his blue for a split second before flickering away.
They think we're a monster. They're scared and they should be.
Taunts the darkness, your mask slipping for a second, showing a brief sense of doubt behind your eyes before your face returns to being stoic, mind fighting the gnawing corruption and forcing it to be silent.
"Meet Y/n, your new teammate," Fury says nonchalantly but also in a tone that leaves no room for argument, a few shocked faces as Natasha said potential teammate, not someone who would be joining instantly.
"Fury..." Steve's voice dies out with the glare sent his way, your eyes fixated on the view out of the window, everything else seeming to fade away.
 The compound overlooked acres and acres of field and forest, the sun gently shining down onto the grass causing it to look vibrant, the simple sight of nature almost a phenomenon to you. Too busy staring out of the window, you miss the small smile that creeps up on Natasha's face, Fury going to have a private word with a few of the team while you slowly made your way towards the windows.
You could feel a few people staring at you, your mind trying to stop the racing thoughts and focus on calming down, not wanting to have some sort of panic attack from all the attention on you. You had to block out the incessant heartbeats, the signs of their fear and tried to focus on the steady one nearby. Only once you turned your head did you realise that it was Natasha who was calm, casually walking up to you as you turned your head back to admire the view.
"It's beautiful," you whisper, not used to having such a clear view of outside your surroundings. You were used to concrete walls surrounding you, or even glass ones in a secure room, not the large windows that practically filled the entire wall, displaying the wonders of the outside world.
"It is," she murmurs back, turning her gaze from you to back outside. The others watched from the distance as you two stood near the window, Natasha talking to you while you made sure to memorise every detail you possibly could about the view. "What made you accept the offer?" she asks, curious as to what Fury must have said to you to get you to finally accept it, her emerald eyes scanning over your relaxing features.
Before you can reply, the sound of Steve's voice becoming louder interrupts the moment, Fury's stare hardening at the super soldier.
"This is going to go wrong, it isn't the right move," he says in warning before grabbing his smoothie and leaving the room, shaking his head as he enters the elevator, "I thought we did things as a team Fury, made decisions together."
"You did and you were outvoted," Fury replies and Steve just scoffs at the idea they were using a random voting method to decide your place on the team. He doesn't bother arguing back, letting the doors shut, Fury dismissing everyone and asking for you to join him in the kitchen, away from everyone.
"Remember our deal," he says, tone serious as he addresses you, "Any indication that you're not being honest with us, and you're straight back in a cell, don't make me have to do that Soldier." You nod in understanding, eyes flickering over to a glass on the table, your reflection staring back at you.
What have you done? This was a trap.
Get us out now. If you don't do it, I will. I won't be merciful.
The darkness claws at your mind, your stare going blank for a second as Fury continues to talk to you. The man notices how you seem to grow distant for a second, blinking before returning your attention towards him.
"I will leave you to adjust to everything," he says, catching the nervousness in your eyes and assuming it was from the new environment, not your broken mind. He knows it will be hard to adjust, but he has faith in the rest of the team to help you, especially after the talk he just gave them.
With Fury gone, you're left to sit alone, basking in your thoughts as Natasha holds back with Wanda, watching how the witch seems to be able to hear some of your thoughts while also keeping an eye on you, reading your body language.
Your leg bounces steadily, fingers gripping the glass a little too tight, her brows furrowing at how anxious you seem, never having showed signs like this when you were with her in the cell.
They're always going to be scared of the Soldat.
They sneer, your fingers loosening around the glass as you can feel it straining, about to shatter, the darkness laughing at the close call of losing control already.
You're going to snap. Lose control. This will all be for nothing because I will get out. I will get out and do what needs to be done.
You remain quiet, not in the position to be able to snap back at the darkness, letting them taunt and tease you, trying to get you to lose your composure. You had to learn how to deal with them, how to keep them under control, otherwise they were right. You would snap.
I can't wait to watch the life drain from their eyes, to watch them suffer.
Your jaw clenches painfully, their words purposely trying to rile you up, to prove Steve right that you were dangerous, but you don't react as Natasha comes to sit next to you. She sees straight through the small smile you send her way, Wanda having quietly told her that your static-like mind was growing louder and you needed some sort of distraction, and decides to inform you of the plan for the rest of the day, Fury having told her before he left.
"You've got a busy day ahead of you," she teases softly, emerald eyes matching her tone as she watches you fight yourself internally, your gaze eventually turning to meet her gentle one. "I'll show you around the compound first, then it's medical tests quickly and then showcasing your skills so we have a better understanding of your abilities, is that alright?"
"Medicals?" you say, hesitation evident in your eyes, Natasha's gaze going to your fingers , how they subconsciously trace your veins where you were most likely tested on before.
You can remember the agony you felt from all the injections they forced into you, the searing pain that felt like it was burning you from the insides, test after test, torture after torture, you didn't want to go through that again.
"We just check your vitals to make sure you're healthy," she explains, still watching how your fingers moved to trace a scar instead, your mind still processing something.
"Would I be alone?"
"I'll be there with you," her tone reassuring, the redhead noticing how you visibly relax, hands dropping to your sides to rest. "Now come on, we've got an entire compound to go around," she says with a playful smile, standing up from the chair and motioning for you to follow her, ready to give you a tour of hopefully your new home. 
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thewidowsledger · 3 days
Natasha who is a beefy hunter accidentally turned into a bear by witch reader when reader is out and about in the forest. And now she's a small grizzly, snotty, clumsy, losty, stinky, clingy Tasha bear who follows reader everywhere. No smut, PURE FLUFF (⁠≧⁠(⁠エ⁠)⁠≦⁠ ⁠)
Should I write it? Or should I not?
151 notes · View notes
just-aake · 5 hours
A Feline Connection Part 2
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary: Natasha has an unexpected reunion while on a mission.
Part 1 | Part 2
Warnings: light fluff, slight angst, mention of gun
Words: 4703
Natasha sits at a small outdoor table, blending effortlessly with the weekend crowd outside a nondescript café. Dressed casually in a simple jacket, jeans, and sunglasses, she appears to be just another city dweller enjoying a quiet morning coffee.
Beneath the surface, however, her sharp eyes remain focused on the apartment building across the street, subtly monitoring every individual entering or leaving. 
The team had received a tip suggesting that one of the building’s occupants might have ties to the city’s criminal underworld and could possess some information about an upcoming weapons deal they were investigating.
Natasha’s mission is to uncover more, though the lead is vague. They only know that the target supposedly resides in this area, leaving Natasha with little to do but wait and watch for anything suspicious.
Maintaining her undercover guise, Natasha casually lifts her coffee cup to her lips. Just as the rim touches her mouth, she feels a gentle nudge against her leg. 
Startled, she frowns slightly and glances under the table to investigate.
Wide, familiar yellow eyes stare back at her, unblinking.
For a second, Natasha considers the possibility that it’s just a coincidence. 
There must be dozens of black cats in the city, but when her gaze shifts to the sleek gold tag hanging from the cat’s collar, she reads the ironic name engraved on it.
Widow meows, placing her paw on Natasha’s leg and nudging her again, this time with more insistence, as if greeting an old friend.
Natasha can’t help the small smile that tugs at her lips.
“Hey, it’s been a while,” she murmurs, lifting Widow onto her lap. She gently scratches behind the cat’s ears, feeling the soft, familiar fur beneath her fingers. 
“Did she lose you again?” Natasha asks the cat with a slight chuckle.
Before Natasha can react, a soft, amused huff appears near her ear, followed by a low voice.
“Is that really how you think of me?”
Natasha starts slightly, momentarily caught off guard by the fact that she hadn’t sensed your approach. She turns her head to find you standing beside her with an amused smirk, your eyes gleaming with playful mischief.
You reach out and gently push the bridge of her sunglasses up, fully covering her eyes. 
“Does this disguise really fool anyone?” you tease.
Natasha clears her throat, recovering her composure quickly, though she still feels a slight heat on her face caused by your close proximity.
“It works well enough,” she replies smoothly as you move to the other side of the table.
You chuckle, casually resting your hands on the back of the empty chair across from her, raising a brow in question.
“Mind if we join you?” you ask, your voice carrying that familiar blend of ease and flirtation.
Natasha hesitates, her eyes flicking toward the apartment building she’s been watching all morning. She knows she should stay focused on the mission, but the unexpected reunion with you and the cat resting in her lap has thrown her off balance. 
Noticing her hesitation, you lean forward, your voice dropping to a whisper. 
“You know,” you say, glancing around dramatically before locking eyes with her, “it’s a lot less suspicious if you’re sitting with someone.”
Your knowing grin makes Natasha sigh, but still, the corners of her mouth twitch upwards in amusement. She gives a small nod toward the empty chair across from her.
“Alright,” she concedes. “But Widow stays with me.”
The black cat meows as if in agreement, her body brushing more snugly against her lap.
You grin wider, pleased at her acceptance, and pull out the chair to settle in across from her, the faintest glint of fondness softening your gaze at the two of them.
“I wouldn't dare argue with either of you.”
As Widow curls up, her purring reverberates softly in Natasha’s lap as she strokes the cat’s fur. 
After a long morning of heightened vigilance, this unexpected visit brings a strange but welcome sense of calm. The tension in her body unravels as she savors this brief moment of normalcy, an unusual pause in her otherwise relentless routine. 
“So,” you begin, your voice pulling her back from the quiet comfort of the moment, “who are you watching?”
Natasha’s gaze sharpens, but she keeps her tone casual, taking a sip of her coffee before responding, “Who says I’m watching anyone? I’m just here for the coffee.”
You raise a brow, your smile growing. 
“Right. Because the Black Widow spends her weekends blending in with civilians, sipping coffee, and definitely not on a mission.”
“Exactly,” Natasha replies smoothly with a smirk.
Releasing an exaggerated sigh, your expression turns mockingly disappointed as you remark.
“And here I was, thinking you sought me out specifically.” 
Widow lifts her head at your words, releasing a chastising cry in offense. 
“Sorry,” you amend, glancing at the cat with an exaggerated roll of your eyes. “I mean, us.” 
Natasha chuckles at the exchange, allowing herself to indulge in the banter to steer the conversation away from her mission. 
“Isn’t it more likely the other way around? After all, you approached me first,” she counters with a teasing smirk. 
You scoff playfully. “Ah, I see—someone’s pretty confident in herself.”
Raising a brow, Natasha gestures pointedly to the cat nestled comfortably in her lap. 
“I’m just basing it on facts. Why else would you name your cat after me?” 
You narrow your eyes, a playful glint returning.
“Who says she’s named after you?” 
Natasha’s smirk widens as she leans back, clearly enjoying the upper hand. 
“You’re not denying it.”
“And I’m not admitting it either,” you shoot back, leaning forward with a grin, resting your chin on your hand as you meet her eyes.
“It’s alright,” Natasha teases with a nonchalant shrug. “I’ve had my fair share of admirers. There’s no shame in being a fan.” 
With an amused scoff, you gesture toward the apartment building as you reply with a sarcastic tone.
“Yes, you’ve caught me. My apartment is filled with Black Widow merch,” you smirk at her, adopting a playfully serious expression.
Your words make Natasha pause in her playful banter, her brows knitting slightly at the casual mention of your home. She glances briefly at the building she’s been watching, remembering the intel she received.
“You live here?” she asks, her tone more curious than accusatory.
Widow raises her head at her and lets out another indignant meow, clearly displeased by the oversight.
Natasha pets the cat’s head gently, an apology in her touch. 
“Sorry,” she corrects, “the two of you live here?” 
“Yep, third floor,” you answer. “We were just on our way back when Widow spotted you.”
Widow meows again, almost as if confirming the information, nuzzling Natasha’s hand affectionately. 
At the new information, Natasha taps her fingers lightly on the tabletop, humming in thought. She wonders if the intel the team received might have been about you—or perhaps someone from your past. 
Before she can delve deeper into the idea, your hand slips over hers, gently stopping the movement.
“I’m not the one you’re looking for,” you say, your voice serious enough to catch her attention. 
There’s a knowing look in your eyes that Natasha recognizes but can’t fully understand. Yet, instinctively, she feels she can trust you—at least for now.
Natasha’s gaze drops to where your hand covers hers, feeling the warmth of your touch seep through her skin. The contact sends a familiar stirring through her, the same unexpected feeling that often rises whenever you’re near. 
She’s still not sure whether to welcome it or resist it.
Natasha looks back into your eyes, her curiosity piqued, ready to probe deeper with questions.
But before she can speak, you gently turn her hand over in yours, your fingers tracing light, random patterns across her palm.
“At your ten,” you murmur, your voice barely above a whisper.
Natasha’s pulse quickens, both from the delicate sensation of your touch and the subtle way you’ve pointed out something she missed.
Despite the distracting warmth radiating from your fingers, she discreetly shifts her gaze in the direction you indicated.
Sure enough, a man walks toward the apartment building, his posture tense, clad in a plain jacket and a cap pulled low over his face, clearly trying to avoid attention.
Widow’s body tenses in her lap and her ears flatten against her head as she lets out a low hiss in his direction.
Natasha attempts to soothe the cat’s nerves with gentle strokes.
“He moved in down the hall a few weeks ago,” you continue casually, not looking up, still focused on tracing her palm. “Seems normal enough, but I’ve recognized his type before.”
After calming Widow to the point where her tail is no longer lashing, Natasha’s eyes return to you.
“You’ve been watching him?”
With a faint sigh of exasperation, you reply, “Didn’t have much of a choice. He’s taken an…unwelcome interest in me lately.”
Curious, Natasha glances back at the man, her eyes narrowing as she observes him. As if sensing her attention, he pauses mid-step, his gaze locking onto your table—specifically, onto you.
His body language shifts, stiffening with barely concealed interest and tension.
Before Natasha can react, your fingers slowly and deliberately intertwine with hers. With a playful smirk, you lift her hand to your lips, pressing a soft kiss against her skin.
Natasha snaps her attention back to you, eyes widening in surprise at the unexpected gesture.
"Maybe that'll finally give him a hint," you remark nonchalantly, lowering your entwined hands back to the table as though the intimate moment were perfectly ordinary. 
Natasha blinks, momentarily thrown by the shift in dynamic.
A now familiar warmth rises in her cheeks, and she's grateful her sunglasses hide the flustered look creeping across her face.
Natasha clears her throat softly after a beat, regaining her composure. Glancing subtly in the man's direction, she's relieved to have a reason not to meet your gaze.
He’s no longer standing there—storming away instead, his frustration and confusion apparent in the hurried way he vanishes into the building.
Before Natasha can fully process everything that just happened, Widow hops onto the table. Her little paws rest on top of your joined hands as if wanting to be part of the moment. 
That touch settles her as she returns to her previous cool demeanor.
“You were using me,” Natasha accuses, her voice carrying a mix of mock indignation and dry amusement.
You grin, utterly unfazed. 
“And in return, I gave you valuable intel to move your little operation along.”
Natasha’s eyes narrow playfully with a slight huff. 
“You could’ve just told me from the start.”
Your smirk widens, your eyes gleaming with mischief. 
“But where’s the fun in that?”
Natasha shakes her head, her lips twitching upward in a reluctant smile. Despite your methods and actions, you did give her a new lead on her mission. 
Though, now she has to handle this new situation—the tension between you two.
Even though the man is gone, you haven’t released her hand, and she doesn’t pull away either. 
Something else lingers in the air between you, something unspoken but undeniable. 
Widow nudges her head against your hands as if offering her approval of the unfolding moment. 
Natasha’s gaze drifts to the cat before her eyes return to you, her expression softening.
“You two never came by the Compound after that night,” Natasha comments softly, her tone casual but tinged with a hint of disappointment.
You shrug lightly and reply with a sly grin, “I’m sure Stark didn’t appreciate how easily I bypassed his security system.”
Natasha chuckles lightly at the memory. 
“Telling him about that was the best part. You should’ve seen his face.”
You let out a soft laugh, the moment lingering in comfortable silence.
Eventually, you slowly release her hand, your fingers trailing against hers before pulling away completely. 
Standing up, you adjust your jacket with casual ease. 
“Well, now that you know where we live,” you say, nodding toward the building, “feel free to drop by whenever you’re not too busy saving the world.”
You gesture to the little cat, who’s now swatting lightly at Natasha’s coffee cup in a playful manner, adding, “I’m sure Widow wouldn’t mind your company.”
Natasha’s eyes twinkle with amusement, catching the cup before it could fall and giving the cat a tiny scratch on her head before returning her attention to you.
“Just her?” Natasha raises a brow, the question hanging between you with playful intent.
You don’t answer directly, but the slight smile on your face says enough. 
“Good luck with your mission, Miss Black Widow,” you say softly, your tone shifting to something more sincere before turning toward the apartment building. 
Widow gives her a soft meow goodbye before hopping off the table and climbing into your arms.
Natasha watches you walk away, her gaze lingering a little longer than necessary. Eventually, her mind returns to the mission but not without a fleeting thought of you.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
Natasha leans against the rooftop's edge, her eyes fixed on the target’s apartment in the building across her. The cool night air brushes against her face, but her focus remains sharp. 
You were right. The man you pointed out is involved with one of the organizations suspected of orchestrating a major weapons deal. His hidden familial ties and shady movements had confirmed it.
After bugging his phone and tracking his movements for days, Natasha discovered that tonight would be crucial—a drop-off containing the specs for some of the weapons in the deal and where they came from. 
She watches patiently as the man opens his door to receive a small package from an unknown figure.
The exchange is brief, and once the door shuts, the man places the package carelessly on his counter.
As Natasha considers a plan to obtain the package, something causes the man to tense, and he cautiously turns back toward the door. 
Her hand instinctively moves toward her own weapon, prepared to intervene when she spots him pull a gun, keeping it hidden behind his back as he cracks the door open again.
The man’s posture relaxes as he realizes who’s on the other side of the door, and he hides his weapon in the back of his waistband.
Natasha observes as his overly confident bravado takes over, and it becomes clear he’s trying to impress someone. 
Natasha’s view of the visitor is blocked, but judging by the man’s lowered guard, she assumes this person doesn’t pose an immediate threat. 
Whoever they are, though, they seem to hold some influence over him.
After a brief conversation that results in the man turning off the lights and slipping out of the apartment, led by the unseen visitor, Natasha seizes the opportunity to retrieve the package before he returns.
With practiced precision, she shoots her grappling hook across the gap between the buildings and swings silently onto the balcony outside the man’s apartment. Carefully picking the lock on the window, she slips inside without making a sound. 
But as she steps into the room, she quickly realizes something is wrong. 
The small package, which had been resting on the counter moments ago, is now gone. 
Natasha scans the area, her eyes darting around the room. 
Had it fallen somewhere?
A faint sound reaches her ears as Natasha walks around the room—movement just behind her.
She whirls around, gun raised, ready to face whatever threat is lurking in the shadows.
But the only thing she’s met with is darkness.
Her eyes narrow as her instincts scream that something is off. She’s sure she heard something.
She focuses on the shadows for a moment longer when a pair of familiar yellow eyes suddenly blink open, glowing softly in the dark. 
Natasha lowers her weapon, momentarily caught off guard by the sight.
Widow emerges from the darkness, its head tilted curiously as she approaches Natasha. The corner of the small package is clutched tightly in her mouth.
Natasha lets out an incredulous huff. 
“Really?” she mutters in disbelief as she kneels and waves the cat closer.
Widow trots over and jumps into Natasha’s arms without hesitation, the package still firmly between her teeth. 
Standing up, Natasha tries to pry the package from the cat’s mouth gently, but each time she reaches for it, Widow swats at her hand and shifts her head, making it impossible to grab.
“You’re not serious,” Natasha sighs, exasperated. 
But Widow only stares up at her with those wide, innocent eyes, completely unfazed by the situation.
Before Natasha can try again, she hears footsteps approaching from the hallway. 
Instantly, she reacts, slipping out of the window with Widow still in her arms, her movements quick and silent. She carefully closes the window behind her, ensuring everything looks untouched, before flattening herself against the outside wall.
The light flickers on inside the apartment, and Natasha hears voices. She listens closely, picking up snippets of conversation.
“Thanks again, I don’t know what I would have done without your help,” your voice floats through the window, laced with exaggerated helplessness.
It’s not like your usual demeanor and tone. You were clearly playing a part. 
“Anytime,” the man responds, his tone gruff, but Natasha can tell he’s trying too hard to sound confident. “You know, if it doesn’t work out with—” 
“Oh, I’m so sorry, I really have to go!” you interrupt quickly, your voice fading as you move toward the door. “Have a good night!” 
Natasha hears the door close with a soft click, signaling your exit. She waits a moment longer before making her own move, descending silently into the nearby alley below.
Landing with ease, she looks down at Widow, still cradled in her arms.
The cat is now lazily gnawing on the corner of the package, completely unbothered by the chaos of the situation. 
Her claws grip the package tightly, almost possessively.
Natasha shakes her head in disbelief, her lips curving into a small, amused smile despite herself. 
“You two have a lot of explaining to do,” she mutters, glancing at the apartment building.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
The moment you open the door, your eyes widen in surprise at the sight of Natasha standing there.
“A bit late for a visit, don’t you think?” you tease with a playful grin, leaning casually against the door frame, trying to mask your surprise.
But Natasha doesn’t return your smile. 
Instead, she tilts her head slightly, one brow arched with an unimpressed expression and pulls her jacket open just enough to reveal the black cat nestled comfortably in her arms. 
Widow is still clinging stubbornly to the small package in her claws. 
Your grin falters immediately, your gaze dropping from Natasha’s face to Widow and the damning evidence she’s holding. 
Realization hits you like a wave, and your once-confident smile dissolves into a look of sheepish acknowledgment.
“Oh,” you murmur, awkwardness settling in as you glance between Natasha's unimpressed stare and Widow's innocent eyes.
“Well,” you sigh, stepping aside to open the door wider, “you might as well come in.”
Natasha steps past you, her eyes sweeping the room in quiet observation. 
Your apartment is neat, save for the scattered cat toys littering the room. Natasha takes it all in quietly, her gaze eventually falling back on you—specifically, your night attire. 
You’re wearing a black oversized t-shirt and shorts, casual and comfortable, but it’s the symbol on the front of the shirt that grabs her attention.
“Nice shirt,” she comments, a slight smirk tugging at the corner of her lips.
You glance down and immediately realize what she’s referring to—the iconic red hourglass symbol of the Black Widow emblazoned across your chest. Rolling your eyes, you cross your arms defensively over the logo. 
“This doesn’t prove anything,” you remark. “I’ve got shirts with the other Avengers symbols too.”
“Sure you do,” Natasha teases, clearly enjoying the moment before her attention shifts to the cat in her arms. She nods toward Widow, who’s still gripping the package as if it were a prized possession. 
“How do you get her to let go of things?” 
A proud grin spreads across your face at the cat’s actions.
Walking to the kitchen, you rummage through a cabinet, pulling out a small tube of cat treats before returning to Natasha’s side.
Tearing it open, you hand it to her.
Widow’s sharp yellow eyes instantly zero in on the treat. Natasha, intrigued, waves it in front of the stubborn cat. 
“How about a little trade?” she offers. 
The cat’s eyes follow the snack in contemplation. Slowly but surely, her grip on the package loosens, her claws retracting as she reaches a paw toward the treat.
Seeing the opportunity, Natasha quickly snatches the package and shakes out its contents—a USB drive, which she tucks into her jacket.
When Natasha still has not promptly given her reward, Widow yowls in protest, having already upheld her end of the deal.
Natasha huffs lightly at the exaggerated behavior but relents and offers the treat to the eager cat, who devours it with delicate bites.
“I guess that means mission accomplished,” you quip, attempting to bring some levity back into the room. 
But Natasha doesn’t laugh. She glances up at you, her expression shifting as her playful demeanor fades. 
“You said you didn’t do this kind of thing anymore,” she says, her voice edged with accusation. 
You shrug, hands raised in defense.
“Technically, I didn’t,” you reply, though Natasha’s piercing stare cuts through your weak deflection. ��
With a tired sigh, you rub the back of your neck before continuing, "Remember that post I asked you to take down?"
Natasha nods slightly, her eyes never leaving yours, silently urging you to continue.
“Well, some of my old associates saw it before you did. And let’s just say…we didn’t part ways on the best of terms.”
Natasha places the finished snack on the table, her fingers moving to absently scratch behind Widow’s ears as she processes the situation. Her eyes narrow, her tone shifting to something more serious as concern creeps into her voice.
“So, they’re forcing you to steal for them?”
You lean back against the counter, exhaling a heavy breath.
“They have leverage,” you reveal cryptically. “If I don’t cooperate...things get complicated.”
Her fingers pause in Widow’s fur, her expression hardening as the situation sinks in. 
“Then why help me? Wouldn’t that put you at risk?”
You manage a wry smile.
“If the Avengers get involved, they can’t hold it against me, right?”
You gesture toward her, adding teasingly, “I mean, what can one simple thief do against Earth’s mightiest heroes?”
Natasha shakes her head, frustration and disbelief mixing in her features.
“That doesn’t guarantee they’ll leave you alone.”
“And like I told you before,” you say, voice soft but resolute, “let me handle it. You’ve played your part. Now go be a hero to someone else.”
Natasha huffs, more in disbelief than anger.
“So you used me. Again.”
Her tone has no malice, but the sting of truth lingers.
You step closer and reach out to adjust the collar of her jacket. Your fingers brush her skin, lingering just a moment longer than necessary.
“Like I said,” you murmur, your voice barely above a whisper, “you shouldn’t get involved with someone like me.”
Widow purrs contentedly in the stillness, oblivious to the tension in the room, nuzzling against Natasha’s hand affectionately.
Natasha’s gaze softens slightly at the sight of the cat—remembering what you once said about Widow being a good judge of character. 
If this little creature, with all her instincts, trusts someone with a past like hers, then surely there must be a similar reason she chooses to be with you.
When Natasha looks up, her eyes lock onto yours, steady and unwavering.
“What if I want to be?” she asks quietly, her voice laced with something far more than just concern.
Your breath catches, the vulnerability in her words taking you by surprise. You quickly school your expression, forcing neutrality even as your heart pounds in your chest.
Natasha steps closer, the heat of her body brushing against yours as close as she can, her gaze piercing.
“Do you want me to be?” she asks softly, the challenge clear in her tone.
For a moment, you meet her gaze, steady and unrelenting, but your eyes betray you. They flicker, just briefly, to her lips.
Natasha catches it. Her lips part slightly, and the air between you thickens with tension, both of you standing on the precipice of something neither can quite name.
But you break first.
You step back, clearing your throat as if that could dispel the weight of what just passed between you.
“As tempting as that is,” you say, your voice thick with the emotions you’re trying so hard to suppress, “I can’t let anyone else get caught up in this.”
Natasha doesn’t move, her eyes searching yours for more explanation.
However, you reach for Widow instead, gently lifting the cat from her arms, using the small creature as a shield between you.
“This one’s already enough trouble,” you joke weakly.
Natasha’s gaze lingers, watching you with a mix of exasperation and something deeper—something you refuse to name. She tilts her head, her voice soft.
“You know my job is to help people, right?”
You swallow hard, the playful smirk returning, though it feels hollow.
“And I’ll let you know if I ever need it.”
Natasha narrows her gaze, unconvinced. “Really?”
Rolling your eyes, you offer a small concession. 
“Fine. Check in whenever. You’ve got my number, remember? And I’ll even send you cute pictures of Widow often to keep you from worrying too much.” 
Widow chooses that moment to let out a soft meow, raising her paws beside her face as if on cue.
Natasha’s stern expression falters, a tiny smile tugging at her lips at the sight. But even as she shakes her head in resignation, the tension between you both lingers, unspoken words hanging heavy in the air.
With a small sigh, Natasha accepts your decision and steps toward the door. As she reaches for the handle, she pauses, her hand hovering there momentarily before turning to look at you again.
“If you ever decide that you don’t have to handle everything on your own,” she says softly, “you know where to find me.” 
You nod, your mask of indifference slipping back into place.
“You’d be the first one I’ll call,” you promise playfully.
Natasha lingers for a moment longer, her eyes searching yours for something that never comes. She finally opens the door and steps through, pausing briefly before turning back to you.
“Take care of yourself. Both of you,” she whispers before leaving, the door clicking softly behind her. 
The room feels emptier in her absence, the warmth of her presence fading.
Widow stirs in your arms, hopping onto the counter and letting out a soft, sad sound as if sensing the change in the air.
You lean heavily against the counter, exhaling a deep breath you hadn’t realized you were holding.
Natasha's words replay in your mind, sinking deeper into your heart than you will admit. 
But as always, you push it aside. There’s no room for doubt, no space for second-guessing—not in your world.
Uncurling your fist, the USB falls from your hand—swapped from Natasha’s pocket with another containing misleading data. 
Widow trots over to the item on the counter, nudging it with her paw before turning to you, letting out a sharp meow, almost as if scolding you.
“I know,” you sigh, guilt settling in as you scoop her back into your arms.
You stroke her gently, your hand brushing over a slightly raised patch of fur. The reminder of what's beneath fills you with concern for the little feline and your position.
Widow meows again, tilting her head curiously, oblivious to your worry. You force a reassuring smile, though it never quite reaches your eyes.
As your gaze drifts toward the window, your expression falters. You watch Natasha’s silhouette disappear into the shadows, a heavy sigh escaping your lips.
“She really shouldn’t get involved with someone like me,” you whisper sadly, giving Widow one last scratch behind the ears before turning away.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
Part 1 | Part 2
a/n: I have decided to make this into a series. It's probably not going to be like my other one with extensive plotlines and such (I don't think). But maybe leaning more toward light-hearted adventures and interactions between the two (and Widow). Thanks again for reading! I hope you'll enjoy this series too!
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th3-c0rps3-r0gu3 · 16 hours
Arranged marriage
Chapter three
Royal au
Princess Natasha X queen autistic reader
Warnings: Natasha being a bitch. Natasha being jealous. Woman flirting with y/n. Swearing (minor) lemme know if there anymore. Natasha getting feelings? Oblivious y/n
Natasha pov
I want to rip out my eyes. Why on earth am I here. This is so stupid. Riding in a carriage with this idiot queen. Those are my first thoughts as I stare angrily out the window of the carriage me and queen y/n are sitting in. Said queen is hiding from the crowds of people outside the carriage. She's so backwards. Never wanting too many people around and only tolerating socialisation for a specific time frame before vanishing for sometimes days. In my opinion she's not fit to be a queen.
Fresh air finally. I think to myself as me and the idiot behind me climb out the carriage into the town square. People have crowded near the carriage. Ofcourse they have. Their "queen" is here. I grumble slightly as the guards help down y/n. Gods she can't even get out a carriage by herself what a useless idiot. I don't know why but my thoughts of rage and hatred have increased towards y/n. Perhaps it's to make up for the fact she's cute and her hands are soft and she really nice. Like right now with how she's thanking the guard who helped her over and over like the absolute sweetheart she is. What. No. Absolutely not. Y/n is a idiot on the throne and I will murder her. I don't find her cute I don't find her sweet and Queen y/n is not a sweetheart.
There's a wyvern on that houses roof. I wonder if y/n will notice it and rant about its species. I already know it's a wyvern because y/n said earl- why am I thinking that. It's just an idiot dragon. And boom y/n has seen it. She's ranting again. Gods I hate it. What on earth is a blood bellied wyvern and why does it matter. That dragon was black not red. I hate cobblestone too now that I think about it. My heels keep threatening to buckle beneath me. Good thing I'm an absolute goddess and can walk in heels anywhere.
Y/n pov
The carriage ride to the town square was quiet. I didn't want to interrupt Natasha too much. And if I spoke even a word I'm pretty sure she'd tell me to shut it anyway. Besides looking out the window was fun. I saw so many different dragons. I wish I could've been able to get a proper look so I could see what species they are. There's so many people outside watching the carriage though. I should've held this off until my social battery filled again. I am going to hate this trip. I really should stop letting Natasha's parents coerce me into stuff.
Finally the carriage stops and the doors open and fresh air hits me like a train. I go to step out but a guard offers me a hand. I have told them to stop doing that. They really should listen I can get out of my own carriage. But I accept his help not wanting him to feel foolish. The cobblestone streets are filled with people and horses and carriages. I like the town. Aside from the bustling people and market stalls scattered around the town square it's a nice break from the palace. A nice break from being a queen. Princess Natasha is scowling. Like always. I am pretty sure it's her default expression.
Me and the princess have walk a little now. Passed a stall selling dragon egg remains. I don't like those stalls. They often steal and break dragon eggs to get the product. I shudder slightly. Natasha hasn't been paying any attention. She's been grumbling about idiots and cobblestone. She wore heels so I guess that's why. Should've worn flat shoes like me. I did tell her so. I look up at the houses around us and.. no way. A blood bellied wyvern right there on the rooftop of a civilian house. They only come down this way in the winter! I've never seen one before aside from in books.
My mouth is running again. I never know why I do this. But I excuse myself mentally this time since I've never witnessed this dragon before. Their scales are reflective of their blood colour which is why they're called blood bellied wyverns. Well the belly part is because you see the actual veins and blood but still. I haven't had a single interruption from Natasha yet. She's just walking silently beside me as I rant. I slow down and pause looking at the queen feeling a bit bad now. I must've pissed her off in some way again.
"are you ok princess?"
I ask hesitantly. I don't like the way Natasha has paused. She's staring at me funny and I'm prepared for her to scowl and scream at me. She huffs instead.
"I'm fine just keep walking."
I blink surprised as Natasha keeps walking and I speed up to catch up to her.
Natasha pov
She's still ranting. Something about the wyverns scales reflecting their blood colour.. oh that's why it's called whatever it was. I can't help but steal glances at y/n. She's so annoying. So very annoying. And absolutely perfect at the exact same time. No. I won't go down that rabbit hole. I am not stupid. Falling in love is for pitiful useless peasants. Not royalty. Why does my heart not agree with my head. It's stupid. I'll fix it.
"are you ok princess?"
Y/n's voice stops me. That's not about dragons. I glance down at her attempting a scowl but I can't respond. She's looking at me with wide y/e/c eyes and I can't help but find her expression adorable. No. No no no no no. She's not adorable and she's not cute. I huff slightly shaking away all those intrusive thoughts
"I'm fine just keep walking"
I scowl again as I pick up pace once more. Y/n speeding up to get back to my side. She's so small. Like a puppy. No. Absolutely not. Puppies and y/n have nothing in common. I'll kill her. And I won't feel bad about it and I won't regret it. Everything will be fine. I go to yell at y/n as per normal but she's not by me anymore. I glance around and.. there. By a stall selling books and scrolls. I stand and watch her annoyed. Ofcourse she'd stop to look at scrolls and books. And judging by her expression it's dragon bullshit again. The woman serving her is leaning over the counter and talking to y/n about different species. That grin on the merchants face. That's not a friendly grin...
It's been ten minutes and y/n has not stopped talking to the merchant. She's bought atleast three books and five scrolls. And that merchant is clearly flirting with y/n. Doesn't she know the queen is engaged. To me no less. Why is this bothering me. I mean I should be annoyed it's taking so long that's normal but why am I pissed that the queen is being flirted with. Why does it irritate me more than the books. I want to tear that merchant's eyes out and turn them into a necklace for y/n to wear and I don't know why.
She touched her arm. That merchant touched y/n's arm. And I don't like it. Rage hits me like a brick. That bitch can't touch what's mine. There is a clear engagement ring on the queen's finger and it's public knowledge that y/n is betrothed to me. I storm over absolutely enraged at this pathetic sellers attempt to steal MY y/n. Swiftly wrapping an arm around y/ns waist I glare down my nose at this merchant. Watching in sick satisfaction as she backs up scared. Good to know she recognises me.
"back the fuck away from my fiancee."
I snarl. Pulling y/n closer to me. She's so small and she's looking at me shocked. I'll deal with it later. That merchant gets the hint and backs up mumbling apologies and handing y/n her books. I grab them and pull the queen with me away and back towards the carriage. I don't y/n until we are both in the carriage and leaving.
Y/n pov
I saw a dragons scroll and books stall. That looked fun so I told Natasha I was looking at it and went over. I haven't seen this stall before and it has so many books and scrolls. Most I already own but a few I don't! I immediately purchase the scrolls and books I don't have. It would be foolish if I didn't. A waste. Besides I'm the queen I can do as I please. The merchant running the stall is wonderful too. She's really friendly. Immediately we are in conversation about gilded bronze dragons and their subspecies. I haven't met a single other person who could talk dragons with me.
Don't recognise the touch at first. The seller just put her hand on my arm and smirked at me. I blink and smile back not really knowing what's happening before I'm grabbed into someone and the merchant is backing away. I frown wanting to continue talking about dragons and books still. I glance at the person who grabbed me prepared to tell them off for grabbing me politely because yelling at people is Soo mean and I don't have the heart until I realise the person who grabbed me is princess Natasha romanoff.
"back the fuck away from my fiancee."
Natasha scowls at the merchant as she pulls me closer. I didn't realise how much taller the princess was compared to me. Jesus Christ am I actually that short. I blink slightly and glance around trying to gouge out if this is normal or weird and nope this is definitely weird the townspeople are looking at us funny. I'm about to speak until Natasha grabs my books and scrolls and begins dragging me back to the carriage. I don't even argue with her I'm in a state of shock. I never thought I'd see the day Natasha would get... Jealous?
A/n: I am sorry this is so late I didn't like the ending originally and rewrote it like three times so I haven't been on much but I've started chapter four and I will go back to normal posting again I promise.
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purifiedclitoris69 · 2 days
a/n: j a blurb in addition to spiders dance, enjoy!
Natasha Romanoff x reader
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You and Natasha have practically been inseparable, since your mission, and extra exercise on the jet ;) The two of you have never been closer, you two did declare that you were each others, you were her’s and she was your’s, making you officially in a relationship. However, here you were as nervous as ever you paced outside Natasha's door, clutching a small bouquet of flowers.
Yourr palms were sweaty, and your heart was racing faster than it had during any mission. After fighting off assassins and taking down criminal organizations, asking Natasha Romanoff out on a date was somehow the scariest thing you’d ever faced.
"Okay, you’ve got this," you muttered to yourself. "It’s just Natasha. It’s just… the deadliest woman alive. Who could kill me with a paperclip, who so happens to be the most stunning woman there is as well..” you began to ramble.
With a deep breath, you raised your hand to knock on the door, your knuckles almost trembling, just about to move. When it opened, suddenly, Natasha stood there, dressed in her loose shorts you could barely see under a sweatshirt, that was yours? You melted at the sight of her; Her eyes flicked to the flowers, then back to you with an amused quirk of her brow.
"You okay?" Natasha asked, a hint of a smile playing at her lips.
You swallowed hard, your voice coming out shakier than expected. "Uh, yeah! I mean, no. Well, yes. I mean—these are for you!" You thrust the flowers toward her a little too quickly, almost hitting her with them.
Natasha’s smile widened as she took the flowers. "Thank you. They're beautiful.” The smirk never leaving her face at how nervous she still made you.
Not as beautiful as you, you thought to yourself blushing. You rubbed the back of your neck awkwardly. "Yeah, well, I-I thought you might like them. Not that you need flowers to be more... you know... awesome. You’re already that. Just, uh, wanted to give you something nice."
"detka breathe," Natasha said, leaning against the doorframe, her eyes scanning you with that unnervingly sharp gaze, that held that beautiful sparkle. "What’s going on?"
"Right, yeah, so, uh—" You cleared your throat, trying to will yourself to speak without sounding like an idiot. "I was wondering if, maybe, you'd like to go out sometime? Like, on a date, officially. With me."
Natasha's eyes flicked up from the flowers to your nervous face, and for a moment, you thought you’d she laugh and blow you off. But then, to your relief Natasha grinned that—genuine, kind, soft smile.
"You’re cute when you're nervous, you know that?" she said, stepping closer, and placing a hand on your chest.
Your face turned bright red. "What! I’m not-,” she quirked her eyebrow once more, “okay maybe a little.”
Natasha laughed lightly, looking back down at the flowers, a blush of her own appearing "I’d love to go out with you,” she stood on her tippy toes hand going to the back of your neck and gave you a slow loving kiss, “and I love how nervous I still make you,” she whispered against your lips. You blinked, dumbfounded. Natasha gave you a playful smirk falling back to her flat feet. “next time, relax a little. I don’t bite.…unless you want me too."
You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding, a relieved loving grin grew on your face. "Great! I mean, that’s great! Uh, so… dinner tomorrow?"
"Dinner tomorrow," Natasha confirmed, leaning in to kiss you quickly on the cheek. "And thank you for the flowers. They’re lovely."
“Of course,” you blushed once more handing going to the back of your neck again
“Are you heading somewhere, or you gonna come inside,” she asked opening the door wider for you
“Wouldn’t dream of being anywhere else,” your smile grew wider if that was even possible. Following her into her room, shutting the door, and locking it behind you ;)
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romanoffshouse · 11 months
[Natasha speaking Russian]
Y/N, sighing: Yeah, I know.
Tony: You speak Russian?
Y/N: No. I just know the phrase, "This is all your fault"
Y/N: She says it a lot.
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xqueen-of-disasterx · 2 months
hi, im not reall sure if you request are open but if so id like to request something. Its NoNutNovember (i know its acctually april) but R teases g!p Nat the whole month by wearing seductive sets or just nothing underneath her dress when they go out, by constantly „innocently“ bending down, randomly lightly grazing her fingertip over nats bulge when she doesnt expect is and when they watch a movie or lay in bed and out of nowhere starts to massage nats balls. And lots of dirty talk. By the end if the month nat fucks r incredibly hard. I hope its understanible english is not my mother tongue. Anyway i hope you have a great day🤍
Burning Desire
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𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: amab!Nat x fem!reader
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: SMUT, top!Nat, bottom!reader, teasing (a lot), dirty talk, breeding kink, rough sex, unprotected sex, Nat has a big thing (I don’t make the rules)
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐲: NNN is surprisingly fun for you, not so much for Nat ;)
𝐀/𝐍: been a while
𝐌.𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐍𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞
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Natasha was sure that any longer of this torture and she’d lose her mind, the challenge was seemingly easy enough right? Just a month of no sex and masturbation. There was no real challenge in that right? Well it wouldn’t be such a problem if her girlfriend wouldn’t take such pleasure in teasing the hell out of Nat. 
It started easy enough, some light teasing here and there. You made some dirty comment or bedding down exactly in front of Nathashas nose. Making sure to search all the skimpiest clothes from your wardrobe you could find. Whenever your skirt rode up enough to reveal yet another of her favorite sets you enjoyed seeing the noticeable bulge forming in her pants. 
GYM sessions soon became your favorite time with Natasha. Not only would she be all sweaty and pumped up but it was also the perfect opportunity to tease her, wearing some short tights which made your ass stick out even more paired with a tight sports bra had the widow going. Too bad that it was yet another few months without having her hands on you. “Oh baby” You mumbled your hands falling to her crotch, all that dominant energy suddenly fading from her eyes as she released a soft whimper. “Someones excited huh?” You mocked her as you kneeled the bulge in her pants, another set of moans escaped her throat, you'd rarely seen her so submissive for you. This NNN was a real blast for you “please baby I need it” she mewled her sweaty hair sticking to her forehead “Ah, remember the challenge Tasha, I’m sure you don’t want to admit to the boys how you only lasted a mere two weeks right?” Your hands never leaving her hard bulge, you were surprised that she hadn’t creamed her pants yet.  
She let out a long sigh but eventually stopped your hand “You’re playing unfair” She huffed before turning away completely to pick up her set of whatever exercise she was currently doing. 
Another favorite of yours was movie nights with your girlfriend, she typically chose another old bond film to watch with you. Mumbling the lines along the actors when she thought that you weren’t paying attention to her. Today was no different, she rested next to you on the couch. Her head on your shoulder, your hand playing with her red hair, until you slipped her hand under her shorts stroking her abdomen. She let out a shaky moan.
 “Baby” she sighed. You moved to tug her pants down some more revealing her gray boxers which already had a little wet patch from her pre cum on them. Your hands worked on her balls forcing more and more moans from your poor girlfriend's throat. “You’re so hard already” You chuckled not stopping just yet “This is so stupid can’t we stop now?” She whined and you almost had pity in her “Come on” You encouraged her “It’s only a few more days”  
“Just imagine my tight little pussy pulsing around your big cock” Your hands worked wonders on her balls massaging them in a way you knew it would’ve made her crazy. “Wouldn’t you like that, Natty?” She hummed, pushing her head in your neck in a desperate attempt to distract herself.   
In the night of the first december she woke you up in the middle of the night with wet kisses on your neck. “Baby, are you awake” she whispered her kisses open mouthed all over your neck. You took a glance at the glock on the nightstand, 4:05 AM, Natsha was always a night owl. “Can I fuck you please” She mewled licking your skin, you were surprised by her iron will that she could last for so long. 
You nodded excitedly to finally feel her inside of you again “Yes, baby, I need it too” She hands ran down your torso, pushing up the oversized shirt you wore to sleep. Her hands found your tits pushing them together, the sight of it forced a moan from her throat. “I wanna suck on your tits” She whined looking at you with puppy eyes “Go ahead baby” you chuckled enjoying how desperate she had gotten over this month. 
Her mouth found your nipple tugging on it, enjoying how your face twisted in pain and pleasure. She sucked on your nipple, before licking all over your chest “Fuck, you’re so good at this” You cried out carching your body into her touch, letting your hands fly in her hair. She moved onto the other side letting her teeth scrape over her soft skin. She didn’t stop until you were decorated in her marks. She kissed down your stomach in the process, tugging your panties down your legs. 
She kissed your pubic bone taking in your scent, she watched how messy you were already slick running down her legs. Her fingers find your button to play with it. She rubbed tight circles over your clit making you mewl. You were so desperate already she was sure her dick would slip right in. You wanted you scold her for teasing so much with her feather-like touches, but you let her have the power over you after teasing her all month.  
She grabbed onto her hips, twisting you around to lay on your chest. She pulled up her hips positioning herself behind you. She kissed down your spin rubbing her dick between your legs brushing over your clit, making you mewl in the process. “Fuck, Nat I’m ready” You clinged to your pillow “Go in, please” She lined herself up pushing her penis inside your tight heat. You moaned at her stretch crying out for more. She let you adjust to her size for a couple of minutes before she thrusted in and out. 
Her thrust became faster and faster until she hammered inside of you, you could feel her tip brushing against your cervix. She panted like a dog above you rutting inside of you like her life dependent on it. “Fuck, I need to fill you up, gonna make you a mommy… wouldn’t you like that?” She slapped your ass “All round full of my kids” She was crazy for you, just as much as you were for her. “Please fill me up, I need your cum inside of me” 
You clenched around her dick squeezing you tight, you were so incredibly close just like you. “Fuck, Nat I’m close” You moaned “Cum with me please” She fastened her hips again before you cried out in your own orgasm. When she was sure you came first she let go herself, her hips slowing down to unrhyming thrusts. You felt her cum deep inside your womb, dripping out when she pulled out to collapse beside you. 
You crawled to her side enjoying the closeness to your girlfriend after intimacy. “Hey” You mumbled kissing her lips “Hey yourself” She threw her arms over your back keeping you close on her chest. “Round two?” 
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yummymitzy · 2 months
It means everything to me.
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Summary: The team decides to play a truth or dare game to end the night after one of Tony’s parties. Throughout the game, reader felt eyes on her, but she doesn’t know that they came from a certain redhead. Would something grow between them once the night falls?
Warnings: G!P Nat, SMUT, hair-pulling, back shots against door, spanking, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, Nat jus bein rough n jealous, 18+ MINORS DNI
WC: 3,154 
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x Rogers!Reader
Stark parties at the compound were so very often hosted, it could have been for any occasion. As long as Tony thought it was a good time to celebrate, he’d host a party for that night. Today just happened to be one of those nights.
You, your brother Steve, Bucky, and Wanda were sent out on a mission four days ago. You four came back to the compound and deemed the mission successful, which made Tony practically jump up and exclaim that he’d host a party for tonight for another mission gone well.
You were definitely a party person, the life of a party whether you were drunk or not. But goddamn? The last party the team hosted felt like yesterday to you, when it was actually last week, but that was still close enough right? 
As of right now, you were getting ready for his party, as you take a quick glance at your phone, it was 5:45 and the party was at six, so you definitely had enough time to be ready by then. You set down your phone as you went straight to your closet, your makeup already done.
After rummaging through your dresses, it took you a few minutes before you came across your dress of the night and put it on. It was a backless maroon dress with a slit that went dangerously high on your upper thigh, the back of the dress incredibly accentuated your ass to which you appreciated. 
Overall it was a great dress, who were you going to impress? You weren’t sure but you had an idea though. You strolled out of your closet and heard a knock echo through your bedroom, making you furrow your eyebrows in confusion. You still had way more time you wondered as you went to open the door.
There stood Bucky clad in a dark blue suit, hand still raised in the air as if he was going to open the door. Regaining his composure instantly, he drops the hand and leans against your doorway.
“You clean up nice, Buck. Didn’t think you still knew how to groom yourself with all that time you were up in the ice.” You tease lightly as you step back from your door and heading over to your vanity, putting in shiny gold earrings to complement the red.
“Hey… Don’t get used to it though.” He acts slightly hurt before switching to a joking manner. “But do hurry up, doll. At this point the party will be waiting up on you.” 
“I’m done, was just putting in earrings. Now cmon, I need a drink.” You slip on your red bottomed heels and brush past Bucky as you head down the corridor of the elevator, laughing slightly as he tries to catch up before the doors close.
As soon as the elevators open to where the party was being held, you went straight to the bar, in desperate need for a drink. Your eyes widen slightly before you smirk, realizing that Natasha had been put on bar duty.
Natasha was glammed up, hair curled down to her back, a long fitted emerald dress that showed off all her curves, it ran down to her knees and glimmered in the light. Her bright red lipstick complimenting it as she also has on some emerald earrings. 
You approach the bar, surprised Natasha hadn’t caught sight of you yet, until you stood right in front of her eyes, smirking. 
“Hey Nat, what got you doing bar duty tonight?” You lean against the bar counter, your arms crossed. The action making Natasha stare down at your breasts hungrily before she snaps her attention back onto you.
The thing was that you and Nat had this thing going on, where you’d both go back and forth with trying to flirt with each other. You never knew when exactly it started, Nat just started calling you pet names and being more touchy one day.  
But what she didn’t know was that the game got real on your side. You didn’t know what changed but you started becoming more flustered with her advances and even started blushing, something you never did. Until you realized, you liked her.
It had come a shock to you at first but as time passed, you came to terms with it and just played along with Natasha. It wasn’t like she liked you back, you doubt it, hell she might even be cuddling it up with Bruce.
“Fella did me wrong.”
“You got a real weird taste when it comes to your people Nat.” You laugh as you sat upon one of the many stools in front of the counter.
“It’s not all bad, and my taste in people are quite immaculate if you asked me, Y/n” She raised an eyebrow as she prepared your usual whiskey neat, before sliding it over to you as you laugh.
“Alright, alright, I’ll catch you later, Red” You stood up, your whiskey in hand as you go out to the couches and plopped yourself right next to Sam.
You had completely lost track of what time it was, the party was long over and the after party had just started. 
You were sat in between Sam and Bucky with Tony on the far side of the couch. Across from you had been Bruce Natasha and Clint, while to the couch on the right of you was Wanda, Vision.   The couch left of you consisted of Tony, Thor, and Steve.
The team was so drunk they could barely uphold their conversations with one another. Thats how bad it was, and it was embarrassing that you were especially drunk too. 
Soon after, Tony stood up from his side of the couch and stepped forward while raising both of his arms. He proposed a game of truth or dare, refuse to do it, you take a shot. Your lips curled up into a smirk, you honestly couldn’t tell if you were too drunk or not but you did know that you wanted to play. 
After hearing the majority of the team agree, Tony had prepared a line of shots, just enough for the first few people before starting off the game. 
“Truth or dare, Capsicle.” Tony stared at Steve, a smug smirk planted on his face as he awaits Steves answer.
“Is it true that Bucky was the cause of those “mosquito bites” when you came out to breakfast the other day?”
Bucky shifted in his seat at the mention of his name which made you shake in laughter as he playfully smacks your arm, catching the eye of Natasha.
“Yes.” Steve admitted, his face flushing a deep color of red as he leans back into the couch, before regaining his composure and picking his victim. “Wanda, Truth or dare?”
“Dare.” She raised an eyebrow as a slight smirk plays on her face.
“I dare you to give somebody in this room a lapdance. EXCEPT Vision.” Making Wanda widen her eyes slightly as she turns her head to look at Vision, to which he nods in confirmation, letting her know its alright. 
Wanda stands from her seat, slightly surveying the area before her eyes land on Sam, she approaches you with a torturously slow walk as she pretends to walk to Sam, before snapping her head to you and finding her place on your lap. 
Your eyes widen in shock as Tony tells Friday to dim the lights and play a song. You didn’t know what song it was, you were hyper focused with Wanda on your lap. You thought she was going to pick Sam, why you?
Across from you sat Natasha, you noticed she was fuming in her seat as she watched Wanda’s little show. Her knuckles turned white due to her deathly grip on the couch while a scowl was firmly planted on her face. If Natasha had been put into a cartoon, she would have definitely had smoke coming out of her ears.
Natasha was on her last straw when it came to the dance, all she wanted to do was stand up and rip Wanda off of you and take you for herself. As soon as she brushed away those thoughts, Wanda’s dance had already ended. But what she didn’t see was you sighing in relief after she retreated to her seat. 
You and the team got a few more rounds in and this round ended up having Natasha as the victim.
“Truth or dare, Natasha.” Clint said as he bites his cheek to compose himself for her answer.
“Dare, arrowboy.” She smirks as she turns her whole body to face Clint as he begins cackling.
“Swap clothes with the person you find most attractive in this room.” He grins, visibly proud at his dare.
Natasha stands wondering her next move as she looks towards Wanda, her best friend. “Just go for it, whats the worst that could happen.” Wanda says in her head while she subtly nods her head towards you. 
Natasha thought it over once more before she strutted straight to you, her hips swaying as she walked, practically hypnotizing you. She held out a hand in your direction, her eyes meeting yours as they held an unspoken gentleness.
You took her hand as you lifted yourself up off the couch, you never realized how drunk you were until you were on your feet. You were slightly swaying as you tried to regain your balance, which was quick with the help of Natasha as she supported you with her other hand wrapped around your waist.
As you regained your balance, you noticed that you still were holding hands with her but you don’t find it in yourself to point it out. You move to take Natasha to another room nearby, her following behind you close by.
Once you both stumbled into an empty room, that was when you sobered up a little, but Natasha seemed drunker than ever.
“Are you sure you still want to do the dare? I could get Wanda to take you to your room.” You whisper, as you look up to meet Natashas gaze. 
You saw something change in Natasha’s eyes, from a drunken look to what you think is hunger?
The emotions that were brewing up within Natasha during the lapdance burst out of her as she shoved you against the door of the room, trapping your body between her and the door. 
“Nat!” You yelp, not expecting a reaction like this from Natasha.
“Ya know, I didn’t really like how Wanda was just grinding up on you..” She husks, her face inching towards yours as your gazes to each other never faltered. You can feel her hand hovering over your waist, soon stopping to rest there on the curve of your hips.
“But you wouldn’t really mind that would you, huh?” She smirked as she buried her head into your neck and kissing it slightly, leaving back bright red lipstick marks, she had also left some hickeys unbeknownst to you.
You sigh, leaning into her touch unknowingly and running your hands through her fiery hair before you pull her up gently and crash your lips onto hers.  
Natasha’s lips were as soft like they looked, you could have honestly gotten obsessed with them right then and there. You deepened the kiss as one of your hands slid down to her waist to pull her impossibly closer.
You were so focused on Natasha’s lips kissing you that you didn’t feel a hard bulge pressing up against your upper thigh. But soon enough was when Natasha started getting slightly desperate, subtly grinding against you as you felt the bulge become more insistent.
That was when you pulled away, slightly concerned. “Are you sure, Nat? You’re drunker than I am.” You ask, your eyes flickering between hers and her lips. 
“Yes baby, I’m sure. Plus I was at the bar handing out drinks, not downing shots with you and Wanda.” She whispered, her attitude rising with the added mention of Wanda. Her teeth grazing the skin of your neck as she nips at it before she pulls away entirely, making you whine.
“Awe detka, so desperate already? Did you get so desperate because of Wanda?” She snarled, as she flips you around by your hips, pushing your face into the door as she kept a deathly grip on you.
“Mphm! No, Nat. It’s all you.” Your voice is muffled against the door as she sternly keeps you pinned there. Your hands flat on the door to keep you stabilized as Natasha starts grinding her clothed bulge on you.
“Damn right it is.” She mumbled as she gave a harsh slap to your ass making you jolt forward into the door as you yelp. Before she continues grinding up on you.
Soon enough, Natasha reaches over to your front and over to your breasts as she gave them a quick squeeze before she trailed her hands to the straps of your dress. You peeled your hands away from the door to allow Natasha to practically rip the dress off of you.
The sight of you braless with a lacy red thong might as well make Natasha drool as her hands went straight to your ass, massaging the flesh and pulling a quiet whimper from you.
With quick efficiency, her dress was off in the blink of an eye, her boxers had an insanely large tent forming, to which you could already assume was by you. 
She takes off her boxers as quickly as her dress as she positions herself behind you on the door. Leaning down, her hands find themselves on your waist as her lips find the shell of your ear, her cock just centimeters away from your dripping heat as her breasts press against your back.
“I can tell you want this as much as I do, detka. You’re practically leaking onto the floor.” She husks into your ear, she doesn’t wait for an answer as she stands up straight and slams her cock into your wet cunt making you press your cheek against the door as you moan out. 
Natasha begins to pound herself into you, the sound of skin slapping, your moans, and Natasha’s grunts echo the quiet room as she ruts into your tight cunt.
“You’re so fucking tight, detka. Я не могу насытиться тобой. (I can’t get enough of you.)”She growls as she lifts her hand from your waist to pull at your hair, pulling you up to meet her front, her breasts brushing against your back once more as your back completely arches. 
The new position allowed Natasha’s cock to thrust even deeper into your cunt, her thrusts were powerful, each movement drove you up the door trembling with pleasure.
She started pounding up into you at a more intense pace, making you moan in shock, the action making you push back against her cock. Her hand that wasn’t in your hair lifted from your hip, and came down on your ass once again, sending a hard slap to it as she massaged the flesh immediately after.
“Ah! Fuck!!” You cried, the pleasure was too much to even suppress your moans as you kept pushing your hips back to meet Natasha’s relentless pace. “Oh, please Nat!!” You scream as she drove into you.
“Nat, I’m gon..gonna cum, please can I cum.” You begged, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as Natasha fucked you dumb. 
“Go ahead and cum, baby.” 
To which you complied, your release had been intense but yet so full of pleasure. You trembled at reaching your climax, but to your surprise. Natasha kept rutting her cock into you as her thrusts got more and more sloppy as the seconds passed, her grunts turning into whines. 
“One more baby, just for me, c’mon. I know you’ve got another in you, please.” She pleaded as her thrusts grew more sloppier as she leaned her head down into your neck, placing delicate kisses on it as she tries to muffle her whimpers. 
You give her a loud moan in response, the overstimulation soon turning into overwhelming pleasure as you feel your second orgasm of the night building up in your lower belly. 
“Fuck..Im gonna cum detka. I can feel you clenching around me,” She babbled slightly, her red hair fluttering over the expanse of your back as she sets a faster pace for her relentless pounding, now nibbling on your neck to prevent her moans from spilling, her hand gliding in front of you as it frantically rubs at your clit.
“Fuck!!” “Cmon baby, cum, cum on my cock.” You and Natasha cried out as you reached your second climax of the night, your tight cunt clenching impossibly more around her shaft as your juices flow out of your pussy. 
The action made Natasha cum directly after you, the clenching of your soft velvety walls around her dick made her burst her seed into your womb as she let out a loud moan into the juncture of your neck. 
Natasha waited a minute before pulling out slowly, the overstimulation strong as she trembled slightly. She knew you were terribly overstimulated too with the way your legs were shaking. 
She watched as the both of your combined juices leak out of your cunt, a little bit of it landing on the floor as she fingered it back into you, making you moan once more. 
You rested your forehead against the door in front of you before slowly turning around to face Natasha, all while still leaning on the door. Natasha had always been a beautiful sight, especially now. 
Her hair was slightly tousled up, her cheeks were flushed a deep shade of red, her lips were smudged off of her lipstick, and her eyes held a deep softness and slight lust in them. You could always get lost in Natasha’s gorgeous eyes any day.
“Natasha, I just want to ask if this will mean anything to you. I wouldn’t want to have you like this with it not meaning anything.” You ask in a soft whisper, afraid of hearing the answer you dreaded the most.
Natasha saw the genuine sadness in your eyes as you whispered the question, the sight made her heart crack. It took her a second to respond as she gathered her words.
“I’ve loved you ever since Steve showed up with you in the living room. I always hoped that you returned those feelings I had for you. What happened between us right now, means everything to me, Y/n.” Natasha spoke softly, as if she were going to break a porcelain doll if she was any louder.
“I love you too, Nat. So much” You admit, walking up to Natasha and instantly closing the distance between you both. The kiss wasn’t lust filled at all, it was full of love and passion, something that you and Natasha always had for each other.
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marvelfilth · 9 months
Need (18+)
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x f!reader x Wanda Maximoff
Warnings: g!p Natasha Romanoff, g!p Wanda Maximoff, implied influence of sex pollen, PWP, threesome, unprotected sex, blow job
Summary: absolutely zero plot, straight up PWP
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You finally let yourself relax for the first time in the past two days, closing your eyes and throwing yourself on the couch.
You hate stealth missions. You are more of an explosion type of girl, coming in with a bang, kicking some ass and leaving as soon as possible, but this - staying hidden, moving in shadows, and sneaking behind people's backs - this is more of a Natasha thing, which is why she is the one in charge.
You sigh, turning your head to look at the redhead. She is bent over some documents, her brows furrowed in deep thought. Wanda appears by her side a moment later, drops of sweat rolling down her temples.
You sit up, and focus on the women in front of you. Hours ago something went wrong when you split up, they came back looking as guilty as ever, reassuring you that everything was alright, and you believed them then. Now you're not so sure.
"Is everything okay?" You ask, pinning them down with your eyes.
Wanda jumps in surprise and moves to stand behind the table, slightly bending over. Your eyes narrow at the sight.
"Everything is alright. You should go to the store, we don't have anything to eat," Natasha says through gritted teeth, not meeting your eyes.
Your mouth opens in shock, eyes straying to Wanda's in search of support, but you find her in a similar state - eyes dark and jaw clenched tight.
"You two go to the store. Maybe some fresh air will help you get your shit together." You huff, choosing to walk away from the women and hole up in your room, but when you pass by Wanda, your hand accidentally grazing hers, she lets out an actual growl, the wood of the table squeaking in her hold. Her eyes burn bright red, her mouth open as she pants heavily.
"What's wrong?" You hurry to her side, cupping her jaw to inspect her face, and her hips thrust forward, her eyes closing as she whines.
"You need to go." Natasha's low voice reaches your ears, making you look at the redhead. "Leave, before it's too late."
You blink and take a step back, concern swirling in your chest. "What is going on? Let me help."
Wanda takes a deep breath, her hands trembling as she reaches for your hand.
"Wanda," Natasha warns, her tone steel-like, but Wanda pays her no mind, her fingers hot on your arm as she pulls you flush against her front, burrowing her nose in the back of your neck and grinding her hips against your backside, her rock hard cock straining in the confines of her pants.
You gasp, unconsciously arching your back to meet her messy humps, her hands curling around your waist, her mouth hot on your neck. "W-wanda."
Natasha walks around the table and you finally see her fully, see the bulge in her pants, see the veins in her tense forearms. "Leave," she croaks, "before we completely lose control."
You let an involuntary whimper, the sound making Natasha pounce on you with animalistic need. Her lips are on yours, enveloping you in their warmth, her hands are rough on your hips, squeezing and tugging you away from the other woman, but Wanda doesn't budge, growling against your neck and holding on to your waist.
Natasha stumbles back, breathless, and closes her eyes tightly, her fists clenched tight. "This is your last chance. If you don't leave now, we'll take it as your permission to do whatever we want to you."
Wanda hums against the slope of your neck, nipping and sucking on the tender skin, her hot tongue soothing the sting. You gulp, head falling back against her shoulder.
"Use me," you whisper, "do whatever you want."
Natasha's eyes flash, and then she's pushing you down to your knees. Your mouth falls open as her pants and underwear slide down her legs. Her fat cock stands proudly against her stomach, precum leaking down the tip. You barely have enough time to wet your lips before she pushes it down your throat, holding your face between her hands and fucking your mouth like her life depends on it. She throws her head back, strands of her fiery red hair framing her face as she loses herself in her desire.
Wanda mewls beside you, and you glance at her, eyes widening when you see her straining cock in her fist. She pumps it fast, her eyes on you, and you reach out, your fingers wrapping around the length. She closes her eyes, her hands settle on your shoulders as you slowly jerk her off, your throat burning from Natasha's cock. She pulls away to let you take a breath, but you don't have enough time for that - Wanda immediately takes her place, shoving herself into your mouth, her balls slapping against your chin.
You blink back tears, trying to relax your throat, but still gagging on her length.
"M'sorry, detka," she murmurs, "you'll have to take it all."
Natasha taps her tip on your cheek, her fingers tangling in your hair. You pull away, finally allowed to breathe properly, and clench your thighs at the sight of their cocks in front of your face, your wetness staining your sleep shorts as you subtly grind on your heel.
Natasha growls, and then you're pulled off the floor and thrown over the spy's shoulder. She carries you to her bedroom with ease, and throws you on the bed. Wanda hurriedly tugs off your clothes, almost ripping your underwear in haste to get you naked. Natasha is on you the second you're laid bare, ready to claim your most vulnerable part. You spread your legs, bending them at your knees, your thighs wet with your arousal. Natasha tugs you closer, and forces you on your hands and knees.
"Better," she husks, the tip of her cock pushing between your folds and into your tight heat, your walls clenching tightly around her shaft. She moans, thrusting balls deep, "Such a good pussy, taking me like a good slut."
You cry out, mouth falling wide open, and see Wanda settle in front of you, her cock still wet with your spit. She takes hold of your jaw and pushes your head down, simultaneously thrusting her cock deep inside your throat. "Fuck, Nat, we should've done this sooner."
They fuck you like you're a common whore, using your holes to their liking, Wanda's balls slapping against your chin, Natasha's palms placed possessively on your ass. You gag on the witch's shaft, tears streaming down your face, but she's too far gone in her pleasure to notice, hips snapping faster with each thrust. Natasha's length spreads your cunt almost painfully, the tip of her thick cock pushing against your cervix with each rough thrust.
Your moans send vibrations through Wanda's length, making the young witch cry out, her abs taut with tension, fingers pulling at your hair harshly. She comes down your throat with a loud moan, making you gag on her cum. You pull away, struggling to swallow the load that leaks all over your face and chest.
Natasha's thrusts become erratic as she gets closer to her own release, her fat cock sloshing in your wetness.
"Tasha- ah, please," you gasp, and she flips you on your back, changing the angle.
"Louder, baby," she pants, snapping her hips faster, her fingers leaving bruises on your hips. "I want everyone to know what a cock slut you are." Her dirty words make your head spin, your walls clenching around her thickness, trying to swallow her in.
Wanda throws one led over your stomach, now hovering over you, and pushes your breasts together before thrusting her cock between them. You eagerly open your mouth, welcoming the reddened tip. She whines and mewls as she plays with your breasts, her thumbs stroking your nipples, ready to come again just from the sight below her.
Your legs are spread wider before they're thrown over Nat's shoulders. She presses her palm against the bulge in your belly, making you scream, "Yes! Ah- Nat… Yes, yes, yes- deeper, I need you deeper."
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as she thrusts one last time, releasing a load of cum into your clenching heat. The pressure inside you releases as you're hit by the most powerful orgasm you've ever had. A few seconds later Wanda follows, forcing your jaw open and thrusting the tip of her cock inside. This time you swallow it all.
She falls on the bed beside you, her body glistening with sweat as you both catch your breath. Natasha slowly pulls out, gently massaging your thighs before taking place on your other side.
"We're not done," she whispers against your ear, her palm cupping your pussy. "We're not done until we've used every single one of your holes. And after that we'll go back to the compound, and we'll do it again and again and again."
Wanda nods, grinning wolfishly, and settles over you, her cock on your lower stomach, ready to fulfill Natasha's promise.
You gulp and spread your legs wider, ready to give them everything.
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ilovesnat · 3 months
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cactus-cuddler · 1 month
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Thanks for the request! I had some issues with tumblr and had to delete the previous answer and now I don't have the question anymore. I hope whoever asked me can still find it and like it <3
𝑨𝒏 𝒊𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝒂𝒔𝒔
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ Pairing: dom!Natasha Romanoff x Sub!female!reader
ੈ✩‧₊˚ Word count: 1,5 k
ੈ✩‧₊˚ Plot: Natasha can't resist your ass in a pair of jeans
ੈ✩‧₊˚ Warning: contains explicit sex scenes
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Shopping with Natasha is like shopping with a child. She just doesn't enjoy it and doesn't even make the effort to pretend. The only part she likes is when you're in the dressing room, showing her the clothes you want to buy and asking for her opinion on whether they look good on you. But even then, it's not very helpful, because in her eyes, everything looks good on you-from garbage bags to actual trash cans.
Today, you need to buy a pair of jeans. You've noticed that the ones you have don't fit quite the way you'd like-some are too loose, and others too tight. "Am I gaining weight?" you ask Natasha, and her alarm bells immediately go on. It's a dangerous question, and she knows she could find herself single at any moment, so she carefully measures her words. "Absolutely not, you're just growing, little one," she replies, placing her hands on your hips and kissing your lips so you won't respond. She even convinces you to measure yourself, and you find you've grown almost an inch (with your shoes on).
You select a few pairs of jeans that might suit your curves best and choose three to try on. You head to the dressing rooms and ask your girlfriend to wait outside while you show her each pair one by one. The first pair fits well, enhancing your legs and hugging your hips perfectly. The second pair is similar but looser and doesn't show off the shape of your legs. The last pair makes your ass look amazing, and Natasha can't help but be captivated by it. "I understand why your jeans don't fit at home!" she exclaims enthusiastically, staring shamelessly at your divine ass. You look straight into her eyes as her cheeks flush with the color of her hair. Seeing your ass so perfectly wrapped in this jeans has her blood rushing to her head-and between her legs, she feels a warm sensation. "Your ass has grown!" she exclaims, and you giggle. You know it's not true; it's just the effect of the jeans. You change back into your clothes and decide to buy all three pairs. You pay with your card and, satisfied with your purchases, head home in Natasha's car.
Natasha treats you like a princess, even though she knows you don't need that kind of attention. But you enjoy it. She opens the car door for you, lets you use the mirrors freely, and allows you to keep your essentials like hair ties, makeup, jewelry, and creams in her car. To say that you love her is an understatement.
You've invited some old friends over for dinner this evening, which is why you were motivated to buy new jeans, and for this occasion, you plan to show off your new purchase. You put on the jeans Natasha liked so much and pair them with a t-shirt that's short enough to leave your ass in plain sight. "Y/N, we forgot to buy drinks!" Natasha exclaims as she sets the table (she sets the table while you cook) while you're in the middle of choosing the right earrings. You're bent over, not sitting on the chair, so you can look at yourself in the mirror while putting them on. Natasha is once again entranced by the sight. "We still have an hour, and they're always late. Let's go buy them now," you reply calmly as you put on the last earring.
Natasha grabs her car keys, you you bag and then you head to the nearest supermarket, taking the opportunity to pick up a few other things you're missing at home.
When you arrive at the supermarket, your fantastic ass doesn't go unnoticed. Natasha, feeling jealous, decides to walk behind you, while you push the shopping cart so she can be the only one enjoying the view. In her head, she's already imagining several scenarios where she'll rip those jeans off to get her hands on your amazing butt.
Making sure no one is watching, she reaches out and squeezes your buttocks, making you jump in surprise. You smile at her and playfully slap her hand before returning to your shopping.
Once you're back home, you barely have time to put away the groceries before Natasha scoops you up onto her shoulders and carries you into the bedroom. "That ass is illegal," she says, throwing you onto the bed and flipping you onto your belly before straddling you. "Nat, they'll be here in half an hour!" you exclaim, reminding her of dinner. "That's cute that you think you'll last that long," she teases, and you blush. A warmth spreads throughout your body as you feel the heat between your legs. "I've been holding back all day. Don't I deserve a treat?" she whispers in your ear. "You're right, you do deserve it," you reply.
Your body is on fire now and waiting when the night with your friends finishes would make the both of you explode in front of them.
Natasha slaps your ass and then starts massaging it with your jeans still covering it. She tries to take them off from behind but there is a zip and a button that won't allow it so she makes you turn on your back and with a brusque gesture she removes the button and the zip.
Because of the force used you were afraid she would tear your recently bought jeans. She puts you in doggy style to have your ass well exposed in front of her. She leaves a few little slaps on it and then she digs her fingers in.
“What a fantastic ass," Natasha says before putting her face in between and focusing her tongue on your ass. She penetrates your ass with her tongue and then inserts a finger inside which she pushes carefully, making sure to give you only and exclusively pleasure.
You arch your back from the pleasure she is giving you and in the meantime, unable to resist the calls of your pussy, you start to touch it making circular movements on your clit. You start moaning in pleasure asking Natasha to give you more as she licks and penetrates the entrance of your ass while your fingers focus on your hot little cunt. She stains your ass with her delicate bites and while her mouth is focused on that she reaches out a hand to touch your breast still covered by your shirt and bra.
She gently makes you lie down on your back and decides to take care of your pussy too, which is wet and just waiting for her tongue.
She positions herself between your legs and starts sucking your clit, looking straight into your eyes and forcing you to watch her suck it. Now, to your displeasure, she leaves your breasts aside for the short time she has available. She wants to make you come by focusing only on your lower abdomen, as she is good at doing.
Your hands move into her hair and you push her closer to your cunt. She starts to penetrate your pussy with two fingers and while she holds your clit between her lips, your sighs become ever louder and more desperate.
“Nat, I'm about to come,” you tell her, biting your lip to keep from screaming.
"Come for me baby," she replies, continuing to penetrate you and looking straight into your eyes to admire how beautiful you are while being overwhelmed by the pleasure she gives you.
Without making you repeat it, you come on her fingers while your body still trembles. Once you come, she grabs you by the throat and kisses you with wish and feeling your taste between her tongue make you even more excited and you would like to lick her pussy to feel her sweet taste and make her come with your tongue but she gets up leaving your mind fantasizing about her cunt.
Nat gets up and opens a drawer. That drawer you know all too well and pulls out a purple strap-on but before she can make another move the doorbell rings. The red-head bites the inside of her lip as you grab a pair of slacks and your jeans.
You order Natasha to go and open the door only after changing her T-shirt which is wet with your pleasure and try to make yourself presentable.
"As soon as they leave, I'm going to fuck you until you forget your name," Natasha announces as she closes the door behind her. Oh, you know she's going to do it, you didn't need her to tell you.
You decide to change your jeans, you don't want to provoke her too much and you decide to put on the baggy ones and while you try to erase the expression of someone who has just been eaten out you hear your guests asking about you.
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fandomnerd9602 · 6 months
Y/N: no we’re not stopping until the Red Room is burned to its core
Melina: brave one. I see why you are dating them.
Natasha: it’s mostly for Y/N’s cuddles and the way they treat our baby
Yelena: you have a baby?
Y/N: she’s only three months old!
Y/N shows them a picture of a kitten…
Alexei: my grandchild is a cat?
Yelena: and you laugh because I want to own a dog!?
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thewidowsledger · 3 months
Looking Out For Two
© thewidowsledger 2024 - DO NOT REPUBLISH AND PLAGIARISE
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Pairings: Avenger Natasha Romanoff x Agent Female Reader
Word count: 5.6k
Warnings: +18, Natasha has a penis, pregnant reader, brief smut, pregnancy, daddy kink, Wanda being a Natasha hater, dark Natasha if you squint, violence, organ trafficking, angst, bad writing
Author's Note: This is not proofread y'all so I might edit, please excuse my silly and stupid mistakes; English is not my first language. A friend requested this to me, they said they requested it to a writer here but unfortunately they went on hiatus, so here I am bringing their ideas to life, xo.
MINI SERIES: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
You stared at Natasha in disbelief, hurt and anger warring inside of you as you watched her settle in your shared bed.
The words echoed in your mind.
I am with a child Nat…your child.
And suddenly all of the emotions and doubts and fears that you had been pushing aside came rushing back to the surface.
You paced nervously in your shared bathroom. You had taken not one, but three pregnancy tests, just to be sure. Each one showed the same result: 2 lines=positive. The news had your heart racing. You knew Natasha was coming back today, and the timing of these tests was undeniably nerve-wracking.
"Fuck this…this can't be."
Just as you were contemplating how to break the news, JARVIS’s calm, artificial voice filled the room through the speakers. "Miss Y/L/N, the team has returned. Your partner Agent Romanoff is back."
Panic set in as you realized Natasha could walk in at any moment. You scrambled to hide the pregnancy tests, fumbling with them in your haste. Shoving them into a drawer, you quickly composed yourself, though your heart continued to race.
Before you could even make it through the door Natasha stepped into your shared room, her expression hard and distant. She barely glanced at you as she set her bags down. "Hey," she said curtly.
Your eyes suddenly lost its light when you were welcomed by her cold demeanor. This wasn't the welcome you were used to. Typically, when Natasha came home, she'd greet you with a rose or a small souvenir, accompanied by her warm kisses and affectionate hugs. Sometimes, she would throw you over her shoulder and you ended up tied up in your shared bed. On occasions when you were the one returning from a mission, she would shower you with kisses and hugs the moment you stepped through the door. Sometimes she would even pick you up directly from the mission site, bringing you back to a room meticulously prepared with rose petals on the bed and a luxurious bathtub filled with rose petals and wine. Those gestures always made you feel cherished and loved.
But now, it is different.
"I uhm, I made you cookies baby and your favorite hot chocolate. I know how much you missed them, you know the last time we called…" You scrambled through your words as you noticed Natasha eye you like a predator watching its prey, she slowly dropped her bags and walked towards you.
You were just wearing one of her shirts that is oversized to you and a pink underwear. She reached your face, it was oh-so-gentle, her thumb brushing your cheek, as if you're going to break. She hummed as you talked and scrambled your words. You were falling for her once again as you stared at her eyes…you watched as her eyes slowly dilated. Your eyes grew bigger with panic, but when you were about to pull out from her embrace that's when her other hand gripped your ass and immediately pulled you with a bruising kiss. You moaned, gripping her biceps as her tongue fought its way to your mouth. You felt her hips and her hardened length bucked towards your throbbing core.
"I’ll take a shower." She said as she pulled away, leaving you on edge. She moved past you, heading straight to the bathroom without another word or touch.
You were left alone, gasping for air with an aching heart and a confused mind not to mention the needy ache on your throbbing core. But you immediately brushed your feelings off, you gave her a benefit of the doubt. Missions can be tough at times, you think to yourself so you just went to your shared closet and grabbed some fresh clothes for her to use, you also put some pajamas for yourself.
Couple of minutes after, you went about preparing the bed, expecting Natasha to rest after her shower or maybe you can still talk, you think to yourself once again.
What if she didn't want this?
You screw your eyes shut as you fluff the pillows and tidying up the sheets on your shared bed.
Maybe I’ll just move out and not tell her about it. I’ll just raise our child alone and…I—
You were standing by the bed, lost in your thoughts, when you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist from behind. You let out a small gasp, startled by the unexpected embrace.
Natasha smirked against your neck as she felt you jump a little in surprise. She enjoyed the way your body reacted to her touch, and the way you were always on edge whenever she was around.
"I don't remember you wearing this pajamas before I got in the shower, hm?" She whispered seductively, she almost growled in your ear. "You seem distracted, baby."
"Daddy can fix that."
"B-but, wait, Natty, love? Can we talk?"
Natasha was on a mission to make you forget about whatever it was that was on your mind, to make you forget about anything else but her. Her kisses and touches were relentless as she continued to explore your body with her cold hands fresh from the shower, slender fingers digging into your waist before going under your shirt and slowly reaching for your nipples.
"We need to talk," you gasped out, trying to push her away. But it was like trying to move a boulder—she was really determined, like she always is.
"No talking," she whispered against your neck. "Just us."
"Nat, please…" You whined as she soothe her tongue that's gently lapping over yet another mark she just made on your skin.
"Please what, baby?" She smirked, when she felt you tried to pull away, she pressed herself firmly against your back.
"We need to tal—"
"Hm, but we're talking now, love. Aren't we?" Not letting you finish your words.
Natasha watched you as you pulled away from her grasp, her expression betraying no emotion as you pleaded with her to talk. She then chuckled low in her throat, clearly enjoying the way you were pushing her away. Her smirk grew wider as she sensed your frustration.
"Come now, love," she said, her voice dripping with false concern. "Is there really something so important that we need to talk about right this instant? I'm so tired after that mission, I'd rather just relax with you."
Frustration and anger bubbled inside of you, and you lost it.
"No Natasha! We need to talk now," you almost screamed, your voice filled with desperation. "This can't wait."
Natasha paused for a moment, her eyes flashing with irritation as you screamed at her saying her full name. She was not used to it, and for being disobeyed, let alone shouted at.
"And why can't it wait, huh?" she asked, her voice cold and calm as she leaned back against the bed. "It's late and I'm tired. The mission was exhausting and I’ll just sleep now."
You stared at Natasha in disbelief, hurt and anger warring inside of you as you watched her settle in your shared bed.
The words echoed in your mind.
I am with a child Nat…your child.
And suddenly all of the emotions and doubts and fears that you had been pushing aside came rushing back to the surface.
As you opened your eyes, you immediately noticed the absence of Natasha beside you. Groggy and still half-asleep, you looked around the room, searching for any sign of her. But she was nowhere to be found. You sat up in bed, feeling a wave of nausea wash over you. You rushed to the bathroom and barely made it in time to throw up into the toilet. As you knelt there, feeling weak and dizzy, you realized that you hadn't felt nauseous like this since...since you were pregnant.
After a few minutes, you rinsed out your mouth and stood up, feeling the room spin around you. You braced yourself against the wall, taking deep breaths to steady yourself.
Suddenly, the voice of JARVIS broke through the silence. "Agent Y/L/N, I have been informed that the Avengers have been summoned for a mission today. Agent Romanoff is currently in the meeting room now together with the team."
As you sat there, trying to process the information that JARVIS had given you, the artificial intelligence noticed your distressed state. "Is everything alright, Agent Y/L/N? Do you need me to call Agent Romanoff?"
You quickly shook your head, trying to hide the panic that had surged through you at JARVIS's suggestion. "No, no, that's alright," you said quickly. "I'm fine, really. There's no need to call her. I’ll be there in a minute."
You silently cursed the presence of JARVIS in your room. "Stupid AI," you muttered to yourself. "Why does he have to be installed everywhere in the compound?"
You breathe, touching your tummy before you proceed to clean the bathroom, the sight of the toilet with your puke making your stomach churn, but you pushed through the nausea and cleaned it thoroughly anyway. Once you were done, you cleaned yourself and moved to the bedroom and quickly dressed yourself, putting on your mission gear. Your eyes fell upon the box of cookies that you had made for Natasha. They sat there, untouched, you felt your heart ache once again and a tear rushing down your cheek. You grabbed several of the cookies and stuffed some into your mouth.
As you walked at the compound Wanda saw you, she noticed the tears streaming down your face. "Hey, Y/N, are you okay?" she asked, her words carefully chosen.
"My cookies are good, right?" You asked between sobs.
Wanda stood there, stunned by your question and your emotional response, she carefully chose her words to avoid upsetting you further. "Of course they taste good, love," she replied. "Where's Nata—"
But before she could say anything more, you immediately shoved a handful of cookies into her mouth with your free hand, not wanting to hear the name she's about to mention. Wanda's eyes widened in surprise as she tried to speak, but her words were muffled by your sweet cookies.
As you cried and leaned against Wanda, she patiently let you rest on her shoulder. Even with her mouth still filled with your cookies, she gently reached up to pat your head, offering what comfort she could.
"Shh, it's okay," she tried to comfort you, her words slightly muffled by the food in her mouth.
As your tears began to subside, Wanda gently spoke up. "Hey, Y/N, I think they're waiting for us in the Quinjet now." You nodded and managed to compose yourself and brush off the last remaining crumbs of the cookies out of your suit.
The two of you started making your way towards the Quinjet when you saw Maria.
"Cookie?" You offered her.
Maria looked at you and glanced at Wanda that gave her a just take it or else she'll have a tantrum look. Maria looked skeptical at first, but she knew better than to refuse. Reluctantly, she accepted the last cookie from you. Your smile widened as she ate the last crumb of the cookie.
"What's wrong with her?" Maria asked Wanda as they both trailed behind you.
Wanda's reply came in a low hiss, her irritation palpable. "I don't know! She was crying. And I am going to kill your buddy!"
You turned to look at them but just as you turned around, your eyes narrowed as you picked up on the hint of irritation in the voice of Wanda. Their words were instantly replaced with fake smiles as they noticed your suspicious glare.
As the three of you reached the Quinjet you felt a bit more steady now that you had gotten your emotions under control.
You watch Maria and Wanda get past you before you speak silently aloud, addressing the unborn child in your stomach. "Please be good to mommy okay? We're going on a mission now," you said softly. "I promise you, this will be the last one. Afterwards, I'll retire."
The words were meant as a promise to both the child growing inside you and to yourself—this mission would be your last as an agent.
Before the three of you could come in. The atmosphere onboard the Quinjet was tense as JARVIS addressed the team, scanning the three of you. The AI's voice chimed in, breaking the silence.
"There appears to be a pregnant agent among the three of you."
Wanda, Maria, and yourself froze in your tracks, exchanging nervous glances with each other. The revelation had sent a wave of trepidation through all of you.
JARVIS continued speaking.
"Furthermore, it is suggested that they must not participate in this mission. It is imperative that they rest and refrain from engaging in any strenuous activities."
You felt the weight of JARVIS' words settle upon you, the realization that you were in fact the pregnant agent in question sinking in.
"Stupid AI." You muttered as you pinch the bridge of your nose.
"That's not me, I just fucked Darcy last night." Maria held both of her hands in the air.
"What the hell? You didn't need to tell us that!" Yelena shouted in disgust.
"I told you they were doing it. Give me my 20 dollars, Sam." Tony celebrated and pointed a finger gun at the Falcon.
Sam went behind Steve and whispered, "Let me borrow 20 dollars."
"My money can wait, Cinderella!" Tony laughed as he patted Sam’s shoulder.
The moment Maria spoke up, causing the team to gag at her blunt revelation, your heart skipped a beat. Everyone's attention was suddenly drawn away from the earlier revelation of this stupid AI, and you breathed a small sigh of relief.
But as you glanced over at Natasha, you could still feel her eyes boring on you. Her gaze was intense, and you could sense her suspicion. The tension in the air was thick as the team attempted to process Maria's blunt statement.
Your heart raced in your chest as you looked at Wanda, silently pleading with her through your eyes. She picked up on your silent plea, understanding the truth that lay hidden beneath your words.
Emotional in the morning, check. Wanda began, as if ticking off a list in her mind. Cookie cravings, check.
This may not be a complete list but I know it's not me.
You watched her standing beside you, she was fidgeting but in her mind everything was just hitting the nail on the head. Then, with a moment of hesitation, Wanda closed her eyes and spoke three simple words.
"I am pregnant."
Your eyes widened in shock as Wanda spoke up. The team wasted no time in congratulating her, enveloping her in hugs and celebrations.
"You're pregnant huh?!" Yelena shrieked in excitement, she was the first to pull her in a tight hug.
"Yeah it's me!" Wanda winced slightly, feeling a pang of guilt for the lie she was covering up on your behalf.
"We have a little witch incoming, yeah?" Steve’s eyes sparkled with joy.
Tony couldn't help but chime in as well, a smirk on his face. "We didn't bet on this one, Wilson."
Sam chuckled in agreement. "Yeah, I know."
As Natasha approached Wanda to offer her congratulations, Wanda's usual soft demeanor vanished. Her anger and frustration with Natasha over the previous situation with you were evident even though she has no idea about it.
"Congratulations, Wanda." Natasha spoke gently, extending a hug.
But Wanda swiftly deflected her affection, stepping back to maintain a distance. "Save it, Natasha," she responded curtly.
Natasha, trying to shrug off Wanda's cold approach towards her, mentally blamed it on the emotions associated with pregnancy.
"Must be those pregnancy hormones," she murmured under her breath.
As the team continues to surround Wanda, she snuck a glance in your direction. You mouthed a silent "thank you" to her, acknowledging the sacrifice she had made. In turn, Wanda mouthed back a quiet, "Take care and the baby," her words carrying a deep undertone of understanding and worry.
Suddenly, Natasha walked towards you and asked, "Are you okay?" she gently touches your arm. But you ignored her question, choosing to remain silent. Your mind was elsewhere, torn between gratitude towards Wanda for what she did for you and a deep desire to keep your own pregnancy hidden from the team and even from the mother of your child.
Without responding to her, you gently shrugged her hand off your arm and moved past her, walking into the Quinjet. You avoided her gaze, not wanting to betray your emotions.
The Quinjet lifted off, leaving behind a scene of excitement and well wishes for the witch. You retreated into the corner, seeking comfort in the familiarity of your own presence.
As the aircraft ascended, you instinctively placed your hand on your stomach, gently caressing the growing life within.
The team received a mission assignment from Fury to infiltrate a hospital involved in illegal organ trafficking, targeting children. The focus was the children's wing, and the objective was to put an end to the operation. It was emphasized that no stone should be left unturned to ensure the safety of the children involved. The intel also suggested the involvement of Hydra's experimentation. While specific details about their latest projects remain undisclosed, their history in this regard is grim.
Maria approached you, her expression was serious as she sat down beside you. "Left wing, that's ours."
"And it's the center of the operation, correct?" You confirmed, a pit of anxiety knotting in your stomach.
She nodded. "That's right. The operation is taking place there. You ready for this?"
You subconsciously once again placed your hand on your stomach and took a good look at Natasha who was piloting the Quinjet.
"Yes," you murmured, though the nervous tremble in your voice gave you away.
Natasha, Bucky, and Bruce exchanged looks of concern as they heard Wanda's voice through their comms.
"Wanda?" they called in unison.
Bruce was the first to speak. "You shouldn't be on comms right now. You're supposed to be resting. I'll call Dr. Cho to check on you."
Wanda winced at the mention of Dr. Cho, once again reminded of the cover up she had to do…or the lie rather. She knew the truth, but she couldn't reveal it to the others, she's not in the right position to say it.
The three immediately noticed Wanda's distress and exchanged alarmed glances.
"What's wrong, Wanda?" Bruce asked.
"Where's Y/N?" Wanda hurriedly asked.
"She's out now on the mission with Maria." Bucky informed Wanda through comms.
"I knew this was going to happen. Fuck!" Wanda hissed.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Natasha's brow furrowed, barely glancing up from her mission report at the mention of your name.
"Bucky, get her back in." Wanda immediately demanded, ignoring the presence of Natasha through the comms.
Natasha’s confusion deepened, and her frustration grew as Wanda demanded someone else to get her girlfriend back to the Quinjet. "And why should he do that?"
"Just get her back in!" Wanda insisted, her voice rising slightly.
Natasha's frustration peaked, realizing Wanda was deliberately shutting her out. But she remained calm, not wanting to distress her, "Wanda, you must be tired. Right now you should be focusing on yourself and the baby. Y/N will be fine, don't worry. She's good at looking out for herself."
Wanda’s irritation boiled over, her patience wearing thin. She shut her eyes and took a deep breath as she whispered.
"She might have a hard time looking out for two."
"What? What do you mean, Wanda?" Bucky asked once more, trying to grasp the meaning behind Wanda’s words.
"Maria can handle herself just fine, Wanda. Y/N doesn't need to look out for her." Natasha responded dismissively, trying to reassure her once again that you don't need to look out for your partner.
But clearly, Natasha knows nothing.
"No, no, no, that's not what I meant, Romanoff! Your girlfriend might have a hard time looking out for herself and for the baby growing in her stomach! So right now, Romanoff I need you to get your girlfriend out on that mission before anything happens to her!" The anger of Wanda echoed through the earpiece of the three Avengers.
"I had to cover up for her earlier, I’m not the one who's pregnant, she was. She doesn't want anyone to know, even you, Natasha, ‘cause it seems like you don't have time to talk about it." Wanda gritted her teeth as she revealed the cover up she did for you.
Then suddenly an urgent call for backup was heard through the comms.
"Back up, we need back up!"
It was Maria, her voice sounding strained and her signal cutting in and out.
"Natasha! Y/N…I can't see Y/N, Y/N is taken!"
Natasha's blood ran cold at Maria's words. The word sent a shiver down her spine, and her heart thumped heavily against her chest. She clenched her fists, her fingernails digging into her palms.
"No," Natasha whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. Fear and anger welled up within her as she heard the words.
Without a moment's hesitation, they heard Tony respond, "I'm on my way, Maria. I'll get there as soon as I can. And you Romanoff, you have to get your girlfriend!"
Wanda hissed harshly to Natasha through the comms, "If anything happens to my bestfriend and my niece I will kill you myself, Natasha. I will fucking kill you myself."
Natasha's jaw clenched at Wanda's harsh words. She knew she was only expressing her fear and concern for you and the baby, but the threat still stung.
She gritted her teeth and muttered a retort.
"I will kill myself if I won’t be able to save them. So save it, Wanda."
The room was eerily quiet, a chill running down Natasha's spine as she scanned her surroundings. She cautiously stepped forward, her senses on high alert. Suddenly, a figure lunged from the shadows, but Natasha was quick to react. Before they could make a move, Natasha had kicked away their weapon and delivered a swift punch to their stomach.
Another figure appeared behind her, but Natasha swiftly dodged the attack and delivered a well-placed kick to their chest.
As she fought off the attackers, Natasha unsheathed her batons, the metal gleaming in the dim light. With a flick of her wrist, she extended them and began to whirl them around, blocking attacks and delivering precise strikes to vulnerable spots. Meanwhile, she kept her other hand free, ready to use her widow bites at a moment's notice.
Natasha's heart raced as she sprinted through the dimly lit corridors, her footsteps echoing against the cold concrete. Natasha's mind went on high alert the moment she entered the room and saw you lying unconscious on the bed and a doctor preparing some medical supplies beside you. Her heart skipped a beat as she took in the sight, her adrenaline pumping through her veins, making her nerves tingle.
The doctor spoke up, his voice breaking the tense silence in the room.
"You finally came," he said. "Your wife's been waiting for you.”
"Who are you?!" Natasha's voice held a dangerous edge, her eyes narrowing as she focused on the doctor, her gun pointing at him.
The doctor raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, a smug look on his face as he regarded Natasha's gun pointed in his direction.
"Now, now, Romanoff," he said, his tone dripping with mock concern. "You wouldn't want to cause any distress to Mrs. Romanoff here, would you? You might wanna put that gun down."
Natasha’s grip on her gun tightened momentarily before she reluctantly began to lower it. She didn’t want to risk endangering you further by provoking him.
The doctor smirked, clearly amused by her cautiousness. He knows damn well how much power he holds now that he has you captive.
"I'm Doctor Strange. And…I am your wife's doctor for today. She's your wife right? Girlfriend? Partner..? Whore? Whatever you want but I prefer that we call her your wife, okay Romanoff?"
Natasha’s heart plummeted as he pulled out a surgical knife, her fear instantly skyrocketing.
"Don't! Do not fucking touch her, I’ll make you regret it!" she snarled, but he seemed unbothered by her threat.
Strange smirked, the glint in his eyes making Natasha's skin crawl. He began to rip your suit open, exposing your stomach.
"What the hell are you doing?" she demanded, her voice shaking with anger but also fear for you.
The doctor chuckled, his expression smug as he began to apply some ultrasound gel to your stomach, his eyes glued to your bare skin.
Strange's tone was mocking as he asked Natasha a question that cut straight to her heart.
"Did you know she was pregnant?" he asked, as if he were casually inquiring about the weather.
Natasha swallowed hard, she almost choke with her words, "I uh...I didn't..."
"You didn't know until now did you?" Strange chuckled, a sadistic smirk on his face not letting her finish, "Oh, that's a shame," he taunted.
"You are a bad mother."
Natasha flinched as the words hit her, and for a moment, she was speechless. The words stung, even more than any physical blow could have.
Her mind flashed back to the night before this mission. She remembered that you had tried to talk to her, begged her to have a conversation but she dismissed you.
Now she hated herself for that, the realization hit her with a sickening weight, and she silently berated herself for her ignorance. You shouldn't be here if she listened to you.
Strange hummed as he began to move the transducer around your stomach. He looked up at Natasha, a sly smile on his face.
"I wasn't always a doctor, you know," he said, his tone almost nostalgic. "In fact," he continued, his gaze returning to the monitor. "I started out working with Hydra when my sister died."
"You might have heard of them, right? For sure you intel already informed you that. Not exactly the most upstanding group of people." He murmured.
"Oh look at that! That's your baby Romanoff!"
Natasha's eyes flickered towards the ultrasound machine, her heart pounding as she saw a life, her offspring on your stomach. The sight of the tiny, flickering image of the baby inside you softened her expression momentarily.
Strange chuckled as he watched Natasha. He leaned casually against the counter, one hand resting on the ultrasound machine before he got back to examine your stomach once again.
"As I was saying," he continued, his tone casual. "I didn't want to remain a lowly foot soldier forever," he said, his eyes narrowing. "I wanted more power, more control. So I branched out on my own."
Strange pressed the transducer deeper into your stomach, causing you to whimper in pain.
The doctor immediately pointed his finger in the air, shushing her.
He then continued, his tone nonchalant, his gaze fixed on the monitor, watching the image of your stomach intently. "I started my own precious business and then…"
"Everything I'd worked for, years of hard work and sacrifice!" he spat out, the pressure of the transducer increased and he watched how it dug deeper to your stomach on the monitor. "And you, Avengers just waltz in like they own the place and ruin it all!"
Strange paused, he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath to regain his composure. The pressure on your abdomen loosened slightly before he glanced at Natasha, his expression almost apologetic.
"Sorry," he said, his tone smoothing back to its usual calm. "I didn't mean to shout. It's bad for the baby, you know." He chuckled softly, his hand gently caressing your stomach.
Natasha's heart pounded in her chest as she watched Strange's expression shift from calm to enraged in an instant. His words and his behavior were unpredictable, and that made her more anxious. She maintained a facade of calm, her eyes never leaving you.
"Romanoff, your baby is healthy and developing just like it should. All the organs, muscles, limbs and bones are in place." He smiled, an evil one, his eyes flicking up to Natasha, wanting her to take a good look on the monitor.
Natasha's expression remained neutral, her eyes fixed on the ultrasound monitor as Strange pointed out the growing body of your baby.
"Isn't that nice?" he said, his tone clearly a mockery.
"Must be hard," with a sinister edge to his voice. "Knowing there's nothing you can do to protect what's most precious to you."
The doctor's laughter was cold and cruel. But what was truly horrifying was the way his gaze dropped to your abdomen, and he began to caress your stomach with a gesture that made Natasha's skin crawl.
"All you can do is watch and pray I don't do anything...unwanted," he repeated, his tone sickly sweet.
He then slowly grabbed the surgical knife and his eyes scanning Natasha's face for any reaction. A cunning smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he noticed her flinch.
"Oh, did that scare you?" he asked, his voice dripping with menace. "Why are you scared? You're not the one lying on this table?"
He chuckled darkly, waving the knife in front of her face.
Strange's fingers continued to play with the knife, slowly twirling it around in his hand. He seemed to take pleasure in seeing how it made Natasha uneasy. Her breath quickened and her heart pounded against her chest as she watched him.
She tried to keep her emotions in check, desperately wanting to remain calm, but the sight of the gleaming blade in his hand made her instinct scream in alarm.
Strange leaned back, the knife momentarily forgotten in his hand as he turned his attention to your still unconscious form. He moved closer to you, his fingers gently prying your eyelids open.
"Beautiful eyes," he commented, a hint of admiration in his voice. "These eyes could be a valuable asset to the right people."
Natasha's ears perked up at Strange's words, a lump forming in her throat as she realized his intentions.
"What the fuck did you say?"
"Oh, Romanoff. Your baby might hear you curse. You'll kiss your baby with that mouth?"
He moved away from examining your eyes, setting the knife down on the counter. He reached for a file that was among the various medical supplies and paperwork scattered around the room. He flipped through the pages, reading aloud to Natasha.
"Martin Joseph Novarich," he said, his eyes scanning the file. "He's just eight years old. Familiar with the name?”
Strange continued to read from the file, oblivious to Natasha's inner struggle.
"The boy has a rare genetic disorder that affects his eyesight," he said. "He needs a corneal transplant to restore his vision, and the process requires a perfect donor match. And his father, the president, is willing to do anything to save his only child.”
Strange smirked, his eyes scanning Natasha's face.
"Think about it," he said, his tone almost teasing. "Your wife's eyes could give the president's son a new lease on life. Or her liver could help someone else in desperate need."
Her anger flared at his words, her muscles tensing as she struggled to control her emotions when he started listing off your organs one by one, suggesting that it could be used for donation. The thought of your organs being harvested like some kind of donor bank was almost too much to bear, it made her skin crawl, it made her blood boil.
"And let's not forget," Strange added, a sly note to his voice, "that she might have more than just one healthy organ."
"She's an agent," he pointed out. "She probably leads a healthy lifestyle, so her organs are likely in great shape. And I think yours too, Romanoff.”
Strange suddenly put on a fake frown, pretending to be remorseful as he took a glance on your abdomen.
"Oh, my apologies," he said, his tone dripping with mockery. "I almost forgot about the poor, innocent child in your wife's stomach." He grabbed a cloth and wiped the gel out of your skin’s abdomen.
He then trailed the knife over your stomach, Natasha's breath hitched in her throat.
"Don't," she hissed, her eyes narrowed. "Don't you dare.”
The doctor continued to trail the surgical knife and then he finally nicked the skin on your abdomen, Natasha's face contorted with anger and horror.
"Oops…too late. Just a small one, don't worry." Strange chuckled darkly, his eyes locking with Natasha's. Her eyes trailing between the knife and on your stomach.
A loud booming sound rang outside the room, startling both Strange and Natasha. Seeing an opportunity, Natasha reached for the gun she had to put down earlier. She aimed it at Strange, who slowly raised his hands in surrender.
In a desperate move, Strange pushed your bed towards Natasha, trying to interfere with her aim and make her miss. However, Natasha was too quick and too skilled. She pulled your bed towards her and immediately placed your unconscious state behind her back making sure that your bed was within range.
She immediately turned when she heard a clinking sound. Natasha fired, the bullet hitting Strange in the shoulder.
"I missed." Natasha sighed as she placed the gun at your bed. "That was a very dumb move doctor."
Natasha's voice was icy as she spoke, her eyes locked on Strange's face.
"You know what, doctor?" Natasha set the gun down on your bed. Her hand moved to your cheek, gently caressing it before moving slowly and gently over your stomach, wiping away some of the blood that slowly dripped there.
Natasha walked over to where the doctor was cowering, a surgical knife in her hand. She knelt in front of him trailing the knife in the wounded shoulder.
"I am a great shot when I'm pissed."
She then held his shoulder ignoring his startled yelp of pain, she deftly used the knife to dig deeper into his shoulder, intent on retrieving the bullet lodged there. She extracted it from his flesh.
As she dug deeper, working to extract the bullet, Strange cried out in pain. But instead of feeling any remorse, Natasha felt a deep sense of satisfaction at seeing him suffer. She knew she had the upper hand now, and she was going to make him pay for what he had done to you.
"Hurts, doesn't it?" she muttered, her eyes fixed on his face. “I told you, I’ll make you regret...”
"Wife! "
With a final tug, Natasha finally got the bullet with a satisfied smirk briefly crossing her face. Natasha picked up the gun from your bed, loaded the bullet back in the chamber and spun it slowly with a flick of her wrist.
She turned her gaze back to Strange, who was still reeling from the pain. Her voice was low and dangerous as she spoke.
"And doctor," she said, the gun pointed straight at his head.
"I don't waste a bullet. Ever."
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just-aake · 4 months
Detecting Love Part 2
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary: Sequel to Detecting Love. Can a spy who's been trained to lie her entire life show the person with the power to detect lies the truth what it means to be loved?
Warnings: fluff, light angst, hurt/comfort
Words: 5171
Natasha Romanoff lies.
Now, that’s to be expected, considering she is one of the greatest spies in the world. Ever since she was a child, she has been trained to be able to deceive everyone she meets.
Lying comes as easily to her as breathing, and deception is woven into every fiber of her being.
A charming smile here. A flirty wink there. 
Sweet words flow from her lips like honey.
Making everyone fall in love with all of the different false personas that she created for herself.
With a life and a past as shadowed as hers, it makes sense why she never even dared to imagine finding a person who can tolerate, let alone embrace, someone like her.
Then, she met you.
With your unique power to literally see through lies, you can detect the truth from her even when she’s at her most convincing. And despite learning about who she was and how she is, you accepted her unconditionally, not just as a friend, but as a partner.
For Natasha, being with someone who can truly see her is scary, and yet, that feeling is also better than breathing itself.
The two of you have been dating for several months now, and Natasha has never been happier.
Even if she sometimes occasionally struggles to express her affection openly in public.
As the two of you stroll through the compound, her eyes drift down once again in contemplation to your hand swinging casually at your side.
As if sensing her silent deliberation, you suddenly ask her curiously.
“Do you want to hold my hand?”
Natasha straightens at your question and faces forward, responding promptly in an even tone, “No.” 
Now that is sure to sound honest to anyone else who heard it, but you’re different.
Natasha makes sure to trail back slightly behind your line of sight in an attempt to hide the glow she knows you’d probably see around her.
You don’t comment on her evading action, but a faint smile tugs at the corners of your lips as you maintain your pace toward the Avenger’s personal elevator.
The two of you stand side by side, waiting for the elevator to arrive when Natasha suddenly feels the back of your hand lightly graze her fingers before quickly pulling away.
She narrows her eyes in suspicion at you, but you maintain an innocent expression, your gaze fixed on the decreasing numbers above the elevator doors.
Facing forward once more, Natasha is about to dismiss the action as an accidental touch when she feels it again – the fleeting brush of your hand against hers. 
This time, she doesn't hesitate to shoot you an accusing stare. Yet, you continue to feign ignorance, your expression a perfect mask of innocence. 
A couple of seconds pass before your hand makes contact with hers for the third time. 
Before you can retract your hand, Natasha swiftly catches it and intertwines your fingers with hers before letting out a defeated huff.
You don’t utter a word about her actions, but a subtle smile curves your lips, exposing your amusement at her reaction. 
With a soft squeeze of her hand, you pull her into the elevator, the door closing shut behind the two of you.
It's moments like these that remind Natasha why she fell for you — your ability to see past her lies, even the most trivial ones.
Once the elevator door slides open to the private floor, the two of you are met with sounds of a heated argument between the Asgardian Avenger and his visiting brother.
“I know you did it, Loki! This is not the first time you’ve taken and hidden a treasure of mine!”
“Oh, would you stop being so dramatic? We're talking about a mug, not some enchanted artifact.”
You raise a questioning brow at her, silently asking her whether you two should come back at another time, but Natasha shakes her head resolutely in response, not willing to let anything prevent her from missing her morning coffee.
As the two of you walk past the brothers, Thor finally notices the new presence in the room.
“Y/n!” he calls excitedly. 
His hand lands on your shoulder, catching you in place between the two of them which in turn pulls your hand from her grasp.
Thor’s other hand points accusingly at his brother.
“Is Loki lying about taking my mug?”
Realizing that you’re being dragged into the middle of the argument, your eyes dart to Natasha for help, only for her to give you a thumbs up in encouragement as she takes a sip of the coffee that she just poured from the freshly made pot.
The other Asgardian crosses his arms and snickers derisively at his brother.
“Do you really think that this simple mortal can expose the literal god of mischief? I didn’t take your stupid mug, and she can’t prove any—”
“He’s lying,” you answer plainly, seeing the red aura surrounding the Asgardian.
Loki shuts his mouth in surprise, blinking at you for a moment in disbelief, before pointing at you with a disdainful look.
“I don’t like her,” he states bluntly.
“Ah ha!” Thor exclaims victoriously. “You did take it!”
The two continue with their arguing as you discreetly sneak away to Natasha’s side.
She hands you a cup of coffee which you accept with a soft thanks before an alarm on your phone rings, showing your reminder for the day. 
You groan lightly in disappointment, causing Natasha to raise a questioning brow at you as she raises her cup for another sip.
“I have some interviews to get to this morning, so I’ll have to see you later,” you tell her before pressing a quick kiss goodbye to her cheek.
“I love you,” you whisper against her skin.
Swallowing her sip quickly, Natasha turns her head towards your direction, the reciprocating words also on her tongue.
But you’ve already rushed away around the corner, disappearing from view. 
“…love you too,” Natasha finishes in a soft disappointed tone, her lips twisting at your action. 
Public displays of affection aside, Natasha has no problem wanting to tell you how much you mean to her.
But for some reason, you always seem to conveniently find ways to escape whenever she’s about to say those words to you.
“Now I’m no expert on relationships, but that right there was some cunning evasion tactic,” Loki comments, smirking at Natasha. “It appears that she’s not really interested in receiving such words from you.”
A slap on Loki's shoulder propels him forward a couple of steps as Thor reprimands, “Stop trying to cause problems for them, Loki.” 
He then turns to Natasha with a firm nod. 
“Don’t listen to him, Nat. Y/n loves you.”
Of course, she knows that. 
You whisper those words against her skin every morning when you think she’s still asleep and then again against her lips when you wake her up. 
The problem is that it seems that she never gets the chance to return the gesture before you find some way to rush away from the room or keep her mouth otherwise occupied and distracted.
A thud on the counter pulls her from her thoughts as Loki leans against the table with a mischievous grin.
“That girl can detect lies, right? Then why don’t you just tell her that you don’t love her, and then she’ll see the truth. That should be easy enough for you. After all, lying is your specialty,” Loki remarks before a smug expression forms on his face. 
“Unless that is, the truth is that you don’t actually love her,” he taunts.
Natasha glares at him silently, refusing to fall for his baiting provocation. Not wanting to give the trickster god any more amusement, she quickly downs the rest of her coffee and leaves for the meeting room, deciding to try again with you later.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
With the briefing finishing early, Natasha decides to visit your office during this break in between her meetings. Conversations flow around her as she walks past the front desk toward the administrative part of the building.
“I’m sorry, miss, but I can’t let you enter without an appointment.”
“Well, is there any way you can just send a message to Y/n to let her know I’m here?”
Natasha’s head snaps up from her tablet at the sound of your name and curiously turns to the person who said it, only for her eyes to widen slightly in surprise at their identity.
Your ex-fiancée 
Stopping in her tracks, Natasha redirects her attention to the two of them.
“What did you need to see Y/n for?” she asks.
Your ex turns to her at her question, and an expression of amazement crosses her face.
“Oh, wow, you’re Black Widow.”
Brushing off her awed exclamation, Natasha crosses her arm expectantly as she repeats, a slight tone of protectiveness entering her voice.
“Why are you looking for Y/n?” 
Noticing her serious gaze and intimidating demeanor, your ex fidgets with her hands nervously as she responds.
“It’s kind of a private matter with an old case that I need her help with,” she explains.
Despite being the one who broke your heart, your mutual break up with her meant that the two of you are still somewhat friends, and as much as Natasha wants to, she can’t prevent your ex from seeking you out, especially since it seems she needs your help.
With an internal displeased sigh, Natasha gestures with her head towards the direction of the elevators.
“I’m heading over to her office right now if you want to come with me,” Natasha offers, nodding at the receptionist reassuringly to indicate that it’s okay, before walking away without another word. 
Natasha hears your ex scramble to follow quickly after her once she processes her words.
As the elevator doors close with the two of them inside, Natasha pulls out her phone to send you a warning text.
I’m on the way to your office with your ex.
A read message quickly appears under her text, indicating that you have seen it, and then a text bubble promptly pops up as you respond.
“So, do you and Y/n work together often?” your ex asks, trying to fill the silence with casual conversation.
Natasha looks up at her question, tucking her phone away. She crosses her arms and leans back against the elevator walls, adopting an intimidating posture, as she gives her a hard stare.
With a calm yet assertive tone, she tilts her head curtly and replies with the truth. 
“She’s my girlfriend.”
An awkward silence fills the small space after her answer, and your ex’s eyes dart around the enclosed space, seemingly realizing she’s essentially alone with the Black Widow who just revealed that she is in a relationship with you. 
Sensing her nervous energy, Natasha relaxes her posture, offering a more friendly demeanor.
“Relax, if I was going to do something, I would have done it already,” Natasha reassures. 
Your ex nods hesitantly, acknowledging Natasha’s attempt to diffuse the tension. After a moment of contemplation, she gathers the courage to speak up again. 
“So, you know about Y/n and her ability?” your ex asks, her voice tinged with curiosity.
“Yes,” Natasha confirms, adding, “And about what happened between the two of you.”
The revelation hangs heavy in the air, plunging the elevator into an uncomfortable silence once again. 
Honestly, Natasha knows she shouldn’t keep putting your ex in these awkward positions with her responses. 
However, just because you are on friendly terms with her doesn’t mean Natasha has to be, especially considering she never held any goodwill toward the woman before.
Natasha redirects her focus to the digital display above the door, silently cursing and blaming Tony for the sluggish pace of the elevator. 
“I-I honestly did love her,” your ex confesses, breaking the silence once again.
At her statement, Natasha regards her with a raised eyebrow, silently prompting her to elaborate on her sudden declaration.
"I mean, Y/n’s great. It’s just…it got hard to imagine being with someone who always knows if you’re telling the truth or not,” your ex explains with a small sigh, offering a tiny sympathetic shrug before asking. “I’m sure you understand that feeling too, right?"
Irritation flares in Natasha’s chest at your ex’s words, her protective instincts surfacing in defense of you.
"Maybe the fact that she can see someone for who they truly are is what makes being with her so special," Natasha counters, her voice firm with conviction.
The remainder of the elevator ride passes in tense silence until the doors finally open with a ding, signaling their arrival at your floor. 
Throughout that time, one part of the conversation continues to bother Natasha, and she finds herself asking, wanting to know the answer.
“Did you tell her often?”
“What?” your ex asks, blinking in surprise and caught off guard by her sudden question. 
Natasha presses her lips together momentarily in displeasure at the topic before clarifying, “Did you tell Y/n that you loved her often, you know, before your feelings changed?”
“Oh, um, kind of,” she admits, a faint chuckle escaping her lips. “It’s actually kind of funny. Y/n would always have this cute little shy smile whenever I said it, so I ended up saying those words to her a lot.”
The irritation in Natasha’s chest intensifies at her answer, and her feelings must be evident on her face because your ex starts waving her hands frantically in a slight panic.
“But I’m positive Y/n won’t react the same way if I said it now,” she adds quickly.
Instead of responding, Natasha leaves the elevator without another word. 
Your ex’s reassurance does little to ease the irritation that she feels at not yet having been able to say those words to you herself.
The two of them arrive at the door of your office, only to find it locked with the lights turned off.
Just as Natasha is about to text you to ask you about your whereabouts, you emerge from around the corner, skidding to a stop in front of her.
Confused at your flustered state, Natasha gives you a questioning look as she asks, “Why are you rushing?”
You take a couple of deep breaths to catch your breath before answering.
“Because…I didn’t want to…to leave you waiting.”
Natasha feels her heart flutter at your words, her posture relaxing for a moment.
“…wow…you look good, Y/n,” your ex comments.
Natasha’s body immediately tenses again at the reminder of your ex’s presence, and she becomes further annoyed when she takes in the state of your appearance that prompted the remark from your ex.
You are in your usual workout outfit, a standard black tank top, showcasing your body with a gleam of sweat still on your skin, evidence of your workout session.
As if sensing Natasha’s increasing irritation, your ex gestures awkwardly in fear toward the waiting area some distance away.
“I’ll just wait over there.”
Natasha watches your ex walk away with a slight glare in her eyes. 
When she turns back to you, her expression instinctively softens with affection and curiosity.
“Where were you?” she asks.
“My last couple of interviews had to cancel, so I decided to go train for a bit,” you answer with a slight shrug. “You know, since you suggested that I try training whenever I’m bored and have some free time.”
Natasha's lips twist slightly in conflict at your response. She's happy you took her suggestion to heart, but now she's also upset that it led to you appearing in front of your ex in such a state.
Gesturing toward your ex, you ask, “Did she say why she’s here?”
Natasha sighs and shakes her head.
“She only mentioned that it was an old case that you can help her with.”
“Okay,” you say, nodding in understanding, probably already knowing what she’s referring to. 
Then you look at Natasha with a cute tilt of your head. 
“After I finish up with her, do you want to go out for some lunch?”
A small smile forms on Natasha’s face, her earlier irritation melting away at your suggestion. 
However, she knows she might not have enough time to wait and go out before her next meeting.
“How about I go ahead and pick up some takeout first, and then we can have lunch in your office when I return?” Natasha offers as a compromise.
You smile at her in response and press a soft kiss against her cheek.
“It’s a date.”
As you’re about to move past her, Natasha presses her hand firmly on your shoulder, stopping you and pushing you back to your original position.
You give her a questioning look in confusion.
“Did you take my hoodie again?” Natasha asks accusingly. 
Your eyes dart guiltily to your office before you mutter under your breath with a soft pout, “Maybe.”
Natasha nods slightly in contemplation, her eyes glancing at where your ex was waiting and then back to you.
“Put it on,” she says plainly.
You raise a brow at her in confusion and gesture to your body.
“Nat, I’m covered in sweat. I didn’t get a chance to hit the showers before you texted,” you explain.
“That text didn’t mean that you should come here all hot and sweaty in front of your ex like this,” Natasha remarks pointedly, crossing her arms.
A teasing grin pulls at your lips as a look of understanding crosses your face.
“You think I look hot right now?” you ask happily.
“Seriously?” Natasha deadpans. 
Unbothered by her signature intimidating gaze, you pull her closer by the loops on her belt and lean in with a slight tilt of your head.
“Are you jealous?” you tease lightly, your bottom lip caught in between your teeth as you try to hide your pleased grin.
Natasha rolls her eyes, though her lips quirk up briefly in amusement. She knows whether she responds truthfully or not, you probably already know the answer without the help of your ability, so she responds instead.
“Keep it up, and I’ll just come back with one takeout box for myself,” she warns.
You laugh lightly at her response, nodding your head in concession.
“Alright, I’ll put it on,” you promise, before leaning in to press a soft kiss to her lips. 
As you pull away, you whisper, “I love you,” the words brushing softly against her lips.
Natasha’s eyes had fluttered closed at the touch of your kiss, but they snapped open when she remembered she wanted to say those words back to you too.
However, to her disappointment, before she realized it, you had disappeared from her side. 
Turning around, she finds you already in your office, putting on her hoodie.
A mocking chuckle sounds beside her, and she turns to see Loki leaning casually against the wall.
“Oh, you didn’t even try that time,” he taunts.
Without hesitation, Natasha raises her wrist and shoots a widow bite at him. It flies through his body, dispersing the apparition that he had left there.
Groaning in annoyance at his presence, Natasha quickly leaves to go get your lunches before he can reappear and provoke her further.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
“So this is the one lie detector that you can’t beat,” Fury comments with intrigue, as he examines your file.
Natasha closes the folder promptly and takes it from the table in front of him, stating firmly, “Her name’s Y/n, and no, you can’t have her. She’s just going to help review the list of potential recruits for you. Nothing else.”
She gives him a pointed look, stressing, “Especially not any SHIELD interrogations.”
Leaning back in his chair, Fury chuckles amusedly and raises a brow at her.
“Protective, are we?”
Before she can affirm the lengths she would go to minimize the risks you have to take, the door slams open, and you stroll in, giving her a wave and a charming smile. 
You stop in front of her, taking her hand suddenly in yours and giving it a light swing. 
“Ready to get started?” you ask. 
Natasha’s eyes narrow in suspicion. Something about your behavior was off and unlike you. 
She examines your expression critically, and then in one swift, fluid motion, she grabs your wrist and upper arm, pivots on her heel, and shifts her weight, seamlessly flipping you over her shoulder. 
With a resounding thud, Natasha slams you down onto the meeting table, the impact rattling the room.
Fury whistles lowly with a slight wince, a mixture of sympathy and admiration in his tone.
“Tough love, huh?” he remarks to her.
Natasha rolls her eyes at his comment and shakes her head, reaching to her side to grab something. She takes one of “your” wrists and snaps a golden cuff onto it. 
Immediately, the figure on the table shifts from your face and form to Loki’s. 
His eyes glare at her as he gathers his bearings, giving a slight grunt of pain when he moves.
“As if this woman knows anything about love,” he scoffs, standing up from the table with a groan.
Fury hums curiously at the sight of the trickster god, turning to Natasha.
“Who let him in here?”
Natasha sighs as she crosses her arms, replying, “Unfortunately, Thor and he are on friendly terms at the moment.”
Loki raises his hand and waves his finger at her in reprimand.
“Exactly. Now, is this any way to treat a guest of yours?” he taunts with a smirk before his eyes drift to the cuff on his wrist. His expression falls in recognition. “Where did you get this?”
A smirk forms on Natasha’s face as she answers, “Thor lent it to me when I asked. Since I know better than to just take his things.”
The cuff in question is an enchanted artifact that temporarily blocks the magical abilities of the wearer as explained by the god of thunder.
Loki scoffs in disbelief, placing one hand on his hips while waving his other wrist at her. 
“Hilarious, now take these off,” he demands.
Natasha’s smirk remains fixed as she shakes her head.
“I don’t have the key,” she admits, tapping her chin thoughtfully before revealing, “It must still be with Thor. But I’m sure you’ve already apologized to him for earlier, so you’d have no problem asking him to release you.”
Loki scowls, his expression darkening with disdain, and then he swiftly turns toward the exit.
“It’s no wonder that girl doesn’t want to accept any love from the likes of you,” he spits out angrily.
Natasha’s lips twist downward at his words, but before she can respond, a knock on the door interrupts the tense moment. 
Taking a calming breath, she calls out, “Come in,” already knowing who it is.
You open the door at Natasha’s invitation, only to dodge out of the way as Loki storms past you out of the room, muttering angry curses under his breath.
Turning back to Natasha, you notice the telltale red aura fading from around her and wonder what was the lie that you assume she had just told him.
As you approach her, Natasha’s contemplative, sullen expression quickly shifts to a neutral one when she catches your concerned gaze.
Before you can question her about it, Fury claps his hands firmly, looking between the two of you.
“Alright, let's finish this quickly then.”
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
Seated on your sofa, Natasha hugs a cushion pillow closer to her chest, seeking comfort as Loki’s harsh words echo in her mind.
Is it just a coincidence that you manage to avoid her every time she’s about to say those words to you? Or is it possible that the truth is you don’t actually want to hear those words from her?
You place a bowl of popcorn on the table in front of her, snapping her out of her spiraling thoughts as you finish explaining what your ex needed from you.
“So, I just need to submit my notes on the case so that the court can close it out,” you explain.
Natasha hums absently in acknowledgment, but her mind drifts back to her insecurities.
Was Loki just messing with her or were all of your previous evading actions really on purpose?
Unable to bear the uncertainty any longer, Natasha decides to settle this once and for all.
As you take your seat next to her and start the movie, Natasha initiates her plan. She quickly maneuvers herself over your lap, straddling you as her hands rest on your shoulders, pressing you firmly against the sofa with her body.
Your hand automatically rests on her waist and begins tracing light patterns against her side, but your lips twist into a small pout of confusion as you remark, “As exciting as this is, I thought this movie was your favorite.”
Natasha closes her eyes briefly, internally groaning at your adorable words and how incredibly in love she is with you. 
If only you could hear it from her for once.
Determined to not fail this time, she tries again.
“I lo—”
Her words are cut off, swallowed by you, as you pull her down into a deep kiss. 
Instinctively, she melts against your body, sliding her hands to caress the back of your neck, pulling you closer to deepen the kiss as she gets lost in the feeling of your lips moving against hers. 
Then, realization hits her, and she snaps her eyes open and pulls away. 
“Hold on, I’m trying to tell you that I—”
“I know,” you interrupt, your hand covering her mouth to stop her mid-sentence. 
That’s when Natasha sees it.
The fear in your eyes.
“I know,” you repeat, giving her a look of understanding before swallowing nervously. 
You close your eyes as your head drops to your chest, a sad chuckle escaping from you. 
“You know, in all my life, I have never been afraid to discover if someone was lying to me,” you admit, shrugging lightly. “I’ve always known that people can lie, so it’s never really surprising or hurtful when it happens.” 
You let out a weary sigh and look up to meet her gaze with a sad smile. 
“Except for that one time.”
Natasha knows what moment you are referring to — the night your powers revealed that your ex no longer loved you.
The memory flashes in your mind, vivid and raw, as if it happened only yesterday. The betrayal, the heartache, the crushing realization when the red aura appeared around her after she uttered those fateful three words to you.
Your attention returns to the woman in front of you, the one who helped heal your heart. The one who now holds it. 
The one who also has the power to hurt you in the exact same way, even though you know she won’t.
“I love you so much, Natasha,” you say with breathless adoration and honesty, but your expression pinches in fear as you continue, your voice trembling slightly. “But I don’t think I'm ready to hear it from you yet. Just…not those exact words.”
You sigh sadly, understanding how unfair your words are to her, and your chest tightens guiltily as you apologize, “I’m sorry. Look, I’d understand if you want to leave.”
You look away from Natasha, your mouth pressing together tightly, fighting the urge to cry. 
The silence stretches out in the room before Natasha gently cradles your face, bringing your gaze back to her.
“You make me happy,” Natasha declares firmly.
You give her a confused look at her words.
Ignoring your question, Natasha continues, asking meaningfully, “Am I lying?”
Your eyes observe her for a moment, but you don’t see any indication of a red aura appearing.
“No,” you answer in confusion.
Natasha nods before continuing, “I don’t mind that your powers reveal truths about me, like the moments when I want to hold your hand or when I’m jealous.”
She tilts her head at you in question.
“Am I lying?” she asks again.
Still not seeing any red aura appear around her, you shake your head at her in response.
Natasha rests her forehead against yours, letting out a deep breath, before continuing, “I’m afraid that one day…” she pauses, taking in a shaky breath to prepare herself for what she’s about to admit out loud. 
“…one day you’ll wake up and decide that because of who I was, who I am now is not enough for you to stay with me anymore.” 
Your eyes widen in surprise, and you go to reassure her, “I wouldn’t—”
“Am I lying?” Natasha interrupts, not wanting you to worry about comforting her at this time.
Your eyes soften sadly when you see the vulnerability and fear in her eyes at her words. 
You reach up to cup her cheek, your thumb caressing her face gently in comfort as you whisper, “No.”
Leaning against your touch, Natasha lets out a steadying breath to compose herself for the final part of her point.
“So when I say I can wait…” she pauses, looking into your eyes with a serious and determined expression, making sure you can see the sincerity of her next words. 
“…I’ll wait for as long as you need so that one day I can say those words to you…am I lying?”
You watch her carefully for a moment, but nothing appears to counter her claim. Realizing her intentions to reveal her feelings in another way, your heart fills with love and adoration for her as you answer with a soft smile. 
“No, you’re not lying, Natasha.”
She gives you a gentle grin and cups your face, pressing a soft kiss against your lips before admitting, “That’s because when I’m with you, Y/n, it never feels like I’m living a lie.”
A breathless, awed gasp escapes from you at her words, and you can’t help but pull her in closer, her red hair falling around you like a curtain.
“I love you,” you whisper against her lips, the words filled with genuine adoration for the woman.
Natasha smiles softly at your words and closes the distance between the two of you once again, her kisses tender and filled with all of her unspoken feelings. Her lips move against yours with gentle urgency, conveying everything she can’t yet say aloud.
The warmth of her touch, the sincerity of her kiss, and the way she holds you protectively — all of it reassures you. 
It doesn’t matter that those three words haven’t been spoken explicitly — her actions, her presence, the look in her eyes says it all already.
Natasha may be considered one of the greatest spies in the world thanks in part to her exceptional ability to lie, but even she can’t hide the truth from you.
Without needing to hear her utter those fateful three words aloud, you already know the truth in your heart.
That Natasha Romanoff truly loves you too.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
a/n: Thank you for reading and for all the love that you all gave to the first part! I hope you enjoyed this one too!
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ncis-nerd · 5 months
Our Princess
princess reader x servants!wandanat
warnings: cheating, pevert wandanat, jealousy, innocence kink, smut, pet names, slight non-con, dubious consent, oral (r receiving), dom!wandanat.
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marvel masterlist
They knew what they were doing from the first moment they laid eyes on you. Fuck you were so perfect, the way your eyes widen when you giggled. How your dress rode up when you were watching TV. How innocent you were.
Your first interaction was when the two ladies were cleaning up. Wanda was washing the dishes in the kitchen with her apron on, Natasha sweeping the floors. That's when you wandered in, barefooted in a pink nightgown.
"Oh! Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt you guys!" you exclaimed, backing out of the kitchen. Natasha shot Wanda a smirk. Wanda met her gaze, they both were thinking the same thing- how fun messing with you would be.
Wanda bowed in your presence, "Don't mind us, princess." She purred. You, oblivious to their tactics, hummed in response. Making your way to a cabinet that was a bit too high for you. You stood on your tippy toes, your hand attempting to grasp the handle. In the process, your nightgown begins to ride up, giving the two women a view of your flowery underwear.
Fuck you looked so good like that, Natasha bit her lip. Wanda smacked Nat's arm, you were dating Maria and were their boss. You could ruin their lives with the flick of the wrist. But you were so addicting, they couldn't resist.
From that moment on, they'd try everything to be in your path but you suspected nothing. They were just trying their jobs, that's why you caught Wanda folding your underwear and Natasha sweeping the living room floor while you were trying to watch TV.
You hummed, reading a book in your little sundress. You were tanning in your backyard by the pool. Maria, your girlfriend, was coming over to hang out with you. The sun was particularly hot today so you figured why not spend the day outside.
You had sunglasses on, that protected your eyes and a towel draped over your chair. You couldn't wait to play with her in the pool. Maria is your girlfriend and she's the same age as you. You guys went to school together and Maria admitted her love for you so the logical thing to do was to get together. At first you were hesitant but not for the reasons Maria thought. No, it wasn't internal homophobia, it was the fact that you hadn't been with anyone before. But Maria didn't mind your lack of experience.
"Hey hun, your girlfriend is here." Natasha spoke, ratherly harshly but nonetheless drawing your attention. Wonder what must of gotten her upset.. Your eyes followed her as she went back into the house. The door opened behind her, your girlfriend came out.
"Mar!!!" You squealed, running into her arms. She smiled and picked you up, "Hey princess!!" She chuckled, carrying you bridal style, to the seats. "Missed you" you mumbled in her arms.
Wanda and Natasha watched from the windows. A feeling of jealousy sprang from this. It should be them out there with you. For you to run into Wanda's arms and Natasha to be the one carrying you.
For it to be their bodies against you, not that girl who couldn't care for you like they did. You needed real women to teach a delicate thing like you.
Natasha bit her lip as she watched Maria's hand rest on your ass. The way a innocent kiss from you, turned into Maria climbing onto of you. She began to leave kisses on your skin, marking you up. Maria looked up for a second, making eye contact with the two servants. She knew they were watching and was testing them. Daring them to try and stop this, to try and take her girl.
You whimpered softly, you couldn't believe this was happening. Maria straddled you and began to bite and suck on your skin, leaving hickeys all over you. "Mar, that hurts" you mumbled against her. "Let me have my way with you doll, I promise you'll be satisfied by the end." She pushed,
The two women watched this interaction and saw it unfold. The way you were pushing back against Maria, how she ignored your protests and just dismissed you. They had enough.
"Maria your parents called, they said it was an emgerncy and they need you home" Wanda spoke. Maria jumped off of y/n and hurried out after giving her a little peck on the forehead and a quick "goodbye".
After a moment of silence, Wanda made her way to you. You were sitting on the chair, your chest covered in marks from your girlfriend. A slight pout on your face. "What's the matter, dear?" Wanda cooed, Natasha coming up behind you with the same faux concern. "Yeah darling, what's got you all frowny? Hm?" Natasha hummed.
"Maria" you mumbled sadly, you didn't know why your girlfriend was suddenly acting like that. She said she'd take things slowly for you, but maybe it was going too slow for her liking.
"Awe, princess." Wanda whispered, stroking your back gently. "You know honey, we saw what happened. I think the problem is that you are such a delicate thing and your girlfriend doesn't understand that. A little thing liek you needs a real, mature woman fo help you navigate." She purred.
"I think she might be ready for us Wanda, this seems like the perfect timing." Natasha whispered in the hall, trying not to let you hear the conversation between the two of them. "I don't know Nat, she seems like she isn't interested. You saw how things went down with Maria. A simple kiss turned her off." Wanda protested.
Your face turned red, you were still thinking about what Natasha said earlier. How they'd treat you right, that you needed a mature woman teach you.
You began to feel an ache between your thighs. It was so wet and sticky, you didn't know what to do, so the only logical thing to do was to go ask the pair.
Your pillow bumps your clit as you make your way off your bed. You jolt in response, that feels weird but a good kind of weird. You attempt to gain that feeling back, of course not knowing what you're doing due to a lack of experience. Your hips rut against your pillow. You sigh gently, biting your lip to stiffle any sounds. A moan escapes your lips when suddenly you hear a voice hum in amusement.
You turn around to be greeted with Natasha's eyes which focused on the wet spot of your pillow and Wanda who was only smirking at you. Her eyes on your chest. Your nipples were hard and peeked through your thin tank top.
"H-How long have you been standing there?” you froze.
"Mhm" you cried out. Fuck, you looked so good like this, they just wanted to take you but they restricted themselves. A fragile little thing like you needs to be treated like a princess. Natasha's tongue circled your clit, your hips buckled against her. "She's so responsive." Natasha mumbled against you, the comment directed towards the other servant.
Wanda had you against her, your back to her front. She held your hips in place for Natasha. "There, there, it's okay princess. If it's too much just let me or Natty know" She whispered softly.
inspired by @esouliie
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