#bowser x reader
imagine-darksiders · 6 months
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I'm still feral about him.
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lbcreations-blog · 10 months
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Me with bowser and no I did not draw bowser sadly I did point the creators Signature thing btw and heres the original photos
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I love these might do more if I find more
I originally found these on @greekceltic
(Btw @greekceltic if I must take this down I understand)
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marquisedemasque · 1 year
Ok so something I noticed in the Super Mario Movie is Bowsers teeth!
So for the majority of the time his teeth look like this
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Theres a large gap between his teeth on his top and bottom jaws
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He is about to attack Mario and BEHOLD
There are now 2 extra teeth that have appeared in the gap.
It happens again here
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Now I would like to propose a theory
He can retract all or maybe just some of his teeth just like this derp
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Please Mario fandom do with this information as you will (especially the shippers)
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Imagine # 1,049
Gif NOT mine.
Year posted - 2023
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The sound of soft sniffling is what snapped (Y/n) out of her thoughts as she roamed the mushroom forest. Deep in the wilderness, far from civilization she was surprised to hear anyone, let alone someone so distraught. "Hello?" She called out softly, not wanting to scare the individual. Regardless she heard them hiccup in surprise, and audibly try stifling their tears. "It's alright, I'm not gonna hurt ya." She called out softly, peering around the base of a mushroom tree, finally spotting who she'd crossed paths with. "Oh my." She murmured at the sight of the one and only Bowser Jr. A pitiful frown tugging at her lips at the sight of him, as he frantically tried to stop his onslaught of tears. "My my what's wrong little one?" (Y/n) asked as she tentatively approached the young Koopa Prince, who glared at her with his beady black eyes, despite his tears. "Go away." He hissed at her, turning away when she sat beside him on a large toadstool. "You're a long ways from home little Prince." (Y/n) noted in a tender tone, keeping her hands folded in her lap.
"I said go AWAY!" He shouted, suddenly shaking as he tried to hold in his tears. "I'm not leaving." She argued in a calm voice, unwilling to leave him all alone out here. "Why!?" He hissed, still keeping his back to her, as he peered over his shoulder. "Because I would be remiss to just leave you out here all alone." She explained, smiling softly when he finally turned to face her. "Why do you care?" He murmured pitifully. "Why wouldn't I?" She wondered, not having any trifles with the young Koopa, despite knowing the mischief him, and his father get up to. The young Prince sat there quietly for a few short minutes, thinking to himself as he toiled with his fingers. "I'm lost." He finally admitted after a while, looking to the forest floor shamefully. "Oh you poor boy." (Y/n) cooed softly, offering a kind reassuring smile when he looked to her. "How about I help you get back home? I'm sure your father is worried sick." (Y/n) held out her hand, tilting her head a little to the side. "You'll help me?" Bowser Jr. asking in a small voice, looking so helpless in that moment. "Of course." (Y/n) assured, a surprised squeak escaping her when Jr. threw himself into her arms.
Effectively knocking her off the toadstool, and squashing her under his weight, despite being shorter than her. "Oof." She grunted before falling into a fit of giggles, while Jr. nuzzled his muzzle against her belly. "Thank you thank you thank you!" Jr. murmured into her dress, his words muffled slightly. "That tickles!" (Y/n) shouted through her giggles, snorting when he nuzzled against her one last time, before stilling and simply laying against her belly. (Y/n) pat his head affectionately as she calmed down from her giggling fit, her skin tingling a little bit from the tickling. "Alright alright." She brushed her hand over the top of his shell, coaxing him to get up. "We should be going, your father's castle is a long ways away." She explained as she stood to her feet, brushing off her skirt of any grass. Jr. nodded his head in excited agreement, bouncing on the balls of his feet. "Papa will be so happy!" Jr. beamed up at her, mirroring her smile. "Oh I'm sure he will be." (Y/n) agreed with the young Koopa Prince, turning in the direction of the Koopa kingdom.
---Back at the castle---
"WHERE IS HE!?!?" King Bowser yelled as he stormed out of his son's room, where he had been frantically searching for the Prince, making a small mess of the room, without actually destroying anything. "JR.!" He yelled in hopes that his boy was simply somewhere else in the castle. "Sire please." Kamek followed as best he could behind his King, who was storming through the castle so hurriedly, that the ground shook with every step. "I'm sure the Prince is around." Kamek tried to assure the King, but his words fell on deaf ears. "FIND HIM!" He yelled at his guards, who visibly jumped at the sound of his booming voice. "FIND HIM NOW!" Bowser yelled again, flames crawling up his throat, making him look nearly monstrous in that moment. The brigade of soldiers jumping to attention, and quickly marching off to do as he instructed. "They'll find him." Kamek assured, jumping a little when Bowser's attention suddenly snapped to him. "They better." Bowser growled, smoke bellowing from his flared nostrils, looking like a fierce dragon.
After several failed attempts to find Bowser Jr. the brigade nearly jumped with joy, at the sight of Bowser Jr. approaching from the distance. The captain rushed ahead of his platoon, being the first to approach the young Prince. "Prince Jr. your father has been looking everywhere for you!" He exclaimed not noticing the woman accompanying him. "I know I know!" Jr. brushed the captain off, still holding firmly onto (Y/n)'s hand, leading her to the castle. The brigade fell in line behind them, escorting them back, each of them breathing a silent breath or relief. "Papa papa!" Jr. Shouted as he entered the castle, his voice echoing through the large halls. "Jr.!" Bowser perked up at the sound of his son's voice, barreling out of the throne room and rushing down the hall. His heavy steps making the ground quake and the portraits on the walls rattle. "Oh goodness!" (Y/n) gasped softly trying to steady herself, as the large Koopa King practically sprinted towards the group. "Jr.!" Bowser shouted again at the sight of his son, his heart bursting with joy and relief. "Papa!" Jr. hollered in excitement, beyond happy to finally be reunited with his father.
The Koopa King swiftly snatched Jr. up into his arms, looking the young boy over for any potential injuries, pleased to find none. "Where have you been!?" Bowser exclaimed with worry still lacing his voice. "I got lost papa." Jr. explained, looking a bit sheepish, his fingers tugging at his bandanna. "Why did you leave the castle?" Bowser asked as he sat Jr. down, still not having noticed (Y/n), who waited patiently for them to talk before butting in. "Well I wanted... I wanted to..." Jr. looked even more sheepish. "Well I wanted to find you a present." Jr. told his father. "Why did you want to find me a present?" Bowser wondered. "Because you've been real sad since that last encounter with Mario and Princess Peach." Jr. explained, making Bowser flustered that he noticed his glum mood lately. "But I got lost, and then (Y/n) found me and brought me back home!" Jr. exclaimed excitedly, suddenly drawing Bowser's attention to the young woman standing a few feet away. "Hello." She waved to the King, before realizing her manners and bowing respectively. "King Bowser." She hummed as she bowed, her actions momentarily stunning the Koopa King.
"W-well hello there." Bowser stammered a little, immediately clearing his throat to cover up his stutter. "Papa this is (Y/n), she's real nice!" Jr. beamed as he wrapped his stubby little arms around her midsection in a hug. "Aw." (Y/n) cooed softly as she pet his head, her finger toiling in his crimson red hair for a moment. Bowser watched the interaction with a warm heart, already smitten with the young woman, as she interacted tenderly with his son. "He's a sweet boy." She mused as she looked up to Bowser, her face flushing a little at the sight of Bowser's heart shaped pupils. "Yeah." Bowser agreed in a soft tone, laying his hand against Jr.'s shell. "Papa can we keep her!?" Jr. exclaimed excitedly. "Now Jr.-" Bowser cut himself off when (Y/n) began to giggle at his son's words. "Oh Jr. you're precious." She praised as she affectionately pat his cheek. "Papa." Jr. looked to his father expectingly. "How about (Y/n) stays for dinner?" Bowser offered, not particularly wanting to mess things up with her by keeping her here against her will. As he's come to realize that never works in his favor the way he's wanted in the past. Jr. in turn quickly whipped around to peer up at (Y/n).
"Dinner sounds lovely." She agreed with a smile, feeling at ease with the Koopa Royals, despite knowing the mayhem they've caused for others. "Really?" Bowser gawked in surprise, quickly clearing his throat. "I mean... Of course it does!" He chuckled nervously, his heart melting at the sight of her smile. "Really really." (Y/n) hummed in response, giggling when Jr. hugged her tightly. "You could be my new mama!" Jr. beamed up at her, his tail wagging at the sight of her flushed expression. "Oh Jr." She giggled bashfully, peering up at Bowser shyly, not noticing how his tail was also shaking now. "You are sweet." She looked to Jr. again, surprised by how attached she already felt for the young Koopa. Jr. grabbed her hand and began tugging her towards the dining hall, Bowser following the pair with a spring in his step. "Come on come on let's eat!" The Prince hopped excitedly, making (Y/n) laugh. "Alright alright." She agreed through her laughter, looking back to find Bowser already smiling at her.
"Thank you (Y/n)." Bowser mused. "What for?" She asked as they entered the dining hall. "For bringing Jr. home." He explained as he pulled a chair out for her to sit. "Oh it was my pleasure, he really is a fine boy." She hummed with a soft thank you when he pushed her chair in for her. All the while Jr. sat with a pleased smile, his tail wagging happily as he watched them interact. "He is isn't he." Bowser agreed, feeling as if Jr. really brought home the best gift he ever could have. "But aren't you...?" Bowser suddenly frowned as he moved to his own seat. "Aren't I what?" She asked with curiosity. "Aren't you afraid of us?" Bowser finally asked, his eyes downcast to the table, reminding (Y/n) of how shy Jr. had been in the woods. "Should I be?" She wondered. "N-no!" Bowser shouted suddenly, his eyes wide and fearful, before his hand clamped over his mouth. "Well in that case." She paused, making Bowser peer at her anxiously. "No I'm not afraid." She concluded with a soft smile, her heart melting at the sight of Bowser's relief. She had a feeling this would be a lovely friendship, one she hoped might some day bloom into something romantic. Unable to deny the way she felt herself swooning around the Koopa King.
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Buy me a coffee sometime? ☕️
(Click the coffee for my Kofi link, IT'S NOT NECESSARY BTW.)
*Hope this was good. I watched the Mario movie a few days ago, and I absolutely loved it. Admittedly the only Mario game I ever played was on the DS, and that was years ago. But I've totally fallen in love with Bowser. And the clips I've watched of Bowser and Jr. are just so adorable. (∩_∩)
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oneofthesillies · 1 year
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Real ‼️🫶
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cosmicladyy · 1 year
AAAAAAAAAAOK SO a very small bowser x reader thingy but.imagine reader kissing or nuzzling bowser’s hand to get his attention because they cant really reach anywhere else
Bowser’s hands were what made him a certified killing machine.
able to crush the toughest stone into fine dust, slice any enemies he might encounter into ribbons, and even tear sheets of metal in half as if they were paper.
(he showed you once, you were thoroughly impressed)
there were times when he’d even surprise himself with their strength alone.
But he'd never use that strength on you. He was extremely careful when it came to you, making sure he'd never harm a hair on your head; making sure to hold back as much as he can. Bowser would rather spend the rest of his life in his own dungeon than let any harm come to you, especially if he was the culprit.
When you were asked to retrieve him for dinner by an exasperated Kamek, who'd taken on the responsibilities that his king left to him.
You find him standing on a balcony overseeing the castle's courtyard. From his tense shoulders and unmoving figure to the way his hands grip the stone rails, you can tell he isn't very aware of his surroundings.
He was deep in thought as he watches his minions trip over themselves as they went about their duties. It was almost comical to him.
"Hon?" no response.
It would be a lost cause to tap on his shell, and waving your hand wouldn't get you anywhere, so you went for the next best thing.
Making sure you'd hit your target, you puckered up your lips and delivered a mighty smooch to his knuckles, catching his attention.
"Wha?" he blinks and looks down to his side, seeing you smile up at him. He relaxes significantly under your gaze and gives you his full attention.
Leaning into his side, you give him another peck on his scales, relishing in the way a blush peppers his stunned face, "c'mon, dinner's ready."
Giving his arm a few pats, you turn to leave until you're stopped when two large claws place themselves on your cheeks, giving a light squeeze, "more."
"T-the kiss thing," he looked away, a little embarrassed, while also running his thumb over your lips, "I kinda liked it."
it clicks in your head what he wanted and you give a small kiss to his palm, which causes him to jolt from the contact.
"I'll give you as much as you want," you leaned forward, feeling the way his cool scales heat up significantly, "After dinner."
You didn't think it was possible, but you swear his pupils momentarily turned into hearts.
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telleroftime · 10 months
I can't stop thinking about Y/N getting thrown in a cage but instead of being scared they just try to get Bowser to fix himself
Y/N: See, okay, you've got a cute face, that's a good start
Bowser: Go on...
Y/N: But your attitude? Not cute. You need to be able to handle rejection
Bowser, shaking their cage: WHAT DID YOU SAY?!
Y/N, holding on for dear life: NOT CUTE!! NOT CUTE!!
Y/N: Okay so, if the princess rejects you, what will you say?
Bowser: I'll destroy the mushroom kingdom!
Y/N: No
Y/N: Look, you're cute, but you've got a lot of work to do before you're hubby material, like the anger issues
Y/N: This is what I'm talking about! You're screaming again >:(
Mario: Stop antagonizing him he's gonna kill you
Y/N: I think I can fix him
Mario: I really, really doubt that
I love this. Bonus point if Y/N is scared but it's that whole "inside you there are two wolves." One side is screaming for then to get out because that is a giant, fire breathing turtle dragon. The other side... the other side lacks basic self preservation.
He's a bit of a fixer-upper.
More bonus points if Bowser starts yelling and Y/N yells back and it's just both of them with a raised voice until one of them asks why they're both yelling and the other answers with a "I don't know."
Or if we're thinking exclusively about Movie!Bowser, imagine Y/N setting up a little "how to not be mean" course. They move his cage and start teaching him. Everyone, including Bowser, thinks it's torture. The toads are finding it funny and Mario sees it as questionable. All until it actually starts working. Tiny Bowser is not longer such a prick to everyone around.
I don't know if I said it before, but he'd go from mean to polite like Stitch did in Lilo and Stitch.
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plump-lips-imagine · 1 year
Hello (◍•ᴗ•◍) u saw that your request were open. Can you write some romantic headcanons of bowser with his s/o, it can be fluffy or spicy whichever you're comfortable with thank you in advance
Alright, Coming up!
Bowser Romantic Headcanons.
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You know how dragons like to make hoards of anything that’s shiny, and glimmering, and just want it all to themselves?
That’s the closest thing that Bowser felt after he met you.
Granted, it was pure accident that you met because he accidentally kidnapped you instead. Well, HIS minions made the mistake of kidnapping you.
You were Peach’s Royal Attendant. You were taking care of some of Peach’s documents while she was in a meeting when it happened.
“You ain’t Peach!!” Bowser Growled at you with his claw dangerously close to your face. You gulped nervously at the predicament you were forced into. “N-No Sir, I’m not. I’m just her attendant. Please don’t hurt me”.
 He huffs in frustration. He’ll be sure to punish the idiotic minions that make this mistake. But what to do with you? “...You’re not totally useless. I can make this work.” “Huh?”
 He was going to use you as a hostage to make Peach agree to marry him. She cares way too much for her people to leave you in danger. It’s the perfect plan!
So that’s how you were trapped in a cage, waiting currently for someone to rescue you as Bowser planned a letter to threaten the Peach with for your Safety.
Welp. With nothing better else to do, you might as well try to make conversation if you’re going to be here for a while.
“So….Got any hobbies?”
Bowser raises an eyebrow at you. “What?”
Safe to say, Bowser was very annoyed at your attempts to make small talk. But he entertained the idea since he was running blank on what to write to the Princess.
Maybe if he decided to talk to you a bit, You’ll eventually stop talking altogether.
And maybe fix this writer’s block.
Neither happens. 
You were a chatterbox, and he seemed to lose interest in the letter altogether.
You were genuinely curious about him since you’d only heard about him From Peach.
He was Scary, but you couldn’t help but look at him in interest.
And he….didn’t mind. Actually, the way you looked at him in curiosity when he talked made him a little Bashful. Not many ask a lot about him
No one appreciates his awesomeness in all its glory, so you asking about him kinda…made him want to talk to you too.
Peach is usually silent when he tries to talk to her, so it's nice to talk to someone for a change.
Both of you didn’t realize how late it was until Kamek came to remind him that Dinner was ready.
It was shocking to him he talked to you so much without getting bored and shocked him even more that he didn’t want the conversation to end.
That lasted for about 3 days before Mario and Luigi came to the rescue.
And Of Course, he got his ass handed to him.
Mario grabs your hand as he walks away from the barely conscious Bowser. “Come on-a (Y/N). The Princess was-a so worried about you.” You followed the bros out the front door of his castle, but you turn quickly to look at Bowser. “Bye, Bowser! See you Later!” Bowser lays there as the three of you left, contemplating was you just said. ‘’Later’?...later…..Later.” 
There was definitely going to be a Later.
  He starts ‘kidnapping’ more frequently. To the Point where Both his minions and Peach notice it.
“Sire, Why are we taking this Human instead of the Princess? What could the servant provide that we can’t just get from the Princess immediately?” Bowser Glares at the Koopa, and stomps towards them, making the Koopa jump in fear. “Are you questioning me!? I know what I’m doing! We need that servant because she’s more likely to tell us things without a fight! I’m going to use it against this Kingdom when the time is Right!” Translation: I miss this human a lot but couldn’t think of a reasonable way of seeing them again so I kidnap them so they’ll have no choice but to spend time with me, but I won’t admit that to anybody.
Princess Peach runs up to you to inspect your face as Mario and Luigi save you again. “Thank Goodness you're alright! Did that Monster hurt you? I’m so sorry you got dragged into this.” “Princess, I'm Fine, Really. Don’t worry about it. Mario and Luigi saved me so all is good with the world.” Translation: Bowser has no idea how to ask to hang out so I gotta keep up this facade until either I ask him personally to hang out. I had a fun time with him but I don’t want you to freak out at this.
He has obvious favoritism for you. 
It’s laughable to even call you a prisoner because you don’t even sit in the cage when he kidnaps you.
He orders his minions to prepare a room for you.
He even made sure they got delicious food sent to your room when supper was ready.
You don’t attempt to run since you enjoy his company and he enjoys yours.
Kamek and the rest of his minions as You and Bowser talk about certain topics walking down the Royal Hallway. Bowser notices this and glares at them. “Is there something you need to say?” He rhetorically asks in a dark tone.” They stop looking and stand guard quickly. Bowser's face softens, looking down back at you. “As you were saying?”
He is also a little touchy with you. He usually has his hand on your back when you talk. Also has you sat on his forearm when he wants you to be closer.
He’s a little touch-starved. He forgets that he has to act like he’s holding you prisoner.
 Mario and Luigi came to ‘rescue’ you for the 8th time. It was different today. They defeated his defenses but when they came to the throne room, he wasn’t ready for them to come. He was asleep. He was on his some curled up in a sleeping position and there you were, next to his face as he held you down with his arm, pulling you close to him.
The Mario Bros stare at yall in shock. You shush them when you spot them and waved them over quietly. They come and you carefully wiggle out of Bowser’s Grasp. “Let’s go.” You whisper quietly. They nod and head out the front. You take a piece of paper and leave a note. I’ll be coming over next week, You don’t have to pick me up anymore. - (Y/N).
You tuck the note under his hand, and placed a soft kiss on his cheek, leaving before he woke up. He smiles in his sleep.
      Congratulations! You have the Koopa King’s Heart in your Hands now.
Achievement unlocked: Bowser will now kill for you.
But yeah, if you thought he was sweet before. Get ready for that time 3.
He just wants to make you happy and bathe you in riches.
Are you hungry? He gets the minions to make a 5-star gourmet dish just to your liking.
Thirsty?  He will bring you a gold chalice embedded with shining jewels.
Is it too hot? Minions! Fan my lover and get them the coldest water we got!
Enemy needs to be wiped out? Say the word and he will bring them to your knees begging for mercy.
Calls you Starlight and Firefly because of how you brighten the room.  Along with nicknames like Honey, and Sweetheart.
Also, be prepared for him to be right under you or more like you very close to him
He will pick you up in his hands just because. No reason. He just wants to hold you and keep you close.
He is very gentle when he has you in his hand. It makes you feel safe when he wraps his fingers around you lovingly. Claws never tearing your clothes or breaking the skin. You are treated as fragile as precious glass art.
He still has this urge to just pinch your cheeks and squeeze you a bit. You’re just too cute for your own. (Even when you’re doing absolutely nothing.)
Have you sitting on his lap when he’s sitting on his throne until yours is done being built.
Please kiss is on his snoot. He will melt at the affection with hearts in his eyes.
Please kiss him more. He craves it. He will wag his tail when you do.
You know how possessive and protective Dragons get with their treasure. Be prepared for that.
He will be so stubborn when you have to go to the Peach’s castle and try to get you to stay longer.
Do you have to go so soon? It’s early. Why don’t you stay another hour…or 2. Or you can’t wait till tomorrow? Or next week? Next Month? Next Year?    
He has to fight this instinct to just grab you and keep him under him so that he can keep you all to himself.
…He only controls it 3 times out of 10.     
Literally has you cuddled up under him in your shared bedroom because he doesn’t even want to share you with the Princess.  You were a little annoyed.
He gives you his best puppy dog eyes to make you less angry. You can’t stay mad at that face.
Fine, But You’re going in the next hour.
He lets out a content purr as you settled into him.
He literally loves you so much. He hopes you stay forever.
He is so ready to ask for your hand in marriage.
He hopes you say yes.
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imagine-darksiders · 3 months
Would you like to draw Bowser and y/n?
I love the way you draw him!
Oh absolutely :)
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jared-oranges · 1 year
It’s the fact that the mario movie only made me fall more in love with bowser
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wowserb0wser · 2 years
"The Mushroom Kingdom Ball"
Description: Being the sister of Princess Peach was all fun and dandy, but of course you were barely in the spotlight. Until a certain someone, "The Kooba King" took notice and since then, he couldn't stop thinking about you. And what happens when an obsessed Bowser meets you at The Mushroom Kingdom Ball.
Pairing: Bowser x Fem!Virgin!Reader
Warning(s): MDI!! SMUT!!!, (I don't know if I should be sorry or but I'm horny) Breathplay/Choking kink, Size Kink/Size Difference, Innocent Kink/Corruption Kink, Virgin reader, Penetration (P in V), Oral (Fem.), Degrading, Somnophilia, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Dumbification, Dacryphilia, Overstimulation, Nicknames (Brat once, Sweetheart, Baby, Bunny), Dry humping/Grinding, Sitting on Bowser's lap once, No used of Y/N, Lmk if I missed anything ;)
Words: 7.8k (I got swept up in this)
A/N: I think I've hit my breaking point, but I was taken back by Jack Black's voice in the trailer and holy shit - Browser is fine…
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It was non-stop. Painful, even.
All he wanted was some damn peaceful time to himself and stop thinking about you. Stupid you. Dumb and naive you.
It was only you that took so much time and energy out of himself. Every waking moment since he rises from bed, to showering, brushing his teeth, eating breakfast, and every other moment in his day. On repeat was the stupid smile plastered on that stupid face of yours. How he wanted to swipe that smirk off of those lips of yours… those soft, plump, sweet lips.
He hated himself. Truly hated himself for thinking of these ways about you. Someone as so small and innocent, yet grown and sophisticated as yourself. He though of himself as vile. How could someone as tough and mean as him ever fall for such a toothachingly sweet thing as you.
Yet, here he finds himself watching you as you sleep ever so soundly in bed. All while little moans squeak pass your lips. Your hips thrusting into air at nothing. How your face contorts in seemingless pleasure. Just seeing you rut in your sleep made Bowser's mind go blank, just imagining of what kind of dream you were exactly having. Though it wasn't that farfetched. But he was curious as to who was providing that pleasure in your sweet dreams. And God himself knew that Bowser hoped it was he in your dreams.
He was so big, yet so gentle when it came to you. How his smile curved a little more while with you and the way his cheeks flared with hints of pink when you smiled back at him.
His big hands stretched across your body, a palm simply taking up half of your torso. How big he was towering over you, you should be scared. Calling for help or pleading that he wouldn't hurt you, but you weren't. Your mind was telling you that this was dangerous, flashing red warning signs. The hunger behind his eyes. And how he looked like he could swallow you in one bite. You should be cowering in fear. But how could you resist the way his hands felt so warm on your body. How you wanted this for what seems like ages now. And now you finally had him.
Though you've never been any sort of relationship or anything in this type of manner, you knew this was more then a simple crush. You've remember the times your sister, Princess Peach and her friend Princess Daisy talked about the multiple experiences with boys their age and these type of feeling and wants. So you knew you've wanted him since the beginning, but how could he ever think of you like this. He was older then you and definitely rougher then you could ever be.
Oh how you've wanted him, his deep and sultry voice looms over your frame, over your mind. How you could hear his voice whisper sweet nothing in your ear as your finger went towards your panties. How you wished it was his and not yours.
But maybe that was the exact reason why you were in this state in the first place: having an erotic dream about that very man.
His hands tighten around your throat to cut off a slight bit of oxygen, making your eyes roll in the back of your head. Causing you to moan lowly. All whilst his other hand snakes down your soft body towards your panties. His finger tips could already feel the small patch of dampness in the center and could tell by the way your hips bucked and begged for him, for friction. He laughed at your antics, humored by your eagerness. And that laugh caused you to squirm even further in his touch. How simple it was to rile you up, he was going to love exploring what exactly what makes you tick-
Letting out a groan from what exactly woke you up. You arose from your sleep, still groggy and half-dead. Hearing another pair of knock on your wooden door before shouting, "Come in!". The culprit of the knocking was of course your sister.
A big smile printed on her face, it was almost enough to make you forget why you were exactly grumpy but then your mind started to defog and your dreams was realign back to you.
"I have some big news!" Your sister screeched with excitement.
Bowser watched the somewhat grumpy expression on your face as Princess Peach barged in your room. Like a upset bunny or puppy, it was almost adorable. He found it amusing how upset you were from being awoke from your little wet dream. But if he was in the position that you were in, he would also have that expression. And by the looks of things, you were close to being finished.
Your cheeks are flashed with pinks and red by your dream, the first sex dream you've ever had. And of course it had to be so vivid and by the feel of things you were really enjoying that dream as well.
Clearly or simply ignoring your state, your sister continues. "Guess who got invited to The Mushroom Kingdom Ball!" She slightly jumped while entering your room with the paper that stated her invite. Her heals clicking on the floor, "Hmm, I wonder who?" You rolled your eyes and teased. Of course she was invited, she's always invited. She huffed at your antics before plopping on your bed. "Alright Ms. Smarty-pants, well guess who has another invite." Her smile growing even larger (though you thought was impossible at this point). Quickly you realize, "Are you serious?" You pushed your covers and reached for another paper your sister slipped past the original she held in her hand.
A small giggle leaving her lips as she watches your excitement over the invite.
And from where Bowser stood he could even hear the excitement in your yelp. It must of been great news on that flimsy piece of paper. Yet how meaningless what was on that paper to him, the way you jumped up from your bed and hugged your sister was enough for even Bowser to be happy for you.
This would be the first official Mushroom Kingdom Ball you would be attending. You'd never been expected to go as you weren't old enough or mature enough. These balls were primarily for the eligibility for marriage for all the other kingdoms to mingle with each other and hopefully meet someone to their liking. And now you were finally getting invited. Finally you might be the center of attention at this ball rather than your sister, as everyone knew she and Mario definitely had something going on behind the shadows.
A small bit of blush creeped up your neck at the thought of Bowser possibly showing. But there was talk that he hasn't been to the Balls in many many years. But he was a part of the Koopa Kingdom, maybe this was your chance at a shot. Even though you already pictured the disgusted face of your sister if she ever knew about your fancy over him. Yet, you still hope that maybe this was your chance to prove to everyone that you weren't just innocent Princess Peach's little sister.
You were over the moon excited as Toadette fitted the dress over your body. It hugged the exact places it needed and flowed down toward the bottom, ending with a flare of favorite color. It was shockingly fast how the toads could whip up a dress for this very occasion. But nonetheless you weren't going to question their antics, you've appreciated everything that they've done for you.
And with you matching heals and makeup you head downstairs, where you are greeted with your sister and Mario in an embrace. You glance away quickly as their lips connects for a kiss.
You let out a muffed cough which grabs both their attention to where the noise came from. And seeing you all dolled up made you sister abandon Mario and hastily rush over to you. She reaches out her hands to meet with yours. You could see in her eyes that she was overjoyed, seemingly proud of how grown up you've become. "Oh my, well look at you!" A toothy smile rises from her lips, which makes you infollow do the same. "Doesn't she look beautiful Mario?" She quips behind her to look at the former plumber.
His hand reaches behind his neck, still somewhat embarrassed at being caught with your sister. "You look absolutely gorgeous, you are going to be the talk of the ball." He compliments. Your sister faces you again, still with a bright smile. "Let's go and show you off." You giggle at her statement. This was going to be a hell of a night.
You finally reach the venue, Mario, Peach, and yourself in the back of a limo. We all agreed that Mario would step out first to talk to the press whilst you and Peach wait for a couple of moments. Which you were glad for because at this moment you were experiencing some nerves from it all.
Your sister turns to you, "Everything will be okay, I was this anxious my first time. But trust me everything is going to be just fine." She rubs her hand on your exposed shoulder to ease you. "And I'll introduce you to some people and if you still feel uncomfortable you can stay by me and Mario." She explains further but doesn't quite help with your nerves. "I don't want to third wheel you and your boyfriend Peach." You look up at her.
This was your first ball, you don't want to be seen hovering with your sister like a lost puppy. How pathetic would that look in the press.
"Boyfriend?" She says in disbelief, "Mario is not my boyfriend, we are just close." She scroffs, a small hint of blush on top of her cheeks. You practically huff at the arrogance. "Does he know that?" You furrow your eyebrows at her. She turns her head from you, as you know the look upon her face would be slightly disappointing. She knew she dragged Mario around and it was not fair to him. "Let's go and have some fun." She returns to her happy-go-lucky mood and takes your hand.
Once you stepped out of the limo the flashing lights from the photographers blinded you. Your eyes squint from the bursting lights, you turn your head to your sister to see if she was having the same reaction. But as your eyes landed on her, she poses for the photos and with no discomfort. Some of the toad photographers shout out words towards her and even you. "Let's get going." She whispers to you as she sees how uncomfortable you were from all the attention. And you were so glad that she understood.
You and Princess Peach, hand in hand, walking in the venue. Multiple eyes glance towards her but stop on you. Slight shocked expressions at your appearance at this ball. You felt embarrassed to say the least with all the eyes on you, you knew you want the center attention but now you think otherwise.
You sister, once again, sees how uncomfortable you became and walked towards where Mario stood. Him and his brother stood by the food table, both already had a plate in their hands with various foods aligned. As you approach them, they seem to notice and smile appeared on their faces. "You two look beautiful." Luigi speaks, his eyes scanning your body. You quickly thank him along with your sister.
With you greeting with the Plumber brothers, your sister drags you along with introducing you to almost everyone in the ballroom. It was quite intensive, with having to learn everyone's names and occupation, as Princess Peach told you that it was very important to learn about everyone. She says maybe one day you'll rule the kingdom and learning soon then later would lighten up the load later. A simple conversation starts and last for a couple of minutes before a loud bang and a couple of gasp causes you to glance where the noises were coming from.
There he stood, the Koopa King.
He wore a bowtie, which seems to small for this larger figure. And a black classic tuxedo. Beside him was one of his dry bone henchmen. All that was heard was the whisper of the guests, surprised at his appearance, apparently he barely showed to these occasions if at all. And now seeing him all dressed up brought even more questions.
But he either didn't hear or seem to care at the whispers, his eyes glance around the room for someone specific. And thankfully the rumors of little pretty you being invited to the Mushroom Kingdom Ball happened to be true. And that must of been what you were jumping with excitement with your sister earlier in the day.
There you stood with a beautiful gown, your eyes level with his and once making eye contact you look away with bright pink cheeks. And in that moment Bowser knew he needed you and was planning exactly how to get you in his bed tonight. First he needed you to step away from that sister of yours and especially from the plumber brothers.
And thankfully, almost on cue, you stepped away and headed to the punch table.
He waltz directly where you went, his eyes never leaving your form. In the thought of taking his eyes off of you you'd disappear in thin air. His stunt caused people to turn back to their conversation, probably to talk about him showing his face at this ball. His dry bone henchmen follows in suit, the clunching of his bones raddling as he rushed beside his boss.
You barely even noticed that Bowser was headed your way until he was only a few feet away from you. You thought of just sprinting away from him, how could you face him after just a couple of hours ago you were having a sex dream of him. But with his long strides it was too late to do anything but greet him.
"It's a pleasure to meet with you once again." Your hand reaches up half way to meet with his. "A pleasure? Really?" His voice is as sultry as ever. And his hand almost comically larger than yours. Automatically heat rushes to your cheeks and you could feel the prying eyes of the other guests. But Bowser could careless of what the snops of the Mushroom Kingdom thought of him, only your opinion matter to him.
"Well, let it be my pleasure Princess." He lifts your hand to reach his mouth, placing a tender kiss on the back of your palm. If people weren't staring before at this interaction, they definitely were now.
And how could you blame them, at this sight of the innocent princess with the violent King of Koopa's. Yet seeing the both of you flustered with each other made the guest question even further at your interaction.
"You look absolutely stunning Princess." What he really wanted to say was; you look absolutely delicious. How he wanted to devour you on the spot, you just looked so cute and good.
If your cheeks weren't hot red before, now they were. You muffle a cough to distract yourself from his compliment. "W-Would you like something to drink? I was planning on getting some punch." You move on from the conversation and you needed a cold drink to somewhat calm down how hot you've became around him. You were about to reach for a cup before he ticked at you. "A princess shouldn't need to lift a finger for anything she needs." He says in a smooth tone, you quirk up an eyebrow at him. "Dry Bones, get the girl some punch!" He shouts at the poor henchmen, who flinches a little before rushing in his order.
His loud booming voice should of scared you off but you couldn't step away from him. His dominance was clear as the blue big sky and maybe that was another reason for your attraction towards him. How big and manly he is, takes no crap from anyone.
"How are you enjoying your time here?" He simply ask, at this time his dry bones comes up to the both of you with each of your drinks. He takes it swiftly all while you thank his henchmen with that sweet buttery voice of yours. "I've only been here for less than an hour." You softly chuckle at his question. The ball just started so he must of known that there wasn't much to speak upon. "You didn't answer my question." He repeats himself, this time his eyebrows is furrowed waiting for a response. "It's kind of boring, I thought it would be more exciting." You tell him, still leaving out about your anxiety for this whole thing.
He lets out a small laugh, "More exciting?" You also giggle at his repeat. "Well yeah, this is supposively the most important Ball of the year. I thought there would be more going on." You explain further in the issue, which he understands. "No I get it, the last one I went to, which was many years ago, was quite boring. That's why I normally don't go to these type of things." You listen intently, how your big innocent eyes look up at him. He held himself from groaning at the sight below him.
You hum as a response, you were about to reply but was cut off by the sound of a microphone going off. You face where the sound comes from and you could barely hear how Bowser grunts in frustration at being cut off at a conversation with you.
Toads voice echoed through the ballroom. "Welcome all to the annual Mushroom Kingdom Ball!" He croaked out, all clapped and some shouted out yelps of excitement. "I am the host of this year's Ball. It's been a pleasure so far to create such a fundamental event with all the combining Kingdoms." A few other people cheered as he spoke on, your attention fully on Toad. While Bowser could careless, all he wanted was to mingle with you. These were the only moments without being questioned on in intentions with you. "Now that all introduced are put aside, let the party begin with our live band performance." Toad points toward the other toads all assembled with instruments.
While he introduces the Band, the light starts to dim. Almost as a signal that the annual dance was about to commence. What you didn't know was how important this dance was. It was some sort of ritual. Whomever you picked as a dance partner was your official/unofficial partner for the event and the rest of the evening. Almost as an unspoken rule. And you being the newest arrival, everyone attention was on you to whom you picked to dance with.
And before you could return to your sister to ask who you should dance with or simply sit down and watch the other dance with their partners. Bowser took this opportunity. "Would you like to dance Princess?" He asks in a nonchalant tone, unsuspecting. He was going to take full advantage of your naive nature and your unknowns to the Ball.
"I would love to dance with you." That damn smile shined up to him. That stupid smile that made his heart gush. He hated how you made him feel soft and doopy. But the look on your face with excitement to actually have some fun tonight made him smile back to you. But that smile turned slowly to a smirk at your approval.
He took your hand and began to walk you to the dance floor. Still unbeknownst to you was the importance to this interaction, the total impact with being seen dancing with Bowser. You sister caught your eyes and you smiled to her innocently, but by the way hers and Mario's eyes showed disbelief and surprisement made you question. You glance around at your surroundings and shockingly you saw that everyone was glaring towards you.
No- Rather glaring at Bowser specifically. They must of caught on at your unknowingly nature to the dance and automatically blamed the Koopa King. Taking advantage of your innocent personality. But even if you'd know about what this dance meant, you'd probably still be in this position with Bowser leading you to the dance floor.
But once on the actual dance floor and how Bowser's hand felt upon yours and how he rested his other on your back made the rest of all the guest prying eyes dissipate into nothing.
After a couple of hours worth of drinking, more dances with Bowser, and more mingling with all the other socialites was making you tired. And Bowser took notice almost immediately. So, he took you to your sister, who was dancing with Daisy and Rosalina. You blink away your tiredness while speaking with your sister, insisting that you were fine and that you wanted to stay longer, but with one quick scan of your state she knew that you were done for the night.
All whilst Peach is occupied with you, Daisy and Rosalina gives Bowser a questionable look. Basically shouting, "What's your intentions with the Princess." He swallows harshly at her glare, but than smirked down at them. Basically saying exactly what he wants to do to you. Daisy and Rosalina give him a disguised look before turning her attention back to you. And before they could warn Peach about Bowser taking you home she already speaks, "Could you ever be so polite and take my sister home Bowser please." She asks in a somewhat discomfort tone. But she still asks because how she saw how happy you were with him, how'd you cling to his body while dancing.
He hum, "Of course Peach, I'll take extra care of the Princess." He smiles at your sister before looking down at you. At this point your sleepiness was disappearing at the thought of Bowser taking you home. Yet you still groan out frustrated because you still wanted to party. "And don't even think about kidnapping her." She teased and poked his arm in a playful tone. She looks back at you and places a loving kiss on your forehead, soon said your goodbyes to some of the following guests and went on your way with Bowser.
The limo is waiting by the doors and thankfully the photographers have left for the night, Bowser thanked that no one could see him in this state. With you hung to his side as your sleepiness was taking over your body. "Come on sleepyhead, let's get ya' home and in some pajamas." He opens the door for you to enter first and you give him a certain look as he refers you as "sleepyhead".
He steps in the car to see you with your arms crossed in defense. He was about to question what the hell was the sour face for, but you answered. "I'm not even that tired." You lie through your teeth. And Bowser wasn't going to argue with you in this state. But without a response you took even more offence. "I told you I wasn't even tired." You huff and puff.
Bowser watched you try to defend your argument but it was so easy to see you as anything but argumentative. How cute you looked defeated, once again looked like a grumpy bunny.
"Stop being a brat Princess, we're going home." He tells you, rising his voice slightly more and with that you felt as to quip back at him. "You're being mean." You face away from him and drop your shoulders, all you wanted was go back to the party and enjoy your first time at the ball and now everyone was telling you to go home. Even if you were tired, you could careless, all you wanted was to dance with Bowser till the night turned to morning. You didn't want the night to come to an end so early. "Oh I'm being mean sure." He rolls his eyes at your response, he knew you weren't normally like this and it must have been your tiredness for this attitude.
You whip your head back towards him and scoot closer to him. "You are just a mean old man." This must've struck some sort of cord with Bowser. His eyebrows furrow low and his voice dropping down an octave or two. Which makes you feel hot hearing his voice like this. "Shut up Princess." He bites down his jaw while looking in your eyes. There was a slight flame that began to grow, replacing your sleepiness with lust. He must be delusional himself, there was no way it was that easy to make you get turned on. "Make me." You faux mock him, inching your face closer with him and you didn't expect what he would say next and follow up with. "Oh I will." He smirks.
His hand reaches to your face and pulls you so close that your lips are practically touching, yet he doesn't initiate a kiss. It was you that pulled him to a kiss by grabbing on his coat. Your small hand prying on his collar. His smirk still remains while developing the kiss, it was tender at first. Careful and questioning if this was right but you never pulled away or denied, rather you were the one to push further in the kiss. Bowser's other hand reached for your back. Pressing your body on top of his.
Thankfully there was a divider from the driver and the passengers.
And both were extra thankful because the kiss began to get more intense then original thought. Your body squirmed in his hold as you kiss him, he peeks his eyes open to witness this. Your eyes a shut close tight. Your hands wonder around him, like you didn't know were they had to be, there was no doubt in his mind this was the first time you made out with someone. And he was glad it was him to show you the ropes of it all. Your cheeks are still flushed with blush, and then there it was. That squeak of a moan. As if you tried your damn hardest to try not to make a sound.
With your little moan Bowser grabbed you tighter and lifted you from your seat to place you on his lap. A more comfortable seat in your opinion, along with Bowser's. You break off the kiss for a couple of seconds to giggle at his actions but he pulled you back to the kiss. Once again you moan in his mouth, you felt so embarrassed. Like he thought this was going to be a turn off, though it was quite the opposite. Your small sounds going straight to his growing boner underneath his pants, which he hoped you haven't felt yet.
The next time you moan Bowser groans and takes a deep breath, taking in your scent and slightly moving his hips to fix his position. By his movement he slightly grinded you and having friction while being light headed for making out made you whine out loud. At this Bowser pulls back to take a look at you, your lips puffed out a slight swollen from the kiss. Your eyes are half-lidded. "Look at this little noisy bunny you are." His finger hooks your chin to force you to stare at him. Again you squirm at his actions which he found humoris.
He was about to speak again but the car gently stopped presumably at the castle.
Bowser's face drops in defeat and you couldn't leave him high and dry. "Come in please, I don't want to be alone." You softly beg for him, even hearing your words leave your lips you knew it sounded despite but there was no denying the fact that you had aroused from all the making out. "Only because you said please." He teases and opens the door for you.
There was no time for pleasantries as the front door closed, Bowser took you in his arms and made his way to your bedroom. You almost question at how he knows where to go but his lips on yours shut you up before you could even think to ask.
As he opens the door you're still latched onto his broad shoulders. He adored how you clung in him like plastic wrap.
Though he loved the feeling on you wrapped around him, he did not want to crush you into the bed, well not quite yet. He breaks off the kiss her again, this time your frustration is event with the sound that leaves your throat. "Shh Princess, I'm just laying you down." He almost groans at your annoyance but with that slight fucked out face with barely even touch you was making him feral. He couldn't even get slightly angry with you. Your body sprawled out beneath him on your plush covered bed. Your dress already getting tossed halfway off your body, the way your legs twist together creating friction.
His sharp nails reach down to fiddle with the fabric of your dress, you almost thought he would just rip it off of your body, which you wouldn't truly mind. Your body was getting hotter by the seconds. But Bowser took his sweet time deliberately with cherishing this very point in time.
Your body decided in itself that it was done with feathered touches. And with little to no control, your hips bucked to meet with his hips. You didn't know exactly why your body was making you do this but the need and ache for friction was demanding. The slightly touch of his pelvic meeting yours made you whine out for more.
You were on the edge of begging for him to touch you, but then he swiftly took your dress off of your body. Throwing it to the side to be forgotten and abandoned. Along with yours he followed with taking his shirt and jacket combo along with that stupid bowtie.
He was about to climb over you, but your eyes shifted towards his lower half, his pants were still on. You send him a look, knowing that it was unfair that you were just in your underwear and he wasn't. He quickly took off his belt which clashed to the floor and his pants shortly after.
This time he actually climbed into your bed, the mattress sinking below his added weight. He instantly thought of breaking your bed, a physical reminder. That classic smirk spraying on his lips as he went for another kiss. And yet again your hands reach out for him, grabbing at whatever your fingers could clench into. Your nails slight digging into his skin, but doing absolutely no damage.
It became hot very quickly and your body, almost in auto drive was thrusting up at his to get some friction on your aching body. And once it makes contact with him your eyes roll back. It was so simple yet so pleasurable for you. You wanted to do this for ages and you knew you'd never be bored of it, especially when it was with Bowser. He barely even grinded back and you were moaning in his mouth all over again. He wonders if you'd even ever masturbated before from your reactions.
"Have you ever touched yourself?" He questioned, you hum out a response yet you were still out of focus and Bowser saw that. After all that making out and bump and grind clearly got through to you. He found it adorable how easily you were made stupid by his touch. "Have you ever touched yourself sweetheart?" This time around he was more assertive and the nickname took you to his presence. "Um, could you be more specific?" You glance away from his stare as you were embarrassed by his question and even your response. "More specific?" He quietly repeats in disbelief, what did you even mean by that? "Have you fingered yourself?" He asks in a somewhat obvious tone, you shake your head in a nervous way.
This made Bowser's heart skip a beat, what do you mean you've never touched yourself? It was wrong to think this way, he thought, but being your first everything made him even harder than before. "I've only done stuff over my panties." You mustered enough courage to tell him, an audible groan escape passed his throat at the images of your small hands circling your clit over your panties. It made him even hotter that you were that innocent that you couldn't even do physical contact with your own body for pleasure.
He chastity kisses you again, "How'd I'd get lucky." He whispers more to himself rather than you but it still makes you flustered.
"Now it was time to actually rip off your clothes, starting with that annoying bra of yours which keep those pretty tits behind em'." Bowser explains and without fail you hear a rip of the fabric. He waved the bra in his hand before tossing it. And on cue his eyes shift down to your boobs, they were perked and nipples hard. You slightly hiss when they hit the cold air of your room, even though you felt on fire. "Even better than I'd imagine." He almost growls and you audibly moan loud at his comment. Something happened to you when you mentally pictured him think about you in this way, you clamp your thighs together.
He ignored your moan and went straight to laying soft and tender kisses on your breast. He knew this was your first time so you would be overwhelmed with all this pleasure so he took mercy on you and your body, even if the thought of overstimulating you was present in his mind. Just imagine your squirm and begging him to slow down while fucking you, watching as tears stream down your cheeks.
Though it was hard to push those thoughts he was gentle. And his prediction was right, you were over sensitive with simple kisses and suckling on your breast. Your hands flying to his head to either push him deeper into your skin or push his away. But it wasn't long enough until Bowser's lips racked down your soft body and torso. Down to the place he knew you needed the most attention. His finger tips could already feel the small patch of dampness in the center and could tell by the way your hips bucked and begged for him.
You shut your eyes in anticipation. Despite your eyes being closed Bowser watches each and miniscule reaction. Watching as your eyebrows curl and your lips separate, or biting your cheek to muffle your needy noises.
His nails pull on your panties and down your legs, his eyes fixated on your expression. But he knew he couldn't stare at you forever with your exposed pussy in full display for him, almost like a present wrapped with a bow and he was ready to tear it open. And if he didn't want to devour you before, now he definitely was without a doubt.
Once his eyes landed on your center he truly saw how turned on you actually were. Virgin's, they're so easily wet. You slightly glisten in the light, he could tell you were aching, poor thing. But thankfully he was here to help you out.
A long stripped lick made you shot open your eyes down at Bowser. You choked on a moan as he went for another stripe. Your breath already starting to become laboured. "Baby, relax." He simply states, but they vibrations from his voice made you slam your head back down on your pillow. With that he chuckled and went back to licking your cunt. His tongue flickering at your clit at every stripe and you knew you wouldn't last long.
Your hands grip at his hair to bury his head further in your cunt. Your mouth is constantly open with spilling of moans and other obscenities, in any other occasion you'd be embarrassed but you were distracted with pleasure. You even moan out his name, slurring it with profanity. And he loved how whiney and high pitched you were getting and how that laced with his name.
Now you were thrusting your hips towards his mouth, your thighs starting to shut around his head. Your babbling starting to become incomprehensible. A warm tingling thriving through the pit of your stomach, reach up through your body. You didn't know exactly what this meant but it felt so good and you knew you didn't want Bowser to stop anytime soon. And he apparently understood that too.
He could feel your cunt start to squeeze nothing other than the couple of time his tongue ran through it, making you moan a little louder each time.
You rub your thighs against his face, "Bowser - Bowser - Bowser…" You whine while you body continues thrusting, it was all becoming so difficult to sense anything but pleasure. "Shh, Shh. I know bunny, you're alright." He's barely audible in your ears and the vibration of his voice bring that heat to an all time high. And a final lick of your clit made you unravel.
He helped you along your way down your high. Your legs shaked and your hands griped rough in his hair all while you groan, drawing out your moans while screwing your eyes closed. It was the most pleasure you've ever felt in your entire life. In your head your mind was repeatedly thanking Bowser for this impressive pleasure he caused you, but your mouth felt like cotton. Horse and dumb even. No words escaped passed your lips as you try.
Bowser found this even more comical then they way you were chanting his name over and over again.
But as your consciousness returns to you, you knew he wasn't done with you and strangely you weren't ready to give out just yet.
He smirks while you finally make eye contact with him, "Thank you." Soft spoken words of gratitude towards the Koopa King. This took Bowser slightly by surprise as no one has ever said thanks for giving them an organism, by your innocentance it made perfect sense. It was adorable even.
You were about to say that you wanted more but he must have read your mind because he lifted himself up again and pulled down his boxer. Setting free his cock, the top swollen and red. Pre-cum pebbling out and leaking down his shaft. Saying he was big was an understatement, you couldn't possibly think he'd in actuality fit inside of you. And once again he must of read your mind, "Oh I'm going to make it fit Princess." He laughs at your expression.
He pumped himself at the sight of you, in your dazed state and the slight plead behind your eyes for him. How you made his heart melt into pudding, he wouldn't say it out loud, but he'd do literally anything for you without a second thought. And he secretly hates that about you.
He's already groaning at the thought of your tight cunt wrapped deliciously around him and he couldn't wait any longer.
He lines himself at your entrenching and waiting hole. You stare up at him, Bowser's face so concentrated. Wth what exactly, you didn't know nor care, all you cared for was him actually fucking you. You wanted this man to take you to places you've never experienced and you knew he could make you feel things you'll never feel again. You were about to whine out for him to make a move, but he provided exactly what you needed.
You choked on the moan that threatened to slip past your lips. The intense pain of just his tip made tears prick on your eyes. You shut your eyes once again, trying to ground yourself and muster up some strength.
Meanwhile, he's slowly pushing himself further in your tight cunt. It was better than anything he's felt in his entire life. And if it felt like this everytime you'd have sex, he wasn't going to allow you to be with anyone but him. He watches as your small hands grip on the bedding and crunch roughly. He knew this had to be painful for you and he knew he had to take his time with you. But you were making it so much more difficult with the mewls you're making and the huffing and puffing.
It was painful, yes, but there was this dull sense of that same pleasure when he was eating you. That unfamiliar warmth that felt like a fire beginning to build. Bowser felt that as you squeezed his cock.
All of this made you think of the dream you had this morning, everything coming back to you like a boomerang. And the mental image of his hand around your throat to choke you came back and thinking of it made you gush. At this point in time your dignity was thrown out the window, there was no point to try to achieve it back. "Please-please put your hand around my throat." This statement itself completely went to Bowser's dick, slowly pushing deeper in your cunt. "Awe look how cute that is, asking so politely with your pleases." He faux mocks. Causing you to whine in anticipation. "And here I thought you were all so innocent." He laughed this time, embarrassment for your request was evident with the shades of reds on your cheeks and how you faced away from him. But he wasn't done with these teasing.
His head dipping close to your ear, all while his hand was ghosting your neck. "Was this what you dreamt about this morning? Me choking you while I fucked you?" Your eyes widen and air cut short. He saw you this morning having that sex dream?
How mortified you felt was an understatement, yet he actually laughed out loud at the look of shock you gave him. His deep and sultry voice looms over your frame, over your mind. His voice whispers sweet nothing in your ear. This was exactly what you've dreamt of, there was no possible way this wasn't another dream.
Your hands let go of your sheets and reach upwards to Bowser's large arm, the same arm that had his hand around your throat. His hand tightens around your throat to cut off a slight bit of oxygen, making your eyes roll in the back of your head. And that heat was about to burst at any moment by this action. Bowser saw that you were about to come again and chuckled at how easy you were. It was almost too easy to have his way with you.
Your legs begin to shake and your moans are messy with his name. Your fingers gripping so harshly on his arm that it almost hurt. Your breathing is heavy once again and it is all becoming so much more intense as before. Tears slowly start shedding down your puffy redden cheeks, you could barely comprehend that you were crying from the pleasure. But Bowser found this laughable, "That's it bunny, cry for me." He snickers while lowering his body closer to yours. His face inches above yours and at his present you crack open your eyes. Only to meet with his tongue lapping up your salty tears.
You sob at the high that seemed to hit you like a superstar. Chanting out his name with sin. Tears spilling down all while your body thrusts in his grip, your vision becoming blurred. Maybe it was the combination of lack of oxygen and a mind blowing orgasm, you felt on the brink of passing out. Bowser quickly understood and let go on his grip on your throat. You quickly gasp for air. "Come back to me Princess, can't have you pass out just yet. I'm almost done, you can hold on for a couple of more minutes bunny." He speaks but you hardly understand his words.
In this condition of being fucked out and the overstimulation beginning to shock you was making Bowser reach his high. The way your cunt locked in a squeeze around his cock was enough for him to curse. You were going to be the death of him and he knew that all too well. You couldn't think of anything but Bowser, you mind erased and dumb. Your words are being barely comprehensible, mixed with your whining moans and tears. And Bowser found that absolutely captivating.
It was only a couple more thrust before he gained his high and swiftly pulled out of your aching cunt.
His cum spewing out on your soft stomach, painting a white coat that filled your torso. He grunts and groans, your name laced in as well. Having this sight before you is better than any dream your brain could have made up with your imagination. Yet you still were so tired and on the verge of falling asleep.
You barely felt the shift of his weight as he collapsed beside you. You hum in contempt and scoot closer to his body. A smile forming on his lips, of course you'd be the type of person to cuddle after sex. Your small frame getting taken overpowered by sleep. And before you could fall asleep, Bowser lifted your comforter and wrapped both of you. Your body completely relaxes by his tenderness and you drift off to sleep.
It was only a couple minutes after you falling asleep when he heard the opening of the front door to the castle. The muffled voice of Peach ringing out, "We're back! You better be in your pajamas when I come up there." She yells out unsuspecting and Bowser thought for a moment to run out but glancing down to see your head pressed up to his chest in comfortable sleep, he couldn't dare leave you. Especially because he just took your virginity, you didn't deserve to wake up alone. Along with the image of Peach's face would be undoubtedly hilarious with seeing her little sister with him.
But who was this "we" she was talking about?
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monimccoythings · 1 year
Cuteness Overload
Just saw the movie. What a masterpiece. And (spoiler warning) I'm glad they did Charles Martinet justice even though I still think it should have been him voicing Mario. And of course, I'm in love with Jack Black's portrayal of bowser, excellent representation of a good creepy and psychotic villain that stole the entire movie. I loved it so much I'm writing a Y/N fic (My favorite little hoe, but this time is more on the platonic side). This contains a huge spoiler for the movie, specifically the ending. I'd recommend to watch the movie first.
Next Parts: 2, 3, 4, 5
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So, a couple of weeks ago your entire neighborhood got destroyed because of some epic anime battle that just casually happened over there. How cool is that? Or how horrible, because thanks to that you just have to take the biggest detour ever known to man to get to work. But hey, at least you had a nice walk.
You getting into the mushroom kingdom was entirely by accident. Yes, you were curious about that new world but never had the time or will to go on a transdimensional travel. Thank goodness there was an open sewer hole laying there (which you completely missed) to help you take the initiative.
If you didn't took into account that nightmarish journey through the tunnels, the Mushroom Kingdom was a pretty interesting place to be. The toads were very friendly and kind fellas, some of them carefully checking you out for injuries and advising you to go see the princess in order to help you get safely home.
Okay, forget about the journey through that cosmic rabbit hole, going up to the castle was way worse. You didn't remember having exercised that much, not even in P.E. You swore your vision was blurry after all that.
Princess Peach was the most loving, kindhearted badass you had the pleasure to meet. That kind angel sent down from heaven upon seeing your miserable state, generously offer you to step in for tea and pastries, while the royal doctor (another toad but this cutie came with a stetoscope and a labcoat) made sure you didn't had seriously injured yourself with the fall.
As dignified and courteous she tried to act. It was obvious she was very excited to meet another person from Brooklyn. Soon you found yourselves engaged in conversation. It felt easy talking to her, like you were talking to an old friend. You suddenly felt very glad you didn't see that sewer hole.
Mario and Luigi stopped by as well, and the second they opened their mouths you recognised them as those two dudes from that dope ass commercial. So they were the ones that were in the middle of the battle in Brooklyn. Good for them, you were glad things turned out great.
You were having the time of your life, they were really chill and easy going people, which put you more at ease. As time passed, you heard the faint sound of a piano being played. When you asked your new friends about it, they just shrugged and Princess Peach gave you a half smile saying that it was her "pet turtle".
Whoah. This was truly a magical place. Her pet turtle played the piano?? And very well by the sound of it. Peach asked you if you wanted to see it. Of course you wanted to see it! Mario and Luigi gave each other uncertain looks, but in the end they just shrugged it off.
After a long walk through the hallways you finally reached a room. The toad guards immediately stepped away when they saw their ruler approach, but gave you a look full of suspicion. Peach softly reassured them.
She opened the door for you and let you in. The room wasn't any different from the castle except that it was completely devoid of any furniture but a single golden cage with THE TINIEST TURTLE PLAYING THE TINIEST PIANO YOU HAD EVER SEEN.
Said turtle was now looking perplexed and midly annoyed that it had been interrupted, but its eyes lighted up when they landed on Peach, who suddenly looked very done and tired. But how could you notice when its mere sight alone was too much for you to bear.
It was SO CUTE. SO DARN CUTE. Cuteness overload. You had died and were sent to adorable heaven where tiny turtles played teeny tiny pianos. You made sure to tell it that several times, making Mario burst out laughing. And it got even better from that moment, because out of that turtle mouth came the most colorful collection of threats and insults in a HIGH PITCHED voice that made your heart melt. Because of course it, he, had a high pitched voice. That only made you gush out more, you loved animals but specially you absolutely adored reptiles.
Mario was literally holding himself against the wall to keep himself from falling for laughing so hard. Luigi was cry laughing and Peach was trying to cover her face, but it was clear that from the way her shoulders rose and went down that she was practically wheezing.
You asked Peach if you could hold him for a while, to which she seriously, or at least she tried to sound serious in the middle of all that laughter, answered that it was too dangerous to let him out. But how could something as darling as that do any wrong? Peach gently pulled you out of the room, but not before you let out a "Bye bye, piano playing turtle, I love you." To a very blushing and mortified turtle.
Turns out that the turtle had comitted war crimes. Very bad war crimes. And even though he was still a little cutie to you, he got what he deserved and shouldn't be let out under any circumstances. Still, you were def going to visit him again.
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spikedsoul · 1 year
This is just Bowser and Y/N now.
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100%. Bowser is fuckin adorable and y'all can't change my mind.
Although, honestly, that ring still looks a little big to comfortably keep on the wrist... chokers are back in, aren't they?
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cosmicladyy · 1 year
🥺👉👈 As someone who is very much a Bowser enjoyer could you, perchance, write a fluffy Bowser x Reader? For a prompt... maybe the Reader finds him asleep and takes the opportunity to get closer to him? Or, something of the cuddling variety? Reader can be gender neutral- it don't mattah too much to me.
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Cuddle Bug
bowser x gn!reader
It’s tiring running a growing kingdom. So many things can and have gone so wrong to the point where Bowser has to physically step in and fix it himself; which leads to a lot of complaining and ‘I have to do everything myself’s.
So it’s not uncommon to find his royal highness taking an afternoon nap in his room, which he always argues that he isn’t and is just ‘thinking of new war strategies’. The snoring that can be heard through the door doesn’t help his case.
Today though, once you’ve figured that the castle can be without its leaders for a few hours, you decided to join him for a quick snooze.
You find him in his giant bed, knocked out on his stomach with one arm cradling his head and without his sharp accessories, after bugging him so many times about how unsafe it is to sleep with them on.
“you could poke an eye out in your sleep.”
“I’d look so much cooler with an eyepatch.”
Once you’ve kicked your shoes off, you slowly move under the covers and make yourself comfortable. You look over at the sleeping turtle to make sure you haven’t disturbed his slumber and flop down on a pillow.
You weren’t expecting an arm to wrap around your middle and pull you from your spot. You can practically feel the expression on his face as Bowser moves you closer to him.
“Why would you do that,” you try to pinch the offending arm, “I just got comfortable.”
The king of Koopas opens his ember eyes and gives you a boyish smirk as he leans into his side, using the arm he had under his head to prop himself up.
You try to sit up as if to leave, which only makes him hold onto you tighter.
“Are you saying you don’t feel comfort in the arms of your favorite king?” All that gets him is a playful eye roll.
"Well, I wouldn't say favorite- ACK!" Mr. Comedian moves and puts a small fraction of his weight on you, and while isn't much still manages to knock the wind out of you; You feel his chest rumble as he chuckles.
Bowser takes the chance to flip you both over, with you straddling his chest and him on his back, "don't have to lie, I already know I am."
"Mhm." no use arguing against something that's true.
He brings a clawed palm up to your face, caressing your cheek with his thumb. Soaking in his warmth, you nuzzle into him and hold a hand over his own.
The look in his eyes is so full of love and awestruck that it nearly has you melting into him; as if he didn't believe that you were there with him.
He lives for moments like these, just you and him in each other's presence with no disturbances. It's in moments like these that he lets his walls down completely with you, more so than he already does. He wishes he could spend all his days just like this, with you by his side.
For now, though, he's enjoying this moment for as long as he can.
knock, knock
“uhh, your majesties?”
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Imagine # 1,048
Gif NOT mine.
Year posted - 2023
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Bowser and Jr. laughed excitedly as they produced fireballs, the elder taking the time to teach his son how to effectively use his ability in a fight. While (Y/n), a basic human, sat on the sidelines encouraging the child with praise. "(Y/n) come play!" Jr. demanded with a wide grin, his excitement contagious to both adults present. "Alright alright." She agreed with a smile, setting her book aside she moved to stand beside King Bowser, Jr. still propped upon the top of his shell. First Bowser produced a large fireball, hurling it at the tattered looking target, which took the blow surprisingly well. Then Jr. followed in his father's steps, producing a smaller, but still powerful, fireball and sending it hurtling towards the target. Once it reached its mark, both of them looked to (Y/n). "Your turn." Bowser stated, making Jr. chuckle happily. "Alrighty then." (Y/n) mused before fishing out her trusty zippo, an item neither of them were familiar with. Once in hand she quickly flipped open the lid and produced a flame, one that was most certainly smaller than the fireballs they had been making. Both boys fell into a fit of giggles at the sight of the fire, neither of them having expected her to be able to produce any sort of flame. (Y/n) smiled as she joined in the laughter, happy that she was able to surprise and amuse them both. "Again again!" Jr. cried out between his giggles. Doing as he asked she closed the lid then reopened it, and produced another small flame. Each of them falling into a fit of laughter once more. Life was strange in this world, but (Y/n) wouldn't trade it for anything in this world or her own.
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Buy me a coffee sometime? ☕️
(Click the coffee for my Kofi link, IT'S NOT NECESSARY BTW.)
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telleroftime · 27 days
(Not a request or anything, just something fun I wanted to share with someone)
A Mario related idea I’ve been thinking of recently is Bowser kidnapping Y/N and, in typical Mario fashion, there’s an entire adventure to save her. But by the time Mario shows up, Y/N is 100% smitten with Bowser. So the next game rolls around and Y/N has now completely embraced the campy villain role alongside Bowser, and is cackling and making a big show as they help him steal stuff for their dream wedding 🤭
Yes yes yes, 'cause imagine you still have a good moral compas so you do all this for fun but don't let Bowser go too far as to hurt the others. You'll be sitting back on a throne with that typical villain aura, watching Bowser and Mario fight, but the moment Bowser gets a little too close to majorly hurting Mario you just call out something like "honey I'm hungry" or "I'm bored, carry me home?"
And Bowser being Bowser drops what he's doing like the lovesick king he is and indulges you.
But then also - Imagine you're in the middle of some mighty plan, when Mario finally gets to Bowser's castle ready for a battle, but it's you that ends up meeting him. He thinks he will have to fight you but you just lift up your hand to silence him with a shake of your head. He tries to talk but you shush him.
Just - "You took too long and my husband caught a cold. Take the stuff and leave, I'll tell him you beat me fair and square." // "Why would-a you do that?" // "Because someone has to stay beside him otherwise the fool will crawl out of bed."
Fool as a term of endearment. "My fool."
Also, I'd love to think that Bowser continues kidnapping Peach but this time it's for your sake. You need a princess' opinion on your clothes? He'll bring you Peach. You want a teaparty with other royals? He'll bring you Peach.
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