#breath of the wild
demiboydemon · 2 days
Zelda: Link and I got engaged 🥰
King Rhoam: Link, I wish you would have asked me first.
Link: My apologies, Your Majesty, but you aren’t really my type.
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between-star · 2 days
What is left (after the end of the world)?
fic by @sparklyfaerie art by wildstar
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His eyes close, forehead leaning against hers. She feels his breath on her lips when he murmurs, “I love you, too. I have for a long time.”
Read Here
Thank you @zelinkacrosstime for having us!
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prisiidon · 2 days
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Lady Filomena of Caeruleis! A leafy seadragon zora 🔱 Will you accept her offer to spar?~ {full profile here!}
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smilesrobotlover · 1 day
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Like father like son
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weepingtalecowboy · 3 days
Hero tips from Legend
For Wild,Hyrule and Wind
Lesson No.1 how to get free rooms
Legend : “I can get us an Inn with three meals a day reasonably well maintained rooms and a bathroom all free of charge just follow my example all you need is to say you are my accomplices when talking to a guard”
Warriors: “Legend that is a FUCKING PRISON CELL?!?!?!”
Legend : “Only if you let it.”
“Prison’s just another option, really. You can always say no to it. If they don’t catch you, you’re good. It’s their problem, not yours.”
The young members of the chain(thoughtfully): “So, prison is only for those who get caught. I like that. It makes sense.”
The rest(horrified): “No, it does NOT make sense! If you break the law, they WILL come after you!”
Lesson 1.5 how to leave the hostel :
Legend: “If you get caught, don’t worry. Breaking out is half the fun. It’s like a puzzle in a dungeon . You just need to be smarter than the guards.”
Young Heroes (taking notes): “Right. Prison break—step one: outthink the guards.”
Seniors (in disbelief): “That’s not supposed to be part of your life! You’re supposed to avoid prison entirely!”
Legend(casually): “And if you get locked up, just stay calm. Bars can’t hold you forever. There’s always a weak point. Find it.”
Wind(confidently): “Every prison has a weak point. Got it.”
Warriors(sighing): “I can’t believe I have to say this, but…don’t go to prison in the first place!”
Lesson No.2 how to deal with the fame:
Legend(smirking): “You know, if they start putting your face on wanted posters, that means you’ve earned their respect. They want you that badly. They’re paying attention to you now.”
Youngest (genuinely listening along ): “I knew it! If you’re wanted, it’s basically like they’re giving you an award for being a problem!”
Senior links(exasperated): “That’s not respect—that’s desperation to catch you!”
Legend(pointing to his wanted poster): “Look at that. They took the time to draw me! That’s how you know you’ve made an impression.”
Juniors(awed): “How do we get one of those?”
Senior Links (panicking): “You don’t want one of those! That means they’re after you!”
Lesson no.3 How to get “treasures” :
Legend being a helpful role model : “Stealing’s only a problem if you get caught. If they don’t notice, it’s basically a free trade.”
Juniors : “So it’s like finding treasure? I like it!”
Warriors(horrified): “That’s stealing! It’s not ‘treasure’ if it belongs to someone else!”
Legend (mock whispering) : “Then make it yours...”
Until next time with the hero of Legend's personal life tips about heroism
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bubblyernie · 3 days
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Man, I've never stopped thinking bout the BOTW concept art link (google it). There's seriously no design I can't twist into my own version which is like infinitely more alt and edgy
art tag // commission info
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Zelda Adventure
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battyccino · 3 days
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Tade, a talented musical prodigy/bard within the Yiga Clan. He works as an undercover spy within a traveling music troupe that entertains across Hyrule. His main instrument is a biwa.
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demiboydemon · 3 days
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moonteaa · 1 day
Teba appreciates Zelda’s brilliant mind lol
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alicethekitsune · 2 days
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he's my fav creation from now, Tuego the travelling merchant
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yuzimi-online · 3 days
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Name: Princess Zelda
Series: The Legend of Zelda
Capsule: Sanrio Dreamland
I.D: ZEL-201
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weepingtalecowboy · 21 hours
Gerudo Wind would grow very quickly
Fanfic prompt : I already made a wind is Gerudo post but now I have thought about it it must be horrible for the chain to deal with
Like riju is already Wild's size at 14
Wind is gonna steal his clothes soon enough
Then his next victim would be Warriors
And if he still wants to cuddle with someone he will take up the entire bed like an overgrown cat
Considering that four is bite sized in comparison to wind
The poor thing would be used like a teddy and probably suffocate under wind's arm strength alone
Not considering if wind rolls over onto him he would probably die from it
But also the stigma of having a Gerudo child that exists in the older timelines
Like time's or twilight’s
Because Time had a war against the Gerudo people in his
And Twilight's hyrule literally banished some of them to the twilight realm
Tension with other hylians who are still against them is a very real possibility
(Even if Wind would take it as a compliment that they see him as a great thief and a menace to society because he is hella talented at it thank you )
Time just keeps getting judged for “cheating“ on his wife and the face everyone makes when he tells them that wind is in fact not his daughter
And when he eventually points at the very tiny short hylian who is actually related to wind and he is is just co parenting
People awkwardly want to know HOW and why
(Four is just continuously making every single thing better because he is wind's predecessor)
But also if he waltzed into a Gerudo town to see the architecture of his predecessors
The sheer amount of fear and anxiety those people would feel when they see a clearly male Gerudo child
Like damn it they just had a whole bunch of problems because of the last king
They can’t recover if a new one comes in right now
It's not even been a decade yet
Still they let wind in because any male born from the Gerudo tribe is to be the next king
And the chain quickly learns to make Wind wear female Gerudo clothing when entering a Gerudo town (with red hair because the more wind looks like a normal Gerudo the better) because the mess of last time was not fun to explain to anyone
(Wind definitely would want Gerudo clothing because the flood erased all the cultures and traditions so something like that would be extremely important if he was to revive Hyrule on a new land)
The whole town
The leadership of the town
Everything was horrible
And chaotic
Riju was not having fun but wind would probably be the nicest king they could ever get (he is welcomed back if he stays like that)
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doodle-deku · 2 days
since I gave Link a mom I decided Mipha needs a mom too. so here's the Zora queen!
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I don't actually think she was pink, I just didn't want to use grey again and I chose dark red like mipha and sidon, then I made it extremely desaturated and this was the resulting colour. I deliberately didn't give her an eye colour or any other colour on her fins because I only do monochrome but I wanted the jewels to pop so that's why they're different. since mipha is a dolphin, sidon is a hammerhead shark, and dorephan is a blue whale; I figured the queen must be a great white shark so that's what I based her head on. Oh and I used miphas pose in that one official drawing as reference for the queens pose.
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critical-birb · 1 day
Another Rito headcanon of the day!
Young Rito start learning to fly when they first grow in their primary and secondary flight feathers, around age four/five.
Around age seven/eight is when Rito boys will typically start learning to shoot a bow or use basic weapons.
There's a speculation from other domains that Rito culture is a little on the sexist side for not having female warriors, however Rito have a significantly different view on gender identity to many races. There is no way to biologically know if a Rito is male of female at birth because they all have cloaca, so whether or not you are an egg layer or not doesn't become apparent until adolescence. Instead of determining their gender by anatomy, infant Rito are all considered genderless until they either begin to take an interest in more 'masculine' or 'feminine' activities, and they sort of decide their own gender in childhood. Rito warriors are typically all male because wanting to fight is considered a male activity. Many Rito warriors lay eggs and are still considered men.
When Rito warriors turn eighteen, they receive a coming of age ceremony. The young warrior is dressed in ceremonial clothing and must battle with an elder warrior and win. Once they have proven their strength, the young warrior receives two traditional arrowheads of the tribe which are worn at the end of their braids to show their maturity.
Warriors often wear a sash decorated with patterns which represent their legacy or family, and if a warrior is lost in battle, his companions will often paint his traditional patterns onto their own garb aside their own so that he may still join them in future battles.
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ly2cheeart · 7 hours
Breath of the Wild: Goodbye to a World 🏰
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