#breeding tw
mintmatcha · 1 year
whining about how his cock is too big and it's stretching your pussy when he leans in and goes "You're gonna thank me for stretching you out when it's time to push my brat out."
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wordsbymae · 6 months
Saviour Complex- goddess!Reader x Warrior
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Plot: Reader is a young goddess, still yet to come into her full power. The patron goddess of innocence and compassion, she resides deep within the forest, caring for any lost souls who come her way. Destruction finds its way to her lands, as the Emperor's men flood the forest, tasked with cutting down anyone who refuses to denounce their heathen ways. One warrior finds the reader's temple, and tasks himself with 'saving' the reader from herself.
TW: Loosely based on posiden and medusa, which if you know is a trigger warning all on its on, SA, Implied non/con, talks of religion and religious genocide. Neither the warrior's or reader's religions (so to speak) are actual practised or once practiced religions. They are completely made up. Sexual talk. This fic is from the warrior's point of view so very much misogynistic, ignorant, and him being a dick. Also breeding is mentioned (a few times, opps) I see the warrior as Pedro Pascal as Pero Trovar
Notes: This was meant to be priestess reader but I liked this idea better. Enjoy!
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He would hardly call the temple before him a temple. It was nothing more than some stones and arches pilled together, hidden under the canopy of a great oak. It was not as old as the other temples he and his comrades had pulled down. The other's, older and more grand than the one in front of him, were infested by savage heathens. They had been dozens of them milling around the great stone pillars. Some leaving tokens of good faith, other's seeming to be in constant service to their wild gods.
This land he found himself in was not under the watchful gaze of the Eye. Nor were they subjects of the Emperor. Instead they worshipped petty gods and goddesses, born from mortal parent's, given gifts of power from Mother Wild. The gifts given depended on their actions as growing gods. Raised as mortals until their 20th nameday, when Mother Wild gives them her final gift, immortality. At least, immortality to a point.
They age as mortals do, but the hands of time pass ever slowly by. As they watch their family and friends grow grey and old, only days have the wild gods aged. It is said that they can one day grow old, grey and tired, succumbing to death as all living things do. But none had ever yet to reach such an age. Gods were able to be killed but it took strength and numbers to do so, and the sword of Caleen, the first wild god ever born. Caleen's own blood had been mixed with the metal, creating a sword capable of penetrating through the gifts given to them. The sword, gifted to him by the Emperor, lay dormant in its sheath by the warrior's side. It was the only method known to truly kill a wild god.
Until then, the only way to defeat a god without the sword was to force them to act in a way that went against their patronage. Salios, once god of law and order, had his gifts ripped from him by Mother Wild, when he unjustly killed an innocent man. Without his gifts, age and sickness came for him thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of years before he should have perished as a god. Yet such an act had not occurred for hundreds of years, least of all forced by human hand. So these wild gods reigned over their forgotten wood, almighty in power and reverence.
It was heresy.
These 'almighty' beings were nothing but demons, given unholy power by the forces of darkness. Born human, yet corrupted by power. It was unnatural, it was all that went against the teachings of the Eye. Humans were sinful creatures, and the more power one had, the more corrupted they became.
The warrior grimaced as he walked up to the temple. A stupid move if he was being honest. He was here alone after being separated from his battalion. But he needed a place to shelter the coming storm, the air thick with the scent of rain. He would rather face a barbarian than freeze in the wilderness. The temple seemed to be empty, no worshippers leaving offers or priests caring after the god. It was quiet and lonesome. Yet strangely welcoming. He could feel warmth emerging from inside the temple, the scent of delicate florals dancing through the air.
He hesitated at the threshold of the temple, it was clean and well looked after. The walls were lined with soft candlelight, and murals of prancing deer and maidens dancing through the woods. A statue of a woman stood silent in the middle, bathed in dark sunlight by a round hole in the roof. The statue was covered in crowns of flowers. Some placed on her bowed head, others hooked onto her arms as they reach outwards, palms facing towards the sky. Gifts of pearls, lilies and feathers of pure white were placed delicately at the foot of the statue.
He did not care to learn these savage gods names. There were hundreds of them, some more powerful than others. Some given patronage over small, worthless things. He had laughed for hours when he discovered that there was a patron god of footprints. Whoever this temple was erected for, was loved yes, but not revered.
The warrior walks deeper into the temple, becoming enveloped in a sense of peace and compassion at the care given to this little goddess. He grunts in frustration, these stupid gods and their stupid 'gifts'. When he and his brothers in arms desecrated the patron god of fear's temple, the battle was nearly lost as they nearly fell to the wild gods powers. Fear racing through their ranks. Just being in the presence of a god was enough for their powers to linger in the air, effecting a mortal humans thoughts and feelings.
This little goddess must still be here.
Rain began to fall from the heavens, it came down with a fury. Yet, the rain that fell through the hole came down in fat, gentle drops upon the statue of the goddess. Water drippled down her stone face, the warrior had to admit this little goddess was quite the beauty. If her statue was anything to go by. He walks deeper into the sanctuary, closer towards the statue. He stops just in front of her image, breathing in deeper at what he can only imagine is her scent, sweet yet comforting, there was an earthiness to it too. He reaches out to caress the stone cheek of his little goddess. What a pretty thing she was.
He kneels to take in the sight of the gifts offered to her. There were the pearls, feathers and lilies he had seen before. But now he could see spools of white wool, wrapped in ribbon, and carvings of hearts, flowers and dozens of names circling the statue.
Lightly touching the most prominent of the carved names, he allowed himself a grin. He had found the wild goddess of innocence and compassion.
He had found you.
You were the youngest of the gods, only decades since you were gifted your immortality. Yet, you had quickly become beloved by your worshippers. The patron goddess of innocence and compassion, you resided deep within the forgotten woods, caring for the animals of the forest and any travellers who crossed your path. It is said that only those in needing of help or guidance, and children looking for a home could find you. The delicate smell of flowers leading the way to your temple. The names carved upon the stone at your feet were those you had cared for over the years. Travellers lost and afraid. Children without parents or care. Women hiding from vengeful men. And men scarred by life itself. All found their way to you, to your compassionate and pure hands.
You were the last of the major gods that the warrior and his men were yet to find. Your brothers and sisters before you had fallen. Some had run like cowards leaving their temples, and their followers, to burn into the night. Others, slaughtered by his hand. Time may only harm the wild gods so much, but Caleen's sword is a deadlier foe than time itself. It filled him with joy remembering plunging Caleen's own sword into the first wild god's heart. He was the first of the wild gods and as such he was the first to fall.
The warrior stood to his full height quickly as soft footsteps made their way through the temple. They came to a stop, the owner hidden by darkness still.
Outside the storm raged on.
"That you little goddess?" the warrior jested, hand coming to rest lazily on his sword's pummel. He stepped around the statue, giving a slight kick at a doll that was laid carefully at its feet.
The sound of hesitant shuffling could be heard. His little goddess was nervous.
"May I see your face, dear one? I have come a long, long way to find you. I wish not to leave this place without seeing your face, it would break this poor soldiers heart" he pouted in fake hurt, creeping towards you as a wolf moves closer to its prey.
"Who are you?" you ask, voice calm and strong. Yet, he could sense fear in your words.
"Just a poor soldier, a lost traveller if you will. Seeking the care and compassion of your grace" he answers, bowing slightly. He toys with his pummel, he had a feeling he would not need to draw it this day.
"Are you hurt?" you plead, taking a closer step towards him, your sense of empathy and compassion shinning through.
The warrior saw his chance, and he was going to take it.
"Not physically your grace, but I have not yet broken my fast or had a drop of water in days." he furrows his brow, grimacing and holding his stomach with his free hand.
"Oh! Your poor thing!" you exclaim, rushing forward to meet him. Once in the light, the warrior damned the creator of the sculpture for failing to capture your beauty. The statue was nothing in comparison to you. Your hair was thick and healthy, framing your face perfectly. Your skin soft and supple. Lips dewy and oh so kissable.
Your were the most beautiful woman he had seen in his entire life.
And here you were, all his for the taking. You were dressed as a goddess deemed fit, perfectly tailored and fetchingly so. But all he could think about was ripping it from you in a daze of lust. You rushed up to him and guided him deeper into your temple. He only realised that the temple was much larger than it seemed when he was outside. These wild gods and their tricks. You cooed to him the entire time. Stating there would be a warm bath and fresh fruit and clear spring water for him in his room. You hadn't even noticed his weapon, or if you had, you truly were the patron god of innocence.
He allowed you to fuss over him. Allowed you to lead him deeper into your temple, until you reached an open court yard, filled with plants of all colours and sizes, soft grass below his feet. At one end a statue of Mother Wild stood, vines and flowers blooming across her figure. In the centre of it was a beautiful flowering tree, more gifts had been left here to.
He stopped you from leading him further on, his eyes set on this tree. There was magic in its very fibre, unnatural power. He could feel it.
"Everything ok soldier?" you try, hand coming to rest on his back. He flinches at the contact, it was so soft and kind. No one had touched him with such care before.
"What is this tree?" he turns to you.
"Oh! Its a magnolia tree" you grin
"No, I know that, why is it here, and why.." he stops himself, he was going to ask you why he felt power radiating from it. "why are there gifts at its base."
You give him a soft smile, gently grabbing his hand you lead you to its base. You softly bring yourself and him to the ground. White flowers fell softly to the ground. You reached a hand out to touch the bark, closing your eyes, before reopening them to look at the warrior.
"Here, give me your hand"
Without thought he places his hand in yours.
What wicked spell have you put him under.
And why does he not care to know.
With your gentle touch on his, the warrior felt heat rise deep inside him. You placed his hand on the bark, yours overlapping his.
"Do you feel it?" you whisper, voice soft and kind.
Of course he could feel it. Pure innocence, unbridled compassion and love.
He hated it.
"This tree is an extension of myself. The day I was born, when my parent's realised who and what I was, they planted this tree. They understood that they and all those who I love would grow old, die and leave me alone. This was their way of giving me a companion. The day I received my gifts and my patronage was the day I laid my parents to rest under this tree's shadow."
He watches in silence as tears well up in your eyes.
"I hadn't even turned four and ten springs yet, when...when they attacked. They were raiders from the south. Brutes, really. My parent's told me to flee, but there were younger children, pregnant women and injured men who couldn't flee, or didn't know where to flee to. So while the warriors in my village tried the best they could to defend us. I went back and forth between this tree and the village, carrying, dragging and leading all those I could to the safety of the great oak that shadows my temple. When I went back the last time, there was nothing left. Our warriors were slain and my parents...."
You break off, tears trickling down. He feels the sudden urge to wipe them from your cheek. He lets himself have the honour of doing so, and your let yourself have the pleasure of him touching you.
"Anyway, there wasn't much else I could do, so I brought them here, buried them, and cared for the survivors the best I could. It was then I was given my gifts, for my compassion for my people and my innocence in the face of death, I was given my patronage. We rebuilt our village, and life was good. But the years after I was given my final gift, were... difficult to say the least. Watching my friends grow old, have families of their own. Then watching their children age and grow grey. I... it was difficult."
You give him a pointed stare, now turning your back onto the tree and rested upon it. He removes his hand from the bark, mirroring your actions.
"Can I tell you a secret?" you plea, eyes big and soft.
"Of course my little goddess, I will take it to my grave." he sternly replies, practically giving you his oath as a holy warrior of the Eye. You thought he was joking, jesting with you after such an emotional story. You gave him a giggle and playfully smacked his chest.
"No need for that, but thank you." you trail off, thoughts of long ago in mind. He nudges you softly, eager to learn your secret.
You look back up and him and sigh, turning off into space.
"Sometimes, when I have no one to look after, and its been months, sometimes years, even, since someone has walked through my temple's door. I wish I wasn't born a goddess. I wish I could grow old, fall in love, marry, have children of my own." you look down, playing with your hands.
The warrior was troubled, yet excitement grew. You could be saved. You wished to be without the corruption of the dark forces that ran through your very being.
"But you could start a family. I have heard tales of demigods"
"Yes, but I can't" you stress turning to him. "I am the goddess of innocence, not just compassion. To bare a child would mean I am no longer innocent, therefore my powers would be stripped from me. I would be mortal again."
You huff in frustration. Even if you were able to have a child, it would still grow old, and you would be left to bury another one of your kin below your beloved tree.
The warrior was delighted. Overjoyed, perfectly happy with this news. Some gods had gifts that were hard to strip from them. How do you make the god of footprints go against footprints? Cut off their feet? Unless....
No he's getting distracted. Here he was being given his own gift, from his god. The Eye was testing him, for sure. Allow a wild goddess to continue her wicked magic, or save the mortal within. You already told him you wished to be free of your curse, the burden placed on you the moment you were born. All he had to do was take your maidenhead. Put his seed in your womb and watch it grow. And what a fine mother you would be. You had spent decades being a mother to hundreds, so what more a burden would a few of your own be. In fact he was sure your would revile in it.
You were practically begging him to fill you with his seed, with those big, soft eyes and those curves that screamed at him to take you. He was without a wife, he would have to break you in for sure. You were a wild one of course. But with a few whelps to look after and one surely in your belly, how much could you defy him?
His cock began to stir. His eyes laden with lust. You look up at him once more, brow furrowing at his darkened eyes.
"Is everything okay soldier?" you sweetly ask, actually concerned for his wellbeing.
"Let me give you the life you want, little heathen" he begs, pushing you down onto the soft grass below the tree.
"What? No! Get off!" you plead, pushing against him. He tightens his grip on your wrists.
"Give me the honour of cleansing you of your dark powers, instead allow me to gift you the honour of carrying my seed." He growls, coming down to give you a lust filled kiss.
You bite his tongue with a vengeance, the taste of blood trickles onto your tongue.
"Mother!" you scream, turning onto your belly. Reaching for the silent statue of Mother Wild. She sat impartial, watching silent and cold. You begin to sob, as the warrior pulls your hips and ass into his crotch.
"Shh, shh little goddess, it will all be over soon. You shall be my sweet wife and you shall grow fat with my child." he comforts, his words tasting like iron on your lips.
"No!" you cry, elbowing him in the nose. You get up to run, straight towards Mother Wild, you drop in front of her and beg for her help.
"Help me Mother Wild. Please!"
You were only gifted the power of healing and other small gifts that now seem useless. What could were they against a man like this? The warrior gets up with blood streaming down his chin.
"My! The little heathen has some bite, huh" he sneers, pulling his sword from its sheath. You turn to look at him in fear, surely that was not what you think it is.
"Recognise this? I drove it through your first wild gods heart, and many more of your brother and sisters since then. I wish not to harm you little goddess, but if you do not renounce your claim to your wicked birth right, then I will be forced to kill you." He almost grins at the sight of you kneeling and afraid.
'That's it heathen, fear me, fear the holy Eye.'
You turn to Mother Wild once more, pleading and begging for protection.
Nothing happens.
You sob as you are ripped from your place by the statue and dragged back to the ground under your tree. You are pushed onto the soft grass, for a moment you forget what is happening, and you are young again, watching the sky through the leaves of your tree. Your parents are still alive, you had yet to be given your gifts, and you can kid yourself into thinking life will be like this forever. You are broken from your daze as Caleen's sword is plunged into the soft dirt by your head, and you are quickly reminded what madness you found yourself in. You stare up at the warrior in front of you, fat tears rolling down your cheeks. He kneels down onto you. His blood drools out of his mouth, dripping down his chin. His eyes are filled with lust and pride.
What an evil, wicked man.
You choke back a sob in fear of what is to happen next.
"My dear one, do not cry for the life you are renouncing, cry with joy for the life we are to create." He shushes you gently, a rough hand caressing your tear stained cheeks.
"What poetry is this, that you should lose your gift of innocence the very place it was given"
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killsaki · 2 months
loserboy virgin tutor izuku who you pity…. college age and hes never even kissed a girl…… so you promise him if he helps you for free, you’ll help him too…. after every study session , he looks as if he’ll run away when you bring up giving him your half of the deal….. it’s almost nothing at first, getting him used to another—to your touch… his face all red and he can’t keep his eyes on yours while you trail your fingertips from his face down his chest…. he doesn’t seem more confident later when you move on to pressing your lips to his cheek… and when you press yours to his for the first time, he cums in his pants, rushing out of your apartment in shame… but you find it so cute… so when it finally comes time to it…. you’re not surprised by how he gets so worked up from all your light touches, or the messy kisses he couldn’t make neat no matter how hard he tries, not with the lazy grinding you purposely do in his lap….. it’s when you ask if he wants to be on top, and he flips the two of you over almost instantly, nearly ripping off the little bit of clothes you have left …. you’re taken by surprise by his heavy fingertips, and the weight of him pressing down into you as he wastes no time aligning himself with your entrance ….. it knocks the wind out of you, the force of him as his hips meet your for the first time ……. neither of you knowing his strength until he’s using it to pin you down, kissing your lips and muttering he doesn’t even know what, against them……. he goes mindless inside you, his body forcing yours down into the bed with each of his thrusts…. you dont know if he’s too far gone to hear how loud he’s making you, or if it’s half of what’s driving him….. there’s nothing you can do but lay there and take it…. even if there’s no way he’ll think to pull out…..
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malew1fed · 1 year
absolutely fucking desperate writhing around on my back for cock. teeth gnashing screaming crying. literally i could not care less from who rn,,, need to be pinned down, feel someones entire body weight on top of me while their balls smack against my tcock in time with them thrusting into my cunt. can almost feel them slamming into my cervix, i love the discomfort bc it shows just how bad they want to breed me <3 hot breath against my neck, teeth sinking into my shoulder as they shudder through their orgasm and fucking fill me. ((this is also applicable for straps. my holes are always available for straps <3))
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lovemikage · 2 months
forced breeding w chilchuck except i'm the one making him breed me
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tpup · 3 months
god wants you to knock up your tboy ex
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mintmatcha · 11 months
idk I'm ovulating but a nice older nanami who tells you thst the only think you have to worry about is having his babies- leave everything else to him
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yanderu-deredere · 1 year
I don’t know if you’re taking reqs or thirsts? So you don’t have to answer this, but how about a scenario with Fujio? His breeding kink just shining through. He has reader in a mating press and is just going at it. Anywho, I hope you have a good day and your blog is very aesthetic!! <3!!
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a/n: alexa, play tik tok sound ive been waitin for this one! jokes aside loool thank you so much for this blessed ask forreal, i just love this so so much and i love being able to write for this bastard horny man! hope you likey? might make a not second part to this but like an alternate part where its dude darling... we'll see
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warning: female parts and pronouns, slight implications of a chubbier reader, breeding kink, kind of a little bit of objectification and misogynism (references to women in the kitchen/in the household/as homemakers), degredation
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fujio watanabe ★ profile
Honestly, Fujio didn’t know where this hunger came from. 
He had just come from work; he had lugged what felt like thousands of pounds of drugs and equipment through the docks, he was sweating and exhausted, and all he wanted to do was sleep for a hundred years.
Then, you came in like a mirage in the middle of a desert. You were in the kitchen with an apron tied around your waist, your hips swaying almost hypnotically and your voice humming melodically. 
It was like the first time he saw you.
If he didn’t know any better, he would’ve said that there was a spotlight shining on you, for Christ’s sake. There was just something about you cooking for him in his kitchen, so peaceful and happy, just there, in his house, after a day of him working so he could provide for you.
He groaned as he immediately felt himself chub in his jeans.
“Fuji?” You called out, not even turning around to look at him, too busy chopping something in front of you. He could hear the rhythmic thump of the metal against the cutting board. 
Instead of responding, he just dropped his duffel bag onto the floor and surged forward, ignoring his aching muscles in favour of satiating this new lust that he could feel filling his cock.
“How was work?” You asked him pleasantly, apparently unaware of the oncoming storm. 
It didn’t take long for you to figure it out, though, because he was immediately pressing his hard-on against your ass, grinding it between your cheeks as a way to relieve the burning ache as his fingers desperately worked to remove your pants.
“Fujio!” You dropped the knife to grab his wrists to stop him but, like always, the bull-headed man completely disregarded you.
Instead, he pressed a kiss to the back of your ear and then started mouthing at your neck “Missed you at work. Dunno, got really horny seeing you cooking.”
“What the hell does that mean!” You tried not to moan as he sucked a hickey into your skin but, instead of answering your question, he just pulled your pants down to your ankles.
You would’ve huffed indignantly at him but, before you could, he wrapped an arm around your waist and manhandled you to face the dining table. Then, with a broad palm, he pressed you down onto it, bending you forward.
“I can never get tired of this view.” Fujio chuckled as he thumbed his bottom lip before, just as hastily as he had dealt with your pants, he undid his, freeing his hard beefy cock and letting it bounce against your ass. 
“Now, le’see…” Without hesitation, his strong calloused hand cupped your thick thigh and raised it, propping it up onto the table so he could get to the real treasure.
“You complain too much for someone who’s drippin’, huh?” He chuckled in that arrogant way that made you want to kick him but, before you could really retort, he was already pressing a finger into your cunt, the stretch of it forcing your hips to flex a little bit.
There was no give, though. Fujio was nothing if not strong and you were held in place by both his body caging you in and his hand holding you down.
In fact, your squirming only succeeded in grinding you against him and that did nothing but rile him up. In retaliation, Fujio already instinctively knew how to crook his finger to make you absolutely gush. 
You whined and squirmed even more which, in turn, had him pushing another finger in you, plunging both of them as deep as they could go, scissoring them and stretching them apart to prepare your walls for his rather hefty dick.
The stretch, of course, teetered between pleasure and pain, in that area that pushed you closer to an orgasm but pulled you away from it all at the same time. It was a familiar sensation that Fujio loved to give you and that you, more or less, loved to receive. 
“You sure are wriggly today, huh?” He laughed again in that deep rumbling haughty way of his and then, suddenly, you felt his hand leave your back. Before you could rise, though, you felt the sharp sting of his palm against your ass.
You only had time to yelp before, again, you felt it on the other cheek and then, again, on the first cheek. Each time, Fujio could feel you clench so hard on his fingers that it made his dick throb painfully. 
While you were distracted with the painful tingle, Fujio pulled his fingers out, using his now soaked hand to grab his dick and guide them to your equally as soaked pussy entrance. He knew you’d yell at him for the inadequate foreplay but he was a man possessed and he needed to be in you like yesterday.
Without hesitating, he thrust his entire cock in you, relishing in the way your folds parted for him so easily. You let out a choked gasp that had him groaning into your throat.
Fujio’s cock always stung whenever he thrust it in on a good day and that was since he was just that big. But, without the proper preparation this time around, he leaned closer to pain than pleasure this time around. 
The fact that his fingers, now not so preoccupied with your pussy, focused on your clit helped a little bit, though. 
“God, I’ll never get fuckin’ tired of how soft ya’ are.” He muttered, sounding absolutely enamoured before he started pulling his hips back.
You let out a little mewling sob when he did, probably because it felt like he was pulling everything out with his thick cock, before choking out another gasp when he pushed it back in even faster. He gradually got faster and faster, his thrusts getting harder and harder til even the table was creaking under the both of you. 
“You know, bet this soft li’l pussy’d be perfect for a baby, huh?” He suddenly grunted into your ear, his chest suddenly pressing hard against your back and his arm wrapping loosely around your neck. He wasn’t suffocating you but he was definitely trapping you under him.
“Bet I could fill you--” He groaned low as he hit a particularly hard thrust “Bet I could fill you to the brim like the li’l cumdump ya’ are, keep you in the kitchen, make you the perfect li’l mommy?”
You tried your hardest to shake your head, your hands moving to claw at his arms at an attempt to get him to let you go but he just chuckled and kept fucking you like an animal, with just one thought in his mind.
“God, I can just feel your warm li’l womb try’na suck my cum out, baby.” He moaned, nipping at your ear before moving down to suck a hickey into your neck “You sure you don’t want it? Your pussy’s milkin’ me.”
Before you could even shout in argument, you were hit with a hard orgasm. Your nails dug into his skin, your entire body fighting to try and curl into itself. He laughed, the loudest he has since he’s gotten back, hearty and boisterous, like he’d just proven his point and, really, hadn’t he?
His thrusts renewed in vigour and, after a couple more, he finally did one strong push and came, his cum warm and sticky as it spurted inside you as deep as it could go.
As if to taunt you even more, he leaned down, arm still around your neck tightening just a bit “You’re mine, you breeding bitch. Remember that."
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malew1fed · 11 months
found some old girlclothes today and wore an actual bra for the first time in like 6 years today, and man, the power that crossdressing makes me feel?
want to dom the shit out of a cute thing, my broad shoulders accentuated by bra straps and my tits creating cleavage, accented by my chest hair and the flexing of my biceps. blue jeans and workboots, boxer briefs creating a dissonance between my top and bottom halves. reeking of power and self esteem, sex appeal. want to be covered in stains at the end of it, jeans stained from fluids from fucking, bodies covered in sweat. their hole leaking my cum.
the masculine, the feminine, the threat of my hands and my strap and my gaze.
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lovemikage · 3 months
woah i want chilchuck to breed me
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mintmatcha · 1 year
werewolf whose pheromones go into overdrive during mating season and before impossible yo be around. even if you're a couple rooms away you can feel your pussy aching for it-- hormones so strong you can practically feel yourself ovulating
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eniigmatics · 6 months
please message me to do either a br.**ding or pregnancy thread with any of my ladies! i will be getting to my replies for current threads now.
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theloveinc · 1 year
i need to be kiri’s chubby lil housewife who’s always getting doted on and bred and cuddled and- i need to be sedated im so in love with him
BREAKING NEWS: housewife sedated after being too in love with her husband😩😩😩 TUNE IN FOR more about her big breeder daddy AT EIGHT!!!!!
(no but forreal... need to be the wife all his friends are jealous of, who makes pastries and snacks for the agency every week and and is called his sidekicks' bonus mom, who brings all his babies in to say hi and get kisses when he's not on patrol...................then gets to fuck in his own personal office shower when they're being watched by other heroes.... and then conceives again...............)
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sluttyshima · 2 years
Eternally yours
Warnings: no beta, yandere themes, dubcon, manipulation, coercion, punishment, daddy kink, impact play, forced orgasm, overstimulation, dacryphilia, breeding, oral sex, unprotected sex
Characters: Keishin Ukai x female reader
Words: ~3.5k
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AN: reposted from my old account
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You surveyed the wreckage of your apartment. Items had been strewn carelessly about the room, furniture turned over, and several of your dishes had been shattered on the kitchen floor. But perhaps the scariest detail about the break-in was the fact that nothing had been stolen.
If the intruder hadn’t wanted to take any of your valuables, then why bother? The only possible explanation that you could come up with, was that this was no random burglary. You had been targeted for personal reasons, and this intrusion had been carefully planned. It was meant to frighten you, meant to send a message that you had received as clear as day.
You were no longer safe here.
A heavy arm wrapped around your shoulders, pulling you close. Turning towards the male, you wrapped your arms around his waist and leaned your cheek against his chest. His other hand came to rest on the back of your head, stroking through your hair.
“I can’t let you stay here by yourself,” Keishin said. “Actually, I’m not really comfortable with you staying here at all. What if the person who did this comes back?” He pulls back slightly so that he can look you in the eye, resting his hands on your shoulders. “You should stay at my place until the police catch the perpetrator. Nobody will be able to hurt you while I’m around.”
Pushing against his chest slightly, you shake your head. “Oh no, I couldn’t impose on you like that! I’ll just… get a hotel room, or stay with a family member or something.”
He frowned at your response, and if you hadn’t been so preoccupied with thoughts of the break-in you might have noticed the flash of something dark within his eyes before he regained his composure. “Babe, you could never impose.” Eyes narrowing slightly, he added, “Besides, I’m gonna be really worried about you unless you let me keep an eye on you.”
After a moment of hesitation, you finally gave in. “Alright, fine. Just let me grab a few things and then we can go.”
That had been half a year ago.
Looking back, you wondered: just how many red flags had you ignored? You had always considered Keishin to be the perfect gentleman. He was so sweet, so considerate of your feelings, so protective. Overly protective, you now realized. Possessive, in fact.
You never would have expected that your best friend was actually obsessed with you. It wasn’t as if you hadn’t ever thought about him in a romantic light. If he had simply asked you out for drinks sometime, perhaps you would have said yes.
Instead, you were locked in the suite he had built for you in his basement, completely dependent on him.
At first, you had fought against him. You would throw the plates of food that he brought for you, attack him whenever he tried to console you, and would scream until you lost your voice in the small hopes that someone might hear you and come to your rescue. Every time your captor would try to speak to you, you would spit venom-filled words, hurling every insult that you could think of at him.
Keishin didn’t like this. Each time you rebelled against him, his expression would turn to hurt. “I’m only trying to protect you,” he would say. “I love you so much, I couldn’t bear it if something happened to you. You’re safe here, nothing can hurt you. One day you’ll see that everything I did was for your happiness and safety.”
And then one day, he had stopped coming to visit you.
“I understand,” he had said during his last visit as he stared at you forlornly. “You’re scared and confused right now. If you don’t want to see me, then I’ll stay away. But when you change your mind, I’ll be waiting.” He had reached out, trying to touch you. When you had shrank back, he sighed. “I love you,” he whispered, before backing away and exiting, the door locking behind him.
At first, you had been relieved. Now that you knew Keishin’s true colors, simply being near him terrified you. Although he may not have ever put a hand on you against your will, or even raised his voice at you, what he had done was enough for you to lose trust in him forever. He had manipulated you into a false sense of security that enabled him to lock you away from everything and everyone that you loved.
But humans are not solitary creatures. It began small: you would talk to yourself to fill the silence, stare at yourself in the shatterproof mirror in order to feel as if someone were looking back at you. It wasn’t enough, though. And slowly, ever so slowly, it felt as if you were beginning to lose your mind. You were spiralling, tumbling down a black hole from which you were beginning to fear that there was no return.
You had lost track of time at that point. One day bled into the next, hours upon hours of complete isolation. The loss of any human contact weighed heavily on you. You became desperate for someone - anyone - to talk to you, to touch you.
And finally, after what seemed like years but was really only a few weeks, Keishin had you right where he wanted you.
“Please, I’m sorry!” you were banging on the door, screaming. “Keishin, don’t leave me down here alone anymore! I can’t take it, please, I need you!”
I need you. Those three words were like music to your abductor’s ears. He made his way down the stairs, hesitating just outside so that he could hear more of your beautiful begging. Eventually he couldn’t hold back any longer, so he entered the room.
As soon as he saw the tears streaming down your face, he opened his arms to you. “Oh, baby, c'mere.”
You knew that it was wrong. You knew that you were sick to turn to the man who had locked you down here for comfort and affection. But at that moment you simply didn’t care.
A sob tore past your lips as you collapsed into his arms. You grabbed fistfuls of his shirt, clinging to him frantically while incoherently babbling. Pleas for him not to leave, to hold you and touch you and talk to you.
“Shh,” he shushed you gently. “I’m here, baby girl. I’ve got you.” One arm wrapped securely around your waist while the other cupped your cheek. “I need to know - do you want this? Do you want me?”
Immediately you begin to nod your head up and down. “Yes, yes, yes!” You used your hold on his shirt to pull his body flush against yours, burying your face in his chest. “Want you so bad, need you. ’s too lonely down here without you, please!”
“I wanna stay right here with you, love,” he coos. “But I can’t have you thinking that you can bat those gorgeous eyes at me and get whatever you want. You have to know that your actions have consequences. You really hurt me the last time we spoke.”
You’re shaking now, pawing at him as you try to increase the physical contact between the two of you. “I’ll be good,” you promise. Your fingers trail beneath his shirt and up his chest, whining at the feeling of his skin, warm beneath your touch. “You can punish me, do anything you want. Just don’t leave me down here alone again, please!”
His thumb strokes across your tear stained cheek. “Is that what you want? You want me to punish you so you can learn your lesson and be a good girl for me?”
No. That isn’t what you want at all, but neither is spending another second locked away from all human contact. Your loneliness has eaten away at your mind, leaving you susceptible to the suggestive glint in your formerly best friend’s eyes.
“Yes, punish me,” you echo your earlier request. Falling to your knees in front of him, you hug his leg. “Teach me a lesson. Make it so that I’ll never disobey you again.”
Keishin groans at the sight of you on your knees for him, completely submissive. The way that you look up at him through lashes sparkling with tears has the blood rushing straight to his cock. And with you clinging to him, he can barely hold himself back.
“Such a good girl,” he praises as he smooths your hair with one hand. “I don’t want to punish you, pretty baby. But there are rules, and you have to learn to obey them.”
You’re disgusted by yourself as you nod up at him. A nagging thought in the back of your mind tells you that this is wrong. That you should be frightened of the man in front of you. Instead, you feel almost euphoric as you lean into his touch, nuzzling against the hand that he brings to your cheek to wipe your tears.
He helps you stand, guiding you over towards the bed. Sitting on the edge of it, he watches you expectantly. “Will you strip for me, sweetheart?”
You hate the way that he does that. Making it seem as if this whole thing is your idea, when you clearly don’t have any choice in the matter. And yet, his words and lustful voice have an effect on you that you know they shouldn’t, causing a needy ache between your legs.
Slowly, you begin to remove your clothing, piece by piece. Keishin watches, sucking in a deep breath as more of your skin is revealed to him. Once you are fully nude, he gestures for you to move closer to him. He parts his legs, allowing you to stand between them as he cups your face in his hand.
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he groans. “I’ve waited so long to see you like this, to touch you. I’ve loved you for so long.”
In your desperate haze, the words have you practically purring. You wrap your arms around his neck, and try to straddle him on the bed. But he stops you, holding onto both of your arms to keep you still.
“Ah, ah, ah, I still need to punish you, remember?” His hands guide you into position, bent over his lap with your ass on full display for him. “You’re going to get twenty spankings, okay? I expect you to count them for me, and I expect you to thank me after each one. Can you do that for me, princess?”
You nod, but that doesn’t satisfy him. He grabs your cheeks and squeezes them together, frowning at you. “Use your words, baby girl,” he commands.
“Y-yes daddy,” you stammer obediently.
Keishin’s eyes close for a moment, and he sucks in a deep breath. “Fuck, keep calling me that.” His hands massage the globes of your ass, touch deceptively gentle considering what is about to come.
The first smack comes unexpectedly, causing you to yelp and lurch in his lap. He holds you in place with an arm across your back. As the stinging pain begins to fade, you remember his earlier request, and croak out a quiet, “One, thank you.”
As you receive the rest of your punishment you can’t help but wonder if the man has ever done this before. He times each spanking sporadically so that you are caught by surprise each time, and makes sure that there is enough time between each one so that the pain is fresh every time his hand comes down against your skin. You have to bite your lip to stop from moaning at the mixture of pain and pleasure.
By the time he finishes, your ass is red and stinging from the impact. Tears gather in your lashes, shining like diamonds, while others soak your cheeks. You sob as you feel Keishin’s hands soothing the irritated flesh. He presses a kiss to your lower back before pulling you up and into a hug.
“You were so good for me love, took your punishment so well,” he praises. He peppers kisses along your shoulder as you bury your face in the crook of his neck. “I think you deserve a reward. What do you want, baby?”
Pulling away, you look at him with wet eyes. “Want you, daddy,” you say in a sweet tone. “Want your cock.” As if to prove your words, you begin grinding your bare pussy against his semi through his clothes.
“Fuck, you’re gonna be the death of me baby,” he groans. His hands come down to hold your waist, helping you move against him. “Did my princess enjoy her punishment a little too much? Now she needs daddy to take care of her?” One hand moves to your knee, making it’s way up your thigh before tracing over your sex. “Oh shit, you’re already so wet for me.”
“All for you,” you moan. “‘m all yours, daddy.”
As soon as the words leave your lips, you realize how true they are. It’s as if Keishin’s punishment has torn through the last of your resistance. He’s broken you, simply by isolating you and showing a single display of dominance.
His eyes have gone dark, a tiny ring of brown almost completely swallowed by his lust-blown pupils. He stands, lifting you with him before tossing you onto the bed. You sit up on your elbows to watch as he strips his own clothing off. You’ve seen him shirtless countless times, but this time the sight of his rippling muscles sends a jolt of desire straight to your core. And when he removed his sweatpants and briefs in one motion, you were practically drooling.
He was long, and thick. A few veins ran up his hardened length, and you wonder how delicious it will feel to have them rubbing all of those pleasurable spots inside of you. His pubic hair is dark and curly, slightly trimmed to give him a clean, groomed appearance.
When Keishin climbs onto the bed, you immediately reach for him. But he catches both of your hands in one of his and pins them above your head. “Be good for me, princess,” he says. “And daddy will make you feel real good, promise.”
You pout and squirm beneath his hold. But he’s far stronger than you, able to hold you down easily. “I wanna touch you,” you whimper.
“You will, baby,” he says. “But let me take care of you first, okay? I’ve been waiting years to show you how much I adore you. How much I want you. How absolutely irresistible you are to me.” Leaning down, he kisses your pout away. “So just lay back and let daddy do what he wants, okay?”
At his words, you finally stop struggling. Even when he releases his hold on your wrists, you keep them above your head where he had placed them. He smiles, leaning over you to press a kiss to each of them before crawling down your body to settle between your legs.
Using his thumbs to part your slick folds, Keishin groans at the sight. “You have such a pretty pussy,” he says. “I wonder if it tastes as good as it looks.”
The first lap of his tongue has your eyes rolling back and a wanton moan falling from your lips. He teases you with languid strokes at first. His breath ghosts over your clit and you tense, but then he pulls back and begins pressing open-mouthed kisses to one thigh. He suckles marks into your skin, biting harshly at the flesh before soothing it with his tongue and more kisses.
As he moves to the other thigh to give it the same treatment, you begin to squirm. He holds your thighs down, looking up at you and growling a warning before going back to what he was doing. You want to grab his hair and pull his face to your aching cunt, but you manage to just barely hold yourself back, not wanting to anger him and earn another punishment.
Finally, his mouth moves back to the place where you need it most. His flattened tongue collects the juices that soak your folds. As the wet muscle begins circling your clit, two fingers slide inside of you, pumping slowly.
“Daddy, please!” you beg. “I need more.”
Keishin doesn’t answer. But his lips seal around your sensitive bundle of nerves as he suckles, causing you to squeal and buck your hips towards his face. The fingers inside of you curl up, finding the spongy spot inside of you that has you seeing stars. Eyes fixed on your face, he gives you a command: “Cum.”
Your orgasm hits you so suddenly and violently that your vision goes white and you scream. The man continues to finger you as you slowly come down from your high. His tongue flicks against your sensitive clit, and you whimper and try to escape as the pleasure is tinged with pain.
The man doesn’t relent until you’re crying from the overstimulation. He finally lifts his head, mouth and chin glistening with your release. “I’m sorry love,” he wipes your tears and presses a chaste kiss to your lips. “You just taste so good. I wanna drown myself in your sweet pussy.” His lips fall on yours again, this time deepening the kiss and swiping his tongue against yours once your mouth opens to him.
He begins to grind down into you, his throbbing cock sliding easily against you due to the amount of slick gathered between your legs. Whenever the head catches on your clit, your body jerks slightly. You moan into the kiss, legs wrapping around his hips as your nails dig into his back to hold him in place against you.
“Want you so bad,” he groans against your lips. “Are you ready for me, princess? Ready to take daddy’s cock?”
Afraid that your voice will fail you, you simply nod and whine needily. That seems to be enough for him though, as the tip of his length prods at your fluttering hole. You keen when he finally begins to sink into your heat.
“Fuck,” Keishin draws out the word, eyes closed in rapture. “You feel even better than I ever could have imagined, baby. So hot and tight, so wet for me, shit.”
He fucks you with slow, deep thrusts. The force behind his movements is enough to have your body moving up on the bed. One hand settles on your hips, holding you in place as he begins to pick up the pace. The other grabs your leg and places it over his shoulder, allowing him to reach deeper inside of you.
The new angle and depth has you unravelling beneath him. “Daddy please, s’too good, too much, please!” You’re babbling and drooling, nails clawing lines into his back. The coil in your stomach is tightening, and then it snaps.
“That’s right princess, cum all over my cock,” Keishin growls into your ear. “God fuck, you feel so good clampin’ down on me like that. Makes me wanna fill you up, fuck a baby into you.”
Even though you’ve just come down from your high, those words have the tension beginning to build up again. A tiny voice from somewhere deep inside your head tells you that this isn’t right, that you shouldn’t want this. But you push it far into the back of your mind, instead focusing on the pleasure that the man is bringing you.
“Breed me daddy!” you beg. “Wanna have your babies s’bad. Make me your little breeding bitch, I want it!”
His eyes roll back in his head. “Yes baby, ‘m gonna give you what you want. You’re gonna look so fuckin’ beautiful, belly swollen with my kid.” He captures your lips in a searing kiss, nipping at your lower lip. “Gonna be my pretty little wife, having my babies. You won’t ever be able to leave me. You’re mine, mine forever.”
Bringing his thumb down to rub sloppy circles against your clit, he tries to bring you to the edge along with him. His thrusts are becoming uneven, and he manages to pump into you twice more before he buries himself inside of you and spills his seed. The feeling of being stuffed with his hot cum paired with this thumb on your sensitive bud causes the coil in your belly to snap. Waves of intense pleasure wash over you for the third time that night.
Slowly, Keishin pulls out of you. Your mixed releases begin to leak out of your abused hole, but he is quick to use two fingers to push it back inside of you. “Don’t want to waste a single drop,” he mutters. “Gotta keep it all inside, love.”
When he finally falls back onto the bed next to you, the man pulls you into his arms and kisses your forehead. You snuggle into him, head resting on his shoulder. One of your hands traces across his stomach and then upwards, stroking through the soft hairs on his chest.
“I love you so much,” he mumbles tiredly. “Tell me you won’t ever leave me, please.”
Propping yourself up, you press a kiss to his chest, right over his heart. “I love you too,” you whisper. “And I’ll never leave. I promise.”
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tosxah · 2 months
"I'm ready to have children?" she whispers into the wind........................
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His spidey breeding kink senses are tingling. Do you hear that? Its the sound of footsteps running toward you Lumine, so fast it could be mistaken for rain water.
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Lumine has been spotted. Like lightning he closes the distance, too fast to stop and skids past her. But it's fine, he breaks his stop with a wall, brick crumbling to the ground and dusting his jacket. He recovers, catching his breath, brow covered in sweat.
"You-" he swallows against his parched throat "Funny you should say, I was just- thinking about that." He's trying and failing at looking casual.
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godeatme · 8 months
I. G9od fucking god. We got a new impact play tool and He beat my ass until I had to move on and then fucked me while pinning me down and pushing His dick as far into me as He could. It was just a lil roleplay scene but me telling Him not to cum inside me only to be ignored and then He started again so He could do it again. I think me whining "You cant- Youre going to knock me up" while He was fucking me made Him only fuck me harder
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