#but i'm really furious about this
triluvial · 2 months
This is SUCH a modern SanSan interaction and you cannot tell me otherwise!!!!
source: x
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today in art class we had to place newspaper under our artwork to keep the tables clean, and by great ol' chance the paper I got had a story about Aaron Bushnell. Right in clean view for me. I was using the class as some time to chill out amongst some other stresses I have going on today so I didn't stop to read much but I did take some peeks.
There was an opinion piece next to it. Criticizing Bushnell. Saying there's nothing glorious about suicide. I could've laughed. Because obviously there isn't. That's the point.
This isn't glory, this is horrific. It's ugly. It's screaming for the freedom of those who are experiencing worse than what Bushnell did. He says it himself, that his fate was not extreme compared to that of many Palestinians.
Why do you need it to be glorious?
If your sense of who's the good side is the side in better spirits, better health, better mood, better status, your setting yourself to side with the oppressors.
Fuck your comfort. Fuck you.
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buttercupshands · 4 months
wait a minute
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stop it.
#bnha#bnha manga spoilers#mha spoilers#mha 423#I didn't hate this chapter before that#but now I am#because this is just cruel level of REMEMBER THIS?????#yes. I do remember this. I rewatched and reread this arc VERY recently#so... he killed Kurogiri with a punch like the one he did in USJ and again to save Izuku#I don't care honestly.#I reread this chapter and I cried again bc I REALLY refused to believe that Kurogiri died then#but he did with a death words to Shirakumo's friends and recall of old chapters#even if people want Tenko alive I doubt that Kurogiri will ever materialize again#and I'm deadly serious when I say that this is the worst part of this chapter#I worried for Kurogiri's existence ever since it was revealed that Shirakumo is in there#but that literally took FIVE YEARS TO APPEAR AGAIN HAVING AN IMPORTANT ROLE#and he left while crumbling just like Tomura's body before Katsuki hit him#and the last thing he thought about was about protecting Tomura even though he was partly Shirakumo's dead corpse appearing more and more#even Mic now understood that it's really is him in a way ending his arc from back in Tartarus with Aizawa#and you know what's worse??? TOMURA KNOWS THIS#the way he used “...........” with Kurogiri's name while the page literally showed his black smoke disappearing was heartbreaking before#it's worse now#like... okay he's dying too and he doesn't even know if spinner is ALIVE or not and he saw Kurogiri disappear#all while protecting him from harm one last time#AND WE STILL HAVE NO FUCKING FLASHBACKS OF HIS TIME WITH TOMURA OUTSIDE OF WHAT WE HAD IN MANGA#I'm getting more and more furious by the minute HAHA#I need to find that one sketch I did way back in 2019 with them after spoilers of Kurogiri in Tartarus#I NEED SOMETHING LIKE THAT NOW AND I CAN'T DRAW#I want to just curl up and cry myself to sleep like a 13 y.o that found out the bird that she looked after died while she was sleeping#kurogiri
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zmediaoutlet · 3 months
The Omaha Journal Star runs an obituary for Marshall Hall on their website. Short, unrevealing. The bigger death that day was of a grandmother, ninety-nine when she passed, beloved by twenty grandchildren, fixture at church, pillar of the community, and so on. In the print version of the paper Marshall Hall merited maybe two inches of grey space. Maybe just an inch.
"What are you doing?" Dean's tired and it doesn't come across mocking or nagging or pointed or—anything. He's folded onto the further bed, TV light playing across his face. "Got a job lined up?"
Some daylight scene on the show Sam hasn't been paying attention to and Dean's washed out paper-white. Too much like the hospital bed. Sam says, "Looking," which is vague enough that he could arguably not be lying, but Dean doesn't seem to care either way. He nods, eyes fixed on the television but who knows if he's taking it in, either.
Pale skin, pale lips. Sam's gut twists to look at him but they got the all-clear from the doctor—his heart, mechanically, is one hundred percent fine. If Sam asked Dean would say he was fine, too, and Sam would want to smack him except that Dean looks like he'd crack in half with any additional pressure. Although lately—Sam doesn't know. When they were kids he would've said he could predict every single dumb thing Dean would say and he'd make bets with himself sometimes on what'd come out next. His odds were better than even. After the years apart it's—different. Sometimes Dean gives him this look and Sam doesn't recognize him; sometimes Dean opens his mouth and what comes out is—not something Sam would've ever thought could be said, in their family. On this particular night he might ask, and Dean might say—anything.
The show goes to commercial. A Chevy dealer in the county over has offers you can't believe with zero cash down. Wells Fargo wants to extend you a line of credit with low APR. Dean rolls off the bed and goes into the bathroom and closes the door, quiet, and Sam looks at the cheap maple veneer and then goes back to the obituary.
Marshall Hall, 1979–2006. Beloved son, believer in justice and truth. Pursuing a JD; active in his community. No mention of a wife, or kids, or siblings. A 'celebration of life' to be held on the following Saturday. In lieu of flowers, his mother requests that donations be sent to the legal aid organization where Marshall volunteered his time. That's all that's fit to print, about Marshall Hall.
Sam's been to more funerals than most. He can imagine Marshall Hall's. Shocked relatives, gathering around the gray-faced mother. More-shocked friends and colleagues around his own age, most of them faced probably for the first time with that appalling and unavoidable truth—that it could come at any time. That any of them could be standing in their kitchens or riding their bike in the sun or just at work, doing their job, and death when it came was unspectacular and uncompromising and then—that was it. There had been a Marshall Hall and now there wasn't, and the people milling through whatever empty quiet house would be murmuring how it just seemed impossible, and how they'd just talked to him last week, and how could it be true? But it was, and it was impossible to go back to the world last week, when he'd been loud and bright and fierce and there, and each of them would have to face that in their own time, and worse, would have to look at the people standing in front of them and think—what if—?
When Dean comes out of the bathroom Sam's abandoned the laptop. "Thought you were going to fuse with that thing," Dean says.
"There'll be jobs to look for tomorrow," Sam says, and holds out a can of beer.
Dean squints at him. Comes over slow, and sits on the other bed, and when he takes the can he doesn't open it but just holds it between his two hands, looking at the top. White light on the side of his face pooling strange across his skin, his other eye so dark that it looks hollow, and Sam reaches for the remote and snaps the TV off so it's just—his brother, sitting there, in inadequate lamplight but at least not being dragged off to nightmares Sam can't currently stand.
"I was watching that," Dean says, and Sam says, "No, you weren't," and Dean looks up at him and opens his mouth and then closes it, and sighs.
"Dean," Sam says, and then hangs there, not sure how to say it—true. "I wish—man, I don't know. I wish it'd been different."
Dean's thumb runs around the aluminum rim of the can. When he looks up he looks into Sam's eyes, and then at his mouth, and then he sits back and his shoulders are a low curve and he shakes his head, eyes cutting off to some misery. Whether it's Layla or Marshall or Roy or some combination of all three—or something worse—Sam doesn't know, and the not-knowing's got this pit growing in his stomach. He puts his own beer down on the nightstand and reaches out and gets his hand on Dean's skin—grips the inside of his wrist, his thumb on the knob of bone. If he pressed hard enough he could feel Dean's heart beating but the warmth of skin is enough, for now.
"Hey," Sam says, raw.
Dean huffs. "Hey yourself," he says, and Sam doesn't know if it's wanted but he leans across the space between the beds and kisses Dean anyway—close-lipped, firm, his other hand under Dean's jaw so he can't duck away. Dean lets him. Return pressure, after a second, so Sam doesn't feel like he's kissing a lifeless thing. Sam breaks away with relief dumping down his spine and presses his temple to Dean's temple, and Dean turns in so his nose brushes Sam's cheek and lets him breathe the same air and then pushes him away, gentle. He meets Sam's eye and it's okay—well, it's not okay, but they are at least—and then he opens his beer, and heels back to sit up against the headboard of his own bed, and that's going to be it, probably, about this day, and this week, and Sam'll have to be content with that, or risk the terror of asking.
He sits back on his own bed and turns the TV back on. A cop show. It'll pass the time until they sleep. He wishes it had been different. Given how it was, he wouldn't have made a different choice. He opens his own beer, and sits in quiet with his brother.
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crimeronan · 5 months
Laughing hysterically at the premise of Amity, who has spent almost every night in Luz's room along with Hunter, seeing Grimbaby!Luz with Hunter's eyes and being like "What. What. What. How the fuck did I miss Luz being with child and also how the fuck did that even happen without me knowing in the first place???? Do I want to know the answer to that??? Probably not!!!!!"
amity is like i thought for SURE i'd finally sorta sussed out the semi-platonic nonsexual heterocentric throuple thing we have going on and it turns out they've actually been DOING IT the WHOLE TIME???
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winepresswrath · 4 months
I think I would need to reread the first book to really commit to this opinion but imo some of the horror of book!claudia is that she really is a terribly inhuman monster. she was a vampire child, so she never learned to be human. she was a vampire child so she'll never grow up and fulfill that potential. companionship is a necessity for her because she can't look after herself and that makes her bitter and disdainful of people who want love for its own sake, especially in the context of Louis and Lestat, who damned her to her current state to fulfill their own emotional needs. it's a stark contrast to show Claudia, who yes, is a vicious mass murdering vampire and has fun with it, but is otherwise a lonely woman who craves companionship and understanding because she's a person. Her beef with Louis is still about his failure to prioritize her and his assorted bad idea relationship choices but the undertones are so different and I really feel like the tragedy is that he didn't put her first and not that he could never have made her happy no matter what he chose.
#tbh i think claudia in the book is perfectly capable of love she's just furious all the time#but there's definitely a particular monstrosity/eatrangement from humanity#which in terms of the other vamps. lol maybe she's just honest!#howevvver#i say again u would not catch her getting love bombed into a theatre cult#she is simply not vulnerable to that particular trap#at the same time i think it honestly was about book claudia. at least more than it's about show claudia. she engineered a situation where#louis had to choose and he did! she had the opportunity to make up with lestat basically whenever and she didn't because she was furious#and unwilling to put up with him.#valid! but imo a much less desperate situation than claudia in the show#who is also i think dealing with a much more serious betrayal#like tell me if i'm wrong but book claudia clocks that he won't give them up without a fight from the get go#in kind of a game recognizes less competent game kind of way#whereas show claudia really thought she could show up and ask louis to leave with her. and if he agreed that would be that#and i think the violence she receives and witnesses in return is what really ruptures their relationship for good. she was mad about the#diaries and the boyfriend and the general state of her existence but unlike book! claudia i genuinely don't think she'd have tried to hurt#him if he hadn't done that. whereas book claudia would gut him for funsies#maybe even a little affectionately if he didn't make her too mad first. however it's lestat he was always going to make her mad moot point#god i love show claudia but book claudia really is an absolutely singular character i should reread just for her#either way always thinking about Her#press says iwtv#interview with the vampire#the vampire claudia
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God, it's one thing for Crozier to refuse in one episode to send men out into a storm, then to send poor Little and co out to quite literally die in search of whisky in the next.
It's another thing entirely for him to advocate for Silna's comfort and safety in one episode, then threaten to throw her off the ship and only let her back aboard if she's screaming for help in the next.
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shannonallaround · 6 months
After pondering on it for several days, I have officially decided I did not like the direction of KFP4 and have banished it from my brain. It is no longer canon. KFP4? What's that? Don't know what you're talking about.
#spoilers ahead#it wasn't all bad#I really truly loved the scenes with Li and Mr Ping they were wonderfully hilarious#and the music was great#BUT#I just did not like the direction they took Po's story at all.#and I'm kinda furious they subtly undermined Shifu's character#by making him “fine”/“not fine” with Oogway picking Po as his successor instead of him.#it was only a thing for 2 seconds for the sake of humor but it completely undermines his inner peace character development#first off why can there only be one successor#and second off why can't Po take primarily the fighting side and Shifu take the spiritual side#It FITS HIM#don't know if most people would notice that shifu's character was undermined but because he's one of my favorites I sure did and it HURT#also um the furious five WHY didn't we have them be the main characters with Po instead of the fox chick no one cares about#literally their interactions with Po that's WHY WE'RE HERE DREAMWORKS#also it's become really obvious to me that the fox girl was literally written just so they could cast a specific voice actress in a big rol#nothing against that actress I love her in other stuff but that was a bad move Dreamworks#and another thing#the movie's message about change not always being bad is perfectly fine and good in theory#but such character change is only satisfying from a storytelling perspective if the audience actually WANTS the character to change!!!#I don't WANT Po to stop being the dragon warrior! I don't WANT him to pick a successor! That wasn't satisfying!! like whyyyyyyyyy#Plus he's like way too young?? to be worrying about this??? Oogway didn't worry about it until he was literally 900 years old#Shifu is what in his 60s? 80s? and he hasn't picked one#why would they make shifu worry about po doing that any time soon literally at all#so there dreamworks#I banish this movie#I banish it for one thousand years#kfp4#kung fu panda 4#po kung fu panda
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r-r-raf · 6 months
Have you seen the new Kung Fu Panda?
What makes you say that?
(I have)
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moongothic · 8 months
Do wanna say, I am actually really curious how Iva-chan would feel if the Dragodile Divorce went REAL BAD
'Cause they didn't know the two were in a relationship at all, right. (Otherwise, like, if Iva-chan knows about Crocodile having a kid then surely they'd realize that would've also been Dragon's kid and like. Understands that's Luffy etc) So as far as Iva-chan understands the situation, Crocodile may have been secretly slightly involved with the Revolutionaries for a period of time, had a kid out of the blue, transitioned, and either immidiately broke ties with the Revs entirely and fucked off to Alabasta, or kept on assisting the Revs in secret (possibly monetarily, being a sugar daddy and all 💰🐊💰) for however long in secret, only to pretty much betray them out of nowhere by attempting to take over Alabasta 17 years later Either way, surely Ivankov would've been deeply confused by this turn of events, right? Like what happened to him, why would Crocodile do any of this?
But if the straw that broke the camel's back and shattered Crocodile's psyche was the Dragodile Divorce going really bad, either from Dragon not being that accepting OR due to things going violent over a miscommunication... How would Ivankov feel about that?
Keep in mind, we've only ever heard Iva-chan talk about Dragon with nothing but adoration and respect. They sincerely hold Dragon in such high regard, can you imagine how badly either revelation could change how Iva-chan's views Dragon? 'Cause like, sure if Dragon's straight then that's one thing, but lashing out at his loved one? When he came out? At what might've been the most emotionally vunerable time of Crocodile's life (between the transing and the baby and having to leave his son forever. Y'know. Heavy shit)? Yeah, frankly speaking, Iva-chan would be completely justified in slapping the shit out of Dragon and giving him some choise words. Perhaps even some 💉 Karmic Punishment 💉 to teach a lesson Feeling disappointed in Dragon would be an understatement. But even if The Divorce happened due to a tragic accident (of Dragon attacking the strange man he has never seen before out of instinct when going to see his wife and child), it's been nearly two whole decades. Have the two even spoken since then? Like presumably not considdering Crocodile didn't even know who Luffy was. So if they haven't spoken at all-- did Dragon ever apologize? Or was he that much of a coward he couldn't face Croc and take responsibility for what he did? If so, that is absolutely pathetic and frankly irresponsible considdering the feelings he would've left Crocodile festering with.
Like either way, I'm deeply facinated how Iva-chan would take the news. How that could impact their relationship with Dragon, as well as how they've viewed Crocoboy for the past few years as well.
Because suddenly Crocoboy didn't just go bonkers out of nowhere, abandon and betray the Revolutionaries to try to do something monstrous for selfish gain. Suddenly, it was Dragon who abandoned Crocodile and left him all alone for nearly two decades, believing obtaining an Ancient Weapon was the only way to take down the World Government. Countless innocent lives that perhaps could've been spared in Alabasta had Dragon just fucking talked to his ex--
Yeah. I'm curious how Iva-chan would feel
#Moon posting#OP Meta#Sorry my brain is soup I can't form a coherent thought rn#Something about the mental image of Iva-chan getting fucking furious at Dragon on Crocodile's behalf#Just#I'm not crying shut up#Like if there is a scenario where Dragon genuinely needs to apologize to Crocodile for however the hell he fucked up#I think Iva-chan taking Crocodile's side and telling Dragon that he fucked up and needs to take responsibility would be like. Important#'Cause I think Iva-chan might be the only person in the world who could get Dragon to apologize (considdering how long they've been friends#Especially because Iva-chan might be the person who genuinely understands Crocodile's feelings the best#(Depending on how his egg got cracked and whether or not Iva-chan needed to help with that etc etc)#All of this to say; the Dragodile Divorce really would be more interesting if it went Real Bad. It would impact so many more characters#Another familiar question: What would Kuma have thought of it? How about Sabo and Koala?#But yes Iva-chan's reaction is the one I'd be the most interested in. Especially considdering like. IDK I kind of thought they'd have...#...a bigger role in Kuma's backstory but they actually kind of didn't. Like their friendship was not that important in the end#And a part of me deeply feels like Iva-chan should have a bigger role somehow in the story. Like they should impact things more#And yes if Crocodad Real then that alone would add to Iva-chan's role a whole bunch. But that would be like in past tense.#How about how things are going to go down from here on out? Yeah
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rapidhighway · 1 month
dad just sent me an ominous text to intimidate me ig
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divinekangaroo · 4 months
Not to mention the immense irony that the 'farewell' speech Tommy gives to his family opens exactly as would a politician’s speech about honouring his promises.
Emotion the enemy of oratory, etc.
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lionydoorin · 1 year
so how do you think things would go in 6 if amber got away with being ghostface, say ritchie shot liv and amber never revealed herself and he died before he could reveal his partner. does his family know about amber, does she specifically get targeted alongside sam. how does tara react when she learns that amber was the one that attacked her last year
oh. OH this would be a treat.
i'm gonna put this under the cut because i'm pretty sure i'm gonna talk a lot.
amber getting away would play really well into the whole "she's the real mastermind" thing the directors had said in an interview before. the idea that she didn't really love richie but saw him as a means to an end, in this case, the creation of her perfect stab 8 script.
she wasn't stupid. she knew his plan of framing sam carpenter for the murders would probably not work; and, quite frankly, the idea of having the daughter of the original serial killer as an unexpected hero was as enticing as having her as the killer. so, when things got rough, she betrayed him.
when he shot liv, amber sprung into action, throwing her body on top of his as she held his arm up. surprised eyes stared back at her as she smirked, kicking between his legs so he would kneel on the ground in front of her. tara, in all of her bravery, assisted her in holding his arm, while amber did her best to pull the gun from his grip; richie shot her shoulder, right then, hearing her groan in pain as she falls back beside mindy's unconscious body.
he's the one who ties tara and hides her in the closet, expecting amber to follow up with the plan. they didn't talk about her outwardly attacking him, but she was supposed to reveal herself later, so he figured she was just playing her part as a survivor. richie's also the one who tries to trick sidney and gale when they arrive, but, not only does he fail, but he misses the shot that would hit gale before he walks back in.
he also expects amber to make sidney's phone call, one that never comes, and sam stabs him in the back with a knife before he can shoot sidney or gale as they walk in. they fight, him shooting her in the abdomen twice as she falls to the ground.
before he can finish her off, tara hits him with one of her crutches, having been untied by amber while the fight erupted in the entrance. sam gets on top of him, throwing the gun away before she stabs him 22 times and slits his throat just the same.
amber is taken away in an ambulance, her eyes closed, hand over the wound that was bleeding out. she's filled with pride and joy as she's taken to the hospital, knowing she got everything she wanted and more.
true to her word, she sells a stab 8 remake script written by her, anonymously, as soon as gale weathers publishes her book about the 2022 murders. the movie is announced six months later.
scream 6 plays similarly, as well, only with amber filling the place as tara's love interest where chad is in the original movie. i'd like to think they would be back to their constant dancing around each other, tara not confessing out of fear of losing amber. she moves in with them in new york, sharing an apartment with tara, sam and, eventually, quinn.
she didn't know the rest of the kirsch family— they didn't really talk about these stuff, too busy obsessing over their plan for six months to even think about the future he thought they would have. quinn did know about amber, though, having found their texts plotting the woodsboro killings back when the family received richie's personal belongings after his death.
it filled the family with rage, seeing her walk away with it while he was dead. and when quinn accidentally walked into amber almost kissing tara, the girl who she once planned to murder, after the halloween party, she felt furious.
sam was still their primary target, of course – she was the one who ultimately killed richie, and did so in such a brutal, humiliating way. but, after telling her father and brother about who amber was, and what she'd done, it was obvious she had to go down, as well.
but to simply kill her would be one thing; they had to crush her completely, starting by ruining everything she seems to have done her best to build.
it starts by injuring her when they get to the abandoned theatre. amber and tara finally share their first kiss, so lost in their own universe they don't notice the hooded presence behind tara, not until she is stabbed in the back.
the other ghostface is quick to do the same to amber, slicing her shoulder, letting out a chuckle as the raven haired girl screams and immediately turns to throw a punch at them. sam and chad appear to the rescue right when amber is stabbed on her side; chad pushes ghostface away from her, and is still stabbed multiple times while amber and sam hold tara — who's yelling chad's name, sobbing, as she watches her friend get murdered right in front of her.
amber is exposed when they're back inside, the three ghostfaces staring back at them as they reveal themselves. just like in the original one, dialogue starts when quinn takes off her mask, revealing herself as the third killer. "hey roomies, didn't see that one coming, did you?"
"yeah, because you died!" tara exclaims, eyes wide, staring at quinn like she's looking at a ghost. amber places a hand on her hip, pulling her back.
"kinda didn't, though," quinn raises her eyebrows, looking at her father for a brief moment before continuing. "it was a good way to get off the suspect list. stab gale weathers, stab mindy on the train... that sort of thing."
"and just i made sure that i was first on the scene, so i could switch her body up with a fresh one." detective bailey says, squeezing his children's shoulders as to signal them to continue with what they had orchestrated. "a little fake blood, a prosthetic... you'd be amazed in what a grieving father can get away with."
"though, we aren't the only experts at getting away with stuff here!" ethan giggles, walking to nancy loomis' mannequin so he can place her mask in its place. "isn't that right, amber?"
sam and tara immediately turn to look at her.
"what the fuck are you talking about?"
wayne rolls his eyes, pointing the gun at her as she takes a step towards him. "oh, please, your little act would never last. in one way or another, the past would come right. back. at you."
amber looks to her sides, clenching her fists, noticing how sam is immediately taking a few steps away from her, in tara's direction. tara is still stuck in place, frowning, her eyes searching for the truth in amber's expressions.
a sound draws their attention away from the girl.
projected on the curtains, there plays a video where richie kirsch is seen lying against a hotel bed, his hair wet from the shower and an arm positioned behind his head. he seems to be laughing at something, and when he turns the camera to record the something in question, a hooded figure is there, cloak and knife in hands as they turn around to show off their costume.
how do i look, honey?
amber's voice fills the speakers, making both of the carpenter sisters look at her with wide eyes.
you look amazing, baby. and you'll look even better with tara carpenter's blood all over your mask.
amber's eyes are glued to the screen, lips pursed, a scowl ever present as she watches the clip. she doesn't feel fear or guilt, but a secret third thing; this unexplainable shame at getting caught, of having what is definitely her biggest, darkest secret exposed to those that mattered the most.
this is when tara also backs up, feeling sam pull her by the wrist so she can position herself in front of her younger sister. while tara's eyes fill with tears, sam's are of pure rage, looking at amber as if she's the worst thing she has ever seen.
as tara realizes what it all means, all of her breath is pulled away from her throat and she's clawing her chest, her other hand holding on to sam as she lets out a painful sob. it feels like a knife to her chest, carving her up, writing amber and killer on her heart before it rips it in tiny pieces.
"tara, i-"
"stay the fuck back, freeman!" sam growls, gritted teeth and furious eyes all but demanding her to not come closer. she tightens her grip on tara and takes another step back, feeling tara's shaky grip on her faltering.
"a-amber, how- how could- you.. you are.." tara whispers in between sobs, big doe eyes staring back at amber's seemingly empty ones.
"tara, i'm not the same person i was a year ago. i changed. i chose you, i chose to stay with you and-"
"oh please, amber, you never chose anyone but yourself, you can't expect people to fall for the same little tricks you pull over and over again. you're a selfish cunt who manipulates people into getting what you want, only to discard them when they're not useful to you." ethan scoffs, rolling his eyes as he interupts amber's scene.
"this isn't true! tara, please, believe me, i-"
sam clenches her fists, wide eyes staring into amber's as she all but growls once again. "freeman, if you don't shut the fuck up i will cut you into pieces-"
"there she is," quinn taunts, eyebrows raised, slowly walking towards sam and tara with her knife pointed at the oldest carpenter. the tip of her knife traces sam's chest, and she is stuck in the spot, hearing tara's shaky breath behind her as her grip on sam's hand tightens. "there's the fucking killer."
"wh- a kil- look, i don't know what you believe, but i didn't commit those murders in woodsboro, it wasn't me!" sam angrily spits out, face inches way from quinn's as she looks at her straight in the eyes.
"oh we know that, of course you didn't- what, you think this is based on some bullshit conspiracy theory? come on, who do you think that started the rumours about you in the first place?" bailey exclaims, pointing at quinn with his head, his daughter smirking as she waves with her free hand.
"because it's not enough to just kill someone these days. you have to assassinate their character first." ethan approaches them, pulling amber towards him as he places his knife in front of her throat. "so when dad here 'discovers' your horribly mutilated bodies, posed with sam wearing her father's mask and amber wearing hers? they'll say some poor, dumb bastard read on the internet that you were the real ghostfaces and took matter into their own deluded hands."
"exactly! that's why it's the perfect alibi! and all the best lies are based on the truth. you," bailey points at amber, then at sam, "and you, are both killers. just like your father, samantha."
"no i'm not!"
"yes you are, you motherfucker, you killed our brother!"
"you... you're richie's family?" amber says, struggling against ethan's hold as the knife sits on her throat, threatening to sink into it with every movement.
bailey was right. the past did come to get her. and there was little she could do to stop it.
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one of these days i'll write up a post about the parallels and foils between vivi and hermes and why it fucking kills me. for now all i can say is in hindsight the 'latched onto vivi Hard as a kid' to 'latched onto hermes Hard as an adult' pipeline is Real
#ffix#ffxiv#vivi ornitier#ffxiv hermes#final fantasy xiv#final fantasy ix#the absolute fuckor#hermes really is just such an interesting and visceral deconstruction of/foil to vivi's themes#ranging from *vivi* being the one in the same role as the familiars here#in comparison to hermes meaning the best in the world and trying So Hard; but ultimately coming from a place of immense privilege#and the fact that he was fumbling around in the dark in a society that very aggressively tried to insulate him from any meaningful#perspective on the shitty things he had internalized about familiars without realizing it; much less knowledge to unpack it#and how in the end he still was shitty to and about familiars; including and especially his daughters; who he abused#and some of that stemmed at least partly from his own selfishness and the things he was in denial about#to the fact that vivi had *support* when it came to things like grief and fear and life being precious#and the importance of finding your own meaning in it; while at the same time treating unavoidable death with weight and respect#and people in his life being like 'yeah it's pretty fucking understandable to be fucked up about all this'#instead of at most condescendingly treating him like a freak and an outlier for like. fucking being sad or angry about things. lol#bc *vivi gets angry.* he doesn't just feel sad he gets fucking furious; he feels real ass hate; he wants people to die for what they've done#and when he *does* question that in himself it's not ~uwu if i hate people i'm just as bad as them~; it's 'i've repressed so hard that i#literally have forgotten how to identify what sadness feels like; and it bothers me that my grief response skips straight to hatred now'#i just. god i love vivi so much i could go on. anyway when someone tries to pull a 'familiar-equivalents are soulless puppets#with a single purpose and it's fine to kill them if they're defective or obsolete' vivi tries to explode him with his mind#and his friends go i'll help! and that's why i love ffix#ffixtag#ffxivtag#FF tag
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paperlovesadness · 1 year
Me seeing all the comments under Glasto-themed posts blaming Alex for being sick and calling off Dublin
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I'm barely able to fold that knife though.... And I'm not trusting myself that it'll stay folded.
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naamahdarling · 1 year
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