#call of duty
temeyes · 43 minutes
little announcement!
so!!! i've announced this earlier on twt, but you guys probably have already noticed that i haven't been posting much COD as of late, and i just wanna formally announce that i'm gonna limit drawing personal COD art for now (if not stopping fully)
my main reason is because i've been very peeved with how certain people within the fandom interact online- especially the past few months. to clarify: my frustrations with this issue have been building up for months and this decision wasn't made on the spur-of-the-moment.
and earlier today, i learned a very recent issue within the fandom here and i've finally reached my breaking point.
regardless!! i still love the COD characters and the great people i've met through it! but yeah, i genuinely need a break from it. so i really hope you guys would understand. thank you!!!
p.s. i'm very happy with my hq!! comeback + joining the jjk fandom recently, so i'm mentally okay!! so no worries!!
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shadow0-1 · 52 minutes
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For K. Wrynn
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greeneyedsigma · 54 minutes
Graves: Uhh.. Sandman just asked if I want to…
Graves: “Fell the mighty before their time and display their carcasses in our homes?”
Frost, not even looking up from her phone: He’s asking if you wanna cut down Christmas Trees.
Graves: Oh, that makes more sense.
Graves, to someone that angered him: *Holds up both middle fingers*
Frost: Can’t say I’m surprised…
Grinch: Yeah, flip em off, Graves!
Truck, confused: *Holds up one middle finger*
Grinch and Frost, both very distressed: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Price: Let’s write Graves a friendly note, shall we? Dear... Incompetent... Dumbass...
Sandman: Alright, listen up you little shits.
Sandman: Not you, Truck. You’re an angel and we’re thrilled you’re here.
Sandman: How do you want your coffee?
Truck: Black, like my soul.
Frost: Truck, your soul is a latte.
Frost: You’re giving me a sticker?
Sandman: Not just a sticker. That is a sticker of a kitty saying “me-wow!”
Frost: I’m not a preschooler.
Sandman: Fine, I’ll take it back-
Frost: I earned this, back off!
Grinch: *on the phone* Hey Sandman, do you know my blood type?
Sandman: Of course, it's B-.
Grinch: Oh, I guessed wrong. Excuse me, nurse-!
Sandman: You know it’s on your dog tags, right?
Grinch: *faint clinking*
Grinch: Oh shit! It does say my blood type! Who knew?
Sandman: Literally everyone.
Ghost: Please, Soap, after everything we’ve been through together. You can’t do this.
Soap: I’m sorry Ghost.
Ghost: I’m begging you. Don’t do it.
Soap: It has to be done.
Soap: *Places +4* Uno.
Price: You look really stressed.
Gaz: Haha, it’s the stress.
Sandman: As top in this relationship, I think we should-
Price: I can't believe you're pulling rank on me.
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efingart · 1 hour
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Check out my Ko-Fi for more info.
Sketch Portraits, OTP Kissing Commissions (sketch, inked, or grayscale)
Spicier requests are available to Patrons only (also Patrons get a discount). Spicy examples under the cut. Feel free to message me if you have any questions!
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nikolikesbugs · 2 hours
r.i.p dena. my favorite k.i.a apart from soap
also she literally died like two minutes after we met her 😃
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bzzlab · 2 hours
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birdythebirdthing · 2 hours
Male!Reader's death.
Summary: m!reader got separated from tf141 in a mission.
Operation: [Unknow]
Loaction: Russia.
In a cold weather of Russia, the task force were on a mission to kill an terrorist, they were in a warehouse heere the terrorist hid.
"I found the way to capture the terrorist, [Name] do you copy?" Price's voice came in the radio, meanwhile [Name] was searching a path to reach the terrorist.
"Yes, Sir! Copy that!" (Correct me if I was wrong, I don't know about much of military words)
[Name] said, wandering alone, while Gaz and Price were in a pair and Ghost and Soap were also.
"Sir! I found the path to the terrorist he's moving away fast, come fast so as possible!" [Name]'s voice come in the radio. Price,Gaz,Ghost and Soap were trying to be fast as possible to reach the room.
They all sudden heard.
They all forzed, hearing that gunshot from [Name]'s radio.
Part 2 next dayyyy
Correct me if I had spelling mistake yea English is not my first language
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mari-alune · 2 hours
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oh my meow 🫣
@tinypandacakes' fic is rotting my brain in the best way possible 🐇🖤
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dirtfullofwork · 2 hours
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mutantthedark · 2 hours
Came out of my vacation break just to deliver a message rq-
Taejin challenged Halia to a race in fighter jets. How does she respond?
And back to my slumber I scurry-
Ah, back from the slumber and vacation- I hope you had a great time! 🫡
Honestly, Halia is a fast and safe flyer. Halia always accepts challenges. She'll respond: "Challenge accepted, I hope you won't crash."
With that, they'll have friendly competition.
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yukimoment · 2 hours
wdym this isnt what happened in the mw3 campaign
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lovefromlaura · 2 hours
Feeling like I'm in a mine because I'm DIGGING for some cod ghosts or cod ww2 conent
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zink-x · 2 hours
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Bitter Chocolate Decoration.
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greeneyedsigma · 2 hours
Sandman: Sometimes I forget we can tell people we’re married now. But then I realize, it’s funnier when people don’t know, and they have to try and figure out if we’re together or not.
Sandman: Like, ‘Nooo, I cuddle with men I work with all the time.’
Price: Or, ‘Do you not share a bed with another man even though other bunks are empty?’
Sandman: The military is steeped in homoerotic subtext.
Price, snorting: “Subtext.”
Sandman, grinning: Overt subtext.
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bzzlab · 2 hours
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nikxredfield · 3 hours
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