themetalhiro · 2 days
Please hug your friends! Tell your loved ones you love them! Be kind and leave no room to regret!
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barrenclan · 3 days
This has always been bugging me, especially with the inclusion of the asphodels. Is the cover image for PATFW meant to take place during any time period in, before or after the comic itself, is it purely decorative, is that a spoiler or is it something else?
I suppose it's meant to be at a generally nebulous point in time, during the middle section of the comic or maybe a little bit before it starts. It's not "set" at any exact event or issue.
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stitchposts · 20 hours
hi! i’m self taught in embroidery and am trying to get better. how do you stitch words? specifically the ones that look like handwriting and not serif fonts. the way that you make each stitch blend with the next looks so closely to writing with pen that i had to zoom in to figure out it was even embroidery. thank you and have a good week!
Hey there! I tend to use one of three stitches for stitching out text - stem stitch, backstitch, or split stitch. It depends on what I'm going for with the design and the scale of the work. Given the timing of this ask, you probably want stem stitch specifically.
Not entirely related to types of stitches but general advice. I often find that newer embroiderers tend to leave too much space between stitches. Finding the balance is key, but the best way to describe how stitches should look is that they are overlapping each other slightly when you are actually stitching it. Otherwise you get gaps. This is true especially of stem stitch and long-and-short stitch. It'll look correct and smooth and even when it's all stitched out though.
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I just don't think most of y'all can actually read facial expressions. The way two characters (or even celebrities) "look" at each other is always cited as proof of one thing or another and at least 80% of the time the pictures tell a completely different story
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dread-knight · 3 days
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I saw this on a YouTube animation meme channel and like they’re a kid but at the same time it’s like. If you are putting your work out there people will be inspired by your stuff whether consciously or subconsciously. That’s something you gotta understand. It sucks if there’s people being blatant copycats but ultimately nothing you can really do to stop it if they truly do not respect you
idk. I see this sentiment a lot with younger people on toyhouse and other art sites where it’s like “you’re not allowed to take inspiration from me” and it’s just always been a crazy ass thing to say, imo. You know? Is it because we determined “art style theft” isn’t real? Genuinely unsure where this sentiment came from
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bonni · 14 hours
I feel so bad for chappell roan. she never expected to get this big and she's only 26 and she's bipolar? like she is clearly dealing with so much shit already and people on the internet seem dead-set on sending her into a mental health spiral
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mekanikaltrifle · 3 days
Everyone who's ever worked in retail has their baffling stories about customers, and I have one I think you may enjoy.
About six years ago, I was working in a well-known UK cancer charity's shop. Lots of those here in the British Isles and usually they're frequented by anyone looking for weird old stuff or students, or the perpetually skint. Pretty standard stuff, and I liked the clientele because many were very polite and friendly eastern europeans.
The ones in the clientele I didn't like were the locals, amusingly enough. This being a town in the foothills of Perthshire, the locals were almost always weirdo upper class Scottish and English people who just did not know how to behave right. (and I once dated someone from there so I can confirm: they're just weirdos out there).
One day I'm standing in the shop, behind the till, as one does. Even then I was androgynous in whatever way I could be, barring the 3-foot long hair I was sporting at the time. (not joking; it was very, very long. kind of metalhead style though, not carefully maintained.)
This man, maybe in his forties comes in. And he starts hanging about near the till. Now, there's a jewellery display inset into the till so I assume he's wanting to take a look at one of the watches and so on, so I ask him if he's interested in anything in there. He looks at me and says something to the effect of: "Hmm, no, I'm actually in the market for something else."
So me being a polite cashier, I'm like "Oh, well what is it and maybe I can see if we have it in?"
He responds. "No, I'm actually in the market for a wife."
I'm maybe 23 at the time, mind. And I'm just baffled at the audacity. I wonder if it's the setup for a joke, and then decide this isn't a man I'd like to hear the punchile from anyway. So, I respond:
"Oh! Me too."
Now, again, I am dressed pretty lazily. There's no uniform in places like these and most of the staff are volunteers. Band shirt, flannel over the top, huge baggy black jeans and black trainers. No makeup or anything like that, and I think I look pretty gay. I thought that was obvious. He didn't.
"Uh, um-- don't you mean a husband?" He stammers at me, apparently blindsided. I know this guy's not gonna buy anything by this point and I mostly want him to go away for creeping on me, so I am like... ready to miraculously 'find something to do' in the back room by this point. I want it finished.
So, I conclude with "Y'know, I've heard a lot about those and how much trouble they can be. No thanks, I think I'll stick with a wife."
He didn't stick around for long after that, and I never saw that man again in the shop. I sometimes think about the kind of cockiness it takes to try that on a 20-something cashier in a fuckin charity shop, but yknow, apparently some just do not know when to flirt appropriately. Still proud of myself for handling it though. :D
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connorswhisk · 2 days
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low effort meme
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tieflingkisser · 11 months
it is so disgusting watching other white people reassure each other about taking breaks from social media and "prioritizing your mental health" when literally the one thing Palestinians are asking for more than anything is that people do not look away from what is happening to them
EDIT since some people seem to have misunderstood: i'm talking about the white people who have given themselves and each other permission to check out and go on about their lives in blissful ignorance, not the people who actually are taking mental health breaks. hence the scare quotes. specifically i was reacting to a trend on tiktok at the time but it happens everywhere on social media
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enfranchisement · 7 months
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themetalhiro · 1 day
Are there any one piece ships you are opposed to drawing if I were to request a commission?
No! I will literally draw ANYTHING you want me to, as long as it doesn’t involve minors or real life people in sexual contexts.
That includes any ship you want, any character you want, in any outfits you want, etc etc etc
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roseslights · 6 months
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this was just something I drew to send to a friend but thought was funni
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stitchposts · 11 hours
unfortunately my flavor of embroidery is using thread to play with optical physics and this is why my fine arts major friends want to burn me at the stake, among many other reasons
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With how popular the haiku bot is, any post it reblogs is bound to gain a lot of notes.
I occaisonially reblog from the haiku bot.
So it occurs to me that, sometimes, I help niche posts break containment.
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bonni · 23 days
since sabra has been advertising on tumblr lately I'd like to remind everyone that they "donate" a portion of their proceeds to the iof. so please buy literally any other brand of hummus and ask your friends and family to do the same!
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mekanikaltrifle · 21 hours
also, on the note of the Second Doctor's era of doctor who, I wanted to point out one fun thing about Jamie. As a Scot I often find Scots written and played by English people to be... pretty un-fun. At best they're usually a neutral, because they just don't register.
However, one fun thing I actually quite liked about Jamie is that he speaks pretty standard English. this is before the establishment of the Tardis having translator psychic stuff going on, but it fits alright with it if you add it retroactively. Jamie's from an era and placement where he'd be a Gael, a speaker of Scottish Gaelic (or Gàidhlig as it should be correctly), and we do see him at least call out his clan's warcry in Gaelic (with disastrous pronunciation lmao). What's notable is that he rarely speaks much Scots, though occasionally he uses phrases like 'wee beastie' but he's hardly a Limmy type. Obviously a lot of that is down to the pronunciation and linguistic standards of the BBC when they were writing the character-- it'd be a long time before we saw 'good guys' speaking something as common as Scots on a BBC show after all. Interestingly though this isn't entirely inaccurate for a Gael. Many don't speak broad Scots and vice versa: areas where Scots is chiefly spoken aren't generally Gaelic-speaking areas either. Often, gaels when communicating with non-Gaels will just use a fairly standard English, rather than broad Scots. So... unintentional correctness from a 1960s Englishman-playing-a-Scot character. Or maybe relatively intentional, I'm not sure. Thought it was a cool little thing tho.
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