#chilumi in it's finest
lazycatmeowsalot · 4 years
childe: So are we flirting right now?
childe: That doesn’t answer my question
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ameh05 · 3 years
~Chilumi at it's finest~
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amethystroselilith · 4 years
If Lost Return to the 11th Harbinger (Babysitter Childe ft. Chilumi)
Finally, I get to write my first Chilumi fic! Hard to find a peaceful time to write cause of family demanding attention haha
SUMMARY:  In which Childe has to babysit 3 girls that means a lot to Lumine
Can also be read in ao3: here
“You know, sometimes, I think he’s doing it on purpose.” Childe sulked, wrapping his arms around Lumine’s waist in an attempt to ditch her plans for the day and spend it with him instead.
The bed looks cosy right now and Childe would pretty much like for Lumine to get back in there with him and maybe lure her into various activities they can play on the sheets.
Lumine chuckled, “I’m sure Zhongli doesn’t mean that.” before running her hand through his hair, letting him hold her for a while, a warm feeling blossoming on her chest as she watched them cuddled together in the mirror she was using to get ready for the day.
She wouldn’t admit it, but feeling Childe’s bare chest against her back makes her just want to stay with him a bit longer, but unfortunately for her lover, she knows how to control herself.
“Yeah? You really think he didn’t plan to tag you along with whatever rites he has to prepare whenever I’m in Liyue?” Childe huffed, burying his face against her neck.
“People don’t schedule when they’ll die, Childe.” Lumine rolled her eyes.
“Can’t he find someone else to help him?” Childe pouted up at her, displaying the best puppy eyes he could put on.
“Hm, didn’t really ask.” Lumine shrugged, earning a whine from her clingy lover.
“You mean we could’ve thrown someone else with him? But you didn’t ask?” he huffed.
“He invited me to help. I accepted. Besides, he helps me a lot during my stay here, it’s just fair to help him back. May I remind you he also pulled some strings to have you here without any Milleliths watching your every move?” Lumine hummed.
Childe rolls his eyes, “I’m pretty sure you could’ve convinced them to leave us alone, you’re a hero here, they know you kicked my ass, they trust you and all.” 
“Same hero that’s dating the same man who almost destroyed their city.” Lumine rolled her eyes, “I’m pretty sure they’re a bit wary of me as well ever since you decided to shout we’re officially together in public.”
“First of all, that’s to declare I won against all my rivals and they should fuck off.” Childe shrugged, “Second… I mean, how could they blame you? I’m charming as fuck.” Childe snickered.
“Right. I’m out.” Lumine said as she unwraps Childe’s arms off her.
“Ojou-chaaannn…” he whined as he tries to pull her back, “It’s the truth, come back.”
Lumine was about to say something back, but a knock on the door caught their attention. 
“You think he’ll take Paimon if I throw enough mora on them?” Childe tried, to which Lumine just chuckled and walked to the door.
“Good morning.” Lumine greeted their guest as she opened the door, “Oh?” her eyes widened in surprise when not just Zhongli appeared, but also three little girls.
“Qiqi brought friends.” Qiqi simply said.
“Onee-chan! Klee and Diona found you!” the excitable girl in red waved, “Diona said she missed you! Me too so we looked for you!” 
Diona freaked out, “I-I did not! I don’t care! If she doesn’t want to return to Mondstat and see me then that’s her problem!” she huffed, looking away with a red face.
“You went all the way to Liyue?” Lumine’s eyes widened, “Does… anyone know you two are here?” 
“Yea! Kaeya-oniichan!” Klee smiled.
“Oh,” Lumine breathed out in relief that they’re not alone, “So, where is he?” 
“I dunno, he was sleepy when I asked him, but he said ‘yes’, so Klee is good, no?” she smiled.
“He’s passed out drunk outside of Angel’s Share,” Diona mumbled.
“But we still asked permission and he said ‘yes’!” Klee argued to avoid getting in trouble. 
“No need to worry, Ms Lumine, I have taken care of that. Rest assured that their guardians are aware of their little ones’ whereabouts.” Zhongli intervened when he saw the blonde’s about to have a heart attack.
“I’m glad you found them before anything bad happened.” Lumine sighed in relief, while she knows Klee and Diona aren’t helpless when it comes to fighting, she still can’t help but worry. She’s especially fond of the 3 little girls, protective of them as a mother would be of her child.
“Yea, I recognised Mister during your visit in Mondstat and Qiqi as well! So Klee is good with not following strangers.” Klee nodded with a proud smile.
“Good.” Qiqi agreed, it may not be seen, but she’s also excited with the thought of playing with her friends again, “Play with Qiqi and friends?” she looked up at her with hopeful eyes.
“Ojou-chan, what’s taking so long?” Childe emerged, now wearing a shirt, “Oh?” 
“Qiqi brought friends,” Qiqi informed once again.
“Hi! Will you join us in playing too?” Klee asked excitedly.
Childe caught a glint of mischief in Zhongli’s eyes, “Unfortunately, Ms Lumine and I can not join you, but Mr Childe here will be playing with you for the whole day.” 
“Eh?!” everyone looked at him with wide eyes, additional pouts from the 3 little girls.
Zhongli just chuckled before kneeling at the little ones’, “Ms Lumine and I will need to take care of some urgent errands, but we will try to finish them as fast as possible, but for now, will you be good for Mr Childe?” 
And just like that, Zhongli had dragged Lumine away for whatever errands he has to do, leaving Childe with 3 innocent eyes looking at him curiously.
Childe hasn’t been around much whenever Lumine visits Mondstat, it’s always been the usual party of Lumine, Qiqi, and Zhongli since Childe still has duties to fulfil for his Queen. Duties that would make things complicated for his relationship with the Honorary Knight, but he believes that as long as they work together, not hiding dirty secrets from one another, they may be able to find a peaceful resolution for all parties.
But that’s something he has to think of for another day, today he has to entertain three little girls.
Three little girls that Lumine holds dearly, and for some reason, Childe feels a bit pressured in trying to win their favours, well Qiqi should already be won with coconut milk and the fact that they both work together in Lumine’s main party, but he’s not too familiar with the other 2 besides Lumine and Qiqi’s story. 
Klee seems to be easier to win over because of her energetic and friendly nature, Diona however, may take a bit of work with her shy and independent personality. 
But they’re still kids. Childe has experience with kids, his siblings love him, so this shouldn’t be too difficult, right?
“So, do you guys have any games you want to play?” he asked after watching the 3 finish the last of their breakfasts.
Klee pursed her lips, “Well, we were supposed to play house but, Mr Zhongli and Lumi-oneechan are gone so we don’t have a mama and papa anymore.”
“Ahaha, why are they mama and papa?” Childe laughed through gritted teeth.
“Are they not Qiqi’s mama and papa?” Klee tilted her head.
“No.” Qiqi answered, “But Lumine can be.” she hummed, “No papa though.”
“Ah, well, ojou-chan and I are very close-” 
“But I guess Zhongli can be papa, he gives Qiqi flowers.” the zombie child hummed.
A vein popped in Childe’s forehead, “Ah, Qiqi-chan, I give you coconut milk too, remember?” 
“But you’re always gone.” Qiqi shrugged.
Childe frowned.
“Ah! Kaeya-oniisan can be our papa?” Klee added, “He’s the bestest!”
“He’s always drunk, he won’t spend time with us.” Diona huffed.
“No.” Diona hissed, ears and tail raising.
“Yeah, he’s weird.” Klee nodded, “He doesn’t smile. Weird.” 
‘Just how many men does ojou-chan know?’ Childe’s eye twitched.
“I guess Zhongli is papa?” Qiqi proposed in their little meeting.
“Ahaha, I mean, what about me?” Childe smiled since apparently not smiling will make him weird according to Klee’s logic.
The three looked at him, eyes focused, judging him thoroughly until Klee perked up.
“Does Mr Childe have a huge crush on onee-chan?!” the red girl gasped excitedly.
“Ah, you caught me, you’re a very observant girl.” Childe went along, just glad that he’s getting acknowledge as a potential papa for their mama.
It doesn’t really make sense since he’s the one dating Lumine, but being ignored by the three girls as a candidate as a papa just doesn’t settle well in him. Especially losing to Zhongli… he may have tricked him once, but there’s no way in hell Childe’s going to lose to him again. 
Even as a hypothetical father figure to these girls.
“Hm, well if you want to date Lumi-oneechan, then you have to go through us!” Klee declared with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
“I suppose you’ll be a better boyfriend than that drunkard captain and evil Diluc.” Diona shrugged.
“If you become Qiqi’s papa, then will I get more cocomilk?” Qiqi asked with hopeful eyes.
“Eh?!” Klee protested, “We have to give him tests first! Like… like how the prince has to go through challenges to get the princess’ hand!” she huffed.
“Okay.  A cocogoat, please. Thank you.” Qiqi nodded.
“A giant Jumpy Dumpty!” Klee’s eyes sparkled.
“Destruction of Mondstadt wine industry!” Diona requested.
‘What the actual fuck…’ Childe gulped.
Childe likes to pride himself as an ‘amazing storyteller’. 
His finest work is “Snezhnaya’s Greatest Toy Seller”.
He just released 3 new stories;
“Unfortunately, the Cocogoats have to be Kept in a Special Cocomilk Production Place to Spread Cocomilk Joy”
“Oh, Have You Not Heard of the Secret Survival Rule? A Giant Jumpy Dumpty, Leads to Confinement Solitary”
“Destruction of Mondstadt Wine Industry Will Make The Good Lord Barbatos So Mad He’s Going To Destroy Us All”
The 3 girls are in awe as he tells an elaborated story, each nodding in understanding, though he’s pretty sure Qiqi will most likely still look for her cocogoat, Klee will still create a huge bomb, Diona will still try to destroy the wine industry in Mondstadt. 
Childe wonders what kind of environment Mondstat is that turned Klee into a pyromaniac and Diona having such strong ambitions… 
He’s going to beg Lumine to take him there soon.
“That’s so pretty, Mr Childe!” the three awed as Childe finished weaving a flower crown made of Violetgrass.
“A pretty flower crown for a pretty princess.” Childe smiled placing the crown on Qiqi, who was beaming at the new hair accessory, hugging her hat tightly to her chest.
His little sister had always loved flower crowns, and with some random flowers he found nearby, Childe had made one in hopes of impressing the girls. He was testing it on his head when it immediately attracted Qiqi’s attention. With some spare Violetgrass she has with her, she shyly asked if Childe can make her one too. The pretty little crown on Childe’s head had also caught Klee’s and Diona’s attention by the awed look on their eyes, and Childe offered to make one for them out of the flowers that catch their eyes.
“Thank you…” she smiled shyly, carefully checking if the crown is secured on her head.
“Me next! Me next!” Klee jumped, plopping some silk flowers she gathered around Wangshu Inn on Childe’s lap.
“Oh, these will be very pretty as well.” Childe complimented, earning an excited squeal from Klee, “Have you found some flowers you like as well, Diona?” he asks.
The catgirl blushed, turning away, “I don’t want one anyway.” she huffed, crossing her arms.
“Hm?” Childe frowned a bit, he was sure Diona was also excitedly looking around, but then it hit him, there was not a lot of choices for flowers around Wangshu Inn, and it looks like she wants a unique one as well and with only Silk Flowers nearby, she came back to him empty-handed and disappointed. 
She can also feel the disappointment coming from Qiqi and Klee, who had been talking about taking pictures with their flower crowns with Childe’s Kamera.
Childe’s face softened, “Is it because there are not enough flowers that you like nearby?”
Diona just looked down in embarrassment, ears flat on her head and tail wrapping around her leg.
He just chuckled, “Well, don’t worry, there’s a village here with some glaze lilies nearby, maybe you’ll like those?” 
“T-that’s still far though…” Diona mumbled. 
Childe chuckled, “Don’t worry about it, I know a fast way to get there.” he said hydro vision glowing.
Despite Diona’s displeasure with water, she ended up having fun sitting on Childe’s shoulder as he literally rode the waves to Qingce Village, the other two clinging on both sides of his waist, secured by his arms wrapped around them protectively. 
The girls giggled as Childe softly landed them on the flowery field. Their entrance would’ve given them weird looks, but Childe had already done this a couple of times with Lumine. It’s one of his favourite moments to spend with Lumine, they would just chill in the flowery area, Childe’s head on Lumine’s lap, his hair being played with while Lumine sings softly, Glaze Lilies blooming beautifully. 
The thought sends a warm feeling in his chest, smiling softly at the thought of being lucky that the blonde made him a bigger part of her life.
“They’re beautiful!” Diona’s excited gasp pulled Childe from his thoughts.
“Well, then go and pick them while I’ll work on Klee’s crown.” Childe smiled before sitting down on the flowery field.
The three nodded and began collecting the flowers. Childe checked his surroundings first to make sure everything’s safe before taking his eyes off them. 
Childe was halfway done with Klee’s crown when he noticed that it suddenly got too quiet. His head raised, heart stopping when the 3 girls are nowhere in sight. 
He rose to his feet and began searching through the fields, hoping that they’re just hiding within the flowers. 
He started panicking when he can’t find them. Not only are these children his responsibility right now, but he’s sure his beloved ojou-chan will murder him if there’s even just a small scratch on them.
“Qiqi, Diona, Klee!” he shouted as he searches, cursing under his breath when there’s no villager nearby to help him.
A patch of frost caught Childe’s eye. 
Qiqi and Diona are cryo users, and it’s a high possibility it’s from them. There’s a burning patch just ahead of it, and Childe’s certain it’s from Klee.
The relief within him didn’t last long when a realisation hit him.
If they’re using their vision, it must be because they’re fighting someone. 
And Childe needs to move fast.
Childe followed the tracks, his pace increasing as soon as he heard even the softest sound from the three. 
As soon as he reached closed enough, his hydro daggers appeared on his hands. It has to be treasure hoarders.
He jumped in the area, a clever phrase in the tip of his tongue.
“Mr Childe!” Klee cheered.
His eyes widened, there was no treasure hoarders insight. Just the 3 girls with a mora weasel in Qiqi’s hand.
“...Wha…?” he stared at them in shock as his daggers slowly disappeared. 
“We caught a mora weasel!” Diona said proudly.
“Oneechan always runs after them so we thought we’ll help her,” Klee explained.
Childe took a deep breath, relief washing over him as he lives for another day for escaping his lover’s wrath, “I understand that you want to help her, but please don’t run off like that without me, okay?” he gently smiled as he walks to them.
“It runs too fast,” Qiqi said, raising the animal to Childe.
“Are we in trouble?” Klee asked in worry, “We just want to help.” she said looking down.
Childe chuckle, “I’m just glad you all are safe, but please let’s avoid doing that next time, alright? Liyue is a bigger place than Mondstat so it’s quite easy to get lost.” he explained before patting her head.
He then took the weasel from Qiqi, retrieving the mora before letting the animal go, “Now, why don’t we get back and finish your crowns, yeah?” 
They smiled and followed Childe back to the field.
It was late at night when Lumine got back to Wangshu Inn thanks to Zhongli’s high standards when picking the materials for the rites. Paimon hadn’t even bothered staying around when it started getting late, making an excuse about meeting Xiangling for an important taste testing. 
Though the whole experience wasn’t bad, she was just worried about how Childe can handle looking after the three alone. Zhongli assures her that Childe is probably experienced looking after children since he’s from a big family. Which worked and all, but she also remembered how busy Childe could be from that experience with Teucer, what if they run off when Childe wasn’t looking?
Zhongli shut that down by reminding her that the three are vision holders and Lumine just huffed and pouted, but agreed.
She opened the door to their room, careful with her steps assuming Childe must be asleep. 
When she opened the door to their room, she can’t help but have her heart melt at the sight.
Three little girls are asleep on their bed, a sleeping Childe sat on the chair beside the bed, a forgotten storybook on his lap.
With a soft smile, she made her way to Childe, chuckling softly when she caught glimpse of a photograph on the side table.
It was of them 4 posing for the camera, each has a flower crown adorning their heads.
“Ojou-chan?” a tired voice called softly.
“Look like you all had fun.” she smiled warmly.
Childe returned the smile, pulling her gently on his lap. His arms quickly wrapped around Lumine’s waist, face nuzzling against her neck. Lumine sighed in relaxation, leaning back and running her fingers through his hair.
“I’m guessing they liked you a lot they decided to sleep over?” she teased.
Childe chuckled, “More like the Knights were a bit busy to get them, and sent a letter to apologise for the inconvenience. Klee and Diona don’t seem to mind though, and I’ve never seen Qiqi excited for having her friends stay for longer.” 
“Hm, well that shouldn’t be an issue, we can bring them home ourselves tomorrow, I do have some things to go over with Jean.” Lumine hummed at the thought.
“Do you think they’ll welcome me warmly?” Childe teased.
“If you behave.” Lumine rolled her eyes.
“Shame. I was planning on picking a fight against the Cavalry Captain and the Dawn Winery owner.”
The blonde shifted to face him, her eyes glaring, “You will not. Why would you want to in the first place?” 
“I heard they’re great opponents.” Childe just smiled, hiding the jealousy from Klee’s story about how these men had also shown interest in his beloved ojou-chan. 
Lumine rolled her eyes, “I’ll make sure to tell Zhongli to keep an extra close eye on you.” 
“I’ll fight him too.”
“Promise me you’ll behave and I might just invite you in the shower.” 
“Bold of you to assume I won’t do it anyway,” Childe smirked.  
“Behave and you’ll be thoroughly rewarded after.”
“Oho, what reward are we talking about?” he grinned.
Lumine just chuckled before unwrapping his arms off of her, “Depends on how good you will be.” she smirked before heading to the shower.
Childe grinned before following after her.
Deciding that he’ll just pick a fight with said rivals another time.
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