#clarissa is a lesbian. she may be a sex neutral ace lesbian.
thiefbird · 6 months
❤️🧡💛 -for any age of sail fandom you feel like answering for✌🏻 ☺️
Greetings from @aye-aye-captain
💖: What is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
I mean, if you ask the Aubreyad fandom at large(I am in a facebook group about it because I like looking at photos and paintings of ships), probably my near-complete conviction that POB wrote them with homoerotic subtext on purpose. But we're on tumblr, the homoerotic subtext website, so I really don't know! I guess not unpopular as in people dislike it, but just that there's very little discussion or fic about it, but. Diana Villiers is having an affair with Clarissa Oakes. I am fully convinced of this - it might be an entirely non-sexual affair, Guinevere and Lancelot style(which would be a fascinating thing to write, actually [makes notes]).
🧡: What is a popular (serious) theory you disagree with?
I totally and completely honestly cannot think of one. These fandoms so far has been very good at being Correct According To Birb™.
💛: What is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why?
Gonna go with Hornblower here. I came into the fandom fully planning on shipping Archie and 'Ratio whole-heartedly, but I just can't quite get into a lot of it. I do fully read Archie as being in a conflicted sort of half-love with Hornblower, but I do not think Hornblower reciprocates - or if he does, he does not have any clue about it until well after Archie's death. I will go down with Hotspur Husbands and Pelhorn however. I guess also Granby/Little. I just don't know enough about Little in canon to care about him much lmao he's just Some Guy. To me. I do fully believe Granby has at least once said either "Will" or "Laurence" while they're having sex tho. Sorry, Little.
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