themeeplord · 11 months
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Safest place on earth 。°✩
Fanart of Cryptid Sightings by @naffeclipse
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naffeclipse · 27 days
How would Cryptid Eclipse suddenly found their Y/N turned into a 'Mothman' (somehow. Maybe like werewolf situation but Mothman)?
Oh, this is fascinating! Perhaps the little hunter received a bite or scratch, a small injury that they've received dozens of times before and watched heal and turn into a scar, and maybe there's a symptom or two but they brush it aside despite their sweetie's complaint. It's nothing that they don't make a tiny note of in their book. Y/N researched beforehand about the potential of the cryptid infecting a human and transforming them into something monstrous, but it's not a werewolf, so there's no need to worry. It'll heal. They're a little feverish but it'll pass. Don't worry, sweetie.
It could be very scary at first. If Eclipse, say, after returning from a little midnight hearty snack, finds a mothman creature in Y/N's bed where their little hunter just was, red glowing eyes round and staring back, Eclipse is going to attack.
Eclipse is furious and blinded by rage and panic for Y/N but strangely, the creature flapping and thrashing over the quilts has the same heartbeat as their little hunter. They keep squawking at Eclipse, calling them by name. The cryptid looks terrified and bewildered, too. It just doesn't make sense until Eclipse stops attacking long enough to hear the beast cry out "Sweetie, it's me!"
Then Eclipse stop, their claws around the fluff of their throat, and ask "Heart?"
Eclipse helps them sit up and stare at them, their body covered in tiny pine green and cream colored scales and their wings are large and angled, decorated in great patterns of mud brown with piercing green eyespots.
You're still their heart, freaking out and trying to make your wings stop knocking into the walls of the airstream while simultaneously trying to grab your book to jot everything down. Eclipse decides they can make one except for the mothman creature they so despise—because it's you.
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goldenjuniper · 9 months
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their love language is touch!!!!
eclipse is from @naffeclipse’s cryptid sightings fic and their lovely design is by @themeeplord!!!
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jackbaphomet · 9 months
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@naffeclipse CryptidHunter meeting Polar, am i right?
Yes, the ningen is a real cryptid and i love it 🤍
Cryptid! Eclipse design by @themeeplord
Orca! Eclipse design by me
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mikodrawnnarratives · 9 months
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Post fire au y/n meets Cryptid Hunter y/n because it would literally be the most perfect crossover ever. I can't get enough of y/nverse
Copper is a caretaker with kids. Struggling. Protective energy rn. Mechanic. Traumatized. They are practically already besties with cryptid eclipse and hunter. Eclipse is a cryptid caretaker who adores children to the point he'll kill rulebreakers who hurt them. Hunter is traumatized and has lots of hero complex stuff going on which honestly I think Copper would relate to the hero complex stuff a lot.
TLDR: They'd get along.
Or at least have fun interactions along the way.
Post fire au characters are from @paper-lilypie (hopefully tumblr actually notifies you of this @ this time)
and cryptid sightings characters from @naffeclipse
Some spoilers for Cryptid Sightings but I think it's just really minor stuff
Much more under the cut :)
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If they met after Hunter knew that Cryptid Eclipse was a cryptid all along, they wouldn't be worrying about how destroyed their sweetie's animatronic vessel are when they visit.
So. Cryptid Sun and Moon go after rulebreakers who harm children n stuff. Post fire sun and moon. Have blood covered hands.
The moment they realize. They better book it before Copper's boo is torn to shreds
Meanwhile Cryptid Moon is just having fun with the kids because you know they'd get along
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Explosion noises in their minds rn this is so cool they are literally meeting a cryptid woah
Maes is a little more nervous but since Cryptid Moon isn't acting scary right now it's okay
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Since post fire au Sun and Moon still got some virus issues in the beginning, their status was debatable. The more time Cryptid Eclipse spends around them, the more they recognize they're gulity lol
Cryptid Eclipse may be the kids new uncle but he's not allowed to beat up their favorite dads.
And lastly some interactions I think would definitely happen:
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And lastly some interactions I think would definitely happen
Also, Hunter would think Post Fire Sun and Moon are so cool since they are actual animatronics with advanced ai like WOAH
ALSO I didn't get around to drawing it since my eyes hurt like heck rn BUT with the amount of love both y/ns get from their boys, they'd relate to each other in that way as well
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sweetgrimm · 1 month
So, um, @naffeclipse, @chaotikanvas I know that it's technically mermay, but can we make an exception for mothmay? This has been sitting in my drafts for months and I'm finally feeling good enough about it to throw it out here. Needless to say that you guys really inspired me with your discussions and the brainrot CONSUMED ME. So here's a little mothman y/n and cryptid Eclipse bit as a result.
Moonlight dances through the leaves, casting shadows across the forest floor as you bounce from tree limb to tree limb. The night is quiet aside from the chorus of evening bugs. That’s normal. Nothing ever happens in these woods. Not since you’ve been here. Nope. Nothing ever changes. Well, excluding the occasional stray pet, but those never come this deep in the woods.
Doesn’t matter. You pause in your travels to spy a rabbit rustling through leaf litter. Its ears swivel in constant surveillance. It’s risky for such a small critter to be out so late, and it’s an opportunity you can’t pass up. Not this late in the season.
It freezes, turning its head towards some unseen threat before scampering away. Oh well. You’re not too desperate.
Resuming your travel, you begin to glide between the larger trees. The brisk wind whispers past your wings with a comfortable normalcy. Everything is just like it’s supposed to be.
The rustling of leaves much too large to be a rabbit and much too loud to be a deer causes you to pause. Perhaps a human. But it’s very dark. And cold. Humans don’t like either of those. Perhaps your curiosity will be the death of you one day.
You follow the noise, landing on an old oak as a silhouette emerges. It’s… almost human-like, but not quite. It travels through the leaves slowly, methodically, like it’s looking for something. Roosting down on the limb, you watch. It steps around roots and other debris, trying to move with a sense of stealth. It moves away from you, head swiveling back and forth.
Ghostly white eyes meet yours. Unease taints your mood, but the light is far more alluring.
“Hello!” You call out. “Hello there!”
The eyes tilt and the silhouette comes closer. It’s not a human. Its face it too round, a perfect circle. Those beautiful eyes are much too large. Plus, humans aren’t metal. That’s one thing you know for sure. But... this metal thing looks so sad. Its clothes hang pitifully, scorched and melted. A burned ratty nightcap sits atop its round head.
“Are you…okay?” you ask the glowing eyes.
It recoils slightly.
“Are you lost? Oh- I can help you! I know these woods like the back of my hand. I can show you the way out,” you say proudly, flaring your wings.
The red glow of your own eyes illuminates the stiff grinning crescent moon of a face. The scorched material is static as it speaks. “You would help us?”
“Of course!” You chirp. “I’ve got nothing better to do and you look like you could use a helping hand. I mean- no offense, but you look like you’ve been through it.”
The machine rubs a finger across its soot-covered chest. “Perhaps.” Its glowing eyes scrutinize you for a moment. “We would be grateful, but is it not a bit late for you to be out?”
You turn to the horizon and stifle a gasp. Whisps of pink dot the edges of the sky, promising the sun’s return. Right. You’ve spent most the night searching for more materials fortifying your nest for the winter.
“It’s fine. It’s not too far,” you say, masking your hesitation. Humans follow the daylight. Humans bring hunters.
“It’s not safe to travel in the daytime,” it echoes your inner concerns. “It will be easier to travel at night.”
“I mean, you’re welcome to spend the day at my nest,” you offer. You’ve never had any welcome visitors, but that doesn’t mean you’re not open to the idea. “I’ll show you the way.”
Stretching your legs, you flap your wings and join your newfound companion on the ground. And- oh goodness. The strange machine steps back and cranes its spindly neck to meet your eyes again. The poor thing barely reaches your chest. Warmth tints your cheeks as you process how oddly cute this thing is. And those eyes. Sheesh, you’re getting carried away with yourself.
Before you can do something to embarrass yourself, you spin around and start walking in the direction of your self-proclaimed home. “This way.”
A moon-cast shadow falls on your feet as the strange metal thing matches your pace. You glance back. It walks with its arms limply at its sides, its head cocks to the side in response to your staring.
“Sorry.” You turn your gaze away sharply. “I like lights- all my kind do. Kind of a given, you know? And your eyes are just so pretty with how they glow! Oh, most light from humans are so harsh, but your eyes are soft and gentle. I could look at them all night.”
It takes you a moment for your words to come back to you and even longer to notice that your companion has paused. Surely your cheeks are as red as your eyes by the fierceness of your blush. Your wings wrap around your shoulders and waist as if that would make you disappear. To say you’re embarrassed is an understatement.
“I’m so sorry,” you say after fumbling around for several moments. “I never have anyone to talk to. I guess I get carried away…”
Unbeknownst to you, the demon within the vessel writhes in confusion (and a healthy dose of fluster but they’re ignoring that). Your behavior has left them baffled. How do you not see what they are? Do you just not care? “It’s alright.”
Your nervous rambling pauses. A hesitant smile spreads across your still flush face.  “I…I meant what I said though,” you laugh nervously. “Your eyes are pretty.”
The demon stands silent for another moment. “Thank you.”
This time, your smile is bright with excitement. Your wings flare out and in the blink of an eye, you’re gliding through the tree tops, calling for him to follow.
And they do. The sound of your thrilled heartbeat lures them deeper into the quiet forest.
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weirdenbyferret · 1 month
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I have decided to put a heart on tloolcha's chest and give him a second hood and no one can stop me except @naffeclipse
I feel like Saulo would only have scars because of fights whether from the past or near the present with his brothers lol
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kryptoparalysis · 7 months
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I caved in. I drew the big guy.
Design by @themeeplord and fanfic "Cryptid sightings" by @naffeclipse !!
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nicmares404 · 2 months
Stuff from the Star Bench Magma ^^
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@certified-handler drew the guy again :)
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Cryptid Sightings Eclipse randomly just pops in my head sometimes
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lavenoon · 1 year
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It's not like they dislike getting their teeth brushed, the opposite, really! Having their little hunter get so close without being scared, being cared for - that's why they drag it all out, and get more time with their hunter! <3
@naffeclipse and I were talking about brushing the cryptid boys' teeth after @themeeplord's jaw anatomy, and turns out I can draw non spoilery fluff!
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alebrijediscordico · 11 months
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fic so good makes you read x reader after so many years and from a fandom youre not even in...
some fanart based on Cryptid Sightings by @naffeclipse, with my own little take on them <3 (but pretty inspired by @/themeeplord's design)
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themeeplord · 2 months
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They're not very soft and not very warm, but demonic cryptids are still excellent beds
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naffeclipse · 7 months
Hey Naff! I just saw the ask about what Cryptid y/n would be and your response about a mothman one, and I present to you something I just thought would be really funny:
Following along the delicious obliviousness of the main fic, mothperson y/n just not having that sixth sense all cryptids have that lets them detect other cryptids or even demons. So they find the "abandoned animatronic" and feel bad about their vulnerability and obviously burnt state (plus are drawn to the glow of their eyes!) and approach asking if they might need help. They know this forest like the back of their hand, it would be no problem directing them somewhere a human settlement could help them!
Meanwhile the boys are internally like ?? are they not? Afraid? Why is this other supernatural entity talking so casually to a demon, can they not feel what they are?
And y/n is just like all proudly declaring how they are a very good hunter (of what they eat) and well respected in the woods and how nobody will get away with hurting them as long as the local mothperson watches over them, and smiles at them just super earnestly.
And so amused they just go along with it. Wondering when they'll eventually realize what they're dealing with. Because surely they will sense it soon, right? But then they don't, and Eclipse no longer wants them to, because this cryptid can very much fly away, and they find themselves really not wanting that to happen the more time they spend together.
Heya, babe! About this post, EEEE, I LOVE THIS! Oblivious Y/N strikes again in mothperson form!
That's so sweet to think of the possessed animatronic's pale eyes becoming a familiar and welcomed light in mothperson Y/N's life, and how easily they seek out the boys with their glow. It's also a bit of a strange role reversal with Y/N sleeping during the day and fluttering around at night.
Gah, I love the boys' confusion, too! They're not necessarily concerned or hostile towards another cryptid, expecting this one to become aware that they're much, much more dangerous than what their vessel appears as, so they certainly don't expect this polite offer from the mothperson to help them hide in the woods.
Then promising to protect them. That's new. Eclipse has no idea how to take the rather sweet cryptid except to follow them into their woods.
I imagine there are a few moments where the boys almost trip themselves up when Y/N returns with a varmint for their dinner and happens to not eat the heart. Either Sun or Moon almost comments about them wasting the best part of the innards before—whoops gotta keep that to themselves.
OH OH AND ANOTHER THING mothperson Y/N believes that they're the tol in the relationship friendship because the animatronic doesn't pass their feathery antennae in height, only to be proved very very wrong when Eclipse finally emerges and is taller than them.
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anxiouscr0w · 8 months
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Some more Cryptid Sightings fanart for @naffeclipse !
I MADE HIM SO SCRAGGLY I LOVE HIM!!! The second image is just a close up of my Eclipse design :D This took a total of about 2 hours, so I didn't spend much time on it, but I think it looks cool!
I finished my reread of the series last night and arghh I can't stop thinking about cryptid spouse *sobs*
I love the epilogue too like.. its so cute! Although I can just imagine Vanessa waking up and peaking out of the airstream and seeing y/n and Eclipse kissing and just being like "wtf? Is this allowed???"
Anyway, Hope you like it Naff!
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jackbaphomet · 11 months
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What if...
Eclipse doesn't likes this situation.
@naffeclipse 's cryptid bois
@themeeplord 's designs
Original under cut
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mikodrawnnarratives · 5 months
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So my computer decided to crash on me out of nowhere and not charge at all. I can't use that at the moment, meaning I can't use my art program at the moment, also meaning I'm resorting to my cam scanner app, also. Tumblr mobile.
Which includes the ten image limit thanks I hate it I had to do my best to combine what I could lol
stressed hunter + making out with cryptid bf(s) = :)
Rlly silly idea I wanted to get out, even if it wouldn't be digitally done
I have one more image I'm gonna reblog with this cuz I couldn't get it to fit
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