#cw children
seiwas · 7 months
papa nanami and how he can't decide which fleece jacket he should buy for his little girl—
they’re tiny, the length of the fabric spanning his two palms and a half. he’s thinking hard on this one—tan or pink? tan or pink… tan or pink.
the store is closing soon; the only free time he had was after work, now, half an hour before dinner. he should hurry so he can go home already—to his little girl and you.
he sighs, holding the jackets up again. tan or pink...
he makes his choice.
when he arrives home, crouching low as his little girl comes crashing into him—the shopping bag falls to his side, hands holding her close. you peek from the kitchen, smile warm and in love.
kento always makes it in time for dinner, no matter what.
after tickles and giggles and a big munching on her cheek, your little girl pulls her papa by his pinky, dragging him over to you.
you always give him a kiss on the cheek.
“welcome home, my love.” you whisper by his ear, setting the last bowl of food down on the dining table.
you spot the shopping bag by the foyer, sneaking him a look, “did some early gift shopping?”
he follows your eyes, picking up your little girl as he sets her down on her seat.
“bought some fleece jackets for her, before it gets too cold.”
your lips curl up, knowing you chose the right man; his foresight, the way he looks after you both—it makes your heart swell as you walk to pick up the shopping bag.
when you pry it open, you’re met with fuzzy bundles of tan and pink. you snort, “couldn’t pick?”
he flushes, cheeks turning the same shade as the fabric in front of you—he points to his suit, “she said she wanted to match with me.”
your mouth forms an ‘ah’, still smiling, “and the pink?”
“i thought it’d look cute on her.”
he turns to your little girl, grip tight on her silicon utensils as she stabs around her food. she’s almost on her way to full sentences now and it shouldn’t make him this sentimental, but it does.
he wants her to stay this tiny forever.
his little girl.
“what do you think, baby?” you hold up the pink jacket beside you, speaking to your daughter.
she giggles, silicon fork in hand as her bib bounces; her eyes, the same brown as her papa’s but shaped like yours, sparkles, “pwitty! pwitty on!”
“papa always has good taste doesn’t he?” you look at your husband fondly.
your little girl babbles, giggling.
and nanami doesn’t know what he did to deserve this—your little family, but if he has to buy every fleece jacket in the world to keep you both warm and toasty, he will.
he’ll even make you all matchy.
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comments, tags, and reblogs are greatly appreciated ♡
@kentoangel @em1e @augustinewrites @crysugu @soumies @itadorey @mididoodles thought about u all while writing this 🥹
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willowser · 8 months
your little angel of a son inherits katsuki's bad temper, and it manifests in his terrible fours.
there's an awful little shriek that echoes throughout the house and katsuki is on his feet and halfway to the living room before his eyes are even open—but the only danger awaiting him there is a pouty little brat.
his son is sitting amidst a swarm of toys that have been strewn about haphazardly, and his arms are crossed and big fat tears are in his eyes and he looks mad as all hell. you do, too, sitting across from him with a deep frown, holding the ripped page of a book from his little shelf.
"no sir," you warn, "we do not treat our things this way."
you incite a meltdown.
katsuki feels his own temper flaring—half from shock and awe at his little mini-me and also from the exhaustion wearing him thin—when your son kicks his legs out in a burst of rage, letting out another little shriek of anger. your cheeks puff up, wearing the same furious expression, and at the hiss of his name, the little brat jumps to his feet and snatches a toy truck nearby and launches it across the room.
your son's attention snaps to katsuki, startled, losing a hint of anger as he pouts at the floor.
"what'd she just tell you?" and when he gets no response, katsuki prods with a, "hah? answer me."
but the little boy only stamps his little feet and grunts out a furious, wordless sound that has katsuki's lip curling. you let out a heavy sigh, shaking your head at him before frowning down at the torn page in your hands, and then katsuki is planting a hand on the back of his son's head and steering him towards the front door.
"time to take a walk."
the boy goes, even though his arms are crossed and his eyes are downcast. he only resists once, as katsuki tries to shove his little feet into his shoes.
"i don't wanna." he mumbles, face scrunched and wet before promptly looking away.
"i didn't ask."
katsuki has to resist the urge to pinch his own son.
they get out the door eventually, and the little boy stomps along for the most part, no longer needing a guiding hand on the back of his head once they get around the block a time or two. neither of them say anything.
fatherhood has taught katsuki a lot of things, which was expected, but the one thing that's surprised him is—he's learned all the things he doesn't want his son to be.
the first of them being angry. not the way katsuki was, mean and selfish, throughout his childhood; hateful and careless, in his teens; shut off and simmering, even now.
he waits until the tension has melted off his little shoulders, until his little face has dried and evened out. his arms swing at his sides, occasionally coming up to wipe his snot with the back of his hand, and he eyes the few wildflowers they pass with a little hum and a small smile.
katsuki tugs once on his ear, frowning down at the little brat when he peeks up at him. "that how you're supposed to treat your mama?"
he doesn't answer at first, leaning his head all the way back and clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth, until katsuki stops walking. "no, sir."
"how you s'posed to treat her?"
"with love."
"how you s'posed to treat your toys?"
"with care."
"uh-huh," katsuki squishes his son's cheeks in his hand, shaking his head lightly from side to side until he starts giggling. "that how you acted today?"
"no, sir."
"that how y'r gonna act again?"
"no, sir."
"okay," katsuki murmurs, nodding once before letting him free. the little boy bounces on his feet and sucks on his lip, grinning when his tummy is pinched. "now pick those for your mama."
and he does, carefully plucking a small handful of flowers from the grass as they make their way back home, and just before he runs up the steps to the house, katsuki's little angel of a son hands him the biggest one.
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izvmimi · 4 months
three for one - izuku x reader
cw: children mention. pregnancy mention. husband izuku, married female reader. reader wears a dress. a/n: a repost!
“I’ll be home in an hour. I can’t wait to see you.”
You smile ear to ear as you hang up, still savoring the sound of his voice, but in the immediate silence thereafter, the trepidation you’ve been feeling for the past month and a half resurfaces.
You let out a sigh as you set your cell phone onto the dinner table and return to the stove, turning pork cutlets that sizzle in oil and stirring a pot of soup. Rice steams in the cooker on the countertop, and the smell of Izuku’s favorite foods fill your home.
It smells heavenly, but you’re exhausted, and while the thought of the joy in his expression spurs you forth, you consider for a moment if you should have just aimed for takeout and an evening cuddling on the couch. The fact remains however that you haven’t seen your husband in two months and if you plan to give him life-changing news, you should probably do it over a home-cooked meal, even if he wouldn’t care either way. 
After all, you’ve been hiding the truth from him for months now, and you can’t possibly any longer.
Your belly turns a little, and you worry that you might throw up again before you see him. The table is set by now, and you clean up as much as you can of the kitchen, hoping that the sound of running water calms your nerves.
Before long, Izuku makes it home, right on time, and he’s a whirlwind of motion and joy - his bags go flying out of his hands, as he whisks you into his arm, nearly smothering you with an embrace.
“God, I missed you.”
He spins you as you reply the same, and you can’t help but laugh and squeeze silly tears from your eyes as you wrap your arms tighter around his neck. Your Izuku is back, safe, and you couldn’t be any more grateful. 
“I’m so happy you’re okay,” you say in a voice that’s thick with affection. Your lips meet quickly and don’t separate, engrossed in a dizzying kiss. Your hands run through his messy waves and once your lungs all scream for air, he buries his head into your neck, making a show of inhaling your scent.
“I missed you so much,” he repeats, kissing your cheek. “So much.”
More kisses pepper your skin, and you blink back a few tears, and nod somewhat embarrassed.  You’ve learned to be comfortable with his love language heavily reliant on touch. When he finally pulls back to look at you again, his smile is wide and innocent as usual, familiar and comforting.
Your Izuku, back for you. No scars, no injuries, you are thankful. 
Once he’s finally set you down completely, he begins to tell you excitedly about his adventure, but you don’t miss the gentle yet protective hold on your arms, and the careful once-over, where his eyes quickly scan your body for bruises and other injuries. It’s a habit he’s picked up over time that’s made it nearly impossible to hide your clumsiness from him (something that further reinforces the behavior). It makes you particularly nervous today however, given the circumstances.
Today you wear a baggy dress with an undershirt that covers your arms, the changes your body has undergone in his absence much less evident, but he can still see the anxiety that underlies the excitement in your eyes.
If he does notice, he doesn’t say anything immediately, opting again to kiss you on the forehead, and pet your hair gently.
“Were you good while I was gone?”
The warmth in your cheeks returns, and you nod but give him a playful punch on his shoulder anyway for the paternalistic remark. He grins, then changes the subject although he too is a bit nervous, your slightly muted behavior getting to him. His eyes glide over to the rest of your apartment finally, and then to the dinner table, lighting up immediately.
“Oh my God, that looks amazing.”
He moves over to the dinner table to peruse the wars; you follow him quickly, tension dissipating slightly with the discussion of food. 
“It better taste amazing too,” you joke, bumping himn on the hip. He takes the liberty to go one step forward and pat you on the ass before running off to the guest bathroom to wash his hands.
“Scrub beneath your fingernails!” you call after him, teasingly. You take the opportunity to wash your own hands in the kitchen sink again and consider what to do next.
How do you say this? Should  you wait and let him relax first? 
Surely it’s better if you say something before he puts two and two together? After all, the moment your clothes come off, he’ll notice.
Or perhaps he won’t. Perhaps he’ll just assume you’ve gained a few pounds and say nothing, kissing your belly softly as he’s prone to do. Perhaps it’ll be lovemaking as usual, and his usual sensitivity to your body and needs won’t be enough to notice.
But what if he does?
You were pregnant before he even left.
The days leading up to his trip had been hectic to say the least. Between the two of you preparing his departure, and the unnecessary safety precautions Izuku put in place for you for his absence, and your own work with the new Hero commission ramping up in urgency, you had barely registered that you’d missed one period and then another until you found yourself with a very positive pregnancy test.
What if it wasn’t the right time? Your marriage was still fresh, you’d just settled into the groove of being young professionals who lived together full time, and Izuku was so damn busy all the time-
“Come eat, love,” he calls from the other room. Your hand goes reflexively to your lower belly. 
You have to tell him now or you’ll agonize over it. Now is the time.
“Is it good?” you ask , smiling as you watch him eat with gusto. It’s a silly question because he’s nearly cleared his already overloaded plate.
“Incredible,” he says between ravenous bites. They say watching someone you love eat fills you up, and it’s true. Your cup is full of love.
“You’d say that even if it were awful,” you point out.
“Yes,” he admits, “but I haven’t had to,” he teases. You narrow your eyes at him playfully and he does an air kiss, cheesy enough to make you blow air out of your nose. You pick at your own dinner, but manage only to get a few bites in, which he notices.
It grows quiet for a moment as you think, and you wonder again if now is really the time, but he beats you to breaking the ice.
“Babe, is everything all right?”
Your heart starts to pound. You glance up from your plate towards him and he watches you curiously and patiently, a fleck of rice still stuck to his bottom lip. You consider deflecting, telling him something else that is not really a lie, because his gentle gaze and furrowed eyebrows betraying concern distress you. 
You don’t want to add more to his plate, figuratively.
And yet…
You swallow hard.
“Everything’s fine,” you start, and he nods, “but I have something to tell you.”
Izuku looks slightly surprised by the necessary warning shot. You don’t usually extend him that courtesy, so it’s clear that whatever you’ll say next is serious.
You breathe out slowly through your nose. Izuku watches you again carefully as you steel yourself.
“So you know how we haven’t been trying, but we’ve been a little less careful recently?”
Izuku’s eyes widen, and in the split second where the realization sets in, you can see his cheeks flush deeply and his mouth drop open in an ‘o’.
He immediately jumps to his feet.
“You’re pregnant?” he exclaims.
You nod slowly, and he seems to genuinely bloom with excitement.
“You… fuck, I-I can’t believe this! This is so exciting… babe!”
His hands rest on your shoulders then glide to your cheeks where he squishes them before kissing you again, barely able to contain himself.
Then immediately he starts to pace, the muttering beginning as he figures out what’s going to happen next.
“Why didn’t you tell me immediately? I can’t believe we’re gonna have a little girl or a boy-”
This is the hard part.
You slowly and deliberately raise three fingers and he freezes. A second then two passes, and you blink and then he blinks and the two of you watch each other in silence.
He mirrors the action, raising three fingers to meet yours.
“Do you mean… three…”
The blood seems to drain out of his face.
“Oh. I need to sit down.”
He means it. As he settles back down into his seat, he genuinely looks dizzy and you make some sort of distressed sound between laughing and crying while he’s rubbing his temples, trying to make sense of the loop you’ve thrown him for.
“So… we’re having triplets.”
He looks up from the fixed point he was staring at on the table then at you, and you nod slowly. The both of you take a good look at each other again, and you sigh.
“I know this is so much all at once,” you start, “I’m sorry I-”
“Why are you apologizing for getting pregnant?” he interrupts with a chuckle. You give him a surprised look, then consider it. It’s true. Why are you apologizing for pregnancy?
He reaches over to grab your hand and squeezes it.
“We’ll be fine,” he says, pulling you towards him. You move over to him and he makes space for you to sit in his lap. Your head rests against his chest, and his heart, despite all the news you’ve just dumped on to him, now beats steadily despite yours that races.
Izuku thinks again, pulling your hand to his lips and kisses it softly. You can see the gears turn as you watch his profile, planning, strategizing. In this moment, you realized you were being silly. 
“We’ll be fine,” he repeats. “We can handle anything.”
He turns to you, green eyes twinkling. “Right?”
You smile, genuinely, and it feels like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.
“You would fucking have triplets after I have my second, wouldn’t you, asshole?!”
“Kacchan, this has nothing to do with you!”
“Like hell it doesn’t! How dare you compete with me?”
You and Bakugou’s wife give each other a look and both sip your tea in unison, in amusement.
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strawberrystepmom · 8 months
cw children, cw families. gojo and f!reader were idiots in love and they are now married and have a baby. my effortlessly good painter gojo hc won out over being normal in my brain today so yeah. reader is referred to as mom/mama/mother and princess, satoru makes a joke about readers breasts. wc 1.1k
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Your morning has started far quieter than they usually do.
The day is overcast, no sunshine through your floor to ceiling bedroom windows, but you don’t mind. It feels good to embrace the cloudy days that have come with the changing of seasons, no harsh light to shock you awake. That job will be for your identical menaces in the coming months, the gummy smile of your morning person nine month old and her unabashedly obsessed father Satoru always eager to be your twin alarm clocks with their giggling and playful babbling at each other.
There’s nothing they love more than giving you the gift of four identical blue eyes blinking at you while you come to your senses every morning. You can almost admit aloud that you’ve become a morning person since becoming a parent, the delightful giggles of your daughter giving you the motivation to conquer anything and everything you can.
For today though, you wake gently, softly rolling from your side to flat on your back but something feels off. There are no hushed giggles, no silly songs being recited with children’s show host precision.
Your bed is empty and quiet and you feel…sad. Perhaps in the past you would’ve found this to be a luxury - no freakishly long limbs of your husband starfished across the bed to keep you pinned to it, no baby to tug at the earrings you forgot to take out last night, but instead it just feels like a less welcome start to the day.
Lingering in bed doesn’t feel good so you roll again, dropping your legs over the edge and sliding your feet into your waiting slippers. Scuffing across the floor, you yawn and stop in your tracks hearing voices from inside Satoru’s closet.
Well, a voice and some baby giggles, anyway.
“Can you say mama?”
Leaning against the door frame of the walk in, you stifle a laugh listening to your husband babble at his little girl who babbles back excitedly. Peeking around the corner, you see him standing in front of the portrait of you that he painted on your 24th birthday, little babe held to his chest and leaning her head on his shoulder.
“That’s her, that’s right. Your perfect mom.”
He sighs and your heart squeezes watching the two of them sway side to side, your baby who is growing into an independent toddler every day reaching out as if she recognizes your face. You’re sure she does, actually; the painting is an impeccable likeness and it still frustrates you 6 years later that he managed to become so good at a craft you’ve spent your life working on in less than a month.
Someday you’ll tell her the entire story, your version of it anyway. For now you’re content to let her father tell his side considering it was one of the most grand and romantic gestures he had performed at the time in an effort to show you how serious he was about your relationship.
“Listen, little girl,” he starts, unknowing that he has captured both of your attention. “I know I’m going to have to tell you this again eventually but do not ever bring a man or woman or anyone else into this house that loves you less than I love your mother.”
She coos at the sound of his voice and he chuckles down at her, kissing the downy white hair atop her head.
“I mean it. If they won’t stay up for four nights straight to get a start on painting your nose from memory, leave ‘em behind.”
With this, you giggle and the attention of both of your menaces is captured. Your daughter squeals from over Satoru’s shoulder, holding one little hand out and making a grabbing motion and he copies her excited babbling with his own.
“My little tricksters snuck out of bed this morning!”
Grinning, you cradle your little girl against your chest and kiss her temple, inhaling the clean smell of her shampoo and skin. She’s been bathed and everything.
“You’re the best.”
You feel the need to remind Satoru at this moment and he grins, bending to give you a good morning kiss.
Giggling, you let your wiggly daughter settle herself and the three of you stand in front of the painting. You recognize the younger woman permanently captured in it, the soft lovesick look in her eyes, and it amuses you to know he took extra time to capture you exactly like that. Hopelessly in love.
He could capture you using the same medium and you’d look identical to how you did back then - utterly stricken.
“Did you really stay up practicing for four nights?”
“Princess, I stayed up practicing for four weeks.”
You snort, looking up at him from the corner of your eye.
“There’s no need to embellish now, you’ve already won me over.”
He shrugs, pulling the two of you close to his chest. He leans over his little family, cheek resting against the top of your head.
“But what if I never want to stop winning you?”
You reach up and brush his hair off of his forehead affectionately. Every touch you give him is full of love and every glance carries tenderness.
There will come a time when your daughter will be old enough to gawk at the love the two of you have for one another. Maybe she’ll stick her tongue out and roll her eyes just as you remember her father doing more than once or perhaps she’ll simply smile and hide her face in the collar of her shirt, dreaming of a love like what’s in front of her someday.
“I mean, I could paint you again. You are coming up on the big three oh and I have to say that a few things have grown since back then if you know what I mean.”
He waggles his eyebrows suggestively and drops his voice suggestively low. You flick him on the forehead and laugh about it, your daughter joining in on your giggles as a nine month old is apt to do.
The thing you hope she’ll understand the most is that sometimes love isn’t just big paintings and grand gestures and sweet looks. It’s being grounded enough to give each other a hard time when things are good and a good time when things are hard.
You are fortunate enough to have the best of everything with her father.
“Let’s go make breakfast, Monet.”
You turn on your heel and your husband follows closely behind, small steps to match your own. He looks over his shoulder one final time to look at the painting of you on his closet wall and he smiles, soft and warm.
“Whatever you say, my muse.”
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angels-fantasy · 2 months
Hello!!! 😃 I really love your work sooooo, may I request something that just came in my mind?
Sooo, what if Husband Kats finds his little one year old, (f or m) holding a photo album (Katsuki memories) that Mitsuki lent reader to look over and see how their beautiful husband looked when he was younger, and the little toddler is a giggling mess crawling while pushing the photo album to Katsuki. Reader is following little toddler giggling as well. I think it’ll be really cute. Anyways, thank you for your time! <3
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Katsuki Memories (Request)
Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader
Details/Warnings: Cw:Children, dad bakugou :)
Word Count: 364
thank you so so so much for your kind comment and your request!! i love family stuff its so cute 🥹 also this idea is so cute too omg. AND THE KATSUKI MEMORY!! i immediately thought of the panel of mitsuki looking at the memory book, so i included it. oh i also included bakugo and readers son, Hiroki, from my other oneshot called Second Chances :) i hope that's okay with you.
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After a long day at work, Katsuki took a shower as soon as he got home to wash away the sweat and grime he gained over the day.
It felt good to wash away everything and finally feel clean again. Being clean also meant he could actually hug you and your 1-year old son. You didn't like him touching you guys when he was so dirty, which he respected.
He hated being dirty too.
After his shower he dried up as quickly as he could and got dressed in a pair of sweats and a baggy t-shirt.
While he was drying his hair, he heard loud giggles from your son's bedroom. Wondering what you two could possibly find so funny, he hung up his towel and walked out into the hallway only to be met with your son crawling down the hallway while pushing a book.
"Hiroki! Get over here." You said with a laugh while following the little boy, making him laugh and squeal.
Once Hiroki was close enough, Katsuki bent down and picked him up, lightly swinging him while he did so.
"Hey kid, what do you have there huh?" He asked and grabbed the book out of the baby's hands, making him fuss for it.
Looking at the book, he realized it wasn't actually a book but it was his old hag's memory book of him, labeled 'Katsuki Memories'.
"Where the hell did you get this?" He asked you.
You took the baby from his arms, "Your mom lent it to me yesterday when I dropped Keiko off for the sleepover. I know I've seen you as a kid before, but I wanted to see everything! You were so cute Katsuki, with your chubby cheeks and everything."
"Fuckin' Hag..."
"Hey, don't cuss around the baby!" You said and put a hand on Hiroki's head.
Katsuki crossed his arms and walked towards your shared bedroom with the memory book in hand, "My bad. Let's go look at this thing together, yeah?"
You smiled and followed him, bring along the baby as well. "Okay, but we have to do it again when Keiko comes back tomorrow. You know she hates being left out."
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authors note
i really hope you liked it :)) i'm sorry it was so short though
tags for bakugou fics: @doumadono
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shibaraki · 6 months
imagining katsuki picking up his daughter from her daycare in his usual cap and face mask get-up and she toddles along holding his big hand trying to keep up with his strides and it’s all very very cute from the outside but when you pass you realise she’s actually telling him with great conviction about how some kid said something Super Duper Dumb today but ‘don’t worry dad I didn’t yell or hit. I just looked at him like you taught me’ and you see her pull the nastiest face ever
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augustinewrites · 6 months
I saw your bulletpoint post! I would like to know more about mom and satorus life with their new baby! 💕
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satoru cries at all his baby’s firsts. first time he holds her, her first bath, first laugh. he’s just so emotional. cause it’s all the stuff he missed with megumi and tsumiki
new big brother megumi is the first visitor (bought her first stuffed animal), followed by godparents nanami and shoko
i wanna say she’s an easy baby but she is Satoru’s Daughter. needy. clingy. keeps them up all night for the first few weeks. when he thinks she’s asleep and puts her down she starts fussing immediately to be picked up
but oh my god satoru 🥺 he is so gentle with her. he loves being the one to hold her and sometimes you catch him just watching her in complete awe. she is so so cherished.
there’s no big announcement when she’s born. he doesn’t really want to draw any unwanted attention because she’s yours and she’s his
they move into their new home a few months after baby is born!! gojo had it built way out of the city for a little peace and quiet
mostly bcs you are both a little nervous :( as new parents and as parents to a child that could inherit ten shadows or limitless. cursed techniques that are highly coveted, passed down from important people.
and i feel like that makes satoru super protective!! he doesn’t like leaving you both at home so he insists on either all three of you going or sending ijichi on grocery runs
but he slowly gets more comfortable on family outings. (he’s not just a dilf, he’s still satoru gojo)
so when you do go out he HAS to stop by the baby section. whether it’s clothes or toys or books he leaves with minimum three items.
but he loves when you go on walks together. half the time he’s pushing an empty stroller bcs he’s holding her in his arms. if he’s not holding her then he’s taking loads of pictures
he loves visiting the students. he loves how they gush and coo at the little baby in his arms. loves seeing how protective megumi gets when someone unfamiliar gets a little too close
oh! tummy time is also a favourite in their house. they just lay together and play and read and cuddle
he cries at all her milestones. especially when her first word is dada 🥺
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rookieloveskashi · 1 month
contents: fluff, post-war arc canon, pregnant reader, reader and kakashi are married and already have four children (if it isn't obvious yes i want to give him a baseball team), selfship-coded. wc: 0.7k
happy mother's day (or just normal sunday) to everyone 💕
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Kakashi made a big show of ignoring the little whisper, comfortably sighing and rubbing his face into his pillow. Two tiny hands pressed into his shoulder and started violently shaking.
You suppressed a giggle and pretended like you were still fast asleep. Kakashi quietly exhaled the laughter caught in his throat before turning and looking into the expectant eyes of his three-year-old son.
“Yes, Obi—”
“SHHHHH!” The boy stared down at him with more exasperation than such a tiny face should be able to muster. “Don’t wake up Mama.”
Kakashi happened to know that you were wide awake, still fighting the belly laughs that would give you away. Beneath the blanket, you curled your fingers around his forearm to stabilize yourself.
“Why should I be awake when your mother is allowed to sleep?” Kakashi whispered to his son.
The boy rolled his eyes and sighed in a perfect recreation of Kakashi’s own younger self. “Becaaauuusee.”
Another little voice piped up from beside the bed. “It’s Mother’s Day.”
“We want to make breakfast for Mama,” a third voice chimed in.
Kakashi contorted himself just enough to see two more of his miniature self peeking over the edge of the bed, all messy silver hair and dark eyes.
Seems they planned a joint attack.
“Oh, that’s so nice of you,” he answered, dramatically yawning and snuggling back into you; his face tucked into your neck and his hand cradling your belly. “Well, you know where the kitchen is.”
Two little hands grabbed Kakashi’s face and forced him to turn away from you. Then he felt his son’s tiny uncoordinated baby fingers prying his left eye open. “Papa!”
“We need your help!”
“There’s three of you and only one of me,” Kakashi reasoned. “I would only get in your way.”
“We can’t use the stove!”
“Mmmm that does pose a problem.”
“Are you getting up or not?!”
The boys were making enough noise to wake the whole village. Kakashi couldn’t help but smile at the way they already embodied teamwork, if only to get their lazy dad out of bed. “Tell you what, let me go check on your baby sister, and then I’ll meet you three in the kitchen.”
“Okay!” the triplets answered in chorus before rushing out of the room in a thunder of tiny pattering feet (and hands; an interesting result of sometimes using ninja hounds as babysitters).
With the coast clear, you let out a few giggles as you turned over to face Kakashi. “Good morning,” you beamed.
Kakashi hummed and kissed the tip of your nose. “Didn’t you hear? You’re supposed to be sleeping.”
“Like that was gonna happen,” you laughed.
“We’re going to have to work on their stealth skills.” Kakashi pulled you in for a proper kiss, enjoying the warmth of your body for a few more moments before rolling out of bed. “Maybe you can fall asleep again before they come back.”
“No way! I’m too excited to see what they have in mind. Go on; don’t keep them waiting.”
Kakashi rolled his eyes, taking an extra minute to kiss your slightly swollen tummy before finally getting out of bed to chase after his sons.
Just as you were starting to worry that the breakfast had become more of a chore than your husband could handle, Kakashi pushed open the door—your infant daughter in one arm and two plates balanced on the other.
“Mama! You’re already awake!”
“Did Papa wake you up?!”
“No, ‘Kumo. I just woke up a minute ago,” you grinned.
The triplets climbed into bed and surrounded you, all but ignoring their father’s warnings to avoid crawling over your stomach. Once they were settled, Kakashi placed your daughter in your arms so she could be fed.
“There’s no room for your plate,” he laughed.
“I’ll feed you, Mama!”
“No, me!”
“I counted the strawberries!”
“Well I stirred up the eggs!”
“But I picked the plate!”
“You’ll have to take turns,” Kakashi interjected, patting each boy on the head to calm them down. They each quickly scooped up a bite of food, racing to see who would be ready first.
Kakashi’s eyes drooped with exhaustion, but the contentment he truly felt at the scene was written all over his face. Then he looked at you, and that contentment morphed into pure joy.
“Happy mother’s day, Y/N.”
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ryva · 2 years
just big ole pro hero Dynamight wif his little tiny baby. just this huge man with the smallest thing that brings him so much joy
just a shirtless Dynamight with this little murmuring infant laid on his chest. just thinking about the size of his hands compared to his little baby 🥺
how nervous this man is about his role as a father. he's by his little one's side at every noise. mans takes time off to be with the mini him. and say nothing, he totally didn't cry that one time the distracted baby didn't reach for him. "they don't need me anymore"
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seiwas · 7 months
papa bakugo and the thought that he intently raises his kids in ways to be unlike him.
and when they're older, asking serious questions about parenting like: why did you make sure we were friends with everyone on the playground? why did you always have to step away when you were mad? how come you don't like us seeing videos of you when you were younger?
he tells them it's because he never wanted them to turn out like him—that leading by example has always been more effective, and he wasn't exactly the best example back then. still doesn't feel like he is now but he's trying (at least, that's what you say, and it must count for something).
and his kids are confused because what does he mean he isn't the best example? all they want is to be like him.
they want the same fire, the dedication he puts in day in and day out; how he only ever gives his best and never backs down. one of the greatest lessons they've learnt from their papa is that a promise is a promise and you deliver on it. no matter what.
they want the same balance he's achieved, making time for both work and his family but especially his family—how they've never once felt second in his life; how he's managed to show up to every game, every performance like the superdad he is. and even when he doesn't make it for the entire thing, you can bet he's rushing in, all soot-covered and polo unbuttoned with the base of his suit underneath.
(you never told your kids, but on katsuki's 14th father's day, you held him while he cried, tears of relief from his eyes. he was watching their surprise, a day-in-the-life reenactment video of pro-dad bakugo katsuki, starring the kids and you).
they want to love the way he loves them, the way he loves you—attentive and all-in because bakugo katsuki never half-asses anything. he adds personal touches to each plate of breakfast he cooks: bear pancakes for his little girl, egg done scrambled and another sunny-side up for his two boys. and you always insist on having what he's having because you don't want to add to the hassle, but he knows your signature morning drink and serves it right by the plate beside his, always yours.
you always tell him that having your kids turn out like him now is all you could ever want, and he always scoffs, tuts and laughs like it can't possibly be true. but maybe if your kids tell him now, that they want to be just like their papa, he'll believe it—all the good in him that everyone sees but he can't seem to.
you hope he doesn't see it as a bad thing—that his kids have grown and chosen to in the shape of him.
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willowser · 8 months
katsuki wakes up to little fingers walking up the curve of his bicep.
his son is sitting there at the head of the bed, right next to him, waiting, and when katsuki opens one bleary eye to peek up at him, the little boy very casually says,
"hey, dad."
it's the middle of the day. katsuki's been on night patrol for the past week and it's, unfortunately, starting to finally catch up to him; through the first few days, he was able to keep constant with you and your son's schedule, even if he was exhausted, but he'd hit the couch the minute he'd come inside this morning and, truthfully, he doesn't remember getting up for the bed at all.
when katsuki gives a little grunt of acknowledgement, the little boy continues, scooching close enough that his knees are pressed against his dad's arm. "um, can i play that jumping game on your phone?"
even half-asleep, katsuki snorts. there's a small puddle of drool that's gathered on the pillow under his head, and he frowns, stretching out his arms before rolling onto his back. "not right now."
the little boy lets out a heavy sigh, as if the answer has greatly disappointed him, but he says, "okay."
katsuki nearly falls back to sleep—even though his son scoots closer, until they're touching again—but he raises his head at the soft sound of your voice.
"hey, c'mon," you murmur from the foot of the bed, holding out your arms even if the little boy is too big to be babied anymore. "let daddy sleep, come sit with me while i wait for your stinky clothes to finish washing."
you're pretty, katsuki thinks, taking a long look at the jeans hugging your hips, how the color of your shirt compliments your skin, and he cements it to the forefront of his mind as he drops his head back down. it's easier to relax like this: thinking of you, gentle and safe inside your home.
but the little boy at his side whines, grouchy enough that katsuki peeks one eye at him again. "no," he grumbles, scooting into the crevice of his dad's armpit when you reach a little further for him. "i wanna take a nap, too."
you let out a little sigh. "oh, you do? little boy, you never want to take a nap."
"yes i do!"
"hey," katsuki croaks, frowning at his son for the arguing—and the boy knows it; he shuts his lips, casting you a quick look before laying back, head resting on katsuki's shoulder. "'s'fine," he tells you, shaking his head when you pout at him apologetically. "he says he's gonna nap, he's gonna nap."
your son nods, the soft of his hair ruffling against katsuki's nose. "mommy can nap, too."
"yeah," katsuki pats the bed through his yawn, dropping his head back one final time, as his eyes shut. "can nap, too."
"mommy has things to do," you press a kiss to katsuki's forehead, and then lean over to press another onto your son. "but you gotta sleep, okay? no goofing around."
katsuki feels the nudge of his son's nose as he turns his head into him, hair tickling him again as he nods—and for a while, he's still, quiet enough that katsuki can mostly fall back to sleep.
but after a few minutes, he can hear the soft sounds of his lips moving as he talks to himself, whispers little stories katsuki knows you've told him before, and he even lightly touches his fingers to the scar beneath katsuki's eye; poking at the ones on his shoulders; the edge of the one on his chest, peeking up over the blanket.
the little boy doesn't sleep, and katsuki doesn't either, really, but—he doesn't mind too much.
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izvmimi · 4 months
you can hear satoru's footsteps before you see him - intentional because he could very much sneak up on you if he really wanted to - but don't turn immediately to greet him this morning, instead focusing your eyes on the sizzling frying pan before you. it's rare that you manage to make it out of bed for this long without satoru either pulling you back in with him for a 'few more minutes' or him trailing you across the house until he's found something better to do to occupy his time (preposterous because you are the best thing that's ever happened to him), but you've taken this morning to prepare breakfast before your littlest one announces their awakening with a dash into your arms and a demand for scrambled eggs.
music plays softly in your earphones and you keep your hum low as you work. "hi baby," you still offer, and pouty about your lackluster greeting, your husband glides in long strides across the kitchen to meet you by the stove.
"mmm, morning, sweetheart..."
his bare chest presses close against the fabric of your nightgown, strong arms wrapping around your midsection and just grazing the handle of the stove.
"hey, careful with that," you remind him, accepting the first of many kisses posed against the back of your neck. oil crackles and threatens the under-clothed.
"it's not like i'm afraid of any- ow!" he yelps, as an oil drop stings sensitive skin on his bare belly, challenging his hubris. you look at him with concern, and when your eyes go round and wide, he's more entertained by the idea of feigning pain than anything, even if he's clearly suffered worse, the faint vestige of a mortal wound manifesting in a light scar along the length of his abdomen.
you're cute when you worry about him.
"you okay?" you ask. with the question, your index finger reflexively presses gingerly against an abdominal muscle, and your eyes linger a little too long on the tuft of snowy-white hair peeking just over the hem of fleece pajama pants that hang almost a little bit too low.
"would be if you kissed it better," satoru replies in a low whisper.
your cheeks warm, and instead you reply with a gentle slap to his belly, but he holds your hand there in place just as gently. moving in closer, he smiles at you, all blue eyes and playful desire for his sweet, domestic partner.
"i can take healing kisses to my lips too."
you roll your eyes, but as always and forever, you oblige.
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strawberrystepmom · 3 months
cw children, cw families. gojo x f!reader. they are married and have a 5 year old. | divider thanks to cafekitsune, wc 1k.
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Kneeling with your daughter in the living room of your home, you sigh and brush her tear wet hair off of her round cheek, white strands sticking up on end thanks to being mussed up by your loving hands. She raises a fist and rubs her nose with it, dropping it at her side defeatedly when she finishes.
“Hey, it’s okay, alright? Let’s dry those tears, he won’t be mad at you.” 
She sniffles, shaking her head and bunching her little fists to shove beneath her armpits when she folds her arms over her chest. The little girl is far too much like her father Satoru when her cheeks are rosy and her pout is defiant, blue eyes scanning the rug beneath her feet and the walls for something interesting rather than meeting your glance. 
The sound of the keyless lock’s buttons being pressed alerts the usually excitable five year old that her father is home. Generally she’d leap up and run to the door and into his arms, helping him take off his shoes or carry his bag in, but today she stays firmly in place by your side. Gojo enters your home with a grin, lifting his blindfold and looking at the two of you with uncertainty. The grin dims, a brow is raised, and he approaches the living room with caution. Standing near the two of you, he tilts his head and looks downward. You mouth the word “trouble” and he nods his understanding.
“Alright baby, can you tell papa what happened today?”
Eyes wide with concern, the five year old turns her face upward to look at her father in his now uncovered eyes with a pout. A little sniffle bubbles out of her. You rub her back soothingly, kissing her temple while remaining kneeling at her side, wiping little tears away with your free hand. 
“I…I…,” she starts between sobs. “I got in trouble for letting Yukio eat from my chopsticks.”
Satoru stifles a laugh and you shoot him a withering glance from where you kneel next to your child, still rubbing her back through the half hearted sobs that wrack her body. He kneels down in front of her with arms extended, an invitation she accepts without much thought. Running face first into his chest, your husband lets out a dramatic “oof” and pets the back of her head.
“I don’t see why you should get in trouble for that.”
You agree although you decide to keep that information to yourself pending the rest of the story being told. Remaining kneeling, you comb the ends of her hair with your fingers while he pets her head and her sobbing begins to subside. 
“It’s okay. I’m not mad and neither is mama but tell me, where did you learn to do that?”
Little shoulders shake and the two of you exchange a knowing glance over the top of her head, grateful that she cannot see it bearing in mind how astute she is. Too much like both of you for her own good.
“I learned from mama.”
She learned how to feed another person straight from her utensil from the two of you. You raise your brows defeatedly and Satoru stifles another laugh, holding his daughter against his chest and pouting at you over her head.
“Oh did you?”
Whatever sorrow remained in your child has clearly disappeared thanks to the audible smile in her father’s question. She giggles against his chest, unburying her face just enough to reach upward and poke him in his chin.
“Yeah because she feeds you, papa. You don’t know how to eat on your own!”
It is now your turn to stifle a giggle, turning your head into your shoulder to pretend that you don’t find the drama of being five years old and witnessing your parents love each other hilarious. Your husband gasps at the accusation. There is no wondering where she gets it from. She pokes his chin again and wiggles out of his grasp, running toward you and looking over her shoulder.
“I’m not in trouble, right?”
The two of you shake your heads when she looks between you. 
“Nope. Go wash up and we’ll work on homework in a little bit, alright?” 
Smiling, she accepts kisses on her head as she walks toward the opposite end of your house. You watch her and shake your head with a sigh, finally giggling at your husband who holds his hand out to help you up.
“You’re a terrible influence. First, you give her that personality and now you’re teaching her how to make everyone think she’s the most adorable thing in the world, too. Do you have any shame Mrs. Gojo?”
Rolling your eyes, it’s hard not to bat at Satoru who chuckles in response to the playful touch. He captures your hand in his and lifts it to his mouth, pressing your knuckles against his lips. 
“I think that’s all her actually.” He beams down at you, lips curving against your knuckles as you speak. You remain humble despite being the home where the crown jewel of sorcery resides but that’s always what he’s liked about you, his eyes softening the longer they rest on your face. “You may have to learn how to eat by yourself though instead of stealing bites from me all the time, at least until she forgets she has only seen her father eat on his own probably three times in her entire life.”
He groans, theatrically tilting his head backward and sighing at the ceiling. Your hand is still pressed to his lips and he lifts his other hand to hold it against his face.
“How could you do this to me?”
Laughing, you lean in and rise to your tiptoes to kiss his chin. 
“Easily. Now let’s go see if I’m any better at math than I was when you were still doing my homework for me.”
He drops your hand but quickly collects it in his free one, tipping his head down toward you to capture your lips, effectively getting the last word while twining your fingers together.
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vampyrsm · 10 months
satoru is the type of dad who sits with his child & watches all the tv shows that help your child learn to speak/pronounce words and he’s fully invested in them.
pronounces all the words clearly so his daughter can repeat them back to him, he’ll be sat on the floor with them or snuggled up beneath a blanket whilst they drink their morning milk & he has his coffee on the table in front of him
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angels-fantasy · 2 months
hi!! i really like your work and i was wondering if you could do like a katsuki bakugou x reader where bakugou is putting the reader at risk of being harmed because of her being one of his loved ones and then bakugou purposely fights with the reader and then just walks out on her thinking it’s for the better and then a couple weeks later the reader finds out she’s pregnant and keeps the child a secret for a couple years until she runs into bakugou and then he wants a do-over or something like that 🥹
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Second Chances (Request)
Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader
Details/Warnings: CW: Pregnancy Cw: Children, some angst, domestic fluff, dad bakugou, also soft bakugou hahaha.
Word Count: 2.9k
this idea is SOOOO cute i love it sm and it was really fun writing this. i hope i did your idea justice!! thank you sm for requesting anon :D i literally got so excited when i saw it got a request hehehe
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Getting with Katsuki Bakugou was a dream come true. You two had been through thick and thin, and you had it all. Great jobs, a home together, and a strong relationship. Everything seemed perfect in your eyes, until one day Katsuki decided it wasn't enough for him.
Well, it was enough for him. It was more than enough actually. He loved you with all his heart and wanted a future with you, but doing that would put you at risk.
Ever since he was a little boy and dreamed of being a hero, he was warned of the risks the job came with. Not only would he be in great danger, but his loved ones too.
For a long time he believed he was strong enough to take on the world and every villain it had, no matter the threats they made towards him.
In his entire career, no villain had ever threatened a loved one of his, until recently. A damned villain had brought you up in the midst of the fight, spewing all kinds of bullshit he'd do to you that Katsuki would never want to even imagine.
For the first time in a long time, Katsuki reached a breaking point.
The disgusting things that villain said about you made him realize that he couldn't continue putting you in danger like this, so he had to find a way to end things.
He knew you wouldn't accept the real reasoning behind the break up, so he had to come up with something else.
You sat across the kitchen table from Katsuki with tears filled in your eyes. Seeing you like this hurt him more than ever, but he had to stay strong.
"How could this not be enough for you Katsuki?" You cried, "How could I not be enough for you?"
He looked down at the table to avoid your broken expression, "How else am I supposed to fuckin' say it huh? I don't wanna be with you anymore."
You shook your head, "Stop looking at the table and look at me when you say that. If you can look me in the eyes and tell me you really don't want to be with me, then you can leave."
It took everything left in Katsuki to lift his head up and look you in your eyes. He tried his best to put on a poker face, but you both knew it wasn't working.
"I don't want to be with you anymore."
Your face scrunched up slightly as you held back tears. "Okay Katsuki. If that's what you really want."
Having to hear Katsuki move out of your apartment was just another reminder of your relationship crumbling right before you, and it felt like the end of the world.
You don't know how long you laid in bed crying silently, but suddenly you heard Katsuki's voice from the door of your bedroom.
"I'm leaving now." He said quietly.
You played with a thread on the pillow next to you, choosing to ignore him.
He shuffled awkwardly at your silence. "Um, Bye. I guess."
"Bye Katsuki." You said quietly.
You stayed quiet until you heard the front door shut behind him, then you let yourself cry.
It was almost two months later, and you were starting to feel a bit better about the break up. It was hard sometimes, but you had a good support system and kept yourself busy.
Now though you were feeling better emotionally, you weren't really feeling well physically.
When you confided in your best friend about this, she told you words you really didn't want to hear.
"Maybe you're pregnant?" Uraraka suggested after hearing your symptoms.
You shook your head, "No way! And if I am, that's horrible! I can't raise a baby by myself. That's a two person job..."
She stayed quiet, now feeling a bit awkward when she remembered the messy breakup between you and Katsuki.
"I'd be here for you, you know that right?" She said and wrapped her arms around you. "I should have a few tests in my bathroom, do you wanna go take some?"
You bit your lip in thought. "I dunno. I'm scared."
She leaned her head on your shoulder, "I'll be with you every step of the way. You're my best friend okay? You should take the test sooner than later so that way if you are pregnant, you can start taking care of yourself and the baby."
You leaned your head on hers, "You're right. I'll do it."
Moments later after peeing on three sticks and looking at the results, you felt your heart drop to your stomach.
You opened the door and faced Uraraka, who was pacing in anticipation.
"Well? What does it say?!" She asked.
You held up one of the tests, "Looks like I gotta start eating for two."
5 years later
After finding out you were pregnant five years ago, you decided you weren't going to tell Katsuki. Maybe it was wrong, but you didn't care.
He had made it very clear he didn't want to be with you anymore, and you weren't going to hold him back from whatever plans he had.
You had also decided it'd be a good idea to move out of Musutafu, at least an hour away from him and anyone else that knows him. You didn't want the word of you having his child spreading around and eventually reaching him.
The only person you told were your parents and Uraraka, who promised she'd keep it a secret from Katsuki and everyone associated with him. The two of you kept in touch and she would occasionally visit you when she wasn't busy with hero work.
So now here you were with your 4-year old little girl, Keiko. She had some of your features, but of course her father's genes overshadowed yours despite him not even being in the picture.
The biggest resemblance between them was their eyes, which you hated temporarily, but grew to love again because of her.
"Mama! Mama!" Keiko called from the top of the slide, "Come play with me!"
You stood up from the bench with a sigh and made your way over to the bottom of the slide. "Okay Koko but be careful up there! I don't want you to get hurt."
She shook her head and scrunched up her face, "I'm strong! I don't get hurt Mama!" and then slid down to meet you at the bottom.
Once she got there, she slid into your legs and got surprised at the light impact but giggled anyways.
You reached down and picked her up, "What are you laughing at huh Koko?" You asked and tickled her.
She continued laughing her little heart out and you smiled at her, loving to see your daughter in such a good mood.
A few hours later, you found yourselves at the grocery store, shopping for new snacks Keiko could take to school.
You held up a pack of yogurt cups to your daughter, who was sitting in the basket.
"You want some of these baby? They have blueberry and strawberry flavor."
"I want blueberry!" She said.
You nodded, "Good choice."
The two of you continued shopping around for a few more minutes, until you felt your heart stop.
Down the same aisle, you saw none other than Katsuki Bakugou.
Just as you tried to quickly turn around, your precious child couldn't help but yell -
Groaning in frustration at your daughter, though you knew it wasn't her fault (He just so happened to be her favorite hero, despite not even knowing he was her father), you tried your best to keep walking away but it was already too late.
You heard him yell out your name, and you quickly grabbed Keiko, abandoning the shopping cart in the process and you began making your way out of the store as fast as you could.
Katsuki, who noticed you and your daughter, did the same and began following you.
Once you were outside, you looked over your shoulder and called out, "Get away from me!
Keiko fussed in your arms at your loud voice, wondering what was happening and why her mother was running away from a hero.
Finally getting to your car, Katsuki was hovering over you as you put your daughter in her car seat.
"Is she mine?" He asked, out of breath from walking fast.
"You think I'm an idiot or somethin'?" He asked, "She looks just like me and you expect me to believe that?"
You kissed Keiko on the forehead, "I'm gonna talk to the crazy man real quick okay baby? Just wait here."
She nodded and played with her fingers. You shut the door and leaned against it, facing Katsuki.
"Leave us alone. I don't want anything to do with you, okay?" You said sternly, trying not to cry.
His eyebrows furrowed, "When we ended things... were you pregnant?"
You stayed quiet for a moment before answering.
"I didn't find out until a month later."
He let out a breath and put his hands on his face. "Why the fuck didn't you tell me? I would've been there for you, even if we weren't together."
His words angered you, "Why does it take me being pregnant for you to think about being there for me? I still needed you there when you left, but you wanted nothing to do with me!"
"I had to do it! You don't understand, okay?" He yelled.
You put a finger in his face, "Stop raising your voice at me like that. Keiko can probably hear you."
He grew quiet, "Her name is Keiko?"
He looked at the ground, "Can I get to know her more? Please. There's no way I can live my life knowing I have a kid that I'm not there for."
You felt a tear slip down your cheek. "Okay, fine. I'll give you my number and we can talk about the details later."
"Thank you." He sighed, "Thank you so much. I'm gonna do my best for her, and for you too."
"This isn't about me."
"I don't care. It's what I want to do. It's what I need to do."
"Just give me your phone so I can put my number in."
He fished his phone out of his pocked and unlocked it, handing it to you. While you added your contact, he asked "What does she like? I want to get her something."
"Well she likes heroes, her favorite animal is a seal, and she likes crowns, because she wants to be a king." You said with a smile.
"Not a queen?" He smirked.
You shook your head. "Nah, she says 'king' sounds cooler."
He laughed, "That's definitely my kid."
After the accidental meet up with Katsuki, Keiko asked a million questions but you answered as if you didn't know him, and eventually she lost interest.
You decided not to tell anyone about what happened, just incase he decided to leave again. You also didn't want to tell Keiko yet, because you didn't want her to grow attached to him.
She knew her father wasn't in the picture, but she didn't fully understand why yet. You would explain it to her when she got older and grew more curious about who he is.
You had also found out why Katsuki was in your city, and apparently it was because he was visiting some family members (by force of his mother).
It was now a few days later, and you and Katsuki decided to meet up, along with Keiko. You wanted to meet him in public, but he said that was a bad idea because he'd get recognized, so you reluctantly agreed to allow him into your home.
"Keikooo" You cooed, "We have a visitor today."
She looked up from her toys and brushed her hair out of her face, "Who Mama?"
Just then, the doorbell rang. "There he is! Do you wanna go open the door?"
She nodded and skipped down the hall and to the front door, looking back at you for the okay before opening the door.
When she did, she gasped "Dynamight! What are you doing at my house?"
Katsuki laughed, "I came to see you and your Mama, if that's alright with you little lady."
She smiled and opened the door wider, allowing him to walk in. "What's in that bag, Dynamight?"
"It's actually something for you." He said and handed it to her.
She squealed and dragged the large bag behind her to the couch, where she quickly dug inside of it and pulled out a large seal plushie with a crown on it.
"It's a king seal!" She said in awe.
You smiled and sat next to her on the couch, "What do you say Koko?"
She hugged the seal, "Thank you so much! I need to name him..."
Katsuki laughed and ruffled her hair, "You're welcome kid. Maybe we can come up with names later." He then handed you a small bag, from who knows where, and urged you to open it.
You raised a brow but opened it anyways. Inside, there was a jewelry box, and inside that there was a necklace with three small flowers aligned together. It was simple, but pretty.
"You didn't have to get me anything..." You said while admiring the necklace.
He shrugged, "I know, but I wanted to."
You smiled.
For the next few months, things continued on that way. The three of you would meet up, Katsuki occasionally bringing you and your daughter gifts no matter how many times you said you didn't want one, and actually enjoying time together.
Currently, Keiko was being carried to bed by Katsuki. She was all tuckered out from today's session of hero and villain (she was the hero, of course).
When Katsuki came back to the living room, he slumped onto the couch next to you and sighed. "Damn, that kid has so much energy."
You laughed, "Tell me about it. It was even worse when I was actually carrying her. She was a kicker."
Katsuki looked over at you, "I'm sorry I wasn't there."
You continued looking forward, "It's fine. You didn't even know, Katsuki."
He smiled slightly at you using his first name, just like he did every time you used it.
"Y'know, I was thinking-"
"Uh oh." You teased.
He tsked and continued on, "I wanna start over again."
You froze, what the hell was he saying?
"Look, I know you're hesitant to and I understand why." He said and slowly grabbed your hand, holding it tenderly in his. "But I'm being serious when I say I haven't been with anyone since you. I still love you and I always have. And now that Koko is here, I love her too and I want to be in her life everyday."
Your lip began to shake, "If you loved me, why did you leave me?"
"Baby I was being stupid. I-I got into a fight with this villain, and he threatened you. I thought that my job was putting you in danger and I didn't want to take any risks, so I broke things off."
The tears were now falling, "You're such an idiot, you know that?"
"I do know. I'm sorry." He said and stroked your cheek, "I'm so fucking sorry for hurting you and not being there for you and Keiko. But please, please let me be here now."
You cried harder and leaned into his chest, and he wrapped his arms around you. That wound he left behind all those years ago was now a scar that still hurts. But so far, being with him these last few months has eased the pain.
"I love you" You cried, "I want you to be here now. For me and for Keiko."
He let out the biggest sigh of relief in years.
3 years later
"Keiko! Stop putting cheese on your brother!" Katsuki yelled across the kitchen.
Your now 7-year old daughter pouted and bit into a slice of cheese, "But he likes it!"
Your son, who was a year old, laid on the floor of the living room and laughed at his sister while chewing on his fingers.
After that talk you and Katsuki had, you began seeing each other again. It was hard at first, but he proved himself to you in every way he could.
You two also told Keiko he was her father, and she was confused at first but after a long talk and even some tears, she understood and quickly accepted he was her father.
She also loved being able to say Dynamight was her dad.
She also manifested her quirk, which was of course, the same as Katsuki's. When it first manifested, there was a random boom! that came from her bedroom, and when you two ran in, she was covered in soot and her doll was blown up.
Though instead of crying, she cheered in victory, which Katsuki found extremely funny.
Now for your second pregnancy, that was a surprise, just like your first one. Despite this, you two were still happy about it and decided to move into a bigger house together.
Hiroki looked a lot like his father, of course. But this time, he had your eye color which you were thankful for considering you carried him for almost 9 months.
"Keiko why would you put cheese on Hiroki?" You asked as you walked into the living room.
She shrugged and ate another slice.
"That kid is crazy, that's why." Katsuki said.
She quickly turned around, "No I'm not! You're crazy! Poop face!"
"Hey!" You said, "Don't call your dad poop face. That's not nice."
She grumbled a 'sorry' and went back to eating the cheese slices off of Hiroki.
You smiled and shook your head at your families antics. They could be a bit much, and they had explosive personalities (literally) but you loved them either way.
Maybe second chances weren't so bad.
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authors note
this was so so fun! again, thank you for requesting 🩷 if anyone else has ideas or requests, feel free to send em!
i hope you liked this 😸
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oooohno · 2 months
The sun has set an hour ago, the dinner you prepared has long gone cold, and your husband is still no where in sight. Since it is not unusual for Haganezuka to get lost in his work and the intricacies of welding steel, you ready yourself to go collect him.
Once you are closer to the shed, instead of the typical sounds of hammering and grinding steel meeting your ears, you can only hear the buzzing of the nearby cicadas. The old door creaks as you push against it, slowly revealing what has been keeping your husband from returning home to you.
In the opposite corner of the room, a small child lies curled up near the hearth on an old dirty blanket with Haganezuka standing over him, both hands on his hips. The moment he hears the creak of the door, his unmasked head snaps in your direction with a queer look on his face.
“What are you still doing here?”, your gaze wonders from the sleeping figure to your husband and back down again.
“Well I obviously can’t leave them here but I also don’t know what to do with them,” comes his mumbled reply, pensive gaze back on his little companion. You blink once. Then twice.
“Just pick them up and carry them home.”
You briefly wonder if he would have stayed here all night contemplating what to do when the solution seems so simply. Haganezuka startles at that. Shoulders rising slightly, his hands flexing near his hips.
“You won’t hurt them. I promise.”
Despite the gentleness and many delicate touches he has shown you over your years of marriage he still thinks himself a brute. That poor fool of a man. After a moment of silent contemplation, Haganezuka kneels down quietly and carefully draws his hands underneath the child’s head and knees. Slowly lifting the small body closer to his chest, trying to avoid waking their deep slumber.
The image of Haganezuka staring down at the sleeping child cradled in his arms, makes a warm fondness spread around your body, starting from the place your heart resides.
“See, you’re a natural.” You both smile at each other before setting out to your shared home, now one resident richer.
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