old discworld memes
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I am loving the localised onomatopoeia in these international editions of Thud!
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While the Chinese go for the triple-whammy of Peng! Peng! Peng!
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cirr0stratus · 23 hours
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yeah anyways
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pourablecat · 2 days
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A series is incoming...
For now, have my favourite. Cheri on break, based heavily off that one early sketch old man Miyazaki did of princess Nausicaa...
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thestuffedalligator · 23 hours
Love the dungeon meshi x discworld stuff!
Thank you! I really want to make more of it when I have the time. I want Senshi to accidentally introduce tikka masala to the Discworld. But made from rats.
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cactuscas · 2 days
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“Perhaps that's why men did it. You didn't do it to save duchesses, or countries. You killed the enemy to stop him killing your mates, that they in turn might save you.”
after Such A Long Time i finished monstrous regiment and i love it to death so here’s an ozzer :)
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magpiesketchins · 2 days
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Lance Constable Honk has a moral dilemma.
What's a goose Watchman to do when his seagull husband steals a loaf of bread?
More lore for Lance Constable/Corporal Honk, the watch's newest and most valued officer.
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scarecloud69 · 1 day
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Pratchett really made women like this huh
Men of dicsworld & original
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lesbian yaoi
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stupidphototricks · 19 hours
Sir Terry Pratchett looking at something from an unexpected angle, as per usual.
Suppose you'd watched the slow accretion of snow over thousands of years as it was compressed and pushed over the deep rock until the glacier calved its icebergs into the sea, and you watched an iceberg drift out through the chilly waters, and you got to know its cargo of happy polar bears and seals as they looked forward to a brave new life in the other hemisphere where they say the ice floes are lined with crunchy penguins, and then wham—tragedy loomed in the shape of thousands of tons of unaccountably floating iron and an exciting soundtrack...... you'd want to know the whole story.
— Terry Pratchett, Thief of Time
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ollieofthebeholder · 3 days
Just reblogged this post and now I'm second-guessing my answer, so...
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chaos-has-theories · 7 hours
Actually Marinette should have
Given Adrien the ring
Explained what it was
Handed him Feet of Clay by Terry Pratchett
In that order
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thestuffedalligator · 22 hours
So regarding Dungeon Meshi x Discworld... Laios absolutely gets fleeced by Dibbler at some point, right?
Listen — I’m new to Dungeon Meshi. I don’t know Laios as well as most, but I want to give him every benefit of the doubt, and I want to believe he wouldn’t be taken in by someone like Dibbler.
Cut Me Own Throat Dibbler would absolutely shake him down to his last red cent, and/or convince him to try a sausage-inna-bun, which might be worse
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a-ramblinrose · 1 day
“Good evening, gentlemen!” said the vampire. “Please pay attention. I am a reformed vampire, which is to say, I am a bundle of suppressed instincts held together with spit and coffee. It would be wrong to say that violent, tearing carnage does not come naturally to me. It's not tearing your throats out that doesn't come easily to me. Please don't make it any harder.”
― Terry Pratchett, Monstrous Regiment
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mask131 · 2 days
Just now I realized. The art that you use as banner for your blog. Where is it from? Why is Zeus blindfolded?
Well you're right on time because I was about to change it for a new seasonal banner X)
This is a picture drawn by Paul Kidby for the illustrated novel "The Last Hero", by Terry Pratchett, part of the Discworld book series. These aren't the Greek gods, but the gods of the Discworld playing with the fates of punny mortals during their "Great Game" - a game Terry Pratchett describes as "Snakes and Ladders with greased rungs".
This isn't Zeus, even though he is the Discworld equivalent of Zeus: leader of the gods, called Blind Io, because he is technically blind - instead of eyeholes he has two smooth patches of skin on his face... But it doesn't mean he doesn't have eyes. He has an enormous amount of eyes, that just float around him like little spying drones. One time Blind Io tried to have raven pets, a la Odin - and he immediately realized how bad of an idea it would be.
And just like Zeus he is the Discworld's thunder god... Or rather thunder godS. Every country, culture and religion of the Discworld has a different lightning-thunder god, but in truth they are just all Blind Io... usually wearing fake noses or mustaches. He also has a very impressive collection of "thunder-causing-hammers" coming in hundreds of different styles.
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dimity-lawn · 2 days
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