arthur-bn · 2 days
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Geckos from Fallout: New Vegas.
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zenythycal · 3 days
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Flesh for Kindling
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effielovesapples · 3 days
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work doodle benny. from work. Did anybody miss him
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jumbledbee · 1 day
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milramemo · 2 days
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Noelle wore her hair in a bun back when she was in the NCR, and I imagine it would floof out a lot when untied. This happened in Cole’s route as well so I still wanna share this art because I love her smile here.
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za-ra-h · 3 hours
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Fallout show was so good!
Making charms of these two 💕
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slugginz · 2 days
I rushed this ngl
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spader7 · 2 days
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you know what. have a couple more ghoul sketches, on the house.
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aesfocus · 3 days
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fitcherslane · 3 days
I know in the New Vegas community it’s like ‘lol, funny joke. Inculta is a bad spy cause Arcade can tell who he is’ but I wonder if people remember that Arcade only makes that comment AFTER Inculta comes up to you at the Tops and gives you the mark of Caesar.
Inculta has effectively outed himself and everyone knows the name Inculta after all the shit he’s pulled.
Therefore, Arcade’s comment isn’t him saying he recognises him and always has, but commenting on someone as infamous as Inculta being so brazen as to out himself on the Strip while surrounded by NCR and Securitrons and trusting neither do anything. It’s a power move by Inculta cause he knows your need the Legion to either get Benny back or to get to the weather station.
He still wears a stupid hat though.
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yaoimanpussy · 3 days
Fallout NV fans when they see a dude who just won the lottery
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cakbanedraws · 2 days
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Fallout New Vegas - MMMMmmm C H I P
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gecko-in-a-can · 2 days
You know they had a Talk before the Black Widow perk at the Tops
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germanich · 1 day
My brain has been racing for a week with the thought: "What if Richie didn't die in Fallout, but he went about his business for 40 years while Rebecca was in the fridge?
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nukacoola · 2 days
Deacon's dislike and hate talks are my favorite of any companion in fo4 because they're so unique and it's such a great look into his character.
In his first talk he really tries to get through to you. He tries to explain in a non-aggressive, even complimentary, manner why he hasn't been liking what you've been doing lately. Depending on what you say he basically babies you.
In his second talk is when he shows a hint of anger which I find super interesting because Deacon rarely shows anger. Even when you do things he hates he either won't say anything or will make a sarcastic comment about how he disagrees with what you did. I can only think of three times genuine anger/frustration is shown from him: this talk, starting the kill-the-Railroad quest for the Brotherhood, and his talk for when you murder someone which was cut from the game. He only has anger in his voice at the very beginning of the 2nd talk. Then it fades, showing that he's suppressing it or calming himself down.
But the main reason I am so fascinated by this talk is because he is the only companion (besides Strong) who you can not convince to give you one last chance. There's no option, no orange or red skill check. If you ask him to stay he says, "Not gonna happen. Sorry."
Where most companions will leave on bad terms after their second (or third if you convince them to stay) talk, Deacon says "We'll be seeing each other a lot, and I'm not one to hold grudges. Just remember, we're trying to help people, not make the garbage dump stink even more." And then leaves on distant coworker terms. In both talks (at least to me) he feels notably distant in the way he speaks to you. He already has his walls up and he tries to explain to you what the problem is before realizing in his second talk it was a useless venture.
Throughout both talks he compares you to Glory which is a whole other interesting topic (especially taking into account a tense conversation you can hear between Desdemona and Glory if you hang around Railroad HQ long enough).
I just love him.
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