#flat out just was like. this bitch looks irish
ariannalitvin · 2 months
Things that might make some of my OCs mentally unstable cause I want to rant about my OCs
Hi, just a quick heads up, this post contains themes of SH, drvg abvse, SA, and lots of stuff like that so PLEASE do not read if you get triggered by that! I care about you, not me! Anyways lets get into this shit!
Starting off with my main OC, Arianna Wallen Litvin! (Yes that's her full name) (The Sea Beast OC) (I mean I guess her full name would be Arianna Rivera Wallen Litvin, but she hates her mom) -She has a tendency to protect. Like murder protect. She got it from being a hunter and watching so many of the people she befriended aboard the Inevitable die. -She tends to turn to substances and sex when she wants to feel anything more than grief and the nauseating feeling of sorrow that has followed her for years. -She hates her older siblings for being free. She absolutely wishes that it was them being forced to be perfect by their father, she also hates her father for the very same reason. -Part of her despises her wife for having a normal relationship with her father and mother -She has daddy issue. Okay? There I said it. -She finds her body literally repulsive cause it's riddled with scars and freckles. She literally hates a part of herself for being a hunter. -It's very rare that you see her actively harming herself. Normally it's just drugs. -She never really cries cause her mother would tell her that crying equalled weakness, and what child wants to be seen as weak by their mother? -this might also make her flat-out mentally ill but she's a high-functioning paranoid schizophrenic -Literally hates herself for letting herself get assaulted more then once (you can't tell her it's not her fault, she won't fucking listen we've tried someone please help her) Anyways, enough of Arianna, hate her, now it's time to introduce you to Lola Katelynn!!! My cuphead OC... Shhhh
-She used to be a raging alcoholic. Like it almost killed her typa shit. -She had horrible anxiety as a child, which caused her to develop paranoia at 15. -Lots of my OCs have mommy issues so, guess what??? She fucking hates her mom. -She tends to isolate herself from other people when she can't fucking take it anymore (me too girl) -There's honestly not a lot about this girl I can tell you, I don't really think of her that much but I can tell you that she punches holes in her walls, and her roommates HATE HER!!! There's literally close to nothing I can tell you about Lulu, Zhylas, and the other Zhylas. They're pretty mentally stable But FRANCESCA... Oh she's a different story. Her name is Francesca Wallen Aikawa, she's one of Arianna's daughters. (Yandere Simulator OC) -Her diet is terrible (as in she eats close to nothing) -Her Iron is horribly low and she drinks literally zero water, only Fruit Punch and Fruit Punch Rockstar -Her legs, below the knee cause she wears knee-high socks to school, are covered in bruises and scars, sometimes cuts. -She talks to herself, but doesn't everyone? -She tried to throw herself off the roof of her school, but SOMEONE (Aoi) pulled a Lucy Donato and fucking caught her through a window like fuck you bitch let me die!!!! -She's just like her mother with her need to protect people. -If you take something or someone away from her, she'll rip everything away from you, rather it be stealing someone you love, or murdering someone you love. -She's Irish (JOKE) -She has BPD and high-functioning depression. -She also fucking hate looking in the mirror
hope you enjoyed, bye!!! if you ask me I'll give you more info about the ocs mentioned in this post (●'◡'●)
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G'day mates, I promise I'm mentally stable
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wickedsrest-rp · 1 year
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Name: Conor Kiernan Species: Faun Occupation: Florist at Inflorescence Age: 70 Years Old (Looks about 32) Played By: Amélie Face Claim: Jeremy Allen White
"Get the fuck out with your sense of community. We are not the fucking same."
TW: Parental death (mentions)
Born in 1953, Conor grew up in South Boston, Massachusetts, or Southie, as he would most likely call it. His whole family was anchored deeply in their Irish heritage and as a result so was he, despite having never once set foot there. “His whole family” might not have been the right way to put it. This would be, however, again, how Conor would call it. By doing so, he chose to completely forget about his paternal roots, but the odds were that you would never hear Conor talk or even mention his father. He was the one responsible for all that went wrong in his life. He was the one responsible for his condition, he was the one who knocked up his mom, the one who disappeared and the one who was appreciated by everyone despite being a piece of shit, a coward and a fucking prick. That fucking son of a bitch.
An absent father was never fun, but the joke was not hi-fucking-larious with a cherry on top just fucking yet, was it?
Conor saw his friends grow hair and grow tall. He too grew a bit taller, and he sure grew hair, all over his legs, his goat-like, hooves included, legs, with a ridiculous tail, stupid ears and a pair of horns to complete the freakshow look.
For some reason, Conor found that he could hide it, or at least, that people didn't seem to see all of that. Yet, things changed for him. People who usually ignored him (he wasn't mad about it) started to think of him as someone charming, and it all started to look a bit too much like the sort of attitude people adopted regarding his dad.
At around that time, in the middle of teenage-hood, Conor's father made his return.
Conor knew that he could not expect much, but he still felt compelled to listen to his father, if only to get an explanation, a cure, anything.
August 1968 was the first and last time he saw the bloody bastard. It appeared they were alike (hu-fucking-rray !) : a subspecies of fae called fauns who enjoyed dancing ( hell no) and a good amount of over-indulgence from others. To put it simply: his life would be an exciting one, full of parties and cheerful folks, or it would simply not be.
Stubborn as he was, he tried to beat nature more than once, first with a dull job, which made him feel completely miserable, then, with an hermit life that while it wasn't the worst, resulted in Conor nearly starving himself to death. It was around then he first overfed on a human, but that would not be the last time. Of course, none of that made him feel like a person, like himself.
Although he wanted nothing to do with his father, and he is still closed off to fae, Conor wants to put his shit together and well, the place where all these stories seem to come from is as good as any other place to start, right?
Character Facts:
Personality: Imaginative, reserved, insecure, unfocused, thoughtful, compassionate, exacting, rude
Over the years, Conor has collected more names than he could possibly count, all because of a bad habit of asking Can I have your name anytime someone wants to order flowers. He doesn’t know about promises either.
He has no idea of how his abilities work, and fails at being a faun, down to being jovial. His father explained the broadlines, and a few folks may have died thanks to his inability to properly understand his feeding process.
A red cat has made the shop their home and Conor is quite happy with the company. He started growing a patch of grass for his fluffy friend, and the cat follows him upstairs to his flat when the flower shop closes.
He started playing the violin when he was 5 years old and has kept on learning ever since. You can hear him play in his bedroom from the sidewalk and feel an urge to start dancing.
Though he prefers to focus on flowers and plants, Conor’s skills with nature extend to his garden, at the back of the shop, which stands out for the clear absence of a mowed lawn. You’ll find a large amount of insects here, thriving in his attempt at reproducing some biodiversity.
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colleenmurphy · 1 year
@aristobun just read your post about Helene and this..this is what Col and Charlie came up with. They think the world of Hel and would love to have her at The Cabin as long as she'd like to stay.
"I'm going to kill him. I'm going to fucking kill him."
Was all Colleen could mutter as she grabbed her car keys and her Afghan coat from their respective hooks. Her pack of three misfit pups that she and Charlie called The Wild Bunch, followed her every move. Except Red, her steadfast protector and wedding gift from Charlie and the most handsome bloodhound Col had ever seen. He was sitting much like a statue perched on his usual spot in the papasan chair Col usually read in the evening by the fireplace.
"C'mon Red, we've got business to tend to."
Was all she said as Red popped up by her right side. Smiling she reached down and scratched him behind the ears. Red was not only loyal but insanely smart, more so than the average hound. Given his working breed size and his ability to respond to commands his training had gone very well. He also loathed Joel Benson as much as she and Charlie did.
"Who's Mama's good boy? You are, Red, you are."
She hooked his leash up to his collar, grabbed her purse and made it out to the Plymouth just Charlie was coming back from the chicken coop as he cocked his head to the side as he spotted Red in the passenger seat of the car that Col used on rescue missions. He had painted it flat black for her and it purred low so it couldn't be detected from a block or two away. After her last run in with that Benson boy, as Charlie had often thought of his wife's best friend's boyfriend, and he had to reinforce her front and back bumpers. She'd done a heap of damage to Joel's Datsun the last time she'd seen him. She herself had done a number on the hood with a crowbar. The Datsun symbol hangs proudly in the recording studio right over the door. A few other bands had added hood ornaments of their own but didn't know the real reason why it was there.
"Georgia...what're you doin'?"
His use of her nickname almost threw from the task at hand. She was angry and it felt she was running out of time.
"I've got something to take care of, he's helping. You can come if you want to."
Charlie knew deep down in his gut what his wife was planning, it was a long time coming but if she felt that now was time, it was the time. The Plymouth roared to life, it almost sounded as if the damn car was growling. He had never seen the look in his wife's eyes, that's when he knew for certain without a doubt that Joel Benson was a marked man tonight. Shooing Red to move over in the bench seat Charlie plopped himself down. She was going to need help bugger lugging the bastard to his final resting place.
"You got a full tank of gas in this thing...right, Georgia?"
"Yes, I do. Buckle up."
She no sooner heard the click of the lap belt and gravel sprayed out behind them as they took off from their piece of paradise on the mountain.
Thirty minutes later Joel Benson was running for his life through the very same holler that they had just left. He had no way knowing that his ex girlfriend's best friend and her husband owned a literal mountain in the middle of nowhere bumblefuck. They were artists or some horseshit. Real hippy dippy pacifist type. They clearly were not, he'd been all knocked out with something heavy and shoved in a trunk. When he'd come to he was laying out in the middle of the dirt road. The only thing that got him to come to was the kick to the ribs he'd gotten from the dopey looking blonde Col was married to.
"G'on and get up, Boy."
"Who the fuck are you calling, boy?"
Church bells and stars flooded his head and vision as Col got a sound smack in with her booted foot. That bitch always seemed to be wearing cowboy boots. Bending down she was eye to eye with him. Enemy to enemy and Joel was tempted to smash her pretty little Irish face in but Col was quicker as she grabbed him by the throat, her nails digging in. Humming softly she sang in his ear
"Hope you got your things together Hope you are quite prepared to die Looks like we're in for nasty weather One eye is taken for an eye"
Goosebumps erupted across his flesh as it hit him. This crazy bitch was going to actually try and kill him.
"You're insane. You're both insane. You'll never get away with this."
"What's insane to me is beating the woman you claim to love. Repeatedly. Now, it's either you get and play by my rules or I put you down right now and leave you."
Joel studied Colleen for a moment. Helene has known her her entire life and had a million tales of how much they had stuck by one another. Maybe this crazy Irish bitch meant it. The way she stood tall and proud, her legs long and lean shoulders back and features schooled hard at him. Her long dark hair whipped by the wind and the white fur trim around her jacket clashed. He watched as she walked around the trunk of her car while her husband went to the back passenger side and grabbed the leash on something massive and red. Colleen came back around this time with a lantern tucked in the crook of her right arm and in her left was a shotgun. Charlie, or at least that's what he thought his name was, lurched forward as the impossibly red dog lunged forward snapped at him teeth barred. Inching backwards Joel got to his feet. Col was passed the leash as Charlie took the lantern and lit it with nimble fingers.
"Oh look! Joel's actually being a good sport about something for once in his life."
"Oh fuck you you crazy bitch."
A warning shot was fired just over his left shoulder, his eyes bugged as he tried to run. Somebody had tied his laces together.
"Good eye on the laces, Wilbury."
A small smile spread across Charlie's face.
"Thought it'd be funny."
"It's fucking not!"
"Is to us. Just like that time when you busted Hel's lip, right?"
Another shot this time by his feet inching him backwards.
"Get up and run like the coward you are, Benson. I feel like hunting for something."
The dog at the end of the leash bayed at the moon and lunged for him again. Teeth snapping at his pants grabbing onto it taking him down at the knees.
"Jesus Christ! Call him off!"
"Only if you run. Feel how she felt."
With a snap of her fingers the hellhound was called off and it and it's owners were back in that god forsaken Plymouth. A low growl was heard as it roared to life. It was coming right straight for him. Doing the only sensible thing his mind knew to do Joel Benson ran in a zig zag pattern but wasn't quick enough as the front bumper clipped him causing him to stumble. The crack of gunshots behind him made his heart hammer and his stomach knot up. All those times he'd come home and caused holy hell in the home he had shared with Helene had now knew. He knew what it was like to be terrified for your own life. Another gunshot, another howl from the dog with it's head hanging out the back driver's side window.
"Jesus Christ I'm sorry."
"Don't go callin' on people that don't know you, Benson!"
Was all he heard before his feet went out underneath him. Of course it just had to be Colleen fucking Murphy's voice. He went airborne for one slow sickening minute and he saw now earth or road beneath his feet.
'This must be how that stupid coyote feels when it's bested by that road runner.'
He thought to himself as he free fell over an open patch of earth and down into the embankment below. He'd no sooner made contact with the ground, excruciatingly so, as he had broken both ankles and dislocated his left knee. He was almost positive he had broken his right arm and hit a rock head first on the way down. His body went limp as it heard footsteps and growls. He was only semi conscious when Red bit down on the hand that tried in vain to strike out at him with a rock.
"You're a real piece of work ain't you?"
"F-ffkk 'oouu."
Those were Joel's last words as he parted ways with the mortal coil he had terrorized for much of his life. He was not searched for, or missed. His disappearance wasn't much of a footnote in time either. Much like his grave, Joel Benson will never be found. Charlie and Colleen made doubly sure of that, right before they donated that little stretch of land to the national park service so it wouldn't be disturbed.
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roseonthewindow · 6 months
Funny mun stories: That time I got banned form a store that refuses to carry a Size over 7.
Little bit of background before we go the to story. The store in question is known for only pandering to "smaller women" but is grotesquely overpriced. It's primary feature is its precious "Anti Fat person Door" not to ne confused with the Colchester in the monastery in Portugal (actual use during raids and attacks an archer would be stationed there the archer could pin anyone form there they could see but enemy archers would find it hard to nail the archer behind the Colchester. It is not so the monks could have a weight check.) This store fancy themselves high and mighty whenever someone who appears like they can not fit through can't fit through. Going so far as to "Fat shame" people of a normal size just because they do not carry their size. Well the Designer must have been there that day or something because I got banned form the store I will never shop at for obvious reasons by basically making their local bitch heckler eat crow. Now a little bit about mun, I am not fat by any means but because of my unique heritage I am a tall Latino build. (Germain Irish polish Portuguese mix) so with normal American brands I have to buy the plus size and have it tailored down to fit properly because of the two problem areas being my hips and shoulder width. Yes I got dem curve body complete with the booty. Well the heckler was a fool enough to not only recognize the brand shirt I was wring was indeed a Plus size boutique (their smallest size by the way and it was still clearly oversized on me around the collar so it often slips off one of my shoulders and I got it because I liked the way it fit) So she decided to hackle me with the "bet" She told me she would pay me a straight 1k if I can fit through her "anti fat door" (note I never got my 1k and I do not expect to) I ask if she is sure... she confirmed and swore in front of everyone there and there was a crowd at this point. I turn to the side push the shirt in so she can see that I CAN indeed fit through the "anti fat door" she boasts again that it is not possible. Well there was no rule about walking through it sidewise; so I do just that. Let me tell you the look on the woman's face as I pass through this door I am 100% according to her not spose to be able to fit through because I wear fat peoples cloths is priceless. I am tall so I almost graze the top of this door frame but the sheer shock on that woman's face was enough payment. My only regret... not a single person pulled out a camera or phone to record this show. That said I am not paying over $30 US for a pair of mesh throwaway panties I can get form Victoria Secret for $2 USD. Unironically the ones from Victoria secret actually fit my butt (because their curvy cuts fit me. Again my curves are the issue I have more often than not because not all women are flat as boards.) Bottom line, careful who you mock for being "fat" you may owe a stranger 1k for your big mouth.
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The Thief of your Heart - Chapter Five.
Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who is so invested in this story! I’m so thrilled you’re all enjoying it :D really, it’s blown me away, the little following it has. I’m looking forward to your thoughts on this as ever!
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Previous chapters - One  Two  Three  Four
Tag list - In the comments, please reply below to be added/removed
Words - 3,971
Warnings - 18+ content throughout. Minors DNI!
Waking up late in the morning following her drinks with McGee, so late it was virtually the afternoon, Abi’s heart somersaulted when it hit her; he’d be on Irish soil by now. He was back. Her heart continued to pound as she contemplated that fact, her thoughts all willing her to rush out of bed and go to him, but the heaviness she felt across her body paralysed her to the mattress beneath. He was returned, at last, and she couldn’t go to him.  
Nerves held her fast, and she had no clue why. This was Filip, her Filip, her BDT, her love, her everything. Time might have changed a lot, but it had never negated that for her. Thinking on it more, though, as she inevitably would, lighting her first cigarette of the day as she sat up, moving to sit on the windowsill, it hit her. What if he didn’t still love her as much as she did him? What if he did have someone else? No matter what he pledged, she had to be realistic; he might just remember her fondly from their time together. She might simply be a distant memory to him, a thought that made her heart feel icy.  
“Why would it even matter, though? For god's sake, Abi. It isn’t like he’s here for you, it’s club business. What, you think he’s gonna turn up here and you two will ride off into the sunset? Give me a break.” she chastised herself with, shaking her head. What did she expect, for seeing him again? They couldn’t be together; he lived in California, and her life was between Ireland and Africa for the most part.  
Her softer side then began to whisper in reasoning. ‘But you wouldn’t know any of that, unless you stop hiding and just go and see him. Just go, you silly bitch. What’s the worst that could happen? Hearing he’s moved on. And if he’s available, you might just get to enjoy the best sex of your life a few more times for however long he’s here.’
The best sex of her life was exactly what he was, Abi sitting there, watching rain patter onto the street below as she smoked, remembering that side with him well. She often wished he’d been her first, but then remembered he was for at least one thing...
Belfast, 1994.  
“Hmm, look who’s drunk,” Chibs teased, Abi sat on his lap in the clubhouse, his girl snorting.
“I fuckin’ am not!”
“Then why do you keep on grinning at me like that?”
She finished her drink, placing the glass back down on the table, moving to whisper in his ear as he stroked her thigh. “Because I’m really, really horny, and I’m thinking of all the things I want you to do to me when we get back to mine. So, drink up, and then come and tell me.” She slid off his lap with a wink, kissing McGee atop his head on her way past, sauntering out to wait for him.  
“Looks like you’re on a promise, lad,” he nodded, Chibs grinning, draining his beer as he stood.
“With that lass, I’m never anything but. See ya tomorrow.” Walking out, he found her leaning against his Harley, smoking a cigarette, looking impossibly sexy. She was doing her usual thing of wearing a slightly oversized t shirt as a dress, one that only just about covered her bum. He approved.  
“So, gonna come tell me, then?”  
Yes, she would be the death of him.  
“What do you want to hear, princess? The way I’m gonna take you home and tear up that pretty little pussy, fuckin’ ruin you with my mouth, then turn you over and ram my cock straight up your arse? Is that what you want, huh?”  
Abi felt like she’d just sat on an electric fence, the force of the jolt that ran through her. “Then why are we still here, and not at my flat, with you taking my anal cherry?”
He chuckled deeply, kissing the side of her neck, pulling her t shirt up and slapping her bum hard. “Get your sexy little arse on my fucking bike, now.” She complied at speed, climbing on behind him. An hour later, and after being literally eaten alive, she was lying on her bed, resting her weight onto her forearms while being piledriven from behind, Chibs working two very oiled up fingers in and out of her arsehole while he buried himself in her cunt again and again. “You ready?”
She cringed a little, a tad trepidatious over receiving something so big anally. “I am, but I’m nervous, so.”  
He learned forward, kissing between her shoulders. “You’re in control, I don’t want to hurt you, so just say if you want me to stop, okay?”
“Alright.” she nodded, his fingers sliding from within her narrow passage, pushing his cock there, the tight muscle opening around him as he slid in, a couple of inches to start with, stopping when she made a noise of discomfort.  
“You okay, love?”  
“Just pause a minute, let me get used to it?”
“Sure, no bother. All in your own time.���
“It’s like sitting on a fucking fence post.” Her words had him in stitches, chuckling hard as he stroked her back. “Okay, you can move again now.”
Instead of going in any deeper, he gently moved back, an inch sliding in and out, thumb moving beneath her to begin stroking her clit at the same time. Pretty soon, she began to purr contentedly, relaxing, his cock slowly sliding in a few inches more. The sound she made when he was almost all the way inside her, he very nearly came on the spot. “I think she might like that.”
“Oh my god, I really do!” he remained slow in motion, mainly for the fact that he knew he was only ever going to be about ten seconds from blowing his load, one hand spanking her bum, the other still preoccupied with drawing tight circles around her clit with his thumb. Adding a little speed, he watched her as she began quiver, her moans turning to wails, her hands reaching to grip the white iron of her bedframe.  
It was sharp, biting pleasure, her nerve endings sizzling as ebullience skittered through her, veins sizzling, her body consumed by waves of warmth washing through her, the brand-new sensations incredible to her. There he was, her big, bad outlaw, and god, he was being so gentle with her. She’d tried anal before, but what her ex had done solely with his fingers had put her off, Abi telling him in no uncertain terms that if he went about that like he was drilling for diamonds, then there was no way she was letting his cock in there.  
The deeper her moans grew, the less gentle he was, though, but he gauged it well, knowing when she needed greater friction, her demands for speed granted as he chased her into her release, the tightness around him dragging his own undoing from him wildly as he came with a groan, so hard, in fact, his vision swam, Abi trembling beneath him as she collapsed flat, him on top of her still.  
“Fil, I can’t breathe.”
“Sorry,” he laughed, moving to flop down beside her. “So, good then?”
“Aye, but I feel all stretched out in my bum hole now,” she complained, watching him raise an eyebrow.  
“Well, you just did have something quite big up there, hen.”
“I feel like there’s a draft.” He couldn’t help it, snorting with laughter before the hysterics followed, something that gave her the greatest delight. He was known for being fairly grumpy when he set his mind to it, and Abi knew, few people had the knack to make Filip Telford fall apart like she did. She remembered it as she sat there, watching people on the street below her modest abode, the local bus rattling along, a guy on the bike with a dog running by his side, everyone carrying on as normal, while she was sat there, stuck in the past, unable to go and seek out a very large part of that right there in the here and now.  
He was in Ireland.
At last.
It was all she’d wanted for fifteen years.
“Oh, for the love of the baby Jesus’s mittens! You negotiate with the fiercest men on earth for a living, girl! Grow some fuckin’ balls!” Stubbing her cigarette out angrily, she flung herself from the wide windowsill, exiting her bedroom and heading for a shower.  
Abigail Louisa-Marie Maguire had returned.
After showering, she dried her hair, losing her temper at tangling her brush in it, realising she was still panicking, taking a few breaths and continuing with her task. Unlike her teenage self, she didn’t really wear much makeup day to day any longer, just foundation to even out the scars the life she lived had left her with, mascara, bronzer and lip balm (no longer the banana variety, for obvious, ill-fated reasons) which she applied steadily, wanting to look nice.  
Lotion, deodorant and perfume followed, Abi dressing in a simple dark green, long-sleeved top, her black skinny jeans and her favourite soft leather boots, picking up her bag and keys, departing her house with another deep breath. Blowing her cheeks out, she looked at her car and decided she’d walk instead, needing the time to calm down again. Besides, the clubhouse was only fifteen minutes away on foot.
With each step, she found herself replaying moments with him on the very street she walked, remembering when she’d climbed the telegraph pole on the right by where the new houses now stood (before, closed down shops) because he’d bet that she couldn’t, the low wall outside someone’s house where he’d sat her, sucking a lovebite onto her neck while his hand had been working magic between her legs, unable to wait until he’d gotten her home to the old warehouse, a further ten minutes on from her current home.  
It wasn’t even there any longer, the building sold and levelled to make room for more affordable housing, something she’d found quite upsetting when she’d discovered a good few years ago while home from Africa. The place held so many memories for her, of Monica, of her and her love, of a time before everything went to shit. Rounding the corner, Abi looked up to St Augustine’s church, thinking of Monica and pausing.  
“Four pounds, love.” The kindly lady selling flowers outside the gate spoke after Abi had chosen a mixed bunch in pink, her sister’s favourite colour. She handed over the money, heading through the gate and following the path all the way down between the older graves, some dating as far back at the eighteen hundreds, their once pristine veneer weathered by time and erosion, the epitaphs only just about legible. Coming through to the rear, she nodded and smiled at a few locals who recognised her, taking the path left over to where the newer graves were located, heading to the angel monument. Her mother and father had wished for something grand for their eldest.  
“Hey shit face,” she chirped, crouching down. Shit face and twat head. How the girls teased one another, but with nothing but love. Abi could still barely believe it when she read the carved marble; Monica Kerry Maguire, beloved daughter of Michael and Bridie, devoted sister of Abigail, born February 22nd, 1973, passed 9th July, 1993. Eternally loved, forever missed. Until we meet again in god’s kingdom.  
She always had to smirk at that, since she very much doubted it was where any of them were heading. Monica had been responsible for the deaths of at least twelve people by the time she’d hit twenty, after all. “Here, brought you some pretty flowers, so I have. Not so useless after all, am I?” She snorted softly with laughter, taking the vase from the bottom of the headstone over to the nearby tap and filling it, remembering her sister’s many and varied accusations of her uselessness.  
‘How could you fuck up boiling an egg, Abi? Useless!’
‘You’ve dyed it all pastel blue because you put your jeans in there to wash as well. Whites and colours go separately. Useless!’
‘For heaven’s sakes, you’re not supposed to paint the skin, too! Give me that, Christ. Just go pay the lady who does nails at the hairdressers to paint your toenails, save making yourself look like you’ve got toe rot. Useless!’
Abi only ever wore one colour of nail polish, black or nothing at all, hence the toe rot comment as she’d haphazardly given herself a pedicure, her sister moving in with a handful of acetone-soaked cotton wool and hauling her feet into her lap to make a much tidier job of it.  
“I’ve got better at the laundry and the nail painting, but I’m still useless in the kitchen,” she confessed, arranging the flowers and sliding the vase back into its slot. “I’d kill for a plate of your lasagne. I can’t do it. The pasta remains raw and the cheese burns. I’m such a shit show!” she laughed softly, kissing her thumb and pressing it against the white marble. “Bloody miss you so much, Mon.”  
Closing her eyes, she saw it, the British soldiers taking aim as a balaclava donned Monica swung her own rifle round and fired, too late, a shot blowing her straight in the chest. She heard her own scream of her sister’s name, lying flat upon the roof as she’d felt horror flood her, a tingling, prickling cold wave, Monica lying lifeless in the street as she’d taken aim, firing a round straight into the neck of the man who’d shot her dead. He'd gasped and gurgled, dropping to his knees, Abi witnessing him die with triumph in her broken heart before running from the scene, jumping from rooftop to rooftop to avoid arrest, hiding out up in the fields for an hour, screaming in grief.
She thumbed at the corner of her eyes, shaking her head. “I know, I know. I've had long enough to deal with you being gone. You’d only kick me up the arse and tell me to pull myself together, if you were here now. I’ll come see you again, before I go. Love you.” She rubbed the marble affectionately, standing to leave, the sunshine peeking out from behind the clouds as she exited the church gates once more, lighting herself a cigarette, the clubhouse within her view.  
Nearing the building, she felt her heart thundering, pausing on the corner by Ashby’s to finish before walking around. No bikes. Hmm. Turning back, she knew Mo would likely be able to tell her where the lads were, entering the shop, the little bell above the door signalling her presence, a dark-haired woman at the counter turning around. Now there was a face she hadn’t seen for years.  
She nodded. “Aye. Hi, Gemma. I didn’t expect to see you here, too.”
Crossing the floor, she opened her arms, giving her a hug. “Well, I didn’t expect to be either, sweetheart. Couldn’t very well let them come all this way without me, though.”
Abi smiled knowingly. “You still rule the roost, then? No surprise there.”
“You’d better believe it.” Resting her hand on her shoulder, she shook her head a little. “God, you look just like Bridie. How is she?” Gemma had adored her mother when they’d met on their last trip, just as she had her daughter.  
“She’s well, aye.”
“And you?”
Abi half shrugged. “Not bad, yeah.” She dropped her head when Gemma saw right through it, laughing a little.  
“The fact your hands are all shaky is contradictory to that statement. I know why, too. He isn’t here right now, off with the others on club business, they’ll be back later this afternoon. Fancy a drink?”  
Abi nodded. “That’d be grand.”  
“Abi, here. On the house,” Maureen spoke, lifting a bottle of Jameson from the shelf, Abi walking over and leaning across the counter to hug her, kissing her cheek. “Good to see you, darlin’.”
“Yeah, you too, Mo. Can you do me twenty Benson too, please? I’m paying for those, though.” She pointed at the cigarettes with a smile, Maureen taking the packet out and Abi passing her a ten pound note. “Keep the change. How’s Trinity?”
“Aye love, she’s well. Off doing the deliveries with Cherry. I’ll see you later on, no doubt. Oh, hold on.” She vanished into the back of the shop, returning after a few moments with two tumblers, handing them over, she and Gemma leaving to go and sit at one of the outdoor tables by the clubhouse. They sat down, Abi pouring out the measures, taking a cigarette Gemma offered to her with thanks, the women who didn’t know each other well but had a genuine fondness for what they did know catching up on everything they’d gone through since their last meet sixteen years before.  
“You took out seven of them, on your own?” Gemma gaped, sipping her drink.
“Aye. Well, me and an M16 did. I wasn’t having a lick of that nonsense, I fired on them before my guys were even stepped foot out of the car. I warned them if they crossed me, that’s what they’d receive. I don’t enjoy repeating myself,” she revealed, after speaking of when a handover deal had almost gone very, very wrong eight years ago.  
“He’d be proud of you, you know.”
“My da?”
“Well, yes,” Gemma began, flicking her cigarette ash into the small, round receptacle between them, smiling knowingly. “But in this case, I was referring to Chibs.”
Abi was confused for a second, until the slang dawned on her. “Oh, that’s what they call Filip now, because of the...” she trailed off, pointing at her cheeks, Gemma nodding. “Aye, I’d like to think so.” At just the mention of him, Gemma noticed her hands beginning to quiver all over again. While she had the measure of Chibs’ feelings for Abi, she could only guess that the blonde, Irish beauty before her had matching stirrings over him. But still, she asked.  
“He seems to have quite the effect on you, even after all this time,” she began, reaching to tuck her hair behind her ear. “Just how in love with him were you, darlin’?” Gemma asked, Abi sipping her drink, sighing as their eyes met across the table.  
“Stupidly, crazily, insanely in love with him. And I still am. That man, he was the sun in my day, and the moon and stars in my night. He’ll never not be, either.”
Gemma smiled, cocking her head. “He spoke similarly of you, you know. On the plane over, when it was just me and him awake, the others all sleeping.”
Curiosity piqued her immediately. “What did he say?”
She smiled as she remembered their discussion. “He said, and I quote, if his love for you was a fire, all the water in the world wouldn’t be capable of putting it out.”  Something shunted her straight in the heart, hearing those words. He wasn’t particularly profound in that way, all except in his parting words to her, so it took her aback, to hear what he’d told Gemma relayed to her by the lady herself. It made warmth tingle through her, to hear he still felt the same. “You look surprised.”
“I am,” she confessed. “He doesn’t express himself so deeply. It was always gestures with Filip. I mean, he told me he loved me all the time, of course he did, but that? That’s next level for him.”
Gemma drew on her cigarette, exhaling the smoke down her nose. “You’re right, he isn’t. His actions have always spoken louder than his words.”  
How right she was. “Anyway, this has wondered into overly sentimental territory,” Abi spoke, Gemma quick to rectify.  
“Yes. So, big cock?”
She snorted laughing, topping up their glasses. “Aye. And he knows exactly how to use it.”
Gemma nodded, clinking glasses with her. “I thought as much. He fills out those jeans pretty well. And god bless a man with a weapon he damned sure knows how to wield. Nothing worse than a guy with nice, big dick who does nothing but punch your cervix harder than Sugar Ray Leonard.”
Her words had Abi in soft fits, stubbing out her cigarette, remembering. The only time Chibs ever left her sex pain was from the amount of times he’d fuck her in one night, and not because of how he gave her his cock. “I’ll drink to that, Gemma. Cheers.”
They tapped glasses, sinking the rest of their whiskey, Gemma quick to refill. In the distance, her ears picked up on the roar of motorcycles, Abi suddenly feeling tingly all over, sharing a look with Gemma and sinking her drink. “Oh, Jesus.”
“Time to see your man, baby.”  
He wasn’t, though. Not anymore. Abi felt her nerves colliding within her like an out of control F1 car, turning to watch the bikes come roaring past, picking him out, her heart turning over like a puppy bounding much too quickly down a steep hill. Oh, god. There he was. She was frozen to the seat beneath her, time seeming to slow down as he dismounted the bike, pulling his helmet, gloves and sunglasses off, staring straight at her.  
He could barely believe it, that he was looking at her again after so long, his brain almost calling trickery on his eyes. She’d changed so much, but god, how beautiful she still was, and that smile... he felt his heart tingle pleasantly at the way she smiled. His insides swirled like a tempest, thoughts tumbling through his head, but nothing sticking. He was too overcome at seeing her again to even form cohesive thought.  
The swarm of butterflies that flew through her belly almost knocked her sideways. Especially when he smiled back, beginning to walk to her. Abi wasn’t even aware of the forces that acted upon her rising from her seat and putting one foot in front of the other, her entire time with him flashing before her eyes. God, he was still so handsome. Time had been kind to him, in fact, the nearer they drew, the more she saw he was even better looking than she remembered.  
Her head was blank, devoid of anything, knowing a few of his crew were paused, watching them near one another, her heart beating so fast, she almost felt faint. Or was that just him, the man who she had no idea what to say to. She wanted to tell him everything, but could formulate nothing.  
And then there he was, right in front of her.  
His hands reached down, cupping her face. “Hello.” He sounded bewildered, like he couldn’t really believe that she was right there in front of him.
She bit her lip, her smile spreading wide. At last, at last, at last. “Hi.” Reciprocating the gesture, she stroked his cheeks, her thumbs traveling the lines that had been bloodied and fresh, the last time he’d been before her, now faded indents, of a time so long ago. He leaned to her, resting his forehead to hers, no further words needed as they fell into a kiss.  
That was the moment, after fifteen long, lonely years without one another, their hearts bloomed from black and grey, back to full colour once more.
After all the agony they had suffered in being parted from each other, no two people were more deserving of such an effortless reunion. Then again, true love did always have a way of bringing two people who were meant to be back to one another.
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debbiechanclub · 3 years
“The Ghost Of Christmas Present”
Title: "The Ghost of Christmas Present”  Theme: Day 8 - Wrapping/Paper/Presents Fandom/Character(s): AEW - Best Friends Warnings: Mild language Word Count: 665
Find more of my fics here.
Tag Squad: @galacticstat​ @hotyeehawman​ @hdbngsprnva​ @kingswitchblade​ @bec0m​ @betsy-bradock​ @linziland13​ @champhangman​ @librathepheonix13​ @gabbynorth98​ @exe-babymox-exe​ @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch​ @brokenglassslippers​ @rocca09​ @meteora-fc​ @kawaiikels​ @adriii-omega​ @thatgirlforever5​ @sugar-melts-mo-fo​
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Maybe Wheeler was just being paranoid. But he didn’t have a good feeling about it when Chuck found him in catering and beckoned, “Hey, come with me for a minute.” It was probably because Brandon was with him—and he had a camera.
Nevertheless, he went.
“What’s up?” he asked.
Chuck put his arm around his shoulders as they walked. “Well, it’s Christmas,” he cut himself off to glance at him in question. “You celebrate Christmas, right?”
He nodded. “Yeah.”
“Okay, good,” he breathed. “Jim thought you might’ve been Jewish.”
 “What?” Wheeler returned, completely baffled; but Chuck ignored him.
“Anyway, it’s Christmas, and I feel kinda bad that we’ve been giving you such a hard time, what with the constant ridicule and Kris always choking you out and making you look like a little bitch on the Internet.”
Wheeler rolled his eyes.
“So, we all got together and got you a little something. You know, just to show that we really do consider you to be a valued member of Best Friends and not just a second-rate replacement for Greg.”
Wheeler’s face went flat. “Gee, thanks,” he deadpanned. “I can really feel your sincerity.”
Chuck patted his shoulder. “I’m a sincere guy, Wheeler.”
He led him into a room backstage, Brandon still following with the camera. It was completely empty except for a few chairs and the biggest Christmas present Wheeler had ever seen, wrapped up in bright red paper with a shiny gold bow—and Wheeler immediately knew what was up.
“Alright, come on,” he said as he pulled away from Chuck.
“What?” Chuck asked. He was clearly playing dumb.
“I’m not stupid man. This is obviously a bit for BTE,” he motioned at Brandon, “and Kris is obviously gonna jump out of that present and choke me out again.”
“What?” Chuck looked absolutely aghast at the suggestion. “Why would you think that?”
“Why wouldn’t I?!”
Chuck ran a hand over his jaw. “I can’t believe this,” he said with a shake of his head. “You try to do something nice for a friend—a son, even—and you get accused of– I said we got you something nice. Are you calling me a liar?”
“No, I’m not calling you a liar,” Wheeler breathed. “It’s just obvious that this is a set-up.”
“A set-up? You think I would set you up to get choked out?”
“Not under normal circumstances, but in this case ye-ahh!”
He jumped back in surprise as the lid to the present box suddenly burst open. Wheeler braced himself—but it wasn’t Kris. It was Orange.
“Merry Christmas,” he monotonously said. “Or happy Hanukkah.”
Chuck shook his head as he made a cutting motion with his hand across his throat. “Not Jewish.”
“Whatever,” Orange muttered. He held out a small paper plate with a piece of cake on it, sans fork. Wheeler arched a brow as he took it from him.
“Did you get this from catering?”
It was a few seconds before he answered. “…No.”
Wheeler looked at it again. “Yeah, you did. This is the carrot cake from catering.”
“Are you calling him a liar?” Chuck shot.
“Yes!” Wheeler proclaimed. “This time I am! Because he just, in fact, lied—”
The next thing Wheeler knew, someone suddenly grabbed him and started choking him from behind. Kris. She had burst out of a closet behind him at exactly the right moment. But he just let it happen. At this point, he’d learned it was best not to struggle.
Brandon zoomed in on him as he slowly faded to the floor. “Ha! We got you good, Yuta!” Chuck triumphantly proclaimed. 
“Merry Christmas ya filthy animal,” Orange followed up. 
They both left the room; but as Wheeler laid gasping for breath, Kris squatted down next to him.
“I’m the ghost of Christmas present,” she menacingly whispered. “And I will always be there… lurking.” And with that, she stood up and left him alone and choked out on the floor, looking like a little bitch yet again.
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fumingspice · 4 years
kiss me hard before you go
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Pairing: Billie Dean Howard x Reader
Angst because someone (not naming any names) *cough* @lilypadscoven is too happy to write angst. Such a strange excuse, i know. Like whose even happy anymore? That’s so 2014, Freya.
Warning: Angsty as shit! I think. Idk im usually a happy person. Mentions of cheating, mentions of smut etc. 
Requests are open!
taglist: @sarahp-stan @jumpoffabridge-t @sarahpaulsonsoftie @definitelynot-a-writer @bottom4delia @delias-bitch-craft @creepingwolfberry @thesapphictimelady @goodeday2u @that-fucking-error @saucy-sapphic @sarahp-stan @winters-witch-bitch @rainbow-hedgehog @pearplate​
You frowned to yourself, flicking through the endless posts on Instagram. It was some godforsaken hour in the morning and no matter how hard you tried or how deeply you tried to ease your restless mind you could not fall asleep. You scrolled on social media endlessly. 
God, what time could it even be? 04.27.
You gave a defeated chuckle. Even time was in on the universe’s cruel joke. She exited Instagram and went to messages. You couldn’t count the number of unsent messages and thrown out speeches you had started and couldn’t bring yourself to finish.
Billie Dean Howard.
The contact had found itself hidden deep in the archives of old messages. You hadn’t contacted her since December when you had walked away. 
Walking away was better that being the one left behind, or so you had tried so hard to tell yourself. In hindsight, the truth was that Billie Dean was going to end up leaving you anyway. Was it courage of conviction or just the simple knowledge that you couldn’t live knowing that the only person you had ever opened your heart to was going to leave you?
What was the last thing she said anyway?
Goodnight :(.
Always with those stupid text faces. Those stupid, adorable text faces. How did she have such a powerful effect on you that you could see Billie’s face in a colon and a bracket? Why hadn’t you blocked her yet? What was left to hold onto other than movie-like memories that had slipped away like the changing of seasons.
You slipped from beneath the covers, Your hair tickled Your shoulders. There was no one beside you for you to reach for in your infinite loneliness anyway. It wasn’t infinite. Why did it feel infinite? Why did you allow one person to waltz into your heart and make you home there? You reached for an unopened bottle of wine and paused. Billie had left this bottle there. You never drank unless it was around Billie. 
“Dom Perignon,” Billie told you. You were never interested in the details of fine wine. All you knew was that the older it was the more people liked it.
“Isn’t that expensive?” The brunette asked, reading the label.
 Billie nodded with a throaty chuckle. “Only the best for my girl. I thought I would save it for a special occasion.”
A special occasion. You chuckled in spite. The occasion in question was supposed Billie’s birthday. A party with many guests. One too many. The house was brimming with sets of both of your friends. You could recall reaching for the same wine all too well before being stopped by your friend’s girlfriend. Erin took you by the wrist and guided you out to the garden. 
“No one’s out here,” you protested. Erin’s face was almost forlorn. 
“I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
Sorry for what? You snapped out of your confusion. You could see the side of Billie’s body. Pressed against the wall beneath someone else. The anxiety had somehow eased when you watched Billie kiss another, fading into nothing because you knew that there was quite literally nothing that could get even worse than what you were watching.
You pursed her lips. When you imagined these moments, you had always imagined screaming bloody murder. You imagined punching and yelling. You couldn’t move. No tears. Hell, you couldn’t even feel. Erin grabbed your arm and trailed you back, but not before the sight of you, heartbroken in a red dress. had registered in Billie. She barely had time to pull away from her kiss and have the shock of what she was actually doing register. 
It was always a red dress. Red dresses end up in heartbreak. A goddamn blaze in the dark.
Now, you found yourself standing at the window that looked out into the garden. Looking at the spot where you had seen her lover betray every bit of trust that you had. What would have happened if you didn’t see? What if you had seen but Billie didn’t? Would you have said anything? Would Billie have said anything?
It doesn’t matter anyway.
Billie was wine. Aromatic, warm in her stomach. She was a magnificent swirl. She was the impossible to hide stain on your favourite white dress.
Every inch of this house had Billie in its essence. She was inescapable. 
It got even worse when a buzzing noise brought your attention to your phone. “Who the fuck could that be?” you asked yourself. Your heart dropped at the contact.
Billie Dean Howard is calling...
Your world collapsed for a moment as you stared at the phone buzz. Your head told you not to answer, your heart launched for it like a desert oasis. You let it ring a moment too long. You barely managed to blurt out a cracked, “Hello?” when Billie hung up. Presumably giving up.
You bit your lip. Your thumb hovered over the redial button as you fought with yourself. Maybe she’ll call again. That’s a huge maybe. Your finger jolted down unintentionally. Billie picked up on the third ring.
“Y/N?” Her breath hitched. “Y/N, can you hear me?”
You swallowed hard. “I’m here,” you stated flatly, “I can hear you.”
“I didn’t think you’d answer.”
“Honestly,” you replied. You felt no need for warmth. “I don’t think I meant to.”
“Oh. Uhm, how- how are you?”
“What do you want, Billie? It’s five in the morning,” You cut off. You could hear Billie’s breath falter a little.
“To be honest, I just wanted to see if you would pick up.”
You shook your head, cursing how well you knew the medium. “Don’t lie to me, Howard.”
Billie chuckled. “How can you tell?”
“You were the medium, but I was the human lie detector.”
“You’re a lawyer with an Irish mother and Scilian father. It would be more shocking if you weren’t one.”
You smiled, before catching yourself in an eyeroll. “Don’t change the subject.”
“I’m in town. I wanted to see you.”
“It’s five in the fucking morning.”
“You’re telling me that I actually woke you up? You were sleeping when I called?”
You bit your lip. “Yes.”
Billie chuckled again. Like it was a fucking game to her. “Well, now who’s lying?”
“What do you want, Billie?” You scoffed.
“I already told you. I want to see you.”
The audacity of the last sentence. The fact that you knew Billie Dean would come whether or not she was invited boiled your blood.
“Why.” It was more of a flat remark than a genuine question. Why. Why now.
Billie was silent for a moment. “I just want to see your face.”
Your groaned internally, another eyeroll coming into play. You scoffed. “You know the address. Find your own way over.”
And she did. The door knocked almost immediately.
You opened the door so quickly that it creaked aggressively.
“You have some fucking nerve. You know that right?” You snapped. The medium’s eyes widened in shock.
“Nice to see you too.”
You stepped aside and ushered her in, cold from the whipping air. Refreshing if you weren’t standing in shorts and a cardigan.
Billie turned around to face her. Tension grew, like insulation keeping everything in. You could choke on all the words you never said. 
“You look beautiful.”
“Je vais te tuer avec mes mains nues et dormir comme un bébé après.”
“I’m flattered.”
You groaned and walked away from her and into the kitchen. You didn’t know if you would slap her, kill her, or kiss her. You were just as prepared to strangle her as you were to fuck her hard on the kitchen floor then and there, kissing every single freckle and mole on her skin. “You have three minutes,” You muttered, pouring yourself a cup of coffee to stop yourself from looking in Billie’s direction. Your heart raced at a thousand miles a second.
“I just dropped in to say hi.”
You were unamused. “Is that it? Are you going get out of my life again?”
Billie frowned. “Am I? Y/N, you left me.”
“Because you fucking cheated on me, Billie Dean! What? Did you want me to pretend I didn’t see it? Pretend nothing happened? Do you want me to pretend that you didn’t rebuild my ability to trust people just so you could knock it down yourself?” You shouted. The words were coming out thick and fast now apparently.
“I was so drunk, Y/N,” Billie whimpered, her eyebrows furrowed. She was in genuine pain, you could see the guilt right in her brown eyes.
And you couldn’t give a shit.
“I’ve heard this a hundred times.”
“How many times do I have to say sorry for this?”
You raised your mug to your lips. “You can say it until I’m dead.”
You met the medium’s gaze. Brown eyes waterlogged with tears. Billie dipped her face in her hands. “I don’t know if I can go through with this again.”
You snapped again. “Good,” you said. “Because I’m done.”
“You can’t be serious.”
The pair met, closer than you had in months.
“No matter what stupid, thoughtless, selfish, idiotic, drunken things you said or did. No matter how many times. I have never stopped loving you. I’ve never fallen out of love no matter how many times I told myself I had. I haven’t gone to sleep without imaging your goddamn mouth on my lips and hands on my body and I fucking crave to hate you for it,” you spat, venom on you tongue and tears spilled down your face. “I don’t sleep, Billie. I don’t sleep because I know your arms aren’t there to hold me when I’m still awake at four in the morning. Because I can’t reach across the bed no matter how angry I am at you and feel your hair. I fucking love you goddammit. You threw that away. Not me.”
 Tears streamed down Billie’s face. “I regret what I did every. Single. Fucking. Day. I miss coming home and seeing you writing those stupid fucking reports that I know you hate writing because I know you hate your job. I miss seeing your face when you’ve won a case that has been scratching you for weeks,” she inched forward once more, her hands close to Mallorie’s face. “I miss seeing you reorganising the goddamn silverware every few weeks to keep the Fair Folk happy in the same way I miss seeing the way your mouth curls when you come.”
 You scanned Billie Dean, searching despreately for a bluff, something that would give way to the fact that this was all a lie; a gimmick for a one night stand so that you could just shut her out and go back to hating her. Hating the person you love is so much easier than having your heartbroken again. You couldn’t find that bluff. Even your gut-instinct that panged you when someone lied to you wasn’t alerting anything. Billie’s words were as genuine as her tears and it was killing you to see that Billie loved you. The lawyer had hoped- prayed even- that the medium’s words had been bullshit, sweet nothings that could be whispered into the ear of any lover that had fallen into her bed. But you weren’t just a one time fling that had walked into a casual meet. You had walked into her long-term girlfriend with her tongue down another’s throat. You had stashed that little red box with a diamond engagement ring inside even further into the closet that night, and that’s what had hurt you.
A raw truth in her words soaked into you. Refreshed you. They were the words that the ocean screamed back at you when you stood on the cliffside begging for a reason to go on.
And so you gave in. Almost, at least. You stepped forward into Billie and allowed her storm to engulf you. There was no calm here. There was a raging appetite for destruction and creation. What was that lyric? A tornado has met a volcano. Her lips ravaged yours to the point of being rubbed raw, the type of sting that bothered virtually every moment of your waking day, one that went on for days. You bit down on her lips, her tongue, her chin and cheek. Whether in was in spite or the desperation to seek and find every single piece of her that you could was unclear. 
Those fateful memories crept back, and you pushed hard against her chest. Billie’s lips, now red, white and swollen, pressed against yours again, retracting when there was no return.
“I’m sorry,” you lied. “I think there’s a possibility that I don’t love you.”
Billie’s eyes resembled a broken mirror, or maybe the view of a dying star. The thing about dying stars is that they died a very long time ago and you only notice years later. She nodded with a weak smile. “I understand,” she whispered, pressing her head against yours. She picked up her bag and turned to leave.
You stopped her. What on Earth were you doing? Let her leave so you can hate her in peace.
“Kiss me. Before you go,” you pleaded. “Hard.”
Billie shook her head, her face scrunched before throwing her face at you. The force drove you into the counter sending a glorious shock of pain up your back. Billie was doing what you had asked.
“Fuck you,” you pulled away and muttered, as if she had gonr too far in teasing you.
“What did I do?”
You raised your hand and slapped her face, lightly. “Fuck you for proving that I still love you.”
A rush of relief knocked Billie, visibly. She returned to your lips, much more gently this time, as if she were savouring every part of you.
“I told you to kiss me hard,” you whispered, although not necessarily opposed to Billie’s touch.
“I’ll do anything you really want,” she replied.
You paused for a moment. “Anything?”
Billie smiled. “Anything.”
You kissed her once. Soft. Tentatively. “Fuck me. On the table.” 
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xtrashmammalstefx · 4 years
Stubborn Asshole (A Zak Bagans x Reader SMUT)
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WARNINGS: Smut, language, possession
Special Thanks: To @xcazzax​ for being an awsome reader and source of inspiration. I couldn’t do this without you girly. 🥰
I love Aaron like a brother, don’t get me wrong, but DAMN HIM FOR BRINGING SUCH AN ASSHOLE INTO MY LIFE!
Douchey McGee: Hey Aaron said to message u.
He said: Get the fuck up Y/N!
Me: Tell him I said thnx and
and 2 not have the douche do
his dirty work.
Douchey McGee: Well fuck u 2 Y/N.
I sighed and crawled out of my hotel bed. We’d flown in late the previous night and I was still exhausted. I showered and got dressed in my ripped black skinny jeans, my black GAC shirt, and combat boots. I grabbed my hoodie and purse on the way out. Downstairs in the attached restaurant the rest of the crew were gathered for breakfast and much needed coffee.
“Morning gorgeous,” Aaron greeted.
“Fuck off Goodwin, I haven’t even had my coffee yet,” I said taking my seat beside him. “And by the way since when is boss man your own personal secretary.”
“And here I thought you didn’t know me as anything but Douche McGee, douche, or my personal favorite: Stubborn asshole son of a bitch.” Zak chimed in.
“Good morning to you too Satan,” I rolled my eyes.
I swear ever since we met Zak has made it his life mission to push my buttons in any way he can. But unfortunately for this psychotic fuck, two can play that game.
“Huh that’s original,” Zak continued.
I rolled my eyes and ordered an omelet with coffee. “So you gonna tell me when you decided to make boss man your bitch?” I asked Aaron.
“Well I figured I’ve been the bitch long enough so…” Aaron said.
“Dude, since when have I ever treated you like a bitch?” Zak asked.
“Every time you forced him to stay in a fucked up room by himself during an investigation like a fucking sadist?” I pointed out.
“Oh...right…” Zak said looking like he felt a tinge of guilt.
“Does that mean I’m a bitch too since he’s been doing the same thing to me lately?” Billy chimed in.
“Unfortunately,” I said just as my breakfast arrived arrived. “Oh, thanks.” I said to the waitress.
“Only you can go from bitchy to bubbly in zero seconds flat,” Zak said.
“Fuck you too, Bagans,” I muttered taking a bite of my omelet.
“Not in this life babe,” Zak muttered taking a sip of his coffee.
It continued like that even in the car on the way to the days location: Bly Manor. According to our sources Bly Manor was built in the 1800’s by Charles Bly, an Irish immigrant who made a fortune selling liquor and tobacco. By the time of the Civil War he decided to try his hand at weapons manufacturing which earned him enough to break ground on his dream house. He lived in the manor with his family. His wife Athena, and his daughter Josephine.
It said that on a sunny afternoon while do work in the Manor’s yard a man by the name of Bishop Wiley showed up and shot him dead. Supposedly Wiley’s son Robert was a soldier in the war and was killed by the very guns Charles helped build.
Charles has since been purported sighted walking the manor grounds. His wife Athena has been seen playing the piano, and wandering the halls. As for Josephine well… she was the most famous spirit of all.
“Josephine has been seen on the balcony of the Red Room,” explained our tour guide as we interviewed her. “The story goes that Josephine had met and fallen in love with a man at a nearby farm. And just before they were due to be married he left to fight in the war. She promised to wait for him there until his return. Hopeful that they could still marry and have a family. Sadly the man lost his life in Gettysburg. Charles felt so horrible he felt the need to keep it from her. So she continued to wait. And continues to wait to this very day.”
My heart ached for Josephine. It’s a whole other level of hell to lose someone so dear… I damn near jumped when I felt his hand on my shoulder.
“Hey, you okay?” Zak asked.
“Y-Yeah, I’m fine,” I said before following the tour guide.
We eventually took a break for lunch and then got ready for the investigation. Unlike most of the crew I made it a habit of carrying a small black backpack. I was just stuffing a recorder, spirit box, and MEL Meter when someone pat my shoulder.
“Hey are you sure you’re feeling okay?” Zak asked again.
“Yeah,” I said. “I’m good, um, why the niceties?”
“I may be an asshole sometimes but I do feel for people now and then,” he said.
“Even me?” I arched an eyebrow at him. Before he could answer Aaron barged in needing to grab a spare lens for the camera.
We continued prepping in silence and then slowly but eventually the sun went down and moon shined bright.
Aaron, Zak, and I went in together. We worked together as a group for a while before (in true Zak Bagans fashion) we split up.
“Y/N I want you to stay up here for a while and see if Josephine will communicate with you,” Zak said.
“Alright,” I said stepping out onto Josephine’s balcony. Zak and Aaron disappeared through the Red Room door and I took out my recorder. “Josephine, are you here?” I started. “If so do you think you could answer a few questions for me? I promise you I mean no harm. Just speak into this little device for me.”
I felt a chill in the air but continued. “Why are you still waiting for him?” I asked. “Don’t you think he’s waiting for you on the other side?”
I suddenly felt an overwhelming feeling of sadness and anxiety. I slid down to the ground and then... He promised me. I kept thinking for some odd reason. He promised...he promised we’d go...he promised on the stars...he promised we’d be together.
The thoughts kept coming, and I don’t know when it started but I only realized I was crying when I felt someone shake me violently. “Y/N TALK TO ME DAMMIT!!!”
Zak knelt in front of me looking freaked. “D-Don’t ever leave me,” I cried. “Please don’t ever leave me.”
“Josephine leave her alone, please,” Zak asked. “I know what happened to you was cruel and unfair but that doesn’t mean she should suffer like this.” Call me crazy but Zak actually sounded kind of pissed. There was another chill and he knelt beside me again. “I’m here  sweetheart…” He whispered brushing my cheek with his hand. “I’m here.”
I looked up at him and saw a face that was not his. His hair was chocolate brown and barely touched his shoulders, his eyes the same. My heart took off in joy and I threw my arms around him. He squeezed me before pulling back and taking my face in his hands. “Promise not to disappear on me again?” I asked.
“I promise,” he muttered before bringing his lips to mine. We kissed passionately as though it was a long time coming. After a while it felt like a weight lifted off me and my legs became limp. “WHOA!”
Zak caught me. It was for sure him this time. I was suddenly more aware of things...more awake. “Zak...what? What happened?”
“I dunno,” he said. “But I’m getting you the fuck out of here.”
He scooped me up in his arms and carried me all the way to the GAC van.
“You know you didn’t have to carry me right?”
“Says the girl who just nearly passed out on me,” Zak said setting me down in the back of the van.
“Um Zak did you want us to edit out the last bit of her footage or..?” Billy asked awkwardly.
“Edit it out? Why?” Zak asked. Blushing furiously Billy replayed the footage from the night vision cam we had facing the balcony. It showed me slowly crumbling and then…
“Oh sweet fucking Jesus,” I groaned as Zak and I started making out on screen.
“Uh...yeah I don’t think we need to uh-*cough*-show that,” Zak said turning back to me. “Are you, uh, gonna be okay?”
“Um...yeah I think so,” I said not entirely meeting his eye. “You-uh-you go ahead. I’m just gonna chill with Billy the rest of the night.”
“You sure?”
“Yes. Now go before I drag you back in by your balls,” I threatened.
“Oh yeah you’re gonna be fine,” he said turning his back on me.
“You know you two are actually kinda hot together,” Billy said.
“What? Are you high? Zak and I can barely stand each other,” I said.
“Bull-fucking-shit Y/N,” Billy laughed. “We all can see there is insane tension going on between you. We just don’t get why you guys haven’t done anything about it.”
“What are we the hot gossip going around the office or something?”
“I mean, if this almost-porno is anything to go by...then yeah.”
“Billy I swear to God if I catching you jerking off to that—.”
“You’ll cut my nuts off I know,” he finished for me. “Besides I would never in hell jerk off to my best friend and his girl. It’s too weird.”
“I’m not his girl,” I snapped at him.
“Whatever you say Y/N,” Billy laughed. “Now did you wanna review this evidence with me or..?”
And so I did.
Once the investigation ended we packed up, caught a few minutes sleep then made our way back to Vegas.
Billy, Jay, and Aaron were dropped off first. Then it was just me and Zak.
Aaron: Try not to kill Zak please.
Me: No promises.
Zak then pulled up to my place.
“Are we never gonna talk about it?” I asked as he parked.
“What’s there to say?” he asked. “It-It was a freak incident. We-we weren’t ourselves.”
“True you were actually nice for once,” I said sarcastically.
Zak glared at me. “Go fuck yourself, Y/N.”
“Fuck me yourself you coward,” I blurted out. “I mean...um...fuck!” I sighed and stepped out of the car. I had just unlocked my door when…
“Y/N!” I turned around and saw Zak running up to me.
“Wha―” I was cut off by Zak slamming his lips to mine.
He kissed me hard, as though he was relieving an ache deep within his heart. I kissed back and clumsily opened my door. Zak picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist and carried me to my bedroom. He placed me on the bed and I reached up to pull his shirt off. I tossed it aside and eventually more articles of clothing followed.
Zak laid me back on the bed and started pecking a trail of kisses all the way down to my heat. A moan escaped my lips as he kissed and sucked on me. “HO-HOLY SHIT!”
To say Zak knew what he was doing would be an understatement. He didn’t stop eating me until I was writhing beneath him. “Z-ZAK!” My back arched and my toes curled up in the most powerful orgasm of my life.
He crawled back up to me, smirking. “Not much of an asshole anymore, am I?”
“Oh shut up,” I brought my lips back to his as I ran my hand up and down his length which like the rest of him was thick and hard. I suddenly felt him move my hand before he reached down and placed himself at my entrance. He kissed me once more before pushing in. “FUCK! How the fuck have you been single this long?”
“Demons tends to be excellent cock blocks,” Zak said as he started to thrust. “Lucky for us, they tend to stay away from you.”
He grunted then nodded. Despite his big, tough, persona Zak was actually really sensual and passionate in bed. He kept his thrusts gentle (probably because he knew his above average size could inflict some damage if he wasn’t careful) until I urged him to go faster and harder. After a while he flipped us over so that I was on top. I rode him hard, and Zak, being a gentleman, helped me out by thrusting up into me as I did.
The tension began building up inside me. “Fuck...Zak I-I think I’m gonna…” It hit me like a wave. I tightened around him, arching my back, and damn near screaming his name.
Zak flipped us over again and continued thrusting until he grew sloppy. I suddenly felt him twitch inside me as he cursed and groaned. His body shuttered as he painted my womb with his seed. Finally he collapsed beside me, both of us breathless.
“Wow,” I said.
“I know,” Zak said.
Once my breathing was under control I turned to him. “So...what now?”
He looked over at me.
“I guess we just be together,” he said. “It’s kind of what you do when you’re insanely in love with someone.”
“You’re in love with me?” I asked.
“I’ve always been in love with you,” he smiled. “Ever since we met...I just didn’t want the spirits in my life to hurt you so I decided to keep you away.”
“What changed?”
“Besides that they for some reason stay away from you?” I nodded. “I was tired of letting them get in the way of what I want. I was tired of being away from you.” He draped his arm over my waist. “I love you.” He muttered.
“I love you too,” I said pecking him on his swollen lips.
We spent almost every day together after that. It’s been a year and we are still together. Life was the same for the most part. We still investigated places, while not in bed or spending time with each other. The guys were relieved to see us together (at last) until our PDA became a little too much for them to handle. Oh and there was one other difference as well…
“Y/N BAGANS COME GET YOUR MAN HE’S BEING FUCKING TERRIFYING AGAIN!” Aaron shouted at me through the walkie.
“What happened to having the preggo investigator hang back all night?” I asked rubbing my stomach. Zak made everyone swear not to let me into the buildings with malicious spirits and demons.
“Y/N please,” Aaron begged.
I sighed and looked down. “Aaron Nicholas Bagans for the love of god don’t be a stubborn asshole like your daddy.”
With that I exited the van and went to save the love of my life.
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Last Christmas
Word Count: 2372
Warnings: Mild violence and blood some angst or is it whomp?
A/N: This one was a fun write. I need to thank @robertsheehanownsmyass for being my sounding-board, always, and for helping me with ideas!  Chapter 1: God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman can be found here
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Chapter 2: The Fairytale of New York
It's not that Violet meant to kill Nathan. Yet here she was, at 4:30 in the morning holding him on her apartment floor while he bled to death. Her lips brushed his freezing forehead as she adjusted his head in her lap.
Not very long before the murder, Violet woke with a start when she heard a door slam. She was drunk still from the never-ending fishbowl drinks bestowed upon her after the win. Brain fuzzy and the room spun as Violet got to her feet and rummaged through the nightstand.
She desperately searched for a missing piece and her kitchen knife. Was someone meant to be with her? Her body screamed with booze and adrenaline as she held the knife aloft venturing into the hallway.
Violet made her way to the living area. A throb grew in her ears that deafened the silence of her apartment. The night flashed before her eyes as her head swam.
How the liquor filled her goblet with just a point of his long finger. Which he told her wasn’t necessary. Just thinking about it often worked. Like how he thought the scantily clad shot girl could use bigger tits, so they inflated a size or two. The dude bro that wolf whistled at Violet and slapped her ass as she walked passed, his tongue literally fell out.
“It's MY job to sexually harass women, NOT yours!” he yelled over the techno. Then casually tossed the body part in the horrified man’s direction. “What's a matter,” he pouted his lips in a kiss, “Sexy bitch got your tongue?!”
Violet furrowed her brows now as she rubbed her pulsing temples. Had they danced? Out in the middle of the crowd, his hands on her waist as she leaned back into him. Both gyrating rhythmically to some rave remix of an 80s song.
“You are the weirdest shaped guy I've ever met!” Violet had shouted. “Like a muscular-armed stick bug”
The strobe lights flashed across his face as he strained to grasp this as an insult or compliment. Instead he took a chance and kissed Violet's neck. She let him.
There was, Violet remembered now, flirting in the back of a cab. She told him drunkenly he had Irish eyes and a green smile.
“No,” she shook her head and laughed. “Green eyes and an Irish smile?”
He laughed but smashed his face into Violet’s. His kisses were wet, sloppy. Too eager and childlike for someone in their twenties. Violet pointed that out as she wedged a hand between his face and her.
“Christ who taught you how to kiss?!” her hand squeezed his cheeks so that his mouth formed an O shape.
“M’maffs teach-a in yee-ah four,” he muffled.
“Your fourth grade teacher French kissed you?!”
“No!” he giggled “Year four, it’s. I was fifteen.”
“That's sexual assault!” Violet cried.
“Aww only if you don't want it to happen.” He tried to push his mouth into her again, but she literally ducked out of his way. Defeated, he gave up and the rest of the ride was silent.
Back in the present. Out of nowhere from behind, “Hey do you have any blank-”
It was quick. Shocking how easy it was to stab Nathan through the heart. How fate helped Violet sink the knife so deeply into him that her breasts met his bare chest before either understood what was going on.
Nathan’s lower jaw hung open as he started to grunt in pain. A dark pool of blood poured around the weapon. Stark contrast to his pale olive skin. He swayed but steadied himself on Violet’s arms. His demeanor changing instantly from panic to acceptance and his body relaxed.
Violet’s hand still around the knife as a lump formed in her throat. She scrambled out of his grip, sobs and pleas of forgiveness wracked her body as she struggled to find her phone.
“I've got.. to.. to.. to.. Call 9-1-1. It was an accident. Nathan. I'll get someone here-”
“NO!” he bellowed. “No, it'll be ok. I'll..” he winced. “Come back.”
“From what?! I STABBED YOU!”
“Death, sweetheart.” His Irish accent makes the A R sound like the word “Air.” “I've been stabbed in the heart (h-air-t) by women before, but I've never been..” Nathan gesticulated to the knife in his chest.
“ARE YOU MAKING A FUCKING JOKE?! YOU'RE DYING! Oh my God,” Violet’s knees began to buckle but she caught herself on the counter.
“I'm immortal. Christ t’is fucking hurts.” Nathan struggled to breathe. “Was impaled twice. Beat t’death once. I'll be good.”
He continued, “C’mon Vi, give us a hand,” he instructed. His shaking hand unable to grip the hilt of the knife protruding from his chest. “I'll die quicker this way. be back half past or so”
It was so matter of fact. “Pride goeth before the fall” Violet thought.
A cheeky grin deepened the dimples in Nathan’s cheeks as Violet took the carving knife out of his chest. Blood had spilled unexpectedly down the corners of his lips while he slid down the wall. Violet tried her best to catch him. To soften the blow between man and hardwood, but Nathan folded like the scarecrow coming off his pole.
Even more present:
“Joyeux Noël, Violet. You've Committed your first involuntary manslaughter.” Warm tears poured down her cheeks onto Nathan’s face.
Her legs were sticky with his coppery blood, but she kept marveling when her world soon grew quiet without his smart mouth and witty retorts. There was only a faint gurgle of blood that filled his mouth and lungs. How beautiful Nathan would always be to her in this moment because immortality was for vampires and mythology.
She would never forgive him either. It took longer than Nathan insisted, heart still pumped dark crimson into her hand used as a piss-poor tourniquet. But the beating slowed to a stop as Violet absently combed her fingers through his thick hair to soothe her exhausted body into a fitful sleep.
This time it was the heady smell of eggs and sausage that roused Violet from her sleep.
There was humming and singing in a language she didn't know as someone rattled about in the cupboards.
One hand over her eyes, head felt like someone bashed it repeatedly with a drumstick, she came to life. Her mind grabbed at flashes of kisses and a knife and Nathan being dead. The hallway, but this was her couch?
Suddenly she sat straight up, “OH MY GOD!! OH MY GOD!” Violet's hands and bare thighs were caked in dry blood. She flew off the couch and went to Make it down the hall to the guestroom. But instead she slipped and fell in the coagulated mess on the hardwood floor
“Aw yep,” a harsh Irish lilt quipped from the kitchen. “I meant t’clean that up before ya woke, but I wasn't sure where the supplies were.”
Violet simply laid down on her floor, defeated. “I killed you,” she whispered.
Nathan appeared above her. His shaggy hair fell across his forehead and the goatee and mustache Violet swore he had shaved was back. He consciously fumbled to button his dress shirt that she was certain he wasn't wearing as he lay in her arms.
“You were in your underwear. You were bleeding to death last night in your underwear only,” she sat up grimacing at her blood caked hair.
“I cleaned up the best I could. Told ye it would be half five when I came to. Didn't wanna leave ye on the floor, so I carried ye t’the sofa. Sorta did a bit o’the whore’s bath in your sink.” Nathan mimed washing his body, “Not really comfortable with the whole showering in a strange bird’s gaff without permission.”
Violet stumbled to her feet with Nathan’s help. His reflex to catch her as she slid again in the mess was quick. Their chests pressed together again. His skin against hers as she clung to the seams of his shirt to balance herself. Violet's face flushed. From a hangover or how warm Nathan was. Alive.
“I ran you through with a carving knife. You died in my lap. You turned ice cold and had purple lips and I thought to myself how many times I asked you if you ever shut up.”
“Only when I'm dead,” Nathan absently stroked her hair. Large hand gently rubbed her back and took a chance at getting a squeeze of her ass.
Violet ignored what Nathan did and refused to look at him. Not in those ever changing eyes anyway. Instead she placed her hand flat on Nathan's smooth, if not slightly stained, chest. No gaping wound, heartbeat steady.
Violet's own heart pounded in her ears as the adrenaline from touching him raced through her veins. There was no denying that he was just as beautiful alive.
And no denying that Nathan eagerly tried to crash his mouth into hers, but Violet swerved. “Are those my underwear!?”
Nathan stepped back to pop his shirt up and push his own backside in her direction. “Mine were ruined,” he rubbed himself and bit his entire bottom lip. “Oi they're soft and make my ass look great.” He slapped it for good measure.
“I like you better dead"
Nathan sneered sarcastically and rolled his eyes. His lips moved with no sound coming out but baby babble. "See if I make YOU breakfast again!”
A hot shower and clean clothes later, Violet climbed onto one of the stools at the kitchen island. Her houseguest sat a plate of food and a mug of tea in front of her
“Found some peppermint. Mum says that helps with a hangover.” Dimpled grin before he turned around to finish cleaning up her kitchen.
“Oh,” Violet was taken aback by his thoughtfulness. “Thank you,” she meant it. “Hey! You’re not using magic.”
“Nooo. I'll use it sparingly until I have to give it back. Been right fucking fun while it’s lasted.”
“You’re cleaning my kitchen.”
“Yeah? If you tell us where some brushes and such are, I'll clean the floor next.”
Violet felt a pleasure seep into her bones as she sipped the hot tea. It was nice to have someone to look after her for once. She had time to really watch as Nathan scrubbed the pans he used. She took notice of him biting a cuticle or chewing skin off his lip as he carefully searched her drawers for a towel. He flitted about kind of like a hummingbird; never staying still long enough between tasks.
“Nathan you don't have to do any of this. I know it's just a layover until you're back in London. I The situation isn't exactly ideal. Now that I murdered you, isn't it fucking weird?” Violet questioned around a mouthful of food.
He faced Violet while drying the dishes. “Nah. Been killed loads of times. Impaled twice. Sewer pipe. Metal picket fence. Then had my head bashed in. Stabbed in the heart by a beautiful girl who is a bit dodgy about me kissing her is tops now!” A bright smile crept across his face.
“why are you cleaning then?”
Nathan scratched the back of his head in thought, “Well, so ye don't have t’remember I was ever here.”
Violet’s mouth hung open but she closed it quickly. “Who the fuck would ever want to forget you?” She started to laugh, “I watched your anger literally explode in hundreds of rabbits. I probably drank a hundred bucks of liquor for free. You took a guy’s tongue out for slapping my ass. And you're..”
Nathan leaned on the island top with his chin in one hand, “Immortal?” He wiggled his eyebrows seductively.
“An Irish prick,” Violet cocked her own eyebrow in return. Nathan pouted.
“I've gotta go to the casino. I know someone in the back of the house who found all of your shit. Please just stay here. Can you do that?” She got up to get a bucket and cleaning supplies from the closet.
“Do you know how many movies start with someone saying don't move?!” There was a gleam in his bright green eyes.
“Nathan, I mean it!” she commanded from the bedroom. “I have to go Christmas shopping too. Jesus it's Christmas eve.” She hobbled back into the living room trying to pull a shoe on.
“Fine. But if I find porn anywhere and have a wank out of boredom, that's on you lady!” He mimicked masturbating in her direction.
Violet’s face contorted in disgust as she threw on a leather jacket. “Grow up.”
“Tried that. She ran away with all the money, and I went to prison. When do I meet mum and dad?” shit-eating grin
“They're dead.”
Nathan’s face fell. For once he was momentarily speechless. “My step-dad’s a dog.”
Violet's hand was on her doorknob, but she paused. “Wait.. Like cheats on your mom dog?”
“More like turns into a naked Jack Russell at night with his massive cock out all over town.”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
“So much. T’anks for asking!” Nathan grabbed Violet by the wrist. He spun his finger in a circle ever so slightly. “Just a bit o’ Christmas magic before you go?”
Violet gasped as a sprig of mistletoe manifested itself above them. A bough of pine spread on either side of the doorway wrapped in tinsel. Little white lights started to twinkle from inside.
“Nathan, it’s beau-” but Violet was interrupted by his mouth covering hers again.
He was softer this time as his hands gripped her waist. His tongue gently slid into her mouth and Violet accepted it. Her body relaxed into him as their lips moved on instinct. But she found herself as quickly as she had gotten lost. She managed to wedge her hands between their bodies so she could push herself away.
“No. Nope. We can't do this. You're leaving the day after tomorrow, and I'm not a fucking Hallmark Christmas movie.”
Nathan brushed his nose against Violet's forehead, “I think it's too late for that.” But she turned abruptly and left him cold by the front door.
“Make yourself at home, okay?” Was all she shouted from the other side of the door.
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vadaschiquita · 4 years
Chiquita | Ch.15
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Chapter 14
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“This can all end, Jimmy, if you just… tell me where she is,” Nevada said in a singsong voice, levering Jimmy Mucci’s head by tugging at his hair.  When no response came, Nevada gut-checked him forcefully, feeling his knuckles ache behind the blow.
It’d been like this for a fortnight.  Nevada being reckless, coming close to burning bridges that had taken years to build in a angered frenzy in an attempt to find out Mariana’s location.  Pucho could barely keep up with the requests for meetings, and word around the city had spread quickly as soon as Nevada had crossed the Queensboro bridge into Long Island City where the Asian mafia had met his wrath.
Reckless things like that could cost Nevada a lot in the long run, and unfortunately, Pucho had not been able to save him from this one.  He’d moved in on them without properly vetting the situation, and now, he had a target from them in a borough that had nothing to do with him and his product.  He had no business in crossing over to Queens, and Pucho had been more than clear when attempting to steer Nevada from that side of the bridge.
Pucho’s words had been for deaf ears, because until Nevada had Mariana in his hands again, the recklessness would continue.
Nevada feared no one, and his temperament and mental well-being were hanging on by a thread.  He had all the guys working overtime and had the girls coming in with false allegations with the promise of a big reward.
“No one,” Mucci heaved, attempting to lock his remaining good and open eye on Nevada’s face.  “No one here knows where she is,” he swallowed, smirking, and Miguel, who’d been standing by knew that his fate was about to get much worst by whatever he was about to say.  “And, even if we did… she looks like a good lay,” he chuckled, the sound quickly converting to a pained cry once Nevada connected his fist with the bloodied flesh that was Jimmy’s face.
Blow after blow; grunt after grunt was all that reverberated back from the walls of the warehouse.  No one said anything.  No one dared interrupt until they knew it was time.
Nevada stepped back, winded, and slightly dizzy.  The distinct copper-like smell from the blood on the backs of his hands was clouding his nose.  He’d beaten Jimmy Mucci to a pulp, and now he’d toss him somewhere where the Greeks and the Irish could see him, and the Russians up in the Bronx could hear about it, too.
He’d already weeded out the Irish.  They hated the Italians, and if they’d done this just to get Nevada to step into their little pissing competition, their fate would be far worst than the one Jimmy Mucci had just met.
Nevada flexed his fingers, wincing slightly once he felt the bones in his hands rearranging.  “Drop him off where everyone can see.  Let this be a fucking warning.  I want my Chiquita, and I want her now,” he growled, his eyes an unnerving color.
Miguel nodded, signaling the other men to do as Nevada had bidden, and quietly he followed him out.
If anyone knew what Nevada was going through, was Miguel.  He’d been his driver and immediate hand for as long as he could remember.  And, even though he hadn’t voiced it as of yet, Miguel did feel somewhat responsible for Mariana’s current fate.  If he hadn’t been pre-occupied with something else, he would’ve been the one picking Mariana up, instead of sending Dylan to run an errand that placed him nearest to her.  If Miguel had known that she was coming home, he’d had volunteered to pick her up instead.
Nevada had slammed the door shut, quickly examining his knuckles and twisting his face in slight disgust.  He hadn’t seen his hands bruised like they were since before Mariana and him had begun dating.  He never succumbed to the violence unless completely and utterly necessary.  He had guys willing to dirty their hands in lieu of a steady paycheck.  Nevada got his problems solved and they stayed out of jail by doing what they needed to do in order to get the message across.
Two times, already, Nevada had dirtied his hands for the woman he loved, and he’d do so again without hesitation if it meant her safety and that of their unborn child.
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Mariana winced, feeling the baby press at her ribs.  It was always during this time of the evening where the baby was the rowdiest, but as soon as she shifted, there he was, inching closer to her body in order to bring his hand to her belly to ease the pain across her ribs.  It was like he knew or he was synched with the life growing inside of her.  He’d whisper softly to the baby, talk them down and out of her ribs until she could breathe easily again.
She’d resorted to sleeping in a slant so that when the baby would ease itself towards her ribs, she could easily slide into a sitting position.  Nevada had surprised her with a change of headboard, one that was comfortable against her back.  It gave the room a feminine touch and it let anyone know that her presence in his life was more permanent than not.
Now, all she had for support were two flat pillows.  She sighed, feeling the prickling sensation forming across her nose.  A telling sign that her resolve was not as strong as she’d thought.  She cleared her throat, swinging her feet off the mattress and onto the cold floor of the storage room she’d been kept now for thirteen days.  She placed her elbows on her knees, leaning forward as much as her belly allowed her to go, attempting to coax the growing life inside of her down.
“Mi amor,” she whispered quietly.  “Mi amor, por favor,” she said, running her fingers through her scalp.  “I know you miss your dad, but baby please, let me rest.”
She could feel the pressure increase on her ribs and she heaved her sigh, coming to a careful stand.  Her captors had bargained with her, if she didn’t attempt to run or scream or attack them in any type of way, the chain around her ankle would come off.  It’d only taken a couple of days before she’d begged them to take it off as the pins and needles sensation of her foot was growing to be painful and annoying at the lack of circulation of her swollen feet and ankles.
She placed her hands to her belly, massaging the hardened area just like Nevada did.
“Papi will find us,” she said softly.  “Papi won’t rest until we’re back where we belong.”
She hummed and smiled at the fluttering coming from within.  Whatever activity her child was doing inside of her, had brought more than comfort to her.
The first couple of days locked in darkness had been beyond stressful.  Everything she consumed was brought back up within minutes of consumption and her once over active child had turned silent.  She’d cried and prayed, begged the baby and the heavens above for a sign of movement to no avail.  And, now, though she highly disliked the discomfort, she would choose it instead of the agony of not feeling them move within her.
Lost in her back and forth pacing, she didn’t notice the door open, let alone the body that had entered the space.  When she turned around, she tensed.
“Ricky,” her voice wavered.
He smirked.  “Si llego a saber que el culo te iba a crecer, I would’ve gotten you pregnant sooner,” he took a step forward, forcing her to take a step back.
“And, you think I would’ve honestly kept a pregnancy being with you?” she retorted back, softly, but filled with contempt.  “There wasn’t a day where you didn’t beat me… belittle me to such a point—”
“Ay, you deserved every single one of your beatings, Mariana.  You and that fucking mouth of yours!”
She flinched at the sudden influx of his voice.  “If I recall, you loved fucking my mouth, and you never complained when you did,” she responded with a snarl.
Ricky chuckled, taking a step towards the three-legged table.  In his hands a bag of supplies that he emptied atop the surface of the table.  “Here,” he said, sorting the items scattered on the table.  “I got you some underwear and vitamins.  I asked the lady at the pharmacy, she said these are the ones you need.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“This,” Mariana gestured with her hands around her.  “Why do you have me here?  What do you plan on doing, Ricky?”
Ricardo sighed.  “Your fucking thug lets you give him this much lip?  ‘Cause from what I’ve heard, motherfucker is crazy.  You’d think he’d fuck you quiet, or at least into submission,” he turned, searching for the bucket.
“You’ve no right to talk about Nevada that way,” she said between clenched teeth.  “He’s ten times the man you could ever think of being.”
Ricky snickered, “Mariana, don’t test me.”
“Or, what?  You’re gonna beat me up?  Kill me?  I’ll fucking take my chances!  You’re nothing but a coward, Ricky!”
Mariana knew her words had been too much.  She’d known as soon as he’d turned around and reached her in a couple of steps.  He grabbed her hair in his hand, yanking her head back with force, and dug his fist into her belly.  She felt the flutters of movement coming from her child and the whimper of fear won over the wince of pain.
“No,” she mewled, clawing at his forearm to stop.  “Ricky, stop!”
In his eyes she could see his enjoyment when it came to inflicting pain on another being.  Many a time she’d looked into his piercing stare wondering where it had all gone wrong, who had hurt him, and if that would be her future forever.  This was a power move.  He thrived on being on top, and when anyone threatened his made believe throne, he was like a fierce hyena protecting the trash he called his home.
He dug his fist deeper into the center of her belly and Mariana spat at his face, gaining in return his hand around her neck.  She gasped, not foreseeing the hand he’d played.
“Do it,” she said between breaths.  “Fucking do it,” she smiled, feeling the pressure of his hand against her windpipe.  Ricky furrowed his brow, confused at her willingness, and he eased on the pressure behind his grip.  “Coward,” she rasped.
“Bitch!” he shouted, tossing her onto the bed.  Mariana’s hands came to wrap protectively around her midsection as she watched him pace the length of the small room, yanking at his hair.  “After everything I’ve done for you, this is the thanks I get!  You—You… why are you this way?” his voice was a plea of sorts and Mariana fought to catch her breath.  “Why don’t you love me!”
Mariana looked at the broken boy at the foot of the bed, red at the face with bulging eyes and veins.  She felt… sorry for him, but he still didn’t have her sympathy.  Ricky wasn’t right in his head, and it would take more than a breakdown for her to forgive him.
“You—You’re wrong in the head, Ricky,” Mariana coughed, feeling her throat scratch with pain.  “You need—need to let me go and—”
“No!” he shouted, launching himself forward, and landing a punch to Mariana’s pretty face.
She immediately felt her bowels churn and her brain rattle in her skull.  It’d been a long time since he’d touched her like that, and growing used to someone not beating you rather quickly, she saw stars clouding her vision when another blow landed across her jaw.  Her body fell back against the mattress, her hair covered her eyes, as she felt the darkness rapidly enveloping her.
“You’ll always be mine,” she heard faintly before she finally slipped into the safe confines of blackness.
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Nevada sat on his couch, a frown on his face, an ache in his heart, and a diminishing handle of whiskey in his hands.  Eighteen days without her, the greatest pain in his ass, the object of his every day distraction… the mother of his unborn child: the love of his life.  Eighteen miserable days and eighteen agonizing nights where everything felt blurred.  Blurred because he didn’t know when one thing started and another thing ended.
Had he eaten?  Had he kept up with his hygiene?  Was his business thriving?  He couldn’t know.
For eighteen days he’d known that had it not been for his big ass mouth, she could’ve been here.  If he’d just… shut up and listened to what she was saying, if he’d just seen the situation from her point of view instead of always trying to have the last word, this entire mess could’ve been avoided.
He sniffled loudly, distracting his brain from his eyes, bringing the handle to his mouth for a prolonged sip.  He didn’t even wince at the sharp sting the whiskey had on his throat, he didn’t deserve the luxury of feelings knowing that his Chiquita was out there, fighting for her life, fighting to stay alive for their kid, just to have the opportunity to be able to return home almost unscathed.
“Tío,” he heard Sofía’s soft voice approaching the couch.
He’d dismissed his men for the continued search of her.  Whatever it took, he’d have her back.
He scrambled around, caught off guard by the sudden appearance of his niece.  He checked his wristwatch, noticing the time, “Sofi—Sofi, it’s late, mama.  Go back to bed.”
Sofía climbed the couch, crawling towards her uncle, and once she reached his side, she knelt next to him.  “Are you sad because of Mari?”
Nevada hung his head, hiding the shame of his tears from his niece.  He sniffled once more, exchanging the handle from his right hand to his left, bringing his face to his inner elbow to wipe away his face, and wrapping his arm around Sofía’s small frame.  How was he to explain what was happening to his soon-to-be seven year old niece.
His chin trembled as he faced the confused stare of the young girl in front of him.  “Princesa,” she blinked, tilting her head in curiosity, and he cleared his throat.  “I am sad because of Mari, but,” he added quickly, “I’m so happy that you’re here with me.”
“Well, Mami said I had to take care of you!” she said in a fit of laughter, dodging Nevada’s fingers against her side.
“She did?” Sofía nodded, brushing her hair out of her face.  “What else did she say?”
Sofía’s smile faded and she lowered her head, “You said those are bad words…”
Nevada hummed.  “Bueno, si las dices bajito, they’re not as bad,” he winked at the girl, attempting to coax out of her whatever words his sister had used in her presence.
“Mami said that this could’ve all been avoided had she not been a puta.”
Nevada chuckled softly, “Well, I can’t argue with your Mami on that one.”
Sofía looked… perplexed, not really understanding what her uncle had meant by his statement.  Nevada shook his head and she took the opportunity to settle against his side, curling her legs close to his ribs.
Nevada brought the handle to his lips once again, looking out to the city, and letting his self feel the love that radiated out of the little body that was Sofía Isabella Ramirez.
As the handle depleted so did his eyelids and when he next woke, Sofía lain fully across his lap, bundled underneath his jaw as her gams wrapped around his back.  He groaned, throwing his head back against the couch’s edge, fighting the spinning room.
He brought his wrist towards his face, squinting to better focus the hands of the watch face.  They’d been there all evening and now he could see the sun attempting to creep through the bundle of clouds in the horizon.  Nevada dropped a kiss to his niece’s messy head of hair, toeing off his shoes to lay the length of his couch when his thigh vibrated.  He groaned, maneuvering around Sofía’s body.  He slid out his phone, once more squinting at the blurry, jumpy letters across his screen.
The message would’ve been ignored had he recognized the number, or at least been part of an area code that belonged to any of the five boroughs that comprised the New York City area, but it didn’t.  Nevada prided himself a great businessman and as any businessman, it was his job to know and study the market he was in.  Any true and native Newyorker could tell you 212-, 718-, and 917- were the true New York City area codes, but the one displayed on his screen was 551-.  Whoever this was, either had the wrong number, or was looking to start some trouble.  
He had reason to ignore the message—he had more than one reason to ignore the message, the primary being: there was no business to attend to at this time of day knowing he’d set fire to too many bridges over the course of the last eighteen days.  He’d been watching those slowly burn from afar and as he sat and watch the fires grow, he’d given thought to the ones he did want to salvage, but not right now and certainly not at this time.
As he contemplated whether or not to open the message from the unknown number, another one came in.  He furrowed his brow, resting his cheek against Sofía’s head.  He couldn’t read what the messages said; he had to unlock his phone before being able to do that, but two messages almost back to back from the same unknown number.  Who else could it be?
He hesitated, pressing his thumb against the screen to unlock his phone.
Text Message: [551-908-5344] 06:21 a.m.
           I have something you want…
Text Message: [551-908-5344] 06:23 a.m.
           Wanna see?
His stomach clenched and his reaction almost made him drop Sofía onto the couch like a lifeless object he had no care for.  Instead, he stood, gathering every raging force to carry Sofía to his bed.  The girl would find more comfort knowing that at some point, her uncle had moved her to his room as opposed to hers, and even if a lie, she’d still think she’d had the opportunity of sleeping in his bed.  As he exited his room, shutting the door behind him, he pressed the phone number, bringing his phone up to his ear.
It rung several times and when his patience was beginning to thin, he heard the cynical voice on the other side of the receiver, “Huh, I thought you weren’t intrigued enough…”
“Who the fuck are you and what do you want?”
The person on the other side snickered, “I already have what I want, Nevada.  I was just letting you know that she is mine.”
Nevada clenched his jaw, feeling his lips go numb with anger.  “Yours?” he snickered.  “Tú lo que eres es un palomo.”
“Un palomo que tiene lo que quiere,” he retorted.  “You should hear how she begs me—”
“Rick—Ricky, please,” Nevada heard Mariana’s faint, exhausted voice.  “Plea—Please,” she sounded winded, tired, and her voice sounded like it needed a touch of water.
Ricky hummed as he chuckled.  “What the fuck are you doing to her?” Nevada growled.
Ricky huffed, “Nothing, nothing, just… tuning her up.  Since, since, you know, you’ve let all my good work go to waste!”
“Mira, pedazo de cabrón, you put your hands—” the sudden, yet audible smack that rang loud in his ear almost made him lose his balance.
Mariana grunted, groaning softly.  Ricky sniffled, “I’m the one that has the upper hand here, Nevada.  All right?”
Nevada clenched his jaw, attempting to reel his anger in order to try and get more information out of him.  Ricky had already slipped up and allowed for pride to get the best of him when he messaged Nevada without blocking his number.  Now, even though cocky, Nevada wouldn’t allow his self to believe that Ricky hadn’t taken some precautions when getting a cellphone, burners did sell out of every bodega he knew.
Now, he just needed to exercise his infamous gift of gab and keep him on the line long enough for him to figure out where exactly was he keeping his precious Chiquita.
“Look at you being a fast learner,” he mocked.
“What is it that you want?” Nevada said through clenched teeth.  “Money?  Name your fucking price, but you can’t have her.”
He heard Mariana hiss, as if Ricky had yanked her by her hair, “Here!”
“Chiquita,” he responded quickly.  “Mami, are you ok?  Are—Are you eating?”
“Vada—Vada,” she swallowed, and it was almost as if he could her smile.  “Yes, and keeping myself hydrated, too.”
“Hush!” she swallowed once again.  “I’m counting on you to—”
“You’re counting on him to what, Mari?  To come rescue you?  No!  We are leaving here together!” Ricky yelled and Nevada could hear a faint echo as he yelled.  “I didn’t call to make this a fucking family reunion.”
“Why exactly did you call, huh?” Nevada’s patience had been running on low and listening to Ricky slap around the mother of his child had completely ran that probe out.  “If you didn’t call to ask for money, what did you call for?  Because, to flaunt her off, that’s not very… manly of you, Ricky.”
Nevada could hear the ragged breathing coming through the ear piece and he hoped he hadn’t pushed Ricky too far to the point he’d do something stupid like put his hands on Mariana once again.
“I mean, ¿tú no eres el más machito?”
“I called—I called, because I wanted you to know that I won—”
“Did you really win, Ricky?  You’re the one that’s going to end up raising my kid, not the other way around,” he smirked.  “Yo te debería dar las gracias—”
“No!  No!  I know what you’re doing and it’s not going to work.”
Nevada huffed his laughter, “Is it not?”
Ricky pondered his next move.  When he’d heard that Nevada was not to be messed with he understood who exactly he was going up against, and truth be told, he’d never would’ve accomplished this had he not found Dylan at that bar talking to the pretty bartender that had happened to mentioned his name.
He hadn’t been stupid enough to show his face near Manhattan any longer, Dylan had told him as much.  The search for Mariana was very much ongoing and active, and now having been off the handle, he’d done something that would now put a complete and active target on his back.  Now, Nevada knew that this hadn’t been done by any of the other powerful families in the city, but by him.  And, if he hadn’t have met Dylan, getting to Mariana would’ve been impossible.
He needed an out, an easy escape to be able to leave the city with Mariana.  If they needed to run for the rest of their lives, then run they shall, because Mariana would never leave his side again.
“I want money and I want your men out of my way,” he demanded, sniffling.
“You want money and for my men to back off,” Nevada repeated.  “So, you want my money, my Chiquita, and for my men to… cover for you?” Nevada laughed heartily.  “You better hope my Chiquita has dealt with you before I find you, because your faith will not be the same with me.”
“Nevada,” Ricky begun, feeling the cold air of fear sticking to his neck, “your own men don’t do as you say, what makes you think I will?”
“What—” Nevada glanced at his phone.
What had Ricky meant that his own men didn’t do as he said?  Had this been an inside job?
“Motherfucker,” he sighed, all signs of sleep and rest out the window by this point.
Nevada had thought out many a scenario, had made up countless possibilities in his head as to whom would dare do this, but none of them had involved someone from under his command.  It made perfect sense!  Who else could have access to her whereabouts, his whereabouts, and all in all the perfect excuse to monitor both him and her than someone on his payroll?
The more he thought about it, the more he felt his anger increase within him.  This could’ve been resolved sooner, had he gotten his head out of his ass for a second and actually put to use the mass between his ears to capacity.
No one really knew she wasn’t spending the night at Nevada’s, only the guys from the inner circle knew.  Only a select few from the select few knew where Nina lived, and if in fact Dylan had gone to pick her up to not find her there, then there was only so many people he knew could be behind this.
He nodded as he paced, piecing together his every move like an avid chess player planning and predicting his opponents move beforehand.  
This would not end well for whoever had dared cross Nevada Ramirez.  This in fact would end up with more blood on his hands and another death in his conscience, but for her, he’d burn Hell just to get her back.
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tags: @imjustreallynosy​ @bananas-pajamas​ @scarletsoldierrr​ @katierpblogg​ @angelicdestieldemon​
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What If I Killed Someone For You
Rating: absolutely postively adult for violent yandere content. Anyone under the age of 18 better go away. No reading allowed for anyone under the age of 18. Plus there's like one adult joke in here so no one under the age of 18 allowed for that reason either.
Summary: This is literally fueled by my love of yandere content #nojudgingcringecultureisdeadandikilledit. Noe better watch himself because he's been my muse lately. Anyways uuuu idk yandere stuff here so you know someone's getting stabbed. We should probably do something about that, but we're not gonna. Thems the rules chief. No, you can't stop it either you total fucking killjoy. I'll start stealing toes if you do. What will I do with said toes? Black markets are a lucrative business and I need the money cause I'm broke fam. So really it's the economy's fault that I'm chopping toes. Say thanks late stage capitalism. This is brought to you by idk the monster under your bed who chops off the toes for me. He gets paid by the hour so try no to run too much ok.
Oh and this fic contains lyrics from If I killed someone for you by Alec Benjamin. Yes I'm inserting song lyrics into a fic like it's the early 2000s.
I'm packing up my things and I'm wiping down the walls I'm rinsing off my clothes and I'm walking through the halls I did it all for her So I felt nothing at all I don't know what she'll say So I'll ask her when she calls
Would you love me more? If I killed someone for you
Oz was considered by most a laid back sort of guy. Never angered easily. He can get frustrated like every other person, but not so easily angered.
However, despite his laid back nature, he had a vice. Jealousy. One that he was very self aware of. He often tried not to let it get the better of him, but there it was. A beast clad in green with eyes of emerald staring him directly in the fact tempting him with its siren song.
The siren song came in the form of Noe Archiviste and....whoever this girl was that was hanging all over Noe right now. She had a voice as sweet as molasses and brown curls that fell down her shoulders like waterfalls. She would run her hands over Noe and look at him with her doe eyes. She was a cute on overall. Couldn't blame Noe for taking interest if it was there.
He seemed to not the mind the attention he received from the lady...nor the frivolous compliments....nor the blatantly flirty way she seems to be touching him with every caress of his hands into hers and the way she wraps her arms around his neck.
Oz's eye twitched. Oz could have stuffed down all this rage and envy that suddenly sprouted from the ether, but jealousy was truly Oz's vice. One he wasn't planning to fix any time soon. He wanted to sit there and be happy for his dearest Noe. Stay to the sidelines and be happy for his good fortune for love is one of the greatest things you can find.
However, there was another urge. One just as strong.
"I want her to die," cried Oz's thoughts. "I want her gone. She can't take Noe away from me. She can't. I know him and I aren't together in a romantic sense, but...I don't want her taking away my chance either. She has to go"
"Now now Oz," said another voice in Oz's head, "You know that's wrong. You can't go around getting rid of anyone you see as a competition or obstacle towards someone you care about."
Oz was prone to scolding himself at times like these. He always held himself to high moral standards. Sometimes too high. To the point of self-loathing. Impressive if you ask the writer. Self awareness? Bitch please for shame. This isn't a call out post for myself. What is it you may ask? Hey, we're getting off topic you little trickster. You're supposed to be a reader. Not breaking the fourth wall.
"Yes yes I know I can't do that. I'm not going to. That still doesn't save me from any form of feral urge to wring her neck and ship her body down the river and hope and have her loved ones pray she can be identified by her dental records. Fuck does she even love him. What if she's out to hurt him or worse just wants him for his body? Look at him! He's gorgeous. Who can blame her? What if she doesn't love him like I do," said Oz's internal thoughts.
"Oz you're being dumb. She might love him unconditionally too and he deserves that for himself," Oz argued internally with himself back.
"I know I know, but I'm just saying what if. I just don't like the idea of him getting hurt nor the idea of her taking him away from me. I'm entitled to that feeling aren't I," Oz continued to debate with his voice of reason.
"Fair, but lets just wait and see. He's a big boy and can handle himself," Oz's voice of reason stated.
"Yeah a big boy in more ways than one I bet," said the third internal Oz voice of being horny and all around slutty that constantly lives there.
"This is getting us nowhere," Oz himself decided to just cut the internal argument off before it turns into a blood match to the death. This was disturbing his routine of stalking Noe for ...research purposes.
Oz looked over to now see them sitting down at the nearby cafe. They were seated across from each other. Oz noted Noe might be enjoying his usual coffee or tea. He liked it extra sweet either way. The man has one hell of a sweet tooth.
"Yeah I bet that brown haired hussie doesn't know that, but I do," Oz thought to himself smugly.
Oz looked back at Noe's companion to see her touching his arm and doing the egregious crime of looking into his magnificent purple eyes. Wait....was she now touching his face?
"You lucky bitch," Oz thought to himself this time with anger brows drawn on the words for dramatic emphasis.
Oz ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. "Damn it! How long is this date going to last? I hope it stops before I puke up a lung," Oz thought to himself this time internally rolling in pain.
Hours passed and Oz with surprising tenacity had stayed there all day following Noe around with the clever disguise of wearing a hat and ya know some shabby clothes. Truly no way he could be recognized. Yep, he's got it all figured out.
Oz decided to follow them home from a fair distance. Oz looked up to see the sunset. It was starting to get dark and Oz hated the dark, but he hated certain people who might harm those he loves even more. A little nyctophobia isn't gonna hurt.
Oz followed quietly until he noticed they stopped in front of a flat. It was her flat. Noe escorted her to the door like the gentleman he is and waved her good night. Oz had found a nice dark alleyway to hide in so he wouldn't be spotted.
Noe headed towards Oz's direction which caused Oz to hide deeper into the darkness. Oz bit his lip from the anxiety of being found and having some explaining to do. Like who was he kidding? This disguise was paper thin!
Noe looked like he was passing by Oz, then stopped. Oz froze. Oh god had he spotted him?
Before Oz could register what happened next, Noe had gone in a flash. Oz knew he was fast, but he couldn't see where he went.
It was then a grunt and the sound of what seemed to be something getting bashed against the wall behind Oz. Oz slowly turned to find Noe whose hand was pressing something against the wall.
It was then he grabbed whatever he was holding and slammed it again. Oz stared into the darkness to see his eyes glowing red to match the blood on his gloves.
After another slam, the clear sound of bone cracking from the impact could be heard. Noe dropped, what Oz could assume, the now lifeless body of the person he just killed.
Noe turned to see Oz and Oz froze. "Ok ok maybe he doesn't know it's you," Oz thought to himself. "Oh I know."
"Aye top of the morning to you," Oz did in his best Irish accent that he could muster.
Noe leaned down and inspected Oz. Oz could only look at Noe confused as Noe lifted Oz's arms and looked over Oz's face and the rest of his person.
Noe then gave a sigh of relief. "Good, I was afraid he had hurt you Oz," Noe said putting a hand on Oz's shoulder.
"Wait, you knew it was me," Oz said face turning hot.
"I mean, I'd recognize you from anywhere. You're not hard to miss," Noe pointed out.
"Oh uuu so what happened exactly," Oz asked now curious about the now lifeless elephant in the room.
Oz went to look at the supposed body only for Noe to yank him back and shook his head no.
"You're squeamish," Noe said taking his bloody glove off, putting his now bare hand on Oz's face,"I wouldn't look."
Oz shuddered taking Noe's advice.
"The man had been following you. I know of him. That vampire right there would have killed you where you stood if I hadn't done something," Noe said honestly.
Oz batted his lashes in shock taken aback. "I...almost died," Oz asked.
Noe nodded. "Fortunately, he doesn't kill in broad daylight, so I had to wait til night. I had just noticed him following you today. I don't know how long he's been doing it for, but if I had noticed earlier, he would have been dead on the first day," Noe nearly growled out. "I'd rather not have killed him in broad daylight either,ut if I had to, I would have," Noe wanted to point out. "If he had attacked you, I absolutely would have."(edited)
Oz turned pale. "W-wait, when did you notice I was...," Oz said not knowing how to word his next question.
"Following me," Noe asked for him, "Since I left the house. You're not exactly subtle."
Oz blushed. "Oh uh sorry I was just curious as to what your daily routine was like and then I noticed you had a female companion, so I was trying to see if you were safe," Oz said nervously.
"Her? She was lonely and needed company, so I obliged. She's a bit friendly, but so am I," Noe pointed out.
"So are you...interested in her? Dating her even," Oz asked getting to the point.
Noe shook his head. "Not in the slightest," Noe said heading towards the body making effort to cover it up. "I'll dispose of the body in a minute. Let's take the back ways so I'm not caught soaked in blood. I need to get you home," Noe said quickly leading him back.
"Wait what if someone finds it," Oz asked fearfully.
"This will be quick," Noe said picking up Oz and speeding off.
Oz could often forget how fast this unstoppable force of a man was.
A few minutes later, Oz was back on his doorstep. Oz rubbed the back of his neck looking towards Noe wondering what Noe was going to do now.
"Now, go inside and don't come check on me. I don't want to have to hide more bodies this evening should more make the fatal mistake of coming after you," Noe said waiting til Oz got to his door.
"Ok ok," Oz said opening his door.
Oz waved Noe off as he sped away to do the dirty work.
Later that night, Oz flopped over into the bed still registering the fact he just saw Noe Archiviste straight up body a man. The sweet, gentle lamb of a man just increased the body count this evening. The man was now a statistic in vampire based deaths. Truly mystifying.
Oz wanted to stay up and see if Noe was going to be ok. However, sleep took Oz before Oz could make any quick decisions. It had been a long day.
As Oz slept, Noe crept in with any blood soaked clothes supposedly disposed of. Noe bent down and ran his fingers through Oz's hair.
Noe's fingers drifted to Oz's pulse on his neck. Long has Noe fantasized about marking Oz's neck. The thought made him shiver, but he couldn't. He couldn't bare to do it with him possibly not consent as marking someone like that is a big deal.
Noe pressed a little more of the pulse of Oz's neck. The beat made Noe's heart race and what Noe could swear was drool. To be so intimate with Oz to the point he trusts Noe to drink his blood. It was enough to make him shiver.
Noe shook himself from these thoughts. He couldn't give in. Not without Oz's permission.
Noe got up quietly and shut Oz's door bedroom door behind him as he left. He couldn't bare to kiss Oz's face good night as he was afraid it would trigger something in him.
Noe fled out the door into the dead of night towards his place. He wouldn't let any harm come to Oz. Even if that danger was himself.
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lady-divine-writes · 5 years
Serendipity (Rated PG13)
Summary: Aziraphale’s best friend Tracy sets him up on a blind date, but the man who shows up isn’t what he expects. (4351 words)
Notes: Written for the @ineffable-valentines prompt ‘perfect date’ and inspired by a post I saw @miraworos reblog on tumblr, which happened to be the exact premise of a story I had written a long time ago for another fandom. So I brushed it off, re-sculpted it, and voila. I hope y'all like it
Read on AO3.
“So … how’re the crepes treating you? Are they everything you dreamed they’d be?”
“Oh my yes! They’re absolute Heaven!”
“They should be. This place is famous for them.”
“Good, because they’re my favorite.”
“I know. That’s why I brought you here. More wine?”
“That depends … are you trying to get me drunk?” Playful blue eyes, twinkling above cheeks darkening from baby pink to dusty rose, meet seductive liquid gold.
Lush lips split into a devilish grin. “Maybe.”
Those blue eyes dip down to those inviting lips and linger there, lost in a daydream of mouths meeting, tongues sweeping, kisses traveling, caressing pale skin … “Well, at least you’re honest about it.”
Wine pours. Glasses clink and the robust red sipped. Fingers snap, and like magic, another bottle of wine appears.
“Now,” the devilish lips ask, “where was I?”
“You heard something in your walls?”
“Oh yes. For days I’m hearing scritch-scritch-scritch, and the pattering of tiny feet on my marble floors morning and night, like little ghosts wearing tap shoes puttering about my flat.”
“Ooo! That’s spooky!”
Subtle shrug. “Don’t bother me. I like spooky. Big spooky fan me. So I look and look. but I can’t find where it’s coming from. And I mean, I look everywhere …”
Aziraphale covers his mouth and giggles, blown away by how drawn in he’s become to this story. Reuben is such a dynamic storyteller. Aziraphale feels like he’s there with him, searching his house for the mysterious scratching that’s plagued him day and night, shivers as his description of them runs its nails delightfully up his spine. For good or bad, Aziraphale is invested now, even though the events of this tale are over and resolved. Reuben pauses his story; chuckles shyly, too; while Aziraphale waits patiently to hear the rest of the saga.
“To make a long story short, I take apart the entire wall unit, and finally I find the culprit – the cutest family of white rats I have ever seen! Momma had made a nest in the insulation and had babies! Five of them! I couldn’t believe it!”
“Oh no!” The tips of a mouth turn down as those shivers make a return trip. “I don’t personally fancy rats. What did you do?”
“The only thing I could do.” Reuben takes a sip of his wine – a 2014 Bogle Petite Sirah. It sounded so scrummy when Reuben ordered it, Aziraphale couldn’t help himself. He had to have a glass, too. And Reuben was not wrong. Its dense blueberry and blackberry flavors compliment the crepes exquisitely. The alcohol doesn’t overwhelm the palette, but it’s racy enough to bring color to Aziraphale’s cheeks. “I adopted her. Named her Rogue.”
“You adopted wild rats!?”
“Turns out - not wild. After a little investigating, I found out that momma rat had belonged to a neighbor who moved out a week ago. They couldn’t bring the rat with them, or they didn’t want to, so they set her loose in the garden downstairs. She ended up getting back in somehow.” Reuben runs his index finger around the rim of his glass. “It may sound bonkers but I admire Rogue. I really do. Abandoned by the family she thought would love and take care of her, she fights and struggles to find a safe place to have her brood, which ends up being the place she was cast out from. I couldn’t just put her on the street.” He sighs, a fond but sad smile crossing his lips. “Reminds me a bit of my mum, to tell you the truth - the unforgiving life she had raising me and my sisters after our father left …”
Aziraphale gasps, that confession wrapping around his heart and giving it a solid tug. He could listen to Reuben talk all night. But he’s not just a great storyteller. He happens to be sweet, funny, attractive (God is he attractive! But, of course, Aziraphale has always been a sucker for hazel eyes like his, with flecks of gold that brighten the irises when the alcohol flows or the lighting is right). And as if that wasn’t enough, he works at one of the most successful (and philanthropic) firms in the city. But he doesn’t wear his wealth on his sleeve, doesn’t flaunt it like a selling point. His shirt is vintage, the wine he ordered costs $20 a bottle, and he came here on the tube. Personality, modesty, good looks, environmentally conscious, a stable career … Aziraphale sighs. In his opinion, Reuben is close to the perfect guy, and this blind date is going swimmingly!
Too bad it isn’t his.
“Oh Reuben …” Lorelei – Reuben’s date – blots her eyes with her napkin. She reaches across the table to touch his hand. Reuben’s eyes flick towards the touch and he smiles brighter.
Oh yeah, Aziraphale thinks, raising his glass and finishing the last of his Sirah. They’re having a fabulous night.
Aziraphale pulls out his pocket watch and checks the time. 
He’s been sitting at the table next to theirs for over an hour, waiting for his own Reuben to appear. Aziraphale figured out thirty minutes ago that his blind date wasn’t coming. He’s gotten no texts, no calls, no apologies, no explanation why. Reuben and Lorelei might have a glowing future together, but his date for the evening is definitely a bust. The wait staff knows it, too. Every time the waitress stops by, offering to refill his water glass, it’s with a sympathetic smile. She’s long since stopped asking him if he wants to pack up what’s left of his crepes to go.
What’s left.
That’s a joke.
It’s pretty much the whole order.
He lost his appetite a long time ago.
Aziraphale reaches for his cell phone but stops with his hand on his pocket. He’s not going to be that guy. He’s not going to send another text. He’s not going to give this man an easy out, refuses to give him the benefit of the doubt and say, “Well, I guess you got caught up. Text me back and we can reschedule for another time.”
Aziraphale is done.
He just wishes he knew why.
Why doesn’t dating work out for him?
He’s not a bad guy, if he does say so himself. He’s reasonably attractive (at least, he’s always thought so). He owns his own small business, even if it doesn’t necessarily turn a profit, but money isn’t something he needs to worry about anyway. He’s doing what he loves, therefore he’s living the dream.
He’s not asking for much. He’s not looking for the perfect man, just a nice one. One who might share some of his interests like theater, food, music, wine, food, books … food. But on the whole, he wants to find a man who wants to spend time with him, get to know him, who maybe isn’t ashamed of doing cutesy, romantic things, like hold the door open for him, pull his chair out for him, offer him half his desert the way Reuben did with Lorelei.
Aziraphale peeks back over at the happy couple.
As Reuben stares into Lorelei’s eyes and signals for the check, Aziraphale knows that he needs to face facts and be done with this. His roommate Tracy has, yet again, succeeded in finding him a date that’s not interested in actually dating.
Where does she even find these guys?
More to the point, why hasn’t he learned to say no to her?
Unfortunately, he won’t get to gripe to her about it until Monday when she comes back from some spiritualist retreat she went on with their friend Anathema, so Aziraphale has a long, lonely weekend of reading Oscar Wilde and drinking (Irish) cocoa to look forward to until then.
Aziraphale takes one last sip of the lukewarm water in his overfilled glass and decides to ask for the check. He feels awful. He may have ordered a full meal but he’s barely touched it. Plus, even though he’s done his best to be as polite as possible, he has wasted over an hour of their time occupying a table that could have been made available to other paying customers on this busy Friday night.
He prays he has a forgettable face. On the off chance he ever comes in here again, he wouldn’t want them spitting in his food.
He looks around the dining room in search of his waitress – a lovely young red-head with freckles across the bridge of her nose and a permanent pout. He doesn’t see her, but spots a man rushing towards his table – a tall, remarkably handsome man dressed all in black and wearing designer sunglasses (indoors!); cheeks flushed as if he’s been running in the cold; a warm, inviting smile aimed his way.
“Hey there, handsome. Sorry I’m so late,” the man says, pulling out a chair, spinning it around, and straddling it across from Aziraphale in a move that makes Aziraphale’s breath catch. “I wish I could say I was stuck behind a seven car pile-up or something, but I really have no exciting excuse. Not that the M25 isn’t a bitch at this hour, but I didn’t take it so, again, no excuse.”
The man smiles at Aziraphale, waiting for him to laugh at his joke. Aziraphale looks suspiciously back, turning his head left and right, searching for an explanation.
“I … I’m sorry,” he says, addressing the man, mostly through side-eye glances. “Are you are you … looking for me?”
“Yes.” The man extends an arm across the table. “I’m your date for the evening. I’m Tracy’s friend Gabriel.”
“You?” Aziraphale raises an eyebrow. “You’re Gabriel?”
The man’s smile becomes wider in a tense sort of way. “Yes, I am.”
Aziraphale looks left and right again, obviously skeptical.
The man folds his hand on the table and sighs.
“Look, Aziraphale, I know I was supposed to be here at a quarter to nine, and I know you’ve probably called and texted a hundred times. I’m really, really sorry.” He looks down at his thumbs, fidgeting as he speaks. “I know this is going to sound lame, but I got caught up at work, and then my car ran empty. I wanted to call you, but I left my phone at the office.” The man sighs again, deeper, the air leaving his body causing him to flatten a bit. “This has been a pretty shite day, all things considered, and I was really looking forward to this date tonight. I would like the opportunity to make it up to you.” The man looks at Aziraphale from behind dark lenses, a sincere expression of regret on his face, eyes peeking over the frames pleading for a second chance.
Hazel eyes, with so many gold flecks crowding in they practically shine.
“Will you let me try?”
Aziraphale is stunned to silence. He doesn’t quite believe that Gabriel ever intended on showing up at all. But then, why is he here? Did some other plans he made fall through? Did he feel guilty about blowing Aziraphale off and turn around at the last minute? Aziraphale knows he has every right to leave - stand up, say goodbye, and go on his merry way. But Gabriel did show up – the first of three blind dates to even bother – so maybe Aziraphale should give him a chance.
He’s mulling it over when he catches sight of the man staring at him, a flirty smile on his lips that Aziraphale can’t help find alluring.
“Please?” the man mouths, the hands he’d folded on the table finding their way up to his chin to aid in his begging. “Please?”
Aziraphale rolls his eyes to pry his gaze away from the man’s mouth. “Alright. It sounds like you had a hard day. I can’t fault you for that.” The man looks relieved. His smile turns slightly impish, and Aziraphale finds himself giggling without meaning to. “Why don’t we have a nibble and get to know one another?”
Gabriel smacks his hand on the table in triumph. “Great!” he says, reclining back on the chair like a large snake relaxing in the sun. “Thank you! I promise, you won’t regret it!”
A hint of a smirk twists Aziraphale’s mouth at the corners as his waitress makes a sudden and unexpected appearance. “Don’t get ahead of yourself, my dear. You have a bit of time to make up for.”
“So my mate rings me up, and he’s screaming …” Gabriel gestures with his hands as he gets more into the story he’s telling, and Aziraphale watches, utterly captivated. If Aziraphale thought Reuben was a good storyteller, it’s only because he hadn’t met this man yet. “He’s straight yelling, “They’re everywhere! They’re everywhere! And it’s bloodcurdling, ya know? Like straight out of a horror movie. And I’m trying to pretend I have no idea what he’s talking about …” He pauses to catch his breath in the middle of a laugh while Aziraphale, already in tears, pictures Gabriel sitting at home, listening to his friend Ligur yelling while trying to make out like he has no idea what the man is on about. “And I’m just like, “Calm down, buddy.” But at home, I’m biting my fist trying not to blow my cover. And the next thing I know - bzzt.”
Aziraphale sobers slightly, his eyebrows shooting up. “Bzzt? What does that mean? Bzzt?”
“Bzzt as in the line goes dead. And on my end, the world might as well’ve stopped spinning because I knew what happened.”
“And what did happen?” Aziraphale asks, on the edge of his seat.
“They’d destroyed it! The rats! Those furry little buggers, they managed to knock out the phone system! And not just in my neck of the woods, but the whole of London!”
Aziraphale’s eyes go wide. “That was you!?”
Gabriel points to himself proudly. “That was me! All because …”
“All because you fed a rat!?”
“All because I fed a rat!” Gabriel guffaws so loudly, other diners turn their way to make sure he’s not choking.
“I remember that day!” Aziraphale says, but not too upset since he’s not all that fond of his cell phone. Necessary evil in his opinion. Tracy made him get it so he could field calls from potential suitors. But Tracy, who spends hours on the phone talking to her fiance, was livid!
It gives Aziraphale no small measure of satisfaction to say he now knows the man who inconvenienced her.
“I didn’t know its whole family lived in the building! Extendeds and all! I thought it was just one rat!”
“And what happened to them?”
“Exterminator, I guess,” Gabriel says with a hint of regret in his voice. “Rats are smart, though. Resilient, too. I’m hoping they got away.”
His story brings to Aziraphale’s mind Reuben’s story about the rat in his walls. He looks towards the table where he and his date were sitting, but a new couple has taken their place.
Huh, he thinks. Wonder when they left?
Aziraphale, having ordered a second glass of wine, takes a healthy sip, but the buzz he gets from the alcohol is nothing compared to the one he already has from this date with Gabriel.
“I have to say,” Aziraphale says as the laughter dies down, “I was a little wary about being set up. I mean, you hear so many stories. Best case scenario, you find your soulmate. Worst case, you wind up in the boot of someone’s car. But this is going so well!”
“Yeah. Yeah, it is,” Gabriel agrees, becoming suddenly quiet.
“I’ve never met a real live Pied Piper before!”
Gabriel laughs, but it’s not like before - not as effervescent and carefree. Aziraphale looks down at the empty plates on the table, at the stray pieces of crepes and deviled eggs they’d ended up splitting, not a single full bite left. As it turned out, they both ordered really well. Aziraphale didn’t think it was possible for two things to be so compatible.
He was wrong, pleasantly so.
“I know you had a rotten day but thank you for showing up. This was probably the most perfect blind date ever.” Aziraphale watches Gabriel, concerned that his attention seems to be slipping away.
Before he gets to comment, Gabriel beats him to it.
“Aziraphale, I have a confession to make.”
Aziraphale feels the butterflies that have been dancing in his stomach during dinner drop dead, as if hit by a sudden frost.
“Yes, Gabriel?”
“I …”
“Crowley! Hey! Fancy seeing you here, ya old bastard!”
Aziraphale’s attention pulls to the left, to a man with white hair and dark eyes heading their way. No, Aziraphale amends. He’s going to go past them, to a table on their right since neither of them are named Crowley. Aziraphale peeks at the handful of tables there, but no one seems to notice the man calling over their heads.
No one named Crowley is responding to his call.
He is sort of making a scene. Maybe this Crowley is trying to ignore him?
But the man coming their way seems completely focused on Gabriel.
Aziraphale looks to Gabriel, staring down at his plate and concentrating on it, as if praying this man, whoever he is, will pass them by.
Who could it be to him to elicit such a reaction, especially when it’s obvious he’s got the wrong man?
“Gabriel?” Aziraphale says, worried that perhaps something they ate soured his stomach. “Is there something the matter?”
Gabriel closes his eyes and shakes his head. “Aziraphale, I …”
“Crowley!” The man comes right up to their table and claps a hand on Gabriel’s shoulder, hard enough to make him flinch. “How long has it been, huh? Two months? Three?”
Gabriel sighs. He turns to the man looming over him and smiles the strained smile of a man about to commit a murder. “Hastur! Buddy! What a pleasant surprise!”
“Yeah.” The man chuckles. “You look like it is.”
“I thought you were vacationing down under.”
“Well, I’m back now. Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend?” he asks, taking no time cutting to the chase.
“Aziraphale,” Gabriel … no, Crowley … says, doing everything in his power to avoid the full intensity of Aziraphale’s confused gaze, “I’d like to introduce you to Hastur. He’s … uh … an old friend of mine from school. Hastur, this is Aziraphale. He’s my … date for the evening.”
“Pleasure to meet you,” Hastur says, extending a hand. Aziraphale takes it and gives it a shake. It’s cold from the outdoors but not unpleasant. Hastur, on the whole, isn’t being impolite. He’s just oblivious.
As is Aziraphale.
“I’ve been tellin’ this asshat for years now he needs to get off his high horse and start dating again. Nice to see he finally took my advice.”
“Yeah, well, now that I have, why don’t you make yourself scarce so Aziraphale and I can continue?” Crowley grumbles, shooting Hastur several venom-filled glares.
“A’right, a’right,” he says, putting his hands up in defense, “don’t mind me. Just headin’ to the bar anyhow. Ring me up later, Crowley. We’ll go out for a few. Maybe your friend can come with us.”
“Will do.”
“You gentlemen have a nice night.” He bumps Crowley with his hip, winks at Aziraphale, then turns on his heel and heads for the bar.
The silence he leaves behind at Aziraphale and Crowley’s table is so thick, it could suffocate a wild boar.
Aziraphale clears his throat first. “So …”
Crowley follows, a bit softer. “So …”
“Tell me the truth,” Aziraphale says, too emotionally charged to keep frustration from cracking his voice.
“And if you don’t like what you hear?” Crowley looks at Aziraphale’s hands worrying his napkin, as if he’s longing to reach across the table and take one. “Are you going to leave?”
“I’m going to leave anyway. I just want to know who I’m calling the cops on when I get outside.”
“Don’t do that. I’m harmless. I promise.”
“Who are you?”
“Well … as you probably already know, my name isn’t Gabriel,” he says, finally removing his glasses and setting them aside. “It’s Crowley. Anthony Crowley. And I wasn’t your blind date. I’m not the man your friend set you up with.”
Aziraphale moves the napkin to his lap and smooths it, giving himself something other than Crowley to look at.
“To tell you the truth, I had a feeling,” he confesses. “I mean, you don’t seem like the type of man my friend would usually set me up with.”
“What kind of men does she usually set you up with?”
Aziraphale chuckles. “I don’t know. They don’t tend to show up.” Crowley growls, shakes his head in disgust. Aziraphale is flattered by his reaction. But he has to ask, “I don’t understand why? Why did you do this?”
“I stopped in for a drink and I saw you sitting at this table, waiting for your date.” Crowley grins. “I have to admit, I thought you were a looker, so I kept looking. I heard you talking to the waitress, making jokes. You sounded like a nice guy. You told her how your friend set you up, how excited you were. Then I heard you calling, saw you texting, and waiting and waiting and …"
“And you took pity on me,” Aziraphale says, embarrassment wearing a pit in his stomach.
“No, I was angry! I was angry that some dumb fuck got the chance to have a date with such a great seeming guy like you and he bailed. Opportunities like that don’t come by all the time and he threw his away. But I saw an opportunity and I took it. And no matter what you think about me now, I’m glad I did. Because you’re great. You’re really great. And I hope that you’ll forgive me and let me take you out on a real first date.”
The table becomes quiet again - Crowley watching Aziraphale, Aziraphale looking at his lap. The whole restaurant seems to have gone silent, as if everyone around them who has listened to them laugh and talk and watched them share their meal is waiting to see what Aziraphale is going to say. From somewhere off toward the kitchen door, Crowley thinks he sees a few of the waitresses peeking around a corner, watching their table a little too intensely.
“What else was a lie?” Aziraphale asks. “Everything you said over dinner, was any of that true?”
“All of it,” Crowley says. “Everything I said about living in Mayfair, owning a Bentley, taking a permanent gap year, working as a nanny for kicks, being an obnoxious trust fund baby, tormenting my friends with a rat army … here … wait …” Crowley opens his jacket and reaches into his pocket, pulling out his phone. He touches the screen, swipes it a few times, then hands it to Aziraphale. “Take a look. Granted I’ve only had this since the recent iPhone hit the bricks, but I’ve got a few pictures on it that should back me up. My Bentley, my flat, a few of my plants …” Crowley ticks photos off as Aziraphale flips through them. “There should even be one or two of the rats. Ligur sent them to me before he ran screaming.” Crowley snickers in such an off-handed way, Aziraphale can’t help believing him. And speak of the devil, next photo up is of a work station covered in black rats rooting through the works and apparently sending London skidding back to the dark ages.  
Maybe Aziraphale just wants to believe him, but as far as he’s concerned, Crowley is telling the truth.
“I … I don’t know,” Aziraphale says, handing the phone back.
“What?” Crowley asks, his expression of newly kindled hope falling off his face. “What don’t you know?”
“Yes, you’re telling the truth, but …”
“But …”
“I don’t know anything about you. Not really.”
“Fair enough,” Crowley says, slipping his phone back in his pocket. “But can I ask you a question?”
“I guess.”
“What did you know about Gabriel before you showed up here to meet him?”
“Well, I …” Aziraphale sits there with his mouth open, expecting words to come out that don’t exist, because he didn’t know anything about Gabriel. Not even what he looked like. Tracy told him that she showed Gabriel a picture of him, and that Gabriel would know him when he saw him. But other than that, all he had was Tracy’s assurance that they would work well together. In reality, Gabriel could have stopped by at some point, caught Aziraphale waiting for him, didn’t like what he saw, then turned around and left, and Aziraphale would have never known.
But Crowley on the other hand - Aziraphale has been talking to Crowley all through dinner. Provided he’s telling the truth, Aziraphale knows more about him than he does his best friend, and they used to room together.
“Okay,” he concedes. “You’ve got me. Alright, Crowley. Sure. I would love to go on a real first date with you.”
Crowley reaches his hand across the table and Aziraphale takes it, suddenly recalling the look in Reuben’s eye before he signaled for the check.
Crowley has a similar look.
He raises his hand for the check.
But after not seeing her for most of their meal, their waitress walks over and puts two glass flutes down. Then she pours each man a glass of champagne from a bottle Aziraphale is certain costs more than their meal.
“Uh, waitress?” Crowley calls to the woman before she can walk away.
“Yes, sir?”
“What’s this?” he asks, perplexed by the sudden appearance of alcohol.
“It’s champagne,” she says, as if that isn’t apparent. “The house special.”
“But we didn’t order champagne” Aziraphale points out.
“I know,” she says with a wink. “It’s on the house. Enjoy it. Take all the time you need …”
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So tumblr ate the ask of course, but @multi-fandom-remy (I hope this was you that requested this my memory is not good and if it wasnt I'm sorry) sent a fic request where Janus has alexithymia and Remy falls for him regardless. Gonna just post it this way, suck it hell site!
I had to do some research for this as I dont know anyone who has this and I dont personally experience it. I tried to write it as accurately and respectfully as possible but please let me know if you feel I wrote it wrong or in a way that's offensive.
Three Times Janus Didn't Understand and The One Time Remy Did
Summary: Janus has alexithymia and doesnt understand what hes falling for; Remy is perfectly content to teach him.
Warnings: none really. Just not understanding ones own emotions. Ts spoilers if you havent watched the most recent Sanders Sides episode
Ship: Remy (sleep) x Janus (Deciet)
WC: 1, 505
Remy's head snapped up as the bell above the door chimed loudly, letting in a rather peculiar character. Dressed in black save for bright yellow gloves, their long trench coat swept around their ankles as they turned to make sure the door was shut. Truly curious now, Remy leaned forward eagerly, excitement thankfully hidden by his dark sunglasses.
The glasses did little to hide his reddening cheeks however as the newcomer swept off his hat and turned fully to face the cashier.
Oh. Remy leaned forward casually trying to hide the flood of oh-I-am-most-definitely-gay panic rising up through his chest. Sharp eyes breifly met his before darting back down as they made their ways towards the counter. Thanking every god that could possibly be real that the shop was empty at this time of day, he smiled easily as they came to a stop in front of the counter.
"Morning coffee. What babe will it be?"
The stranger snapped their head up in confusion, giving Remy only a split second to retain that their eyes were very pretty, one a pale brown and the other almost gold before his brain caught up with what his mouth had just uttered. Red cheeks reddening even further he closed his eyes and mentally slapped himself over the head with an industrial bag of coffee grounds.
Opening his eyes once again, he chuckled. "You'll find me dont discriminate here. We got flat white, Irish cream, long black." He cupped his cheek and smirked. "Or maybe you're the shy, straight vanilla kind of guy?"
The stranger, to his credit, was unimpressed, almost making Remy pout if it weren't for the fact he was still trying to scrape his pride up off the ground. "A mocha with five espresso shots please."
Whistling low, he turned to complete the order. "I'm assuming to go?"
"Late night?" He grabbed a cup and fiddled with the machine a bit, turning to grab the pump for the espresso as it began to run.
"In a sense."
Snorting, Remy turned to look again at the stranger. Through his obvious good looks there were eye bags that could rival his room mates', slumped posture and rather ratty shoes completing the picture for him. "I always hated college exams. Theres never enough time to cram."
"We've all bean there."
Pausing in applying the lid to the cup, Remy smirked and turned. "Did you just-?"
Seeming uncomfortable, the stranger shrugged, taking the drink and handing over the money. Offering a quiet thank you they left quickly, coat flying out like a cape behind them.
Janus shoved his hands deeper in his pockets on the way to his favorite coffee shop. He had only been going there for a week now, but the coffee was amazing, and the cashier/coffee maker was...interesting. Janus' cheeks still burned in what he now realized was second hand embarrassment at the way the other had flirted? with him the first day. Patton said he had been flirting so he'd have to trust his friend knew what he was talking about. His stomach gave another uncomfortable flip as the shop came into view, making him grit his teeth in annoyance. Everytime he came here the same thing happened with his intestines, like they were too tight and too loose at the same time, flipping his stomach around in a way that felt like the flu...but better? Regardless it hadnt started until he had begun coming to the little shop and Janus was determined to pinpoint the cause. That was why he kept coming back.
No other reason.
His stomach flipped again as he shoved the door open, grimacing as he made up his mind to buy some kind of pastry with his usual coffee to try to quiet down what he was now going to assume were hunger pangs. This early in the morning the shop was blessedly empty, allowing him and the cashier to have their odd conversations in relative peace.
"Morning babes!"
He glanced up and tried for a smile, letting the odd movement drop after only a couple seconds. Remy smiled and smirked enough for the both of them anyway.
He made his way up to the counter, startling as a to-go cup was pushed his way.
"Regulars get the Remy special. Their usual cup of hot coffee ready before they even come through the door." He winked as he leaned against the counter, hitting Janus with the realization that the man had apparently forgone his sunglasses for the day. Deep brown eyes stared back at him before he broke eye contact, snapping his gaze to the cup in front of him.
"I'd like a muffin with it today as well, if you would."
"Sure. What kind?"
Janus looked up hopefully. "Banana nut?"
Remy bit back a laugh, muttering 'nut' under his breath while retrieving the requested pastry. Rolling his eyes Janus dug out the cash; he was learning Remy was fond of unintentional innuendos, Patton pointing out that that had been what he was insinuating in their first meeting. He tried for a polite smile again as he grabbed his items after paying, stomach going it's odd flip again as the other man smiled back.
Maybe it was the air.
Remy perked up as the door chimed, smiling as his favorite regular made his way through the door right before closing time. He had somehow gotten the rather shy man to agree to a date (an outing the other had insisted) taking place after his shift had ended. He seemed tense and Remy was determined to take his mind off whatever it was that kept his shoulders up and head down. He grabbed up his sunglasses as he hopped over the counter, earning a confused smirk for his effort. Smiling easily, he readjusted his bag and whipped out the store key to swing around his finger.
"Ready to go, tall, dark and snarky?"
The man merely ducked his head and shoved his hands further in his pockets, strolling quickly out the door for Remy to follow.
"So I realized we're going on this date-"
"Alright babes. So we're going out and I still don't know what to call you?"
The man stared blankly. "You call me things all the time?"
Sighing in exasperation as the Prompt went completely over the man's head he gestured them forward. "I meant your name hon."
"Oh! My name is Janus."
Tilting his head in surprise, Remy regarded him for a moment. "Janus. I like it. Really suits your aesthetic."
Janus seemed unsure of how to respond, scuffing his toes along the sidewalk rhythmically. "My aesthetic?"
"Yeah. Janus is a Roman god right? I can see it."
Offering up a blank look, the other man pursed his lips in thought. "No one...well usually people say that Janus is...an odd name."
Remy shrugged. "I took some course or other in high school that taught about ancient gods or whatever. People are bitches."
Moving away slightly, Janus nodded. "Undoubtably."
Janus watched as everything seemed to click into place for his companion. This was always the tipping point in every relationship, friend or otherwise. Patton had been the only exception thus far that accepted the fact that Janus was a lost cause when it came to emotions.
No, that wasnt fair to himself. There was nothing wrong with him, he knew that. It was only the fact that he couldn't understand the emotions being processed. He knew he had them, he just could never quite pinpoint which ones, at any given time and what the reasons for them were. Sure it made socializing difficult, people often labeling him as awkward or withdrawn in any given situation; when in reality he just was rarely given enough time to try and pinpoint what one emotion was before being put in a situation where a different response was needed. It was honestly exhausting.
He bit his lip as he looked back over to Remy, seeing that same smile he always gave him that made his stomach flip every time. He tried offering one of his awkward smiles, feeling that that was the most appropriate for the situation.
Remy softened as he took off his glasses, turning to face him fully. "You dont have to do that around me, it's okay. Just be yourself, and tell me if and when you get uncomfortable yeah?"
Janus' eyes filled with tears as he twisted his fingers in his jeans. An intense wave of emotions came over him, making him choke slightly as he tried in vain to process everything. He felt Remy take his hands gently and squeeze them, tugging slightly as he unconsciously leaned towards the other.
Just two people sitting on a park bench in the late evening, with about 15 shots of espresso between them holding each other with a confused understanding. Janjs smiled, a very tiny one, but the first genuine one in a long time.
Despite everything, he had Remy. He knew he'd be okay.
This work is also available on AO3!
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imperiusv · 3 years
The notorious Big Daddy Jones
Who would've guessed it - an irish girl in Sofia lol. We met up in town and went for drinks in this cool bar, the name of i can't recall, she was blabbing me ear off the whole evening, thank got she was fucking hot and fucking famous - so many dudes stopped to say hi and she was like oh i went out with this guy a while ago, welp. I laughed it out , felt bad for the dude, poor bald cunt. After that we hit some bar with cocktails and which was pretty reckless as the kungflu is running rampant all over the country, serves me right if i get sick. Smart decisions have lately not been my forte. She was literally me in reverse - 25 working in Sofia, organizing parties, being famous locally , just like meself a while ago, I envied her a bit, alright a lot , but it was still pretty cool , I saw a bunch of friends in the bar, but they failed to recognize me , i guess the curly hair does the trick, all the bitches were looking at me with wanton desire lol. Some dudes gave me the stink eye, especially the bouncers and barmans who knew here, but i took it as a compliment, as it should be . She managed to get me drunk and i got a little dizzy, we went out and she made a dumb joke like if am the kinda guy who kisses girls when he walks them to their flat - i was like dafuq , bitch i aint walking ur ass to your flat unless we gonna do some fucking and then realized that i hadn't kissed her yet, despite her touching me all night and giving me good choosing signals i was purposefully teasing her to build up attraction . I laughed and grabbed her - ausculor in the middle of the street, she soon realized people were staring and we went into a back alley and continued making out,her hands were all over me and she was whispering in my ear how wet she is and how much she wants big daddy dick. Suddenly someone called out my name and there was a honk, i thought i was hearing shit, but then again and she was like yo someone is there and out of the silvery car window like a dawg a bald head was staring at me - Memo my gay turkish friend and beside him me best mate Timur grinning and swearing in turkish hahaha, man wtf , how was that even possible - guess I'm still famous in this fucking piece of shit city. Damn i missed it.
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tsohl · 4 years
A bit of fun...
An Interview from village magazine. 2005
A model life
Monaghan-born Caitriona Balfe was recruited shaking a charity box outside a Dublin shopping centre. Now she is Ireland's most successful international model. Based in New York and the darling of some of the world's top designers, she talks to Ailbhe Jordan
It’s just after five on a Tuesday evening in Soho. Streams of harassed-looking people scurry in both directions along Spring Street, seeking escape from the mayhem of midweek Manhattan in the form of the nearest taxi or subway station.
Nobody but me seems to notice a tall, thin young woman leaning against the wall of a grey building. We have never met in person and a curtain of long, tousled brown hair obscures her face as she flicks through a notebook, but it’s definitely her.
Since Derek Daniels of Assets Modelling agency spotted her six years ago collecting money for charity outside the Swan Shopping Centre in Rathmines, Caitriona Balfe has quietly strutted her way to the upper echelons of the fashion industry.
Nineteen years old and intent on becoming an actress at the time, Balfe modelled part-time in Dublin for a year until a visiting scout from Ford Modelling agency asked her to work for them in Paris. She decided to take a year out from her drama course at the Dublin Institute of Technology to pursue the opportunity.
In her six years as a model, Balfe has strutted down the catwalk for every big name from Gucci to Marc Jacobs. Vogue are big fans too; the fashion bible has put her on the cover of its US, French, German, Spanish and Italian editions.
After Paris, Balfe moved to Milan, where she became the darling of Dolce & Gabanna, who still hire her to work exclusively at their spring and autumn shows. Three years ago, she moved to New York to work for US based Elite Modelling agency. One of her first castings was for Cuban-American designer Narciso Rodriguez, who was so impressed, he made her his muse.
Balfe is, without a doubt, the most successful international model Ireland has produced.
On this evening she looks up and smiles, revealing a heart-shaped face, with sharp, pixie-like features and bright blue eyes. Wearing not a scrap of makeup, she looks younger than her 26 years. Her complexion is pale, clear and spattered with light brown freckles.
She is around 5ft 10”, but seems smaller because of her narrow, thin frame. Dressed in a loose, taupe-colored top, skinny blue jeans that are not as tight as they should be and red flats, she personifies that casual glamour look to which all the downtown hipsters aspire.
She suggests we go to Balthazar, a French Bistro beloved of New York models and celebrities.
As we walk, she assumes a posture so elegant and so straight it looks as though she is leaning backwards slightly.
Balfe’s family comes from Tyvadet, a small town in Co Monaghan. Her accent is neutral from years of living abroad, but every now and then, the Monaghan dialect peeps through – when she says “cool”, for instance, which she says a lot.
Weekend reservations at Balthazar are nearly impossible to make if one is not famous and has not booked at least a couple of weeks in advance.
“Go on ahead,” she says, holding the door open. The hostess directs us to a small table at the window. Balfe glides into her booth without pushing the table out first. “I’m going to have some cake,” she says, lowering her voice.“I got my wisdom teeth out on Friday, so I’ve basically been eating soup all weekend,” she adds quickly, touching her jaws with both hands.
“I was supposed to go to LA today, but I cancelled that because my face was still a bit swollen.”
Conversations between any two people renting in New York City inevitably turn to apartments and – more importantly – locations. Balfe lives in Greenpoint, a trendy Polish neighbourhood in Brooklyn. “I was about three years in the city but I love Brooklyn,” she says.
“It’s just really cute. It’s kind of European, like most of the streets are all mom and pop stores, there’s not one McDonalds. They’ve got all cute little vegetable stores, there’s a meat market and a fish market.”
She pauses to take a sip of coffee.
“We’ve got the ground floor of a building. Its got like a back garden and a basement, which is really cool. My boyfriend has his studio in the basement.”
The boyfriend she refers to is Dave Milone, a guitarist with the band Radio4, who are releasing a new album in New York this week.
“I’ve been with him for three years, he’s from New Jersey,” she says rolling her eyes as New Yorkers often do at the mention of their neighbouring and, in their opinion, less cosmopolitan state.
“It’s a bit of a cliché, I know, a model and a rocker. It’s good though.”
At 26, Balfe has said she considers herself to be one of the “grannies” of the modeling industry.
“Of my five really close friends whom I started with, there’s only one whose still modeling,” she says.
“The rest have gone off to college or have real jobs. I still feel like I’m at college,” she says, stirring her coffee and putting the spoon down on the saucer with a loud clink.
“When I see some of these younger girls who are starting at 17 or so, it’s like being at school, you know. You’ve a bunch of girls who are like, teenagers and of course everyone’s like: ‘is she doing better than me?’ and all that. I was a little bit older when I started, I was 19 and I never really experienced that. I mean, you’re always going to come across a bitch but there’s nothing you can really do about that. I’m getting older now and it does feel weird when you come across someone who tries to intimidate you in that really high school way. It’s like: ‘why am I feeling insecure because of this?’ And it’s funny, because it’s all based on weight, it’s like: ‘you put on a few pounds,’ or something stupid.”
At this point the desserts arrive.
“I feel like the girls are getting very skinny again,” she says, following the movement of the plate with her eyes as the waitress places it in front of her.
“When I started it was like, a lot of the Brazilian girls were around, it was all about being voluptuous and I think in the last couple of seasons there’s been a lot of really, really skinny girls again. I mean, you can tell when somebody doesn’t eat, you can tell by the big rings under their eyes or when they’re kind of quiet, they’re whole personality is kind of...” she slouches down and drops her tongue out in a display of lifelessness.
She picks up her spoon and digs it into the cake, then turns the plate around and spears the scoop of vanilla ice-cream that is perched on top.
“I’ve always been thin, you know?” she says, while her mouth is full.
“My aunts and uncles will be like, ‘oh do you eat?’ but I’ve always been lucky that I can. I eat more than Dave. I go through very, very sporadic, once-in-a-blue-moon fits of going running and stuff, but I’m so lazy. When shows are coming up I just do some exercises at home and maybe not have so much chocolate cake the week before. A few more salads, that kind of thing.”
Next week, Balfe expects to be working in LA for a couple of days, from where she will fly to Miami for a photo shoot, before returning to New York on Sunday to do a shoot for Spanish Vogue.
“It sounds glamorous, it’s not though, it really isn’t,” she says, holding another spoonful of cake up to her lips.
“I am moving towards retirement now – from this,” she continues. “Every year I’m asked and I’m like, ‘oh another year or two.’ But, if I’m still doing this at the end of the next two years, somebody shoot me, please. I mean, it’s really good and it allows me to live a good life. I’m building a house in Monaghan, I can do stuff like that. I can set myself up for the future and stuff. But being an actress was the thing that I always wanted to do. Before I ever started modelling.”
Balfe has not yet found her perfect role, but played a convincing seductress in 2002 when she modelled for lingerie company Victoria’s Secret during their catwalk show, an annual TV spectacle that that has propelled models like Gisele Bundchen and Heidi Klum to international fame.
“Oh God, my poor Da,” she groans, cradling her head in her hands.
“I think it was the Sun or the Mirror back home had this headline: ‘Garda’s daughter goes und-y-cover.’ I wondered what I was doing in there, this pasty little Irish girl amongst all these Brazilian goddesses. I’d gotten a spray tan and they put full body make-up on me but I was 10 times whiter than anyone there. It took very little clothes and quite a lot of champagne to get through that one.”
She shakes her head, smiling at the memory. “Its funny you know? Normally when I’m out, I don’t really dress up. It’s amazing how people will absolutely not even notice you until they hear the word ‘model,’ and then they’re like: ‘Oh.’ And I’m like: ‘what?’ Two seconds ago, I was nothing, you know?”
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cakesunflower · 5 years
Liability [Peaky Blinders!Calum AU] Part 1
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Liability—A person or thing whose presence or behavior is likely to put one at a disadvantage.
Summary: Being the daughter of the Police Captain meant Karina Garner should’ve kept her distance from Calum Hood, the notorious leader of the Peaky Blinders. It certainly didn’t mean she should agree to work for him, especially when Calum had underlying motives up his sleeves.
A/N: this is part 1 of my Calum AU that’s based around the tv show Peaky Blinders! if you haven’t watched it, it’s basically a show about a gang in 1920′s Birmingham led by the ever-so-fearsome Tommy Shelby--who, in this fic, is replaced by Calum, obviously. 
it’s important for y’all to remember this fic is based in the early to mid 1920′s, so some dialogue or exposition or plot points might seem a bit strange or different than what you’re used to reading from me but remember--this is a different time period! keep that in mind, and happy reading!!
Liability—A person or thing whose presence or behavior is likely to put one at a disadvantage. 
Part 1
Waking up in her childhood bedroom had been disorienting, not entirely remembering what she was doing there. But then the exhaustion she’d fallen asleep in caught up and Karina remembered her long journey back to Birmingham. She recalled the reason why she moved back and let out a tired, defeated sigh. Her return to her hometown wasn’t under the happiest of circumstances, but she wasn’t as heartbroken as one would expect. She was a grieving friend, maybe, but nowhere near a grieving widow. Never had Karina wanted to become someone who married just for the sake of being married, but that’s how life turned out, that’s what was expected from them. Archie, a wealthy investment banker from New York, had taken an interest in her; her family had approved, and that was that. Honestly if Karina truly hadn’t wanted to marry him, she could’ve protested and her parents would’ve listened. But Archie had been nice enough, handsome and rich and a way out of Birmingham.
Until none of that was worth it. Until he was gone.
Too many mistresses and refusing to let her work were suffered through for two years too long. When she didn’t want to give him a child when he was ready, things had taken a turn for the worse for their already deteriorating marriage, a mismatch made in hell with a constantly fueled fire. Then Archie fell sick, like he was dying from the inside, until he took his last breath, giving Karina a way out of an unhappy marriage and the money he left behind for her.
A bit tactless for her to think, and even a bit cruel, but he’d spent nearly their entire marriage treating her less than she—or anyone—deserved and Karina was not about to spend her time grieving over a man who viewed her as property to be invested in.  
“Morning, love,” her mother greeted as she entered the kitchen, robe tied around her as she joined her dad and brother at the table. “Egg and toast?”
Karina sleepily hummed her agreement before pouring herself some tea. “How did you sleep?” her father asked, already dressed in his captain’s uniform, finishing off toast lathered in jam.
“Brilliant,” Karina answered truthfully, recalling how her eyes shut the second her head hit the pillow. Looking at Sean, she asked, “Don’t you have work?”
Her twenty-one year old brother scrunched his face in annoyance. “I’ll go when I’m bloody done eatin’,” he spoke through a mouthful of eggs, prompting Karina to twist her own expression in disgust. Once he swallowed the bite, he said, “Everyone wants to go out for drinks tonight to welcome you back.”
Karina lowered the cup after swallowing her of tea, a wry smile on her lips. “You mean to drown me in alcohol so I’m not too heartbroken over Archie’s death and the fact that I’m a widow.”
Her mum clicked her tongue, placing Karina’s breakfast in front of her. “His passing is sad—you can pretend to be grieving. Plus, you’re twenty-four, love. You’ll find someone who truly deserves you. He’s out there, by God’s grace,” she added, her slight rough Irish accent something Karina missed.
But she shrugged, almost sadly at the loss of Archie and the thought of her marriage coming apart so quickly before his death, despite being glad not being stuck in something that didn’t make her happy. She wasn’t heartless; she spent two years of her life with that man, and while most of them weren’t happy moments, he’d still been a constant in her life. For all his faults, he didn’t deserve to die, but Karina wasn’t going to pretend she’d lost the love of her life, when she definitely had not. Still—no doubt her mum’s friends would talk, and while Karina liked to think she didn’t care what people said about her, she could only pretend so much.
Her dad cleared his throat before pointing at her. “Listen to your mum. We’ll shift your things to the flat tomorrow. I best be off.”
Karina looked at him with jade colored eyes, raising her eyebrows. She was staying at her family home just upon her arrival, but Karina had a flat that was a fifteen minute walk from the home that she was ready to move into. She’d lived in it for a year before her marriage, almost as a way of preparing herself for independence despite her family being so close. It was unfortunate she barely got a taste of it when she moved to America and was told to only adhere to Archie’s demands. “You’re leaving already?”
The police captain scoffed, picking up his hat. “Crime never rests—especially if it’s the Peaky Blinders.”
He left a few moments later, the front door slamming sounding his exit, and Karina looked at her mum and Sean and frowned. “The Blinders still give him trouble?”
Mrs. Garner sat to Karina’s right, letting out a breath as she prepared her tea. “Honestly, I think it’s the other bloody way around most of the time.” A disapproving expression matched her tone. “Likes to press on them when they’re not even outwardly doin’ anything.”
Sean scoffed as Karina listened with interest. “He’s lucky Calum Hood doesn’t condone killin’ coppers or else Dad would be dead ten times over by now. The Blinders are dangerous as ever and fucking terrifying but they protect us just as much as the coppers. Dad just doesn’t like sharing the glory.”
Their mum clicked her tongue. “Sean.”
Karina let out a breath, raising her eyebrows at her little brother. “You sound like a fan,” she pointed out, to which he only shrugged, and Karina found her thoughts suddenly consisting of the Peaky Blinders.
More importantly, Calum Hood—a name she knew and a face she hadn’t seen in a few years. He was the leader of the Peaky Blinders, founding the gang after returning from the war, and expanding their business and notoriety within a matter of months. A household name, not one to ever be fucked with unless someone wanted their eyes or tongues cut. They weren’t quiet about their dealings, were proud of their work, and had the entire town’s fear and respect in the palms of their hands—especially Calum. Always walked around as people moved out of his way, with the razor blade glinting in his cap, cigarette between his lips, and ring clad fingers ready to throw punches if need be.
The town also had the Blinders’ promised protection, which made work for the coppers harder, since no one would dare go against the Calum Hood and the Blinders. No one wanted to bite the hand that was feeding them.
Karina knew of Calum; had gone to school with him when they were children until he dropped out later in the years to help his family, and then she’d only see him around town. Then he had left for the war, and just a little while after his return as a war hero, Karina left for America. She knew the Peaky Blinders started around the time she had left, but her family never mentioned him in any of their letters—why would they?—and Karina never really thought about the dark haired man who was, more or less, making her father’s life a hell.  
She wasn’t going to lie; she’d definitely felt a shiver creep down her back when her brother so airily mentioned her father escaping death just because Calum Hood said so. It made her wonder just how powerful her old school mate had gotten over the years. How the mere mention of his name made most men she knew quiver in their shoes and run the other way. How the quiet boy with the full cheeks she used to see in the classroom had grown to be an illegal activities dealing, killer gangster. It all sounded almost surreal, but Karina guessed there was a fine line between delirium and reality.
After breakfast and drawing a bath, she changed into a simple outfit of a white button down blouse tucked into a long maroon skirt before spending the day with her mother. They had lunch, ran some errands, and then Karina joined her mum and her friends for some late afternoon tea.
“So, you poor thing, what are you going to do now?”
Karina pursed her lips as she swallowed her sip of tea, forcing the smile to remain on her face. She may love her mum, but Karina should learn to say no to tea with her friends. The old birds always had something to say, and now that Karina was back after losing a husband, she wasn’t surprised they wanted to gossip about her, clearly having no respect for the loss of a life.
“You don’t have to poor thing me,” Karina assured with a sweet smile, light brown hair framing her pretty face. “I’m perfectly alright. Might find me-self a job.”
“Karina’s very fast with numbers,” her mum piped in with a proud smile. “She can land a job at one of the banks.”
Karina smiled, grateful for her mum’s support. She knew her mum felt guilty for what happened, for even letting her daughter marry a man who made her live a life less happy than what she deserved, even though Karina had agreed to the marriage in the first place. She didn’t blame her parents; it was life. Sometimes it was shit, and though her husband might be dead and she mourned the loss of a life, she didn’t mourn the loss of a husband—no matter how much of a bitch that may make her sound.
“A job?” one of the women, Mrs. Nelson, guffawed. “You should find another husband, not a job.” She laughed, looking to the other laugh women. “The only work a woman should be doin’ is housework and raisin’ kids.”
The other women chuckled and murmured in agreement and Karina exchanged a flat, unimpressed look at her mother. She wasn’t all too surprised at the women’s way of thinking; they were all housewives, did nothing but cook and clean and raise their children. Not that there was anything wrong with that—Karina just didn’t want only that to be all she did in life. She wanted a little more, something less mundane. Something that gave her a purpose.
Honestly, Karina wasn’t sure how she survived the day with her mum’s friends, the women doing nothing but boasting about their children and grandchildren. The amount of cigarette breaks Karina took weren’t enough to keep her sane.
But then the night fell and it was time to head out for drinks with her friends. Karina put on one of her finer dresses, ruby in color and flattering, and she was looking forward to seeing everyone. It wasn’t until they were approaching the familiar pub that Karina shot her brother a look. “Should we even be here?” she questioned suspiciously. “If we don’t die in there then dad will surely kill us.”
Sean snickered, tossing the cigarette butt as the gravel crunched beneath their feet, the iron and coal scent of the factories around them digging into Karina’s nose as they approached the Garrison. “Sheffer’s is closed for renovation—Garrison’s the nearest pub, Karina. Besides, nothin’s gonna happen to us. Been here loads of times,” Sean reassured, holding the door open for Karina as she almost reluctantly walked in, following the few friends they were with, eyes flickering about to take in her surroundings almost cautiously.
Karina was hesitant upon entering the bar, knowing that it was the one owned by the Peaky Blinders themselves, buying it out after the gang gained their rightful notoriety. It’s where their men spent their time when they weren’t working, along with the factory laborers, and Karina knew from her brother that this was where Calum Hood often was as well, if he wasn’t out conducting Blinder business. Karina couldn’t help but think it was a risk coming here, being the daughter of the police captain, but she trusted her brother. If he said they’d be fine, she would believe it until they weren’t.
It looked newer than she remembered; a shining gold theme lining the walls and bar tops, circular tables in the middle with high red cushioned stools while booths lined up the walls as well, matching cushioned seats for those as well. The warmth in the pub was a pleasant welcome in exchange of the cold night of Birmingham outside, the air heavy with the familiar and ever present scent of tobacco, a deep breath escaping Karina at the loudness she was suddenly surrounded by. Men and women busied up the pub, and the live band playing upbeat music on a higher up platform on the back left of the room was a nice surprise to Karina. Last time she remembered, the Garrison wasn’t nearly as done up as it was now. The Blinders—Calum—had truly put in the work for a makeover.
The Garrison had never been much to look at, but things had obviously changed upon the Blinders’ acquiring of it.  
Karina admired her surroundings, briefly oblivious to the few stares she—not the people she was with—was receiving upon her arrival. One of the first things she noticed was how the pub consisted of both men and women, when at a time, it was only the men who worked in the factories that would drop a few pounds at the Garrison. Though now, the patrons look almost as classy as the pub. But as her gaze happened to wash over a few of the customers, Karina noticed the stares. Noticed the few double takes and curious looks that were suddenly accompanied by whispered conversations, menacing over the music playing. No doubt they were all privy to the reason of her return to Small Heath, maybe they were even questioning why the daughter of the police captain was in a known Peaky Blinders establishment, even if she was with her brother who apparently frequented this place.
Though, he was a man. Double standards often ran high in a town as small as the name it was given.
Neck tensing, Karina tried to ignore the looks, instead following her company to an open table while Sean and Joseph went to the bar to get drinks. Karina hopped on a stool, the soft material of her dress flowing against her legs as she pulled out her pack of cigarettes and a lighter. The first inhale managed to relax her, hoping those staring would realize there wasn’t much to look at and go back to minding their own business. Honestly, Karina didn’t care much if they talked—that’s all what people liked to do—but it was the staring. It prickled at her skin, as if their gazes drove needles into her nerves and paralyzed her, forced her to notice every single look she was receiving.
“Pay no attention to them.” Karina blew out a delicate puff of smoke at her best friend Joyce’s words. The brunette shook a curly lock of hair from her face, fingers gripping her own cigarette as she kept her gaze on Karina. “Just focus on enjoying the night, hmm?”
Karina raised an eyebrow, chuckling wryly under the sound of her friends chattering, noticing Sean and Joseph returning with the drinks. “You mean enjoy the night commemorating the loss of my husband?”
It was awful and heartless, Karina knew, to be doing this. She only justified it by claiming that she wasn’t celebrating Archie’s death. She was just grateful to be out of a relationship that lacked any ounce of love and respect. No harm in celebrating that, was there?
Joyce rolled her eyes, tapping the cigarette over the ashtray on the center of the table. There was a hint of a red circle lining her cigarette where her lipstick touched, Karina’s cigarette the same. “I mean enjoy the night commemorating your escape from an unfit marriage,” Joyce corrected, practically reading Karina’s thoughts.
The shot glasses were filled to the brim, and the smile on Karina’s face was genuine and easy as she and her friends lifted their glasses, clinked them together to cheers and even spilled some onto the table, before drinking their glasses dry. The vodka burned Karina’s throat gloriously, lips upturned and eyes screwing shut briefly as the drink sizzled down and settled in the pit of her stomach.
She enjoyed the company of her friends—friends she hadn’t seen in too long and had been left to only writing to them—with their two tables being littered with glasses and ashtrays filling up with the cigarettes being smoked. For the first time in a while, Karina genuinely enjoyed the people she was with, never having gotten used to being around Archie’s American friends who swam in money and childishly poked fun at her accent when they’d had too many illegal drinks in the safety of their homes. Her life in America, though one with money, had been unfulfilling. Archie’s death, though it was sad, offered Karina the opportunity to go back to her old life in Birmingham with the people she knew—and with Archie’s money as his widow.
Still, Karina recalled her conversation with her mother and her friends earlier that day; she may have Archie’s money, but she also wanted a purpose. Sitting around at home with nothing to do sounded just as mind-numbing as attending one of Archie’s friends’ dinners. Some kind of excitement in her life may do Karina some good—though finding it in Small Heath, that seemed like asking for a favor too big for the small town to deliver.
Eventually, Karina excused herself from her friends and wandered towards the bar, ignoring the few eyes that still lingered on her as she went. She paid for her drink, pausing at the bar to take a sip before she made a move to go back to her friends. She sipped, eyeing the various bottles sat on the shelves, remembering how the only way she’d been able to have a taste of alcohol in America was through private events where Archie and his friends somehow got their hands on alcohol that was banned across the country, the Prohibition Act that weighed upon the citizens having a tight grip on all alcohol.
So Karina savored her drink, allowing herself to lean her hip against the bar as she enjoyed it, only to regret the decision when a man taller and older than her, probably mid-thirties, came to stand to her right at the bar. He faced her, and Karina hated that she could actually feel his eyes drink in the sight of her, his stare unwarranted and unwelcome. Whatever was about to happen in the next few minutes, she was sure to not like.
“A lovely lady like yourself shouldn’t be drinking alone. Especially here, being the Police Captain’s daughter and all.” Karina tried not to roll her eyes at the man’s words, though she failed to ignore the way her skin crawled under his prickling gaze. Honestly, one would think being the captain’s only daughter would keep unwanted eyes away from her, and most of the time it worked. However, there were always the few courageous lads that tried their hand in hoping to impress her, especially at pubs, especially when they were older than her. They failed more often than not.
Karina put down her glass, the whiskey running smoothly down her throat as she raised an unimpressed eyebrow at the nameless stranger. If he knew who her father was, then he surely had to know of her only recent single status; did he truly believe Karina was wholly willing to entertain some random man at a pub after the death of her husband? Not that she was a grieving widow or anything—no more so than she pretended she had to be so she didn’t appear completely heartless. A tricky slope to live on, but Karina had never entirely been one to care much for what others thought, even in her compact community of Small Heath.
“But I’m not alone,” she responded innocently, offering a close mouthed smile as she rested her hip against the bar, raising an eyebrow at the man. “My friends and brother are right there. So your charming company isn’t required.”
The mocking sarcasm in her tone was quite heavy and Karina watched as irritation flashed across the man’s gray colored eyes, apparently not appreciative of her mild dig at him. He straightened to his full height, not the tallest man she’d seen but easily towering over her, as his expression tightened. Karina wasn’t entirely intimidated, not with her friends just a few tables away. Still, she didn’t appreciate trying to be scared into some type of submission. It was exhausting being a woman having to live in a man’s world.
“You’ve got quite a mouth on you, haven’t ya?” he sneered, eyes narrowing down at her, body shifting as a way of trying to step into her personal space. Karina’s teeth clenched. “Just ’cause your dad’s the captain doesn’t mean shit around here, sweetheart.”
For a betraying moment, Karina wondered if her father’s position in the police force meant anything at all.
Just as that thought fluttered across her mind, Karina heard the soft thudding sound of the pub doors opening over the music playing and people chattering, and instantly any sign of irritation wiped from her face at the sight of the man entering the Garrison. The man in front of her held no importance anymore—not that he ever did in the first place—as a familiar face entered the bar with all of the casual confidence in the world, instantly drawing the attention of everyone inside upon the opening of the doors.
Calum Hood walked in, his three piece dark grey suit pristine and crisp with a silver vest chain glinting in the light, a cigarette hanging from his plump lips while a cap that matched his suit rested atop dark curls. Ring clad fingers reached up to grasp the cigarette, dark eyes intuitively scanning the faces crowding his pub as a cloud of smoke curled out of his mouth, and Karina had to force herself to look away, not wanting to be caught staring for too long, and refocus her attention on finishing her drink as he walked further into the bar.
She downed the rest of her alcohol, setting the glass down as she vaguely heard the patrons going out of their way to greet Calum—an overenthusiastic “Evenin’, Mr. Hood!” here and a nervous “How are you, Mr. Hood?” there—not wanting to at all appear as if they were ignoring him, which was only a small hint to display the power he held. As Karina shifted to go back to her table, she quite honestly hadn’t realized she had completely forgotten about the man that had been attempting to chat her up until she began to turn away and was stopped by his hand grasping her wrist.
Karina stopped, blinking her widened eyes before following the hand up the length of the arm until she looked at the man holding her with an incredulous and slightly annoyed expression. “Didn’t your copper father tell you it’s rude to walk away from someone tryin’ to have a conversation with ya?”
Her jaw tightened, teeth grinding together as she stared at this man, older than her and relentless. Sometimes she truly wondered if the male species was even born with basic manners etiquette. Damn neanderthals. “He taught me how to deliver a punch if need be,” Karina responded, hoping to keep her voice calm despite the warning tilt that crept in as she spoke through gritted teeth.
The man laughed, as if what she had said was comical, only serving to quickly irritate Karina as her jaw tightened even more. He looked down at her, the jeering evident in his eyes as he raised doubtful eyebrows, the amused grin wide on his face, clearly taking her and her threat as joke as he taunted, “Oh, you’re gonna punch me, are ya?”
“There’ll be nothin’ of the sort.”
The sound of the new voice, raspy and deep with a lazy, almost uncaring drawl, had the man’s face blanching, Karina couldn’t help but notice. The color drained from his face as he straightened immediately, hand releasing Karina’s wrist, which she instantly pulled towards herself before looking to her right. It was then did she realize why the guy in front of her seemed to appear as though he’d been visited by a ghost.
“Mr. Hood, h—good evening.” Karina would’ve found it comical, how the stranger suddenly transformed into a bumbling idiot in front of a man who was obviously younger than him, if she wasn’t too busy staring at the newcomer in her own haze of wonder. She hadn’t seen him in years, but even with Calum Hood merely standing next to her, Karina could see why every soul in their town and beyond was absolutely terrified of him.
She couldn’t quite understand it, how someone had the power to appear so intimidating when they were doing nothing but standing there. Calum stood with the cigarette hanging between his lips, a thin stream of smoke curling from the end of it, with hands buried in the pockets of his expensive coat. The expression on his face, with dark eyes glued to the man, just appeared as though Calum had much better things to do then interfere in this conversation, and Karina knew that he most likely did—but stepping in had been done out of his own volition. And it confused her, making her unable to look away from him and put an end to her surprised yet puzzled expression she watched him with. Briefly, she wondered if everyone else in the pub was looking at them, or if the heat in her body was due to her previous irritation or with the newfound company she was in the presence of.
Calum Hood didn’t spare her a look yet, tilting his head up ever so slightly to look at the man from under the tip of his tweed flat cap. “It will be, once you walk away from Miss Garner,” he returned, the cigarette perfectly held between his lips as he spoke. His tone held no sort of emotion, though the command was somehow still clear as day in his calm voice. It was enough to have Karina’s heart jumping—along with his mention of her. He remembered her. She tracked the way his left hand pulled out of the pocket, fingers grasping the cigarette as the rings he wore glinted against the lights, using it to gesture towards the doorway as he added in finality, “Out, Stuart.”
The man—Stuart—didn’t even pause to argue. Karina watched in skeptic surprise as he gave a nod to Calum, not wanting to spare a moment that could ever possibly look like he was disobeying Calum’s order, barely looking her way as he picked up his hat and shuffled out of the bar, the doors swinging shut behind him. Karina’s gaze had been on him, watching him go, her view obstructed only briefly when Calum moved in front of her to take Stuart’s place.
She barely had a moment to comprehend what had happened when Calum spoke up again. “Leave it to Captain Garner’s daughter to try’n’pick a fight in my pub.” Karina straightened, throat working as Calum leaned his elbow against the bar top, body facing her as she watched him take off his cap. His curls sat perfectly atop his head but that didn’t stop Calum from running his fingers through them once he dropped his cap, the razors sewn into the peak clattering lightly. Stubbing out his cigarette in the glass ashtray on the bar, Calum quirked a lazy eyebrow at Karina. “Does your father know you’re here?”
His dark eyes were hypnotizing as he gazed at her, familiar but not, and Karina had to swiftly snap herself out of whatever trance she had found herself in to answer in a voice she hoped remained indifferent, “My father doesn’t dictate where I go, Mr. Hood. I am my own woman.”
He watched her intently, his gaze far too penetrating for her liking, her stomach turning under his stare along with the pointed Mr. Hood that had slipped from her tongue. Karina tried not to bristle, completely at a loss for what he may be thinking, his expression never giving anything away. She remembered, vaguely, how much of a smiling child he had been; how the fullness of his cheeks rosied whenever he grinned, and while some of that same roundness was still present, it was now accompanied by a stubbly jawline sharp and strong. A small inkling to how much he’d grown.
“A woman who’s apparently grieving,” Calum responded. He spoke in such a lazy, unrushed drawl, like he had all the time in the world and whoever he was speaking to had no choice but to wait for him to finish. Something told Karina that’s exactly how the world in their corner of Small Heath worked; it belonged to Calum Hood, and everyone else was just living in it. He lifted his chin, eyes still on hers, expression void of emotion even as he stated, “Sorry for your loss.”
Karina held back the snort. She doubted he was, doubted there was even a cell in his body that cared. Karina knew she should stop the conversation from flowing right there, should probably excuse herself politely and go back to her table with her friends and brother instead of lingering by the most dangerous man in Birmingham. Standing next to him alone was enough to rattle her bones. Still, her lips pressed together as they quirked up, nail tapping against the rim of her empty glass as she said, “Nothing a good drink can’t help with.”
She saw the subtle quirk of the corner of his lips, so brief that she would’ve missed it had it not been for the fact that she was looking at him, as Calum dragged his eyes towards the bartender and said, “Two whiskeys, Lewis.”
“Scotch or Irish, Mr. Hood?” the bartender asked promptly as Karina eyed him. He looked ready to answer to Calum’s every beck and call.
“Irish,” Calum told him, not bothering to consult with Karina as Lewis instantly went to pour out the drink. His dark eyes met her green ones as he mused, “Should be good enough to mend your broken heart.”
Karina bit the inside of her cheek, giving a tilt of her chin in the form of a subtle head shake as she gathered enough confidence to return smoothly, “Can’t heal what’s not broken.”
Her response, she could tell, intrigued the leader of the Blinders, one eyebrow quirking ever so slightly. Lewis placed their glasses down, but Calum’s eyes remained on Karina as he spoke in his drawling tone, carried over the music still playing throughout the pub, “Marriage didn’t agree with you?”
Was she seriously standing in the middle of the Garrison discussing her marriage with Calum Hood? Karina really would be needing that glass of Irish whiskey to get herself through this. She wondered, briefly, if her brother and friends had noticed just who exactly was in her company; wondered if they were purposefully staying away because it was Calum Hood or because they genuinely had no idea. Either way, Karina couldn’t bring herself to even look away from Calum, despite wanting to. Just gazing at him seemed like a bad idea; like he would suck her into his world and leave her to drown in it.
“My husband didn’t,” she corrected Calum, fingers itching to reach for her glass. He hadn’t reached for his. Karina took a breath, hoping the music would cover up the shuddering sound. “But I’m not one to speak ill of the dead.”
That, she saw, invited an amused smirk to tilt at Calum’s lips, the first true sign of some kind of emotion. Karina tracked the way his lips curled, a boyish expression that was coated with a kind of wickedness that had a shiver running down the length of her spine. It was then that Calum reached for both glasses, rings clinking against the glasses as he handed her one of them, which Karina hesitantly took. Couldn’t exactly turn a drink from Calum Hood away—Karina quickly and almost horrifically realized, in that moment, that she didn’t want to anyway. Just like she didn’t care for the few stares she knew were lingering on the two of them.
“So if the man was the problem and not the concept of marriage itself, I suppose you’re lookin’ for prospective suitors?” Calum hummed, turning his body so his back was against the bar, elbows rested on top as his hand held the glass after he took a sip. His body faced the expanse of his pub, filled with guests, but his head was turned towards Karina.
She felt her heart unnecessarily jump at his question, mind running with asinine possibilities as to why he would ask that of her. Honestly, Karina was still trying to accept the fact that she was having a conversation about marriage—her marriage—with Calum. Surely the leader of the most notorious gang had better things to do than to stand around conversing with a girl he once knew from his childhood about her marital status.
Karina’s throat was dry, both of her hands wrapped around the glass, hip against the bar as she gave a shake of her head. “I’m afraid you’d be wrong.” She noted the quirk of his eyebrow at her as he took a sip of her drink, silently prodding her to explain herself, and Karina pressed her teeth together at the condescending gesture. Was she some kind of pet who would know exactly what to do at the silent command of her owner? It heated her, but Karina wasn’t in the mood for pissing off Calum tonight. So she took a breath and found herself explaining, “I’ve come to understand that I would rather be working then getting married again. For now, at least.”
She waited for him to laugh, throat tight, just like her mother’s friends had when she told them the same thing—though Karina knew if she heard Calum Hood laugh, it would be so shocking that it’d feel like a slap in the face. But instead Calum was silent for a few agonizing seconds, the quiet only filled by the music and other patrons enjoying themselves, until Calum narrowed his dark eyes ever so slightly and pursed his lips before asking, “Are you a whore, Miss Garner?”
It was a good thing Karina hadn’t been sipping at her drink, because Calum’s question would’ve had her choking on it as she gaped at him in indignant surprise. He inquired about it so casually, as if it wasn’t an insult to her to suggest that the only work she was capable of doing was to service men through the likes of her body. If that’s the path some women chose to take, then more power to them, but Karina didn’t see that in her future any time soon.
It unnerved her, how she didn’t see any contempt or taunting in Calum’s eyes when he asked that of her, just curiosity as he stared at her expectantly. Karina wasn’t sure if the question itself was insulting, or the fact that Calum likely genuinely thought that the kind of work Karina was interested in doing was selling her body to whoever paid for it.
Her skin flushed, the tendons in her neck tensing briefly, forcing herself not to let the edge slip into her tone when she spoke up, already growing tired of having to control herself from slipping up in front of Calum at the risk of getting cut. “I’d rather get paid for my efficiency in typing and dealing with numbers than my body, Mr. Hood,” she told him, the hint of disdain at his insinuation involuntarily creeping into her voice. She couldn’t help it, she felt insulted.
At that, something flickered in the dark of Calum’s eyes, watching her intently in thoughtful silence as the pub buzzed around them. Karina was quickly realizing she was beginning to hate being unable to tell what Calum was thinking, particularly when he was watching her in such a way that had her nerves standing up on their ends and heart feeling as though something was forcing it to sink. He looked like he was thinking over something, maybe, and Karina was forced to stand in his silence, busying herself with her drink and wondering what exactly was running through Calum Hood’s wicked mind.
He surprised her by asking, “Your father’s alright with his only daughter stepping into the working world?”
Karina let out a soft yet exasperated breath through her nose, already growing tired of this. It was almost disappointing, how whatever fraction of an interest Calum seemed to have in her to spark conversation derived from the twisted relationship he had with her father. The leader of the Peaky Blinders being the number one target for her Police Captain father wasn’t quiet news; Karina was aware of how tough it was for her dad to ever get a solid hold on Calum Hood. The notorious gangster had more people in his pocket than anyone could count. Hell, Karina was pretty sure there were a few coppers on her dad’s police force that, while they weren’t entirely on Calum’s side, they also didn’t do much to go against him.
Karina felt like a traitor to her father, standing in the Garrison and chatting up Calum Hood, even if the conversation was seemingly innocent. Knowing all her dad wanted to do was put an end to Calum Hood’s reign should’ve been enough of a reason for Karina to never even step foot into this pub. Why didn’t she just walk away?
She took a breath. “Like I said—he doesn’t control what I do.” Karina found herself pushing away from the bar, skin tingling at the way Calum’s eyes tracked her movements. Always watching, always calculating. Somehow, she managed to gather the courage to tell him smoothly, “I didn’t come here to chat about my father, I’m here to enjoy the night with my friends.” Karina took a step away, praying that she wasn’t insulting Calum by walking away from him—she had an inkling that not many people did—but standing around talking to him was making her skin feel as though it was on fire and even though she was ready to walk away, Karina hated the fact that there was a part of her that wanted to stay put. So she raised her glass, the gold liquid dancing within, and she offered the smallest of smiles in the face of being polite. “Thank you for the drink.” As an afterthought, she added, “Mr. Hood.”
God, he never looked away. Karina kind of understood, now, why people moved out of his way the second they realized he was coming their way. A look alone was enough to send their hearts jumping into their throat where he was concerned. Calum tilted his chin up a bit, the corners of his lips lifting into a smirk as he raised his own glass. She saw the glint in his eyes reflecting off the lights of the pub, unsure if it was something she should worry about, as his smooth voice sounded, “Enjoy the Garrison, Miss Garner.”
Karina pressed the tip of her tongue to the back of her lower teeth, the smile still tilting slightly at her lips as she finally found herself turning around to walk away, never faltering despite feeling Calum’s gaze burning her back through the material of her dress. She didn’t dare turn to look at him, not when she knew he was still watching her, his stare enough to have goosebumps rising on her skin as she went.
Her entire body felt tense as she approached her friends, noticed the way a few of them, including Joyce and Sean, were looking at her with various degrees of alarmed expressions painted across their faces. Karina took a breath, knowing the inevitable round of questions about to be fired at her.
“Were you just talking to Calum Hood?” Sean questioned, eyes wide and eyebrows raised as he spoke in a conspiratorial, rushed whisper. He sat opposite of her, arms folded on top of the table as he leaned towards her. Karina wasn’t entirely sure if her brother was pissed or just plainly surprised. He was the one who suggested coming to the Blinders’ bar and Karina knew he didn’t entirely think ill of them, so she wasn’t sure of what her brother’s reaction would be. She wasn’t even sure what her own thoughts were regarding the unexpected and short interaction with Calum.
Before she could answer, Joyce jumped in with an excited whisper of her own, “Did Calum Hood just buy you a drink?”
Karina pursed her lips, not wanting to answer just yet as she raised the glass and took a long sip of her drink. She ignored the stares she was receiving from the two of them, her gaze wandering over to where Calum was standing, noticing how some men were now by his side as they chatted away. The band continued to play music that rang in Karina’s ears, but all of it seemed to drown out when Calum’s gaze met hers, freezing Karina in place and rendering her unable to look away despite her best efforts.
She remained still where she sat, hand tightly gripping her glass as her dark hazel-green eyes remained locked on Calum’s brown despite the distance between them and the few people that passed by that obstructed her view of him for seconds at a time. But he never looked away, absently listening to whatever the man to his right was saying to the group, and Karina felt her heart beginning to thunder within her chest as he watched her watch him. How could a single stare from someone affect her so boldly? And why did she have to be the latest target of Calum Hood’s intense, frighteningly promising gaze?
The weight of his observant stare had Karina’s stomach churning uneasily, only to be accompanied by the anxious, thrilling feeling that this wasn’t the end of what, without her permission or knowledge, had started.
tags: @irwinkitten @glitterprincelu @sweetcherrymike @meetashthere @valentinelrh @softforcal @astroashtonio @hereforlukescruff @novacanecalum @captain-what-is-going-on @angelbbycal @singt0mecalum @hopelessxcynic @lfwallscouldtalk @bodhi-black @findingliam-o @softlrh @calntynes @calumsmermaid @dammitbands @erikamarie41 @quintodosuniversos @longlastingdaydream @babylon-corgis @lukehemmingsunflower @spideyseavey @imfuckin10plybud @pastelpapermoons @conquerwhatliesahead92 @rotten-kandy @metangi @neigcthood @old-zeppelin-shirt @5sos-and-hessa @trustmeimawhalebiologist @vxlentinecal @pettybassists @vaporshawn @lu-my-golden-boi @heartbreak-5sos @visualm3nte @isabella-mae13 @dontjinx-it @lifeakaharry @neonweeknds @antisocialbandmate @ixcantxdecidexwhosxmyxfave @calpalbby @grreatgooglymoogly @gorgeouslygrace @sunnysideblogs @cocktail-calum @miahelizaaabeth @madelynerin @dramallamawithsparkles @aulxna @theagenderwhocriedwolf @kaytiebug14 @hoodskillerqueen @bitchinbabylon @empathycth @xhaileyreneex @inlovehoodx @calistheloml @aestheticrelated @bloodlinecal @sublimehood @madbomb @raabiac @britnicole11 @outofmylimitcal 
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