#formula one fanfic
smoooothoperator · 1 day
What Was I Made For?
22: All Things End
childhood enemies, forced proximity, accidental pregnancy, enemies to lovers (👀)
Warnings: the last scene...
a/n: HIIIIIIII NEW CHAPTER!!!!!!! I have to say that this one was so emotive to write because I went through the same :)
if you want to play a game and ask things about Dafne
previous part
If you want to be tagged don't forget to message me!
Every way of feedback is very welcomed
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The crowd's roar watching Lando getting out of the car echoed in the distance, but I barely heard it. The weight of the result sat heavy on my chest as I walked through the pit lane after I weighed myself, helmet in hand. Fourth. So close to a podium, but close meant nothing in this sport. I’d given everything, fought until the last lap, but it wasn’t enough. It never seemed to be enough. Half a second away is not enough.
I knew they were all watching me, the engineers, the mechanics, the team principal.. They didn’t need to say anything. I could feel their disappointment as much as my own. But more than that, I could feel their sympathy, which somehow felt  even worse.
I shook my head, trying to clear it as I unzipped my suit. I could feel the sweat clinging to my skin, the heat still radiating from my body. The car had been a beast out there, so close to perfection but betraying me when it mattered most. I glanced down at the Ferrari emblem on my chest, my fingers brushing over it. We should’ve had it today. It slipped away, and My jaw tightened, and I could feel my grip on the helmet hardening. A dull heat settled in my chest, like embers smoldering, waiting to ignite. 
“Charles, you did your best” someone said, an engineer, I think. I nodded, forcing a small smile, but it didn’t reach my eyes. I couldn’t even fake it right now.
My eyes scanned the crowd, looking for Dafne. And there she was, walking toward me. She looked different now, not just because of the obvious, with her round belly that made my heart swell every time I saw it, but because she wasn’t the one in the suit, and wasn't stepping out of the car. She was on the other side of the barrier now, watching instead of driving. 
I still saw it sometimes, the longuing  in her eyes when she watched the cars line up on the grid. She never said it, but I knew it weighed on her, the thrill of racing just out of reach now. But seeing her here, waiting for me, with our son growing inside her, I felt a different kind of pull. Something deeper. She had sacrificed so much, and I hadn’t even brought home a win for her today.
When she reached me, she didn’t say a word, just wrapped her arms around me. I closed my eyes and rested my chin on her head, feeling the warmth of her body, the rhythm of her breathing. For a second, it was just us. No team, no podium, no race. Just Dafne and me. 
“I’m sorry” I muttered into her hair. 
I hated that I’d let her down.
“You don’t have to be sorry, Charles. You drove brilliantly.” she smiled, looking into my eyes.
Her voice was soft, full of that reassurance that I’d come to depend on. But I couldn’t shake the feeling gnawing at me. I wanted to be more than just brilliant. I wanted to win. For her, for our baby, for the team, for myself.
I sighed, feeling my frustration boiling under the surface. My hand instinctively rested on her belly, where our baby kicked gently. That always helped, always reminded me of the bigger picture, but today, the sting of losing was hard to push away.
“For you and the baby” I said, my voice barely a whisper. I hated how it sounded, like an apology for something I couldn’t control.
 “We’re both so proud of you. There’ll be other races. You’ll get your win” her fingers caressed my cheek, soft but firm, and she smiled up at me, her eyes full of warmth.
I wanted to believe her, I really did. I nodded, but the smile didn’t feel right, as if it cracked on my lips. My stomach churned, twisting in ways no one could see. I’d been saying that to myself for years now. There’ll be other races. And there always were. But somehow, something always went wrong. Strategy. Tires. An unlucky safety car. And now, with the championship in mind, a fourth-place finish felt like a punch to the gut.
But Dafne…She never stopped believing. Even when I was down, when I couldn’t see the way forward, she did. She always had, even before we were together, back when we were just competitors and we hated the other, fighting for every tenth on the track.
I kissed her gently, just on the corner of her mouth, needing that small connection, rubbing soft circles over her belly.
 “I hope so” I said, but it sounded fake to my own ears.
The paddock noise began to filter back in, the debrief looming ahead. I’d have to face the team, go through every lap, every corner, every tire strategy. It was the part I hated most after a tough race: the arguments, the what-ifs, the “if only we had…” moments that I knew would haunt me for the next few days.
I turned to walk toward the garage again, Dafne’s hand still in mine. I could feel the sweat starting to dry on my skin, the exhaustion creeping in, but there was no time to process it yet. The media would want their interviews, the engineers would want to go over the data, and I’d have to relive every second of the race.
But Dafne tugged on my hand, pulling me to a stop just before we reached the engineers waiting for me. I turned to look at her, and there was something in her eyes, something different. A fierceness, maybe. Determination.
“Charles” she said, her voice firm but gentle, smiling weakly at me. “You have to stop beating yourself up for things you can’t control.”
I blinked, taken aback by her words. It was like she had read my mind, peeled back the layers of frustration that were suffocating me.
“You drove your heart out today” she continued, her hand resting on my chest now, feeling the rapid beat of my heart. “And it’s okay to be disappointed. But you don’t have to carry it alone.”
I swallowed, my throat suddenly tight. I didn’t know what to say. She knew me so well, better than anyone. She knew how hard I was on myself, how I replayed every mistake, every missed opportunity over and over again in my head.
“I just… I wanted to win for you” I finally admitted, my voice cracking just a little, making me smile weakly while keeping her hand on my chest.
“For me?” She raised an eyebrow, her lips curling into a soft smile. “Charles, I don’t need you to win for me. I need you to keep being the man you are, the one who never stops fighting, no matter what. That’s what matters.”
Her words hit me harder than I expected, a wave of emotion rolling through me. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close, pressing my forehead to hers. The sounds of the paddock faded once more, the pressure lifting just slightly.
“I love you” I whispered, the words coming easier now, settling deep in my chest.
“I love you too” she whispered back, her breath warm against my skin. 
For a moment, we just stood there, holding each other as if the rest of the world had fallen away. The weight of the race, the disappointment, the frustration, it all seemed to fade away when I was with her.
But I couldn’t hide from the rest of the world forever. As much as I wanted to stay in that quiet moment with her, I knew I had to face the team.
“I have to go” I said quietly, nodding toward the garage after taking a deep breath.
“I know. I’ll wait around, I want to talk with Susie” she gave me a small smile, her fingers tightening around mine before letting go.
Those words meant everything. Knowing she’d be there waiting, that I wasn’t facing all of this alone. It gave me the strength to turn and walk toward the team of engineers and media waiting for me, the usual post-race chaos already waiting for me. 
I moved my shoulders in circles, pushing the disappointment aside as much as I could, ready to face whatever came next.
The debrief was a blur of numbers, data, and what-ifs, just how I predicted. The strategy team was already analyzing every moment, trying to figure out where we had gone wrong. 
The logical part of my brain understood everything they were saying, but the emotional part was still screaming that I should have found a way to make it work, no matter what.
I tried to stay focused, answering questions the interviewers made after the debrief session, offering my perspective, but my mind kept drifting back to Dafne. To her words.
After what felt like hours, the interviews finally came to an end. The engineers packed up their laptops, the garage started to empty, and the noise of the paddock began to quiet down. 
I let out a long breath, running a hand through my sweaty hair. My body felt drained, my muscles aching from the tension of the race. All I wanted now was to get out of here, to leave the track behind for the night.
I walked through the door of the garage that led to the paddock, immediately finding Dafne sitting in one of the tables outside the Ferrari hospitality with her laptop in front of her and a hand rubbing her belly. When she saw me, her face lit up with that smile that made everything else seem like background noise.
I walked over to her, my pace slowing as I got closer. I hadn’t realized how much I needed to see her until this moment. She stood up when I reached her, and without thinking, I pulled her into my arms again, holding her tight.
“You okay?” she whispered against my ear.
“I will be” I whispered back, nodding against her neck.
“Let's get out of here” she smiled, holding my hand.
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Waking up next to her always felt like a dream. Looking back in time, I can't believe that now it's normal for us to be in the same bed.
Six months ago I woke up next to her, but the aftermath of it was being shouted at by her and the heel of her shoe hitting the back of my head. But now, that moment was left in the past, and now Dafne is my girlfriend, the mother of my son.
I shifted closer, the warmth of her body radiating through the sheets. My hand slid over her belly, feeling the gentle flutter of kicks beneath her skin.
“Are you awake, Dorian?” I chuckled softly, closing my eyes.
“He's been awake for hours” Dafne groaned, placing her hand on top of mine, making me chuckle.
“Really?” I sighed, moving close to her belly and kissing it softly. “You should let your mom sleep, little one”
She chuckled, moving her hand to my hair and brushing it with her fingers. I looked up at her, pressing kisses on her belly and smiling.
“I already accept that this last trimester I will barely sleep” she sighed. “There are many things we have to do…”
 didn’t need to say anything; I just held her, feeling Dorian’s tiny kicks against my palm, reminding me that everything was about to change.
She sighed and let me place my arm around her, pressing my chest against her back and my chin on her shoulder. This was like a ritual for us, holding each other before the day starts.
“I talked with Susie” she smiled. “We will have a meeting in a few weeks”
“That's amazing, love” I smiled, kissing her neck. 
She smiled and played with the fingers of my hand, taking a deep breath.
“And… Well… The new house subject” she sighed. 
“You want to talk about it?” I whisper. 
“I think we have to talk about it, yeah” she sighed. “We can't wait until the last minute, Charles. At least… We should buy one and have everything ready for when Dorian comes… Right?”
I took a deep breath and sighed. I could see it in her eyes, she was clinging to every last moment with Athena, as if holding on could delay the inevitable. A part of me wished we could move forward, find the house  and prepare for Dorian’s arrival. But how could I ask her to let go, when I wasn’t sure I could do the same if it were me? The veterinarian that sent us the results of the study said that it would happen anytime, because Athena was older than what Dafne thought.
“Okay” I whisper. “Where should we look, hm?”
“Near Maranello?” she whispered, looking back at me. “Somewhere that is close to your job, so you can be close home too”
“Yeah, I was going to say that too… I don't want to be away from home all the time, only when it is inevitable because of the races” I sighed. “But… What if in the future I leave Ferrari?”
“Would you?” She said surprised, making me chuckle and nod.
“I want to win a championship, Dafne” I whisper. “And if I can't do it with Ferrari, then I have to find a better team”
Somehow, saying those words didn't hurt. It felt right. Now this is the future, Dafne and Dorian are my future. I don't have to be loyal to Ferrari anymore, only to myself and my family.
“I will support you with any color you wear” she said. “No matter the team. I'll always wear number sixteen”
“God, I don't know what I did to deserve you” I smiled softly, kissing her shoulder multiple times. “I don't know what I did to deserve your forgiveness and then have your love… Really…”
“Easy, you knocked me up” she joked, making me laugh. “No, Charles… I… We always loved each other , that's all we need to know. And we were too childish to confront the reality”
“Yeah” I nodded. 
She took a deep breath and turned around, slowly as lately, and I helped her. Dafne looked at me with her sleepy smile, placing her hand on my chest. I smiled looking down at her hand, watching the ring she never took off.
“Athena won't make it, you know?” she whispered, breaking the silence. “Last night Erica sent me a text”
“What?” I frowned, worried. “Dafne, why didn't you tell me…”
“I didn't want to worry you, Charles” she sighed. “And somehow, I accepted it already”
“What is happening with her?” I said, holding her hand.
“Erica said Athena stopped eating” she sighed. “And I'm sure she's searching for places to hide…”
“Oh, love” I sighed, hugging her tightly. “Do you want to go back home? And be with her?”
“I… Yeah” she nodded. “I wouldn't forgive myself if I'm not there for her”
“Okay” I sighed, kissing her forehead. “Then we should get ready, okay? Go take a shower while I reserve the jet and pack what's left on our suitcases”
“Thank you, Charlie” she whispered, sitting on the bed and getting out of it and going to the bathroom.
I sighed, biting my lip and grabbing my phone, immediately texting Erica.
Charles: Any news about Athena?
Erica: She told you?
Erica: She's… well, not eating. 
Erica: I'm trying to give her wet food with a spoon, but she refuses to eat
Charles: Fuck… We are going to leave on a few hours 
Erica: Okay, I'll text Soleil so she can go pick you two up 
Charles: Thank you, Eri
Charles: But… What's should I do? For her?
Erica: Just be there for her, please. She might be smiling, but I'm sure she will be crying if you let her be alone for some seconds 
“Fuck” I sighed, leaving the phone on the bed and looking at the bathroom door.
I got up and walked to the door, opening it slightly. My heart broke immediately when I saw her sitting on the toilet, with her phone in her hands while she looked at pictures in her phone.
“Oh, baby” I sighed, opening the door and walking in, kneeling in front of her.
“I’ll miss her,” she whispered, her voice breaking. “She’ll never meet Dorian, Charles.”
“I know, Dafne” I sighed. “I feel bad about it too, but… There's nothing we can do. We tried everything, right? The medicines are not working anymore and we can't keep sending her to the veterinarian, it's too expensive and she's suffering a lot of stress because of it. And I'm not complaining about the money, we have a lot of it, but…”
“But we are spending a lot, I know” she sighed, resting her head against mine. “I just… I wanted to try to make her life a little longer…”
“And we tried, but she's tired, Dafne” I whisper. 
She nodded slowly and wrapped her arms around me, hiding her face on my neck. I smiled weakly, rubbing her back with my hand, trying to calm her.
“We’ll be there,” I whispered. “For Athena. For everything. Together.”
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When we landed that day, Soleil came to pick us up at the airport, but she wasn't smiling. There were dark circles under her eyes, and she was yawning all the time.
I knew there was something wrong, and the moment Dafne squeezed my hand tight, I understood what was happening.
As soon as the car rolled to a stop inside the gates, Dafne was already halfway out, her movements rushed and unsteady. She barely waited for the car to be turned off completely before running toward the house, with her breath catching in the air. I followed her close, feeling my heartbeat drumming in my ears. Erica was in the living room, holding a cup of coffee between her hands, warming her palms.
“Where?” Dafne mumbled. 
“This morning she went to the garden” Soleil said behind us. 
I watched as Dafne took a deep, shaky breath, the hand that held her trembling as she placed it on the couch and the other one holding her belly . Her usual strength seemed to come down as she realized what’s coming next. I wanted to comfort her, to follow, but I knew she needed this moment alone, her last moments with Athena.
“How are you?” I asked Erica, sitting next to her.
“Tired… Sad” she sighed. “Athena is so important for Dafne, I don't even want to know how she's feeling right now”
“She's sad too” I sighed. “She wanted her to meet Dorian, that's the only thing she wanted”
“I know” Erica sighed. 
“I think no one was ready for this” I smiled weakly. “I wanted Athena to meet Dorian too. I wanted my son to grow up with her and wanted to take many pictures of them cuddling. I never had a cat while growing up, and I never thought I ever wanted one… But when I met Athena, I loved her immediately”
“Everyone goes through that” Soleil sighed. “I'm glad Dafne brought her home, that she came home with a cat”
“Yeah…” I nodded.
I took a deep breath, looking at the backyard door and sighed, placing my hands on my knees to impulse myself to get up. I walked out towards the garden, finding Dafne sitting on the grass, looking at the flowers that grew there.
“Dafne” I said softly, standing behind her.
“She's…” she mumbled. “Sit next to me, please…”
I sighed, blinking hard to stop the tears from falling. Dafne was holding her cat in her lap, with the crochet jacket she was wearing wrapped around the small weak body of her cat.
“She's still breathing…” she sighed, leaning on me when I wrapped my arm around her shoulders, holding her close.
“She was waiting for you” I whisper, pressing my lips on her temple. 
We sat in silence, the garden air still and heavy, as Athena’s tiny body rose and fell slower with each breath. The scent of earth and flowers lingered, but the world felt distant, as if time was standing still.Her once bright blue eyes were looking at us, somehow telling us that everything was going to be okay.
“I think she knew we were waiting for her” she whispered, rubbing her thumb over the pink nose of Athena. “That we were waiting to find a home for us. I think… I think she knew it was her time to leave, huh?”
“Athena was more than amazing, wasn’t she?” I whispered. “She was with you through everything, your shadow, your comfort, your constant. And somehow, I think she knew it was time to let go… she knew you had a new life to care for, but she helped guide you here. Guide you to us…”
“You think so?”
“I do” I whispered. “You took care of her during all this time, taking her to the vet whenever she was sick. I think pets are with us for a reason. I think something, a God or whatever you want to call it, put her in your way to lead you to this moment. To lead you to us, to our baby”
She gasped softly as Athena’s breathing slowed, then stopped. I held her close to me, feeling how her body started to shake with her soft cries while she hugged the cat between us. The tears came, hot and heavy, as I held Dafne close. Athena had been with her for so long, a bridge between the past and this new life we were stepping into. Now, as her breath stopped, it felt like one chapter closed, and another quietly began.
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liked by charles_leclerc, ericamorelli, soleil_morelli and 792.579 others
dafnemorelli Ten years ago I was doing voluntary service in a shelter near Florence with the Prema team while recording a challenge. In that place, I met many dogs and cats, but only one of them stole my heart. 
Athena came to my life when I needed her, right after my grandma passed away, and she has been with me since then. She cuddled me when I felt down and always welcomed me home whenever I came home after a race. She was like a daughter to me, and I thank her for everything she did.
People say that pets come and go into our life for a reason. Athena came to my life to help me go through the loss of someone important to me and stayed with me to teach me how to be a mother, how to take care of someone else, animal or human. When Charles came into my life as my lover and we knew about the existence of our son, Athena knew that it was her time to leave, because she knew that I wasn't alone anymore.
My little baby left this world yesterday's evening, and now she's  sleeping finally in peace between the flowers of my garden, her favorite spot in the world. Charles and I are immensely sad because of this, but we know that she will be with us, taking care of us and our baby.
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liked by dafnemorelli, arthur_lecler, violetsinclair and 829.461 others
charles_leclerc This morning, after what happened yesterday, we made a small grave in the backyard for the most amazing cat I ever met. After that, I went to the city because I wanted to give Dafne a small gift.
I told Dafne I was going to a meeting in Maranello, and since her sisters were at home too, I knew she would be in good hands. So, with that, I grabbed the keys of my car and drove to Florence. At night, I was searching for a place to get the gift, and when I found it, I knew I had to go.
I cut some hairs from Athena and saved them in a little bag, keeping it in my wallet. And now those hairs are inside of the necklace I bought her, to keep Athena close to Dafne's heart.
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@elisysd @alltoomaples @ssprayberrythings @rach3164 @yvonne-dump @deliciousfestsalad @janeh22 @hc-dutch @ninifee1802 @kakorrhaphiphobia @ssararuffoni @itsjustkhaos @scaramou @tapedeck-hearts @sltwins @glitterquadricorn @ladystardust05 @theseerbetweenus @vizzzashley @auawdo @leah-also-known-as-creatoronwp @leptitlu @green-thots @caterinemirandax_ @mid5nights @harrysdimple05 @nofingjustaninchident @mendes-bae
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37sommz · 3 days
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000.⠀⠀NOW PLAYING: only angel [6.7k, smut]. ✼. view:⠀masterlist⠀⸻⠀join the taglist⠀⸻⠀request. ✼. synopsis:⠀michaela's all alone after her first podium. ✼. notes:⠀part two to the dts episode! did i take loose inspiration from hamilton's "say no to this"? yes. did this end up being way way way too long? yes. ✼. warnings:⠀18+, mdni, general language warnings, explicit sexual content, pwp, cheating, unprotected sex, jenson has a potty mouth, cheating!
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✼.⠀SEPTEMBER 13, 2020 — tuscany, italy
Michaela stepped out of the shower, the warm water washing away the leftover champagne that stuck to her as if a second skin. Her skin glowed with the fading adrenaline of the day's exertions, the faint memory of the history made still ringing in her ears. As she toweled off, the sound of the distant Tuscan celebrations seeped into her luxurious hotel suite.
The air carried the glorious scent of victory, mingled with the faint aroma of leather and gasoline that clung to her like a signature perfume. She wrapped the delicate towel around her athletic figure, her muscles still humming from the exhilaration of the podium finish.
Her eyes scanned the room she had called home for the last week, taking in the plush, soft furnishings, the walls adorned with elegant artwork, the balcony beckoning with a breathtaking view of the vineyards the hotel boasted as being the source of their rich wine. Yet, amidst the opulence in celebration, there was a hint of loneliness.
Olivier had called her to explain his reasons for not showing up for the race weekend. She honestly didn't remember what excuse he used this time, leaving her to navigate the after-party alone. Though a nagging feeling gnawing at her loyalty reminded her of the difficulties the long-distance presented for the two of them, she traded the feeling in favor of the awaiting festivities just downstairs. She sighed, her breath misting the mirror as she readied herself for the evening ahead.
The bar was a buzz of activity, a cocktail of laughter and clinking glasses. Each face was a blur of familiarity and she felt a strange sense of detachment, as if she was watching the celebrations as a third party. The weight of the podium trophy held heavy on her heart as she found herself oddly alone. She had dreamt of this moment, but somehow the reality was bittersweet without so much as a family member, or even Olivier himself, beside her to share in the triumph.
She was more than aware Alex and Lando were off and away, likely already inebriated beyond recognition as she was intentionally late to her own after-party. Her eyes searched the room, hoping to find their friendly faces amidst the wave of strangers.
Unable to find their familiar eyes, a piercing blue-eyed gaze cut through the crowd like a knife to find hers. Jenson Button, lounged in the corner, a whiskey in hand, his eyes locked on hers. Michaela had been unaware the Brit had even been in Tuscany at all. Her mind scrambled to find an inkling of recognition of his presence at the Grand Prix but was left unable to as her mind slowly drew her attention back to the blonde former champion.
As if possessed by his gentle light, her feet carried her to the bar. A few bodies separated them as she claimed a place alongside the black and gold accented bar. Murmurs of congratulations from people she did not quite recognize were received on gracious ears and short exclamations of gratitude. Her impatience is tangible as her eyes flit back to Jenson's awaiting invitation. Unable to tear herself away from the continuous pour of well wishes and slurred speculations about that elusive Ferrari contract.
With a knowing smile, Jenson approached her, his move casual yet flooded with confidence. He leaned against the bar next to her, "Mind if I buy you a drink, Miss Sommers?" The way he spoke her name, with that hint of a smile in his voice, sent a thrill down her spine. She hadn't seen him this close since their brief interactions during her Formula 2 days nearly two years ago, and she had to admit—under the dimmed lobby lights—the years had treated him well. His eyes twinkled with a mischief that seemed to have only grown with age from his iconic days with Brawn.
"Mr. Button," she replied, her voice a soft purr, the slight buzz she carried with her from the shot of tequila Lando had convinced her to take earlier providing a humming tease to her accent. "I could never turn down a free drink."
The bartender, a young man with a wide-eyed smile in awe of the surrounding wealth, nodded at Jenson before crafting an elegant cocktail. The shaker rattled with ice against glass, a mixture of mint and lime swirling before Michaela's eyes. Jenson's own never left hers as he took the drink from the bartender, passing it to her with a nod.
"To your podium," he said, his voice smooth and direct like the whiskey in his own glass.
Michaela took the offered cocktail as a tremble of anticipation ripped through her spine. "Thank you," she whispered.
Her voice went weak as their fingertips brushing against each other's, sending a spark of excitement through her body. She took a sip, the cool cocktail a welcome contrast to the heat rising within her. She watched him over the rim of her glass, his eyes drinking in her presence. The touch of their fingers lingered in the air, unspoken words hanging like a promise between them.
"How have you been?" Jenson asked, his voice a low rumble that seemed to resonate through the marble floor and up her exposed legs. "I feel like I haven't really seen you this close since..." His words trail off as he catches sight of the silver 'O' that gleamed against her brown skin in dip between her clavicle bones.
Michaela took a deep breath, her heart racing as she felt his gaze linger on the necklace that Olivier had given her. It was a simple token of love, a reminder of the life she had waiting for her outside of the racing world. But, at this moment, it felt like a reminder of the invisible string tightening around her neck. She set the cocktail down, the chilled glass leaving a wet ring on the bar. "I've been busy," she replied, a chuckle leaving her lips in a whisper only heard between the two of them.
"Busy making history and such?" Jenson released a chuckle of his own. Michaela nodded softly, her eyes leaving his for the first time since he approached the Australian. Unable to keep her eyes away from his figure for too long, they lifted back up to his baby blues. The smile lines framed his face as if the borders of a portrait.
"It's quite the life to live, isn't it?" she said, her voice filled with a mix of exhaustion and excitement. The chuckles grew into laughter between them, the sound echoing through the bar as they reminisced about their early days in the sport, exchanging stories of the grueling training and the relentless pursuit of just one less millisecond. The whiskey in Jenson's glass swirled in rhythm with their conversation, the golden liquid reflecting the flickering candlelight adorning the sides of the bar like a liquid fire. A fire that mimicked the one filling her to the brim with a tensioned heat.
Michaela felt a strange, overwhelming comfort in Jenson's presence, one that was oddly familiar yet thrillingly new. His stories of his own glory days painted a picture of a man who had been where she was, a man who understood the highs and lows of the world she loved so dearly but could hurt her so deeply. A man who understood things Olivier could never dream of understanding.
His words danced around the topic of her personal life, hinting without asking, and she found herself leaning closer, eager to escape the shadow of Olivier's absence.
"You know," Jensen said, his eyes darkening slightly as they searched hers, "Sometimes you need to enjoy the moment, without the noise of everyone else around you." His words brushed against her ear as he leaned down towards her as if selecting his words for her ears alone.
Michaela's heart skipped a beat. The warmth of his breath against her ear sent another shiver of want and anticipation down her spine. "All alone?" she quizzed, her voice a careful whisper. If they remembered they were in a public setting, it didn't show. The curtain of attention surrounding them seemed to fade away as Jenson's fingers reached out to brush gently against Michaela's silver adorned wrist.
"I've got a room upstairs," he offered, his voice a seductive invitation that seemed to dance on the very edge of propriety and good behavior. "It's quieter. We can...talk."
Michaela can barely bring herself to laugh at the mischievous glimmer in his eyes in extension of the invitation. "Talk?" Is all she can muster before taking in a deep breath that visibly raises and lowers her chest.
Their eyes lock in an answer as the silence stretches out between them, charged with the weight of their unspoken desires. The room seems to hold its breath, the laughter and chatter of the celebrations fading away into a very distant hum.
Michaela's hand lingers on her cocktail, her fingertips leaving their prints on the glass. She considers his proposal, the promise of a private, intimate space calling to her in a way that she hadn't anticipated being so keen to accept. The hotel room upstairs, a sanctuary from the prying eyes of her colleagues, various C-listers, and the sponsors that adorn the sides of their carbon fiber machines. The suffocating weight of her own thoughts leaves her with little breath to gasp. With Olivier so far away, the choice—so close to her—feels almost irresistible.
Jenson's hand moved from its place atop the bar to Michaela's waist. His touch was feather-light as it brushed over the material of her satin mini-dress. The action is casual as if he had no worry about the prying eyes that Michaela tended to draw over to her considering her position in the sport. Tonight of all nights was a night she should have been on her best behavior. She should have been circling the room, schmoozing with the donors, and sharing glasses of champagne with her much drunker rivals. Instead, she was held captive to Jenson's wiles. The heat of his gaze as it swept over her figure drew a heat into her face.
Suddenly she was grateful for the low lighting of the crowded hotel lobby.
Then, with a nod of her head, she set her cocktail down and allowed him to lead her away from the thrumming bar. His hand slipped to the small of her back, a gesture that felt far too intimate for the public atmosphere of the after-party dedicated to her success. The warmth of his palm sizzled through the too-thin fabric of her black dress and the coolness of the air-conditioned lobby did little to dissipate the heat sizzling between the two drivers.
The elevator ride to his suite was an eternity, the air thick with unspoken desire. The gentle rock of their movements as they ascended in the elevator seemed to mirror the tumultuous waves crashing within her. Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, a tornado of 'what if' and 'should I' that she couldn't quite contain.
As if he sensed the uneasiness that permeated through the younger woman, Jenson's hands grasped her body, pulling her flush against his solid physicality. Releasing her for a split moment, his steady hands reached for her lowered chin. Pulling her attention back onto him, there was no need for words to be exchanged in the quiet elevator. Within another split second, his lips were on hers in a heated dance.
Michaela's eyes fluttered shut as she felt her knees buckle into his embrace. Her hands found his shirt, gripping tightly as if it were the only thing keeping her from falling into the abyss of temptation that was Jenson Button. The action only brought him closer to her, pushing her infinitely closer to danger. His kiss was everything she hadn't known she craved: firm, confident, and hungry for more, more, more. It was a stark contrast to Olivier's smooth pecks, which had grown routine with time.
Desperate to feel impossibly closer, Michaela's fingers tangled in his dirty blonde locks. Wisps of her white manicured nails interlocked within his curls as her head fell back against the elevator walls with a moan. His lips attached themselves to the edge of her jaw, leaving sloppy kisses down the column of her neck. His right hand raised to cup one of her breasts, drawing another gasp of his name from her lips raw from the hungry kisses they shared. With a growl, Jenson grasped the back of her thighs, squeezing with an urgency unfamiliar to Michaela. Another moan and their lips were back together, Jenson's hands wandering along her backside squeezing occasionally before chuckling at her surprised whines and whispers.
When the elevator chimed, signaling their arrival, they broke apart, unwilling and breathless. The corridor was a blur as Jensen guided her to his suite, his hand never leaving her lower back as if she were a piece of art he was afraid to smudge. As they finally reached his door, Jenson maneuvered the smaller woman to stand in front of him. One hand fumbled for his key card while the other dipped underneath the skirt of her dress, gently playing with the hem of her lace panties. Michaela's hands reached up behind her, embedding themselves in Jenson's golden salted locks, tugging against them whenever his fingers swept against her heated skin.
"Jens," She gasped with a moan as a finger slipped into her underwear to toy at her folds. Her eyes rolled back as the anticipation of his touch crashed over her like a wave.
His response was a sultry, "I know", that makes her lose all sense of direction.
"If you don't get this door open..." She began to threaten. The words die on her lips as he presses his cock against her backside, the force pushing her against the locked door.
"Fuck..." She drawled out with another desperate moan, her hands falling to rest in front of her, steadying herself after the sudden movement.
"If I don't get this door open, I'll fuck you right here against this door for everyone to see." Jenson offered with a threat of his own. Feeling her arousal as it seeped through the delicate lace was enough to help him find the strength to wrestle the door open finally.
The door closed with a gentle click behind them, and suddenly, the world outside was gone. The noises of the hotel were swallowed up by the thick carpet beneath her heels. The weight of their encounter grew heavier in the quiet, luxurious room all the way up on the fifteenth floor.
Michaela looked around the suite, her eyes wide with a mix of awe and anticipation. The grandeur of the space was lost on her as Jensen's hand found hers, leading her through the dark space. The lights of the city center below them flooded into the room with a romantic light. Her heart raced, her thoughts racing faster than the car she'd driven onto podium position earlier that day—or the day before—she wasn't sure she could think clearly with the haze of lust lingering over her. The room was bathed in a soft, golden glow that reflected off the polished surfaces, giving the space a warm, inviting feel. The king-sized bed at the center was untouched, the sheets a crisp white, a stark contrast to the dirty thoughts swirling between them.
Jenson's hand slid around her waist, his thumb tracing the line of her hipbone as they approached the edge of the crisp bed. He pushed her gently, and she fell backward, the mattress enveloping her in a cloud of lust. He stood over her, his body a shadow in the dim light, his eyes burning into her wide-eyed soul. The warmth of his hands as they slid up her legs sent a delicious shiver through her body, drawing an exhale out of her that brought a smirk to his face. The way he looked at her, like she was the only thing in the world that mattered, made her feel powerful, desired—like she could conquer any race he put her in.
He leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to her inner thigh. The tender touch sent waves of heat through her body, pooling at her core. She squirmed beneath him, eager and begging for more, but he took his sweet time.
"Patience, my love." He hummed against her skin. A longing whine left her lips before she could process the sensation he sent wracking through her.
His teeth grazed her sensitive skin, the light pressure making her arch up into his touch. Her hands found his hair again, tugging him closer, urging him on. His tongue followed the path his hand had laid, circling the edge of her panties before slipping them off.
Michaela's breath caught in her throat as she watched him spread her legs, his eyes never leaving hers. She felt vulnerable and exposed in the best way possible, as if she were laying bare not just her body but her soul. His mouth was a warm promise against her flesh, the contrast of his soft tongue against her sensitive skin driving her wild. She could feel her arousal growing, coating his lips as he kissed and licked at her.
"God," He groaned against her. The vibrations of his words sent shocks through her as her head pressed back deeper into the lush pillows beneath her. "You taste so good for me." Lost in a daze of need, Michaela could barely find the words to respond to his praise.
The first touch of his tongue to her clit was electric, sending a jolt through her that made her back arch off the bed. Her hands tightened in his hair, urging him to continue, as she let out a guttural moan. Still without words to respond to him, Jenson took his sweet time, teasing her mercilessly with his mouth, exploring every inch of her until she was panting and begging for more.
The tension grew unbearable, her body tightening like a coil ready to snap. "Stay still for me." He muttered between kisses to her most sensitive parts. "Wanna make you feel good. Gonna make you feel real good." The whispers exchanged between their ears only served to increase the intimacy of the situation.
As Jenson's hips pressed into the bed to relieve the stiffness of his straining cock, Michaela's eyes opened to meet his staring back up at her from between her open legs.
"Fuck—" She sobbed at the sight.
"Hmm, ah!" She cried as his thumb reached out to draw circles into the sensitive bundle of nerves.
"Yeah?" He drew out, pulling her legs impossibly wider as they threatened to close around his head.
Michaela still couldn't find the words to respond, her body lost in the intensity of sensations he brought as he worked her over. The strokes of his tongue grew faster, harder, each one bringing her closer to the edge. Her nails dug into his scalp, her body writhing under his seasoned touch. The room filled with the sounds of her gasps and moans, a sweet soundtrack that grew louder as she neared climax.
As her legs began to shake, Michaela released a high pitched moan, one that instantly drew a groan out of Jenson in shock her voice could sound that whiny, that desperate, for him.
"Shit! I'm gonna—" Her words cut off once more as the trembles ripping through her signaled she was close to her first orgasm. "Please don't stop." She hummed, almost babbling nonsense as Jenson worked through the thread that threatened to snap inside the pit of her belly.
He hummed from between her legs, "That's it, love." His head raised from its position as his fingers replaced his lips. Fucking into her walls at a pace that leaves her unable to form any kind of discernable sentence.
Her eyes rolled back in her head, and her teeth sank into her bottom lip as she stifled a scream. The orgasm ripped through her like a tornado, leaving her body trembling with the aftershocks of pleasure. He watched her, his eyes hooded with desire as he stroked her through it, his hand moving almost lazily.
"Good girl," He whispered out into the night. As his head dipped down at the feeling of a sudden chill he realizes Michaela's wetness has dripped down over his fingers. A gentle, "Fuck, Michaela, baby, you're dripping all over me."
With a laugh, Michaela comes down from her high suddenly shy in the older man's arms.
"It's just my way of complimenting you." She giggled before running a manicured hand through her tousled dyed locks.
Her face flushed in half embarrassment and half lust as she pushed herself up onto her elbows to watch Jenson lift his arousal coated fingers to his lips. He kept a hold over her attention as he sucked her essence from his fingers before rising from his spot on the bed to stand on his feet.
"Think you can do it again on my cock?" He mused with a raised eyebrow. With a playful roll of her eyes, Michaela nodded, unable to respond verbally—that seemed to be a recurring theme.
Catching her completely off guard with a squeal, Jenson pulled her by her bare legs to the edge of the bed. Stood in between her wide legs, he begins to work at the buttons of his pressed dress shirt. At the sight of the former champion undressing, Michaela finds the strength to rise to her feet. The four inches Jenson has over her are just enough for her hands to bat his away to undo the buttons herself.
Her careful fingers make quick work of the shirt, pushing it off his shoulders and revealing the chiseled abs and the dusting of hair that trails from his chest down to the waistline of his trousers. She runs her hand over his stomach, feeling the muscles beneath her touch. His eyes lock onto hers, and she sees that familiar hunger back in his gaze, the same hunger that she feels return deep within her core.
"I'm all yours, superstar." He whispers into her ear as his head dips to attach his lips to the length of her neck. "Take me however you want. Just wanna celebrate you for being so good." 
His words coupled with his actions sent another wave of arousal crashing over the Alfa Romeo driver. 
"So talented." He adds, accenting the compliment with a kiss that sweeps Michaela away from whatever thoughts she had left in her distracted head.
Her hands fumble with the buckle of his belt, a task she hadn't done in what feels like an eternity. The clink of the metal echoes around the room as it hits the carpeted floor. A thrill runs through her as she feels his hard cock pressing against her stomach through the fabric of his boxers. Her eyes never leave his as she takes the fabric in her hands and pulls it down, freeing him to stand tall before her.
Michaela's breath hitches in her throat at the sight of him. Jensen is a beautiful man, sculpted by the years of rigorous physical training and his unmistakable British charm. Her eyes take in the full length of him, a silent appreciation before she takes him in one of her hands.
"You're so pretty," She murmured out to him as he released a hiss in reaction to the soft touch to his stiff length.
"Me or my cock?" He spoke mirthfully as he relished in the feeling of one of her hands on his sensitive muscle and the other finding a familiar place in his tousled graying hair.
"Both." Michaela responded with the most decisiveness in her voice since they had arrived upstairs. They share another laugh before Jenson moans out loud for the first time all night.
With a flutter of kisses to the length of his strong, clenched jaw, Michaela took in the sight of him all pliant in her grasp. The man in front of her was straight out of a fantasy. Never in all her years of pining over the man did she ever envision herself in his position. Blissed out of her mind from his fingers and drawing him to the edge of orgasm.
Jenson's hands found the zipper of her dress, pulling it down her body with a gentle force. As she watched him, her chest rose and fell with every shallow breath as the fabric fell away, exposing her naked body to the coolness of the room. Her hand stilled on his cock as he gathered her straightened hair into a makeshift ponytail. With a forceful yank, he pressed her naked body against his, slipping his tongue into her mouth as it fell open with a moan.
The light kisses grew into a trail of heat down her collarbone and over the swell of her breasts. His tongue flicked over one of her nipples, sending a shiver down her spine as it hardened to a tight peak. A manicured hand reached down to cup at one of his heavy balls, a mixture of their moans mingling into a dance in the heavy air.
Michaela took the opportunity to guide him backward until he laid on the edge of the bed. She dropped to her knees on either side of his hips, her body hovering over his. Her eyes never left his as she took his length into her grasp. The feel of him pressing into her soaked cunt was intoxicating, the sound of his labored breathing music to her ears.
With a gentle squeeze of his base, she began to slide down his cock. The feeling of him stretching her was nothing short of glorious, the burn of his size between her thighs a delicious punishment for the temptations she had been resisting from the moment his eyes locked on hers downstairs in the bar. With a whiny groan, she took him in inch by inch, her eyes fluttering closed in ecstasy.
"That's it, baby." He encouraged her as she took him in. His strong hands grasped at the skin of her waist, gently providing an aid to guide her down, filling her to the brim. As she bottomed out, they both released a share of breath they had both held in.
Michaela began to rock her hips in a steady swirl that grew more desperate with every second. Jenson's eyes rolled back in his head, his moans growing louder as she worked herself over him. The sound of his pleasure drew sounds of her own as she began to bounce over him gently. One of his hands drift down to palm at her firm ass, squeezing at the skin before catching her completely off guard with a spank to the perky muscle. Her abs contract as a loud moan rips through her throat to goad her on to bounce faster in pursuit of a shared high.
Their rhythm grew to match the beating of their hearts—fast and erratic. The bed squeaked beneath them, the headboard slamming against the wall in a pattern that surely could be heard outside the suite. But neither of them cared. The only thing that mattered was the view of each other, blissed out, horny, and chasing the high that seemed to be within their fingertips.
"I'm so close, baby." Jenson grunts, his head falling back against the pillows as his hands squeeze at Michaela's curves. "Come for me, yeah? Be a good fucking girl and come all over me." His words only serve to push Michaela further to the brink of total insanity, the only thing relevant in her mind is the pursuit of pleasure.
"Wanna be good for you," She whined, "Need to come for you." Jenson hummed in appreciation as a hand reached between their bodies to toy with her overstimulated clit.
Michaela's eyes rolled back, her mouth falling open as she began to feel the beginnings of another earth-shattering orgasm. She threw her head back, her hair falling over her shoulders, and her moans grew louder with every thrust.
Jenson's words of encouragement did little to quiet the loud moans that escaped Michaela's mouth. Her hips stuttered above his as she ground down into him before the current of her orgasm ripped through her totally.
"Jens—Jens—Oh my fucking god, Jens—" She stuttered, her voice growing higher pitched with every passing second. Her nails dug into the skin of his chest, leaving red marks that stood out against his tanned skin.
With one final, powerful thrust, Jenson felt himself let go. His cock twitched inside her, filling her up with ropes of his warm, thick cum. The feeling of her pussy tightening around him as she came was more than he could handle. He groaned her name into the darkness, his eyes rolling back as his hips jerked upward involuntarily. Michaela's thighs held him hostage as she continued to whine out into the dark, completely uninhibited by the warm rush of her orgasm as it coursed through her.
Her walls tightened around him as she milked him for every drop of his cum. The warmth of his release inside her only heightened her own pleasure as it sent aftershocks through her body. She collapsed onto him, her breasts pressed against his chest as she struggled to catch her breath. His arms wrapped around her, holding her tightly as their hearts raced together. He murmured faint words of appreciation into her ear as his palms pressed into her sweaty back, massaging the knots from the strain of her two orgasms.
Their bodies remained intertwined for several moments, basking in the afterglow. The room was silent except for their heavy breaths and the occasional twitch of his cock inside her. The smell of sex filled the air, thick and potent, a stark contrast to the prior freshness of the untouched hotel suite.
Michaela leaned her forehead against Jenson's neck, feeling the pulse of his heart beneath her skin. "I can't believe that just happened." She whispered, her voice still strained from the exertion.
Jenson could only laugh in response, his hand still traced patterns over her brown skin. "I heard you had a major crush on me back in the day. I figured I'd test the waters, see if that crush still held up." When he received a scoff in return as Michaela slowly freed herself from his hold to lay to his side, Jenson laughed again.
"I'm serious!"
"Don't flatter yourself too much, Button," She grinned up at him. "I just wanted to thank you for the drink. You know, properly."
Jenson's eyes sparkled with mischief as he leaned down to kiss her forehead. "You're welcome, Sommers. Anytime you need celebrating, you know where to find me."
Michaela couldn't help but laugh, the sound light and airy. "I'll keep that in mind." She rolled onto her side to observe the outline of his features. The warmth of his body left a ghostly imprint on the cooling sheets. The silence that followed was filled with a new kind of tension, one that was more comfortable, more intimate than the frantic passion that had brought them to this moment.
Jenson's fingers trailed lazily over her bare shoulder, sending shivers down her spine. "So, what's next for you?" He asked, breaking the quiet.
Michaela took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart. "The Russian Grand Prix, in two weeks." She said, her voice still a little breathless. "I need to keep this momentum going, prove I'm not just a one-hit wonder."
Jenson nodded, his hand still playing with the sensitive skin of her shoulder. "And what about the boyfriend?" He asked, his voice a gentle caress despite the panic that sets into her body.
Michaela swallowed hard, the mention of Olivier bringing a sharpness to the air. She couldn't hide the shock she felt when she realized that Jenson knew more about her than she had previously thought. "What about him?" She asked, trying to keep the tremble out of her voice.
Jenson leaned in, his mouth grazing her ear as he whispered, "Is he going to be okay with this?" He didn't miss the way her body stiffened at the question, the way her breath hitched. "I know you're an adult, love, but I want to make sure you're not going to get hurt."
Michaela rolled onto her back, looking up at the ceiling, her chest still heaving from their exertion. She bit her lip, thinking for a moment before speaking. "It's complicated." She finally said. "But I can handle it."
Jenson studied her for a moment before nodding his head. "I know you can." He leaned in to kiss her cheek before sitting up and swinging his legs over the side of the bed. "But remember, if you ever need anything—anything at all—I'm here for you."
Michaela felt a pang of something she couldn't quite identify. Gratitude? Lust? The aftermath of their encounter had left her feeling more than a little vulnerable. She watched him as he walked naked across the suite to grab a bottle of water from the minibar. The moonlight played over the muscles of his back, highlighting the scars from years of racing.
"Thanks, Jenson." She murmured, taking the bottle from his outstretched hand. "For everything."
He settled back onto the bed beside her, his cock still half-hard from their encounter just moments before. "Don't worry about me." He took a swig from the bottle before passing it back to her. "You deserve to be celebrated."
Michaela took a sip, the cool water soothing her parched throat. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt at the thought of Olivier so far away doing God knows what instead of being at her side. "What about you?" She asked, changing the subject. "What's next for you?"
Jenson took another gulp from the bottle before setting it aside. "Well, I'm technically retired from racing now," he said with a shrug. "But I've got plenty of things to keep me busy. Commentary, appearances, the occasional Le Mans race. It's a calmer life." His eyes searched hers, a silent question hanging in the air.
Michaela nodded, understanding the unspoken inquiry. "Yeah, I can imagine. Must be a big change after being in the thick of it for so long." As Jenson considered his response, he drew the Alfa Romeo driver into his body. With her head rested upon his broad chest, he pulled one of her thighs to rest over his. Then, hand found hers, threading their fingers together.
"It is, but I don't miss the pressure. It's nice to be able to enjoy the sport without the weight of the world on my shoulders."
Michaela nodded, her mind racing with questions about his life outside of Formula 1. "What's it like? Watching from the sidelines?"
Jenson's thumb traced circles over the back of her hand, the gesture brought an unfamiliar comfort to her conscience. "It's different, sure," he said, his eyes drifting to the floor-to-ceiling windows that showcased the moonlit Tuscan landscape. "But I've had my time in the spotlight. Now, I get to enjoy the sport in a new way."
Michaela turned to face him, propping herself up on her elbow. "Do you ever miss it?" She asked, curiosity lacing her voice.
Jenson looked at her, the corner of his mouth tilting upward in a small smile. "Every now and then," he admitted. "But I've had my time in the sun. Now, I get to see the next generation take over and make their own history." His eyes searched hers, a hint of admiration sparkling in his gaze. "And you, my darling, are going to be a big part of that history."
Michaela felt a blush creep up her face at his words, her heart swelled with a mix of pride and bashfulness. She knew she had more than enough talent, but the fear of not living up to the hype of being the first was always present. "Thanks," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion.
"You're welcome," he replied, his own voice a little hoarse from their earlier passion. He leaned over to kiss her forehead gently. The heat in Michaela's cheeks only continued to warm. "But it's not just my opinion. You're genuinely brilliant behind the wheel. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone drive with the precision you have."
The truth in his words washed over her, filling her with a warmth that had nothing to do with the post-orgasm glow. "Thank you," she whispered, her eyes shimmering with emotion. "That means a lot coming from you."
Jenson's smile grew, his eyes tender as they searched hers. "You know, I always had a soft spot for you, even when you were tearing it up in F2 against Leclerc." He leaned in closer, his breath warm against her cheek. "You've got a fire in you, Mick. Don't ever let anyone dull it. Not even that idiot you call a boyfriend."
Michaela felt the weight of his words, a strange mix of comfort and accusation that sent a shiver down her spine. "You don't know him," she murmured defensively, even though she knew he was right.
"Maybe not," Jenson conceded lowly, "But he should be here with you. I know what it's like to love this sport. And if he doesn't support you, if he doesn't understand what you're fighting for, then he's not the one for you."
Michaela remained silent, his words echoing through the quiet hotel room. The cool breeze from the open window blew with the curtains, the only sound aside from their measured breathing. The truth in his statement stung, but she couldn't deny the truth in his support, the way his arms felt around her, and the comfort in his voice. She knew that Olivier had his own ambitions, his own disappointments with his racing career to work through, but they were starting to feel like they were in different worlds.
Taking a deep breath, she let out a sigh that seemed to carry the weight of her thoughts. "I know," she murmured, her eyes drifting back to the ceiling. "But it's complicated."
A moment of silence enveloped the two lovers before Michaela's eyes drifted back to see Jenson's eyes already focused on her face. Pushing aside her shyness as she offered a hummed joke, "He's French. Everything's complicated with them."
Jenson's chuckle rumbled in his chest, sending a thrill through her as she felt his hand caress her bare side. "Well, you're a woman in Formula 1. I'd say you know a thing or two about complicated." His hand grew bolder, stroking her hip, pulling her closer.
Michaela couldn't help but smile at his words, feeling a sense of calm with him that she hadn't felt with anyone else. "You're not wrong," she said, her voice a little shaky.
Jenson leaned over, kissing her gently on the lips, the taste of her own slick still lingering on his mouth. "If you need anything, you know where to find me," he whispered as his thumb brushed against her tanned cheek.
Michaela nodded, her eyes fluttering closed as she savored the touch. She knew that she was playing with fire, but the warmth of his embrace felt too good to resist. "What happens next?" she asked, her voice a soft whisper against the stillness of the night.
Jenson leaned back, his eyes never leaving hers. "Whatever you want, my love," he replied, his voice a gentle caress. "Whatever you want."
Michaela felt a thrill run through her at his words. Her hand trailed down his chest, playing with the patch of hair that grew from his navel to his pelvis. "I want you," she murmured, the words coming out with surprising ease.
Jenson's eyes darkened with desire, and he rolled her onto her back, positioning himself between her legs. He took his time, kissing her neck and her collarbone, his teeth lightly grazing her skin. His cock was already on the way to being hard again, a testament to his endurance. "I'm all yours," he breathed against her ear, his hands cupping her face as he stared into her eyes.
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✼. taglist:⠀
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iamred-iamyellow · 3 months
⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ Your Baby Daddy Ain’t a DJ - [Series Intro]
♥ next | series masterlist | main masterlist
♥ pairing: lando norris x fem!reader
♥ synopsis: you didn't think twice about the dj you hooked up with until you found out you were pregnant. turns out the man wasn't just some dj but a famous formula 1 driver.
♥ smau + some written - none of the pictures are mine
♥ warnings: swearing !!!
♥ a/n: tbh this specific type of trope is not my preferred cup of tea to write but that one childish gambino lyric I based the title off of was just so lando coded and I couldn't resist lol
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liked by yourbestfriend and 12,493 more
yourusername at least the girls will always have my back
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"The dad is a dj!?" your mom was completely shocked.
"What the fuck do dj's actually do?" your sister asked.
You covered your face with your hands prompting the two of them to feel even more sympathetic.
"Hey," your sister said, sitting next to you on the couch and putting one of her hands on your shoulder. "It's going to be okay, okay?"
"Mija," your mom joined you two on the cushions. "We will always be there for you."
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liked by yoursister, yourbestfriend, and 14,673 more
yourusername my beautiful daughter camila + her favorite stuffed animal 🤍
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yourbestfriend the prettiest mom
*liked by original poster*
yoursister the plushie needed a shoutout?
yourusername she clutches onto it for dear life
yourbestfriend deer life* 😀
yoursister stop
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end notes: here's the intro/teaser to this little series. I'm so excited to kick it off!
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forzalando · 8 months
Orange Theory
Charles Leclerc x best friend!reader (female reader)
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summary: charles and his best friend do countless nice things for each other, but they're just behaving like any good friend would. right? wc: 2.5k author's note: ok guys so this is not the Charles fic i promised (she is still a WIP and i will finish her eventually. probably will have to be a multi-part fic with how long it's getting), but i hope you enjoy this one in the meantime! special thanks to @scuderiahoney for encouragement and inspiration. special thanks to @sof1shticated for reading and assuring me this doesn't suck. if you haven't read their fics, both Lee and Mel have some gems that i adore. HIGHLY recommend checking out their masterlists! warnings: none!
You loved summer break – Charles was home for at least a few weeks, days spent on a yacht, every afternoon and evening spent with friends either at dinner or out at some club until someone got too drunk to carry on.
Today was, in your humble opinion, the perfect day. All of your friends, courtesy of Charles, were sprawled out on the sun deck of a rented boat or splashing around in the water below. You could feel the heat radiating off of Lando as he laid next to you and whispered about how McLaren was making insane upgrades – according to him, they might just have a race-winning car in the second half of the season.
“Are you boring my best friend to tears, Norris?” The brutal sun disappeared behind Charles’ body as he stood above you – as if on instinct, he shifted slightly so that you could look up at him and not be blinded by its rays.
“She’s hanging on my every word, right, Y/N? In fact, she asked me how I’m feeling about Zandvoort and the rest of the season.”
“And?” Charles asked, a small smile on his face.
“Like I would tell you what’s going on with the car! I know Y/N can keep a secret, she would never betray me to a prancing horse. She bleeds papaya.”
You laughed along with Lando – the one point of contention that had always existed in your friendship with Charles. Of course, you became a Ferrari fan because of him, but you’d always been a McLaren and Mercedes loyalist. It was something that Lando, Oscar, and George relished in.
“Alright, alright, no need to rub it in, Norris,” you giggled. “What can I do for you, Charlie?”
“I just came to give you this.”
Within seconds, a perfectly peeled orange dropped in your lap. Lando’s eyes grew wide for a moment but a swift glare from Charles had his face back to normal in no time. You missed the interaction, jumping up from your seat in excitement.
“Aw, Charlie! You are the best friend a girl could ask for,” you chirped as you started separating the wedges of fruit.
“Ah, don’t mention it,” he sighed, waving his citrus-scented hand in the air. “There’s more in the cooler if you want! Freshly peeled!”
“Thank you, mon cher ami.” You quickly kissed his cheek, noticing as you pulled away just how red it was, along with his neck and the tips of his ears. “Charles! How many times do I have to tell you to put on sunscreen? Your face and neck are fried!”
“I don’t think it’s from the sun,” Lando mumbled, his eyes trained on the fruit in your hands. With Charles insisting he was fine, you could barely hear what he had said.
“What did you say, Lan?” You asked, turning your attention away from Charles for a moment.
Once again, Lando was met with a menacing glare and he laughed awkwardly before moving his gaze to the horizon.
“Nothing, nothing, Y/N. Just thinking out loud.”
Shrugging your shoulders, you turned back to Charles and handed him the orange he had just given to you. With your now free hands, you rifled through your beach bag until you found the SPF 50 face cream you had packed that morning with Charles in mind.
“Here, I packed this for you. Please put some on so I don’t have to worry about you getting sun poisoning,” you pleaded with your best puppy dog eyes.
Charles stared without answering for far too long – anything you wanted, all you had to do was ask him and he’d do it. Even without you gazing at him with your wide, siren eyes, he would give you the world if you so desired it.
He shook his head slightly, pulling himself out of the daze caused by your pleading eyes. “Oui, ma fleur, I will put on the sun cream. Je promets.”
You smiled in triumph, taking the orange back from Charles and bidding him a “see you later” before laying back down in your lounger. Popping an orange slice into your mouth, you let out a contented sigh. Somehow, whether Charles was magic or he had some serious connections in the produce world, the fruit he picked out and gave to you always tasted better than anything you bought yourself.
“He peels your oranges for you?”
You hummed and turned to Lando – “what, Lan?”
“Does Charles always peel your oranges for you?”
“Well, no, obviously not always. Why?”
Before Lando could answer, Lily plopped down next to you and stole an orange slice from your hand.
“I swear,” she huffed, “Alex and George are competitive to begin with, but when they get together, it’s unbearable. They’ve been having a “who can hold their breath the longest” contest for the past thirty minutes! Rematch after rematch after rematch, I called in my favor with Oscar to get out of judging their little competition.”
“As if either of them could beat me, they probably didn’t ask me to join because they’re scared,” Lando bragged. “I’ll leave you ladies to chat, go show them how it’s done.”
As Lando walked towards the edge of the boat, you and Lily turned towards one another.
“Men,” you scoffed in unison, following it up with belly laughs and lingering giggles.
As the laughter died down, Lily ate the orange slice she had stolen from you and practically moaned in delight. “Where did you get this orange? It might be the best I’ve ever had!”
“It’s from Charles! I was just thinking about this, I don’t know how he does it but he always has the best fruit. Every time he brings me any I am both ecstatic and pissed off – my fruit is never as good as his and we shop at the same grocery store!”
“Well, does he have any more oranges? I could eat 20 of these.”
“He said he left me more in his cooler, let me grab them.”
A few moments later, you walked back to Lily with a bag of peeled oranges in your right hand and two bottles of water in your left.
“Are you a professional orange peeler? You were only gone for two minutes.”
“Oh no,” you giggled, “Charles peeled them for me. He knows I don’t like peeling them so when he can, he always does it for me.”
“Y/N,” Lily looked at you suspiciously, “do you know what the orange peel theory is?”
You wracked your brain but came up empty. “No, what is it?”
Lily went into a brief explanation – something about how it became a viral tik tok challenge, people asking their partners if they would peel an orange for them and how it was an indicator of true love, soulmates, a healthy relationship, and everything in between. “Well, that’s just silly,” you mumbled through chews, orange juice dribbling down your chin. “I think it just means someone is a good person – Charlie and I aren’t anything more than friends and he peels my oranges, among other things, because he has a good heart.”
“Among other things?” Lily pressed you, her eyes gleaming with something you couldn’t quite place.
“He slices my apples because I have never been able to master the apple corer contraption! And he takes all my grapes off the stems when he’s at my place because I never do – it’s too tedious.”
“What else?”
“Oh, when we go out to breakfast, he always brings me a tea when he picks me up. He’s an early riser and I take forever to get ready. He knows I never have time to make it myself when we have plans before 10am.”
Lily was smirking at you, no, smiling at you. It was a little unnerving, the way she was entirely amused at the information you were giving her. However, the moment was briefly interrupted by the arrival of Alex.
“What are we talking about, ladies?” He spoke cheerfully, a broad smile on his face which meant that he was most likely declared the best breath holder of the 2019 rookies.
“Y/N was just telling me about all the sweet things Charles does for her,” Lily gushed.
“Oh god, when is he not doing things for her? Did you see him buttering her bread for her at dinner last week?”
Lily burst out laughing while you playfully punched Alex’s arm. “I’m indecisive! He butters it for me while I read the menu since it takes me so long to figure out what I want to order. It saves time!”
“He does that on a regular basis?” Alex asked incredulously, looking at Lily with wide eyes. “My god, that man is head over heels.”
“Alex,” you protested, “Charles is not in love with me. We’ve been friends for six years, I think I would know by now.”
“You’re both impossible,” Alex groaned. “Come on, Lily, I just came over to get you so we could play water polo with George and Carmen.”
Lily sighed in defeat, though she had a smile on her face at the thought of spending time with Alex even if it meant another competition. “I’ll see you, later, yeah?” She called over her shoulder, waving goodbye as you teased her by dramatically eating another slice of orange and settling back in your chair. At the front of the boat, Charles was laughing with Pierre and almost as if he felt you looking, he turned around and met your gaze.
Even though you had just wholly denied anything more than friendship between you and him, you couldn’t help but think about your interactions with Lily and Alex.
Sure, Charles sometimes did things that were out of the ordinary for ‘just friends’, but he had the sweetest soul of anyone you’d ever met. He always sacrificed his umbrella or jacket for you, made sure you had fresh tulips in your apartment when he was home in between races, had your favorite meal delivered to you when you were having a rough day while he was away and you missed him.
You did things for him too – cleaned his apartment when you knew he was on his way back to Monaco, left him plenty of sticky notes with words of encouragement if he was coming back from a bad race, stocked his fridge full of his favorite things. Recently, you’d been gifting him annotated books because he mentioned he wanted to read more and always enjoyed listening to you talk about your favorite novels. Since you spent most of the year apart, you decided he could at least read your thoughts.
When you could come to races, unfortunately a rare occurrence due to your graduate classes and work schedule, he made sure Ferrari hospitality had your favorite flavor of sparkling water on hand. Anytime you saw a cute dog video, you would send it to him because they always made him smile.
You’d do anything to make him smile, just as he would for you, which is what a good friend would do. A best friend, it’s what a best friend would do.
But best friends didn’t linger in doorways and stare at each other’s lips when bidding each other goodnight. They didn’t cuddle close and fall asleep in each other’s arms on a couch while watching whatever movie you had chosen because he always let you choose.
They didn’t look at one another the way Charles was looking at you now – his sunglasses pushed up on top of his head and a dopey smile on his face. He waved to you and dramatically blew you a kiss, something he always did when he caught your eye across a room, no matter who was around.
You practically launched yourself to your feet, the last remaining orange slices in your lap falling to the lounger and staining the seat with juice. It was only seconds until you were standing in front of Charles but the walk over felt like an eternity with the way the world around you disappeared and your heart pounded in your chest.
“Est-ce que tu maimes, Charles?”
The question came out in one breath, your chest heaving in anticipation for his response.
“Of course, I love you, ma fleur,” he laughed. “What’s gotten into you?”
“No,” you panted. “Do you love me, Charlie? Est-ce que tu maimes?”
“Of course, I love you,” he answered again, his eyes shining and a small smile on his face that told you everything you needed to know. “Every time I think of you, I love you. Every time I breathe, I love you.”
“Every time you peel my oranges?” You whispered, holding up your orange juice-stained fingertips. He took your right hand in his and held it up to his face to kiss your palm, his eyelashes fluttering against you gently.
“Especially when I peel your oranges. Did you know that I hate doing it too? Like, really hate it. I don’t even peel them for myself.”
You gasped in shock, watching as he threw his head back and laughed jovially.
“I’d do anything for you, ma fleur. Mon soleil. Mon cœur.”
“Would you kiss me?”
“Maybe if Pierre would leave and stop gawking at us.”
This time you threw your head back to laugh, Charles soon joining you as Pierre protested the accusation.
“No, no,” he shouted, “you didn’t even give me a chance to leave. Just started declaring your love before I knew what was happening. Which, by the way, was so obvious it was starting to get annoying. We’ve all tried dropping hints to both of you so I don’t know who got through to you, Y/N, but – ”
“Pierre!” You shouted, eyes wide and arm gesturing him away from the two of you.
“Ah, désolé, I’m leaving,” he grumbled, almost tripping over his own feet to get away as quickly as possible.
You giggled again and Charles gripped your chin softly, pulling your eyes away from Pierre and back to face him.
He leaned in gently, as if he was afraid you would back away and regret taking the leap to go from friends to something so much more.
He tasted like salt water, smelled like sweet fruit and sunscreen – you smiled into the kiss knowing that he had listened to you and put it on, even though you knew he hated the way it felt on his skin.
His fingers gripped your waist and yours trailed up his chest – both of you slightly sticky from the citrus juices and sweat from the sun.
You pulled away and nudged his nose with yours, breathing him in and wishing that this moment would never end. Charles lowered you both to the sun deck, adjusting until you were sitting between his legs and his arms were wrapped firmly around you, the two of you facing the sunset and open sea.
After a few moments, you broke the shared silence. “You know, I would have happily peeled an orange for you if you had ever asked me,” you asserted.
Charles’ hold on you softened at your admission, the thinly veiled meaning not at all lost on him as he pressed his lips to your cheek.
“I love you too, Y/N.”
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maxlarens · 1 month
Driver!reader and oscar starting the race from p1&p2 and before they put their helmets and stuff they kiss one last time on the grid and people go like "awwwww" because it was somehow filmed
i feel like u sent this in to be like a concept or something but I HAD to write it. i’ve been writing for lando so much lately i’ve very much been missing oscar + driver!reader. plus i’ve not ever written them in an established relationship before!
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It’s not like you and Oscar are a secret.
It might have been easier that way, to keep your relationship from the public’s prying eyes, but it’s not really your style. It’s not Oscar’s either.
Being public comes with its problems— questions from the media, awkward interviews, your respective PR teams going a little buck wild, extra contracts and NDAs to sign— but it also has its benefits.
You like be able to talk about him, like being able to call him your boyfriend. ‘Oscar Piastri, the driver for McLaren? Yeah, that’s my boyfriend’. You like hearing him say things about you, praise your driving skills, talk about you as a rival and as his girlfriend. It’s all you can do to stop grinning like a madwoman whenever you’re in his vicinity. You equally like that the press can’t comment meaningfully on it, can’t speculate wildly about the nature of your relationship when you’ve made it clear.
Some people hate it. They think you’re a silly little girl with her head full of romantic notions. No room for skill, for ruthlessness. Which is funny, given that Oscar receives only praise for “bagging you”. You think they’re just jealous; if not of the fact that Oscar’s dating you and not them, then of your duality. The way you can love Oscar wholeheartedly and also race Oscar wholeheartedly.
They’re not mutually exclusive in your experience.
Naturally, there’s a massive buzz about you and Oscar being P1-P2 on the starting grid.
You’re not particularly surprised. The MCL’s had been performing well all through practice, just as you and Lewis had. You pull out pole in quail, fastest Q1 and Q2, with Oscar hot on your tail. There’s a barrage of bizarre questions in the media pen,
Do you think Oscar’s grid position will impact your performance during the race? Why would it?
Will this affect your relationship with Oscar? No.
What happens if one of you wins and the other doesn’t? The same thing that happens every time anyone wins ever?
You’re confused by it. Bordering on snarky and sarcastic the fifth time someone asks if you and Oscar might break up over this. Rolling your eyes, thinking your true feelings are obvious, you tell some Italian journalist that yeah no we might break up if he doesn’t let me win.
It’s funny, objectively it’s hilarious. You and Oscar laugh over it later that afternoon. Send the clip to a group chat you’re in with a few drivers closer to your age. And so what if it’s still funny when clickbait articles and gossip sites start saying that the two of you have broken up.
There’s even more buzz about it by the morning of the race. Journalists you’ve already talked to have suddenly become convinced that you and Oscar are on the rocks. You can’t help but play into it a bit— partially for the benefit of your PR team— arriving separately, forgoing the couple snap that you usually grace Kym Illman with, giving vague no-comment answers when the media accost you.
Maybe it’s a little childish, a little dramatic. But it serves them right for jumping to conclusions.
You avoid any presenters on the grid walk, sinking into the protective circle made by your engineers. Staying behind the roped off areas until about 10 minutes to race start when you finally hop over the MCL in P2.
Oscar’s drinking water, looking smug when you push through McLaren engineers, so used to your continued presence that they let you in with ease.
“Hey,” you greet, reaching out to smooth the collar of his fireproofs, “How’s it goin’?”
“Mm,” he hums, cutting a glance behind you, which you take to mean that there are cameras trained on the two of you, a reporter trying to get your attention maybe, “I’d be better if I was on pole.”
You hiss mockingly, “Yeah, too bad. You gonna break up with me about it?”
He raises an eyebrow, lashes brushing his cheekbones as he looks down at you, “I didn’t know you read F1 gossip sites?”
You shrug in response, “Don’t need to. The media make enough noise about it.”
He hums again, smile pulling at his mouth while someone from Mercedes shouts at you to get back. Rachel probably. You should go, you really should. But Oscar’s so close and so cute in those black fireproofs.
“Good luck,” you say,
leaning forward to kiss him, hand on the back of his head. A slip of tongue, not so much to be publicly obscene, but enough to leave him wanting,
“You’ll need it.”
You hear the sweet sound of him laughing as you slip away, back to where your car is sitting on pole. Ignoring the reporter dogging at your heels for a comment you don’t really need to give.
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like maybe unrealistic. who cares!
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girlfriend reveal // mv1 smau
description: norris!reader x mv1
y/d/n = your daughter’s name
a/n: all pics from pinterest, i don’t own any. here’s a smau for my inactivity. i feel some motivation coming back so keep an eye out for some posts!
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liked by landonorris, maxverstappen1, and 11,738 others
ynnorris: happy moments in spain 🇪🇸
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landonorris: how dare you not even put your favourite brother in this dump
user1: lando in the bucket hat on the last slide 😇
↳ user2: lando posted earlier today that he was in the uk…
user4: cutest mum ever!
danielricciardo: i miss my fav norris and niece. im sure she misses her fav uncle
↳ landonorris: im right here…
↳ charles_leclerc: YOU’RE HER FAVOURITE UNCLE? 🤣🤣🤣
↳ carlossainz55: yn’s in spain so clearly im the favourite
↳ oscarpiastri: Nah, it’s me
↳ ynnorris: none of you (besides lando) have any relation to me… you claimed yourselves to be y/d/n’s uncles
↳ landonorris: that means im the favourite uncle 😁
↳ ynnorris: no.
user5: anyone else wondering who’s in the second pic?
↳ user6: yes, prob her kids dad though
↳ user7: idk why she keeps y/d/n’s dad so private and secretive
↳ user8: im going crazy trying to figure out who that is
↳ landonorris: mwahahahaha 😈
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liked by maxverstappen1, ynnorris, and 943,291 others
landonorris: summer break has been summer breaking (im the fav AND ONLY uncle)
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ynnorris: awww you have matching necklaces with your boyfriends, that’s so cute! how dare you not include me in this photo dump.
↳ landonorris: get out of my comment section!!
↳ maxverstappen1: Matching necklaces are in now
ynnorris: now why is my daughter behind the wheel of a car…
↳ landonorris: fake news.
user10: he will be the best dad one day
↳ ynnorris: please god no.
user11: i love how lando put his niece in his photo dump but not his own sister
↳ user12: he’s a comedian rlly
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liked by ynnorris, charles_leclerc, and 683,917 others
landonorris: sister got mad for not being included in the photo dump so here is my big sister and my big sister only!
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ynnorris: lando. when i catch you lando.
maxverstappen1: yn supremacy!
↳ user13: now what is this.
↳ user14: are we interrupting something?
danielricciardo: those were NOT your cheezits…
↳ ynnorris: im so (not) sorry, y/d/n made me
↳ danielricciardo: nuh uh. don’t you dare pin this on my sweet little angel baby of a niece
↳ landonorris: she’s half norris and half [redacted], don’t put it past her
↳ user15: don’t be shy lando. tell us who the father is
↳ user16: win incoming if you tell us who y/d/n’s dad is
user18: the minion toy in the pocket has me dying
user19: we want uncle lando back! even though brother lando is cute too
user20: lando is such a younger brother for posting these pics
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liked by carlossainz55, schecoperez, and 819,004 others
maxverstappen1: Summer break ✅. Up next Zandvoort!
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↳ user22: i used to pray for times like these
danielricciardo: okay mr verstappen, i was unfamiliar with your game
↳ maxverstappen1: You have been very familiar with my game
↳ ynnorris: pause. 😧
↳ danielricciardo: hate us cuz you ain’t us 🤷‍♂️
landonorris: no pic credits for the second pic?
↳ maxverstappen1: I have been paid by yn to not give pic credits for people who post bad photos of her
↳ landonorris: traitor
user23: what is it finna play? WOAH
user24: how did we go from cute stingrays to a soft launch
user25: girlfriend reveal now!
user26: walk with me people… yn posts a pic at an aquarium with someone holding y/d/n… max posts a pic of stingrays which are found… at an aquarium
↳ user27: tons of the drivers take y/d/n places with yn, don’t make it weird
user28: max ‘soft launch’ verstappen
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc, and 12,058 others
ynnorris: started zandvoort a mclaren fan, finished zandvoort a red bull fan because i only support winners!
tagged: landonorris
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user28: the caption has me dying
landonorris: too close to home
↳ ynnorris: win next time then
↳ landonorris: at least y/d/n is still a fan of mclaren
↳ maxverstappen1: Is she though?
↳ redbullracing: is she really?
mclaren: im hurt yn.
↳ ynnorris: it wasn’t you admin, it was me.
oscarpiastri: ouch.
↳ ynnorris: if i ever say i dislike mclaren, never am i talking about you! team 81 all the way
↳ landonorris: wow. i post 3 bad photos of you and now im hated
↳ oscarpiastri: 🙂 thx yn
redbullracing: ❤️💙
user29: uncle lando!!
user30: never wrong yn ✍️
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liked by ynnorris, landonorris, and 1,028,564 others
maxverstappen1: Heard people say I should do a girlfriend reveal and I would love to! I can’t do that anymore and haven’t been able to for a few years now but I offer a wife and daughter reveal ❤️
tagged: ynnorris
comments on this post are restricted
↳ danielricciardo: real.
↳ carlossainz55: real.
↳ charles_leclerc: real.
↳ oscarpiastri: real.
↳ schecoperez: real.
↳ mclaren: real.
↳ redbullracing: real.
ynnorris: best dad on earth
↳ maxverstappen1: Best mum on earth
ynnorris: been a long time coming now
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liked by maxverstappen1, landonorris, and 29,371 others
ynnorris: heard we were hard launching?
tagged: maxverstappen1
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user31: my brain hurts
user32: bro what.
user33: didn’t see this coming
maxverstappen1: My girls ❤️
↳ ynnorris: baby no. 2 when? 🤔
↳ landonorris: threw up in my mouth a little
landonorris: now you can show your love on the internet and not in front of me
↳ ynnorris: never!
↳ maxverstappen1: Never!
↳ user34: poor lando
user35: they’re so cute 😭
user36: dad max?!
redbullracing: so when is little miss y/d/n taking over the red bull legacy?
↳ ynnorris: nope.
↳ maxverstappen1: Have to agree with the mrs. 🙃 (when she can reach the pedals of a kart)
↳ ynnorris: you’re so funny!! 😐😐
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2K notes · View notes
everythingne · 2 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ➛ million dollar baby (gr63)
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wolff!reader x george russell // fc: lani pliopa
Being the eldest daughter, you kept pretty much everything to yourself in favor of your siblings getting the limelight. When you start soft-launching your boyfriend after years of being quiet about who he is, everyone scrambles to find the truth.
warnings/notes: nothing really? i do have george win silverstone in this (i wrote it forever ago ok?) so just pretend he did. just pretend guys. pls.
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liked by lewishamilton, georgerussell, alexalbon, and others...
ynwolff: hanging with the wolff pack (+ george) back home before our home race this weekend <3
tagged: georgerussell, susiewolff, mercedesamg
mercedesamg: refueling for a great weekend ahead !!
user: the photo of jack and george shut up
lilymhe: WHOOO??? FLOWERS??? HELLO??
⤷ ynwolff: shut up shut up ur gonna summon alex shh
⤷ alexalbon: BITCH WHAT?
logansargeant: @ ynwolff , alex and lily are literally losing it over this.
⤷ ynwolff: greaaaattt 🫠
user: is george driving in the second pic??
⤷ user: no bc who else would have a convertible mercedes if not george russell
georgerussell: i still think the trunk is unnesscessary
⤷ ynwolff: shut uP RUSSELL???
user: imagine being rich enough to have huge flower bouquets in the back of your mercedes... i could cry
susiewolff: oh, this is where all the flowers came from?
⤷ ynwolff: 😀 yes ! they are mine !
⤷ susiewolff: ur father has extra vases in the downstairs bathroom
⤷ ynwolff: thank uuu xx
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liked by susiewolff, georgerussell, landonorris, and others...
ynwolff: silvastone day one baby !! (expect insane spam this weekend.)
tagged: susiewolff, mercedesamg
lewishamilton: i need the bono photo for... reasons...
⤷ ynwolff: im gonna start paying you for using my wolff charm to get blackmail
⤷ lewishamilton: i literally buy you so much food atp shut up
⤷ ynwolff: 🩵
mickschumacher: glad the gloves are getting use
user: oh to be yn
mercedesamg: those flowers are as beautiful as our favorite head communications officer 🩵
⤷ ynwolff: admin when i see u tomorrow i will kiss u on the lips
⤷ mercedesamg: toto told me to stop flirting with u :(
⤷ ynwolff: booo tomato tomato tomato
susiewolff: more flowers?
⤷ ynwolff: what if i said i just really like flowers ?
⤷ susiewolff: i would say your father is suspicious
⤷ ynwolff: when is he not though..
liked by susiewolff
ynwolff added to their story!
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alexalbon: does george know mystery man??
⤷ ynwolff: he's sworn to secrecy, sorry !
lewishamilton: ah yes. the peak of subtly.
landonorris: aren't you both supposed to be sleeping?
⤷ ynwolff: says you, norris. ill tell jon on you >:)
⤷ landonorris: WOW.
susiewolff: your father says both of you need to sleep
⤷ ynwolff: why are you both awake 😭
⤷ susiewolff: you know toto has like a sixth sense for you, right? he heard you leave the room.
⤷ ynwolff: LMAO okay 👍🏻 we are coming back up
⤷ ynwolff: tell dad i beat george at pool
⤷ susiewolff: he says good job
liked by ynwolff
ynwolff has added to their story!
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liked by danielricciardo, logansargeant, alexalbon, and others...
ynwolff: what a quali!! p4 and p5!! so proud of my boys!
tagged: mercedesamg, roscoelovescoco, georgerussell, lewishamilton
danielricciardo: roscoe the mvp
user: jack in the chair omg
mercedesamg: a great day with great help from even the littlest wolffs!!
user: lewis in the shades og my GOD
user: another day another set of great george photos from yn
lewishamilton: did lowkey fear for my life with your father chasing me...
⤷ ynwolff: fair enough
susiewolff: a great day today :)!
logansargeant: what secrets his roscoe spill?
⤷ ynwolff: @ lewishamilton s secret to looking so good at his old age
⤷ lewishamilton: its called melanin and neither of you have it
georgerussell: thanks for all the love today yn 🩵
user: yn always takes really good photos and ten really fucking funny ones
⤷ user: shes the queen of duality
secretlifeofyn (private acc) has added to their story!
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lando.jpg: shut the actual fuck up is this a date??
⤷ secretlifeofyn: remind me why i let you into this account again?
roscoesdad: fucking called it, tell george he owes me dinner
⤷ secretlifeofyn: have you ever noted the three of us always bet dinner? (george said he'd pay next time)
⤷ roscoesdad: yeah because food is the best currency, duh?
alobonoo: OH MY FUCKING GOD?
alobonoo: HELLO??
notalexsm: oh !!! oh my god !!! shut upp!!! this is george right?
⤷ secretlifeofyn: the watch gives it away, doesn't it?
⤷ notalexsm: yes (charles says congrats if this is a date!!)
⤷ secretlifeofyn: tell charles thank you <3
maxverstappen: if you need a hideout from your father after he finds this one out, we have an extra bedroom, the fee is babysitting p
⤷ secretlifeofyn: thanks max i will keep that in mind 🙏🏻
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liked by alobonooo, lilgrit, lilyzneimer, and 154 others...
secretlifeofyn: everyone on this account is sworn to secrecy (because my father) but YES. WE ARE DATING. NOW SHUT UP !!!!
alobonoo: called this like two years ago tho i am the oracle
⤷ muninotlily: alex the oracle of georgeyn
⤷ secretlifeofyn: GEORGEYN??
lilgrit: the day toto realizes it's george you're dating, a health bar is gonna appear at the top of george's eyeline with the word 'toto' on top
⤷ ls2.priv: he stands no chance im afriad.
ls2.priv: rip george you would've loved the flintstones 💔
junior55: @ lando.jpg you owe me sushi for this
⤷ lando.jpg: @ mrsaturday how could u do this to me?
lilyzneimer: awee!!! congrats guys!!
mrsaturday: we posted this so you guys would STOP and you got WORSE
muninotlily: alex is pacing help me
⤷ secretlifeofyn: what bets did you guys place im scared
⤷ lando.jpg: we bet george couldn't pull you
⤷ mrsaturday: i have won so much money
⤷ secretlifeofyn: if you buy me more flowers my dad is going to actually be concerned.
maxverstappen: the extra bedroom offer still stands
⤷ secretlifeofyn: thanks max we'll need it
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liked by mercedesamg, susiewolff, georgerussell and others...
ynwolff: pre-race day silverstone !! <3 (not shown, the 1356 photos george took of himself when I asked him to hold my phone while i was in a meeting...)
tagged: mercedesamg, lewishamilton, georgerussell
mercedesamg: always having fun out here!!
georgerussell: i blessed your phone with my beauty
⤷ ynwolff: whatever u say georgie
⤷ user: georgie ??????
lewishamilton: the 1356 photos are funny though
landonorris: just a guy being a guy
user: the photo of george with the screen behind him feels like a meme format
user: george looks so squishy in the last picture
user: not yn getting the cutest photo of george ever??
susiewolff: your father swore that sweater wasnt going to be too much
⤷ ynwolff: not to expose him but he took it off in five minutes
⤷susiewolff: and now its missing
⤷ ynwolff: I BOUGHT HIM THAT >:(!!!
alexalbon: i demand blackmail material
⤷ ynwolff: buy me snacks and then we'll talk
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liked by f1, mercedesamg, georgerussell, and more...
ynwolff: OBLIGATORY GEORGE POST !!! (approved by @ lewishamilton ok no one get mad ! i love my boys equally !)
george!! we were joking about this moment last night but you pulled it off!! i could not be more proud of the work you put in today, you pulled it off last second and made me gnaw my nails off a few times but thats okay.
so so so proud, you get a drink or two on me tonight ! 🩵
tagged: georgerussell, mercedesamg
⤷ georgerussell: your support does mean the world yn thank you 🩵
⤷ ynwolff: you deserve every bit of it! 🩵
lewishamilton: amazing work as always for both of you!
user: finally a george post to match the iconic lewis post
susiewolff: great work today @ georgerussell !
⤷ georgerussell: thank you susie :)!
mickschumacher: great job george!
user: god the pictures yn gets of george are... fucking AMAZING.
landonorris: mr saturday did it
alexalbon: yabadababoo
⤷ logansargeant: yabadadabadoo
⤷ georgerussell: you both suck :(
⤷ ynwolff: no!!! its cute!!!
⤷ ynwolff: no!! leave them alone :(!
⤷ user: i see that deleted comment yn. ur not slick.
liked by 9823 others...
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liked by mrsaturday, alobonoo, muninotlily, and more...
secretlifeofyn: i dont remember any of these photos after the first one. how much did i drink.
roscoesdad: enough for your father to think you DIED until i told him you and george were in my room and fell asleep (you are welcome. i expect free food for a month for this selfless act.)
⤷ secretlifeofyn: i will buy you literally anything lewis oh my fucking god i owe you my LIFE
⤷ lilgrit: the question should be how much didn't you drink because holy shit
alobonoo: u drank literally everyone under the table slay
muninotlily: oh so u stayed with george ? 👀
⤷ secretlifeofyn: hes like a big pillow
⤷ mrsaturday: she's not letting me out of bed :(
maxverstappen: hate to be the bearer of bad news but twitter did catch you ! have fun!
⤷ secretlifeofyn: MAX WHAT?
⤷ mrsaturday: MAX??
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liked by alexalbon, landonorris, susiewolff, and others...
ynwolff: good news! george and i are dating and my dad did NOT kill him when he found out! bad news! i now have to share my location.
tagged: georgerussell
susiewolff: i think continually sneaking out and then not answering your phone for almost fifteen hours is enough reason to track you
⤷ ynwolff: susie plsssss 🩵 convince him to get rid of it?
⤷ mercedesamg: toto says thats not happening anytime soon. and to tell george curfew is ten.
⤷ georgerussell: she's gonna be back by nine if she keeps biting my arm
⤷ ynwolff: stop putting it within biting range then, russell
⤷ georgerussell: you just walked across the room to bite me.
user: "you'd rather i didnt" YN PLSSSS
georgerussell: remind me to never try to sneak around your father again
⤷ alexalbon: buying like nine bouquets of flowers in two days is not exactly sneaking
⤷ georgerussell: she likes flowers and i was excited :(
user: kiss ya in 11! im gonna go lay on a highway in 12!
user: i too, would fall for yn when she threatened me
landonorris: my favorite new grid couple
⤷ georgerussell: we have been dating for like two years??
⤷ landonorris: WHAT?
⤷ alexalbon: HUH??
⤷ oscarpiastri: oh?
⤷ danielricciardo: well god damn
⤷ lewishamilton: how in the hell did we just now find out?
⤷ ynwolff: LMAOOO two years next week <3
⤷ susiewolff: yn you are going to give your father a heart attack
2K notes · View notes
charizznorizz · 7 months
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'why come on we're only starting the season'
My man is stronger than me cause i would bawled right there 😭😭
2K notes · View notes
elizaleclerc · 4 months
suddenly, it was everything ✿
lando norris x reader
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summary: fem best friend!reader and lando take a beach trip with friends as their relationship slowly turns into something more…(warning! smut & descriptions of blood)
songs: pink + white by frank ocean , the elevator by lizzy mcalpine , lunch by billie eilish (lol)
author’s note: i don’t typically write smut but i got an itch and had to scratch it with this one ; everyone knows about his feelings for you BUT you / hurt comfort / it’s always been you / other drivers playing matchmaker <3
word count: 4.6k
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The warm sand tickled your legs as the ocean waves gently lapped at your feet. You had left your group basking in the sun on the beach to cool off in the refreshing water. Your close-knit friend group loved taking vacations during breaks in the intense racing season. This time, you found yourselves on the picturesque coast of France, staying in Alex's luxurious beachfront condo. You were grateful that he graciously offered to let everyone use his space for this trip.
Even as the only girl in the group, you were always welcomed with open arms, especially by Lando, who considered you his best friend. Charles, Lewis, and Oscar had all come to see you as a dear friend as well. They never complained about your company, as they relished in the joy of having you along on their adventures. Together, you formed a tight-knit family, seeking solace and tranquility in each other's company before diving back into the high-stakes world of racing.
You waded deeper into the water, feeling the gentle caress of the waves against your knees. Suddenly, you thought you heard the thump of feet on the sandy shore behind you. Turning your head, you caught a glimpse of Lando running towards you, his feet pounding against the sand with reckless abandon. You let out a playful yelp as you knew he was coming to splash water all over you.
Without hesitation, you raced further into the water, diving head first into the oncoming waves in an attempt to escape him. The cool water enveloped your body, sliding smoothly over your sun-kissed skin that was glistening with oiled sunscreen. Emerging from the water, you looked around and saw Lando swimming a few feet away from you, his bronze muscles rippling as he glided through the water effortlessly.
“How’d you swim away so fast?” He shouted, making his moves closer to you. 
“Maybe you’re just too slow.” You let out a hearty laugh. Eventually his body was swimming inches away from you as the two of you moved further out from the shoreline.
“Well, maybe you’re just a fish.” He added, out of breath. You saw the bodies of your friends laying on the sand grow smaller and smaller the further you swam away.
As you and Lando waded in the cool water, you could feel his gaze upon you. You turned to him with a grin, taking in the sight of his tanned face and wet curls. The sunlight danced off his green eyes, making them sparkle like crystalized emeralds. "What?" you asked, noticing a subtle look on his face.
"Nothing, you just...you look very happy," he replied, causing your smile to grow even wider.
You couldn't help but giggle at his observation. "Well, I am happy. I've always loved the ocean," you sighed as you leaned back and let the water support your weight, floating on your back. As parts of your stomach and thighs broke through the surface of the water, you caught Lando's gaze lingering on your body once again.
You hadn’t gotten these looks from him before, or maybe you just never noticed them. You had known Lando since you two were small children, and had followed his side as he made his way through his career, being there with him every step of the way. As his closest friend, of course there was media circulation rumoring a romance between the two of you in the McLaren paddock. But you knew that you would never risk ruining your friendship for a romance. It wasn’t until now as you floated with the movement of the waves that you started to see how people could start those rumors. 
On the sand, Charles and Alex watched you and Lando swim out in the distance. “I figured he’d chase after her.” Charles sighed once Lando had jumped up to chase you in the water. 
“It’s so interesting, watching them interact,” Alex added, “so close to being a couple yet so far away.”
“And she still doesn’t know he’s obsessed with her?” Lewis asked, perplexed. 
“Nope.” Oscar chimed in, “I’m just as ready for them to make it official as anyone else. I’m tired of him coming to me to talk about his feelings.” They were each laying on their own beach towels, sunglasses propped on their noses, gossiping about you and Lando like elderly ladies at teatime. 
“You know it’s nice to talk about your feelings, Osc.” Charles laughed and Oscar shook his head. 
“Not when it’s the same thing over and over again. ‘Oscar I swear I’m in love with her.’, ‘Oscar did you see what she was wearing today.’, ‘When she hugged me she smelled so good Oscar.’” He mimicked Lando’s voice and accent, earning laughs from all of the boys on the beach.
“I wish there was something we could do to just push them along. Something to really make her see just how whipped he is.” Alex thought out loud,and the group sat in silence thinking for several moments. 
“Actually- we might be able to.” Lewis finally spoke, and everyone turned his head towards him. “Lando does so much for her everyday without her actually realizing why he does it. Maybe we can sneakily drop some comments about it. Just to make her think. I’ve always wanted to play matchmaker.” 
“That could work,” Oscar hummed, already thinking of how he’d approach things. 
“Are we sure that she’s actually going to like him back? I don’t think he’d be able to handle that rejection.” Alex questioned. 
Charles scoffed, “Oh, she definitely likes him. It just needs to click in her head.” He turned his head and saw your towel folded up by the bags, and decided to grab it, hiding it under his own towel. 
“Mate, what are you doing?” Lewis grinned, and Charles held a smirk on his face. 
“Just wait, you’ll see.”
For at least an hour, you and Lando splashed and swam in the crystal clear water, mesmerized by the breathtaking scenery of the French coastline. The sun's warm rays caressed your skin as you lazily floated on your back, gazing up at the cloudless blue sky above. But as your fingertips started to wrinkle and prune from being submerged for so long, you reluctantly decided it was time to bask in the sun's warmth and dry off on the sandy beach.
Lando was behind you as you stepped out of the water, following you back to where everyone was laying out. “You guys should really get in that water, it feels great.” You exclaimed, your body still dripping wet as you stood next to them. 
“No thanks, Y/N, the sun and sand is plenty enough for me.” Oscar replied, his inflection filled with sass. 
“Fine,” You sighed contently, searching for your towel amidst all of the bags of stuff the group brought down. 
“Looking for something?” Charles asked, noticing your confused look. 
“Yeah, I don’t know where my towel is. I swear it was right here when I left.” You were so confused as to how you could possibly lose a bright pink towel, but you had done it. You were about to just lay on the sand to dry off, but soon Lando was laying down his own towel.
“Here, just use mine.” He offered, placing it in the spot you were laying earlier. 
Your brows furrowed, “But then you won’t have one.”
Lando shrugged, “Eh, I’ll just run back up to the house and grab another one.” Your lips parted in shock. The group had traveled far down the barren coast line, and Alex’s place was at least a mile walk, all through sand, from where they were. 
“I don’t want you to have to do that,” You objected, knowing that his body must be tired from swimming for the last hour. You felt the tiredness in your own body as you were more than ready to lay down again. 
“Y/N, I’m an athlete, I think I can manage a little walk back to the house. Don’t worry about it.” He placed a hand on your shoulder, motioning for you to lay down on his towel. So you silently obliged, laying down on the warm, dry fabric. 
As Lando’s footsteps slowly trudged away, Oscar turned to look at you lying next to him. “That was nice, huh.” 
You nodded, as you grabbed your sunglasses and hat. “Yeah, I don’t know why he was so nice about it.” 
Charles laughed, “He certainly doesn’t treat any of us like that.” 
His words stuck with you for the remainder of the time you guys were on the beach that day. Slowly, you worked your way through your memories with Lando. He was your best friend, the kindest man you knew, and yet he did treat you differently than the other guys. He wouldn’t have given his towel to Alex or Lewis and walked all the way back up to the house. You thought back to the multitude of times Lando had brought both of you lunch on busy days around the paddock, taking the time out of his schedule to eat with you so you wouldn’t have to be alone. 
Once Lando came back, he had grabbed some fresh cut fruit, offering you some first before anyone else. He put his new towel down next to you, as the two of you shared orange slices. The sweet citrus flavor flooded your mouth, but you were still stuck on Charles’s words. 
You laid on your stomach, head resting on your folded arms as you looked at Lando. He was laying on his back, his eyes closed under his sunglasses. Your eyes traveled all around him, watching his curls slowly dry the longer you guys were in the sun. Your sight moved to his slightly sun kissed cheeks, and admired the way some of his freckles had begun to show with the introduction of the summer season. You observed how the bridge of his nose had a small bump in it, rounding out at the tip of his nose, the curves of his lips leading to his perfectly chiseled jawline.
The image of Lando’s face had been imprinted in your mind since you first met him, but you weren’t sure you had ever really paid attention to the details like you were now. 
The group called it quits for the day just before dinner time. You all made the trek back to the house, and everyone showered the coarse sand and sunscreen off of their bodies. With fresh clean and tan skin, the group chatted around the kitchen as everyone pitched in to help make dinner. 
You and Lando had been put in charge of chopping up the vegetables that were going into the pasta salad. You had to convince Lando that you could be trusted with the large and sharp knife. He prepped and washed the veggies as you chopped them. The two of you stood inches apart, his arm often grazing yours, sending chills through your body. You had never felt that way before with his slight touch, which sent your mind whirling once again.
Suddenly, as you were going to make another slice into some round baby tomatoes, the sound of broken glass echoed through the room as Lewis dropped a bottle of sauce from the cabinets, your body jolting in shock. With the harsh movement, the blade from the knife cut part of your finger. 
You winced  as trickles of blood blended into the vibrant red of the tomato juice. Lando’s eyes shot over to you, and immediately noticed your fresh cut. It was deep into your skin, slicing right through the fleshy part of the tip of your index finger.
You stood motionless, staring at the deep gash on your finger as blood ran down your hand. Suddenly, Lando's strong hands grasped your arms and guided you to the sink. The other boys crowded around, their faces etched with worry as they repeatedly asked if you were okay. With Lando's warm body pressed against yours, he turned on the faucet and held your finger under the cold water, which quickly turned pink from the blood.
“Lando, you take her to the bathroom by my bedroom. There’s bandaids and plenty of first aid supplies in there. Hopefully the cut isn’t deep enough to need stitches.” Alex had moved over to the veggies, saving the ones that weren’t ruined from the mess of your finger. 
The pain radiated from your finger, searing and intense. You couldn't stop the tears from streaming down your face as Lando calmly guided you to Alex's bathroom. Every step felt like agony, but Lando's strong grip never faltered.
You were still in shock, the burning sensation making it hard to think clearly. But Lando was a natural caregiver, moving confidently to retrieve supplies from the cabinets. You stood there, feeling small and helpless, as he laid everything out on the counter.
With gentle hands, Lando lifted you up onto the counter, giving you a better vantage point for him to clean and dress your wound. Despite your tendency to cry at the slightest injury, Lando remained calm and focused, his protective instincts taking over. As he worked, you couldn't help but marvel at how well he knew what to do in this situation.
As he pressed a cotton pad against the cut, you felt your feet sway slightly in the air. The amount of blood soaking into the white pad made your head spin and your vision blur. His voice was gentle and soothing as he reassured you, “It’s alright, you’re okay”, his hand holding yours with a firm yet delicate grip. You could feel yourself leaning into his touch, seeking comfort and safety from the pain.
With a quick, determined movement, he snatched the bottle of hydrogen peroxide from the bathroom cabinet. The distinct smell of alcohol filled the air as he uncapped it, and you braced yourself for what was about to come. "This is gonna hurt," he warned, his voice full of concern. You felt a chill run down your spine as he poured the liquid over the wound, the intense burning sensation making you grit your teeth and let out a sharp whimper of pain. Your hand trembled uncontrollably as Lando's gentle touch on your thigh provided some comfort in the midst of this agony. "I'm so sorry, my love," he murmured as he continued to clean the cut, his eyes full of worry. "We can't risk an infection.”
You nodded as tears ran down your face again. He cleaned away any dirt and grime and wrapped your finger with a thin layer of gauze to help absorb any further bleeding. He then took a thick bandaid and finished up the job.
Your breathing finally slowed as you sniffled. Lando finally looked into your eyes, his own filled with sympathy for your pain. “See, all better.” He placed his lips delicately on your fingertip, giving it a soft kiss. 
You laughed sheepishly, only feeling the pulsating throbs of your wound. He took his thumbs and wiped away the rest of your tears, taking a moment to look into your glossy eyes. You both had paused, entranced in the eyes of the other. 
Lando then seemed to snap out of it, “You should head back to the kitchen. I’ll get everything cleaned up in here.” He cleared his throat nervously, and you hopped off the counter and left the room. You weren’t sure if it was the pain in your finger or if you had gotten burned earlier in the beach sun, but your cheeks felt flushed. 
Everyone sat at the dinner table chatting between one another, but you kept to yourself, only chiming in rarely. So many things played in the back of your mind. Lando caring for you at the beach, Charles’s comment, him standing against you as he rinsed off your finger, his delicate and generous touch as he bandaged up your wound. His voice echoed in your ear as he flooded you with reassurance, him calling you “love”. He had never adorned you with that nickname before. 
“Y/N, you alright? I didn’t fuck up dinner right?” Oscar asked, breaking your train of thought at the table. 
You forced a smile, “No, no, it’s delicious. Guess I’m just a little worn out from today.” 
“I don’t blame you,” Lewis sighed. “Long day of getting tired out with swimming, coming back to cook dinner only to cut your finger open.” He shook his head, “Thank god you had Lando here to take care of you. I don’t think any of us could’ve handled that much blood.” Lewis rambled on, but his words struck with you too. You felt like you were going crazy.
Had Lando always been this affectionate? Or was there just something about this beach trip that caused you to think and see him in a different light. Everyone went on chatting about various topics, many regarding the next phase of the racing season. 
As the night wore on and everyone retired to their rooms, you couldn't help but feel torn. Your body craved rest and the warmth of your bed, but your mind was consumed by thoughts of Lando. You had never questioned your feelings for him before, but now they seemed to swirl in a tangled mess. He was your best friend, and risking everything for romantic desires seemed foolish. Yet, your heart continued to ache for his touch and presence. You were torn between what you wanted and what you knew could potentially destroy your friendship. As you lay in bed, conflicted thoughts kept you awake, unsure of what the right choice was.
You decided to get out of your bed and travel downstairs to the kitchen. Your throat was dry and you longed for an ice cold water. It must have been 2am, so you weren’t expecting anyone to be awake as you were only clad in a revealing tank top and short shorts that clung to your skin. 
However, as you turned the corner into the kitchen, you stopped in your tracks. Lando, shirtless, dressed only in his boxers, stood around the kitchen island, drinking his own glass of water. 
“Oh-“ you muttered in surprise, as his tired eyes met yours. 
“Oh, hey.” His voice seemed languid, and you assumed he had not had a wink of sleep either. “What are you doing up?”
“I just um…couldn’t sleep I guess.” You shrugged as you poured yourself a glass, the cool liquid already sweating around the cup. 
As you awkwardly drank the water, out of the corner  you saw his eyes track up and down your body, further causing your mind to flip and turn.
“How’s the finger?” He asked, and you broke a smile. 
“Doing better. I don’t think I ever thanked you earlier.” You spoke softly, resting the side of your hip on the counter next to him. “Lewis was right, I think they might have fainted with how much blood there was.” 
Lando smiled, “Don’t mention it. I guess I just went into protector mode.” His words once again caused your heart to pulse. Your breath quickened, and as the seconds passed you were putting all of the pieces together. 
“Charles said earlier that you wouldn’t treat the other guys that way.” You blurted out, your mouth and heart seeming to operate separate from your brain. 
He furrowed his brows slightly in a smile, “What do you mean?” 
“I mean earlier with the beach towel. And the fruit. And healing me, calling me love, wiping my tears away. Why?” As you spoke the smile slowly dropped. You watched his toned, tanned, torso rise and fall with his breath. 
You looked into his eyes, there was a moment of connection, of reciprocation. Then he spoke in almost a whisper, like he was scared of anyone else hearing him, “I think you know why.”
“Lan…” Your voice cracked, and all at once everything seemed to make sense. Of course he had treated you this way. Of course you had let him. You wouldn’t want anything else. He was all you needed, all you craved.
He stepped closer, his warm hand finding its way to your hip and gently resting there. The intensity in his voice was palpable as he begged for your approval, “Please tell me this is okay,” his words coming out dry and desperate.
You looked up at him, your heart racing with anticipation. With a slow nod, you gave him the go-ahead, your lips already parting in yearning for his touch. When his lips finally met yours, it was like an electric shock, sending tingles down your spine and igniting a fire within. Your hands instinctively found their way to his neck, fingers tangling in his soft curls as your movements became synchronized with his. His hands traced random patterns on your waist, each touch sending shivers throughout your body as desire coursed through every inch of you.
Your lips trailed down to his neck, sucking and leaving love bites in between kisses. His breathing became heavy, “Easy now, I might not be able to control myself.” 
You smirked, meeting his eyes again as you traced his abs muscles, “I wouldn’t be one to stop you.” 
The kisses had become intense and passionate, his hands trailing all over your body. This time it was Lando that kissed along your neck and collarbone. His breath was hot against your skin, “Let me please you, I’m begging,” he muttered, and your legs became weak. 
“Not here…” You answered, and asked if you could go to his room.
Lando led you to his bedroom. He pressed you against the bed, peppering kisses along your collarbone and leaving love marks in his wake. Gasping for air, you slowly removed your tank top while he couldn't take his eyes off of you. His lips eagerly found their way to your breasts, causing waves of pleasure to shoot through your body. As he continued his journey down your chest and torso, Lando deftly slid off your pajama shorts, revealing more of your bare skin. "You are so beautiful," he murmured between kisses.
You were almost frustrated with how easily he found his way around in the bedroom, knowing he’s had plenty of attention from other girls in the past. His warm lips traced all the way down to your hips, and they arched as he took his time down your body. 
“I need you,” you whimpered, annoyed with how long he was taking to start pleasuring you. 
“Patience my love, I’m just getting started.” His voice vibrated off of your skin as he kissed your inner thighs. Then, as you were finally adjusting to his teasing, he licked all the way up your entrance, causing you to emit a soft moan. “Don’t get too loud now, Alex’s room is right next door.”
Lando's skilled tongue flicked and sucked against your sensitive core, causing you to squirm and moan uncontrollably. You tried to muffle your sounds with your hand, not wanting to wake anyone in the house. But the pleasure was too intense, each movement of Lando's mouth bringing you closer and closer to the edge.
Just as you were about to reach your climax, he pulled away and kissed you deeply. Your taste mingled with his on his lips as you caught your breath. Your fingers tangled in his curly hair, but before you could fully relax, he thrust two fingers inside of you. The sudden intrusion sent waves of pleasure coursing through your body, making you cry out loudly. Lando quickly covered your mouth with his hand, trying not to alert anyone to what was happening between the two of you.
He pressed his lips to your neck, “C’mon baby,” trailing kisses down to your collarbone. Your body trembled as he worked his fingers inside you, each movement hitting the perfect spot. His thumb found your clit and began circling, sending electric shocks of pleasure through your entire body.
Your moans turned into incoherent pleas for more as he whispered dirty words in your ear. With one final thrust, he brought you over the edge, your entire body shaking with pleasure. “That’s it,” he held you close, gently kissing your forehead as you came down from your climax. You traced kisses along his jawline, struggling to catch your breath after such an intense release.
As the passion in the room died down, Lando kept planting soft kisses on your neck. Your bodies had cuddled together, tired from the restless night and the intensity between you. You couldn’t believe how the night had unfolded, as things had become a complete 180 from where the day started. 
“Y/N?” Lando asked softly. Your eyes met his in his bed, limbs intertwined. 
“Hmm?” You hummed tiredly. 
“I want you to know, you mean way more to me than what we just did. I’ve waited a long time to really tell you how I feel. You’re the most important person in my life, and I hope everyday I can show you just how much I love you.” He reassured you, bringing a soft smile to your face. 
Tears almost came to your eyes, “You love me?” 
He grinned, tucking the hair on your face behind your hear and caressing your cheek, “I think I always have.” 
You kissed the tip of his nose, “I love you too, Lan.”
After a few hours of much-needed rest, you and Lando slowly emerged from the comfort of your shared bed to start the day. You were in the clothes he had lent you - his boxers hanging loosely on your hips and a baggy t-shirt that was now adorned with small hickeys peeking out from beneath the fabric. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon filled the air, tempting your senses.
As you tended to the breakfast dishes, Lando came up behind you at the stove and wrapped his strong arms around your waist, burying his head in the crook of your neck. He wore a cozy sweatshirt and matching sweatpants, enveloping you in his warmth as you basked in his embrace. Turning to face him, you cupped his handsome face in your hands and brought your lips to his in a sweet morning kiss.
“Oh shit.” A voice from the other side of the room exclaimed. Startled, you looked to see Lewis and Charles standing across the kitchen island, mouths almost to the floor. 
“Fuck, I owe Oscar twenty bucks.” Charles sighed. 
You and Lando just looked at each other with a confused expression.
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formulawolff · 4 months
sunbathing - t.w.
pairing: reader x dbf!toto wolff
word count: 1.3k
warnings: age gap, highly inappropriate flirting and banter, fingering (f! receiving), alcohol use, some light smut for this fine sunday evening, fyi, the reader is in her early/mid 20s in this!,
a/n: the premise of this one came to me as a request! i just want to clarify that this is a slight au, as toto is not a married man in this! i hope y’all enjoy! <3 (also that gif?? omf. i need him.)
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bundles of light cast a shine on the waves, the surrounding air tinged with the salty scent of the sea. the only color in your field of vision is blue, the hues ranging from a vivid cerulean to a rich sapphire. above, seagulls glide, dotting the skyline with tiny white specks.
you bask in the warmth of the sun, your heated skin glowing from your tanning oil. situated on the sun deck, you were in the perfect spot to catch some rays, reapplying tanning oil routinely throughout the afternoon.
"everything going okay up there honey?"
the voice was none other than your father's.
your father happened to be peter bonnington, one of the top engineers for the mercedes-amg petronas formula one team. he just so happened to be close to lewis hamilton, eight time world champion.
yet, to your disappointment, lewis was not present today. so much for shooting your shot with the devilishly handsome driver.
when you were offered the chance to spend the day on toto wolff's yacht with your family, how could you have refused?
who else gets to spend the afternoon sunbathing on desk of a yacht as it floats along the mediterranean sea?
springing to your feet, you lean over the rail, picking out your father as he mingles with the group, "i may come down and get some water soon!"
"sounds good love!" your father responds, a wide grin plastered across his face. stifling a giggle, you notice the crimson hue tinging his cheeks, flourishing into his neck.
oh god, he was drunk.
well, you all were. at least, those old enough to drink.
for the start of the summer break in the season, mr. wolff had suggested the mercedes families gather together for a day of relaxation and celebration. to your disappointment, there were not a lot of suitors present.
of course, there were quite a few children, some teenagers.
you had met with a few girls around your age, but they were still significantly younger, approximately three or fours your junior. so, to escape from the small talk and chitchat, you had waltzed up to the sun deck, settling in one of the chairs.
luckily, you had brought a book with you, so it kept you somewhat busy.
and to your satisfaction, no one bothered you. no one at all.
an afternoon alone on the deck of a yacht, where no one would bother you but to bring you a few drinks and some snacks?
it was perfect. absolutely perfect.
you couldn't have envisioned a more perfect afternoon.
a flurry of voices catches your attention, but you ignore them. it almost sounded as if there was playful argument. of course, recognized your father's voice, as it was the loudest.
your mom was one patient woman, that was for sure.
with the sun beating down, and the buzz of the alcohol, you couldn't help but feel your lashes flutter, drowsiness beginning to take ahold.
"ms. bonnington," a voice startles you, thick with a heavy accent, "i figured i would run some water up for you."
sitting up in your chair, you clutch your chest as you make out who is standing beside you, one bottle of water in each hand.
it was none other than toto wolff.
with his significant stature and broad shoulders, he nearly towers over you, donned in a thin linen button up and khaki shorts.
with his fluffy brunette hair, and sharp, chiseled features framed by thick lashes, there was no denying that the team principal was devastatingly handsome. toned muscles rippled underneath his button-up, the wind catching the fabric every so often, exposing a trail hair leading up to his navel.
sure, you may have had a teenage crush on one of your father's best friends and coworkers, but surely you outgrew that long ago.
you felt your heart skip a beat as he eyed you, prompting you to respond.
"oh my god," you nearly stumble over your words, "i am so sorry if i didn't hear you the first time, mr. wolff. i was falling asleep and i-"
"no need for those formalities around here," a soft chuckle rumbles in his throat, "you can call me toto, you know."
"i-i'm sorry," you mumble, accepting the water bottles from his hands, "i've probably been in the sun a little too long. i'm a little scatterbrained right now."
"have you been having fun, at least?" to your surprise, the team principal sits in a chair beside you, "i apologize if you haven't been able to meet some people your age. i thought there would be more girls for you to get along with."
"i've been fine," you shrug, "i'm a big girl, i know how to occupy myself."
as you lay back down in the chair, toto can't help but drink in the sight of you.
fuck, were you absolutely gorgeous.
he relished the way your hair was pulled into a tight bun, emphasizing the bridge of your nose and the fullness of your lashes. your skin glistens under the sun, toto swallowing thickly as his mind wanders.
it was so wrong to look at you this way. absolutely sinful.
yet, he couldn't. he couldn't look away.
"everything okay, toto?" oh god, the way his name sounded so sweet from those plush lips.
"i'm fine," he waves a hand, "i'm just admiring the view. that's all."
you arch a brow, pursing your lips, "the mountains or my ass?"
ever so slightly, you wiggle your wips, cheeks jiggling in response.
"you want me to be honest or do you want me to lie?"
"hmmm," you hum, "i prefer honesty, mr. wolff."
mr. wolff.
in his shorts, he felt his cock throb. instinctively, he shifts in the seat, praying that you wouldn't notice.
however, it's hard to miss.
especially in those khaki shorts.
"see something you like?" you bat your lashes, the corners of your lips curling into a devious grin.
"yes," he leans over, face merely centimeters from yours, "you."
"not like you can do anything about it," you counter, the tough exterior crumbling as you feel a hand gliding along the back of your thigh, squeezing the curve of your ass.
perhaps you did not outgrow that teenage crush all those years ago.
"i can," he smirks ever so slightly, "no one can see up here. if i would have known you were wearing this little number, i would have ran up with that water hours ago."
"what if someone comes up here?"
"they won't," he shakes his head, "they're all eating right now."
"you don't think my father will come looking for me?"
"do you know how intoxicated your father is right now? he wouldn't even make it up the stairs," fingers hook the strap of your bikini bottoms, snapping it against your skin, "so, schatzi, what shall we do?"
"what's on your mind?"
toto cocks his head, the fingers delving between your thighs. nimbly, they lightly trace along your folds, teasing, "oh, if we were completely alone, it would be a far different story. however, i have limited time, and there's a large gathering down below."
"oh fuck," you clamp down on your tongue as a finger circles your clit, juices beginning to trickle down your soft skin.
"you like that?" toto coos, applying more pressure, "you like how wet i make you? you're a good girl, letting me touch you like this."
"toto!" a voice calls from below, "we need your assistance with the radio!"
"jesus fucking christ," the team principal rolls his eyes.
rising to his feet, fingers grasp you chin, tilting your head upwards.
"you should accompany your father to a grand prix sometime. i would love to see your beautiful face one day in the paddock."
"maybe i will," you murmur, flashing toto with a radiant grin, "would you fuck me in the paddock too?"
"oh schatzi, i would do more than fuck you in the paddock. i would make that little pussy of yours weep."
and just like that, you watch as the team principal strolls over to the stairs, shooting you one final wink before disappearing.
biting your lip, you reach for the water, twisting it open.
perhaps you would lean over that rail one more time.
after all, you were starting to get an appetite.
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arieslost · 4 months
personally since I want to take a nice bite outta oscar (and you do too)
what about an oscar x gf!reader who just constantly bites him, not hard enough to leave a mark (thats only in bed) but just a little chomp
like he has an arm around her shoulder while talking to Lando and she just turns her head and *chomp*
lord knows i wanna give that man a nice little monch. just a little 🤏🏻 little bit
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chomp | op81
something about oscar unlocked the habit within you. he’s just so… yummy. all the time. so one day you acted on the urge to bite him. you did it gently, just barely sinking your teeth into the skin covering the taunt muscle of his bicep when you were cuddled up together in bed. he liked it; encouraged it even, so you never really looked back.
instead of “pinch me,” he soon adopted the phrase “bite me” in its place. it was just an affectionate thing that you did when your feelings for him became so overwhelming words failed you. it happens more often than not— just looking at him and knowing he’s yours is enough to render you speechless.
his instant enjoyment of your gentle bites had you dismissing the behavior as normal quickly, so it now comes as a surprise to you when other people have a visceral reaction to it.
you never pay much mind to what people say on social media, particularly twitter, but almost every day you’re greeted with the sight of you being caught biting oscar and hundreds of people asking what your problem is. it mostly stemmed from the one time that oscar asked (more like begged) you to leave a mark in the throes of a passion-charged moment that happened the night before qualifying and thus it was clear as day to everyone in the paddock the next morning.
you were usually careful to bite parts of him that were almost always concealed. his thighs, his hips, his shoulders, the junction between his shoulder and neck. but he’d been adamant that you bite his neck and leave a mark, and who were you to tell him no? so the whole world ended up becoming privy to your little habit. but oscar never gave anyone the time of day when asked about it, so it never crossed your mind to stop.
now, lando had been the very first to tease him about that infamous mark on his neck, but he’d never been there to see it happen. until today.
oscar had insisted that you join him while he and lando were waiting to be called in for a race debrief, with the promise that he’d take you out for dinner afterwards. you’re always happy to spend extra time with your boyfriend, of course, so you were more than happy to agree.
except lando has a special talent for boring you out of your mind with extremely technical talk. and he loves to talk. you need something to do in order to not implode from boredom, and oscar’s arm is right there, wrapped around your shoulders, so you turn your head and lightly bite the thin skin of his wrist.
the sudden silence is deafening as lando stops talking in the middle of his sentence.
“i thought that was just a weird rumor. you actually bite him?” lando asks.
“um, yeah,” you reply slowly. “so?”
“got a problem with my girlfriend, mate?” you can feel the muscles of your boyfriend’s arm flexing around you as he tenses up a little.
“nope. no. not at all,” his teammate is quick to respond, hand reaching back to scratch his neck. “carry on. i’ll just act like i’m not here.”
so you do, biting him a little harder as a silent chill out. he just kisses your temple, stifling his laughter.
when it’s finally time for their meeting, you’ve traveled from oscar’s wrist all the way up to the inside of his elbow, grazing your teeth along his skin and inhaling his addictive scent. you’d happily do this for hours, and you pout when he separates himself from you.
as an apology, he leaves you with a parting whisper of, “you’re gonna bite me harder than that tonight, right?” that has your whole body heating up.
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word count: 638
masterlist — join my tag list here!
note: hope u enjoyed this <3 definitely not self indulgent for myself and venus at all!!!
requests are OPEN, and my inbox is always open for comments, criticism, and conversation!
reblogs are greatly appreciated <33
dividers by @/saradika
tags: @venusacrossthestars @67-angelofthelordme-67 @emails-i-can-send @nelly187 @cixrosie @fangirl-dot-com @sainzluvrr @imheretoread @mellowarcadefun @yourbane @monsieurbacteria6 @c-losur3 @papayatori @ssprayberrythings @namgification @maih23 @evlkking @witchycarmen @ilovethispookie @maxverstappenfan79 @sya-skies @sweatrevenge5436-blog @kimis-gloves @mia-rrrs @decafmickey @customsbyjcg-blog @bigheartsthings @tania2748 @scuderiadevils @iloveyou3000morgan @ctrlyomomma @hiireadstuff @daemyratwst @arian-directioner @evelyn-ny @avg-golden-retriever @likedbygaslyy @vintagefucksstuff @piastorys @jisungstuff @personwhoisther @bernelflo @ahgase99 @ferrarisfailedstrats @levidazai @brune77e
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slutforln4 · 5 months
🖇️ lando norris x reader
🖇️ in which your boyfriend ends up in a bloody situation
🖇️ warnings: a lot of blood mentions, suggestive + descriptive so minors dni!! pretty short, 1.6k
🖇️ author’s note: lando with the injured nose is hot okay, i had to do something about my feelings towards it
࿐ ࿔*:・゚
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“I don’t like how that guy’s looking at you.”
Lando felt your hair brush against his cheek as you turned your head to the side, eyes scanning the room until you found the piercing set of eyes boring into you from way over at the bar. “Him?” You cocked your head to the guy’s direction.
His green eyes looked at the guy again, brows creasing immediately upon sight. “Yeah. Does he have a fucking staring problem or something? No reason for him to eye you like that.”
You stifle a laugh, arms wrapping tighter around Lando. “I’m sure he’s just enjoying the view.”
“The view of what?” He turns back to you, his grip on your waist tightening and eyes turning dark. “My girlfriend?”
You bite back a smile and your fingers softly brush against his forehead as you push his curls back. “I love when you get possessive like that.”
Lando’s lips pulled into a smirk before leaning in to kiss you, hands pulling you in by your waist. He wasn’t sure what made that guy even think of looking at you, especially when Lando’s hands have been travelling the curves of your body all night. You’ve been practically glued to him, unable to get a second alone, even if you wanted to.
Lando had to admit that he can’t blame the guy for undressing you with his eyes— that tight little black dress you wore made it so easy to imagine what’s underneath. And the length didn’t help at all. Lando had to keep pulling it down everytime you ever so slightly bent.
He completely understands why the guy was staring, but it still made his blood fucking boil.
The lingering taste of alcohol mixed in you two’s mouths, the make-out getting more heated than you were first intending. Lando peeked an eye open and, sure enough, the guy was still staring, an angry glare tracing your figure from above the rim of his glass.
Lando had started to enjoy this whole bit. Seeing another guy want you, but knowing that he could never have you. Your boyfriend never thought of himself as being possessive, yet the jealousy flowing through his veins had begun to feel almost addictive.
“Lan,” you mumbled against his lips, trying to pull away but he wouldn’t let you. You managed to mumble “phone, ringing,” between the aggressive kisses.
Lando groaned into your mouth before pulling away and taking his phone from your hands. He excused himself for a moment, seemingly upset to peel his hands away from your body. Lando manoeuvred his way out the club and leaned back against the cold bricks as he answered the call. “Yeah, Osc?”
“Hey, mate.” Lando’s teammate began. “Listen, I was wondering if you remember what time you were going to go to the airport on Tuesday?”
“Oh, uhm,” Lando scratched the back of his head. “I dunno, pretty early in the morning, I think. Why?”
“I was wondering if I could come along, since Lily said she’s not up for travelling to the U.S. and I don’t have a travel buddy now.” Oscar explained. “Would that be alright?”
“Yeah, ‘course, mate.” Lando smiled at Oscar’s request. “I was gonna invite you both anyway, since Y/N’s coming. I guess I should tell her that Lily won’t be there this time.”
Oscar chuckled, awkwardly. “Yeah, but maybe next time. She’s been wanting to go to Italy, so I’m sure Y/N will have her plane buddy back by then.”
“Hopefully. I mean, you know how she is about Lily.” Lando grins, remembering how close you and Oscar’s girlfriend had gotten since he joined the team. “Well, I’ll see you Tuesday, then. I’ll text you the exact hour tomorrow.”
“Alright, cheers. See you then.”
“Yup, bye.”
Lando headed back inside, ready to get back to what Oscar cut him off from. Except, he couldn’t find you. But you know who he could find?
That same fucking guy that’s been eye-fucking you the whole night.
He was in the same spot as you had been, looking like he was looming over somebody. When Lando got a glimpse of your hair flipping to the side, trying to find a way to escape this guy, he knew better than to just stand there across the club.
His hand aggressively pulled the guy back by his shoulder. The blonde man in front of him looked confused and simply shrugged it away, laughing in Lando’s face as he turned back to you. You noticed the change of expression in Lan’s face as soon as he pulled the guy back again, this time even more angry than before.
“The fuck is your problem?”
Lando wrapped an arm around you, territorial and so fucking hot. “My problem is that you can’t keep your fucking eyes from my girlfriend.”
“Not my fault you let her dress like a slut and expect me not to stare.”
Time went on slowly from that moment. Lando’s knuckles made contact with the guy’s jaw, then nose, then jaw again. You’ve never seen him so aggressive nor seen him fight anyone, and it was odd to feel turned on by it.
You couldn’t do anything but try and pull Lando away from the guy, but to no avail. You only managed to get him away when the guy punched him back. Lando leaned his head back, hand pushing against his nose as he tried to catch the gushing blood.
“Fuck you,” you angrily spat at the guy before dragging Lando to the bathrooms.
As soon as the door closed and locked, you brought your full attention to Lando and ignored the pounding in your chest. “Fuck, he punched you pretty good, huh?”
“Not as good as I beat him,” he smiled, blood still dripping down his nose to his lips. He spat it out into the sink. “Sorry you have to see me like this, baby. I couldn’t not do anything.”
You bit back a smile as you dabbed the paper towel against his nose, as gentle as a feather, trying your best not to hurt him. “I thought it was kind of hot how you defended me like that.”
“Yeah?” He smirked, hands finding their way back to your waist. “Didn’t know you liked to see me violent.”
“I didn’t either,” you whisper back at him, lips brushing against his. “I guess we learn new things everyday.”
“I guess we do,” he mumbled before connecting his bloodied lips with yours.
Lando felt his nose hurt, but he was far too intoxicated to care. All he cared about was you and for that god-damned dress to be off as soon as possible.
Your fingers gently undid the buttons of his blood-stained shirt, lips still gently pressed against his. The warmth of his blood, oddly enough, didn’t scare you away like Lando thought it would. You seemed to be into it and didn’t mind.
The zipper of your dress pulled down under the weight of Lando’s fingertips, hands trailing down your shoulders as he tugged it off your body.
“Mmh, fuck,” Lando mumbled against your lips when your nose accidentally brushed against his. You didn’t get a chance to pull away as Lando kissed you again, seemingly unbothered by the tinge of pain in his nose.
Your dress pooled at your waist and Lando’s hands pulled you in by the hips. His dick could be felt through the fabric of his dress pants and you didn’t waste any time undoing the button, tugging them down and wrapping your hand around him.
“Someone's needy,” Lando smiles against your lips, blood on his teeth. “How badly do you need it?”
“So bad, Lan.” You whimper when his tongue makes contact with your neck and he gently sucks it. His nose brushed against your skin and you could tell it hurt him, but a hungry man doesn’t know pain as well as he knows the taste of you.
Lando could go through ten times the amount of pain as he is right now if only that meant he’d hear those delicate sounds slipping past your lips as his lips left purple bruises on your skin.
And, fuck, did he make a mess on your neck. He pulled away, eyes trailing down your skin as he watched the blood seep into it.
You saw it in the mirror, too, and it was so fucking hot. It’s like he found a new and better way of marking you.
“Baby,” you mumble as he slowly trails kisses down your chest. He hums as if to ask what’s wrong and you twirl a curl of his between your fingers. “I still need to fix you up. You’ll catch an infection.”
“I’ll be fine,” his muffled voice says while leaving small hickeys on your breasts.
You sometimes hated how stubborn he was, but after all these years, you learnt how to work around it.
Lando freezes mid-kiss when you pull away, stepping back a couple footsteps before pulling your dress back up. “Zip it for me?”
“What are you doing?” He asks, visibly annoyed yet intrigued by your sudden change in emotion. You were just desperate for his dick and now you’re pulling away.
“Getting dressed?” You raise a brow and look his way. “What does it look like?”
“To me,” he steps towards you, hands on your hips before he swiftly turns you around so you’re facing away from him, “it looks like you’re being a brat.”
You faux gasp, a hand coming up to cover your mouth. “Me? I would never.”
“I’m sure you wouldn’t, baby,” he pulls the zipper up your back. “Because you know what brats get, right? Remember last time you did this?”
“Yeah,” you turn back around to face him, hands shaking with need to touch him but mind desperately fighting against it. “But last time you weren’t actively bleeding out and I was trying to rile you up in front of your friends.”
“Baby, I swear I’ll be fine.”
Lando chuckled when he saw your eyes roll. “I’ll trust that when you have a bandage on your nose and I have seven inches in me.”
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iamred-iamyellow · 3 months
⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ Barça Boy
♥ masterlist
♥ pairing: pablo gavi x fem!driver!sainz!reader
♥ synopsis: for as long as you can remember your older brother carlos sainz has been a loyal fan of the football team real madrid. you were an f2 driver who never took your mind off of your own sport; that was until carlos brought you to a barcelona v real madrid game and you fell for a player on the opposing team.
♥ smau - none of the pictures are mine
♥ warnings: swearing and hate comments !!!
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liked by landonorris, yourbestfriend, and 243,530 more
yourusername I've been kidnapped (not clickbait)
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carlossainz55 I'm literally taking you to a madrid game
yourusername exactly 😔
user60 you should be greatful
user60 I'd kill to have those tickets
user71 she's always so ungrateful 🙄
user80 celebrities that don't know anything about the sport getting shit for free pisses me off
user6 @/user80 pretty sure Carlos payed for the two of their tickets but go off
user56 @/user80 not sure she even counts as a 'celebrity'
user7 NEED me some sombas
user8 im obsessed with their dynamic
user2 the sainz siblings >>>
landonorris @/carlossainz55 take me with you next time
user5 aww carlando dates
user3 gonna need a carlando football landolog asap
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"Could you at least pretend like you're watching?" Carlos said, gazing at you as you scrolled through your phone.
You clicked the device off and slid it into your pocket.
"I'm sorry Carlos I'm just not really as interested in this as you are..." you paused. "I mean if I want to make it into F1 I gotta train right? I should be on the sim right now."
"C'mon," he groaned. "You're a Sainz, of course you're going to make it. Relax a little. Enjoy the game, please?"
You rubbed your eyes and sighed, "I'll try."
You crossed your arms and watched the game unfold. One of the Barcelona players scored a goal and went sprinting past you into a knee slide. He really caught your eye and you couldn't help but watch him the rest of the match.
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liked by landonorris, fcbarcelona, and 563,649 more
carlossainz55 up for adoption: Y/n. Formula 2 driver and FC Barcelona apologist. Former Sainz.
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fcbarcelona we'll adopt you y/n
yourusername do I get a kit?
pablogavi you can have one of mine
yourusername @/pablogavi 🤭
user9 THE @ IS CRAZY
carlossainz55 😐
user5 find yourself a man who will love you even when you wear sunglasses with hot sauce (possibly ketchup?) bottles on them
user8 former sainz 😭
user12 "barcelona apologist" 💀
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✧˖ °. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁‧₊˚ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁˖°✧
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liked by pablogavi, fcbarcelona, and 430,594 more
yourusername I guess I'm a culer now. thanks for the kit @/pablogavi it fits perfectly 😘
comments are restricted
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✧˖ °. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁‧₊˚ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁˖°✧
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liked by yourusername, yourbestfriend, and 947,483 more
pablogavi look who I found
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user6 carlos’ face 😭
user50 thought you were “too busy” for football 😐
user61 no way gavi is settling for her
user2 no bc she’s so pretty 😍
user9 they’re literally the cutest couple
user1 those family reunions are gonna be awkward tho lmao
prema_team its good to see you gavi :)
*liked by original poster*
user12 he’s my favorite wag
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liked by pablogavi, olliebearman, and 539,922 more
yourusername signed a contract with ferrari next season. I’ll see you on the grid big bro @/carlossainz55
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pablogavi estoy orgulloso de ti hermosa (I'm proud of you beautiful)
yourusername gracias mi amor
user7 so cute 🥹
user8 if I knew thirsting over him on main worked I woulda tried it years ago 😔
user6 madridista v culer war ferrari edition
user10 “my girlfriend is hotter than you” true 🤷‍♀️
carlossainz55 congrats or whatever
yourusername you know you love me
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thatsdemko · 6 months
without me? - l.norris
masterlist | pairing: lando norris x fem!reader
summary: the silence he enters to is odd… but was there ever really any silence?
warnings: smut + not intended for minors + no plot?
a/n: reminder this is 18+ content!!! I need some serious motivation to write smut so if anyone has any….
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there’s a stillness to the room that he just can’t describe. like everything in his apartment looks so picturesque, the sun setting, a dimly lit lamp in the corner. the eery sound of quietness are odd against his ears.
the sounds of the rubber against the pavement, the whirling of drills and tools, the vibration of the car still keep his body in working mode. the endorphins swell his brain with happiness and serenity as he walks from the living room towards the bedroom.
that’s when he finally begins to hear noise.
at first it’s just the faint sound of the mattress squeaking, then, he as steps closer, he can begin to hear the headboard rattling against the wall. whatever he was feeling in his brain shot straight down to his cock and spread an aching in him.
he couldn’t stand behind this door any longer. finally pressing his palm into the knob, he pushes the door gently. his eyes are greeted with the best sight; you. legs apart, vibrator in hand, your hair sprawled across the pillow case, and the oh so sweet sounds of your whimpers are flooding his eardrums.
he can’t help it, the smile that spreads is cocky. you look pathetic and helpless, like something was clearly holding you back, and god he couldn’t wait to put you out of your misery.
you didn’t head the door open, and you certainly didn’t hear the drop of his bags, but you did feel his hand grasp yours and toss the vibrator to the side.
“lando,” you whimper softly. your eyes flutter open for a brief second, you see he’s removing his belt from his waist, and in his own eyes he has some sort of thirst and desire he can’t resist.
you don’t blame him, you’d been waiting for him. you spent all afternoon cleaning to erase your mind from the nasty thoughts you had about your boyfriend. you could still see the ass and hand prints against the shower glass, you could still recall how he fucked you until both of you came collapsing onto the floor.
every part of this house was haunted with some sort sexual memory, and you had attempted to clean it all awaiting to start new ones, but that wasn’t enough. after all that, you still felt unfulfilled. so enter the vibrator, and now, finally, there was lando.
lando’s hips grind against yours, his cock fitting nicely inside you, warmth radiates off of him. your back arches in an automatic response, your body molding up into his, he pushes you down. it’s not stern, but it wasn’t a gentle gesture either, it was still hot coming from him. possessiveness was something lando never lacked.
his thrusts become harder, nonsensical words fall from his lips that range from “I missed you” to “fucking wet” and none of them strung a proper sentence. you just allowed him to take you to the place you couldn’t quite get to with a mechanical toy, and you thank him with peppering kisses to his neck that you know you’ll get shit for tomorrow.
“never fucking do that without me.” he grunts rolling off your body to lay beside you. he takes a moment to catch his breath before sitting back up, “the place is too clean.” he states.
nodding your head you turn in his direction, “do you want to mess it up again?”
“fuck yes.”
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daddy issues // ln4 smau
description: cat owning!girlfriend x lando norris
summary: lando having beef with his girlfriend’s cat who also happens to have an instagram account
requests: open! i take requests for any drivers 🤍
a/n: i love thinking about lando and pets so here you go!! my besties cat is named barracuda (barry for short) so yk i had to mention her. i do not own any images used, all found on pinterest.
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liked by maxverstappen1, barracuda101, and 829,016 others
youruser: barracuda appreciation post because i love my sweet girl 🤍
tagged: barracuda101
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landonorris: cute (talking about you, never barracuda)
↳ youruser: this is why she attacks you
user1: barracuda and yn posts!!
user2: cat mums unite
maxverstappen1: jimmy and sassy play date with barracuda when?
↳ charles_leclerc: barracuda is WAY too sophisticated for your cats
↳ user3: we all know charles is lying
landonorris: you kick me out of bed so she can cuddle. i will not be liking the post.
user4: “barracuda > lando” - yn, probably
barracuda101: BEST MUMMY ON EARTH
barracuda101: #livinglife
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liked by youruser, mclaren, and 1,957,463 others
landonorris: the “sweet girl” that my girlfriend loves more than me
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barracuda101: at me next time bitch
↳ user5: barracuda supremacy
↳ user6: you tell him barracuda!
barracuda101: i only bite you because you taste yummy 😁
↳ user7: now we know damn well this is yn
youruser: how dare you post these bad photos of our baby
↳ landonorris: it’s her true colours babe. the world must know
user8: not lando outing his cat child on the internet
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liked by youruser, f1, and 2,915,863 others
barracuda101: cannot believe this man is my dad. alexa play ‘daddy issues’ by the neighbourhood
tagged: landonorris
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youruser: i stand with you barracuda! ✊
↳ user9: imagining yn logging into barracuda’s account just to post this has me crying
user10: she came for blood with this one
landonorris: barracuda.
↳ barracuda101: the world must know your “true colours”
↳ user11: preach barracuda
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liked by mclaren, danielricciardo, and 2,467,017 others
barracuda101: beefing with my dad at the moment. no one hmu 💔😔
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user12: we stand with you barracuda
youruser: it’ll be okay baby. we’ll get through this
↳ landonorris: tf?
danielricciardo: im so sorry you are going through this at the moment. he doesn’t deserve you!
↳ user13: not danny too
↳ user14: barracuda got everyone on her side
mclaren: we will have some words with your dad barracuda.
↳ barracuda101: i would really appreciate that 😔
↳ landonorris: huhhhhhhh??????
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liked by youruser, barracuda101, and 817,390 others
landonorris: she gives black cat energy… girlfriend appreciation post though!
tagged: youruser
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youruser: awww love you
↳ user15: barracuda is finally getting her well deserved justice
user16: is your girlfriend single???
user17: im no better than a man at this point
mclaren: wag of the century 🧡
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liked by barracuda101, landonorris, and 925,016 others
youruser: barry (barracuda) appreciation post 🧡
tagged: barracuda101
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landonorris: wow, i post an appreciation post for you and you post barry instead
↳ barracuda101: tough luck
↳ user18: dead asf
user19: cannot believe this is the cat that THE lando norris has beef with
user20: yn and barracuda = ultimate combo
f1: one of the many pets of the paddock!
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liked by landonorris, mclaren, and 924,826 others
youruser: boyfriend appreciation post too ig… 🧡
tagged: landonorris
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user21: yn is feeding the girlies
landonorris: finally!!! love you 🧡
user22: we love boyfriend lando
user23: barracuda is being real quiet about this
↳ user24: she’s fuming, ik it
↳ youruser: literally
mclaren: lando nowins who?
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liked by youruser, landonorris, and 2,016,538 others
barracuda101: y’all. im heartbroken at my mother’s instagram post. i thought i was the only one in her heart. currently giving her the cold shoulder. anyone need a new cat?
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danielricciardo: my poor barry
↳ youruser: YOUR barry?!
maxverstappen1: i can take you in barracuda!
↳ landonorris: worry bout yourself
user25: you’ll get through this barry!!
user26: brighter days are ahead
user27: the way barracuda gets more likes than her parents is absolutely hilarious
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liked by landonorris, barracuda101, and 825,743 others
youruser: spot the difference - level: impossible
tagged: barracuda101, landonorris
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user28: they’re the same picture
↳ barracuda101: i agree.
user29: yn and her sombrero wearing roommates
schecoperez: barry 🖤
↳ user30: CHECO?! YOU TOO?!
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liked by barracuda101, youruser, and 924,736 others
landonorris: BREAKING NEWS‼️ barracuda and i are now like this 🤞
tagged: barracuda101
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youruser: my two babies 🖤🧡
barracuda101: he gave me some treats guys 🎀😸😎🤞🤪🥺🩷
↳ user31: we all knew there had to be some motive
user32: WAR IS OVER
danielricciardo: so does this mean i can’t adopt barracuda?
↳ maxverstappen1: my question exactly
↳ youruser: you two were never an option to be barracuda’s godfather. like never ever.
↳ charles_leclerc: can’t relate. im happily the godfather
↳ maxverstappen1: if you get shunted into the wall in turn 1… wasn’t me
↳ danielricciardo: 😈
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maxlarens · 6 days
hi lilli! i love your fics sm, so could i possibly request oscar + brushing a strand of hair away with maybe best friend reader? tysm queen 🙏
joyce!! thank you!!! sorry it took me more than a month to do this. i sat down today to write ANOTHER george drabble and then decided no. i have to write something for oscar. it has been far too long and i miss him and he deserves it. i did this with roommate!reader which i think fits the same vibe!?
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“Hey. How you feeling?”, Oscar asks, his head sticking in through the gap in your doorway, hair lit like a halo.
You groan, turning over in bed so you’re not facing the hallway light streaming into the room. You wrangle a hand out from under your sheets, gesture for him to come inside and then shove your face back into the sweaty pillow.
“Close the door,” you add.
Oscar laughs quietly, “Bad. I take it.”
You make a mocking noise, then pat the empty side of the bed for him to sit on. Hopeful that he'll take you up on your offer, despite your apparent contagion.
You feel the bed dip as he shuffles to sit next to you. His knees pressing gently into your back from where he's sitting cross-legged. He makes a halfway sympathetic noise, then you feel his hand on your shoulder. He pats you awkwardly, in that way he is wont to do— you can't tell if he thinks you're going to give him this cold you've got, or if he's just being weird about touching you again.
Which is funny, considering.
Considering the lines you've been crossing recently.
Kissing him on the cheek when he leaves or arrives home, cuddling on the couch all the time, standing hip-to-hip in the kitchen while making dinner. Sleeping in each other's beds. But not last night, not with this flu you've got. Part of you had wanted him here, but you'd still refused when he offered.
You'd hate to get him sick with his race coming up. Or, more likely, you hate to keep living in this delusion that you know isn't real.
Yet, here he is. Checking on you first thing in the morning, crawling into your bed like it's normal. Like he belongs there.
"Poor thing," he says absently, running his fingers down your arm.
You turn to face him, body aching and your head pounding a rhythm into your skull. He looks down at you, lips pursed in a tight frown, hair a mess, t-shirt askew like he'd not even adjusted it before checking in on you. Newsflash: He hadn't.
You feel dizzy, from being ill, from his proximity. You're not sure.
He reaches forward, bringing the blankets up under your chin, then in a rare moment of hesitation he reaches to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear. It vaguely damp there, a little cold, but your skin burns where he'd brushed the shell of your ear.
"Need anything?", he asks, blinking, face as unreadable as ever.
You shake your head, but think: just you.
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just a short one for all the sick girlies out there!
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