#free congo
chocolatefudgebrownie · 21 hours
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Rest in Power Marcellus Williams
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Speaking of cute art, here's some MonoShin blushing by Mocchanya!
Thank you so much for the donations as well as the hard work by our creators. Head on over and give this piece a like and comment on Twitter if you're able to!!
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flower-tea-fairies · 4 months
You should be furious that people trying to escape genocide in Gaza, Sudan, Congo all need raise an absurd amount of money just to survive
You should be furious at how these people went through atrocity after atrocity and still need raise tens of thousands of dollars to get away
You should be furious at this insidious thing that completely encapsulates how capitalism feeds off of blood
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eggyolkperona3000 · 6 months
Master doc that contains different resources and support for many countries including Palestine, Congo, Haiti, Hawai’i, etc ((the creator is underneath the link))
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Link to the tweet: https://x.com/seaweedlagoon/status/1772449954046279818?s=46&t=s8SsfXh2OjpNRAj1OBxwqg
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totallynotcensorship · 7 months
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Macklemore cancels his show in Dubai to boycott the UAE in solidarity with the people of Sudan:
“At the end of the day I have to ask myself what is my intention as an artist? […] Although dismantling systemic oppression might not fully happen during my lifetime, our collective analysis is evolving. That is where it starts. When we realize our individual liberation IS Palestinian liberation. Is Sudanese liberation. Is Congolese liberation.”
He also writes:
“The last 10 months l've been learning what factors/motivators feed genocide and global systemic oppression. I keep getting led back to self interest over collective interest at the root. Capitalism is the glue that holds this ideology together. And if I take the money, while knowing it doesn't sit right with my spirit, how am I any different than the politicians l've been actively protesting against?”
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thebrownart · 4 months
Growing up I always watched movies, documentaries, tv shows and read books about atrocities committed by people in history and thought.. how did this happen and why did no one do anything? Why did governments not intervene? Why did public figures not speak out? How did they get away with it? it? Most importantly how did human treat other humans like that? Where was the compassion?
I'm ashamed to say that in 2024 I now have the answers. The government's gas lighting and complicity, the media dehumanising, ignoring and bias reporting, the huge companies funding and supporting, the public figures choosing to stay silent, the ordinary person pretending "they don't know enough" this is how we've allowed this to happen time and time again..
In the past we could forgive people for not having enough information, not having access to it, not being able to hear the stories of the horrors, to be able to see it with their own eyes..
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In 2024 you can't pretend you "don't know enough" you can't pretend you don't see innocent children, men, and women being brutally killed by sadistic, genocidal leaders and their war crimes.. you can't ignore the 100's and 1000's of videos, images, stories and people who are telling you what is happening.. the sheer horror of images we are seeing.. you can't ignore the countless protests, discourse, conversations, posts, live feeds etc.. history will judge your inaction, your silence, your ignorance..
This is not a war.. this is a genocide.. this is massacre.. there are no sides..
Also please don't forget the innocent people suffering in Sudan and Congo they need our voices too!
(the linktree to donate for people in Palestine is in my bio)
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notyourtoday · 10 months
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bunnie-the-idiot · 2 months
the kids online safety act passed the u.s. senate.
long story short (for anyone who hadn't heard of this before) the kids online safety act, aka kosa, is a bill that will censor online content and resources for lgbtq+ matters, reproductive healthcare, activism (INCLUDING PALESTINE AND LIKELY OTHER CRISES GOING ON LIKE IN CONGO OR SUDAN), mental health, etc. everywhere--its effects likely won't be contained to just america.
today, july 30th, 2024, the senate passed it 91-3. it has officially moved to the house of representatives.
is this a pretty massive setback? yes. do you have every right to be scared, sad, angry, or whatever else about this happening? absolutely. but should you give up hope completely? NO!
even though kosa passed the senate, the house is on break/august recess at the moment. we have around an entire month to get emails, calls, and faxes in to house reps, maybe more depending on when they decide to vote on it.
should it pass the house and get signed into law, we still have a whole 18 months before it actually goes into effect. this is plenty of time for digital rights orgs (e.g. fight for the future, the electronic frontier foundation) and other groups that oppose it to file a lawsuit against it. even if, worst-case scenario, it flies through the house immediately after the recess ends, we can still fight this up to march 2026.
so, yes, remember what's at stake here, but also remember that it's not over yet. we lost a battle, not the war.
below are some resources to learn more about kosa and how to contact your reps (first link) + a page that lets you directly contact progressive house reps, sign an open letter opposing the bill, and view others' testimonies against it (second link):
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xgoldenlatiasx · 7 months
I’m really glad that Aaron’s self-immolation for Palestine is getting attention, but on November 8th there was also a Congolese man who did the same thing for the genocide happening in the DRC. From what I read in the article above, his fate and identity are unknown but I think his story should be getting equal amount of traction and I haven’t really seen anyone talking about it on Tumblr specifically yet.
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pumpkinsy0 · 5 months
theres been bombs dropped on displaced families camps in congo so i wanna share some places to donate where u can help the congolese ppl
focus congo
friends of the congo
panzi foundation
if u cant donate just share and get it to someone who can!!
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newsfrom-theworld · 3 months
5 things you need to know about the genocide in the DRC
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Free Congo
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aeonthespian-blog · 11 months
Here are some of the donations for Congo
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horreurscopes · 4 months
i do not have and will never have an iphone but i've been watching hugh jeffrey's videos where he keeps exposing apple's cartoonishly evil anti-repair practices and whatever you think they are doing to keep people purchasing new devices, it is astonishingly worse.
jeffrey's releases videos every time there's a new iphone where he tries to switch parts between two brand new, straight-from-the-store working phones and shows how apple has serialized the internal components so multiple phone functions are disabled when a part with a different serial number is put inside it, effectively killing third party repair, as well as scraping non-functioning phones for parts, while iOS deceptively claims that it is a third party part and it is locking the phone for "safety" purposes.
apple was also exposed recently for not only shredding half a million traded-in phones, but taking the company they were hiring to do so to court for failing to destroy products and instead selling some of them on the side 💀
this video jeffrey posted a month ago puts side to side the claims an apple technician gave at a legislative hearing when speaking against oregon's right to repair bill, and jefferey himself demonstrating that they were, well, lying out of their ass. it doesn't have nearly enough views imo so i'm sharing it here.
in short: stop buying apple products if you care about the right to repair, reducing e-waste and human rights.
the exploitation of cobalt mines in congo is fueling the fire of genocide; people are dying in the thousands in subhuman slavery conditions every day while apple does everything in their power to stop people from repairing and re-selling their products while claiming they are committed to reducing e-waste.
we need to be committing acts of t[redacted]ism against corporate greed but in the meantime withholding your consumer power is the bare minimum
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vi-stri · 4 months
PLEASE talk about Congo, Haiti, and Sudan, with the same fervor you give Palestine. PLEASE care about black struggle and suffering.
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sayruq · 4 months
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