#gotta work on that :(
dawnbreakersgaze 2 months
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"If you look at life with any honesty and intelligence, it's clear that human nature is dark, vile, selfish, and despondent. But I also see a force in human nature, namely grace, that sometimes works against our natural moral entropy." -Scott Derrickson
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pistachi0art 7 months
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A new challenger approaches! 馃
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turtlecleric 8 months
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I feel like y'all will appreciate my TMNT shelf
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hermitscratch 6 months
Cletho + 28
Send me a pairing + a number! || Accepting
28. A kiss for luck, Cleo/Etho, 901 words
When Etho got his task, he genuinely thought it would be easy. How often were people going to be looking at him when they had their own tasks to handle? All he had to worry about was remembering not to move when they did. He could do that! Surely he could do that, even if it meant stealthing his way through the session.
He didn't go the stealth route. Too obvious, ironically, and the nature of the task already made him vulnerable to yellows. The last thing he needed was to look like he had something to hide, so when Gem came along asking to buy his door, he went along with it, however clumsily. She left him three zombie eggs richer, and as soon as she was out of sight, he could have gone limp with relief.
Okay, so maybe not as easy as Etho thought. At least when it was Skizz and Tango with his enchanter, he'd had less to lose. They were green, he was safe from any errant guesses they might make, and with the track record this server had with enchanting tables, it made perfect sense that he'd guard it as they improved their gear. They didn't bat a lash at Etho's stillness, and Grian, mercifully, left with them after a glance that said he knew something was amiss. Etho wasn't surprised, his teammate was tack-sharp.
He was even less surprised when Cleo caught on, really, but he didn't expect her to take advantage of it.
She was already at the secret keeper, labeling a lineup of doors. He stepped closer, but she didn't let the distance close, looking back at him first out of curiosity, and then out of amusement as the realization dawned on her.
After an abrupt turn of her head made him stumble to freeze in place, she laughed. "Mhm, yep, that's some task you've got there."
Etho feigned nonchalance, even as he chuckled nervously, "I dunno what you're talking about."
"Yeah, no, of course," Cleo said, voice bouncing with mirth, "Is there a time limit to be mindful of, or-?"
The stupid task was the only thing keeping Etho from slouching in defeat. At least Etho could be sure Cleo wouldn't rat him out. "Nope. All session, or until I mess it up, I guess."
Cleo waved a hand, "Oh, you'll be fine. Here," She took Etho by the wrist and started leading the way, looking resolutely forward so he could follow, "I've got an idea."
It wasn't a far walk back to their base, Cleo's touch cool against his skin. She left him by the door and vanished inside to set up something Etho couldn't see, but he could hear the placement of trapdoors and the opening of a chest Then, a sigh of exertion, and the brushing of dust off of hands. "Okay! It's ready!" She called.
Etho peered in. Cleo had her back to him, but turned around once he was positioned in the doorway. Beside her was a hastily assembled table, holding a chest. "What is 'it', exactly?"
"Just a game," Cleo answered. She pat the chest, "You can have what's in here, you've just gotta reach it."
Etho looked between Cleo and the chest suspiciously. Supposedly, her task was done, but she hadn't yet hit the succeed button. What were the chances this was a ploy? "That's it? No catch?"
"Mm," Cleo tilted her head left, then right, like she was giving the idea proper consideration, "The catch is that I get to laugh at you."
Etho groaned, "You'd do that anyway!"
"So this works out phenomenally for you!" Cleo said cheerily, "Come on, I know you can't resist free stuff."
...She had his number there.
He played. Etho crept towards the chest, and made a game out of posing in the most ridiculous positions he could reasonably achieve every time she turned around. Every time, he would get a few extra steps in as she laughed and guessed what inspired the pose. It was lighthearted, and goofy, and Etho laughed with her right up until he reached his prize.
"Well, you did it," Cleo said, wiping her eyes where they'd welled and catching her breath. She turned her back to Etho a final time, "Don't say I never help you out, alright?"
Etho popped the lid of the chest. Three glass bottles sat in it, each filled with something clear and viscous. He lifted one to tilt it towards the light, catching its iridescence. Invisibility potions. "Ohh baby," He stowed the bottles, "These'll come in clutch. You're the best, Cleo."
"I know," She faced Etho as he stood straight, and held his chin gently. She tilted his head down and pressed a kiss to his forehead with an exaggerated mwah. "You can have that, too."
Etho must have looked as surprised as he felt, because Cleo snickered and patted his cheek as he asked, "What was that for?"
"For luck, obviously," She replied as if it truly was obvious. When Cleo headed for the front door, Etho didn't even think to follow her. "I want to hear a success story when you get home tonight."
Etho didn't move until long after Cleo was gone, probably off to do whatever remained of her task. He pulled out one of the potions, rolling the smooth glass in his hand.
Home. Yeah... he'd bring a success story home.
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surreal-duck 2 months
idk y it took me this long to notice that midori is wearing a ring in the cuddle drawing. r they marriage?!
i was thinking of just matching/promise rings of a sort rather than an actual proposal but feel free to imagine as such.... didnt think either of them would love huge flashy surprises so something like slipping it on while asleep has always seemed rather cute (藟鈻剿夛紱)... its my being cheesy hours dont look at me
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active-mind-15 6 months
Properly started writing chapter 21 for Accidental Siblings. Trying to get back into the writing groove and I think it might be working.
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lab-trash 2 months
I really want to start a specific kind of book collection. There are these covers called Gothic Covers and I love them. And I have my exam coming up in a week, and if people wanted to give me gifts, that'd be great for it.
But how do I be like "Hey, dad who just spent a bunch of money on a bookshelf for me and for our house to be cleaned, can you buy me a book? Hey, mom who doesn't have a job and lives with your parents, can you buy me a book? Because I (hopefully) passed my exam, which means I can work more and get paid more, it'd be really cool if you bought me a book."
They're only like $20, but still. Makes me feel bad.
Maybe I'll ask for cards. Much cheaper and another collection i want to start.
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mindmythorns 3 months
I鈥檓 honestly the worst lmao
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i-love-tubbs-the-cat 3 months
i decided to put up my old kin page for funsies
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馃悽馃┓Gettin on my OC shenanigans again as TMNT has taken over my entire being...
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No seriously.
I've watched almost all of the movies and I'm half tempted to rewatch 2003 and start 2012.
Send help.
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mothxart 2 years
Alright sorry for the wait! school is keeping me really busy
I did those sketches in class without any reference so they might be littles details missing or wrong
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Had a lot of fun drawing that little fella
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Regularly scheduled self-care can prevent burnout
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in-study-hell 1 year
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I just redrew these OC imgs from 2017 like damn 6 years later I鈥檓 better but only in subtle ways OK xD
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bitchassvirgo 5 months
i hate when i like a post halfway through reading it and then have to revoke my like bc it took too wild of a turn for me personally
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hor-wod-flir 1 year
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All of them are on the AH for 55g but I happily take 55kt as well.
Those are the last Hatchlings of my Darksun Festival Pair with Smoke (Skydancer and Pearlcatcher) I changed the Gene to Firebreather for future offspring.
Find my sales Tab and Hatchery Thread in the reblogs as always! @fr-dragon-sales @fr-boosts
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rustywolf14 1 year
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With Art Fight 2023 coming and going here's this year's hoard of drawings I've done for it! Another successful year of getting to draw various Ocs! ^^
In order, characters belong to:
Btw I've been thinking, next year should I start doing what I do on my other accounts and start posting the pics as I do them or keep posting them all together at the end of the month? Maybe both? I'll probably do a poll next year before it comes but I'd like to hear what you guys think rn
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