#happy belated cat day? apparently that was a thing yesterday
icy-dark-star · 1 year
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Meowta Knight
Some extra stuff under read more!
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Colored Meowta
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Exclusive low quality original sketch!
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8. “Well, you still love me, right?” “I do.” ❤️
Thank you for the prompt! I took this one in a different direction and decided to focus on love through friendship in honor of Penny's birthday yesterday. Happy belated to our fierce magician!
Less is More
Rating: T, Word Count: 1100
“Hell is other people!” I screech as I slam the door to Simon’s flat. He and Baz are both sitting on the couch when I come in, and they both jump a bit at my rather dramatic entrance.
“Geez Pen, give a guy a heart attack, will you?” Simon growls, his tail whipping back and forth like a scared cat.
“Sorry,” I sigh, “I’ve just had the worst day.” I drop my bag and kick off my shoes. Baz stands and wordlessly makes his way to the kitchen and puts the kettle on. Bless him.
I make my way to the couch where I flop down next to Simon.
“You wanna talk about it?”
I bite my lip as I think about it and then after a moment ask, “Am I that hard to get along with?”
He shrugs.
“What does that even mean?!” I shove him into the pillows.
“I dunno!” he puts his arms up in surrender. “I just mean, we’ve been friends for so long and you and I get along pretty well. So if you’re, like, looking for an opinion on how you get on with new people, I’m probably not the best person to ask.”
Sweet Simon. I reach over and pat his knee. Even with all that we’ve been through, there’s still such an ease to being with him. I’d like to take that as a compliment, that he says we get along so well. But that could have everything to do with him being the one that’s so easy going.
Baz re-enters the room, handing me a cup of tea and sitting in the armchair on the other side of me.
I turn to him. “Baz, do you think I’m difficult to get along with?”
“Hmm,” he says. “Not sure I want to fall into that trap.” Simon laughs.
I roll my eyes. “It’s not a trap!” I say, and I’m starting to get agitated again. “It’s a genuine question, Basil!”
“Alright,” he says, setting his own tea down and sitting up a little straighter. “You know that Simon and I get along with you just fine, but I sense that you’re asking this because of something that happened today. So why don’t you tell us about it.”
“It’s not just today,” I grumble. “I’m in my second year at Uni and I don’t get along with anyone there. I know I’m not the most sociable person, but sometimes I really do try, and it doesn’t seem to make any difference!”
“Because…” Baz presses.
“Because they all hate me!” I say and I can hear my voice waver.
“Is this about those twats at the tutoring center?” Simon asks.
“They’re not twats,” I say, slumping further into the pillows. “Everyone seems to love them. I’m the difficult one, apparently.”
“And why do you say that?” Baz asks gently.
“Because none of the students looking for tutoring ever stick with me!” I say. “After a few sessions they always ask to work with someone else.”
“Do they say why?” Simon asks.
“Not always,” I say. “But my boss just told me that the last one said that I was impatient and intimidating.”
Simon makes a face like he’s trying not to laugh, and I groan, leaning my head in my hands.
“Teaching isn't for everyone, Bunce,” Baz says. “As brilliant as you are, it can be difficult to help someone else learn the skills they need, and not everyone is going to learn things as easily as you do.”
“Yeah, you can always find another part-time job if this one isn’t a good fit,” Simon says, rubbing my back.
“It’s not just that,” I sigh. “I don’t have any friends there. I’m pretty sure none of the other tutors like me.”
“Like I said, twats.”
I huff a laugh. “And I got so busy today that I couldn’t manage to call Shepard before his shift started, which means I’m not going to be able to talk to him today. Again.” Now the tears really do start coming.
“Listen,” Simon says. “I know you’re worried about making another long distance relationship work, but you and Shep are so different from you and Micah. He gets you. And he isn’t going to be in America forever.” He’s right, things with Shepard are really steady. But after everything today I’m feeling extra vulnerable, and I really would have liked to talk to him.
I sniff, and Baz hands me a tissue.
“And as for the other people at Uni, they don’t know what they're missing,” Baz says.
“Yes, I’m quite the catch,” I snark, blowing my nose to emphasize the point.
“You’ve always had a small circle, and there’s nothing wrong with that,” he continues. “So what if small talk isn’t your strong suit? To those of us lucky enough to be in your orbit, you are an extremely dedicated friend. You flew us across an ocean and made us drive cross country because you were worried about Agatha.”
“Yeah,” Simon says, “and how many times have you put yourself in danger on all of our missions just to protect me?”
My heart beats a bit faster hearing them say all of that. I sniff again and take a deep breath.
Baz reaches out his hand and grasps mine. “You are a kind, loyal and dedicated friend, and I, for one, am so thankful I get to be yours.” He squeezes my hand and I let out a little sob.
“I suppose there’s some truth to what you’re saying,” I concede. “Thank you both, I’m sorry for dumping all of this on you. I may not be the most revered tutor or the easiest co-worker, but at least you still love me, right?”
“I do,” Simon says, pulling me into a tight hug and tugging me toward him to make room for Baz.
“And so do I,” he says, joining us on the couch and putting an arm around me.
“Now,” Simon says, “let’s put on some trashy television and stuff our faces with crisps until we’ve turned this day around.”
I grin, and lean into him, and remind myself why I have my three friend rule. Because I would do anything for those few people. And maybe Baz is right. Maybe that sort of dedication is all I need to focus on.
Prompts from this list
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fangirlovestuff · 4 years
Family - Frank Adler x reader
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a/n- Hey lovely people! this is my second entry for the shameless hoes for chris challenge, so i’d like to say a very happy birthday (and belated birthday) to the lovely @stargazingfangirl18​ & @navybrat817​ who are hosting this challenge! thank you for sharing your kindness, talent, and shameless hoe thoughts with us through this challenge and every day, i hope you both had great days! here’s this Frank one shot as a gift! also, disclamer: i know nothing about boats. thoughts are in italics, prompt is in bold. Enjoy! <3
Summary: You move into a new town in search of a new job, and you meet a very handsome man and his cute niece. Or more accurately, their cat finds you.
Word count: ~3,550
Prompts:  Oops I caught feelings for you and I got ‘em baddd. &  “Oh god, did I say that out loud?”
Warnings: SMUT, explicit sexual content, explicit language. please do not read if you are uncomfortable with any of the above!
You opened the curtains of the small window, squinting a little as the morning sun hit your sleep-deprived eyes. It was the first night you spent in your new little house by the docks, and you'd always had a bit of a hard time sleeping in new places. 
You sighed and rubbed your eyes, getting the coffee started. You had another week until you had to work, giving you enough time to get to know your new surroundings and fix your sleep schedule before you took over at the local library. The pay wasn't too high but you needed a job while you were working on your novel, and what better than being surrounded by books?
You moved here to clear your head a little, feeling a change of scenery might be what you needed to write your story. What your parents and relatives referred to as your "little passion project" was in fact something you were willing to work hard to achieve. Being a published author was your goal, not a mere daydream. 
You sipped the warm coffee from your mug, looking out of the window at the quiet neighborhood. You startled at the sight of an orange cat appearing, out of nowhere, chased by a little girl who seemed to be around ten or eleven years old. You chuckled into your mug before seeing the girl stumble and fall. You put down your mug to rush to her aid, but before you could leave your doorstep, a man was already kneeling next to her. Maybe her dad, even though he seemed a little young for that.
You turned in search of the elusive cat, and found him in some bushes, licking his paws. You got closer and realized the ginger cat only had one eye. You cooed at the cat, beckoning him over, and to your surprise he listened, coming out of the bushes. You pet him a little and he willingly purred at your touch. You smiled before hesitantly reaching to lift him and hold him in your arms. From your acquaintance with cats, you expected him to thrash, scratch, or try to escape, especially from the hands of a stranger, but to your surprise he stayed put, letting you carry it over to the little girl and her dad, who were still kneeling on the grass.
The girl's eyes lit up when she saw you come closer, the cat still in your arms. "Fred!" she yelled and the cat finally showed signs of wanting to get away from you. You put him down and waved at them, coming closer and sitting down beside them, to be at eye level.
"Hey," you said and introduced yourself. "I couldn't help but notice this little guy trying to hide in the bushes. He's your cat, right?" you asked the little girl and she nodded, embracing him further. "Well, you've got a very well-behaved cat," you smiled at her, "he didn't put up a fight when I lifted him up, which is remarkable." Then you remembered a little girl of ten might not know what remarkable means, and opened your mouth to explain. 
"Yeah, Fred is very remarkable," she spoke before you could. You closed your mouth. All the while the man just sat there, seemingly evaluating you with his piercing blue eyes. From anyone else, you'd probably find the gaze daunting or uncomfortable, but from him, it sent a pleasant warmth through your body. 
"I'm Mary," she spoke once more, reaching her hands out to you. You took it and shook it, smiling at her. 
The man finally spoke up, "I'm Frank," he said in a deep voice, "nice to meet you. When did you move in? I haven't really seen you around."
"Actually, just yesterday," you smiled warmly at him. "This neighborhood seems lovely," you added.
"It is," he smiles. His smile is soft, lighting up his rugged features with evident kindness. You dismissed his previous hostility as a bad morning.
"C'mon Mary, we gotta get you ready for school," Frank got up and Mary took his hand and got up as well, waving at you as she and Frank marched back to their house, Fred trailing behind them. 
You smiled seeing Mary skipping next to Frank, holding his hand still. They made a very pretty, wholesome family. You wondered who the mom was.
A couple of days later you woke up to a weird scratching sound. You located the source of the noise was from the door, frowning before opening it. You were met with the sight of Fred, who immediately entered and rubbed his head on your leg. 
"Feeling at home, huh?" you smiled and scratched behind his ears. "Come on, let's get you back home," you got out of the door just when Frank came into sight.
"Good morning!" you called out as he got closer. 
"Morning!" he replied, lightly making his way to you. You noticed the way his white shirt stretched over his muscles and gulped. 
"Come on bud," he said as he lifted Fred up. "I'm sorry about him," he said. "I have no idea what's gotten into him," he smiled. You noted it seemed like he was in a better mood this morning. 
"It's fine," you replied, "he's a great alarm clock," you chuckled. 
"Oh god, he woke you up?" he scoffed at Fred. "Well, if you want to there's some coffee at our place, as a sorry for this little menace," he pet Fred a little.
"I'd love too, but I should probably get dressed," you gestured at your pajamas. 
"Yeah," Frank diverted his gaze, "Fred and I can wait," he said apologetically.
"Thanks," you said. 
You were back out within a few minutes, dressed and ready for the day. You walked beside Frank, making a bit of small talk about the neighborhood.
Once you reached the house you came in with Frank to find Mary eating breakfast in the company of a woman you haven't seen before.
"Thanks for watching her, Roberta. She couldn't be late today too," Frank said to the woman, Roberta apparently, and then to Mary, "Mary, we can't go chasing after Fred every time he decides to disappear."
"He was at my house," you intervened, "just coming to visit. He seems independent, you shouldn't worry if he goes on trips every once in a while. I promise if he comes to visit again, I'll get him back to you, okay?" you smiled.
Mary was quiet for a moment, as if considering what you just said, and then nodded. "Yeah, I guess you're right. And thanks for bringing him back. You too Frank," she smiled and continued to eat her cereal. You fought the puzzled expression that was threatening to rise on your face. Why would she call her dad Frank?
"The bus will be here soon, honey," Roberta told Mary, "better hurry."
Mary jumped up, took her bag, and grabbed onto Frank's hand. 
"Be right back," he said and started walking away with Mary. 
You felt Roberta's gaze immediately on you, as if observing you. You turned to her. "So, you new here?" she asked.
"Yeah, just moved in," you replied. "I bet you know everyone far better than I do," you smiled. You didn't know her relationship with Frank and Mary, but you were too embarrassed to ask. 
Roberta seemed to have picked up on it though, because the next thing she said was "When Frank moved in here, he didn't even have Mary. I live in a house across the street. I've always been friends with Frank, but when he needed to take care of his niece, I knew he needed a serious ass-kicking so he'd do it right," she chuckled. "but I think between the two of us, Mary came out great," she smiled fondly. 
"She seems wonderful," you agreed, thankful for her silent understanding of your cluelessness about the situation. 
Frank came back inside, closing the door behind him. "Thanks again for watching her Roberta," he said, "I'm sure you two got acquainted already," he added while pouring you a cup of coffee. 
You accepted the coffee gratefully, blowing on it slightly before taking a sip. Roberta was leaving to go about her day, so only you and Frank were left. You took in the house, and while it was a little messy, it radiated the happiness of a home. 
"So," Frank started, "I assume you've wondered about Mary… I'm her uncle, but her parents are gone." 
"It's okay," you hurriedly said, "Roberta explained a little, I get it."
"Of course she did," he chuckled. "Well then, tell me about yourself," he said.
And you did. You told him about your new job and your aspiration to become an author, even a bit about your family back home. He was easy to talk to, and in return told you more about Mary, that she was gifted, about life in the neighborhood. Before you noticed it, a few hours passed by. 
"Oh, look at the time! I'm so sorry, you probably have better things to do than sit here and talk to me, I can go if you want to," you rambled on before Frank reached forward and put his hand on your knee to stop you. You couldn't say you felt a jolt of electricity, because you weren't that cliché, but the warmth of his hand splayed on your knee did funny things to your stomach. 
His sincere eyes met yours when he said, "I work down at the docks, I repair boats, so I'm kinda freelancing, I can work whenever I feel like it. If you want though, you can come see the docks with me. You haven't been there yet, right?"
You shook your head, "I'd love to," you replied. 
You drove to the docks, getting out of the car and squinting your eyes at the bright late morning sun. Frank led you between a maze of boats and buildings until you reached the shed where he kept his tools. You sat down on a table and looked around, taking in your surroundings while Frank tidied up some stuff in a hurry.
"It's a cool place," you said, still roaming your eyes so you wouldn't have to meet his. Or more accurately, so you wouldn't let them linger on his arms, or shoulders, or face. You know, the normal things that you'd find insanely attractive about someone you've known for less than a week. Everything's totally under control.
"So, have you ever tried fixing a motorboat?" Frank smiled.
You raised your eyebrow at him. "I think you know the answer to that is a definite no," you chuckled. 
"Well, why don't you try it?" Frank suggested, "These aren't much use when they're sitting around here," he gestured at the tools. " if I'm here I might as well do some work. Wanna come?" 
"Sure, why not," you jumped down from the table and made your way to follow Frank through the door and back into the summer heat. He led your way to a small boat. When you got closer you could see the engine, the part that was covering it propped nearby to allow access to the mechanics of the ship. You both made your way on it and Frank crouched down and peered down at the engine.
"Okay, you wanna come see this?" he said and you came closer, crouching down next to him. He started explaining something about which part exactly is damaged, but you were too busy staring at his lips to really register what he was saying. Besides, you excused to yourself, it's not like I would've understood even if I was listening.
"So, what do you need to do to fix it?" you asked, breaking from your trance-like state and hurriedly changing the subject before he would realize you weren't paying attention. Or even more humiliating, realize what you were paying attention to.
He took a screwdriver and extended it to you. "For starters, I gotta open it up, which is the easy part so you can help," he smirked. 
You rolled your eyes but took the screwdriver from his hand, unscrewing where he showed you. You tried to focus on the job at hand, but honestly, you were kinda thinking about how much you wanted to screw him. Okay, chill the fuck out, you chastised yourself, he has a kid to worry about. And is way out of your league. 
For the next hour or so you and Frank, or mostly Frank, worked away at the engine. You actually managed to keep up with most of his explanations, despite the closeness between the two of you feeling both consuming and thrilling. The repairing the boat part was fine, and it was great to get some experience with something new, but it couldn't compare to the rush of your heartbeat every time Frank's arm brushed against you, or he'd lean into you a little, or grab your hand in his and show you how to properly do something. 
 Frank fixed one last thing and then looked up at you with a soft smile, "that's it," he said.
"I did it!" you exclaimed. "Wow, do you think I should start doing this as my job? I mean, I'm really good," you both laughed. 
"Yeah, sure," he said, "and you could fix some crankshafts and bearings," he smiled.
"Okay, yeah, we get it, I don't even know enough about boats to tell if these are actual boat parts," you laughed. 
"You wanna maybe get some lunch after all your hard work?" he gave you a lopsided grin and you accepted his invitation.
You were sitting at a small restaurant, enjoying your food, when you suddenly realized, "Hey, shouldn't you pick Mary up from school or something?" you frowned a little.
"Oh, no, Roberta wanted to have her for the night, so she's gonna take her," he said.
"So, Roberta is like a mother figure for Mary?" you asked tentatively. 
"I wouldn't say that, she's more of an aunt," Frank answered with a smile. "I guess the mother figure part is reserved for whoever I marry or something," he shrugged.
"Okay, maybe I'm prying a bit, but why don't you find someone? I mean, it doesn't seem too hard since you're so dreamy," you said, and then closed your mouth immediately. Please make the ground swallow me right now.
"Oh god, did I say that out loud?" you said and chuckled in an attempt to mask your embarrassment. "Whatever, ignore me, I'm just nosy and—"
"No, don't retract that," Frank smiled, his eyes glinting, "it's not every day you get such a compliment from a cute girl," he smiled timidly, blushing a little, but kept his eyes on you. 
"Thanks," you said, smiling. He was just being nice. You got through the rest of your lunch, ignoring the subject completely. You were glad he took it in good humor. Great, we're adults. We can move past that. 
You drove back into the neighborhood and stopped next to your houses. You got out of the car, stopping next to Frank. 
"Thanks for today," you said. "I had a great time," you continued and almost started walking away until Frank caught you by your wrist, effectively stopping you. You turned around; a questioning look on your face.
"You know I meant what I said at lunch, right?" he asked, smiling. "I'd love to take you out on an actual date sometime. You know, if you actually meant what you said at lunch," he smirked a little.
"I did," you admitted softly. "I'd love to go out sometime."
"Great," he said. "that means I can do what I wanted to do all day," he said. Before you could ask what that was, he closed the distance between you and attached his lips to yours. You brought your arms to wrap around his neck while his tongue slipped into your mouth. You explored each other's mouths eagerly, your hands tangling in the back of his hair while he pushed you against the car, hands exploring with passion.
When you pulled apart after what felt like forever but was simultaneously too short a time, you spoke. "So," you panted, "Mary's at Roberta's you say?"
"I like the way you think," he smirked and took your hand, leading you into the house with him.
Once inside, Frank led you to the bedroom. He was quick to recapture your mouth with his, his warm hands sneaking under your shirt, lifting it above your head, and tossing it aside. He stopped to marvel at you before you quickly closed the distance once more, pushing your hips against him a little before pulling off his shirt, moving to lick and suck down his chest and abs.
You reached his pants and made quick work of his belt, pulling his pants down with his boxers and freeing his already hard length. You spit in your hand before stroking him, and even watching him get hard made you wet with anticipation. You looked up at him, and maintaining eye contact you wrapped your lips around him, taking him into your mouth with greed. You started swirling your tongue around him and he groaned, thrusting into your mouth. You nearly gagged but you continued your ministrations, starting to hollow your cheeks and suck him for all it's worth. 
He put his hand on the back of your head, pulling you away and you stood back up. "As much as I'm enjoying this," he rasped, "you gotta get in on the fun." He attached his lips to your neck, sucking at your pulse point as you moaned. He reached to take off your pants and you undid your bra, tossing it across the room as well.
"Now we're even," he breathed against your ear, his hand trailing down before pushing a finger into you, smirking at the sensation of your wetness. You clenched around his finger, holding onto his shoulders while your breathing hitched. He inserted a second finger in and continued to finger you in a slow, torturous pace until you finally had it. You left open-mouthed kisses along his neck and whispered in his ear. "Frank," you moaned at his thumb reaching your clit, "I need you."
He didn't need to be told twice, pulling his fingers out of you and swiftly tossing you on the bed, hovering above you before capturing your lips in a thorough kiss before lining himself up with your entrance and pushing into you, the stretch causing you to moan and grab onto his back. 
He started moving and you dug your fingers into his back, panting at the feeling of him reaching your g-spot. The feeling of him on top of you, inside of you, was tenfold more intense than what you felt before on the boat, and you bucked your hips against him at the thought. He sensed your need and picked your legs up. You wrapped them around his waist and he started going faster, the change of pace and angle quickly pushing you both over the edge. 
Later you laid in his bed, the sheets messed around you, listening to the far-off sounds of the evening from outside. You absentmindedly moved your fingers along his chest, drawing the pattern of a heart over and over again, like a schoolgirl in a notebook. He said nothing, just took your hand in his, brought it up to his mouth and kissed it. 
"We should probably get some dinner," he said and you hummed in agreement. "Maybe I could take you out on that date?" he smiled.
As if on cue, your stomach grumbled and you both laughed.
"Let's go dreamboat," you sassed and got up to search for your clothes.
Some months later you celebrated Mary's birthday. You had a little party at home for her and some friends, which you helped organize. By now you were a part of Mary's life, and you couldn't be happier about it.
Frank came up to you, smiling. "I think we threw a pretty great party," he said.
"I do too. Mary seems like she's enjoying herself." You smiled at the sight of her playing with her friends.
"She is," Frank said. "And it's thanks to… me. Dreamy Frank at it again!" he said and you both burst out into laughter. 
"God, you're really never gonna let me live that down will you?"
"Well, you're cute, so maybe you still stand a chance," he winked and you both laughed. He went to help the girls with their game and Roberta came up and stood next to you. "You know," she said, "besides Mary, he never laughs with anyone like that. Certainly not an adult," she smiled and you smiled at her as well, catching Frank lifting Mary in his arms from the corner of your eye. "Well," she continued, "I guess that's how it is with family." 
That is how it was. You've never felt happier than in the moments you spent with Frank and Mary. You love them both dearly. To think you found your family when you were looking for a job! Well, life's funny like that sometimes. And you wouldn't have it any other way. 
hope you enjoyed! this was supposed to be fluffy but... oh well best of both worlds
Chris Taglist: @swatson06 @horny-nd-bored​ @shannon124 @perfectlyharolds​ @phoebe-21-99 @wintersoldierslut​ @iceebabies​ @wanessalopesueiros @sleepingpapermouse @steverogerswasalwaysworthy @holtzkinnon @angelicl-y @stydia-4-ever @thatoneperson5000 @fangirlfree​ @kaitcordx25 @bequeening​ @steve-barry-damon-logan​ @itscrazycherryblossomcollection​ @hollandxmarvel​ @darkwitchfromthesouth @stargazingfangirl18 @readsreblogsfics @onetwo3000 @beritmetal
if you wanna join / be removed from the taglist, comment/message me! this is a taglist for Chris and his characters. much love <3
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sasuhinasno1fan · 3 years
Taste like love- Adrein AUGreste Day 6
So back when the @lukadrienvault discord was active, one of the aus we came up with was a Sabine as Ladybug au. Sabine would pretty much adopt Adrien and we decided that for the Bubbler episode, she’d find out it was Chat’s birthday and would do something to celebrate it, which would mean a lot to Adrien. So I went with this. According to native french speakers, there are 2 sides to pastries in France so cakes and such count. I think of pastries as a bit different but I still think it counts. It is mostly in Sabine’s point of veiw, but Adrien is still the main focus in a way. Anyway, enjoy. Pastry
Sabine stretched, feeling bones click and crack. Goodness, as Piáo Chóng, she definitely felt younger, but apparently going up against a guy with bubbles was a lot more intensive than she thought. Chat stood next to her, struggling to stifle down a laugh. She knew it wasn’t because of her, she’d been cracking like this since they started working together.
“What is it?”
“He looked like he had a dildo on his head.” Was all he said before he burst into laughter.
She realised he was speaking about their latest Akuma victim. She knew Nino, had been in class with Marinette for a long time. He’d been the one to help her get into the babysitting business. She knew he had a good heart and the fact that he was upset because his own best friend wasn’t allowed to celebrate his birthday truly said something about him.
With a budding fashion designer as a daughter, she was used to seeing the yays and nays of fashion. There were many nays that Akumas would wear that made her question the type of person Hawkmoth was. Did he have any sense of costuming?
“I thought it was a bubble wand.” She tried saying diplomatically.
“It was a dildo. Oh my god, that was the best thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Best birthday present ever.”
Chat wiped the tears from his eyes and said, “that was the best thing-”
“No,” she interrupted. “Chat, it’s your birthday today?”
“Yeah. Sweet Sixteen I guess you could say.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
The black cat shrugged like it was no big deal but Sabine could see the sadness in those green eyes. “Didn’t think it mattered.” His ring started to beep. She was still forgetting he had a time limit while she didn’t. “I gotta get going. I don’t think we’ll have to deal with media so close to the Agreste Mansion. I’ll see you later madame bug!”
Sabine watched as Chat took off, trying to wrap her head around what Chat told her. It was his birthday and he didn’t think anyone would care. In fact, based on the look in his eyes, no one had.
Flipping through their recipe book, Sabine looked at her husband. When they started dating and his father didn’t approve, he stopped coming to celebrate his son’s birthday. Gina couldn’t be by as often so it was usually them and friends. He’d have a smile, but she could see how upset his father’s absence would make Tom. He had this look in his eyes. Chat’s was similar. She’s always done her best to keep a smile on Tom’s face when his birthday came around and it got easier when Marinette was born. She believed that birthdays should be spent with a smile and with people who cared. She didn’t know anything about Chat’s life, but she wanted him to know that she’d always care about when his birthday was.
“Yes dear?” he looked up from the beef wellington he was preparing for dinner. “More tea?”
She looked at her half empty glass, that had been waiting for her when she got back from stopping the Akuma. There was always tea waiting for her, even though she never said a word to Tom about her new side job. Did Chat have someone to make him tea when he got back to his home? Probably not, and it strengthen her desire to do something for him.
“I have this, friend. I just found out it’s his birthday. It sounds like he never planned on anyone knowing or that if they did, they didn’t care.”
“Should we invite him for dinner?”
How would she explain that? Chat coming over probably wouldn’t bother Tom, but explaining that to Marinette wouldn’t be easy.
“Um, I don’t think so. He’s a little shy. I was hoping to make him something. I could do cake, but I want to do something else too.”
“Well, those lunch box cakes have been getting popular. And maybe a mix of macarons? Is he allergic to anything?”
“Just feathers. He did mention he loves passion fruit.”
“Perfect, I just got passion fruit in today. I don’t know if I’ll finish all of it by tonight though. We have that massive order.”
“You worry about the order. I’ll take care of the desserts.” She reassured.
“If you say so. Hope I get to meet this guy soon.”
Sabine smiled to herself, knowing that Tom would take Chat under his wing when they met. They both loved puns and had big hearts. “I think you’ll like him.”
Adrien let his steel toed boot knock into the wall of the building he was sitting on. When Plagg said Piáo Chóng had left a message for him, hours before their planned patrol, he’d been worried. When it was a voice mail of her telling him to meet at their favourite building to sit at when patrol was over an hour before patrol started, he was confused. She sounded fine, so there couldn’t be an issue. He could worry about it but he was still riding the high of getting a different present from his dad.
“Hello māo.” Adrien looked up to see Piáo Chóng land on the roof, her hands behind her back.
“Madame bug. So why did you want to meet so early?” he asked, standing up, towering over her slightly.
She took her hands from behind her back and handed him a takeaway box from the Dupain Boulangerie Patisserie. He gently took it and with her nod, used his claw to break the sticker and open it. Sitting inside was a chocolate iced lunchbox cake with two macarons sitting on the top. One had a green paw print and the other had a cat icon on it.
“I would have gone with black icing but I know it stains the teeth and thought you’d like to not spend half an hour getting off. Oh, almost forgot.” She pulled her out from her sleeve and opened it pulling out a candle and match from the subspace pocket. She stuck the candle in and using the edge of the yoyo lit the match. Once everything was ready, she started to clap her hands in time with her singing.
Joyeux anniversaire
Joyeux anniversaire
Joyeux anniversaire Chat Noir
Joyeux anniversaire
“Joyeux anniversaire, avec un peu de retard. Happy belated birthday māo.”
Adrien stood there stunned, looking down at the spotted hero, who smiled back up at him.
“It was your birthday yesterday, yes? You told me so late, I didn’t get a chance to wish you a happy birthday.”
“So you got me a cake?”
“I made you one. It matters to me that it’s your birthday māo. Everyone should have a smile and I wanted to make sure you had one. I hope you like it. I’m a bit better with Chinese deserts, but I’m not very good at mooncakes.”
“No, no.” Adrien said, waving it off, eyes stinging. He couldn’t believe she did all this. “It’s perfect. I actually prefer chocolate icing. I don’t get sweets very often.”
“Oh, that’s good. Blow your candle out before wax melts on it. I have more macarons, but those are the only ones I was able to do a stamp for. I have no clue how my husband does it.”
Adrien thought a little of what he wanted, but it was hard when he seemed to have so much just then. So he blew his candle out, wishing that this feeling wouldn’t end soon. He let out a small sniff and smiled. “Thank you, maman bug.”
Wait, did he just? Call her mom? The surprised look on her face said yes and he felt his face go red and he started to panic when she reached up and patted his head, like she’d do to calm him down. it always felt like when his mom would do it when he was a kid.
“Your very welcome my son.”
Oh god, he was gonna cry into his cake.
He did cry a little and Piáo Chóng used her long sleeves to wipe them away before offering him a fork. Pastries and cakes and such weren’t something he got to eat often with the many diets his father had him on but this one was more than just sweet. It was warm from the love he felt.
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moonylady · 7 years
happy belated birthday @willjtudor​ !! this was supposed to be ready yesterday but life happened, i’m sorry 
this is set in the alternate dimension, some soft au!malec for you riya. hope you like it ♥
(huge thanks to @magnusragnor​ who helped me beat this into shape and encourage me to keep writing every time i felt like giving up)
Sunlight bathes the room in a hazy golden hue, chasing the remaining night chill and making the navy blue sheets look a shade lighter than they are. Alec frowns a little but refuses to open his eyes. Despite the red tint he can perceive through his lids he’s sure the sun isn’t what woke him up. And then he feels it. Careful fingers running through his hair, a warm naked chest beneath his cheek, Magnus’ soft breathing. He can’t help it, nuzzling into Magnus’ warmth and feeling him chuckle.
“Good morning.”
“Morning,” Alec answers in a raspy voice, not even trying to disguise the total contentment he feels right now.
He lazily perches himself up on his elbow, looking down at Magnus. He looks glorious - hair soft and sticking up in all directions, so different from his usual combed style, body all relaxed lines, and his face set in a tender expression, eyes shining in the morning light and a smile dancing on his lips. To Alec’s delight, he can see a hickey under his jaw, right below his ear. He cups Magnus’ face and runs his thumb over the bruised skin, grinning when it makes him shiver. When he leans down to kiss him, Alec’s smile is equal parts sinful and fond.
“Good morning, indeed,” Alec says against Magnus’ lips and kisses him again, deeper this time. “I vote that we don’t get out of bed today.”
Magnus laughs. “Of course you do, Alexander.”
And god, hearing Magnus say his full name still feels wonderful even after all these months.
“I mean it. Let’s stay here all day. You can summon us food, so there’s no reason to get up.”
A meowing interrupts them and they both turn their heads towards the closed door, beyond which Chairman Meow or Church are pawing at the door. Magnus exhales a long dramatic sigh and lets his head fall back down on the pillow. When he moves to get up, Alec is quick to stop him.
“Where are you going?”
“To feed my cats?” Magnus replies with a confused frown. “You know if I don’t get up soon Church will burn down the place.”
Alec refrains from snorting. Church is not that bad. Not that he can convince Magnus of that, though. He’s still not sure if Magnus secretly loves or loathes the obvious fondness Church has for Alec.
“Can’t you…” Alec makes a vague flourish with his hand.
Magnus rolls his eyes and huffs. “For the last time, I don’t look like that.”
He looks so genuinely offended, glaring with a little pout, that Alec can’t help but laugh and peck his lips.
“Come on, you were so insistent about getting us to the bedroom last night. Why do you wanna leave today?”
“That wasn’t why I brought you here last night! I mean it was but I also wanted to give you something and -” Magnus cuts himself off mid sentence, as if realizing for the first time that he didn’t, in fact, give anything to Alec last night. Unless he’s talking about a mind blowing orgasm, then that he definitely gave to Alec.
Magnus turns around and Alec is offered a very nice view of his back muscles flexing as he looks for something in his bedside table’s drawer. When he turns towards him again, there’s a tightness around his eyes, a subtle set to his shoulders that wasn’t there before. It makes Alec a little tense. He knows how Magnus looks when he’s anxious and he doesn’t know what brought this on.
When Alec looks down he sees a box in Magnus’ hands. A small jewelry box. Magnus opens it slowly to reveal a ring. Alec feels his breath catch in his throat, wide eyes set on the ring even as Magnus starts talking, words rushed and stumbling over each other.
“I know it’s a big thing to ask, and I did intend to ask because I would never use my magic on you without asking first but, especially in such a way. And -”
“That’s a ring,” Alec doesn’t mean to interrupt him, but nothing makes sense and that is the only fact that he’s sure of right now.
He finally tears his eyes away from the ring, looking up. Magnus looks worried but also a little puzzled. He tilts his head and frowns a little, and Alec can see the exact moment when realization hits: his eyes widen, looking down to the ring and then to Alec again. His mouth opens and closes a few times but no sound comes out, and he blushes so hard that Alec is now the one who’s a little worried.
While normally the pink flush covering his boyfriend’s cheeks and chest is a delightful view, now it just fills him with confusion. Apparently this is not a proposal, not that he knows how he feels about that. But he still has no clue of what’s going on, so he focuses on figuring it out.
Magnus tries to speak again, stutters a few unintelligible words and stops. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. When he opens his eyes, there’s a new certainty to them, shinning through the anxiety.
“It is a ring. A magic ring. For protection. It looks like metal, but it’s made of my magic. I just - I love you. I love you and I want you safe, and I worry that being with me may put you in danger.”
Alec tries to interrupt, this time on purpose because this is a conversation they already had, but Magnus lifts a hand to stop him.
“I know. I know you can take care of yourself. But I also know all the different ways someone from my world can hurt you, ways from which you may not be able to defend yourself, and it fills me with fear. I can’t be with you all the time, can’t protect you from everything. So I thought of this. Something created from my magic, imbued in protection spells and carved with sigil inscriptions. It’s the most powerful remote protection I can offer. And I understand if you don’t want to wear it, if it’s too… intrusive or… please say something.”
Alec wants to speak, he really does, because the way Magnus’ voice wavered in his request makes his heart ache. It’s been so long since he’s seen Magnus look so insecure around him, and he wants to soothe him, to assure him that he didn’t do anything wrong. But he can barely swallow down the knot in his throat. 
If the idea of an engagement ring had him shaking, then this, a literal piece of Magnus, being freely offered, carrying not only protection magic but also Magnus’ love and honest wish to keep Alec from harm, well he doesn’t know what to do with it.
It’s more than anyone has ever done for him. He can only imagine the care and effort it takes creating such a thing. How long has been Magnus planning this? Alec inevitably tears up, and he can see Magnus avert his eyes and bite his lip, starting to close the box. The feeling in his chest grows, threatening to choke him.
God, he loves this man so much.
He surges forward and crashes their lips together. He needs to be closer to Magnus, needs to let him know. If the kisses before where languid and slow, this one is filled with passion and a needy sort of desperation, teeth clicking and tongues meeting, mouths warm and wanting.
“I love you,” he pants against Magnus’ lips.
Magnus’ smile is brilliant and beautiful and Alec wants to kiss him again, but instead he smiles back and takes the ring to examine it. He can see now why Magnus thought a ring would be a good idea.
This doesn’t look too different from his silver rings, except the color, is lighter, like platinum. It’s a beautiful ring, smooth surface gleaming in the morning light. There are inscriptions on the inside. Sigils. Most of them he doesn’t know, but one of them he remembers from the time he saw Magnus reinforce the wards of his loft, the first time he saw Magnus be truly comfortable to use his magic around him.
He puts the ring back in Magnus’ hand and sits back.
“Well, put it on,” he says with a cheeky grin, still a little breathless.
Magnus blushes again and rolls his eyes, but takes the hand Alec is offering, the right one, and after a little hesitation puts it on his ring finger. His movements are slow and reverent, and the ring adjusts to the perfect size once it’s on his finger, a humming kind of feeling against his skin that takes a second to settle - after that it just feels light and warm.
Magnus stares at it for a second, breath catching, and squeezes his hand. When he looks up his smile is blinding and Alec know he has the biggest smile on his face, the kind that crinkles at the corners of his eyes. The one he knows Magnus loves. Magnus presses their foreheads together and Alec’s eyes close in their own accord, soaking in the feeling of this moment.
It may not be an engagement ring, but it’s a promise on its own right.
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