#hazbin hotel
calamity-death · 1 hour
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A gift for @sawftless.
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theproverbialpen · 1 hour
If the Hazbin Residents Wrote Themselves Letters…
Taken from Chapter 21 of my fic Life is in Redemption from AO3 in which the Hazbin residents (+ some background OCs) are tricked into writing themselves encouraging letters! Lucifer’s, Angel’s, and Husk’s are in the fic, but I thought it would be fun to write everyone else’s as well :)
“Alright, you can open your letters now,” Aira instructed when she got back to the front. The residents looked to each other nervously and back at their teacher, hesitating to comply. “Oh, sorry, I forgot to mention—those letters were actually for yourselves. I’ve found that when you don’t know who you’re writing for, people tend to write the exact words that they need to hear themselves.” She laughed softly to herself as the realization dawned on his face, as it had with all the others in the room. “Go on—read your letter.”
It may feel like the world is against you sometimes—that everyone thinks you’re foolish or naive for trying for something as crazy as redemption in the middle of Hell. They may say awful, hurtful things, and it might make you question if any of this is even possible. But even when no one out there believes in you, your Hazbin family will always have your back. None of us would be here if we didn’t! So when things get hard and you’re drowning in doubts, remember who’s in your corner (like me! :)))) ). You can do this, I just know it <3
It can be hard to believe you have the potential for good. Trust me, I know how it feels. But the thing is, everyone has the potential for good, even you. No matter how much you may hate yourself, no matter how many sins are on your back, you are redeemable. And more so than that, you’re worth it. I know it can be hard to feel that way, so if you ever need an ear, come find me. Sometimes all you need to overcome all that self loathing is just one person to tell you they care about you. So, in case you haven’t heard it enough, I care about you. Si se puede.
You might have been burned for caring before, but that’s because you had shit company. The folks round here ain’t half bad, so it’s okay to try again. If you didn’t care, you wouldn’t be here. It wouldn’t kill you to let some of those walls down. You might find out that you make people’s lives better by caring about them, and you might even find out that they care about ya too. If ya ever need a drink or need to talk, you know where to find me. You can do this, kid.
Angel Dust
You’re damaged, but you’re not broken. You’ve found yourself in a safe place, with people you can trust. You don’t have to keep pretending everything is okay, because you know it’s not. If you let down the act, you’ll find out that there are some half-decent fucks around here that care about you and who want to get to know the real you. And that real you can be a good person, whether you believe it or not. I’m rootin’ for ya, toots.
It’s okay to be different. People will laugh at you or make fun of you but they’re wrong. It’s okay to be yourself here!!! I do it all the time, and everyone is totally okay with it hehehe >:) So have fun and just be you. Being normal is boring anyways
Cherri Bomb
Everyone puts up a front, ya know? There’s just so much shit that goes on and sometimes it feels like you gotta hold it all in, especially down in this shithole. You gotta be the one with your shit together, to be a bad bitch all the time cause no one can know how hard it is. But hey, everyone needs a breather every now and then. And these cunts are pretty cool, so let down those walls sometimes, yeah? You’re safe here, I promise. Chin up, bitch, you’re a fuckin legend <3
Down here, it can feel like everyone’s out for your neck. Like everyone is just praying for your downfall and one wrong step can leave you fucked. But it’s different here. At this hotel I mean. The people here actually care about you, who you are. And different can be scary but, I think they’re worth trusting. Sometimes you gotta take the leap of faith in order to achieve somethin great. So try somethin new with these folks—with us. After all, who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?
It’s okay to be scared. I’m sure you’ve also had bad things happen to you, things that were outside of your control. I’m sure you’ve also gotten swept up into a cycle of brokenness and have made mistakes. It can be scary to try again, to face another day not knowing what could happen or go wrong. But it’s important to try anyway. We support you, and we just want what’s best for you. I know that might be hard to believe but…it’s true. Trusting that is scary too, I know, but the people here are good. Not perfect, not without flaws, but…but good. And you can be good too.
People lie. People will plot and scheme behind a smile and it can be terrifying to trust others knowing how evil people can be. But the people here are genuine and kind. I…I want to be genuine and kind. I’m tired of hiding and being so bitter and angry all the time and since you’re here at this hotel, I suppose you might be as well. So, let’s try to be genuine and kind together, shall we? If we don’t try, we’ll never know, and I want us to be able to smile and laugh despite everything we’ve been through. I think this is a safe place to do that, honestly. So if you try, I’ll try too.
You don’t need to let your past define you. You’ve made mistakes, sure—but who hasn’t? You’re surrounded by people who care about you, who think you can be better than who you were. Listen to them. You and I both know you can be your own worst enemy, that you can be crueler to yourself than you need to be. It’s okay to forgive yourself. Stop living in the past and come join us in the present. You’re going to be okay, and that’s a royal promise.
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merrymedley · 2 hours
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These two are my current OTP and I can't stop drawing them!
I never thought I would fall for a old grumpy cat and here I am now, head over heels for Husker❤️
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friend-myth-kill · 2 hours
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Friend: befriend them Myth: mythologize them/worship them/they can't kill me if they aren't real Kill: kill them
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junosartz · 2 hours
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healthy relationships am i right?
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Lucifer, I'm glad you learned your lesson. Sorry you learned it the hard way, but I'm glad you and baby are okay
Lucifer: *looking pale and even red under his cheeks* Hmm…yeah…hard lesson to learn…*groans and shifts a bit, trying to make himself comfortable but can’t…he’s also sweating a bit now despite shivering*
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dedlit · 2 hours
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radiaurapple · 2 hours
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Our devil fanfic hit 666 kudos last night we finally made it mom
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marthalovesu · 2 hours
Sometimes I look at Shane (Stardew Valley), Arthur (rdr2), Muriel (the arcana game)...and starting to understand my obsession with Adam better...oh my depressed pathetic big men, who are insecure babygirls...and have big tits—
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Luci:* ★彡[ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ꜰᴀᴛʜᴇʀ'ꜱ ᴅᴀʏ ʙ***ᴇꜱ!!]彡★*
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hellaversepolls · 2 hours
Chuck (them onto a couch), Carry (them to bed), Chill (with them on the floor)
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sageourplanetmeow · 2 hours
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Hazbin Hotel But With Filler Episodes :3
A screenshot redraw I did from the pilot and a collage I did. Please don’t repost, I mean repost the collage though I don’t care about that.
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cosmossupernova · 2 hours
So I have those two ocs that I love so freaking much and I need their story to exit in another place other than my mind. So yeah, that's what all of this is about.
ANYWAY ! This fic is mostly just for fun so yeah, don't expect me to be too serious about all of this.
This is the story of Daisy, a robotic angel that got bored of heaven and decided to go live in hell for the sake of it. Down there she's going to meet love a second time until she realize that it's mostly one sided because the one she loves is way too obsessed with another man. And Hikari, a fallen angel that is literally made of light as she ressembles a hologram. Those two girls cannot see each other and would do anything to get rid of the other... unless ? Let's discover why do they hate each other in the first place and how they had to work together in order to save their lives.
I genuinely hope that someone is going to read the story of my oc and is going to like them :,)
You can also find that fic on AO3
Part 1: Daisy
I hear the television demon yell in the other room, probably looking for his phone that I had kindly took with me and put on the coffee table in the living room as I was sat on the couch watching TV.
- “ It's right here honey, like always. ”
I sighed as I finally saw my boyfriend's head pop out from the other room and look at me with a confused look until I pointed his phone on the table. He smiled and quickly walked over me to grab what seemed to be more important than me. I tried smiling at him hoping that would get a reaction out of him and maybe, in the best case, a kiss the cheek but of course, I was met with nothing as he walked away and finished getting ready for work. Not even a freaking thank you ?! Ugh, why am I even trying ? He lost interest in me a long time ago. The only reason we're still dating is because, first, I'm good looking and the fans love me ! And second, since I'm a pretty popular pop star, I'm giving him publicity just by going out with him. I let out an annoyed groaned as I pinched the bridge of my nose before I heard the front door slam, meaning that he was already gone. I felt tears in my eyes as he, once again, forgot to just say goodbye to me or even acknowledge me. I finally stood up after a few long minutes and stretched. I didn't have work today so I could pretty much anything that I wanted except if it has anything to do with his money, reputation or Alastor. I shook my head as I tried to chase my thoughts away and walked toward the bathroom, thinking about Alastor, I could go pay a visit at that hotel ! It has been a while since I talked to its residents ! Wouldn't want them to think that I don't like them or the project anymore ! I quickly showered, brushed my blonde hair and tied my hair in a ponytail. I then looked at myself in the mirror. Even with my demon disguise, I still looked pretty heavenly, white skin that resembled porcelain, baby blue eyes that looked like the heaven sky and blonde hair that reminded me a yellow tulip. At least I still had my raccoon like mask around my eyes, my tail that was ending with a street light, since my death was linked to those and of course, my horns.
When I got back into our shared room, that was mostly mine with how little he slept in it, I immediately opened my closet and started looking through my clothes. Most of them were gifts from Vox but I didn't really like any of those because they always looked too much like... him. I finally found my favorite dress and took it out of the closet. I was a dark red dress that had a had short skirt and gave me a beautiful cleavage, I knew he didn't like it because it was showing too much skin and because of its color but I didn't really care about what he thought of it. I put it on before I put on a matching pair of shoes and grabbed my purse.
Damn I looked hot like that. Too bad my boyfriend didn't care about me.
I sighed and finally left our penthouse so I could finally go to that little hotel. I decided to walk because I definitely needed some fresh hair after being inside for so long.
About 30 minutes later, I finally arrived in front of Charlie's hotel, I took a deep breath before I knocked and waited for someone to answer the door. The seconds went by and quickly became minutes. I knocked again, harder this time, hoping someone would hear. me until I lost my patiente and entered the hotel. It was empty.
I looked around for a moment until it was clear that no one was there, I sat there, confused because it was really unusual for Charlie to leave the hotel without any words but I just guessed she was busy somewhere else. I took a sit on a couch and looked at a painting for a moment before I took my phone out and noticed a text rom Vox. I was about to open it to see what he could possibly have to tell me but I was interrupted by someone kicking the hotel's doors open.
- “ Heya everyone ! ”
I groaned in annoyance when I recognized the voice of the only person I hated in heaven and hell.I slowly turned my head around and almost let a sigh out when my eyes met the white dots in her dark eyes, the only part of her that wasn't producing light. Hikari, one of the few person that knew about my secret and definitely the person I hated the most. Unlike me, she didn't hide her annoyance when she spotted me.
- “ Oh great ! Miss I'm so much better than everyone is there but none of the people I wanted to see are ! Just great ! ” She facepalmed and let out an annoyed sigh before she sat on the couch in front of me. “ Where is everyone anyway ? ”
- “ If I knew, I wouldn't be sitting here in front of you. ” I answered with a glare. “ I've been waiting for them for a few minutes already, so you should probably leave since they're not going to be back soon. ” I smirked and crossed my arms, I knew how impatient she was so I was sure she was going to left really soon.
- “ Nah, I'll wait. ” It was her turn to smirk as she noticed my smile dropping. “ Wouldn't want you to feel too lonely now, miss nobody cares about me ! ”
- “ Ugh, if you want to insult me, at least be original ! You've called me that a hundred times ! It's not even funny! ” I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone again but she yanked it away from me.
- “ What's so important that you're going to drop your polite act to check your phone ? Oooooh, your boyfriend sent you a text ! Well, it would be a real shame if I... answered it instead of you ! ”
She started laughing as I stood up and clenched my fists. She looked at me with a smirk but her smile quickly dropped when I tackled her and pinned her to the couch.
Welp... yeah, I wanted to leave some suspense on my little story ! But don't worry ! I should write the next chapter pretty soon ! Anyway, thank you for reading the first chapter and I'll see you on part two !
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thesoupiestbowl · 2 hours
Are you going to update Hell is Tacky Television soon? I love what you’ve written so far!
Yes, there is another update in the works! I just got through stage managing a show, so I'll have lots more time to write soon!
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0racle-sunrise · 2 hours
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I originally posted these on my IG art account. Shout out to popette13 from YouTube for the meme idea.
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seaweedraindraws · 2 hours
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I hate that one meme where the response is "no" with a burning passion. So I fixed it. You're welcome.
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