#he can't really do anything except keep playing a role until he convinces player to become his spawn
bhaalsdeepbat · 8 months
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Astarion: Finally, we're catching up on our puppet master. And the hunt ends at Moonrise Towers.
screaming crying throwing up over this line with durge and romanced astarion on my duo run. they both start as puppets, then are free enough of their former masters to make their own choices, then they both have a choice: chain themself to their master or be free.
with durge that's either resist or become bhaal's chosen. If they resist, they're marking to certain death. To be free of Bhaal is to die, and I think they're acutely aware of that. To become his Chosen is to extend the amount of time they live, but they know it won't truly be living, if they live their life in service to another.
with astarion it's to break the cycle of abuse and be more than what nearly 200 years of empathy-breaking hell - Sisyphus pushing up the boulder but make it seducing people, eating rats and insects, night after night, knowing everyone you touch is doomed to die - made him OR unchain himself to everything Cazador did by killing Cazador without ascending, allowing him the safety of his abuser being gone so he can finally start feeling and healing without the ever-present threat of becoming a slave to Cazador again.
Their romanced "bad" endings all require someone to become the other's puppet. If Durge becomes Bhaal's Chosen, they force Astarion back into servitude and make him no more than a puppet after taking over the Absolute to start slaughtering the world in Bhaal's name. If Astarion Ascends, Durge either agrees to the loss of their independence and personhood by becoming a spawn OR the relationship falls apart.
I don't have anything else to say I'm just screaming about this lmao
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internetskiff · 6 months
seem to be falling back into my UT/DR phase lately. Probably quite obvious, but I don't think Flowey's lack of compassion is exactly literal. He definitely thinks so himself,
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but I think it's less a vanishing of compassion and more a byproduct of a complete switch of perspective that occured from the moment he first woke up in the garden. He doesn't quite "feel" anything for anyone anymore because he doesn't view this world from the perspective of an ingame character - as the one who held the power to Save at the time, I believe it came with the side effect of his perspective completely switching over to that of someone playing the game, even if he doesn't quite understand it. There's always an inherent disconnect between a Player and a Fictional Character. A game could tell you "This character is your mother", but you could never feel the same compassion towards that character as you do towards your real parents. I suppose this argument tackles it from the perspective of Flowey being a seperate entity from Asriel - and I do believe this to be the case to a certain extent. It's similar to when the Player takes control of a protagonist with a defined backstory that goes waaaaay back before you even took control. Flowey knows of Asriel, knows of Asriel's history, knows he was Asriel, but as much as he wants to or tries to he simply can't feel the same love Asriel would toward what should be his parents. He can't help but view them as what they really are, even subconsciously - characters in a story. A story where he, at least for now, assumes the lead role. That is of course until Frisk/The Player comes along. He can no longer Save, which means he's ultimately at their mercy now, and as soon as he meets them - what do you know - he feels something! Almost immediately he begins to antagonize Frisk relentlessly, starting with him outright trying to kill them, until instead he resorts to using them as a tool to gather as many souls as possible in one place. He needs his control over the game's Save File back, and for what? To wipe the slate, setting them back to the beginning so they can play together forever. There's a twisted sentimentality to it. A sentimentality he seemingly doesn't ever show towards anyone else except the one entity in the Underground that shares his perspective. Someone he is convinced is an old childhood friend. He knows he can torment them as much as he wants, kill them over and over, because he's been through it himself - therefore he knows they'll come right back. Either that, or they'll simply grow bored and leave him behind. He wants to prevent this in any way he can, and he knows that relentless adversity is the key to keep them from leaving. We usually don't stop playing the game until the main antagonising force is defeated. We don't stop until we reach a satisfying ending. Therefore the answer is simple - dangle that satisfaction in front of their face until repeatedly tearing it away. That way, finally, Flowey can forever play together with a true equal. In his eyes, he and "Chara" are the only two people that truly matter in this world.
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It's been a while, but the Undertaker role on Friday night among us got me thinking!
The glitch where a player doesn't die instantly after being injured happens again, this time to Etho. He's in shock at first and can't communicate what's going on, and the Undertaker imposter (pick who might go best with Etho) starts to drag him away. The Imposter quickly realises that somehow, horribly, this guy isn't actually dead, and makes a snap decision to drag him to the medbay and try to save him rather than hiding the body, knowing they'll probably get seen on the way and have their cover blown. Whether or not the Imposter succeeds in their first aid attempt is up to you!
(Also gives room to explain Etho's absense that night with him having to recover from the glitch! Fluffy recovery opportunities!)
yay for the return of the long-and-painful-death glitch! lol
technically a sequel to this one
  It’s the first match of the session and the tension is palpable. The newest role has everyone quietly excited: the Undertaker role, allowing an imposter to move a body from one place to another. It’s such a simple thing and yet, as with all the special roles, it could be a game-changer. 
  Crewmate Etho is on his own again, monitoring the cameras in security. There’s six people left and even though they’ve already ejected Impulse, Etho isn’t completely convinced it was him. He has two suspects in mind, and he wants to make sure he knows where they are. 
  But all of a sudden, he hears the vent flap open and he spins around…
  ...just in time to see a flash of green and feel a sharp pain in his stomach. 
  Etho sinks to his knees, pressing his hand against the wound to try and help the pain. He lets himself collapse to the floor, the agony dulling his senses and threatening to pull him under. He’s not even attempting to stem the blood flow; he knows he’ll be dead in seconds. 
  But seconds go by.
  A minute.
  He doesn’t die.
  His mind is fuzzy. But he knows something is wrong. He just can’t do anything about it except lie on the ground and slowly bleed out.
  Eventually, something takes hold of him under the arms and starts to drag him away. Even though he’s seconds from death, he feels a bolt of panic and he lets out a groan.
  Immediately, the grip on him is released and at the same time, he hears a quiet yelp: “HOLY fu-!”
  A very brief pause.
  “E-Etho…? Are you… alive…?”
  This time, Etho can’t muster another noise. But as he attempts to move his hand, arm, leg, anything, his chest spasms and he lets out an involuntary cough.
  “Oh my actual god, you ARE alive…!”
  Etho is able to identify the voice now, and it’s one of the people he suspected of being the imposter. 
  But before he can make another attempt to speak or move, Brody takes hold of him again and continues dragging him. More panic hits him; Brody must be the Undertaker but he knows Etho’s not dead, so where is he taking him? He wishes he could look but when he opens his eyes, the world around him is still too fuzzy for him to register where he is.
  Finally, Brody stops dragging him and heaves him up. Etho can’t work out what Brody is trying to do until he registers a soft surface below him and he realises.
  Brody has brought him to medbay.
  “Stay with me, Etho,” Brody murmurs, hurriedly collecting up first aid supplies. The benefit of being an imposter here is the fact that he’s able to shut the medbay doors to ensure he’s not disturbed. 
  But he realises there are two people who need to know about this. 
  Thankfully, one of them vents into the room just as Brody is cutting open Etho’s shirt to access the wound. 
  “Brody, what on earth are you doing?” Astro demands. “What is this?”
  Brody fixes him with such a serious look that a chill runs down Astro’s spine. “Astro, there’s been a glitch. When you stabbed Etho, he didn’t quite die.”
  Astro stares at him in shock. “Wh-What?”
  “He’s still alive and suffering horrible pain. Astro, I need you to go get Evil.”
  Astro, frozen in horror at what he’s caused, doesn’t move.
  “Go get Evil!” snaps Brody, giving him a quick push. “Just GO!”
  Managing to shake himself into action, Astro jumps back into the vent.
  Brody turns back to Etho and finishes cleaning up the wound. Unfortunately, the majority of the machinery in medbay is just for show, so he can’t assess any internal injuries Etho has. But all he really needs to do is keep Etho alive until the game ends. 
  As Brody is patching up the wound, the medbay doors slide open and Astro reappears, followed by Evil. Astro closes the medbay doors again while Evil dashes over to the bed, his worried eyes asking a silent question.
  “It happened again,” Brody confirms. 
  “Again?!” Astro bursts out. “This has happened before?”
  Evil nods slowly, ignoring Astro. “You two are the imposters, then?” 
  “Yeah. But I don’t care about that now. I just need to keep Etho alive until the game ends. The post-game process will heal him.”
  “Guys, WHAT are you talking about?” Astro demands. “What’s going on?”
  Brody huffs annoyedly. “Evil, catch him up.”
  As Evil explains, Brody finishes patching up Etho’s injury and starts to wrap a bandage around his body. Throughout all of this, Etho has remained pale and still, prompting Brody to continually check his pulse. He’s still alive, but barely. Brody’s treatment is helping him cling onto life. 
  Evil appears back at Etho’s side. “How is he?”
  “Hanging in there. Where’s Astro?”
  Evil points over at the corner near the vent, where Astro is sitting against the wall with his knees drawn to his chest, his face buried in his hands.
  “What’s wrong with him?” 
  As a response, Evil simply gestures to Etho.
  After a moment, Brody sighs and hands the tail end of the bandage to Evil. “Finish this off for me quickly.”
  He joins Astro in the corner and crouches down next to him, awkwardly placing his hand on his friend’s shoulder. “This isn’t your fault, Astro,” he says.
  “How is this not my fault?” Astro responds despondently, his voice muffled through his hands. “I caused this.”
  “You were playing the game. There’s no way you could’ve known this would happen.”
  He doesn’t get a response to this, so he gently pulls Astro’s hands away from his face, forcing his friend to look him in the eye. “Astro. You can’t blame yourself for this, okay? Etho is gonna be fine. And going by what happened last time, he won’t even remember that this happened.”
  “But I will, won’t I?” asks Astro quietly. 
  “Actually, I’m not sure,” Brody admits. “Impulse was the imposter in this situation last time and as far as I know, he never found out what happened.”
  “Oh. So even though Etho won’t remember me stabbing him and leaving him to bleed out very slowly, I actually might?”
  Brody nods reluctantly. “You might.”
  Astro lets put a low groan. “I feel sick…” 
  “Brody?” calls Evil at that moment, his voice low and shaky.
  Brody turns his head. “What?”
  “He- He’s not breathing.” 
  Brody’s stomach drops and he shoots forward so fast he almost trips over. He rushes back to Etho’s side and checks his friend’s pulse using both his wrist and his neck. 
  He finds nothing. 
  Touching Etho’s hand, he finds his friend’s skin cold already, confirming what he already knows to be true. 
  A muted noise comes from Astro as he turns away. 
  As Brody hangs his head, Evil reaches over and gently touches his shoulder. “I’m sorry,” he murmurs. 
  “We need to end this game,” says Brody, forcing himself to keep his voice steady. “Now.”
  With almost no hesitation, Evil says, “One of you kill me.”
  Brody glances sharply at him. “What?”
  “There’s five of us left, right? Etho was the sixth. So there’s five left now. Kill me and end the game.”
  “Are you sure?” asks Brody hesitantly. “The glitch might happen again.” 
  “I’m sure,” Evil responds firmly. “Like you said, we need to end it. It’ll take too long to just vote you guys out; I’m standing right here so you may as well end it by killing me.” He glances over at his friend. “Astro?”
  “No,” says Astro shakily. 
  “Astro, it’s okay.”
  “No it’s NOT!” Astro’s voice rises. “You think I can bear causing so much pain and suffering to two of my friends in the same game?! I’m NOT killing you!” 
  Evil quickly nods. “Okay, I understand. Brody?”
  “Aren’t I in the same boat?” Brody says. “Do you really trust me to do it properly?”
  “Yeah, I do.” Evil gives a brave smile. “I trust you, Brody. With my life.”
  Ignoring the twinge in his chest, Brody draws his gun and aims it directly at Evil. “Okay. Good luck.”
  Taking a deep breath, Brody fires. 
  And luckily this time, the game acts as it’s supposed to. 
  As soon as Brody respawns in the lobby, he rushes over to his friend. “Etho, hey. You good?”
  “Me?” Etho blinks. “Yeah, why?”
  Brody gives a slow nod. “Nothing. Just checking.”
  He draws Evil aside to a corner of the lobby. “Okay, Etho definitely doesn’t remember,” he confirms.”
  “Does Astro?” asks Evil.
  Brody glances over at their green-clad friend, who’s leaning against the wall, arms folded and eyes staring blankly out into space.
  “...I think he might.”
  Evil and Brody approach Astro, who glances numbly at them as they get closer. “I remember,” is all he says. 
  “So the crewmate in the situation won’t remember what happened but the imposter will,” says Brody thoughtfully. “Interesting. I wonder why that is?”
  “I don’t really care,” Astro responds bluntly. “I just want to forget that whole thing ever happened.”
  “No, this is good. Kinda. It means you’re now part of our little trifecta of people who know about the glitch. Evil and I promised each other last time that if we experience this again as imposter, we’ll go find each other and let them know, even if we’re the imposter.” He fixes his friends with a serious look. “This is a dangerous glitch. Astro, promise me that if this does happen to you again, you’ll come find one of us.”
  Astro watches him for a moment, before slowly nodding. “Okay. I- Hey, Etho’s leaving.”
  Brody turns just in time to see Etho leave the lobby. Frowning, he quickly follows Etho out and catches him just going down the corridor. “Etho, wait!”
  Etho pauses and glances back. “Oh, hey. I just let Tango know I had to leave; I’m suddenly not feeling too great.”
  “O-Oh.” Brody stares at him. “I’m sorry to hear that. Feel better.”
  “Thanks. See you.”
  Brody watches his friend disappear round the corner, his mind racing. This has NEVER happened before. Etho has never felt unwell this early in a session before — or really ever. Surely it’s no coincidence considering what happened last round? Even though his brain doesn’t remember what happened, maybe his body does. 
  Or maybe his code does. 
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