tae-cup · 1 year
Caskets and Gold Roses | Bury Me
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Pairing: Yoongi x Reader Summary: “All of my past, I tried to erase it, but now I see, would I even change it? Might share a face and share a last name, but we are not the same.” - Conan Gray (Family Line) Genre: Mafia!AU, Arranged Marriage, Angst, Fluff Warnings: Violence, Swearing Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 5.9K A/N: It’s my birthday, so here’s my birthday gift to you :)  Other: Masterlist ; Series Masterlist
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    Your father had always beaten you at chess. The complexities of the game were not hard to memorize, it was more so that he thought faster and farther ahead. He’d taught you chess and though you tried your best to succeed and show him that the student can outwit the master, he remained the champion. Every weekend and every break, you challenge him to a chess match. Without fail, he would win. It was never the same, either. The moves cycled. One moment, he opened with the queen’s gambit and the next he was returning with the sicilian defense. There was no counter, in your mind, to his ability to outwit you at every turn. 
    Waking up in a dark room in your old house was not on your yearly bucket list. Well, actually, the list had been quite short and none of it had been fulfilled since the marriage. The list included basic things like freedom and peace in your life. You sniffed the air and, to your dismay, you were met with the all too familiar odor of the basement. To be clear, it was the deep bowels of the basement, hidden behind a bookshelf. 
    While you were contemplating the logistics of dragging your unconscious, completely deadweight, body down three flights of stairs, another thought hit you. Oh yeah. This was where the nasty tortures went down. So, the rationalization of your situation promptly disappeared. All evidence of sanity seemed to go down the drain as you found yourself squinting in the dim lighting. The hum of the lightbulb was starting to grate on your ears and the worst part was definitely the smell. 
    The smell was a mix of mildew and blood—two things that made sense for, well, obvious reasons. You blinked a couple more times and took a few deep breaths. With a couple flexes of the wrists, it didn’t take long to realize the full gravity of your position. You were strapped to a chair, your wrists and ankles tied uncomfortably tight. Now it was time to start really panicking. You didn’t exactly have expertise in escaping cuffs or chains, afterall, you had spent your time at the Min house reading books and lounging in bed. The chair was stained a wine red. It was too dark to see clearly but too light to be in complete darkness. It felt like going insane. 
    “This looks promising.” You muttered before trying to wriggle your wrists again. There wasn’t much give on the ropes. 
    “Settling in?” A familiar figure stepped into the room. Your heart began to beat at pace that betrayed all calm you showed on your face. It was funny that even after all this time, the presence of this man still scared you. After seeing him stand over those three bodies in the kitchen on that fateful day, your outlook of him had changed. He had become a twisted monster in your mind; bathed in gray light in a kitchen overcome with shadow. 
    “I’ve seen worse.” You answered nonchalantly, but even Yoongi killing that man point blank had to have been better than this. Your death was going to be long and drawn out, you just knew it. However, it was hard to focus on that part as Mr. Seong began to circle the chair like a shark on the hunt. 
    “Oh, you’ve seen worse, but have you felt it?” He chuckled. Your face must have paled considerably because he laughed even harder. “Don’t worry, dear, humor your dear old dad.” The man finished his circle and stood in front of you. He towered over you, the armrests groaned as he leaned on them. “Not a hair on you will be touched until the Min’s contact us. Then, the games begin.” 
    You let out a shaky breath, trying to find the words to say, but he left the room as swiftly as he came. You eyeballed the camera in the corner of the room. There was a table behind you full of devices you didn’t want to know about. Then the buzzing light went out. 
    Sitting in the dark, you realized that maybe the dim lighting wasn’t so bad afterall. 
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   It wasn’t long after you left that Yoongi realized his errors. Of course you had been scared, of course. He was so accustomed to the physical violence, the threats, of his childhood that he forgot your childhood had been different. Your childhood had been psychological torture. Everyday felt like something bad was going to happen, but you had to endure it. He, on the other hand, got a good knock to the face if something went wrong. What he thought were normal sounds in a house—screams, to be exact—came across quite differently to an unsuspecting bystander.
    So he stood, for a moment, taking in the sight of you leaving, replaying it in his head over and over. In that memory, now engrained in his brain, you were everything he truly had left and you were running from him. He pulled a hand through his hair and then huffed in annoyance with himself. He made decisions every day, he risked lives with the flick of his hand, but he never had to understand anyone before. Yoongi barely knew himself, much less a woman who burst into his life like a hurricane. Yes, what a beautifully twisted storm you were. 
    And he loved storms. He loved when it rained, but you made it pour. Finally, there had been someone in his life who was an equal, and he never doubted that. The man just…didn’t quite understand what to do with this new dynamic. He desperately wanted to get closer while drawing away from you. You were all he had and he swore to himself that he wanted none of it. 
    So why was worry creeping down his back? Why were his hands clenching and his jaw tight? He paced, then. Yoongi went from left to right in his office. The place smelled like his father. 
    “Taehyung, I need to think.” He announced at the remaining guard. The man just tilted his head in response. 
    “But you don’t need to.” Taehyung said simply. His eyes were narrowed in a challenge. Taehyung was probably the only man who could look at Yoongi like that. The younger man was his oldest companion.
    “You’re right.” Yoongi admitted, another thing he’d never do with underlings. He didn’t need to think twice about running after you. No, he just needed a plan. “I just want to try to keep this…clean.” 
    That made Taehyung snort before answering, “when have you ever been concerned about that?” 
    When Yoongi didn’t answer right away, Taehyung’s features softened from a jest to an understanding gaze. 
    “I see.” Taehyung murmured. “You’ve grown soft.” 
    “I am not soft.” Yoongi argued, only to be met with Taehyung’s shrug. 
    “Being soft isn’t always terrible, especially with people you love.” 
    Love? Once again, the word was catching him off guard. It always seemed to fumble out of his mouth with no form. He never had much practice saying it out loud and so it sounded foreign when it left his lips. 
    I had no choice but to love you. He’d felt these words for months. In the beginning, it would have been spoken with a hushed tone or an angered huff. Now, the words were sincere. When he closed his eyes, he could see your face. Your eyes had been tearing up again, still red from sobbing on his shirt. 
    He looked down. The spots were almost dry. It felt like by the time they were gone, you would be gone with them. 
    The phone rang, alarming both Taehyung and himself. Yoongi had never turned to look at the phone so fast. But oftentimes, when the phone rang at the dead of night, it was never a good call. It was especially heart wrenching as he made his way over because of the lack of…you. Now he felt stupid letting you just run away. He understood, in the moment, that you needed space, but his men had yet to find you anywhere on the grounds. When they turned up with nothing for the second time, he had felt his heart sink, not only because of the possibility of you getting captured, but also because he had failed to create a single safe space for you in the past almost year. 
    Fuck. Things really weren’t going well, both in his head and physically. He felt sick to his stomach as he picked up the phone. 
    “Min family.” Yoongi answered gruffly in an attempt to mask his worry. 
    There was a low laugh on the other end of the line. The man on the other side had heaving breaths and the phone crackled with every chuckle. Yoongi could almost smell the man’s rotten stench. 
    “Who is it?” He demanded with increasing confusion. 
    “We have your girl.” The man certainly wasn’t Mr. Seong, as he spoke with a crudeness that didn’t befit the other mafia’s leader. 
    He looked up at Taehyung, who remained stoic. There was something in his eyes, though, that made Yoongi concerned. Taehyung’s jaw was clenched, a sign of anxiety. It was not a good situation when Taehyung was anxious. 
    “What do you wish to do? If you kill her, that is no skin off my neck.” Yoongi played it off, but hell would see flames if you died. 
    “Three quarters of your current territory and all the property you have.” A new voice had taken the phone, this time he most certainly recognized it. Mr. Seong. “We must meet in person to sign the papers,” it was an all too familiar sentence, “come alone, unarmed, and we will make the trade.” 
    What would be better? Losing you or losing everything his father had built? His mind retraced his childhood steps. It went up the stairs, past the open windows and billowing curtains, and into the library. There, he would always find his father reading. 
    Then, he was there. He time slowing and the world piecing itself together in a new light. The library. His father, sitting, with a book in hand, on one of the lavish, green, armchairs. The velvet seemed too soft for the rough calluses of his father’s hands. 
    “Yoongi.” His father beckoned. “Come here.” 
    And he did. He did like a lost dog. 
    “You’ve left me.” Yoongi announced, of all the meaningful things he could say. “You left me and now I don’t know what to do.” 
    He didn’t feel fear, because he knew consciously that this place, where his father stood alive, was not real. It was a figment of his imagination while he worked in overdrive to think of a solution. 
    “You will figure it out.” Mr. Min hummed and Yoongi refrained from a scowl. “You know what I always said?” 
    “We’re Mins. It always ends the way we wish.” Yoongi murmured. The words echoed. 
    “But in that saying, it doesn’t quite mean we throw our hands up in the air and hope, does it?” Mr. Min wondered as he stood. While he paced, a smile grew on his face. Yoongi was slowly realizing what he needed to do, truly. Mr. Min had a look of satisfaction. He’d raised his son well, in his mirror image, almost. 
    “What do you do when there’s a problem as dire as this one?” Yoongi had begun to mirror his father, pacing with no end. 
    Mr. Min halted and slammed the book down on the wooden table beside the armchair. 
    “You think outside of the box, son.” 
    And it was like a lightbulb went on. 
    “I’ve got an idea.” 
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    “You’re all the same, you know.” You said loudly, as if that would stop the man before you. Mr. Seong’s hands were so familiar to you; every line, every curve. Those hands, that were now polishing various sharp objects, had picked you up when you were learning to walk. They were the same hands that held you steady and angrily opened doors you slammed. 
    “Tell me more.” He mused, as if you were sitting across the dining table. You used to jabber on for hours unless he shushed you. He often shushed you. It took every ounce of your willpower to hold back the giddy kid inside. The kid was screaming: he wants to know what you have to say! Finally! He wants to listen to you! He wants to be there for you. 
    But your consciousness knew this was simply untrue. The cruel way he so carefully rubbed the oil over each instrument made you more than aware of your situation. You were in a damp room. You were underground where you’d never see the sun again. It seemed pretty straightforward. 
    “Come closer.” You said steadily, maintaining your composure. You were doing your best to make this wooden chair look like a throne. 
    He eyed you suspiciously, but placed the scythe-like knife down on the table. It hit the wood with a harsh bang. Slowly, he approached the throne. 
    “You were never going to let me go, were you?” You questioned, much more the executioner than Mr. Seong. Your eyes searched his, taunting him. Go on. Show your defiance. 
    But Mr. Seong had played this game before. He’d taught you it, after all. Just like playing chess, he made the safest move; one that wouldn’t give away too much, but answered your question well-enough. 
    “I always had my eye on you.” He stated, as if it were normal. 
    “If you were concerned about my well-being, that’s great and all, but I doubt you really thought Yoo-Mr. Min would treat me poorly.” You cursed yourself for slipping up. Oh, right. Yoongi. Things had really been soured. You didn’t expect him to come. You had just run away from your own confession, after all. 
    Even thinking about him, the gummy smile and the languid hands, made your heart quicken. That was not a good sign. Based on the smile your father had donned, it seemed that he noticed these facts as well. 
    “You never loved mom.” You continued your rampage, throwing every possible insult to throw him off. You wanted to get under his skin before he knew he was under yours. This comment seemed to hit home, though, as you saw his gaze waver for a fraction of a second. It wasn’t much, but for someone who was trained through trauma to read the smallest of cues, it was enough. 
    “That is simply untrue.” He announced, as if that would do anything. 
    “Hey, don’t take it too seriously from me, I’m the one sitting in the basement.” You tried to appeal to his funnier side, but that man was gone. All that was left of your father was the mere shape of him. Okay, back to the harsh facts, then. 
    “You just like controlling women. All these ‘mafia’ men do. You’re all the same.” You said with disgust. He seemed to shrug that one off, because it was a known fact anyway. And yet you didn’t feel that with Yoongi. This man really had you soft. 
    “Your manipulation tactics don’t work on me, darling. I taught you some of them after all.” 
    “You didn’t teach me shit.” You cussed. You felt yourself slipping. Who was this beast coming out? Your inner being, the spirit locked away through deals and deception, had turned into a ravaging beast. What the hell did it matter anyway? You had resigned yourself to this fate. You might as well make the most of it. 
    “Like father like daughter.” Mr. Seong shrugged. Your shoulders shuddered in laughter and you threw your head back with a wheezing gasp. 
    “You’re right.” You chuckled, your head lawling back to look at him through the strands of hair that had fallen. The room felt slick, damp, and maybe it was because of your heavy breaths. The way your chest rose and fell created a sickly mist. “I’m just like you, on the inside. I’m all fucked up and there’s nothing, nothing, I could have done. I’m just like you because I am you. I’m your little shitty DNA experiment.” 
    “That’s not true.” He said softly, with a fatherly warmth that no longer interested you. He grabbed a pair of pliers and knelt in front of you. Your eyes followed his movements and you knew where this was going next. You flexed your fingers uncomfortably. “You’re so much more than my DNA. You’re my daughter through and through.” 
    The first clamp. The first twist and pull. The first scream made a guttural exit from your throat. Checkmate. 
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    He was getting anxious as he waited. Yoongi wasn’t one to be concerned about any one thing, but time was truly of the essence. Yoongi wasn’t anxious, but he wasn’t all too patient either. He thought it must have been a rookie mistake to allow him into the exact house the hostage was kept at. However, Mr. Seong wasn’t known to be an idiot. There was something else at work here and Yoongi was itching to get to the bottom of it. The living room couch was comfortable and Yoongi was anything but. 
    “Mr. Min.” A maid answered the door. Yoongi glanced up at the ceiling of your house. So this was your childhood home? It seemed like a normal family home. The kitchen in front of him, a doorway next to that. Behind him, a panoramic view of Seoul and the quiet footsteps of Snakes in the grass. 
    “Right this way.” The maid chirped. She was pretty; tightly wound blonde hair in a bun and a soft pink cupids bow for lips. Yoongi was having trouble discerning if she was with the enemy or a simple housemaid caught in the middle. 
    He steadily walked towards the dark hallway to his right. At the end of the hallway was an ominous dark oak, towering, door. He almost scoffed at the display of insecurity. One that needs such an atrociously overpowering door must be truly self conscious inside. 
    The door opened with a low groan and he stepped inside. The man did his best not to pat his pockets or subconsciously reach towards the hidden gun in his belt. 
    “Please, sit.” Mr. Seong, the man with all the power, supposedly. Yoongi narrowed his eyes. He’d always been a bit better at the charisma part of the business than his father, but his father had been a stronger fighter. That’s what people respond to, in this business. His father’s words echoed softly. Pain and more pain. Not feathery words. His father had spat that phrase so venomously that Yoongi suffered its symptoms all these years later. The statement only rung further true when his eyes caught the knife that Mr. Seong was cleaning. 
    It was short and small, certainly precise. That wasn’t too concerning. Yoongi was sure he could take the man in a fight with a knife that small. What made his heart quicken was the white cloth that was being used as a cleaning rag. It was covered in blood. And Yoongi knew fresh blood when he saw it. The silver glinted off the mirror to the right of the man.
    The sight almost made him sick. The thoughts almost ran him ragged, but he realized, with a sly smile, that Mr. Seong wanted him to see it. 
    The Snakes leader sat down slowly. In order for his plan to work, he needed to sell the act. He felt like an actor, waiting to hear the magical word to bring him into character. Oh, he was surely buzzing with contempt. 
    “I’m surprised you agreed to meet me in person.” Mr. Seong began. The clock ticked steadily.
    “You didn’t give me much a choice, now, did you?” Yoongi grinned as if to say he was a defeated adversary. 
    “You didn’t negotiate. I’m shocked my rival for years would agree to lay down and die.” 
    “I thought we should bargain in person. A sort of last ditch effort now that you’ve got my hands a bit…tied.” 
    “I knew it.” Mr. Seong had a real shit-eating grin on his face. “You love her.” 
    “Love is a strong word.” Yoongi continued apathetically. “I more so need to show that you can’t mess with my kin and leave scot free.” 
    “Oh I’m sure you do. Well, I’m glad we can end this little rivalry of ours without too much blood.”
    The papers were produced with ease. It felt like an all too familiar scene. But where were you? Yoongi glanced to his side. The gaping hole of space unfilled reminded him of his mission. It was any time now that his men should be finding you. He could see it now. 
    The men, breaking in, rescuing you, then retreating. Him, falling back and retaliating with the full force of the Snakes, razing the home to the ground. Oh yes, it would be perfect, and as there hadn’t been a peep outside the office door, he assumed it was going according to plan. 
    “I can’t say I’m glad. How about we negotiate?” Yoongi said, refusing to pick up the pen that was being adamantly pushed towards him. 
    “Negotiate? At this stage? Why, it would be a waste to have to print all of these again.” 
    “You’re about to become a billionaire either way, Mr. Seong. Reprinting a few measly papers to seal the deal shouldn’t be a concern.” Yoongi tilted his head slightly as if to say what gives? 
    “I will give you that, Mr. Min.” 
    It didn’t feel right to be called that name. It still felt like his father’s name. He glanced up at the ceiling. He felt like he was still standing in his father’s shadow, the gigantic mess that he was left when his father passed. But with this little stunt, if he could pull it off, he could step into the light. A new era of the Snakes could dawn. 
    “I will give you half of my land and half of my owned properties.” Yoongi smiled. “I would still be hobbled and you would have more than enough with your current stocks combined.” 
    “Two thirds.” Mr. Seong countered lowly. “Of everything.” 
    Yoongi shook his head back and forth with a frown. “Greedy greedy little man.”
    “We are both businessmen, you know the deal.” 
    “I consider myself more man than business. But you?” Yoongi stood and began to pace in measured steps. “I think you are more business than…anything else. More than a man, more than a husband,” He stopped and gave Mr. Seong a blank stare, “more than a father.” 
    Mr. Seong slapped his hand on the table and stood up furiously. His cheeks were growing red and Yoongi knew he was starting to win. Mr. Seong pointed an accusatory finger. 
    “Just what do you think you’re playing at, Min?” He demanded, his voice barely below a shout. 
    “Sir, I’m just trying to figure out what your true end goal is? I gave you a quite beneficial deal.” Yoongi’s eyes widened with mock realization. “But it’s not about the deal, is it? Or how much money you’ll get. It’s about pride, for you, now, right? You want to show everyone that you’re better than them, that you were able to best the great Min family. But you know, deep down, that you are a coward.” Yoongi walked towards the man and planted his hands on the other side of the desk. “You took the shameful road. Truly. Kidnapping? Disgusting.” 
    Where was Taehyung? They should have found you by now and he was getting tired of stalling. Yoongi didn’t want to get to the point where his real emotions were involved, but he was at the tipping point. This man was truly abhorrent. He found himself looking at his reflection in the mirror next to Mr. Seong. The person staring back didn’t look like him. 
    “Shameful? You want to talk about shameful?” Mr. Seong growled. He opened his mouth to continue, when there was a dull thud of a noise. 
    The noise shut up Mr. Seong and it caught Yoongi’s attention quickly. The house was so quiet now that they had stopped talking and it was making his ears ring. Still, he heard the thud. It came from behind a bookshelf. As he began to analyze the bookshelf, he began to realize that the shelf seemed to protrude more than the others and that the books in it didn’t look quite right. He turned back to look at Mr. Seong and the man was sheet white. 
    No. It couldn’t be. 
    A secret door. Why hadn’t he thought of that? He really was looking like an idiot. Still, he had to salvage this somehow. He backed away from the desk, trying his best to fight off a surprised expression, and tugged his suit vest back into place. Yoongi began to nonchalantly browse the shelves. The odd book shelf was to his right and coming up as he idly brushed his fingers along the spines. 
    “Not a speck of dust.” He mused. “You must have been excited to host me.” 
    “Yes, quite.” Mr. Seong said, but his voice was ghostly and his breath shuddered. His secret was close to being found out. Yoongi had to make sure his hypothesis was correct before making any brash moves, because otherwise he’d be putting the lives of his men in danger. 
    He had reached the bookshelf with the odd protrusion. He tried his best to look as he did with all the other shelves, letting his hands brush the spines. Ah. So he’d really been tricked. Yoongi hated admitting defeat. Still, he must act like nothing was the matter. He needed to think fast.
    “I’ll do two thirds.” The man announced. “It’s done.” 
    “A last minute change of heart? How unusual.”
    “Would you like it or not?” 
    “I will take your word. It shall be done.” Mr. Seong grumbled and eyed the back of Yoongi’s neck as he turned to print the new copies. 
    Yoongi positioned himself subtly, allowing himself to see Mr. Seong in the mirror. The older man was now fumbling to get the printer running. He looked like a normal old man. 
    “The spines of these books are so plastic-y.” Yoongi said matter-of-factly. This made Mr. Seong halt in his tracks. “It’s almost as if they’re fake.” 
    Mr. Seong’s eyebrows furrowed and he started to turn around when he heard the click of a gun. 
    “Mr. Seong, you are truly scum.” Yoongi stated as he held the pistol to the man’s back. He’d never miss at this range. 
    “Oh, you little–” 
    A siren blared, bathing the room in red light. 
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    Five Minutes Earlier
    Taehyung couldn’t remember how he got into the business of picking locks. He didn’t really want to recall either. It must have been something to do with his sordid past or the various car escapades. He enjoyed taking things that weren’t his, to say the least. Now, he had the most intriguing prize to fetch. You had never struck him as particularly odd, but he did note that there was a sadness about you. Even when you smiled and called him Josh, he still sensed something…missing. 
    There was a hole where your heart should be. That’s what he’d decided. And Taehyung wasn’t the kind of guy who could put it back in its place, after all, he only ever took things away. He always made holes with no intention of going back to find replacements. Yoongi was different in that way.��
    Since they were kids, Yoongi had always put things back where they needed to be. If the playroom was messy, Yoongi would help the maids put everything back. Taehyung had only sought to steal what he wanted and indulge in his every desire when he played with Yoongi. There were plenty of guys like Taehyung now. 
    “Hey, bossman.” A new recruit whispered as she put a hand over the housemaid’s mouth. “You found anything?” 
    “Yeah.” Taehyung knelt by the laundry room’s door. “There’s a trap door.” His fine fingers, made for the most delicate of activities, found the slight seam. “Alright. Let’s save our darling Min.” 
    The trap door swung open, pulling a wire with it. The alarms were off in an instant. 
    “Shit!” Taehyung staggered back. “Vanessa!” He turned to see a bullet lace her skull. He had no time to react as another pierced two fingers in his outstretched hand. 
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    Smoke from a gun. 
    Yoongi walked behind the desk and shoved the body off the chair. 
     “What a rival you were.” He said plainly. Then he turned to the bookshelves and walked over. Cracking his knuckles, he pried open the door. It swung out slowly and moved like honey. “You were right, father,” He glanced over his shoulder at the body on the ground. “Pain and more pain.”
    The red light blinked on and off, illuminating the room in alternating blood and darkness. He stared down into the abyss. There were stairs, but he didn’t know how far they went or if they truly would lead him the right way. 
    There was only one way to find out. 
    The steps were damp and there was a pungent smell that grew worse as he went further. It was iron and sweat. There. The previously dull thump was now a muffled scream as he reach the bottom of the stairs. With his gun drawn, he leaned against the concrete wall. The stairs had branched into two small corridors. There were two cells on each side of the hallways. He peered over his shoulder. The fluorescent lights of the hallway buzzed. 
    There was no one here. Maybe Mr. Seong had assumed no one would find this corridor and that guards were unnecessary. 
    “Help!” You screamed until your vocal chords were scratched and raw. You didn’t know what state you were in or how you had mustered the strength to even scream. But you had heard a feint alarm. 
    When the cell door opened, you almost winced. The pitch black room was purged with light. You didn’t know if you should cry from exhaustion, hope, or fear. 
    A figure stood in the doorway, but it was a familiar shape and a familiar voice that greeted you. 
    “What did they do to you?” Yoongi rushed over and you could feel the air shifting to something deadly, despite your glee at seeing him. 
    “A real number.” You whispered. Your voice was gone. You didn’t have any more strength left in your body. Pulling nails sounded like heaven at this point. 
    You knew you were safe now. You didn’t look at his gentle hands undoing the cuffs and chains or the way his breath came short and panicked. You looked at his face and you absorbed the concentrated quirk of his eyebrow and the way his lips pressed together. 
    “You,” You began with a croak. 
    “It’s okay you don’t need to–” 
     You held up a hand. “I–” You gathered all your will power. “I must, because I might not make it out of here.”
    “No, you’ve got all the time in the world.” 
    “You have always been safety for me.” You whispered. “Your touch, that very first day…” You felt your eyes glazing over, but you fought back the dizzying fog in your mind. You fought back from letting your head fall limp. “...in that one touch, you taught me that a hand does not always mean violence. You taught me that your hands will always be safe… If I die, bury me.” 
    “Stop talking like that.” He said seriously, his face was fallen into deep shadow. His eyes grim as he hoisted you into his arms. “You will make it out of this alive. Save the monologue for years from now. Save it for when we’re old and wrinkled. Hell, never tell me.” 
    “Just listen!” You wheezed and your chest ached. “If I die, take the time to bury me, please.”
    “If those are your last words, I don’t want to hear them.” 
    You found yourself smiling despite his harsh declaration. 
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    Opening your eyes felt like a dream. With the morning sun streaming through the billowing white curtains, it all felt like a dream. You didn’t dare move. You didn’t want to break the illusion. Your eyes searched the room. It was everything you remembered, every detail, right down to the missing vase. You were focused on one thing in particular, though, a new addition to the room. 
     “Why are you asleep in a chair?” You coughed and tried sitting up, wincing. Yoongi was up in an instant. He had looked so peaceful while sleeping, but his new expression was of concern, worry. You looked down at yourself. Had you ever seen so many bandages at once? Well, not on a person. Your arms to your legs. 
     “Are you feeling alright?” Yoongi whispered. “I was really worried. You were…saying some scary stuff.” 
    “I remember.” You announced. You were done being reasonable. You were injured, pretty terribly, if the bandages meant anything. But it was the fear lingering in Yoongi’s gaze that unsettled you. “I’m alive, why are you concerned?” 
     “I–” He stopped short. “I guess because, I care for you.” He gently took your hand and it didn’t hurt as much as when you moved on your own. “And I admire you.” 
     That was what made you perk up. 
    “I admire that you are so strong in the face of adversity. You were terrified, I saw it when you first moved in, yet you still found your way to the kitchen and asked for a bandaid.”
    You smiled at the memory. You were so naive, so confused about your father’s motives. 
    “I…I admire you too.” You placed your other hand over his. “And I think I just might love you, but I don’t know yet.”
    “Is it enough to stave off the divorce papers?”
    His gummy smile and the boyish gleam in his eyes made you laugh. It was instant regret as your lungs begged for mercy, but it was worth it. 
    “Yeah, I think I’ll stick with you for at least a few more months.” 
    “Good, because my only other option is Taehyung for company and he won’t stop moaning about his fingers.” 
    “What happened to his fingers?” You asked, bewildered. 
    “Ah, two got shot off, but no worries. He’ll live.” 
    “That sounds like a big deal! Actually, I’ll call over Taehyung and let him know his feelings are valid right now.” 
    “No, no!” Yoongi laughed and it was such a genuine ring that your heart quickened. After you were both done chuckling, a cool breeze blew the curtains once more. 
    “What happened to the Seong clan?” You asked, looking out the window. 
    “Burned to the ground. The few stragglers we’ve dumped onto our allied gangs who need an extra man.” 
    “I see.” You whispered. Then you turned to him and lightly gripped his shoulder. “We’ll be okay, right?” 
    He took a breath and allowed himself a glance into the brilliant blue sky. Then, he turned to you and pressed his forehead to yours. You reached up and gently cupped his cheek. He tilted his head and his lips met yours. It was a soft kiss, innocent and in love, all the things you wished could just describe your relationship with Yoongi. Maybe in another time or universe. Maybe you two could simply just be innocent and in love. Until then…
    “Yeah, I think we’ll be okay.” He breathed.
    “I think so too.”
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 taglist: @scuzmunkie @iliketowrite-2 @drunkzseok @zae007live @iwanttohitmyself @borahebangtan @sumzysworld @honeybubblepopp​ @thedungeonpythoness @sugathy
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ladyminange · 2 years
A Girl Like You 7
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Pairing: Min Yoongi/Reader
Warning: Fluff/Angst/Smut (eventually)
Genre: Rapper/Daddy AU - Ex lovers
Wordcount: 4,904
Description: Although Min Yoongi was the love of your life he never seemed much interested in your relationship. Some day you decided you didn’t want it anymore. But destiny has its own words over your life.
Disclaimer: Thanks for your patience! It took me a lot of time in finishing and editing this chapter. I enjoyed writing and reading it a lot, so I hope you enjoy it. SPOILER: y/n and Yoongi finally...
<– Previous - Next –>
You didn't know how long you were with the finger over the send button. You read the message written over a ten times. Yoongi was you only option but there were so many contras. First, you didn't know if he would be able to spend many hours with Rosie at night. Surely she will be sleepy but what happen if she refused going to bed without you? You needed have a bed only for she urgently.
Second, though you avoided to think about, it was the "other night incident". It was about a week since Yoongi left your apartment after both of you made it out in your kitchen and your communication was restricted only to exchange messages about Rosie and some photos from her. Asking him babysitting her would be a big step you didn't know if you would take. Or maybe it was fear about he refusing your call in. There were a lot of things that, in your imagination, he surely had to do that night.
But you ran out of options. The Saturday Night Sale was the biggest event of the semester and you couldn’t not to go. Also Jungkook would be there because his illustrations were such a success and that night he'd brought some to sell in advance exclusively for the event. The problem was that your "thing" with Yoongi had occupied your mind the last days and you forgot about the date absolutely.
With a twitch in your guts your finally pressed send. You were seating in the couch of your apartment when your phone vibrated a couple of times. Yoongi's answer was quick and simple:
[Yoongi]: Of course I can! [Yoongi]: Let me know what time I have to be in your apartment. [Yoongi]: Can I brought hot chocolate?
You couldn't help but smiled with the last question. He, who at the beginning complained for the amount of sugar that the girl ate, was thinking in spoiled her with some treats.
Jess was kinda obssesed last days trying to find out who was the woman that took Yoongi from her. She was surpised with herself with this mania, because she didn't Yoongi back. She only needed to realize why that girl was better, at least to the ex boyfriend's eyes. The true was her bruised ego made she started doing stupid things, such as stalking all the social media of him.
The task was hard: Yoongi only posted things related to his work: pictures from his studio, chunks of new songs, selfies with musician he colaborated. After a entire afternoon she found anything. Tired of that no sense she started to think in the Night Sale event of Jung Hoseok's art design shop. A guy from the model agency crew suggested it was the place where she could find the ideal present for his ex boyfriend birthday. The memory of the celebration in her apartment made her a little nostalgic. However Jess tried to shake off that thoughts of her head. She only have to focuse in the event and think in the appropriate outfit. She was Jess Wang and she needed to look perfect.
She never imagined that decision would solve her investigation. Aiming to find out how the people dressed in the past events she decided to look for in the Hoseok's Instagram. That was she found the picture. It showed Hoseok with a little girl in his arms. She was about three or four or five -she was very bad calculating children age- but despite the panda makeup she recognized the round cheeks, the almond black eyes and, of course, Yoongi besides her. And a woman looking his ex boyfriend with a big smile in his face. Surely he didn't notice her gesture.
Jess recognized you face but she didn't remember when and where she met you. Not in her work neither Yoongi studio, although she didn't visit that place often. She decided focusing in her outfit again and walked to her walking closet, although the photo etched in her mind. Suddenly she remembered: the girl who attended her in Hoseok's shop. A rage invaded her when she recalled your kindness and willigness to find the perfect present for Yoongi. She looked back on the happiness in Yoongi's face when he opened the box. Jess felt stupid. And there are few things more harmful than a woman with a wounded ego
"She is normal", Taehyung said to her. "I mean, she is pretty but not beautiful. She has an ordinary sense of fashion. Definitely she couldn't compare with you", he added.
Jess went to the event with one of photographer of the agency. Kim Taehyung was handsome, stylish and fun. And he liked her. She realized it many time ago. He dated other girls, obviously, but there was always a certain chemistry between them. That's why he was the perfect wingman for the night.
"But Yoongi chose her. She replaced me with her", she complained.
"In fact he didn't replaced anyone. He knew her before you. Also he doesn't recognize the difference between what is beautiful and what is not", he explained.
"I know. I totally agree with you. But I'm very pissed with his choice!", you exclaimed.
"Jess, he's not for you. I never understood what you saw in him. He doesn't even know how to dress" -he paused to take some air- "what's the thing with those baggy clothes? I really hate his big pullovers and the ripped wide legs jeans", said Taehyung wrinkling his nose.
"Yeah you're right. But that's exactly what bothers me", Jess pouted.
"I knew that look. What bad thing are you planning?", he asked her smiling.
"I'm thinking in something. However I let you know only if it's successful", she replied with a mischievously spark in her eyes.
You opened the door and took off your heels quickly, groaning while you massaged your feet. You found Yoongi sat in the couch while was looking at the phone. He was with the headphones on and you noticed a total silence in the apartment. You frowned and walk to Yoongi trying to find out where Rosie was. When he noticed you he jumped.
"Shit! You almost killed me", he said while he was taking off his headphones. "I thought you would let me know when you were coming", he added.
"Where is…"
"Sleeping. We drank hot chocolate and then I told her some weird tales I invented. She laughed until she got tired enough to fall sleep", he informed you.
You sighed and noticed he was glaring at you with an amused smile.
"You thought I was focused in anything but our daughter", he replied at your expression. "But not. I had everything under control", he said stretching his arms up.
You fell onto the couch besides him without thinking. You were so tired and let out a deep breath.
"Did you eat something?", he asked you. You noticed some worry in his words and smiled. For a moment you forgot all the sexual tension between both of you. Indeed, you almost forgot he wasn't your boyfriend nor your husband and that he was dating the famous model you met some hours ago.
"I picked up bites of everything. Jungkook wanted to go eat but I prefered came early", you smiled at him, "but I think a cup of tea would be nice". You were standing when he stopped you.
"Stay there. I will prepare you one". Yoongi stood up and went to the kitchen corner.
You heard the sound of your electric kettle and closed your eyes. You were exhausted and when you felt the smell of the tea leaves you smiled.
"Here", Yoongi brought you a mug a moment later.
"Thank you", you grabbed it with your both hands. "And for you?", you questioned.
"I'm ok. I have an overdose of sugar so I can't eat or drink anything more", he laughed showing his gums.
You loved his laugh. His eyes got smaller but they sparked as he was sending tiny stars around him. It was irresistible and you gathered all your strength to focus only in your tea.
"Put your feet here", he suddenly said.
You looked at him and open your eyes wide when you noticed he was taping his lap. You tried to refuse but he surprised you when grabbed your mug and put it over the coffee table.
"It's not necessary. I'll shower before to go to bed to ease the pain", you uttered.
But he didn't obey you. He grabbed from your ankles and put your feet over his lap as he asked you. You squealed softly grabbing the hem of your dress. You cheeks got red when he started to massage your sore feet.
"Yoongi… ", you whispered.
"I did this many times. Do you remember? When you had those long shifts in the pub on weekends", he remembered.
The true was you completely forgot about it. Yoongi did care of you many times, indeed. There were some details that were only for you. That's why you didn't understand his comings and goings. That's why you always waited for him nevertheless the things you brother and friends told you.
Yoongi's hand were soft but firm and they were able to alleviate your tired feet. You almost forgot how uncomfortable was putting on heels.
"It's working, isn't it?", he told you. You only nod wishing he didn't stop. You felt like a cat about to purr.
"I broke up wtih her", his raspy voice brought you back to Earth.
You ran out of words.
"What did you do?", you said finally.
"I broke up with Jess. I told her everything about you and Rosie", he answered.
You noticed him glaring at you. His smile was vanished and his stern eyes was looking back at you as he was waiting for your response. Thousand thoughts flooded in your mind. Yes, you were thinking about both of you during whole week, saying to yourself that it was neccessary did not trespass some boundaries, but it never occurred to you that he would broke up with Jess Wang. Suddenly a dark idea crossed your mind.
"She… she was at the gallery tonight. Did you told her who I am?", you asked fearing the answer.
"No. She didn't even ask much about Rosie. I only said we dated some years ago", he replied you. "Did she tell you anything?", he asked.
"No, I barely spoke with her. But… Yoongi I didn't expect this. I mean, if this is because happened the other night, it wasn't necessary", you explained.
"Yes, it was", he said.
Suddenly you realized he never stop his touches. But there weren't a foot massages. He was caressing your naked calves. You felt your cheeks burning and when you looked at him again you noticed his breath over your mouth. He was nearly kissing you, but it seemed he was waiting for your permission. You looked at his lips and he knew it was a yes.
You wrapped your hands around his neck and he grabbed you from your thighs putting you over his lap. You kissed fiercely, very hungry for each other. At the time you forgot that your child were sleeping in the next room and you need to be quiet. He pulled your lips away and started to kiss your neck. You breathed deep when he bit your earlob.
He grabbed one of your legs and put you over his lap with the open legs. Then he stopped his petting and glare at you.
"I need to ask if it's okay", he whispered over your lips.
"Yes, it is", you answered bitting your lower lip.
You didn't know if it was your words or your action but he attacked your lips like an angry cat. His hands were running over your thighs and grabbed the hem of your dress. He pull it over your head and contemplated you in underwear in front of him. God, your body weren't the same like years ago and certainly the maternity left marks on your skin. But you seemed more gorgeous to him. Your breasts were bigger and your tighs were wider. That made him crazy. He grabbed your hips with one hand while his long fingers were traveling over your skin until he met the button of your bra.
You anticipated his movements and stopped theirs to pulled off his black oversized t-shirt. You gazed at his face rounded by his disheveled blonde hair. You looked at his eyes and felt proud of yourself. Despite you felt stupid when he played with your feelings, you always felt empowered when you had sex with him. You barely noticed he unbuttoned your bra and when he was caressing your nipples with his thumb you moaned trying not to be noisy. You released your hand from his torso and grabbed the back of the couch, fingers tucked in its edge when he started to lick your breast. The wet flooded your inner walls while your arouse was taking the control over your whole body. Yoongi felt the hotness of your skin and chuckled with the knowledge he still had that effect over you. However his excitement was as big as yours. Your body was like an open book to him. He had read him so many times that knew by heart all of its corners and the spots who provoked you.
You felt his buldge under your core and unbuckled his belt to help release it. But when you were unzipping his jeans he stopped you. You scowled at him and he released your breast biting your nipple before.
"Easy, girl. Let me enjoy you. It's been a while", his raspy voice turn on something inside you. A surprise because you thought he had activated all of them.
"Don't tease me", you complained.
"I don't", he replied while was licking your stomach. He grabbed your ass cheeks and squeezed them.
"Liar", you said trying to surpress another moan. Keeping silence became more and more difficult.
He caught your mouth with his and started to lower your panties slowly. An urgency appeared in your mind while his tongue was running all the corners of your mouth. You gathered some strength and pull him away. His coal eyes watched you in confussion.
"We need a condom", you whispered.
His eyes widened. Is he having some of them in his jacket? Surely there were in the glove box of his car, but going to the parking lot in that very moment would be a cool down.
"You weren't on the pill?", he asked hopefully.
"No", you replied.
"Fuck! Let me see if in my jacket…"
"There are some in the bathroom cabinet, behind the tampons", you told him. He raised an eyebrow to you questioning.
"We don't want more Mins in this world, right?", you uttered.
He lifted you by your hips and put over the couch. You heard him rummaging in your cabinets and chuckled imagining his rush. He noticed your amusement while he was riping the package and let the condom over the coffee table. He turned to you and pushed over the couch, positioning between your open legs. He lifted them one at a time to pulling off your panties. Then he grabbed your knees and started to kiss inside your thighs closing to your core. You moaned again that time gripping his hair. He shut your mouth with his while he was sliding two fingers inside you. The touches sent jolts through your body.
"How you say the other night, we need to be quiet", he shushed in your ear.
You only nod, unable to articulate a word.
"You're so wet, girl. Ready for me?", he asked you, pure lust in her voice.
You nod again. But that time he complained.
"Say it. I need hear you", he claimed.
"I'm ready, Yoongi", you admitted.
He pulled his fingers and put them in your mouth. Both of you licked them ath the same time while he watched you. Then he stood to undressed his jeans and boxer and put the condom in his dick. He grabbed one of your legs and put it over his lower back. He kissed you again while he was sliding into you to avoid your moans sounded loudly. He love the noisy you were but at the moment both of you can't risk your daughter awake in the middle of the night and caught you having sex in the couch.
You let out a cry when you felt him inside you. It have been a while since you were with a man. Although that man was Yoongi himself your walls needed to adjust to him.
"It hurts?", he asked you with a bit of worry in his ebony irises.
"No, it's okay. Just keep going", you said.
He obeyed you although he tried to be careful. At the beginning his thrusts were slow but it were more exciting than quicker movements. You bited back a moan and your breath hitches. You cupped his face and watch into his eyes. God, he looked so hot between your legs. You circled his waist with your both legs while he was increasing the pace of his thrusts. You squeezed his shoulders and bit your lip trying to keep your moans at bay.
"Fuck, you feel so good", he groaned. Beyond belief you were able to smile with proud. For that moment he was only yours. He was your man.
You reached his mouth and bit his lips. It was a wild thing you loved to do and you knew he enjoyed it although the other day he'd complained for his swollen lips.
Heat was raising in your living room. Noises from your bodies colliding over the couch were the only sounds which could be heard. You started to melt slowly anticipating your orgasm. You seized him harder no matter the bruises that appeared in his pale skin after.
"I'm so close. Keep going, please", you pleaded.
The words were an invitation and he thrusted you harder. Yoongi felt your jolts and your back arching. He kissed you again to shushed your last scream. Then he kept moving until a couple of groans marked his own orgasm. You felt his cum filling you and he slowly sliding away. Both of you panted while you were trying to accomodate in the tiny space.
He put one of your leg and the half of your body over him. You closed your eyes and breathed deep to move the dizziness away. Suddenly Yoongi's hand were caressing your back. You chuckled faintly over his chest while you were listening his heart beats. They were recovering his normal rythm and it seemed to echoed his raspy voice.
"What", he shushed in your ear.
"Nothing", you murmured.
"Tell me", he insisted, patting your back.
"Nothing… I just was…"
"Remembering the good old times?", he joked.
"Something like that", you replied smiling.
For a moment both of you kept in silence. You cuddled in his chest and he moved his long fingers over your warm skin.
"Do you want something to drink?", your voice resonated in the room.
"Water, please", he asked you grogily.
You put on your dress and walked to the sink to fulfilled a pair of glasses. Meanwhile he put his boxers and his t-shirt and when you came back you find him sitting in the couch. He took one glass from your hands and gulped its content.
"Someone is thirsty. Maybe too much exercise?", you made fun of him.
"Careful because I know how to shut that big mouth of yours", he took your chin and gave a peck in your lips.
It was too much exercise, indeed. He couldn't remember when it was the last time he and Jess had sex. He calculated more than a month, or maybe since he found out about Rosie.
You leaned your head in his shoulder. He wirlsed a damp strand of your hair. You kept in silence again, both just enjoying the moment. Until you felt the need to go to the bathroom, clean yourself and go to bed. You'd have a part of your soul to sleep intertwined with him but Rosie was expecting in your bed.
"I have to go to the bed. If you need the bathroom you can use after me", you said standing up.
But he grabbed your waist from behind tucking his nose in your hair.
"Not yet, please. Stay a bit more", he pleaded and how you could refuse?
You woke up late. It was Sunday, the alarm didn't ring and your body, and sore core, knew that it was allowed to relax. No matutine hurries neiher Rosie's complaints for having to left the bed early. The sunlight illuminated the room and forced you to open the eyes. Just in time because your little girl was starting to wake up. You smiled at her lightly.
"Hello beauty", you greeted her.
"Hello mommy"
You holded her and attacked her with kisses and tickles. She giggled and screamed until she was exhausted. You released her ruffling her hair.
"Do you want breakfast?", you asked.
But before she nodded in affirmation you remembered Yoongi. You jumped from the bed and got ahead Rosie. You panicked just thinking the little girl would discovered his "friend" sleeping semi naked in the couch. You opened the door and looked at your living room but he wasn't there. You walked to the couch and noticed the blanket were folded over it and the cushions back in their position. You frowned while some queassiness started to brew in your stomach. It was obvious, you thought. He ran from your side just when he got the chance.
Rosie was running to you, a bit worried.
"Mommy, what happened?"
Her voice backed you to the Earth. She was the most important thing in your life, not the stupid man who deceived you. Again.
"Nothing, don't worry. Let's make some breakfast", you said trying to smile.
However all your efforts vanished when you open the kitchen cabinets. You were ran out from almost everything. All the week was a chaos and you forgot to went to supermarket completely. You took a deep breath and thought that Sunday was becoming a little hell. You cursed yourself for your limitless stupidity. How you did end believing in Yoongi again? How was he able to coax you and made you forget you haven't food in your house? You had a child, for God's sake!
"Yoonyiii!", Rosie call made you jump. Your heart stompped when you saw the blonde hair man putting some bags over the kitchen aisle.
"Morning little girl! How are you doing today?", he told her poking her nose.
"I'm hungry. Mom haven't made the breakfast", she pouted.
"I brought the breakfast, so Mommy don't need to made anything", he watched at you smiling.
You looked at him back in disbelief. The queasiness in your stomach started to disipate. You bit your lip while he was putting over the table the breakfast for three of you: a coffee, a tea and hot chocolate; three sandwiches and a woman ginger bread cookie. He told Rosie something about it is alike her and she giggled. You approached the table and regret all the bad things you thought about him earlier.
"Sit. We are waiting for you and we are starving, right Rosie?", he looked at you curiously.
"Mommy sit", the little girl told.
Her voice made you reacted. You sat with them and grabbed the Rosie's cup before she did it.
"Careful, it could be hot", you warned her. She pouted but wait you stir the liquid and tasted it. You looked at her and with the corner of the eye to the man in front of you.
"With spoon, slowly", you told her while you were passing the cup.
Rosie drank a bit from her cup and then she attacked the cookie. You thought in said her would eat first the sandwich but you regret before said it. It was Sunday and a bit of relax in the rules couldn't do any damage. You felt happy but a bit nervous too. The scene was too ideal and you knew you had to be cautious. You bit your lower lip. Then you felt a soft kick in your leg. You looked at Yoongi surprised.
"Dont do that, please. You knew all the things that made me want", he said you with a mischievous smile.
You knew that stare, that smile, that subtle message. You felt your face burning in red. What was happening to you? You were behaving like a teen girl while a little tiny voice kept saying inside your mind "be careful".
"I thought you left early", you said him.
"I supossed you were thinking that. So I tried to hurry but the coffee shop was a bit crowded. I think because it's Sunday", he replied while he was eating.
When he woke up that morning the first thing he saw was the white ceiling of your apartment. At first he didnt recognized because he never saw it before. Some cracks crossed it and he frowned and thought that your home was not just little but a bit old too. He put the blanket over his head and roll to his side. He closed his eyes but he couldn't sleep. He smelled your scent still in his body. God! He haven't realized how much he have missed you all the last years.
Yoongi couldn't get sleep again, so decided to get up and tried to make some breakfast. It could be a good surprise if he woke up both of you with the smell of brewed coffee and fresh toasts. But when he opened the cabinets he realized there weren't bread neither milk nor cereals. He frowned and thought why you didn't have any of these. An idea popped in his mind and looked for your keys. They were over the kitchen aisle. He took them and left the apartment quietly. He didn't want any of you wake up.
You didn't reply him. True was you didn't find the right kind words to explain your assumptions. Yes, leaving the morning after could be a so Yoongi's behaviour but he didn't do it. So how you could explain to him that without sound hurtful?
Three of you devoured the breakfast. It was almost 11 in the morning and the last day (and night) left you very exhausted. And hungry. When you didn't go out you let Rosie spend some time watching TV. So Yoongi got Rosie off the high chair while you were gathering the breakfast remains to throw them in the trash bin. You were hearing the sound of Rosie's favourite cartoon show when some arms holding you from behind. You couldn't help but stiffened. Yoongi's movement was unexpected and for a moment you startled.
"What? It's me, not a burglar", he said in your ear.
You heard him chuckling while he gave a peck in your neck. He smelled at tangerines and wood. The same fragrance of last night. It gave you goosebumps and when you tried to step away he released you. You turned back and looked at him. He was smiling showing his gums. You smiled back. His eyes were glittering with joyful sparks. It was almost perfect, wasn't? For a moment you shushed your internal voice and laughed bitting your lower lip.
He approached to you and grabbed your chin. He looked at the girl sat in the floor watching TV with the corner of his eye and kissed you. You opened your mouth and welcomed his tongue. You knew that it would be quick but you needed that kiss badly. He pulled away and spoke over your lips.
"I told you don't do that. I can't resist it"
You smiled widely.
"Listen. I got to go now", he told you.
"Yeah, it would be the best. Jungkook gonna come to lunch with us today", you replied.
"Shit! So I have to hurry", he exaggerated.
"Idiot!", you pushed him a bit.
"We are talking, ok? I'll call you. Maybe we can meet tomorrow night to dinner or something?", he asked eagerly.
"Yeah, it could be", you agreed.
He hold your hands and squeezed them. Then he went to the little girl.
"Rosie, I'm leaving. Gave me a kiss", he asked while he was kneeling down her. She kissed his cheek and he poked her nose with the point of his finger.
"Bye, Yoonyi", she giggled.
You waited for him at the door. You opened it and he kissed you again. Briefly that time.
"I'll see you. Have a nice Sunday", he said before leaving.
You closed the door and walked to the living room. You contemplated to Rosie and smiled. She looked like his father very much. You smiled again. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach and some joy were filling your body. When you went to the bedroom to gather Rosie's clothes you heard her question.
"Mommy, Yoonyi is my daddy?"
You jolted and turned back to her with wide eyes.
"Why… why are you thinking that, girl?", you asked her back.
"Because he gave you a kiss. Daddys always kisses mommys", she explained without taking his eyes off the TV.
You just didn't know how to replied her sentence.
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for-yoongi0309 · 2 years
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— June 25th, 2015 | 7 years ago today
민슈가 쩌렁 #쩔어
Min Suga is dopee #dope
38 notes · View notes
yoo6ngi · 2 years
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i wonder, can we become loves persona . ? ♡
22 notes · View notes
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I’m a hoe for brows pt. 5/?
330 notes · View notes
bangtanger · 2 years
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yoongi x ly answer cr. namuspromised
708 notes · View notes
shuadotcom · 3 years
Mine | JHS (M)
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💚 Summary: Being friends with benefits with your roommate is as cliche as it gets, but you and Hoseok make it work - until one night he gets too jealous and needs to remind you that you’re his and only his.
💚 Pairing: Demon of Envy!Hoseok x Mortal Fem!Reader
💚 Genre/AU: Smut, tiny bit of fluff, roommates au, friends with benefits au, supernatural au, pwp
💚 Words: 2.3k
💚 Warnings: Rough unprotected demon sex of course, fingering, squirting, dirty talk, profanity, possessive and jealous Hobi since he’s a demon of envy duh
💚 Note: This is my fic for the Seven Deadly Sins collab! My sin was envy. Huge massive thanks to my bby @hobisuniverse​ for beta reading this for me because I certainly needed it 💗 This beautiful, magnificent banner was made by the talented @kimtaehyunq​ - like honestly Maggie worked her magic with this and I love it so much 😭 This is the first fic since September that I finished all the way through and don’t hate so I hope you all enjoy! 💚
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Hoseok, being a demon of envy, has a temper and you know this. The littlest thing you or someone else does or says puts him in a mood, but it’s especially apparent when it comes to you.
Seeing how you’ve been roommates with Hosek for three years now, sleeping with him for two, and in love with him for four, you can admit that you know him very well. You also admit that sometimes you do things on purpose to antagonize him, but it’s all for fun. It always ends in the most mind-blowing fuck that you think is even better than the last time. Is it because he’s an intense person or is it the whole demon thing? You’re not sure, but you don’t complain. It’s the most intimate you feel as though you’ll ever be with him, so you take anything you can get.
Sometimes though, his temper can get out of hand. You know it’s part of his DNA (do demons have DNA?) to be jealous and all, but there are plenty of times where it can hit a higher level than you thought possible.
Tonight is an example of that. Hoseok is probably the angriest you’ve seen him and you didn’t even intentionally mess with him.
He enters your apartment after returning from a party one of your neighbors threw, carelessly tossing his coat into the closet and kicking his shoes off in the middle of the floor. You sigh, hanging up your coat properly and toeing your shoes off next to the front door. You leave his things where they are and follow his lead into the kitchen. Hoseok holds the fridge door open, staring inside but getting nothing.
You wait a few more minutes before clearing your throat from the doorway. “Are you gonna tell me what's wrong or are you going to continue stomping around like a toddler?”
He grunts in response, slamming the fridge door. “Guess it's the latter.”
You shrug and go to get a bottle of water from the fridge. Hoseok is now staring into the pantry, his ears red from the obvious anger bubbling under his surface. “Are you seriously not talking to me? I don't know what you're so upset about, but you should tell me what happened.”
You set the bottle on the counter to cross your arms over your chest. “Seriously, you're acting like a pissy little kid. Grow up and -” You’re cut off by him spinning around to face you while knocking your water off of the counter in frustration.
“Don't even begin to act like you don't know what my problem is. I saw you.”
You look at him blankly before your eyes dart to the bottle on the floor. “You're lucky that wasn't open yet.”
“Fuck the water! I saw you, Y/n!”
“Saw me what exactly?”
“Flirting with Jungkook!” No matter how serious he tries to make his outburst, you can’t help but burst into laughter, only making him angrier.
“You're kidding, right? Me? Flirting with Jungkook? You and I both know I don’t like Jungkook. Plus he has a whole partner that he lives with.”
“That didn't stop you from feeling up his arm and holding his hand!” Hoseok is fuming at this point but you still find the situation comical.
“First of all, I wasn't feeling up his arm, you seeth. “He was showing me his newest tattoo because he knows I’ve been obsessing about getting one lately. Second of all, I wasn't holding his hand, Hoseok. His dog nibbled my finger and he was making sure I wasn’t bleeding or anything. Maybe if you didn't jump to conclusions like an idiot, you'd have known, but instead, you decided to storm out of the room like a child and give me the silent treatment for the rest of the night.”
You have a staring match before Hoseok scoffs at you and stomps out of the kitchen. “Whatever.”
You roll your eyes. “Well fuck you too, asshole.” You mumble. You didn’t actually mean for him to hear, but he did and is back in the kitchen in a heartbeat. He shoves you against the kitchen island and traps you there.
“You know I hate it when you curse at me,” he bites out through gritted teeth.
“Yeah well if you weren't such a jealous asshole, I wouldn't have to!”
He presses against you closer, keeping you pinned. “I'm not jealous!”
You smirk up at him. “Bullshit. You're jealous of our neighbor who, might I add, is younger than you.” You cock your head to the side. “What's wrong, Hoseokie? Is a kid threatening your manhood?” At this point, you’re just teasing him. You can’t deny how much more attractive he looks when he’s in a mood, with his face flushed a deep red and the veins in his neck protruding.
“Stop talking.”
“Why? Am I hurting your feelings?”
“Just stop!”
“Now you're just yelling to try and assert yourself. It's okay to admit you're not as much of a man as Jungkook is. He's younger but I'm sure he's much better than you in -”
For the second time that night, you’re cut off by Hoseok. This time it’s by his lips crashing against yours in a sloppy, aggressive kiss. His hands move to your waist, keeping you trapped while you grab strands of his dark hair. The kiss is full of tongue and teeth and his obvious frustration but you love every second of it.
Most of the time Hoseok likes his time with you to be slow, savoring the time he spends with you, but tonight is different. There’s a fierce sense of urgency in the way he sucks on your tongue and nips at your lips.
His lips leave yours and go straight to your neck, biting hard enough to have you letting out noises of both pleasure and pain. Your fingers tug on his hair more to bring him back to your mouth.
Things escalate quickly from there. Somewhere between your second heated kiss, your shirt is torn off and Hoseok’s is also gone in the shuffle. You end up on the edge of the counter with Hoseok's fingers skillfully unbuttoning your jeans. You kick them off so hard that the denim flies across the room and knocks over a roll of paper towels. You find yourself giggling, but all coherent thoughts escape you when your panties are ripped off and Hoseok's fingers plunge in between your already dripping folds.
“H-Hoseok!” you manage to choke out, gripping the fake marble underneath you. He sends you a smug look and continues to roughly pump his fingers in and out of you. You lean back fully on the island, letting pleasure wash over you as he pivots his fingers impossibly faster. The long digits stroke you in just the right way that has your eyes rolling back as the sound of your wetness echoes through the kitchen. Hoseok always knows just where and how to make you feel good - seemingly almost better than you know yourself.
Just as you’re reaching your peak, pent up waves of ecstasy threatening to finally break, his fingers are gone, making you whine in protest. Hoseok smirks at you and pulls you close.
“Don't worry, baby. I'm going to fill you right back up.” A chill runs through your body at his words and you instinctively open your legs wider. He chuckles from above you at your neediness before undoing his belt buckle along with the zipper on his jeans.
Once his jeans are cast aside and his underwear is elsewhere, you watch as he strokes his curved cock and you practically shiver with anticipation. He’s teasing you now as his hand moves over his dick faster, his head lolling back at the sensation. It’s obvious he’s trying to tease you after unintentionally making him jealous earlier.
“Hoseok, I swear if you don't hurry the hell up...”
“What? What are you going to do?” He rasps.
“I’ll go down the hall to Jungkook and see if he can help.” You won’t, of course, but your words have his head snapping up straight and his eyes bore into yours. His brown orbs shift to an emerald green color which you know means you’re really about to get it. To egg him on even more your fingers slide down your body to your core and you spread your pussy lips, displaying your want to him. “You think he’ll be able to fill me up just right?”
An actual growl leaves Hoseok’s lips that reverberates throughout your whole body. He bares his teeth at you as they turn sharp before grabbing your thighs and nearly yanking you off of the counter.
The dark-haired demon impales you with his dick and gives you no time to adjust to his size as he begins fucking into you at a punishing pace. Your head falls back, your mouth open in a silent scream. His large hands hold you down to keep you from sliding across the counter as his sharp fingernails dig into your soft skin, only serving to shoot pleasure through you tenfold.
“Feels good, doesn’t it, baby? No one can fuck you like I can.”
“Say it.”
“N-no one fucks me like you, H-Hoseok!” Your praise spurs him on, his hips moving at an even faster pace than you can keep up with.
“Yeah, that’s right,” Hoseok grunts, teeth glistening under the fluorescent kitchen lights. “I never want to hear you say another person’s name like that again. Mine is the only name I wanna hear from those pretty lips.”
He adjusts his hips slightly, making your eyes glaze over with the new angle.
“Oh, fuck… Hoseok!”
He grunts in response and grins down at you. Hoseok yanks you to the end of the counter so he’s the only thing holding your hips up. With one move, he pulls himself almost completely out of you, immediately slamming back into you to the hilt.
A scream flies out of your mouth and you swear you nearly black out at the feeling of being so full. Hoseok’s hips collide with yours repeatedly, never losing momentum as you feel your orgasm approaching harder than before.
“This pussy belongs to me, you hear me? I’m the only one who’s allowed to touch you like this. I’m the only one allowed to make you feel this good!” With each word, Hoseok continues to batter your cunt, his dick crashing into your g-spot every time. “You’re mine!”
Coherent words escape your mind along with a few tears down your cheeks. Your stomach coils tighter and tighter as your breathing becomes more labored. “Shit, I-I’m… cum… ”
“What? I can’t hear you,” Hoseok taunts; the speed of his thrusts incomprehensible to the human mind.
“Gonna cum!” Your back bows off of the counter as you teeter on the edge, nearing your end.
“I want you to scream my fucking name when you cum! Let everyone know who you belong to!”
“I-I’m -”
“Fucking say it!” He roars. His fingers feel like fire as he moves to rub your clit and that’s the last thing you need before your orgasm hits you like a tsunami, your body practically vibrating underneath him.
“Hoseok!” His name rips from your throat, eyes crossing and vision going blurry as you squirt all over Hoseok and the counter beneath you.
A noise that doesn’t sound human comes out of Hoseok’s mouth as he fills you to the brim with his seed, to the point where you feel it drip out of you and mingle with your own mess.
Neither of you says anything, only panting is heard throughout your small apartment. Your body feels as though it’s made of jelly and as much as you want to clean yourself up, there’s no energy left in you.
“Hey, Y/n, can you hear me?” Hoseok speaks first, his face hovering over yours.
“Mmm.” Is all you can muster.
Hoseok, always able to read your energy, or lack thereof stands upright and picks you up from the island. “Let’s go get you cleaned up, okay?” He often leaves you exhausted after sex, but today you’re especially spent after such an intense time together. You’re even more envious of his seemingly depthless reserve of demon energy as your eyes feel heavier by the second. You barely register anything other than his strong arms holding you against his warm chest.
He sets you down and it’s cold; you hear the sound of water running which has you blinking hard as the bathroom swims into your vision. You will yourself to look over and see Hoseok drawing a bath. Your eyes slip closed only for a second before he’s next to you, picking you up again and talking to you.
“We’ll get washed up then get to bed okay?”
“Okay,” you groan out, your throat feeling sore.
Hoseok chuckles as he lowers you into the tub. “And we’ll get you some water too.” Once you’re submerged, he wedges himself in behind you and you relax into his arms.
“I meant it, you know,” he speaks after a few seconds of silence tick by. “I want you to be mine and only mine. I always have.”
You smile sleepily, your hand lazily finding his under the water. “Good. I didn’t know how I was supposed to go back to pretending not to be head over heels in love with you after what you did to me tonight.” You manage to rasp out.
“You don’t have to. Never again.” You hear the soft smile in his tone as his soft lips place kisses on your shoulder blade and you’re ready to sleep right there. “Now, let’s get washed up and get you into bed.” You lie nearly boneless in the water as he reaches over for the soap and bathes the both of you. He doesn’t complain one time - not even when he has to lift you out the tub, dry you, and put fresh pajamas on you.
After you’ve drank your fill in water and have been swaddled in his sheets, you can finally sleep, knowing when you wake up your demon roommate turned fuckbuddy will finally be your demon boyfriend.
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vminity21 · 3 years
Blindsided | jjk
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Pairing: bestfriend!jeongguk x female!reader, rival!taehyung x student!reader, exfriend!jimin x reader
Word Count: 5,586
Genre: angst, fluff, smut, college!au, f2l!au
Warning(s): profanity, unprotected sex, oral (f receiving), nipple play, taehyung is a jerky jerk at first ; Rating: 18+
Summary: When the project you so hoped to accomplish for the Model United Nations club is taken by your arch-nemesis, Kim Taehyung, again, you can’t help but confront him about the bubbling tension you’ve gathered towards him. With your sidekick, Jeongguk, all is well in your world, and when thoughtful presents are left lingering here and there, your heart begins to leap for the wrong culprit- when the real secret admirer has been right before your eyes all along.
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It’s enough to want to make your head explode; shoving your palm to rub along your forehead, an exasperated huff brushes past your lips when the tip of your pencil breaks upon your homework. “Ah, groovy,” you whisper, deciding that maybe a five-minute break doesn’t sound too shabby after all. Chair sliding against the carpet from where you rise to your feet, your eyes scan the library for a pencil sharpener; once discovered, the short trek begins, avoiding the tiny glimpses within the room you happen to pass by. The noise of the turning machine is loud enough to make you cringe, frequently checking until your pencil is sharpened to your liking; with one more spin, you’re too focused on what you’re doing, you nearly scream when large hands grasp your shoulders.
“Oh sh-, oh Guk, you- urrrrgh,” your voice is quiet enough to not cause any squinted looks of the librarians, and the heightened pace of your heart begins to dim at the sound of your best friend’s gentle cackling- his nose scrunching from the way his laughing smile buries into his long sleeve. “I will get you back, eventually, so help me God-”
“Hey, hey-” This time when his hands find your shoulders, he gives them a tender squeeze- a calming effect he’s practiced many times, “All’s well that ends well, my friend,”
“Okay, well I disown you as my friend, how ‘bout that,” you tease, turning on a heel to saunter back to the table you’ve been glued to for the past hour.
“You can’t do that! Who’s gonna help me with my math homework?” Jeongguk jogs to catch up with you, plopping into the seat across from you before sprawling his arms forward to rest his chin. His hair nearly falls beside the corners of his eyes before puffing them out of his face, yet the way his puppy expression looks up at you, you force yourself not to give in.
“Who’s that tall guy that sits beside you in calculus?”
“Ask him,” you shuffle through your paperwork trying to find the spot where you left off, also scrolling through your laptop to find a few links to research, leaving an observing Jeongguk whose eyebrows furrow when he reads what is written so far within your notes.
“I thought you were doing your project on Scotland this year-”
“Ah, changing the subject, are we?” Your best friend is highly unaware of the earlier event that took place in class which initially lead you to the location you are now, refusing to think about the person that your grudge is associated with.
“Face it, you can’t last an hour without me,”
“You’re right,” you stifle the growing smirk wanting to spread upon your mouth, “I can last two,” frustration reveals itself in yet another form of a sigh where your arms fold across your chest, forgetting the fact that a confused Jeongguk is still watching you with a playful scoff.
“Anyways, back to what I said, what happened to Scotland? You haven’t shut up about it since your last conference,”
“I mean, are you surprised?” You glance at zoned eyes, him chewing the corner of his mouth in obvious concentration- after a minute, you speak, “Remember what happened last year?”
Recognition clouds his expression when he releases a knowing groan, “Oh no, not again,”
“Yes, again. He literally knew I wanted to do my project about Romania last year. I was so passionate about their laws and what they stand for and sure enough, what did he do? He chose it. I swear I never win with him,”
“[Y/N],” Jeongguk collides his long fingers to his face, “If this is still about him being the president of MUN, let it go,”
“It’s not!” You’re a horrible liar, and you know it, for the way Guk tilts his head to stare between his fingers, you lean back, shrugging your shoulders whilst hugging yourself tighter, “It’s not,”
“Okay, so I’m guessing he chose Scotland this go-round, huh,”
“What do you think,” you can’t even make eye contact when guilt weighs heavy relating to your suppressed anger- you’re tired of living in Kim Taehyung’s shadow- someone you’ve known since elementary school, and it seems no matter what you do, he’s always one step ahead, leaving you in the quicksand you’ve fought so hard to stay out of.
“Well, it’s not the end of the world. And, South Korea is obviously not a bad pick,” he taps the sheet of where he read your bullet points.
“I know,” you murmur, gaze dropping toward your binder, resting open waiting for you to continue the homework you’d rather procrastinate.
“Hey,” it’s been a few minutes of drawn-out silence other than the loud thoughts swarming within your mind, and the soft fingertips of Jeongguk’s press lightly on the back of your hand. Grinning at him, he investigates your stare, “Don’t let him get to you. There’s plenty of opportunity in this world. You should know that.”
Sincere moments are what made this friendship so special in the first place, and after another hour of penning down whatever distracted information Jeongguk helps you with, you gather your items, hugging him close as always before treading to your dorm. Sweat beads glisten along the lining of your hair the following week; you slow your steps enough to catch your breath- legs still burning from the attempted mile you ran within the school’s gymnasium. As much as you hate to admit it, exercising alone (which others don’t seem to understand) can be comforting especially when the project for MUN seems to be drowning majority of your list of things to do.
To make matters worse, the taunting deep voice of a certain individual enters the echoing gym with a smirk on his lips that imitate the way his eyes peer down at you as they have for years. His square jaw only locks when he halts his steps, and the tension of your rigid shoulders are highly noticeable, and you hate how obvious he makes you flinch.
“Is there a reason why you’re stalking me, Mr. Kim,” you state it as though it’s a fact not so much a question. Swiping some perspiration off your cheek with your shoulder, you sprint to where you left your water bottle, taking a swig without removing your glance from the dark strands of hair fluffing over his ears. He is handsome, yet the attraction you feel toward him makes you want to wince; you bite your tongue- getting kicked out of MUN is not a risk you’re willing to take this moment in time.
“I didn’t realize concern could be mistaken for stalking,”
“We can agree to disagree,” you shrug, breaking eye contact to fumble with your gym bag, feigning like you are searching for something- maybe your sanity which would be a joke you’d banter with Jeongguk if only he was present right now. Taehyung observes you with squinted eyes, carefully shoving his hands in his pockets, wetting his lips before clearing his throat,
“Correct me if I am wrong, but I sense some strong feelings of hostility-,”
“Why are you here,” You’re not one to interrupt, but you are borderline suspicious that he very well knows of why you’ve been fuming smoke ever since he stole, yet again, the subject of choice you had been anticipating talking about. “Seriously, Taehyung, you and I both know that this isn’t random. And cut the fancy word bullshit-”
A staccato huff brushes over his lips, eyes scanning the bleachers off to the side to avoid your gaze, “[Y/N], just- can you- just hear me out-”
“Hear you out? You want me to hear you out.”
“Please,” he appears panicked, but you are too angry to fully hear his plea, so stepping forward, inches from his face, your teeth are grit, pressure tenses your jawline.
“What makes you think you deserve for me to listen or much less believe anything that you have to say?” You keep your voice low, for no matter how much you want to expose Taehyung for what he’s really done, you can’t bring yourself to do it, so your voice remains low enough for only him to hear. “You lost all my respect the day you bribed Jimin to rig the club’s president results,” hence why you haven’t spoken to Jimin, your ex-friend when he, out of guilt, revealed why Kim Taehyung beat you at the one thing you wanted to be. He drops his gaze to the ground and swallows, his lips pressing in a firm line, speechless for once since you’ve known him, “And, if you’re wondering, I guess for your satisfaction I’ll go ahead and admit, that no, I have not told anyone about this. For the sake of humiliation? Maybe. But I would think, or so I hoped, that you would be man enough to turn yourself in-”
“No,” you hold up an index finger to stop his words, “I’m tired of bottling this up. And honestly, I think I know why you keep stealing the projects I originally planned on doing,” your eyes never leave his face, “You’re trying to get my attention for reasons I don’t understand. Is it guilt?”
“Is it guilt,” he doesn’t answer, instead he slides his hands in his pockets, awkwardly avoiding your stance, “Well then,”
“I want to make it up to you,” the words are murmured, but you can’t ignore the genuine surprise you feel to witness them. Masking it, you still hold your ground.
“Then I guess you’ve got a long road ahead of you, bud.”
Turning on a heel, you sprint to the girls’ locker room, not realizing how severe the nausea in the pit of your stomach nearly wins. Hands are shaky from the adrenaline returning to normalcy, and you refuse to leave the room until the coast is clear. The journey to your car is when something between the windshield wipers catches your eye. White petals are swirled in the shape of a rose and hanging from the thorny stem is a small note with printed, bold letters; sliding your fingers to carefully retrieve the gift, your heart thumps through your temples, turning the tiny card to your line of vision, 'They say roses are red and that violets are blue, but rarities such as this, make me think of you.’
A small gasp escapes, your eyes wide as they continue to observe the beauty of the floret. It is rare for ones to desire a bundle of purely white roses, and you’ve always loved the aroma of their petals even when dried. But this message touches your heart in ways you can’t seem to gather, because whoever this is, envisions you as someone who stands out in a crowd of individuals like a diamond in the rough. Now, a brand new question sparks within your mind, is this the start of Taehyung’s apology? Because if so, he’s on the right track, and if he keeps going, he may even change your point of view.
“Gooood morning,” the skid of a plastic cup jingling with ice cubes is greeted before you- your palms that had been shading your tired eyes are moved out of the way to see your musing best friend.
“Is that what I think it is,”
“Your favorite iced coffee at your service,”
A gracious sigh sounds, “Oh my gosh, thank you so much, how did you know that’s what I’ve been craving all morning?”
“Because I noticed you were on Instagram at an ungodly hour considering we have an eight am class so, you’re welcome,”
“You are way too good to me, Guk,” you take a long sip- your muddled mind still hazy with the confusion from the night before. He proceeds to tease you about your evening endeavors but when a nervous pair of brown eyes belonging to Park Jimin enter the classroom, your heart weighs heavy- frame tensing when Taehyung follows behind him. You ended the friendship almost immediately and there are days you miss the trio with him and Jeongguk, but the betrayal is too overwhelming to just simply accept, and with the white rose that is nestled upon your bedside table in your room, you can’t help the frequent glimpses in Taehyung’s direction.
“Hey, are you present?” Guk’s voice snaps you from your reverie prompting you to jump a tad in your seat.
“I’m sorry,” you squeeze the bridge of your nose, “Something weird happened after the gym last night, so I’m still processing it I think,” and you don’t necessarily want to admit to Jeongguk that the reason you were up too late relates to the scrolling of Taehyung’s Instagram feed. Nor do you want to confess the secret you’ve been harboring about the truth of why you’re angry about Taehyung’s MUN presidency. Why you’re so scared of him not believing you is beyond you, but culpability is written all over your face for not listening to whatever your friend has been saying.
“You… wanna talk about it?”
Noticing Jimin lean over to let Taehyung whisper in his ear distracts you before the professor waltzes in to begin his lesson, “I’ll tell you later,” you promise, Jeongguk following your gaze in curiosity. Your next class isn’t until one o'clock, so the pair of you, at lunch, carpool to a nearby restaurant where you order your favorite dish- letting the taste melt on your tongue with each bite. As spoken, you spew the story of the white rose and how you’re uncertain of what to think.
“Do you know who it could possibly be?” Jeongguk’s fingertips twiddle with a straw wrapper, eyes flicker between you and his hand.
“I don’t know,” you tilt your head, wishing you could make sense of it, and you do not want to come off foolish for assuming Taehyung, but who else could it have been? And, how else would he know that you love white roses specifically? Unless… Jimin told him? Jimin most likely has known that fact about you that’s the only thing you decide, but who’s to say this will happen again? Shrugging it off your shoulders, for now, you reply, “I mean, do you think it would be… Jimin?”
Jeongguk pauses, the wrinkled wrapper dropping from his fingertips, “I’d say that’d be a good guess, but I still don’t understand what happened between you two,”
Gulping, you rest your forehead in your hand, “It’s a long story,”
“I have time,”
You take the tip of your fork and hit at a piece of stray food, nerves filling your tummy, “He just… lied about something he shouldn’t have, so that’s pretty much it,”
“[Y/N],” Guk’s soft voice stops you, leaning back in his chair comfortably- his half-eaten burger resting beside a small pile of fries. “You can trust me,”
“I know I can,” your grin reaches your sad eyes because you know with all your heart that you can; holding his gaze for a moment, there’s a longing you seem to miss behind them- the pink of his thin lips grows into a promising smile, yet you can’t bring yourself to tell him just yet. He’s protective as a best friend should be, and you know him finding out his best friend betrayed his other one would ruin his friendship with Jimin, and you just can’t risk that. “Jimin has been your best friend since the two of you were in diapers, I can’t- I just can’t ruin that… Okay?”
Disappointment appears in only a flash upon his expression but after a second, he nods, “Well, I hope the two of you figure something out. I miss us,”
“I miss us, too,” you whisper.
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Another week flies into another finding of a white rose, ribboned to your desk chair in the one class that none of your friends are in for them to pester you about it. You’ve arrived early enough to be able to react, shoving into your seat immediately, digging at what happens to be a small envelope until it finally opens. How is this happening? Never in your wildest dreams would you have ever thought of something so kind, especially when you read the bold letters of what is printed inside, 'Roses are red, but they can also be golden, just like your heart, I wish it was you I was holding.’
Each week a new discovery of a rose and a thoughtful poem is found, building into a dried bundle next to your bed- each note you keep taped into your journal where you read them every night with an endless smile; 'Roses are red or blue or yellow; and, ever since I saw you, there’s something I’ve always wanted to tell you’; 'Roses are orange even though it’s not seen, but I would love to make them known just as I would if it were you with me.’
Random run-ins with Taehyung have been brief, and frankly, awkward, yet you can’t help the leaping of your heart with each interaction. You’re still avoiding Jimin though he’s called recently, and Jeongguk hasn’t left your side through helping you finish up details of your MUN project, not to mention the fanatic phone calls about every rose still expressing how much you wish you knew who it was leaving such a magical trail behind. Everything continues in a blur until you reach the hallway one day when class is finished, everyone bustling by when your vision clears to see a defeated Taehyung speaking to an administrator of the MUN. But why would Taehyung be speaking to her unless… “What?” You murmur, especially when he catches your eyes that are now enlarged with surprise because, from the way he looks at you, you realize what he’s about to do.
You’re called into the administrator’s office that afternoon to officially be announced as the new president of the MUN- joyful tears falling from your eyes even learning the revelation that Taehyung will be on probation for his deception. Although he had done you wrong, the roses you feel he has left for you lead him to do this apology you’ve so desperately needed, prompting you to express to the administrator of giving Taehyung a second chance as far as letting him at least continue in the club. The administrator makes a pact to consider your words, and you jolt through the door, immediately searching for Jeongguk, calling him as you run through the campus- elation exuberating from your countenance.
“Can’t come to the phone right now, I have homework. Set me a bag of chicken nuggets at my door, and maybe I’ll consider procrastinating-”
“Jeongguk, you nerd!” You say breathlessly into the phone, “Where are you?”
“In my dorm. Did you just come from running?”
“No, Guk! I just came from MUN. I’m the President now! I am the fucking President of MUN!”
Crashing into his arms the minute you enter his dorm, he squeezes you so tight, your laughter reverberates within the room lighting up his world even though you don’t know it. “I just can’t believe it!” You beam, Jeongguk sways you from side to side. “When Taehyung said he wanted to make it up to me, I didn’t think he’d go that far,” you’re too shocked to decipher the events leading to now, Jeongguk glowing from how proud he is of your accomplishment- the accomplishments you always achieve- that he knows you will always achieve. “Like, with the roses, and the notes, who knew he could be so creative? So amazing. I would have never ever thought-”
Jeongguk’s eyebrows furrow a fraction of a second, “Wait a minute, what?” A weight that is as heavy as a million boulders crushes his chest in the biggest blow nobody could ever imagine. His arms are limp as he loosens his embrace, slowly backing away from you who is now staring at him in utter confusion.
“Guk, are you okay?”
He’s so hurt, he can’t even speak at first, stuttering his words before he looks at you with sheer pain in his eyes, “You… you think Taehyung left you those roses?”
“I-” Your forehead creases from how hard you’re trying to understand what’s going on that a minor headache throbs. Humiliation buds in the form of a deep blush heating across your chest, “I thought-”
“Taehyung doesn’t even know a thing about you!”
“I- I mean, I- figured Jimin told him, I-” Your voice is so soft that you’re not even sure you’re audible from how stunned you are.
“Jimin? You think Jimin knows a lot about you?” Jeongguk’s rigid frame remains a few feet away from you, the way he gets if something upsets him, and right now, you’re frantically searching your brain for whatever clue you must have missed, but you keep coming up short.
“Guk, I?”
“He doesn’t even know that white roses are your favorite! Or your love for your country and for people in general, and how you want to change the world for the better with all that you do now-” The profuse shatters tearing your heart to shreds sends massive waves of shock throughout your limbs when the reality of this situation becomes too much for you to discern because this whole time it wasn’t Taehyung. Nor Jimin, or a random guy (you’ve contemplated prior) that gifted you such genuine words. It was your best friend Jeon Jeongguk who is standing before you, naming any detail he’s learned about you since your friendship began a few years ago.
Silence hushes the atmosphere until the tap of a teardrop pangs your cheek, “It was- it was you?” Your voice is hardly above a whisper, and you’re horrified with yourself for not seeing the signs as clearly as you should have. All the emotions are hitting simultaneously that you feel it caving in, your heart racing- this whole time, the entirety of discovering the roses, your heart was truly beating for the individual who has been by your side ever since the day you came into his life.
Jeongguk’s eyes are red with pooling tears as he nods in reply, you’re so ashamed by your mistake that your vision blurs with even more tears, “I’m sorry, Jeongguk, I’m so-so sorry,” your voice breaks, bursting out the door to run. Hide anywhere that will shun you away from the devastation you feel in your chest. How could you have missed it? You want to scream to yourself. He was right in front of your eyes all along and you destroyed him. You think you hear him call your name, but you’re not sure, and when you make it to your room, you break out into a shuddering fit of sobs wishing for nothing more than to redo all of this.
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Two long weeks of countless tears and a heavy chest brings to a late night of studying, eyes rubbed to the point they sting when a call from your long lost friend, Jimin shocks you enough that you decide to answer. There has been no communication with anyone other than your parents, updating them on your schooling. You haven’t heard from Jeongguk in what feels like an eternity as what you feel you deserve, but you can’t suppress how much you have missed him. Missed hearing his voice or his presence beside you in class.
“Jimin?” You answer, burying your forehead in your palm for some stability.
“[Y/N],” he murmured, “I know you hate me right now, and I don’t blame you, but I really want to tell you how sorry I am for everything that happened-”
“Oh, Jimin, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, but I forgive you. Taehyung is a swooner from the whispers in the hallways, and I know bills have been tight,”
“Yeah, but what I did was wrong. I know you and Jeongguk would have never done that to me. I just feel like complete shit.”
You tense at the sound of Jeongguk’s name, in fact, you wonder if Jimin knows about what he’s been up to, “Well, you don’t have to anymore. The past is the past.”
There’s a pause as you wait for Jimin to continue, “You know, I ended up telling Jeongguk what happened-”
Your ears perk up faster than you press the snooze button every morning, rising slightly in your chair as nerves bundle throughout your body, “Say that again,”
“Uh, yeah, about a few weeks ago, I told him about what I did. I just couldn’t take it anymore. You two are my best friends, and I want what all three of us had back, you know?”
“Have you spoken to him recently?”
“… No, he’s still upset, but I know he confronted Taehyung. I’ve never seen Jeongguk so angry in my life,”
“He confronted Taehyung?” You feel light-headed while your words slur, almost like you’re in a dream.
“Yeah… you didn’t know that? That’s why Taehyung isn’t the president of MUN anymore, Jeongguk got him to confess-”
“Jimin!” You jump from your desk, knocking textbooks everywhere, padding along your bed for your sweater you threw there earlier, “I promise you everything will go back to normal. I forgive you, okay, but I’ve got to go-”
“[Y/N], are you alri-”
“I’ve gotta go Chimmy, I miss your boop nose mwah mwah mwah, gotta go, love you, bye!”
You’re on a mission, and nothing is going to stop you, not even the car that slammed on their breaks from where you jet across the parking lot. Your keys flail around despite the grip of your hand, and the trip to the grocery store makes you anxious from all the stoplights you’ve had to halt at. When the doors of the shop slide open, there’s a couple things you’re looking for, and when those items are found, you pen down the words that are on your heart before tying them to the other item you’ve purchased. Thoughts swarming in countless cycles, you blurt out whatever places you think he would be, and all you can come up with is the hope that he is in his dorm studying away for whatever classes he has tomorrow. And, if your intuition is correct, your next hope is that he will let you in so you can confess every word you have written all over your heart.
The run ascending the stairs sparks a close call of tripping, but you make it, tapping on his door swiftly before you hear the shuffling of footsteps behind it. The world seems more complete than it ever has when he opens the door- his doe eyes enlarge at the sight of you because when you left two weeks ago, he thought it was your decision to end things when really, it was your decision to begin things.
Jeongguk is the reason for your myriad of smiles since he entered your story, and for the stressful nights of schooling that turned into beautiful memories where he calmed you until you finished your homework; and even though your heart was broken by losing to Taehyung to find out it was a scam that included your other best friend- Jeongguk confronted the problem as soon as he found out, and because of Jeon Jeongguk, you are the president of MUN.
His lips are slightly ajar, scanning to see a white rose held within your hand gradually raising it closer to him. No words are exchanged when he reaches for the note hanging from the green stem; your gaze giving him permission to read what you’re finally confessing,
'Roses are red, although my favorite is white, I know that I will love you, for the rest of my life.’
An exhale of awe escapes past his lips from the pure joy surrounding his heart at the words he has been waiting to hear from you and only you.
“Guk,” you choke back the fresh tears brimming.
“[Y/N],” he breathes, cupping your face before he crashes his lips to yours, the world disappearing around you. Nothing matters anymore other than the man sweeping you away, not even hesitating to forgive you because his love for you is more than you can ever imagine. With his gift being curled within your sweater hemmed covered palm, you carefully grip his shoulders, him pulling you into his dorm whilst you kick the door closed behind you. He feels so warm, hovering above you while he parts his lips so gently, getting lost in this happiness the pair of you have always had with each other. You feel his smile within his kiss, making your head dizzy and mesmerized.
“Don’t stop,” you gasp breathlessly between kisses, the tip of his tongue gently meeting yours while his arms fully encompass you- the palm of his hand glides up your back ever so tenderly. Wherever you set the rose and wherever he set the note is beyond either of you due to the complete distraction of his lips. Your fingers tangle in his hair turning into a moment where your back greets the tattered futon in his living room. Warm fingertips sneak under your shirt, slipping under your bra to agonizingly graze your nipples building the feeling between your thighs even more.
Your teeth drag along his bottom lip as you release a moan enjoying the pleasure, he is giving you and when you tighten the entanglement of your legs and his, your heart pumps faster at the discovery of his hardened length. Craving to feel every inch of his skin, the pair of you take turns pulling off each article of clothing until the heat of his body presses to yours giving each of you a high you have always dreamed of.
He pulls away just enough to look into your eyes as if reading the depths of your soul, moving a hand to place a strand of hair behind your ear. There are no words needed to be said, the love is as real and as complete as you both feel it. Kissing you again, he then trails his palms along the side of your body until he finds your hips, carefully laying you down until he hovers over to touch a feather-like kiss to your heart.
You barely can react before his kisses pepper along your frame from your chest to your stomach, to your hips- the desire immensely growing when you feel his tepid breath panting above your heat. The tip of his index finger swipes quickly along your slit, his eyes darkening with lust when he sees how turned on you are for him. “Holy fuck,” he says before the smack of his lips parting introduces a long swipe of his tongue along your heat. “You taste so good.” Moaning in response, his fingers dig into your thighs, and his tongue licks even faster, his ears serenaded by your voice as your fingers grip at the cushion of the couch.
“Oh yes, oh yes, Guk- I- Ah!” Listening to your excitement, he circles the tip of his tongue over your heat multiple times before flicking it happily over your clit giving you all the satisfaction he can. To intensify the liking, he loosens his hold on your thighs and slides his fingers up your figure until he finds your nipples again- rubbing them repeatedly while he laps up your taste. “Guk, I need it. I need you now.” You plea, not wanting to climax so soon. Lifting, you are quivering from how powerful your desire for him is and shoving him to where he crashes onto his back, you climb to where his erection twitches in anticipation. You reach to hold his length, moving your drenched heat to linger at his tip for a tease. His gaze never leaves the sight as he sucks in a breath, and after a few seconds, you finally let him in, becoming one as you prepare to bounce up and down. He feels so incredible. Time disappears through the night until the pair of you reach the peak which sends you twisting into his frame to recover from the sensitivity you try to relieve by clenching your thighs. Giggling into the crook of his neck, you let his smile swoon you into happiness as it always has and always does.
Once silence seems to settle, you feel him shift to where he can face you. “You are everything I have ever wanted,” he whispers, pressing a loving kiss to the corner of your mouth. “I mean every word.” The emotions flood your chest, and you pull him even closer where your arms wrap behind his shoulders.
“I’m all yours,” you promise, “I will always be yours.” And, if forever is going to be as blissful as this, enveloped in the arms of Jeon Jeongguk,
then forever with him is all you will ever need.
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hobeemin · 3 years
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resources found here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
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tae-cup · 2 years
Ruins | Bury Me
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Pairing: Yoongi x Reader Summary: “I’m so good at telling lies / that came from my mother’s side.” - Conan Gray (Family Line) Genre: Mafia!AU, Arranged Marriage, Angst, Fluff Warnings: Violence, Swearing Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 4.1k A/N: y’all i’m so sorry this took so long. I’m working on college apps and man o man this might be my last update in a while just because of that Other: Masterlist ; Series Masterlist
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   “You were wee high,” your father had motioned to about his waist. “When I found you playing by the river.” 
   He moved from his place by the door and sat down in his luxurious leather chair. The man across from you felt foreign, and you somehow felt smaller than a mouse. 
   “You proclaimed that there were mermaids in the river and you wanted to swim.” Your father hummed unhappily. “I had to drag you away.” 
   Your back was rigid and stiff, the feeling of the wood was not enough to support an overwhelming tide of emotion. You had glanced down to the papers on his desk. It was a quick movement, because for some reason you felt as if he’d pounce the second you got distracted. You hadn’t been sure what game he was playing when you first sat down. The stack of papers was unusually tall. 
   “Why must you regale me with meaningless stories?” You snapped.
   “Humor your dear old dad for one more moment before you leave.” There was something heavier in his tone. Maybe he really was sad to see you leave to start your life? 
   You calmly looked him in the eye. “You are making no sense, father.” 
   “I wanted to sit you down so I can apologize.” 
   “For what?” What ever could a hardened criminal like your father have to apologize for? You had never even heard him say the word ‘sorry’ to your mother, much less to you. Maybe it was a few mumbles here and there, but he had never made a grandiose apology. Something in the way he was towering above you right now, in the way he was imposing himself, made you think that maybe this was more than a simple apology. An apology for an unstoppable train. 
   “I would like to apologize for ripping you away from the river once more.” 
   “What?” Your words were barely above a whisper as the gears in your brain tried to turn, but they were blocked at every exit with the hidden understanding of what was truly happening. 
   Papers were shoved in front of you. 
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   You couldn’t describe your feelings towards Yoongi as fear, per say. The feeling was a queasy, uneasy, sinking feeling. The part with fear could only come from the knowledge that you’d be killed if they found out about what your father did. 
   You recalled an old news story. The mysterious “snakes”, as the Min family was called by unknowing newspapers, had killed a family of four; all because the father stole from them. There was no doubt in your mind that Yoongi would serve the same punishment to your father. A life for a life. Three lives for a life. You shivered. When you looked at him, from across a dining room table, you could see the darkness in his eyes that he tried to hide. Or maybe it was just your imagination, just like how those promises years ago felt like a fever dream. 
   Promise me. I never want to be a part of your life, your business, or your plans. Don’t even look at me once I leave. 
   That’s what you had told your father all those years ago. Now you were here, in this place, in this living room with fine furs and drapes. 
   “I think it’s time we talk about-” He gestured between himself and you. You refused to meet his eyes, instead focusing on the fine oil painting behind him. It was of two people embracing, the woman’s hand on his arm. 
   “There is nothing to talk about,” You said, “My father betrayed me and that’s that.” Yoongi’s eyes trailed yours, finding the point where you looked into the distance. The painting was swirled with green and yellow hues. The man stared with such conviction and pure intent down at his lover.
   “A Huguenot on St. Bartholomew’s Day,” He stated, his voice calm and tentative. Your eyes finally met his. “Millais.”  
   “I didn’t take you for an art lover.” You hummed questioningly. 
   “I have always loved that painting.” He replied and you found your eyebrows lifting. 
   “Quite mysterious.” 
   “I apologize.”
   You scoffed at his formalities. “Quit apologizing.”
   His smile lifted, so carefully and with such hesitancy that you began to wonder just what was behind those eyes. Yoongi was a mystery to you, really. It was like he wanted you, but was scared to make any moves, especially since your proposition. Time was running out on his clock and it felt like he’d barely made any effort. Did you want it to work out though? A part of you screamed to leave, get out, try and make a break for it as soon as possible. After all, you could always just avoid him for this month.
   “I’ll go first.” He cleared his throat. “My father never asked me how I was doing.” Yoongi stated as he put his knife and fork down. “He never told me that he loved me, but he did do things for me.” A swift motion and his napkin was neatly folded on his plate. 
“He gave me a pat on the shoulder and an appreciative head nod when I did something good. He only seemed to speak criticism, yet he showed love in his actions.” 
   You couldn’t help but see the same man of your father in Yoongi’s father. Although, your father never showed love in any sort of manner. He was…a bit of a tough love kind of father. 
   “Did we have the same father?” You found yourself saying, trying not to laugh at the similarities, despite Yoongi’s more serious expression. This did elicit a surprised response on his face, which you took great pride in claiming. Hah! Got you. Yet, the mental celebration in itself was a cause for concern. It meant you were getting attached to his little anecdotes and goofy reactions. It meant that you were in serious trouble. 
   “I guess we did.” He smiled and his lips pulled into the most adorable gummy smile. He was a charmer, for sure, but you still had trouble feeling comfortable in front of him. The way he softened his stone walls for you was unfathomable. In your past, every effort you had made to connect had been met with resilience. With a dry mouth, you realized that this was how you were treating Yoongi. 
   A child raised by a monster will always, inevitably, become one, right? That’s what you believed. Were you a monster? Maybe emotionally stunted, but you weren’t a monster were you? Your heart plummeted. Oh right, you basically helped cover up his father’s murder. Did blood run thicker than water? You hated to think that you aided your father in any way. What choice did you have? You didn’t want to die. His face, would that be the last thing you saw? 
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   As the days trudged on, you were beginning to think that maybe, just maybe, you and your father were one in the same. It wasn’t that you were blood thirsty and cruel like your father, or that you were particularly lacking in emotion. If anyone had asked you what you admired most about your father, you would have said his ability to keep a secret.
  More importantly, his ability to keep a lie. There were certain things you were sure he would take to his grave, secrets no one would ever know. Maybe you could take this secret to the grave, but honestly? Yoongi would probably figure out who did it, and you would follow suit on the chopping block. You had really dug yourself into a hole. 
   You should have just told him when you first realized. A voice in your head scolded. But we were scared. We didn’t know it could get any worse. Another voice whispered. 
   “Holy fuck. What am I doing with my life.” You whispered into the mirror. You leaned against the counter, staring yourself in the face. “Come on! Just say it, Just. Say. It.” You hissed at yourself, dragging your hands unhappily down your face. 
   You slapped the counter with annoyance; annoyance with yourself. You were so fucking stupid. You would have shown loyalty to your new family, your new husband, if you had just confessed. The little voice said in a low rumble. 
   You are going to get yourself killed. The stronger voice warned. 
   “Shut up! Shut up.” You murmured and shook your head. Deep breaths, deep breaths. Like the bloody sun, your body felt on fire. This place felt too cold. You wanted to burn it down. 
   “Miss, are you okay?” A maid knocked on the door. With all this freezing marble, the voice felt like a sharp knife piercing your skull. You were bleeding knowledge like an overflowing sink. Why did this secret bring you so much pain? If you didn’t care at all about Yoongi, it wouldn’t matter. 
   But you did. His smile and the way he so unknowingly made you laugh. Family? You didn’t need a family. Yet you felt like you needed him, his voice, his presence, just to help guide you through this unknown life. His hand on your shoulder, like that would make everything alright. You clung to him like he would make everything alright. 
   “No. He’s not the answer.” You exhaled. “I can’t do this anymore. What am I doing here?” 
   Another knock. “Miss?”
   “Go away!” You barked. “I need to think.” You said to yourself with a deadly tone. 
   The maid’s shoes clicked down the hallway. 
   Suddenly it felt like you were ten, listening to your mother’s heels clicking down the hall as you pretended to sleep. She would stop outside your door every time. You had no idea why she pressed herself to close to the door, why she paused for so long. 
   “Fuck.” You released yourself from the knuckle white grip on the counter and walked back into the bedroom. The manor was so still at night. It felt wrong. You were so used to screaming and fighting, to bottles smashing and tears falling. It was making you shiver. 
   Even under the covers, you couldn’t rest. It all felt too cold, too foreign. Yoongi’s door was nearby. You could always just tell him. Get it all over with. What was it worth, staying like this? 
   Everything told you stop, but you still left the safety of your room. The closer you got to his door, the more and more sure your footsteps fell. 
   “I hate that I’m doing this.” You muttered as you stood outside his imposing doorway. Time to pay penance. 
   “Doing what?” 
   Your heart skipped a beat, and not in the good way, no you were pretty sure you had a minor heart attack. You turned around to see him standing. His eyes scanned your appearance, a little disheveled, and his head tilted in confusion. 
   “What are you doing here?” He inquired curiously. 
   “I–” You started and then stopped before figuring out what to say. Just spit it out. But no, you were a coward. A coward for your own life. “–do you have any more blankets?”
   ��Are you cold?” He hummed and scooted past you to the door. He didn’t even hesitate as he unlocked his door and gestured for you to follow. 
   Inside was more colorful than you expected. His room was a dark forest green with bronze accents. His bed posts were silver and draped in gold. The Min family crest rested above the bed. A snake, it’s fangs poised and ready to strike. The tension felt stiff as he rummaged through his drawers. You took the time to wander around his room, your hands brushing metal trophies and green tapestries. Decadence at its finest. 
   Yoongi finally pulled out a dark green blanket that would certainly clash with your lightly colored room. His entire room felt dark and brooding, a little too dark for your taste, but you supposed that’s why he gave you a brighter room. 
   He handed you the blanket and started to walk towards the door. You took that as your cue to leave, but you hesitated at the door. The man stared with a mixture of confusion and careful observation. 
   “Could the man have been a complete stranger with no affiliation or motive?” Yoongi whispered. “Or perhaps they were closer than they appeared. We’ll find them. Take what we need.” He smiled.
   You stiffened, but tried to play it off as a shiver. He took the blanket from your hands and placed it carefully around your shoulders. 
   “We’ll be doing an internal investigation soon.” The man continued. 
   You could barely breathe. This was it. You were about to be killed. His eyes felt colorless and endlessly dark in this imposing light. Finally he let his lips pull into a tight smile.
   “But I wouldn’t be concerned, wife. You’ll be interviewed for protocol’s sake but really, no stress.” He said soothingly, yet your heart was thumping wildly. “I just wanted to let you know, in case you hear anything.” 
   “Of course.” You dipped your head. Then you slowly turned around and walked back to your room. You could feel his eyes on your back, but you were focused on slow and measured steps as you tried not to give away your panic. 
   “Goodnight.” He called to your back. 
   “Goodnight!” You responded, trying to hide the shake. You heard the soft footfalls of his steps and his door shutting. You took off running. 
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   You had begun to hear things at night. Footsteps thundering down the halls. Shouting and a bang every now and then. You were at home. Josh, no, Taehyung stood by the door at night now. He often shot you a little smile, but you didn’t often have the energy to return it. 
   “Your father and my father had a lot in common. It’s not wonder they put us two together.” You tried to make conversation, anything to keep the subject off of the upcoming investigation. 
   He seemed almost startled as he looked up from his desk. His head had been buried in papers, his pen scratching against the grain. You had decided to pop in and have a chat. You found yourself pausing by his door and wanting to say something. Anything. Anything to get your mind off your conscience. 
   “I think we have a lot in common too.” Yoongi responded, his eyes refocused on his work. 
   “What makes you say that?” 
   The pen stopped. He sat back slowly, the leather of the chair stretching as he leaned. His hand went to his lips as he considered the question. 
   “Hm, well, for one, you and I had terrible fathers.” 
   You snorted. “Not by choice.” That earned a smile which brought you an unspoken happiness. 
   “I dislike violence, I assume you do too.” 
   “That’s true.”
   “But we have grown so accustomed to the violence in our homes as we grew that what we consider mellow, others might find atrocious.” 
   You fell quiet and let him speak. 
   “Do you ever feel so angry that you won’t ever get the chance to grow up normal? Your childhood has passed and so much of it was out of your control. Now you are where you are and that’s that. There is no chance to go back and change everything. That is just the unfortunate situation we were raised in.” 
   You felt your throat close up. No one had ever been so frank with you. And no one had ever been able to understand your life, but he could. 
   “Yes.” You responded. You entered his office and sat slowly in the chair across from him. His eyes followed you the whole time. “Sometimes, I get filled with rage. And it scares me.” You admitted quietly. His attention was fully on you and you could tell he was truly trying to understand you. You hadn’t felt that in a long time. “I get so angry I want to throw something. I want to react like my father. But,” Your hands folded into fists in your lap. “I just remind myself that I didn’t make myself a monster, he did.” You took another shaking breath and stared him in the eyes. “How could they do that…to a child?” 
   His eyes saddened, his mouth becoming an uncomfortable frown. He hesitantly reached across the table and you reach over, letting him hold your hand.
   “I can’t answer that.” Yoongi said, his voice a soothing scratch. “But I can say that you’re not a monster. At least not in my eyes. I don’t think you will ever be.” 
   You stood and pulled your hands away. What were you thinking? Coming here, having this conversation with him. 
   “I hope so.” You didn’t know if he heard you, but he seemed satisfied with your conversation, a smile on his face as he returned to his work. How could you break his heart with your knowledge? 
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  You were sweating now. The green blanket was long discarded on the ground by the time they came to get you. It was all too much. The shouting from those held in captivity, the people murmuring about gold roses. You felt like a rose about to be plucked and all your thorns had been torn off. You felt raw, exposed. 
   Yoongi walked at a pleasant pace behind you, keeping an eye on your hands. Your blood pressure was rising like the swell of a wave. The place they brought you was a basement, a part of the mansion you hadn’t seen before. It was hidden, a trapdoor under the office rug. The stairway was cramped, painfully dark, and every sound was amplified. 
   You’re going to die down here. Yet your soul felt hollowed out, like none of it mattered. It was like you were already a ghost. You didn’t want to die. Suddenly your inner voice was screaming. I don’t want to die! I don’t want to– You clutched the sides of your head and the party stopped. 
   “What’s wrong?” Yoongi quickly hurried to your aid and you accepted his warmth, just like you had in the past. It was instinctual. He opened his arms and you leaned in. 
   “I’m scared! I don’t want to do this!” You cried and it felt so wrong, yet so relieving to let yourself sob in his arms. 
  “It’ll be okay.” He hummed. “You just have to answer some questions. It’ll be short.” 
   “I can’t.” You suddenly pulled away. Your world was spinning, but the words were leaving your mouth before you could answer. “My father did this.” You choked. “My father killed your father. The rose is my family crest.” You moved towards the entrance, edging away as his arms fell limp to his side. 
   “You knew?” 
   “I’m so sorry, Yoongi. I just–I wanted to tell you but–I didn’t want to die!” You felt like a mess as you inched up the stairs. He remained standing at the bottom, his feet planted and his face crestfallen. 
   “You should have just told me. I-I wouldn’t have killed you! That was something my father would do, but not me. I…had a feeling you knew, but I wanted you to come clean. I wanted to…to show you that I wouldn’t hurt you so that you would just say it. I--” His voice cracked slightly and the guards nearby looked away out of respect. “I wanted closure too.” 
   Now you were the frozen one. 
   “I didn’t want it to come to this. I…I really tried to get to know you.” 
   “I didn’t ask you to try to know me.” You hissed. 
   “That isn’t fair! I wouldn’t have held it against you! I just wanted to-to–” You had never heard him raise his voice and it made the hair on the back of your neck stand tall. 
   “To what? Win my affection? I have no other choice but to love you, Yoongi!” You found yourself breaking apart. Because maybe you did have a choice, and your heart chose wrong. 
   “Love…me?” He found himself fumbling with the words and you’d never seen that before either. 
   You felt like a caged animal. Your instincts followed suit. And when a caged animal has the chance to escape, they take it. 
   Through the halls, your feet pounding against marble. Cool and slick with sweat. You passed pillars and busts of the Min family. You raced by the dining room, the marvelous windows of stained glass and the gold tinted metals. 
   “Wait!” His voice was thundering. 
   Out the door. You didn’t look back, couldn’t. You were focused on breathing and trying not to trip. You made it to the bottom of the street when you realized you didn’t know where you were going. 
   The wind whistled in your ears and your hair ruffled unhappily. Silence. Where were the men chasing you? You found yourself muttering under your breath, your lips forming words but sound barely escaping. 
   “To the river to the river.” you whispered. “Just keep moving.” 
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   The river always soothed you. It was like a constant in your ever-changing life, which in itself was a bit of an oxymoron. The river always changed, but it changed with you, not against you. The dirt was always a nutrient soil teeming with clovers. The lights of the city in the distance reflected off the smooth stream of water. The toss and turn of the water lapped over new rocks every few seconds, the glistening surface of freedom. 
   “I knew I could find you here.” Mr. Seong said behind you, stepping from the shadows. You knew you had felt a pair of eyes on you. Your eyes refused to meet his and every bone in your body tensed as you sat against the rough rock bed. You didn’t care anymore. You were too tired, too pained in the twisting of your heart, to move. 
   You heard him sit next to you. His long legs stretching next to yours reminded you of another time. He used to pull you into his arms, between his legs, and wrap you in a hug as he rocked from side to side. Why did you still grasp onto what was kind and warm when he had been so cold since? Maybe because your inner child knew he was capable of loving you like he used to, he just chose not to. Maybe that broke your heart more than any betrayal. 
   “A father is supposed to be his daughter’s superhero. A man to look up to.” He mused. “I have not been the best father to you.” 
   Redemption. God, you wanted to allow him in again. To let him be the father he wasn’t able to be before. You wanted to tell him and then you wanted to let him go. He was dead to you. You tilted your head to look at the moon. It was so bright, not a cloud in the sky. The stars were out, but the pollution hid most in a sort of orange and gray hue.
   “You are no father to me.” You found yourself biting out, because you had grown past that younger child, begging for love. No, you didn’t need it, and you didn’t need a father. 
   “Come on, honey, give your father a hug.” He opened his arms and you turned away, standing from the rocks with a decisive crunch. 
   “No. How did you even find me?” You hissed as you brushed off the dirt, still refusing a single glance in his direction. 
   He stood as well and you had forgotten what a big presence he was. He felt like he towered over you, like he took up all the space in this open air. Your safe space, invaded. 
   “I always know where to find you, honey.” He tsked like you had lost a big game, as if you were dumber than he thought. 
   “Get away from me.” You turned to face him fully. His features were made of pity. You wanted to kill him for that. It was when the other steps, the unnatural and distinctly human rustle, fell behind you. All the fight left your body. 
   “No.” Your eyes narrowed. “You wouldn’t go against the Min family any more than you already have, would you?” 
   Mr. Seong stepped carefully over the rocks and reached for your face, which you quickly stepped away from. His fingertips just graced your jawline before he took a step back. 
   “Oh darling, you were always a Seong and you will remain one until you die.” He chuckled lowly. His eyes snapped to the men behind you. “Take her.” 
   A crack, a piece of cloth, and you felt the world tumbling away from beneath you. Your world was crumbling. You were already nothing but ruins anyway.
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taglist: @scuzmunkie​ @iliketowrite-2​ @drunkzseok​ @zae007live​ @iwanttohitmyself​ @borahebangtan​ @sumzysworld​
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ladyminange · 2 years
A girl like you Part. 6
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Pairing: Min Yoongi/Reader
Warning: Fluff/Angst/Smut (eventually)
Genre: Rapper/Daddy AU - Ex lovers
Wordcount: 4,491
Description: Although Min Yoongi was the love of your life he never seemed much interested in your relationship. Some day you decided you didn’t want it anymore. But destiny has its own words over your life.
Disclaimer: After a very hard and long time I started to write again. This is the new chapter of this story and the best of everything is I have sketched the whole thing until the end. So I think I can update regularly. Thanks for your patience! I hope you enjoy this chapter. It has a kind of hot scene, so go on!
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It was a very long day. Rosie felt sleep just when she got in the car. You looked at her and noticed the panda make-up were just traces in her face. She and Jungkook didn't allow you wash her face some hour before. Luckily the sweat almost deleted it. It was a relief because it would be very hard trying to clean when she was sleep.
Yoongi parked his car next to your building. You were getting off from it when he put you aside and grabbed Rosie in his arms. He felt the warm of the little girl over his chest. Her heart beats and relaxed breath made him smile.
But anything was perfect and when you tried to awake Rosie to put her in pajamas she started to cry. Yoongi never heard her cry before. He always thought that children crying was exasperating. Now the Rosie's lament made him felt a bit worried and even anxious. However he knew that you could handle the situation. True he didn't have the slightest idea of what to do in front of a crying little girl.
Before you went to the room with Rosie you told him if he want a coffee he could made one. Although he felt coy while he was finding for a mug in your little kitchen cabinet, he really need one. Slowly Rosie's crying became in quiet sobs so the image of you smiling at that Hoseok guy and the happiness which emanated from him came back to his mind again.
¿Was he jealous? He didn't want admitted it but he was. The thing was he never stopped to have feelings for you. Your absence from his life just made everything easier. The problem was you kept being a magnet to him. That's why since you met in the convenience store a couple of months ago his desire to be with you again resurfaced.
He filled the mug with fresh brewed coffee and took a sip. It tasted good but he remembered you were always a tea fan. So why did you have a coffee maker in your house? Was there a special one who to made coffee in your place? He tried to set asides his thoughts and grabbed the mug with his both hands. He couldn't help but the image of the smiley guy Hoseok appeared in his mind again.
You were with Rosie until she was completely slept. She wasn’t a spoiled girl but when she fall asleep out of her bed and you had to woke her up to put the pajamas on her she was very afraid. She grabbed you while she was crying and you had to calm her down and made her feel safely again. That night wasn't the exception and her crying increased a bit because you tried to cleaned her face to eliminate the make up completely. You feared she got an allergic eruption if you didn't do it.
You left the night lamp on like every night and left the room leaving the door ajar. Suddenly the tiredness of the day fell over you like a heavy rock. That's why when you saw Yoongi in the kitchen leaning in the sink aisle you jumped a bit. For some minutes you have forgotten he was still in your apartment.
He rose his stare from his phone to you. His stern gaze said you probably he was tired too. So, why he was still there? Actually you didn't feel eager to find out.
Nevertheless he was eager to find out certain things.
"So, Did Rosie feel asleep?", he asked.
"Yeah, at last. She was exhausted. And her mother too, by the way", you smiled faintly.
"I see"
Yoongi left the mug in the sink. But when you expected he said goodbye he attacked with a question. The one which was gnawing his thoughts the whole day.
“Are you dating him?”, he asked calmly. "This Hoseok guy".
"Hobi?", you replied a bit amused. “No, he’s my boss”
“A very close boss, I think”, he remarked.
“Of course, I told you we are friends since college”, you replied.
“So you have slept with him, haven’t you?”, he insisted.
You stiffened and turned back to him in disbelief,
“I think that’s not your business”, you scolded him.
He walked to you until you were very close. Your heart hammered in your chest and your mind didn’t understand what was happening. Although Yoongi stared at you without expression in his face you could see some fierce sparks in his eyes. You felt a bit confused.
“What…?”, you said desafiantly.
He didn’t answer. Instead he glared at you, scanning your body up and down and fixing his eyes in your lips. Goosebumps arose in your stomach. You felt how something inside you started to melt. He went closer to you and you walked a step back. And another one until you hit the wall with your back.
“Hey…”, you sighed.
He was very close to you. Very.
“What…”, he whispered over your lips.
He put his hands over the wall and suddenly you were trapped by him. A suddenly heat started to fill your body. He leaned his head over you and caressed your lips with the tip of his nose. He was teasing you and clearly he enjoyed. You knew those movements very well, that subtle but overpowered approach of him, which pretended to demonstrate his power over your body. Many times you hated him for that, although you enjoyed so much. His breath over your mouth gave you goosebumps and you couldn't think in anything but kiss his plump lips.
He always been like that with you because your lips, oh shit! he love them and always tried that kissing you let be a slow kind of process which let him enjoyed every inch of your mouth. He felt your deep breath and knew it was the moment. You felt his lips over yours as well as his tongue inside your mouth. It send sparks of electricity over your whole body. Kissing Yoongi still was a startling experience.
You surrendered. It was unavoidable. For the first time you recognized you were fantasizing with this moment since you met him some months ago. He was like an addiction. You weren't able to resist him. The touches of your tongues were deepening the sensation of the kiss and you couldn't help but moan lightly. He heard you and pulled away for a moment. You thanked him because you almost couldn’t breath. He was serious. His eyes fixed on yours and you drowned in them and their lustful sparks.
Yoongi's lips were grazing yours enjoying the feeling. You felt his heart beating hard in his chest while you started to feel wet down there. So you didn’t let him teasing and with a quick movement you grab his sweater and pull him against you. This time you kissed him and you almost heard him chuckling. He was a very serious, and bad, addiction. But in that moment anything really mattered. You felt his grip over your waist while he was pushing you with his body now. You felt he started to sweat and your arouse was more evident. It was like an ascendent spiral of desire. Suddenly his hands were under your blouse touching you bared skin. You moaned again. It encouraged him to keep ahead: his hand went upon your side until he reached one of your breast. You felt his long fingers squeezing your nipple over the fabric of your bra and you simply explode. You moan louder trying to not make much noise. It was a colossal fight.
“Hey… Yoongi…”, you whispered breaking the kiss, trying to pronounce a word to calm down a bit. He was licking your ear and you started to realize how far it was going.
“Yoongi…”, you almost begged him amidst suppressed little moans, trying to make him stopped. But your words hadn’t have any effects on him. He heard you but he just didn't wan't to stop. At contrary. So he went from your ear to your neck biting some points that made you crazy. He remembered every one of them.
“Yoongi… we must to…”, you tried to articulate a phrase but you couldn't. He put one of his legs between yours and you moaned again, this time without making any efforts to limit yourself. It was going really very fast. A little trace of reason still in your head although you only want feeling him inside you.
“Stop… Rosie can hear us… and… and… wake up…”, you tried to articulate a sentence without so much success.
“So we have to be quiet”, he murmured with a raspy voice. He didn't have any intentions to stop himself. True was he barely heard you. He just felt his arouse connected with yours. As ever. As just he remembered. As he have expected it would be during the last months.
An alert rose inside you. It wasn’t right. No this way. But you couldn’t stop while he was trying to you ride his leg. You had to hold him harder to not fall while your heat was rubbing against him rhythmically. The roughness of your jeans seemed amplify the pleasure of your core. You need to stop it. Badly. Trying to gather all the thoughts that could be able to cool your body you fought for find the right words.
“Yoongi, we need to stop… you have a girlfriend…”, you said in a last attempt.
He frozen. It seemed you pushed the right button and something inside him halted suddenly. You were right. Both of you needed to stop. He needed although his only desire was undressed and fucked you right there, with your back against the wall and your legs around his waist. He released you with a groan and you finally could breath deeply. He didn’t say anything just look at you briefly. You could see something in his eyes. Frustration. Shame, maybe. Guilt, surely.
Yoongi tried to fix his hair with both of his hands. He advert your gaze and you noticed his disheveled look. Everything was so intense that seemed to shake the ground under the feet of both of you. You tried to regain the normal pace of your breath without moving.
“Sorry”, Yoongi said. He picked up the car keys over the table and walked to the door. You didn't notice but he stopped a moment before touching the doorknob. But he reacted and finally left. When you heard he closed the door your body relaxed and a lump in your chest started growing. You sighed like something would hurt you physically without knowing if it was the sexual frustration or guilt. Or some kind of humillation. Probably it was a mixed of all of them. Your eyes were blurred with tears and you dropped down and sat on the floor. You hold your knees and let your head leaned over them. You cried a lot and you felt miserable while you were thinking how many tears you left to waste for that man.
Yoongi took off his headphones and drop them back on his desk. A groan of exasperation escaped from his mouth. He leaned his head back on his chair and closed his eyes rubbing them with his hands. He was an idiot. He let you bewitched him again and he wasn’t able to control himself. You had that power on him. Since the weekend he wasn’t able to think how put the pieces in order again. Your relationship were smoother and you shared some beautiful times with Rosie even. And then he screwed up.
He wasn't able to say he didn’t want it. Indeed he really wanted it. Every time he saw you and you smiled at him. Or when you saw you taking care of Rosie. He thought you glowed. And that view made him feel less guilty for abandoned you some years ago. He didn’t know of course. But he understood he wasn’t enough reliable to you told him you’re pregnant.
His mind was a mess. He couldn’t concentrate in anything after he left your apartment. And he couldn’t stop thinking what would happened if he weren’t with Jess. A bitter chuckle scaped from his lips.
With you everything were troublesome. You overwhelmed him and he didn’t know what to do. He didn’t feel comfortable being vulnerable. But you were his best partner. You took care of him: many of your arguments were because you tried to oblige him to rest more or eat well. Sometimes you massaged his back and undo back knots that always growing. In your arms he could sleep without worries. And there was the sex. It was amazing. You were amazing. He remembered how many weekends both of you locked in his room and ordered pizza when you were starving. Sometimes your mouth was shinning with the oil of the food and he put the empty box aside and we’re over you one more time licking and biting your lips while you giggled and moaned later with his touches.
Also there was Rosie. You gave him the most beautiful little girl in the world. He knew that he was part of it too but he thought that every good thing about her was because of you. There was a fatherhood feeling that started to grow inside him. Indeed he felt a warm in his chest every time Rosie said his name. For a moment he smiled peacefully.
His phone buzzed over his desk and made him jump. He picked it up and saw the name of his girlfriend on the screen. He groaned again but he didn’t answer. He weren’t able to talk with Jess in that very moment. He knew what had to say but he didn’t know how. The phone buzzed again and he knew he was her without looking.
Yoongi was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t realize the door of studio opening until Namjoon figure appeared behind him.
“I thought you were very busy, but I guess it’s more an introspective thing?”, he said.
Yoongi chuckled and look at his friend.
“Kinda”, he replied.
“Mhhh busy enough that you don’t have time to pick up your girlfriend’s calls”, Namjoon said seriously.
Yoongi stiffened and glare at his friend without expression in his face. He was avoiding a talk not only with Jess but with his friend too.
“The thing is I’m very busy for waste time in dates”, he said with a bit of guilt in his words.
Namjoon grab a chair and putting it close to Yoongi he sat down. He leaned back and Yoongi knew he was decided to leave him alone only when he got some answers.
“What happened, bro?”, he said.
“Why do you think something is happening?”, Yoongi replied turning to his computer.
“Please, don’t fool me”, Namjoon said.
Yoongi seemed to be full concentrated in resuming his work but with the corner of the eye kept a look to Namjoon. He finally surrendered and turned to his friend.
“I don't know what to do. Every time the phone rang and I see is Jess I think he found out about Rosie. I know I had to told her about all this situation but I can’t”, Yoongi confessed.
“Well, it’s always good to tell the truth. Although in this case… I don’t know. Jess gonna be mad”, Namjoon replied him.
“I don’t understand why. I mean I didn’t cheat on her”, Yoongi claimed.
“Yeah, but you haven’t told her yet. Can I ask you why?”, Joon asked.
Yoongi sighed and leaned back on his chair and turned his gaze to the ceiling, both arms crossing above his forehand.
“I didn’t want. That’s it. Rosie and Y/N are mine. I mean they are an important part of my world and…”
“And Jess is your girlfriend”, his friend interrupted him.
“Yes, she is. But I don’t love her enough to be included in that part of my life”, Yoongi recognized.
Namjoon smiled bitterly. He knew that getting his friend put in words his feelings was a great step forward. In despite of he was becoming a father and that process had softened him, he was rude and confused lately. Surely because he hasn’t recognized his inner feelings yet.
“So, you need to talk with her. She’s kinda desperate”, Namjoon said.
Yoongi frowned and look to his friend.
“Is there something I don’t know?”, he asked.
Namjoon sighed. He had a confession to make too.
“She called me a couple of times these last days and some minutes early today. She is worried about you. I think she knows you’re getting away from her”, he told Yoongi.
“Why does she think that?”, he asked back.
“Really, Yoongi? You just said it. You don’t love her”, Namjoon replied.
“Enough”, Yoongi highlighted.
“She deserves better. She is an amazing girl. A bit spoiled and egocentric but a good woman. Speak with her”, Namjoon explained and got up. He walked to the door. Before left the studio looked Yoongi back and spoke again.
“And… you would have to talk with Y/N too. I mean, I didn’t know what is happening between you but I think that is what is really killing you”, he said before left the room.
Yoongi groaned and cursed Namjoon back. He loved that man but sometimes his wit was pure evil.
The evening was turning darker slowly. Yoongi's gaze was fixed in the sky, a bit cloudy for the spring. He was parked outside the modern building waiting for Jess. It was almost the hour she finishes her daily training in the gym and he texted a couple of hours before saying he was waiting for her at the entrance.
Of course he could be wait in the gym lobby. It was a top one so there were a super comfortable couches were he could take a nap easily. However the constant procession of super fit people stressed him out. In fact every detail of Jess daily life stressed him a bit: the amount of people surrounded her in the photoshoots or the make-up artists and stylists who tried in her new looks almost once a week. He liked better the safety of the close space of his car. It was one of the ideal places for drink a coffee and wait.
He was running away from this moment for some weeks. Since you said he was a father of a cute three years old girl. From that day he was living two ways of life: his "normal" one, being a music producer, independent rapper and kind of successful man who ran a music studio; and the other one who was becoming a father. The thing was the second became more prevalent each day.
A sudden noise in the copilot side window made him jump. He was decided to insult who was dare to pester him with his nocks until he look at the girl's face outside. He smiled faintly and open the door.
"Hi love!", Jess greeted her with a kiss on his lips.
"Hi, pretty girl", Yoongi replied with a faint smile in his face.
She looked at him carefully. Yoongi was always a kind of mysterious to her. They were together for more than two years but still there were certain hideouts in the heart of him that would never reveal to her. That thought was ruminating her head during the last days. The calls he didn't pick up, the short messages, his eyes looking at her indeed. She hasn't a good feeling about it. Although she tried to be optimistic in any situation Jess felt the distance between Yoongi and she. So there were two options: started an argument or trying to be reasonable to finding out what was going on.
"I feel lucky this afternoon, you not only called me back but you were agreed to picking me up", she said, a bit of resentment in her voice.
"Don't be like that. I'm the lucky one to have a woman like you besides me", he replied. However he didn't say that looking at her but to the sky through the window.
"Whatever. Can I push my luck and ask if we go to eat? I'm starving", she asked.
"Yes! We can go", he replied but he didn't started the engine. Instead he gazed to her and sighed. "But before we need to talk about something".
Yoongi's answer fell like a cold shower over Jess' back. She couldn't say it was a big surprise, but she was a bit afraid. Months ago everything ran smoothly. However something happened. He was moodier than normal, more distant and quiet. That was a bit strange even for a man like him.
"Yes, I think so. I'm not a fool, you know?", Jess uttered her words with a bit of resentment.
Yoongi felt it. In a way he was avoiding this moment because he expected everything would be fine without any explanations. He didn't like talking about issues related to his inner feelings. That's why his relationship with Jess was kind of ideal. They have enough space to live their own lives without the approval of the other one. However there were certain foundations which a relationship was based. In this case, he couldn't avoid the talk about Rosie (and you) no longer.
"What's going on, Yoongi?", she asked impatiently. His silence made her nervous. What would be so hard that he couldn't say her? Was he cheating her, perhaps? She couldn't deny that thought was around her mind the last days. She knew their relationship was straightforward, but it didn't mean it was an open one. There were some limits and she expected Yoongi knew it. However the doubt was there.
"Is there another girl?", she finally asked. She'd rather faced the big issue than continue with the uncertainty.
Yoongi's eyes widened. He looked at her thinking all the thing about woman intuition was absolutely true. Even though in this case it fell short. There were two girls. He took a deep breath.
"Yes, kind of", he said finally.
"Kind of?", Jess snorted. "You need to have a good explanation to avoid I slapped your handsome face, Min Yoongi".
Jess was furious. In a second she stepped from being a sweet woman to an angry one. Who was the woman that dare to compete with her man love? She was Jess Wang, after all.
"Jess, love. Just relax…", Yoongi tried to say.
"Relax?", she interrupted. "How can I relax when you are admitting you cheated on me?", he almost yelled.
Yoongi scowled.
"I'm not cheating you. I wasn't either", he insisted. "That's why you need to hear what I have to say before reaching any conclusions", he added.
Jess crossed the arms over his chest and gave him a side glance.
"Ok, go. Try to be quick because I'm hungry", she accepted.
"There was a girl. We had some kind of relationship. She was important to me, indeed. But we broke up almost four years ago and I never saw her again", he spoke.
"Important as your girlfriend? Or just "important" in Yoongi's definition", maybe she didn't know all of his inner feelings but she knew him a bit.
"Important. Period", he replied. Why is she interrupting him? It was very difficult to him talk about you. Not just with her. With everyone. With himself more than anyone. Also, he didn't cheat her. Right, It was close but you were enough rational to stop it on time.
"So, I met her by chance some months ago and she told me…", he paused to gathered the right words. But then just spited out: "she has a girl and I'm the father".
Jess gawked him. What was he saying? He has a daughter?
"What?… sorry but… what?", she bellowed.
"She realised she was pregnant after we broke up", he explained. "So, she didn't even trying to contact me and tell me".
"That simple. Did you believe her?", Jess bewildered.
"Of course. She don't have any reasons to lie", he replied. The conversation was annoying him. Why everyone did insist in hesitate about you? He wasn't an idiot. He knew Rosie was his child.
"I don't know what to say, Yoongi", she told him at last. "I mean, you never thought that we would have children", she complained.
"Do you want to have children?", Yoongi gawked. "I have the idea that we never had that conversation".
"That's not the point. The thing is what do you pretend? I don't know If the stepmom role fit me", Jess sentenced.
"I know, believe me. That's why I think we need a time", he said.
Jess paralyzed. What was he saying?
"Are you breaking up with me?", she exclaimed.
"I mean, I need a proper space and time to think about all of this. It have been overwhelmed. So, if it means that I'm breaking up with you there were no more options", he closed his eyes and pinched his nose.
Jess looked at him and noticed he was exhausted. Maybe all of this was as he said. However a lot of question rose in his head. Especially why you never told him about your pregnancy. And the most important, who are you?
"You want to be with her again?", she asked.
Yoongi jolted. He didn't expect that question.
"True… I don't know, Jess"
Why is he saying that? He wanted be with you badly. However he knew that it couldn't be an on and off thing anymore. Both of you have a daughter. A pretty and smart one, indeed. She deserve to have the best parents and they need to be in a healthy and stable relationship to achieve that.
Jess sighed. She never expected this scenario. Yoongi cheating her? Yes, it could be a chance and she was ready to kicked his ass out. But he having a daughter? With an ex? What was that woman? Is he in love with her? Certainly they need a time. It was too much information to process and used to it.
"Well, so you aren't going to New York with me, I think", she asked.
"Yeah, I'm not", he looked at her feeling a bit guilty.
Jess was pretty, nice, intelligent. They have a very good time when they were together. Also traveling with her was always amazing. But made the trip with her couldn't be the right thing.
"OK. You really know how to surprise people, don't?", she said calm again. "Let's go to eat something? I'm starving. And I think we could keep being friends", she said with a smile while she was thinking in how to find out who the hell are you.
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for-yoongi0309 · 2 years
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© OnelYoon - [1 | 2]
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awakeshedreams · 3 years
inks and kinks and other pretty things
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pairing : tattooartist!JK x collegestudent!reader
setting : non idol au, established relationship au
summary :
you lost in a bet and have to face your punishment. jungkook has lots of fun riling you up.
genre : lots of smut and lots fluff
rating : e for graphic adult content
wordcount : 4.6k
warnings : read content below unless you want to avoid spoilers ;)
content :
dom/sub undertones, use of pet names/nicknames, daddy kink, softdom!jk, semi-clothed sex, light praising kink, hair pulling, clit slapping ( it happens istg ), free the nipples, reader is in a mood, jk isn't helping really, but jk's about to kiss it better, jk has a possessive streak, soft motorboating, boob obsessed jk, fingering, nipple/breast play, like a lot of it, table sex, sex at the workplace, jk has an office, raw fucking, rough sex, jk kind of chokes the reader, he's very demanding but he's so gentle about it, brief cock warming, lots of kissing here too, jk kind of needs to be fed a bar of soap, reader is in distress because he's so blunt, help they're being cheesy and lovey dovey again, having a healthy, loving relationship and having dirty, nasty sex as usual, just jk and reader being couple goals if you ask me.
a/n :almost named this 'ink, kink and a handful of pretty tits' , you'll find out why soon enough hehe... but in other news, how have you all been? thank you so much for all the support and love on the other part of the anthology. really glad to know alot of people liked it. i hope alot of people like this piece too. without further ado, I give you : this huge block of gritty sin and wholesome fluff. like if you liked it, reblog to share and share your thoughts and feelings in the replies!
taglist : @softiegukk @ppeachyttae @kooafraid @jkmybby - it's here 🤧💜
'bad girls don’t get to cum.’
This was what the shirt Jungkook’s girlfriend was wearing said when she walked into the ink parlor with her pretty little skirt and a friend of hers.
He was in the middle cleaning up before heading out for lunch with his partner.
Jungkook stood straighter and watched your green haired friend practically drag you in.
June, he recalled briefly. You talked about her sometimes and she was a friend of a friend who had a background in art and designing like she did.
‘Hello, JK!’ She greeted with a saccharine sweet smile but it fell when she noticed the other occupant in the room. 'Hoseok.’
Ah, speak of the devil.
The pseudo-pierced, neon blonde gave a howdy from somewhere in the back.
'Hey, June.’ He returned nicely, eyes flickering to his sullen looking girlfriend. ‘Nice shirt.’
June perked up in agreement.
‘I know right! I picked it out myself!'
You shot them daggers and pursed your lips.
'Don't even start with me.’
Then you nudged past them and disappeared around the back.
Jungkook blinked, a little taken aback by just how peeved you seemed to be about something.
If it wasn’t obvious before, it was too blatant to not address now.
He looked to June for answers and found her shaking her head, sighing.
'A storm that one. A storm, I tell you.’
Of course. Everyone knew you were a force to be reckoned with, not one to be trifled with, but your mood suggested something more the latter happened and it had him feeling concerned.
'Is she okay?’
June shrugged.
'Just a little bitter. She lost in a bet. That shirt? It’s part of her punishment.’
'Oh.’ He said. Interesting. He wasn’t expecting that but somehow it made sense. His girlfriend could be a little competitive and she didn’t really like losing at all. That calmed him a little, at least it wasn’t something serious. Not to the point that he’d need to intervene and get involved at least. He wouldn’t need to revert to his rougher days and go around knocking out some teeth and breaking a couple of ribs to make you smile like the sunshine you were again. Putting a smile on he tore his gaze off the back door and turned to face June again. 'So, you here to get a tattoo?’
Instantly, she straightened and grinned, clasping her hands over her chest.
'Yes, actually.’ She batted her lashes at him. ‘You sure you can’t write your initials on my tits? J for Jung, K for Kook. Just in tiny.’
Jungkook laughed and got back to clearing his station.
‘No can do.’ He declined like he always did. ‘I can recommend a place where they can get it done for you if that’s what you really want.’
‘That’s no fun.’ He could hear the pout in her voice. ‘It has to be you.’
He chuckled lightly.
The reason why Jungkook wasn’t outright weirded out or bluntly asking her to see herself to the exit is because oddly enough, he was used to this. Her antics, her advances. She’d been doing this for as long as he’d known her. He heard that she had a crush on him once or something like that, but it didn’t bother you so it didn’t bother him. The two of you trusted each other. He just sometimes wondered if she’d ever get tired or find someone for herself.
‘Sorry.’ He cleaned his hands off with a towel. ‘Hyung’s about to head out for lunch.’
She perked up like he knew she would and he almost grinned in triumph. No hard feelings, he just really needed an escape right now.
‘He recently got his paycheck too.’ Jungkook added, thanking the heavens he knew enough about the art major from you and observing to know her favorite things revolved around food, shopping and harassing Hoseok.
She gasped and spluttered.
‘For real?’
'Yeah.’ He nodded, gladly roping her in even more. 'You should go with him.’
She gave him a salute and a curt nod and proceeded to easily exit his work station.
He distantly registered her buttering up an annoyed Hoseok in the background as he concentrated with finishing up at his station up. Idly, his eyes flitted to the back door where you had disappeared off into with a light crease in between his brows.
But it wasn’t a look of worry.
His curiosity far outweighed his concern right now.
You verbally pounced in defense before the door even came to a close behind him.
'Don't even say a word.’
‘I didn’t say anything.’
'You look like you want to say something.’
His office was nothing grand. Just a medium sized room with maroon walls and vintage furniture. He had pictures of things he liked on the walls and some odd bits like a skate board, a dream catcher hanging from the ceiling and motorbike helmet, a baseball bat and a guitar amongst others arranged into some short randomly sized cabinets he had lined up at the walls.
It was quite for a while as he fiddled with the helmet clasp for a bit while you brooded in the corner.
‘A bet huh?’ He mused, swallowing back any sound that resembled laughter, at least for now. ‘And you really lost?’
‘Shut up.’
He let it out lightly, setting the helmet down to turn and sit back against one of the racks at the wall opposite of you.
'If we look at the bright side, at least it’s not a furry onesie.’ He shrugged at your skeptical look. 'That shirt looks good on you.’
It did. Like your skirt did too. Baby pink, airy and with a flow. And your shoes, translucent heels with straps that criss crossed your ankles and calves beautifully. In all honesty, you could rock a trash can and he’d be absolutely floored at the sight of it.
'Thanks. It's still humiliating though.’ You murmured, feet dancing where they were perched on his work desk while you harrumphed and pouted in the corner like it did when you weren’t sure how to respond because you flustered. ‘It's all June's fault. She dragged me into this.’
He nodded, humming absently.
Thank you June, for dragging her into this.
‘It’s not that bad.’ He said, distracted, thoroughly taking you in from head to toe. Every dip and curve and every roll of skin.
Not bad at all. Perfect. So pretty.
‘I guess.’
'C'mere.’ His hands itched to grab. ‘I wanna see.’
You stood after staring at him for a while before you walked over to him, heels clicking. Your palm naturally came to rest over his broad chest when you settled in between his legs, feeling him up at him through his black tee as you looked up at him.
‘Nice.’ He said, looking you over as he held your waist, thumb brushing the bare skin there. ‘You look good in crop tops.’
‘Well it’s summer so…'
Thank lord for summer too.
‘Is that why you’re not wearing a bra too?’
You paused, looking at him and your body actually went hot against him.
'Why do you look so shocked? It’s pretty obvious.’ He said, shrugging, unable to help his amusement at how flushed out you were getting. His hands rose up your ribs, thumbs brushing the underside of your tits. ‘I could see your nipples from miles away. They've been hard since the moment you walked in.’
'It’s part of the punishment for loosing the bet.’ You groaned, watching him stroke you softly, then you chanced him a glance through your lashes, shy and bashful almost, making his heart jump in his chest. ‘Are you mad? That I walked around like this.’
He stared at you for a while, thinking over your words as he poured over how cute you looked in the moment, then he slowly shook his head.
‘Not even a little bit?’
He pursed his lips. Well.
He imagined you walking down the street, tiny skirt swaying, tits jiggling with every click of your heels, turning heads with every step, so pretty with your stiff nipples pressing against the thin material of your shirt and your long, shapely legs and your soft plump lips and your perfect pretty face and-
It wasn’t so much jealousy that struck. It was some baser, primal and it was telling him to do more than just grab your boobs. He wanted to rip your shirt off, bend you over the table and shove your skirt over your full ass so he could-
'Maybe a little bit.’ He relented, groaning with restrain. Fuck. He felt like growling. 'I just know they were staring.’
'They were.’
You told him with a little giddy stretch to your lips, no doubt loving to see him act so possessive and territorial over you.
He made a displeased face and you laughed a little.
'Don't be mad.’ You said, stroking his neck. He was getting hot there, his pulse picking up. ‘People stare all the time but they’re just looking. You're the only one who gets to feel it and touch.’
He grunted absently, distracted. He was squeezing your boobs with his inked fingers now, utterly occupied with the task at hand.
There wasn’t anything sexual about it. It was a tender gesture even and it made you smile, shifting your hand to cradle the back of his head, teasing the downy, wavy hair there.
'It's almost lunch.’ You said, looking at the clock over his head as he nuzzled into your chest, breathing you in. ‘You’ve got plans with Hoseok?’
‘No.’ He shook his head. His voice was muffled and a little slurry. There was something all intoxicating and grounding and satisfying about your sweet scent, and your softness, your presence, just everything that was you. ‘He went out with June.’
You snorted, nuzzling your cheek into his temple, hugging his neck.
‘Yeah.’ He said, palming at you now, kneading the swell softly that give beneath his touch. 'Think they’re gonna be out in town for a while. He just got his paycheck.’
‘Wow. So she’s about to suck his wallet dry. ‘You mused, understanding the situation instantly. You pulled away a little to look down at him questioningly. 'What about you? Have you had lunch yet?’
His pupils were all blown out and there was a telling flush to his face.
Wordlessly, he leaned up to kiss you and you melted into his lips.
Your arms came around his neck and you pressed yourself into him.
Standing, he guided your bodies them to couch in corner and lifted you onto his lap as he sat.
Immediately, you started grinding into him and shoved your hands under his shirt, feeling his ripped skin as you kissed his neck.
His own palms settled on your rear under you skirt, large hands fondling the flesh as his head fell back.
'Fuck…' he hissed out your name when you suckled on his pulse, making his fingers dig into your flesh as his cock twitched in his pants. He was aching, and the fabric felt stifling, he’d been hard for so long now, but he loved how it felt when you put your mouth on him like that too much to want to part from you right now. ‘Do that again.’
You did, with more vigor this time, sure to leave a mark, sensually rolling you hips into the bulge at his crotch as you pinched his nipples.
Grunting, he slipped his hand lower and fingered you through your underwear.
‘Guk…' you stuttered, riding his fingers as you own clutched at loose fine waves at the base of his neck. You gasped when he pushed the damp piece of fabric aside to slip his finger inside your snatch. ‘Fuck!’
'Shh…’ he hushed, detaching his hand from your rear to grab your hair and angle your head back. ‘Look at me.’
You opened your eyes weakly, moaning when you saw him gazing down at you with impossibly dark eyes.
‘I want to see the faces you make when you ride my fingers,' He husked out and you fluttered around him. He added another finger, adjusting a little to press at your stiff clit, and he cursed when you tightened around him, increasing your pace, hopping in his lap. ‘That’s right… keep fucking yourself on my fingers…'
His eyes flickered to your chest where your tits were bouncing, straining against the thin fabric of your shirt, nipples poking out.
Noticing his staring, you moved your hand from his shoulder to reach for the hem but he stopped you.
‘No.’ he rasped, holding your hair tighter, eyes flickering to your face. ‘Keep it on.’
The look in your hazy eyes was decidedly puzzled.
‘To remind me.’
Is all he said, before he dipped down and closed his mouth around your clothed nipple, making you cry out in shock and pleasure.
His other hand slid down from your hair to the small of your back where you were arched to hold you close as he pressed his face further into the softness of your tits, nibbling at you through your shirt as he fucked you steadily with his fingers.
'Kookie…’ you panted, fingers tightening in his silky hair as you quivered tellingly around his fingers. Your eyes snapped shut when he added a third and shifted to wrap his mouth around your other breast. ‘Fuck!’
He bit down on your nipple, rubbing down on your clit hard in a way that had you jolting and gasping for air just for a second.
The air was knocked out of you when you were suddenly lifted before your back hit the cool surface of his desk.
His hand shot out for your jaw before you could even blink back into focus and your eyes widened at the sight of him looking down at you under his nose, his hair in his eyes.
He ignored you, languidly undoing his belt as he held you down.
'You wanna cum, babe?’
'Yes, Jungkook.’ You whined, your mouth watered when you peeked him grabbing his cock and stroking it. ‘Please… let me-'
He tightened his grip and you whimpered.
‘I know.’ He husked, looking you over, making you squirm under his intent, smoldering gaze. ‘So you gotta listen to me.’
You nodded as much as his hold would allow, hips wiggling. You couldn’t keep you anticipation in of your tried, and you only hoped he would understand and not punish you for wanting it so bad.
'What did I say earlier,' He asked, no, demanded you tell him, feeling your drippy slit idly. ‘Come on, let’s hear it.’
You tried to think back but it was hard to focus when he was flicking your clit with his thumb and fingering you again, stretching his digits in scissor like motions, trying to see how ready you were to take him.
You swallowed thickly, seeing double. You could barely think straight. It was impossible to focus on anything else but him right now but he wasn’t exactly asking you.
'Look at me.’ You forced yourself to part out, knowing nothing else would be happening if you didn’t pull yourself together and say it if he was in this particular mood. ‘You said… look at me.’
'Good.’ He praised, pleased with how good you were being for him. ‘Think you can do that for me? Think you can be good for, Daddy?’
You moaned and gushed at the seams.
'Good, good.’ He mumbled out and patted your thigh, and your chest heaved and expanded all at once as you watched him slide his touch up to hold your hip to bring you closer so that the fat head of his cock nudged at your open when he aligned himself at your entrance. He rasped out your name along with a low fuckas he rubbed himself all up on you, smearing you with pre cum, mixing your arousals, teasing your clit, making you spill even more. ‘You’re dripping. Bet I could slip right in like this…'
‘Oho.’ He admonished, slapping your clit with his cock. You twitched off the table whimpering but he held you down by the hip. He said your name, brows drawn in a little. ‘Do it right. Or else I can’t give you want you want.’
'Daddy! Please! I need-'
‘What do you need?’
‘You! Your cock! Please put it inside-‘
You heard him chuckle.
'I'll give it to you, since you asked so nicely.’
You gasped as he filled you up, fingers shooting out to grasp his shirt and pull when he leans over to kiss your cheek, hovering over you with his one strong arm on one side of beside your head, tats dancing as his muscles flexed, the other gliding up your sides to knead your tit generously.
‘I'm gonna fuck you.’ He husked ‘Right here, right now, on this desk.’ A kiss over your erratic pulse, teeth dragging over the sensitive patch of skin. ‘You like that?’
'Yes, daddy,' You moaned needily, literally on the verge of tears and burning all over, aching for relief and release and him. ‘I do… so much…'
He kissed your lips and he grinned, rolling his hips into yours, stirring you up deliciously from the inside.
'How do you want it? Hard and fast? Rough and slow?’
Jungkook chuckled again, taking your hand where it laid uselessly at your side to lace his fingers with yours over your head.
‘God.’ He breathed out, taking you in reverently behind his fringe. ‘You’re a mess.’
Then he began fucking you in earnest.
Slow at first, and deep, dragging his cock in and out your plush tightness languidly and then fast and hard, flexing his hips in a way that had you bouncing and shifting up on the table. His hand, laced in yours was the only thing keeping you grounded as your senses left you and stars filled your visions, and he drew you forward onto his cock every time he slammed back in, never letting you get too far from him for too long.
The wet sounds of skin on skin and his balls smacking against your ass filled the room, melding with the sounds of your heavy breathing.
The feet of the table creaked as he pummeled you, scratching against polish wood with the force of each sharp, deliberate piston of his hips into yours.
He gazed down at you, his damp fringe grazing your forehead as his breath fanned you Cupid’s bow. His lips were close enough to touch, just brushing yours, so distracting, but you fought to stay focused and keep your gaze on him liked he’d said, caressing his neck with your free hand and melding into him.
‘Fuck…’ he rasped breathlessly against your lips, the vein beneath your fingertips pulsing wildly like his cock was in you. ‘You close, princess? Gonna come on my cock, baby girl?’
'Yes,' you nodded frantically, tightening your legs around his hips to draw him closer as your ribs expanded overwhelmingly, the heels of your hell clad feet pressing into the base of his spine. ‘Daddy… I’m gonna- I'm gonna-'
He reached in between you to rub at your clit vigorously and hissed when you cried out and clenched him hard.
‘Oh my- fuck!’
'That's right…' he ushered hoarsely while watching your expression contort in all sorts of pleasure. ‘Be a good girl and come for me. Now.’
You unraveled and imploded at his command and arched sharply off the desk, unable to keep your eyes from snapping shut as you gripped his fingers hard, your nails digging into his nape.
Jungkook cursed into the crook of your neck, doubling over himself and gripping your hip hard enough to leave imprint as he gave a final hasty jerk before he spent himself in your, filling you with his thick, hot load.
His weight stayed over you for a while as you both took some time to gather yourselves, damp strands brushing your face as he pulled away from your neck to kiss you softly. His hands slid up your hip and under your shirt, settling over your ribs. The light brush of his thumb around the under side of your breast as he stroked the faint lines there was almost lulling.
‘Was I good?’ you asked breathlessly, playing with his fingers where your hands were still laced.
‘So good.’ He spoke against your lips, smiling a little, giving you a reassuring squeeze. ‘That’s why I let you cum.’
He chuckled at the sharp look you gave him and he gave you one last, lingering peck before he pulled away.
You fixed the straps of your damned top that had slid down as you slowly sat up, wincing slightly at the dull ache between your legs and making a face when you saw yourself dripping down your thighs.
'I can’t go out like this,' you announced to no one in particular, giving your entire self a look. ‘I look like a mess.’
Jungkook paused from fixing his fly and moved to the other side of the desk you were on to crouch.
‘I think I have something…'
You heard him shuffling around one of the drawers he had there.
‘Got it.’
When you looked up from your swinging legs he was coming over with what looked like an oversized hoodie.
He put it on you with a cheeky grin.
At first you didn’t think much about it. In fact, you liked it, it was perfectly huge on you, soft to the touch and it smelt just like him. But then you looked down and slowly read what it said.
daddy's little girl.
Not this again…
'Think of it as an upgrade.’ He said, giving you a thumbs up in response to your debauched expression. ‘You’re a good girl now.’
‘It says little girl, Guk.’ You grumbled with a not so subtle glare. 'Not good girl.’
‘I know but…' he smiled a little, shuffling closer to cup the back of your head and tilt his head to the side, taking you in closely. ‘You were so good for me earlier. I’m really proud of you.’
You looked up at him wordlessly.
When he put it like so sweetly like that, there really was no chance that you’d put up a fight. But you weren’t exactly known for being the most abiding person, he knew this about you well and he loved how strong willed and stubborn you could be, sometimes for no reason. But he didn’t have any complains.
His favorite pastime was to fuck the attitude out of you at times when you were just being outright bratty.
'People are gonna stare.’
'Let them.’ He said so easily and it made your heart breath catch your chest. 'They can stare all they want. In the end… you’re my girl.’
Your heart did a little impossible jump inside. But he didn’t need to know that. He’d just pinch your cheeks and tease you for it.
You hit his chest, making him double over and clutch the spot in jest as you shuffled off and shoved him aside to grab your things of the edge of the chair.
Standing, the hem of the hoodie went way past your mid thighs.
You tried to be discreet about patting your cheeks. They were almost scalding beneath your fingertips.
Stuffing your hands into the wide pockets, you turned over to face him once you deemed you’d cooled down as much as you possibly could while he was still here. You found him sitting back on the desk, absently touching the place you had hit.
‘Does it hurt?’ Had you applied too much pressure?
‘No.’ He shook his head, a thoughtful look on his face. ‘Felt good actually.’
Of course.
You made a face and mumbled weirdo, under your breathe, heading for the door.
'Let's go,' you said, twisting the knob, deciding the fresh from outside would help with helping you chill down. You didn’t have to look into a mirror or feel at your cheeks to know you were still heatedly flushed. ‘I’m starving.’
'Wait.’ He called out, easily reaching your in three strides with his long legs to grab your wrist to stop you in your tracks. You watched him sink to his knees when you turned. He had some plies of wet tissue in his hand. 'You can’t go out like this.’ He mumbled, wiping at the sticky muck trickling down your legs. ‘You’re dripping all over.’
He was so crude about it. At this point, would you really get over the heat stroke that was threatening to get you? You were starting to feel dizzy. You touched his shoulder to steady yourself.
'I thought you didn’t care.’ You said, letting him clean you. At his questioning look you added to clarify. ‘If people see.’
Jungkook momentarily stopped with wiping you down to address what you said with undivided attention.
'I do. You’re my girlfriend. I want them to know that but…' he held your gaze from his crouch, his expression serious. ‘I’m the only who gets to see you like this. Dripping cum down your leg.’
Your brows rose to your hairline.
Jungkook got back to rubbing your legs clean, carrying on, and your hands too, just for good measure.
'Plus it must be real uncomfortable, walking around like that.’
'Yeah,' you nodded absently.
You were flattered and you felt appreciated and it felt nice hearing him say things like that about you, obscene and lewd as they were- but you honestly didn’t even know how to express all this so you just stayed silent and fought to stand straight while you clutched his shoulder as the butterflies in your tummy acted up.
'Done.’ He declared, jumping to his feet. He was full on grinning.
Wiping his hands and tossing the used tissue aside, he reached for yours and opened the door with the other.
You stared at the back of his head as he led the way down the hall.
His hair was messy. Your fingers itched to reach out and fix it up a little.
‘What do you want to eat?’
He asked, shooting you a glance over his shoulder.
You blinked out of your thoughts and looked away to stare at the abstract portraits on the wall, pondering on it for a moment.
The noon summer breeze carrying heat hit them when you stepped outside.
He perked up at that, pausing in reaching for his car keys.
‘Yeah.’ You nodded, regretfully unlinking their hands to finally right his hair, feeling satisfied once you did, then yours, now a little more mussed from dancing in the wind. ‘A new place opened up recently, just down the street. I heard it’s a bit overpriced but,’ You shrugged your shoulders. ‘You just received your paycheck.’
Jungkook laughed at that and nodded.
‘Alright.’ He shoved his keys back in. ‘Let’s go have overpriced Italian. My treat.’
You smiled and walked after him, matching his pace.
Your fingers brushed and naturally intertwined again.
He gave a little tug, idly looking around.
'So you're gonna tell me what this bet was about or …'
That earned him a pinch on the arm, to which he barely even winced at.
'Shut up.’ You grumbled, then you rubbed your palm against the spot even though it probably just tickled more than hurt since he was chuckling again. ‘I’ll tell you later.’
He peered down at you with a shine in his eyes and nodded with a soft smile.
The breeze had messed with your hair a little.
Gently, he brushed your hair aside and patted the top of your head playfully, and God, he just couldn’t help but plant a lingering kiss on your forehead.
There was nothing in the world he could ever deny you.
Taking you out, spending time with you, holding your hand and kissing you like this was the least he could do.
Jungkook meant it whenever he told you he’d give you the world if you asked.
well, this au is driving me insane. it's a love hate thing ;-; thoughts?
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I’m a hoe for brows pt. 4/?
633 notes · View notes
artaefact · 3 years
twice upon a christmas catastrophe.
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—wordcount: 15.7k+
—genre: fluff, angst, romance, e2l (ex-friends to lovers), idiots to lovers, office au, christmas au
—pairing: min yoongi x f reader
—rating: nc-17
—warnings: lots of pining, confused feelings, misunderstandings, lots of bantering, suggestive content, swearings.
—summary: Life is great—you’ve earned the coveted title of “employee of the month”, your hard work is recognised, and there’s a possible promotion too—what more can you ask for? Yet, you should’ve known that things can take a downturn rather too quickly. And it starts with the man who once broke your heart—Min Yoongi.
author’s note: after 2392041 times of drafting, this story finally come to light :’) special thanks to @kookdiaries​ @kithtaehyung​ and @xiaokoo​ for hosting the christmas in july event !! thank you for letting me be a part of this fun event 💕and to those who are looking forward to this fic, i apologise for the long wait. hope you enjoy !!
this fic is part of cookies and christmas chaos collab !!
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© artaefact 2021. All rights reserved. Copying, reposting, translating, and modifying in any platform or by any means is NOT permitted.
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“What a good day.”
You smile to yourself, emerging out onto the rooftop before taking a deep breath, momentarily basking in the rare warmth of the sun during the winter season. You just had a conversation with the head of your department, and they’ve done nothing but shower you with praises. The interaction leads you to then discuss a possible promotion if you were to successfully finish your current project your team was assigned on.
“Y/N, over here!”
Your head snaps towards the familiar voice of your friend and coworker, Jungkook, who’s waving at you excitedly. “Oh, wow, you came prepared.” You comment, eyeing the lunchboxes containing various types of food laid in front of you. “Did you cook this all yourself?”
“Of course!” Jungkook beams at you. “I told you, Hyung has taught me a few recipes, and I want you to try it!”
“I am honoured.” You place a hand on your heart, taking a seat at your friend’s side. “What’s the special occasion?”
“A mini congratulatory celebration for winning the ��Employee of the Month’ award,” he answers, handing you a pair of chopsticks. “And, for not being Santa this year.”
You chortle at his words. “I think we all need to celebrate for not being Santa this year.”
Every year your company celebrates Christmas, and those parties are organised by an employee randomly chosen through an online raffle. The chosen one, aka Santa Claus, will have the chance to get extra rewards until it is time to select another Santa for the upcoming Christmas event. One time, someone was even offered an exclusive promotion depending on how well they manage the event.
As Santa, the individual will need to appoint an elf partner to help foresee the event and maybe even point out who among the employees deserves a Christmas prank during the party. And believe it or not, this tremendously encourages everyone to be nice to each other. However, as already a nice person, you are confident you had no problem with anyone at all.
“The amount of stress I accumulated last year just to organise the party for the whole company is terrifying,” Jungkook mutters as he sets the remaining lunchboxes.
Jungkook was chosen as the Santa last year. He had also appointed Seokjin to be his partner. Despite their constant squabbling, they made a good team and hosted one of the best Christmas events for the company.
“I can’t even imagine.” You shake your head. Just the mere thought of adding extra responsibilities on your shoulders is nerve-racking. You are ready to pick up a piece of fried chicken when Jungkook stops you.
“Nu-uh, you’re not supposed to taste it yet. We’re waiting for Hyung too!”
You click your tongue in distaste. “When is Jin coming?”
“Jin hyung? I thought he had a meeting to attend. I was talking about Yoongi hyung.”
At the mention of the latter’s name, your eye twitches. “Did you just say Yoongi?”
Jungkook nods slowly. “Yeah, Hyung can cook as well. He taught me these recipes.”
You take back your words. So, you had no problem with anyone at all, except Min Yoongi—the company’s general manager. Just saying his name already leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. You and Yoongi—to put it bluntly—just don’t match. Your personality bears a resemblance to a blooming garden and warm sunshine. Meanwhile, Yoongi? He resembles a frozen wasteland—cold and empty.
Shaking your head, you stand up, sighing. “You know what, I’ll eat somewhere else today. You can give me what’s left after lunch.”
Jungkook pouts at you. “What? But…”
“Kook, believe me when I said that Yoongi and I should not come across each other.” You put down the chopsticks.
“What exactly happened between you two?” Jungkook tilts his head slightly. “I mean, you were friends. I might even say best friends, and suddenly it’s like freakin’ Antarctica between you two.”
As much as you hate to admit, Jungkook has a point. Once upon a time, Yoongi resembled a scenic beauty; he was everything you admire and adore in a person. He was one of the few people who’d have your back no matter the situation. And you thought he’d always be there for you.
Until last Christmas.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” you mumble, fiddling with your fingers. The thought itself sends an ache into your heart. “Maybe one day, I’ll let you know, but not now.”
Jungkook nods in understanding. “Alright. You better go now before Hyung arrives.”
“Before who arrives?” The familiar voice immediately makes you bristle.
“Nothing,” Jungkook mumbles, eyes shooting back and forth between you and Yoongi. “I was just—”
“Ah, Y/N, haven’t seen you in so long,” Yoongi drawls sarcastically. You turn to him, shooting him a glare as he regards you with a disinterested look.
And it almost turns into a staring contest if it wasn’t for Jungkook, who coughs loudly, disrupting the battle of wills between you and Yoongi. “Um, why don’t we have lunch instead? There’s yummy food right here.”
“I’m skipping lunch. I’ve lost my appetite,” you seethe, narrowing your stare at the man who sits across from you. And as if on cue, your stomach rumbles loudly.
Yoongi chuckles. “I think your stomach says otherwise.”
You curse him internally as your face heats up in embarrassment.
“Here.” Jungkook hands you the chopsticks again. “I think you better have a few bites.”
“Fine,” you mumble, picking up the fried chicken you’ve been eyeing since the beginning. “Thanks for the meal, Kookie.”
Jungkook grins at you. Meanwhile, Yoongi shows no amusement at the sight as he munches on the food. The moment you take a bite out of the chicken, your gaze widens, staring at Jungkook in shock. “I-It’s good? Wow, I’m amazed at your cooking skills.”
Before Jungkook can say anything, Yoongi cuts in. “It’s my recipe, though. You’re welcome.”
You shoot him a glare. “But Jungkook is the one who made it, so he’s the one who deserves the praise.”
Yoongi clenches his jaw and opts to stay quiet, fortunately. Lunch hour continues smoothly as you eat what Jungkook has prepared without sparing a glance at the man in front of you. Ever since that day, interacting with Yoongi merely drains your energy, and you’d do anything to avoid interaction if it’s not necessary.
“Before I forget,” Yoongi starts. “I haven’t heard anything back from the human resource department. The finance team sent some reports in, and there is still no feedback.”
God, after everything, he still loves to provoke you.
“Unfortunately, we’re not done yet.” The atmosphere becomes cold once more as you put your chopstick down slowly. “Because they decided to send in the reports two days after I said they should submit it to us. And judging from the current evaluation so far, I would warn incompetent members instead of abusing my power to people who actually works hard if I were you.”
And thankfully, Yoongi didn’t utter any more words afterwards. Yes, he’s one of your higher-ups, and you can get in trouble. Still, one thing that Yoongi has always valued is honesty. You have always been straightforward with him, treating him as a fellow coworker.
When it is finally time to pack up, you help Jungkook clean up, and Yoongi stays behind to throw whatever waste that needs to be thrown into the garbage bin. Once everything is done, you pace alongside Jungkook to the door with Yoongi trailing behind you.
Yoongi should’ve known that you can be a petty person when provoked from the earlier conversation. Just as he’s about to walk through the door, you quickly close the door, and Yoongi nearly slams his face against the metal door.
“Hey, this isn’t funny!” Yoongi groans, tugging the door open once, but it remains closed. Annoyed, he pulls the door harder, and it opens a little before shutting close again, with you holding onto the knob on the other side. “Let me in, for fuck’s sake. It’s cold out here.”
“Say, ‘please’,” you respond instantly, motioning Jungkook to go on ahead. With a chuckle, Jungkook continues his way down.
Yoongi grunts in annoyance. “Why are you acting like a five-year-old?”
“You’re the one acting like a five-year-old! I’m teaching you manners.”
“You’re gonna regret this,” he hisses, grasping the knob once more.
“Says the one locked out—”
Yoongi pulls the door with all his might, and it swings open, dragging you along. You would have fallen on your face onto the floor if it wasn’t for his arms around you to keep you steady. You blink once, then twice, processing what just happened. Despite his cold personality, you can’t help but notice that his embrace is warm, and it only serves to annoy you more.
You pull yourself away, shooting him a glare. “You—”
Yoongi merely shrugs, tucking his hands inside the pocket of his slacks. “You asked for it.”
“You are the most frustrating man I have ever encountered, and—” You take a deep breath to calm yourself. “And, I’m leaving.”
There’s really no other man than Yoongi who seems to bring you bad luck, you conclude. Just as you swing the door open—a bit too harsh—one of your coworkers, who’s standing right behind it, jolts in surprise before she slips on her footing and falls on the stairs.
“Shit!” You scramble after her. “Aeri, are you okay?”
Aeri groans in pain. “I think I hurt my leg.”
Various curses spill from your lips as you assess her injury. “I’m so sorry,” you mumble, helping her up and down the stairs. “I’ll take you to the infirmary.”
Yoongi watches you silently for a moment before you go out of sight, and his gaze trails downward to see your bag on the bottom of the stairs.
“Y/N, I told you I’ll be fine,” Aeri reassures you for the fifth time now. You pace back and forth across the room, glancing at her as the doctor finishes treating it. “It’s just a sprain.”
“But still…” You sigh in defeat, plopping down on the chair beside the hospital bed. “I am so sorry… I should’ve been more careful.”
Aeri shakes her head. “Nonsense. I should be the one careful. I just have a lot in mind.”
Your brows are drawing together in confusion. “Is everything alright? Aside from, uh, your sprained ankle.” Aeri sighs as she takes out her phone and shows you the screen. Once you read the bold letters, your mouth hangs agape. “You’re the Santa Claus for this year?”
She nods, head hanging low. “I don’t know where to begin, honestly. You know how swamped with work we are at the moment. And, I’ve been having so much headache these days. I’m so worried I’ll fail and embarrass myself—”
Right, since she’s also from the human resource department, much work needs to be done. Aeri visibly grows more agitated as she rambles on while fiddling with her fingers. Seeing her in such a state makes you feel sorry. Thus, words fly out of your mouth before you can think twice. “I can help.”
“Huh?” She blinks as if still processing your words. But her eyes brighten up immediately at your offer. “I… Really?”
One thing for sure, you are a really nice person, and you can’t find yourself to say take back your offer—at least, not after being the main reason why she ends up like this in the first place.
“Yeah, of course!” You answer with maybe too much enthusiasm. “Your health is your priority, Aeri. You should focus on getting better, and I can—”
As if the burden of carrying the whole world has been lifted off her shoulders, she lets out a long relieved sigh. She takes your hand between hers, clasping it in a tight hold. “Thank you... You don’t know how much your help means to me. Thank you so much for being Santa for me! I’ll leave the party to you!”
Despair. So much despair. You have never felt so much despair before.
Dragging yourself back to your cubicle, you plop down onto your chair like the walking dead, earning curious glances from your coworkers. They must be wondering where the chirpy team leader went. It wasn’t more than two hours ago—you were heading for the rooftop for a hearty lunch with Jungkook. And it should’ve put you in a good mood because good food equals a good mood. You put your head between your hands, letting out a groan.
Where did it all go wrong today? Why did you have to offer help? How on earth do you end up being Santa?
You were sure today was a good day at work. Shit, maybe you shouldn’t have utter it out loud, and now, you jinxed yourself. Hence, now in a cranky mood, you force yourself to work, taking your mind off what happened earlier. And—
My bag!
With another heavy sigh, you head back towards the rooftop’s staircase. You climb up and down, checking if there’s any discarded bag, but find none. Now, where the hell did it go? Your mind reels for a moment, and you pause at the possible answer to your missing bag.
Min Yoongi.
The frustration builds up as you stomp your way down to his office, located just a floor above yours. When the elevator door opens, your legs take you through a familiar pathway. Your gaze zeroes in on a tuft of dark hair through the transparent wall divider through the opened blinds. As you are about to knock at his door, he peeks up from behind his computer and motions for you to enter.
“Took you quite a while to get here,” he states, standing up from his seat and handing your bag to you.
You narrow your gaze at the bag then to his face, taking the bag hesitantly. “What is up?”
“Huh?” He raises a brow. “What is up?”
Scrunching your face in a scowl, you cross your arms. “What’s the catch? Did you do something? You just gave me my bag so easily.”
“Oh,” he says, turning around to his desk and grasping a new drink. “Just want to give you this. It’s—” He reads the words written in black marker on the cup. “—caramel macchiato with extra caramel drizzle. Your favourite, isn’t it?”
“That’s... For me?” You regard him incredulously, pointing to yourself.
He nods slowly—almost sheepishly or guiltily? “You look in need of a little pick-me-up. So, I bought this just now….”
You blink once, then twice. What you expected was Yoongi giving you a much harder time, demanding for you to return the favour by requesting something utterly ridiculous like always. But this—giving you a cup of your favourite drink—is the last thing you’d expect from him.
“Yoongi, what exactly do you want?” You ask, now with the drink in hand, taking a sip of it slowly.
“Geez, can’t a guy buy you coffee?” He crosses his arms.
“Yes, but not you. You want something,” you quip as Yoongi’s gaze drops to the floor. “Look, whatever you want, say it now so I can return the favour, and we can go back to never having to talk to each other again.”
“I never—” he sighs defeatedly. “There’s nothing I want.”
You don’t believe his words. Yoongi always has a motive when he does something. But you don’t want to spend any more time on this floor. So, you straighten your back, looking him in the eye. “Alright then, I gave you your chance for a favour. I don’t owe you anything.”
Then you head out of his office, never once looking back. Little do you know, a gaze full of longing follows you until you disappear out of sight.
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Your keyboard clicking fills the silence of the dark office. It’s been half an hour since one of the interns left, after offering to get you coffee, but he’s still not back yet. Glancing momentarily at the time on the lower screen, you lean back on your leather chair after finishing the last sentence of your report and raise your arms, stretching your back before moving your head to the right shoulder and then to the left. Then your gaze falls at the opened folder filled with papers—lists—of venues. There is still a Christmas party to organise. Yet, your current task proves to be more difficult than you anticipated.
Your attention falls on your buzzing phone with the screen lighting up, showing a message from your mother. Curiosity starts to make itself known as you read the message.
[ 7:44 PM ] Mom: I’ll be visiting you on Christmas along with your father. We’ll have dinner at your place.
Usually, you’ll be the one visiting your home country to see your parents. But this time, they’ll visit you, which can only mean one thing—they’re on a mission that involves you.
[ 7:47 PM ] You: I’m busy, Mom. I’m planning this year’s Christmas event.
[ 7:47 PM ] Mom: I see. Then we’ll have dinner during New Year’s Eve.
Of course, your mother would not take ‘no’ for an answer. But the way she sounds insistent only drives your guess correct. Something is going on.
Before working in your current company and living your own life, your life was set in stone. You grew up in a family of chefs, owning their own chain of fine dining restaurants, and ever since you reached the age of five, you have been taught how to cook. Everything has been clear—who you’ll be, what you’ll do, and when you’ll take those responsibilities—and you came to realise that your heart does not lie in cooking and tasting food. Instead, it yearns for something else. However, that wasn’t possible to pursue if you stayed with your parents and the expectations they put on you.
So, you did the unthinkable and decided to go overseas to build a name for yourself somewhere no one really knows about your family background. It took months of debate and lots of discussion with your parents to let you go. Now, here you are working in a pharmaceutical company in their Human Resource department.
The first few visits to see your parents, they’d merely shake their heads since you weren’t doing anything impressive. Just doing a regular office job with a salary that barely covers your rent. Little did they know, it gave you much more excitement and meaning because you’ll never know where you’ll end up. Nothing was served on a silver platter like how you were used to in your younger days. So, the result of your efforts and hard work is all the more satisfying.
Lost in your own thoughts, another buzz of your phone snaps you back into reality. You sigh when you check the time, and stand up from your seat to get your coffee on your own. When you step out of your cubicle, a familiar figure walks into the room. You had to blink a few times to make sure Yoongi holding a cup of coffee isn’t a figment of your imagination.
“Um, this is your coffee.” Yoongi hands you your coffee awkwardly. “The intern told me this was for you and—”
You send him an odd look momentarily, taking the cup from his hand. “Thanks.”
A week passes by quickly ever since your lunch with Jungkook and Yoongi. You haven’t seen the latter ever since besides catching a glimpse of him when you’re eating your lunch in the cafeteria, going down through the elevator, or arriving in the lobby.
“I, uh, want to see how you’re doing,” Yoongi manages to say as he glances at your messy desk. “Hope work isn’t too overwhelming?”
“I’m doing great. Nothing I can’t handle,” you respond bitterly. “If that’s all, thank you for the coffee. You can leave me—”
“You’re Santa?”
Shit. You turn to see your desk, and your gaze falls on the opened folder, revealing the list of venues you still have yet to give a call.
“I thought Jungkook said none of us in the group are Santa this year.”
“Well, things happened, and I became Santa. So, please, just leave and let me continue my work.”
He ignores your words, pressing on. “Who’s your partner?”
“None of your concern—”
“I can help.”
“—and I can—” You falter. “Wait, what?”
“I want to help you,” he repeats, eyes now settling on yours.
Taking a sip of your coffee, you observe his expression, weighing if he’s being sincere or not. “And why would you want to help me?”
“You have a lot on your plate right now,” he says quickly. “And I can see dark circles below your eyes even in this dim lighting.” You glare at him as he makes another point. “No one knows you’re Santa, right? I can be the elf or whatever you call the partner in this.” He stares at the folder behind you.
Now, he is being entirely suspicious. Why is he so insistent on helping you when he hates your guts? Is this an evil scheme he’s planning to embarrass you in front of your coworkers during the party?
“Don’t you have other more important things to do too?” you huff in annoyance. “And, too bad. I already have a partner.”
He raises a brow in mild surprise, crossing his arms. “Really? And who might that be?”
“None of your business.”
He remarks, “Now you’re just bluffing.”
“I’m not,” you hiss.
“You are.”
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
“This is ridiculous,” you turn away from him.
“As ridiculous as you not accepting my help,” he shoots back, amusement lighting up his eyes.
“Again, why would you want to help me plan a Christmas party?”
Yoongi still presses on. “Don’t you need all the help you can get? And if you have a partner who is—”
“Aeri,” you cut him off and let out a deep sigh.
It takes a few moments before the name registers inside Yoongi’s mind. “The one who fell down the stairs?”
“Yeah,” you sigh again. “She was supposed to be Santa—” You clamp your mouth shut with your hand, gaze widening at the slipup.
“She is supposed to be Santa? Then why do you have the list of venues with you?” Yoongi’s gaze narrows in suspicion. “It’s not making any sense because you clearly have a lot of things to do. Unless she hit her head. Did she—?”
You shake your head. “It’s nothing like that. She just sprained her ankle and is focusing on her recovery. It was my fault that she ended up in that state, so—”
“So… You step up instantly to take that role?” Yoongi asks almost disbelievingly.
Nodding slowly, you avert your gaze away. Chocolate orbs regarding you so intensely that you instinctively hold your breath. Yoongi then lets out a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose before chuckling in disbelief. “God, after all this time, you still haven’t changed at all.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” You narrow your eyes at him.
“It means you have to stop letting people take advantage of you, Y/N,” Yoongi exhales. “And it’s been like three weeks since they announced Santa. Does Aeri have anything planned already?”
“Excuse me? Aeri injured her ankle, and—” You go silent for a moment. “—and, no, there’s nothing planned yet, she said.”
“Does it occur to you that it’s her ankle broken, not her head?” Yoongi cuts you off, ranting your ear off.
“It’s a sprained ankle. She didn’t fracture—”
“Even more terrible of her to not assist you at all in this! She still can make phone calls. Hell, she should have found a venue already or at least a plan for the party! For fuck’s sake, at least she could’ve done something instead of shoving everything in your hands.”
It goes silent for a moment as his words sink in.
“Ah… You’re right,” you respond nonchalantly.
“How the hell can you not see that—wait,” Yoongi furrows his brows. “Did I hear that right? Did you just say I’m right?”
“Don’t get used to it.” You grumble, settling the coffee cup on your desk, then your hands on the top of your chair’s backrest, drumming your fingers against the leather. Your eyes fall onto the folder, then the dim screen of your laptop.
“So, will you let me help?”
You turn your head to scrutinise him. “Sorry, but I’m just not entirely convinced by this charade you’re doing. Do you expect me to believe you’d help me after what you’ve done the past few months?” Before he can respond, you continue to rattle off, “You did nothing but made my days a living hell for months. Then you spent the rest of the year until now jabbing and provoking me, which I say is an abuse of power as one of my higher-ups. So, sue me for being cautious.”
“That’s… a good point.” Yoongi purses his lips. “Look, I know you don’t trust me, but I do have my reasons, and I didn’t provoke you too badly—”
“You literally put cupcakes on my desk every single day for an entire month.”
“That’s not—”
“I hate cupcakes. And you know that!”
“I do not,” Yoongi defends himself. “Besides, you ended up sharing those cupcakes anyway. You shared happiness with others.”
You seethe, “Until my whole department is sick of them!”
“That’s why Jungkook helped to share it with his whole department too,” Yoongi shrugs.
At this rate, your veins would pop in any second if you don’t stop this conversation. But there is no stopping Yoongi until he gets what he wants. “You have the privilege to not involve yourself in these kinds of things as a general manager. So, why add more work for yourself?”
“I was the one who found out you’re Santa. You look like you need all the help you can get. Plus, no rule says managers can’t help with the event,” Yoongi lists, counting the points he made with his fingers.
There is truth in his words—still so much to be done. Despite what has happened, you do work well together with Yoongi if it’s necessary. Letting out another sigh, you turn to him. “Alright—” His gaze widens. “—you can help me and be the Krampus.”
Then confusion paints his expression. “I thought Santa’s partner was an elf.”
You shake your head. “Elf doesn’t suit you. Krampus does. So, take it or leave it.”
Yoongi holds your stare in disagreement while you have no problem challenging him in an impromptu staring contest. It goes on for a minute or two before Yoongi sighs, pouting. He mumbles under his breath. “Fine.”
“Glad we can come into an agreement.” A smirk forms on your lips. You extend your hand, and he takes it. “I will let you know once I’ve secured the venue for the party. Then we can discuss the themes and ideas of the party we have in mind.”
“Sounds good,” he nods, barely stifling his growing smile. “I’ll head home now. Make sure to not overwork yourself. You always tend to do that.”
“Don’t patronise me. We may be working together, but that does not mean we’re back being friends.” You cross your arms, scowling.
And the man has the nerve to laugh at your reaction, clearly amused. “Geez, I’m not. And I’ll keep that in mind.”
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“Unfortunately, our venue has been booked for the rest of the month. We are sorry to inform you that it won’t be possible to hold your party on the date you’ve requested.”
“I understand,” you answer, tightening your hold on your pencil. Once you end the call, you let out a frustrated groan before crossing off the last venue on your list.
How is it that all these venues were still available a week ago, and now everything’s fully booked? You’ve prepared twenty possible venues and twenty more backup venues. But you supposed since it’s that busy time of the year.
You lean against the wall of the rooftop, thankfully secluded. If anyone finds out that you’re Santa, the company may have to take action, and probably you have to kiss your promotion goodbye for not being responsible enough and—
“No luck?”
“Shit!” You jolt, turning your head quickly to see Yoongi at your side. “You scared me. When did you get here? And yeah, all the venues have been booked.”
Yoongi stares at you, unamused. “Fifteen minutes ago when you’re too preoccupied with rattling off someone’s ear.”
“I wasn’t rattling—”
“You scolded the person on the phone,” Yoongi drawls. “What was that again? Oh, you said, ‘You should be ashamed of yourself! How do you keep your business running if you’re so disorganised?’ and something else about bad reception, which I guess is a poor excuse made by that person for you to end the call as soon as possible.”
“I forgot how mouthful you can be,” you grumble. With a sigh, you unlock your phone again.
“What are you doing?” Yoongi steps closer to see your screen.
“In search of event venues,” you respond, typing on Google’s search bar.
“You know...” Yoongi starts, glancing away. “I think I can secure a venue if you’d like.”
Brows furrowing, you look up from your phone to him. “Why didn’t you say that earlier?”
“No offence, but you wouldn’t accept my help until you’ve reached the last possibility.”
“Well, you’re not wrong,” you admit, looking away from him. “You know, come to think of it, you still hadn’t answered me the other day. Why did you want to help me in the first place? What is the real reason? Don’t even think about giving me the same answer. I can smell bullshit easily.” You shoot him a brief look. “But you’ve been… Tolerable these days compared to the last few months.”
Yoongi blinks at your sudden question. Various emotions swim inside his chocolate eyes, regarding you with something that you can’t seem to identify. His shoulders droop slightly as a heavy sigh escapes his lips. “Do you want the truth?”
You nod.
“I… I just missed you.” Your stare widens as you snap your head to look at him, mouth falls agape. He continues, “I miss my best friend. I don’t exactly know how to get you to talk to me again. Like I get why you were ignoring me, you needed space, but after months—and now, almost a year—it’s hard to pretend it doesn’t affect me, Y/N.”
“I don’t know what to say….”
“You don’t have to say anything,” he assures you. “I just want to apologise for being an ass. I did what I thought would get you to at least glance my way now and then, like how that guy from marketing did it.”
“You know I have already forgotten his name,” you sigh. “Even though that prick pushes my buttons almost every single day.”
“Exactly,” Yoongi snaps his fingers. “Even though you don’t remember his name, you still remember him.” You pinch the bridge of your nose, letting out a sigh. Yoongi’s voice softens, “I know it sounds stupid. But if I didn’t do anything, you wouldn’t acknowledge my existence. I’m trying, Y/N. I really miss us...”
His words cause your mind to run a mile a minute as it sinks in. Your emotions are running havoc like, what are you supposed to feel now?
Seemingly sensing your confusion, Yoongi interrupts your thoughts. “Look, again, you don’t have to say anything until you’re ready. But for now… Truce?” He stretches his hand towards you.
Letting out a breath you’ve held, you take his hand in yours. “Truce.”
Yoongi smiles—fuck, that gummy smile you have missed so much—at your truce. “I’ll let you know as soon as I secure the venue.”
And boy, did he find a venue way faster than you’d expect. That weekend—just three days after your truce—Yoongi brings you to the venue he booked. When you arrive at the place, you gape at the so-called venue. “No, you’re kidding me. How on earth do you even find this place?”
Yoongi merely shrugs. “I happen to know the owner of this mansion, and they haven’t stayed here for so long. So, they’ve been renting this space for events.”
You stay silent, staring at the beautiful intricate architecture of the place. The ballroom is exquisite, painted in a palette of white and gold with other splashes of colours from the light that reflects from the chandelier. The awe on your face, however, gradually dims as the fear of failing in holding an event on such a large scale and little time enters your mind. It would take weeks or even months to organise the event here. And you only have two weeks.
“Hey,” he nudges your arm gently. “What’s wrong? Talk to me.”
“Yoongi, I…” you falter, shaking your head. Now is not the time to be pessimistic, you remind yourself. “Thank you.”
He regards you for a moment with an unreadable stare before he nods with a slight smile on his face. “No problem. Now, we can start planning the party. The themes and all that.”
The fear creeps inside you once more, and you finally decide to voice it out. “Do you think we’ll be able to get everything done?”
“Of course,” he answers with no hesitance. “You’re always capable of managing everything so well even when you overthink a lot.”
He shushes you—placing his pointer finger on your lips—while shaking his head. “No buts. Just focus on what you should do now. And you have me. Let me know all the things needed to be done, and we go through it—together.”
Silence envelopes the room; you stare at him, wide-eyed and heart thundering against your chest at the close proximity between the two of you. Yoongi, however, drops his gaze to your lips, and he can’t help but notice how soft it is. Before his thoughts stray further, you pull away from him, clearing your throat. “Okay, then let’s get to work.”
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Yoongi never expects the chance to talk, let alone work with you after the incident on last year's Christmas. You avoided him like the plague ever since then, blatantly ignoring his existence. Usual lunch gatherings with you, Seokjin and Jungkook, have long stopped since you were adamant about not seeing him any longer. But today, your appearance in front of his office door catches him by surprise as you invite him for lunch.
It will be a lie if Yoongi does not hope to mend your broken friendship. You both find yourselves sitting on one of the empty tables of the employees’ cafeteria. Then you hand him a to-do list you have prepared for the party preparation over the weekend. “This is the list of things we need to do,” you state.
“Always the organised one.” Yoongi chuckles as he skims through the list: meetings with a catering company, florist, patissier—the list goes on. “So, I suppose we needed to take a day off to visit these stores?”
You shake your head. “There’s no need to do so. Speaking of which, are you free after work this Friday?”
Yoongi raises a brow at your sudden question, ignoring the sudden thud of his heart. “I should be. Why?”
“Great! We can visit the caterer after work this Friday. And how about Saturday? We might need the whole day to visit the shops. And meet the event organiser at the venue, so they have some ideas on how to decorate the place.”
Of course, it’s all business. Yoongi sighs internally but nods anyway. “Sounds like a plan.”
“Okay, I think that concludes our lunch meeting—” You make a move to stand up when Yoongi instinctively grasps your wrist, stopping you without thinking twice. Your confused stare has him panicking. What the hell am I doing?
“Uh, do you want to eat lunch together?” He manages to say without stuttering. “We still have half an hour.”
“Umm…” You blink, nodding hesitantly. “Sure. Might as well try that new menu I saw just now.”
Yoongi lets out a relieved sigh. Just as he’s about to ask what you want for lunch, a familiar voice calls out. “I thought my mind was playing tricks on me.” Seokjin plops down across from you.
Jungkook follows closely behind with a tray in hand. “You two finally made up?”
You must have been caught off-guard at their sudden appearance as you quickly hide the folder in your hands from their view. “Y-Yeah, we’re just catching up.”
Yoongi barely stifles a smile at your flustered state, especially since you must not disclose your Santa identity.
“About time,” Seokjin snorts, stealing a fry from Jungkook. “It’s so taxing to decide who to eat with every day. Now, we don’t have to choose who to eat lunch with when we can gather here together.”
The moment Seokjin finishes uttering that sentence, a strained smile etches upon your face as you nod slowly, causing Yoongi to sigh internally. Maybe it’s still a long way to go for you to forgive him fully after what he has done to you. But Yoongi knows he deserves this.
Climbing out of the car, the cold weather greets you with a gush of wind on your face. You let out an irritated grunt, clutching your thick padded jacket tighter to your body as Yoongi turns off his car’s engine. The sky has started to darken, the sun slowly sinking into the horizon—an indication of a day’s ending—and you want nothing more than to go back home and sleep.
The whole day has been tiring. One of the main causes of this is the man standing beside you at the moment, peering into the store in curiosity. Okay, maybe it’s not entirely his fault for keeping your overthinking mind up all night. But it’s still his fault for visiting you yesterday in your cubicle.
You were working late to finish finalising the evaluation report when he crept up to you. “What are you working on?”
You cursed out loud, turning to him from your laptop screen so quickly with a glare. “How many times do I have to tell you not to do that? Should my fist do the talking next time?”
Yoongi shrugged at your threat and dragged a chair from the cubicle beside yours, settling it right next to you. “So, is there anything else we should discuss about the party?”
Brows furrowing, you grabbed your phone and viewed the list. Mindlessly, you scrolled through the checklist. “I think everything’s done? Besides the food testing, which is tomorrow. And the meetings with the florist, event organiser—” You list on. “—to make sure that everything’s just as we requested.”
“Hmm, how ’bout work? Are you done with your evaluation reports?”
His question caught you off-guard, but you stayed composed nonetheless. “Almost.”
“I knew you could do it,” he chuckled, leaning back onto the chair. “You have great time management as always. One of the things I admire about you.”
The scene replayed over and over in your head—his gentle smile and those sweet words dripping from his lips—sending your heart into overdrive no matter how much you’d like to ignore it. Burying your face on your pillow, a frustrated grunt slipped past your lips. The feelings you have long buried threatened to resurface once more, drowning you in confusion and keeping you awake the whole night.
Hence, you barely made it through the day, and now, you still have things to do with him. Stepping inside the catering shop, the shopkeeper greets you both. “Welcome. Have you made an appointment for the food tasting?”
“Yes, I booked under the name Min Yoongi,” you tell her, earning a questioning look from Yoongi, to which you respond with a shrug.
“Oh! I see.” Her eyes widen in recognition. “We’ve been expecting you.”
Then she goes behind the counter and lifts up the lid of the trays behind the display glass. Your mouth waters at the variety of meals prepared as the appetising smell wafts into your nostrils. The fatigue weighing on you begins to fade away as you smile giddily when the seller beckons you to choose whichever food you’d like to try. You mention all the ones that catch your eye the moment it’s presented.
Yoongi lets out an amused chuckle. “I almost forgot how much of a foodie you are.”
“What?” You question him, retracting your palms away from the glass display.
“It’s just so entertaining to see you this way,” he comments.
“Okay, you’re teasing me,” you huff, crossing your arms.
“But that’s alright. It’s cute.”
It’s what?
You stare at him, flabbergasted. “Did you just—”
“Here’s the food,” the seller chirps, handing the food-filled plate to you. “Sorry for the wait.”
You decide not to dwell on the thought much longer, bringing the food into your mouth. The burst of flavours envelopes your taste buds as you let out a satisfied hum.
“Is it that good?” Yoongi raises a questioning brow.
You nod enthusiastically, offering him a piece. “We should definitely include this one.”
He takes a bite without much thought. It’s considered normal between the two of you to feed each other, but to others, you should have reminded yourself that it wasn’t.
“You both are such a lovely couple. When is the wedding?” The seller gushes at you and Yoongi. Then you both freeze as realisation dawns on you.
“Um, thanks.” Yoongi takes the remaining finger sandwich from your hand, stepping away. “But we’re not a couple. This is for a company event.”
You nod in agreement slowly, ignoring the sudden tinge of disappointment blooming in your chest despite the truth.
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” the seller apologises, flustered. “I didn’t mean—”
“It’s fine,” you cut her off before changing the subject. “Are there any other flavours for the sandwiches?”
“Yes! We have…” She lists the variety of flavours, and it takes effort for you to keep up with her and not show that you’re affected.
You have moved on anyway, and you shouldn’t dwell in the past.
The very next day, Yoongi offers to pick you up from your apartment. He waits for you in your apartment lobby, donning a fashionable winter outfit you swore you’ve seen in a fashion magazine somewhere. The fact that he looks absolutely handsome doesn’t help your heart at all. When he notices you, a gummy smile appears on his face at once.
“Hey, did you wait long?” You ask, almost breathlessly.
He shakes his head. “Nah, I just arrived.” Pausing, he glances around the lobby. “It’s been quite a while since I’ve been here.”
Usually, Yoongi would frequent your place binging tv shows or even just to hang out. Sometimes, Jungkook and Seokjin would come along as well.
“Yeah, it’s been a while….” You repeat his words before clearing your throat. “Shall we go now? I’ve set up appointments for today’s meetings.”
“Right,” Yoongi mutters. He leads you to where he parked his car, letting you climb into it first before he walks around to the driver’s seat and starts the car. You wait for the car’s heater to blow out warm air, rubbing your palms together.
Yoongi glances in your direction, tuning the heater to blow in your direction with one hand as the other stays on the wheel. A satisfied sigh escapes you briefly before you mutter a quiet ‘thanks’ to him.
It will be a lie if you say your heart didn’t beat a tad faster at his gesture. One of the reasons why you fell for him is his attentive manners—something you don’t commonly find in men these days. It reminds you of the days when he was your support system—where he knew when you had needed the help—and you were his.
…Or at least, you thought you were. Clearly, you misinterpret his intentions as something more. Until you had to face the cold truth.
You stare out the window, watching the snow cascade down slowly into the growing white ground. The road you’re passing looks vaguely familiar, and realisation falls upon you when you pass by a particular antique shop.
Ah… The antique shop.
The universe must love playing tricks on you so much lately. You can’t believe the coincidence to reminisce about the sad incident last year when the main reason for the incident is beside you at the moment.
You bought a snow globe from that antique shop for Yoongi last year as a present. With hopefulness blooming in your chest and Seokjin’s full approval to “go for it”, you had given the gift to him privately in the balcony of the hotel where last year’s company’s Christmas event was held.
Excitement bubbled inside you as Yoongi unwrapped the present with so much care and the joy that lit up his eyes when he took a long look at the snow globe.
“I… Wow, thank you so much, Y/N. I love it.” He could barely take his eyes off it.
“Well, you better!” you tease in an attempt to hide your growing embarrassment. “It’s a one-of-a-kind. I had it customised just for you.”
“Okay, now that makes me feel even more special,” Yoongi laughs.
“… You are,” you blurt out. His eyes snap to you at your words. Taking a deep breath, you mustered all the courage you could get and looked him in the eye. “Yoongs, you are special to me. Even more, than you can ever imagine. You are my best friend, my number one supporter, and someone who’d always have my back. I love you.” You confessed. “I’m in love with you.”
Somehow the joy you were expecting to lighten his gaze more wasn’t found. Instead, there was uncertainty, confusion, and… sadness. As quick as lightning, your hope dwindled before a heavy aching weight settled in your chest.
“Y/N…” Yoongi starts. “Thank you. But, I’m sorry. I can’t be more than friends with you.”
You thought you could actually hear your heart shattered into pieces. You blinked back tears as your throat started to close up. Swallowing the lump down your throat, you managed to say, “I-It’s okay. I understand.”
And that, you thought, marked the ending of your friendship until he tried to talk to you again after giving you space for two weeks. Not wanting to lose your best friend, you tried to respond to him as if nothing had happened. As if he didn’t break your heart. That went on for a month.
You were still barely holding it together when you visited his office to return the pen you borrowed. Yoongi wasn’t there, but his desk was a mess and papers were scattered on the floor. You decided to pick those papers up when your gaze landed on his trash can to find the snow globe you gifted him, broken and discarded.
And at that moment, you knew you can’t be friends with him anymore and act as if nothing happened. So, you told him that you couldn’t keep the act up any longer and cut him out of your life, nursing your broken heart.
The pain from your nails digging into your palms in clenched fists brings your thoughts back to reality. Yoongi remains focused on driving, humming a soft tune to whatever song is playing on the radio. It’s easy to forget the things that happened in his presence. After all, it has been one of the sources of comfort for you all these years. But you shouldn’t let yourself fall for him again.
And the only solution to this is after the Christmas event ends, you and Yoongi should go back to being strangers. He might not agree to it at first, but if you can convince him it’s what you want, what you need, you know that he’ll understand.
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It’s odd, really.
Ever since you climbed out of his car to the flower shop earlier, you have been in full work mode. After arriving at the mansion, you are busy talking to the event organiser, discussing the decorations of the venue and the itineraries for the event. Yoongi has never been the type of person to idle and watch someone else as they work. But something about you—so focused on your task—catches his attention.
Yoongi has to admit, he wants nothing more than to have his best friend back. The moment he got the opportunity to do so, he seized it. Hence, it’s why he was so insistent on helping you. But as far as it goes, he still has yet to earn your forgiveness and let you warm up to him again.
And without him realising, he’s still staring at you when he’s supposed to go over the checklist until his phone rings, snapping him out of his thoughts.
“Yoongi,” his father starts. “Come by the house tonight for dinner.”
Yoongi briefly checks his watch. “I might be late.”
“Busy day?”
“Yeah, I’m helping with this year’s Christmas event. It’s only a little more than a week away.”
His father stays silent for a moment before he continues, “That’s new. I thought you weren’t chosen.”
“Things came up, and I decided to help with this year’s,” Yoongi answers easily.
His father lets out a hum. “Alright, but make sure it doesn’t interfere with your own responsibilities. I’m sending you a document to look over.”
“M’kay, I’ll take a look at it.”
“Make sure you do before Monday’s meeting. You are to take over my position soon, and I expect everything will go smoothly.”
“Got it.”
After exchanging a few more words, his dad ends the call. Yoongi spares a glance at you again. You are also on the phone with someone before he averts his gaze to his phone screen.
He can’t help but wonder how you would react to him taking over his dad’s position. It’s no secret among the employees that Yoongi is the CEO’s son. But you had never once questioned him about it nor pry to find out more about his family. This status has had him underestimated by many. Over time, he has proved that it’s not his family connection that led him to his current position but his own capabilities. However, there were also times when people would find ways to butter him up. The more it happened, the more Yoongi kept his distance from the other workers, driving a wedge between them.
It’s also the reason why Yoongi has never been interested in pursuing a relationship. Thus, his parents were the ones who would find potential partners for him, and he would go to meaningless dates that they set up. This has happened for a few years already, ever since he was set to take over his family’s company. And never Yoongi thought it would bother him until he got to know you. In all honesty, Yoongi isn’t the type to believe in soulmates; no, not at all. But meeting you almost had him believing in them.
When you first began working in the company, there were times when those who worked for longer than you would attempt to pin their mistakes on you, and you refused to have any of it. Yoongi was never the type to notice someone “new” so quickly. However, once it nearly got out of hand that you trudged into his office with confidence to settle the matters. Whether it’s because of his distant attitude or his family connection, only a few would dare to confront him head-on like you.
You had a lot of guts. That was his first impression when you said your claim to prove your innocence. Since then, Yoongi seemed to notice your presence if you were in the same room as him. Fate must have been smiling down upon him when he saw that Seokjin and Jungkook (his closest friends) had befriended you. It made it easier for him to approach you, and as time passed, he realised that your assertive personality drew him like a moth to a flame.
Gradually, those meaningless dates his parents set up for him with potential suitors evoked a sense of longing in him. And it wasn’t long until Yoongi wished that he was with you, driving him to skip a few dates without his parents knowing just to spend time with you.
Yoongi reads the document his father just sent him, and one particular detail catches his attention. There’s another potential partnership for the company that his father failed to mention earlier on the phone. A sense of deja vu washes over him as his mind slowly drifts to what happened a year ago when his father planned a partnership with another company.
Eventually, his parents did find out that he has been skipping on the dates. So, last year, his parents had pushed through the usual line since Yoongi’s “promotion” has gotten closer. And without him knowing until it’s too late, they had set up an engagement…
...which also led him to break your heart last Christmas.
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To say that you’re panicking would be an understatement. You are stressed to the point that you had a dream—no, nightmare—that the party has become a massive failure, and your coworkers were laughing at you.
It’s a quarter past three in the morning, and your heart pounds against your chest as you take in deep breaths to calm yourself. You glance at your bedside table to find your water pitcher empty. Sighing, you climb out of bed, taking your glass and pitcher with you to your kitchen. You fill the electric kettle, flicking its button downward to let it boil the water. As you wait, your mind gradually drifts, recalling what has happened these past few weeks.
Nothing has changed drastically. Aside from the fact Yoongi has been chirpy these days—a striking contrast from his usual demeanour—around you. You’ve been keeping, well trying, to keep your distance from him. But it’s hard to do so when Seokjin and Jungkook are also involved, both looking incredibly relieved and happy that you and Yoongi ‘made up’. So, you’d agree only to lunch hangouts with them.
And again, you should have known better since Yoongi has somehow always managed to find excuses to spend time with you. He doesn’t necessarily invite you out, but he’d almost stop by your cubicle whenever he could. And you have known him long enough to know he’d like to make up for the lost time. You have a keen sense when it comes to these kinds of things.  
The sound of your kettle beeping snaps you back to reality. Gingerly, you pour the hot water into your mug and your water pitcher before heading back to your bedroom and place it on your bedside table. You watch the steam waft upward and stare out your frosted window while you wait for it to cool down.
This persistent side of him is certainly new. And you can’t say you hate it entirely. But it does make things harder for you, especially to keep your distance.
Your phone suddenly lights up, and you glance at the screen.
[ 3:23 AM ] Yoongi: u up?
Speak of the devil...
You pick up your phone and reply to him.
[ 3:24 AM ] You: yeah
[ 3:24 AM ] Yoongi: cant sleep?
[ 3:24 AM ] You: I did sleep for a bit
[ 3:24 AM ] Yoongi: i see...
[ 3:25 AM ] Yoongi: mind if i call for a bit?
[ 3:25 AM ] You: not at all
The next second after your response, Yoongi’s name pops on your screen.
“Hello?” His voice is calm, soothing even.
“Hey, what’s up?” You manage to say.
“Just want to check up on you,” Yoongi replies.
Your mind goes blank for a moment, mouth gaping like a fish until you find the proper response. “Um... I’m managing. You know how I am...”
“I can tell just from the sound of your voice,” he chuckles. “Do you know how stressed Jungkook was last year?”
“Of course, he had to take the day off afterwards.”
Yoongi laughs at the memory. “It was so entertaining to see that. Especially when Jin was his partner.”
“God, I even remember how chaotic it was. Jin also brought an invention of his own. Do you remember? The claw thing where he said he stole it from a junkyard because of a dare.”
“How he made it come to life remains a mystery. But I suppose since it’s Jin we’re talking about. Nothing’s impossible if he puts his mind to it. And he had to choose last year’s party to present it.”
It was at a hotel’s ballroom when Seokjin made a grand entrance with that claw invention of his. The event commenced for at least half an hour already, but Seokjin being himself, insisted that he was fashionably late.
“Jungkook nearly throws a fit,” you recall the event and let out a burst of involuntary laughter, the tension in your posture loosen.
“...You finally laugh,” Yoongi comments, and you don’t need to see his face to hear the smile on his lips. “I’ve been wanting to hear it.”
You falter at his response, unsure of what to say. What’s with him, honestly? “Are you drunk?”
“You know I don’t drink on weekdays,” Yoongi chuckles.
“Yeah…” you trail off.
And surprisingly, at your lack of response, Yoongi continues to talk—from his day to yours, what he’s currently excited to watch, just about anything. Nostalgia comes to you in waves as this was something you had done frequently before the incident. You both would talk until dawn, and despite the lack of sleep, you wouldn’t feel as tired when you go to work.
Before you can realise, Yoongi draws you out again. Your conversation continues till it’s almost six in the morning when you stifle a yawn.
“Wow, I didn’t realise we talked for so long,” Yoongi comments. “We should rest now.”
“Yeah…” You mutter in agreement. “I’ll see you later?”
“See you soon, Y/N.”
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The party venue has been fully decorated in a palette of gold, red, green and white—like entering a new realm altogether. You were in awe at the moment when everything had been done, needing a few minutes to admire what had become of the venue.
You and Yoongi arrived three hours before the event to ensure everything is set and will run smoothly. Yet, time seems to fly so fast, and there’s an hour left before the party.
“Is that all?” Yoongi questions after checking the food on the grazing table.
You check your own task list and nod. “That’s all. Everything has been finalised.”
“Alright, get your bag.” Yoongi locks his phone and stuffs it in his pocket. “I’ll take you to one of the rooms to change.”
“Wait, are we even allowed to use the room?” You question. “Didn’t we rent only the ballroom?”
Yoongi nods reassuringly. “It’s fine. I’ve got it all covered. You can even roam around the mansion if you want.”
“Are you sure?” You raise a sceptical brow at him after grabbing your duffel bag.
“Geez, just trust me,” Yoongi reaches for your wrist. “Now, come on. We don’t have much time.” Without much thought, he leads you out of the ballroom with your free hand in his. Flustered, you make an attempt to free your hand from his grip, but Yoongi tightens his hold. “Don’t want you to get lost. It’s a pretty big place.” He holds your hand until you’ve reached what seems to be a guest room. “I’ll be in another room, at the end of the hallway.”
You nod and enter the spacious room. Gingerly, you place your gym bag on the couch and hang your carefully wrapped dress on the clothing rack.
It seems almost too surreal that Yoongi managed to book it so easily in days when you have scoured through every possible venue on the internet for weeks. How did you miss a beautiful place such as this one? Maybe you should explore other parts of the mansion a bit later on. After all, Yoongi said that this was a rental place.
Turning to your bag, you bring your make-up kit to the bathroom, unpacking them to place it neatly on the large marble table near the sink before you start to apply them. Once you’re satisfied with how you look, you unzip your garment bag on the rack, tugging the burgundy satin dress out.
The dress was given to you by your mother when she last visited you a few months ago. She has always adored how you look with long dresses, showing that you belong in the elite world. Your initial reaction was to not accept the gift since you have sworn to not take advantage of your family’s wealth. However, your mother has never taken ‘no’ for an answer as she has it delivered to your door the next day.
After trying on the dress for the first time, you let out a surprised exhale. You had to admit that your mother has a knack for choosing beautiful dresses, especially those that complement your figure well. The satin A-line skirt of your dress clings to your hips perfectly with a slit on one side that runs up till mid-thigh.
When you check your final appearance in the full-length mirror, you stare wide-eyed at yourself. You wonder if this person is who your parents have always wanted you to be. Someone whose career path is outstanding and impressive with a powerful family name backing you up.
But that person won’t be you, though. That was why you were determined to go out of your way and make a name for yourself without using the advantage of having your family name. And where you stand right now is all because of your own efforts and hard work. Slowly but surely, you’re becoming your own person. Something that you wished your parents would one day understand.
The sudden knock at your door and Yoongi’s voice snaps you out of your thoughts. “Y/N? You done changing?”
“Yeah,” you call out, striding out of the bathroom to open the door. Yoongi stands there in a suit, eyes widening at the sight of you. “Is it okay for me to leave my things here? I’ll retrieve it after the event.” But he remains silent, mouth agape. “Yoongi?”
“Do I really look weird in a dress?” You raise a brow at him.
“No,” Yoongi says almost too quickly before he looks away. “It’s just… A rare sight.”
“Uh-huh,” You mutter, ignoring the slight disappointment that he didn’t say anything else. “Then, is it okay if I leave my things here?”
“Uh, yes. Of course.” He scratches the back of his head. “We should go. Everyone should be arriving now.”
There are surprised gasps when your coworkers enter the ballroom of the mansion, all dressed formally according to the dress codes. You can barely hold your grin as you and Yoongi watch from a hidden corner, careful to not make your presence known to them.
“You did an amazing job organising this event in just two weeks.” Yoongi breaks the silence.
“We did well,” You correct him, looking him in the eye. “We both deserve the credit. I couldn’t have done it without you.”
Yoongi stares at you for a moment before a gentle smile appears on his face. Before he can say anything else, your conversation is interrupted by none other than Seokjin and Jungkook. The latter, somehow found you and Yoongi, comes barreling and tackles you into a hug. “Was it you this whole time?! Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Why didn’t I tell you what?”
“You’re Santa!” Jungkook exclaims.
“Chill, Jungkook, you’re gonna suffocate her.” Seokjin follows closely behind the younger one with a mysterious bag in hand. “But I must say, this is an incredible place you’ve found, Y/N.”
Jungkook adds, “How did you manage to get this place? This is nothing like I’ve ever seen!”
“You know I’m not supposed to talk about it.” You let out a ‘tsk’, pulling away from your friend’s oxygen-restricting hug. “Besides, I wasn’t originally chosen as Santa.” The look of confusion passes Jungkook and Seokjin’s face, but you respond with an “I’ll tell you later”. Then you point at Yoongi. “And the credit goes to him for finding this place. I don’t know how, but he’s the one who booked this place.”
“Yoongi, you’re the helper?” Seokjin questions, amusement clearly dancing in his gaze. “Did Y/N blackmail you into this?”
You scoff, crossing your arms. “As if. He insisted on helping when he found out I’m Santa—”
Instantly, Yoongi covers your mouth with his palm. “Okay, that’s enough story time for today.”
“You know I won’t forget this, right?” Seokjin muses. “Especially how this got you so red.”
Yoongi grumbles briefly under his breath that sounds like ‘why am I friends with them?’ before he speaks clearer, “We should gather with the others now. Save whatever this is for another day.”
“You guys go ahead,” Seokjin mutters, suspiciously holding Jungkook back by the suit. “Jungkook and I will join you later. And if you don’t mind—” Seokjin gaze falls on you. “—save me a dance perhaps? You look beautiful tonight, Y/N.”
“I didn’t know you could dress up so nicely.” Jungkook teases you, letting out a small whistle.
You shoot him a glare. “I can if I want to.”
“A rare sight to behold,” Seokjin chortles in amusement before going your separate ways.
Yoongi has grown noticeably quiet as you both head to the main area of the ballroom. Seokjin and Jungkook disappear into the corner, planning who knows what (probably which food to eat first since they’ve been eyeing the grazing table).
“Is something wrong?” You grab hold of his elbow. “You’ve grown quiet.”
“No, everything’s….” Yoongi stops momentarily as if something crosses his mind, and he blurts out, “Look, Y/N, there’s something—”
“Good evening, everyone!” A voice echoes through the room. The MC has taken the stage with a microphone in hand. “Thank you all for being here today for our annual Christmas celebration. Our Secret Santa has managed to organise such a wonderful party. They have made an itinerary for this evening before we reveal their identity. And now, please enjoy the rest of the evening!”
“Wow, I can’t believe our coworkers are actually dancing,” you muse. Your coworkers gather in pairs on the dance floor when the band starts to play music. Some also head around the food section to mingle.
“Um…” Yoongi scratches the back of his neck, facing you. “Would you like to dance? Jin isn’t here yet….”
Your eyes nearly pop out of its socket at his sudden request, and before you could think twice, you blurt out, “Sure.”
Yoongi’s shoulder slumps in relief and leads you to the dance floor. He puts one hand on your waist, and the other grasps for your hand. His familiar scent of fresh cologne wafts into your nostrils, and you stiffen when he pulls you closer. As a result, you accidentally step on him.
“I’m sorry—”
Yoongi chuckles, shaking his head. “It’s alright. Just follow my lead.”
In all honesty, Yoongi does not expect to find himself in this position—so close to you. You have been distant this whole time despite your truce; careful to not cross any lines beyond friends. You both haven’t been this close ever since… Well, forever.
The first and last of it was last year, a few weeks before Christmas, when he gave you a long hug in your apartment lobby. The day had grown late, and Yoongi needed to get back home. Sure, you both have been affectionate, but something about the hug was different that night.
Yoongi pulled you into his arms and lingered, lasting longer than the usual ones, almost as if it’s difficult to part ways. As he walked to his parked car with heavy steps, he also gave you lingering glances, looking behind to see you one last time before he climbed into his car and drove into the night.
“There’s something I must tell you….” Yoongi blurts out, earning your attention. You make an attempt to pull away from him, but he draws you closer, swaying in sync with the music.
“What is it?” You look him in the eye.
“I’m getting promoted.”
Your gaze widens at that. “That’s good news!”
“Not exactly…” Yoongi murmurs, earning a questioning glance from you. “I’m… I’ll be—” The CEO.
Somehow, it’s difficult for him to let those words out. So, he settles to say something less direct. He pulls you closer. “The new position I’ll take would have lots of overseas travels. I won’t be able to see you as much as before.”
Where is this sudden insecurity coming from? Yoongi wonders to himself. It shouldn’t be too hard for him to just spit it out. But the recurring thought of further driving a possible wedge between the two of you scares him. It’s not long since you’ve tried to tolerate his presence back in your life.
“You love travelling, don’t you?” You tilt your head slightly, staring into his coffee eyes. However, your gaze remains unreadable, locking away the possible answers that Yoongi is seeking.
“I do…”
It’s always been difficult for Yoongi to say the things about his feelings so outright. There are questions that he wants to ask and things he wants to say. That was why he was envious of how easy it was for Seokjin to compliment you and Yoongi was the one who saw you in your dress first.
You look breathtaking. Those words came into his mind instantly when you opened the door.
“You know, you haven’t changed at all either. You still overthink a lot. Even if we don’t get to see each other as much, there are still other ways to stay in contact.” You chuckle before falling silent for a moment as something seems to cross your mind. “...You can text or call me anytime too.”
“Even late at night?”
“How late?” You counter, raising a brow.
“Like at three.”
“Let me make myself clearer,” you clear your throat. “Except during ungodly hours.”
“You said anytime—”
“Well, yeah, you can text me any time, but I’ll probably answer it late,” you shoot back.
His lips curl into a small smile.
You are way more precious than he has ever let you know, which is why it’s both suffocating and liberating to be this close to you. Yoongi fears that you’d widen the distance between the two of you when he tells you of his new position. Being the CEO’s son has made many keep their distance from him, but now, what happens when he takes over the position? Maybe he is being selfish for not wanting to give up those lunch hangouts or any other times with you.
“So, I can’t really contact you during those hours. What if there’s an emergency?” Yoongi questions, tilting his head slightly.
“What emergency?”
“I need to choose a suit or something,” he states instantly. “You know, a fashion crisis.”
“Literally, I think you’re the last person who’d have a fashion crisis.” You sigh, shaking your head in exasperation but with a slight smile on your face. “I’d say your judgment is way more reliable than mine.”
He chuckles at your words. “Must be my lucky day to be complimented by you.”
“I don’t think it’s a big deal,” you defend yourself, scrunching your face adorably.
Yoongi lets out a ‘hmm…’ before he comes up with more ridiculous reasons that you nearly let out a bark of laughter at one point, but you stop yourself and settle for a quiet laugh.
“Okay, but what if I—” He stops as his eyes settle on someone behind you.
You turn to find Seokjin playfully bowing before extending his hand to you. “May I cut in?”
Yoongi tightens his grasp on yours for a moment, giving you a small smile before he lets go. “I’ll wait for you near the grazing table.”
Your gaze lingers on his back as he disappears into the crowd before turning to face Seokjin, who has a knowing smile on his face. “What?”
Seokjin pulls you close to him by the waist. “Does he know you still like him?”
You stumble on your footing, nearly fall on your butt in the middle of the ballroom if it wasn’t for Seokjin, who stabilises you again, barely stifling his laugh. You shoot him a glare. “I don’t like him that way anymore. I’ve moved on.”
“You both were literally in your own little world when you danced earlier. If I didn’t approach you, I just know that you won’t even notice me. And I grabbed everyone’s attention when I entered the ballroom.”
“We were having a conversation,” you say exasperatedly.
He snorts, still has a teasing smile on his face. “Whatever helps you sleep at night. Which is sad, really. I bet Yoongi feels the same way about you too.”
“That is bullshit,” you shake your head. “Yoongi never likes me that way, you know that.”
“Really?” Seokjin glances around the ballroom over your shoulder, stepping in sync with you. “Then why does he look like he’s gonna chop my head off earlier?”
“Now that’s a lie,” you state while Seokjin makes a face to come up with a response, but you continue. “Plus, I don’t think he would ever see me beyond friendship. He made it clear when—” Your voice nearly shakes. “—when he rejected me last year.”
“Listen, Y/N…” Seokjin begins. “I think there might be a reason why he rejected you. Have you ever once asked him?”
You shake your head. “Of course not. He already mentioned that he doesn’t see me as more than friends. I think that reason alone is enough. I’m not gonna embarrass myself further, Jin.”
“Try to ask him why,” Seokjin urges. “Yoongi would tell you anything.”
“That literally does not make sense after he had said that he doesn’t see me as more than friends,” you repeat, giving Seokjin a look.
“I know, I know,” he sighs. “But trust me. Just ask him why.”
You stare at his adamant gaze for a few moments before sighing. “And why should I ask him?”
“Excuse my bluntness, but clearly, you’re still not over him.” Seokjin points out. “It drives me and Jungkook nuts to see how dense both of you are when it comes to each other. How long are you going to tread lightly around each other?”
“Jin, I do not want to embarrass myself further.”
“You won’t. Plus, since you said you’ve moved on, don’t you at least deserve closure?”
You contemplate his words for a while. After the rejection at that time, you never asked why. It never really crosses your mind, actually. He stated that he doesn’t see you as more than friends; that is a valid reason. But Seokjin’s words do make sense. So, you mumble, “... I’ll think about it.”
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“Ladies and gentlemen! It’s the moment that you have been waiting for!” The MC announces on the stage with a smile. “It’s going to be a big reveal, especially since we have received so many satisfied comments for this year’s event!”
You let out a shaky breath, preparing to go up the stage when a tender hand gently grasps your shoulder. Turning around, Yoongi gives you an assuring nod with a warm smile. “Relax, there’s nothing to be worried about.”
His words bring comfort to you as your tensed shoulders ease under his touch. Yet, the moment you are about to step up the stairs leading to the stage, someone pushes past you. You recognise her as she hobbles to the stage with a crutch supporting her weight.
“What the hell is she doing up there?” Yoongi mutters to himself, flabbergasted.
You gape, watching her taking the microphone from the MC. The way she unashamedly introduces herself and taking all the credit for your hard work sparks anger inside your chest. Before you can think twice, you stride to the stage, already plastering an unruffled smile. There is no way you’re going to let someone else take credit for what you’ve done.
“I think there’s a mistake here,” you say calmly, sending a sharp glare to Aeri. “I was the one who took over her Santa role when she injured her ankle.”
And she has the nerve to bring up, “And who’s fault is that? I managed to arrange everything through phone calls in the hospital bed.”
“Uh…” The MC looks between the two of you. “If you can discuss this—”
“Okay, then what’s the name of the catering company we use?” You raise a challenging brow at her.
Her eyes grow wide at your sudden question, panic clear in her eyes. “U-Uh, didn’t you handle that part? You are my elf partner, after all.”
“Y/N,” the MC whispers to you. “Are you able to prove that you manage the event? The name I received is Aeri’s for this year’s Santa.”
You nod at her before turning to Aeri, who has a smug look on her face. “If you didn’t handle the catering company, then what do you handle?”
“Um,” she falters for a moment. “The venue.”
“Okay, then where do you find this venue?”
“It’s on the website!” Aeri says quickly, still scrolling through her phone. The rest of your coworkers watch in confusion and hush whispers.
You smile at her, almost too satisfied with a glint in your eyes, before turning to the MC. “I apologise for causing a ruckus on stage. But I didn’t find this venue on any website. My partner helped me find it.”
“Who is your partner?”
You glance to the side, finding Yoongi gaping at you. With a confident stride, you take his hand in yours and lead him on stage. “He helped me with this event.”
A chorus of surprised gasps fills the room, which confuses you. There should be nothing uncanny about this so, what’s with all their reaction? But then, Yoongi puts his hands in the pocket of his slacks—a habit of hiding his trembling hands whenever there is much attention on him.
“Mr Min, can you back this up?” The MC refers to your statement as she points the microphone to Yoongi for him to speak.
Aeri’s face burns red as her expression sours. She’s about to come up with any more of her bullshit; Yoongi beat her to the punch. “Yes, I helped Y/N with this event. And this mansion belongs to one of my clients who was willing enough to let us hold the event here. So, of course, we won’t be able to find information about this venue on the internet when it’s not for public use in the first place.”
Not public-use?
You gawk at Yoongi as he speaks, nearly forgetting that you’re on stage for a moment before you regain your composure and make a mental note to ask for clarification later on. However, a screech resounds through the room, and you notice that Aeri has disappeared from the stage.
“What the hell—!” Her familiar voice comes from the grazing table area. Your attention snaps towards it to find Seokjin near there with a weird claw-like contraption in hand. A whole mess of cupcake frosting covers her face, and the front of her dress as Jungkook profusely apologises to Aeri for what it seems Seokjin has done.
Seokjin does not seem to pay attention to that as he focuses on the moving claw, pressing random buttons when the claw starts to beep rapidly and grabs the tray of cupcakes. It’s as if in slow motion, the claw flings the tray into the crowd.
“Whoops—” Seokjin watches the cupcakes hit random unlucky targets.
“Food fight!” One of your coworkers hollers and rushes to the grazing area, grasping for a piece of layered cake.
In a matter of seconds, almost all kinds of food are thrown around the room. Some find shelter behind the pillars to avoid ruining their outfit; some participate in the chaos. Seokjin, who has discarded the contraption somewhere, grabs a piece of cake and lands it squarely on Jungkook’s face.
It must be the pent-up frustration from last year when Jungkook has worked Seokjin to the bone as his elf partner last Christmas. Admittedly, in terms of strength, Seokjin loses to Jungkook. The younger one has never skipped his gym days after all. So, since their Christmas event, Seokjin resorted to petty tricks and small punches over the past months. Now, finally, he’s able to smear chocolate frosting on the younger one’s face.
“Um, is this alright?” The MC questions face horrified and amused at the same time.
“Well, we don’t have anything else in the itinerary,” you muse, watching the unfolding event from the side of the stage to avoid being the target of any flying food. “Plus, the party was getting a bit too tense from Aeri’s stunt.”
The MC nods. “I suppose it’s a good—”
“Watch out!” Yoongi interrupts, grabs for your arm. You stumble towards him, missing a flying cream puff shot your way by an inch.
“T-Thanks,” you manage to say, mind blanking at the close distance between you.
Seokjin parades towards you with a tray of cream puffs, smiling from ear-to-ear despite the colourful frosting on his suit. His eyes glint in mischief as if he found the target he’s been looking for.
“You need to watch where you’re throwing,” Yoongi hisses at him. “Y/N could’ve gotten hurt.”
“Geez, then don’t hide in this cramped place,” Seokjin remarks, gesturing at the area you’re standing. “Come and join the fun! It’s your event, after all.”
“This is not in the itinerary, Jin,” you sigh exasperatedly. “We would need to clean this place up later on and—” A surprised gasp climbs out your throat as you stare at the cream puff stuck on the skirt of your dress before it rolls down to the marble floor. Nostrils flaring, you glare at Seokjin.
“Uh, sorry?” He has a little suspicious smile on his face as he spares a brief look at Yoongi (who also got chocolate cream on his once-pristine shirt). “I’m going to find Jungkook. Have fun!” Then Seokjin scampers off.
Have what?
“I’ll take you to the guest room to clean that up,” Yoongi offers, disrupting your thoughts.
You agree immediately before turning to the MC. “Can you deal with this when I’m gone?” You gesture towards the messy crowd.
She nods, “Don’t worry about it. I’ll handle everything.”
And with that, Yoongi leads you out of the ballroom.
Your annoyance builds up quickly as you rub the stubborn stain on your skirt with a clean towel you found in the mirror cabinet. Not to mention how oddly irritating Seokjin was. It only escalates your annoyance further, also summoning a sense of dread in your stomach after recalling that glint in his eyes earlier.
What is he planning? You know him long enough that he’s definitely scheming. Shit, this dress is expensive too. Your mother is going to have a fit if she ever finds out.
You’re going to give Jin a piece of your mind when you see him later. But before that, you need to get rid of this stain.
After spending minutes of wiping it off, you let out a huff when all that remains is a darkened patch. At least all the frosting is gone. Discarding the disposable towel into the bin, you wash your hands and head out to Yoongi’s room at the end of the hallway, where he says he’ll be waiting.
Before you knock, the door slightly opens, and your brows furrow in confusion. “Yoongi?” You call out, knocking on the door to notify him of your presence.
“Yeah,” he calls out. “Give me a sec. You can come in.”
You glance around his room as you enter, expecting the room to be as empty as yours. But it isn’t. It’s filled with so many belongings as if Yoongi had stayed here for a while. Your gaze then lands on the bookshelf, and a familiar sight of a snow globe causes you to freeze.
What? Why is it here?
You walk closer to examine it. Your heart beats faster against your chest as you recognise the familiar figurines inside the cracked globe meant to symbolise you both.
Didn’t he throw it away?
Your mind is reeling; those feelings you thought were clear are once again muddled. Backing away, you sit on the couch before your knees give out when Yoongi steps out of his walk-in closet, buttoning on a clean dress shirt.
“Y/N?” He calls your name.
And you remember what Seokjin told you earlier. “Try to ask him why Yoongi would tell you anything.”
“Why…” You start. Yoongi remains silent, a silent urge for you to continue. Taking a deep breath, you let out, “Didn’t you say this place was rented? Then why is your room like this…? ” Okay, easy questions first.
Yoongi seems to get your question as he answers, “I suppose you should find out sooner than later. This is my room. This mansion belongs to my family.”
You look up to meet him in the eye. “Then why did you have the party here for the whole company? It’s a mess downstairs.”
Your response seems to be unexpected as confusion swims in his gaze. “I don’t understand….”
What is there not to understand? You think to yourself. Heart gradually thudding against your chest at the flicker of unwanted hope.
“You are not obligated to hold the party here. Hell, you’re not even required to help me with organising this event and yet….” You let out a frustrated sigh before standing up abruptly, pacing back and forth across the room. “Why are you confusing me?”
Yoongi gapes, mouth opening and closing, but no words escape from them.
You take another deep breath to control your emotions. “Why do you still have that?” You point at the shelf. “The snow globe. Why is it there? You threw it away. I saw it in your trash can.”
“... I didn’t throw it away.” Yoongi steps closer and sits on the edge of his bed. “Someone barged into my office that day and threw it there before I got the chance to escort them out of my office.”
“Why would they throw…?” You falter as Yoongi trains his gaze on the carpeted floor and fiddles with his fingers. It’s a habit that he has developed whenever something is plaguing his mind. With a burst of courage, you stride to him and crouch to look him in the eye. Slowly, you put your hand on his in a gentle manner. “Yoongi… Look at me.”
He meets your gaze.
“If you don’t want to talk about it, it’s fine, but… Just answer me this question,” you say quietly. “How do you feel about me? The truth, please. No lies, no hiding. Because it doesn’t make any sense to me that you’d kept that broken snow globe and helped me out for this event despite the problems we have.”
He stands up, and you follow along, but he turns his hands to hold yours in a warm grasp this time. Swallowing a lump down his throat, he admits, “You’re everything.”
Your gaze widens at his confession.
“You have always been here,” he continues, putting your palm on his chest—on top of his beating heart—while your other hand remains in his clutch. “I’m sorry for hurting you. You didn’t deserve the way I treated you.”
“Then why…?”
Yoongi exhales a heavy breath. “I was engaged.”
Your gaze widens.
“That someone who barged into my office and threw away the snow globe was my ex-fiancé my parents set up.”
You can’t help but repeat his words. “You were engaged…?”
Yoongi nods. “That was why I couldn’t be with you.” He tightens his hold of your hand as if afraid if he lets you go, you’d run away from him. “At that time when you confessed to me, I was troubled.” A sad smile curls on his lips. “Because I was already ‘promised’ to another. I considered accepting your feelings and maybe starting a secret relationship… Then I realised that I couldn’t do that to you. Not when I wanted everyone to know you were mine if we’re together.” Yoongi’s voice grows quiet, and his smile turns bitter. “It took me months to finally break off the engagement, and by the time I did, things changed, and you’ve moved on.”
“How about now? Are you still engaged?”
He shakes his head. “No. Or at least, I hope not,” Yoongi sighs. “My parents tend to do things without me knowing. And… I should have mentioned this earlier, but my dad… He’s the CEO.”
Unfazed, you nod. “Yeah, I know.”
“You knew?”
“Am I not supposed to know…?”
Yoongi blinks. “But you never asked anything about him.”
“I figured since you never brought it up, you didn’t want to talk about it.” You pause. “You know, considering the number of rumours already floating about you and your “royal” background.”
“That’s stupid. There’s nothing ‘royal’ about my family,” Yoongi scoffs.
You let out a chuckle. “Yeah, I can see that.”
“But you’re not… Intimidated…?”
“By whom? You?” You raise a brow with a teasing smirk. “Please, you may be my superior, but we’re still considered as coworkers. After all, we do work under the same company.”
“Uh-huh…” Yoongi sounds amused, but a smile decorates his lips.
“But I do get intimidated by Mr Min, I mean ‘cause he’s literally the boss.”
“You do know I’ll be taking over his position soon, right?”
You gasp. “That’s your promotion?”
“I told you it wouldn’t be the same again.”
“I suppose…” You mutter before the room goes silent for a while. “And anyway, why didn’t you tell me about the engagement? I thought we could tell each other everything.”
“I couldn’t drag you into my problems, Y/N,” Yoongi answers. “Knowing you, if I told you about it, you’d say—”
“—you’d wait for me.”
“I’d wait for you,” you say at the same time.
A short chortle escapes his lips as he shakes his head again. “See? I didn’t know if I could wiggle out of the engagement at that time. It could’ve taken more than months, maybe even years. And…” He lets out a sigh. “We still might have not gotten the chance at all. I couldn’t ask that of you.”
“Well, you could’ve spared me from an embarrassing heartbreak. What kind of a friend are you?” Your words come out in a teasing manner, but it doesn’t stop Yoongi from wincing. You stand close to him, just like when you were dancing in the ballroom, yet it doesn’t feel as suffocating as you stare at him. He stares back with no intent to move away from you. “And… Do you still want to be friends?”
He’s quick to answer. “Of course—”
“Or, become something more?” You lift his hand to cup your jaw. “I may hide my feelings too well, but that doesn’t mean it has changed.”
Hope fills his wide-eyed gaze. “You mean you—?”
“I’m still in love with you, Yoongs.”
He grins, unable to hide the gummy smile as happiness blooms in his eyes, instinctively glance at your lips. “Then may I…?”
You nod slowly. And Yoongi leans in. His lips touch yours tenderly as if you’re made of glass. It lasts only for a while before he pulls away to look at you. Once your eyes open with a dazed look, he cups your face with both hands and crashes his mouth onto yours. Years of pent up feelings seem to burst between the two of you.
Not a moment later, Yoongi finds himself sitting on the edge of the bed and you straddling his lap. The sight has his mouth grow dry. Many times has he imagined moments like this with you. Many times has he dreamt of showering you with so much affection without the fear of rejection. He has long kept his feelings locked inside his heart, and now, he can finally set them free.
Pulling away, you place a hand on his cheek, caressing his cheekbone with your thumb, noticing that his mind has drifted somewhere. “What are you thinking about?”
“You,” He says in a heartbeat, wrapping his arms around your waist. “Always about you. Will you be mine?”
“As long as you’re mine too.” You reply with a shy smile adorning your lips and arms thrown around his neck.
“I’ve been yours since forever.” Yoongi leans his forehead on yours. “I am hopelessly in love with you, Y/N.”
At his words, you become giddy—lovestruck—and place a kiss on his lips. Yoongi moves to the side, laying you on the soft mattress of his bed. Then he supports himself on his left forearm while his right hand gently caresses your cheek. You pull him by his shirt, having him lean down to claim your lips. It doesn’t take long for you to get lost in each other, making up for the lost time you both spent apart.
Gradually, things take a heated turn until a knock on Yoongi’s door stops him from peppering kisses further down your neck.
“Um, Hyung?”
Yoongi lets out an annoyed sigh at the familiar voice. “What is it, Jungkook?”
“I know Y/N is there with you,” Jungkook states bluntly. “But, you might want to go back to the ballroom.”
Your brows furrow in concern at that, mouthing to Yoongi, What do you think happened?
Yoongi responds back silently, No idea. Before he asks out loud for Jungkook to hear through the door. “What happened?”
“Jin hyung might have landed a cake on the chandelier.”
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taglist: @moonchild1 @iwishselena​
471 notes · View notes
shuadotcom · 3 years
Appreciated | KNJ (M)
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✺ Summary: Namjoon is the town’s most brilliant alchemist, but his frantic demeanor has scared off assistant after assistant. He’s never been able to find someone he could trust that could put up with his demands. That is until he finds you. You’re his faithful, oh so patient assistant, that’s been with him for years. When he overhears you getting another job offer one day, Namjoon must do his best to show you just how much he appreciates you and keep you by his side.
✺ Pairing: Alchemist!Namjoon x Witch Female!Reader
✺ Genre/AU: Smut, fluff, supernatural au, coworkers to lovers au, basically porn with a plot 
✺ Warnings: Profanity, oral (f receiving), fingering, protected sex
✺ Words: 5k
✺ A/N: Written for the Namkook Moonrise Masquerade event! This was supposed to be a different fic, but then my brain said no this is what you’ll write, so here we are! Thank you to @sugasbabiie​ for the beautiful banner!! And huge thank you to @hobeemin​ for being my wonderful beta!!  💙 
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Running Kim’s Antiques, the town’s first and oldest secret alchemy shop isn’t easy. Namjoon’s father opened it before he was born, and it immediately became a staple in town among the other supernatural population. To the normal, mortal townsfolk, it’s an antique shop offering trinkets and keepsakes from the past. Namjoon can go from selling an old watch from the early 1900s in the morning to selling an intelligence potion to a pixie in the afternoon.
It’s the family business, and Namjoon doesn’t mind. Being in the back of the shop in his workroom, surrounded by his books that spell out every piece of knowledge he needs to know to carry on in his father’s footsteps is his favorite feeling. Even so, no matter how happy he is, he knows he can’t do this alone. He tried to run the shop alone for almost a year, but he soon realized he’d need help. This came in the form of a backorder of potions that he hadn’t organized correctly which made quite a few customers unhappy. He then sought out to bring in a reliable assistant that can help him continue the Kim success.
Of course, that’s easier said than done. Every assistant Namjoon brought in didn’t last long. He’ll admit, he can be erratic, disorganized, and quite clumsy, but he never thought he was that bad until what was probably his fifth assistant in two months walked out on him. They would all criticize the way he runs things and the way he works.
Namjoon is too smart for his own good, and the good of those around him. He tends to start five different orders at one time, then in the middle of it all, he’ll have a breakthrough of some sort, and end up ditching all of his other obligations to focus on that. His previous assistants never knew how to reign him back in or where exactly they can be of help and he was convinced he’d never find the support he needs.
That is until you inquired about the job opening. Namjoon will never forget the smile on your face the first day you stepped into his shop, your eyes taking in the shelves and their contents.
“Hi.” The simple word leaving your mouth is enough to have Namjoon’s heart stopping mid-beat. “I’m here for the job posting - are you still needing an assistant?”
Wordlessly he nods. Given he put the word out amongst the supernatural community only, he tries to guess what exactly you are. He thinks you may be a siren or a succubus with the way that you keep his gaze on you as you approach, but that doesn’t seem right. Lust isn’t the only thing he feels.
As if you know the question in his mind, you reach your hand out to shake and introduce yourself. “I’m Y/n. I’ve been practicing magic my entire life and studying potions since high school.”
“Witch?” He guesses.
“Yep.” You wink at him, and he swears he sees a bit of a magical twinkle in your eye.
“You’re hired.” He yells out, not needing to hear anymore. He’s being selfish and acting on the impulse that is his feelings for you, but he doesn’t care. He wants to see you every day and seeing how you’ve come to seek employment; he’s sure you’ll say yes.
You do, of course. And you quickly prove to be who Namjoon has been missing in his time on Earth. You seem to be ten steps ahead of him at any given time, handing him ingredients he needs for potions or experiments, placing product orders before he even notices stock is low and offering suggestions that always end up positive.
Namjoon isn’t sure how he ever managed to run his business, let alone live without you, but you’ve been by his side for three years, and he falls in love with you as each day goes on. Soulmates was never a word Namjoon used or really thought much about, but getting to know you, your likes and dislikes, your quirks, and all of you, he knows that’s what you are.
To his knowledge, you enjoy working here with him. You’re always content when you come in in the morning and when you go home for the night. You never complain, and you’re always nothing but pleasant to customers. He’s never been under the impression that you want to leave him and the shop.
Suspicion begins to creep into his heart today, though. He’s coming from the back of the shop to ask you about an ingredient in stock when he hears a very familiar voice in the front speaking to you.
“How is Namjoon treating you? He has you up here by yourself, so I can’t imagine very well.” Park Jimin’s voice is calm, but he can still hear the entitlement in the younger alchemist’s tone. His shop is newer and only opened six months ago, but he’s already been in Namjoon’s shop, bragging about his highly successful new business.
Jimin comes from a wealthy family, so he’s used to getting what he wants and believing he’s entitled to everything. Much to Namjoon’s dismay, this includes you. Ever since the first day that Jimin laid his eyes on you, he’s been trying to poach you and have him work for his bakery/alchemist shop.
No matter what, though, you always turn him away which typically puts Namjoon’s nerves at ease.
“I’m upfront because I want to be, Jimin. And Namjoon is treating me fine.”
“Yeah, but you know I can treat you better. I can pay you so much more than whatever he’s giving.”
“My pay is fine, thank you.”
“Well, the atmosphere is worlds better. My shop is much more modern than this old shack. Plus, you can eat all the sweets you want.” Namjoon rolls his eyes. His shop is a classic, thank you very much.
“This place is very classic.” Namjoon’s heart skips a beat at the laugh you let out, dismissing Jimin. You always have a knack for being able to read his mind. It’s one of the many things he loves about you.
“You’d be so much more than my assistant in my shop, Y/n. You can work your way to co-owner if you want.” There’s a beat of silence and panic immediately overcomes Namjoon. You wouldn’t you want to just up and leave him, right? He strains to overhear the rest of the conversation.
“Jimin…” you start, and it takes everything in Namjoon’s being not to burst through the wall and get rid of Jimin once and for all.
“I’ll see you soon, Y/n.” Namjoon hears the smugness in his voice and as soon as he hears the bells jingle above the front door of the shop, he rushes back to his workroom, shutting the door behind him.
You’ve never talked in detail about wanting to one day become co-owner, not that Namjoon can remember at least. You’ve mentioned in passing about maybe having a magic shop in the future, but that’s as far as the conversation went. Namjoon has no problem giving you half of his shop - hell he’d give you half of everything he owns if you ask.
Namjoon isn’t one to talk much about his feelings, which he knows is a flaw he needs to work on, but the fear that you don’t feel the way he does grips his throat and keeps him up at night sometimes. He’s never wanted to risk the rejection that could come with admitting this to you, but right now he feels trapped.
He has to tell you everything. Admit that you’re the best assistant he’s ever had and that he’d be nowhere without you in his life. He can’t lose you; the thought alone makes him ill. Namjoon spends the rest of the day wracking his brain on how to show you how he feels if he can’t say it with his words.
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Namjoon continues to ponder what he should do when he overhears you on the phone a few days later as you’re cleaning up at the end of the night. He’s coming from his workroom to cash the register out but stops and hides when he hears you answer the call.
“Everything alright, Mina? You never call when I’m working.” He can’t hear what Mina - whom he knows is your roommate - is saying, but he still listens. “What? You made me think there was an emergency…no, I will not go! Mina, I love you, but I don’t have time for any more blind dates…psht, yeah, right! That vampire you set me up with a few weeks ago was a total asshole.”
As stealthily as he can, Namjoon lowers to the floor and crawls to the counter where the register sits, crouching behind it to hear you better from the other side. 
Does Namjoon have an eavesdropping problem? Maybe. Is he going to stop? No.
“Look, I appreciate you, but you know I like someone else. I don’t really want to date random people I don’t know…hey, leave my sex life out of it! My vibrator and I are living our best lives together, okay?!” You stop and clear your throat as if checking your tone.
“I love you, but I’m hanging up now. I’ll see you when I get home and you can make fun of me and my sexless lifestyle then.” You huff out a breath and Namjoon frantically scurries away and back around the corner.  He recovers from his panicked state quickly and steps out as normal.
“Who was that?” He asks as nonchalantly as possible, opening the cash register to bag today’s earnings.
“Oh, just Mina. She’s always trying to set me up on blind dates lately.” You laugh, nervousness evident in your tone.
“I see. That’s nice of her.”
“Yeah, she means well, but I’ve told her I’m not interested.”
“Oh, you don’t want to date?”
You let out a laugh and turn away from the shelf you’re organizing. You’re asking a lot of questions, Joon.”
Your usage of his nickname almost makes him lose count of the money in his hand, but he recovers quickly.
“Ah, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be nosey.” His eyes quickly dart up to you, and he notices you’re walking closer to him.
“It’s okay. To tell you the truth, I like it when you get to know me more. I feel like we don’t talk too casually very often. I know you're my boss, but I’d like to think we’re pretty close?” Your words end in more of a question. Namjoon would love to be more casual with you, but he doesn’t think his heart can take it.
“Y-yeah, we are.” He manages to get out, kicking himself for stuttering.
“Good.” Namjoon has to be damn near delusional in love because he swears the smile you give him has something else behind it.
“Don’t think like such a man!” He chastises himself. He doesn’t mean to read into things, but he can’t help it. And the way that you’re leaning over the counter, with the top two buttons undone and cleavage on display, isn’t helping his thoughts.
It’s when you wink at him before moving away, and back to the shelf, you were just at that he genuinely believes you were flirting with him.
He holds onto this thought for the rest of the week and the way you act around him seems to shift. More touches on his arm, more glimpses of your chest, all seemingly for him.
In the middle of the week, Jimin stops by while you’re out getting lunch. He doesn’t say much to Namjoon, other than to have you call him when you can because the two of you have ‘something to discuss’ with a smirk on his stupid, smug face. Namjoon most certainly does not tell you that Jimin stopped by.
It’s all of these moments that give him the courage to make a move a few days later. You’ve been extra touchy with him all day and it’s driving him insane. Remembering what you said earlier in the week about your lack of sex life on the phone with Mina, Namjoon eyes you up and down while you stand behind the counter in the front of the shop, checking an inventory list.
He takes a deep breath and walks up behind you, getting closer and closer until he’s flush against your back.
“Joon?” You chirp, jumping when your bodies touch. You don’t move from your position and try to turn to look at him. His hands find your hips, making sure you stay in place.
“Tell me to stop and I’ll stop right now.” He says. He waits one second, then two and three, then he hears you whisper out a ‘please don’t stop.’ Taking this invitation, he moves forward, burying his nose in your neck. You always smell amazing and now is no exception, not when he finally gets to be this close to you. He peppers your neck with kisses, his plush lips ever so gently touching your soft skin.
“I never want you to think that you’re not appreciated around here, okay?” He whispers between kisses. “I can’t put into words how important and precious you are to not only the shop but to me. So I want to show you.”
A whimper slips from your lips when his mouth meets a patch of skin near the base of your neck. The sound makes him bolder as he drags his large hands up higher up your body, the fabric of your dress bunching until he gets to your breasts and squeezes.
Another whimper, louder this time, comes from you as his hands squeeze and knead. The number of times Namjoon has made himself cum to even the fluttering thought of getting his hands on you like this is ridiculous. Being here now with you feels like yet another wet dream of his.
The way you grind your ass into his rapidly hardening length brings him back, though, and reminds him that this is very much not a dream and that you are very real. The eager way you cover his hands with yours and make him squeeze harder is real. Your head slotting perfectly in the crook of his neck is real. Your wide, pleading eyes looking up at him are real. This is happening, and he’s going to enjoy every second of you.
Namjoon tries to never look a gift horse in the mouth. His nimble fingers move up to quickly unbutton your dress enough that he can have full access to your bra. It has a front clasp, and he has half a mind to ask if you somehow used your magic to know this would be happening, but he doesn’t.
Your bra is pulled open, letting your breasts spring from the cups freely, and Namjoon groans. All the loose necklines and undone buttons could’ve never prepared for him for how fucking perfect your tits are.
He’s palming your chest again, teeth at your neck this time. You’re so soft and warm and his heart aches for you just as much as his dick does. Fingers tweak your nipples roughly, and he feels you turn into putty in his embrace, your back relaxing as your form sags into him.
“Joon…feels so good,” you pant, looking up at him with those needy eyes again, and he nearly cums in his pants. He notices how desperately you’re rubbing your thighs together, and his want, no his need to taste you rises.
“Turn around,” he says as he’s letting you go and spinning you to look at him. Before you have a chance to say anything else, he grabs you and sits you onto the counter as if you weigh nothing to him.
Namjoon pushes the hem of your knee-length dress up, hiking the fabric up around your waist and out of the way so he can look at what’s underneath and what a sight it is.
Your panties are a pale pink color everywhere except your crotch, where the fabric is dark pink, where your arousal soaks the cloth. Your legs close on instinct, and he notices you biting your lip in embarrassment.
Taking your face in his hands, Namjoon kisses you hard. He puts every word he wants to say to you into the kiss. He tells you he loves you and that without you, life isn’t worth living. The kiss is searing as he makes his passion and lust clear for you. His unbridled lust is curbed momentarily and love fills its place again at your nervous expression.
As your lips move in tandem, you open your mouth and let him slip his tongue in. He leans into you more, kissing you harder to tell you that from the moment he saw you, you held his heart in the palm of his hand and that he’d do anything in this world for you to make you happy. You’re whining into his mouth as you grip his arms, scooting to the edge of the counter, presumably asking for the friction of any kind from him.
Namjoon pulls away, both of you panting and out of breath. He has a small, very fleeting thought wondering whether or not you’re using him for a quick fuck, but he’s decided that he doesn’t care. He’ll take you in any way he can get you, as sad as it sounds.
Wanting to appease you, Namjoon reaches down and grabs hold of your panties. He rolls them down your thighs and off, groaning at the sticky string of arousal that clings to the fabric as he goes. He sinks to his knees, pulling you closer to the edge, so he’s face to crotch with you.
“Fuck, you’re beautiful.” He murmurs as his eyes survey your puffy lips and the glossy sheen that covers them. He momentarily thanks his height for allowing him to quickly achieve this angle, then quite literally, dives face-first between your thighs.
Namjoon buries his face in your pussy, moaning aloud at the warmth. Shamelessly, he inhales, savoring the heady scent of you. He wants nothing more than to bottle this smell and carry it with him whenever he needs a hit and use it to remember you at this moment.
Licking a fat stripe from your perineum to your clit, Namjoon elicits a sound of pleasure from you both. He can confirm, you taste just as divine as you look, even though he didn’t doubt that you would. He takes a breath before delving his tongue inside of you, the taste of you only making him harder. He wastes no time in tongue fucking you, the muscle pistoning in and out of your weeping hole. Namjoon buries his face as far as it can go, his nose bumping your clit with each shift of his face.
“Oh fuck! Namjoon…” you’re moaning above him, various swear words flying out of your mouth in between pleads of his name. This only spurs him on more as he pulls his tongue out and replaces it with two long fingers. His mouth moves up to your clit, to achieve this angle easily and he takes the sensitive bud between his plush lips, sucking hard and making you nearly leap off of the counter.
“Please!” You shriek, hands scrambling for something to grab before you seemingly settle for his soft locks. Namjoon loves knowing that his hair is what you’re tugging on. His face and fingers are the ones you’re fucking as you desperately seek your orgasm. His name is the one you’re chanting over and over again until you’re squealing it as you cum all over his fingers.
Namjoon cleans you up afterward, his tongue teasing you and making patterns on your sensitive skin. He cleans your cum off his fingers next, shoving the digits in his mouth and sighing at the sweet and sour taste. He never wants to taste anything else in his life.
His eyes meet yours before your gaze quickly falls to his erection straining against his slacks.
“This is about you,” he says, hands hovering over his belt. “Do you want me to fuck you?” Of course, he wants you to say yes - but if you say no, he’ll drop it and be more than happy with at least making you cum with his mouth.
“Of course I want you to fuck me. I need it,” you beg, leaning back on your hands to open your legs impossibly wider. Namjoon watches as the mix of his saliva and your already growing arousal glistens under the lights of the shop.
“Shit. Okay, I can do that.” He fumbles with his belt and zipper, sighing in relief at the loss of restriction.
You groan, and Namjoon watches you lick your lips at the sight of his hard cock in all of its dark red veiny glory. He’d be lying if he says it doesn’t make his chest swell with pride at the want in your eyes.
It dawns on him then that he doesn’t have a condom, and when he says this, you wave your hand, and a square packet appears before him. He chuckles because, duh, you’re a witch, and he’s watched you summon lunch and even a jacket before.
Once the condom is on, and he has your thighs around his waist, the head of his cock prods at your sopping entrance, slowly pushing in. You whimper the whole time, being patient as he goes as far as he can.
Namjoon could be struck down by the gods right here, right now, and he wouldn’t care. You’re so warm, so tight, so soft around his dick, even in a condom. He has to pinch himself to stop the animalistic way he wants to pound into you. He waits for you to adjust to his size, not ever wanting to make your time with him anything less than enjoyable.
Biting his lip, he scans your face, taking in the way your eyes are screwed shut and your teeth grit as you welcome the intrusion. Eventually, you meet his gaze, and a small plea for him to move comes out of your mouth, and he doesn’t need to be told twice.
He straightens his stance, pulling you closer to him and the edge of the counter. His hands grip your thighs to hold them open as he pushes his hips forward with a few shallow thrusts. You immediately let out a beautiful moan, your eyes slipping closed at the sensation.
“Joon…” you breathe out. “Faster, please.”
Namjoon has never once told you no, and he isn’t about to start. He begins slamming into you hard; the echoing sound of skin slapping fills the otherwise quiet shop.
Your body jostles with each harsh thrush, and Namjoon can’t help but watch the way your tits bounce with each move of his hips. Everything else around him becomes white noise, and his surroundings seem to fizzle out of focus; the only thing he sees is you. The only things he hears are the pants and mewls of his name coming from you underneath him. The only thing he feels is your soft, burning, hot skin under his fingertips and in the palm of his hand. Nothing matters except you.
“You’re so amazing. So gorgeous,” he blurts, not caring that you can hear him. “I love you so much. I love this pussy so much. I love you.” His teeth dig into his lower lip harder as he stops momentarily to reposition your legs higher, the backs of your knees resting in the crooks of his arms.
He’s pounding into you again then, your shrieks turning into near screams as you dig your nails into your thighs. “N—Namjoon s-so good, fuck!” You call out, your mouth falling open with no sound after that.
Namjoon can feel his balls tightening, and he knows he’s close, but he can’t cum yet, not before you do. Keeping up his bruising pace, he maneuvers one of your legs to rest on his shoulder while bringing his hand down to rub your clit.
You cry out as your eyes roll back. “Don’t stop, p-please don’t stop. I’m s-so fucking close!”
With burning muscles, a bead of sweat that’s been beading at Namjoon’s hairline drips down his temple, and he can see the sheen of sweat coating your skin, but fuck if he’s going to stop.
“Cum for me, beautiful. Cum all over my cock.” He grunts as he uses his thumb to rub your clit, adding more pressure.
Your back bows off of the counter as you let out another yelp of his name, followed by a chorus of  ‘yes, yes, yes.’ Namjoon watches as your body begins to levitate from the counter, and he has to hold onto you tighter. Your new posture changes the angle that he’s pistoning into you at, and within seconds he knows you’re cumming as your body freezes in the air and your walls clamp around his cock like a vice. The feeling almost borders on pain, but he loves it. He cums sometime in the middle of your orgasm, your name tumbling from his lips like a prayer, shockwaves feeling as though they’re coursing through him. His hips begin to stutter as he empties his load into the condom rapidly.
After a few seconds tick by, you slowly descend back down, your body once again draping across the counter. He slowly pulls out of you and leans on his arms next to you on the counter, both of you panting. It’s quiet otherwise as Namjoon tries to gather his thoughts and say something. Luckily, you beat him to it.
“Well, I didn’t expect that.” You rasp, pushing yourself to sit up.
“But it was okay?”
“Are you kidding? I came so hard that I fucking levitated. That was incredible!” You share a chuckle before giving him a curious look. “But, I guess the question is why’d you want to…you know.”
“Fuck you into the air?” He jokes, his nerves cropping back up. “Well, isn’t it obvious?” Namjoon reaches for your hands and pushes the words out. “I meant what I said. I wanted to show you how important you are and how much I appreciate you. I know I don’t do it enough because I’m not good with words, but I need you here with me. I love you.”
“Joon, you’ve never made me feel like you don’t appreciate me. I love this shop, I love interacting with all the people that come in, I love magic, and I mean, I love you.” The last three words of your sentence come out rushed, but Namjoon hears it clear as day.
“You love me too?”
“I mean, yeah, I thought that was obvious. I’m guessing now that this whole thing wasn’t because I’ve been making my feelings clear by throwing myself at you all week?”
Namjoon blinks at you. “Wow, and I thought I was just being creepy by looking at your very open tops.”
You let out a giggle that has his stomach doing flips at the sound of. “No, that was all me on purpose. I’ve liked you almost as long as I’ve worked here, and I tried to muster up the courage to show you finally.”
Speechless, Namjoon shakes his head. The realization of you actually returning his feelings is almost incredulous, considering all of the back and forth he’s gone through about coming clean to you. He voices this to you once he collects himself, deciding to also admit to eavesdropping on your conversations with Jimin and the phone call with Mina.
You scoff in response. “First of all, I’m never going to work for Jimin. Being a co-owner sounds nice, as does being in a bakery every day, but as I said, I love being here. Plus, Jimin’s kind of annoying. No way I could work with him.”
“But you paused when he offered you the job. That’s why I was so worried.”
“Well, if you were looking as well as listening, you would’ve seen the very aggravated look I gave him instead of answering him.”
“Oh.” Namjoon mumbles, leaning his body over the counter again. You hop down from where you’re sitting to stand next to him.
“Hey, I’m not mad about the eavesdropping. I’m a little embarrassed you listened to me yell at Mina for my lack of sex, but I mean, it got us here, didn’t it?”
Sparing a glance over his shoulder, Namjoon sees you smiling at him and is struck yet again by how beautiful you are. He sits up, quickly tucking himself into his pants before reaching forward and grabbing your face.
He kisses you hard but gently, at the same time. Your lips move perfectly together as you place your hands over his on the sides of your head. All the nights Namjoon has dreamt of this moment are nothing compared to this feeling as he’s here with you.
“So,” he pants once you’ve separated for air. “When do you want to be the official co-owner of Kim’s Antiques?”
“What? You don’t have to do that, Joon. What Jimin said-” You attempt to dismiss the thought, but he stops you.
“This isn’t about Jimin. You deserve it for all that you’ve done for me. This place wouldn’t run without you, Y/n. Please own it with me?”
Namjoon watches you consider it momentarily before nodding like crazy and practically jumping into his arms. “Thank you so much, Namjoon. I promise I’ll be the best co-owner ever!”
Chuckling, Namjoon places a kiss on the top of your head. “I believe you.”
“Good, because as much as I love the classic feel of this place, I’ve had a few decorating ideas for a while.”
Kim’s Antiques hasn’t been changed in the 50 years it’s stood where it is. Before he met you, Namjoon could never imagine changing a thing about it, but now, if it’s for you, he’d let you change whatever you wanted. You’re always the perfect assistant to him, so he promises he’ll be the perfect boyfriend to you.
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