#her in cf repairing what she can of their relationship
the-angry-potato · 2 years
Who would have thought I'd be back to Tumblr after so many years? It really has been a while, this place fed my Undertale craze for a long time and, to a much lesser degree than Facebook, helped me bond with Camila.
It's weird, feels like I am back to being a teenager. I'm into weird little hobbies, I use Pinterest, hopped back on Tumblr, I am actually doing sport and going to a fucking therapist. I wouldn't say I am getting a fresh start, there is no such thing, I fucked up beyond repair and honestly, I wish I could take it all back, I wish I had removed Camila from everywhere so I wouldn't have hurt Cano, i don't know when the fuck i put her in cf for that account but hey, i already fucked up once, can't do it again I guess.
I wish I could be a part of their lives, I truly am no one without the people I love and this month has been the absolute fucking worst. I don't hate my job but god, I just wish for some rest, I want a single weekend where I can relax, I just want to cry to my pillow and be hugged.
Oddly, Camila has been appearing in my dreams even more often now, at this point I see her more often than when we were together; pathetic, ain't it? The whole dog she found thing was weird, Madrezu uploaded that story without tagging and somehow I already knew it was from Camila (probably the purple leash, that is Isa's) and my whole being was just shook, I couldn't really concentrate. I guess seeing things about her knowing she hates me is more than I can handle, I guess everything has been more than I can handle recently.
Thankfully, Camila was wrong, there was no need to worry about Flor, loneliness will make a dumbass like me see things where there are none, either way I am happy I cleared things up and my therapist agrees. I didn't really have a crush, I just wanted a close bond like that which I had with Camila and in a way I sort of do. We aren't a couple, never will, I feel like it wouldn't have worked out anyway but we are great friends and I am glad I have her in my life. Sad I couldn't have her as my friend and Camila as my girlfriend but hey, I wanted to keep the relationship going, she didn't, it wouldn't have worked out unfortunately. Maybe if my venting had remained private like it was meant to be I could have had a chance in the future, unfortunately I don't think there is one now.
I am quick to anger and my emotions are fucking erratic, that much I always knew. I hated Dani at one point, imagine that, me hating my best friend but I realized I was a dumbass and my anger made no sense. In the Cano case, I guess??? I had my reasons, Lolo agreed as much in the fact that he did lie to me for some reason about who was in CF but can't complain about the past, facts of the matter are I was angry (as I tend to be) and I directed my anger towards the one dude who I could always trust Camila's well being to, I truly was an idiot.
While I can't promise to never have feelings like that again, I can still keep my promise to never act on those dumb ass feelings. I know they are stupid, that's why they are my thoughts, they stay in my head, I don't channel them anywhere but to my echo chambers. I still remember getting irrationally angry when Camila would kiss the backside of my hand, I don't know why that happened, it was the sweetest thing ever because it was the person I loved and love the most giving me affection but something deep inside me was just like "THIS PISSES ME OFF" I never understood why but I know that if I could have her give little smooches to the backside of my hand again I would let her. There is nothing in the world I wish more than to see her be happy, I don't care if that happiness isn't with me, I just wish I could be present to it because she was and always will be the brightest star in the sky for me, what a pretty moon.
I hope I am not a bad person, I hope the Marcos Camila claimed to know for the better part of 5 years really is the real me and not some weird persona I built.
If you ever read this, te amo salame. Parafraseandote un poco, fuiste, sos y siempre vas a ser lo que quiero y deseo en una relacion. Una compañera de vida, alguien con quien ninguna experiencia es aburrida, alguien con quien envejecer, alguien con quien dormir y amanecer juntos, alguien con quien podia ser yo mismo, alguien con quien reir, alguien con quien llorar, alguien con quien compartir un momento en silencio, alguien con quien mostrar lo mas vulnerable de mi y que lo acepte, todo eso y mas fuiste y sos para mi
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fantasyinvader · 3 years
Looking over the box art of Three Hopes.
It’s not just that Edelgard has a new outfit, she’s also the only Lord not using her signature weapon Amyr. Hell, looking at it closely it appears to have the Crest of Seiros on it, meaning that it’s a Saints Weapon. An axe tied to Rhea.
I think this is important. Amyr is not a Heroes Relic. It’s supplied by TWSITD, uses a Crest Stone (that of Maurice/aka The Beast) that doesn’t match either of Edelgard’s Crests, and uses Agarthium or whatever in repairs. I feel it’s part of the bigger symbolism of Edelgard post timeskip. He look invokes the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland and it’s the same across every route, unlike CF Dimitri whose lack of eyepatch is supposed to show he’s had a different timeskip than his counterparts. Edelgard is always using Amyr, and Apex of the World plays during the final battles of both CF (where Edelgard’s party fights Rhea) and AM (Where Edelgard is the final boss). To me, this ultimately says that Edelgard is always the villain in 3H.
But this?
Edelgard is linked to three Crests. Two are in her blood, Flames and Seiros with Seiros being there naturally. The last, Maurice/The Beast, is given to her by TWSITD. Each of these are linked to one of the Arcana, Flames = World, Seiros = High Priestess, Maurice = The Devil. And now we’re removing the Devil, a corrupting influence from the equation.
And holy fuck, this works with my indoctrination theory. Edelgard is given a false understanding of Fodlan, an inverted World arcana. Part of this means that Edelgard is missing something, and won’t achieve her goals until she finds it. This has, in turn, caused her to represent the Inverted High Priestess, saying that Edelgard is going against her gut instincts. Anyone who has been following me on this theory knows that I say Edge of Dawn is about Edelgard’s real thoughts and how she doesn’t want to go through with the war. And while people may end up corrupted and become their worst selves following Edelgard, representing the corrupting influence of The Beast, Edelgard was given that Crest by TWSITD. Just as how Maurice ended up a monster, so too does Edelgard. She was the one who agreed to work with TWSITD thanks to Hubert.
Now we’re taking the Devil out. We’re taking the influence of the Slithers away from Edelgard. What does this mean for her character? Edelgard’s inverted High Priestess becomes the High Priestess, saying that Edelgard must let her instincts drive her after she retreats and reflects upon the situation. And if Edelgard’s World becomes uninverted, she will gain true understanding of Fodlan. In essence, she might become the benevolent ruler who helps the people rather than the tyrant she was told to be. She will actually understand the problems rather than just throwing out solutions to that which she knows nothing (she even suggests this in Heroes with her Flame Emperor alt, thinking she can fix OUR world).
This is Edelgard’s HERO outfit, tied to her growth and rooted in her relationship with Rhea. Least, that’s what I’m predicting, and if I’m right r/Edelgard is not going to take it well.
It’s also worth noting the description says taking control of Edelgard’s axe. Does this mean that Amyr wasn’t really hers in the first place?
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zoffra · 4 years
Why Hisoka decided to kill the troupe ?
Analysis in two parts:
1- Hisoka's pre-fight personality
2- Hisoka's post fight psychological change
Part 1 -
Let us make a point on Hisoka's character.
Hisoka's a character who takes pleasure in fighting strong opponents, it's his reason for living, it's like a drug in the proper sense of the term. If he doesn't fight for a long time, or if he's about to fight and - for whatever reason - the fight doesn't start, he'll kill anyone to satisfy his need and calm his excitement. This happens, for example, during hunter exam after meeting Kurapika and Leorio (= satisfying his need), or after Illumi's meeting with Killua and Alluka (= calming his excitement).
Other than that, he carefully chooses his opponents and will even refuse fights if he judges that the person isn't worth it.
Hisoka's incredibly patient. In order to fight Chrollo, he'll put in a lot of effort. He joins the spiders - which already isn't an easy task - and waits for three years that an opportunity presents itself, so that he finds himself alone with the leader and can fight him. The other members don't interest him - except maybe Machi to a much lesser extent.
After Chrollo lost his Nen, Hisoka assists the troupe in search for the exorcist. Shizuku assumes that Chrollo promised him a fight in exchange for his help. It's not known how long Chrollo's deprived of his Nen, whats certain is that several months go by.
Abengan's Nen works like this: he invokes a Nen beast whose shape and size varies according to the curse's power posed by his user. The stronger the curse, the longer that will takes time- and you can be sure that Kurapika's chain was far more powerful than Genthru's bomb.
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Later, we learn from Gitarakuru that after recovering his Nen, Chrollo fled. During this time, he returned to Meteor city to prepare his fight and steal various capacities - in particular that of the dean, Shalnark and Kortopi. Finally, after all these waiting years, Hisoka's finally rewarded and they'll fight in a place - that Chrollo himself chooses, as floor master : Celestial tower.
I'll not describe the fight, I can only advise those who haven't read the manga to go and find out for themselves. If I could sum it up in one word, it would be 'disappointing'. But not for us, readers, for Hisoka.
Chrollo used sneaky methods, avoiding to maximum close contacts with Hisoka, while sending his puppets to fight for him, waiting for opportunities to hit him critically. Warning! This isn't a criticism, I'm not saying it's something bad, these are just the facts.
We know that Chrollo's calculating and that beyond his extraordinary physical abilities, he distinguishes himself from others by his intelligence. For me, this fight is the very reflection of his personality, calculated like music paper and orchestrated by Chrollo as master of ceremonies.
It's also a nose thumb at the relationship they've always had. Hisoka spent more time killing puppets with no interest to reach Chrollo, rather than fighting him. He finds himself in the situation where he has always been.
At the time of his 'death', Hisoka made a pact with the Nen to bring him back to life. By using condition and oath - his death being the condition to be fulfilled - he wish that his heart's functions and his lungs will be restored. And from there, the troupe will have big problems.
Part 2 -
Spiders made several mistakes. When they inspected Hisoka's body, they were negligent. When Shalnark testified to Hisoka's death by asphyxiation, no one found his hands position strange. By that I mean they're seasoned Nen users, cold-blooded killers, they know that Nen gets stronger after death.
An important detail is that you can revive a suffocation victim - it shouldn't last too long of course, but it's not as if his head was cut off. And that's exactly what Hisoka will do.
He probably used Ken to absorb the explosion, surrounded his heart and his lungs with his Gum, then practiced a cardiac massage to resuscitate himself, - I pass about after-effects that his brain would normally have undergone, which is an ease logical scenario.
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Machi said one interesting thing: '[Hisoka] still paid me in advance.' This means that she was in contact with him before, and Hisoka asked her to stitch up his wounds after the fight. Machi probably understood it as 'if I win the fight, can you heal me', but for Hisoka there was probably a double meaning: healing his wounds if they were too serious so that he do himself, or if he hadn't been in fit state to do it.
Biggest mistake spiders have made has been to underestimate Hisoka.
Towards fight's end (chap 355) when a puppets horde rush towards him, Hisoka has an angry expression. Hisoka's neutral facial expression is a mischievous pout, or in fights where he has to fight seriously, he has a concentrated expression.
It's extremely rare to see him angry, and I think his change of mind manifests himself at that time. Hisoka's face takes half a page's place and is a terrifying blackness, it's an important moment. All accumulated frustration since years literally explodes during this bitter taster fight.
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When he wakes up, we don't immediately notice his change of mind, but when he speaks it's clearer.
'Reality knows how to wake you up.' Hisoka realizes - if not already done - that he'll not be able to defeat Chrollo with his usual methods.
A little higher, I said the trio had underestimated Hisoka but I also think of Chrollo. During the fight he was arrogant, explaining his abilities, inviting him to flee and then, telling him that isn't to taunt him - you can't make me believe thats true.
'If you've learned your lessons from this, then next time make sure to choose your opponent and the location you fight.' Machi's words complete Hisoka's decision, it was clearly not the thing to say to him at this precise moment.
This how Hisoka's change of mind worked for me. Hisoka's an irrational person but he killed with a certain consistent logic - strong ones who deserve his attention. His death - more precisely, circumstances of the fight leding to his death - played a major role in his transformation. He's no longer undefeated and has been ridiculed, Chrollo practically whistling when he sent his puppets against him.
'No matter where they go and who they are with, I won't stop until I kill them all' It's revenge.
His actions are no longer directed by the will to fight strong adversaries, they're guided by the outright brigade eradication.
Strangely, he leaves Machi alive. Don't tell me thats because he just wants she getting her message across to the other members, there were a thousand ways to warn Chrollo and the others without leaving her alive - and considering the awkward position she was in, he could have kill her without slightest concern. - In an interview, Togashi says that he didn't want to kill her at that time because he has other plans for her.
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Kortopi was visibly relieving himself when he was killed. He was a pointless opponent for Hisoka, especially considering the situation in which he found himself. This proves once again his change of mind, it's a method of murderer.
Same method when he sends Kortopi's head to Shalnark. At that moment, Shalnark grabs his friend's head - which is edifying of stupidity - to verify that it's him, and Hisoka punches him.
On several occasions, I've read some people would have liked to see a real Shalnark vs Hisoka fight. But we had it, and difference in strength is too great. At that moment, it's true that Shalnark couldn't use his Hatsu, nevertheless he could still use his Nen but he didn't even had time to defend himself with his Ten.
We don't know if Hisoka kills Shalnark in one blow, it's possible that he survived for a moment. However, this isn't what the staging seems to evoke. The fight literally takes a half page, speed with which Hisoka starts the fight and shock's power when he hits Shalnark leaves no doubt as to the fight speed end. In addition, even though Hisoka's Nen strengthened, he was seriously injured - he was able to repair his limbs in appearance, but he has no healing ability like Machi or quick regeneration like an enhancer.
The last chapter page sounds like a real turning point. We knew Hisoka was sadistic, he likes to torture his opponents psychologically (cf: Kastro fight, Goto), but we had never seen him at work physically. After his fight, he took the trouble to stage the Shalnark's and Kortopi corpses, tying Shalnark to the swing like a puppet, refering to his ability and his fight against Chrollo.
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Chapter ends abruptly with a sentence / thought from Hisoka: 'There are 10 left.'
Number 10 is interesting. At that moment, members still alive are the following: Phinks, Feitan, Machi, Kalluto, Nobunaga, Shizuku, Franklin, Bonorenov and Chrollo.
That makes 9. I consider that - even if he didn't see her die - Hisoka is aware of the Pakunoda's death. He spent a lot of time with members at Greed Island and Chrollo, it's impossible that he didn't learn it.
The 10th member is therefore Illumi - reader learns of his membership in the troupe only 20 chapters later -, he was therefore recruited before Hisoka announced his vendetta against spiders.
Last point I wanted to emphasize: when Hisoka says 'there is 10 left', he includes Chrollo. This shows that he no longer puts him on a pedestal, seeing him as the head or someone important. It's simply a leg to be eliminated.
Hisoka's personality has radically changed, he has finished playing.
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playgroundrp · 4 years
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She was born under the California sun to a pair of struggling restaurateurs; the autumn air wrapping her in hues of soft gold, blaze red, and mustard yellow. From the moment she took her first breaths, mother and father knew that she was going to be something remarkable, so they immediately rushed over to the store to pick-up a camcorder before making it home from the hospital—the excitement over their first daughter making them feel like new parents all over again. Up until this point, the couple had only birthed sons (four, the be exact) and had always hoped for a change of pace, but now with their little girl—who they affectionately named Cindy—they knew they didn’t have to try anymore; their undivided attention now set on their final child.
As she grew up, she knew nothing but adoration, cameras, and a perfect wardrobe—her mother almost treating her like a doll as opposed to a human-being. From her first small breaths, she was made to look immaculate no matter where the family went, and more often than not, her dad was wielding a camcorder that captured her every move. In their eyes, she was their precious princess, their soon-to-be star, and they did all they could to make sure that she knew how special she was. While their intentions were nothing but good, they later found out that their obsessive coddling created a monster; one who would begin to fully reveal itself upon the entrance of school.
Throughout most of her academic career, she was able to get by due to her charm and wit; her precociousness often impressing educators. Amongst her peers, though, she learned that she could use the same skills to win them over, too. All it took was a little bit of sweet-talking to make people swoon, and in middle school, when she began to grow a little more into her personality, she would often use her beauty to get her way. Boys loved her, so Cindy found it simple to flirt her way into their hearts; coercing the smarter, “nerdier” ones to complete her homework for her in exchange for a little attention. It was how she was able to remain a cheerleader for as long as she did. Honestly, it was a pretty good system, but all the while, her home life wasn’t great.
Having always fostered a gambling addiction, her father later succumbed to it fully—his once “innocent” goal of trying to turn his family into millionaires turning into something a lot more sinister. With so many mouths to feed at home, he couldn’t really handle the stress anymore, so he walked out on them; leaving the restaurant to his wife. He would make appearances intermittently as Cindy worked her way to high school, but after awhile, he disappeared forever. She filled the void he left behind with boys, recreational marijuana, and the leftover wine her mother didn’t drink; her mom’s way of coping being clutching onto the bottle in hopes it’ll make her feel alive again. Once their family business went under, they made the decision to move back to South Korea.
Culture shock was far more vicious than she anticipated. Did she speak the language? Yes, but her life had revolved around speaking English back home, so it took her awhile to find her footing with it. Not to mention she was miserable for having to leave all of her friends behind in California. Her life had become so dull in Korea, and it was clear that she was going to find some way to head back to the USA when she could afford it. For now, she had social media in order to keep close to her loved ones; her world slowly starting to revolve around apps like Instagram. She had a strong presence, that much was obvious, and it read stunningly in photographs. No wonder her family used to follow her around with a camcorder way back when. This magnetic appeal later attracted the sights of a talent scout for KN Entertainment. Later, she agreed to become a trainee.
It seemed as though no time had passed from the moment she was signed to the time she stood on-stage for her début. A mere six months had been eaten up by extensive training measures; her schedule no longer allowing the high school classes she had to drop out of eventually. Luckily her background in cheer gave her a experience in the art of performance, and well, she wasn’t the worst singer in Korea by any means; she was just very ill-prepared and undertrained. There wasn’t one single time that she didn’t rely on a backing track to handle her vocals and she came under fire for that a lot. As she was named TINKER’s “visual,” Cindy seemed to also work as the group’s punching bag. The general public was really harsh on her, but mostly because they thought she was too Westernized to be considered a classically Korean beauty.
She was further placed underneath a microscope due to her collective’s rapid rise to popularity, and she was often rumored to be classless and rude off-stage. Many were quick to blame her lack of respect for Korean culture on being poorly raised by her family; others said that she was just plain stupid. It never really seemed to end. It was hard for her to stop reading those hateful comments at first, but after awhile, she decided that other people’s opinions weren’t important for her growth. It just sucked that she had to learn that in such a rough way. All of this stress affected her in a variety of fashions initially, but overall, it made her crave excitement and pleasure in order to counteract it. What fun would work be without a little bit of playtime?
Even though it was completely against the rules to fall into romantic relationships, Cindy couldn’t help but indulge in a quite a few of them. She has an aura that’s been doused in Venus’ essence; her pheromones and femininity make her a valuable target for men looking for a girl to claim as their own. It’s fun to be pursued, after all. She’s always had an easy time winning over the hearts of boys—especially the gullible, traditional ones. It isn’t easy being desired all of the time, though. Because she’s had (and still has, to a degree) so many suitors, it’s always difficult for her to settle on just one. Being unfaithful is something her father left behind for her… and it’s too bad that she took to it so kindly.
After a few years with her group-mates, she’s been able to warm up to them more. She had to create a new family in them after being so distant from her friends back in Valley Glen. People still criticize her, but instead of focusing on her appearance now, it’s more-so due to her overall lack of talent. Her fanbase is quick to comeback with their positive opinions, too, but in truth, Cindy knows that she’s not really ever going to be a good idol. She relies heavily on her appearance and her stage presence, but in KN Entertainment’s eyes, for the most part, that’s good enough. Just like with most of her life, all she has to do is get dolled up and smile for the camera. Hopefully that’ll be her saving grace for the long haul.
Presently, she’s seeking out different opportunities in order to repair her image. It’s been a tireless game of trying to win over the Korean public, but she’s adamant to prove to her company that she’s not a liability. She just hopes that, if she does pick up modeling gigs, CF deals, and acting work, she won’t be completely picked apart by everyone. The last thing she wants is to bring bad energy onto TINKER. That, and with her father gone, she feels responsible for the well-being of her family. She’ll be the breadwinner someday—which is a lot for her to digest. For now, all she can do is hope that this experience won’t screw her over in the end.
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saltpepperbeard · 5 years
Why do so many people think that katniss didn’t want romance??? The amount of notes on that post you just reblogged is depressing. People think she just wanted to be alone and depressed in her house forever? That’s what these readers wanted for her? I don’t think they think through the whole “badass independent female character who doesn’t want romance” thing, because almost no one wants to be alone forever. That’s not a thing that makes most people happy, that’s not feminism
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“Sorry for the rant” M’DARLIN’ LOL. WHEN I TELL YOU I WAS SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU POP INTO MY ASKBOX WITH THIS. AND DO YOU REALLY NOT EXPECT ME TO RANT BACK LMAO? Like I was replying to the first part, and saw that there was more and was like...HELL YEAH ANON GO OFF??? LET’S DO THIS??????
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Because yeah, both of those mindsets are completely, completely wild to me. And I’ve seen them both pop up with an alarming frequency.
I think the whole “Katniss shouldn’t have ended up with anyone” argument stems from like the whole, “She’s a strong independent woman who don’t need no man” kind of thing. Like, people are sick and tired of stronger women characters ending up with a guy at the end. But like...What you said, what’s wrong with that? Why is romance such a bad thing? Does it somehow make her weaker, being a regular human with wants and needs? Does comfortably spending the rest of her live with someone somehow subtract from her character?
Like, last time I checked, Katniss is still very much who she is, aka a strong-willed, courageous, mature, well-spoken, wise beyond her years young woman, WHILE STILL HAVING LOVE AND COMFORT IN HER LIFE.
And lmao anon, didn’t the MJ2 filmmakers subtract the romance from the film though with similar logic? Like they thought it would “detract” from a war movie or what not. And I’m like jfklsjdkslds WHY. W H Y. IT IS AN INTENSE, BEAUTIFUL PART OF BEING A HUMAN BEING LMAO. WHY ARE HAPPY ENDINGS SUDDENLY BECOMING SO FREAKING TABOO.
Also, omfg, do not even get me started on the Peeta logic lol. The whole “placed with Peeta at the end” lmao. SETTLED to be with Peeta at the end. NEVER wanted to be with Peeta/didn’t actually love him.
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Hello, hi, how are you. Did we read the same books. Like, are we sure. Are we SURE. I’m all for different interpretations and people headcanoning this, that, and the other. But when something is blatantly stated multiple times throughout an ENTIRE series, and people try to attack others for it/downplay what’s there? *X SOUND EFFECT*
Liiikkkeee let’s just dabble in this a bit shall we *Licks pages from all three books as I open them simultaneously lmao* ~
“And then he gives me a smile so genuinely sweet with just the right touch of shyness that unexpected warmth rushes through me.” -THG pg 72. Gotta start that warmth early.
“Because if he dies, I’ll never go home, not really.” -THG pg 343. CAN’T GO HOME IF YOUR HOME DIES.
“I realize only one person will be damaged beyond repair if Peeta dies. Me.” -CF pg 352. Again, case in point.
“Peeta. Alive and well, well, maybe not well but alive and here. Away from Snow. Safe. Here. With me. In a minute I can touch him. See his smile. Hear his laugh. I’m lightheaded with giddiness. What will I say? Oh, who cares what I say? Peeta will be ecstatic no matter what I do. He’ll probably be kissing me anyway. I wonder if it will feel like those kisses on the beach in the arena, the ones I haven’t dared let myself consider until this moment.” MJ pg 175. She’s literally beside herself at the notion of seeing him again. And is thinking about arousing-level kisses? GIRL, PLEASE. But you know it’s fine, she doesn’t feel a thing for him l m a o.
Alsoooo CHECK THESE PARALLELS? First of all, her arousal/want towards him appears in all three books-
“This is the first kiss where I actually feel stirring inside my chest. Warm and curious. This is the first kiss that makes me want another.” -THG pg 298.
“I feel that thing again. The thing I only felt once before. In the cave last year, when I was trying to get Haymitch to send us food. I kissed Peeta about a thousand times during those Games and after. But there was only one kiss that made me feel something stir deep inside. Only one that made me want more.” -CF pg 352.
“The sensation inside me grows warmer and spreads out from my chest, down through my body, out along my arms and legs, to the tips of my being. Instead of satisfying me,  the kisses have the opposite effect, of making my need greater. I thought I was something of an expect on hunger, but this is an entirely new kind.” -CF pg 353.
“Peeta and I grow back together. There are still moments where he clutches the back of a chair and hangs on until the flashbacks are over. I wake screaming from nightmares of mutts and lost children. But his arms are there to comfort me. And eventually his lips. On the night I feel that thing again, the hunger that overtook me on the beach, I knew this would have happened anyway.” - MJ pg 388.
And then the dandelion/hope motif appears at the beginning and at the end. So SC introduced her relationship with Peeta, and brought it all the way around to a close at the end.
“To this day, I can never shake the connection between this boy, Peeta Mellark, and the bread that gave me hope, and the dandelion that reminded me that I was not doomed.” -THG pg 32.
“That what I need to survive is not Gale’s fire, kindled with rage and hatred. I have plenty of fire myself. What I need is the dandelion in the spring. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction. The promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses. That is can be good again. And only Peeta can give me that.” -MJ pg 388.
So no, it didn’t just appear out of the blue. No, she didn’t just settle for him. No, she didn’t just end up with him because it was most convenient. And these quotes barely even scratch the surface. There is a PLETHORA of little moments/asides she has through every book when it comes to Peeta. Everything from describing his appearance in detail, to how he makes her feel, to his likes/dislikes. And of course, the perfect little string to tie everything up with-
“So after, when he whispers, ‘You love me, real or not real?’ I tell him, ‘Real.’“ -MJ pg 388.
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hellsparadiseessays · 5 years
Little details from Chapter 72
[Under the cut to avoid spoiling people. Initially posted on my Twitter account, but it’ll be a bit more developed here.]
1. Lord Tensen and the notion of time
For all of their contempt, the Tensen clearly have a skewed notion of time because they lived for a thousand years. What does a day mean when you’re that old? 
2. What a cute interaction
Also, Chôbe’s really observant, they barely reunited and he immediately noticed the scar and the conditions that make it visible! Also, I really love his way to be nice. What a gruff lad, giving some criticism but then telling was good. In another life, he would have been a stern teacher, I swear. 
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3. Rien is a Dumb Bitch...
And Ju Fa is realising it only now (well. “now”, because I’ve been suspecting some sort of dissention between the Tensen for a while (cf one of my Aza Bros essays)). slow clap Thanks Rien, you brought one of the most dangerous people in Hôrai and made it worse for everybody.
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4. Tôma getting the recognition he deserves
And not just by his brother, Ju Fa does so too! Cutting with the intent to kill, I guess his internship with the Asaemon is truly bearing its fruits!
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5. Humanity: +1 point
Lord Tensen: we stronk! Humans weak!
Also Lord Tensen: oh no, they got super stronk in two days! 
Like I said in #1, their perception of time is skewed to the point it is difficult for them to conceive such growth in such a short time. Especially since their own endeavour has been fruitless for 1000 years. By the way, on this screenshot, enjoy Chôbe being between Ju Fa and his brother. He really is a good older brother, isn’t he. Edit: I forgot to point it out, but notice how Tôma always stays on Chôbe’s right side - his blind side, since his right eye is damaged. They’re so cool. 
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6. Of course they’re in synch!
This page had me squeal because I’m supportive of the bros and want them to wreck Ju Fa’s shit. Furthermore, with all the shit they went through all their life and how they always stood together, knowing each other to the point of being so in-synch it feels they’re a single person divided in two makes sense. Hell, I have a twin brother irl and despite our relationship being the broken-beyond-repair type, we still often catch each other speaking in-synch or having exactly the same reaction. It’s really a sibling thing and I love to see UG nailing it so well.
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7. Ju Fa is pissed
And getting riled up by a trolling Chôbe probably doesn’t help. He’s ready to ignore Rien’s orders for the sake of his own personal revenge.
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8. The Tensen fear Rien
I knew I was onto something when I suspected a certain amount of politics among the Tensen. Considering Rien’s behaviour, it is expected for the others to have mixed feelings about it all, but also to remain silent out of fear of reprisals.
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9. Tamiya and Fuchi really have different priorities
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10. Tao Fa reminds me of another character
Especially in that panel, she reminds me of Pris, one of the Nexus 6 from Blade Runner. More specifically, I have this scene in mind.
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11. The Tensen and they ability to modify their body through Tao manipulation
Here, we see something new about it: Tao Fa can modify specific parts of her body, using the male body to dish stronger punches and kicks.
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12. Fuchi is fast
Real fast and agile.
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mashalocked-blog · 7 years
[Translation] Talking FM - 21 Oct 2017
Masha talks about taxes, rocket travel, guitar recommendations, real estate, and so much more. 
Credits to elegantias on Facebook for their Chinese translations!
Songs played: Sou ~new love new world~, jazz and Hepburn and you, Kazoku ni Narou yo, Nagareboshi, Sanctuary
Full transcript:
It’s been a month since the House of Representatives was suddenly dissolved, tomorrow is election day. It all depends on the choice of the voters, your vote matters! Let’s vote! Good afternoon, let’s create a new world in our lives! I’m Fukuyama Masaharu! Yes, tomorrow is election day, of course I’ll be voting! Your vote can change the future of Japan! The opening song is Fukuyama Masaharu’s ‘Sou ~new love new world~’! 21 October 2017, 2pm. I'm Fukuyama Masaharu. This election is said to be the most intense one in recent times. Tomorrow is election day, I normally cast my vote on an earlier date, I think it should be the same this time too…? Actually, today’s broadcast is pre-recorded. In this election, young people can participate in voting too, it’s the first election to accept votes from 18/19 years old voters. How will it turn out? I: At that age, I didn’t have any interest in voting. Honestly speaking, me too! I was such a fool, so when I started paying high taxes, I wondered, “Ah, I have to pay so much, I clearly received so much royalties but why do I have to pay so much in taxes?” I: Did you discover it during ‘Good night’? Not yet! I: Not yet? I didn’t have to pay so much tax yet during ‘Good night’. I: So, you realised during ‘Sakurazaka’? The amount of taxes then was so high!! Although I was surprised when I received so much money, I was even more shocked when I had to pay taxes. But to live in Japan, I have to pay these taxes. So, it became the first time I thought of the question, “What are my taxes being used on?” Of course, there are many people who pay more taxes than me, but I don’t really know much about that. I learnt that taxes are used on security, culture and basic social security. I thought, “If I stay in this country, I’ll receive a pension.” But times have changed, and it makes no difference even if I’m no longer staying in Japan, although there was such a system in the past. Social security is just a number, and it doesn’t represent much. But if people get retrenched, where do they go and live after their 50s? I’ve thought of this problem before, including this problem in Japan itself. I’ve mentioned before that Fukuoka and Sendai are good choices. I: In these times, no matter where a musician goes, he can still continue working. Yes, he can still work. Also, where should the registered place of residence be moved to? A person can consider constantly changing the place by immigrating overseas, occasionally returning to Japan. What will my relationship with Japan be like then? I’ve thought a lot about problems like these. Today’s show will feature “I’m sorry, mother” letters from all over the country. This goes hand in hand with the new single, titled “I’m sorry, mother”… (t/n: a joke, please don’t go searching for this) The “I’m sorry, mother” plan, will it ever be realised? Anyway, there are many letters from mothers too, from all over Japan. Please look forward to it! Also, we will do a mass sending out of stickers from this show today. Just tell us the two keywords that we will mention in this broadcast, and you might win the stickers! We’re going to send out 99 stickers! Ah? We’ve already decided on 99 stickers? Why? I: Because today is the 99th broadcast of the show. Eh? Really? It’s the 100th episode the next week? The first keyword is ‘I’m sorry, mother’. The second keyword will be announced later, please listen carefully! 21 October, the mass giveaway of 99 stickers! It’s the season of holidays, if it takes only 35 minutes to go to New York, will you try it? I just saw this news recently. I: This is a plan from an American space development company, SpaceX. It has plans to use rockets as international transport for passengers. From Tokyo to New York, it’ll take only 35 minutes. The highest speed is 27000km/hr, but when this will be released hasn’t been announced yet. I know, but why does it only take 35 minutes? I don’t get it. After take-off, will we reach after turning around a few corners? I: Because the Earth is spinning too. Since the Earth is spinning too, that’s really convenient isn’t it? I: Just 35 minutes. But the businessmen in Tokyo and New York will be very busy. The 10 hours spent on an international flight are very important, it’s a time when no one bothers you. Recently, I travelled to Venice and San Sebastian for international film festivals. In the past, I thought taking a 11, 12 hours flight to Frankfurt was a long time… but I think it’s such a short time now! I do this and that, then I sleep. The schedule is too tight. “Ah!! I’m going to reach! My private time is over!” It feels very short. It felt long in the past, since I could sleep again and again and wake up to find that I haven’t arrived yet. Nowadays, my thoughts on this have changed. I: So even if this rocket is put into use, you’ll still… I’ll still consider it, since I can reach New York in 35 minutes. I can adapt to the time difference on the first day and start working the next day, perhaps I’ll schedule it this way. But although humans often say they’ll make full use of the time when they’re at a meeting, they’ll turn around and say, “If anything happens, we can have a few reserve days.” The schedule becomes like this! The world is annoying like this! There’s advantages and disadvantages to this. Fuji-kun from Kanagawa Prefecture, male, 39 years old: I’ll be going for the males-only concert this year! M: Thank you! Every year, I look forward to it. \NM: Thanks, please bring a hundred friends too. I’m writing this letter because there’s something I cannot understand. My daughter is entering high school this year, and she says she wants to buy a guitar. M: It’s SHISHAMO! (t/n: high school Japanese band) Fujiwara Sakura! She says she wants to buy a guitar, but I don’t know how to choose. I thought it would be best to ask Masha, do you have any guitar recommendations for girls? Honestly, a guitar maniac’s answer would be the old Yamaha FG series. It was produced in the 70s, the tone is great and it’s cheap. You can buy it at 4/5/60,000 yen. But you have to spend some time to repair most of them, such as the fret wire and the nut. So, it adds up to around 7/80,000 yen since you have to spend a bit more. But I feel that rather than buying a new guitar at 100,000 yen, it’s better to buy a guitar from the 70s, it’s even better if you get one from the 60s. If you buy the Yamaha FG series, you still have to repair it later, so you’ll spend around the same amount of money. But the tone is much better. A while ago, I went to Music Station and talked to Yuzu’s Iwasawa Koji. Iwasawa is still using the Yamaha FG series guitar, an old one. It's an amazing guitar. Kazuyan from Gunma Prefecture, male, 47 years old: I wrote this letter because I wanted to ask for your opinion. I’m the same age as you, but my daughter is currently 14 years old, in the 2nd grade in junior high. As the years go by, we talk less and less each year. She seems to be very impatient. “Hey, daughter, do you hate your dad?! What do you hate about me? You’ve got to tell me what you’re unhappy about! Isn’t that right, her mother?” She says my general cleanliness is terrible, so I drank and cried the whole night away (actually it’s a lie). M: Kazuyan, honestly, you can do without the lie… I want to become cleaner, but I don’t know how to do that. I’m just a normal office worker, there’s nothing visibly weird about me. So even if I want to become cleaner, I don’t know what I should do to make others feel that I’m clean. I think you give off a fresh/clean feeling, so what should I take note of to seem like a clean person to others? Please give me advice since we’re the same age, thank you. Kazuyan, it’s the hair on your nape and near your ears, what is it called? Anyway, these two places have to give off a clean feeling. Imanami, did you cut your hair today? I: I did. As long as you cut the hair on your nape, you’ll seem clean. Also, the feeling that the skin gives off to other people - skin shouldn’t be dry, your face shouldn’t be too oily too. What should you do then? The older you get, the more important your hairstyle becomes. I don’t like my hairstyle too. Actually, I want to get an even shorter haircut. I: Shorter than now? I want to get a really short haircut. I: Like a kariage? (t/n: kariage = sides shaved, short back hairstyle) A kariage doesn’t fit me, I don’t want it. I want to get a shorter fringe though. I’m only allowing my fringe to grow this long because of CFs and dramas, since a long fringe can form many hairstyles. Actually, I don’t normally do my hair. I honestly don’t like my fringe. Ah, besides this, there’s the nails too. Imanami, can I see your nails? Don’t pick your nails, I’ve told you before. I: Don’t you feel like picking at your nails? Definitely not! It’s because I don’t pick my nails, so I put nail protection cream. Taking care of your nails can help you maintain your hygiene, especially for middle-aged men. I want to do something about my toenails too, it often grows crookedly. I: The ends often split. Yes, yes! I: And then I’ll pick at it. I told you not to do that. I: After I pull it out, it’ll grow back. You can’t pick at it. The ends of your toenails are too white, it looks like a fossil. I: That’s right. It’s like excavating fossils. My hands can’t touch some of my toenails… I really want to do something about them… it’s better to go to a beautician. The you who lives in Tokyo, do you think Tokyo is a good place to live in? Recently, a study examined the economy and liveability statistics of 44 cities around the world and ranked them. Tokyo got 3rd place for 2 years straight. I: The 2nd place for these 2 years is New York, but the gap has lessened. Which city is the first? I: London. The property prices in these cities are very high. I: Are you considering property prices? Of course. I don’t really like these cities, whether it’s London or New York or Tokyo, because the property prices are really high, especially in London. It would be better if the property prices were a bit cheaper. I: Yes, the real estate rankings aren’t good. It's in 17th place. New York is expensive too. I: New York is in 34th place. It’s expensive to live in Tokyo too. I: 14th place. I think a better place would be Singapore. I: That’s true overall, but the liveability ranking is only at 28th place. Well, I won’t look at the property in Singapore then. My grandfather was in real estate, I suppose I inherited this interest from him. It’s hereditary. Since I was young, I’ve always been looking at property, I still like real estate even now. But the properties in Tokyo, London and New York are really very expensive. How should I look at this ranking? The next segment is 'I'm sorry, mother'. Saga Prefecture, Tsuku-chan, 41 years old, office worker, male: This segment ‘I’m sorry, mother’ is very moving, I have a story I want to share too! Now that I look back, my mother has always taken care of me with her motherly love and warmth, but I’ve only given her trouble and worries. I used to be like a countryside bully, often using “Omae!” to call my mother. (t/n: Omae is used by seniors to address juniors.) M: S-A-G-A, Saga Prefecture. During junior high, I was unapologetic even when I saw my teacher and mother running around because of me. The only woman I’ve ever hit was my mother. M: You hit your mother?! When we were arguing, I hit her face and she cried. I only regretted it then. After I hit her, I didn’t speak to her for a month. It was a painful time. But she still secretly prepared a birthday cake for me, I was so embarrassed. I only got into less trouble when I entered high school. I was such a fool back then, I made her worry so much. After 20 years, I’ve become an office worker. When I think of what happened then, I feel even more apologetic towards my mother now. But I can’t simply tell her I’m sorry, because she’ll start crying once she hears my apology. She won’t be able to stop crying! (t/n: Kyushu accent) I can’t say sorry, so I say thank you instead to make up for what I did in the past. What a fool! I think you should just write a letter. Using this letter from the broadcast, tell her “I wrote a letter to Fukuyama, he says it’s best to write you a letter." If she asks “what?”, you can tell her “no, it was Fukuyama who told me to write it.” If she says anything, just tell her “Fukuyama told me to do it.” Do write a letter to her. Kanagawa Prefecture, Hironobu, 42 years old, male, office worker: Fukuyama-san, I enjoy listening to your show every week, I’ve been listening for more than 10 years already. This is the first time I’m writing a letter to you. After hearing about the segment ‘I’m sorry, mother’, I thought of me and my mother. M: The first letter after listening for 10 years, because of this segment. When I was born, my father had already passed away. It was my mother who raised me alone. Although I didn’t do anything bad, but I did go through a rebellious phase and I had a bad relationship with my mother then. I still remember it clearly even now. When I was in the 2nd grade of junior high, my mother was 42 years old. She asked, “Hironobu, if…and I’m saying if, I have a boyfriend, what do you think of it?” I got shocked, so I immediately said, “How did you get a boyfriend! You’re an old and ugly woman!” Actually, this wasn’t what I really thought, I just carelessly said it because I was surprised. At that time, my mother… M: That’s a weird way of responding. I still remember my mother’s weird smile then, even now. M: That’s not a weird smile, it’s a forced one. Afterwards, I met with a guy who seemed to be my mother’s boyfriend at a family restaurant in my hometown. He said hello to me, then I left to meet my friend from a school club. When I went home, I told my mother, “I hate that sort of old man.” I never saw him again. My mother is living alone healthily now, but when I think of this, I wonder if I’ve ruined my mother’s happiness. I feel really apologetic towards my mother. Everyone is like this, when we’re young we tend to see the opposite sex as females. But our mothers are still our mothers, but for the first time we realise that our mothers are females too. But during this period, we don’t want to acknowledge this fact. Especially to a boy in junior high, his mother isn’t a woman, but a mother. It’s weird to see her with a boyfriend. I: This is especially true in this period… but when it’s more acceptable once the boy reaches his 20s. It’s really hard to accept. Hironobu, you and your mother… perhaps your mother doesn’t have confidence. I hope Hironobu can decide. Your mother was in her prime years when she gave birth to you at 28 years old. There probably were men who liked her, since she was in her prime then. But because she had to raise you up alone, she didn’t have time to get into a relationship. Later, perhaps at work, she meets a man. She felt his warmth, but because she hadn’t been in a romantic relationship for so long, she forgot how to be in one. So, she wanted to show you who he was before deciding. But since Hironobu couldn’t accept him, this romance ended. It’s not Hironobu’s fault, your words may have been a good thing for you and your mother. Honestly, a man may never be able to see his mother as a woman for his whole life. I: Even now, it still feels like she comes from a planet of mothers. An alien mother from the planet of mothers. When mothers decide to remarry… there are many reasons, be it for finance or psychological support. It’s normal to want to remarry. But whether the child can accept, I don't know. my father passed away when I was 17 years old. If my mother now wants to find a partner in the final years of her life, and she wants to marry him or stay with him without marrying him, I don’t think I’ll call that man my father. At this age… I: Man-to-man, I think you’ll just say, “I’ll hand my mother to you then.” Of course, there are people who still want to accept a new family member and call him “dad”. But at this age, I won’t. Everyone has their own anniversaries, and today’s date is an anniversary to me too… what is this… I’ve mentioned this before, Imanami. Can you be a bit better with dates? I: You’re releasing more and more singles, this is just an anniversary of a single’s release. What the hell is that, a single release anniversary? I: Today is the anniversary of your 4th single, ‘WOH WOW/It’s Just That I’ve Changed’. It achieved 89th place on Oricon in 1991. What are you trying to say? I: Your next single became popular. Good night? The sales only got a bit better. I: You’ve said this before, WOH WOW was the last song you couldn’t sell out. That…that…you’re phrasing it in such a delicate way, are you making fun of me?! I: No, no. Fukuyama, this is the last song you couldn’t sell out! This is the last song I couldn’t sell out! You’re too much, is there still such a way of bullying in the 21st century?! Is this the new way of bullying in 2017? I: But this song was the first one to enter the Oricon charts, how did you feel then? About that… everyone often asks me, “How did you feel then?” I was very happy, but I wasn’t overly excited. I remember that I was thinking that I could finally see a pinhole-sized light. Thank you, BROS! Saga Prefecture, Ago-chan, 57 years old, housewife, female: I went to the gym/after two days/my butt jive up. M: What does jive up mean? After my husband retired, I wanted to keep fit. I started to do walking exercises every morning, and I went to the gym too. I really wanted to work out, so I went to the gym. I felt like I had to try everything, so I tried out every single machine, including the squat weightlifting bar. M: Seya!! (t/n: Kansai-ben, meaning that's how it is) But when I stepped hard on the ground, the old companion in my butt, the secretly hidden haemorrhoids said, “Hello!” I: Hahaha… that… even now, ‘Hello!’ is still an important song… M: I know… The haemorrhoids said, “Hello!” and jumped out into the clear, it was so painful. The coach was a young man and he ran over to help me up, asking, “Is your waist alright? Is there something wrong with your waist? It’s your waist, right!” I said, “Yes, it’s my waist that’s hurting.” M: Why didn’t he ask whether it’s your haemorrhoids… Afterwards, I used my own experience to resolve it quickly. M: Ago-chan, you’re so well-experienced… no, you’re a professional! “I quickly dealt with it, then I continued working out.” Your haemorrhoids came out already though! When I went home in the car, my husband said, “Just now, you just… Bonjour, right? Don’t lift weights anymore!” My dad said ‘Hello’ to this before too. I: He had it inside? It split? It split inside-out! On the surface too. I: How painful. He often shoved it back in. “Ah, so you can just shove it back in with a push! Amazing! So it comes out like this!” Fukuoka Prefecture, Mikiko-chan, housewife, female, 54 years old: I met my ex-boyfriend in a funeral home. In February this year, I met my ex-boyfriend from high school again. The venue was my aunt’s funeral. He was in charge of greeting the family members. His hair has started to become thinner and his looks changed a lot too. But I recognised him at first sight, so we talked about the past. Because I’m a family member and he’s an employee, we couldn’t talk for too long. Even though I’m his ex-girlfriend, I feel like he did his work too poorly. My relatives were a little annoyed too, and my 25-year-old niece even said, “That baldy! I can’t wait for all your hair to drop out! Baldy!” I didn’t dare to say that I was his ex-girlfriend when the funeral ended. At this age, when I hear someone say bad things about my ex, I still feel a bit sensitive over it. M: Of course! You can criticise his work, but saying that he’s a baldy is a bit… he even wanted all his hair to drop out, he shouldn’t be like this. It’s rather rare to meet an ex-boyfriend at a funeral, but at this age, we’re all concerned about people from the past. It’s easy for them to know how I’ve been living, but I want to see them again. I wonder how they’re doing since we haven’t met for so long. (t/n: talks about Kanpai Japan concert, males-only concert, his new song for the Totto-chan drama. Skip to 35:20 for subtitles) The last keyword for the stickers contest is ‘The males-only concert is forever!’ Please put both keywords together and send it to us for the lucky draw. It’s interesting if you put them both together… (t/n: I’m sorry, mother, the males-only concert is forever!) Next week’s broadcast is the 100th episode! We’ll read lots of letters! But our casual talk is often very long.
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pope-francis-quotes · 5 years
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23rd June >> (@ZenitEnglish By Jim Fair ) #Pope Francis #PopeFrancis Urges Catholic Doctors to Remember how Jesus Healed. International Federation of Catholic Medical Associations in Rome for Consecration to Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Pope Francis had advice for medical doctors on 22nd June 2019: remember how Jesus healed.
The Holy Father’s comments came in the Sala Regia of the Vatican Apostolic Palace, where he received in the members of the International Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (FIAMC), gathered in Rome to celebrate the consecration of the Federation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Pontifical Urban University, June 21-22, 019).
The Pope recalled that early Christians ofter described Jesus as a doctor, as one who healed the sick. And caring for the sick was a central activity during Jesus’ public life. Healing involved repairing physical ailments — and removing demons from those who had been possessed. But it wasn’t just what the Lord did but how he did it that the Pope cited.
“The way in which Jesus cares for the sick and the suffering is also important,” Francis said. “He often touches these people and lets Himself be touched by them, even in the cases in which this would be prohibited…For Jesus, to cure means to draw close to the person, even if at times there are some who would prevent Him from doing so, as in the case of the blind man Bartimaeus, in Jericho.
“Finally, Jesus care coincides with raising up and sending on his way the person whom he has approached and healed. There are many sick people who, after being healed by Christ, become His disciples and followers.”
The Pope acknowledged the vast advances in medical care over the past century. But he reminded those present that the human part of treatment remains the same.
“You are called to give care with delicacy and respect for the dignity and physical and psychical integrity of the person,” Francis told the doctors. “You are called to listen with attention, to answer with suitable words, that accompany the gestures of care, making them more human and therefore also more effective. You are called to encourage, to console, to raise up, to give hope. One cannot care for and be cured without hope; in this, we are all in need and grateful to God, Who gives us hope. But also grateful to those who work in medical research.”
The following is Pope Francis’ address to those present:
Address of the Holy Father
Eminent Cardinal
Mr. President
Dear brothers and sisters!
I welcome you and I thank Cardinal Turkson for his kind words. I appreciated that, in this meeting of yours, you wished to perform a particular act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and I assure you of my prayer that it may be fruitful for every one of you. I would like to share some simple reflections with you.
The first Christian communities often presented the Lord Jesus as a “doctor”, emphasizing the constant attention, full of compassion, that He had for those who suffered from every time of illness. His mission consisted first of all of being close to the sick or those affected by disability, especially those who were despised or marginalized as a result. In this way Jesus broke the damning judgment that often labeled the sick person as a sinner; with this compassionate closeness, He expressed the infinite love of God the Father for His neediest children.
Care for the sick appears, therefore, as one of the constitutive dimensions of Christ’s mission; and for this reason, it has remained thus in that of the Church. In the Gospels, a strong link is evident between Christ’s preaching and the gestures of healing that He performs for those who are “ill with various diseases, those suffering severe pain, the demon-possessed, those having seizures, and the paralyzed” (Mt 4: 24).
The way in which Jesus cares for the sick and the suffering is also important. He often touches these people and lets Himself be touched by them, even in the cases in which this would be prohibited. He does this, for example, with the woman who suffered for years from hemorrhages: He feels that He is touched, He perceives the healing force that comes from Him, and when that person confesses, on her knees, what she has done, He says to her: “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace” (Lk 8: 48).
For Jesus, to cure means to draw close to the person, even if at times there are some who would prevent Him from doing so, as in the case of the blind man Bartimaeus, in Jericho. Jesus has him called over and asks him, “What do you want me to do for you?” (Mk 10: 51). It may seem surprising that the “doctor” asks the suffering person what he expects of him. But this sheds light on the value of the word and of dialogue in the curing relationship. Curing, for Jesus, means entering into dialogue to enable the emergence of the desire of the human being and the gentle power of God’s love, working in His Son. Because to cure means to initiate a journey: a journey of relief, of consolation, of reconciliation and of healing. When a certain cure is given with sincere love for the other, the horizon of the person who is cured is extended, because there is one human being: a unity of spirit, soul, and body. And this can be seen clearly in Jesus’ ministry: He never heals just a part, but all the person, fully. At times starting from the body, at times from the heart – that is, forgiving his sins (cf. Mk 2: 5), but always to heal all.
Finally, Jesus care coincides with raising up and sending on his way the person whom he has approached and healed. There are many sick people who, after being healed by Christ, become His disciples and followers.
Therefore, Jesus draws close, cares for, heals, reconciles, calls and sends away: as we see, his relationship with people oppressed by sickness and infirmity is for him a personal one, rich, not mechanical, not at a distance.
And it is to this school of Jesus, the doctor, and brother of the suffering, that you are called as doctors who believe in Him, members of His Church. You are called to be close to those who go through moments of trial due to illness.
You are called to give care with delicacy and respect for the dignity and physical and psychical integrity of the person.
You are called to listen with attention, to answer with suitable words, that accompany the gestures of care, making them more human and therefore also more effective.
You are called to encourage, to console, to raise up, to give hope. One cannot care for and be cured without hope; in this, we are all in need and grateful to God, Who gives us hope. But also grateful to those who work in medical research.
In the last hundred years, there has been immense progress. There are new therapies and numerous treatments in the experimental stages. All these cures were unthinkable in past generations. We can and must alleviate suffering and educate each person to become more responsible for his or her own health and the health of neighbors and relatives. We must also remember that caring means respecting the gift of life from the beginning to the end. We are not its owners: life is entrusted to us, and doctors are its servants.
Your mission is at the same time a witness of humanity, a privileged way of making it seen and heard that God, our Father, takes care of every single person, without distinction. To do this, He wishes also to make use of our knowledge, our hands, and our heart, to cure and heal every human being, because He wishes to give life and love to each person.
This demands competence, patience, spiritual strength and fraternal solidarity of you. The style of a Catholic doctor unites professionalism with the capacity for collaboration and ethical rigor. And all this benefits both the sick and the environment in which you work. Very often – we know – the quality of a department is given not so much by the wealth of the equipment with which it is endowed, but rather the level of professionalism and humanity of the head of department and the team of doctors. We see this every day, from so many simple people who go to hospital: “I would like to go to this doctor, to that doctor – Why? – Because I feel their closeness, their dedication”.
By continually renewing yourselves and drawing from the wellsprings of the Word of God and the Sacraments, you can carry out your mission well, and the Spirit will give you the gift of discernment to face delicate and complex situations, and to say the right words in the right way and to keep the correct silence at the right moment.
Dear brothers and sisters, I know that you already do so, but I urge you to pray for those you care for and for the colleagues who work with you. And do not forget to pray for me too. Thank you!
© Libreria Editrice Vatican
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thetwoguineabook · 7 years
@sunnydisposish thank you so much for the awesome feedback and great questions- hope you don’t mind me responding in a new post.
I’m so in love with Blackbird I don’t even know where to begin: the beautiful writing, the impressive historical accuracy and evocative world-building, the poignant storyline and entirely novel yet still somehow in-character arcs for Victor and Yuuri, the thought-provoking questions about politics, ideology, identity, and personal responsibility so skillfully woven into the love story at its center, and last but not least, your merciless puncturing of the British imperialist/colonialist/racist mindset (especially appreciated by this former subject who grew up in what was then still a British colony).
Thank you! It was definitely interesting to me to explore, even at a slight remove as both POV characters were decidedly non-British, the very weird situation of British politics in the immediate post-war era. WW2 was really the last death knell for Britain as the big imperial power on the world stage, but frankly we as a country still haven’t come to terms with that (cf. half the electorate seriously believing that we won’t be questing paddle-less for where Shit Creek rises in the Mountains of Oh God Why without the rest of the EU). The Attlee government was, in my humble but correct opinion, the best and most socially revolutionary government we ever had, but at the same time as we were creating the NHS and nationalising industries, we were also desperately trying to develop nuclear weapons and pissing and moaning about whether countries we’d been stamping on for centuries were ~really ready~ to see the back of us. It was a truly absurd time period.
Another reason I love it is that it’s so rewarding to re-read, because each time through I notice more little details sprinkled throughout the text, like easter eggs waiting to be discovered. For example, in ch. 4 you slip in a casual mention of a drunken assignation Yuuri once had with some guy from Cambridge named “Guy” who professed to be a Communist, then in the very next section you have Georgi complaining to Victor about one of the agents he’s handling who goes by the name of “Hicks,” which is none other than the code name for Guy Burgess. :) 
Fun fact: I have a whole document in the notes section in Scrivener entitled ‘Yuuri’s ex-boyfriends’. He was... not very nice to a lot of them, lol. Once it occurred to me that, although Burgess would have come down from Cambridge before Yuuri went to Oxford, they could still very well have met (and drunk inordinate amounts of booze together) at the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race, I just couldn’t resist.
Also in ch. 4, you describe one of the musicians who had performed Shostakovich’s Symphony #7 during the Leningrad siege as “a short woman with long, pale hair and a hunger-pinched face who nevertheless stared into the camera with the piercing gaze of a soldier, a clarinet clutched in her hands like a rifle” – that has got to be an image of Yura’s mother, right?
Yes! That is none other than Yulia Plisetskaya, classical musician and denouncer of Yuri’s shitty dad. I am slightly intimidated by the prospect of writing it because the situation in Leningrad was so incredibly awful, but one of my planned side stories is about the Plisetskys and the Babichevs during the siege, and particularly about that August 1942 performance of the Shostakovich symphony and Yuri beginning to repair his incredibly fucked-up relationship with her.
Oh, and she’s a clarinettist for a reason ;)
In ch. 6, when Yuuri is told he is being reassigned to Korea, there’s a mention of the new British Consul-General to Korea, Sir Vyvyan Holt, and Yuuri’s boss reassures him that “Holt is… well he’s a lot of things, but he’s not an idiot. He’ll evacuate British diplomats if - when there’s a declaration of war.” So of course, when I googled Holt’s name, I learned that not only was he a real person, but when the Korean war broke out, Holt mistakenly thought he would be protected by his diplomatic immunity, and instead of evacuating everyone when he had the chance, he and his staff ended up being detained by the North Koreans, then forced on a death march to the far north of the peninsula where they were kept captive for several years. Oh the irony. If Yuuri had accepted the assignment, he would have suffered even more at the hands of the North Koreans once they realized he was Japanese, even without knowing he was a spy. (Shudder.)
Yeah that was some thick ladling of irony there, lol. Although perhaps Yuuri would at least have got on with Holt, since one of the ‘many things’ he was at least rumoured to be was gay. And the story of what happened to the actual MI6 officer who was undercover in Holt’s office when the war broke out is... well, interesting to say the least. I’ve got an historical notes post about it that just needs to be finished up.
You’ve thought out everything so thoroughly (down to Victor’s nom de guerre, Stefan Rittberger, and the figure skating jump known as the Rittberger loop) that I have to ask whether there’s a special meaning or symbolism behind your choice of “blackbird” as the title of the story. I mean, the first association that occurred to me, especially given your nom de plume of sixpences, was the children’s rhyme “Sing a song of sixpence / a pocketful of rye. / Four and twenty blackbirds / baked in a pie.” But some light googling turned up a plethora of meanings for “blackbird,” including: a symbol of freedom, a connotation of vigilance, shyness and insecurity, secrets and mystery, etc., any and all of which could fit. Then there are the well-known songs Bye-Bye Blackbird (which had a “cameo” in ch. 5) and the Beatles’ Blackbird (the lyrics for which also fit the story), and one of my favorite poems, the haiku-inspired “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird” by Wallace Stevens, which is so protean and capacious in its meanings that it could definitely fit. Finally, that redoubtable (and dubious) authority urbandictionary.com gives the following meanings (inter alia) for blackbird: 1. The act of leaving a group of people, especially a social event (i.e. business party), without saying goodbye to anyone and without anyone detecting your escape. 2. Someone who acts happy in public but is an emotional wreck in private. Someone who doesn’t advertise their depression.
Well for starters, the Stefan Rittberger alias followed the same pattern as every other original character in the fic- they are all named after figure skaters from their respective countries of origin (generally speaking with forenames and surnames from different individuals). The only exception was the Jamaican jazz band leader Nigel Harriott- the only male Jamaican figure skater whose name I could turn up was Paralympic skater Nigel Davis, so I gave him the surname of a real Jamaican jazz musician who emigrated to the UK in this period.
As for the origins of ‘Blackbird’... well, for starters, the nursery rhyme connection only occurred to me quite a way into writing the fic, haha. ‘sixpences’ originated as a reference to Dodie Smith’s I Capture the Castle, one of my favourite novels, and as a way to reference the various notions of luck associated with the old silver sixpence coins, and also because when I picked the name six or seven years ago the Livejournal username ‘sixpence’ in the singular was already taken!
I knew from the very first vague ideas I had about the fic that this was primarily a story about Victor- his character arc, specifically getting him to the point where he would joyfully betray his country for love, was the very first thing I knew I wanted to write about, before I was even sure it was going to be an historical AU! When you get right down to it, this is a fic about that scene where Victor’s standing on the Barcelona seafront, looking out over the Mediterranean, and admiring his engagement ring- it’s a story about what Victor is not only willing, but entirely happy to do for Yuuri.
Once I knew I wanted it to be a spy story I started doing the 100% most fun spy story thing and making up everyone’s ridiculous codenames. My initial idea for Yuuri was to use something piglet-related, for obvious reasons, but that both felt a bit too mean and also not like something Minako specifically would think to call him. I wanted to give him a name that evoked the kind of figure he cuts at the start of the story- small, unassuming, lonely, but with something very deep going on beneath the surface, the same way one flighty little bird can nevertheless produce the most beautiful song. It also fitted nicely in terms of a metaphor for what he was doing in Berlin- Japan is of course ‘the land of the rising sun’, and he was ‘singing’ information to the Allies from inside their command structure.
There is a minor bird motif throughout the fic- with maybe one or two exceptions, any time a bird is mentioned in scenery description, you’ll find it’s a dark-coloured one. It wouldn’t have made the cut as an epigraph since it’s from 2005, but this from ‘Rapture’, which is one of my favourite Carol Ann Duffy poems, was very much in my mind in planning out the shape of the plot:
How does it happen that our lives can drift far from our selves, while we stay trapped in time, queueing for death? It seems nothing will shift the pattern of our days, alter the rhyme we make with loss to assonance with bliss. Then love comes, like a sudden flight of birds from earth to heaven after rain. Your kiss, recalled, unstrings, like pearls, this chain of words. Huge skies connect us, joining here to there. Desire and passion on the thinking air.
So birds recur as a symbol of independence, of thinking and acting freely even under dire and constricting circumstances, and Yuuri specifically is codenamed after a bird. It only felt natural that the story of how Victor Nikiforov, Soviet patriot and enormously valuable and accomplished spy (indeed, modelled after a man dubbed ‘the most formidable spy in history’), came to throw away his career and his country, to choose love and the freedom to live as he wanted, should share Yuuri’s name.
Sorry to be such a nerd – I’m probably overthinking all of this – and for sending you such an interminable ask (which would have overflowed the tumblr ask box 10 times over), but I would love to know the meaning behind the title.
Look, I just wrote a 100k historical spy novel about characters from a sports anime. I am the biggest nerd. And I really had a great time answering your questions, so thank you again!
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curejulie · 7 years
fic idea for otayurijj, though it could be read as pliroy<--otabek at first although I guess I haven’t fully fleshed it out yet,  I may never get to write it so just dumping my thoughts here.
chapter 1 background:
- JJ and Otabek are friends, perhaps simply by the virtue of being 19 (along with Leo) and also due to the time otabek spent in Canada. 
- despite their year spent together at the rink, they don’t necessarily click. otabek keeps JJ at arm’s length. at best, they’re distant friends. more than acquaintances but not quite at the level to be friends.
- JJ never stops with the friendly overtures, though otabek more than likely politely declines his offer to hang out most of the time. they message more they talk in person, although that’s not saying much. JJ respects the low communication need from otabek and that’s that.
- story begins a month post-GPF, JJ texts otabek and asks about his budding friendship with yuri. much like his personality otabek’s texts are short, terse, and infrequent. JJ manages to convey to otabek that he would like to make more friends with the ice skaters at his age range, and persuades otabek to convince yuri to have lunch with the three of them while they were all attending a skating event in france.
- otabek complies, because he thinks both yuri and JJ could use more friends and could work out their strained (non-existent relationship). 
- yuri is surprisingly compliant to otabek’s request (because it’s otabek), but he complains about JJ all the while walking towards meeting location. otabek constantly assures yuri that JJ is actually a good person. they meet JJ at a cafe in Paris.
- JJ gifts yuri a custom-made white tiger plush (per otabek’s advice) wearing his FP costume, with a gold medal. yuri is absolutely overjoyed (”kuso yabai”) but he tries not to show it, but the way he’s cradling the tiger in his lap gives it away.
- JJ apologizes sincerely for starting off on the wrong foot and shakes hands with yuri, wanting to start off fresh as friends. Yuri agrees to do so, but he still sits next to Otabek  and even when JJ tries to make conversation he makes Otabek answer for him. lunch is good, but a little awkward due to this odd three way conversation.
- JJ and Yuri exchange numbers on a friendly note, although Yuri doesn’t bother texting him other than to thank him for the gift (and uploads it to instagram, but with no real identifying tags). the three part ways. 
- JJ also tells Otabek he still doesn’t feel confident in texting yuri even though he clearly won him over with the gift. 
- two months later, yuri’s grandfather has a heart attack scare and is hospitalized. emotionally distressed, yuri calls otabek and asks him to stay with him while his grandfather recovers. otabek doesn’t even tell his coach or family when he books the first ticket to st. petersburg.
- the first night, yuri can’t sleep, so he has otabek join him in bed, and otabek strokes his hair until he falls asleep. he knows, and probably has known then he has been harboring feelings for yuri that’s hard to categorize, verbalize or even to express, but decides this is nice for now. otabek falls asleep next him.
- otabek spends the next three days with yuri at home and in the hospital. when they’re at home doing domestic chores, otabek wishes he could freeze this moment in time and keep them for safekeeping.
- yuri’s grandfather is discharged within days, and otabek returns home (coach is probably furious). he sees a flurry of texts from JJ, asking about yuri and how he was faring, and how his grandfather was faring. word spreads fast in the figure skating grapevine, it seems. JJ sounds quite worried, asking if it was proper to send flowers to his house or if that wasn’t russian tradition. 
- otabek is very tired from his trip but feels obligated to update JJ, so he lets him know yuri was okay, his grandfather has recovered very quickly, and he didn’t think it wasn’t proper. he suggests JJ to message yuri himself, but JJ quickly responds that he doesn’t feel right to message yuri abut a family issues. otabek, for the first time, realizes JJ does have a quite sensitive side. 
- yuri asks otabek about flowers sent to his home, with no sender’s name. yuri thinks it’s otabek and pre-emptively thanks him but otabek tells him it was not him. he doesn’t tell yuri who he thinks sent it either, especially not after yuri tells him he was surprised the sender knew his favorite flowers, because it reminded him of his mother. otabek feels something heavy in his chest at the omission. 
- a couple months have passed by since yuri’s grandfather incident. yuri excitedly tells otabek he grew 1.3 cm. otabek takes to drinking vitamin D and calcium fortified milk on the daily.
- JJ and otabek message each other infrequently, just very dry conversations about progress on the rink. in the past month, JJ’s messages have been shorter and less excited from his usual self. otabek figures he’s been busy shooting CFs and other off-rink work.
- otabek is having an off day, and somehow during his motorcycle ride his handphone flies out of his jacket and breaks on the sidewalk. it’s still usable but the screen is damaged beyond repair. he lets yuri know he won’t be available for a few days and he sends the phone off to repair. 
- although the repair should have taken 2 days at most, it ends up taking 5 days because otabek either misses the repair shop closing time and other technical mishaps. 
- otabek boots up his phone late after training to find pictures of yuri in disneyworld. with JJ. he’s baffled. there are also gotten a billion messages from both of them. otabek usually responds in a timely manner but the normally calm otabek feels himself a bit agitated and confused so he decides to sleep it off.
chapter 2: JJ POV
- getting engaged at 18 was probably not the best idea, and most certainly living with someone before marriage as well. JJ and Isabella have been fighting more and more after the GPF, and they decide to go on a break. 
- JJ misses Isabella a lot but he knows intuitively this break isn’t really temporary. he’s torn up inside and it’s showing in his performances. he goes on a small break, without letting any of his fellow skaters know. 
- JJ doesn’t feel really safe confiding in anyone about his breakup--certainly not his local friends since they know too much (and many have taken sides or wished to remain third party). he lets Leo know what’s going on with him, and he is quite supportive. 
- JJ doesn’t feel it’s right to burden otabek with his current situation. (he’s actually not sure how otabek would deal with emotions). he’s typed out a message to otabek many times, but has deleted it just as much. 
- instead he decides to bring up a topic that otabek is obviously emotionally tied with--yuri. he half wonders how they got to be friends in such a short amount of time. in truth, JJ was absolutely floored by yuri’s progress and performance, and though he liked to tease yuri, he wished they started off as friends first, so he builds up on the momentum to ask otabek to have lunch with him and yuri. 
- he asks otabek for advice for a gift to get yuri on placing gold, and otabek gives him pointed advice, with more words than JJ has ever seen him use in all of his messages with JJ. he decides to get a custom made white tiger doll, just cute but also just fierce enough to represent yuri.
- JJ actually has a good time during lunch with both of them. he can’t forget that look on yuri’s face when he gifted him the doll--and feels like yuri has slowly warmed up to him during lunch. he feels a lot better just hanging out with people unrelated to his hometown, and figures this was the release he needed.
- they exchange numbers at otabek’s suggestion--though JJ feels too nervous to message yuri first, for some reason, as if he’s texting after a first date. yuri saves him the grief and messages him first, thanking him for the doll. JJ responds excitedly (too soon), but yuri doesn’t message back. JJ makes a note to save Yuri’s birthday to his calendar and to commission a lion plush in time.
- when news of yuri’s grandfather spreads, JJ texts otabek, but doesn’t get a response. he actually personally goes to a florist and takes his time learning about flowers and flower messages. he sends gladiolus and gardenia flowers, somehow arranging a friend in russia to order in his place.
- a month later, isabella asks to meet JJ and they rekindle. they schedule another lunch date on the spot. JJ is confused but overjoyed, as their one year anniversary is coming up. 
- however, JJ misread her intentions--she really wanted to stay friends, which she makes very clear on their next date. JJ feels like an idiot for having rushed through his heart instead of his brain. 
- he remembers just then that he had booked plane tickets and tickets to disneyworld several months prior in preparation for the anniversary. he can cancel the plane tickets but not to disneyworld...he would have given the tickets to his siblings but they are in school. all in all, JJ just wants to flee canada and just not think about anything.
- that night he decides getting drunk was the best option. upon his fourth beer, he somehow worked up to courage (yolo) to one sidedly spam yuri about how sad he was because of what happened with him and isabella. he also manages to ask yuri if he’d want to come. he’s sure yuri would say no but he’s drunk and he’s going to say stupid stuff, he might as well do it now.
- yuri responds: yes. and when. JJ nearly drops his beer and asks yuri if he’s serious. yuri responds that he has never been to disneyworld and he’s always wanted to go...and that he would go if JJ paid for everything. 
- (yuri also isn’t heartless--he knows JJ must be considerable upset to message him all of a sudden and unleash his sob story on him, and probably could use a break)
- JJ suddenly gets the feeling...he doesn’t know how otabek would feel about this, but what if he’s looking too much into it...asks yuri if he needs permission from otabek. yuri actually gets angry, exclaiming he doesn’t need permission from anyone to go anywhere he wants. JJ thinks the outburst is cute, and then they arrange  for yuri to come to florida. the conversation with yuri wakes JJ up from inebriation faster than an icy cold shower.
- JJ messages otabek out of courtesy, but he figures yuri would probably tell him. he lies awake in bed and tries to process what just happened, and so fast.
Chapter 3:
- JJ and Yuri meet at Orlando international. JJ is nervous about the whole thing, and Yuri whacks him on the head, tells him to cheer up BECAUSE THEY’RE GOING TO DISNEY WORL 
- JJ starts loosening up considerably once at the park. He prepared Minnie and Mickey mouse ears for the occasion....and Yuri makes him wear the Minnie one. Yuri has become a total child, laughing freely and enjoying the rides. JJ feels like he’s never seen this side of Yuri and although he’s been to the Disney parks several times with his family, it feels like a brand new experience and he’s much happier for it. 
- The ears get wet on splash mountain, and yuri wants to check out the stores anyway so they shop for a new hats/ears. they decide to shop for each other and yuri presents him with goofy hat + ears (”because you’re stupidly tall and you have a dumb laugh”) and JJ presents him with donald duck hat (”you’re small and angry, all the time”). they both laugh at how apt the descriptions are and decide to purchase new hats. 
- yuri..finds out JJ is actually fun, a teenager who likes to make jokes and tease just like him, and feels decidedly less neutral about his new....friend.
....I have only thought about here, it’s also been a while since I’ve been in disney so I’ll have to brush up on the attractions there. 
IF YOU READ UP TO THIS MUCH PLS LIKE N SUBSCRIBE no, I mean, thanks. I plan such grandiose fics and I just don’t have the time or mental brain power to see the idea to completion so I figure sharing my ideas would be the best way to help this starved fandom (yes).
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yourboyarchie · 7 years
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monstermonsterman · 1 year
katniss knowing her mother isn't at fault for falling into a catatonic depression and that she was completely out of he depth and mourning but still never being able to get over that feeling of betrayal when she slipped away when she needed her most and left her and prim on the brink of starvation
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