#holds up baby miles by the arms: anyone gonna traumatize this?
kukurubean · 2 years
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a blazing sun against winter frost
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beautifulblooms · 2 years
Fighting Together to the End- Eddie Munson x Male!Reader - Part 3
Male! Reader, he/him used, so fuck the canon, it broke my heart, MEGA FUCKING SPOILERS FOR PART TWO OF SEASON FOUR, anyways, fluff, angst, this is pretty much a rewrite of season 4 because I need to recover after the traumatizing events of part 2
Part 1, Part 2, Part 4, Part 5
CIS Women and Female Aligned people, please DNI, this story and all of my others are for non-binary, masculine aligned and male readers!
The morning light shone brightly in my eyes and forced me awake, shit how long were we out for? It didn’t feel like all that long, granted time doesn’t feel real when anyones asleep. Sitting up I glanced down at Eddie who was still fast asleep on the forest floor. He’s always so pretty when he sleeps, especially with how his hair fans out and makes it look like it’s floating. I reached a hand down gently to stroke his cheek and jumped a little when one of his came to hold my hand. Even asleep he can’t stop being adorable. Wait, we had a plan for getting a walkie-talkie last night, right, the contraction site.
As much as I would love to admire him sleeping more only he knew where the site was, so I gently shook his shoulder.
“Baby, it’s morning, we gotta get the walkie remember?” He groaned at me and turned over, two can play at that game Munson. Flipping Eddie onto his back I straddled his hips to prevent him from moving again. “That groan was really cute babe, but you’re not getting out of this, wake up little prince.” I gently pressed a few kisses to his lips to help wake him up.
“Well isn’t this a lovely sight to wake up to.” God why did his morning voice have to be so hot.
“Mhm and while I would love to stay like this for a while we have something to steal.” With a couple pops in my joints here and there I stood up and got off Eddie and helped him up.
“How far is this place again? A couple miles south?” Leaning on one of the larger rocks I stretched out my arms.
“Yeah last time I checked, the skull's face was pointing East, so we need to go… this way.” As he began walking I followed quietly behind, still just a bit too tired for all this shit. And surprisingly Eddie hadn’t lost all his marbles and we came across a construction site filled with busy people.
“What’s the game plan now? How are we gonna get one of those walkies off someone?” Squatting down next to Ed’s he was clearly thinking about the best way to snag one.
“Hey, notice how they all leave their walkies outside the porta-potty? I’m thinking, we wait till mostly everyone is really working and not paying attention, snag it off that pile of lumber, and sprint back to skull rock. Thoughts?” Looking over at him the only thought I had was ‘holy shit im dating the worlds best criminal’.
“Alright then, do you want me to grab it? I think I'm a bit quicker.” Nodding his head Eddie looked over at me again.
“Yeah, you grab it and if we need to I’ll be the distraction.” With the plan set we just had to wait for the right moment, fortunately we didn’t need to wait long.
“Hey, I'm gonna take my 15.” One of the workers called to the foreman.
“Didn’t you just take one?” Shrugging his shoulders the worker continued his way to the porta-potty and just like all the others did he left his walkie on the pile of lumber right next to it.
“Alright, wish me luck.” Nervously glancing one last time at Eddie he flashed me a smile with a thumbs up. Carefully sneaking down behind the porta-potty I moved to the side slowly and grabbed the walkie before sprinting right back to the tree line. Signaling to Eddie to also start running we began sprinting back to skull rock.
Once we made it back there was a good couple minutes we took to catch our breaths. Tuning the radio to the proper channel I pressed down on the button to radio anyone.
“Hey is anyone there, we got caught at the lake and we’ve moved spots, we’re at skull rock now. Please for the love of fuck bring food, and a plan.” Letting go I threw the walkie down next to Eddie. “And now we wait.”
Well over an hour later Steve and Dustin popped through the trees and came over to us.
“See Henderson? Told ya so.” Steve being the cocky guy he is pointed at the skull rock shaped rock sitting above me and Eddie.
“That’s not possible, North is this way.” And Dustin just glanced up and down at his compass to the rock to where “north” was.
“So is there food? We kinda didn’t have time to grab everything at the boat house, ya know with a whole basketball team chasing us.” Eddie’s sass was perfectly timed to break Dustin from his trance for just a moment to look for Nancy, Max and Robin who were carrying a couple bags.
Shortly after the other three made it over, Dustin began to explain his theory with the portals.
“Aha! I was right, this is North from the trail!” His outburst caught Steve’s attention.
“Really? Cause according to your compass North is that way.” Harrington then pointed to the direction that was closer to the East than anything else.
“Yes, but no, Lucas! Why would a compass not point to true North.” Being thrown into the spotlight Lucas panicked for a second before responding.
“There’s a stronger magnetic field around?” Dustin was happy someone remembered something.
“Yes! And we know the gates generate a very strong magnetic field, meaning, somewhere that way, is a gate.” A few others looked confused.
“But we’re nowhere near Hawkins lab.” Nancy chimed in.
“No that way is Lovers Lake, we sprinted up that way.” Trying to figure out what Dustin was getting at I explained our escape from last night.
“Well, think about it, whenever the demogorgon attacked it left a gate, the same with the mind flayer, what if Vecna also leaves gates where he takes victims?” And finally Henderson was making some sense.
“Patrick got Vecna’d there last night, if Dustin’s right, there’s a gate in Lover’s Lake.” Eddie finally began to piece it all together.
“Wait, do you know when he got killed?” Nancy asked Ed’s.
“Yep, I fell in last night and the Walkie bugged out, but so did my watch, here.” Taking off his watch, Eddie threw it over to Nancy.
“9:27, the same time our flashlights blew up. So that surge of energy that trashed all the lights was Vecna attacking Patrick.” Drawing conclusions to connect everything Nancy threw Ed’s watch back to him.
“So to Lover’s Lake it is.”
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
If I Fell For You (Part 14) - Keep Close
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Summary: The Ackles have the Padalecki’s over for dinner and let it slip that they’re engaged. Things seem to be going well but the anniversary of the accident is coming up and the reader comes up with the Ackles taking their first vacation together as a means of distracting Jensen as well reconnecting with Ray...
Pairing: Jensen x nanny!reader
Word Count: 4,800ish
Warnings: language, mention of sex, mention of a dead parent/spouse, anxiety
A/N: Please enjoy and let me know what you think!
“I’m stuffed,” said Jensen that night, the kids running around playing soccer in the yard after dinner. 
“I need that chicken recipe,” said Jared.
“I’ll write it down for you guys,” you said, sitting back in your chair. “You can do it with breast too if you like that better.”
“I want exactly this like, everyday from now on,” said Jared. Gen rolled her eyes and Jensen pulled out his phone. “Want me to take a pic?”
“I don’t need your freakishly long arms just yet,” chuckled Jensen. He turned around and took one of the four of you at the table before handing off his phone. “Mind getting one of us?”
“Your mom harassing you for engagement photos already?” asked Gen.
“By the time we were leaving they were both asking for photos and being obnoxious. Better than they were though,” said Jensen, smiling beside you. Jared took a few more and handed the phone back. 
“I still can’t believe your parents would act like that,” said Gen. “I mean obviously I’m super happy it got fixed but that’s so unlike them.”
“They made a mistake is all,” you said with a smile. “I don’t know about you guys but I’m going to finish this beer in the pool.”
“I think I’ll join you,” said Jared. He stood up and had a look on his face you caught too late. Before you knew it he had you picked up and was jogging over to the deep end and jumping in with you.
“Jared!” you said when you popped up. He giggled and swam off to the shallow end. “After I helped pick up the plates ya big lug.”
“We got it,” said Jensen, carrying over two beer cans and handing them to you. “We’ll join you guys in a few.”
About ten minutes later Jensen was leaning against the side of the pool in his bright red swim trunks, handing you the other half of his cookie cake piece.
“So any big plans for the wedding?” asked Jared, sat on the pool steps with Gen.
“I have a thought,” you said, turning to Jensen. “I haven’t discussed it with Jensen yet.”
“Vegas. Shotgun wedding,” he laughed. You shook your head and he grinned. “You’re thinking the farm, aren’t you.”
“What do you think? It could be outdoor or indoor, whatever it needs to be depending on the weather.”
“I’d love that,” he said, giving you a squeeze. “That’d be perfect for us.”
“You own a farm?” asked Jared. 
“Yeah, ten minutes from the brewery.”
“Dudes. You can open bar with your own beer. Oh and dibs on being a groomsmen.”
“Like that wasn’t gonna happen,” said Jensen.
“I don’t know on that,” you said. Jared’s face fell and you shook your head. “Sorry. I didn’t mean that you wouldn’t be one. Of course you would. I just don’t have a lot of close girlfriends. I think it’d be weird if Jensen had a ton and…”
“I don’t think it’s weird,” said Gen. “We didn’t have an even number at our wedding.”
“We got time to figure that stuff out,” said Jensen, holding your waist. You finished the last bite of cookie and hummed. 
“So you two having a kid?” asked Jared. Gen whacked his chest and he shrugged.
“Jesus, Jare. Don’t ask that.”
“They’re our best friends and godparents to our children...although I guess Y/N didn’t know that she inherited that until now but come on, I know you’re wondering too.”
“Shut up,” said Gen, crossing her arms. “Obviously if they decide, they’ll tell us when it happens.”
“Yeah, I think there’ll be at least one,” you laughed. Gen lit up and turned to Jared.
“Last time they said they were having a baby guess what we did? I can’t handle no more babies,” said Jared.
“Can you even get that thing up anymore?” teased Jensen, sipping on his beer.
“You’re one to talk, old man.”
“That shit still works just fine.”
“Just fine?” shot back Jared.
“Oh my God. You’re both good at sex. Y/N be grateful you’ve missed this same conversation over and over for the past sixteen odd years,” said Gen. 
“I’m still taller,” said Jared with a smirk.
“I can last longer,” said Jensen with one of his own. They narrowed their eyes at one another and Jared stood up.
“Go wrestle on the grass,” groaned Gen. They both huffed and got out of the pool before starting to playfully wrestle. “See, what you may not realize yet is you have another child right there.”
“Yeah but he’s hot,” you said, Gen laughing while you sat beside her. “Do you guys really talk about sex with each other?”
“Yes and no. The boys are you know, boys. They’d combust if they didn’t tease each other. I wouldn’t say there’s like, intimate details or anything ever shared. They’re both pretty private about that sort of thing. Dee and I would talk but more so say we had fun the night before. Shit we probably talked about sex toys more than anything.”
You stopped mid sip of your beer and she laughed.
“When your guy is thousands of miles away for that long out of the year, you gotta get off on your own. You get pretty good at phone sex too. You’re lucky. Jensen won’t be staying away so long ever again he said.”
“No, no. But uh...before Jensen I’d had the same boyfriend forever and he was as vanilla as could be. We didn’t do that stuff really together.”
“I can text you some links to stuff. It’s not like you have to go in some scary store or anything. It’s discrete and I think a small vibe would be great to start with. You can use it during sex or foreplay or whatever. Just you know, have fun.”
“Jensen and I kinda got busted by the cops a week or so back for...activities in the backseat,” you said. She started to laugh and you groaned. “Thankfully it was his friend that caught us so he let us off the hook but...it was kinda fun.”
“Good,” she said, sighing as Jensen pinned Jared down. “Hey so yeah about that wedding thing. Jared had two more groomsmen than I had girls. It doesn’t have to be matchy, matchy, you know?”
“I know. I don’t know if…” you trailed off. “I lost my friend group when I broke it off with my last boyfriend. We’d been together for over ten years and I kept turning down his proposals and they didn’t like that. I have some nanny friends but not a lot and no one I’m really close to. I don’t know if I’d even get more than five people to come for me. Everyone else is his family and friends and I didn’t think about that until just now. I mean what would they think, seeing that? I don’t know if I even want anyone there now.”
“I think what they’d see is someone they care about marrying someone he loves. Just because we’re Jensen’s friends doesn’t mean we’re not your friends too. I know we’re still getting to know each other but we’ll be as close as those two eventually. Ruthie was texting me and we’re having a girls night the next convention in Dallas. You literally have a built in crew ready to go from the show, the girls and the guys. You are so coming with me to the next night I have with my local girlfriends and you got our family. You even got Dee’s parents. You have more than you know, sweetie.”
“I never had a best friend growing up except for my mom. Until Jensen,” you said. “I’ve never really been good at the friend thing.”
“Were you bullied in school?” she asked quietly.
“Don’t tell anyone besides Jared but my dad wasn’t a good person. He hurt me and so I was afraid of getting in trouble so I didn’t talk to other kids all that much until I got old enough to understand what he was doing was wrong and that’s how I ended up being adopted.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Can’t do anything about it now. But I can have it not control my life too. I’ve been pretty good since I was nine in that department. My mom dying sucked and things have been up and down but I like where I am now. This is easily the happiest I’ve ever been in my life.”
“Jens’s not perfect.”
“I know. But he’s good enough. He gave me a certain confidence to live my life, like really live it.”
“He’s alright,” she smiled. “You know I have an idea about this bridesmaids thing you might like.”
“Oh I would for sure but I meant more so I know two little girls that wouldn’t mind. Maybe there’s a boy too,” she said.
“I’m gonna need you to be my wedding planner at this rate,” you said.
“Job accepted,” she said. “I say we go farmhouse modern style.”
“Gen. I got engaged like two weeks ago. We have time,” you said. “We don’t even have a date.”
“At the very least can we go dress shopping?” she asked.
“I’m going to regret this,” you sighed as Jensen stepped back in the water.
“Get yourself a stronger man, Padalecki. That one is weak,” he said. Jared followed him right after and went to tackle him when Gen caught his arm.
“Boys, not in the water,” she said.
“Chicken?” asked Jensen.
“Losers pick up the tab for when we go out this weekend for dinner. Deal?” asked Jared.
“Well in that case, you’re on.”
Two Weeks Later
“Jensen,” you said, carding your fingers through his hair while he absentmindedly burnt some eggs. “You okay babe?”
“Yeah. We ought to pack up the kids, get on the road soon if we’re gonna hit the beach.”
“I’m gonna drive, okay?” you asked. He nodded and you got out the eggs again, making up a new batch. “Do you want to talk to Ray?”
“Why?” he asked quietly, leaning back against the counter.
“Anniversaries of traumatic events can be triggering,” you said. “My mom died two days ago. Well, you know what I mean.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” he asked.
“Because it doesn’t trigger me anymore. But it did and this is the first time...the first one is the roughest.”
“Yeah,” he said. “I ought to talk to him.”
“Eat your breakfast. I’ll give him a call and get the kids ready while you guys talk, okay?” you said.
“Thank you,” he said. You kissed his cheek and hugged him before you went upstairs for your phone. It rang a few times but Ray finally answered, noise in the background.
“Y/N. Everything alright?” he asked.
“Hey. Yeah. We’re...we’re pretty good. Today’s the first anniversary of Jensen’s-”
“Ah. I understand.”
“Listen, I know it’s a Sunday and you don’t work the weekends but would you mind talking to him for a few minutes? We’re going down to Galveston for the week in a bit but he’s off this morning.”
“I’d talk to him even if he wasn’t your fiance but especially because of that. You know we’re actually down here ourselves for a few days. Just got down yesterday. If you guys are around...maybe we could get together for that swim.”
“I’d like that. You okay?” you asked.
“I always get a little down on the day but Sarah understands. You understand.”
“Yeah. I’m gonna put Jensen on and um, maybe we can meet at Arillo’s for dinner?”
“We got a reservation there ourselves tonight. How many in your crew? Five? I’ll call and ask for an update.”
“Yeah there’s five of us. Um, Ray?”
“I’m sorry for being so horrible as a teenager after mom. You loved her as much as I did.”
“Thank you but you don’t have to apologize for that. You got too much pain in your life. I’m glad you found the good stuff too.”
“Are Geroge and Taylor there?” you asked.
“Yeah kids are here. Taylor’s got some internship but she does it online half the day and George is some research assistant thing for one of his professors but same kinda deal. We leave them to work in the morning while Sarah and I have some fun. Want me to let them know you’re coming?”
“Probably a good idea. Not sure how they’ll react,” you said, Jensen poking his head into the bedroom. “Here’s Jensen.”
“Okay, sweetie. We’ll see you guys soon.”
You handed the phone to Jensen and finished up packing while he sat on the bed. You tried to leave him be but couldn’t help listening in.
“Yeah I’m anxious...I don’t want her to drive down today...you know why...I guess...probably...I don’t want to be freaking out for three hours in the car...because it’s today...I know...I know...so I have to suck it up...I don’t want to have a panic attack in the car with the kids...no I haven’t...I’m scared I will though...yeah...I understand...dude that sounds so stupid...that’s not medically anything...no I don’t have my doctorate...I don’t wanna ask her...I said I don’t want to, not that I wouldn’t...I know...I will...maybe I’ll try that too...yeah, Y/N said the first year is the roughest too...I’ll let her be in charge until we get down to the beach today. I think I’ll feel better after the car...yeah I kinda figured out what she was doing planning a trip on today of all days...I need it...really? Yeah, I’m looking forward to meeting up down there too...thanks Ray.”
You finished with your suitcase and had his open for him when he walked into the closet. He swallowed and handed your phone back.
“All good?” you asked.
“Ray thought it might be a good idea if I had something of yours with me on the way down, to keep on me since I’m...anxious this morning about being in a car.”
“Something of mine…” you said, looking at your side of the closet. “Why don’t you pack up and I’ll get you something before the road, okay?”
He nodded and twenty minutes and about three bathroom trips later the SUV was packed up. You hopped behind the wheel, Jensen tapping the arm rest from the passenger seat. 
“Here,” you said, reaching into your pocket, pulling out a bracelet. It was fabric, the kind made from craft string, white, rusty orange and a light tan color mixed together. 
“I’ve never seen this,” he said as he held it between his fingers.
“I got it on vacation with mom and Ray. Last one we went on,” you said, tying it around his wrist. “You have it.”
He stared at you as you turned the engine on, watching you backout. 
“This is too important for me to take,” he said quietly.
“It’s fabric. I want you to have it, okay?” you said, pulling onto the street and closing the gate. He nodded and you turned the radio on low. “Coffee run?”
“Yeah. Coffee sounds good right about now.”
You were only about fifteen or so minutes away from the beach house you’d rented. The kids were either taking naps in the backseats or watching a movie on the ipad. You risked a glance at Jensen, his fingers absently toying with the bracelet while he looked out the window, the radio on low. 
“How you doing big guy?” you asked as you pulled off to the exit ramp. 
“Pretty good now,” he said softly. 
“Mind navigating for me?” you asked. He hummed and picked up your phone from where it sat in the console the past few hours. About twenty minutes or so you were stretching outside of the car, Jensen opening the front door of the house with the code you’d been given. The kids climbed out and were good about each taking their own backpacks while you and Jensen gathered up the rest. 
“Come here,” he said, leaving the bags by his feet and kissing you against the side of the car. You grinned and he picked you up in a big squeezing hug. “I love you.”
“I know,” you said. He set you down and kissed you again. “You seem like yourself again.”
“I needed that push, get over that fear. But now, I can enjoy my day with my girl and my kiddos and apparently we are having dinner with Ray and his family tonight?” he asked.
“If that’s alright,” you said.
“One hundred percent,” he said, Arrow jumping up and down nearby. “Honey, go use the bathroom in the house if you have to go.”
“No I’m excited!” she said. “Can we go play on the beach? Pretty please?”
“Hm, give daddy fifteen minutes and then we can go?” he asked. She turned to you and grinned.
“We’ll go really soon sweetie. I promise.”
“Hey guys,” said Jensen an hour later, the five of you down on the beach and mostly watching them build a sandcastle together. “Y/N and I want to tell you something.”
“Is it that you guys are getting married?” asked JJ, patting some sand with her shovel. You glanced at Jensen and he shrugged. “You were talking to Aunt Gen and Uncle Jared about it last night, right?”
“Well, yes we were,” said Jensen. “I suppose we were a little louder than we thought. But yes, Y/N and I have decided to get married. We’re not sure when exactly but in the next year I can say.”
“So we have a mom again?” asked Arrow, fixing her corner of the castle that kept caving in.
“Well you guys are kinda lucky. You’ll get two moms,” he said. “How’s that sound?”
“We missed mom’s day,” she said with a sigh. “Right?”
“We’ll catch it next year, promise,” said Jensen. “Do you guys have any questions or anything you want to say?”
“Do we call you mom now?” asked JJ. 
“You guys call me whatever you want,” you said.
“Can we call you mom?” she asked. You nodded and she went back to playing in the sand. 
“Anything else guys?” asked Jensen.
“Can I get a giraffe?” asked Zeppelin while he figured out how much water to add to the sand to get it to stick together.
“No sweetie. They wouldn’t fit at our house,” said Jensen. 
“Darn it,” he said.
“I can tell you’re all so invested in this topic,” chuckled Jensen.
“Oh! Can my flower girl dress be purple?” asked JJ. 
“Your dress can be whatever color you want it to be,” you said.
“Awesome,” she said. “Or black and purple. With lightning stripes.”
“Ah, I knew the classic rock would finally pay off,” said Jensen.
“Maybe Daddy’s suit can be black and white stripes, like a tiger,” you said.
“Like a White Snake music video more like it,” he laughed. “We’ll figure all that stuff out. We wanted to make sure you guys knew was all and if you have any questions or were nervous or anything you know you can ask either one of us.”
“Mom makes you happy again. Of course you gotta marry her!” said Arrow. “Oh and get her a pony. Girls like that.”
“Would you care for a pony, sweetheart?” asked Jensen as he shook his head. 
“Are we talking mustang kind of pony?” you asked.
“That’s my girl,” he said, wrapping an arm over your shoulders, kissing your cheek. “Let dad get a picture of you guys. We’re on vacation after all.”
Five Hours Later
“Jensen,” you said, changing into a light summer top and a pair of denim shorts after your shower. He was standing by his suitcase undressed, trailing his finger over his scar. “Honey?”
“A year ago was the worst day of my life and today was a really great one. I get to meet Ray more and even Sarah and the kids who all sound great and...I’m really happy I’m still here to see all this.”
“Me too,” you said, wrapping your arms around him. “Wear your red underwear.”
“Is that a request?”
“I like how you look when you take it off,” you said, gently smacking his ass as you went to go fix your hair.
“I am so grateful I found you,” he said to himself. You smiled and brushed your teeth quickly before checking yourself over and taking a selfie. You sat up on the counter and opened instagram, still silently grateful you’d always had it on private. There was nothing bad on it but Jensen and Jared had tagged you before and all of the comments always seemed to be negative.
“How do I look?” asked Jensen, walking in wearing a short sleeve navy button down and his red underwear.
“So sexy,” you giggled, Jensen digging through his other bag and finding his khaki shorts. 
“Can I get away with sneakers and a backwards baseball cap at this restaurant?” he asked.
“Totally. We always eat outside. It’s near the pier,” you said, putting up your post.
“Taking more pictures I can show off of you again?” he asked, grabbing your brush and getting some control of his damp hair back.
“Nobody even sees my instagram hardly,” you said.
“You know the internet knows we’re dating, right.”
“I’m pretty sure your fans still aren’t okay with that fact, even if they know.”
“Oh you’re mistaking the nutjobs for actual fans. The real ones, those guys are cool and nice. I actually got a lot of care packages and things from them last year. Still do. They really are good people. Those other ones that leave nasty comments? Fuck them. That shit don’t bother me anymore.”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying family and friends know. Can I show off the woman I love to the world?” You wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him in front of you, his head cocking. 
“Yeah,” you said. “Better late than never.”
“Okay,” he said. “For now though, I’m looking forward to this dinner.”
“I hope it goes well. It’s George and Taylor I’m more worried about. They were kids when I decided to stop coming around. I only knew them maybe two years, if even that. I know they were upset.”
“Give them some credit. Ray raised them too after all.”
“I’m all set!” said Zeppelin, walking into the bathroom with his paw patrol shirt and nothing else on.
“At least I was gonna wear underwear,” chuckled Jensen. “Little dude. Get some undies on and shorts in the next two minutes or else…” he trailed off as he came in and hugged Jensen’s leg. 
“I love you, daddy,” he said.
“I love you.”
“Can we get a giraffe now?” he asked. Jensen rolled his eyes and you released him.
“Let’s go finish getting you dressed, buddy.”
“So you guys were Sarah’s fosters?” asked Jensen towards the end of dinner, all three kids passed out asleep in the stroller or on the bench besides you while you picked at your shared dessert. Neither George or Taylor had said much aside from introducing themselves. 
“Guys,” said Ray, nudging Taylor. “I’m sorry for our children’s rudeness. I was afraid of this.”
“Shut up,” they both said, Sarah sighing.
“The kids were both big fans of Supernatural. They grew up watching it with me. It was something we bonded over at first in fact,” she said. 
“Oh,” said Jensen, a smirk forming on his face. “Sam or Dean girls? George come on buddy, it’s okay.”
“This isn’t happening,” said Taylor, her eyes squeezed shut.
“So you guys don’t want to hear about the movie, gotcha,” he said, both of them snapping their heads up.
“He really is a dork,” you said. 
“Movie?” asked George.
“Someday. You can count on it,” said Jensen. “Maybe I’ll go easy on you guys and ask what mom was?”
“You boys are a little young for my tastes but honestly the guy who played John was very attractive,” she said.
“Even I’d hit that,” said Ray, Sarah laughing to herself.
“You can see Ray wins his ladies over with his charm,” you said, glancing at Taylor and George. “Like you guys could literally ask anything you ever wanted about the show and get an unfiltered answer if you want.”
“Did you really keep the car?” asked George. Jensen nodded and held up his finger.
“When we’re back in town, you guys come over and you can take a spin in it,” he said.
“Okay, he’s cool with me,” said George. You cocked your head and he smiled. “That was the car from the show I always told you about.”
“Oh. I thought you were talking about batman or something,” you said, pursing your lips. “Sorry I wasn’t…”
“You always sucked at pretending to be happy,” said Taylor. You looked down and nodded. “We get it. You had to do your own thing.”
“Don’t hate me for leaving?”
“Maybe when we were little,” she said. “But we’re older and we get that you probably felt like a fifth wheel.”
“Yeah. A lot really,” you said. “It worked out though.”
“She’s a Dean girl by the way,” said Ray, cracking up as Taylor whacked his arm.
“Dad! Oh my God no I’m not! I like Sam!” she said.
“Want to talk to him?” grinned Jensen. Her face went red and you heard a quiet chuckle at the table. “You’re right, we’ll save that for in person.”
“You basically are marrying Dean Winchester without like, the trauma,” she said. Jensen tensed up but kept a smile on his face. You knew Ray caught it when he gave him a simple nod.
“Trauma’s not inherently bad,” said Ray. “Everyone at this table has gone through some.”
“I know, dad,” she said quietly. She looked at George and he nodded. “Our parents were in a house fire. So were we. I was five and Georgie was four.”
“She carried him out and went next door for help,” you said.
“I was in a car accident last year,” said Jensen. You turned your head. It wasn’t public knowledge that he was in the car. He’d flat out told you that aside from family and a few friends, no one besides you knew. “I almost died. My wife did but for other reasons. You can still have trauma and a really good life.”
“Very good point, Jensen,” said Ray. “You two rugrats wouldn’t be around if mom and I had moped around in our misery forever.”
“Was he always such a sap?” asked George.
“From the day I met him,” you said, Jensen grabbing your hand under the table. “Would you mind watching the kids for a second?”
“Not at all,” he said. You excused yourself and brought Jensen along with you, walking out to the beach area, the breeze cool but light.
“You alright?”
“Yeah. I can talk about it now. I went from having the worst year of my life to one of the best. Nothing bad’s gonna happen for saying what really happened. I want to let all that shit go and have the rest of that really good life I was talking about.”
“For someone who keeps a lot inside I sure have noticed a difference in you the past few weeks.”
“To quote both of the loves of my life, I gotta let that shit out more regularly,” he said. You smiled and wrapped your arms over his shoulders, giving him a kiss. 
“You know that’s what we call growth, babe.”
“I very easily could have gone the opposite way this year.”
“But you didn’t, cause you tried even though it sucks sometimes. I love you but I extra love happy you and you’re definitely a happier guy now than when I met you.”
“So are you, honey,” he said. “Must make a pretty good team or something.”
“Oh yeah, maybe that’s it.”
“We should honestly get like, married or something, you know?” he teased.
“First I have to know though, are you willing to do cookie cake for a wedding cake?”
“I’m willing to make that sacrifice,” he said. “The real questions is, are you willing to deal with the eventual dad bod that will happen as a result?”
“I love this bod, but I don’t love you for this bod,” you said. 
“Thank you for today,” he said softly. 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you said. He grinned and kissed your cheek, hugging you tightly. “What are best friends for?”
“Hell yeah they are Ackles.”
A/N: Read Part 15 here!
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Chapter Five
Chapter Summary: Bucky is kinda of a creep in this chapter, and he makes a notable revelation. Reader and Steve get some game time in and we also get to learn a bit about a traumatic event that happened to the reader and some more background information. 
Warnings: mentions of a car crash that resulted in mild injury, voyeurism(?), mild sexual content, jealousy, video game violence
Word Count: 3,162
A/N: I'm not 100% in love with certain parts of this chapter and I think it's because there are some parts that may seem random and don't make sense but it'll be explained and discussed more later on.  Also, are the POV changes of the same things okay? I try not to get too descriptive with both but there are certain things that happen that need to be addressed by both of them, I think. Is it weird? Too much? Not enough? Please let me know!!!
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As you blindly began the process of stripping your clothes and getting into the shower you couldn't get those images of Bucky out of your mind. It was mind-blowing how much you enjoyed it all, that whole interaction just replaying in your mind, over and over again. ‘Baby doll.’ God, how did such a simple phrase turn you on so much? Well, that was easy to figure out, it's because he said them, looking like that. Why? It was so frustrating, he was so frustrating. It's not like you could just ask him out like you would literally any other person, he was different. He was your friend before anything else. And you just could not risk it. Knowing you had no other option, you were determined to simply ignore your insane attraction and the way you felt about Bucky. Plain and simple. Maybe it would go away if you didn't acknowledge it. Yeah....that's a good idea.
Getting out of the shower, you dried your hair quickly then put on your boy shorts and a tank top, doing your best to pretend that everything with Bucky was just gonna go back to normal. It had to. Walking back into your room you decided to text Steve and see if he'd be up for a few rounds of Warzone or something. You needed something to distract you, so you plopped down on your belly near the foot of your bed, idly swinging your feet above your backside as you used your elbows to prop yourself up. Scrolling through your contacts you found Steve's name and typed a quick message. *Hey Steve, you up?* You decided to scroll through various social media pages before your phone buzzed with a response. *hey y/n! Yea I'm up, what's up?* *Was just wondering if you wanted to play something. I said I'd text you. Lol.* *oh yea...I forgot about that. Lol.* *Obviously. Lol. So you gettin' on or no?* *yeah, lemme log on really quick* *Okay, doing the same* You got up from your bed, hit with a sudden wave of grogginess, and yawned and stretched, your arms raising above your head before you went over to the computer to get everything set up to play with Steve. Putting on your headset and placing yourself in your gaming chair, you shivered when the backside of your upper thigh hit the cold leather, opting to pull your knees to your chest in between your arms as they reached out to the mouse and keyboard. Now comfortable, you opened up the game launcher, seeing Steve was already online and added him to your party, and turned the microphone on your headset on before saying hello to Steve. "Hey man, you ready to pay for my new favorite gun?" You laughed as you scrolled through the available bundles for purchase, looking for a specific weapon that recently came out. "A deal's a deal y/n, I'd be honored to." He huffed amused. You hummed in response as you searched for what you wanted when your phone buzzed. You picked it up off the desk and saw a snap chat notification from Bucky and with a sigh, you opened it. All around him was dark, but his face and upper body was exposed in the dim light from his screen, his face was in a forced pout with the caption *I can't sleep:(* And despite your previous wishes to ignore the way your body responded to the sight of him, it betrayed you. You immediately felt your pulse pick up speed and noted that the grainy quality of the photo did nothing to deter from the quality of the subject...and his pecs...and abs...and his puffy pink lips... Snapping back into reality you held your phone above you, getting an angle that showed you sitting in your chair and that you were obviously playing Warzone with the caption *Sorry boutcha. Lol. Wanna play with me and Steve?* Making some small talk with Steve while the purchase went through the various avenues needed you got another notification and opened it. Bucky was sneering, his lip curled up in obvious disgust. No caption needed for that one you thought to yourself. You replied with turning your chair to display the new weapon Steve bought you with your hand held out like one of those ladies on a TV game show presenting a prize, an exaggerated smile on your face and your eyebrows raised high. No caption.
You and Steve were done getting your loadouts the way you wanted them, both of you asking questions and making suggestions along the way, now ready to begin playing. You hadn’t gotten a reply from Bucky so you tried not to think about him, and after a while, it was easy to become engrossed in the game. You and Steve worked well together, both of you made sure to call out any enemies in the vicinity and give each other cover when needed. There was now only one other squad of duos and if you and Steve could take them out, you’d win. With the circle getting smaller and smaller, you found yourself unable to precisely locate the last two players. The circle was located on a hill with rock formations jutting out precariously, you and Steve were currently hiding behind trees, hating the fact that the other two players had the high ground.
“Hey, you good on armor? I got nothing on the heartbeat sensor so we’re gonna have to chance it going up the hill.” You asked Steve, explaining what you hoped was a foolproof plan to secure your combined victory.
“Hold on,” He said as he filled up his armor and checked the ammo on his weapons, “Alright, think this is as good as it's gonna get. Ready?” He asked.
“Ready.” You replied before the two of you slowly and quietly parted ways, branching off on either side of where you assumed the enemy team to be. Steve positioned himself a distance away, crouched next to a tree so he could observe and assist when needed without drawing notice to his position. You were just underneath a rock ledge and quickly threw a grenade overhead to scatter the enemy, moving quickly up the hill and positioned yourself in a way to give Steve a clean shot if needed. You heard footsteps and barely saw a figure running behind a small bush, you took aim and opened fire, downing your enemy then delivering the finishing move.
“Downed one of 'em.” You told Steve, just as shots rang out and you got hit. You quickly tried to find cover before you yourself got downed. Crawling to Steve so he could revive you. “I’m hit, I’m hit! I couldn’t see him.”
“Get your ass over here y/n.” Steve admonished, still scanning the area for the final person between you and victory. He healed you and you used your last two armor plates, not quite at full defenses. You both got the notification a grenade was in your vicinity before you scattered just in time to miss the damage. As Steve went right and you went left you saw the final player behind a large rock, taking aim at Steve. You quickly pinged his location, telling Steve he was right there, but not quick enough before he delivered a series of fatal shots at Steve. You took your chance and took aim, earning you and Steve your victory.
“YES!!” You roared, jolting from your seat with your hands up in the air before you did a little victory jig while Steve laughed and congratulated you.
“I am the best ever. Bow before me.” You said more to yourself than anyone else. Steve only laughed before you finally sat back down, beaming with pride. Neither of you starting another game, electing to instead just talk a bit, not about anything in particular. He asked about when your truck was gonna be out of the shop and you told him what the garage told you, hopefully, Monday. He asked about your photography business. “It’s doing well, I got commissioned by the school board again to do the homecoming photos so that’ll be fun, I’ve got some neat ideas for the photo station that line up with the theme they’re choosing. I’ve had to reschedule a few photoshoots since my truck was dinged up so bad by that damn drunk driver, but I’m just glad their insurance covered the full cost of repairs because my truck was perfect. I had just gotten it done up the way I wanted it.” You chucked as you recalled all the additions you had done to your truck when your phone buzzed again. It was another photo of Bucky looking sad with the caption *I’m sad* and you typed a quick message instead of taking a photo and asked why he was sad.
“Well, I’m happy for you y/n. I'm glad that asshole had to pay for what he did, it’s crazy you didn’t get hurt more than you did in that accident. I saw the damage to your truck and I was sure you were gonna be in the hospital for a few weeks. We were all worried for you. Who is that drunk that early in the damn morning anyway?” He said as he remembered the story going around the school and seeing the pictures you sent to Bucky when he showed Steve.
“Yeah…my truck took most of the hit thankfully.” You said softly, being transported back to the moment it happened. You were at a red light, on your way to school, your light turned green and you pressed off the brake when a smaller truck t boned you, hitting you directly on the driver's door at a speed the police report said was roughly 40-50 miles per hour. You remember the way your body was violently thrown to the side and you could vividly recall the sound of breaking glass, tires screeching and the hiss of the engine as it was damaged. You could smell the smoke and the burnt rubber. Everything happened so fast it took you a second to realize that you had been in an accident, you didn’t know it at the time but you had a concussion, some scrapes here and there and some sprains to your neck and back and you were gonna be sore for quite a while. The offending driver wasn’t so lucky, he was hurt pretty bad but he would live. You spent about two days in the hospital and had to take it easy for a while afterward. The doctors and the police all said you were lucky to be alive, that they’d seen the exact same accident where there were no survivors. It was a bit daunting.
Your phone buzzed, bringing you out of your reverie. It was Bucky again. He was curled up in his bed on his side, one arm angled under head like a pillow. *just miss you* the caption read.
“So with you taking pictures and everything at homecoming are you not gonna have time to dance or anything ?” Steve asked hesitantly, your mind coming back to the present.
You shrugged even though you knew he couldn’t see, force of habit. “I dunno, I wasn’t really planning on going with anyone. I usually don’t.”
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He was still slouched on the couch, his imagination going back and forth between her in the shower and other various compromising positions, enjoying the way his briefs became tighter and tighter when she finally came back from her shower. And his breath halted when he had a perfect view of what she was wearing, sitting up slowly as if in a trance.
Her hair was still wet as it fell from her shoulders and landed on her chest, she was wearing a black tank top that she often used when they worked out together, it was tight and he quite enjoyed the way it clung to her stomach, ending shortly below her belly button and how it left nothing to the imagination about the shape and size of her breasts.
Her legs laid bare before him as she was in a pair of boy shorts that resembled boxers but were barely more than a regular pair of underwear. The waistband sitting nicely on her hip bones, not quite meeting the hem of her tank, left a sliver of skin on her lower belly he longed to run his hand over. When she laid on her bed, her back was to him, so he dared to get up from his spot and get a better look as she swung her legs back and forth, the way her shorts rode up a bit gave him a tantalizing glimpse of her thighs and how the muscles there behaved with the action of her legs. Her tank top had now ridden up and he could see the skin of her lower back, just above where the slopes of her cheeks began. He was mesmerized. He had seen her wear that shirt often enough but he had a whole new appreciation for it now. Her fingers were tapping the screen in front of her and he idly wondered what she was doing before he had to practically run back to the couch when she got up. And then she stretched. And dear lord he almost came just at the sight. Her arms reached up high, and she was on her tippy toes, her shirt rode up even more and he fought the urge to roll his eyes in pleasure, not wanting to miss the display before him. He wished more than anything he could feel her soft skin as his hands roamed her body, feeling the way she would tremble at his touch.
Now finished stretching she made her way to the computer, jumping a little as she sat down and repositioned herself. He chuckled at her, knowing the seat was probably cold and he envied the black leather. He saw that she was getting ready to play Warzone and remembered that she had made plans with Steve and he scoffed at the notion. Seeing she was scrolling through the weapons he decided to see if he could fluster her a bit as he opened the app with a yellow background. He snapped a photo, making sure to not give away his position in his room but giving enough away he knew she would enjoy the view, pouting his lips as enticingly as he could.
He saw her reaction to the image and he grinned proudly, knowing he had succeeded, seeing her pose and send a picture in response. Seeing the way her breasts were pressed up against her knees he licked his lip before taking it between his teeth. God, she was sexy. He sat there looking over the photo as he grabbed himself through his pajama pants briefly before the image timed out and he finally noticed her question. He basked in the feeling in his briefs for a small second before he replied. He decided to just show his distaste for joining instead of voicing it. He watched as she angled her chair in a way that displayed her monitor and her face and his phone buzzed, seeing the actual photo he smiled, she was showing him her new gun that Steve bought as a result of that fated bet, the one that kind of changed everything.
He was lost in thought at how much things had changed in such a small amount of time since then and he felt conflicted for the first time about what exactly he was doing. He was being a bit of a creep…right? With a sigh, he realized he needed to stop, realized he was invading her privacy and it wasn’t right, he felt bad. He took one last glance at the window and saw her take out a player before the screen quickly indicated her and Steve won 1st place. He smiled when he could hear and see her reaction. She shot up out of her chair and raised her arms in victory, then began lightly running in place with her arms bent by her sides before she spread her legs with a jump and began swinging her hips in a circle as she did the same with her arms out in front of her. He laughed out loud at how dorky and sexy she could be at the same time. This, this right here is why he loved her. It was confounding and blew him away, but he loved it. He loved her.
He saw they hadn’t started another game and wondered why before he noticed she was talking animatedly about something…with Steve. He didn’t like the feelings he was feeling right now, he had no right to be jealous or angry but that’s the position he found himself in. With a huff he went to his bed and sent her another photo, this time genuinely pouting and being sad. Much to his dismay, she just sent a quick message instead of a photo. He rolled to the side and answered honestly with a photo and caption, he did miss her. He wanted her to be in his bed, laying next to him on her side and with his arm wrapped around her middle, her back to his chest. And then he realized he could technically have that, or a version of that. So, he sent another quick photo asking her if she wanted to come over and watch a movie with him since they were both up. They’d done it before, both of their parents knew it wasn’t all that strange to find them in each other’s beds in the morning or find them empty, whenever they did sneak over to each other’s room at night, they always left a note for their parents. His phone buzzed with a response in the affirmative and his heart soared. He quickly got out of bed and closed his curtains, not wanting her to know what he had done earlier before he walked downstairs to meet her at the door. He sat on the porch steps waiting for her, realizing she had to log off the computer as he was stealing her away from Steve and she also had to leave a note for her mom. Hearing her front door open and her keys jingle as she locked it, he looked in her direction and watched her walk towards him, still in the outfit from earlier. He smiled at her as she reached him and stood up.
“Hey, doll.” He said as he lifted his arm to take her into a side hug, wrapping his arm around the back of her neck and pulling her to his bare chest, and kissing the top of her head.
“Hey, Buck.” She responded quietly, smiling softly as she pulled away from him to open the door and start up the stairs.
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flyingovertheandes · 4 years
Eight Days | Chapter Five: Died In Your Arms | Frankie “Catfish” Morales x GenderNeutral!Reader
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Reader remembers the day she came to Frankie’s rescue.
TW: Mentions of Death, Mentions of Blood (Kind of graphic but not really), Mentions of Guns, Nightmares, Hurt, Very brief mention of Alcohol, LOTS OF FLUFF (FINALLY)
Word Count: 1.5K
NOTE: Italics in this story signify memories, they are not in present time.
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
You were so lost in your thoughts, you had almost missed your turn off on the highway. You had passed your old neighborhood a few miles back and you couldn’t escape the memories that flooded your mind. You had lived in a small apartment there when you first met Frankie. Though, it wouldn’t be until years later when you lived in a different apartment -same neighborhood- that you two would start your romantic relationship. Soon after the camping trip that started it all, the apartment quickly became less of your apartment and more of your shared apartment. Frankie would stay over most nights of the week, claiming he felt more at peace when he was in your presence. He had his own drawers, bedside table, and even his own side of the closet. There were even his favorite books stacked next to his lamp with an empty coffee mug or two to accompany them. He always told you how he never wanted to leave. Though one day, he did. Which ended up being one of the most traumatic nights of his life, and boy, had he seen a lot in his life.
The sound of your phone ringing startled you awake. Your room was still dark and the only light was coming from your illuminated phone. You rubbed your eyes and shuffled closer to your nightstand to see that Frankie was calling you. Your mind immediately filled with dread, expecting the worse. Last time you got a call in the middle of the night, it was from Santi, telling you that Frankie had relapsed, again. You quickly slid your thumb on the screen to answer the call and felt relieved when you heard Frankie’s voice.
“Y/N? Baby?” He sounded worried and panicked, like he was short of breath.
“I’m here, Frankie. What’s wrong? Are you okay?” You couldn’t help but ask a million questions, your mind was racing with possibilities as to why he’d be calling at 3AM.
All you could hear was Frankie’s quiet sniffles on the other end of the line.
“Baby… Talk to me. What happened?” You tried.
“You- You died in my arms, Y/N. It was so real…” He explained.
The nightmares, of course. He had them frequently, rarely ever about you, but this time he wasn’t as lucky. He had woken up alone, without you by his side, and immediately feared the worst. His nightmare was his reality.
“Frankie...Baby, hey, I’m okay. You can hear me can’t you? Hear my voice? That’s real, Frankie. I’m alive. It wasn’t real.” You tried to reassure him.
You knew he was listening, but he continued telling you about the dream like he hadn’t heard you at all.
“You couldn’t breathe, you- you were coughing up blood. There was blood everywhere, baby. It was all over us. You were shot in the chest. All I could do was hold you and tell you that I loved you. I couldn’t stop telling you I loved you.” He sniffled, though trying his best to hide it.
“Frankie... I’ll be right over, okay? Just get out of bed and get yourself some water and I’ll be there before you know it. Okay?” You promised him.
“I love you, Y/N. I- You shouldn’t have to get out of bed at 3AM for me…” He said, feeling guilty.
“Baby, I would get out of bed at any time of day for you. Any day of the week, and any day of the year. I love you and want to be there for you the way you’ve always been there for me okay? I’ll be there soon.”
With that, you were on your way over to Frankie’s smaller apartment. There wasn’t much traffic and luckily he only lived a couple of miles away. When you arrived, you could see him sitting at the bottom of the staircase leading to his upstairs home. As soon as you stepped out of your car you could see him stand up and begin to walk towards you as he wiped his eyes.
“Frankie…” You started, but he embraced you before you could say anything.
And here you were thinking you were supposed to hold him when he was sad. He’d always found comfort in just having you in his arms. You were his safe place.
“Frankie-” You tried again, but he cut you off with a breathtaking kiss. A kiss that said in itself how much he needed you. It left you speechless.
“Y/N… I’m never leaving you again, okay? I promise. From now on, it’s you and me… Always.”
You were confused as to what he meant, until it clicked in your head.
“Frankie… are you saying what I think you’re saying?” You tried to hide your smile.
“I’m moving in, baby. As long as you’re in.” He smiled softly.
“Francisco Morales, I have never been more in with anybody in my life… I love you so much.” You confessed, leaning into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you.
“God, I don’t deserve you, Y/N. I love you.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead.
I know, you’d thought to yourself. You’d never been so sure of someone’s love before. There was no one like your Frankie. 
“Babe! Come look at this!” Frankie shouted from where he was cleaning out his small desk area a week later, getting ready for the move.
You walked over and began to laugh as you saw the small polaroid in his hands. Pope had taken it during the infamous camping trip and Frankie had lost it the second he had gotten home. And now, years later, there it was. It made your heart jump to see the picture after all this time, the two of you had grown so much.
“You should keep it, baby. It’s safer with you.” He said, holding out for you to take.
“Frankie… It’s yours.” You reminded him.
“I kept it so I’d have you with me when I was away, but I’m not going anywhere, baby. Not anymore. I’m in it with you now, til the end. You have my word.” He promised.
Your eyes began to water and all you wanted to do was hold him. Hold your Frankie close and never let him go. He could sense your tears and pulled you into his arms, one hand resting on the back of your head.
“Why are you crying, sweetheart?” He asked you, gently releasing you from his embrace.
“I don’t know… I just- I never want to lose you, Frankie. You’re my Frankie. I never want anyone else to have you… ever.” You admitted.
“Lucky for you… No one else deserves me like you do.” His arms were cupping your cheeks now.
“You’re it for me, you know? This is it.” He gestured between the two of you.
“Yeah… me too.” You told him before leaning in for a kiss.
You were sure you’d never get enough of him.
“Frankie! I’ve had enough of you! Get off the couch and come help me in the kitchen! This is your apartment we’re packing up after all!” You jokingly complained.
You really just missed his company.
“My back hurts!” He complained.
“My everything hurts from last night but you don’t see me complaining!” You cleverly retorted.
Suddenly, you saw his form sit up on the couch and shoot a glare in your direction. All you could do was laugh. Before you knew it, he was back to laying down. You groaned quietly in frustration.
“Well, these IKEA plates sure look old… I think I’m gonna toss ‘em.” You started to say.
“No! Babe! Leave my plates alone!” He appeared in the kitchen before you could even reach for the plates yourself.
You laughed at him once again and he just pouted.
“You’re an ass.” He joked as he packed away the plates into one of the fragile boxes.
“And you love me for it.” You said before kissing his cheek, making an obnoxious sound as you did.
“No… I love you because of it. Can you imagine where we’d be if you hadn’t forgiven me on that camping trip? May I add, where I did absolutely nothing wrong…” He began to slowly creep out of the kitchen before you could react.
“You’re on thin ice, Morales! You’re gonna be stuck here packing all this by yourself if you keep it up.” You bluffed.
“Oh yeah?” He said, rushing back into the kitchen and throwing you over his shoulder, carrying you to the living room where he’d previously been seated.
You kicked your feet in the air and squealed as he carried you to the couch and dropped you in his seat. You both laughed until you were out of breath, and then he spoke again.
“You know, Y/N, maybe I did do something wrong on that trip…” He admitted boldly.
“Yeah?” You asked, surprised.
“Yeah… I didn’t let you finish telling me how amazing I am and just how much you love me!” He laughed.
You crossed your arms in fake frustration and shook your head at his humor.
“It was the alcohol talking anyways…Who knows how much of it was true.” 
And there was your beloved Frankie’s pout again.
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Kindred Souls (P5)
Warnings: None yet.
Index ( 1 / 2 / 3 / 4)
“This isn’t the course to Ego’s---”
“Don’t mention that sack of shits name to me if’n you like your eyes in your head,” Yondu snarled in his first mate’s direction making him shut up instantly.  
“Sides, the boy ain’t for Ego, already told ya we don’t deal with him anymore after he double crossed me with Tali.”
“Can I ask who the boy is for then, cap’n? You haven’t set any course for him yet.”
“I was paid quite the bundle by his momma actually,” Yondu lied easily not like his first mate was smart enough to catch him in it, “Half a million to just take him in, so I did. Don’t know what I am gonna do with him from there or why the woman thought she could trust me but she did. Soo we might as well make the welp useful.”
“Useful?” Horuz snarled walking into the once empty room making his worthless first mate jump at the man’s presence, “How the hell ya gonna make a baby useful?”
“I’ve been sayin’ it since ya set course for Terra cap’n, you already have the money, just drop him off, let him be someone else’s problem. One baby ya picked up is good enough.”
Yondu glared at Horuz as the man walked straight for the computer screens, easily shoving the first mate over enough to get a good view on where they were headed.
“We are headed into dead space,” Horuz scowled loudly looking at the direction the captain was heading them into, “There ain’t nothing for miles, nothing but dead planets.”
“That would be the point,” was Yondu’s only response.
“Ya being soft for the cabin boy again?” Horuz continued not caring if he was stepping onto thin ice, each word cracking the captain’s patience a little bit more, “That boy ain’t fit to be a ravenger but ya take us so far away from civilized society just ta----“
The arrow was inches from the man’s face now.
“Don’t push yer luck, ya ain’t useful enough to me to regret killing.”  
“Whether I want cabin boy to crash another M Ship or not will be my decision,” he hissed into the man’s face, his first mate ducking back into his work to avoid the confrontation, “And if’n y’all don’t agree…”
The first mate’s eyes widened as the arrow shot towards him then back toward Horuz who was holding his hands up in defeat, not wanting to risk it. Excellent pilot and mechanic he may be but he wasn’t that good to save him from the arrow.
“Everything is set in order once more,” he said directly to his first mate.  The young Xandarian looked like he was about to wet himself as he nodded, brushing his long ratty black hair behind his ear.
“Aye captain, the course is set and everything is going smoothly, so you shouldn’t be needed, sir…”
The first mate was young and stupid, only getting the job after the crew had thrown him in front of Yondu after he asked who would stand as his first mate after the last three in a row had been killed. The job was cursed and no one wanted it, Yondu had to make due with incompetent and stupid if he wanted anyone to take charge beside him.
Lord help me, Yondu thought to himself shaking his head seeing the first mate already messing up his coordinates he had just set as he nervously pounded his hand into the control panel. It didn’t matter, there was nothing in dead space but unoccupied planets ravished by the kree empire years ago. Perfect place to stay low away from an angry celestial he had just denied his next victim and not a bad place to start training his wards.
Plenty of old mines, temples and abandoned cities in dead space to loot for anyone brave enough to set foot on them.
He was gonna make ravagers out of them yet, maybe then he would actually have some useful members of his crew….  
Before exiting the room he stopped and looked straight into Horuz’s eyes daring the man to test his patience more but he was already backing off and putting his hands up in defeat.
“Best be getting used to the babies, because they aren’t going anywhere until I say so.”
Whatever Yondu was expecting when he approached the cell, it wasn’t what he saw. Peter was out of his hiding place for the first time in days, curled against Kraglin who was leaning against the cot, head tilted back in what looked like a painful position and snoring.
Both boys sleeping soundly. Peter curled against Kraglin and Kraglin’s hand resting in the boys dirty hair.  
The was the first real look he had gotten of the child in days, he had bruises on his arm that were healing but still fresh from when his crew had grabbed him, his cloths were wrinkled and dusty.
None of the crew was clean exactly but they were genuinely cleaner than this. He would need a cleaning to ward off any unwanted sickness soon.  
For now, he let the boys sleep. Kraglin was proving to be the most useful one on this whole damn ship at only fifteen. He knew he let that kid stay for a reason, he never let him down or bad mouthed him like the rest of these good for nothings.
Yondu made to leave but saw Peter shifting on Kraglin’s lap, a loud yawn blowing onto Kraglin’s face making the older boy groan in his sleep but he didn’t try to move. Peter was rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand, oblivious to Yondu’s presence.
Yondu cleared his throat after several minutes of just watched the boy scrub at his eyes and pop his neck followed by every finger. Yondu really didn’t have all day for the boy to get done doing whatever he was doing.
Peter’s back tensed and he paused popping his pinky, head turning towards Yondu. His expression went from nervous to determined in a matter of seconds. The boy taking a few deep breaths before scrambling to his feet and standing tall in front of Yondu on the other side of the bars, his fists tight and shaking at his side holding his fears.
“I want to be a ravager.”
That Yondu didn’t expect, he just stared at the boy trying to stand proudly before him but Yondu saw the quakes making there way through him, he saw the deep breath he took when Yondu continued to not respond.  
“That ain’t yer decision, boy.”
Peter didn’t seem to want to relent on his new choice.
“Whoever is paying for me, I’ll offer triple.”
Yondu didn’t know whether to laugh or feel sorry seeing that look of pure terror at what this may imply in the future for him but the boy seemed to have his mind made up, he was dead set on being a part of his crew it seemed.
“What if I told ya I don’t want a snot nosed brat in my crew?”
“You let Kraglin join…”
Yondu did laugh at that one, this boy was something else.
“What if the only way of joining my crew, hypothetically speakin’, was to let my crew rip each limb off, one by one and let them eat those limbs to satisfy their thirst for Terran meat?”
Peter’s eyes were wide and he was shaking but he only tightened his fists more and stared Yondu straight in the eyes as he said firmly.
“I been through worse.”
“Yer a piece of work ya know that?” Yondu said shaking his head staring the little boy square in the eyes, “Ya spend three entire days hiding and now ya want to stay here for what could be the rest of your life. You may be damning yourself to unspeakable torture and ya still want it.”
“Ya don’t even want to ask why we picked yer skinny ass up in the first place?”
Peter grinded his teeth against his lip for a minute before whispering.
“My mom told me my daddy was from space…”he began but stopped trying to find the right words, “It must have had something to do with him.”
“And ya don’t want us to take ya to this hypothetical daddy, why?”
“Because I hate him…”  
Yondu didn’t quite know how to respond to that one and felt whatever he would say to this traumatized child would be walking on thin ice. But he would give it to the kid, he was an excellent judge of character, Ego wasn’t someone worthy of love after what he had done to his children.
But, maybe Yondu himself wasn’t worthy of this boy’s undying trust either since he had helped kill five of this boy’s siblings.
“He left mom to die and let us suffer…” he whispered tears beginning to fall again as his fists tightened, “He didn’t deserve mom’s love, no one did.”  
“Do you even know anything about yer daddy? Momma ever talk about him? Anything?”
“ Not much but….I hate him,” he hissed out through a whimper shaking harder but standing his ground turning his angry, tear stained eyes up towards Yondu again, “And I don’t want to see him. I want freedom.”
Yondu didn’t respond to the boy feeling pity for him again watching the bravado fade and him sink to the floor openly crying. His loud sobs woke Kraglin up who was next to him in an instant, hovering next to him looking at the captain desperately, begging him to tell him what to do.
“Take the rest of the day off,” he said directly to Kraglin, “Stay in here with the boy, I’ll send someone with food later.”
Kraglin nodded running his fingers through Peter’s hair, letting the boy collapse on him sobbing.
“I’ll consider your offer boy,” he said before turning away not knowing how to handle this. The boy didn’t need to make an offer. Yondu had his heart set on making him apart of his crew long before Ego could fully remember his name and slip him his money, but handling a traumatized kid without messing him up more was something he needed to figure out before he told the boy the good news.
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