#hytholdaeus and hades: not helping
galpalaven · 7 months
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haha what if Azem was there in this part of endwalker
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aethernoise · 5 years
#20: bisect
Amaurot OT3 angst. Hero/Hytholdaeus/Hades, yes of course I am using the name Hero for this, there is no way I can resist such a delicious pun, also 3 H names, also help me feelings were a mistake.
They were three points, a sacred triangle in a perfect circle. They existed equal in orbit, their gravity comprised of questions that always surrendered the same answers. What held them together was a secret, coveted formula few could fathom. Fire and ice, clashing and yielding, forever in opposition, and the third, their most precious third--the key, the cipher, the calm in the tempest.
The world was ending. Cracks began to form with every word, with every argument, with every desperate attempt at reconciliation. Hades and Hero were his two bright stars--stars that grew ever more unstable and blinding as they hurtled towards calamity. 
Hero rebelled, Hades fought. Hytholdaeus labored to see reason in them both. There were no good answers, but they would not be satisfied. When Hades went dark he would not hear them anymore, only the voice of the one he thought would save him. 
Two who remained attempted to adjust their orbit, to cling together so that they might fill their empty space. The world was ending and there was a gaping void in their hearts, for their world was ending too. Hero shone more brightly, hopeful almost as if in spite, and soon the light’s gravity would fracture them both.
“Don’t leave me,” Hero begged, “Don’t leave me like he left us.”
“My friend, do you not see?” Hythlodaeus begged in turn, “You were the first to leave.”
The world was ending and their circle was bisected, and a circle bisected leaves nothing for the third left behind.
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itwasalwaysjustred · 3 years
Explicit; Hythlodaeus/Azem with mentions of Azem/Hades monsterfucking
The first time Azem saw Hades’ true form had almost been too much for him. 
He was meant to be listening to the lecture, meant to be focused on absorbing Very Important Knowledge that one of the Convocation members was trying to provide to him while Hades worked his aetherical magics. Instead of listening — or sleeping, which was admittedly his usual learning strategy — Azem found himself staring openly at Hades, unable to pick his jaw up off the floor. 
He’d expected the awe; what he hadn’t expected was the way his whole body had burned with sudden arousal like it had been struck with a bolt of levin, his skin suddenly hot and tight, his breath catching in his chest, and his cock throbbing between his legs with almost violent interest. The form was just so… big, and Hades had so many more hands, and mouths, and surely his very biology had been morphed to suit his new shape in new and exciting ways and—
Creation be damned, he wanted to know what it would be like to fuck Hades when he was like that. 
Azem thought he had gotten away fast enough, thought nobody had witnessed his little slip up, but he should have known better. Hythlodaeus saw all, down to the inner reaches of his very soul, far too observant and cunning for his own good. Nothing was safe from his eyes, prying as they were, but instead of letting Azem know just how exposed he’d been in that moment, he lulled his friend into a false sense of security. 
It’s not until nearly two weeks later, when Hythlodaeus has Azem face down on one of the Bureau desks after hours, fucking him with the kind of steady, almost absent-minded rhythm that has Hythlodaeus written all over it, that he brings it up. 
“He’s beautiful like that, isn’t it?” Hythlodaeus muses, like he’s talking about the weather, and it takes Azem’s pleasure-addled brain a moment to catch on to who he’s talking about. He squirms, but his friend has him trapped like an insect on display, one hand keeping him steady on the desk while the other traces seemingly nonsensical patterns on his bare skin. 
“Like an avatar of the purest magics. You should see what his tongue looks like when he extends it to its fullest—oh.” 
Azem feels overwarm and flushed, mind already unhelpfully conjuring images as Hythloadaeus speaks, but at the mention of Hades’ tongue he cannot help but clench his fingers around the edge of the desk, arching into Hythloadaeus’ next thrust with a bitten off moan. His friend’s rhythm doesn’t even stutter, but he does tut softly, like he’s speaking to an errant student of his. 
“Don’t tense up. You’re going to need to stay nice and relaxed if it’s all going to fit…” 
Azem is far too focused on not coming on the spot to notice that Hythlodaeus’ hand has moved, and the feeling of two fingers pressing in alongside his friend’s cock is too much for his fantasy-ridden mind to handle. He comes untouched with a broken whine, clamping down on the extra girth inside of him, and for the first time since Hytholdaeus started teasing him, Azem can hear the man’s breath catch and his thrusts falter. It would be a victory if Azem could see straight, still shivery and sensitive after his unexpected orgasm. 
Ever the gentleman, Hythlodaeus remains still until Azem has caught his breath, stroking the nape of his neck and humming softly to himself. It is only when Azem spreads his legs a little wider that the song stops, and when Azem turns his head and bares his teeth in a grin, he finds a flushed Hythlodaeus watching him, his gaze far more intense than his casual demeanour suggests. Azem revels in it, pillowing his head a little more comfortably on his hands, before asking, 
“Might I trouble you for a little more of your time,  Chief of the Bureau of the Architect?” 
Maybe if he wears him out enough he will be kind enough to keep Azem’s little secret.
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