#i also am thinking a lot about the power nico yazawa has
asclepias0819 · 2 years
do i kin post or do i not bother my lovely cool mutuals O_o
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ryqoshay · 4 years
What are your favorite NicoMaki doujins? (Totally not asking for recommendations)
Oh dear, where to start? ... Uhm... all of them? Well, I suppose there are a few with plots I’m not particularly crazy about and some with art styles that do little for me, but I suppose I can make a quick list here.
I’ll divide up the list based on (N)SFW status for those wishing to avoid such stuff.
And it apparently got really long. I was originally just going to put the NSFW stuff under the cut, but there’s just so much awesome NicoMaki stuff out there, and I’ve even been skipping stuff, and only sticking to what can be found on Dynasty Reader... so I guess the whole thing needs to go under the cut now.
Safe (and probably quite fluffy)
 - Happy Family - Easily earns its “Moe up the butt” tag. Set in the manga’s universe where Nico only has sisters, no brother.  - You Can’t Escape the Yazawas!! - Another by the same author. Flustered Maki is always adorable.  - Never Let Me Go - A short, cute taste of angst.  - NICONICO MAXIMUM double happiness - Created before the anime and deals with the couple’s use of honorifics back then.  - NicoMaki Dating Life: 1 Week, 2 Weeks, 3 Months - Tiny glimpses into the early dating life of NicoMaki. (4 months is NSFW and will be linked below)  - Colorful Shuffle - An interesting take on events from S2 E06. I will never have enough NicoMaki as portrayed by RinPana   - Scandal - tmfly draws adorable NicoMaki (same author as above)  - Let Us Stay For Longer - So of course I need to include more tmfly  - Don't Accept Unpardonable Acts at a Public Place! - and still more tmfly  - Blanket - More moe up the butt  - 365 - A nice collection of adorableness  - NicoMaki Manga - Feels like a chapter left out of the collection above  - Home Sweet Home - More adorableness with the twins  - Oblivious Nishikino Maki - Three chapters of Kou’s utter adorableness  - Kou - Honestly all of Kou’s work is awesome, so I’ll just link it all  - Your Ring Finger - Maki got a ring from...?  - Drill - Another artist who’s NicoMaki work is amazing. I think their portrayal of Nico is a bit more dense than I personally headcanon - I see Maki as being slower on the emotional uptake - but all of the NicoMaki tags on this page are worth checking out, as well as this image in particular, as it was what inspired part of my scene Reconstructed Reunion.  - NicoMaki Relaxed Manga - I doubt I will ever tire of casual, slice of life, domestic NicoMaki  - NicoMaki An Easygoing Birthday - More of the same. Murata has three other on Dynasty Reader, but I’m not quite as crazy about them as I am about these two, so I’ll leave them off this list. Fair warning that two are NSFW  - Maki-chan Kawaii Ka Ki Ku Ke Ko - Flustered Maki is Adorable Maki  - Nico Maki Maki - Probably the best gift one could give to Maki  - NicoMaki Interdict - By the gods do I love this one. The fact that Umi, of all people, is picking up on the NicoMaki vibes, is enough to make me laugh. A lot. And I believe I’ve mentioned that at least once in HtHaN.  - Magnetic Box - An adorable collection from the same author as the last two  - No, 1 - Three long chapters filled with amazing art, a pinch of angst, a sprinkle of spiritual power and many wonderful NicoMaki moments.  - Karuha - I cannot tell you how many times I’ve reread this author’s works. Even the NSFW entries are “porn with plot” and are the kind of thing I would want to emulate should I include such a scene in HtHaN. Honestly, just having linked these here makes me want to reread them all again.  - NicoMaki!! - Tsundere’ish Maki is adorable  - Not a Lover NicoMaki - Never enough cute domestic NicoMaki. I have a handful of notes for future scenes in HtHaN because of this doujin. And someday I may even write them.  - NicoMaki Kiss - A cute depiction of the couple’s first kiss  - NicoMaki Kiss (part 2) - One is never enough  - Springtime Chocolate Day - Honesty may be the best policy, but that doesn’t make it any easier  - NicoMaki Days - A wonderful collection of 4-koma that takes us from Friends, to Dating to Living Together and finally to Married. Always worth a reread.  - Adult NicoMaki - An interesting take on the couple grown up  - My Idol, My Star - I’m not crying, it’s just raining  - Happy Wedding Vacation - Probably the safest Ooshima Tomo work there is. And among my favorite, though Honeymoon Baby down in the Mostly Safe’ish section holds strong in first place for me.  - Nico Senpai Was Hypnotized - Another amazingly safe Tomo work.
Canon Works
 - Love Live! School Idol Diary ch06: The Seven Mysteries of Otonokizaka Academy - Maki is afraid of ghosts. And someone else might be as well...  - Love Live! School Idol Diary ch02: Work, Summer Girl - Nico sells softserve and Maki visits. Adorableness ensues.  - Love Live! School Idol Diary ch04: On The Night Of The Fireworks - NicoMaki wearing yukatas, watching fireworks and being cute together.
Mostly Safe’ish:
 - Sotto Okoshite Yume Misete - Cute short little dream thing. In this set due to a couple camera angles.  - Itsumo Doori ni Dekinai - Is technically SFW, but I put it here because it’s a direct sequel to the one above.  - NicoMaki Had a Baby With iPS Cell Technology - Maternal NicoMaki is always welcome, imho  - NicoMaki Had a Baby With iPS Cell Technology 2 - Thankfully, Tomo feels the same way I do about more maternal NicoMaki - Honeymoon Baby - One of my all time favorite NicoMaki doujins, so much so that it’s directly influenced many of my headcanons as well as plot points in HtHaN. Also, this is about as SFW as Ooshima Tomo gets.  - Back-and-Forth Initiative - Perhaps could be placed on the Safe list, but just in case I’ll put it here. I’ll probably be borrowing some of the ideas here for HtHaN.  - NicoMaki Medical Check - I love the premise and the plot, but one line from Maki makes my eye twitch a bit and thus it ends up in this section of the list.  - Pickle Love - Safer than the inuendo implies. Only dirty minds make it necessary to put in this part of the list  - Nico-chan Wants to Push You Down Too!! - Pretty safe Tomo work.
 - NicoMaki Dating Life: 4 Months - The conclusion of the clips from above.  - Rabbit-like Girlfriend - Nico knows how to get what she wants from Maki  - Want Me! - Awkward first time. I’ll likely draw a bit from this should I ever write such a scene for HtHaN.  - Udon - Udon’s work is a mixed bag of Safe and NSFW, but pretty much all cute. I linked my favorite Safe work up above. My favorite NSFW is Good Morning, Good Night.  - Of Course I know How to Use the Public Bath! - Ecchi rather than hentai, but still probably belongs in this section.  - Ooshima Tomo - Most of her doujins are NSFW, but I like the characterizations presented in them. I’m not particularly fond of Offering a Poem of Love to the Upside Down Sun as the tone feels off to me and Limited Edition Yuri Book is futanari, which has never really been a kink of mine. Also, many of her works seem to share a timeline, but she did a team project with EERR which is the next entry  - Crystal Sugar and Machine Gun - A multi-chapter introspective angst fest with a NSFW ending. I hesitate to call this work one of my favorites, but I’ve reread it multiple times nonetheless. Each time it makes me think about the directions I’m taking HtHaN and makes me wonder if I shouldn’t include more angst from time to time. And even if I don’t include it directly, I might reference it via Nico or Maki being introspective and considering less-than-desirable alternatives to how their lives are.
So, yeah... there you have it; what was intended to be a quick and dirty little list of my favorite NicoMaki doujin. And I didn’t even get around to linking to stuff I’ve found on other sites, though some I’m not sure I’d want to link directly to anyway; I’m hoping that stuff will end up on better sites eventually. And for every translated NicoMaki, there are at least half a dozen that remain untranslated; enough that I’m seriously considering learning Japanese just to read them.
There is just so much out there; 9 pages on Dynasty Reader. Compare that to the 5 for NozoEli, 2 for KotoUmi and RinPana. We’re pretty lucky as NicoMaki fans when it comes to quantity of awesome fanworks. I’d highly encourage exploring the rest of the works on Dynasty Reader to see if there is a diamond in the rough that I missed or appeals more to your tastes or whatever.
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