#i can block whoever
mxtxfanatic · 1 month
Just checked the Canon jc tag and I am frustrated cuz' what are jc stans doing defending him here? we wanted to have one space where they won't bring in their deluded opinions in and try and force them as facts and they are trying to "reclaim" it. It is pathetic really how much they say we are obsessed w jc but they are the ones re writing the whole novel in favor of thier fave. Ugh man jc stans are really the bane of mdzs Fandom for me.
Just saw someone say jc took care of chenqing so he loves wwx and wwx is projecting his view on jc. Like what!!??
Sorry Don't mind me ranting😭💕
They’re in the tag because they want to push canon discussions out of the fandom completely. Jokes on them, though, cause the more they push the threshold of my tolerance, the more I just tag Jiang Cheng content however I want.
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olenvasynyt · 3 months
Really sick of this topic of Choice when it comes to Elain because it’s often used as a morality test against Elucien’s. A lot of E/riels truly do not understand how Eluciens view Elain. And I don’t think E/riels themselves understand what they’re saying with Elain.
This is basically every single conversation I’ve had with an E/riel when it gets on the topic of choice:
Elucien: Elain should give herself the chance to get to know her mate. This isn’t just about Lucien’s happiness but also Elain’s
E/riel: well Elain should have the choice!
Elucien: Yeah, Elain has had the option of choice since the cauldron…Lucien has been giving her the room to choose
E/riel: I want her to be happy! This isn’t about Lucien
Elucien: Yeah we…we also said we want Elain to be happy, and that this mating bond should be resolved—
E/riel: what if Az is actually her soulmate???
I will be fully honest: a lot of E/riels are about Elain choosing, but I really feel like when we get Elain’s book…they aren’t going to like the choice Elain makes.
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peepersponies · 4 months
Footage of me blocking horny #coquette #girlblogs in the dollblr tag
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danielsarmand · 2 months
people first interacting with my content and then blocking me is wild i'm literally just a girl (ungendered)
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red-velvet-0w0 · 3 days
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Wtaf? You're fucking insane and I thought you were genuinely apologizing? You're crazy bitch And you're a coward for making You're friends and your stupid little girlfriend to come at me instead of handling it yourself James is such a sweet person and he is a bottom! He would never make someone beg to him like what? Stop ruining jegulus and stick to your jily for fucks sake
Bitch ok time to get rude
First of all, why tf do I even need to apologize? I have NOTHING to apologize for!?
Thank you yeah I'm crazy. All the best people are.
I'm sorry hello I'm the coward? Newsflash: you're the one hiding behind anonymous. And I'm sorry you don't have real friends who stick up for you ok? So back the fuck off my friends (also stfu that's my girl you're speaking about she is literally one of THE best people I have in life. I'll literally punch you but oh wait, you would never have the guts to do this irl)
And can you for fuck's sake stop asking to make James a fucking peice of cardboard with a smiley drawn on it? And also, did he come to you and say that he is a bottom? Cause he came to me and said that he likes fucking Regulus and hearing him whimper and be in near tears and begging as much as he likes getting fucked by him too. Sorry boo I guess you got fooled by a knockoff Jamie.
Idek which is funnier, the fact that you came back or the fact that you read tha whole thing before coming here 💀
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txttletale · 1 year
Wow you really did block a black woman for patiently explaining why you were wrong. She even went through the effort of citing sources from black female scholars and you pitched a fit and blocked everyone who dared voice any disagreement. All because you want to defend rapists from mean scary feminists. You are such a brave and stunning ally to black women, especially those who’ve been subjected to sexual violence. Thanks for your service, queen.
i assume you're talking about this addition to one of my posts. i don't think this response proved anything i said wrong, though! firstly because about half of it is citing rabid transphobe lundy bancroft's dreadful book, secondly because the response totally misinterprets what i said in a way that's so bad faith (accusing me of saying that lynch mobs are an anti-rape tool--anyone reading this is free to go and look at the post, in which i did not say that) that i don't think it's worth engaging with.
anyways, i blocked her not because of the response, which i would have been happy to just ignore, but because that response immediately started getting reblogged by radfems. whenever that happens, i block them and anyone they're reblogging from, as is sensible internet safety practice for any trans woman.
i love the phrasing on 'wanted to defend rapists' though. yeah just thought id defend some rapists for a laugh innit. literally doing this mitchell and webb joke but playing it completely straight.
anyway i think you missed the post where i said only niceys asks from now. try sending this ask again but instead being nice to me on the computer ok?
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rapidhighway · 8 months
Just out of curiousity why dont you like people tagging your sonic and shadow art as ship? Feel free not to answer if you dont want to but id like to know :} hope youre having a good weekend!
I just don't like the ship, and none of my art shows them being romantic, so if people read that as ship it would be first of all really annoying, and second of all, imagining things that arent there and that I didn't mean to put in the artwork xd this isn't what my art of them is about is it. It's also a very popular ship so there's a higher possibility people aren't going to be normal about these two in together in the shot. I usually don't need to worry about people tagging other ships because barely anyone does that anyway xd
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batwynn · 2 months
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For the person who thought it was cute to come into my inbox and yell at me for not ‘doing more’ for their specific cause: I do not have anything left of myself to give right now.
This is what I have left for the rest of this month. $25.87. I have no food left that I can eat because I spent the last bit of food stamps on foods only fit for my mom’s sudden health problem. The day before yesterday I ate peanut butter even though it always makes me sick to my stomach because I didn’t have anything else I can eat with protein, and then I went into fucking anaphylaxis. And no, I did not go to the ER because then I’d have to take off my mask and I’m at extreme risk of covid and no one fucking masks in medical environments here but ALSO because my insurance loves to avoid paying for ER stuff. (See $25.87 above) I am already struggling to work on commissions and stuff for patreon as it is with all of my chronic health conditions kicking off big time. There aren’t enough hours in the day to spend being physically ill in the bathroom, laying down to cry in pain, and working. I do not have the energy. I do not have the time. I do not have the money. I do what I can when I can, and if that isn’t enough for you then you can fuck entirely off.
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rhysnolastname · 5 months
if youre doing the digital guillotine that’s cool but you should know who your local representatives are first and what issues your community is facing and maybe lend a hand in the from of community service with actual impact to people who need it lol
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robearta · 3 months
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Maybe i’m being a Desperate Softie Token here, but if you’re a tme person of color and you word your criticisms of White Transness (especially transfemininity) like this, i’m just going to find you sus as fuck.
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 8 months
hello! i mean this in the nicest way possible because i'm sure you're not trying to be mean but some of the things in your reblogs/tags recently kinda come across that way. i don't really like rebelcaptain fics or art where they have babies either, i agree that i don't think they would. but reblogging a post from someone who clearly does with additions saying you think that's wrong, or publicly talking in the tags about a specific post you think is "so wrong" when you could just block it silently, those both come across as pretty mean to the people who make those posts or share their headcanons. again, i don't mean to imply at all that you're trying to be hurtful, but it does kinda come across that way.
Hi anon, I’m sorry if it comes across as mean. I certainly don’t want to make anyone feel bad. But I do think I’m allowed to speak my opinions on a neutral topic so long as I a) don’t use any language that is hurtful (and I don’t think that simply saying I disagree with someone’s headcanon, however popular, qualifies as hurtful) and b) I don’t come specifically TO someone’s blog or someone’s post to shit over it in the tags. I wouldn’t do that. I’ve had others do that to me and it’s annoying at best and very hurtful at worst, especially when it’s someone’s art that they’ve poured their heart into, and I think it’s perfectly alright to ask people don’t do that. So… I didn’t!
These were the tags in question btw
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And hey, yeah, just shutting up about something that annoys me but other people enjoy is free, and maybe I should have been the bigger person and done that. But tbh it was late, I was tired, and I’m not doing so hot right now, and I got a little salty on main - again, while making sure I don’t spoil anyone’s fun on the post in question but just by saying a thing in a separate post on my own blog, because people are allowed to enjoy things that I don’t! And I’m allowed to say “that’s cool but it doesn’t vibe with me at all”. That isn’t trying to be hurtful, anon, that is simply stating a fact (and honestly a boundary, because the idea of having children isn’t a happy thought for everyone! It can be upsetting to people for a multitude of reasons and I’m honestly tired of people ignoring that).
On the off chance this came from the op in question, btw, I’m very sorry you took offence, I obviously wasn’t dissing your hard work, skill or creative choices, but simply saying I didn’t love this one in particular and got a little upset that the post kept popping up on my dash and reminding me of an uncomfortable topic.
Oh, and if this is about the other headcanon post I made yesterday - you may be right I used a slightly too strong adverb? Small crime, I think, we’re all too passionate about fictional people here. But I did honestly feel like I was taking part in a discussion that people invite when they post their headcanon in the fandom tag, and op reblogged my post and didn’t seem to take offence either.
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
No Drama: Just Clearing Up Some Misconceptions
For the past few weeks, I've noticed that a few gif making blogs have been blocking me from seeing their posts... and I had my suspicions but didn't want to assume anything.
I'm crushed (no joke) to report my suspicions were correct.
A few weeks? months? ago, @jewish-mulder and I had an exchange which i thought was completely bantery and in good faith, see post here to determine for yourselves. The context was laughing over screenshots from DD's old skit with Gary Shandling. Anna/jewish-mulder read it through a bisexual lens-- which is a-okay to me! (the exchange is still in my archives here, for reference.) I saw it through DD and Gary's original intent-- Gary accidentally interpreting DD's actions as sexual interest rather than DD being a Weird Man TM; which is really funny to me. Regardless, either way is hilarious.
Soon after our exchange, I returned to the post to see if my last comment was responded to... and found the comments muted. Immediately after that, I noticed I could no longer reblog her gifs. Which... hurt; because, frankly, I was one of the mutuals that foamed over her new creations and supported (still do) her when she was debating putting watermarks on her gifs (because theft is revolting; and she has every right to protect her property.)
I had a prior incident that I thought was Tumblr weirdness: after joining tumblr, @jewish-mulder and @baronessblixen were my inspirations; and I loved (love) their creations. The first time I got blocked, I chocked it up to Tumblr weirdness (the first wave of the porn bots wrecked havoc); and, after contacting jewish-mulder through anon/Ao3, etc., she was just fine reinstating me. I had so much fun with her as a mutual. And it's okay if I'm not her cup of tea-- no one is everyone's! :DDD If she had needed to block me, that was okay in my book. So, when she did, I thought it was either Tumblr shenanigans or personal taste. If she wanted to refollow, she'd see my work and hop on later. In essence: I moved on.
BUT the timing always made me wonder worriedly... and my worst suspicions were confirmed when I noticed other gif blogs started blocking me.
So... I activated Anon Mode and found this post about me (screenshots below):
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What's even more... crushing? is that I checked her replies and... yeah, it turns out I WAS blocked intentionally the first time.
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I don't know why the first time, either, so I can't lay out proof. Didn't even have a suspicion on my part then, honestly.
(Gonna be honest: my "uwu" was something I use exclusively for this fandom because I felt accepted and included, sharing a space with fellow fans of a show that pulled me out of a COVID depression. I guesssssssssss I should dial back on that.)
Here's my response:
Anna, why didn't you just ask me? Why did you block me, never communicate, and secretly tell others to block me as well? I've never and will never do anything to hurt or marginalize anyone. Why did you not give me the curtesy to defend myself?
I am not a bigot. I condone hate of any kind; and I wish everyone to live their lives in their happiest way possible.
I want to have fun on my blog, laugh at my own things, and appreciate mine/your/everyone's humor. Your sexuality has nothing to do with my estimation of you as a person; and I'm both sorry it came across that way and hurt that you'd assume so about me.
Truly, I do hope this is all a misconception. I don't bear any ill will, I'm sorry if there was hurt because it was unintentional; and I don't want to pit you and yours against me. Keep making awesome things; and if our journeys are separate, then I wish you a good one, regardless.
Thank you to anyone who read this. Please don't cause her problems, etc.-- I don't think you will XDDD just had to put it out there-- and feel free to keep on keepin' on with Anna. Mutually enjoy each other to your hearts' content! I welcome everyone and don't want to draw lines, because your fandom or interpretation experiences are your own.
But I can't tolerate misunderstandings or... lies? To this day, her work is an inspiration to me; and I'll still read and enjoy her fics that drew me to Tumblr in the first place. And it really, really hurts to think I'd never have known about this if I hadn't followed my gut.
If you think there's something I'm missing or have missed out on, feel free to tell me-- comment, tag, anon, or dm. I'm always open.
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ecstasydemon · 10 months
i wonder how many people have me blocked on tumblr
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benbamboozled · 11 months
Look. I just think that being unpleasant, condescending, and argumentative in other people’s posts and then blocking when you get pushback is bad form.
Live by the sword, die by the sword.
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thesmokinpossum · 2 months
Child, not some random ass man following me all the way home from the laundromat, staring at me unlocking the front door like some sort of Michael Myers with worst hygiene, telling me that he wants to come in with me and then trying to get my phone number after I bluntly refuse, men really have nothing but the audacity
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