#i like to think that nari knows that people CAN transition but has no idea how it happens or works
h0nkshroom · 7 months
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lovelylamb-bam · 3 months
I know I literally JUST mad one of these but SHUT UP I HAVE MORE AU'S I MUST SHARE 💔
Welcome to the ROT AU!
Also known as the God of Death Reborn AU BUT I'm trying to see which one people like more!
Basic Premise:
Once TOWW is defeated the lamb starts their ascension into godhood. However, their mortal body can't withstand the changes so it begins rotting. Narinder is experiencing his own changes into a semi mortal body (he's still immortal but now needs to eat, sleep, etc) but the au focuses on the lamb.
Here's some old ish writings of the AU! Apologies if they don't make sense LMAO
As always feel free to ask me 🙏 I'm literally DYING to talk about my AU'S‼️
Originally called the rot au because Lambert is rotting from the inside. Their mortal body is decaying to make way for their new God form! It's pretty standard especially for the God of death but it hurts... A LOT
Throught the transition it's actually really hard for Lambert (and Nari) because they go through a lot of changes very rapidly and it's very painful (they are literally rotting from the inside lmao)
It literally gets to a point where the lamb is in a weird state of being both alive and dead 😭 they can't do anything, they are a pile of rotten flesh so Nari has to take care of the cult for like a week wondering when (or if) the lamb will go back to normal (or the "new" normal)
This whole process is the lamb being reborn essentially! So when the lamb does come back they are very different!! A bit taller, sharper and thicker horns, longer ears AND most noticeably! A third eye on their forehead!
It takes some adjusting but they cope! (Together <3)
The whole point of this au is just that at the start the lamb is this cute little cult leader whose really sweet and adjusted really well to not needing to worry about things like eating, sleeping or death :)
By the end though they are COMPLETELY different!! They are much taller and a bit scarier looking jsksh!! But still as sweet to their followers <3
Don't know if I'll consider it "canon" for this AU BUT I kinda like the idea that as Lambert is struggling with their powers they find that they can communicate with what was once was TOWW domain! The afterlife.
They start hearing voices of people sent to purgatory (it's kinda like hell in this universe btw) and can't understand why it's happening. It makes them so upset and they try to stop it but they can't and they start crying up blood. (This is when Narinder starts panicking) Narinder tries to calm them down but it doesn't really work. He remembers it was pretty hard for him to control his powers but it was NOTHING like what the lamb is going through. (It's different because the lamb was mortal once but Narinder was never really 'mortal')
The lamb calms down and Narinder is just holding them completely stained by blood thinking to himself like "what the fuck, how do I fix this" 🥲 hurt/no comfort basically (although Nari tries really REALLY hard to be comforting :C)
The lamb finally gets some control and they don't hear voices anymore but it was really scary and sometimes they still get nightmares that are kinda like visions of what's happening in purgatory :C transitioning into a God is not easy 💔
Sometimes Lambert will hide in the confessional because they can't control when ichor starts dripping from their eyes or their hands or even their mouth sometimes and they don't want to spook their followers. Once Nari finds them and they talk for a bit. Lambert says they can barely recognize themselves sometimes and it's scary and Nari reassures them as much as he can that it's normal and that their going through a hard transition.
Something worth noting is that Narinder is a lot more tame in this AU and doesn't really bother anyone JSKSJS he's a lot more like canon in game Narinder where he just doesn't really care!
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pesterloglog · 9 months
Nannasprite, Jane Crocker, Nannaspritex2
Act 6, page 7805-7807
NANNASPRITE: There you are!
NANNASPRITE: I have been looking forward to meeting you, dear. :B
JANE: You have?
JANE: Who are you?
NANNASPRITE: But most know me as John's Nanna. Hoo hoo!
JANE: Oh, yes!
JANE: He told me about you.
JANE: Gosh!
JANE: Pleased to meet you... Nanna, I guess I should call you?
JANE: Calling you Jane might feel a bit strange.
JANE: Also, perhaps disrepectful?
NANNASPRITE: And why is that?
NANNASPRITE: It is my name after all.
JANE: Yes, but,
JANE: You are my senior by many decades, I gather.
JANE: And you have so many more years of life experience, and wisdom, and you...
JANE: Seem to be dressed like a clown?
JANE: Not to disparage your fanciful attire. I quite like it.
JANE: I just mean that...
JANE: You've been through more than I can imagine.
JANE: I couldn't call you by my name. It would feel wrong and flippant to treat you like my equal.
NANNASPRITE: But really, Jane, the honor of meeting you is all mine!
NANNASPRITE: I have been looking forward to it so much since I learned of your existence.
NANNASPRITE: Ever since I spent that one day helping John through his session, there haven't been many reasons for me to feel particularly worthwhile.
NANNASPRITE: Yes, I tended to him and his sister for several years, baked for them, lent a sympathetic ear when needed...
NANNASPRITE: But in a way, it's been a lonely life for me since my ashes fell in this silly old sprite.
NANNASPRITE: I've been strictly an auxiliary actor, there only to serve others even during my greatest moments to shine!
NANNASPRITE: So when I heard of you, a version of myself who was a true hero, so young, empowered, and set to embark upon a life filled with consequential deeds...
NANNASPRITE: I was absolutely giddy. I knew that we had to meet!
JANE: Oh... my!
JANE: You,
JANE: You really feel that way about me?
NANNASPRITE: I do not mean to suggest I regret the way my life has gone, of course.
NANNASPRITE: I lived a very humble life, as free of intrigue and adventure as possible, by choice.
NANNASPRITE: You see, I grew up in dangerous circumstances. I knew how cruel the woman who raised me could be, and what she might do to me or the people I loved if I made waves, or demonstrated any sense of defiance.
NANNASPRITE: So I lived simply. I started a family, and operated a quiet joke shop. Though I always knew trouble was brewing, they were the best years of my life.
NANNASPRITE: Yet I always had a little more knowledge than I ever let on, and used my understanding in subtle ways to help those to whom the torch would be passed in this great fight.
NANNASPRITE: But then, I made the transition from knowing some things in life, to knowing a great deal more in death. Being resurrected as a sprite endowed me with a very deep knowledge of the game and its broader circumstances. I was in peak form, a true harlequin wisewoman, and there was nary a question I couldn't answer.
NANNASPRITE: And then, the dear kids scratched their session, and cast themselves into the unknown.
NANNASPRITE: I ventured with them, and so I too lost my bearing on the nature of what lay ahead.
NANNASPRITE: I went from my prime, a state of all-understanding, to a state of absolute uncertainty. For the first time in about as long as I could remember, I had no idea what to expect next.
NANNASPRITE: It was quite freeing in a way! I had a wonderful three years on that ship with those lovely children. I thought little of what challenges were ahead.
NANNASPRITE: But when I did, my thoughts would always drift toward you, Jane.
NANNASPRITE: Thinking about you, and this adventure you were about to begin, it made me feel like a child again.
NANNASPRITE: It gave me the feelings I used to have for the limitless potential of life, before my stepmother snuffed them out, confronting me with the reality that life would have to take a considerably more limited shape if I wished to survive.
NANNASPRITE: So when I look at you now, I see the potential I had as a child finally being realized.
NANNASPRITE: But in a much more special way than I ever would have imagined back then!
NANNASPRITE: It makes me so proud to see you as a heroic young woman, ready to make a difference, and forge your own destiny.
NANNASPRITE: I just wanted to tell you this before you go off to battle!
JANE: Oh jeez.
JANE: Nanna, I don't know what to say.
JANE: Thank you so much for those inspirational words!
JANE: I think John was really lucky to have you as a sprite. Not to mention, a grandmother, of course.
JANE: It's no wonder he appears to have his act together.
JANE: Maybe I would have been better off if I had someone like you to advise me from the start of all this.
JANE: Maybe I wouldn't have felt so lost.
NANNASPRITE: It's normal to feel lost, though.
NANNASPRITE: And believe me, needing to find your own way in time will make you a lot wiser than having an old lady around to spoon feed you all the answers.
NANNASPRITE: In any case, you have me now!
NANNASPRITE: I think it's been quite a long time since John has needed my guidance.
NANNASPRITE: The boy has grown so much since he clobbered me with a joke book on that fateful day.
NANNASPRITE: From now on, I'd be pleased if you would consider me your sprite. :B
JANE: Wow! :O
JANE: Oh my goodness, yes, please!
NANNASPRITE: In fact, I heard from the cat girl that you and she are on healing duty in this spectacular fray coming up.
NANNASPRITE: It so happens that healing is my specialty. Next to baking of course. (And pranks.)
NANNASPRITE: Why don't I assist?
JANE: That would be great too!
NANNASPRITE: Oh! And Jane, one more thing.
NANNASPRITE: Just so you know...
NANNASPRITEx2: There are actually two of me!
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bedbellyandbeyond · 3 years
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Drop Off
(Story Post)
The middle school grades were already off for the summer which is how Diederich and Nari were able to take their Europe trip, but Dax’s second grade class was only just wrapping up that week. He still had classes to teach leading up to his weekend trip with Nathan, but he always went to his boyfriend’s place immediately after school. He knew Nathan felt overwhelmed having to take care of the twins and Wano by himself, so Dax tried to be as available as possible. On Wednesday, he came home surprised to see none other than Jeffrey Matthews standing in the front hall with Ben strapped to him. Nathan was there as well, drilling him like it was a game of 20 questions. “I told you, he didn't invite me,” Jeffrey was saying. “I just came by to give Wano a gift.” “What kind of gift?” Nathan demanded. “Good afternoon?” Dax announced himself as he came in. “Hello, Jeffrey. What are you doing here?” Jeffrey rolled his eyes. “Like I've been telling Nathan, I brought over a gift for Wano. That's all.”
Wano came down the stairs at that point and went over to Jeffrey eagerly. “Hello, lovemate. How are you?” He gave Jeffrey a peck on the forehead. Nathan frowned. “Wano, did you invite Jeffrey over?” Wano shook his head quickly. “No, this is a surprise to me!” “I brought you this,” Jeffrey said handing Wano a box. “Made it myself!” Wano opened the box excitedly to find a cake inside. “This is for me? Why?” Jeffrey just shrugged. “I was saving this recipe to make for Bler for Father's Day, but you know, he’s gone, so I made it for you.” “Is that a chocolate cake?” Nathan asked. “Chocolate's not good for your Eclulan diet, Wano.” “I still like it,” Wano said. He smiled at Jeffrey. “Thank you.” Dax went over to his boyfriend and rubbed his back. “Nathan, relax.” Nathan placed his hands akimbo. “So, if that's everything, Jeffrey you can be on your way.” Jeffrey frowned. “Why are you so pushy? I came a long way. I would at least like to stay for some of the cake I made.” Wano looked at Nathan and then turned back to Jeffrey. “No, I am sorry, Jeffrey. You cannot stay.” “What?” Jeffrey huffed. “Why not?” “I did not get permission for guests,” Wano said. “But it is okay, I can see you this weekend! I will be at APID while they go north.” Jeffrey softened a bit. “Oh yeah? Okay. Can you save some cake until then?” “If you want, you could take it and bring it back to APID Friday,” Wano suggested. “No, no. You should have some while it's fresh. Just save me a piece,” Jeffrey said. “Jeffrey, if you'd like, I could drive you home again,” Dax offered. “Naw, you just got home,” Jeffrey brushed off. “I've got a bus pass.” “I insist,” Dax said. “After all, we have car seats and that'd be much more comfortable for Ben than being carried a long way, wouldn't it?” “I guess so,” Jeffrey said. “Right now, or can I say goodbye to Wano?” “Of course, you can say goodbye,” Dax said giving Nathan’s hand a squeeze. “It'll only be about twenty minutes there and back, babe.” “Thank you, Dax,” Nathan said. Jeffrey wrapped his arms around Wano's neck and pulled him down for a kiss. “Text me, okay?” “Yes,” Wano said. “I will show you how much I love eating your cake.” “Nathan can't have any because he's being mean to us, okay?” Jeffrey decided as he pulled away. “I'll see you later.” “Okay.” Wano gave Ben a pat on the head. “Goodbye little Ben.” Jeffrey grinned and made Ben wave. “Say ‘Bye Wano'! Bye bye!” Ben just looked up at Jeffrey. “Buh?” “He's not much of a talker,” Jeffrey admitted. He gave Wano's bicep a squeeze. “Alright, see ya, handsome.” “Bye.”
On the way to Ollie's apartment, Jeffrey was clearly upset. He’d asked for the aux but he wasn't settling on any song for more than a few seconds. Dax found it very distracting while he drove, so when a song he knew came on, he told Jeffrey he liked it and it was left on. “So, you and Wano,” Dax tried to make conversation. “Pretty serious, huh?” Jeffrey frowned. “Yeah… I don't get what Nathan has against us being together. We're both adults. It's none of his business.” “Well, Nathan cares about Wano a lot,” Dax said. “And I think he's more concerned about the fact that you guys won't be able to be together because of Wano's immigration status.” “He got an extension,” Jeffrey said. “Can't he get another one?” Dax sighed. “I don't think it's happening… I think Wano will be deported one way or another. He can reapply to return but it's hard to say if it would hold and how long it would take, considering he violated his VISA by acquiring a criminal record.” Jeffrey pouted. “Still… He's still here for now. He should be able to do what he wants.” “That's not really true,” Dax said. “His staying with Nathan is conditional. He can't leave the house and he must behave himself. Nathan is partially responsible for him considering he’s housing him. We're just trying to make this transition smooth so he's in good standing with APID should he be allowed back.” Jeffrey crossed his arms. “How is seeing me misbehaving?” “It's not really about him seeing you so much as… Well…” Dax frowned. “He says you're both trying to make a baby. Is that true?” Jeffrey shrugged. “Well, it’s normal for two adults in a relationship to have sex… I don't really like condoms and stuff. Most aliens can’t carry our STDs anyway. And if I get pregnant, I get pregnant, I guess…” Dax sighed again. “Do you see how that can come off as irresponsible? Wano's not…the brightest, and he's driven by a lot of very, I want to say, basic instincts, so I'm not really that surprised if he thinks having a baby will make everything great, but I know you’re the smarter one. You have the ability to be the responsible adult in this situation. Do you really honestly think having a baby right now, with Wano of all people, is a good idea?” Jeffrey huffed. “…You know, you're not my dad… I don't need your life advice.” “No, I'm not your dad,” Dax agreed. “But I was your teacher once, and I do care about all my students. You have a lot of potential, Jeffrey. I would like to see you thrive in this world. You have options. You are capable of making good choices.” Jeffrey just went silent. Dax just gave up for now and decided not to bother him the rest of the way. When they got to the apartment building, Dax went up with him to make sure he got in safe. Jeffrey's cousin was there, and he looked rather upset when he saw Jeffrey. “Where've you been?” Ollie asked. “I texted you and you didn't answer me.” “I just went out. I don't have to tell you everywhere I go,” Jeffrey stated as he took off his shoes. “I was worried about Ben,” Ollie said going over to pick up the baby. “I thought you might've taken him to a bar again…” “That was one time,” Jeffrey moaned. “Can you get over it?” “And who's this guy?” Ollie asked looking Dax up and down. “I'm Dax,” Dax said. “I—” “He's a friend of a friend from group,” Jeffrey said. “He offered me a ride home.” “I actually taught Jeffrey in high school,” Dax said rubbing his neck. “Never expected my partner to be in the same pregnancy group as him, but here we are.” “I'm Ollie, Jeffrey's cousin,” Ollie said. “I went to the same school as Jeffrey some years before him. I don't think I remember you.” “I was only there a couple years,” Dax said. “I work at APID E now.” Ollie shrugged. “Are you an ‘alternative person' like they're calling people these days?” “Uh, well—" “Ollie, you know that’s rude!” Jeffrey snapped. “It's alright, Jeffrey,” Dax said. “My situation’s a bit hard to explain.” “We're fairies, you know?” Ollie said, smoothing out Ben's hair. “Probably wouldn't guess from looking at us. Jeffrey's more than me. That's why he's so short.” “That's actually quite interesting,” Dax mused. “Is it a matter of being mixed, or are fairies like merpeople, where the child will always be a merperson no matter if one parent is human?” “It's a bit of both, I think,” Ollie said. “Fairies have been interbred with humans over a long period of time so we've sort of evolved with humans… But, uh… It's like this. Both of Jeffrey's parents were fairies making him a high blood fairy. Only my mother was a fairy, making me low blood. But I'm still considered a fairy 100%. Any kids we have will be 100% fairy no matter what.” “So, even little Ben too then, despite his alien heritage?” Dax asked. “That’s right. Low blood like me but still 100% fairy,” Ollie said. “That’s truly lovely,” Dax said. “Since embracing my native heritage, this topic has always fascinated me. I did my Masters thesis on the ‘Blood Quantum’ and it’s negative effects on indigenous groups in Canada—" “Ugh, if you guys are gonna nerd out, I’m going to my room,” Jeffrey said taking Ben with him. Ollie waited for Jeffrey to close his bedroom door before sighing. “Sorry about my cousin… He’s very scholastically averse.” “Oh, I know, imagine trying to teach him French…” Dax said. “But please, I’m now a bit invested. What sets a fairy apart from a human?” “Hm, some basic stuff,” Ollie said. “It’s mostly magic sensitivity. But physically… Can’t grow facial hair, generally short, can’t really gain weight, some magic ability, sometimes inhuman hair or eye colour. Oh, and the ears.” Dax tilted his head. “Well, your ears aren’t particularly pointed or anything… And you’re rather average height.” “Low blood as I said.” Ollie spread his arms. “All I really got was the eyes, the lack of facial hair and the metabolism. Although, if I try hard enough, I can gain some muscle where Jeffrey can’t… I think I’ve even heard of low blood fairies getting big and muscly and growing beards. Never met one, though I don’t really know other fairies outside the family.” “You do look rather fit,” Dax commented. “You have great calves.” “Thank you, I’m a runner,” Ollie said proudly. “And you’re not too bad yourself.” “Ah...” Dax rubbed his neck. “I’m a bit of a yoga and swim nut. Although I’ve been a bit out of shape lately…” “Are you kidding? You have very tight buns,” Ollie complimented. “Well, thank you… I really should start working out again…” Dax said, rubbing his neck. “I keep looking up some fun smoothie recipes I want to try for workouts, but I haven’t found the time. Not to mention the protein powders are expensive, and I kinda need it with my diet.” “Well, the one I get isn't so expensive,” Ollie said. He moved to the cupboards. “You know what, the taste's been a bit different lately so you should try some of mine and if you like it, you can get it online at wheylux.com.” “Oh? Alright, sounds promising,” Dax said. “I can order it, you don't have to share.” “No, no, it's no big deal,” Ollie said grabbing the container from his cupboard. “It really is reasonably cheap, and you don't need much each time. I take a teaspoon and it lasts so long.” “Well, alright. I'll try it,” Dax said. Ollie made up a tiny Tupperware for Dax and handed it over. “There you go. Keep the cup. I have plenty.” “Well, thank you,” Dax said pocketing the product. “I appreciate it.” “Don’t mention it.” Dax smiled. “I should probably head home though. Promised I'd be back in 20.” “Don’t let me keep you,” Ollie said. “Dax, was it?” “Yes. Dax Olivier.” Dax stepped out the door. “And Ollie, right? Are you a Matthews as well?” “Larson,” Ollie offered his hand. “Oliver Larson. Or just Ollie.” Dax shook his hand. “Well, it was nice to meet you, Ollie.” “You, too. Safe drive. Thanks for dropping off the brats.” Dax chuckled. “No problem.”
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narilgc · 4 years
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𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐃𝐈𝐃 𝐀 𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 . . . but i don’t regret the thing that i did !! hello all, i’ve been keeping this under wraps for the past few days but on a whim i’ve decided to bring on my second ( and last, i promise ) muse for the ride !! with that being said, it is jada here, max’s mun, but this time i’m presenting to you the wonderful im nari !! she was my initial idea before max, but i loved her too much to get rid of her !! i’m so excited for her to be here and i really hope she’s well received as well !! i’ve been slow on his acc for the past few days, and she’s the reason why, but now that i’ve gotten my life ( mostly ) together & things are running just fine again !! anyways, her profile’s here, and below you can find some general trivia on her as well as connection ideas !! oh, and like this to plot ! 
from damyang, south korea !!  a v small agricultural town & was born into humble beginnings - a seamstress for a mom, and her dad a farmer !! so she lived on a small farm when she was younger and was raised with pigs, cows, and goats as pets !
she helped around the farm her whole time she lived home, so she has a lot of life skills t & knows all about caring for animals and tending the farm !
they weren’t well off by any means - they had a small income to spread thin between all those people - but they made it work !! she never felt truly slighted as she knew their situation, in fact in her own way, she was spoiled in the best way she could be given their predicament.
raised in a household full of boys - she’s the youngest w a family of 6 loud, rowdy boys.
so in a way she’s more of a tomboy, used to roughhousing and all her sibling’s antics !! she’s also used to doing a lot of heavy lifting around the farm so has surprising strength for her size.
on the other hand, being the youngest & only daughter has upped the girliness !! she’s used to being babied so knows all about acting cute & her mom was always using her as an experiment for all her clothes !! was raised on handmade dresses her mom made in all sorts of intricate patterns & loved it !!
has been an actress in the making for a g e s !!! it all started when she was a really young kid, her mom would let her watch the tv in the tailor shop so she’d have something to do while her mom was at work !!
so there was this drama “a rolling hills romance” ( which i TOTALLY made up lmao !! ) that she absolutely loooved !! it was about a farm romance and was one of the only ones she saw that wasn’t taking place in the city !! it just got her in love with acting in general though, she’d eventually memorize scenes from all the dramas she’d watch and recite them out of the blue !!!
eventually it got her into theatre acting, which was her favorite !! she started watching broadway shows from abroad, memorizing the songs even though she didn’t always know what they were saying. but she just loooved the whole thing, and when she was in middle school she joined her school’s theatre department !
this is where the majority of her english skills came into play - she would memorize the lyrics, and though she didn’t really know what they were saying after a while she began to understand some words !! so while her pronunciation is pretty good from mimicking actors, she lacks the vocab to really use it !!
so she’s really hesitant to speak in english, because if people hear her speak they think she’s a lot more fluent than she is & it lands her in awkward situations !! so she mainly just ... doesn’t do that lol !!
i can’t believe i forgot this when i first wrote this !! this is a very vital part of her character omg !! her first “acting debut” if you could call it that was for a chocolate commercial when she was 8 !! basically she was in this christmas commercial for peppermint chocolates that got on tv and everyone in her town went crazy !! she like goes and delivers these chocolates while singing jingle bells and it’s wholesome and cute and swet !! it wasn’t that big at all lol but for their small town it was, and to them she’s a sort of small celebrity for it !! i’m sure some people might remember the commercial but notlike .... her yk ?? because that was her first and last role for a while lol !!
anyways !! she’s always been self-conscious of her looks - she felt like she wasn’t pretty enough, and limited her confidence. so at 16 she got 2 part-time jobs to begin saving up money, and at 17 she went to seoul to get a nose job & jaw reduction surgery.
and things seemed to be great after that !! she was confident, gaining more friends, but the real excitement came when her mom read online about an audition for legacy and jokingly asked if she wanted to do it. 
legacy had never even be on her radar !! she had always heard her friends talk about them for idols, but she had never thought of them as a company that accepted actresses. upon reading though, she was hooked !! she begged her parents, and they originally rejected the idea because they thought it was one of her phases. however, after much persuasion, they allowed her to attend auditions !!
she never expected to get in, she wanted to do it more as an experience than anything. but to say it was a shock was an understatement !! but she was so so incredibly happy.
had a hard time adjusting initially - she was only 17, and almost right after getting there she had to spend her birthday alone since she hadn’t made any friends yet. and although she’s naturally outgoing, it was really hard for her to be social at first because she was surrounded by so many more people than she was used to !!
for the past few years nari’s been doing general idol training, though that’s about to change !! she’s significantly improved her dance skills ( which were nearly nonexistent prior to training ) & gotten a lot better at her singing !! but her heart’s still deep into acting, and she knows that she wants to do that as well as some modeling !
she still suffers a lot with her self confidence, and there’s a lot of pressure for her to do well ! in school, because she’s the first of her family to go to university, and as a trainee, because she’s risked so much for it & doesn’t want to disappoint since her family has v high expectations for her !
a little lovebug !! she’s literally so loving and accepting of everyone - definitely, someone you can come to talk out any issues, she listens & provides support, free of any judgement !! also v keen on skinship i apologize in advance
she’s come out of her shell a lot since she got to seoul, but she’s still a little shy if she doesn’t know you well or is put in a situation w a lot of people !! pls be patient with her ^^
like max, she’s got a lot of energy in that little body !! but she actually has adhd so a lot of it isn’t really by choice. it frustrates her a lot because it limits her focus & has the tendency to make her restless. it was worse when she was younger, but has gotten better as she’s gotten older and she takes medicine to keep everything in check.
she’s also got v low self-confidence, she’s never been satisfied with herself and constantly wants to get better !! despite the surgeries, she’s still got a lot of insecurities both physically and not, but keeps them bottled up a lot bc she doesn’t want to burden others !! ( i want to shake her !! ) bc of that, she takes both criticism & compliments very seriously, she’ll turn all red if someone gives her the smallest compliment but will also overanalyze & judge herself if she gets critiqued. 
in fact her surgery’s almost made her more self-conscious, as she now feels that all the opportunities granted to her are because of her looks post-surgery. the worst insult she could get was she’s only succeeding because of her looks, because she’s worked so hard on her skills and she wants them to be what takes her forward, not something she had to pay to get.
despite that, she’s the true definition of a happy virus !! on the outside, she’s almost always smiling, and when all the other stuff doesn’t get in the way, she is on the inside too !! always trying to look on the optimistic side & give people a fresh perspective !
on that note she’s v childish, and sometimes she has to remind herself w younger trainees coming in she’s being seen as more of an example and needs to be ~serious~!!
the duality is real !! in performances, sad / angry scenes are actually her specialty, and right after she’ll just spring up and smile like what’s up guys !!! a lil creepy when she goes from sobbing to giggling so she’s learned to transition a little better lmao !!
she always wanted to be a youtuber, but never got the chance, and by the time she joined legacy she wasn’t allowed to have an account. so now she has these little vlogs she does to send her parents ! they’re mainly of her getting ready, hanging out with friends, and practicing ( all out of training hours, ofc ) so she can often be found seemingly talking to herself, even though she’s really recording videos !! 
though being an idol wasn’t her initial dream, she adores the music. her love for the kpop genre has made the last few years more bearable, and girl crush concepts are her absolute favorite !! she’s been religiously keeping up w future dreams like she’s still just a fan back at home, and you’ll catch her humming all around the company building !!
in fact, prior to joining legacy, she had a fan blog for all her faves where she would provide commentary called ri raves !! it was ... a sight !! 
she’s pansexual, and leaning towards girls !! it’s something she’s really shy about sharing bc of the fear of judgment, but if she tells you know you have all her trust !!
a little spoiled tbh !! she’s got the youngest child syndrome BAD, and since she was the only girl she’s used to things being done for her !! not in the bratty way, it’s just made her a little lazy and she loooooves attention and being doted on.
don’t let her appearance fool you though !! she’s got surprising strength ... strong woman do bong soon’s not her favorite show for no reason !!! all those years of defending herself from her brothers’ teasing had to come in handy, you know ?? we’ve got a black belt in hapkido here folks !!
definition of a theatre kid, starts bursting out into songs she loves out of nowhere omg it’s embarrassing ?? also overreacts about everything omg the world is on fire according to her !! she’s gotta faint dramatically !!!
she’s got the jeolla-do dialect, and prior to working on her standard dialect it was veeery prominent ! it makes her say a lot of words differently than someone from seoul might, and after realizing she was one of the only ones with it she’s been trying to make her speech sound more like standard korean nowadays.
she’s taken up sewing from her mom, and especially loves embroidery !! so she always loves upcycling & spicing her outfits up !!
definitely has a unique fashion sense because of it - in addition to that she’s very frugal, and favors thrifted clothing !! she’s got a mix of vintage, chic, and artsy style !
 a rule follower !! veeery unlike max, she tends to stick to the rules out of fear of what will happen if she doesn’t, because she has way too much on the line to quit now !
acting buddies ?? i know there aren’t too many, but even if that’s not your muse’s preferred career path, any muses who have a passion for theatre are welcomed as well !!
someone who unlike her, is v wild and lives on the crazier side !! she’s constantly going into a responsible panic when they’re around and they’re always trying to get her to loosen up !!
someone who co-stars in her little vlogs to her family !! hey, if you can’t be youtubers for real you might as well pretend, right ??
someone who made her adjustment to seoul easier as she transitioned from country to city life !! they’ve lived in seoul for a long time / their whole life and know all the best spots to show her !!
someone who’s clothing she likes to spice up, she’s always embroidering or adding pattern to their clothes to give their outfit a little flair !
someone who knows her past her happy side, who she’s got on speed dial whenever she’s feeling down and needs someone to talk to, and vice versa !!
someone who she came out too, be it on purpose or by accident, and it’s caused her to grow really attached to them bc it’s one of the most personal things about her !
a girl she’s got a crush on but is terrified to tell !!! like yes you’re pretty .... but these things are never easy !!! she’s gonna tell you .... eventually !!
and ofc - exes, flirtationships, summer loves, anything of the sort !
someone she lowkey fangirls over ?? she still hasn’t accepted the fact that she & the other trainees are kinda on the same level, someone she’s kind of became a fan of and can’t really function around them ??
by some crazy chance, this person has come across her old kpop fan blog at one time or another and won’t !!! let !!! her !!! live !!! it !!! down !!! will you accept her bribe and swear to never bring it up again ??? please ???
someone she doesn’t like ??? this is v rare but ... for one reason or another, she can’t stand them and transforms to a completely diff person around them !!
someone who made the mistake of teasing her a little too much or insulted her so much that she just straight-up tries to take them down !!! v unexpectedly !! bonus if it’s someone way out of her fighting capabilities !!
more ideas coming when i create an official plots page !!
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gunterfan1992 · 6 years
Bubblegum and Marceline in the “Come Along with Me” Intro?
As many of you know, I’m now a firm believer that Marceline and Princess Bubblegum are alive in the Ooo 1000+ world. (You can read my elaborate explanations here.)
However, over the last few days, I’ve become interested in the idea that not only are they alive, but that they are actually in the finale’s intro. Let’s take a look...
If you freeze the intro at about 0:02, you’ll see a humanoid wearing a parka staring through what looks like a collapsible telescope. There are several things interesting about this shot.
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First, the critter that the person is riding on is the duck-rock that appeared for the first (and last) time in season one’s “Evicted!” You know who else first appeared in that episode? Marceline. It is extremely odd that this minor, minor character makes a call-back in the finale’s intro of all things, especially considering that with only a few exceptions (e.g. Gibbon, the two-headed duck), none of the other creatures showcased here were featured in the original series timeline. What is more, when the duck-rock first appears in “Evicted!” it’s in during montage that plays over the “House Hunting Song” (the tune that notably features the chorus, “Oh Marceline!/Why are you so mean?”). Now, what’s important to note is that when the duck-rock is on screen, its during a very particular portion of the song that goes as such:
You know you should have stayed And fought that sexy vampire lady. But Jake was feeling terrified, He was super scared of her vampire bite. Which is understandable 'Cuz vampires are really powerful. They're unreasonable And burnt out on dealing with mortals. [emphasis added]
Why does this matter? Because it’s the portion of the song that transitions from the first half of the track (focusing entirely on Finn and Jake trying to find a new house, with nary a mention of Marceline), to the second half, which focuses almost entirely on Marceline. This fact, given the above, suggests that the duck-rock’s inclusion was intended to cause the viewer to think of the last time that they saw the critter, and in doing so think of Marceline.
Second, if you freeze the intro at about 0:025 (seriously, you have to be quick), you’ll see that the telescope the person is using is engraved with two letters: an “M” on top of an “A”. I’ve seen a few people online argue that this is an inverted version of Adam Muto’s signature (e.g.), but that seems like a rather nonsensical thing to put in a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it shot (why would he have inverted the letters?), especially when you consider a) Steve Wolfhard, not Muto, boarded the intro, b) just how many lore-based easter eggs are crammed into this intro, and c) Adam doesn’t like it when people put him in the show. No, I think the letters must have a deeper meaning (UPDATE, see footnote 1). Now, who do we happen to know who could conceivably be around in this world and whose initials are “M” and “A”? That’s right, the immortal Marceline Abadeer (in fact, I can’t seem to find any other character with those initials) (2):
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(Marceline marking her property with initials is not out of character—in fact, it is exactly how Marceline marked her territory in “Evicted!”, although “Evicted!” featured only the M. This is almost certainly due to the episode airing before Marceline’s last name was even considered. Still, the fact that we’re getting what seems to be a second allusion to “Evicted!” is telling.)
Notice also that the person is covered from head to toe by a baggy coat, snow pants, and mittens. As Reddit user thadwdavis notes, “This person is fully covered which, if I remember correctly, has only been true of two characters: Gunter when Orgalorg was leaking out, and Marceline in the sun.” The character, indeed, is out in the daylight, and the sun in frozen regions can be brutal to humans (and thus vampires). Also, the person is wearing bright red boots, which—not to play too much into sexist stereotypes—definitely look feminine, given that they have pronounced heals. You know who else loves to wear vibrant, red lady boots with distinct heals in many of her episodes including her debut episode? That’s right—Marceline (3). Finally, I think it’s important to note that this individual resembles a human; the Ooo 1000+ world seems to be populated with decidedly un-humanoid individuals (e.g. the pups, Shermy, Beth); in fact, if you watch the intro, you won’t see anyone else who even vaguely resembles the duck-rock rider. The same is true for “Graybles 1000+” and “Lemonhope II”. Of course, this is not the most convincing piece of evidence, but I’d argue it’s just one more clue that this is Marceline.
Now let’s talk about Bubblegum. Her appearance is intertwined with the presence of the elementals in the intro. If you pause the intro at 0:00, you can see Patience St. Pim’s ice sphere that she froze herself in at the conclusion of Elements, meaning she is (likely) still in ice-stasis:
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A few seconds later, just before we enter into Shermy and Beth’s cave, you can clearly see what the new flame elemental firing a tank round at the new slime elemental, the latter of whom is holed up in the ground:
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You know which elemental seems to be missing? Candy.
Or wait? Is it? Check out this frame, around the 0:01 mark (immediately after St-Pim’s sphere):
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Pink hands! As Uncivilized Elk points out in his dissection of the intro, “Pink in Adventure Time should of course make one think of gum.” While he postulates that the individual might be Aunt Lolly, I would wager that this is Princess Bubblegum. On Tumblr, Wolfhard explicitly stated that all the elementals are in the intro. Given the obviousness of Fire, Slime, and Ice, the fact that the candy elemental is for the most part hidden suggests that it is Bubblegum. How so? Well, if that wasn’t Bubblegum in the prison, Wolfhard would have likely redesigned the elemental to keep us in the loop, like he did with the others.
It’s also thematically fitting that in the future, when the Ice Thing has gone banana-nuts (presumably after all his loved ones, e.g. Turtle Princess, have died or moved on), that Bubblegum might have been kidnapped by the flying menace, just like Ice King used to do. Everything stays, amirite?
If that’s the case, then is that mysterious figure on the duck-rock actually Marceline trudging through the Ice Thingdom, searching for Bonnie? That would explain why she is in the Ice Thingdom with the telescope; she is literally surveying the land, trying to find her boo. If this is true, it’s kind of a bummer that this is the last we see of them. But as Reddit user JohnEnderle puts it, “[It’s evidence that] they're probably still in love and still having adventures a thousand years later.”
That makes me smile!
(1) This is further supported by the fact that the only text snippets appearing in the intro are these two letters, the letter “G” emblazoned on Gibbon’s Pup Kingdom, the strange tombstone/statue marker reading Fin[n?] ... Jer[maine?]”, and PB’s “World’s Greatest Uncle” mug. These all have pretty clear meanings: "M.A.” must mean something, too. UPDATE: Steve Wolfhard posted a pic of “Pawn Swan”, who has the same symbol as a tattoo! While this might be evidence against the idea that these are Marceline’s initials (awww), it still doesn’t really explain what the heck they mean. Maybe Pawn Swan really digs the Scream Queens?
(2) Some people have noted that a very similar symbol appears at about 1:10 during the “Come Along with Me” montage (video here). This is true, although the symbols are noticeably different: that rune, seen on the upper-right, is upside down, its bar is bent (not straight), and it has a dot underneath it. It is also a bit wider (comparison). Are they connected? While it is possible, I should note that intro has a lot of blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moments that directly hint at the show’s lore. Given this, as well as the fact that the two symbols are not identical, I’m more inclined to believe that we should take what we find in this intro at face value. My two cents.
(3) The figure’s outfit is also somewhat similar to what Marceline wore in “Everything Stays”, during the scene in which Simon leaves her. It is not identical, though. Also, I swear I remember her wearing mittens at some point in the past, but I can’t seem to verify this mental image.
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taehyungiestummy · 6 years
Summer Dreams -- Chapter Eighteen
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Masterlist     Previous     Next
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3277
         “I’d say that it was fun walking to their place of work, but getting lost kind of put a damper on that,” I roll my eyes as the Big Hit Entertainment building comes into view.
         “At least we got here practically on time,” Emily shrugs. “Next time we should just get a taxi or have Nari drive us.”
         “They could just send someone to pick us up,” I firmly nod, crossing my arms over my chest. “Maybe they will do that next time.”
         “Next time will probably next summer. I’d just like to hang out with them more, period.”
         “I agree with you there. I’d like to spend whole days with them, and know that I can see them whenever I want.”
         “Crazier things have happened, so I think that dream will come true,” Emily opens the building’s door, and we shuffle inside. “Namjoon said that he would be in the lobby to grab us.”
         “There he is,” I point to Namjoon standing off to the side, then start overly waving to get his attention.
         Namjoon’s eyes catch my movements, taking a second to focus in on us before he smiles and waves us over.
         “He’s like our official greeter every time,” Emily chuckles as we make our way over to him.
         “Good afternoon,” Namjoon crosses his arms. “I’m surprised that you are only a little late, since Emily texted me saying you got lost.”
         “Lost is a strong word,” I tap my jaw with my index finger.
         “You just used it outside,” Emily looks at me with a side eye squint.
         “Shut up,” I pout. “We got to see some more of the city, so did we really get lost?”
         “Yes,” Namjoon and Emily grin at each other.
         “You guys are no fun,” I shake my head.
         “That’s because we are just standing in the lobby,” Namjoon turns to face where the elevators are. “Follow me, and we can get to where everyone else is.”
         “Quick question,” Emily says as we journey to the elevators. “Is this how all other groups or solos work? In an office like building?”
         “There are dance rooms, studios, conference rooms, even office,” Namjoon answers. “Everything needed for the creation and production of the Korean music scene.”
         “This place is amazing,” I smile as Namjoon pushes the up-button.
         “From an outsiders view, I guess it is pretty interesting.” Namjoon shrugs, “Just another building where we work, though.”
         “So, all the others are in the room where you practice?” Emily clarifies.
         “Yes, all waiting for us, and they are all excited to see you.”
         The elevator dings and the doors open. The three of us step inside and Namjoon pushes a floor number.
         “Can you repeat the information on the final boy we are meeting today?” I lean against the wall.
         “Jeon Jungkook,” Namjoon starts, “Jungkook on the stage. Sixteen years old, so he’s the youngest.”
         “Ah, the baby,” Emily giggles. “Maknae, if I remember correctly.”
         “That is right. Kookie is our maknae.”
         “Kookie?” I giggle. “That is too cute.”
         “Everyone does think that he is adorable.”
         The elevator comes to a stop and the door opens. Then the three of us step out and Namjoon leads the way down the hall. About a minute later, Namjoon briefly stops at a door before opening in and walking in. Emily and I are not far behind.
         The room we walk into has a mirror on one wall, and nice hard wood floor. The six other members of BTS are warming up in different ways all over the room.
         “We made it!” Namjoon shouts out, quickly switching to ramble off all kinds of things in Korean.
         “Amber,” Taehyung, a huge smile on his face, walks up to me. “Oh, and Emily.”
         “Hi Taehyung,” I almost reach out to grab his hand, but stop myself.
         “Jungkook is over there,” Taehyung motions to a boy on his phone. “Meet him, then come right back to me,” he cups my cheeks in his hands. “Okay?”
         “Sure thing, Taehyung,” I giggle, moving his hands off my face. “Jealous of your maknae?”
         Taehyung’s face instantly drops. “No. He cannot take you. Besides, I am much cuter than him.”
         “He won’t,” I grab Emily’s hand, walking us over to Jungkook.
         “Um, hi Jungkook,” Emily speaks up.
         The boy looks up and slowly smiles. “Hi,” he comes off as shy, and his looks are very adorable. He doesn’t have a really defined face, his jaw line hasn’t developed that much yet. His hair is black and a bit shaggy. He has dark brown, basically black, eyes. His nose is slender and button like, slightly plump lips, and seems to be Taehyung’s height.
         “Nae ileum-eun Amber ibnida,” I smile, knowing how much it means to him that I talk to him in his own language.
         “Nae ileum-eun Emily ibnida,” Emily pulls her hand out of mine.
         “Ah, so Taehyung was right when he said you could speak Korean,” Jungkook nods, the worry of communicating in a language he does not know floating away.
         “You are close to our age, and I hope to spend a lot of time together,” I shift around on my feet. “We don’t know much Korean, but we can still talk.”
         “I think it is very nice that you are trying so hard to learn a foreign language to talk to us,” he ruffles his hair.
         “This might be easier if I get Namjoon,” Emily chuckles. “I’ll be right back,” she turns on her heel.
         “Hi cutie,” Taehyung’s voice fills my ears as arms wrap around my shoulders.
         “Oh, hi, Taehyung,” I giggle. “Nice of you to join us.”
         Taehyung dives into Korean faster than I can track, and Jungkook responds just as quickly. I get lost in their words since I can’t understand anything, and it is pointless to even try to catch what they might be saying.
         “Do you need translating?” Namjoon steps up with Emily on his arm.
         “Yes, a lot,” I pout. “You all talk too fast. Taehyung just sprouting so much Korean way too fast that I think it was on purpose.”
         “Maybe,” Taehyung gives me a small squeeze.
         “You’ll get used to it, and it all comes with learning,” Namjoon says. “For now, I am happy to help you two girls.”
         “Well, I don’t think that these two will tell you what they were just discussing, so that will be pointless,” I sigh.
         “I was just telling him about you,” Taehyung rests his chin on my shoulder. “Don’t worry about it.”
         “He was just telling me how you two are best friends,” Jungkook speaks up. “And that we can be friends, too.”
         “Once I become fluent in Korean, for sure,” I nod a few times.
         “It doesn’t seem like you need much help,” Namjoon grins, switching to English. “There are some pronunciation issues, but I’m sure that’s an accent issue and you’ll grasp it eventually.”
         “We’ll keep working at it,” Emily lets go of Namjoon’s arm.
         “I’ll try to get what Taehyung said out of him later, and then I can text Emily about it.”
         “It doesn’t matter, really,” I duck out of Taehyung’s grasp, turning to gently jab at his stomach a few times. “I think I can figure out what it was about. He doesn’t want his maknae to make a move on me, but maybe he should make a move already.”
         Taehyung grabs my hands, giggles fluttering out of his mouth like music to my ears. “Watch me as we dance, okay?” He taps my nose as he speaks in his native tongue.
         “Sure,” I firmly nod. “But I have to sneak a glance at the others.”
         “I want to have most of your attention, though.”
         “I’m sure you do, Tae,” Namjoon pats the boy on the shoulder. “We should probably get to work now.”
         “Before that,” Yoongi’s voice makes me jump as he steps up to us. “How come you didn’t come say hi to me?” He crosses his arms over his chest as he looks at me. “I thought we were friends.”
         I chuckle, “We are friends, but I had to meet Jungkook.”
         “She’s going to be all of our friends, and so is Emily,” Jungkook slowly stands up. “Don’t keep her to yourself, like Tae-hyung wants to do.”
         “I am not going to keep her from anyone,” Taehyung pouts.
         “I have a say in what I do, too,” I briefly raise my hand. “Don’t worry, I am going to spend time with all of you when we have the chance.”
         “I still have yet to get a hug,” Yoongi huffs.
         “You are like a big family,” Emily smiles, turning back to English. “All this teasing and how well you know each other.”
         “A dysfunctional family, that’s for sure,” Namjoon sighs.
         I wrap my arms around Yoongi’s middle, “Those are the best kinds, though. You are also a band of brothers that have no blood relation, which makes it even better. Families that you make give such a heartwarming feeling.”
         “One day you might get to join this crazy family. As long as you want to keep hanging out with us, and decided to keep coming back to Korea.”
         “I wouldn’t mind being a member of this family,” I giggle, taking a step away from Yoongi. “It would be an adventure, and I would be ready to be a part of that journey.”
         “Another day spent relaxing in an apartment that is starting to feel a lot like home,” I giggle as I lie down on my side on the couch. My eyes are trained on the screen of my DS as I continue my journey in Pokémon. “This feels so natural.”
         “This is the only change you will ever be excited for,” Emily chuckles as she leans back in the recliner to pop the footrest out.
         “That’s probably true. Most humans despise change, and I am in the boat with all those people. Change makes it feel like I have no control. It makes my brain go crazy with all that I will have to do, or all that I have to get used to all over again.”
         “Nari has been such a blessing to help us transition. Without her I don’t think that this trip would be going nearly as well.”
         “I think that meeting the boys has also helped me enjoy this trip to the max,” I curse under my breath as my lead Pokémon, Piplup, faints. “There’s something to look forward to.”
         “It is nice to know that we get to hang out with them with the effort it takes to plan those times together.”
         “I really want to learn how to dance like the boys. Yesterday was too cool. That get to do that every day. It is their job to dance and sing, which is amazing.”
         “That is their element. It is what they are working so hard at to be the best that they can be. They look so happy and free, too.”
         “We should probably listen to their music a lot more now since we’ve met all of the group, and we looked like total dorks when the song played of the speakers and we had no clue what it was.”
         “That would be a good idea, but where do we start? Don’t they have a couple albums as well as mini-albums?”
“I’m on it,” I set my DS down, reaching an arm out to snatch my phone off the coffee table. “I’ll actually have their songs downloaded already thanks to Tae one day some time ago, so I’ll just play it in order from oldest to newest.”
         “Did they say they leave for America soon? What are they going to do over there?”
         “In a week, yes. They are going to L.A. for some reason, but that is all I know.” I turn the volume on my phone up, placing it back on the coffee table.
         “Taehyung better ask you out on a date before he leaves then. You two need to figure out what the hell your relationship is before we are apart for months.”
         “Well, that is up to Tae if he wants to ask me out. He said he was going to text me today, but I’m still waiting,” I focus back in on my DS.
         “They are busy, as we saw yesterday, so I am sure he is waiting until they are given a long break to be able to talk to you.”
         “Yeah, that’s probably it,” I take a deep breath. “How are you and Namjoon?”
         “Good, I guess. He asked me on a date, if you can call it that, to the bookstore downtown. I’m sure he would like for it to just be the two of us, but I kind of want to make it a double date with you and Taehyung. You love books, so you could get some as Namjoon told me there’s an English section.”
         “I could make that happen,” I let a small yawn escape my lips. “Not comfortable being alone with him just yet?”
         “That, and we promised Nari that we would always be together.”
         “Ah, yes, we can’t leave the apartment without the other. Remind me to ask Taehyung about double dating to the bookstore when he texts today.”
         “As long as you tell me what you two are talking about, I can remind you about the double date suggestion.”
         “I’m loving this music,” I tap my feet to the beat. “I can understand bits and pieces, but there’s still room for improvement.”
         “For the short amount of time that we have been studying the language, I think that we are doing good to pick out words in a song.”
         In the next second, the music cuts out as my ringtone of the Marvel theme takes over.
         “That can be one of three people, and Nari is not having lunch right now,” Emily speaks up. “Better answer quickly before he wonders if you still are friends.”
         “He’s not that clingy,” I roll my eyes, setting my DS down once again and reaching to grab my phone off the coffee table. “He is just worrying right now since we have yet to put a label on what we are.”
         “The label will be a couple, but everyone has to be patient.”
         I click my phone on, seeing that Taehyung is the one who has texted me. “If only Yoongi would have texted and made this funny.”
| Taehyung: Hello cutie! I didn’t forget about texting you, so I hope you weren’t worrying.
| Me: Hey Tae. I have just been playing Pokémon and relaxing as I wait for your text. How is work going?
         “It would be nice if Namjoon texted me now too, but I bet he’s got a lot of other things on his mind,” Emily sighs, placing her notebook on the side table. “Tell me what he says when I get back from the bathroom,” she points at me as she stands up, and before I know it is out of the room.
| Taehyung: Work is good. I miss having you here to watch. It feels better when there is an audience that enjoys what we do.
| Me: I’ll just have to come back some day and watch you again!
| Taehyung: I want you to come back as much as possible because I like being around you.
| Me: I like being around you too, Tae.
| Taehyung: The others will yell at me if I don’t ask you this, and over text helps me feel more confident. Do you want to go out to dinner with me?
         I feel my heart skip a beat as I read the text over and over again for the words to sink in. I want to jump off the couch and dance all over the room. I’m too comfy to do so, but smile as wide as possible as I text back.
| Me: I’ve actually been waiting for you to ask me out on a proper date. So, yes, I’d love to go out to dinner with you!
| Taehyung: Really? Ah, you make me so happy! I have a free day in a few days on the tenth. Can you make that?
| Me: Of course I can make that. I better get to work with my Korean lessons.
| Taehyung: I don’t even need to talk when I’m around you.
| Me: Okay, now you are just being flirty.
         “What’s going on out here?” Emily enters the living room. “Why are you smiling so big? Oh my god, did he ask you out? On a real date?”
         I nod a few times, glancing up to see my best friend with a smile equally as big as mine. “Dinner, on the tenth. Just the two of us. Is this real life?”
         “I can pinch you if you want.”
         “No, I don’t think that will be necessary. Better ask about the double date before he gets back to practice.”
| Me: Oh, and Tae, could you ask Namjoon if it would be okay if we tag along with him on his date with Emily? She doesn’t want to be alone.
| Taehyung: Of course! I’m sure Namjoon will let us come along.
| Me: Great, thank you so much! I better let you get back to work.
| Taehyung: I can’t wait for our date. Wear something cute! Like you always do.
| Me: Will do, Tae! It will probably be the next time we see each other.
| Taehyung: We’ll talk about all the details later. Have a great rest of the day, cutie!
| Me: You too! Have fun with the rest of your practice. I’ll be cheering you on!
| Taehyung: You cheering me on will get me through anything.
         “You have to tell me everything, Amber,” Emily has taken her seat in the recliner with her notebook back on her lap. “My best friend is going on her first real date.”
         “I only know that we are going out to dinner in like, four days?” I set my phone back on the coffee table, knowing I’ll be reading over those texts again later. “He said he’ll let me know where later, and what time, and probably what to wear. He also said he’ll ask Namjoon if we can tag along to your bookstore date.”
         “Basically he didn’t know if you were going to say yes since you two barely know each other, and he doesn’t have anything set in stone yet,” Emily chuckles. “That is actually super cute because it means he worked up the guts to ask you.”
         “That, and the they other boys were going to strangle him if he didn’t.” I pick my DS up once again, hoping that I can play more without getting distracted. “Nari is going to be ecstatic when we tell her the news.”
         “She’ll be the one driving you to the restaurant so she knows where you’ll be for a few hours.”
         “I wouldn’t have it any other way,” I grin. “Now, the music is back on, and I really want to beat this gym, so we can go back to the silence before all the crazy happened.”
         “It’s a good thing that I still have big chunks of the scrapbooks to plan, or else we would be planning everything for your date right now.”
         “I have multiple days to plan all I want, so there is no reason to worry,” I start moving my head gently to the beat. “Besides, the more I think about it, the more nervous I will get, and I don’t want to go crazy.”
Hope you enjoyed reading! Are you hoping the Amber and Taehyung end up together? What about Namjoon and Emily? Is Nari going to find someone? I would love to hear what you think! :D
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whichchick · 6 years
So fall effort with Dressage Lady Barb (hereafter, as always, DLB).  How’d that go?
You know how it went.  It went the same way it always goes.  Fucking ends in tears, snot running down my face because I am totally 100% that middle-aged female adult ammie at the dressage clinic.  I’m also fat.  And on an inappropriate pony.  Here I am, the absolute stereotype of dressaging.
I go in and demonstrate my homework from last time.  She says my homework looks good.  Wonderful, terrific, great.  “I can tell you really worked on this.”  I look “so much better” and have “much better control” of my body. I am “not interfering” and “being supportive” and blah blah blah.
Now, my horse has been off for five weeks (abscess, making hay, torrential downpours) and he’s not fit.  But we did, since our last visit with DLB, put tape on the damn reins and work on having an elastic, consistent contact at the walk with a steady and unchanging rein length.  We worked on it a lot.  It was the only homework she gave me because I am apparently too stupid to have more than one homework.  Despite my limitations, I worked the shit out of the homework she gave me. 
Honestly, the only consistent thing here is that I work on the DLB homeworks.  I whine and bitch and moan about the DLB clinics and then I go do the thing, over and over, in spite of the fact that I do not particularly understand what I’m going for.  I am frequently cargo-culting it along in my little and lame dressage journey.
So today we did canters.  She’s like “Tell me some things that were good about this canter effort.”  (I hate this.  I seriously hate this.  It is one of my LEAST FAVORITE THINGS EVER, the “TELL ME GOOD THINGS ABOUT THIS SHITTY EFFORT” drill.)  This canter effort is on a 20 meter circle and horse is getting tired, so self-carriage is not really there and he’s trying to phone it in a little and he falls out of it about halfway around the circle.  It’s not a particularly stellar canter effort.  It’s an OK canter effort given that he’s not falling on his face and he’s not counterbent or frantic or whatever, but it’s not like a good effort.
I know clinician is trying to teach me to look for the good things and to be happy about all the wonderful progress we’ve made on our dressage journey (round and round in stupid little circles at a very slow jog, basically going nowhere fast slowly) but I hate having to find “good” things in what is overall a relatively lukewarm effort.  GDI, I do not need a participation trophy.  I am not here for my self esteem.
We also did trot.  Apparently I need a quicker, lighter trot.  She was all “choppy pony trot” which is not the sort of thing I expect to be told to generate in a dressage clinic so I was like... “I do not understand.”  So she was all “Just do the thing.  I’ll explain later.”  Later happened and she was “I use the phrase choppy pony trot” because most people understand that to mean the feet spend less time on the ground in trot with quicker, lighter steps.”  Okay.  Or, since I’m not eight, you could just say “quicker, lighter steps.”
We did “I can see you want to argue with me.”  I didn’t say anything.  Nary a peep.  I pointed out that I didn’t say anything.  “But you want to.”  WTF?  I can’t even.  I am not able to make myself have agreeable-looking body language.  I can keep my fucking mouth shut and I can do the riding you tell me to do but I will never in a million years be able to make my body look like I am compliantly in agreement with you.
We did “I’m going to compliment you again and you’re going to have to sit there and take it even though you don’t believe me.”  (This is excruciatingly uncomfortable for me.  I am not sure why she does it and I really wish she wouldn’t.  And honestly, that there is a straight up quote from DLB.  I am not exaggerating for comedic effect.)  I am paying for riding instruction.  I am not paying to be made massively uncomfortable on an emotional front that is unrelated to riding instruction.
This reminds me of when I was in junior high and my English (favorite subject, always) teacher was all talking to me about why was I unhappy and my feelings and blah blah and finally I was like, “Look.  I’m here for school and I’m not ALLOWED to leave.  I have to be here BY LAW but I am not your private pet project.  Teach me the damn subject and leave my unhappiness alone.  It’s my concern, not yours.”  She didn’t stop.  A few weeks after that, I went to the principal’s office and told him that if Mrs. T. didn’t leave me the fuck alone and stick to the subject matter that she was paid to teach that I was going to lodge a formal complaint about her.
Apparently, what I did in junior high was VERY WRONG (said my mom) and NOT OK and I REALLY HURT MRS. T’s FEELINGS and she REALLY CARED ABOUT ME A LOT.  Mmm-hmm.  Maybe she did, but damn she had fuck-all of a clue how to display her caring to me.  Not at all.  Maybe that shit she did works with most kids but it was like I was a slug and she just kept pouring salt on me.  (In fairness my parents were getting divorced and things at home were... not good.  I probably looked a hell of a mess, but her caring was poking every single sore spot I had until they all bled. Daily.  It was UNREASONABLE AS HELL to expect me to put up with that shit to spare Mrs. T’s feelings and I’m still kinda mad about my mom for telling me I was in the wrong there.  I should not have to suffer so that other people can feel good about their attempts to “help” me.)
Emotionally this is about where I am with DLB.  She’s helpful on the horse front, honestly she is.  I learn things.  The homework is annoying and frustrating and feels cargo-cult-ish but that’s because I have an insufficient understanding of it at the front end.  DLB is not great at using her words to explain what the homework is FOR or what it’s supposed to accomplish because I guess she does more with how it feels and how it rides and figures I can get it from “There, right there like that!  Do That.”   And that sort of intuitive kinesthetic stuff is super awesome and it’d be SO HELPFUL if I were made to understand that stuff, but I am not.  So my insufficient understanding and my frustration that I can’t make my body do what I want... it is not leading to joyous smiles of instant understanding.  That said, with sufficient reps and substantial effort on my part in the quiet of my own head, the homework does eventually make sense.  
Like remedial jogging, which I did for about two years.  At the outset (see link) it made no sense.  It made no sense for a while and I bitched about it a lot.  But it turns out that if you do like three million jog circles, your horse’s head eventually comes down.  He eventually  becomes rhythmic and steady.  You can start having something like contact on the reins, light and fluttery because neither of you really understand it, but something like contact.  He will get better and better at picking up The Jog on demand and immediately going into it instead of getting there after half a circle of flail first.  He will become, from endless practice, better at coming down to walk from trot instead of throwing his head up and flailing on that transition too.  He will start to be able to listen to cues to bend on the turns because he’s not so busy flailing.  Because the work is simple and repetitive, even newbie floppy riders likely can’t fuck it up.  Floppy rider, because of all the practice at remedial  jogging, gets really good at feeling the horse start to trot, finish trotting, feel like he’s going to fall out of trot, yadda yadda yadda.  Floppy rider becomes less floppy because “floppy” makes it harder for the horse to remedial jog correctly.  This improves rider position.  So yeah, remedial jogging.  Now it makes sense but in the beginning, I had no idea why I was doing it.
I am, swear to FSM, making headway under her tutelage, such as it is.  It could be faster if it were more explain-y with words instead of this mystical Miyagi shit, but if she (and EVERYONE ELSE ON THE PLANET, APPARENTLY) can perceive the mystical Miyagi shit and I’m the only one who can’t... yeah, the adaptive effort has to be on my part because she has no idea what I can or can’t perceive.  
But fuck it all, I cannot keep going to these things when she has me fucking bawling in the goddamn ring because she can’t leave my emotional state alone.  She wants me to be “happier” about my progress.  She wants me to be more “appreciative” of our improvement.  She wants me to give myself and my horse credit for all of our hard work, to be thrilled about the growth of our partnership... honestly I’m over here doing my slug cringe just typing this shit.
I know that DLB means well but she completely fails to realize that I have done approximately six projects IN MY WHOLE ENTIRE GODDAMN LIFE that I have been happy with for more than five seconds.  I am unhappy with almost everything I have ever done, even stuff that other people think is pretty darned decent.  DLB is not going to be able to “fix” this about me and her TRYING to do it is what makes me bawl in the ring like a frustrated toddler.  
This inability to be happy with my projects is not the handicap to me that DLB seems to think it is.  I wish like hell she’d get over the “whichchick is not happy enough about her progress” thing and just do the riding instruction part because this shit is like salt in open wounds.  (Yes, I have tried Being A Grown-Up and Using My Words.  No joy on that front.  I do not typically lack clarity, so not sure what the hell the problem is, there.  My mother’s super-helpful advice:  “Tell her you’re autistic.  Apologize for having absolutely no inherent talent for riding.  I can’t understand why you persist in doing things you TOTALLY SUCK AT, but if you’re having that much trouble with this and still want to do it (MOTHER OF GOD WHY ARE YOU SO PERSISTENT AT SOMETHING SO EXPENSIVE THAT YOU TOTALLY SUCK AT?  YOU KNOW, THERE ARE MANY THINGS YOU CAN DO QUITE ACCEPTABLY.  IS THERE SOME REASON YOU CAN’T DO ONE OF THE THINGS THAT YOU DON’T SUCK AT?  ARE YOU TRYING TO BE UNHAPPY?), ask her to dumb it down further for your broken and incompetent brain.  If you can’t do that, then obviously you don’t want to do the thing hard enough anyway.”  Thanks, mom.  I’ll get right on that.  Also, you are a pillar of support.)
So at the end of the clinic’ing, with tears and snot running down my face, I’m like “You usually give me homework for next time.  What is the homework?” -- This represents pretty good personal growth for me.  I didn’t want to ask.  I wanted to slink out of the ring and take my useless stupid self and my idiotic and inappropriate horse home.  But I asked, even though it was hard.
DLB:  “Experiment.”  
The fuck?!?  No.  No.  NO.  That is not useful.  That is lacking in direction and clarity.  That is not at all helpful.  I don’t even want to try to do something with that because anything I do is going to be wrong.  Anything I do is going to suck.  
Anything I put forth is going to be “Awww, look at you, back again to play dressage with your sweaty fistful of money!  It’s so cute that you keep trying at this thing which you are fundamentally unable to do.  When last we met, I told you to EXPERIMENT.  Such fun!  I’m really looking forward to seeing what you spent your entire winter working on.  So, show me your work.  *beat*   Did oo twy weally hawd?  You did?  That’s adorable!  You’re such a Hard Worker!  If only you appreciated your own efforts in a way that I could perceive... but you don’t, so I’m going to call you out for not liking your horse or yourself.  ...And now you’re crying at me.  God, have you no self-respect?  Grow a pair.  Also, what you have brought me, you do know it’s shit, right?  ‘Cause this is shit.  Shit does not stop being shit because you work really hard.  Can’t polish a turd, dumbass.”
Four years ago, I brought you a four year old horse and you were all “What can he do?” and I was enthusiastic about what all he could do and you were “LOLNope.” and you sent me home to jog in fucking circles, extremely slowly, for two years.  At this juncture, I am not at all going to put myself out there again because clearly I can’t teach a horse how to do anything at all.  You don’t have to kick me in the teeth twice for me to get it.  You say “Experiment” like I’m supposed to run right out and ... what?
Put a tie down on him?  Leverage bit?  Sidereins?  No, of course you don’t mean that shit and you’d be pissed if I suggested any of those things.  So you DO have an aim or objective in mind.  Care to share it?  That’s what my eighty dollars was paying for, y’know.  If I wanted to fumble around in the dark, with no particular idea of what I was doing, I would be eighty dollars richer today.  
Maybe I should be buying more feed and fewer dressage clinics.
Maybe I’m just not cut out for dressage.
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moonliney · 4 years
Dancing with You
3.5K of pure love!!
Genre: Fluffier this time around though still angst, Idol!AU
Summary: Yunhee has been BTS’s best friend since they debuted in 2013. 3 years later and stronger friendships than ever, she debuted with her own group as well and is now battling the stress of work, life, and her so called feelings for her best friend Jung Hoseok, also known as BTS very own J-hope. Let’s also mention that she is super naive and does not understand what the fu** love is until a certain girl from J-hope's past comes back.
Inspired by BTS “ Trivia: Just Dance” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiW1kEJDBDQ
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Please read Pt.1 first to better understand 
Month December, Year 2016 ~ 
There are many moments in a person’s life when they want to crawl in a hole and welt away like a flower on a hot sunny day. It could be due to anything that triggers it: sadness, anger, isolation, and in Yunhee’s case right now, complete embarrassment. Now she has definitely been embarrassed many times before like that one incident where she cried on a national variety show due to having ridden the scariest biggest roller coaster she’s ever seen in her life or that other time when she was performing and forgot it was her part until her members nudged her. Oh and let’s not forget that far memory she pushed in the back of her head when she was changing and poor Jungkook walked in forgetting to knock. 
Yeah, those were horrible moments that could make any girl cringe and blush tomato red thinking about it. But this time, having her best friend and his ex-girlfriend hearing the song written about them, about the sad emotions she has for him and the raw negativity she has for the other girl, the feelings she has been hiding for so long now heard by them, will undoubtedly top all of that by a landslide. 
“ Hope, why didn’t you knock?” A blunt Suga said breaking the silence in the room, ignoring a standing Nari in the back. He didn’t want to be mean, but he was quite defensive of Yunhee now after seeing her cry a couple of minutes ago plus he was a little irritated at the intrusion of someone new coming into his genius lab. 
“ Sorry, I did knock but you both had your headphones in when recording. I was worried something happened so I just used the passcode myself…. This is Nari by the way.” J-hope tilted his head towards her not realizing the other two had already figured out who she was. 
“ Hi, it’s nice to see you again Yoongi Oppa,” Nari smiled lightly. “ And you must be Yunhee shi.”
 Yunhee and Suga both timidly mumbled “hi” as they glanced at each other waiting for the next person’s move. Cold silence now engulfed the small studio once again. If there was a picture to describe pure awkwardness, it would be taken at this exact moment right now. 
J-hope with a raised eyebrow looked at the two short people who were purposely avoiding eye contact with him, one was due to shyness and the other was an annoyance. “ I didn’t know you were working on a song Yunhee, it sounded really good. Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“ You’ve been busy...” Replied the girl now trying to focus on her shoelaces so she wouldn’t have to look at Nari and compare everything she has to her. Little did she know, her few words caused a stir of hurt in J-hope and a bit of jealousy for not asking his help instead. 
Suga glanced around carefully pausing to see people’s reactions when he suddenly dinged up a great plan. Yunhee has always been confident in her dancing, he thought. So what’s a better time for her to get rid of her insecurities about Nari than dancing and proving to everyone that she owned the dance floor just as much as Nari did and in a way gain her confidence back enough to confess to Hoseok. You’re a complete genius, Suga praised himself smirking, complete genius. 
“ Hey hope I heard you two were practicing some dance moves earlier, why don’t you show us?” Suga suggested ignoring the youngest’s eyes bulging in shock. 
Later at the Practice Room ~ 
“ Oppa!” Yunhee whispered loudly to Suga as she pinched his arm, “ Why did you suggest this? I don’t want to see them dance together!”
 “ Don’t worry, this is your time to shine.” He mischievously grinned at the pouting girl, “ Get out there and take your man back.” 
Some of the other members have also gathered around the practice room wanting to see what their new choreography was going to look like. J-hope and Nari now in front of the mirror dancing rigidly along to the beat, sweat dripping down their foreheads. 
“They look so good together...but I have to say the transition of the movements onto the second verse seems too rough for me,” Yunhee said quietly to the other members, her analytical dancing side appearing as she calculated their steps. Her thoughts were unexpectedly interrupted when someone from behind pushed her in the center where J-hope and Nari stopped seeing the younger one’s panicked interruption. 
“ Yunhee, do you have something you want to add on?” J-hope smiled, anticipating the girl’s meticulous dancing ideas. 
She hesitated, wondering if it was right for her to say her input when the other two had already finished the dance. He really needs to change the transition though and there are some other movements that need adjustment if BTS wanted to pull off this performance neatly, she thought, shaking her head. Aish, put your pitifulness aside Yunhee ah, this is for them. All of those times they trained and helped you become the idol you are today, don’t be embarrassed and try to help them. Stop shying away because you’re scared of speaking your mind. It’s okay, you got this. Yunhee repeated in her head trying to gain a sense of self during this uncomfortable state. 
With hand clenching fists and a new sense of purpose, she looked up as confidence now shines through moving towards the center to show some of her own movements, feet, and arms moving in perfect calculation.
 “ I think it would be better if you do it like this...see, one, two, three, one two three, repeat…yeah, let’s try that again…good...again.” 
Everyone, even Nari, had gathered around to copy Yunhee’s movements and watch the talented dancer. Needless to say, the room was wonderfully impressed with how quickly she was able to adjust and memorize the dances to teach them. As the chorus hits, J-hope moved alongside Yunhee dancing together in perfect synchronization. 
From the other's perspective, it looked like two lovers having the happiest time of their lives, the way their movements followed one another as if it was fate itself tangling the two together and never letting go. 
In Yunhee’s mind, she had let go of her doubts now solely focusing on her passion for dancing, not caring about the man next to her who was observing her thoroughly. She let her heart take her every step of the way and it was obvious through her dancing as well when people saw how much she loved it. 
J-hope didn’t know why but every time they danced together, his heart always swelled up more than he wanted to. He always shrugged it off as a proud moment of a best friend watching her perform so well, but other times, after their dancing sessions were over, he would think about her a lot late at night and wished she was lying with him just as she used to before schedule started filling up their lives. 
As the song comes to an end with a booming drop, Yunhee and J-hope faced one another with only their heavy panting filling the room, the two’s closeness evident by every breath one exhaled the other breathed in. The members and Nari had already stopped halfway through the song but they didn’t notice, too locked up in the music and each other to see the world around them. 
A low whistle broke the tension as everyone turned to look at a puckered lip V.  “ Nari says she has to go home.” The latter headed out nervously giving everyone a sincere apologetic smile knowing she ruined the sensual atmosphere with her departure. 
 J-hope sighed as he regrettably stepped away from Yunhee to follow Nari out the door stopping to look back at Yunhee one more time who seemed to have, dare he say, longing in her eyes as she watched him pick Nari once again. 
Afterward, in the Car ~ 
Nari looked out the car window as Seoul’s vibrant energy and Christmas lights tingle up the prettiest city in the world. However, she was too entranced in her thoughts of the previous encounter to give the city its notice. 
“ Yunhee is really talented in dancing, no wonder she won first place in her dance competitions.” She spoke up softly. 
J-hope smiled proudly at the name, a name that means lotus flower and pleasure, all too fitting for the girl itself. “ She is, isn’t she? She worked so hard all these years...now she’s made it.” 
“ She’s beautiful too,” Nari turned her head now to look at J-hope’s reaction, “ I don’t think she likes me though.” 
“ She’s...shy at times. It’s hard to explain when it comes to her, she can be unpredictable, keeps you on your toes a lot.” He smirked. 
“... She’s predictable in the way she looks at you though like you’re her whole world, Hoseok.” 
“ Nari,” J-hope stopped the car at her apartment, frowning as he disbelieves what he’s hearing. “ She’s been upset at me for a while now, ever since I scolded her about you. Besides, she’s kind like that to everyone, she is enduring to V and Suga as well.” 
“ She’s hurt and hurt can turn into upsetness if left alone. You’re avoiding your feelings for her because you don’t want it to ruin your friendship or her career as it just started. That’s why you have been spending time with me a lot right? Because you know there’s something there between you two, heck everybody in the practice room knows there’s something unspoken there...except for the two of you. So you’ve been spending more time with me to discourage her.” 
Nari edged on even more as she knows she was getting to J-hope with his brown orbs softening to show his true feelings. 
“ Hey,” He chuckled, “ I like talking to you too, it’s nice to know what normal people are doing these days. Can’t believe your boyfriend proposed, by the way, congrats.”
“ Haha, thanks, who knew after breaking up with you I would find the love of my life.” She winked at him amused at his exaggerated hurt face. “ It’s okay to tell her about your feelings, really, you two don’t have to date but at least confess to her. From one girl’s mind to another, I know she’s hurting a lot when she saw you with me.” She sighed, looking at his face filled with regrets. “Hoseok, you shouldn’t hurt people you care about...Talk to her, she’ll take care of you more than I ever did.” 
J-hope pondered a bit, sulking at the pain he has caused his girl before coming to a decision, one he hoped would be the best for both of them. “Thanks, Nari, I owe you one.” 
“ No problem. Think of it as an apology for breaking your heart- “ Ya!” “ and a thank you for letting me borrow some money - which I might or might not give back.” “ YAAA!” 
A Couple of Days Later ~ 
Yunhee smoothed out her sparkly red dress, staring at the sultry girl in front of her. Her own reflection looks back as it takes notice of her glossy lips and simple yet magnetic makeup. In two days, it would have been Christmas Eve and BangPD thought it would be a good idea to have a small company party today. Of course, it had to be a bit of a formal occasion as the company’s popularity was rising so a little dressing up was needed at this time, hence why Yunhee had gotten so dolled up in this first place. 
Is he going to be here? She thought, her heels clicked and clacked as the girl made her way to the top floor of the company’s building. They have not thoroughly spoken since that day in the practice room since schedules were overpacked now especially during the holiday season, only small good morning and night texts were exchanged before life hurriedly took over. 
She didn’t know if he was going to attend considering it was not mandatory though expected of BigHit’s artists to come. However, when she asked him, he seemed to brush it off and switched to other topics or said goodnight as his reply which frustrated her like no other. Maybe it was good he didn’t come? Considering he would be in a suit and that would have been devastating on her pure heart and mind as adult thoughts seeped in. 
Blasting music can be heard around the corner as Yunhee walked in excitedly, adrenaline pumped from the moving bodies and familiar faces. Loud gasps can be heard from different parts of the room as the girl although known for being bubbly and sweet, radiated a completely different person tonight with sensualness and elegance edging through every smiling expression and waving movement she gave to people. 
“ Excuse me miss, have you seen my little sister? She’s supposed to be here tonight.” A worldwide handsome Jin appeared teasing at the blushing Yunhee now. 
“ Oppa, you look so handsome tonight.” Yunhee smiled adding on to his cockiness, “ Have you seen Hoseok Oppa though? He never told me if he was going to come.” 
Jin smirked with a playful glint in his eyes, head nudging at the auburn-haired man who appeared behind them. The girl spun around to see what he was looking out and to say the breath knocked out of her was an understatement. J-hope with his ruffled auburn hair, mesmerizing eyes, fine face structure, and lean body that complemented his surreal black suit so well was astonishingly dashing.  He was complete beauty and as he walked towards her, she could have sworn time had stopped to aid fate at this moment. No longer were people’s laughs and voices evident, instead only slow swaying music was heard now as J-hope grabbed Yunhee’s soft hand. 
“ May I have this dance?” 
She nodded slowly walking with him towards the center where he paused putting one hand on her waist, a shiver running down her body. “ You look like such a lady tonight,” J-hope spoke, leaning close to the amusedly glaring young girl . 
“ I am a lady. In fact, I think many men in this room would think so as well.” “ Hmmm, they might but this lady is already dancing with a gentleman.” 
“ Shouldn’t this gentleman be with someone else right now?” Yunhee now getting further upset at his openness when he had evidently left her for Nari last time. J-hope however, pushed her closer to his body missing her sweet warmth these days. 
“ I very much prefer dancing with you instead,” J-hope grinned as their bodies swayed nicely against one another. “ Besides, Nari is at her boyfriend’s house, they seem to be having a great time celebrating the engagement.” 
“ Boyfriend? Engagement? How come you never told me?!” 
“ You never asked- woah! ” J-hope was suddenly pushed back by the young girl walking her way out of the room, him quickly following her to the cold rooftop. 
“ Yunhee! Yunhee, come back I’m sorry.” J-hope grabbed the small girl’s wrists pulling her into his embrace. “ I’m sorry, I’m so sorry for hurting you.” His sadness deepened when she started to tremble with hot tears soaking his shirt. 
“ Why did you push me away then?” She hiccuped trying to control herself. “ You were always texting her and talked about her and y-you yelled at me. I-i thought you no longer cared.” 
“ No, no I’m sorry angel, I’m genuinely sorry.” He cupped her chin wiping away the fallen tears, his heart shattering at everyone. “ I was tired that day but to be honest, I was upset at you thinking Nari was a bad person. She’s actually really nice. In fact, she encouraged me to ask you to dance today.” 
Yunhee peered up, shocked and guilty at the fact she let her immaturity judge another person. “ Really? Oh no, I have to apologize to her. I wasn’t thinking well, I was just…” 
“ Jealous?” Smiling at the girl’s flustered expression, he rested his forehead on hers. The two gazed into each other’s eyes enchanted from one another. “You have nothing to be jealous about, moonlight.” 
“ Then why did you keep talking to her?” “ It was just catching up with an old friend I promise...and I know about your feelings towards me...hey it’s okay, I didn’t say I didn’t like it.” 
“ H- how did you know?” “ Yunhee ah, I’ve known you for 3 years already, most of my free time consists of you and the members. You think I wouldn’t notice your small glances turning into something else?...I didn’t tell you though. Instead I tried to ignore both our feelings as your career just kicked off and you have so much to show the world. But that was wrong of me and I understand I hurt you instead.” 
Yunhee embraced him tightly, listening to his fast heartbeat syncing along with hers. Similar to the way their bodies danced together, their hearts did as well.  “ You really made me be in pain...I even wrote a song about it.” 
Chucking, he pressed a light kiss on her forehead gazing down at her once more. Their eyes met again as countless stories could have been told of this moment between a man and a woman who knew each other's body, heart and soul so well with the way their chemistry overflowed in and out the starry night sky. 
“ Guess I have to write a song about you now.” “What? No no you don’t have to I-” 
“ I will because... lately I can sense your confidence has been going down and I think I need to see my outgoing and cute Yunhee again even though tonight proved to me you can be very different from cute.” He smirked, kissing her flustered forehead again. “ Hoseok oppa…”
J-hope hugged her tighter whispering words of endearment in her ears as the couple sealed their fate that very night, embracing each other lovingly.        
“ You’re always going to my favorite girl. My one and only girl, don't ever forget that. ” 
Month August, Year 2018 ~ 
“ Good morning, everyone! This is announcer Shin A-young reporting to you on August 24 about BTS’s new world trending album, Love Yourself: Answer. This is the second compilation album of BTS with the first being Love Yourself: Her. Already breaking chart records with numerous support from both South Korea and International fans, this will surely be another amazing album from them with the majority of the members producing their own songs as well. Let’s have a look, shall we?” 
Our heartbeats are in sync
You’re getting to know my heart too
I wanna keep this going
I like you like I like to dance
So you’re my love, yeah my love
That’s what I like
I like the feeling of being with you
I like the feeling of dancing with you
I just wanna, wanna, wanna
I really wanna, wanna, wanna
Just dance
To the rhythm of the music
However our bodies move
We’re shadows underneath the moonlight
Fall in.. fall in..
I felt it baby
This moment, you and me, baby
This all fits together like a math formula baby
Even rough breathing, baby
Even shedding sweat, baby
Because of you, it all has meaning, baby
Eii! I’m melting in fluff guys <3 Thanks for reading again, it really means a lot to me. However! The story is just beginning hehe I am thinking of doing a compilation of Yunhee and J-Hope’s moments along the years or the first time they met which I can promise is sweeter than a sugary cupcake oooorr I can even start on the other boys, we’ll see ;) . Lastly I hope everyone is safe right now, we will get through this together 💜
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orindasfinest · 6 years
Critical Theory is a Disease and I Ain’t Got the Cure (versus the People on GWH)
Interesting that a semi-serious post could arise on this platform at such a time of internal strife. I considered posting on Medium instead but then I heard something about George Soros and got scared.
Anyway, engaging in good faith with just about anything produced by Barstool is a fucking fool’s errand. I’m talking sending your court jester to go pick up a carton of eggs - level fool’s errand. He’s just gonna come back with yet another box of decorative scarves!
But as wave after wave of disaffected former college students combine their half-baked critical reasoning skills and desperate need for online attention into “hot takes” that really just serve as Rorschach tests for the mistakes your parents made when they were raising you, it was an inevitability that one of these Bad Posts would come into my orbit and irritate me enough so that I’d make my own dumb emission and accidentally invalidate the sentient ziploc bag filled with swamp ass that fell zip-seal first onto their keyboard enough times to churn out a thing like this.
What sort of thing am I talking about? Hah, well, a thing like this thing right here: https://www.barstoolsports.com/barstoolu/the-ponytail-harvard-guy-from-good-will-hunting-won-that-argument (go ahead, I already gave them my pageview, and you won’t even recognize your elementary school if you go back because the passage of time doesn’t give a fuck about your existence). I don’t mean to spoil your dessert, but: it’s a bad take! And as stated, debating this it at face value, especially when it comes from a company like Barstool Sample (really sure no-one has done that before), is just setting yourself up for a raft of meaninglessness.
Unfortunately, I can’t let this Bad Post slide. It features the sort of willful textual misreading that’s allowed narratives such as “Ryan Gosling is a cornerback in Remember the Titans” to become embedded in the cultural consciousness. So I’m gonna embrace Francis’ debate or whatever and tell you why this cute little bit of contrarianism is actually a sign of fourth-degree brain rot. And, as always, it’ll likely be very mean, as I am a big baby.
Title: The Ponytail Harvard Guy From Good Will Hunting Won That Argument
Already off to a bad start. I think much of Francis’ confusion here -- aside from the general problem he faces of not knowing his ass from his elbow -- is that he thinks Will and Clark (yeah, the guy has a name, which you would know if you watched the scene, but wouldn’t know if you just so happened to be the physical embodiment of an old-looking anthill in the outfield of a shitty little league diamond) are having some kind of university roundtable on the evolution of the market economy in the Southern colonies. They’re not. Clark is forced by Will to pivot from a broad display of learned knowledge into a broader ideological discussion about methods of information acquisition and the general value of academia. That is another thing you would notice if your head wasn’t filled with dyslexic cat food.
Point one: Will only jumps in because he’s trying to impress a girl
Aaaaaand WELCOME to another broadcast of Major League Projecting! Francis, m’boy over here, strides to the plate, currently batting a crisp .482 at unwittingly copping to the fact that he sees all conversations held in the vicinity of a woman as an opportunity to weasel into her pants. He eagerly points to Will’s “thirsty smile” at Skylar’s -- rebuke of a universally acknowledged douchebag? -- and that’ll be another trip around the missing-the-point bases by our mainest man!!!
Dear god. Yes, Will displays his relentless horniness by not introducing himself to Skylar in any way, barely looking at her during the confrontation, and then capitalizing on his victory by ignoring Skylar for the rest of the night to the point where she has to come over and chastise him for not following up on his finishing maneuver. IT’S SO CLEAR WHY DIDN’T I SEE IT BEFORE, ALL I HAD TO DO WAS REPLACE MY EYEBALLS WITH PUDDLES OF JIZZ
In fact, the only thing that may be more off-base is Will’s claim that Clark’s out to impress some girls. The familiarity and exasperation with which Skylar says Clark’s name indicates that they have a long history with nary a positive note. Clark is not going to “win over” Skylar by bodyslamming a wayward townie. This is a classic macho pissing contest. Chuckie is trespassing in Clark’s yard by entering a college bar and passing himself off as a student, and it’s an insult to Clark’s tenuous sense of identity that such a thing would occur without some sort of consequence.
Will’s fierce sense of loyalty is what drives him to enter the discussion and bail out his overmatched friend. To be fair, though, it’s easy to miss that character trait which is absolutely integral to understanding Will as a person provided that during every other scene in the movie you shove forks in your ears and then shove that new apparatus into the nearest electrical socket.
Point two: Will also plagiarizes the works of authors.
The dictionary defines plagiarism as (emphasis mine) “an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author's work as one's own, as by not crediting the original author.” The dictionary goes on to say, “Oh, Francis? Don’t even fucking talk to me about that dude. He tried to tell me that rigatoni was a fleshlight.”
Plagiarism involves passing off someone else’s work as your own, which is why any researched assignment ever requires a works cited page so your professor can see whose ideas you decided sounded the smartest when you were slamming 99c shooters and yelling through your bedroom door that you’d be out for the pregame in a minute. If you’d like to learn the difference between plagiarism and not plagiarism, I’d recommend examining an instance where one person pretends that they’re having original thoughts but are really just wholesale quoting more reputable sources, while another spouts direct lines from textbooks and then immediately attributes the author, book title, and page number. If only there was a way to witness such a dichotomy...
Point three: Will threatens to fight him.
Here’s where that pesky misunderstanding from earlier really rears its ugly, looking-surprisingly-like-Francis head: we are not witnessing an intellectual debate, no matter how much Francis would like to pretend we are and would also like to pretend that his “friends” don’t just feel bad for him every time they let him pick where they’re going to go out to dinner.
The only statement made to the given topic is made by Clark in his opening salvo. After that, Will and Clark are not having an honest discussion about the economic modalities of the colonies, but are having an argument about the value of academia first through the surrogates of researched theories and then outright through class-and-value-based accusations. There is no point to be won in this scenario. Clark places value in his education because he knows it will lead him directly to a financially stable future; Will ridicules spending an exorbitant amount of money on something he can learn for free because he was raised in a blue-collar environment and has been conditioned to disdain such frivolous expenditures. Neither is going to leave this confrontation with their viewpoint changed in any appreciable fashion. Will understands this, and digs in further to his rough-and-tumble roots by inviting Clark to take it outside. He’s made his point and is now transitioning to the earlier issue: Clark was fucking with Chuckie, and if that’s going to continue, then there’s going to be a problem. Wow, I just went like a whole paragraph without taking a cruel potshot! Sheesh, that was maybe five or six sentences. Shame that Francis can only read two per day or his itsy witsy peanut brainy brain has to power down completely and he dookies right into his pants in feeaaarrrrr
In conclusion, I am everything I hate, and perhaps Francis and I share the same central consciousness, leading me to shame him for his traumatically bad comprehension skills in the hopes that he decides to stop watching movies while upside down and spooning Frosted Mini-Wheats up his nose until they blow out with such force that they crack whatever screen is displaying the motion picture. Will did not lose the argument, because there was never going to be a winner in the broader scope of the debate that was actually taking place; he did not enter the arena to impress a girl, but to help his friend, who was in danger or being embarrassed, being thrown out after caving in Clark’s face, or both; he did not plagiarize, because he cited his sources while only using them as a cudgel to belabor Clark’s phony intellectualism; and he lost no credibility for issuing the challenge to fight at the end, because he demonstrated his intelligence and then displayed the nature of his violent upbringing, which makes him uhhhh a three-dimensional character that can’t be qualified by reductive maxims like “That’s thuggish behavior” ya fucking dafty.
By all means, though, go the fuck in on the “How Do You Like Them Apples” scene because that has been and will always be one of the cringiest sequences committed to film. It’s right up there with a clip of Francis going around the office holding a red Swingline he bought off Amazon using a Kinja Deals code and asking people if they’ve seen his stapler while doing a reprehensible Milton Waddams impression.
Anyway im gonna go jerk off for twelve days or whatever’s left lol whole foods is putting RFID chips in your celery because they know you won’t even notice with all the $35 hummus you’re slathering on that bitch
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narilgc · 4 years
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𝐈𝐌 𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐈 meets casting call 005 auditions, 091620 !                                                  ↪  reading a script & partaking in an interview ! [ 👑 ]
wc: 1,357 words
cram school could be described as a journey and a half, and although the ending was very bittersweet, she’s grateful to get a break. nari had thought that she’d be bummed after realizing she wouldn’t be able to go big and audition for another lead role, but cram school has taught her to appreciate something very important - rest. it hadn’t been much after the filming of new faces that the drama had started up, and so nari found herself exhausted once it was all over. 
so she’s not upset that today she’ll be auditioning for a support role. instead, she’s pretty excited. there was even more challenge in making the most our of a smaller part. and as they say .... there’s no such thing as small roles - just small actors, right ? and nari would not be small.
the read-through goes pretty well, the emotional one being her best performed on nari’s terms. she wasn’t too used to being naturally funny on camera yet, and it was hard to connect to the romantic script without any real memories to attach her emotions to. though some of the parts have been rocky, the confidence that nari has gone into the whole thing with assures her that no matter what, she can still come out with fairly good results. sureness of herself was certainly a new concept, and something she was grateful to be slowly obtaining after her performance was well received. compliments were nari’s power up, after all.
she’s shocked to hear that there’s an interview at the end of the audition, although by now she should be prepared for just about any tricks legacy has down their sleeves. as they explain the interview to her a thousand thoughts already run through her head, wondering which side of herself she wanted to most prominently show to the panel. no, no, no. just be yourself. your whole, true self. she wants to be as authentic as possible, especially considering the premise of the show, but there’s always that lingering doubt running through her mind.
but there’s no time to think on that. for now, the interview.
“ what is the meaning of family to you ? ”
“ oh ! well, this is an easy one, ” she blurts out without thinking, a grin appearing on her face. “ family is ... family is wild, and bold, and fun ! to me, it’s getting mad at my brother’s when i was younger for teasing me, and laughing it off when they gave me piggy back  rides. and it’s not just my human family, either ! all the farm animals, even the small ones - especially the small ones - they’re all my family. it’s chaotic, and loud, and .... messy, at times, but they’re family to me ! ”
nari is evidently much more comfortable with the interview given the premise, not expecting to have gotten a topic so fond to her. hopefully, the rest of the interview will go as smoothly.
“ how would you describe your relationship with your family ? ”
“ hm ... ” that’s a hard one. with so many people in the mix, it’s hard to decide on just one thing. but, she figures there’s one thing that seems to pertain to all her family members nowadays. “ transitioning, ” she settles on, nodding along with her words. “ our relationship is transitioning. i think the more i grow, and the longer i go out and live life on my own, i see that our dynamic is changing ! and not really ... in a bad way, per se ! it’s just ... different. we’re all growing up ! and i guess that’s how life works, but it definitely is weird when you’re the one who life is changing around. ”
“ which word would you associate family to ? ”
“ chaos, ” she doesn’t hesitate to say, a playful grin creeping onto her face. “ i mean, i don’t know about your family, miss, but if you’re anything like us, i’m sure you get no sleep ! ” she jokes, abruptly bringing the attention on the interviewer ... much in nari fashion. “ most of the time i love it, i do, but oh my gosh things can get hectic. you’ll have some of my playful brothers running around with each other, my quieter brothers studying or ... something like that, my dad is out on the farm, and my mom’s making some sort of new clothing trend. and ... me ? i’m somehow jumbled into the mix. so ! i think you could definitely call us ... very chaotic. ”
“ if you were to describe your position/role within your family, what would it be ? ”
“ the baby, ” she answers, face warming to a slight red with embarrassment. she wonders just how many other people they’ve interviewed share that role in their respective families, but she can’t lie. it’s the truth. “ i’m the youngest of a whopping six older brothers, and of course, a loving mom and dad. so uh ... i definitely am the baby of the bunch. no doubt about it ! ” though she always denies being a baby in her family’s presence, it’s a title she takes with pretty solid pride, and has had for so long that it’s just become a part of her. “ i definitely seem to get babied and protected by all the kids in the house. it’s ... nice, if i’m being honest.  it’s comforting to know everyone loves you so much ! and even if it’s annoying, i appreciate everyone looking after me. ”
“ what is your strongest family memory ? ”
hm ... stumped. there’s so many, so how can she narrow it down to just one ? “ hm. well if i have to pick just one, i think it’d be when i was like three and we were all taking christmas family pictures. you know, like the ones that look real 90′s, where everyone has those cheesy sweaters on ? exactly that. well, turns out, the photographer we went to was super rude, and my brothers were all acting so busy, they wouldn’t stand still for the picture. we just ended up going home and taking pictures outside at the farm ! i think that was a moment that was initially chaotic, like i told you are family always is. but i think that was the first time i realized our chaos can also be ... a little endearing, you know ? when we were all sitting there together, laughing and taking pictures, i think that showed me for the first time how important memories are over material. ”
“ if your family was to be portrayed in a drama, what type of drama would it be? ”
“ ooh, what a good question ! ” the female praises, knees bouncing in excitement at the idea, “ hm ... honestly, my mind wandered to comedy first, but i don’t think that’s it. we’re more ... controlled than that. oh ! you know what we are ? a parody. something that seems to be serious at first sight, and really have it together ? that part’s my more serious brothers, and my dad, sometimes me. but then the joke comes in, completely changing the drama and how you expected it to be ! i think that part’s especially my younger brothers, my mom, and ... you know, a little bit of me in there too ! ” satisfied with her answer, she nods, a smile coming to her face. “ yes, that’s what i think ! ”
following the interview, nari thanks them for her time, as she’s rehearsed over a hundred times in her head. grinning, she makes her way towards the door, satisfied with the course of the audition. no matter how the judges felt, the questions made nari think deeply about her relationship with her family, and gave her the opportunity to express those thoughts to someone else for a change. and that ? was worth everything.
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