#if mando is walking the streets ill pass out
amywritesthings · 7 months
FYI: My birthday is Saturday!
While I am traveling for a much-needed holiday, I will be on hiatus from March 2 to March 10.
I won't be around my electronics much at all beyond my mobile phone every once in a while, as I'm hoping to become refreshed and revved to write! 🥰 I'm so excited to unplug (and eat a million desserts in my Mando and Levi Ackerman hats and shirts, lol.)
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grippingbeskar · 2 years
The Element of Surprise | Chapter 16
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Chapter Sixteen: The Jump
mando x fem!reader
word count: 6.8k
warnings: ADULT CONTENT MINORS DNI (oral f recieving, m masturbation, overstimulation, kinda dom vibes) general sexual content, swearing
a/n: WOW FINALLY. I was feeling so unmotivated but all your lovely little messages and comments brought out my inspo!!! so yay another chapter!! im hoping to finish writing the story in the next couple weeks but I cant believe how far this has come WOW. anyways ill go now love u all bye!
p.s idk how well this is edited but just ignore the typos if they r there okay okay bye
“What even is a Mythosaur?” Din sticks a hand out to stop you as another ship whizzes past, your eyes not moving fast enough to track it as it disappears into the distance.
Corellia isn’t as ‘city like’ as you first thought. The buildings are smaller, shorter, but there’s just as many people crammed into them. Ships fly up and down the narrow streets, and you swear they are going to burst into flames when they inevitably smash into each other, but they never do.
“Like a big bug. With two legs. Giant.”
“Now you’re just making things up.” You roll your eyes as you round the corner, and you just hear him huff, making sure the kids crib clears the corner of passing traffic before returning his attention to you.
“I’m not. Things are fast, too. Ran me all the way across the desert.”
“Sure it did. Did it lead you to the end of a double rainbow? Pot of gold at the end?” Dins hand grabs on to your forearm to stop you from crossing the road. Just as you look up at him, a giant golden ship shoots past, kicking up dust and sending a gush of wind straight into your face, pushing you back a little. “You know, I can see the face your making right now.”
“Go.” Din breathes, and only because you’ve been studying him so closely do you pick up the light tone in between, and you know he’s smiling.
You’d both been walking for about twenty minutes, arguing lightheartedly about stupid things that pop into your head, and you had been taking the piss out of him about it for that entire time. Everything seemed simple, so straightforward, and it made you think about how long this was going to last. The only other time you had felt this safe, this sure that where you were was exactly where you were supposed to be was when you were a kid. You felt more free than you ever had, and stronger than before.
Just being around the kid made you better, more connected, and now that you had somewhere to focus your energy, things seemed to come more naturally to you. It was always the thing you had struggled with the most - trying to quiet your mind for longer than three seconds to actually get something done, but here it was almost easy. You hadn’t said anything to Din, but when you were piloting his ship, everything seemed so much clearer when he was there next to you, so you had been conducting little experiments of your own.
You tried to focus elsewhere, on the kid or on your own happy places like when you were younger, but nothing helped clear your mindset, helped you reset like when you imagined him. He was impossible to not think of, so you leaned into it, and found you were stronger for it. Every time you tried to lift something through the Force, tried a new technique with the kid, you honed in all of the racing thoughts your mind constantly flashed of Din, and streamlined them into your own personal muse. It worked; a bit too well. You had noticed an almost overflow of energy, and you were restless - antsy to let it out.
“In here.” A large hand rests on the small of your back, directing you into the side of a building. As you pass through the door, you see a glimpse of the main hall, fit with a small circular bar in the centre and a couple people milling around the outside. Din keeps you moving straight up the stairs, not even looking into the room.
You jog up four flights of stairs before you finally stop, and you try to hide how out of breath you were. You see the flash of a light and then the door opens.
“Wh- do we not have to, like, pay for it?” Din pushes into the room, and drops the small pile of bags down at the front. You follow him inside and let your back pack slide off your shoulders, flinging it into the door at the end of the hall and watching as it skids along the hard wood floor.
“An old friend.” He says simply, as if it’s enough to answer why you snuck up the side of the building and broke into an empty room. At least you hope it was empty.
“Since when do you have friends?” Another door opens, and with a low mumble of something you don’t catch Din slides the kid out of his crib and lets him on the floor. Immediately he waddles into the hallway between rooms, and you see him flip a couple times in the air before disappearing around a corner, a few clicks signalling him opening and closing doors as he explores. You can’t help the little smile that appears - just a few days ago he was hopeless at getting in the air, but now he’s flipping around without a care in the world. Din turns to look at you silently before moving towards another doorway to the left and walking through it, this time leaving the door open.
This place must be huge. As you move further into the apartment looking space, you look down the hallway to momentarily catch Grogu’s giant head wandering into the kitchen, door shuttering closed behind him.
Of course he would find the food first.
You turn your attention back to the door Din left open, and walk inside of it, breath catching in your throat. You don’t see him at first, too distracted by the space. The room is plain; light coloured sandy walls surround you, and you think you see a light on in the bathroom under the closed door. You take another step, and don’t bother searching for Din because your eyes are fixated on the thing in front of you.
A bed.
A giant, gloriously fluffy bed, complete with enough blankets and pillows to take up almost half of the mattress. You jump, flopping your entire body onto the soft covers and sigh into them, practically sinking. As much as you love your little place on the Razor Crest, that tiny cot has made your back lock up on more days than it hasn’t.
Your arms spread out not even touching the opposite side of the bed, and you stretch, enjoying the enormous space. Pushing some of the pillows off onto the floor you shuffle yourself up higher, and it’s then that you hear the door to the bathroom open. You flip over, but not fast enough to react before he’s on you.
Within a second Din covered the length of the room and landed on top of you, straddling you to the bed and pinning your arms above your head. He was still in his full armour, and the image in front of you was almost a little daunting. You had seen him in armour the entire time you had known him, and even seen him above you like this, but there was something about the way his chest was dragging heavily with each breath, and how one of his gloved hands easily held both of your wrists above you that sent a swirl of heat and a little bit of fear through your whole body, and your toes curled in response.
“Hi princess.” He whispers above you and you have to close your eyes to hide the effect. He lowers his body so he presses against you, the cool metal burning your skin in the best way. “Not so talkative now?”
“Hu-h?” You try to open your eyes, but he’s just so damn close to your face, staring straight at you that you have to shut them again.
“You’ve been on my ass all day. Pissing me off.” Okay, now you look at him. You try to hide the little smirk of excitement that bursts through your face, and your cheeks flush under his accusation. You’d only been poking fun, but seeing him like this makes you think you might have to try a little harder next time, just to see what he’d do.
“Have I?” You tilt your head underneath him, and feel his grip tighten on your wrists.
“Smart-ass.” His free hand rests on your hip, pulling up your shirt slightly to expose skin. The marks of his hands he left days ago still remain, and you watch as he lines up his fingers with them, picturing just how they got there. Goosebumps appear where he touches, and he looks up at you to watch your face as he begins to slide your pants down. You shimmy trying to quicken the action, but he stops when he notices you moving.
“Din, I-“
“I said stop.” The voice he uses make you listen immediately, and your hips stop their desperate attempt to be free of the fabric. “I want you to listen to me. Keep your hands there.”
Still straddling you, he lets go of your wrists and you obey. The rip of velcro frees the skin of his hands. You don’t think you will ever get over the way he takes off his armour, piece by piece like he’s unwrapping himself just for you. It’s a bit of a possessive thing, you think. Knowing that he only shows those parts of himself to you, and he does so without hesitation.
You watch him as he works through the process, not touching you apart from the weight of his body on your lower half. He undoes buckles, unties knots and slides off pieces of beskar methodically, never taking his eyes off you. It feels like it takes forever, much longer than it ever has before, and every time he takes off something new or a tighter part of clothing is revealed it gets harder and harder to keep still. When he finally gets to his undershirt your a wriggling mess, shifting and fidgeting until you forget what you were meant to be doing and you lift your hands up, fingertips finding the hem of his shirt. The helmet drops and your hands still - remembering suddenly.
“What’d I say?” Your eyes widen and you let go of his shirt, putting your arms back over your head the way he left them, but rolling your eyes as you do it.
“Such a good girl.”
You are pretty sure you stop breathing. He’s called you a million names, praised you a hundred times and somehow every time it just makes you fucking hotter. Right now, though, it almost seems different. It’s like he expects it from you. Like you should do it. There’s a tiny part in you that wants to be defiant just for the sake of it - just to see how he handles it, but first you want to see where he’s going with this.
“Do you trust me?”
“Close your eyes.” You do, so fast and missing any of that defiance you were so sure of only seconds ago. You feel his thumb come up against your face before four strong fingers find the back of your neck and lift you up slightly. With your head hovering above the flat of the mattress, the hiss of his helmet fills your ears and you feel warmth all around your head. It’s dark, and all encompassing. You know you have your eyes closed but it was light outside, so what is it suddenly so dark?
“Open them.”
It’s still unbelievably dark, and you let yourself adjust to your new surroundings. It takes a second, but as each of your senses relax, you figure it out. Your eyes see nothing, but you can smell him all around you. The warmth against your cheeks wraps around the back of your head, and you only notice it because of the line of cool metal that rests at the base of your neck.
Are you-
“Din?” Your voice makes you jolt, and you hear him laugh above you, feeling the sound on your collarbone. It was the only way you could tell how close he was. The sounds you made were unfamiliar - metallic. It was similar to hearing Din, but high pitched and a little squeakier, which made you laugh along with him. He must have shut the visor off, because there’s no way he could see out of this thing like this.
“Is that what I sound like?” Din says between kisses that he leaves along your shoulder, working his way down slowly, slipping over the bunched up fabric on your shirt around your chest. You shake your head, and realise how heavy the helmet is when it swings you both ways.
“You wish.” His teeth nip at your skin and you let out a squeak, the mood slowly falling back into darkness, your breathing slower but more desperate.
“Mm.” He shuffles down your body, giving himself room to slide your pants off completely, taking your underwear with them and leaving you naked from the waist down. The bed dips and suddenly his mouth is kissing at your stomach, licking at your rib cage and then your hips, spending a little extra time appreciating those fading bruises at each one. “No more smart ass comments.”
“Do-“ He nips at your skin again and your whole body reacts, a modulated moan breaking the silence as he licks over the mark. He sighs and his forehead rests on your lower stomach, his hair tickling your skin.
“Stop making this so hard, baby.” Swallowing, you move a little underneath him but keep your hands above your head. “Say something if you want me to stop.”
“What do I say?” Your heart was starting to race in anticipation. You can’t imagine him doing anything you would want to stop, but it just makes you melt even further into the soft mattress, knowing how safe you are with him.
“Choose.” He keeps kissing, every inch of skin open to him, and you shudder when he kisses the top of your thigh - an indicator he’s moving closer.
“Mythosaur.” You say half heartedly, and he snorts, his face pressing into the top of your thigh. You can feel his smile on your skin and your whole body flushes thinking about what he would look like smiling.
“You are not going to remember that.” Muffled, he moves to the other side, continuing his slow pace.
“Yes I will. Just - keep going. I will.” Your legs tense and the soft material of the covers feel soothing when you scrunch them up in your fist. Your trying your best to do what he says but all you want to do is grab his head, breathing is suddenly becoming harder inside of this suffocating helmet and you are so hot and this thing is so tiny -
“Shh. Deep breaths. Just take a minute.”You nod and his hand spreads across your tummy, soothing circles bringing your mind to attention. “Relax, cyar’ika.”
The reminder he’s still there is enough to calm you, and you feel the soft, spongey interior of the helmet become less squishy and more comfortable with every breath. Whatever he tells you, you do. Okay. Easy.
“Why is it so dark?” He drags his nose along your upper thigh, and you feel his head drop back against your skin.
“Blacked out the visor. Use it to sleep.” He murmurs against your skin, and everything feels electric when he starts to move again. “You okay?”
“I- yeah. Yes. Yep.” Broken words drop into the room in a metallic pitch and he breaths a laugh at your mangled sentence.
“You look so fucking good like this.” He hooks his arms around your legs and positions himself between you, letting your body completely relax and taking the weight off your thighs. You know how soaked you are, you can feel it as he breathes against you, waiting - for what you aren’t sure. “I- been too long I- say something if you need me to st-“
He cuts himself off as he tastes you - finally - and you start shaking immediately. He always has you strung so tight it’s impossible to control yourself, and one strong arm comes to hold you down across your hips, pinning you into the bed. He takes your clit into his mouth and sucks, tongue trailing after and drawing lines and circles that drive you dizzy.
You can’t stop your hands as they come down to find his hair, tangling into the slightly damp mess. He groans, the sound vibrating straight into your core and even though the helmet keeps you in the dark your vision starts to spot. The other hand that was holding your thighs open comes between them, and you drop your legs open - inviting as he slides and curls one finger inside of you.
“Oh sh-shit Din. That’s it.” He responds to your praise by applying more pressure, and your back arches into him, the arm holding you down coming under your lower back and holding you against his face.
“S’sweet, but such a fuckin’ smart-ass.” He murmurs. The sounds of his tongue is almost amplified in the helmet and you moan out again. Din was a whole body experience, and only after a minute or two he had you reeling - arching and swearing, inching closer to your release. “Gonna shut you up now.”
“O- ah fuck D-“ He adds another finger and curls it straight into your core. Every tight muscle relaxes and tenses and everything spins, the extra sensory deprivation of the helmet making everything grittier. His tongue flattens, tasting as much as he possibly can and you pull on his hair - but it’s when he takes your clit back into his mouth and you feel his fucking teeth-
You say his name in a long, drawn out moan as you cum in his mouth, and he does nothing to draw you out of it other than utter small praises in between your gasps. His hold on you is tight and unrelenting as you black out under the pressure, your legs swinging around the back of him and pulling him closer.
He doesn’t stop like you expect.
Doesn’t slow down, doesn’t let you recover before sending you straight back into the mind numbing pleasure. You can’t see him, and his mouth is so concentrated on the patterns he’s drawing with his tongue that you can’t hear him talking. All you can decipher is your own metallic version of his name and the wet sounds of yourself mixing with his mouth and fingers.
“You get so f-fucking wet af-“ He sucks and bites and licks in between words, every movement making your hips buck “after you cum.”
“D-din it’s- i’m-“
“No. You’re gonna take what I g-give you, cyar’ika.” He dives back into your heat, fingers working you faster and his thumb replaces his tongue. Everything is hot and the arch in your back presses your shoulders further into the fluffy blanket behind your head. All the sensations mixed with his words and how fucking good his mouth feels has you-
“Fucking h-hell- shitshitshit so good-“ Your eyes screw shut even though you can’t see and you roll your entire body into him just to be closer. His hand wraps around you tighter, the entire lower half of your body controlled in his grip making it impossible to escape the pleasure spreading up your spine and across your stomach. “Din- I th-think I’m gonn- cum.”
“Th-that’s it. Good g-girl.” Your second orgasm bursts like a balloon inside of you, starting low in your core and exploding over your entire body, and it’s seconds after that you are shivering underneath him, completely overwhelmed.
You can tell how wet you are, the blankets underneath you soaked with the evidence but he still doesn’t let up. Somehow he feels closer than before, lips and tongue seemingly everywhere at once and his fingers pump in and out of you, every time making your hips and stomach tense and jolt.
“Din pleasepleaseplease- s’much I’m g-“ Floating and completely molded to how he’s holding you, he never pulls away too far that his mouth isn’t on you, lips brushing your overly sensitive clit when he speaks. He kisses it and lets his fingers come all the way out before curling them back in.
“Fuckin’ bratty before. Want my nice girl back.” You weren’t sure if he was talking about the walk here, or when you made fun of him while you were dropping the ship off, or maybe when you sucked him off so good he was about ready to give you anything you asked for - there were so many times he could be paying you back for but you don’t care - you just need him now. “Pissed me off.”
“B-but i’ll be- f-fuuuck i’ll be so good I sw-“ Another kiss to your clit has you crying out, and you swear you nearly cum just from the light touch. His mouth draws a circle all around your pussy, gathering as much of your cum as possible and taking it into his mouth before returning to your clit. Tears start to form on your eyes because it’s so much but it’s so good-
“Still with me, cyar’ika?” His lower lip drags over your clit and you try to nod, but the helmet is so heavy that you just squirm, one hand leaving his hair to lift your body up and make the movement possible. He takes his mouth off you for the first time in what feels like hours and you miss it instantly - your body squirming to search for him in the simulated darkness. “You gonna be sweet to me now? Know you can be.”
“Maker - whatever you want, Din. I promise okay-“
“That’s it, princess. Always know exactly what I wanna hear.” His words are so sweet but he just keeps fucking going and god- there’s no way to hold back the sounds of your sobs because it feels like he’s electrifying you, every movement sending waves of pleasure that make you flinch. Your hands are grasping at strands and you feel the bed dip again as he gets on his knees, pulling your lower half into the air, one arm still wrapped around you.
He has complete control, just like he had the entire time, and your legs drag up his back to wrap loosely around his neck, although your muscles are so strung out that you can’t really find a grip. You just fold and crumple the way he wants you to - doing whatever he wants and crying out his name as you cum again and everything goes white.
The sounds are so strange it’s almost disconnected that it’s coming from you - modulator buzzing as you babble praise and curses in no particular way, just whatever you can wrap your head around in the moment. You aren’t surprised you end up just repeating his name because he is all you can think about as pleasure shoots and crackles through every nerve ending. Somewhere in between you fall back onto the mattress and he switches hands, hearing a few quiet whispers of praise before he groans and shudders against you. When he finally settles, he has you whimpering and sighing the minute his mouth comes off you and his hand finally leaves your warmth, gently placing you into the soft blankets, throwing the ruined one to the side and placing you on the clean, fluffy covers.
At some point he slides the helmet off, because your eyes are still closed but you can feel the warmth of the sun on your face. It’s the sensation that starts to draw you back to your body, that and the warmth at your back when Din curls up behind you, his bare thighs intertwining with your own. You don’t remember him taking his pants off, but then again you don’t remember much except the way his mouth feels against you. It makes you shudder against him when he presses that same mouth to the back of your neck - soothing.
“I love you.” Every part of your body sinks into him at those words, and the arms wrapping you closer bring the biggest smile to your face.
“I love you.” You whisper back, and you feel the same reaction when he smiles on the back of your neck.
“You okay? It wasn’t too- too much, was it?” He runs his hand up your thigh, and you can still feel the slight shake in your legs at the feeling of him. You like that - a reminder that he was there.
“No. Fuck no. S’good. Just sleepy.” You mumble. You can’t help it - this bed is so big and fluffy, and he feels so good wrapped up behind you that you don’t care it’s the middle of the day. The time zones you’ve been travelling through have your sleeping schedule all out of whack - so crashing right now feels like absolute heaven. He leans up to kiss your temple and drops back behind you.
“I have to go tonight. I’ll leave the comm link out for you. You’ll be okay in here, though.” Almost forgetting why you were here, you just nod and link your fingers together. “When I come back, I need to- to talk to you about something.”
Suddenly sleep is not an option.
Talk to you? About what? Why did he say it like that? Oh maker - is he kicking you out? Did something happen with the kid? Maybe he finally found that Jedi he set out for. Not like you have been overly consistent with your ‘lessons’. So many options - all of them incredible anxiety inducing, but why does he sound so nervous? You swallow and try to fog out the thoughts.
“I- Okay.” If you say anything else you think you might produce word vomit and -
“It’s not bad. I just- I want to do it right. The right way.” You try to suck in a breath and choke on it, spluttering and coughing. Smooth. “You good?”
“Yep! Fine. When, um- when do you have to go?”
“Couple hours. Sleep, you need it.”
“So d’you.” His hand continues to drag feather light lines up and down your exposed skin, and the touch practically rocks the anxiety out of you and sends you into a lull, heart beat starting to slow and exhaustion catching up.
“Mhmm. Sleep.”
“Don’t want you to not be here when I wake up.” You shuffle backwards into him and he groans, you can feel the thing material of his briefs against your bare ass. “Come closer.”
“Your killing me, cyar’ika.” He rolls against you, and your practically begging him to fuck you. “You made me cum just from tasting you. Won’t be sleeping if I’m inside you.”
The confession isn’t lost on you, and as much as you want him all the time, your body is so tired. He can always tell when your tired, too, because that’s the only reason he doesn’t bend you over the headboard and fuck you senseless. You feel his breathing start to slow, and your eyes flutter closed, drifting to sleep with the sun streaming in the small gap in the window.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
You feel him get up, and as much as you appreciate how quiet he tries to be, the clatter of beskar wakes you almost instantly. You open your eyes, careful not to catch him at a moment when his helmet isn’t on, but when you hear the familiar hiss you let yourself watch him, the utility belt clicking into place as you pull the cover down from over your head.
“I’ll be back soon.” You nod your head, believing him.
“I know.” Shuffling down into the covers, he comes to your side and a gloved hand brushes your cheek. “Kid around?”
“Mhmm. Ate too much and passed out in the kitchen. I put him in his crib. Want me to bring him in?” You nod. As much as you like how much privacy you are afforded in this giant place, you miss having the little fuzz ball around. Plus, it makes you feel safer when he’s next to you.
“Stay safe.” You mumble as the crib rolls in to your side of the room, and you see Din stop at the door. He turns back, and you think he might come back to you - he hesitates, and suddenly the air in the room gets a little colder.
You feel something - you aren’t sure what it is, but the Force always rushes over you when you least expect it. This feeling is unfamiliar and makes your stomach turn, almost like you are nervous for something, but you aren’t sure what.
He steps out of the room and you hear the door shutter closed behind him anyways. Maybe it’s the fact that he told you he needs to talk to you when he comes back. ‘Do it right’. What the hell does that mean? Why was he being so cryptic? Grogu yawns next to you and the crib opens when he stretches his arms out - grabbing.
“Alright. Just this once.” You pull him into the bed and he easily makes a little nest in the top corner, using one of the many blankets to curl himself around in a tiny ball. His calm energy nestles next to you, and you are suddenly too exhausted to overthink - drifting back into a deep sleep, and as good as the mattress feels underneath you, just before you fall asleep you find yourself imaging the cot on the ship, and Din curled up next to you.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
A voice shouts you awake, and your instantly on your feet, rushing over to the bags at the door and grabbing the blaster. You don’t know the voice, but you swear it’s so loud the walls start to shake. Grogu mumbles himself awake, and he picks up on your energy, and that someone very much not The Mandalorian is inside your building.
Something breaks outside, and your heart beat pounds in your ears. Din said you were safe here - that he had an old friend. Din doesn’t trust easily, so something must of happened. You try to reach out with your senses but all you feel is chaos and determination. There’s at least 5 guys outside, and if you were on your own, with your new found strength you might take the chance to fight them - you have the element of surprise, but Grogu looks at you, big eyes wide, and you think better of it. You were still half asleep and awfully underprepared to fight one guy, let alone five.
Quickly you shove on a pair of pants, simultaneously placing the side table in front of the door with your mind and a flick of your wrist. The comm link sits on top of your table, so you grab it and move. You pick up your back pack and shove the blaster in, along with another unfamiliar weapon Din has brought with him.
He hasn’t come back. It’s light outside, and it was dark when Din left. Checking the clock behind you, you know it’s been at least seven hours since he left. Anything could have happened in that time, and he would never willingly let someone come after the kid, like when you thought those guys were going to break into the ship. Maybe he’s right outside, just biding time to take them all out in one swoop and safe you again.
You take one more second - just to check. You know what he feels like, strong and supporting, he would stick out in all this chaos with his calm energy.
You don’t find him, and the footsteps are getting closer. Din would never let anything happen to you - not if he had a choice. What if he…
No. He would have come back. You would know if something happened. Grogu would, at least. No. You would know.
Tightening the back pack straps you hear a crash right outside your door. Three strong bashes have the wood beginning to split. You scoop Grogu up into your arms. You look at the window, and remember the 4 flights of stairs you went up. You’re high up, and you haven’t made a jump this tall yet - but no better time than the present. Lucky you work well under pressure.
Quickly, you check outside below the window - no one suspicious. Ships still speed past, and you think if you time it right, you might just have a get away ride. You slide the window open. Another bang on the door and the table starts to slide out of the way, and a green arm reaches in.
“In here!” The voice attached to the arm shouts and you don’t take a second look. You leap - and for a second all you can hear is Grogu’s high pitched squeal in your ear. Everything slows, and you look down, watching as your feet lead the rest of your body and you plummet towards the ground.
You move in slow motion, and look to the right to see and white, flat like ship hurtling towards you. You let out all the breath in your lungs and shoot down, suddenly picking up an inhuman amount of speed.
The ship wobbles, nearly off course as your feet slam onto the roof, and you scramble to find something to hold onto. Grogu is continuously screeching in your arms and grabs hold of your shoulder, allowing you free reign to hold the ship with two hands.
As fast as the ships were going when you past them on the street it feels ten times worse when your on top of one. Holy shit. People looked and pointed as you flew past them, knuckles white with the force that you were hanging on to make-shift handles. Your stomach was flat against the exterior, legs swinging wildly out behind you every time the pilot took a hard turn. Maker - what the fuck were you doing? You look ahead, squinting, and try to make out what direction you were going but everything looks the fucking same when your flying through the streets on the back of some idiots speeder ship.
The pilot turns another corner and everything gets darker. You no longer have to squint as you start to get closer and closer to two giant buildings. Both towered over all the others, and were significantly darker, but the ship showed no signs of stopping.
“Hey! Watch where you’re going!” You take one hand off the part you were clinging to and bash onto the roof, but the ships pilot hasn’t even noticed you. They also continue to hurtle you towards certain death, because there’s no way this ship was fitting between those buildings. Oh god - you remember watching how these ships fly, and how they go horizontally to zip past buildings and avoid the main roads. You were going to get flattened if you didn’t let go soon.
The decision is no longer your own. Either you let go now, or you slam into the building and become road kill. Grogu’s little hand scrunches your shirt in a bunch and you close your eyes.
Din. Everything goes quiet.
He was there.
Walking you through the controls on the Razor Crest. You could smell him, it was like you were wearing his helmet again. He was all around but no where. You could see him in front of you, and you sucked in a deep breath as he began to take a step towards you. ‘Let go.’ He said. You can hear it in your ears, all around you like a sonic radar. It was deafening and soothing - and you grabbed at the energy that built in your chest.
“Let go.” He said. So you did.
For a second you thought you might have died. You pushed off the roof of the speeding ship with so much force - not Force but pure strength that you had to grab at Grogu before you lost him. It was weird; you knew gravity was going to hurl you onto the ground, and you knew you were going so impossibly fast that you should have been flattened into the wall in front of you. But none of that happened. You were suspended in the air - gliding towards the ground like you were a feather caught in the wind. You felt a lock of your hair brush against your cheek, and you watched as it floated; rippled in your peripheral vision. You blinked once.
Then it was over. You smashed on to the ground and rolled, wrapping the kid instinctively in your arms. You felt the pain of the fall instantly, and your arm was definitely bruised. You weren’t dead, though.
You weren’t dead?
Oh! You weren’t dead! As you came to a stop in an alleyway, smashing into an empty wooden crate, you started to put together the events that just somehow unfolded. You broke your fall. You flew. Kind of. All on your own.
When your brain stopped racketing around in your skull and you pushed up off the ground, the same hum of pride that you felt when you shoved the Razor Crest into hyperspace buzzes in your stomach. You brush off a few splinters of wood that the broken crate left on your arms.
The kid shakes his head, giant ears flopping wildley. You check him over - no cuts or bruises that he wouldn’t heal within a day. You sigh in relief, and then check yourself. Apart from a bruise already appearing on your arm, you were fine too.
You were fine. And you were the reason why.
All your life you had felt helpless - and now you were scaling speeding ships and Force jumping off them like no one’s business. All that un-used energy buzzes in your hands and chest, and you try to control your breath.
You were being chased.
Scooping the kid up and putting him in the top of your backpack, you slowly stand up and brush the dust off your pants. Ships continue to speed past the end of the alleyway, and you take a minute before you move towards the light of the street, not knowing if anyone saw what you just did. The street seems pretty empty when you peak a look, and after another minute you step out.
Two options. Left or right.
Where would Din go?
He was chasing a bounty. He would follow the tracker - only you didn’t have one. You did, however, have an uncanny ability to read the Mandalorian, and you may be able to use that to your advantage.
As much as you are feeling good about yourself right now, you know you need to find Din. You had no way of protecting yourself against that many guys without him, and there was also the daunting feeling that something may of happened to him. You need to find him - and fast.
The comm link! God - you were slow. Years on Tattooine had you never relying on technology, but you scramble to find the tiny little speaker and shove it in your ear.
“Hello?!” You take the earpiece out and shake it a bit, and then put it back in. Nothing.
The comm link was connected to his helmet. There is no way he wasn’t hearing you right now.
“Hey! Mando?!” You don’t want to say his name because you don’t know who can hear you right now. “Please. Are you there?”
Silence. Absolute silence. How was he not hearing you? You were yelling on the inside of his helmet - and there was only one plausible way that he couldn’t hear you.
“Ahh!” Grogu yells and hits you on the back of the head.
“Hey! I’m trying, okay?!” You hadn’t realised there was a tear in your eye until it fell onto your chest. No. You would know.
Shaking your head, you face the street again, keeping the commlink on, just in case. You turn left just because you feel you should, heading away from the giant building that nearly flattened you. A tiny ‘hm!’ of content comes from the back pack and you roll your eyes.
Grogu knows he’s okay too, and he needs you to focus because as strong as he was, he couldn’t do it without you. And you couldn’t do this without him. The sun begins to set as you run across the street, heading further into the city. You figure if a bounty was hiding out on a planet like this, they would go into the most populated area and hide in plain site. It’s what you used to do on Tatooine, and as much as you hate to admit it, all that hustling is going to come in handy right now.
You found him once - albeit by accident, but you could do it again. Din was fine - and you were going to find him.
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acourtofsnakes · 3 years
Of Crowns and Armour, part 2| Bodyguard! Mando x Royal! Reader
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Summary: Will Mando be true to his word about sneaking you out? Or will everything go wrong at the last moment
Warnings: Swearing, drinking, brief mentions of death, subtle references to sex (not explicit), not completely canon
Pairings: Bodyguard! Mando x Royal! Reader
Word Count: 4.3k+ 
Square filed: Bodyguard AU/ Taken Captive (hinting and leading into it ahead of next chapter) AN: @mandalorianbingo 
This is the outfit for the bar and here is Din’s car! And yes, that IS Billy Russo’s car from Punisher
Bingo Masterlist
Of Crowns and Armour: Part 1| Part 2
Permanent taglist: @greeneyedblondie44 @mamacitapascal​
The following day, you both had a meeting with your Grandma about public appearances and such, and then the Mandalorian escorted you back to your room, and promptly disappeared. 
You didn’t see him for the rest of the day.  
He wasn’t present at dinner and you couldn’t find him anywhere. 
By the time 8 o’clock rolled around, you had decided to believe he’d changed his mind about getting you to the bar. 
Still, maybe you should just sneak out. Everyone was expecting you and like Hell were you going to let them down. 
Besides, you weren’t afraid of the Mandalorian, or his threats. Your grandparents had already said the worst things they could have done, so what else did you have to lose? Short of locking you in a tower, they couldn’t do much else. 
And so, that’s why you were sat at your dressing table, finishing off the last of your makeup when there was a knock on the door. “Darling?”
Your grandmother. Shit. 
Hurriedly, you rose from your dressing table, looking for your robe, anything to cover your outfit. If she saw you, you’d be thrown in that metaphorical tower quicker than expected. 
“The Mandalorian said you weren’t very well, that you’d taken ill after dinner. I just wanted to see if you needed anything.” 
That froze you. 
The Mandalorian had lied to your grandmother? The Queen… on his first day?
He had lied. To cover you so you could go out with your friends. 
Just what kind of game was he playing? Was this an attempt to get you to like him? Did he just... not care? Or was this all some big elaborate trick designed to see if you would finally listen to your grandparents. 
Before the conspiracies could suck you too deep, you realised you should probably answer her. 
You worked to make your voice sound muted, tired, “Yes, he’s right… I was out for a walk in the garden and took a turn. I almost fainted.” You shrugged helplessly at the print of a forest hung on the wall, not knowing what else to think of. 
“Fainted? Oh, darling, do you need me to call for the nurse? I can have her here straight away to check you-“
“No! No, that’s okay… I think… I think I just need some rest.” You bit your lip, praying that would be enough and then you threw in a very believable yawn. 
You heard your grandma hesitate, “Okay… But if you aren’t any better by the morning, I’ll call for the nurse. Sleep well, darling.”
“Thank you… I will.” You knew she remained unconvinced, but her footsteps retreated from the door, leaving you bewildered still. 
Why on Earth would he lie on his first day? 
Shaking your head, you finished off getting ready, wondering if you should put on your heels or trainers – would you be going there like a normal person… or sneaking out of the palace gardens? 
Just when you were about to reach for the trainers, there was another knock, freezing you in place. 
“Princess?” Your bodyguard’s deep baritone rumbled through the wooden door. 
You sighed in relief, instead grabbing the heels and padding barefoot to the door, which you pulled open, “Hey.” 
Mando stood there, dressed in a similar dark suit to yesterday, same boots and same gloves. 
And the same helmet. 
You really needed to ask him about that.  
It was still facing you, and the Mandalorian was… silent. 
You raised an eyebrow, cocking your head, “Uh, can I help you?” You waved a hand in front his visor, and a tingle passed over your skin, almost as if… as if someone had raked an eye down you. 
The Mandalorian’s gloved hands flexed, “Your outfit…” His voice… was it a little huskier than usual? 
You looked down at your outfit, a pair of slim black jeans and a sheer mesh top embroidered with flowers. “Is there something wrong with it?” It wasn’t over the top, or even inappropriate. Sure, it bared off your belly and the very top of your waist, but it was tasteful. 
Mando’s helmet glinted with the light as he shook his head, “No, no, it’s…” He trailed off, clearing his throat and then he shoved his hands into the pockets of his trousers, “Ready to go?” 
You nodded, raising your heels, “One second.” As you stooped down to put them on, you couldn’t help but ask, “Can I ask why you lied to the Queen on the first day of your job?” 
You heard, rather than saw him shrug, “You asked me to find a way to get you to see your friends. So I did.”
Not a good enough explanation. 
You cast a glance up through your eyelashes as you secured the stap of one heel round your ankle, “But you’re my personal protection officer. The whole point is keeping me in and doing what my grandma asks you to do.” 
Mando tilted his head down to look at you, the movement oddly…. Attractive, “No, my job is to keep you safe. And your grandma asked me to also keep you cared for. And if finding a way to get you to see your friends safely where I can watch you every single second, is keeping you cared for… then I’m not breaking the rules. I would rather know where you are than encourage you to sneak off.” 
You contemplated that as you strapped up the other ankle, “Hmm.” Rising to your feet, you shut your bedroom door, “You’re an odd one, aren’t you?” 
It felt like Mando may have flashed you a grin under the helmet, but instead, he just offered you his arm, “Likewise, princess.” 
He led you out of the palace, avoiding the butlers and guards, and took you out the way you snuck out yourself. A long-forgotten door behind a willow tree in the garden. 
Of course he knew. 
But that didn’t matter because…
On the street outside, was parked an absolutely gorgeous sleek black car, sitting pretty and beautiful in the dusky light. 
The soft squeak of joy that escaped your lips was inevitable, “You drive a Wraith?!” You slipped your arm free of his, hurrying over to examine every inch of the car. 
“You like cars?” The Mandalorian couldn’t hide his surprise, watching you move around his vehicle and carefully touch the gloss paintwork. 
You peered over the bonnet at him, raising an eyebrow, “Surprised?” Turning your attention back to the car, you nodded, “Always. I used to go to car shows with my dad all the time…” You looked at the car again, thinking back to those times. 
Mando cocked his head slightly, a move that you were starting to recognise as a sort of trademark for him, but he didn’t push what you said “It’s not my everyday car. This is for work.” He walked to the passenger door, opening it for you and standing behind is as he watched you almost reluctantly make your way to his side. 
“It’s beautiful…” As you walked round, you paused as you noticed the number plate. You frowned at the letters and numbers for a second, before realising what they spelt, “Razor Crest? What’s that?” 
He merely shrugged, motioning for you to get in, not giving anything away.
Another thing to add to the list. 
Still, you settled into the car, watching him come around to the driver’s side. 
He moved with easy grace, a confident walk that was both balanced and silent. All of his movements were graceful, actually. Like he was moving to some inner tune only he could hear. Each sweep of his arm, shift of his body seemed perfectly choreographed, even with the helmet that you knew would block his peripheral. 
“You’re staring.” He closed his door, turning the engine on and it purred to life, earning a sigh of delight from yourself. 
“You move like you’re trained in dance. Or battle.” You mimicked his pondering head tilt as you watched him put on his belt. 
How could he even drive in that thing? Surely it was illegal.
The Mandalorian let out a soft huff that might have been a laugh and lifted his hand to the wheel, “That might be the first compliment you’ve given me since I started.” 
Your reply came late, because immediately, you had zeroed in what had just been revealed by his movement. 
The angle of his hands on the wheel had caused the sleeve of his suit jacket to rise up, exposing a strip of tanned, olive skin before it flowed into his leather glove. 
It sent a lick of heat through you, making you aware of the small space, the smell of is cologne, and the darkness around you. 
You just… couldn’t stop staring. 
Sure, you’d only known him a few hours, but… that strip of skin was almost like he was naked. It was smooth, the tendons of his inner wrist jutting out in a way that almost made your mouth water, before you realised exactly what you were doing. 
Quickly, you scrambled for a response, “Well, it hasn’t even been a day. Give it time.” It was an almost herculean effort to tear your eyes away from his skin. 
God’s above, get a grip. You’re not some repressed Victorian catching a glimpse of a lady’s ankle.
The night was shaping up to be really quite lovely. 
Before going to the bar, the Mandalorian had parked in the next street over and introduced you to the team he had handpicked for the night. 
No palace guards of course, since this was all strictly hush-hush. 
His team was small, consisting of two women – one who was broader built and wore a few braids in the side of her dark hair whom Mando introduced as Cara and the other slender and built almost like an assassin from the books you loved to read. She was called Fennec. They both seemed lovely, and respectful. 
There had been another man, wearing a similar helmet to Mando’s, who simply called himself ‘Fett’ in a gravelly voice. 
The final member of his team was a tall, older looking man, with rich skin and an even richer personality. He was open and bold, very friendly and didn’t stop complimenting you, and introduced himself as Greef. 
They had also informed you that your codename was Nova. Which you had to admit, did thrill you. Just a bit. 
You had a codename.
Mando and his team had watched you go in, staying a few steps behind in the line before nodding to the bouncer at the door and heading in themselves. He’d taken up a position in a shadowy alcove, and… you actually didn’t see much of him for the rest of the night. 
He stayed pretty well concealed, even when he was out in the open. Even with that helmet on. 
His team had too. The only time you noticed any of them, was when you really tried hard to look. 
Maybe… maybe it wouldn’t be that bad if they had to stay. At least these guys knew how to keep the distance and not hover over you like some kind of helicopter. It allowed you to feel… normal. 
Finn’s performance had been amazing as usual, and you’d all gushed as much when he’d returned to the table with a round of shots. 
Casting a glance round for them out of curiosity, you met the gaze of the woman near the stage, her chin length red hair flashing green for a moment as a laser light passed over it. 
You’d noticed her quite a lot tonight, starting from almost as soon as you walked over to your usual table to meet the gang. 
She’d been standing near a potted fir tree and looked dead at you as you approached. 
You put it down to someone who recognised you as the princess – it wasn’t uncommon. People had a habit of staring at someone well-known. 
Turing your attention back to your friends, you re-joined the conversation.
“So, grandma really won’t let up with the PPO thing then?” Finn sipped his beer, crossing one leg over the other and he looked at you. 
Groaning, you shook your head, “Nope. Not at all.” You had just given them all a quick rundown of what had happened yesterday – Poe already knowing of course. “She says this is it now. The Mandalorian is here to stay.” You sighed, swirling your cocktail around its glass. 
Rey let out a thoughtful hum, “My step-dad told me about something a little while ago… He said back when he was an agent, there were a group of people who were like… major under-cover Special Ops. Sort of like bounty hunters, I guess. They were trained to take out any threat before it even happened, with no trace or evidence” 
Poe snorted, “So, you’re saying her PPO is an assassin?” He laughed, looking at you, “Careful you don’t piss him off, he might slit your throat in the dead of night.” 
Rey threw an olive from her drink at him, “No, you asshole. They’re not assassins. They were sent out on some of the most dangerous missions. Not a lot of people knew about them, they were like ghosts. Luke said he knew some, and the stories he would tell were… horrific. They got caught up in some really brutal things. Lots of people hated them, and there was this big scandal between the Mandalorian’s and this other group. They released hundreds of secure files, revealing the identities of the Mandalorian operatives. A whole bunch of them were killed and so were their families. That’s why they keep the helmets, even now. So no one knows who they are… so they can protect their families back home.” 
Your drink turned a little sour in your mouth as Rey finished speaking. You had called him a circus freak, laughed at his helmet… what if he was one of those operatives? What if he had been… tortured… watched his family killed? 
A cold sweat licked down your spine, bringing with it the memories of blood, of that awful, awful night you lost your parents. 
Quickly downing the rest of your cocktail, you stood up, “I’m just gonna run to the bathroom, don’t start the next round of shots without me.” You pointed at Finn, who had a tendency to be an eager beaver when it came to shots. 
“Want me to come with you?” Rey looked up from her drink, tilting her head curiously, her eyes showing concern. 
You laughed, brushing it off and scooping up your bag, “Rey, this isn’t Hutt’s.”
Hutt’s was one of the more… interesting bars you and your group often frequented. 
It was more on the side of what your grandmother would call, ‘unsavoury.’ But as long as you didn’t cause too much trouble for the guards, it was a fun night out. It also came with the guarantee of no-one looking too closely at your ID and realising who you were – of course, you had a fake ID. Not fake for the age… just the last name.
Poe laughed, shooting you a grin, “Oh, honey, you know how to have a good time at Hutt’s.” He dropped you a wink, referring to the night in question that had gotten you into that final point of trouble. 
The night of the body shots and table dancing. There had been more, but thankfully, your grandma didn’t know that. 
You raised your eyebrows, wearing a matching grin to Poe’s, “And so do you, if I recall correctly.” Amongst you all, Poe was known as… not exactly a player, but he did have a certain way with the ladies – and the occasional man. 
Finn laughed, clapping, “Ooooh, she’s right! Do you remember – “ 
Before you got sucked into a game of reliving your messiest nights, you slipped away to the bathroom. 
Just before you reached the door, you noticed the red-headed lady standing near a large potted plant, watching you again. 
Weird. Maybe you should go and see if she knows you. 
You shrugged, pushing open the door and heading inside. 
God, Mando hated parties. 
Well, you couldn’t exactly call this a party. 
This was… actually kind of better than most of what he’d been stationed in previously. 
This place, Tano’s, was rather inviting, with rich décor and open spaces. There were lush plants everywhere, softening the sleek lines of the furniture.  The warm lighting was reminiscent of a sunset, providing a lovely ambience. It helped that he knew the lady who had once owned it, before passing it on to a friend. 
The bar was wide, a big sort of U shape with lots of seats. There were multiple raised seating areas, and a sunken area that faced the big stage where the princess’ friend has sung a little while ago. He was actually pretty good. 
But everything else… the clustered groups of people, the changing music, the flashing lights… 
He had never come to care for it. 
Give him open space and gentle quiet any day of the week. 
Too much noise and movement brought him back to that place. 
Reminded him of the things that had been done. 
Maybe he should go out for a breath of air. 
He almost laughed aloud at that thought. Like he would take off the helmet here. 
Too many people to see him, too many phones and cameras which might capture his face and release it to the world – to his enemies. 
God, he was on edge tonight. 
Of course, it had everything to do with the surroundings and nothing to do with the grins and flirting that the princess had exchanged with her dark headed friend. 
Or the way they had danced earlier. 
Or the way he casually slipped his arm round her shoulders as they watched Finn perform. 
He was aware that Dameron was a close friend of the princess’ but… something had flickered inside him as he’d watched. 
But that was to do with the surroundings. 
Suddenly, Fennec Shand was at his side, “Is Nova with you?” She leant against the bar casually, head tilted up like they were just having a normal, easy conversation. 
Mando straightened instantly, turning his head to her and he tried to keep his voice steady, “What? No. She was going to the bathroom. I can’t exactly go in there can I. You were going in with her.” 
“I watched her go in, but I thought you had someone in there? So… where is she?” Fennec was reaching for her comm’s earpiece, listening to the volley of updates from everyone stationed around the room  
Mando looked sideways at Fennec, his eyes almost burning holes through the visor of his helmet, “What do you mean ‘where is she?’ You were supposed to be tailing her into the bathroom.”
Fennec stared at him, shaking her head, “No, you told me to watch the door and wait for her, so it didn’t attract attention.” She scanned the room, searching the crowds of people for any sight of the Princess. 
Mando growled, his hand coming up to the top of his helmet, like he wanted to rake his gloved fingers through his hair, “I didn’t… Fuck! It doesn’t matter. We need to find her. Go.”
He practically flew across the room on a storm cloud, eyes focused on the group of friends. 
The clock began, your safety at the top and the hands od danger getting read to mark away seconds of your life.
The other girl, Rey, looked up when she saw Mando approach, “Oh! Hey, are you-“
Mando cut her off, not to be rude, but because that clock was already beginning to tick, “Have you seen her? Has she come back from the bathroom?” His voice was tight, slipping out through gritted teeth and the helmet made it sound rougher than he intended. 
Rey blinked a few times, a small frown appearing between her eyes and she looked around, realising, “I… No. She hasn’t. We thought she’d gone to find you.” Her eyes were confused, at the urgency. 
Mando stifled a hiss of annoyance, “No. I haven’t seen her come out.” 
Finn looked at him next, laughing a little, “Relax, man. It’s not unusual that she slips off at some point in the night. We’re always losing her.” He shared a laugh with Rey, who nodded affectionately. 
Did they not realise what was happening here? How were they being so… so blasé about this?
Finn was still talking, “She shows up eventually, usually with some wild story that puts us all to shame.” He grinned, a grin that said exactly what kind of story you came back with and Mando realised it wasn’t that they didn’t care, it was that they were used to her running off. 
But this feeling… the pricking in the back of his neck… 
This wasn’t just some romp in the night with a stranger. 
It was more than this. 
He knew it was. 
Some wild part of Mando snapped, and he grabbed Finn by the front of his leather jacket, hauling him up out of the chair in one fluid mood, “This is not a fucking joke.” His voice was a rough snarl, that beast poised and snapping its teeth, “Your friend is missing, and you’re sitting there laughing about it and thinking she’s run off for a quick fuck with a stranger? You really think so little of her?” Mando’s free hand twitched, a cloud of fury surging over him and almost choking him. 
“Hey!! Hey, let’s not start fighting with ourselves, here.” Poe had jumped up, and was facing Mando, tapping his arm, “Relax, okay? I’m sure there’s a logical explanation for this. Finn never once said she sleeps around, or even implied that. She just… really lets it all go some nights, which you can’t blame her for. She wouldn’t have run off for no reason, so just… relax.” He raised his eyebrows, his voice calm, trying to diffuse the situation. 
Mando blinked behind his helmet, the haze clearing from his vision as he saw Finn’s wide eyes, the faint tracery of concern and a little fear in his expression. 
Horror overtook the fear, wiping it out and Mando let Finn go quickly, soothing his jacket and he raised his hands, “I’m sorry. Just… Text her. Please.” He stumbled back one ungraceful step, and then turned, almost lurching with the uncharacteristic, unsteady gait as he walked away, feeling her friend’s eyes on the back of his polished head. 
The urge he had to throttle Finn almost terrified him and he realised with a shock that in merely fifteen hours, he had become that protective of the princess.
But that was his job. 
And this… this wouldn’t be the same as last time. 
He pressed a button on his helmet which activated the comms system, “I need eyes on Nova. Now. She was last seen heading to the bathroom. Fennec is checking there, making sure she didn’t get out. 
Fett, I want you on the terrace.” He moved through the crowd, trying his hardest not to shove people out of the way, “Cara, Greef, cover both doors. No one in and no one out until we find her.” 
The clock continued ticking down, each second signing away another portion of her life. 
The princess had just… vanished. 
I will tear down this whole building. 
Mando raked his eyes over every single face he came across, and that wild, untamed part of him wanted to scream at everyone, threaten them until they gave up where she’d gone. 
The minutes ticked by, each one feeling like an hour. 
I will tear down the whole city. 
How could he have been so stupid? He had his best team, his most trusted people in the room tonight. Not the palace guards or security, his handpicked agents from his highest team. 
And they had still managed to lose her. 
~The sounds of screams filled the room, echoing over and over along with the unspoken truth that would haunt him until the day he died. 
He had failed.~
The Mandalorian began to make his way through the crowd to the bathroom. 
Maybe Fennec would tell him she was in there, or even that she had slipped out of the windows like an alley cat and snuck away into the night. 
Yeah, that’s probably what happened. Maybe she had… maybe she had gone to meet someone. Didn’t want babysitters trailing after her. 
The Queen had told him that she’d be a handful, that he would have to always have one eye on the surroundings and one eye on her. 
~He’d been too late. 
Too late to realise, too late to get moving. 
Too late to save them.~ 
She’d escaped, that’s all. 
The feeling in his gut told him otherwise. 
He met Fennec as she came out of the bathroom, “No one in there. None of the windows were busted either, they’re too small to let anyone out. She didn’t escape.” 
Trying not to think too hard about the cool sweat beginning to prickle his skin, he turned, giving the room one last sweep. 
Dameron and the others were clustered at their table, looking at their phones and shaking their heads, concern on their faces. 
They hadn’t heard from her. 
It was true then. The sinking feeling in his bones, in his heart… it was right. 
Mando reached to activate his comms, a coloured spotlight from the stage bouncing over the bar. 
If he hadn’t been so alert, he never would have seen it. 
A flash of light, like metal reflecting. 
Mando walked across the floor, slipping around a laughing couple and reaching the bar, the hairs on the back of his neck prickling in anticipation – and dread. 
There, lying on top of a discarded beer mat, was a small, metal object. 
Mando scooped it up, holding it up in his gloved palm so he could see it through the visor. A tiny little thing, smaller than a keychain…
But it felt like he was holding a live grenade. 
The object was shaped a little like the letter V, but the top sections were flared out, sort of like an arrow. 
To anyone, it would mean nothing. 
To a certain few, they would be able to notice that it looked similar to the Mandalorian’s own visor. 
But, to a select handful of people… They would know this symbol. Know which woman is belonged to.
Which was why Mando felt the world slip out from under his booted feet, the noise of the bar turning into the sound of screaming, a child’s screams, his child, begging and pleading. The lights reflecting off the wall turned into flames and the burst of a gun, flashing across his vision. He saw blood, saw the bodies littering the floor. Felt his own failure and sick terror turn his blood to ice. 
It was happening again.
She hadn’t slipped away. 
She’d been taken. 
By Bo-Katan. 
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inforapound · 4 years
Albatross Chapter 1
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Summary -  Leaving the security of a lonely life, a young woman heads out into the universe in search of a colony of like-minded beings. The Mandalorian, a lone-wolf, intergalactic bounty hunter reluctantly finds himself drawn to her, challenging his resolve and way of life.
Pairing - Mando x OC     Words - 2,400       Ask to be tagged
Warnings - fluff, explicit love scenes, there will be series inaccuracies
Don’t look at anyone, don’t draw attention, just find a seat and wait for the man they call Greef Karga.
The bar was a dingy little place but everything appeared to be in this armpit of a city. Moving further into the low lit, adobe-like building, the strange, unfamiliar sounds of foreign languages confused my ears. The place was fairly busy, smelled of something fermented and was filled with species I could not have ever imagined. Behind the murmur was a low repetitive beat with some high pitch, melodic whistle, I assumed was a style of ambient music. The feeling of panic, I continued to ignore, was settling at the bottom of my stomach, feeling cold and tasting sour. I had been in this place, this slum planet called Nevarro for less than an hour and I was already terrified I had made a grave error.
I needed transport though. A way out and off and was told by the courier who had responded to my beacon, that this Mr. Karga was my best chance. Apparently, he was a businessman of sorts, well connected with access to ships.
The bag over my shoulder was weighed down with my parent’s life savings, and I could only hope a ride to a more habitable, civilized planet would not cost as much as my journey here. Having never had actual employment before, my chance at a life, survival even, depended on that ride. Everything was different now, and despite being surrounded by others, I felt more on my own than I had in all my years of isolation.
Squeezing my duffel bag against my side, I approached the bar, choosing one of the stools, chancing that it was the safest place to wait and watch. Sliding in, I couldn’t help but make eye contact with the…… being beside me. Possibly some species of Verpine, his large deep red eyes were opaque making it impossible to tell where he was actually looking.
Being raised alone by my parents, their years of tutoring, tales, and descriptions of other races, species,  religions and civilizations, nothing could have prepared me for this. Knowing just did not compare to experiencing. My family had been the sole inhabitants on a remote planet, other than the plentiful species of animals, fish, and birds, insects big and small. Being born there, I had never been off or met another person, until today.
My father had been a soldier for the Galactic Empire. One of the last true machinists on the planet of Naboo, he had been called to fight with no option of refusal. Meeting my mother on the Force, she was an agricultural scientist but had been assigned to the Imperial Army in the field of research, working on some hushed bio-warfare program.
When my mother became pregnant with me, they made a run for it, taking a well stocked ship, and hiding on the little known planet Ithor. It had been a good life and reflecting on it now, I realized how hard they had worked, every day, preparing me for my future alone. They passed away within months of each other. Mom developed a sickness that caused great pain in her lungs and her blood to thin. When dad fell ill from a simple infection, he held on as long as he could for my sake. When he did finally succumb, it was devastating but a relief.
The first year had been manageable, passing the days, months by compulsively planting, preparing tinctures and restocking stores. By the third year alone, I wondered what the point of living was at all. Unfortunately for me, I had never learned to fly and the ship hadn't been operational since my parent’s arrival twenty-six years earlier. The thought of triggering the ship’s alert beacon consumed my mind for weeks. Part of me knows I flipped that switch just to catch a break from thinking about it any longer. It was the ultimate roll of the dice, not knowing who or what would respond.
“Watch yourself!” a man’s voice called from further down on the bar.
Snapping my head in that direction, I saw an armored man, face hidden by a helmet, his gloved hand pointing beyond me to my far side. Looking over, I jumped seeing a sharp, insectoid-like arm extending toward my side from the hard-shelled body of that same guy with the dark red eyes, sitting two stools away.
“Hey!” I barked, yanking my bag away from him and into my lap.
The thing’s claw-like arm contracted back, and he turned toward me, the jagged pincers on his face oscillating, making a disgusting clicking sound. Why had I sounded that beacon?
Sliding off my stool, I backed away, glaring at the creature and rounded the half-moon shaped bar, taking a seat one over from the helmeted man.
“Thanks,” I uttered as I shifted onto the stool but he gave no response.
The droid tending the bar noticed the commotion and glided over, swiveling his bucket head in my direction, waiting.
“Do you have Lomin?” I asked, knowing I would be more welcome to wait if there was a drink in front of me.
“Credits first,” he blurted back and I assumed that was because of the type of patrons that frequented the place.
Pulling a black sack out of the top of my duffel bag, I shook two five-credit chits into my hand, holding them out to the droid.
“On the bar,” the droid ordered.
Placing them down, I slid them forward.
“Only one,” the helmeted man spoke out, his voice crackling through some type of voice box. Still, he did not look in my direction.
Glancing at the droid, I picked up one of the chits and returned it to my sack. Collecting the payment, the android glided away, returning quickly with a large cup of frothy amber-colored drink. Bringing it to my nose, I sniffed, my face twisting with revulsion. Taking a small sip, the taste was even worse. This was not the same ale we made at home.
“Not what you expected?” the man asked, his head now titled down as if he was checking something on the floor.  
“Ahh, no. It's sweet. Different recipe, perhaps. I’m not from here.”
“No shit,” he said in an even voice and I thought his sarcasm could use some work.
Looking over at him, I didn’t attempt to hide my unimpressed reaction.
“Just being in here, you don’t know, what you don’t even know.”
What the fuck was that supposed to mean?
“I’m waiting for someone, so….”
Saying nothing further, the man sat as still as stone. He, too, seemed to be waiting. It hadn’t been a smoking hot day but warm enough that I imagined his heavy, dark metal armor must have been uncomfortable. With no beverage in front of him, I wondered why he wasn’t drinking something like everyone else in the place. What could that mean?
“Are you Greef Karga?”
That got his attention. Helmet swiveling in my direction, he looked like one of those droids with the spinning heads.
“That is who you are here for?”
“So, you are not him,” bringing my drink to my lips, I took a sip, hoping the second taste wouldn’t be as bad. No luck, it was still vile.  
“What is your business with Karga?”
“Not your concern,” I replied, steadying my face, realizing I truly had no idea where I was or how much danger I was in.
“You're right,” he said quietly. Placing his gloved hands onto the bar, he slid back off the stool, flicking his cape as to not get it caught. Passing behind me, he halted to a stop, “Keep that sack of credits hidden…carry a few in your pocket… in case.” Without another word, he carried on, walking stiffly out the door.  
A quarter of the drink was all I could manage but I was dehydrated after the long day of travel. Patrons had come and gone but from where I sat, it was hard to keep watch without blatantly turning around. No one else had attempted to talk to me and for that I was grateful. Still, there was no relaxing. Every time I thought about leaving the bar and heading out into the streets, I gripped my bag a little tighter.
A loud yelp cut through the low chatter and without thinking I turned to look. The sound of tin cups tumbling to the ground was followed by a thud as a dark-skinned man with a black mustache slammed the head of a guy sitting across the booth from him down onto the table. The young guy’s cheek was pinned and he held his hands up as if to signal surrender. Scanning the room, the others ignored the display, telling me that people getting roughed up was either a regular occurrence or the man doing the roughing was too dangerous to get caught looking at.
“Please!” the guy cried, his hands trembling, the older man gazing down, expressionless, as if used to inflicting this kind of torment. “Please Greef! I’ll get the payment, I swear!”
Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, I was out of there. Hugging my bag like a blankie, I pushed off the stool, leaving my putrid drink and headed for the exit. Keeping a calm pace, the last thing I needed was to draw attention. If that was Greef Karga, I was not taking my chances that he would listen to the story of a twenty-something-year-old orphan, looking for transport to a place where she might find work on a farm. I had heard about human trafficking and forced servitude, the sex trade and I was not sticking around, regardless if that guy had one ship or a hundred.
Out into the dusty street, I re-positioned my bag over my shoulder and walked further into the industrial shit hole. Despite blending into the crowded street, my vulnerability felt glaring and my fear was taking hold.
The cargo pilot had told me about a place that offered space to those passing through. Trudging on, I looked for the large structure built with blue containers with a black circle painted on the door. I could feel the eyes of those around me, tracking my movements, even stepping into my path to perhaps test my response. Biting the tip of my tongue, I scowled and filled my lungs with air, grateful, I was wearing black pants and a long-sleeved top.
There it was! The blue rusty building that stood a little higher than the metal and stone shacks on either side. The place looked like it had suffered a thousand sand storms but the black blotch on the hatch style door did make my feet move a little faster.
“Whatever you are looking for, it’s not in there.” A man’s voice came from behind. Not wanting to mix further with the locals, I ignored it and kept walking.”
“Stop,” it called out with authority and my elbow was tugged back. Snatching my arm away, I spun, ready to plant my knee into a groin.
Lowering his hand to his side, the helmeted man stood before me like he had been dropped out of the sky. Had he been following me this whole time? Had he waited outside the bar?
“What do you want?”
“I tried minding my own business but….you shouldn’t go in there.”
“Why not?”
“It’s not for lodging.”
Saying nothing, I tightened my grip on my bag.
“There are beds but…they’re not for sleeping.”
“Oh,” my head shot back. “Okay.” Glancing down at the ground between us, I bit the end of my tongue, fearing my chin might start to tremble. This was bad. Clearing my throat, I looked back up, picking the black cross at the center of his helmet to focus on. “Where would one go if they were looking for transport?”
“Transport? Is that why you were looking for Karga?”
Nodding, I cleared my throat again, realizing I was the quintessential babe in the woods.
The man said nothing, but he seemed to look beyond my shoulder, his large helmet subtly shaking as if answering my question was a hassle. He may have only been the second person I had ever met but I could tell he was cursing himself for stopping me.  
“Do you have a ship?” I asked, not giving him the chance to blow me off. “I need to get somewhere that I can find work.”
Looking back down at me, he seemed to just stare. What was taking him so long to answer? It was painful! I hadn’t pestered him, he was the one who stopped me, followed me through the streets. Despite that and the large weapon on his back, I wasn’t afraid of him. Yes, I was the last person to be able to accurately gauge one’s character by their appearance or body language but his warnings, his reluctant advice, none of it felt like a ploy.  
“Look, I am a farmer. I’m fairly handy and I’m quiet. I have a little money and I can sleep in a ball on the floor. Do you have a ship with room for me? I’m hoping to make it to Dantoonie or somewhere there are colonies that grow food.”
“Two hundred and fifty credits and I’ll take you anywhere you want.”
“Two hundred and fifty?” my brows shot high with surprise. “Okay.” What choice did I have?
Swiftly turning, he began to walk away; springing forward, I rushed to keep up.
“Can I ask a question?”
As if I hadn’t spoken, he carried on, stalking through the streets, a couple of side allies, arriving at a fenced yard filled with, what I could see, was a dozen or so ships.
“Listen,” he spun around, standing still as a wall and I lurched to a stop to avoid running into him. “You just agreed to pay double what anyone would pay for travel. I don’t know who you are, or where you are from, but you are going to bring heat down on yourself and me. We will leave in a couple of hours. Until then, get in and stay quiet. Keep your money hidden. No talking to anyone or walking around looking like...” lifting his gloved hand, he flicked his orange-tipped fingers at me…“that.”
Eyes flashing wide, I froze, watching him turn and duck through a cut out in the wire fence, dipping carefully to clear the handle of his gun. Following behind, I stopped myself from asking any one of the dozen questions bouncing around in my head. From what I could tell, this conversation alliterate, gun-toting, armored, stiff walking, helmet-wearing man was my only hope. I was not going to piss him off any more than I apparently already had.
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whore4pedro · 4 years
Albatross Chapter 1
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A/N - I just started this blog last night so let me know if you’d like to be tagged.
Summary -  Leaving the security of a lonely life, a young woman heads out into the universe in search of a colony of like-minded beings. The Mandalorian, a lone-wolf, intergalactic bounty hunter reluctantly finds himself drawn to her, challenging his resolve and way of life. 
Pairing - Mando x OC     Words - 2,400  
Warnings - fluff, explicit love scenes, canon divergent 
Don’t look at anyone, don’t draw attention, just find a seat and wait for the man they call Greef Karga.
The bar was a dingy little place but everything appeared to be in this armpit of a city. Moving further into the low lit, adobe-like building, the strange, unfamiliar sounds of foreign languages confused my ears. The place was fairly busy, smelled of something fermented and was filled with species I could not have ever imagined. Behind the murmur was a low repetitive beat with some high pitch, melodic whistle, I assumed was a style of ambient music. The feeling of panic, I continued to ignore, was settling at the bottom of my stomach, feeling cold and tasting sour. I had been in this place, this slum planet called Nevarro for less than an hour and I was already terrified I had made a grave error.
I needed transport though. A way out and off and was told by the courier who had responded to my beacon, that this Mr. Karga was my best chance. Apparently, he was a businessman of sorts, well connected with access to ships.
The bag over my shoulder was weighed down with my parent’s life savings, and I could only hope a ride to a more habitable, civilized planet would not cost as much as my journey here. Having never had actual employment before, my chance at a life, survival even, depended on that ride. Everything was different now, and despite being surrounded by others, I felt more on my own than I had in all my years of isolation.
Squeezing my duffel bag against my side, I approached the bar, choosing one of the stools, chancing that it was the safest place to wait and watch. Sliding in, I couldn’t help but make eye contact with the…… being beside me. Possibly some species of Verpine, his large deep red eyes were opaque making it impossible to tell where he was actually looking.
Being raised alone by my parents, their years of tutoring, tales, and descriptions of other races, species,  religions and civilizations, nothing could have prepared me for this. Knowing just did not compare to experiencing. My family had been the sole inhabitants on a remote planet, other than the plentiful species of animals, fish, and birds, insects big and small. Being born there, I had never been off or met another person, until today.
My father had been a soldier for the Galactic Empire. One of the last true machinists on the planet of Naboo, he had been called to fight with no option of refusal. Meeting my mother on the Force, she was an agricultural scientist but had been assigned to the Imperial Army in the field of research, working on some hushed bio-warfare program.
When my mother became pregnant with me, they made a run for it, taking a well stocked ship, and hiding on the little known planet Ithor. It had been a good life and reflecting on it now, I realized how hard they had worked, every day, preparing me for my future alone. They passed away within months of each other. Mom developed a sickness that caused great pain in her lungs and her blood to thin. When dad fell ill from a simple infection, he held on as long as he could for my sake. When he did finally succumb, it was devastating but a relief.
The first year had been manageable, passing the days, months by compulsively planting, preparing tinctures and restocking stores. By the third year alone, I wondered what the point of living was at all. Unfortunately for me, I had never learned to fly and the ship hadn't been operational since my parent’s arrival twenty-six years earlier. The thought of triggering the ship’s alert beacon consumed my mind for weeks. Part of me knows I flipped that switch just to catch a break from thinking about it any longer. It was the ultimate roll of the dice, not knowing who or what would respond.
“Watch yourself!” a man’s voice called from further down on the bar.
Snapping my head in that direction, I saw an armored man, face hidden by a helmet, his gloved hand pointing beyond me to my far side. Looking over, I jumped seeing a sharp, insectoid-like arm extending toward my side from the hard-shelled body of that same guy with the dark red eyes, sitting two stools away.
“Hey!” I barked, yanking my bag away from him and into my lap.
The thing’s claw-like arm contracted back, and he turned toward me, the jagged pincers on his face oscillating, making a disgusting clicking sound. Why had I sounded that beacon?
Sliding off my stool, I backed away, glaring at the creature and rounded the half-moon shaped bar, taking a seat one over from the helmeted man.
“Thanks,” I uttered as I shifted onto the stool but he gave no response.
The droid tending the bar noticed the commotion and glided over, swiveling his bucket head in my direction, waiting.
“Do you have Lomin?” I asked, knowing I would be more welcome to wait if there was a drink in front of me.
“Credits first,” he blurted back and I assumed that was because of the type of patrons that frequented the place.
Pulling a black sack out of the top of my duffel bag, I shook two five-credit chits into my hand, holding them out to the droid.
“On the bar,” the droid ordered.
Placing them down, I slid them forward.
“Only one,” the helmeted man spoke out, his voice crackling through some type of voice box. Still, he did not look in my direction.
Glancing at the droid, I picked up one of the chits and returned it to my sack. Collecting the payment, the android glided away, returning quickly with a large cup of frothy amber-colored drink. Bringing it to my nose, I sniffed, my face twisting with revulsion. Taking a small sip, the taste was even worse. This was not the same ale we made at home.
“Not what you expected?” the man asked, his head now titled down as if he was checking something on the floor.  
“Ahh, no. It's sweet. Different recipe, perhaps. I’m not from here.”
“No shit,” he said in an even voice and I thought his sarcasm could use some work.
Looking over at him, I didn’t attempt to hide my unimpressed reaction.
“Just being in here, you don’t know, what you don’t even know.”
What the fuck was that supposed to mean?
“I’m waiting for someone, so….”
Saying nothing further, the man sat as still as stone. He, too, seemed to be waiting. It hadn’t been a smoking hot day but warm enough that I imagined his heavy, dark metal armor must have been uncomfortable. With no beverage in front of him, I wondered why he wasn’t drinking something like everyone else in the place. What could that mean?
“Are you Greef Karga?”
That got his attention. Helmet swiveling in my direction, he looked like one of those droids with the spinning heads.
“That is who you are here for?”
“So, you are not him,” bringing my drink to my lips, I took a sip, hoping the second taste wouldn’t be as bad. No luck, it was still vile.  
“What is your business with Karga?”
“Not your concern,” I replied, steadying my face, realizing I truly had no idea where I was or how much danger I was in.
“You're right,” he said quietly. Placing his gloved hands onto the bar, he slid back off the stool, flicking his cape as to not get it caught. Passing behind me, he halted to a stop, “Keep that sack of credits hidden…carry a few in your pocket… in case.” Without another word, he carried on, walking stiffly out the door.  
A quarter of the drink was all I could manage but I was dehydrated after the long day of travel. Patrons had come and gone but from where I sat, it was hard to keep watch without blatantly turning around. No one else had attempted to talk to me and for that I was grateful. Still, there was no relaxing. Every time I thought about leaving the bar and heading out into the streets, I gripped my bag a little tighter.
A loud yelp cut through the low chatter and without thinking I turned to look. The sound of tin cups tumbling to the ground was followed by a thud as a dark-skinned man with a black mustache slammed the head of a guy sitting across the booth from him down onto the table. The young guy’s cheek was pinned and he held his hands up as if to signal surrender. Scanning the room, the others ignored the display, telling me that people getting roughed up was either a regular occurrence or the man doing the roughing was too dangerous to get caught looking at.
“Please!” the guy cried, his hands trembling, the older man gazing down, expressionless, as if used to inflicting this kind of torment. “Please Greef! I’ll get the payment, I swear!”
Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, I was out of there. Hugging my bag like a blankie, I pushed off the stool, leaving my putrid drink and headed for the exit. Keeping a calm pace, the last thing I needed was to draw attention. If that was Greef Karga, I was not taking my chances that he would listen to the story of a twenty-something-year-old orphan, looking for transport to a place where she might find work on a farm. I had heard about human trafficking and forced servitude, the sex trade and I was not sticking around, regardless if that guy had one ship or a hundred.
Out into the dusty street, I re-positioned my bag over my shoulder and walked further into the industrial shit hole. Despite blending into the crowded street, my vulnerability felt glaring and my fear was taking hold.
The cargo pilot had told me about a place that offered space to those passing through. Trudging on, I looked for the large structure built with blue containers with a black circle painted on the door. I could feel the eyes of those around me, tracking my movements, even stepping into my path to perhaps test my response. Biting the tip of my tongue, I scowled and filled my lungs with air, grateful, I was wearing black pants and a long-sleeved top.
There it was! The blue rusty building that stood a little higher than the metal and stone shacks on either side. The place looked like it had suffered a thousand sand storms but the black blotch on the hatch style door did make my feet move a little faster.
“Whatever you are looking for, it’s not in there.” A man’s voice came from behind. Not wanting to mix further with the locals, I ignored it and kept walking.”
“Stop,” it called out with authority and my elbow was tugged back. Snatching my arm away, I spun, ready to plant my knee into a groin.
Lowering his hand to his side, the helmeted man stood before me like he had been dropped out of the sky. Had he been following me this whole time? Had he waited outside the bar?
“What do you want?”
“I tried minding my own business but….you shouldn’t go in there.”
“Why not?”
“It’s not for lodging.”
Saying nothing, I tightened my grip on my bag.
“There are beds but…they’re not for sleeping.”
“Oh,” my head shot back. “Okay.” Glancing down at the ground between us, I bit the end of my tongue, fearing my chin might start to tremble. This was bad. Clearing my throat, I looked back up, picking the black cross at the center of his helmet to focus on. “Where would one go if they were looking for transport?”
“Transport? Is that why you were looking for Karga?”
Nodding, I cleared my throat again, realizing I was the quintessential babe in the woods.
The man said nothing, but he seemed to look beyond my shoulder, his large helmet subtly shaking as if answering my question was a hassle. He may have only been the second person I had ever met but I could tell he was cursing himself for stopping me.  
“Do you have a ship?” I asked, not giving him the chance to blow me off. “I need to get somewhere that I can find work.”
Looking back down at me, he seemed to just stare. What was taking him so long to answer? It was painful! I hadn’t pestered him, he was the one who stopped me, followed me through the streets. Despite that and the large weapon on his back, I wasn’t afraid of him. Yes, I was the last person to be able to accurately gauge one’s character by their appearance or body language but his warnings, his reluctant advice, none of it felt like a ploy.  
“Look, I am a farmer. I’m fairly handy and I’m quiet. I have a little money and I can sleep in a ball on the floor. Do you have a ship with room for me? I’m hoping to make it to Dantoonie or somewhere there are colonies that grow food.”
“Two hundred and fifty credits and I’ll take you anywhere you want.”
“Two hundred and fifty?” my brows shot high with surprise. “Okay.” What choice did I have?
Swiftly turning, he began to walk away; springing forward, I rushed to keep up.
“Can I ask a question?”
As if I hadn’t spoken, he carried on, stalking through the streets, a couple of side allies, arriving at a fenced yard filled with, what I could see, was a dozen or so ships.
“Listen,” he spun around, standing still as a wall and I lurched to a stop to avoid running into him. “You just agreed to pay double what anyone would pay for travel. I don’t know who you are, or where you are from, but you are going to bring heat down on yourself and me. We will leave in a couple of hours. Until then, get in and stay quiet. Keep your money hidden. No talking to anyone or walking around looking like...” lifting his gloved hand, he flicked his orange-tipped fingers at me…“that.”
Eyes flashing wide, I froze, watching him turn and duck through a cut out in the wire fence, dipping carefully to clear the handle of his gun. Following behind, I stopped myself from asking any one of the dozen questions bouncing around in my head. From what I could tell, this conversation alliterate, gun-toting, armored, stiff walking, helmet-wearing man was my only hope. I was not going to piss him off any more than I apparently already had.
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