#james & peter & remus & sirius
lilyevansmywife · 10 months
Lily: so my sister bullied me and no one protected me
Regulus and Sirius: and we were abused by our parents
Remus: at the age of five I became a werewolf and I had no childhood
James: I really sorry guys ... but this morning I hit my little finger on the table! It was very painful!
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divkazkdovikde · 9 months
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sophie? i love u.
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4remus · 1 year
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this is so sirius peter james energy
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myheadisemptyffonly · 2 years
Sirius: I hardly see you anymore, you always want to spend time with him.
James: Pads...
Sirius: You've known him for two days and me for 10 years, but it's okay, fine.
Remus: Please tell me you're not talking about Harry again :)
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edneyy · 2 years
my marauders head cannons part two:
1. james is a reader. like, i know that typically we all see remus as the reader, AND HE IS. but remus is obvious reader. the one who calls up in the common room with a book, or reads in the great hall. (yes he spills shit down himself, leave him alone). but james is the secret reader, who reads under the glow of his wand late at night, or hides out in the greenhouse with a joint, reading well through the day.
2. peter gets around the most. fight me. please.
3. remus was the first one to date tho, although it was marlene (my poor confused gays).
3. lily is plus size. oh and so is pandora.
4. regulus and sirius had a secret handshake, and a secret language (sign and spoken), due to their childhood.
5. marlene and dorcas were rival chasers. like angry glares, constantly stealing the quaffle from eachother, rude gestures, snogging under the stands after one of them loses - that kind of rivalry ;)
6. barty and remus get on ridiculously well - bonding over fellow hatred for their fathers and their love for their mothers.
7. ravenclaw parties are the best. no hesitation.
8. the marauders map is incomplete. > you’re trying to tell me that 4 fifth year (was it fifth year?) students found all the secret rooms and passages all around hogwarts? really? you’re lying to yourself.
9. all the heads of houses had a set group of students in every year that they adored.
10. ^ they held bets on how long it would take sirius and remus to get together. babes they were not subtle.
11. evan is the most popular and well known person. they are in nearly every hogwarts club. and only not in the quidditch one because they hear enough about it already.
12. all the muggleborns organised the song “we will rock you” to blast through the school at least 3 times a year. cause why the fuck not.
give me a couple days to write a new one. i also need to recover from the recent crimson rivers update. ANYONE ELSE WANNA CRY?
thanks :))
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indeediagree · 1 year
I just read "The Picture of Dorian Gray" By Oscar Wilde again and I dont care how moraly wrong he is. He's my role model!!!!
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supernova3110 · 2 years
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Nah, I don‘t like any Marauders stuff
Them: not even yourself is believing you
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“When the world goes to shit, eat some chocolate.”
- Remus Lupin, probably
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aphrcdites · 10 months
the bond between a girl and their favorite fictional man is both an unstoppable force and an immovable object
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thatboisus · 4 months
“english isn’t my first langua—“ say no more.
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lilyevansmywife · 5 months
Sirius: we don't talk enough about toxic relationships in gay couples.
Remus: I just didn't respond to your message after a second
James: so toxic of you
Peter: how dare you
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divkazkdovikde · 1 year
seriously you guys should be concerned for me and all the people whose comfort character is remus. we’re depressed bro. we’re not okay.
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natti-ice · 3 months
18+ mdni
Me: “fuck, I need his cock”
Him: *is literally just words on tumblr*
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myheadisemptyffonly · 2 years
A scene from the Derry Girls but with the Marauders...
Remus: Can I ask something?
James: Yeah.
Remus: How much longer are we gonna ignore the elephant in the room?
Sirius: Where?
Remus: it's tomorrow boys. Tomorrow! Merlin, I feel sick.
Peter: Why? You're gonna walk it, Moony.
Remus: I know that! I'm not worried about me, I'm worried about you three. If you fail your OWLs the school won't take you back. I don't wanna have to make new friends from scratch, I'll have enough on my plate with the O-levels! I'm just praying you lot will scrape by!
James: That is very considerate of you, Moony.
Remus: I know.
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edneyy · 2 years
honestly i have so many headcannons that i will defend and stand by until death, so here are a few:
1. james doesn’t get hungover. EVER. they could get pissed off his head and puke his guts out, and then wake up at 6am the same morning and go for a run. >> regulus on the other hand, is not a morning person at all. ESPECIALLY when hungover. regulus will not move from their bed until around 3pm and that’s only if they need to pee.
2. remus and marlene came out to eachother. i fully believe they were each others beards for a full year whilst they were both figuring everything out. they were also the first person either of them told about their sexuality.
3. marlene, james and peter were childhood friends and grew up together.
4. following on from the previous point > this is why peter figured out james had a thing for regulus like 10 minutes after james did.
5. obviously the first kiss: remus was james’ first kiss. james was peters. mary was sirius’. lily was mary’s. pandora was dorcas’. remus was marlene’s. marlene was remus’. barty was regulus’. regulus was pandoras. evan was barty’s. barty was evan’s. >> i am including pecks in this btw. majority of these are pecks.
6. the slytherin gang. that’s it. it happened.
7. marlene and dorcas hated eachother. pure enemies to lovers angst.
8. lily and james did like eachother but they didn’t ‘date’. they went out on one date to see how they both felt, it went fine but they both realised that they wanted to be friends.
9. james did not constantly ask lily out. i hate this headcannon so much i can’t.
10. lily was not a bitch who hated the marauders, they were really good friends with all of them from first year which is why snape hated them and attacked them in corridors and stuff.
11. the marauders pulled pranks on everyone, but for the first few years did focus majority on slytherins before they grew the fuck up and realised why that’s shitty of them.
12. james and marlene were co captains for the quidditch team. fight me.
13. james started liking regulus after watching them play quidditch and absolutely destroy the opposing team. (sirius dragged james to watch the game in secret cause they wanted to watch his brother).
14. pandora was regulus’ version of james for sirius. they were so unbelievably close that regulus became luna’s godparent.
15. sirius and remus had the big fight love confession moment. no doubt.
i’ve honestly got loads more and this was fun so gonna make another one :))
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indeediagree · 1 year
Me and my friends christmas cards for People that dont exist. 🥰🥰🥰
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