#koutarou amon
canadianlucifer · 1 day
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ms-kio · 3 months
Ghouls: Not Your Ghouls
Ken Kaneki/Haise Sasaki, Uta/No-Face, Koutarou Amon X Harry Potter! 3392 Words
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"[Non-understood languages]" (depends on POV)
"Understood languages" (depends on POV)
Ken Kaneki didn't know what to do. He had tortured Jason to his hearts content, he had slaughtered every ghoul and human that had wronged him, and now, he was just tired.
Beside him stood Uta, the only being who Kaneki could stand to see now, after breaking his every vow. The two Kakuja stood in empty silence, staring at the stars. "Say, Kaneki." Uta started, neither looking down from the stars. "If we could be sent away. To another world where none of this happened. Would you take the chance?" The elder ghoul asked.
There was a pause before Kaneki responded, speaking volumes. "Yes… There's no point in staying in the world… Where nothing waits for you." Then, ever so slowly, the two's bodies began to fade into shadow. As the darkness fades to their eyes, any trace of their presence disappears. Their time in ghoul-ridden Japan was over.
~ ~ ~
Kotaro Amon was having similar thoughts, sitting alone at his desk. 'This world is wrong.' The very same thought he had while fighting Eyepatch for the first time. The scar on his shoulder was still there, a constant reminder of the event. "This world is wrong." He whispered. With that, blackness enveloped him.
: : :
Amon 'woke up' to find himself in a surprisingly comfortable bed, hearing a few voices. "How is he madam Pomfery?" An elderly voice asked, with a slight British accent.
"He should be conscious any minute now." The other replied.
Amon then decided to sit up, catching one's attention. "Professor Dumbledore." The ravenette drawled, who hadn't spoken until then. "Our guest is awake."
Amon, mustering his best English, spoke up. "Um. Where am I?" Amon asked, cursing his heavy Japanese accent.
"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." The eldest one answered. "You are currently in the hospital wing, we found you and two humanoid creatures washed up on a riverbed a few days ago."
"Humanoid creatures?" Amon only had one guess as to what kind of creature that might be.
"We were hoping you might know what they were."
"I may be able to help you with that." Amon said, thankfully only missing his trenchcoat, which he promptly put on. The CCG investigator then stood up, picking up his briefcase. "Lead the way."
~ ~ ~
"[So, what are these creatures? Surely the ministry would know about them if they were that high of a threat.]" A female voice said, with a thick British accent.
"[I am as clueless as you, Minerva.]" An elderly voice replied, with what seemed like a similar accent. The scent from Kaneki also shifted to confusion, confirming he was also awake and feigning unconsciousness like Uta. "[We mustn't waste the hour though, it's about time we put them in the barrier Sevyrus created for us.]" Suddenly, Uta felt his body float, having to keep from reacting. The two ghouls listened to the others converse, hoping to get some answers. However, Uta didn't know English. So it was fruitless. They were eventually placed on a bed of grass, their sharp ears picking up the sound of the duo walking away, approaching what seemed to be a very large man. "[Thank you Rubius, for letting us house these creatures under your care. We don't know what exactly is required for their welfare, so I apologize for this.]"
Once the three humans were far enough away, Kaneki and Uta sat up, Kaneki speaking first. "Damn," he hissed, "I'm hungry."
Uta chuckled. "Me too." Uta turned his head to Kaneki, realizing something. "Hey, you're half human." Uta was nice to Kaneki, but wasn't nice enough to sacrifice his own well-being, and Kaneki knew this.
"And you're Kakuja anyways, fine." The snow haired ghoul said, pulling back his sleeve. "Bon appétit." Dammit Tsukiyama.
: : :
"Uta , you have been tearing up my arm for seven minutes. Why is this taking so long?" Kaneki gritted out, blood dripping down his arm.
"Your flesh is tough, and I'm hungry. Is there a problem?" Uta asked, quirking an eyebrow, though Kaneki couldn't see it. Both of them were wearing masks.
"You know how much I've had to regenerate?" The platinum haired ghoul hissed, narrowing his eyes at his elder.
"Fair point. Eat some of your own arm, I'll let you have some of my flesh afterwards." Uta brushed off.
"You know how disgusting other ghouls taste."
"Yup, and I'm glad you're not one of them." Kaneki sighed, pulling back his other sleeve and munching on his own arm.
Kaneki was becoming more and more like Tsukiyama, much to his exasperation. "You owe me, Uta."
"Alright, I'm done." Uta said a few minutes later, pulling away and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
"Finally!" Kaneki said in an exasperated tone, yanking the mask maker's arm towards him. "I am so fucking hungry." The half ghoul tore into Utas arm, who didn't even flinch, only raising his eyebrows in amusement.
"Indeed you are."
"Shut up. You taste disgusting"
"I'm hurt Kaneki, I am hurt."
~ ~ ~
When they reached their desired location, seemingly an old hut, an absolutely giant man approached. "Mr. Dumbledore sir! The two fellas, one's eatin' the other!" Amon pursed his lips. 'Kakuja then.' He thought.
"Calm yourself Rubius." Dumbledore said. "This man, Amon, may be able to help." Without a second's hesitation, Rubius led them into the forest. Soon enough, Amon saw Eyepatch and No-Face, the ladder eating the former's arm, and the former munching on his other arm. Amon sighed, turning to the three men, Sevyrus having tagged along in curiosity. "You two are very lucky these ghouls are who they are. If it was any other, they'd be at each other's throats, trying to kill each other." Amon said, recognizing the ghoul duo as No-Face and Eyepatch.
"So cannibalism is normal for these creatures?" The ravenette-Sevyrus-asked.
"Not necessarily. In this situation, there are two kinds of ghouls: normal, and Kakuja. Both Eyepatch and No-Face are certified Kakuja, meaning they have regularly consumed the flesh of other ghouls. My hypothesis is that Eyepatch is letting No-Face feed off of him to satiate his companions hunger, and No-Face, if my guess is correct, will let Eyepatch do the same in return." Amon explained.
"Then why is 'Eyepatch' eating his own flesh?" Minerva questioned, looking a little green.
"He's probably doing that to keep himself from going into a starved state due to having to regenerate. Ghouls can sustain themselves off of their own flesh, usually long enough to find an actual meal, but not for any extended periods of time." Amon continued to explain. "Observe both their eyes, they only look like that when there's a form of agitation or excitement, or hunger."
After a moment, the principal spoke up again."If Kakuja are not the norm, what is a ghouls staple food?" Dumbledore asked.
"Human flesh." Kotaro answered simply, causing heads to turn to him. "We should go, ghouls don't like it when others watch them eat." As Amon turned away and walked back towards the hut, he continued talking. "This method won't last them long, they'll need an actual body soon, if this behavior is anything to go by."
"Thank you for informing us." Dumbledore said. "If I may ask, however. Can you tell me how you know all this?" The headmaster asked.
"I would like to know as well." Snape commented.
"I am a member of the CCG, standing for the Commission of Counter Ghoul. It's an organization meant to protect the public from ghouls, though it recently went underground after the sudden disappearance of ghouls, it's not unlikely that these two are the last ones left." Amon smoothly lied, keeping the absurd truth to himself.
Hagrid had retired to his hut, and now it was just the three, Severus now speaking up. "You called these ghouls, 'Eyepatch' and 'No-Face'. Do you happen to know them?" He asked.
"In a way." Amon confirmed. "No-Face was the former leader of the fourth ward before he resigned in Japan, where ghouls live, and Eyepatch and I have met on multiple occasions. I could say we have mutual understanding. He won't kill me, and I won't kill him. But if we catch each other slipping up, the deal is off."
Dumbledore hummed in understanding, continuing to speak. "How dangerous are ghouls? These ones in particular?" The principal questioned, Amon responding readily.
"Ghouls are separated into seven different classes: D, C, B, A, S, SS, snd SSS. D being weak enough for an inexperienced investigator to handle, after training and getting through the academy, and SSS being strong enough for even the most powerful of our forces, even with a full squad on their side. No-Face and Eyepatch are both SS rates. I'm only safe because Eyepatch doesn't want me dead, and No-Face is an ally of Eyepatch."
Dumbledore seemed to ponder for a moment, leaving Amon and the others in his silence before he spoke up again. "Learning about Japans ghouls can teach the students how dangerous magical creatures can really be, if your description is accurate." Dumbledore said, shifting his head to the investigator. "Would you be so kind as to teach the students about these ghouls? And with your permission, I would like to use the ghouls in the Triwizard tournament." Amon pondered his options, and was about to answer, but Severus cut in.
"If that is the case, I would like to gather samples to experiment with my potions."
"I wouldn't be opposed to gathering materials for you." Amon compromised. "Approaching a ghoul without a proper weapon or experience is a suicide mission, and I am currently the only human Eyepatch trusts."
Snape nodded, not seeming to have a problem with this. "Fair enough." The ravenette turned a corner, now in the castle, leaving Amon and Dumbledore.
"Students will be arriving this Sunday and classes start on Monday. I'll give you a schedule for your classes and a map of the castle." Two sheets of folded paper appeared in Dumbledore's hand, giving them to Amon. "For now, feel free to get familiar with Hogwarts." The man then suddenly disappeared, and Amon didn't blame him. Being a principal must be busying.
: : :
Over the next few days, Amon spent most of his time getting familiar with the castle, reading books on the history of magic, checking on the ghouls and getting acquainted with No-Face, and training with his quinque to keep up his skills and fitness. Per Severus' request, Amon taught the potions master about the physiology of ghouls, including RC cells, Kakugan, Kagune and their variants, and Kakuhou. The two ended up getting along easily, Amon finding the man suitable to help teach classes regarding ghouls.
Snape and Amon held a mutual respect for each other and the potions master quickly grasped that Amon was not familiar with the magical world. So, in return for teaching him about Japanese ghouls, Snape taught Amon about magical culture and some basic potions.
~ ~ ~
Back in Dumbledore's office, the principal scoured every map -magical and otherwise- he could for a place called 'Japan'. Amon had mentioned the place while describing the ghouls, but he couldn't find such a place in every place he looked. It’s as if it didn’t exist.
Curious. He would have to ask Amon about it.
~ ~ ~
A hungry ghoul was one thing, a starving ghoul was another, but a bored ghoul was something else entirely. The two SS rated, extremely dangerous ghouls, were currently playing roulette with the large boulders in their allotted area, making sure not to crush themselves in the process. "If that thing crushes me I will go berserk." Kaneki warned, eyeing the boulder as it was coming down. It landed not three feet away from the whitette, creating a sizable crater.
"Then I guess you're not going 'berserk'." Uta commented casually as Kaneki picked up the boulder in front of him, about the mass of a fully grown man. It was much heavier though, seeing as it was made of, well, boulder. Kaneki grunted and threw said boulder high in the air, taking only about eight seconds to land by Uta, roughly two feet away from the black haired ghoul. "So. This Amon guy. You sure we can trust him?" Uta asked, picking up the boulder and throwing it up in the air. One and a half feet.
"Positive. Me and him have a little unspoken agreement. As long as we only kill out of necessity, then we should be fine." One foot.
"Noted." Half a foot.
Kaneki yawned, flopping on the boulder not two inches in front of him. "I'm tired, goodnight." Announcing an end to the game. Uta chuckled, walking over and sitting down next to the boulder, closing his eyes.
~ ~ ~
Harry, Ron, and Hermoine, as well as many others, had noticed the new man at the staff table. What confused them though, was that Dumbledore hadn't introduced him yet.
"Do either of you now who that man is? The one next to Snape?" Harry asked his friends.
"No." Hermoine answered, glancing at the new face. "I don't recognize his nationality either. He's most likely a traveling teacher."
"Traveling for what though?" Ron asked.
"How am I supposed to know!?" Hermoine said, exasperated. "I don't have a master schedule for heaven's sake!"
"For all who may have noticed, I'm sure you are wondering who the new face is at the staff table." That caught everyone's attention. "You will be calling him Professor Amon, and he will be officially introduced and start classes when the Durmstrangs and Bobatens arrive for the Triwizard Tournament." The mentioned man stood up and bowed in a polite manner to the crowd. Anyone with any knowledge of cultural differences easily and correctly assumed that it was simply a way of greeting. There was a small smile on his face, genuine and calm.
"Seems nice enough." Harry said. But then, shock spilled across all of their faces.
"Since when did Professor Snape ever seem to genuinely enjoy a conversation?" Ron gaped.
"Professor Snape." Fred said. "Enjoying a conversation?" George finished. Both twins simultaneously turned to the staff table. "Ay, will you look at that?" George continued.
"Ronalds got a good set of eyes in his noggin."
Ron sighed. "Seriously?"
: : :
The next morning, after the first stretch of classes, a handful of students plus the Golden Trio, stayed behind. "Professor McGonnigal." Hermoine spoke up. "Do you know where we can find Professor Amon?" She asked.
The professor quirked an eyebrow, before answering. "He'll most likely be by the Whomping Willow training with his Quinque. If he's not there, check the library. Otherwise, it's best he's not disturbed." The students left with their thanks, heading to the mentioned magical tree. It seemed other students had asked a similar question, because many others were headed to the whomping willow as well.
When the trio arrived, they saw Amon, gracefully dodging the willows branches, a large spear-like weapon in hand. All of the students were further impressed when a thick branch landed not a foot away from the man, who proceeded to run up its length, vaulting over the tree and continuing to dodge its branches. Eventually, Amon leaped away from the tree's range, turning to the students. "Can I help you?"
The students began asking questions, such as who he was, where he came from, and such. The man had put away his Quinque, answering to the best of his ability and chatting casually with the more extroverted students, who seemed to enjoy his company. "So this is the one Dumbledore was talking about? I can't see hardly anything noteworthy. Not even a wand." A blonde Slytherin boy said, strutting up to the crowd.
"I use something called a Quinque, it's made of a special steel that is resistant to all types of magic." Amon explained casually, the taunt in the boys voice seemingly going straight over his head. "Anything else I can help you with, Mr. Malfoy?" He asked.
The Slytheryns face was already taking on that childish scowl, much to the Gryffendors amusement, when he asked: "Where are you from?"
"I'm from Japan." Amon replied simply, picking up his briefcase.
"Japan? Never heard of it." Malfoy said. It was clear he was trying to mock, and equally clear that Amon didn't care as he answered.
"I'm not surprised, Japanese have a preposterous amount of xenophobia. They keep the island off all the maps." The man turned away with a smile, towards the castle. "I'm afraid I'll have to draw this to a close. Lessons start soon and I believe you should head over to your respective classrooms before you're late." Amon said politely. Soon enough, the students cleared out, leaving the investigator to himself.
~ ~ ~
Kaneki was starting to get a little pissed. Those 'Hogwarts Professors' were all staring at him. "[So this is a Japanese ghoul?]" A man asked, whom Kaneki heard his name was Bartey Crouch. "[He doesn't look very threatening.]"
"[I assure you, Eyepatch is not to be underestimated.]" Amon said, pulling down his collar to reveal the mutilating scar the ghoul gave him. "[He gave me this when he was juvenile and half-developed, and I was already an experienced investigator.]" Kaneki climbed down from the branches he was perched on, hanging upside down, directly in front of the humans.
"[Amon, is this normal?" A woman in green asked, leaning back slightly, despite the barrier. Kaneki didn't understand a word they were saying, but he got the geist, almost laughing at the woman's expression.
Amon sighed, seeming exasperated. "[No.] Eyepatch, are you high? Quit trying to terrify the wizards."
Kaneki choked on his laughter, falling from the branch. "How do you expect me to get high? All we have here is plants! And me and No-Face still haven't gotten a proper meal yet!" Kaneki's Kakugan flared at the last sentence, causing the wizards and witches all to take a step back.
Amon sighed. "They're working on it, as far as I've been told." Then, Amon realized something. "Please don't scar the ones who haven't seen it."
"Oh, you bet I will. I'm fucking hungry, you'll be fine." Kaneki's Kagune erupted from his back, reaching up and dragging down Uta from the trees, whom he took a chomp out of his neck, blood splattering all over the ground. All of the present wizards had looks of horror on their faces, much to Kaneki's glee, who continued to tear flesh from Uta. Just for shits and giggles, Uta yanked Kaneki's arm towards his mouth, chomping through the skin and muscle. He was hungry for human flesh as well, and the both of them wanted to make it explicitly clear that they would do just about anything for a good human meal.
Kaneki watched as Amon ushered the magical folk to look away, speaking up as they focused their attention on him. "[That was Eyepatch's way of reminding you that he and No-Face are very hungry and still haven't gotten a meal. The tentacles you saw from Eyepatch were Kagune, Rinkaku to be exact. His red eye was his activated Kakugan] -Eyepatch, what in heaven's name are you doing?" Amon had shifted his attention back to the ghouls for just a split second, to see the two playing roulette with a boulder.
"Playing roulette." The white haired ghoul said simply.
"I can see that. But why?" The investigator asked, the most confused and exasperated look on his face.
"Because it's fun." Kaneki replied, grinning behind his mask at the investigators peril.
~ ~ ~
Amon managed to get the wizards away from the disturbing scene of ghoul cannibalism without them looking back, speaking up again when the sounds of tearing flesh had disappeared. “Eyepatch is a very spiteful ghoul, and isn’t afraid of doing what needs to be done. So you’d better get those two a body before they find a way out of the barrier." He said to Haggrid, before turning to Mr. Crouch. "Just for the sake of my conscious, Are you sure you want Eyepatch in the Triwizard tournament? There's a very real chance that your students will be eaten alive." the investigator warned.
"The students who sign up all know the risk of death in the tournament, and the risk of a painful one. I know your job is to protect people from Japanese Ghouls, Mr. Amon, But please bear with it." Needless to say, The CCG member was not happy.
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tg-headcanons · 3 months
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ipsen · 3 months
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maybe it's cuz i'm old or whatever but i really liked this conversation
in a world where your friends and your loved ones can die at any moment, a world where every moment counts, it really is the most relieving thing to see that they survived. that they lived. that they came back to you.
you can see them, and they can see you.
(also the reconciliation between her and amon is so good. so so good mwah)
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rayventoodles · 3 months
i know this is supposed to be an art blog but hear me out
dis claim her: i actually haven't played any games like this, this is just based on my recollection of watching other people play them. reading the manga did make me wonder if ishida played resident evil / biohazard or just had a ps1 growing up, lol.
picture this: it starts with kaneki (or maybe takizawa if you wanna go that route) escaping kano's lab after waking up from surgery, not knowing where he is or how a date with rize caused him to end up there (like the beginning of Galerians minus the amnesia)
maybe there would be like a morality system, where you have to decide between clinging on to kaneki's human side by avoiding eating humans and fighting with regular weapons instead of kagune, or, you know, being a ghoul.
or hell, you can play as amon doing investigator stuff, eventually getting caught up in kano's bullshit, eventually coming across kaneki and helping uncover the ghoul conspiracy (idk what else to say, i'm tired and can't think of anything else)
just saying, tg's plot kind of reminds me of Parasite Eve. also the anime would have benefited from the first Silent Hill game's soundtrack, since we're going with ps1 horror here.
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kyanitedragon · 4 months
We never did get any real parallels between Amon and Juuzou despite both being raised by ghouls, huh?
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Given that they were 2 major players in the CCG, I wonder how common that was? There had to have been more, right?
(Not including the Sunlit Garden, of course...)
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tokyoghoulaspecs · 4 months
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yourfaveisafearavatar · 4 months
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Koutarou Amon From Tokyo Ghoul is an Avatar of the Hunt.
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marsthecalicocat · 5 months
Send a Tokyo ghoul(not re)/ Total drama (not rr) character + one or more of these question!
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
6. What's something you have in common with this character?7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
11. Would you date this character?
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
23. Favorite picture of this character?
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
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fictional-birthdays · 6 months
Happy Birthday, Koutarou Amon! (Tokyo Ghoul)
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For the ask game uh 002 for Amon?
Exam season is finally over!!!! Time for asks :3
How I feel about this character: despite the fact he's one of the most central and talked about characters I've never really put too much thought into him. I find his backstory and his relationship with religion really hit me in the gut. As someone with a rough relationship with religion myself, seeing his faith only grow stronger was just 👌👌👌
All the people I ship romantically with this character: seiakimon is my top ship for him. You simply cannot overpower the force of all 3 of them. I also quite liked Amoneki as the opportunity for angst and symbolism is just so good.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Hide! I find the dynamic between them really interesting and funny in a lot of ways.
My unpopular opinion: ummm don't really have one sorry
One thing I wanted to more of: I wanted to see more of his relationship with faith how it expands beyond donato's teachings or his past. What it truly means for him.
OTP:Seiakimon or nothing baby
Cross over ship: ummmmmmmm yeah sorry I got nothing I'm so bad at this
A headcanon fact: he sings really loud in the shower. He doesn't realise just how loud he sings until Akira stays over whilst he's in the shower. It's usually opera too.
Thanks for the ask! This was a fun palette cleanser and let me take a good look into damon's character! Please feel free to send more asks :3
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takanarirose · 7 months
The idea behind this image comes from the calendar dates of 4.7 and 10.31 in 2016 calendar from Tokyo ghoul.
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I think when Ishida was shaping Amon, he may have come across this name not only as the name of the ancient Egyptian god, but also as the name of the demon god Solomon. This combination of light and darkness led to the emergence of Amon in TG.
Perhaps he has completely fallen into the darkness (but his heart is not, it's just his body), and if that's the case, becoming a demon to act chivalrous and righteous is also a cool thing.
★★This picture is the image I commissioned XiaoNanxing to create for Amon. If you like it, you can create the derivative work basic the image.
(Please do not use this image for commercial or AI , as well as other non creative purposes.)
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ipsen · 4 months
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it's the literal hearts in her eyes that get me
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tgpolls · 9 months
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kyanitedragon · 5 months
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tokyoghoulaspecs · 8 months
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[ID: Official art from Tokyo Ghoul:re Invoke of Koutarou Amon edited against aspec pride flags. Amon is seen from a low angle, dressed in a robe and hood, with a kagune arm, his kakugan visible, and holding a staff in his other hand. The flags are: greysexual, asexual, aromantic, and aroace. End ID]
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