#lho rambles
lhoandbehold · 9 months
One of my top 20 favourite human behaviours I see around is when an Object makes a sound and then a nearby human will absentmindedly imitate the sound. Parakeet coded
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zhongrin · 7 months
can i just say it's just so endearing to hear my mom (cn zodiac: rat) describing my dad's (cn zodiac: dragon) emotions metaphorically like he's an actual dragon (and vice versa)
my mom: *sends photo* i bought this dragon statue for your dad's birthday but i don't know what the cn letters means me: *uses google lens to pick up the characters and throws it into deepl* it means "auspicious dragon" my mom: your dad's happy and his tail's wagging now 😂
my dad: i bought three ice creams yesterday and there's only two today. my dad: clearly, there's a rat in this house. my mom: i see that you're complaining to our daughter again.
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speakofthedebbie · 3 months
shout out to invaderdemon71 for being my first follow!! :3 (i followed you back btw)
shout out to the rest:
the hecckening
natsudragneelsss (can’t follow you back bc your blog is marked as mature lmao)
harrison2020 (theyre looking for someone to commission them so. yknow. only hazbin as far as im aware)
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shades-of-sapphire · 2 months
Orang Indonesia malas jalan kaki, salah siapa? 
Le me balancing this blog between fictional clichés and public infrastructure ramblings.
“Beneran nggak mau pakai motor? Kalau jalan lumayan jauh, lho.”
“Lumayan jauh” yang dimaksud di sini sesungguhnya hanya berjarak lima ratus meter. Untuk sebagian orang mungkin bukan jarak yang jauh, tetapi untuk banyak masyarakat Indonesia, rupanya jarak yang hanya setengah kilometer itu sudah cukup jauh untuk ditempuh menggunakan sepeda motor. Betulkah?
Tahun 2022 silam, sempat marak pemberitaan di berbagai media yang menyatakan bahwa berdasarkan hasil penelitian suatu universitas ternama di Inggris, Indonesia menempati peringkat pertama negara yang penduduknya paling malas jalan kaki. Sekilas mungkin terdengar sulit dipercaya; bisa saja orang Indonesia malas berjalan kaki, tapi apakah semalas itu sampai sukses menyandang gelar sebagai yang paling malas di dunia?
Sebagai acuan, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Amerika Serikat menyarankan orang dewasa untuk berjalan kaki sejauh 10.000 langkah setiap harinya. Jumlah ini setara dengan sekitar delapan kilometer untuk ukuran orang dewasa pada umumnya. Sementara itu, jika mengacu kepada kutipan percakapan di atas – yang, by the way, berasal dari percakapan asli yang betulan terjadi di dunia nyata – lima ratus meter di mata orang Indonesia kebanyakan sudah cukup jauh hingga lumrah untuk ditempuh menggunakan sepeda motor.
Mungkin orang Indonesia dinobatkan sebagai yang paling malas jalan kaki itu benar adanya… sigh. Tapi kira-kira kenapa bisa sampai sebegitunya, sih?
Jawaban yang paling cepat melintas di benak tentu adalah karena nature orang Indonesia yang memang malas “dari sononya”. Namun tentu saja alasan tersebut kurang tepat. They say you are a product of your environment, anyway; mengacu kepada frasa tersebut, artinya orang Indonesia malas jalan kaki karena lingkungan kita membentuk kita hingga jadi seperti ini. Apakah benar adanya?
Untuk mengecek keabsahan hipotesis tersebut, mari kita keluar rumah, atau kantor, atau sekolah kita sejenak, dan coba berjalan kaki sejauh lima ratus meter dari sana. Untuk rekan-rekan yang berkantor di jalan-jalan besar nan apik berlokasi di business district, atau teman-teman yang bertempat tinggal di kawasan perumahan elit penuh gengsi, jarak lima ratus meter mungkin begitu mudah untuk ditempuh dengan berjalan kaki; trotoar rapi dengan beton mulus terhampar memisahkan ruang untuk pejalan kaki dengan kendaraan bermotor, lengkap dengan naungan kanopi dedaunan dari pohon rindang demi pengalaman berjalan kaki yang nyaman. Perihal apakah lima ratus meter tadi akan ditempuh dengan berjalan kaki atau menggunakan moda lain, itu tinggal perkara mau atau tidak.
Kini kita coba berpaling ke pengalaman berjalan kaki yang lebih realistis untuk lebih banyak masyarakat Indonesia. Belum ada seratus meter berjalan, trotoar kita sudah rusak atau berlubang, membuat pejalan kaki harus hati-hati berjingkat mencari tepian yang masih bisa dilalui. Belum ada dua ratus meter, sudah disambut fasad kurang sedap seperti sampah yang menumpuk atau sosok tunawisma yang terpuruk. Atau lebih sedihnya lagi, sejak keluar rumah atau sekolah kita tidak menjumpai trotoar di arah mana pun – kasus ini yang paling sering kita temukan, bukan? Ketiadaan trotoar ini tentu menciptakan pengalaman berjalan kaki yang bukan hanya tidak nyaman, tetapi juga tidak aman karena pejalan kaki harus bersaing berebut ruang dengan para pengguna kendaraan yang tentu memiliki keunggulan dalam ketahanan maupun kecepatan. Untuk kelompok masyarakat ini yang kurang beruntung ini, berjalan kaki lima ratus meter sayangnya bukan hanya perkara mau atau tidak, namun bisa atau tidak. Medan jalan yang tidak nyaman serta tidak aman tentu membuat kita enggan berjalan kaki meski jaraknya tidak seberapa jauh, dan pada akhirnya membuat kita secara tidak sadar mengembangkan kebiasaan malas berjalan kaki. Here in this context, we literally are a product of our environment; lingkungan kita memegang peran signifikan dalam memupuk kebiasaan malas orang Indonesia berjalan kaki, praktis mematahkan dalih “dari sononya” tadi.
Untuk bisa mendobrak stigma malas berjalan kaki ini, kita orang Indonesia tentu harus mulai membiasakan diri berjalan kaki lebih banyak. But it still takes two to tango; selain pembiasaan dari diri masyarakat sendiri, diperlukan juga upaya serius dari pemerintah setempat untuk konsisten menciptakan ruang yang layak untuk para pejalan kaki, efektif menjamin kenyamanan serta keselamatan kami-kami yang sejatinya senang berjalan kaki namun kurang difasilitasi ini. Selain bikin-bikin masjid dan taman, revitalisasi trotoar juga harus jalan ya Pak, Bu!
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rezticia · 4 years
Rambling thoughts (11)
Karena sedang tidak galau dan bermellow ria, lebih banyak mikir aneh-aneh. Hasilnya, rambling thoughts saya udah sampe sebelas. Dan masih menghitung...
Kali ini aku sedang kepikiran tentang barokah. Ea. Barokahnya orang bodoh. Barokahnya orang jelek. Iya, iya, berkah, deh.
Jadi, aku nonton kajian Gus Baha. Beliau ngejelasin gini kira-kira:
Ada orang yang pas mondok itu biasa-biasa aja, gak terlalu pinter, tapi dia pulang ke pelosok Indonesia, bikin masjid disana, ngajarin orang-orang di kampung sana. Itu kan barokah. Kalau dia nggak tau suatu perkara, bisa tanya temennya yang pinter pas di pondok (atau yang udah jadi kiai). Terus, kalo pasangannya sama orang jelek, biasanya langgeng (hee ini guyon Gus Baha aja xD).
Tambahan cerita lagi, mungkin ada di suatu keluarga, terdapat seseorang yang kerjanya gak terlalu hebat, lebih banyak di rumah aja mengurus rumah dan orang tua. Kalau di mata orang dia kan mirip pengangguran, tetapi kalau dia kerja, siapa yang urus orang tuanya? Rumahnya? Hal seperti itu pun merupakan barokah.
Aku jadi mikir. Tiba-tiba aku inget "Not all that glitters are gold", keliatan aja bersinar terang, tapi belum tentu juga.
Aku—yang sotoy ini—seenaknya bikin contoh sendiri, seperti misalnya, capaian, harta, ilmu, cerdasnya seseorang atau sekelompok orang itu ternyata ada berkahnya. Yang tidak punya pun, ada berkahnya. Tinggal disadari saja, walau lama. Jadi bisa membuat semakin bersyukur dan semakin beriman kepada Allah yang Maha Adil dan Maha Mengatur.
Terus, aku jadi sadar aja. Ternyata benar, kalau orang yang bersinar itu ya fokus di sinarnya aja. Padahal, ada banyak tanggung jawab lain selain mengurusi 'sinar'-nya. Tanggung jawab itu diberikan kepada orang yang biasa aja. Apalagi kalau orang biasa itu ternyata sangat baik menjalankannya, walau orang biasa itu tidak se-masyhur orang yang bersinar. Lho, itu kan berkah juga?
Jadi, saya semakin tertampar karena masih sering sekali membandingkan nikmat yang Allah beri. Masih sering iri dan kepingin untuk mendapatkan apa yang orang punya. Masih sering sekali lupa kepada Allah. Masih sering tuli dengan nasihat bapak yang selalu menekankan kata "cukup". Masih sering meremehkan orang dalam hati, padahal bisa jadi orang itu diridhoi Allah dan dicintai Allah.
Mikir ini perlu dilatih. Terus, terus...
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Y’know what, I don’t remember which book it was, but shoutout to that one book on the Kennedy assassination I read that went on like a 5 page ramble about the fact that the author didn’t think LHO was a straight man.
Like, no other author on the JFK assassination I’ve read has ever mentioned the possibility that LHO may have been anything other than a heterosexual man. And then this guy dedicates like. A chunk of his book to it. And with like…the flimsiest evidence as well. One bit was just like “oh yeah he had some mannerisms that other presumably gay men had.”
Absolutely wild. Genuinely. No idea what that was about.
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alcalavicci · 6 years
didn't the plot say something bout 'al sees the person Sam's leapt into when it's sam' so does that mean al only gets to see Sam's face when he talks to whoevers stuck in the imaging chamber? Does al hear Sam's voice when he's talking to sam or does her hear the voice of leapee? There's one episode where Sam's leapt into a the man whose taken hostages and the evil guy escapes the facility in the future and commits crimes all while looking like sam,
(2/3) ofc al has to go chase down a murder dressed in his bfs face.
(3/3) I’m sorry I’m rambling at u! Ur the only QL blog I follow rn and I was wondering if u ever thought about the same stuff! ~_~ 
Aww, it’s fine! That said, it’s not 100% clear how Al sees Sam and the leapee (whoever Sam’s leapt into). My rough theory is that before What Price Gloria, they had it so that Al saw Sam as the leapee. But that leap caused issues (especially for someone who’s in the closet) so they adjusted the neurons and mesons so that Al saw Sam as Sam on leaps and the leapee in the waiting room as himself. So I think Al watches the waiting room when Ziggy announces a leap happening, talks to the leapee, figures things out, then goes to talk to Sam. I think Al always hears Sam’s voice, but I’m not sure.
LHO also implied that Al seems to see Sam in the leapee’s reflection too, in that scene where Sam comes through in the waiting room to talk to Al and they’re both looking at the mirrored bench.
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i-am-never-give-up · 8 years
#OYDKseries part 1 : Cast
Seperti yang sudah saya ceritakan di prolog #OYDKseries, selama proses saya baca webtoon Only You Dont Know, saya akan menumpahkan segala ramblingnya di sini saja LOL. Biar gak blingsatan dan kepikiran tiap hari padahal mah udah rambling tetep aja blingsatan bacanya. 
Seperti halnya kebiasaan saya akhir-akhir ini kalau baca novel, saya langsung mikirin siapa cast yang paling pas untuk memerankan chara ini itu. OYDK pun jadi sasaran pemikiran serius saya selama seminggu :)) 
Dan, alhamdulillah ngubek2 pinterest selama seminggu menghasilkan casting pemeran (versi saya sendiri) untuk para chara OYDK ini. 
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Saya sampai bikin board pin khusus untuk OYDK cast ini di pinterest saya lho! LOL 
Dan, tadinya mau bahas 1 chara - 1 castingan jadi 1 post tersendiri. Tapi karena charanya aja udah banyak dan masih banyak yang mau saya bahas. yaudah semua chara yang udah dapet castnya langsung saya bahas sekarang. Here we go! (mudah-mudahan gak kepanjangan, to the point aja ya dit) 
Jo Jeon Hee aka Bos Jo 
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Pemilik petshop, istri yang sangat mencintai suaminya, manis dan gak bisa masak. Kepribadian sebenarnya adalah pimpinan gangster Naga Kuning. 
Saya langsung terpikirkan 1 nama aja dong demi liat chara ini : uri baby Lee Sung Kyung! 
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Sungkyung yang udah terkenal dengan peran antagonisnya di beberapa drama *termasuk CITT* dan menggebrak perhatian lewat peran terakhirnya yang super sweet di WFKBJ, pasti pas banget berperan 2 kepribadian iniiii~! #superbias 
Ian Pi aka Kak Ian
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Tangan kanan bos Jo. Jadi andalan untuk menyelesaikan urusan super penting. Ahjussi berusia 30an tahun. 
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tadaaaa! cuma LDW ajjusi yang paling pas meranin kak Ian. 
Mi aka Madam Mi
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Digambarkan memiliki kecantikan yang mengintimidasi. Karena dengan diam saja semua pria dan wanita tunduk terhadap keinginannya. Kelihatan lemah, padahal punya siasat sendiri. Semacam tangan kiri dari bos Jo. 
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hanya Eun Hye yang memang memiliki kecantikan yang mengintimasi juga cocok untuk chara Mi Mi. 
Mi Sujin 
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Adik dari Madam Mi. Keras kepala. Terlihat jaaaauuh lebih dewasa dari umur sebenarnya. Bertekad mendapatkan Ian Pi ke pelukannya. 
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Saya mendapati, Taeyoun dari SNSD cocok untuk gambaran chara Sujin. 
Kim Nayoung
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Ahli make up, fans number satu dari band indie yang digawangi Suho. 
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Hwang Jeong Eum saya pilih karena.....satu alasan yang nanti akan saya bahas belakangan. 
Doh Ari
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Si tukang blak-blakan. Manager Petshop. Mudah jatuh cinta karena mudah tersentuh dengan kebaikan pria. 
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pretty MGY cocok banget lah meranin Ari! laff! 
Lee Chaerim 
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Murid teladan tapi juga sekaligus otaku garis keras. 
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Saya belum pernah lihat IU di dalam drama ataupun lagunya. Tapi gambaran Chaerim ini pas banget buat IU. 
Suami dari Boss Jo. Blasteran Inggris. Sedikit misterius. 
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Well, saya masih menimbang-nimbang sih apakah Eric Mun atau Lee Min Ho yang cocok dengan gambaran dari suaminya Jo Jinhee ini. Secara di webtoonnya digambarkan tidak tahu apa-apa tentang kegiatan mafia sang istri. Masa sihh??? Kita lihat aja perkembangannya. 
Song Sihan 
Masa lalunya agak samar, karena Sihan sendiri mengalami amnesia berkali-kali akibat penyakit. Akibatnya, ia jadi sering murung dan memandang sinis dunia. 
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Saya pun belum pernah lihat Bogum di drama, tapi pict Bogum yang ini saat lagi merengut, pas banget untuk jadi Sihan. 
Lupa siapa nama aslinya. Pegawai petshop yang clumsy tapi sebenarnya memiliki kemampuan berinteraksi dengan hewan. Masih misteri kenapa dia tinggal bersama Ian Pi. 
Throw confetti to our clumsy yet handsome Seo Kang Joon oppa! 
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Gila passs banget lah kang Joon meranin chara ini! 
Vokalis band indie. Nayoung’s interest. Keras kepala. Anti kemapanan. 
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Jung Il Wo. Gak tahu dia sapose or pernah maen dimana aja. Pokoke, gambaran anti kemapanannya ada di Jung jung ini. 
Gitarisnya Suho, pria yang tahu rahasia Nayoung dan akhirnya malah jatuh cinta sama Nayoung
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alay-alaynya Ichang yang nyebelin plus uyelable super cocok jadi Daeguk! 
Wangja dan Pria Selada
Duo bromance yang deket sama Chaerim. Wangja si murid teladan saingannya Chaerin. Pria Selada yang sama-sama otaku juga. 
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Well, DO-EXO dan V-BTS memenuhi gambaran ini sih. V jadi si murid teladan, DO jadi si pria otaku nya LOL. 
Oke donnne! untuk chara pendukung akan saya bahas di postingan #OYDKseries berikutnya.
Kamu juga baca webtoon Only You Dont Know? Punya cast dalam pikiran kamu sendiri yang menurut kamu lebih pas? Share di sini ya! 
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Wow sudah Senin lagi. Cepat banget ya waktu berjalan. Tapi progres kehidupan gini-gini aja. Kadang suka takut kebalap sama waktu, tapi siapalah kita, hanya bisa berusaha melakukan yang terbaik.
Si tulisan BTS masih di draft tapi belum dilanjutkan lagi karena kemarin Jumat harus langsung buru-buru ke Magdalene bridge buat punting. Okelah, seperti nama tumblrnya, langsung saja ke bullet points things to be grateful for this weekend (experiencenya agak niche lokal warga Oxford bgt jadi agak susah di-relate mungkin dan tidak ada hikmah apapun yang bisa diambil karena ini cuma rambling storytelling aja, so feel free to skip this one):
Berhasil nyoba punting sendiri! Diajarin sama Leon dan berujung tangan sakit-sakit sampai hari ini, aku berhasil mengendarai punt kurang lebih yaaaa maju sejauh 50m lah kalau ditotal dalam 1 trip kemarin tuh. Mostly Leon did the work dan kita sampe ke main big Thames river! di mana orang-orang pada latihan rowing etc. Prama bilangnya dia booking 2 boats pake kuota Trinity tapi sejam-sejam alias gabisa barengan dan untungnya Leon ngecek masih ada kuota Mansfield di Magdalene, jadilah saya, Leon, dan Devi naik boatnya Mansfield via Magdalene, dan Prama, Randy, Bang Reybi, sama Mba Wulan naik boatnya Trinity. Pertama kali juga masuk Magdalene college dan sangat bagus! Dan besar! Yah college kaya mah beda lah ya. Kata Leon, mereka punya deer garden terus kalau formal bahkan kadang venisonnya ambil dari deer garden itu. Terus yang paling mengejutkan adalah bahwa si pole punting itu berat banget ya. Dari awal kami sudah curiga kok polenya berat banget. Nah ternyata pas ngebalikin pole ke shed, Leon ngebandingin sama poles lain terus emang kami sepertinya salah ambil :( pole lain jauh lebih ringan dibandingkan yang kami pakai... hiks. Sepulang dari punting juga si Arthur bilang kalau punting sendiri is easier for tall people, untuk orang-orang pendek macam saya ini akan kesulitan dan akhirnya badan jadi sakit-sakit :( Anyways, tetap grateful sudah dikasih kesempatan buat punting lagi last Friday, dan tanpa ada yang kecebur ataupun accidents aneh lainnya. Setelah punting juga as usual kami menyambangi Angrid Thai di Gloucester Green dan semua orang (kecuali Diny yang nyusul datang belakangan) mesan Chicken Tom Kha dan ternyata enak banget HUHU, tentu saja dengan segelas Ice Thai Tea. Kayanya akan selalu pesan itu sekarang kalau makan di Angrid lagi. Dilanjut ngobrol-ngobrol gajelas (mostly menonton bickeringnya Bang Reybi dengan Diny) dan menyusun plan untuk mengadakan Candil Night (Prama yang buat candilnya) di rumahnya Bang Reybi sebelum istri dan anaknya kembali datang ke Oxford.
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Sabtu pagi ke Pitt-Rivers! Pakai kuotanya MCR Exeter. Dipeseninnya buat 6 orang sih tapi ternyata yang isi cuma 3 orang: saya, Felix anak master law (?) + dia bawa his daughter juga namanya Rif! sangat cute, dan Shuxiang anak dphil physics 3rd year. My impression about the museum: eeh it's OK. I've definitely been to better museum and it's just soooo crowded and there are too many things in one place together. Buat yang claustrophobic pasti tidak akan betah di Pitt-Rivers. Semalam sebelumnya, ku cerita plan ke Kalina kalau akan ke Pitt-Rivers and she said "there will be this section 'bolt' and it will just show you different types of bolts from various places and eras." And that explanation can't be more true. At the same time, there's also this exhibition of gender and meat (harmful effect of eating meat), which are very interesting. After the visit, I got myself a Panini & Milkshake at Najar's then went back home karena kaki sakit-sakit entah gara-gara kebanyakan jalan atau efek dari punting kemarinnya.
Had Indonesian Jardine Scholars' picnic @ southpark! Idenya diinisiasi oleh Prama since 2 weeks ago kayanya, pas halal bihalal sama KBRI di Uni park. Prama gave us a poll to choose the time and voila! Akhirnya kepilihlah Sabtu kemarin 17-19 pm. Lumayan seru, ku bawa oven baked risol beli di M&S sama Lemon Tart M&S juga. Yang hadir ada Prama, Kezia, Matthew, Mba Lhuri, Wian, dan Inda (yang adalah mantannya Arthur dan juga ternyata adik kelas saya di smabel -- I know shocking right? The world is small indeed). Terus kita main kartu dari bullshit sampe tepok nyamuk (pas dipikir-pikir tepok nyamuk ini sangat tidak covid-19 safe ya). Prama bawa speaker nyetel Sheila on 7. Terus the funniest thing would be: segampang itu spotting our place karena cuma Indonesians yang gelar tiker di bawah shade pohon di saat orang-orang sini betul-betul yang rebahan di tempat terbuka supaya dapat matahari sebanyak-banyaknya lolz.
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Minggu adalah waktunya istirahat karena tidak ada kegiatan sebelum jam 17 badminton. Pagi jam 11an gitu telponan sama mama, lumayan lama, hampir 30menit, ngebahas a-z dari mama dan mita habis pulang dari PS dan ngomongin mol-mol di Jakarta ya rame aja kaya gaada covid. Terus bahas kapan mama ke Klaten buat pemakaman alm. mba lia. Katanya kemungkinan besar jenazah akan sampai Indo Kamis terus mama dan tante ning dan om cul akan naik ambulans bareng dari CGK ke Klaten kalau memang sampai Indonya malem karena ngga ada pesawat langsung malam ke Jogja. Ngebahas grief yang dialami keluarga budeku juga, dan gimana kasiannya mereka karena yang namanya di desa kan ya, jadi ya mereka open house aja gitu, dan kedatangan banyak sekali tamu alias jadi nggak bisa istirahat dan harus selalu recount cerita lagi ke tiap tamu yang datang (persis kaya video di twitter/youtube ku pernah nonton yang nyeritain si anak harus cerita ulang tentang kematian papanya ke tamu-tamu yang datang ke rumah duka). Tanteku dan mama sebetulnya sudah berdiskusi: "piye ya, apa dibuat jadwal aja gitu, cuma bisa melayani tamu jam sekian sampai sekian supaya mereka nggak capek, tapi susah juga, wong namanya di kampung". Terus nyeritain lagi juga dari awal gimana papaku bereaksi dan langsung ke rumah bude hari Selasa kemarin pas dapet beritanya (Papa posisi lagi di rumah di Karanganyar terus pagi-pagi langsung ke Klaten). Pas ditanya sama mama di telepon "piye Pa?" "men nangis tok. yo wis tak tinggal duha ke mesjid" -- bingung bgt gaksiii. lolz si mama kesel sendiri juga jadinya. Yaudah intinya tapi gitu lah jadi ngebahas juga kondisi alm mba lia yang memang dari bayi jantungnya bocor apa gimana gitu, intinya memang sudah berpotensi rentan lah badannya alm ini, jadi ya memang bukan hal yang baru kalau sakit. Cuma tetap aja masih kaget dan syok karena keluarga besar ini betul-betul baru ketemu perpisahan 2 bulan yang lalu di Jakarta melepas kepergian beliau ke SF.
Main badminton jam 17-18! Seru banget, sangat berkeringat walaupun hanya 1 jam. As usual, cukup rame kami ber9 (Prama, Mas Kharis, Kevin, Vance, Gupreeth, Archu, Rosa, Brigita, saya), booking 2 courts, jadi hampir ngga ada break alias main terus.
Formal dinner @ Exeter 19.30 pm! Sebetulnya ada pre-formal drinks jam 18.30 tapi berhubung baru kelar badminton jam 18 ya tidak kekejar. Terus datang-datang mepet bgt jam 19.25 kayanya sampe college. Langsung duduk sebelahan sama Jonathan dari Israel yang sedang ambil master of mathematical and computational finance. Sebetulnya pas dipikir-pikir lagi cukup males sih ya ikut formal karena harus dress up tapi karena laper banget habis badminton jadi yaudah terasa menyenangkan aja. Walaupun I kinda hate the menu (why would anyone eat chilled soup?! Soup is supposed to be eaten hot!! -marah) tapi yaudah mau gimana lagi. I wouldn't say I had a great time tapi cukup belajar banyak dari ngobrol-ngobrol sama Jonathan. (Ini peak Noni banget, menilai kualitas ngobrol dari 'seberapa banyak w belajar dan bertambah knowledgenya seberes ngobrol'). We talked about Israeli's govt and election, Israelis's astronaut, latex(?), sama menu formal di Exeter. Pulang sampe w bela-belain lho jalan sampe the plain baru naik bis karena si Jonathan rumahnya di Iffley - dia tinggal di Exeter house- terus dia mau jalan kaki pulang, sedangkan ku dah gakuat kaki sakit bgt gara-gara akumulasi punting, jalan-jalan di museum, dan badminton.
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Sampai rumah semalam tepar sudah. Main duolingo cuma supaya streaknya ga hilang. Terus ketiduran. Tadi bangun jam 4 Subuh terus memulai hari Senin jam 10 (by writing this post). Goalnya hari ini ngerapiin lagi si draft paper terus ngeplot-ngeplot di Excel apa yang bisa diplot lah ya. Bismillah. Doakan saya! Wishing all of you a great week ahead juga! Lancar-lancar pokoknya apapun yang dikerjakan! :') 6v9
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deathbyvalentine · 5 years
Lance&Astrid Prompts
(Inspiration Here)
1. “Shh, it’s just me.”
Lance awoke from a dream of dark water. They weren’t even nightmares anymore, their frequency lending them a familiarity that could be mistaken for comfort. His breathing was as steady as the ocean waves he had just emerged from. The cabin was dark, lit only by the floor lights, casting everything in odd shadows. Astrid was asleep beside him. Both of them were still in their uniforms, having fallen asleep talking, inches apart. Funny how little things changed - he remembered sugar crashes and sleep overs from their youth. He took the opportunity to study her without the distraction of eye contact. With gentle fingers, he straightened the lapel of her shirt. She stirred, opening her eyes, still clouded by sleep. He curled his arms around her, not wanting to wake her truly. Their breathing synced up, slow and steady, both of them falling back into dreams.
2. “Well you can’t have me.”
He wasn’t sure if she was angrier at him or angrier at the statement. One thing he had learnt about Astrid was that she was entirely capable of holding several reasons for rage within her at any one time. And basically nothing made her as angry as being conflicted. He reacted as he so often did, with a shit eating grin, a look that told her he knew better. It was perfectly calculated to wind her up further. When she was angry at him, he felt like he was the only person in the sector who mattered. It was almost addictive, the rush of attention. A bit of victory was tainted with her parting blow however and the click of the door shutting behind her.
3. “I don’t need you.”
Technically true. They didn’t need each other. They would exist perfectly well if they never knew the other. They had talked about this at length. And frankly, Lance looked down on people who relied on others in any capacity. The only person you should need should be yourself. But he knew that only with Astrid he was at his most brilliant. He was cleverer around her, sharper, better. They through each other into sharp relief, made all their extremes more extreme. Probably not great for everyone around them. But fun for them.
4. “Flight, head west.”
They were still figuring out their working relationship he guessed. It was easier on the Chaser compared to in the field, the normal navy trappings not the absolute pressure cooker of an Inquisition mission. The surroundings helped, the distinct job each of them had. The crackle of the vox was comforting as he went about his business, Recce occasionally calling him in from the deck to meetings with the other officers. They didn’t cross over much, but the competition was still there. He knew that no matter how much he loved the Chaser, if Astrid decided to move ship, he would too.
5. “...”
I want you to pick me. I want you with me. Don’t love anybody else. Don’t leave me. Don’t be normal. Don’t be one of them. Please. 
6. “Do you think navigators know all the stars on all the planets?”
The stars on Lerwick were pretty, even the planet-hating Lance had to admit. It was cold enough his breath misted in front of him and the grass beneath his hands felt crunchy. He was wrapped up in several layers, a scarf pulled up over his nose and mouth. Astrid only had on a light jacket, used to how frigid her planet was. It was a stupid statement to make - planets didn’t need navs and besides, they used warp bullshit. What he meant was something along the lines of is there anyone that knows all the constellations in the sector but that sounded too cheesy, too wistful. The last thing teenage Lance ever wanted to do was appear sincere. Astrid threw him a scornful look but answered his question all the same.
7. “Right, look up in about... three and a quarter seconds.”
Rare shore leave that wasn’t on some hive world. Rare leave where he wasn’t scrubbing some floors or spending time in some fellow officer’s bed. So he was using this to his full advantage. He coaxed his Lightning lower, very almost skimming the waves. He could almost appreciate the beauty of the planet like this. The blues and greys and whites rushed by and he almost wished he could skim his hand in the sea. Devout purred, pleased to be stretching herself for the first time in months. Lance pressed a button at the side of his console, patching him through to Astrid. Hey, Dunkeld. You at home? I’m here for a visit. He glanced at the readings, the city speeding towards him. When? Well...
8. “What if she’s dead?”
He was convinced this holiday was because his father couldn’t stand to look at him. He saw his grief reflected back at him. Together, they were so obviously unwhole. They missed the sun around which they both revolved. Without her, they span out. Lance was unusually subdued around all the usual welcome formalities.He behaved himself, shook hands, said thank yous. It was when they were alone that he popped a dose of opia on his tongue, curled up on her bed and told Astrid his mother was officially recorded missing, after so much time of silence. That wasn’t unusual. His mother was ‘important’ after all. But now the communications had been sent and it was real. They thought she wasn’t coming back. He couldn’t admit it to himself. He wouldn’t. He’d find her one day, or she’d find him. She had to.
9. “They love you.”
Noble families fucked you up. Didn’t matter if you were sector or planetary or vassal. They fucked you up. Lance had lucked out with his parents. The rest of his family were exactly as dreadful as one would expect, but his parents were different. Lance wasn’t so sure about Astrid’s. There was a steel core at the heart of them and Lance wondered if it was as cold as the planet they hailed from. He saw the pressure heaped on Astrid and personally wondered if being the family fuck up didn’t come with some serious benefits. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. Even if it was a lie, it was what she needed to hear.
10. “I want to marry her.”
This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. It was him and her against the world. Against everybody else. He genuinely had no idea what she was seeing that he was not. He had no idea what she was thinking and after so many years of knowing her by heart, this was terrifying. The only thing he could think to comfort himself was the knowledge it wouldn’t last. Esme would show herself to be just another citizen, not exciting, not sharp. Unless that’s exactly what Astrid wanted? The one thing he could never give her, now more than ever was normality. Throne. He felt more than upset. He felt wounded. And he refused to hide the ugliness of that wound, the pain and betrayal. Let her see what she had done.
11. “We’re gonna get married, and travel the sector, and I’ll inherit - “
They stumbled into his room, still laughing. Lance placed the bottle on his nightstand and began the struggle to get his boots off. He fumbled over the laces, finally giving up and just flopping back onto the duvet and wiggling to free himself from his formal jacket. He had been in top form all evening, charming and cheeky, stealing drinks from senior nobles and flirting with all the grandmothers. He had only tripped up one rival and the stitches would be out in a week so no harm done really. Astrid listened to him ramble, a smile playing on her face as she leaned against the door-frame, nowhere near as drunk as he was. Each time he got drunk it was another grand fantasy. He’d become the head of house. She’d make planetary governor. He’d own an Emperor class warship. He’d become an admiral. He’d say fuck it all and liquidate all his assets and go on a decade long binge on Monacus. They’d marry someone rich, murder them then marry each other. He made each one sound like a certainty. She supposed he needed something to keep him going in the mess that was his life.
12. “Oh ‘Trid. What are you doing to me?”
It was rare she fell asleep first. Lance had always been the more manic so the more easily worn out, on his worst days not even bothering to change from his clothes. So when he thought she was asleep, he was careful. Quiet. He draped a blanket over her, switching the light on her desk off, making sure not to disturb her paperwork. Leaning down he placed a glass of water beside her, mag-locked. And looked at her for just a moment before he left her to it. His voice was made of a thousand aches and a thousand fondnesses. 
13. “Kill me now. Seriously. It would be the emperor’s mercy.”
Astrid’s cook rolled his eyes, more than used to the Durovera heir’s hyperbole. Lance rested his head on the table. Astrid arrived a moment later, cheefully slamming a mug on the table to make him jump and hold his pounding head, cursing. She grinned, looking bright as a daisy as a plate of food was placed in front of her that made Lance turn an interesting shade of pale. He lit a lho stick, breathing it in as if he was drowning. Good night, they both agreed, when they finally spoke.
14.  “Really Lance?”
His eyes widened with hurt, a breath away from her laughing lips. The next changes happened so quickly it was almost imperceptible. He closed his mouth, pressing his lips into a tight line. His eyes shuttered off, the vulnerability there a moment earlier suddenly nowhere to be found. His shoulders straightened out as though his tutor was there, smacking his hand with a ruler and telling him to fix his posture. It was impossible to tell that a moment ago he had kissed her, softly. Even as a kid, he was a hell of an actor. Without another word he stood and stalked from the room. Down the hallway, a door slammed with the finality of a tomb.
15. “....”
Dunkeld, Hope you don’t mind me sending this postcard the old fashioned way. Didn’t particularly want one of your mothers ending up with my sordid tales and I can’t remember which astropath likes me. Luckily, Simmons is visiting family on your planet and offered to pass it on. It was also a chance to practice my calligraphy - I can see my old tutors shuddering in horror now. Already got my damn sleeve soaked in ink and I’m not even drunk yet. Find enclosed; some picts of my recent travels, some tattoo designs I’m considering and the blueprint of the fighter I might be getting assigned. It’s rather small, made mostly for atmo fighting. We’ll see how we get on, I haven’t enjoyed the Thunderbolt at all. Wonder if I have somehow been deemed unfit for void combat - wouldn’t surprise me, this CO has it out for me ever since he caught me with my pants down - literally - in his office. Oh well. I gurantee he’ll be gone within the year. He’s going to have a heart attack from all this outrage. Anyway, I must be off. The mess amasec calls. Miss you, Lance P.S. Simmons is quite pretty, no? Consider her a gift. Don’t ever say I don’t get you anything.
16. “You should see the other guy.”
She wasn’t a sympathetic medic. She poured on the disinfectant dispassionately. Lance, for his part, barely winced. His entire body was tense, like a coiled spring. He hadn’t said a word since they had gotten back. His eyes (were they darker than usual - ) were fixed on a spot in front of him. He flexed and unflexed his bruised hands, open closed open closed. She leaned in close to look at the dark gash on his shoulder, gained from tumbling to the floor straight onto broken glass. He didn’t seem to even notice it. It was when she pressed the gauze on that he snapped out of his reverie, expression uncharacteristically serious. I wanted to kill him. I know. No, I mean, really kill him. Hurting him felt - Good? Yeah. How did you know? Because you always enjoy the things that are worst for you Durovera. Is that fucked up? Yeah. But it’s okay. You’re okay. He breathed out, shakily. His violent tendencies had been getting worse. Everything had. His drinking, his drugs, his restlessness. But if she wasn’t running, how bad could it be?
17.“You were dead for eight minutes.” 17.“I’m surprised your father hasn’t disowned you.” 17. You won’t get the benefit.” 17. “I’m joining the Navy.” 17. “I’ll probably marry some fucking Di Firro - “ 17. “Let’s play with poisons.”
I’ve lost count of how many times we’ve hurt each other.
18. “I could kill you right now.”
His body was almost flush against hers, his arm placed firmly and squarely on her throat. The sparring had gotten out of hand, each round getting more and more vicious until the blows were no longer pulled. Lance ached all over and Astrid could not have been faring much better. Sometime around round six, Lance had stopped playing. He had become sharper somehow, laughing both when he landed something painful and when he was hit. He had finally managed to gain an upper hand and slam her against the wall. His head was tilted to the side, his eyes (were they darker - ) distant somehow. Like he was examining her. He didn’t move. Neither did she. He couldn’t tell how long they had been standing there when he finally dropped his arm. Again?
19. “Go on. Tell me the story again.”
Seriously? You don’t know it by heart by now? Pass me the bottle and - Okay, okay. So they have this skin right? That if you steal it, they have to stay in one form. And they always want the sea. No matter how much they love someone. No matter what life they have. It calls to them. It’s like... Well. Like the void to you. How would you feel if somebody told you you could never fly again? Exactly. It’s like that. Now, you tell me one of your horrible little ghost stories you’ve picked up. What was the one from Olethra?
20. “My mother would have liked you.”
It was almost a murmur, said as he finished pulling up the zip of her dress. Looking in the mirror, they looked spectacular. Another day, another ball that Lance would detest compared to his hive outings or officer parties and that Astrid would be more occupied with gathering intelligence and connections. It occurs to Astrid later that she sincerely doesn’t know if Lance meant it as a compliment or not.
21. “Happy Birthday ‘Trid. Did you think I’d forget? This is the right dateish? I’ve completely lost track of my subjective-objective times -”
The view of her world from above was admittedly spectacular. Definitely worth using up some of his precious hours. It was a flying visit, literally, but he was still pleased at the result. The ship he was on had stopped on Lerwick to pick up a few supplies and he had been unable to resist giving her a trip up in his Lightning, followed by drinking on the observation deck of the cruiser. Tomorrow, he’d be off to some battlefront. Maybe Persephon. He was remarkably blase about the entire affair, but perhaps that was the opia he was so clearly riding on. Opia could take you to your grave with a smile. 
22. “Did you just hit on an astartes?”
Even Lance was somewhat stunned as they got back on the Chaser. Too stunned to even take the piss out of Astrid immediately. Both from the amount of information he had just had presented to him in such a short space of time and also from the presence of something so much spiritually and physically bigger than him. Astrid broke the silence and he blinked. Another moment and he burst into peals of laughter, the tension breaking. Through watering eyes he nodded, wiping a hand across his face in disbelief at his own gall.
23. There are too many things I want to say.
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lysella · 5 years
Thought on Bruun Larsen-Christian bromance after Chris's farewell? Well, dunno if someone is on the same page as me, but once I watched the who-knows-more thing between the two of them and started liking the bromance between them 'coz how do you say it... Lucu banget mereka berdua tapi underrated ini ship :( (oh, okay, sorry I'm rambling and is it ok.. I mean I use Bahasa 'coz I dunno how to express it tho)
i’ll be honest and tell you that i didn’t really give it much thought, because i didn’t really notice their bromance 😅😅😅 (so sorry). i watched the ‘who knows more’ video back in feb, but it didn’t really leave much impression 🤔so i rewatched it again... and yep, i still didn’t really see much bromance there tbh.. (i might be blind, i’m so sorry 🙈i mean they’re not the touchy feely kind; except for the hug right here, i guess they’re more of the subtle kind)
if you have their bromance moments (in photos or videos), pls direct them my way cos i wanna know and see more xD
(gpp kok bhs indo, kadang2 lebih pas xD)(btw ada yg ngeship mereka juga lho di dashku XD so maybe not so underrated XD)
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lhoandbehold · 1 year
Sometimes a little bit of spoiler is delicious. Sometimes you learn a bit of info about where a story is going and you go "OH! I can't wait to find out how they get there!"
Obviously I wouldn't go out of my way to spoil something for someone who didn't want it, I'm just saying... sometimes it's a little tasty.
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roswildenbrown-blog · 7 years
First Post
I am told that now this has been set up for me I should ramble away.  But!! what do I ramble about?  Trump, Brexit, May, LBC all feature heavily in my daily life. First, Trump were is LHO when we need him?  But I suppose that is politically incorrect.  Then I can ramble about “#metoo”.  In my day we knew how to deal with the likes of “inappropriate behaviour” .  Cigarettes on hands which grope the knee - Nuff for the day. See if I can come up with something exciting for tomorrow.
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lhoandbehold · 2 months
One of the best parts of having a more popular post on tumblr is getting a glimpse into the many, many types of 'queue' tags. Sensible chuckles at every corner.
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lhoandbehold · 11 months
Enthralled with this pumpkin spotted in my little hometown
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lhoandbehold · 3 months
Living that hitpoints anxiety life. Every time I annoy someone or say the wrong thing, lifebar depletes a little. Hitpoints can be restored with small health items like making someone laugh or supporting a point of view. Talking through a conflict restores hitpoints but slowly over time, not all at once. Healthbar boosts received from correctly solving social puzzles but be careful, its a timed task and you can take some real damage if you don’t get there in time. Anyway hows it going
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