#like there's shit i'll go 'oh thats cute' to but very rarely something i'll have a rubix cube in my dome about
is there anyone you ship ichi with? 👀
dragon quest collection for the nintendo switch 🥰🥰
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Regulus Black x Fem! Muggle! Pianist! Reader
Warnings: none rlly but kinda short, swearing, poor writing
It was a freezing cold morning, snow coming down heavily onto the streets of London. A very rare sight really, beautiful as well, but I didn't have time to appreciate its beauty. Instead I was angry, angry because I couldn't drive to the venue for my piano recital, and was stuck walking all the way in the snow.
It was approximately 4 miles away, and I had to be there in 30 minutes. I was fucked. Beyond fucked really. I tightened my bulky scarf around my neck, my teeth chattering loudly. "I fucking hate the snow..." I grumbled under my breath, my speed walking turning into full on running.
I lowered my sight to the barely visible sidewalk as I ran, not paying much attention to my surroundings. That was a huge mistake, as I incidentally ran into someone. Not one of those cheesy, I ran into their chest moments. No. This individual must have had their head lowered, as our heads collided into eachother with a loud smack.
"Ow ow ow ow, wait, shit, I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed immediately, backing away as I held my cheek which was definitely going to bruise. I met the grey eyes of a clearly annoyed man with pretty dark curls falling gently over his face.
He sighed, also holding his face as he stood up. "Watch where you're going." He made to walk away, but I yelled out.
"Wait a moment, do I, know you from somewhere?" I asked, feeling like I'd seen him before. He stopped and looked back at me, a clear face of confusion overtaking the annoyance.
"No? Why would I know someone like you?" He asked in a mocking tone, but he glanced about before saying it. Maybe someone he knew was around. I sighed, and shrugged my shoulders.
"Anyways I'm really sorry sir, I can buy you a coffee if you'd like, to apologize I mean." He stared at me, glanced around again, then nodded. "It will have to be quick but I could use a coffee, it'd warm me up some for sure."
"Oh yeah, same here, I'm in a hurry to my piano recital." He perked up a bit at that, as we began to walk in the direction of a coffee shop.
"You play?"
"Yepyep! Have since I was like, shit, 6? Maybe younger, I don't know, it's as long as I can remember." I scratched my head, cocking my head to the side as I looked at him.
"I've... I've always wanted to play, but my parents aren't the er, 'nicest'. Grades and blood status have always been a big deal to them."
"Blood status? What are you like, nobility or something?" He looked down, but gave a small nod.
"Something like that."
That explained the expensive outfit. "Well thats interesting, but because you now know I play piano, whats something you like to do? We should make conversation while we get coffee, I'd rather it not be too awkward."
He smiled shyly, avoiding eye contact. "I, like reading, and playing chess. Although I really wish I could play piano, I suppose I'll learn one day."
"I mean, I know we're strangers and all, but I'd be willing to teach you. Only if you want." His eyes widened, and a light flush went over his skin.
"W-would you? Are you sure? You don't have to, but I... I'd love that." A wide smile was now on his face, and hes somehow absolutely ethereal when hes happy.
"Of course, also what kind of coffee do you want?" I asked as we had already made our way to the shop.
"Um, the sweetest one available." I quirked a brow, and chuckled internally, kinda cute. We got our coffee and sat down at a table, discussing me teaching him.
"Oh yeah, I might as well skip out on my recital for today. I'd be late if I left now anyways." I murmured sipping from my coffee, he nodded absentmindedly seeming to have spaced out. "Oh yeah I forgot to introduce myself, I'm (Y/n) (L/n). Aspiring Pianist." I added the last bit with a chuckle.
His attention was back to me, and he gave a cute smile. "Regulus. Regulus Black."
I will be writing more parts! I wanted to make this one longer, but I have other drafts I'm working on right now. Hope you liked it<3
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