#limbus company x reader
fairestwriting · 4 months
Yi Sang (and maybe Meursault as a treat) General Dating Headcanons Please And Thank You 💞
UMMM twsties dont leave me i will make content for you too soon. i just think that ummm... teehee... umm i think theyre neat:)
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Yi Sang
If we are being honest. Anyone would expect him to be at least a little awkward as a boyfriend. And he is obviously. But it's not as bad as one might imagine.
He's mostly just very private but also... soft. It's not that hard to tell when he likes someone if you pay attention. He's always a little more talkative and expressive, and even though he looks permanently tired you swear you can see him perk up just a little...
Type of guy who calls you "my love/beloved", in general puts his whole vocabulary into it when he's getting lovey-dovey. Rambles about the beauty of getting ice cream at the park and says something about how the cold and sweetness of it soothes his body from the searing heat but not as much as your presence soothes his soul. Stops for a bit because he can't handle the weather that well.
He is shy with physical affection though. Even in private. Mostly because it's been a long time. Gets nervous about handholding because his are too cold and blushes and gets startled by surprise touching... he does relax into it quickly though.
This much is just canon but, this man does not know what a self-care is. He showers and eats enough to not pass out and that's about it. Besure to tuck your Yi Sangs in at a reasonable time, because he will just stay up otherwise.
auagahhh my wife my beautiful bara wife
Guy who asks you out by staring you down with his unchanging murder glare and saying "I am attracted to you romantically and would like to be your partner. How do you feel about this matter."
Gives absolutely no indication that you two are dating in public. Not because he hates having people know but because That Is Just Meursault. He's also completely unnopposed to you making it public knowledge, though, and actually kind of basks on PDA like a cat napping on sunbeam. You know the murder glare softens up just a tiniest bit...
Opposite of Yi Sang in the physical to verbal affection scale. He likes having you two close to each other in general. Sits close to you and holds your hand, puts an arm around your waist or over your shoulders. If he wants a kiss he will stare until you notice and ask for it. He waits very patiently until you answer.
He is very warm... very cozy to cuddle and sleep with. Meursault chest pillow is real. Nobody will ever take that away from me. And he pets your head or holds you if you ask.
Despite his whole "only doing things when asked" thing if he notices you're not eating well or you're overworked he always offers to help. Texts you at night to remind you to sleep at a reasonable time. It's something like "if you get an insufficient amount of sleep you will not be able to perform well at work tomorrow". But the true Meursault lover knows what it really means.
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starrydesiderium · 1 month
If requests are still okay, could I request HC's with Tingtang Hong Lu? Maybe how he'd interact with a reader who appears more more straightlaced/reserved? Thank you so much, and I love your writing!! Hong Lu the beloved
(yay baby's first request, thank you so much!! I'm glad someone likes my writings, I'm more of an artist and english is not my first language so I suck at writing but my heart aches at the lack of Hong Lu hcs)
Tingtang Gang Leader Hong Lu x reader \\ HCs
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He loves showing you off in front of everyone. Hugging you, kissing you, dragging you along everywhere, he never pays attention to your protests.
He demands you sitting on his lap constantly, even if he's going to stand up next minute and drag you along with him, it doesn't feel right without your weight on his thighs.
Goes easy on you in gambling sessions unless loser will have to do whatever winners wants.
Provoking you in hopes of getting a reaction is his favourite hobby, he won't stop until your reserved exterior cracks.
He also doesn't like it when you pay too much attention to someone else. He can threaten them with physical violence if it's random people, but if it's his buddies he will resort to other methods.
He will bite your ear, tickle your sides, lick your neck, tug at your hair – all for the heavenly feeling of your annoyed gaze turning to him and your hand smacking the back of his head.
You're quite respected amongst the members of tingtang gang for your cold attitude, but the fact that it's better not to mess with you is just as well-known as the fact that Hong Lu is the one who can get you to lose composure, showing the whole casino the true feelings behind calm and collected facade.
Watching you two interact is gang's favourite evening show, even if no one dares to mock you about it directly. After all, it is quite the delight to see the person who made them lose so much money in poker with completely unbothered expression getting teased relentlessly.
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ruinaimagines · 1 year
I love you and I am throwing money at you mentally (drop that link if I can do it genuinely)
Can you write Dante x Reader where they're both healers but the reader is more "if you get out of bed after spraining your ankle I am wrestling you to the ground" (to compliment Dante's "PLEASE DONT HURT YOURSELF" vibes)
First of all, I love this dynamic, and second I am kicking my feet at this THANK YOU SO MUCH! My goodness, I don’t have anything special set up because I was unaware of the potential support I’d get, but if you are interested I do have an ol’ cashapp with the name $Aeroroot or VIA paypal! https://paypal.me/aeroroot?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US . I want to specify it is totally optional as I get a lot of joy solely from your enjoyment alone, but if you want to go the extra mile then I thank you especially!
Dante x Healer Reader Headcanons:
I love Dante but lord do they need this extra help. Both recovering memories from amnesia with no clue on how they got here, in charge of a group of unruly sinners who get killed practically every single mission, and going through excruciating pain every time they have to bring them back. Not pleasant!
Honestly a bit of a pushover and I say that with love. Do I blame them? No, but sometimes someone else needs to help out a little around here. And that someone happens to be you, which Dante is very grateful for, if not a little… Concerned.
You seem to be the only one aside from Sinclair maybe who pays attention to the strain that bringing people back puts on them, whenever anyone approaches them for trivial injuries you snag them into your grasp and usher them to sit down.
They look up to you a bit for your strong sense of self, and lack of fear when it comes to dragging people back into their seats no matter the complaints so you can patch them up. Some are easier and more patient than others, some are a little more rowdy (cough Heathcliff cough Ryoshu cough). Still, you seem to have no fear putting someone into a headlock so you can bandage them even if your main skill isn’t meant to be combat.
Dante has witnessed you firsthand tackle sinners to the floor who were about to be staggered with very little sense of self preservation. Despite being so determined that the people around you are in good shape, it doesn’t seem to extend to you in your mind.
Will insist that you need to be just as aware of your own quality as you do anyone else’s. Surprisingly not that afraid of scolding you, probably because they know you won’t retaliate. It’s all out of care too.
As stubborn as you are, you are very appreciated by your colleagues, even ones like Heathcliff who may complain but ultimately are thankful. You have a sense of authority without even intending to, many follow your advice because they know that you’ll just haul them back to bed.
As for your and Dante’s relationship, I can see them being initially intimidated but glad for your assistance. You even check in on them from time to time, claiming that they are as important of a patient as anyone else. They’re a bit confused because they don’t directly participate in fighting, but you reason that the pain they feel from rewinding time counts as enough of a reason to look out for them. 
They do make the mental note to just comply with you if ever they get injured themselves. Your sheer will to keep people in best condition, including the force you are willing to apply to do so, is something they do not want to reckon with.
I imagine that if they did get injured and attempted to leave, likely with the reasoning of ‘the sinners need me to bring them back’, a single glare from you would shut them up and sit them down. You tell them that they can resurrect them later, right now they are not budging.
Despite not really having a face to make expressions with you have learned to understand how they feel from body movement alone. When other sinners are pestering them to heal them back up, and you visibly see the hesitance, then you will step in. 
You don’t really see Dante as your manager (sorry bud lot.
Dante doesn’t actually know the first thing about healing. They just rewind back time and through some miasma of events everyone is back in one piece. Watching you get to work yourself is so interesting because you actually know what you’re doing. They will stare over at you to try and figure out what is going on and take little notes, like you’re teaching them.
Upon your repeatedly voiced concerns, your colleagues have learned to stop relying on Dante to fix the smallest of wounds, most of them at least. Your manager appreciates this greatly as it gives them a breather from the repeated experience.
When neither of you are busy and some questions have been brought about, Dante will come to you to ask them. It’s easy to forget that they remember almost nothing about the city or who they are, but they find that you seem to be willing to answer even the most minute of inquiries.
You are a lifesaver both literally and figuratively and they appreciate that you take some weight off their shoulders. That said, you also give them constant heart attacks by the fact you are not afraid to plunge into extreme danger to drag someone else out. Are you two exploring a building and you hear someone familiar yelling outside? You will do whatever you can to get to them quickly even if that means jumping out a two story window. It’s like a summoning call for you.
Dante is very adamant on restoring you even if you tell them not to. They see it as the least they can do when you’re so willing to sacrifice yourself not only for the sinners, but them. Your words to stop letting people walk all over them come back to bite you, because they will not take no for an answer.
Generally more comfortable in coming to you for advice considering the trust that you have gained from them. They quite literally have been thrusted into a position they know almost nothing about, and chances are if they don’t learn fast then things are about to go downhill real fast. You yourself aren’t a manager – you’re a medic, but your decisive nature is something they respect even if you can throw yourself impulsively into situations to save another. 
Considering how you put others before yourself, you likely are on the more empathetic or compassionate side too, even if it may not show in the same way that Dante’s does. Obtaining the Golden Boughs is a rigorous and emotional process for every sinner, and Dante doesn’t always know what to do. There isn’t ever one clear answer, but they may come to you for how they should approach it.
The confusing things going on in their own head never really got to be talked about until it came to you. Not always are they looking for a fix, because a lot of the time there isn’t one, but just someone to rely on.
Dante is adorable, and I think that a large reason why you care deeply for them is because of how they are like a fresh canvas, free from the city’s imposed expectations. They’re just some honest, worried person who has yet to become shut off to being vulnerable like so many have. It’s refreshing, and yes most of that is caused from memory loss, who they were beforehand is a complete mystery, but that doesn’t change who they are in the moment.
Dante likes you too because there’s a sense of special camaraderie between you two. Whether it’s because you both deal with the aftermath of battles together, or because they find you both genuine and look up to you, they often stick by your side. You both stay exhausted and overworked, but it’s not too bad because hey, you’re in it together.
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schizoidcel · 2 months
Hii! Saw that you’ve opened requests for project moon. What about Sinclair x reader (original universe or mirror) where reader was sure that Sinclair hates them. But Sinclair was just shy + his menacing gaze wasn’t particularly helping. Kinda hurt - comfort. Btw have a good day!
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- notes ̽ ۪⠀i did cinq sinclair since i think he fit lol (for the other anon who reqeusted (yk who u r) ILL GET TO IT I SWEAR m just struggling abit but with the prompt u gave vut bear with me pls♡)
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : not proofread, MIGHT be abit the tiniest bit ooc
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 : your new director lowkey scares the ever living shit out of you :heart:
Oh he's terrifying
You were recently promoted to south section 4, and ofcourse you heard the things you dubbed as 'rumours' about the director of the branch.
Now, not only did you think wrong, but you felt like he had something against you
Yes, you talked to him from time to time, and from the way he spoke with you and with others you gathered that he was a timid and nervous man
But it all just changed when he was lecturing people, moreso if he was in an ACTUAL duel
Seeing him in the 'training hall' trying to teach tricks and whatnot to his underlings, but ultimately he either accidently ends up being too hard on them or
Actually just that .
Frankly you were abit scared to train under him aswell
Sure, he did seem truly kind hearted ..
So why is it that whenever you felt a stare on you, you felt like you were having a fight to the death with the south section 1 fixers
UEAG anyway
Soon enough, it was your time to train with him! Yay!
He had his eye on you (very obviously) and was excited to have a friendly training session with you<3
But you were (also very obviously) scared and reluctant around him, sighing alot
Which made the maneven more nervous 😭😭
He's used to people being frightened while getting trained by him but he genuinely thought he was nice with you so far and that you two had something going
Did he do something wrong. Why are you scared. He dosen't mean to bite he swears
He tries to distract himself from the fact you might REALLY REALLY not like him by straying off course and teaching you random ass association battle tricks everyone should actually be aware of (even though suprisingly you learnt some new stuff)
He can't properly express his emotions, it's a thing he struggles with
After interacting with him you can pick up that he's just a demure young man, one you'll have to be patient with
You'll have to reassure him that he's fine and he'll go back to normal! (as normal as he can got back to)
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────────── ♱ ❜ 🖤 . .
"G-good day, [name]! How are you?" The child asked, looking at them with curiosity. "...Well, you know, same old, same old... Ha. Ha. Haha." Some thoughts suicide got into their head for a moment.
However, the child didn't seem to care. Infact, he was ecstatic at the answer he had been given. "That's good to hear..! Uhm, as you're new, I'll make sure to teach you alot." He said with a smile.
Yet again, he wasn't entirely stupid. He could tell that everyone he duelled against had always been in a state of distress, and this time was no different.
What was different was the fact that the child had a newfound determination of trying his best to make sure the same incident dosen't happen again.
He had been wanting to talk to the newly promoted fixer for awhile now. At times, he would think of trying to figure out what to say that would be a good enough excuse to approach them.
He did not find this excuse, and kept staring at them for a long period of time accidently, which in turn inevitably brought upon a wrong idea in the head of his person of interest.
Sure, he was awkward, but he tried, and he found this a good oppurtunity. The child didn't want to give up.
"Alright, so..." He started to raise his voice just a little bit, not wanting to come off as too uncertain. "First, it's important to know the right way to yield the sword, but I'm aware you know that..." He chuckled abit, trying to lighten up the mood. He was in thought for abit, then began speaking once more.
"'Disengagement' is a commonly used tactic, as it is also very effective if executed correctly. I assume you also know of that?" The child questioned and proceeded to draw his sword.
The other child, dubbed [name], nodded their head. "I do." Although, the voice suggested more of a 'I don't actually know, but please let me be.' tone rather than a 'I know, and you don't have to teach me.' tone.
"Well, I would still like to teach you it in a more proper way. As your new director!" A sigh came out of the newly promoted Fixer's mouth, which made the child awkwardly chuckle. "...Uhm..." He thought he might've done something wrong. Not just in the interaction happening right now, but also the several times he attempted to be friendly with his person of interest, who now looked completely done and unnerved infront of him. Yet he couldn't focus on that right now. "Alright, let me demonstrate --"
The childs underling looked abit more stressed after he uttered those words, but they drew their sword aswell regardless.
The child proceeded to instruct his trainee.
It was obvious that both of them were in completely different physical spaces.
"'Pistol Grip', [name]." "Like this?" "N... No. Wait, let me -" "Ouch." "- Sorry!"
What was also kind of obvious was that they were in completely different mental spaces.
'Oh god. I can't keep going on like this... The awkwardness is killing me. I feel like I'm doing something wrong.' 'I wonder if director Quixote is singing in the Caféteria again...'
However, as both the children were distracted on the training field, an accident was sure to arrive soon.
Unfortunately, the director almost completely pierced through the shoulder of the one he trained. "Shit--" "O-oh dear..! [Name], I'm- I'm so sorry! I was..." The child panicked as he dropped his weapon and walked towards his trainee for today with haste, abit uncharacteristically. Thankfully, nobody really paid attention to nor noticed the both of them, due to the hall being so loud. The injured child groaned abit in pain as they clutched their shoulder, which made the directors heart fill up with guilt.
"A-again, I apologize sincerely, [name]. I'm just... Really distracted, I don't know how to explain it." He did, actually. He just really didn't want to because pf embarassment. "Maybe we should cancel the training session, I'll get you some assistance --"
"O-oh, director, don't worry about it." "..?" "It's alright. I know how you feel, actually. So I can understand. Cancelling the session really isn't necessary, It was probably my fault for treating this whole encounter weirdly in the first place... Maybe you in general, too. So I should apologize... Sorry."
The child looked abit taken aback from that statement, but shook his head and let out a relieved chuckle, "It's alright, please don't worry... I'm, uh, glad we resolved this." He smiled, a smile unusually soft and heart felt, especially coming from this one.
"Then, I hope you can come to me abit more in confidence if you need anything, [name]." The child seemed to have been abit more at ease now, which made him manage to speak quite normally.
He wondered if it would be considered weird to ask them to hang out later right in this moment.
"... I change my mind, can we bandage this?" "Ah, but ofcourse..!"
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HEARTS FOR UR REQUEST <3 i had fun writing this hes so pathetic lol. i added a scenario cus i didnt rlly know how to do the hcs (ALSO SORRY IF HES OOC? im not the biggest sinnie fan so i mightve messed up oops
on another note .. i wanted to use the narrator for the id uptie stories cus i feel like it'd be neater that way. so i didnt really describe every single emotional change but im sure yall can like figure out where and what
ૢ་༘࿐ thank you for reading ! Ⳋ᧙
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silkenedstars · 10 months
Esteemed Passenger
He could only admire you as you slept within the pod.
Pairing: Yandere!W Corp. Cleanup Agent!Hong Lu x Passenger!Reader (Romantic)
Additional Notes: Second-person pronouns used for the reader, told from Hong Lu's perspective, heavy one-sided pining, yandere behaviour. Cross-posted on Quotev!
Hong Lu let out a sigh, his bloodied fingers leaving a trail across the glass surface as he leaned back against the pod.
He closed his eyes and hummed the first tune that came into his mind as he ignored all the corpses and blood around him. He couldn't care about all of that, not when it was something he saw every day while you were becoming a rarer sight day after day.
"I wonder," he uttered, turning around so that he could look at you, "if I'll ever be able to learn your name..."
The answer to that was that he wouldn't.
He would never get to know your name nor would he ever come to know the person that you were, because the truth of the matter was that he was a cleanup agent and would only see your face when you were unconscious; completely unaware of his presence.
Hong Lu doubted that you knew of his existence since, as mentioned before, you never even saw him when you were awake, but that didn't mean that he had to stop daydreaming about the possible life the two of you might have.
He did have the option to go through company files to find your information and meet up with you outside of company grounds, but he didn't want to scare you if that information somehow got out, not to mention that he'd risk ruining W Corp's reputation by doing that and Hong Lu saw what happened to the employees who dared to do such a thing.
In the end, all he could do was stay by your side as you slept away; frozen in time.
"Perhaps one day," he sighed, leaning fully against the pod you were in as his finger drew a heart shape with the blood still on it on the glass, "...you'll be mine."
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obsessedwithlimbus · 1 year
“Was he a beast if music could move him so?”
You were familiar with many of the other sinners. You had to be, as one of the sinners under the management of the clock headed Dante. You had died next to them, had been revived next to them, and had relied on all of them to have your back during violent confrontations that the group you were associated with were bound to get into. 
You were more familiar with Gregor than the others though, and that all started with a song... 
I love the bug man so much I can’t believe it- Reader is younger than Gregor, but the exact age difference isn’t apparent. The title comes from Kafka’s ‘The Metamorphosis’ bc I am a slut for classic literature. Enjoy <3
You dragged your tired body to the bus, your footsteps more sluggish and slower than the other sinners. Your could feel your hands shake from what you assumed was the aftereffect of the identity that had been overlaid above your original one. 
You could feel Dante’s worried ticking sound directed at you. He probably felt bad for making you use your E.G.O. numerous times during the battle, as yours was the one most fitting for the foes you had been facing. 
“Manager, you could have gone a little easy on them,” Gregor said, from right next to you. You turned your face to see that the man had slowed to be more in step. 
<I wanted to- But we really had no other choice->
“You’re correct, Executive Manager!” Outis’ voice cut through the slightly subdued air surrounding the group. Her eyes were rather sharp as she took in your slightly pathetic form. “In a battle, you should be ready and capable to give everything you have. The manager can’t be considerate of you after-”
“Come on, Outis- Nobody needs to hear a breakdown of the battle right now.” Rodya, your saviour in this situation drawled out as she winked at you. “The battle’s done and over with, we won, and they currently aren’t complaining. Greg’s just getting protective.” 
“I am not, Rodya-”
The taller woman just cut him of with a knowing hum in response before engaging in a conversation with Sinclair, who seemed about as well off as you were. 
“That woman, I swear-” Gregor mumbled before digging into the pocket of his trousers to pull out a box of cigarettes. Expertly, he pulled out a single stick from the box and placed it between his lips before shoving the box back into his pocket. He gave you a half smile when he caught you staring. “Do you want one too?” 
“I’m good, Gregor. But thanks.” You said tiredly, one of your hands reaching up to rub your eyes. “You need a light?” 
“Yeah, if you have one.” 
You had gained the habit of carrying a lighter with you ever since you noticed that Gregor and Ryōshū were both chainsmokers who ran out of lighter fluid often. Unlike most of your coworkers, you found yourself to be actually fond of most of them. 
You dug around for the lighter and pulled it out, flicking it so that a flicker of a flame lit up, brightening the space around you. Gregor leaned his face towards you and you watched as the tip of the cigarette burned orange. 
“M.T.” You startled slightly at the short words you could decipher as ‘Me too’ brushed at your ear. “B.M.D.H.T.L.” 
‘Bug man, don’t hog the light.’
Gregor scrunched his expression as he took a deep inhale of his cigarette. 
“Don’t call me that.” 
Ryōshū only laughed at the man’s disgruntled tone as she beckoned for you to light her cigarette as well. You did so without argument. When she left, satisfied that she could finally breathe in the smoke, you shuffled closer to Gregor. 
“Will you come to my room tonight?” you asked him quietly as you saw the familiar metal of Mephistopheles come into view. 
“Mm. Yeah.” 
You watched Ishmael and Heathcliff get into another bickering fight, and you couldn’t help but wonder where the two of them got the energy to fight even after all that happened in the battles before. Don Quixote was bouncing on her heels, and you could feel yourself tire even more just from watching her. 
“I hope Vergilius doesn’t tear into us too much.” You leaned against Gregor’s shoulder, sighing softly at the warmth emitting from him. “I mean, I at least hope he’ll wait until tomorrow.” 
“Yeah, I don’t think that’s going to happen.” The man nudged you, making you look towards the bus- only to see the Red Gaze leaning against the metal vehicle with a less than pleased look on his face. “Come on.” He increased the speed of his pace to catch up to the rest of the group, and you followed quick on his heels. “Let’s get this over with.” 
You could identify the exact moment your relationship with Gregor took a turn to become something more than the relationships you had with the other sinners. 
It had been a couple of weeks after Dante joined the group as the Executive Manager, and subsequently a couple of weeks after you all had experienced the absolute Hell that was dying and being pulled out of the hot, fleshy space you’d been thrown into after dying. 
The group had still been less oiled during those weeks, with no one really knowing how to fight with the others, and with Dante trying to strategise but fumbling with certain orders. 
The day had ended with a victory, but it was a victory you had just barely achieved. And when you were given the clear to go back to your room, you had immediately put on some music, using the contraption that had magically appeared in the room. 
You had known the song playing, and had subconsciously hummed along to the melody as you got ready for sleep. And that had been the moment Gregor knocked onto your door to ask about the music. 
Since then, the man would pop by your room after especially harrowing days, and you’d let the music playing contraption do its thing to play music. Sometimes, the songs that played were familiar to you. Sometimes, they weren’t. In the cases they weren’t, Gregor was the one to know the tune. 
After a while, Gregor had awkwardly invited you into his room all the whilst rambling about how it doesn’t sit right to him that you were inviting him to your private space when you’d never been in his- And you had spent the night there, snoozing on the floor as you listened to Gregor’s nice voice. 
And well, after those nights spent with one another, and the numerous death experiences and fights you had alongside one another, it was only a matter of time until something else blossomed between the two of you. Vergilius should have expected that something like this would happen when there are fourteen odd people around each other at all times-
A distinct, familiar knocking sound pulled you out of your musings, and you walked over to the door to open it, revealing a rather ruffled looking Gregor, his dark brown hair tied up in a manner that was significantly looser, and his clothes that were more comfortable than the standard uniform that had been issued by the company for all the sinners. 
“Hey.” You said, grinning at him. He smiled back, the smile softer and less forced than the ones you were familiar with when with the others. “Come in. I don’t know what song the machine’s playing, so I assume you’d know it.”
You stepped back, allowing Gregor to step into your room, the door clicking shut behind him. 
The man took his usual seat in your room, his back against the bed as he sat on the floor. You took your own usual seat on your bed, your legs dangling right next to him. 
“Huh. That’s weird.” Gregor said, and you could hear his insectoid arm tapping at the floor in what you assumed was a subconscious movement. “I don’t know this song either.” 
“It’s something new for both of us, then.” You reached over to untie his hair completely and fiddled around with the rather rough locks of hair. “Or maybe one of us does know the song but we just don’t remember it?” 
He tilted his head back slightly, allowing you to mess with his hair a bit more. 
“Maybe. It might be me, then.” 
Gregor didn’t elaborate, so you assumed it had something to do with his time in the G corp. You had picked up on how distant and icily cynical he became whenever G corp was mentioned. 
“Or it might be from my identity’s memories.” You mused, letting the music wash over you. “I did stay with the identity overlaid upon me for a while. And it did take a while for the aftereffects of my E.G.O. usage to die down for my room to be habitable.” 
“You could have come over to my room.”
“I could have.” You agreed. “But it completely slipped my mind that I could do that. I was a little bit out of it at the time.” 
“Mm. Yeah, I get that.” A slight lull in the conversation ensued for a little bit until Gregor spoke once more. “Should I leave? For you to sleep, I mean. At your young age, you should sleep so you can grow taller.”
You laughed at the man’s wry tone. 
“And at yours, you should sleep early to maintain your energy level for tomorrow.” 
The song playing in the background picked up the pace and you could clearly tell that this was some sort of dance song- maybe a waltz or a tango. 
You tentatively slipped down from your bed to stand up, looking down at the still sitting Gregor who looked up at you, glasses glinting under the light, and expression so clearly confused. 
You offered him a hand and a smile. 
“Dance with me?” 
The man’s eyes widened almost comically at your question and you could see his eyes flicker to his insectoid arm before he met your gaze full on with a slightly strained smile. 
“I don’t think that’s a good idea-”
“Please, Gregor?” 
The man sighed and grabbed your hand with his human one, pushing himself into a standing position with the harder carapace of his insectoid one. 
You intertwined your fingers through his, his lightly scarred, rough fingers sliding into yours awkwardly. It was rather endearing how awkward Gregor was with physical affection, even when the two of you were completely alone. 
You swayed slightly with the music.
The light blush dusting at his cheeks when you placed a hand on that waist of his made your heart skip a beat. You squeezed at the flesh there before retracting your hand, instead moving it to gently grasp at the insectoid one you knew he disliked with a passion. 
“You’ll hurt yourself.” Gregor pulled the sharp appendage away from you. “Besides, you should be used to this by now. You don’t have to touch it to know that it’s real.” 
“I’ll be careful. And I’m not touching it to know that it’s real.” You reached your hand to hover above the arm. “It’s your arm. And I like touching you.” 
Gregor’s eyes studied you for a bit in a manner that was sharp and cold, like whenever G corp was mentioned. But they soon softened and he nodded. 
You reached to brush your palm against the hard carapace with care to not cut yourself, and gently held onto it, letting the music guide your movements, and your movements guide Gregor’s. 
It was less of a dance, and more of an awkward swaying, but you were having fun after a harrowing and draining day. 
You leaned towards Gregor, your lips brushing against his momentarily, hearing his breath catching in a slight choke- You smiled deviously and pressed your lips firmly against his, the smoky taste of cigarettes and apples invading your taste buds. His slight stubble was rough against your face.
Your hand left his insectoid arm and instead held his waist, pulling him closer to you- until his body was flush against yours. 
Your feet moved and his followed. And soon enough, you were hovering above a flushed Gregor whom you had unknowingly pushed onto your bed. The man had manoeuvred his insectoid arm so that it was no where near your softer flesh, but the fingers of his other hand were still intertwined with yours. 
You reached to pluck his glasses off of his face and placed it on some hard surface away from the bed. 
“You’re taking years off of my life,” he said, tone exasperated but voice breathless. 
You could see pieces of carapace protruding from his neck and cheek, and you recalled how Dante muttered to thin air about Gregor’s tendencies to portray more insectile characteristics when he feels an upsurge of emotion- both positive and negative.
You didn’t respond, and just responded by pressing another kiss onto his lips, feeling the pieces of carapace scratching lightly against your face. 
“Dante will bring you back, don’t worry.” You straddled him properly as you squeezed at your interlinked fingers. “And I do think that this is a better way to go compared to being brutally maimed by some abnormality.” 
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momo-hearts · 6 months
Can I ask for some gregor x reader fluff. I wanna make that man happy :(
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Gregor Samsa | 'Bug Man'
{ HC'S, Not specific}
- gregor, a used-to-be military soldier at the smoke war. This may be a little hard to see but I like to see him having some sort of survivors guilt knowing he have a clone to do the dirty works for him. (If I'm not mistaken.)
- having a relationship with him is... Difficult I might say, this man been through war and does have PTSD. Not the one who likes mentioning his parents, he is fine with you meeting your parents but make sure to not ask about his in exchange.
- he likes movie dates, he specifically like classical and old fashioned movies. His fine with others ones but prefers not to watch them, he thinks Oppenheimer is good.
- he l9ves it when you two are alone together with no other people bothering them, making it more romantical and peaceful.
- doesn't mind when you touch his insect arm, rather he seem to appreciate you for not being creeped out by it.
- he seems to be the type of guy that willing to do, to wear, or to go anywhere without question.
- uderdress or perfectly dress? That depends on his mood but he does have a mix of two.
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A List Of All Of My Current Works Pt.1
Genshin Impact
Tsundere Diluc X Reader
First Meeting Rosaria X Reader
Breaking An Entering: Electric Boogaloo A Sequel To First Meeting
Triad Pt.1 (Ningguang X Beidou X Reader)
Sara Kujou X Reader
Eula, Hu Tao, Sara, Ninguang and *Spins wheel* Barbra’s reaction to an S/O who has gone loopy after taking some medicine to fight their fever randomly confessing their undying love.
Jean Gunnhildr N.S.F.W. Headcannons
Lumine, Eula, and Jean With A Reader Who Uses A Frying Pan As A Weapon
Catching Her Eye-Ningguang X Reader
Worthy Of You-Sara X Reader
Differing Types Of Art-Yoimiya X Reader
Kokomi X Injured Reader
Ningguang Brainrot
Yandere Raiden Shogun
Holiday Gift-Layla, Furina, and Kokomi X Reader
A Gift To A Friend- Kaeya, Childe, Beidou, and Furina X Reader
100 Followers Event: Ei X Reader-Sharing
Reverse 1999
Dikke X Reader
Jujutsu Kaisen
Maki, Mai, Nobara, And Miwa With Powerful Himbo S/O
Maki, Mai, Nobara, And Miwa With Powerful Himbo S/O Pt.2
Fate Grand Order alongside Fate and TYPE MOON in general
SFW And NSFW Jacques De Molay Foreigner x Reader
Morgan, Baobhan, Melusine, and Barghest With Master Reader
SFW and NSFW Anastasia Hedcannons
Gareth And Mordred Fluff Scenarios and Headcannons
Fairy Knights and Morgan with a Depressed Master Reader
Scathach, Medusa Rider, And Florence Nightingale X Reader -Angst-
Scathach, Medusa Rider, And Florence Nightingale X Reader -Hurt Comfort-
"I'm So In Love With You" Artoria Pendragon X Reader
"You're Beautiful" Medusa Rider and Gorgon X Reader
"Do you trust me?" Serenity and Shuten Douji X Reader
"You're Cute When Your Angry" Rin Tohsaka and Mordred X Reader
"I'm So In Love With You" Medusa and Gorgon X Reader
"I Want To Protect You!" Mordred and Quetzalcoatl X Reader
Bradamante X Reader
Caenis X Reader
Penthesilea X Autistic Master Reader
Poly Scathach, Nightingale x Reader
Lancer Artoria X Reader With Powers Like Alucard From Hellsing
The Knights Of The Round Finding Out About Artoria Saber, Lancer, and Alter's S/O
Medusa, Caenis, and Gorgon With An S/O They Like To Tease
Nobu with a former Master Reader who became a servant
Penthesilea and Caenis with A Reader Who Loves Their Personality
Artoria And The Child Of Mordred X Reader Being Called "Grandpa"
Nagao Kagetora x Reader
Death By Snu Snu- Shuten Douji, Mash, Raikou, Barghest, and Castoria X Reader
Ereshkigal, Quetzalcoatl, and Reader Poly Headcannons
General relationship HCs for a GN! Reader paired with Mahiru and Ibuki
Playing With Their Hair Headcanons-Toko, Jack, and Mikan
Mahiru, Kaede, and Ibuki caring for an S/O with a broken leg
Celestia, Miu, and Kyoko when their S/O who's the opposite calls them cute for the first time
Himiko and Kirumi with an energetic and affectionate S/O
Himiko X Tenko X Reader
P3: Mitsuru With Someone Who Loves To Play With Her Hair
P5: Futaba and Makoto X Smart Delinquent Reader
Chie Satonaka & Orie with a reader coming out as Bi
100 Followers Event: P3: Mitsuru Kirijo-Secret
Gehrman X Reader
Micolash X Reader
Impostor Iosefka x Reader
Choir X Reader
Elden Ring
Malenia NSFW Alphabet
Guilty Gear
RANDOM INCORRECT QUOTES [Guilty Gear X Reader Edition Pt.1]
RANDOM INCORRECT QUOTES [Guilty Gear X Reader Edition Pt.2]
What Dates With Them Would Be Like-Testament
Relationship Headcannons: Millia Rage and Bullet
"You're Beautiful"- Bridget X Reader
Baiken Teaches You How To Fight!
Testament NSFW Headcannons
100 Followers Event: Undercovers, Ramlethal
Stealing Their Hat-Testament x Reader
Elphelt X Dragon Install Gear Reader NSFW
Relationship Headcannons: Millia Rage and Bullet
Tsubaki Yayoi X Reader
Mai Natsume X Reader
Wagner With An Affectionate S/O
Hilda Relationship Headcannons
Yandere Wagner x Reader
Orie X Affectionate Reader
Chie Satonaka & Orie with a reader coming out as Bi
Incorrect Under Night In Birth X Reader Quotes
Miss Fortune, Black Dahlia, and Eliza x Reader
Street Fighter
Cammy White NSFW-A Nice Hot Shower
Juri Han X Reader
Married Life With Juri Han X Chun-Li
Elena & Menat X Reader Headcannons
Rivals To Lovers With Sakura & Makoto X Reader
Laura & Karin X Reader Dating Headcannons
Elena X Reader Fluff Headcannons
Getting Caught In The Act With Cammy, Elena, & Karin
Death By Snu Snu With Chun-Li And Juri Han X Reader
Tis But A Scratch! - Juri, Cammy, and Ibuki X Reader
Decapre X Reader Incorrect Quotes
Kissing Chun-Li, Juri, and Cammy's Abs
Calling Them Sugar Mommy-Karin Kanzuki & Mitsuru Kirijo X Reader
Resident Evil
Jill Valentine X Reader
Final Fantasy
Tifa Lockart X Dragoon!Reader
Sephiroth X Reader: 100 Followers Event-Bite
Fear And Hunger & Fear And Hunger: Termina
The Freedom Of Choice-Levi X Reader (Platonic)
Marina And Abella Relationship Headcannons
Marina X Reader She Met Post Termina
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Late Night Poetry and Kindness - Yi Sang x Reader
(Y/N) = Your name
Reader uses They/Them pronouns and there are no gendered terms
831 words
Closing time is closing time, but perhaps one last customer for your bookstore is worth waiting around for.
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"Have a nice day!" (Y/N) would wave to the departing customers with a smile upon their face. The bell chimed, announcing the couple leaving the store. After taking a note at the clock, it looked like it was time to call it quits and take care of everything before (Y/N) had to scurry home.
Getting up from a stool, the bookstore owner would go up to the door and reach out for the sign to flip it and yet-
A man stood in the doorway, wearing a rather unique uniform. He was quite pale at that and had short black hair that appeared slightly unkempt.
Not only that, but goodness did he look tired-
"Oh! Yi Sang!"
"I tried to come as fast as I could... Am I too late..."
(Y/N) shook their head, allowing him into the building and flipping the sign once he had stepped in. "You are, but... I know you missed me last time, so I'll make an exception." They smiled, locking the door to ensure no one else would come in. "You certainly get out of work late..."
Yi Sang sighed, instantly going over to the poetry section. Not a man of many words, but (Y/N) didn't mind. "...Do you have any recommendations?"
"Huh?" That was a first, quite typically Yi Sang would be the one who would browse the section without a care of what anyone else thought. "Um... Some of these I haven't read, I'll admit."
There was a slow nod from Yi Sang.
"I'm going to be dusting up a bit around some shelves, so just call if you need anything!" (Y/N) gave a gentle wave and walked off, knowing that Yi Sang wouldn't cause any trouble.
Grabbing the broom and dustpan, (Y/N) would walk back to the shelves, humming as they swept. Normally, they'd be a bit upset with a straggler or two, but-
Yi Sang was at least good company.
He didn't talk much and frankly, he never really needed to. Whenever he walked into the bookstore, it seemed like Yi Sang knew exactly what he wanted. Though, tonight it seemed like he was lingering a bit longer than usual.
"Oh, all set?" After finishing the shelf of history books, (Y/N) would turn around, looking at Yi Sang as he stood by the counter. "Give me a moment!"
After setting down their tools for cleaning, (Y/N) went to the register and began to ring Yi Sang up for the books. "Oh, you picked two copies- Did they stick together...?"
"That copy is actually for you."
"You mentioned you hadn't read any of those books. I just tried to pick out one I thought you'd like best..." Yi Sang spoke softly, giving a small nod. "Besides, I want you to consider it my apology for arriving so late."
(Y/N) shook their head in surprise. "You don't have to do that-! I'm more than happy to get a chance to see you!"
"...I see-"
Upon realizing what they just said, (Y/N)'s cheeks became a rosy pink and they quietly went back to scanning the books. They told Yi Sang the total meekly and finished ringing him out.
"Thank you for allowing me in." Yi Sang would give a look- he wasn't smiling, but it was perhaps the norm. It was within the way he spoke did (Y/N) know it was genuine. "I do hope I am not being too selfish with my presence or even my gift."
"N-not at all!" (Y/N) gave a nervous smile, shaking their head once more. "You're normally still at work, right...? You don't get out until very late... if you get out at all."
Yi Sang nodded.
"Hmm- Maybe I can rearrange my hours..."
"Are you sure?"
(Y/N) hummed. "Well... You really seem to like being here. It makes me feel bad when I'm locking the doors and I turn and see you around the corner, honestly."
"...I really am being selfish..."
"N-not at all! Besides... It means I can sleep in a bit." (Y/N) would bring up, offering a small smile. "I'll think about it, but it sounds like we both win here."
"As long as you're certain. I'd much rather this not be one-sided." Yi Sang would take the bag of books. "...Please don't forget this-"
He placed the gifted one on the counter- making sure it wasn't going home with him by accident.
"...I won't, don't worry." (Y/N) smiled. "Let me get the door for you."
Yi Sang looked like he wanted to say something, but simply nodded. "...Good night, (Y/N)."
"Have a good one!" (Y/N) waved before locking the doors. They gave a small sigh, walking back to the counter to count the money.
Eyes went down to the book and a hand gently went over the spine.
"...Isn't the selfish one me?"
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limbusimagines · 1 year
Welcome! You can refer to me as Mod Liqui (any pronouns), I am 20+ and am the owner of this here writin’ blog! I’m by no means an established nor experienced writer (rather, I like to keep my ficlets to myself hehe) but since Limbus Company recently dropped, I wanted to dip my toes into the pool of imagine blogs and writing some sweet self-insert indulgences! (Thanks Dante!)
There’s gotta be some ground rules though such as:
NO content that contains pedophilia, incest, yandere, or abusive relationships.
I do not endorse & am uncomfortable with these themes.
OC x Canon.
Sorry! I’m all for OCs believe me, but I don’t feel comfortable writing someone else’s character due to being VERY unfamiliar with their portrayal.
Canon x Canon.
This is a self-insert blog! I trust that canon x canon will find less of a niche than reader inserts are!
NSFW & CANON-TYPICAL GORE is OK! However, I will not be combining the two of those :(
On the same note, I will reject any NSFW requests about Sinclair due to his age at this point in time being a bit ambiguous.
Just want to be on the safe side, sorry! However, if anyone is able to supply evidence towards a canon age, this rule will be changed.
This is is a writing blog for LIMBUS COMPANY CHARACTERS, meaning I will RARELY, at best, accept requests for any other existing PM characters outside of Limbus.
Writing & Information
I will lean towards headcanons/bulleted lists unless otherwise specified. I don’t mind doing oneshots, but please don’t expect them to be frequent let alone finished ASAP! It’s been a while since I’ve written any type of considerably sized content (plus I have college!) so scenarios/oneshots may take longer or be limited to a few paragraphs.
I will write for a minimum of 3 character headcanons.
Oneshots will be 1 character minimum.
I can write fluff, angst, romantic, platonic, etc etc, whatever genre you want!
LGBT+ requests are absolutely accepted! Please heed in mind I am AFAB so I will not be knowledgeable on everything, but I will handle them respectfully as possible.
I might not accurately portray every character to a tee, as Limbus is still fresh I’m getting a grasp on how these characters act towards each other so if you have any critiques on how I’m portraying a character or thoughts in general, feel free to shoot them my way!
I will stress, this is a LIMBUS imagines blog, so I will mostly accept asks about the Limbus Company characters.
Rules are subject to change and additions as we move along in the future, but that should be about it! Please have fun and request to your hearts content!
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average-limbus-fan · 5 months
Yan!ishy headcanons first. her cg of her true desire was insane
Alrighty then Yandere sinners it is :3
Yandere Ishmael Headcanons
* Like some of the other sinners her yandere version isn’t too different from her normal self
* She’ll still have the same harsh attitude she normally has but her words and insults will be more personal and they’ll cut deep
* Unlike some of the other sinners however she would know that what she was doing was wrong
* She simply doesn’t seem to care after everything she’s been through she thinks she deserves you
* You really should be grateful for her protection though since nobody else would be able to protect you like she can of course
* After all, …all she ever wanted was a purpose and without Ahab or Limbus Company her purpose would simply be you�� and you have no choice but to go along with it
* Lest she break down your confidence and independence even more
* She’ll never even have to lay a hand on you… her words are enough
Yandere Sinclair Headcanons
* We’ve already seen that he can be prone to violent outbursts, as a yandere those would be intensified and more frequent
* He would also 100% guilt trip you into staying with him
* After all he’s already lost his family, he wouldn’t survive without you, would you really leave him to die?
* He knows to a certain degree that what he’s doing isn’t right, …but he can’t be alone again even if it means scaring you into staying with him
* And maybe threatening you…
* If he did ever harm you though, he would immediately apologize… and then make you out to be the villain for trying to “abandon” him
* He would never have hurt you if you just stayed by his side willingly… so your injuries are your fault to him
* And thus the cycle loops again
Yandere Hong Lu Headcanons
* Already has a history of being somewhat ignorant of normal social constructs this would make him one of the few yanderes who truly doesn’t see anything wrong with what they’re doing
* He was raised wealthy so he was used to getting whatever he wanted presumably
* And if he wanted you then he would have you
* No you don’t get a say in the matter
* Will mentally torment you into staying with him
* He also somehow knows where you are at all times…
* Has a sadistic glee to him whenever he “catches” you
* This is all a game of cat and mouse to him after all
* Overall not the worst yandere and as long as you don’t try to escape you’ll get whatever you want…
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imaginecorporation · 6 months
can I request heathcliff comforting a reader about dead wife syndrome. And then they are sad together. But then happy because… perhaps they kiss…. Ooooooh… -💕
And in Mending It...
It hadn't started as romance, what you and Heathcliff had. You were simply his friend to lean on when the weight of his past got to be too much, and him for you. The two of you were very similar, both having lost partners in one way or another, so you understood very well what that grief was like
One day it just... evolved. Comforting hands on shoulders lingered a little longer, sometimes drifting a little lower. You'd cuddle up close after crying and venting your tears, not caring what the other Sinners heard or thought, and you'd fall asleep with your cheek nestled to his chest, his head resting on yours.
Your coworkers realize your feelings before either of you do. They notice how happy the two of you are in each others company, Heathcliff rarely hitting anybody with rude quips that truly have any bite, and your bright smile is finally lighting up the bus.
Rodion takes to teasing you, but you swear on your LIFE that he's just a close friend. Someone you trust, someone you rely on. And don't all friends stare into each others' eyes for a little too long, slight blushes on their cheeks?
And then, one day, it just... hits you.
"Oi." Heathcliff's voice pipes up from next to you, and you're only vaguely aware of the scarred hand that's gently waving in front of your face to get your attention. You startle and turn from the window, cheeks dusted in pink, and look up at him.
"You're starin' out the window like your brain's off in space, what's goin' through that pretty little head of yours, love?"
Love. That sends a jolt down your spine, and the blush on your cheeks deepens. You'd never thought much of it until Sinclair pointed it out last week. Heathcliff doesn't call anyone but you 'love'. In fact, he still usually refers to the other Sinners with insults or slightly rude quips. But you? No. Not for a long, long time.
"N-Nothing! I was just... thinking... About something I'd heard from the others." You murmur quietly, your eyes shifting. You can't seem to make eye contact with him right now.
"Eh? Do tell. What's every other weirdo saying that's got your knickers in a twist?"
You pause.
How do you broach this?
It's not as simple as blurting out 'I think I love you', now is it? No. That'd be reckless. And more than a little dumb.
So instead you elect for the ever so helpful...
"C'mon, love. I know somethin's bothering ya... Tell me like you usually do, yeah?" God, that soft smile he gives you when he speaks almost melts you on the spot. Why does he have to be so damn charming?
"I..." You pause. You frown. You shake your head and make the decision to just blurt out your thoughts.
"I think I love you, Heathcliff."
That makes him pause. His own eyes widening. Those beautiful, striking violet eyes that you've come to love looking into so much. He seems shocked. He doesn't speak for a moment, his mouth opening and closing as if he has something to say. And finally, he does say it. A softly croaked out,
"You too, huh?"
You blink. Once, twice, three times, a fourth...
What did he just say? Did he...
"I love you too, _____. It's... fuckin' funny, really... Big guy saw me lookin' at you one day and just said... 'You like them, don't you?', you know, in that super plain know-it-all voice. And I almost beat him down when I realized... man's got a point. He has a bloody good point. I ain't ever been as happy as I am when I'm with you." Heathcliff's voice is soft, almost sweet. Another thing that only you get to hear from him. And that just adds to the tenderness of this moment.
You tear up and nod. He really took the words right out of your mouth. Being around him feels safe. It feels like you're home. You can't even stop yourself when you're gently leaning towards him, resting one of your hands on his shoulder.
And he doesn't stop himself when his gaze softens even further, and he leans down to meet you.
Neither of you stop yourselves as you share one of the most tender kisses, lips softly slanted against each other as you take in the warmth and comfort of each others' love.
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starrydesiderium · 2 months
pre-LCB Hong Lu x reader \\ HCs
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You're his favourite servant. He's well known for his nonchalantly kind attitude to everyone, but you're the only one who reciprocates it without fear of the punishment from his grandparents.
He enjoys reciting poetry for you and listening what you have to say about it (even though you told him numerous times that you're not educated enough to understand it's exquisiteness).
He writes poetry about you too but he's too embarrassed to show you.
You brush his hair and help him to get dressed every morning.
He tries to do romantic things he read about in novels but ends up embarrassing himself (apparently, servants are not allowed to wear high quality silk clothes and jewelry, who would've thought)
His sisters appreciate your presence in his life because there aren't many maids willing to put up with his antics.
He'll become more obsessed and clingy when his sisters start leaving the family because you're the only one he has left, his only source of joy and comfort.
You'll have to put a lot of efforts in hiding your relationship from his parents and grandmother or else he'll get punished and you'll get killed.
When you try to explain it to him he just hugs you tight, promising that he'll die right after you because you're his only reason to live.
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ruinaimagines · 11 months
what do you think it would take for Heathcliff to warm up to somebody? because right now I feel like he'd scare a lot of people off with how brash and violent he is, but it'd be interesting if someone managed to befriend him.
I love him. And yes, I am alive! I am still crawling on. somehow.
Heathcliff Warming up to Someone Headcanons:
It is true that his outwardly brash nature is what a lot of people are initially met with, especially if they happen to be of some authoritative stance, but that’s mainly because of his own preconceived judgements. He’s a rather reasonable and good man otherwise.. Just a bit quick to jump to opinions.
If he doesn’t feel as though you are demanding respect from anyone then you have quite a decent chance of getting along. Talk to him as though he’s an actual person and you’ll find he’s pretty cooperative unless what you’re telling him to do is something he deems as outrageous.
Even though I lovingly call him an idiot, he’s quite the opposite. Heathcliff is a very apt man. We’ve seen this during Canto II with how he diverts the attention of the casino guards. He’s just a bit impulsive in some cases in the same sense that Don is. If he sees something he considers to be wrong, insulting, or similar he is quick to action if no one else is. He’s very good with short-term solutions but doesn’t immediately consider the implications for the long term. That’s Faust’s job. He’s clever and witty.
His recklessness also stems from the fact that death isn’t actually a problem for him (poor Dante), so not much is stopping him from speaking his mind. Unless the situation is really dire he has no desire to shut his mouth. Will still mutter under his breath.
He would immediately get along a lot better with you if you share any kind of similar passions in disrupting the system, calling people out, and overall being very blunt on the blatant ignorance and audacity some people have. While not to say the other sinners don’t agree, they just typically don’t really comment on it either. To have someone else that he can rant with and be brutally honest with? Ohhh that is just going to fuel the flames.
Would find you funny as hell if you insult the smug, sleazy workers of the city you happen to run into. Even better if it’s directly in their faces. Will back you up even if you don’t know each other much at this point because it’s entertaining. 
I believe that you have a pretty solid chance of getting along even if you don’t immediately call out someone to their face so long as he overhears you complaining about it later. Not all people have the confidence he does, and sometimes it’s easier for you to let it be in the moment as long as it’s not too treacherous or there’s quips here and there.
The most crucial part in befriending him is first and foremost about establishing a sense of likemindedness. If he doesn’t see you as an agreeable person, then chances are he won’t think well of you either. You don’t have to be as loud about it as he is but even stating something along the lines of ‘That is wrong and it needs to be acknowledged and not smoothed over’ after the fact works for him.
I think that it would be a lot more difficult for him to see eye to eye with someone who so compliantly follows along with orders and seems indifferent to the cruelty and justice around them. There needs to be some kind- any kind of proof that you have humanity and aren’t willing to stay complicit with continuing what is seen as morally wrong by him.
He’s a very passionate guy which can be a little difficult to navigate because he can very easily get lost to more aggressive feuds or grudges, in these situations he’s a bit unreachable in that he is very unlikely to hear others out. When it calms down though his opinion may alter slightly especially the longer he knows a person. Still sticks very close to his own truth nonetheless.
With this it becomes easier to talk to him because there’s no longer that  preconceived notion he holds over you, whatever it may be. You might find him even gravitating more near you or valuing your opinions a little higher than the others. When Faust is droning on he tends to tune her out, but whatever you’re saying he’s more encouraged to listen in on. There isn’t much of a difference in the moment, but you’ll notice that he’s completely forgotten what Faust has advised whereas he brings up a note that you mentioned instead.
Don’t expect the bickering to go anywhere. Friend or not, there will still be snide remarks here and there, though if you’re on good terms with him they’re meant in a more playful snarky way as opposed to a genuine complaint. Best be quick witted yourself.
You’re one of the few who can get away with insulting him without paying the typical price of being smacked over the head unconscious with his bat! Something that has happened an unnecessary amount of times with the other sinners much to the displeasure of Dante. Don’t expect to be completely devoid of being pushed around though. I imagine him to be the type of person to slam his hands around your shoulder with such force that it will completely knock the wind out of you for a joke.
Heathcliff is sort of hard to reach emotionally, even if you two get along very well. It can be kind of difficult to delve deeper into his own problems no matter how good on terms you are with him. He’s approachable in the way that his inferiority complex makes it extremely unlikely for him to ever mention his own shortcomings or communicate his distress in a way other than anger. Heathcliff does not want to have someone pity him, and above all he doesn’t want to be seen as weak.
It’s very hard to navigate, there’s hardly a right answer of how to go about it because it’s something that’s so emotionally fuelled that your best case scenario is just trying to listen and be more casual about it if something ever did get brought up. It’s a sore spot, don’t be surprised or feel bad if he snaps at you because he feels like you’re trying to be his therapist, it’s a spur of the moment thing and he’d feel bad afterwards. He just wants to be seen as a person.
Try to pry very little, what small trace amounts you get from him of his own personal experiences is something you’ll just have to take. Heathcliff might seem to be in particularly pissy and broody moods from time to time, whether from a bad interaction or something deeper, you can ask him what happens but if he says to drop it then it's recommended you do.
I feel like he isn’t ready to unpack everything, he finds it unneeded and a hindrance to get all sappy and focus on how he feels. That said I don’t know if there ever would be a proper time… aside from his canto.
You become his complaining buddy. He will trash talk either the others or some unpleasant person you’ve met while at work. It’s honestly fascinating some of the most obscure and abhorrent insults he can construct, beat only by Ryoshu of course. Her’s is just vulgar.
He is so biased it’s not even subtle. Heathcliff might seem a bit unapproachable at first but you’ll quickly come to realize that if you offer a sort of loyalty then he will return it. Might make fun of you for getting into a tricky situation, but he will do everything he can to pull you out of it and I think that’s what makes him such a good companion.
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schizoidcel · 2 months
Button said to shoot you , so i will do it *bang , bang , bang*
what do you think about headcanons with Lui association Ishmael x Sarcastic but smart Reader ?
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- notes ̽ ۪⠀i think yes
I imagine Ishmael having beef with any kind of snarky person
And if they're smart too? uff .
Needless to say she would definitely not be fond of you when you two first meet, or the days after that (maybe months) (maybe y
I feel like Liu Ishmael specifically does like/use sarcasm but not to the point that it's someones whole personality in a way
As in 24/7, because she thinks it's insufficient for work when sarcastic comments are used all the time
I could imagine teasing her because of her loner lifestyle in the story
Sarcastic smart reader would definitley be on Ishmaels ass all the time, relationship established or not
Pre-established relationship would be tons of back and forth.
Problem is reader sees it as teasing (atleast on their side) but Ishmael genuinely wants to punch their guts and turn it into tommorows beef noodles
Ishmael is a smart person herself, but everytime reader corrects her on something (especially because they're being so painfully irritable about it) she wants to punt them.
If they're on the same branch it's #over
Rodion would see your relationship as some kinda old marriage trope, make comments about it etc and Ishmael hates her for it
but what she hates more is how lowkey true it is
Rodion hops in on the teasing just for fun when reader and Ishmael have their 'lovers quarrel' and Ishmael ALWAYS goes "STAY OUT OF THIS?!"
One is enough. She dosen't want to deal with two idiots.
Reader would join her sometimes when she has lunch and she hates to admit it but she tolerates their company (the toleration starts on day 4)
To the point where she'd miss them at times when they're not together
She still prefers to be alone, as she dosen't make an effort to get on a table with others even after her and reader share some lunch periods together. But everytime reader is in the room, she'd prefer to be with them instead of being alone
She thought of them as just a familar first, and tried to not get too close (keyword tried) as that could backfire quickly, especially in the City
But she realized her feelings rather early .
And as embarassed as she was, she didn't want to deny them
I could imagine Ishmael confessing first and reader being caught off guard for the first time .
Ishmael didn't have any intention of making them flustered, but she definitely wouldn't let go of it after
Now she has something to be an asshole about to YOU
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i wrote this while i was having horrible cramps but they dissapeared after i finished thank you for afab power ishmael.
ૢ་༘࿐ thank you for reading ! Ⳋ᧙
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oxymoronicmoron · 1 month
[Outis x Reader] Hot older lady you've been crushing on is actually into you! Oh the horror!
[Fandom: Limbus Company] [Warnings: Non-consensual kissing, alcohol, drunk kissing.] [Gender-neutral reader, They/Them used.] [Oneshot] Note: This is cringe and I wasn't thinking as I wrote it I hope you enjoy maybe despite how non-descriptive it may be. Also I haven't finished playing Limbus Company so possibly non-canon-compliant. --------- Mephistopheles had made a stop at a bar after a long battle, giving everyone a chance at a well-deserved break, some time to empty their heads and drink their worries away. Many of them drank more than Y/N expected them to, leaving them, Dante and Vergilius as the only sober ones. Well, mostly sober, Y/N had drank a few shots of their own, but they could take their alcohol, so it didn’t affect them as much as it had their peers.
So when Y/N was asked by Outis to join her in the bathroom, they expected to act as moral (or physical) support in case the woman needed to vomit. What they didn’t expect, however, was to be pinned against a wall with their hands being held together above their head by the veteran.
They inhaled sharply. The ceramic wall was cold against their back, even if it wasn’t exposed. They could feel its chill through their clothing. They were taken aback. They knew that Outis could overpower them, but they never expected it to actually happen.
As their thoughts consumed every part of their brain, however, they didn’t notice Outis inching her face closer and closer to their own, until it was too late.
The two sinners lips touched, the veteran attempting to initiate a kiss, and the overpowered one questioning their… well, everything in the current moment. Momentarily after, Outis pulled away from the one-sided kiss. She seemed… upset, giving the person under her touch a questioning, yet frustrated look. She didn’t have to put it in words for them to understand her feelings.
“Outis, we’re both intoxicated currently, I don’t think it’s a good idea to-” The woman’s free hand reached up to their cheek, her lips pressing against theirs once more. Reluctantly, they returned the kiss this time. Her breath reeked of alcohol, and she pulled them closer to her, deepening the kiss. They’d be a liar if they claimed not to enjoy it, but this was most definitely not the right time for this type of interaction.
Their hands struggled against her grip, and in response, she held them tighter, pressing them harder against the wall.
“We should stop.” They spoke up once more, and Outis’ eyes fluttered open, gazing into their own. “Do you not enjoy this?”
They froze for a moment, contemplating their next words. They had feelings for Outis, it wasn’t something that they tried hard to conceal, they were certain that every sinner in the omnibus suspected them. However, they couldn’t let this encounter go any further (or longer) than it already had. The woman had already drank more alcohol than she could handle, she wasn’t thinking rationally. She would regret this.
“It’s not… It’s not that.”
This time, Outis seemed to pay attention to their words, processing them. She chose not to interrupt.
“It’s just not the time for this. I don’t want this to happen, well, right now.” They confessed. She seemed to mull over their words, and pulled away with a nod, releasing their hands. They let out a breath of relief as they rubbed their wrists.
Despite Outis’ best attempts, her expression betrayed a tinge of sorrow. Probably due to the rejection of her advances. “You know, we could do this some other time. When we’re not drunk out of our minds.” They suggested, to which she nodded once more. The sight of Outis beneath the bathroom’s dim lighting, with wet lips and half-lidded eyes was breathtaking to the sinner. The sound of her breath, slightly heavier than before due to their shared kiss, was like music to their ears.
They hoped to experience this again in the future. It would be more enjoyable if both parties were fully aware of what was going on, after all. They’d have to prepare themselves for tomorrow though, deeming it wise to inform Outis of the encounter when she was sober. ---------
End Note: brainrot has gotten to me and writing quality has been lowered significantly im so sorry Also like, cross-posted from Ao3. Word count: 654.
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