#maggie munson
a-strange-inkling · 3 months
Eddie and Maggie coded 🤣
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cunninghamchrissie · 1 year
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livvy and maggie make a father’s day card to wayne (maggie got impatient when signing her name and much preferred to spread glitter everywhere. eddie’s still washing it off his hair).
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neonghostlights · 1 year
aw maggie munson is so cute !! imagine being childhood bffs with maggie and falling for her cool older brother eddie 😮‍💨 alexa play best friends brother by victoria justice lmao
That’s what I was saying!! Maybe I should write that🤭 and there’s drama because how dare you want to be with her brother. And maybe Maggie and Steve have a thing…OR ROBIN!! OR CHRISSY? Hold on I’m making a Google doc as we speak.
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waratah-moon · 1 year
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Four times Dustin was clueless, and the one time Lucas spelled it out for him. Shout out to @lfaewrites for proofreading & encouragement!
masterlist / read on ao3 < bonus smutty drabble posted there ;) I Think We’re Alone Now < smut add on
Pairing: dad!Eddie x mom!reader
Word count: 5.1k
Warnings: Teen pregnancy (not elaborated on), cheerleader!reader, shitty parents, enemies to friends platonic!steddie Steal my writing and I will hex you
1. Eddie’s trailer
Eddie opened the door of his trailer and was very surprised to see Dustin Henderson on his doorstep.
Dustin didn't wait to be invited inside, pushing past a bewildered Eddie, “do you have my book report? I lost it after the last Hellfire meeting and I really don't want to rewrite it."
He'd never been inside Eddie's trailer before. It was slightly cluttered but in a homey-lived-in kind of way. The walls were lined with baseball caps, and a collection of novelty mugs hung above the couch.
“What, no hello? You need to work on your manners, Henderson.”
“Sorry,” Dustin looked around the living room, taking in an array of stuffed animals on one end of the couch and a pile of picture books on the coffee table. He wasn’t about to judge what Eddie Munson did in his spare time. “Nice place. Do you have my book report?”
"The one on Grapes of Wrath? I wondered who that belonged to. Let me find it," Eddie disappeared into what Dustin could only assume was his bedroom.
Dustin looked around the trailer, eyes landing on a couple of baby photos that he guessed were of Eddie. He stepped forward to get a closer look, but stopped when he felt something under his foot; it was a small toy that looked a lot like the Muppet Babies version of Fozzie Bear. Before he could investigate further, the phone rang.
Eddie came racing out of his room and breathlessly answered the phone. "Hello?" He waited for the person on the other end to respond, a smile crossing his face when they answered. “I mean, maybe. How difficult is it?” Eddie was grinning now and Dustin could swear he was twirling the phone cord like a teenage girl. “I think I can manage that. How did Gremlin do?”
Eddie's smile turned to a soft pout. He spotted Dustin out of the corner of his eye and turned away,  “I’ll see you soon, okay?” Dustin heard him mumble something into the receiver, but couldn't quite make out the words.
Once Eddie hung up the phone he walked into the kitchen and began fiddling with the knobs on the oven.
“Eddie?” Dustin raised his eyebrows as Eddie pulled a casserole dish out of the freezer and put it on the bench.
“Oh, shit. Your thing. Right. I think I know where it is. It got mixed up with the one shot we did last week,” he disappeared again, and Dustin thought he could see a glimpse of a floral patterned bedspread through the door of his room.
Eddie reappeared and handed him a few pieces of paper. "Thanks, man.” Dustin looked at the casserole dish on the bench. “So what’s for dinner?”
Suddenly, Eddie was herding him out of the trailer, “as much as I’d love for you to stay, I have a hot date.”
2. Family Video
Dustin was sitting behind the counter at family video, something Keith had adamantly stated was not allowed. Steve was the only one working, and he didn't care what Dustin did, just happy to have company during the slow part of his shift. Dustin had brought takeout from the diner up the road, only offering to share his fries when Steve had complained. "C'mon, dude, it's gonna stink of fast food in here."
The door jingled and Steve absentmindedly began his ‘welcome to Family Video’ spiel while twisting a Rubik’s cube, only stopping when he looked up at the woman who’d arrived at the counter.
“Real customer-focused service you’ve got here,” you smiled, hoisting the toddler you were holding higher up on your hip.
“Oh hey!” Steve grinned, ducking down so he was on eye level with the little girl, “how’s my favourite Cabbage Patch Kid doing?”
Cabbage Patch Kid? Dustin thought, pushing his food aside to watch the interaction.
The little girl smiled shyly, hiding her head of dark brown curls into the crook of your neck. 
You sighed, “Steve, I’ve told you before, stop insinuating my child looks like a Cabbage Patch Kid.”
“But she has the dimples,” he stood up straighter, poking his tongue out when the little girl showed her face, causing her to emit the world's cutest giggle.
“She gets those from her father, not Coleco,” you kissed your daughter's cheek, smoothing down her unruly hair. “Did Care Bears come in?”
“Sure did,” Steve pulled a tape from the counter below, scanning it.
“Great!” You looked around the store, eyes landing back on Steve. “Can you watch her for a sec while I grab a couple more?”
“‘Course!” Dustin watched as Steve held out his arms and you passed the toddler to him. The little girl’s hands instantly reached to pull for his hair while you darted off to the horror section.
“Not the hair,” Steve groaned, attempting to tilt his head backwards and away from the prying hands.
“Pretty,” the little girl mumbled, tugging a lock of Steve’s hair. Dustin stifled a laugh.
“Me? Why thank you, I think you’re very pretty too, the prettiest little Cabbage Patch Kid around,” he bumped his nose against the toddler’s, kissing her forehead. Dustin gagged. 
The scene was adorable, but it went against everything he thought he knew about Steve Harrington.
You'd found what you were looking for and arrived back at the counter, setting down two more tapes; A Nightmare on Elm Street and Splash.
“Interesting double feature,” Steve remarked, the toddler now clutching her arms tightly around his neck, refusing to let go.
“Date night,” you grinned sheepishly, holding out your arms to collect your daughter. Steve attempted to pry her off his neck, but she was clinging on for dear life.
"Seevie stay," she whined, tightening her grip on the man.
Steve scanned the tapes using his free hand, seemingly unfazed. “Oh, did you hear about Ethan Carroway?”
You dug around in your purse, finding the correct amount of money to pay for the tapes, “and Ivy Tech? I know! How dumb can you be?” You handed over cash.
“I mean, he seemed like the type though, right?” He put the tapes in a plastic bag, a bit of a challenge with only one hand but he managed, handing the bag across the counter to you.
You hummed in agreement. “Some people just don’t change. Others surprise you,” you smiled, taking in the sight of 'King Steve' Harrington pulling faces at your two year old. "C'mon Gremlin, let's get home and see if Dad taped Muppet Babies."
"Aminal?" Your daughter loosened her grip on Steve and looked at you.
"Yep," you held out your arms and she finally let Steve pass her back. You smiled at the man behind the counter. “Thanks Steve, I’ll see you later.”
"See ya," Steve called after you as you exited the store.
Dustin was gobsmacked, his mouth hanging open as he watched Steve go back to fiddling with the Rubik's cube on the counter.
"What the hell was that?" Steve jumped when Dustin spoke, seeming to have forgotten about the young teen's presence.
He managed to keep his cool, nonchalant tone, "what was what?"
"Were you just flirting with her?"
"What?!" Steve sounded offended. "With her? Of course not."
"She has a kid, Steve."
"I know," Steve had turned to look at Dustin now, leaning with his back against the register. "She has a boyfriend too. We went to high school together. She was a cheerleader, I was on the basketball team. We're friends."
"I didn't know you had other friends," Dustin cocked his eyebrow with a grin. He vaguely remembered his mom gossiping with Mrs. Wheeler about a cheerleader who got pregnant a few years ago.
Steve rolled his eyes, turning back to face the front door, "and you don't know as much about your friends as you think you do, Henderson."
Dustin frowned, "what's that supposed to mean?"
"Eat your burger."
3. Max’s trailer
Storm clouds hung over Hawkins, and rain had been attempting to sprinkle all morning. Riding their bikes all the way to the Forest Hill Trailer Park probably wasn't the smartest idea, but it was Dustin and Lucas's only mode of transport since Steve decided to pick up more shifts at Family Video.
They pulled up to Max’s trailer, the wheels of their bikes spitting up gravel as they skidded to a halt. Max had watched them ride up from the window, and she was already standing in the doorway when they reached the porch.
“What are you two doing here?”
“We were wondering if you wanted to see a movie, or go to the arcade," Lucas asked, he always sounded nervous talking to Max.
"Or do anything," Dustin added. "We're so bored." It was true. Mike was on his weekly phone call to El, and since the mall had burnt down the activities in Hawkins had become severely limited.
“I can’t," she had her headphones slung around the base of her neck, her trusty Walkman in her hand. "I’m babysitting.”
"Babysitting? Since when do you babysit?" Dustin peered over her shoulder inside the trailer, but Max moved to block his view. Over her shoulder he could see an animated movie playing on the TV, it looked like the Care Bears.
“Since we moved in here,” she shrugged.
"I like her parents, they're cool, so I offered to look after Gremlin whenever they wanted some alone time. Plus her mom always brings over cookies. This time it’s peanut butter chocolate."
"You offered?"
"Is that so hard to believe?" She squinted, her tone accusatory.
"Kind of, yeah," Dustin said, groaning when Lucas elbowed him in the ribcage.
“What Dustin means is that you seem to have other interests that don’t coincide with babysitting.”
Max rolled her eyes, moving to put her headphones back on.
“Wait! Can we at least come in and hang out?”
“Nope. I’ve got other interests that don’t coincide with hanging out,” her smile didn’t reach her eyes as she shut the door in their faces.
Lucas sighed, but Dustin was already making his way to the trailer opposite Max’s.
“What are you doing?” Lucas watched, before quickly following after his friend.
“Eddie’s home, his van is out front.”
“And there's another car next to it, he has someone over," Lucas added, pointing at the red Ford Fairmont parked next to the van.
But Dustin was already knocking on the trailer door to listen to Lucas.
The door swung open, revealing a flushed and wild haired Eddie. His eyes were dark, and his tee-shirt was on inside out; when he took in that it was Dustin at the door, his expression turned from annoyed to pissed.
"Henderson? What the fuck are you doing here?"
"We were in the area," he started, turning to see that Lucas had not joined him on the porch but had stopped halfway between Eddie and Max's trailer. He continued, "do you want to hang out?"
"I'm a bit busy right now, dude," Eddie folded his arms across his chest, still glaring at Dustin.
"Do you have a girl over?" Dustin tried to peer into the trailer but only managed to spot a bowl of popcorn and a couple of VHS tapes on the coffee table.
Eddie rolled his eyes, "sure let's go with that. Are we done here?" He started to shut the door, but Dustin stuck his arm out.
"Wait! Who is it? Is it Shelley Keibler? She was totally flirting with you at lunch last week."
Eddie looked disgusted, "ugh, no, dude. She buys from me and she was flirting to get a discount; which I didn't give her, by the way."
"Then who?"
"Don't worry about it, Henderson. I’ll see you on Monday." He grinned and shut the door.
4. Hawkins High
Dustin thought Eddie was acting strange. He hadn’t said anything about Dustin’s ill timed visit when he saw him on Monday, and he hadn’t been in the cafeteria at lunch on Tuesday or Wednesday. Mike had sworn he’d seen Eddie in the library when he’d gone to get money off his sister. He seemed back to his old loud, rambunctious self on Thursday, but during Hellfire on Friday he was constantly watching the clock. When the clock struck 6pm, he was packing up, even though they were in the middle of a high tension fight.
“I’m sorry guys, I have places to be.”
“Oh, that little bar on the corner of nunya and business,” he grinned, stuffing his binders in his bag.
Dustin followed him out to the parking lot, expecting to watch him get in his van and drive off. Instead he was greeted with the same red Fairmont coupe that had been parked in front of his trailer. 
The following week proceeded much the same as the week prior, except this week Eddie cancelled Hellfire. And Eddie never cancelled Hellfire. The table erupted in disgruntled yelling when he broke the news over lunch on Friday, but he just sat back in silence, letting the members spit their disdain.
Dustin finally got a chance to speak with Eddie after school was let out, catching up to him in the parking lot as he was leaving.
“What’s going on? Why are you suddenly acting all weird?”
Eddie sighed, looking over at the red Ford that was parked next to Steve’s BMW. “You do know I have a life outside high school and Hellfire, right? I don’t only exist to further your quest, Henderson.”
“I know that-”
“I’ve been busy, alright? I’ve got some stuff going on.” He studied Dustin’s face, as if he was trying to figure out damage caused by a d20. “Look there’s a one shot I’ve been working on,” he grabbed a notebook out of his bag, ripped out a page, and scribbled something down before handing it to Dustin. “Come to this address tomorrow night, 7pm. Bring Wheeler and Sinclair.”
+1. Hellfire Club
Dustin, Mike, and Lucas weren’t sure where they were going, but surprisingly Steve did. In fact Steve hadn’t put up any kind of fight when Dustin asked if he could drive them somewhere for DnD. Sure he’d sighed, but that sigh was quickly followed by a shrug and a “sure.”
Steve pulled up in front of a small one story house, parking his car behind Gareth’s. Two cars were already in the driveway, a two-toned station wagon, and the red Ford Fairmont that seemed to be everywhere.
Eddie swung the door open, a grin on his face. “You’re here!” He glanced over the boys in front of him before his eyes landed on Steve. “Harrington?”
Steve held his hands up. “Don’t worry, I’m just dropping them off. Thought I’d say hi.” He pointed to the station wagon in the driveway. “Is that your new car?” Eddie nodded and Steve added, “a wagon. Very sensible.”
“I’ll have you know that’s a ‘74 AMC Matador. It has a V8 401 engine, 230 horsepower-”
“I’m going to stop you right there, I have no idea what any of that means.”
“You drive an E23. Dude, a 733i!”
“Doesn’t mean I know anything about it,” Steve shrugged. “Finally traded in the van for a family car, hey?”
Eddie rolled his eyes and turned into the house. “Babe, Harrington’s here,” he called out, before turning back to glare at Steve.
After a moment, you appeared behind Eddie, wiping your hands on a dish towel. “Steve, hey!” Dustin recognised you instantly as the woman from Family Video.
“Hey,” Steve smiled, giving you a little wave. “Wanted to see your new place.”
“Can you stay for a soda? I’ll give you the tour.”
Before Steve could move into the house, Dustin held his arm out to stop him. “Uh,” Dustin looked from you, to Steve, to Eddie, and finally to Mike and Lucas. “What’s going on?”
“Oh right! You guys haven’t met,” Eddie wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you close to his side, and introduced you to the teens. “This is my girlfriend.”
Once the shock had worn off, Eddie had led the boys inside to the dining room table, where the older Hellfire members were already sitting. You lead Steve in the other direction, making good on your promise of a house tour.
“So this is your place?” Mike took in the surroundings; they were sitting in a dining room that was attached to a small kitchen. Various picture frames dotted the walls and a large potted plant sat next to the china cabinet.
“Yep, we moved in last weekend. The trailer was getting too crowded now that Gremlin’s decided to grow into a tiny human,” Mike had no idea what Eddie was talking about, but Eddie sounded horribly offended at the idea of Gremlin growing. “We’ve been planning the move for ages, but we finally had enough money to do it. Wayne seemed sad to see us go, but I think he’s happy to have the place to himself. Kind of annoying we lost Mayfield as a babysitter, though.”
Dustin seemed to have a faint inkling as to what Eddie was talking about, “I saw your girlfriend at Family Video a few weeks ago with her daughter.”
As if this was the craziest news in the world, Mike blurted out, “a kid?” His eyes darted around the room, finally taking in the several picture frames embedded with the image of a curly haired toddler.
“Yeah, Eddie’s girlfriend has a kid,” Dustin said casually, proud that he’d figured out this fact about his mentor before Mike. “It’s pretty cool you’re a stepdad.”
Eddie’s eyes widened, but Gareth, Jeff, and Grant just laughed. “Stepdad ? Henderson, no, no, no.”
Lucas shook his head, pointing to the closest picture frame; the little toddler was sitting on Eddie’s shoulders, her fingers gripping his dark brown curls, identical to her own unruly mess of hair. She looked like a mini version of him, both had mischief gleaming in their chocolate button eyes. “That’s obviously his kid.” 
Like a sign from above signifying the revelation, an egg timer went off in the kitchen.
Dustin choked on his soda. “You have a kid? How did that happen?”
Lucas whacked him on the back, attempting to stop his friend's spluttering. “How do you think it happened, dipshit?” It seemed to work.
“No,” the tips of Dustin’s ears turned pink, his voice still hoarse. “I meant-”
“You want the story,” Eddie grinned, and Gareth, Jeff, and Grant groaned. He leaned back in his chair, his hands clasped behind his head. “Settle in boys, for this is a tale for the ages.”
Gareth snorted, “What the hell are you talking about? Indie is the product of too much alcohol and an expired condom.”
“Excuse me, but Gremlin was born from an epic love story that crossed not only class barriers, but changed Hawkins society as we know it.”
Steve entered the dining room with a can of cola, you following close behind him. 
“Babe,” you rolled your eyes, having heard the conversation. You set a plate of pizza rolls down in front of the boys. “I think Gareth is a little closer to the truth. It wasn’t West Side Story .”
“You don’t think our story is romantic?”
“Our story? Sure. Teen pregnancy? Not so much.” Steve snorted.
Dustin had calmed down a bit, but he still had a lot of questions. “Wait, I’m confused. Steve said you were a cheerleader. How did you get with Eddie? You’re way out of his league.”
Surprisingly, Eddie didn’t look offended, instead he pulled you into his lap and tucked his chin over your shoulder, looking at the young teens. “You’re dead right, Henderson, she is way out of my league.” You scoffed, ready to disagree with him but he cut you off, “do you want to tell the story, babe?”
You adjusted yourself so you were sitting on Eddie’s thigh, his hands firmly gripping your waist. “My family moved to Hawkins at the start of my sophomore year. I didn’t really notice Eddie much that first year, he was a junior and we ran in very different circles.”
“I noticed her though. Straight away. Especially when she wore her cheer uniform-”
You flicked him on the shoulder, continuing with your story. “Anyway, school was out for the summer. Remember the heatwave in ‘83? I was driving down Millbrook and it was at least 100 degrees outside and the hood of my car started smoking. So I pulled over and began freaking out, because you know Millbrook, it’s all farmland and there’s no one around for miles.”
“But I just happened to be driving down Millbrook.”
“Yeah, Eddie was my knight in a Metallica cut off. He figured out what was wrong with my car, drove us to the auto shop, bought whatever it was that my car needed and fixed it for me.”
“It was super easy, she’d just run out of-”
You cut him off before he could begin to ramble about cars and the importance of checking the coolant level. “I bought him a milkshake to thank him and we’ve been together ever since.”
“And your kid?” Mike asked through a mouthful of pizza rolls.
“Gareth wasn’t far off. Pretty sure it happened after the homecoming dance that Eddie refused to attend. He snuck in my window when I got home with a bottle of peppermint schnapps and…” you drifted off, noticing the wide eyes at the table, as well as Steve's smirk. “I’ll spare you the details. Nine months later Indie was born.”
"Indie? Like Indiana?" Lucas asked, he wouldn’t admit it but the story was romantic.
"No, Indie like Indigo. Indigo Ripley Munson," Eddie said proudly, and you smiled. He'd snuck Ripley on the birth certificate before you could protest, but you had to admit your daughter couldn't ask for a better role model than the badass heroine from Alien.
It was as if her name summoned her. A bleary eyed toddler in pink footie pajamas entered the dining room, rubbing her eyes.
“Hi sweet pea,” you hoped off Eddie’s thigh, picking up your daughter and smoothing her hair. “Did we wake you?”
“Not tired,” she said, instantly contradicting herself by yawning. “Want Dadda to tell me a story,” she pushed away from you, reaching for Eddie. “With princesses.” 
As much as you wanted to be her favourite, it warmed your heart knowing how much she loved her Dad.
Eddie held out his arms to take her from you and she instantly snuggled against him. "Dad’s playing a game with his friends, do you want to listen? There’s no princesses but there are lots of monsters." She nodded, smiling. 
You knew it was futile to try and get her to go back to sleep now that Eddie had promised her a story. Knowing Eddie it would be a gory and violent story, but having sat in on many of Hellfire's campaigns, Indie was used to it. You thought it was creepy that she was enamoured with monsters, Eddie thought it was adorable.
You crouched down next to Eddie so you were on eye level with your daughter. "See those boys over there? That's Dustin, Lucas, and Mike. Do you want to say hi?"
She stuck out her bottom lip, contemplating the question before shaking her head. Dustin grinned, he liked this kid, she had spirit.
"How did you manage graduating with a kid? I mean Eddie obviously didn't," Mike said. The table went silent. Surprisingly, it was Steve that spoke up.
"He could have graduated, he just chose to put his family first, right Munson?"
Eddie looked at Steve and smiled. You stood up to glare at Mike, "Steve's right, Eddie should have graduated in '84, but he had different priorities that year."
Turning his attention to Mike, Eddie sighed, “My first senior year was when we found out about the pregnancy. My uncle got me a job working nights at the plant, so I slept through most of my morning classes. But the money was good and we were able to afford most of the stuff we needed for a new baby without asking for help. But I failed pretty much all my classes.”
You nodded. “My parents cut me off when they found out we were keeping the baby. They already hated that I was with Eddie and were looking for a reason to disown me; teen pregnancy was it. So aside from the secondhand stuff we got from the Holts’ and the Mitchells’, and that Wayne never made us pay rent, we did it pretty much all on our own. Eddie’s second senior year was also my senior year, but it was our first year with Indie too.”
“I didn’t want her skipping class, she’s too smart to not graduate. So I stayed home with Gremlin. Wayne helped out when he could, but I still managed to miss most of my classes.”
“But now, I have a job that lets us afford daycare and rent, and Eddie’s been working real hard at school. You know what they say, third times the charm.”
“This is my year, I can feel it.”
“Damn right, babe.” You leant down to kiss his cheek. “And Indie and I will be right there cheering you on when you cross that stage.”
It was all too much for Dustin to handle, hearing about this part of Eddie’s life; his girlfriend, his daughter, his connection to Steve. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes, threatening to spill at any moment. He was filled with a newfound desire to protect his friend; he had a family to think about after all, hell he’d traded in his ratty old van for a station wagon.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Dustin wasn’t sure if he felt more hurt or betrayed that Eddie had kept such a big part of his life a secret.
“I never hid it, Henderson, you just never asked.”
Dustin thought back to what Steve had said all those weeks ago, ‘you don't know as much about your friends as you think you do.’ He was right, Dustin didn’t know that much about Eddie. He knew he was in a band and liked metal music, but he hadn’t asked him much in the way of personal questions.
“I’m sorry Eddie, I-”
Eddie cut him off with a lazy grin, “Relax, Dustin, we’ve got the rest of the year right?” For some reason the use of his first name instantly put Dustin at ease. He let out a breath and smiled at Eddie. “Now are we playing?”
“And that’s our cue,” you nodded at Steve, leaving the boys and Indie to their game.
Later that night, after everyone had gone home and Indie was finally tucked up in bed, Eddie said something that surprised you.
“I think we should make Steve Indie’s godfather.”
“What? You’re not religious.”
“No, I know. I don’t mean it in the whole ‘teaching faith’ way. I just,” he ran his hand through his hair. “I know he’s important to you, and he loves Indie. If something was to happen to us, I know he’d take good care of her.”
“I think that’s a great idea, babe. Is this about what he said to Wheeler?”
Eddie’s cheeks flushed, he hadn’t wanted to admit that Steve’s approval had affected him. “Maybe.”
You grinned. Steve had been your friend for a long time, since you first moved to Hawkins. You’d known him through his douchebag phase, and you were his only friend from his high school days he’d kept in touch with since he’d mellowed out. But he and Eddie had never gotten along; Eddie was too loud and brash, and Steve still held an air of elitism that although he’d mostly gotten rid of, still reared its ugly head whenever Eddie was around. 
Today, though, the two of them somewhat made an attempt at a truce. “How about we invite him for lunch and ask him?”
Eddie groaned, “ugh, can’t you just ask him?”
“It was your idea!”
“Fine, we’ll do it together.”
Baby steps.
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Okay okay... I would really appreciate feedback as I worked my ass off on this one. And guys... I was so nervous my mum read this... that's the first time she's read my writing since I was in high school. @a-lil-pr1ncess @livsters
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 8 months
I'm suddenly imagining Steve’s parents as James Marsters and Charisma Carpenter.
"Have you ever played the Floor is Lava game?" Eddie asked Steve.
They were lounging at Steve's house, watching TV when Eddie suggested the game. They had flipped through the channels, but they found nothing they wanted to watch at the moment.
"No," Steve scoffed. "What's that?"
"Oh, right. You're an only child with boring parents. My mom used to play it with me when I was little. The concept of the game is that you have to avoid touching the floor because it's made of Lava," Eddie grinned. "You wanna play?"
An hour later, pillows were rearranged on the floor as well as the furniture. They had been hopping around on them for a while now, Eddie telling an outlandish tale of Lava Pirates. Steve had made it safely to the couch, but Eddie was still on the coffee table. The pillows in between them had been knocked aside, and now Eddie had to make it from the coffee table to the couch. There was a huge gap.
"I don't think I'm going to make it. Tell everyone that I love them," Eddie said dramatically. "Go on without me!"
"Oh, for fu - just jump, Eddie!" Steve exclaimed.
Eddie jumped, his feet barely making it to the edge of the couch, and he almost stumbled into the Lava if it hadn't been for Steve grabbing the front of his shirt. Steve pulled him onto the couch and into his arms, wrapping one arm around his waist to stable him.
"My hero!" Eddie said, batting his eyelashes.
Eddie pressed his hands to Steve’s chest, breathing heavily as he stared into his eyes. They were both breathing heavily. Steve pulled him closer until their bodies were pressed together. He took the opportunity to kiss Eddie, pressing his lips gently against his. He smiled when he felt Eddie kiss him back. It was brief, though, because Eddie was suddenly pulling back.
"I'm sorry," Eddie said quickly. "I'm not like that. I mean, it's okay if you are, but I'm not - I'm not like that."
"Okay," Steve said, his voice filled with emotion, and he tried not to look at Eddie, his face red from embarrassment.
Eddie stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do as he watched his friend's eyes fill up with tears. He jumped down from the couch and started putting on his shoes.
"I'm going to go now," Eddie said, but Steve didn't say anything. "Uh, see you later."
Eddie started walking towards the door, and as he left, the last thing he heard was the sound of a sob coming from Steve. He hated that sound. Eddie's chest fluttered with this heavy weight, and he found it hard to breathe. He wasn't like that, was he? Shit, he needed to call Ronnie.
A couple of days later. . .
Steve thought he had been hiding his emotions all day at work, but apparently, he was wrong.
"What the hell's wrong with you?" Robin asked as soon as they sat down for their break.
"What are you talking about?" Steve asked with a sigh.
"I mean. You've been in a mood all day. You were even rude to the customers," Robin said. "So, rude that they gave you looks, they made complaints to me. You even snapped at me earlier."
"I did?" Steve asked in surprise.
"What's going on?" Robin asked softly.
"I, uh, kissed Eddie," Steve revealed, fiddling with his lunch.
"Okay, so it didn't go well. What happened?" She asked.
He told her all about the game they played and how Steve had saved him. He trailed off near the end.
"We were wrong about him, Robin," he said.
"He's not like us," Steve said, shrugging. "He told me. I just need some time to move on, get over him, and then we can go back to being friends. I just want him to be a part of my life, and I'll take whatever he can give me."
"No! No! He is like us! There's no way my radar is off about this," Robin frowned.
"It's okay, Robin. I'll be okay," Steve said.
"Are you sure he didn't kiss you back?" Robin asked.
"I didn't say that he didn't," he said.
"So, he did kiss you?" She asked.
"Yeah, but I'm sure it was like a reflex," Steve said.
"Okay. What did he say exactly after that?" Robin asked.
"He said that he wasn't like that, but it was okay if I was, but he just wasn't like that," Steve replied.
"Wait, so he said it twice?" Robin asked.
"Yeah, why?"
Robin frowned thoughtfully as she tapped her chin. She placed her hands on the table in front of him.
"Okay, I don't want to give you false hope, but maybe it was us who's the problem. We kind of assumed that Eddie's the kind of guy who always knew about himself like we did," Robin said. "But maybe that's not the case."
"Are you saying that I awakened something in him?" Steve said.
"It's a possibility," Robin said softly. "Maybe he just needs time."
Steve smiled, feeling a little more hopeful than he had in days. Yeah, he could give Eddie all of the time in the world.
A few days later. . .
Steve was sitting on the couch, pouting as he stared at the blank TV screen. Every so often, he would glance at the direction of the kitchen, where the phone was, and hoped it would ring. Maggie Harrington plopped onto the coffee table in front of her son and placed his feet in her lap.
"Whatcha doing, Bebie?" Maggie asked.
"Wishing that the phone would ring," Steve said.
"Well, you know what they say about a watched pot," Maggie chuckled, but Steve didn't laugh. "Honey, you have to give him more time than this. Not everyone is like us."
"I know," Steve frowned. "I just don't want to lose him."
"No matter what happens, he'd be an idiot not to be a part of your life," Maggie said.
Thunder clapped loudly outside, and suddenly, there came the sound of hard rain beating against the roof. Steve jumped, and Maggie squeezed his feet to calm him down. A few moments later, the front door opened and closed.
"Mags, do you know anything about this wet metalhead loitering about outside? I don't think he belongs to anyone. I don't see any tags. Do you think Steve might like him?" John asked.
He and Eddie appeared in the door, a wide grin on his face. Meanwhile, Eddie's eyes were wide as he looked at Steve, his hair dripping wet.
"Dad!" Steve exclaimed, blushing.
Eddie pulled crushed, wet flowers out of his vest and held them out for Steve.
"These are for you," Eddie said, and Steve took them with a smile.
"Aw, he got him flowers," Maggie said, cooing.
"Mom, Dad, can you give us a minute?" Steve asked.
"You're right, Steve, he is cute," Maggie said, flipping up her thumbs at him.
"Mom!" Steve yelled.
"Come on, Mags," John said, pulling her out of the room.
"I'm sorry about that. I didn't even think about if your parents even know about you," Eddie blushed.
"Oh, we know, and we were so proud of Bebie when he came out to us!" Maggie yelled from the hallway. "Besides, we're both lavender married. I'm a lesbian and John's gay!"
"Sorry, son, she got away from me!" John called. "Slippery little witch."
"Bebie?" Eddie asked in amusement.
"When I was little, I had this lisp, and I would pronounce my name like Stebe," Steve rolled his eyes. "Then mom kind of ran with the name."
"And it was the cutest little lisp," Maggie said, popping her head in. "You should have seen him when he was little. He was such a mama's boy. You know, I have a picture of him, trying to walk around in my heels. It's so - "
"Mom! Please!" Steve yelled, torn between laughing and crying.
"Mrs. Harrington - " Eddie started to say.
"Maggie," she corrected with a grin.
"Maggie, you know, if you wanted to talk about how cute Steve is, then we can have lunch, and you can tell me all the embarrassing stories about him then?" Eddie asked with a grin. "Okay?"
"Okay!" Maggie exclaimed and left the room.
"Sorry about them," Steve said, shaking his head.
"So, if they're, uh, lavender married, how did - " Eddie started to say.
"I'm adopted," Steve said.
"Ah," Eddie said, and suddenly, he pulled a rock out of his pocket. "I also found this because it reminded me of your eyes."
"Thanks," Steve said, grinning, clutching it to his chest.
"Look, when I said I wasn't like that, I thought that I wasn't like that, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I really am like that. It wasn't just because so many people assume that about me. I always scoffed at them because I'm a freak, so that must mean I must be like that too, right? You came into my life and woke me up. I've always been like that, I just didn't want to recognize it because I'm already different enough, even though I know that there's nothing wrong with being different," Eddie said. "I want to be with you, but I'm still sort of figuring things out."
"We can take things as slow as you want," Steve said.
"A little kiss wouldn't be too fast, though," Eddie grinned as he took Steve’s hands in his.
Steve leaned forward and kissed him gently, pulling him close. He broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against Eddie's.
"I think we can tell your parents to come back in now," Eddie laugh.
"Mom, Dad!" Steve called out.
Maggie came in with a pile of clothes and a towel.
"I brought you some clothes and something to dry off with," Maggie said.
"Thanks, I had completely forgotten that I was dripping on your carpet," Eddie said cheerfully.
When he came back, dressed in Steve's sweats, he plopped down next to Steve on the couch and snuggled into his arms.
"So, Steve always complained about how you guys are away a lot and how much he misses you," Eddie said. "Like an idiot, I assumed the worst. I think that's because of my own shitty dad, so I apologize because you guys are awesome."
"Well, the last few years have kind of been difficult," John replied. "We've been trying to retire my dad's insurance company for a while now so we can spend more time with Steve, but my partner of 15 years who has occasionally been my partner on and off as well, revealed to me that he's been embezzling from the company over the last few years so we have been trying to clean that mess up. We were supposed to hand over the company over to him, and now that's all fucked up. So, we have also been looking for a suitable and trustworthy replacement to take over the company that my dad built from the ground up, a company my dad built to be inclusive for everyone."
"Shit, that fucking sucks," Eddie said with wide eyes.
"It does fucking suck," John sighed. "But Steve and Mags here have been my rock. Couldn't get through this without them."
There was silence for a while and then Eddie leaned forward with a smirk.
"So, Maggie, where is this picture of Steve in your heels that you spoke of?" Eddie asked, and John laughed while Maggie shrieked.
"I'm going to get the photo album," she said and jumped up.
"You're in for it now, son," John said.
"Mom! Please!"
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 6 months
Now that my last fic of the year has been posted, I figured it was potent to post this one. The reason I have picked these fandoms is because I have lots of WIPs for these, and tbh, I will probably touch on all of them throughout the year. (And honestly, after I am done with the Victorious fic, if I don't accidentally write another one, I might move onto TWD because there is one particular Daryl fic idea that I can't get out of my head.) I'm mostly going to be using this poll as general guidance, rather than a hard outline of what I should be doing - but I am curious to see your answers. Also, if there is something I have left out of the options, definitely send me an ask or leave it in the replies.
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ineffablelvrs · 11 months
let's start a fun game while we're waiting for go2 !!! rb and in the tags claim a random minute (0-54 ?? that's the average episode length in s1 im pretty sure) from a random s2 episode (1-6), for example: episode 3, 32:54. then when you watch the season come back and say what scene you got (make sure to tag spoilers though) !!
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pedroam-bang · 8 months
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Sons Of Anarchy (2008-2014)
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streets-in-paradise · 9 months
Unlikely Friendship-Child's Play (1988) and Stranger Things Crossover
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Warnings: Crossover AU, many apects of the ending of Stranger Things season 4 were ignored for this. Eddie Munson moves to Chicago and gets adopted by meets the Barclays. Background Eddie x Reader (reader is named). Happy fic with an A Nightmare On Elm Street-like open ending.
Summary: Little Andy Barclay develops a peculiar fascination when he meets the boyfriend of his substitute babysitter, a neigbor from his building that keeps an eye on him whenever Maggie is unavailable. His mother is highly skeptical of him due to his strange attitude and threatening appearance, but Eddie's kindness of heart would end up surprising her.
Notes: The name I picked for the reader (Lily) i did because I wanted a flower name to match with Maggie and I really like that one. Also, the flower represents a few things in her characterization and plot function. Not intending to make it even more of a self insert or anything
Tags: @losersclubisms
The neighbors of the building were for most living immersed in their own problems and Karen didn’t expect anyone to care for hers. Being a prideful woman herself, she wouldn’t have seeked any support networks among them. There was not much on their part besides some volatile offerings during small talk that often sounded more like charity than friendly help born from true involvement. A kind young girl on the down floor was the only exception, she had been babysitting Andy from time to time since the first moment she had to leave him for a job interview. The deal was arranged as a spontaneous thing meant to last just for that occasion, but it kept repeating sporadically. The little boy responded well to her and his adorable sweetness won her over, so she felt more than happy to help. As their bond became more stable Karen insisted on offering her payment almost every single time, but she would end up accepting only a minimal fraction attempting to show she truly cared for her family untill she would understand it.  
A cordial, reciprocal solidarity based friendship began to develop between both women. They were both struggling in their different ways, Lily didn’t have a good relationship with her mother and she would often come to her asking for advice on countless topics. From work problems to romantical advice, anything that would be floating around in her mind she would share it with her. Karen was quite concerned about the guy she was seeing, from the tales she heard he seemed quite eccentric and describing him like that would be an euphemism. It wouldn’t take much time for some of her guesses to be confirmed, since she got to meet him quite quickly as the relationship advanced. 
If she would have come across him on the streets, his threatening looks would have probably scared her. The long haired young man dressed in black leather and jeans carrying tons of jewelry with strange symbols didn’t inspire her much trust. Even less the first words she heard him say overhearing the couple talking before they noticed her and her boy coming in close to them.
“ I’m going to keep taking you home, babe. I have reasons to be worried, there is a maniac on the loose! Well, another one besides me, of course. “ He joked, making the girl chuckle. “ How long do you think it’s going to take for local metal bands to catch up on that? Every impactufll psycho eventually gets their song."
“ Until police would catch him, I hope. “ 
Their conversation got inmediately interrupted by Andy's pure excitement.
" Hi Lily!!!" He happyly saluted, quickly catching attention before his mother could say anything. " Nice to see you!!"
Her expression was brightfull for the cute surprise.
" Andy!!! How are you, darling?"
He was all smiles before replying.
" Good, doing all kinds of stuff. "
The curious eyes of the kid were fixated on the man beside her, his attention focused in his unusual appearance.
In the meantime, Karen followed with more kind salutes.
" Good evening, dear. Excuse us for the intrussion. "
The young neighbor was happy to see her.
" You are never intruders, i have wanted to do the presentations from quite some time. "
" I handle it from here, sweetheart. " The man followed her. " A pleasure to meet you, from all I have heard I guess you must be Karen. I'm Eddie, and i have the honor of dating this lovely lass."
Andy chuckled, the self introduction somehow reminded him of a Robin Hood he saw in a puppet show.
He once more spoke in advance
" Hi, Eddie! I'm Andy!!!"
Eddie responded while offering him a handshake.
" Nice to meet you, Andy!!"
There was no glimpse of fear in the boy, only a strange fascination. He was paying attention to all the details in his jewelery, specially the rings.
" Woooow! What's that?"
The kid had clearly pointed one of the skull shaped ones.
" Well, it's how all of us look from the inside. When we die, that's what's left. "
The answer was too disturbing and it weirded the mother.
" That's enough, honey. We are going home. "
As the small family followed its route, Eddie still intended to apologise.
" Sorry, Mrs Barclay! i'm not a big fan of lying to kids, I will try to be less terrifying next time."
It was hard for her to understand what was that girl seeing in him. The first awkard interaction didn't do much for his reputation, but she would notice her so in love and the whole thing was a mistery to her.
However, her son was another story. The strange man must have caused a great first impact in him, because he wouldn't stop talking about him. Everytime his neighbor would be babysitting him, he would ask her about Eddie. When was he coming to see her?, What was he doing? and Could he come to play? where some of the most usual ones. At one given time it occured to him that they could call him and she had to invent some excuse to avoid indulging him. During their next cassual encounter in the building the metalhead was carrying his guitar and the kid wouldn't let him be. He even attempted to beg his mother if they could invite him for dinner so he could show him his music.
When he saw him for the fourth time Andy came to him for a hug and asked him if he would be his friend. Eddie looked at Karen, bright smile in his face caused by the shocking reaction of the child, indirectly asking for her approbation before giving any answers.
She couldn't refuse, not when her son seemed so happy. That didn't mean she wouldn't bombard Lily with questions about her boyfriend. She already knew they have in the record store where he worked, only job Karen imagined that would have allowed him to keep that style. Admitting she was understanding of why she would find him a bit rough arround the edges, her neighbor promised he would surprise her if she would give him time. His kind heart and sense of humor had her infatuated since the first date, she had no doubt more people would be able to see the good in him.
Watching an instant on any of the interactions he had with the boy was enough to make one suspect there had to be more about him than what meets the eye. Eddie had managed to connect with Andy in such an unique form. He seemed to understand him in ways no one else in his close circle did, they somehow related to each other. His impressive, highly developed imagínation was doing great as a developmental stimulation source for the little boy either while telling stories or playing games. Karen saw it happening by herself on his first short visits coming to pick up Lily after the babysitting. The positive impact on her child slowly began to change her mind about him.
The definitive step that seiled a start of true bonding between them happened spontaneously and with a very strange timing.
It was the morning of Andy's sixth birthday and facing her son's dissapointment with the gifts she could buy for him had crushed her. She brought him clothes and the only Good Guy brand set of toys she could afford. An accessory playset, while he wanted the doll meant to go with it. A good while after the present unboxing Andy got the first birthday call of the day. Their happy couple of neighbors wanted to give their salutes early and Karen pretended not to hear the sadness in her boy's voice while telling Eddie about his presents.
Minutes afterwards they were at their doorstep and the smiling metalhead was carrying a huge wrapped box. Karen couldn't believe her eyes and the disbelief was evident. To the ' no way' in her expression, Eddie's complicit mischievousness seemed to confirm her it was, Indeed, very possible. The pridefull smile of his girlfriend showed it was probably his idea. She knew which presents the mother was planning to get for the kid and probably just commented to her boyfriend about it before deciding what they were going to do.
" Good Morning, Karen! Where is the birthday boy? I have this thing my princess has been hidding for him in her appartment."
Andy rushed to the sound of his voice, but remained skeptical to the sight of the package.
" We tricked you, little buddy!!! Do you think your mom was going to leave the big one in plain sight?" Eddie cheerfully encouraged him to approach, pretending he was carrying the box for Karen. " This is all an elaborated scheme to surprise you. The little one Karen gave you is ours, we were hidding hers all along. "
It was enough to get the kid excited again.
" Really? Woooow!!!"
" We have no idea of what's inside, but it's kind of heavy." The man followed, exaggerating with his mannerisms the effort of carrying the box to later support it at the floor level." Why don't you take a look for me?"
The three adults remained expectant and when the kid ripped off the paper mother and son were one in the surprise.
" A Good Guy, I know it!!" Andy cheered towards her. " I knew you would get me one!!!"
Karen gave a side look to Eddie while he played the fool, comical fake innocence almost getting a chuckle from her.
It was unbelievable, the excuse was so perfectly crafted that she had no time to object before he presented the doll in her name.
" A Good Guy doll for the nicest kid in the neighborhood. " Eddie spoke because Karen couldn't. " It fits, ríght? Your mom is a genius."
Andy glanced at him for an instant and smiled, then rushed to hug her.
" Ohh, mom. Thanks!!"
" You are welcome, honey. " She lovefully replied. " but you should also thank Eddie and Lily for helping me hide it. Without them, the surprise wouldn't have been so great. Don't you think?"
The boy nodded affirmatively and kissed her cheek before following her suggestion.
" Happy Birthday, buddy!!!" Eddie cheered while receiving him. " Aren't you excited to play now?
" Thanks, Eddie! Will you play with me?"
The metalhead didn't hesitate in reassuring him.
" Sure I will, we are going to play such cool story games that Good Guy Show will want to hire me to write for them."
The boy's eyes were open wide and the excitement accompanied him when he gave the girl her time to be hugged.
" Thank you, Lily, for my friends. " He sweetly said to her and she understood the phrase implied two different things.
Convinced of the tale they told him, he was thanking her for hidding the doll with her. However, in his childish way he also tried to thank her for bring Eddie into his life.
" You are welcome, sunshine. " She inmediately responded. " I love them too. "
A silent instant of shared smiles completed the moment, then she tried to create a good excuse to get him occupied so her boyfriend and the mother would have their needed space to talk.
" Hey, Andy! The box says your new best friend needs batteries. I have a singing rabbit plushie at home, so I know how this things work. Wanna follow me so we can power up your buddy?"
He happyly obbeyed, leaving Karen free to interrogate Eddie.
" So, you finally learned how to lie to kids … You didn't have to do this. How the hell did it occur to you? Do you know how fucking expensive that thing is?"
He tried to ignore the fact that hearing her swear was kind of shocking.
" Hell i know, but I was sure Andy would want it. Good Guy Show is all he talks about and the ads are everywhere."
The answer frustrated her, he would say that as if she wasn't already aware of that.
" Why couldn't you just wait untill I would get one for him? "
" He would have never ask you directly, he knows you can't afford it."
The ríght guess in his thought process felt a bit too personal. It was one of those moments where Karen felt as if the man would be trying to prove he knew Andy better than her even when that wasn't his intention.
" And how exactly did you got it?"
It was an important question he trully didn't want to answer, even less to her accusatory tone.
" A magician never reveals his secrets, just enjoy the magic."
She was not in the mood for more of his jokes.
" Eddie, I'm being serious. You are an adult and I shouldn't mess with your spending, but i'm older than you and I can't just allow you to commit this act of financial irresponsibility without having a say. "
She was showing true concern for him, so he was at least going to give him some of his reasons. Seeking to make her understand so he wouldn't have to explain more Eddie opened up to her like never before.
" Listen, Karen. I come from a trailer park in a small town forgotten by God in some corner of Indiana. My uncle took me in on his own and it was just the two of us against the entire fucking town. I know how your son feels, he just wants a nice toy and a friend to play with. Believe it or not, I understand your powerlessness too because i saw it happening while growing up. If i can make it better for another struggling family, one that by the way I really care a lot about, I'll do it even if I have to go broke for it."
It was then when she got to discover he trully had a heart of gold, the breaking surprise her neighbor prophetized.
" I'm so thankfull, but please take care of yourself. " She tenderly nagged him while approaching for a hug. " I promise I will find a way to repay you. "
" You don't have to, but if you insist, just think of me if Ozzy adds concert dates near here on his next tour. "
It was a joke, he chuckled to let her know he was just messing with her.
Her son and his girlfriend returned to find her kindly fixing the loose locks of his messy hair.
Andy was happyly showing his unboxed doll.
" Mommy, mommy!!! Come to see this!!! "
The three adults silently shared their relief for the accomplishment.
Andy wasn’t completely unaware of the implicit secrecy around him despite not being sure of its reason. It made his smile acquire a shade of mischievousness, wondering if there was another surprise. 
“ You tricked me again! ” He complained to the young man, slightly frustrated. “ How you do it?” 
Before he could get to answer, Karen did it for him. 
“ I invited him to your party, that’s the last surprise.” She announced, matter that was never discussed before. “ Lily can bring Eddie after work to play and have cake if that’s fine for them.” 
Trying the doll was the only thing that could have possibly redirected the kid’s excitement after getting to hear that. Fascinated as he was with its startup phrase introducing itself as Chucky, he encouraged every single one of them to talk to it. 
Chucky and Eddie were all he would be talking about for the rest of the day. Although his mom couldn’t be present for the occasion because work forced her to miss it, he would still comment on it with Maggie over and over. Best friend and coworker of Karen, she was his main babysitter and the most trustable emergency contact. Usually, the neighbor girl would come whenever she was unavailable.
They had met, so she was aware of her, but on the many times Andy would mention Eddie he referred to him as his friend and never specified he was the backup sitter’s boyfriend. In fact, the way he would speak of him didn’t differentiate him much from a child. Karen told her about the kind hearted lad showing up at her doorstep with the doll her son wanted, but the differential descriptions made her think she and Andy were talking of two different persons.
Opening the door for a threatening looking grownass man followed by his contrastingly sweet appearing girlfriend was not what she had in mind. 
The visits were initially unaware of the change and, since they were hoping to find Karen, seeing someone else confused them too.
" Sorry, wrong place. "Maggie said as soon as she saw him, almost shutting the door if she wouldn't have recognized the girl beside him. " Is this guy coming with you? Look, Lily. Karen isn't home because Walter forced her to take other shift to cover up for someone else. I have been warned Andy is waiting for a friend to show up, but i will be fine on my own dealing with the two kids. "
The couple shared a few chuckles, unsure of how they were going to explain the hilarious misunderstanding.
" Well, if you think so i'll pick him up at nine. "The girl responded, acting on purpose as if she would be leaving a kid at the birthday party of his little friend. " Have fun, Eddie! Listen to Maggie and don't get yourself in trouble."
He followed the joke pretending child like excitement.
Maggie got the message, but was still quite shocked.
" So, this is Eddie … If you would hear the way that kid talks of you, you would get why I was waiting for a child."
" My teachers used to say i'm one in spirit as some flattering, euphemistical replace for inmature as fuck. " He mocked himself, trying to overcome the awkwardness. " I guess I should let you judge by yourself. "
She rolled her eyes and let both in.
" No swearing in front of the boy. If I hear one curse word coming from Andy, I'm going to know he got it from you. "
He smiled and did a gallant reverence before stepping in.
" Worry not, Margareth, for I will keep the manners of a knight."
Lily chuckled as he guided her inside to later kiss her knucles and do the same for Maggie.
" Calm down, Shakespeare. " She mocked him in return. " Don't piss me off and we are going to be fine. "
" I could never not behave accordingly in the presence of such lovely ladies. " He insisted, sticking to the character for a little bit. " Margareth and Lily, the most beautifull flowers on the little prince's garden. "
She amusedly ignored the compliment.
" Andy, you friend is here!!!!"
In a matter of instants the presence of Eddie revolutioned the home. The quiet playtime of the little boy was over, since the energy of the metalhead would incentivate him to go nuts. It literally finished turning the situation into something closer to a birthday party, music incluided. Aware that Andy was super curious about his guitar, he would have preferred to play something by himself. However, since Karen just started to like him and he guessed that would be too much for her, he límited himself to bringing a mixtape with the most palatable music for a general audiencie that he owned. When questioned about it, he simply said there was nothing on it heavier than Metallica mixed with some radio friendly hard rock.
Maggie stopped caring for his strange excuses once she saw Andy jumping all over the place to Led Zeppelin's ' Rock and Roll ' while holding his doll so he could pretend it was doing the same. He was acting like a happy kid on a birthday should despite that was happening in a very unconventional way. In fact, she wished she could have videotaped it for Karen to see. The hairstyle of the doll was completely ruined during Andy's attempts of making it replicate the movements of Eddie, who would also try to encourage everyone else to join them.
She got more material for her self deprecating and ironical dating jokes. When asked about it she could say that at least part of her night involved being dragged to move by a twenty somethings and out of context it would work.
The calm part of it was still full of games that were more intense than what she would have expected from Andy's usual playing behavior. He tried to show Eddie the way that the Good Guy Show lore pre imagined for him to play with Chucky, but the man kept challenging it.
" We are going to think outside the box here, Andy, … literally speaking. " He was kindly explaining his point. " The Playpal guys say Chucky has only six options depending on the accesories we can buy for him, but he can be anything we want if we dare to imagine it and we don't need any more sets for that. "
Sat on the floor ríght next to him and in front of the doll, the kid was observing it as if he had the most amazing realization.
" But we have the construction worker set, what else can we make him be?" He asked in a wondering tone. " What do you think ?"
" I don't know, but we can have fun figuring out. " Eddie followed him. " For example, with that flaming red hair and the hammer, I believe he could be a dwarven blacksmith who craftes magical weapons and beautifull jewelery. "
The idea seemed appealing to the kid simply because he made it sound way cooler.
" Mom sells jewelery, Chucky can make it for her. " Andy agreed. " Don't you, Chucky?"
Following the whole thing while trying to keep a conversation with Maggie, Lily was undone from tenderness feeling as if her heart would be about to explode holding all that love for Eddie. She couldn't help excusing herself and do an Intervention to help him out.
" We can make him look more dwarvish, we just have to make some little changes."
She attempted to transform Chucky into a fantasy dwarf using one of her boyfriend's bracelets as necklace for the doll and adding the touch of one of the pending chains from his pants circling the hip to represent a belt.
" I will add a few cool dwarvish braids in his hair and that's it." She pridefully informed. " He would be ready for forge work or battle. "
" He still needs a battle axe, but that one comes in the fireman playset. " Eddie joked, still admiring the work. " Be carefull with that, babe. Braiding hair is a marriage proposal gesture in his culture. "
Andy seemed quite surprised and she pretended to follow him for an instant.
" Well, I can play as Chucky's bride. Surely he will not mind."
" Over my dead body!!!" Eddie exaggerated on purpose, making the kid laugh. " I'm going to challenge him to a duel for your hand. "
" Andy should decide who I should marry, it's his birthday and you are his friends. What do you say, birthday boy?"
" I don't want them to fight. " He sweetly admitted. " Friends shouldn't fight."
Maggie couldn't help bursting into laughter many times while watching the madness escalate. Eddie convinced Andy of enacting the duel, but it ended up as playfull fighting between them while Lily finished braiding Chucky's hair.
Some of the fictional escenarios they were collectively coming up with were hard to follow, so the woman eventually got bored and sat on the couch to watch tv.
" Pardon me, Margareth, but we are in the middle of a quest to destroy a dark wizard and you are ruining the ambience!!" Eddie complained at some point. " Are you sure you don't want to be the wise witch guiding us? I'm offering you the coolest role."
He made her chuckle, she couldn't pretend to be upset anymore despite she would still make him a target of her sarcasm.
" That sounds great, but i think the dark wizard can wait untill after the cake. "
Once Andy blew the candles surrounded by happy cheering and had a piece of his cake he began to feel tired from all the exciting playing. Noticing it as well, Eddie explained him that they didn't have to complete the quest all in once. Relieved and happy, the boy finished the day with some of the standard playing with the construction set and his Good Guy back in the classical look. In the meantime, Eddie insisted in helping Maggie clean to compensate her for all the chaos of the night.
Bedtime was near when the little boy delivered one last weird occurence.
" Aunt Maggie, Chucky wants to watch the nine o clock news."
She shared complicit glances with Eddie as he pilled up the clean dishes that had to be saved, initially thinking Andy's plead was some joke to ignore the bedtime and keep playing with him.
"Sure, he does."
Lily tried not to chuckle, feeling almost sure of what the thing was about.
The news presenter mentioned the Lakeshore Strangler, Eddie's most recent fixation. He obviously wasn't talking about that with Andy, but he must have been aware of that because her boyfriend was talking about it with her the same day the kid meet him.
"Don't worry, sweetie. He can watch the repetition at twelve. " She tranquilized him in sweet whispers as Maggie approached. " You should go to rest."
His aunt turned off the tv and picked him up in order to carry him to the bedroom, while the substitute sitter carried Chucky a similar way. The kid obediently proceeded to go brush his teeth in the bathroom, when the sudden bombing of tv sound freaked them out. 
Eddie was sitting on the couch, staring at them innocently like a child that tries to deny doing mischief. 
“ I’m done with the chores … Can I watch the news, Aunt Maggie?” He pleaded by himself. “ It’s very important, I wouldn’t ask it otherwise. They are on the case I’m following.” 
“ Again with that? “ Lily wondered out loud. “ Charles Lee Ray is dead. It 's over, love.” 
“ His accomplice has escaped. “ He summarized for her. “ Police get the right Eddie this time and they let him escape. Can you believe it?” 
“ Why is it such a big deal for you?” Maggie seriously asked him. “ The hell are you talking about?” 
Following the conversation and remaining attentive to the screen was hard, especially because one of the women was in front of it. He didn’t want to explain his full reasoning, but she was cornering him so he had to say something.
“ I know it sounds creepy and I’m a total freak, just don't get upset with Andy. He must think that the Strangler is to me what the Good Guy show is to him, that’s why he said that. I never spoke about it with him, I swear. He must have overheard me and he just wanted to be nice. “ 
“ If you say so, I won’t deny it: you are a freak.” Maggie simply stated. “ … but you make that kid happy so I guess I have to get used to it.”
“ Eddie is not a weirdo obsessed with a killer just because his partner in crime has his same name, he has valid reasons to feel the way he does. “ His girlfriend interrupted, sweetly approaching to sit beside him. “ There was a series of ritualistic murders happening in his old town and the people wrongfully targeted him and his friends just because they looked suspicious to them. When things seem to work out, he moves here trying to leave everything behind and some guy starts doing a similar thing. He was terrified of being targeted by the police all over again, he would be trying to hide it from me through silly dark jokes.” 
He was very thankful of not having to explain the situation himself, unsure of how to present it in a way that wouldn’t ruin things. 
“ I elaborated an exhaustive list of reasons proving I could never be the Strangler just in case they would come to interrogate me, if there was going to be a second time I wanted to be ready.” 
“ Holy shit, that’s terrible!” Maggie exclaimed, feeling truly sorry for him. “ I can’t imagine how horrible it would be to be blamed for a crime I didn’t commit. Did they eventually catch the guy?” 
“ I like to believe I helped to serve justice somehow.” He vaguely explained. “ Charles Lee Ray was the most faithful reflection of everything people said I was, I felt relieved when they identified him as the Lakeshore Strangler and I followed his case intensely because I wanted to feel sure cops weren’t fucking up again. The dude who was shot in a toy store last night wasn’t an unlucky scapegoat and nobody will be coming after me again saying I’m a killer for the way I dress, the game i play or the music I listen to.” 
Maggie stopped obstructing the screen. 
“ I was kind of a bitch to you, sorry for that. You may be weird, but I can tell you are a great guy.” 
The recognition got a genuine smile from him. 
“ No problem, I’m used to it.” 
“ I tell him all the time that I feel lucky to have him, but he says I’m insane.” Lily continued, seeking to cuddle from her position beside him. “ He is wonderful, maybe I’m a bit guilty of trying to make the world love him as much as I do.” 
He gave her a soft peck on the lips and they smiled at each other before he proceeded to share bits of their story. 
“ I love this woman from the very first moment she smiled at me after having asked me for the dullest hair metal record that she wanted to buy mostly for the power ballad single. She was so lovely, I became a mess and I couldn’t care less for my artistic principles. For her I ended up listening to that damn Whitesnake record during the in-between dates time, closing my eyes to think of her to Is This Love because I knew she loved that one and I was becoming a lovesick fool.” 
Their tenderness was very surprising to the woman observing them. 
“ Girl, I’m going to end up asking you for dating advice.” Maggie mocked them, that time with plenty of good intentions. “ Should I start attending metal concerts?” 
“ We are on the same page, I follow Karen’s. “ She honestly replied. “ Well, except for that one time I didn’t and I kept dating him.” 
The women chuckled and kept chatting, but he missed most of it because he got lost in his own thoughts while the heat of his girlfriend’s body was relaxing him. Eddie’s imagination was starting to connect the dots in many strange coincidences surrounding him and the story he intended to follow. Lee Ray and Caputo were partners in crime named exactly the same as Andy’s partners in playing. From the many names the Good Guys could have, the one he got for the kid was a Chucky and Chucky was short for Charles. The serial killer was shot by police in a toy store, last hideout resource when his friend abandoned him.
“ Hey, handsome. It’s your mind on the moon again?” Lily teased him sweetly, noticing he got very distracted. “ What’s wrong?”
“ I’m gonna write the song, babe … and I know what I’m going to do.” He revealed, with determination. “ I’m going to write about the killer from the point of view of his friend, and it's going to be wrapped in a metaphor about childhood. Andy just inspired it to me, you know? We have a Chucky and I’m an Eddie … that ‘ My best friend Chucky ’ thing. It 's perfect! “ 
“ What do you mean?” She stopped him before the rambling could escalate because she wanted to follow him. “ Slow down and share it.” 
“ Chucky IS Chucky.” He replicated with excitement. “ Chucky is short for Charles, so doll Chucky is my metaphor for dude Chucky and Eddie is his best buddy. Committing crimes is like playtime for them, until the police arrive. Waking up from the fantasy of their murder spree is like growing up. Eddie becomes aware of the consequences and trying to escape those he leaves Chucky behind to die in the fucking toy store like a forgotten toy. “ 
It was a bit too much, but she was quite impressed anyway. 
“ It’s … twisted, but brilliant! And you are going back to writing! That’s good, I’m just so happy that Andy managed to inspire you somehow.” 
“ Are you planning to launch your musical career with a lawsuit from Playpals? Because that’s what you are going to get. “ Maggie warned him. “ Just try to keep yourself out of trouble, allright?” 
The casual demonstration of concern was well received by him. 
“ Yes, Aunt Maggie!” 
They intended to stay until Karen would return, but Maggie told them over and over that she was going to be alright on her own and they didn’t have to. They were going to be in the building anyways, so if she needed anything she could just call them and they would be there for her. 
Lily seemed uneasy, there was something else her boyfriend hadn't discussed with her and coming down from all the excitement surrounding them once they were back in her apartment made her aware of it. 
“ Where did you get the doll, Eddie?” She questioned him. “ I had no money for it, as far as I know you didn’t have it … So where did it come from?” 
The ask was very rational, but at that point he would have preferred to avoid it.
“ Why does it matter? Andy is happy and Karen will not have to lose all her savings for it.” 
“ It matters to me because I’m afraid you could have endangered our friends “ 
She meant she feared he could be messing himself and others into something illegal and she had a point. 
“ It was alley money for a clean doll, alright? I got rid of the last shit I had left and with what I got from those sales I bought him a brand new doll from the store.” He finally confessed. “ I paid in cash so there is no way to track it, just don’t tell Karen. “ 
There was no inmediate reaction, but when it came, her reply was way deeper than a moral objection.
“ Andy told me something very curious today when we were unpacking the doll from the box.  I kept calling it his best friend because that’s the slogan of the brand, but he corrected me. He said Chucky is not his best friend, you are.” 
She held his hand holding back tears. 
“ If something happens to you, it would crush that kid. I want you to take care of yourself and I’m not even doing it for us, but for him. He already lost his dad, he can’t lose you in the most shitty way possible.” 
Eddie hugged her and began to caress her hair in a calming way. 
“ Easy, princess. it’s going to be ok, nothing bad will come to them or to us.” 
For once in his life, that seemed to be true. With some ups and downs, but things were working out. He had a day job that didn’t suck while he could still keep working on his music, a wonderful girlfriend and one more friendship with a kid bringing out the best of him. Aware of Andy’s frustration for wanting to get little friends of his age, Eddie was slowly starting to teach him how to socialize in the way of the weird kids. He would constantly tell him about his younger friend from Hawkins who had three friends to play with since many years before meeting him. In some ways, he could be blamed for talking too pridefully about Dustin presenting him and his experience as the horizon for lonely freaky kids. To be fair, he would also comment with excitement to Dustin about the baby steps the little boy was making from time to time on their phone calls. 
His first visit was an important event for everyone involved.By that point Andy had heard so many amazing stories about him that he hero worshiped Dustin despite the teenager was initially unaware of it. 
" You are completely sold to that cute little brat, it is unbelievable. " Dustin concluded in whispers after observing an interaction between his friend and the kid for the first time. " I finally understand how Steve felt when I befriended you. "
Andy couldn't hear the talk because he was distant enough from them searching for some thing he desperatedly wanted to show them.
" We are lucky he isn't here. He would loose his shit over how tiny and cute that kid is, Msrs Barclay would never get rid of him."
They laughed because of how accurate that sounded to both.
" Karen could use one more free babysitter. " Eddie concluded. " C'mon, Dustin! I can't believe you are jealous of a six year old kid. "
" Well, he says you are his best friend and i thought WE were best friends. "
They were just messing with each other, but he still wanted to give him a good reminder of how important their friendship was.
" I owe you everything, you are practically my little brother. "
Eddie hugged him ríght away and Dustin chuckled through it.
" Don't try to make me tear up!"
Briefly afterwards Andy returned proudly holding a piece of paper.
" I made this for you. " He explained to Dustin while handing him the paper. " … and your friends. "
A drawing, classical little kid present. The teenager managed to distunguish at least four human figures in it surrounded by strange shit that was coming after them.
He smiled, unsure of what to say, so Andy provided a clarification.
" It's you fighting the monsters with them."
" Did you told him about the Upside Down? " He asked to Eddie, midly panicking. " How much does he know? "
" Chill, Karen and Maggie think is just nice tales I tell him. " Eddie defended himself. " Andy knows you are a hero."
Without any gestural warning the little boy rushed to hug Dustin.
" I want to fight monsters with my friends like you. "
The kid managed to awake his sentimental fiber.
" I wish you and the friends you will make will never have to, Andy. "
They all were awaiting for more introductions to be made. Since Eddie was introducing Dustin, Andy wanted them to meet the very first friend he managed to make in school. Lily was in charge of bringing him in, acting as trusting sitter and bridge between both families.
Eddie was particularly excited about it, from all comments he had heard the child was an old school freak in the making. He was a loner with an interest in fantasy and a labelled troublemaker.
The first impression didn't dissapoint.
" Nice shirt." The kid complimented him ríght away, pointing at the Iron Maiden cover art in the shirt Eddie was wearing." Great taste. "
" Aren't you a bit young to know what this is?"
The questioning didn't bother him in the slightlest.
" Is she your girlfriend? "
" Yeah, she is. " Eddie confirmed. " She is Andy's sitter and i heard she will become yours soon too because everyone else has given up. "
He smiled at her, then replied.
" … I like her. "
" Well, Lily is lovely so I can't blame you. " The metalhead added before introducing himself. " it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Eddie. "
The boy was laughing, a bone chilling cackle that threw everybody off.
" What should I do with your Good Guy, sweetie?" Lily asked him, trying to overcome the awkward moment. " I wouldn't want to mix both by mistake, Andy has a Chucky too. "
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maggiiiiiiiiiebones · 9 months
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Some doodles from today
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zombiewhor3 · 2 years
ABOUT MY PAGE @zombiewhor3
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-i will not accept hate speech of any kind whether it is homophobia, racism, bullying or any kind of discrimination. Failure to follow this rule and you will be PERMANENTLY banned from my page!
-Requests with hate speech, incest, feces, piss, foot, or rape kinks will not be written and even may result in me blocking you!
-be respectful to one another, yes sometimes people disagree but be kind and respect one another's opinions i don't wanna have to read through long arguments in my comment section!!!
-dms are always open for requests or if you just want to chat feel free to message me if you need anything or even if you have a question i'm always happy to answer your guys messages.
Please note the following media and copyright information below, skipping over it is not reccommended for people sensitive to certain topics or triggers.
i do not own TWD or Stranger Things or Shamless, all ownership goes to the writers and producers of the shows, i do not own any of the characters/story lines that are written or included in these shows, and i do not own any material that they have written or produced the only character that I own is y/n and my fanfiction is simply for fun not for the use of copyright or profit. nor do i own any of the gifs that have been used in my posts, credits go to all rightful owners
(ps all underage people will be blocked if i find them reading my 18+ stories)
ALL SMUT STORIES CONTAIN CHARACTERS OF LEGAL AGE, characters will always be 18+ when smut is involved i will not write under-age smut stories.
she/her pro-nouns only please !
writer/ editor
i use my screen name of zombie
wattpad: @ grimesbluejeas
other tumblr: @ munsonsskinnyjeans (not active on this one!)
-TWD (the walking dead)
-ST (stranger things)
-SHMLS (shameless)
the walking dead:
Daryl Dixon
Maggie Rhee
Carl Grimes
stranger things:
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Mickey Milkovich
Ian Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
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a-strange-inkling · 4 months
*at a drive through*
Eddie: Yes, can I get a large black coffee…
Maggie: Daddy, can I get a cookie?
Eddie: We have cookies at home, sweetheart.
Maggie: We have coffee at home.
Eddie: …Chocolate chip or sugar?
Maggie: Sugar 😌
Eddie: Yeah, and one sugar cookie please.
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saffronimagines · 1 year
Can y’all fill up my inbox with requests…? I need motivation.
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heronpoxed · 1 year
Major Sons of Anarchy Spoilers
This post is for Tara Knowles stans and Tara Knowles stans only!
(maybe a little bit for her antis too)
Y’all know that I love Jax Teller right? but I love Tara Knowles more and sometimes I hate Jax so much, it is absolutely palpable because he is a pathological cheating manwhore<3 
This is probably going to be some type of um expansion of the similar post I wrote years ago (I wrote a whole goddamn essay. My 17-year-old self went all out and if you’re interested, here’s the link: https://www.tumblr.com/heronpoxed/625890875891990529/sons-of-anarchy-spoilers ) but this time I am older, wiser and more pissed off. 
I was scrolling through reddit, reading some convos on why Jax cheated on Tara this much and what his motivations were. Most of them were stating similar things which can be narrowed down to this: “This was the life and the MC culture. When you’re a part of an MC there are expectations that you need to meet aka expectations to cheat on your partners. He was raised this way. He was a womanizer and had gotten a horrible example of love from Gemma and Clay. He was seeking distractions, etc” 
Well, let me tell you: What a load of fucking bullshit. 
First of all, we have Otto fucking Delaney who did so much unimaginable shit just because he was in love with Luann. Looking at Otto, would you really think that he would be capable of cheating on her?  And the fact that he was a loyal husband would make him seem less deserving of his title as an MC member? 
I hate that everyone excuses Jax’s cheating. Like, at all! I hate that Sutter thought that he had to make Jax a cheater in order to portray a realistic MC member. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t know shit about MC other than what I’ve seen on the show, but let me tell you this: Jax was always portrayed as someone who was smarter than the rest of the club, more intelligent and above all this fake and basic instinct bullshit that most of the members lived by for so long and this is exactly why Jax being a cheater does not make sense because it just made him inconsistent. The toxic MC culture is to be unfaithful to your partners but the whole essence of Jax’s character is that he tried as much as he could to go against said culture and push the MC in a healthier direction.
With Jax always taking the moral high ground while being a VP and mostly taking a moral high ground while being a prez, you wouldn’t expect him to do shit like this to Tara, a woman he so obviously loves with his whole being. Like thats the thing, you can’t even say that he doesn’t love her because the lengths that he was willing to go for her were immeasurable. He got confused there for a sec but in the end he literally gave up his freedom so she could have hers and if we look through the darker lens, we all witnessed what he did to the poor Chinese boy and his own mother. 
The only time I get Jax’s motivation to sleep with someone who isn’t his wife, is when he found out about the divorce and the pregnancy. That thing would really fvck someone up and even if I hated that instead of talking it out with Tara or just like shouting at her, he decided to bury himself in a blonde milf, I understand why he did it. He was feeling hurt and upset and betrayed (tho If he hadn’t become a person who couldn’t be reasoned with, this could’ve been avoided).
However, him sleeping with Colette in 6x01??? There is no excuse! 
This is the shit that I hate the most, man. The second his relationship with Tara got strained, he ran straight to Colette instead of facing his issues and let me tell you, this makes Jax a coward. 
What’s worse is that he wanted to do it again and if he hadn’t seen Colette with Baroski, he most definitely would’ve slept with her that day. That entire scene is absolutely disgusting. Not because it’s relatively graphic, but because of the look on Jax’s face, like Colette was his and he felt violated that someone else was sleeping with his property. I literally gagged and threw up and cried. Thats how sick that scene was.
What’s even worse than THAT, is that if Colette hadn’t died in the Diosa massacre, that manwhore would’ve slept with her again and wouldn’t even feel weird about it(1) even after being caught with her by his wife, (2) even after knowing deep down that, on moral level, Tara would’ve been upset about and would not have wanted this. 
As much as I dislike Colette and don’t greet her tendency to get attracted to the guys that are clearly taken (don’t forget she had an eye for Nero first), to say the least, it annoys the hell out of me that everyone blames her. Hello? Jax isn’t exactly blameless here?!?! He easily could’ve said NO. What would Colette have done?! forced herself on him?! give me a break. People are so quick to blame women for the shit that men build the foundation for. 
I feel exactly the same way about the Ima situation. Ima WAS dumb but it wasn’t as if both Opie and Jax hadn’t made a conscious decision to sleep with her. Jax rearranging Ima’s face, calling her a wh*re and telling her to stay away from his family was unwarranted to say the least considering that he brought her in the clubhouse, into his life and inadvertently, everyone else’s.
Gods know how much I love Jax Teller but dude, DUDE! like I could never excuse such shitty behavior of his and whoever does is an utter misogynist and a victim of toxic masculinity. Jax wouldn’t have been any less intimidating or any less biker-y without being a pathological cheater. He could’ve broken Tara’s heart a million different ways, could’ve dealt with his cowardly issues with a million different distractions and coping mechanisms. Why did it have to be constant infidelity? 
Honestly, that’s so embarrassing of you, Jax.
What breaks my heart the most is the fact that Tara went back to him every single time even though she clearly stated that cheating was a deal-breaker for her. That’s how much she loved him but at the end of the day, that’s a woman written by a m*n; fulfilling this sick male fantasy that the woman has to be loyal to the man no matter what.
Damn, I needed to say all that. I’m rewatching like for the 5th time I think and I am so so angry. Now that I’m older I see things more clearly which makes me even more angry. 
I don’t know what the take-away is from this y’all but I can say one thing: Tara Knowles-Teller, my sweet, beautiful angel, deserved the best version of her husband. Not that second-hand cheap copy of him. 
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waratah-moon · 1 year
Roll for Persuasion
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You were quite content living in blissful unawareness of Eddie Munson, but that all changed when your brother joined Hellfire Club. Now the loud-mouthed metal head was everywhere; and for some reason he's deadset on making you miserable.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Henderson!reader (can be read as bio or adoptive sister - visually inclusive)
Warnings: SMUT (reader is 18+, protected sex), underage drinking (in America), mean older sister/ siblings shenanigans, enemies to lovers
Word count: 7k
masterlist / read on ao3 / send me love 💌
You had never paid much attention to Eddie Munson before your senior year. You’d heard of him, of course; Hawkins was a small town and his reputation as the loud-mouthed metal head preceded him, but the two of you ran in different cliques and had never actually crossed paths.
Eddie never paid much attention to you either. He knew your name and face the same way he knew the names and faces of most of his classmates, but he thought you were just another stereotype. Another cheerleader destined for a life of middle-class suburban drudgery after peaking in high school.
But Eddie was wrong. Behind your strawberry lip gloss and perfectly styled hair you had goals beyond being a housewife. Your dad had always said you were ambitious; too smart for your own good. Your advanced placement classes and extracurricular activities had put you on track for a scholarship to some fancy out of state college and as soon as you graduated you were out of Hawkins.
The only thing you were going to miss about your small town was your younger brother. Dustin was annoying, he was also a major nerd who shared practically none of your interests, but you had a soft spot for the little twerp. It had been hard on him when your family moved to Hawkins five years ago and even harder when your father had up and left. You’d taken it upon yourself to look out for the kid. It had been a blessing he’d found friends in Mike, Lucas, and Will, but you were still thankful to be there for his first year of high school.
The first day Dustin started at Hawkins High he’d come home talking about Hellfire Club and their leader, ‘Eddie the Banished’. You hadn’t thought much about it, just glad that he and his friends had found a group to belong to amongst the high school cliques, even if it was one of the lamer clubs. That relief soon turned into annoyance when you learnt that Hellfire Club met at the same time as cheer practice, meaning your mom made you drive Dustin and his friends home.
The first time you properly interacted with Eddie Munson was about six weeks into the new school year. Hellfire had run late the last few weeks and you were not in the mood to be waiting around. The nights were getting colder and the cardigan that came with your cheer uniform was doing little to protect you from the chilly October air. After sitting in your car for half an hour you’d had enough.
Dustin had never told you where his club met but it didn’t take you long to find them; you only had to follow the sound of raucous hollering down the hallway to the drama room. The door was shut but you could see the light seeping through the crack above the floor and hear the unmistakable sound of muffled arguing. 
You swung the door open without warning, cutting someone off mid-sentence. “If you’re not in the car in five minutes I’m leaving and you can all walk home.” Your voice cut through the chatter like a knife, all heads whipping around to stare at you.
The young man at the head of the table squinted his eyes, rising from the throne he was sitting on. “This is a private meeting.”
“I’m not asking to join,” you retorted. “I’m Dustin’s sister.”
“Family day is next week.” He studied your face as if trying to place you and your name rolled off his tongue as a question. “I’ve seen you with Chrissy.”
It didn’t surprise you he knew Chrissy. You knew she’d scored special K and oxy off him a few times; you knew most of the cheer squad had bought something from him whether they admitted to it or not. Chrissy had told you, albeit in secret, that Eddie was actually a nice guy. His tone and expression right now made you question her judgement.
“You never said your sister was a cheerleader, Henderson,” he said it like an insult but he was smirking. His eyes trailed up your legs, your short skirt only just covering your thighs.
You shifted awkwardly but stood your ground. “Glad to see all that pot hasn’t affected your critical thinking skills,” you crossed your arms over your chest, tilting your head to the side. “Reckon you’ll finally graduate this year?”
“Why, already planning the reunion? Must suck when your entire personality is school spirit. What’s left to do once you’ve already peaked?”
You scowled, eyes narrowing. “Car, Dustin. Now.”
“You said five minutes,” your brother whined, eyes bouncing between you and Eddie.
“I changed my mind,” you turned on your heels and left, not caring if your brother or his friends were following.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
You seemed to see Eddie more often after that first encounter. Either he was making his presence more apparent or your mind had become more aware of spotting him in the crowds. Either way, neither of you spoke to each other, but you did keep making the mistake of glancing at him; fatal errors that left him smirking after you.
You didn’t seem alone in your inability to look away, though. You’d caught Eddie staring at you in the hallways more than once, casually leaning against his locker and twisting his silver rings around his fingers. The difference between you, however, was that Eddie never looked away in embarrassment when you caught him watching you. Instead he would tilt his head, wordlessly testing to see if you would question him, knowing you wouldn’t be caught dead talking to him in public. You’d scowl whenever he did this, slamming your locker shut and forfeiting the contest. 
“Dustin won’t shut up about him.”
“Who?” You knew who he was talking about, but you acted confused nonetheless, picking at your manicure as you sat on the hood of your car.
“That freak Eddie Munson,” Steve said, jealousy coating the name. He was leaning against his own car, parked in the spot next to yours. The two of you often found yourselves chatting as you waited to pick up your freeloaders; you were waiting for your brother, Steve waiting for Robin.
“I know, it’s getting ridiculous,” you too were getting sick of Dustin’s dedicated worship to the dungeon master, but part of you was also glad he was annoying Steve too. “Maybe if you hung out with him more-”
“I have a life!”
“-he wouldn’t have so much time for Eddie,” you finished your thought. Steve groaned, throwing his head back to look up at the sun, Ray-Bans perched on his nose. “Speaking of having a life, have you asked out Linda yet?”
“Have you asked out Gavin?”
You made a retching noise. “Ugh, no. He tripped a freshman in the cafeteria the other day and my attraction to him,” you flicked your wrist. “Just like that, poof, it was gone. He has great hair though.”
“You can have great hair without being an asshole. Believe me, I would know.”
“Would you though?” You reached up to ruffle his hair, managing to mess it up before he swatted your hand away. Your giggling was cut short as Steve tugged your head back by your ponytail, loosening the hair tie until it hung limply by your shoulder blades. “Hey! I spend ages getting these curls just right.”
“And you think this comes naturally?” He stared at you a moment over the top of his Ray-Bans before the two of you dissolved into a fit of laughter. You slumped against Steve’s shoulder as the muscles in your stomach began to ache, his arm wrapped around your waist to hold you steady.
“Interrupting something, are we?” You looked up to see Eddie and Dustin standing in front of you. Eddie was holding a shoe box with a scale model of a water wheel, while Dustin was holding the poster-board portion of his science project.
Steve dropped his arm as you rolled your eyes. “If you needed help carrying stuff you should have asked,” you opened the trunk of the car, gesturing for Dustin to put his science project inside.
“Eddie offered,” Dustin tossed his bag next to the water wheel and shut the trunk. “I said I’d help Mike with his so I’ll be back in a sec.” Before you could protest that you had things to do, Dustin rushed off brushing passed Robin as he left.
“Did anyone tell him he’s heading in the wrong direction or are you all too busy standing around doing nothing?” Robin asked, opening the passenger door of Steve’s car and throwing her backpack on the backseat. She gave you a little wave before she hopped in.
“Coming to the store later?”
“Nah, can’t tonight. Got a test first thing tomorrow morning,” you sighed, drumming your fingers on the roof of your car. “I’ll come by after school tomorrow. Brooke said I need to watch Impulse. She said it’s sexy and scary.”
“The best combination. I’ll see you tomorrow then. Have fun studying,” he gave you a dorky salute before he got in the car.
You hadn’t even realised Eddie was still standing there until he spoke. “Didn’t know you and Harrington were a thing. Can’t say I’m surprised,” he dug around in his jacket pocket and produced a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.
You crossed your arms, already annoyed. “Not that it’s any of your business but we’re not together.”
“Why not?” He stuck a cigarette between his lips, lighting the end. “He seems like your type. You know, an asshole.”
“If assholes were my type I’d be all over you,” it came out more as a sneer than you had anticipated but you stuck with it.
“Who says you aren’t?” When he saw your horrified expression he explained. “I see the way you look at me.”
“I only look to make sure you’re not watching me. You’re a stalker, Munson.”
“Stalker? Does the whole world revolve around you now, sweetheart? I wasn’t aware.”
“Your world does since you seem to be obsessed with me,” at this point it was pretty clear, even to you, that you were deflecting. But there was some small amount of truth in the fact that he watched you as much as you watched him. “I hate you, Eddie Munson. And I’m pretty sure you hate me too.”
Eddie smirked, blowing a spiral of smoke upwards, “it’s a thin line between love and hate.”
You blinked as you processed his words, a knowing smile appearing on your lips when it dawned on you why they sounded so familiar. “You think you’re so clever, don’t you. Now tell me, what do girls usually say when they realise your lines are stolen song lyrics?”
“That’s up to you, sweetheart. You’re the first,” he winked as he left you standing shellshocked.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
It was a chilly Tuesday night, and while you would have much rather be curled up on your couch watching Moonlighting with your mom, you’d instead been dragged to a dingy bar on the outskirts of town by your friend. She had a crush on one of the bartenders; a community college student from the next town over. Inside the bar was thick with cigarette smoke and the floor was sticky with years of spilt beers. An amateur band had taken to the stage and were playing a very subjective form of music. But your friend had assured you that this bar didn’t card.
You shrunk into one of the booths, fingers gripping a tall glass of very foamy beer. You kept glancing across to where your friend sat at the counter, overly affectionate in her flirting with the man behind the bar. Stupidly, she’d been your ride here, meaning you’d either need to convince her to leave or call your mom up to come and save you. Neither seemed like great options. You looked over at the stage, the band was now playing a slower song and you had to admit it wasn’t half bad.
The guitarist was pretty good. You watched him as he concentrated on the riff, his fingers moving quickly along the neck of the guitar, his long hair and the dark stage lights obscuring his face. You couldn’t look away from his hands and suddenly very uninvited thoughts entered your head. Dirty thoughts that had absolutely no excuse to be there, especially about a man whose face you’d never seen. You shook your head trying desperately to shake free the thoughts, but they were somehow gripping onto the corners of your mind; digging in their heels and setting up camp.
You were busy trying to think about other things like kittens and rainbows that you’d barely noticed that the band had stopped playing. Only the scattered applause from the few drunken patrons woke you from your dream state. The band began packing up; unplugging amps and disassembling the drum kit and you contemplated introducing yourself to the mystery guitarist. There was something about him that felt magnetic, but you decided to watch him from a distance for a little longer. There was no point talking to him if he wasn’t cute, after all.
Every time you tried to catch a glimpse of his face something was in the way; either the bassist was chatting with him about something or other, or the bartender was refilling his drink. You were about to finally give up and admit that it was a lost cause when you looked up and saw he was alone at the corner of the stage closest to you. He was fiddling with one of the tuning keeps when he pushed his hair back, the stage light in perfect position to illuminate his face. His annoyingly handsome face.
“No,” you breathed, sinking into the booth with your head down. You did not just spend the last 20 minutes building up the courage to talk to the cool guitarist for it to turn out to be Eddie fucking Munson. You braved a glance up to see him staring right at you, “fuck.” He was smirking, just like always, as he packed his guitar into its case.
Maybe he’d leave you alone. Maybe he would pack up the amps and head off. You didn’t really believe that, groaning as you saw him making his way towards you. 
“Sure you’re in the right place, sweetheart?” He slid effortlessly into the booth opposite you.
“Wait, this isn’t the nail salon?” You feigned confusion, expression quickly souring as his arms stretched over the back of the booth. You didn’t like that he was getting comfortable. You didn’t want to like it.
“Like the set?”
“You’re not Duran Duran.”
Eddie scoffed, “I’m taking that as a compliment.” He leant forward, “what are you doing here, Henderson?”
You glanced over at your friend, it was the first time you had checked in on her in a while and the innocent flirting had advanced to making out as she and the bartender swallowed each other’s tongues. 
Eddie followed your gaze, “oh.”
“Yeah,” you downed the last of your beer. “She’s my ride.”
“I can drive you home,” he said it easily, as if it was no big deal.
You were hesitant to take him up on the offer, but due to your friend’s current activities you might just have to. “Really?” You weren’t sure how you’d manage the drive home in such close quarters.
“Sure. You can help me load the amps.”
After managing to pull your friend apart from her make out companion long enough to tell her you’d found a ride home, Eddie had stuck to his guns and made you help him pack the amps into the back of his van. His van smelled warm, like old spice and smoke, with the faint earthy hint of weed. It was nice and cosy, a safe haven from the frigid December air outside. You waited for Eddie to turn on the ignition, but he hesitated.
“Why do you hate me so much?”
“What?” You weren’t expecting him to ask you that. It was true that you’d told him those three big words before, but it was more of a heat of the moment explosion than the truth. “I don’t actually hate you.” He just got on your nerves and if you were honest you weren’t even sure why.
“You obviously don’t like me.”
“You don’t like me,” you pointed out, remembering the first conversation you two had shared and the insults you’d both made at the other’s social rank.
“I do like you,” he sounded earnest, his voice soft.
You paused, “you like me?”
“Yeah, you’re not what I thought you’d be like.” You frowned and Eddie cringed, “I didn’t mean-” he attempted to grasp for the right words. “I thought you’d be a stereotype, but I was wrong. I’m sorry for what I said when we first met.”
“You don’t even know me.”
“Not really,” he leant back against the headrest, his face turned to watch you. The moonlight reflected in his dark brown eyes showing shimmering flecks of amber. “Dustin talks about you a lot. He talks about Harrington too but I’m more interested in what he has to say about you.” You couldn’t help the smile that escaped through your well maintained facade of indifference and Eddie caught it. “That’s the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen.”
You blushed. What on earth was he doing to you? You looked down, a million thoughts raced through your head but the one you focused on was telling you to get it together.
You didn’t hate Eddie Munson, but you didn’t exactly like him either. You didn’t even know him. All you knew about him came from what your brother had told you. He liked metal music, played the guitar, and led the most epic DnD campaigns. He was cool, according to Dustin, Lucas, and Mike, and he’d taken the three freshman under his wing on the first day of school. Eddie Munson hadn’t done anything to make you dislike him, in fact the way he was looking out for your brother and his friends should endear you to him. He’d even apologised for insulting you the first time you’d met. Maybe Chrissy was right, maybe Eddie was a good guy.
You weren’t sure what made you lean in, but within seconds you were kissing him. He tasted like tobacco and beer, and ever so slightly like juicy fruit. His mouth felt warm, his tongue lingering against your bottom lip, like he wasn’t game enough to make the next move.
“Kiss me,” you urged, tugging his head towards you. That seemed to be all the encouragement he needed because the instant his lips met yours for the second time all bets were off.
He groaned as your fingers curled against his scalp, his hands landing on your hips and pulling you across the centre console onto his lap. He shrugged off his jacket, tossing it in the backseat and his movements made your back bump against the steering wheel. You didn't care, too focused on the feeling of Eddie’s hands travelling beneath your sweater, your own hands tugging the material of his raglan shirt away from his skin. You shivered as his thumbs brushed below your ribcage and you wanted nothing more than for him to explore further, but you were in his van. And his van was in the parking lot of a shady bar. And people were beginning to file out of the shady bar into the parking lot.
“Eddie,” it came out more like a moan as his lips moved to the skin on your neck.
“Hmm?” You didn’t want him to stop, you never wanted this to stop.
“It’s getting late,” it took every fibre of your being to place your hands on his chest and push him back. You hoped to God he could see the disappointment in your eyes under the flickering neon of the Hideout sign.
“Oh,” hands slipped out from beneath your sweater and landed on your waist. His fingers toyed with the belt loops on your jeans. “You need to get home.”
“I don’t want to,” you really didn’t and Eddie’s mood seemed to lighten at your confession. “But I should. I’m sorry.”
“No, s’fine,” he cleared his throat and loosened his grip on you allowing you to clamber back into the passenger seat. “You live on Vine, right?”
“Yeah,” you felt a little out of breath and you straightened your sweater as he pulled out of the parking lot. You couldn’t figure out why he made you so nervous. You’d been with boys before, popular boys too. But Eddie was different and you weren’t sure why.
The drive was silent for the next couple of minutes, tension thick in the air as you gathered up the courage to make a suggestion. “Eddie?”
“Yeah?” You could see his knuckles whiten against the steering wheel when you said his name. 
“If you don’t have anywhere to be,” you drifted off. Snap out of it, just ask him. “Do you want to come in? Everyone will be asleep.”
You could just make out his grin as street lamps flashed passed. “Absolutely.”
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
You told Eddie to park a few houses down, saying you didn’t need to explain to Dustin why his friend’s highly recognisable van was parked out front of your house in the middle of the night.
“My brother’s room is next door so don’t talk too loudly,” you hurried Eddie into your bedroom, softly closing the door behind you and sliding the lock shut. It had taken some begging but your mom finally let you put a lock on your door after Dustin kept recording Saturday Night Live over the top of your tapes of The Love Boat.
The room felt suffocatingly quiet and you were certain Eddie could hear the hammering of your heartbeat, so you moved over to the cassette recorder and chose a tape; the opening notes to More Than This softly played through the speakers. Eddie took a seat on your bed, looking around the room while you twisted the vertical blinds shut and closed the sheer pink curtains. 
“For some reason I pictured more posters of Ralph Macchio.”
“They’re all inside my closet,” you kicked off your shoes and sat cross-legged next to him. “Along with my shrine to Thomas Magnum.”
“Is it the moustache that does it for you? Because I’ll tell you know if I grew one I’d look like a 70s porn star.”
“Wouldn’t that be kind of hot?” You moved a little closer to him, your knee pressing against his thigh.
“Have you seen the guys in porn? Definitely not.”
“I think I’ve seen maybe one porno in my entire life. Something where a girl orders a pizza-”
“With extra sausage? Then you’ve seen most of them,” he’d placed his hand on your knee now, slowly inching it up your thigh.
“This is not how I thought my night would go.”
He started to pull back but you grabbed his hand to keep him close. “Are you regretting it?”
You shook your head, your fingers intertwined with his. You wondered if his rings would leave indentations in your skin when he gripped your thighs. “No, not at all.” You took a deep breath, ready to admit to the butterflies that had been sitting in your stomach since you’d left the Hideout. “You just make me nervous.”
Eddie’s eyes widened. “I make you nervous? Princess you terrify me. I’m shaking in my boots here.”
“So we both feel the same way.” You dropped his hand back against your thigh, pushing it slowly between your legs. You still had a pair of thick denim jeans on but Eddie got the message. “Maths states they should cancel each other out. You should kiss me to make sure.”
“If that’s what maths says,” he leant forward and you instinctively fell back, your head hitting the quilted pillow. Eddie was hovering over you, his lips soft and pink about an inch above yours. He dipped lower, brushing against the underside of your jaw, below your ear, and over your cheekbone before he finally pushed your lips apart with his. This kiss felt different from the last, not as flustered or bruising. His tongue moved languidly against yours; it felt like he was trying to memorise the shapes and textures, taking his time and eliciting little gasps when he nibbled and sucked. You lost yourself in the feeling of him, time slowing and the sounds of Brian Ferry’s vocals becoming nothing more than a humming buzz of white noise.
You were normally great at multitasking, but Eddie had left you in a haze. You’d done this a few times before, notable players including the asshole basketball star in your sophomore year and the college kid who’d returned home for the holidays when you were a junior. You’d even slept with Steve a few times over the summer out of sheer boredom, but none of them had made you tingle with electric energy the way Eddie did. You were so focused on the rhythm of the kiss that you hadn’t even realised he’d unzipped your jeans until his fingers pushed your panties aside and dipped between your folds.
“God you’re so wet already,” you squirmed when you felt the pressure of his finger against your clit, a little whine getting stuck in your throat. “Is this okay?”
You nodded wildly, hair falling in front of your eyes.
“Need you to use your words, sweetheart.”
“It’s good Eddie. I need more,” you jerked your hips upward and he obliged by rhythmically rubbing your clit. He could only do so much with his hand down your pants, his movements awkwardly affected by the denim. “Faster.”
“I can’t, your jeans are in the way.”
You huffed, pushing him back so he was sitting on his heels. You pulled off your jeans, frustratingly throwing them to the ground. You ripped off your sweater while you were at it, leaving you only in your panties and your bra. “Better?”
“Your underwear is still in the way,” he sounded genuine but you could see the smug glint in his eye.
“Take off clothes, you’ve got your dirty sneakers on my bed,” you folded your arms across your chest and watched as he appeased you. “Have you got a condom?”
“In my wallet, yeah. But I left it in my van.”
You got up and went to your wardrobe, opening a drawer and tearing a condom from the roll hidden beneath your underwear. You turned around to face Eddie and saw him watching you from the bed. He had made himself comfortable, stretched out on top of your floral quilt, his hands clasped behind his head. Your eyes trailed over his body, taking in the tattoos that painted his chest and arms, the line of dark hair on his pale stomach that disappeared beneath his boxers, to the hard bulge prominent beneath the checked fabric. 
You handed him the foil packet. “Hope it’s not too big.”
“Ouch, that hit me right in my ego.”
“Like that’s hard,” he moved across the bed as you slipped below the covers. You watched as he pulled his boxers down, his cock hitting his stomach. He was bigger than you’d expected, and his dick was oddly pretty. His hair was neatly trimmed and coarse curls sat at the base, you imagined they’d provide a delicious friction against your clit. The head of his cock was perfectly rounded too, flushed a deep red and leaking at the tip.
“You’re drooling,” he’d rolled the condom on and had dipped below the covers, his thigh pressed against yours.
You realised your lips were parted and you quickly shut them, frowning. “Am not.” You pulled off your underwear and straddled his lap. His cock pressed against your cunt and you ground down. “Shut up.”
“Just saying I’m not opposed to you blowing me.”
“Not happening,” your hand wrapped around the base of his cock and held it steady against your cunt, lifting your hips up so the tip breached your entrance.
“There’s always next time.”
“In your dreams,” you sank down on his length, his cock stretching your walls exquisitely. When you sat flush against his thighs, you could fill the head nudging at the spongy spot deep inside your core.
“This is better than my dreams, believe me,” he gripped your waist, helping you slide up and down on his length. You rolled your hips, changing the angle and he let out a guttural groan. “Fuck, do that again.”
You arched your back, your hips doing most of the work. You reached down, your hand between both your bodies as you rubbed your clit. Eddie couldn’t take his eyes off the space between you where your bodies met, watching as his cock slipped and disappeared inside you, only to emerge glistening wet before repeating the motions. “God, I can feel you squeezing around me, fuck, princess, keep doing that.”
“Eddie.” He’d replaced his fingers against your clit with his own, his pace was sloppy and desperate but it was just what you needed. 
“I’ve been thinking about fucking you since we met. God, I’ve dreamt of your pussy but it’s so much better than I ever imagined. It’s magic, sweetheart. You have a magic pussy, I swear.”
His words sent you over the edge, your legs trembling as your hips stilled against him. Eddie bucked into you a few more times before he too came with a shuddered moan. “Fucking hell.”
“Fucking hell,” he agreed, brushed the hair that had again fallen in front of your eyes behind your ear. “You are a devil woman.”
“Yep," he helped you off his lap, his hand naturally gripping your thigh when you settled onto the mattress next to him. You were pleased to find that his rings did leave little marks against your skin. "Tempting and taunting me with your perfect body. I was an innocent man before I met you.”
Your head fell against his shoulder, watching the rise and fall of his chest. “Innocent? Really?”
“You’re not playing along, you have to play along.”
“Oh sorry,” you cleared your throat. “Now that I’ve put you under my spell I can do whatever I want to you.”
“No, evil sorceress, please don’t use me to satiate your sexual desires. I won’t be a part of your satanic bidding, for I’m just a humble, God fearing farm boy.”
“How much backstory do you have for this character?”
“Too much. We’ll work on it. Get you a pair of devil horns and really flesh it out.”
Eddie stayed for a while, talking to you in hushed whispers long after both sides of the cassette had been played. He ended up crawling through your window just as the sky began to lighten.
“You look tired, honey. What time did you get in last night?” Your mom poured coffee into her mug, frowning at you.
“Not too late,” you pushed cereal around your bowl. “We got sidetracked by a girl who used to be on the cheer team and when I realised the time it was too late to call.”
“Next time, call anyway. It makes me feel better knowing you’re okay,” she patted your shoulder, adjusting the bow on your ponytail. “I hope you had a good time, you need to have fun while you’re still young.”
“I’m sure she had a blast,” Dustin smirked, his eyebrows wiggling. You shot him a questioning look but ignored him like you did most mornings. Once your mom had left the kitchen, Dustin leant across the table. “So I heard something funny last night.”
You kept your expression as neutral as possible but internally you were cringing. “Oh yeah? What did you hear?”
“Kind of sounded like someone falling out a window at 5am.”
“Wow, that’s so weird. Crazy what you hear early in the morning.”
“You had a boy over,” Dustin laughed in a sing-song voice.
You clapped your hand over his mouth and looked wildly around for any indication that your mother was in ear shot. “Shut up, virgin.” His brows furrowed and your expression faltered, you wanted him to be quiet but you hadn’t meant to be mean about it. “Sorry, low blow.”
“You know Suzie is waiting till marriage.”
“Doesn’t help that she’s in Utah.”
Dustin ignored you. “So, who’s the mystery man?”
“Just some guy. Probably won’t see him again.”
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
After the first time, sneaking around with Eddie became your new favourite hobby. It became a normal part of your day to steal kisses in mop closets, or find hastily written notes stuffed in your locker giving you compliments or asking you to meet him in the woods during your next free period.
What started out as a hot and heavy romance filled with make out sessions and Eddie almost breaking his neck sneaking out of your window slowly turned into movie nights and pancake dates at the diner off I-69. During one such night where Eddie had finally caved to watching Romancing The Stone, he’d introduced you to Uncle Wayne as his girlfriend.
“Girlfriend? When did that happen?” You’d asked in an attempt at a nonchalant tone. Underneath the blanket your heart was pounding.
“A few weeks ago. I figured when you started coming ‘round to watch movies and you weren’t trying to get in my pants there was something more to this than just sex.” He grabbed a handful of popcorn from the bowl on your lap. “Is that okay with you?”
“Yeah. I’m okay with that.”
Since you now had a boyfriend, you wanted to go out and do things on a Saturday night. You hadn’t planned for your night to be spent chaperoning your brother while he hosted Hellfire in the basement, but your mom didn’t trust a group of teenage boys to behave. She had a singles mixer in Indy and wouldn’t be back until tomorrow so she’d left you, the responsible older sister, in charge. At least that meant Eddie was around, even if he’d be spending his evening playing DnD with your younger brother instead of playing adventurer and tavern wench with you in your bedroom. 
“What kind of pizza do you guys want?” You didn’t bother descending the steps instead choosing to poke your head around the basement door and call down the stairs.
“Extra sausage!” You could guess who called that one out.
You sighed, descending a few steps so you could see the boys sitting around the table. “I’m going to need a straight answer, it doesn’t work if you just shout different toppings at me.” You were wearing skimpy pyjama shorts and you could feel the boys’ eyes creeping up your bare legs. When you scanned the table Mike and Gareth quickly looked away, their necks flushed red at being caught gawking, but Eddie just smirked, his eyes still stuck on you and his tongue tracing his bottom lip.
“Get two pepperoni, one cheese, and one supreme,” Dustin looked around the table for approval, which he got in the form of nods. “No one wants mushroom pizza, Jeff.”
The problem with Dustin hosting Hellfire was that they’d drank all your soda. You had your head stuck in the fridge trying to find a can of something fizzy to drink when you felt a smack against your ass.
You jumped, hitting your head on the shelf in the fridge. “Jesus Christ.”
“Nope, just me,” you spun around to see Eddie grinning playfully at you. When you frowned, hand pressed against where you’d hit your head, he pouted. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you but your ass was right there.” He pulled you against him by your hips, smoothing your hair flat and pressing a sweet kiss to the top of your head. “There, all better.”
You smiled into his chest, the sharp pain had suddenly disappeared. “What do you want, idiot?”
“Just came to see what the plan is tonight since your mom is away.”
“I think Lucas and Mike are staying over. Might be a little risky.”
“No biggie, I’ll park in the next street and sneak in through your window. Risky is hot.”
“I forgot danger turns you on." You kissed his cheek. "Pretty sure Gareth was checking me out when I came downstairs.”
“Have you seen these shorts you’re wearing? Almost made me cream my pants, Jesus H. Christ.” His hands cupped your ass and squeezed the flesh. “So distracting, you’re throwing me off my game.”
“Since when do you have game?”
“Pshaw, I have game. Got you to sleep with me, didn’t I?”
“But you love me.”
“Mmm, I do.”
Your skin felt like it had been lit on fire. He loves you. You hadn’t said those words to each other yet. It had only been a couple of months since you’d started seeing each other. You thought you felt something like love for him, but you weren't sure. You’d been feeling something deep, something that pulled at your heartstrings, something that made you feel safe.
You pulled back to look at him, searching his eyes for any hint of regret. Maybe he’d misspoke, maybe he was just playing along.
“I do love you,” his hand slipped beneath your sweater and stroked the skin on your lower back, it was like he was grounding himself to the moment. “You don’t have to say it back if you’re not ready.”
“I am ready,” you nodded, your hand cupping his cheek. “I love you too, Eddie.”
He dipped his head down to reach your mouth, his lips slotting perfectly against yours. You let out a sigh, relaxing into his body as he sat you on the kitchen counter. Your legs wrapped around his thighs pulling him closer until you could feel a growing hardness pressing between your legs.
“Ew, ew, ew,” your younger brother’s voice shattered your reverie. Your stomach dropped and it felt as if you were plummeting back to earth. Your head shot back and you saw Dustin, alongside the rest of the Hellfire gang standing inside the kitchen. “What the fuck?!”
You went to pull your body away but Eddie’s hand on your back kept you in place. “Relax, Dustin,” he spoke steadily, but you noticed his pupils were still blown and he had a dreamy sort of calmness to his expression.
“Relax? You’re devouring my sister. We eat here! What’s going on?”
You hopped down from the counter but stayed close to Eddie’s side, his arm still tightly wrapped around your waist. “We’re dating. We have been for a while.”
“Oh my god,” realisation hit Dustin like a semi truck. “He’s the guy who’s been sneaking into your room at night? She’s the hot chick you’ve been seeing?”
You lightly hit Eddie’s shoulder, “you told them? What did you say?”
Eddie winced, “not a lot.”
“You said you had sex at Lover’s Lake last week!”
You swatted his chest, a little harder this time. “Eddie, oh my god, why would you tell them that.”
Gareth laughed, “ha! We totally thought you’d made that up, that’s awesome.”
Eddie waved his hand dramatically, “see I told you it was cool!” At Dustin’s look of horror he frowned. “I’m sorry, we didn’t think you’d find out this way.”
“We were going to tell you,” you nodded. It was a flat out lie you definitely weren’t planning on telling Dustin anytime soon but he didn’t need to know that.
“When? When I’m bailing you out for public indecency?”
He was not letting this go, you had to pull out the big guns. “Eddie’s coming over for dinner tomorrow. I’m going to introduce him to mom.”
“Oh,” Dustin’s expression changed. He knew you must be serious if you were introducing Eddie to mom, you’d never introduced a boyfriend to your mom before.
“I am?” You stomped on Eddie’s foot and he got the message, “yes, I mean I am. Super excited.”
“And he’s staying over tonight,” you added. Eddie would just have to deal without the sexy addition of risk. You’d much prefer to have him leave via the front door than falling out the window again.
“But they’re staying over tonight,” Dustin gestured to Mike and Lucas.
“And we do not need to hear your weird sex noises,” Lucas chimed in from the sidelines, Mike nodding.
Your eyes widened, “excuse me?”
“Our sex noises are not weird,” Eddie said taking an odd amount of offense to the comment.
“Not what I was going to say, babe. We’re not going to have sex with you lot down the hall.”
“We’re not?” Eddie asked.
At the same time Dustin snidely remarked, “never stopped you before.”
“Dustin, please be cool about this. I know he’s your friend, but we like each other a lot.”
“Yeah, man. Like a lot, a lot.”
Dustin looked between you two, noticing how you’d never pulled apart from each other. “Fine. This is going to take some getting used to but okay. But if you hurt him,” you raised your eyebrows at Dustin, waiting for him to explain how he would exact his revenge on Eddie for hurting his precious older sister, but Eddie was watching you. Your brain reset. He’d said if you hurt him. 
You blinked. “Wait, if I hurt him? What about if he hurts me?”
“You’ll be fine,” Dustin brushed off your concern. “Eddie, however, would never recover if you broke his heart.”
“It’s true princess. I would forever be a broken man.” He brought your hand up to his lips and placed a chaste kiss to the skin.
You sighed in defeat but still squeezed his hand. “Don’t worry, I plan on keeping your heart safe for a very long time.”
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Thank you @edwrite-munson for this request! Oh my god guys this fic drained the life out of me please send me some love 💌
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This blog was super helpful in regards to 1980s teen bedroom decor!
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c1garettesduringsex · 9 months
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𝙁𝙚𝙢!𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙤𝙣𝙡𝙮, 𝙖𝙨 𝙞𝙩’𝙨 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙄’𝙢 𝙢𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝.
𝙉𝙤 𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙜𝙖𝙡 𝙤𝙧 𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙮 ‘𝙜𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙨’ 𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙠𝙨, 𝙚𝙜: ‘𝙎𝙘𝙖𝙩’ 𝙤𝙧 𝙥𝙞𝙨𝙨.
𝙖𝙣𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙚𝙡𝙨𝙚 𝙞𝙨 𝙗𝙖𝙨𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙩𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚, 𝙍𝙤𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙘! 𝙊𝙧 𝙋𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙣𝙞𝙘!
𝖲𝗍𝗋𝖺𝗇𝗀𝖾𝗋 𝖳𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌:
𝙀𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙚 𝙈𝙪𝙣𝙨𝙤𝙣
𝙍𝙤𝙗𝙞𝙣 𝘽𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙡𝙚𝙮
𝙅𝙤𝙝𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣 𝘽𝙮𝙚𝙧𝙨
𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙃𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙩𝙤𝙣
𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖶𝖺𝗅𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖣𝖾𝖺𝖽:
𝘿𝙖𝙧𝙮𝙡 𝘿𝙞𝙭𝙤𝙣
𝘾𝙖𝙧𝙡 𝙂𝙧𝙞𝙢𝙚𝙨
𝙍𝙤𝙨𝙞𝙩𝙖 𝙀𝙨𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙤𝙨𝙖
𝙈𝙖𝙜𝙜𝙞𝙚 𝙂𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙣𝙚
𝙂𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙣 𝙍𝙝𝙚𝙚
𝖧𝖺𝗋𝗋𝗒 𝖯𝗈𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗋:
𝘿𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙤 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙛𝙤𝙮
𝙁𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙒𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙡𝙚𝙮
𝙂𝙚𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙚 𝙒𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙡𝙚𝙮
𝙃𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙋𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧
𝙍𝙤𝙣 𝙒𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙡𝙚𝙮
𝙍𝙚𝙜𝙪𝙡𝙪𝙨 𝘽𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠
𝙎𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙪𝙨 𝘽𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠
𝙍𝙚𝙢𝙪𝙨 𝙇𝙪𝙥𝙞𝙣
𝙅𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙨 𝙋𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧
𝙎𝙞𝙢𝙤𝙣 “𝙜𝙝𝙤𝙨𝙩” 𝙍𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙮
𝖢𝗋𝗂𝗆𝗂𝗇𝖺𝗅 𝗆𝗂𝗇𝖽𝗌:
𝙎𝙥𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙧 𝙍𝙚𝙞𝙙
Updated 21st September 2023
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