#meanwhile Jason: had one beer too many
ghost-bxrd · 2 months
Jason (maybe on a dare, maybe because he’s loopy etc.) calls Bruce (or any of the Bats, really) to tell him he loves him.
Bruce is convinced Jason is either dying or about to.
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fromkenari · 11 months
Anyone who knows my taste in country music knows it doesn't include Toby Keith, and it hasn't included county radio since I was in middle school, but here are some sobering stuff I learned tonight while looking up things on the interwebs.
First, we all know "Try That In A Small Town" is some vague bullshit meant to make money but not actually be culpable for anything, right? And really, the song itself? Terrible. Jason Aldean hasn't had a Hot Country #1 in almost a decade (don't come at me with those "Country Airplay" numbers that just means the *checks notes* 150 country radio stations that Nielsen checks have been playing it, but he hasn't had an actual Hot Country, which includes streaming and other services, #1 since 2014), which honestly, shocked me. However, now I know why they were putting him on every award show to sing because he was close to the top but not actually there. Now look at him. Instant crossover #1. His first one. That video? This guy doesn't even write his songs, and he's not from a small town, so I think it's giving him too much credit that he knew anything about that courthouse or that it was his idea to put the protest videos in his video. Let him dig his hole and please, stop giving him attention. It just encourages the actual reactionary assholes out there to listen to it and push him. Do you remember what happened to The Chicks when they were canceled by people??? Because they weren't canceled for the 'Dixie' that is not there anymore. They were canceled for daring to speak up about George W. Bush in front of a country music-loving crowd. Nobody gets canceled for racism in country music.
Which brings me back to my original point...
Toby Keith. We all know that mindless "The Angry American" song (and possibly some of his other #1 hits, he has 20, and he wrote 18 of them, including "The Angry American.") I want you to forget whatever it makes you feel for a second because that is not the worst one. (Something something America, Land of the Free, whatever, worst thing he says is "...boot in your ass.") I need you to look at the lyrics for "Beer For My Horses," which has a deceiving title, unlike the other song, which tells you what it is straight up. "Beer For My Horses" is a duet with Willie Nelson that Keith co-wrote, and it was a Hot Country #1 for six weeks in 2003. It was nominated for a Grammy for Best Country Song. Knowing that. LOOK AT THE DAMN LYRICS. Here's an excerpt:
Grandpappy told my pappy, back in my day, son A man had to answer for the wicked that he done Take all the rope in Texas find a tall oak tree Round up all them bad boys, hang them high in the street For all the people to see
That's pretty terrible. It's Willie's verse. It's the second one in the song. Here are more lyrics from the third verse:
We got too many gangsters doing dirty deeds Too much corruption, and crime in the streets It's time the long arm of the law put a few more in the ground
This song got no critical pushback. No uproar. No removal from CMT. In fact, they made a movie based on the lyrics. I know because I've seen my own father watching the movie and immediately extricated myself from the room because I had no idea what I was witnessing. Willie's in the movie. Toby Keith stars. Came out 15 years ago. And I don't know if you were paying attention, but Willie won Country Album of the Year at the Grammys this year.
Oh, and by the way, you know how this Jason Aldean song has everyone talking about sundown towns? (If you don't and/or you don't know what they are, go look it up.) Anyway, check out the title of Tim McGraw's 13th studio album released in 2014. Actually, I'll do it for you. It's called "Sundown Heaven Town" and one of the singles was a song he did with his wife Faith Hill called "Meanwhile Back at Mama's" which is about Mama losing her house in the idyllic small town because the big city people are coming to knock it down.
Also, "Last Night" by Morgan Wallen is the first song I've heard from him and the first time I've even heard of him. I was forced to listen to it by my Spotify alarm. If you don't know why he's problematic, you can Google that hot mess, but hint: it's more racism.
Darius Rucker has a new album coming out this year titled "Carolyn's Boy." He has the only country music I want to hear right now. (P.S. He wrote five of his six #1 Hot Country singles.) His current single is "Fires Don't Start Themselves," which, not shockingly, is a standard fair country love song and not anything outright or even vaguely speaking out against all the bullshit above this paragraph, even if the irony of the possible double meaning of the title is only potentially funny thing in this post.
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fanficimagery · 3 years
Talking to the Dead
Imagine your sister calling in a favor, only to find out said favor is for the vampire sheriff of Louisiana.
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Words: 6.3K Author's Note: I am not Bill's biggest fan, nor am I Eric/Sookie's biggest fan either. That said, this takes place AFTER all damn drama with King Bill. Eric still runs Fangtasia alongside Pam and Sookie still works under Sam at Merlotte's. They're friends. That's it.
Eric sits behind his desk, the bottom half of his face covered in blood as Pam files her nails. She had been going through Fangtasia's books when she realized the money wasn't adding up and that some of their product was missing. So when Tara brought forward those responsible in making sure Fangtasia was up to date with their taxes and everything, Eric called in a favor from Sookie to get a read on them. Only Eric lost his temper and killed the two men, leaving thousands of his money stashed somewhere only the dead knew of now.
The office door opens and Sookie stumbles inside, still in her Merlotte's uniform. She takes one look at Eric and sighs. "Did you have to kill them? I just wasted a trip out here, Eric Northman."
"How tragic," he deadpans. "You wasted about five dollars in gas, meanwhile I'm still out of thousands, Miss Stackhouse."
"Don't you take that tone with me, Mister!"
Pam snorts. "Shame your little fae powers don't allow you to speak to the dead," she drawls. "That would really come in handy right about now." Sookie opens her mouth to defend her still untrained powers, only to pause and snap her mouth shut. Immediately that catches both vampires' attention and Pam leans forward, interest piqued. "Have you been holding out on us, Tinkerbell?"
"No." Sookie scoffs, suddenly overcome with wariness. "But I, uh, I might know someone who-"
"No." Eric cuts her off. "No witches."
"She's not a witch," Sookie says. "Y/N is, um, she's my sister."
Eric freezes before he leans forward in his chair. "There's a third Stackhouse? How come we never learned of this?"
Sookie sighs and drops onto the couch. She shrugs. "Y/N's powers manifested a lot earlier than mine did and they.. well it drove her crazy. She was in and out of the hospital, and the death of our parents didn't do her any favors. She started rebelling at seventeen and drank herself into oblivion. Constantly."
Pam hums. "Sounds like my kind of girl."
Sookie frowns at her before looking back at Eric. "She's actually due for a visit tomorrow. I'll bring her by."
"How are you so sure she'll do this for us? If I recall correctly, you did not come peacefully," Eric muses.
Sookie rolls her eyes. "Y/N is a free spirit. If I hadn't told you she was my sister, you wouldn't have known we were twins."
"Twins?" Eric seems to perk up, eyes lighting up, and this time it's Pam's turn to roll her eyes.
Sookie scoffs. "Don't be gross. We'll be by after my shift tomorrow."
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Finding an Uber into Bon Temps after the sun had set was almost impossible, but fortunately you found someone who was willing to make the trip. You knew Louisiana had become a vampire hotspot, but you didn't know people had found traveling in the state quite so fearsome.
You don't have much on you, with the exception of a small suitcase holding a few change of clothes, so you opt to be dropped off at Merlotte's rather than your childhood home. And upon exiting the car after making sure your payment went through, you grab your suitcase by the handle and walk towards the entrance. A few whispers attempt to reach out to you, but you shake off the echoes of death and march on.
There's only a handful of locals inside Merlotte's, but the no-good nosy folk still all stop to see who's entering their local establishment. Inside, the whispers get louder, but you reign in your control and shake your head clear. What the hell happened here that there are so many echoes?
"Do my eyes deceive me or is that my favorite Stackhouse?"
You're already grinning as you find the source of the comment, grin widening as Sam's familiar handsome self makes his way towards you. "Come on, Sam. We all know who your favorite Stackhouse really is?"
He laughs as he opens his arms for a hug and you drop your suitcase to step into his embrace. "Jason's bragging again, isn't he?"
You huff a laugh and pinch his side, the two of you not speaking of all the years he spent pining after your sister. "So where is my twin?" You ask as you pull back and roll your eyes when Sam readily picks up your suitcase.
You follow him to the bar as he says, "She's taking a call in the back. Want me to let her know you're here?"
"Nah, but can you put in an order for me? I miss Lafayette's burgers."
"Sure thing, chère. What do you want?"
"Cheeseburger with everything, cut the onions. Extra ketchup. Fries. And whatever beer you have on tap."
Sam chuckles as he's already pouring your beer. "So the usual." You grin as he slides your glass across the bar. "I'll be back."
Taking a seat on the stool there at the bar, you grab your glass and sip at the ice cold beer. It feels so good sliding down your throat that the sip turns into a gulp, and before you know it half the glass is gone. Needing a breath, you set the glass down and inhale deeply. As you exhale, you burp, and then take a moment to stretch in your seat while glancing around. A few people are still staring and murmuring far too low to their companions for you to hear, so instead you raise an eyebrow at them- challenging them to say their opinion out loud. None of them do and you scoff an amused laugh before drinking the rest of your beer.
Sam reappears. "Long flight?" He takes your glass and refills it.
"Flight was fine. It's the people of Bon Temps who annoy the shit out of me." Sam frowns, but you shrug off his concern as he quickly glances around at those in his establishment. You're well aware of what everyone thinks of you and Sookie thanks to Sookie's abilities, and you're grateful you didn't quite get the same ability as her. If you had to hear every living being's thoughts on top of the dead's, you'd have permanently committed yourself long ago.
"Well I talked to your sister in the back. She said she'll be right out."
"That's fine." Accepting your second glass of beer, you smile gratefully at Sam before taking another drink.
"Girl, I knows you ain't tryin' to eat my food without saying hello."
You turn on your stool, one knee crossed over the other as you beam at the cook. "Lafayette!" He approaches with your plated cheeseburger and a basket of fries, setting them in front of you before pulling you into a hug. "I wouldn't have left without saying hello. I just wanted my food first."
"'Course you did," he muses. "How long you here for, little Stackhouse?"
"Um, I'm kind of between jobs at the moment," you sheepishly admit. You quickly grab a fry and pop it into your mouth. "I'll probably stick around until I can find something or Sookie kicks me out."
Lafayette swats you with his dish towel. "You know damn well Sook won't kick you out. That sister of yours misses you lots. She's been talkin' nonstop about your visit."
"If you need a job, chère, I'll be happy to give you one."
You pop another fry into your mouth, grinning over at Sam. "Lord knows you can barely handle one Stackhouse, Sam. No way in hell you can two- three if Jason is around as much as I'm assuming." Sam opens his mouth to retort, but a shriek cuts him off. It's Sookie and she barrels right into your side. "Jesus Sook," you laugh. "Warn a girl."
As you and Sookie quickly catch up (she's all for you staying as long as you need), more patrons enter Merlotte's and Lafayette's forced back into the kitchen. Jason and his best friend Hoyt walk in, so you walk over to join them as Sookie gets back to work also.
Jason is glad Sookie won't be in the house all on her own since he has his own place and Hoyt is just glad to see all the Stackhouses together once again. You finish your cheeseburger and fries there at the table with them, along with three glasses of beer and two shots courtesy of your brother who wanted to properly celebrate your homecoming.
Jason and Hoyt leave, you waving them off when they asked if you wanted a ride home. Sookie's shift is just about over and you remember her asking if you could wait for her because she wanted to take you someplace. So when Sookie comes out from the back to collect you from the bar, you're slightly swaying on your stool as you grin at her.
"Are you drunk?" She incredulously asks. "Y/N, I need you level headed."
"Ooohhh," you coo and reach out to bop her on the nose. "And just what do I need to be level headed for, sis?"
"Can you walk?" She asks instead. You laugh and nod, hopping off the stool and giving yourself a moment to make sure the room isn't tilting. She sighs. "That's good enough for me. Come on. A friend of mine needs a favor." She walks behind the bar to collect your suitcase and a bottle of water from the small refrigerator under the bar. "Bye, Sam! See you later!" She then calls out as she leads you down a hall. You hear Sam's muffled reply from one door in particular and then Sookie's leading you out the back exit and towards her car.
Outside she opens the passenger door to her small yellow Honda Civic that looks newer than the last time you saw it, and tosses your suitcase in the backseat. She pushes you down onto the passenger seat and holds the water bottle out to you. "Drink."
You take the bottle without a word, twist off the cap, and start to guzzle the water as she shuts the door and walks around the car to the driver's side door. You only get half of it down before needing to breathe. "What.. am I.. guzzling water for?" You ask in between breaths.
As Sookie starts up her car, she casts a wary glance your way before looking back to where she's driving. "Shreveport. We're going to Fangtasia. The owner of the bar needs you to listen to some echoes."
"Fangstasia?" Your brow furrows as you try to wrack your brain about why that sounds so familiar. A moment later, however, the answer comes to you and you groan. "First off, I can overlook the vampire bar. What I can't overlook is that of all people to tell our secret to, you chose vampires. Vampires! Do you know we're like crack to them?"
"I'm sorry, okay! I got involved with them a while back, which is a mistake that I can admit now, but Eric actually tried helping me in his own way. Somewhat. We've become friends."
"Sookie." You groan again. Your sister pouts and you decide to keep quiet, sipping on your water and wishing it were something stronger. "So what does this Eric know about me listening to echoes?"
"Nothing really," she says. "I know how you like your privacy, so last night was the first time I mentioned that I even had a sister." You grin, not hurt at all by her not mentioning you to others. "I just said that you could listen in on the dead. They don't know about anything else."
"Good. I like to keep 'em on their toes." Sookie snorts at your all too amused expression. "And besides, I learned a new trick! I can't wait to test it out."
Your sister glances between you and the road, her smile faltering. "Are you- are you sure you're okay to do this? I know how it can get when you're not truly focused."
"We're on the road." You giggle. "No turning around now."
This time it's Sookie's turn to groan. "I knew I should have asked beforehand. Now the night's gonna end with one of us pinned to a wall."
"Oooh. Kinky."
The rest of the drive is painfully quiet, with the exception of some gospel music station Sookie has playing on low. You're humming a completely different song under your breath, right arm hanging out the window and letting the humid air rush over the skin of your arm. Thankfully the drive isn't too long and Sookie is soon pulling into the parking lot with a building partially decorated with neon red lights. The outside of Fangtasia is not what you expected, but seeing the line of both human and vampires in their scantily clad outfits makes you excited to see what's going on inside.
You're practically bouncing in your seat as Sookie parks and she can't help but grin at your apparent excitement. "Get it all out now," she says. "You won't be smilin' the closer you get to the buildin'. Not while you're half drunk."
"Shut up and let's go!"
Sookie fondly rolls her eyes and the two of you simultaneously pull down the sun visors to check yourselves in the small mirrors provided. Happy with your reflections, the two of you climb out of the vehicle. As your sister comes around to your side, you hook your arm through hers and the two of you head for the building.
Instead of heading straight to the back of line, Sookie leads you directly to Fangtasia's bouncer and ignores the grumbled displeasures of those waiting in line to get in. It takes you a few seconds to recognize the dark skinned female checking ID's, but when she turns to greet Sookie and her eyes widen upon seeing you, you grin. "What's cookin', good lookin'?"
"Oh Lord," Tara muses. "Eric's gonna murder the both of y'all."
Sookie huffs and she holds you back as you attempt to poke at Tara's abdomen. "Who put him in a bad mood now?"
Tara shrugs as she swats your hand away. "It's Eric. He's always in a bad mood unless he's balls deep in some fang-banger."
Your sister ew's and you grin, clearly impressed, until Sookie elbows you. Tara just chuckles and gestures inside. "Go on in. You know where to find him. See you later, Y/N."
"Lookin' forward to it." Sookie drags you inside and the second you step foot in the darkened hallway, you sway on your feet as pressure builds up in your head. "Wait, wait, wait." You step aside to lean against the wall, shaking your head clear and trying to build up mental walls. When you catch a glimpse of your sister, you see her smiling sadly at you and are grateful she doesn't gloat about being right. "This is why I don't hang around vampires much," you murmur. "So much death."
"Sorry. I know I should have asked beforehand, but I didn't want to give you a chance to say no. Eric's annoying when he doesn't get what he wants."
"Yeah, yeah." You wave her off, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Once you feel a bite more settled, you push off the wall and meet your sister's gaze. "Okay. I'm ready."
Entering the main part of the club you can't help but look around in wide-eyed wonder. While most would think you were awe, you actually weren't and instead bit back the comment about how ridiculously cliché the establishment is. Everything is in blacks and reds, vampires in leather or electrical tape are dancing on poles, and the humans reek of desperation.
"Huh. No one's on the throne," Sookie muses.
You glance towards a raised platform, eyes lighting up at the sight of two actual thrones. Sookie's grip on your arm, however, stops you from attempting to go up there. "At least buy me a drink before we meet Mr. Scary Vampire." You pout.
"Nope." She starts marching away from the bar and towards a back hallway. "You're drunk enough already. You can have one at home when we're done here."
"Boo. You're no fun."
Sookie stops right outside a black door and impatiently knocks. You grin at her already huffy attitude and then walk in behind her as soon as someone permits entrance. The office is very plain, with the exception of a blood red couch off to the side and the two vampires behind the desk, and you frown as Sookie guides you towards a black leather chair and pushes you down into it.
"So this is the mysterious Stackhouse." The blonde male drawls.
You drag your gaze from your sister to the vampire in question and sit a little straighter in your seat as a lazy smile stretches across your lips. "And you're the mysterious vampire I've only heard about an hour ago." You then look at your sister. "Please tell me you banged this one."
There are simultaneous snorts from behind the desk and Sookie exhales roughly, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Eric. Pam, this is my sister Y/N. She might be a little drunk."
"Just a little," you muse, giggling.
"Well at least we know who the fun Stackhouse is."
You perk up again, putting one finger on the tip of your nose and pointing at Pam who's smirking at you with the other hand. "And don't you forget it."
"As amusing as this is," Eric drawls again, "I need a favor. Are you capable of doing what your sister claims you can do?"
"I wouldn't be here if I couldn't." You smirk. The smirk falters however as you feel a chill slide across the back of your neck. You still and slowly glance over your shoulder, whispers you hadn't been listening to earlier getting louder. You wince and turn back around, strengthening your shields. A moment passes before you clear your throat and say, "But I have two conditions before I start."
Eric and Pam had been watching you closely, intrigued the second Sookie held up her hand to stall their questions when they noticed you zone out and stare at the corner of the room. "Money is no issue," Eric then says.
"Pft. I don't want money."
"Y/N!" Sookie reprimands. "You're in between jobs. Take the money."
Without looking at your sister, you wave your hand at your sister to get her to shut up. You know you've done your job when she swats your hand so you continue speaking to Eric. "First condition, no biting! I don't care how delicious I smell. No gnawing on the tiny little gremlin."
Pam's lips stretch into a wide smile whereas Eric's lips faintly twitch. "And the second?"
"I get free drinks from the bar whenever I'm here."
"You're such an idiot," Sookie mutters.
You look to your sister, bouncing in your seat in excitement. "Joke's on Dracula. I'm gonna be in Bon Temps for the foreseeable future. That's a lot of free drinks for me. Suck it, Pixie."
"Oohh. I like this mouth breather. Can we please keep her?"
You meet Pam's gaze and wink. "As beautiful as you are, sweet stuff, you are so not my type."
Her left eyebrow raises as she's still clearly amused. "Because I'm a vampire?"
"Nah. Because you're female," you say. "I can appreciate a hot as fuck lady when I see one, but I still prefer cock."
"Okay!" Sookie nearly shouts as she stands up. Eric beams at your drunken blunt attitude. "We're here so Y/N can find out where your money is and we're way off topic. Can we please get on with it so I can get her home?"
You snort. "Prude." Sookie slaps the back of your arm and you squeal, slapping her arm back. You glare at her until her lips twitch and then you're back to giggling, looking back toward the vampires. "So let's do it. Do you have anything of the dead guy I'm supposed to be listening for? It'll make it easier to listen in on him."
Pam shrugs. "His blood is still in the dungeon. Will that work?"
"Gross, but yeah. Lead the way."
As soon as you stand, the voices amp up and you sway at the sudden onslaught of voices. You grit your teeth and tune them out, nodding at Eric who had stilled to keep an eye on you. He gestures to follow after Pam and you do, Sookie and Eric following behind you. Pam makes a beeline for the stage of thrones, but before you can follow there's a hand gripping your wrist and leading you towards a door behind the bar.
You're led down into a dimly lit dungeon behind Eric and you can't help the next words that leave your mouth. "It's always such a let down when the dungeon is actually a dungeon and not a sex dungeon."
Eric turns around to stare at you with a leering gaze and Sookie groans. "Been in a lot of dungeons?"
"Not really." You shrug and walk towards the back of the room where there are metal poles sticking up from the concrete floor. Chains hang from each of them and you shiver as your fingers run over them, the metallic rattling immediately tuning you in to the whispers. Subtly shaking your head, you look towards Sookie. "You know the drill."
She nods, pulling small orange styrofoam plugs from her pocket. "If it looks like you're struggling, plug my ears. Or get out."
"Bingo." You grin at your sister before looking at Eric. "If it gets bad, I expect you to vamp speed her little butt outta here."
"And how would I know what bad looks like?"
"Oh you'll know," Sookie mutters.
Grinning one last time at Sookie and Eric, you turn back towards where Eric obviously chains up those who end up on his bad side. So touching the chains again, you let the rattling and whispers overcome your senses.
"..dangerous. Need to leave."
"..bad place. I just want to go home."
"Stupid fuckin' vampers."
The room turns hazy and silhouettes walk to and from around the basement. You stare at them, letting the voices come and go until you find the one you're looking for.
"..so screwed. Never should have done it." Your gaze zeroes in on the silhouette, watching it pace back and forth. "It was just a little money. Pocket change."
"Never gonna find it. Calm down. We're already dead."
You listen a bit more to their whining, hoping for anything useful when a loud dry sob pierces the air. You wince and whirl around to spot the source of noise.
"Did she- can she hear us?"
"If she can then she can tell that goddamn vamper where his stuff is." You whirl back around, gasping at the too close silhouette. "Hello." A chill rushes through you and your too tense muscles seem to relax as a haze takes over your mind.
"Y/N? You good?" Sookie asks. She warily glances around, she and Eric both noticing the atmosphere in the room thickening.
"Hm?" Your eyes blink rapidly as if clearing your vision. "Yeah. All good," you hear yourself saying.
"Well what did you find out?" Eric asks.
You feel your head turning left and right as if taking in your surroundings before you turn around and walk towards the wall where more chains are hanging. Eric growls at being ignored and Sookie quietly assures him that this is normal. Reaching for a chain, you feel your hand gliding along one chain and picking it up, caressing a metal stake at the end of it.
"Y/N," Sookie cautiously calls out. "What are you doing?"
Getting a good grasp on the stake in one hand, you turn around and smile at Eric- a chilling smile that immediately sets Sookie on edge and lets even Eric know that something is off. "Fuck your money. You're never gonna get it, you dead piece of shit."
"Y/N, don't!" Sookie screams as your arm suddenly thrusts the stake towards the side of your neck, only to stop mere centimeters from the intended target.
Sookie gasps and Eric raises an eyebrow in surprise. "Are her eyes supposed to completely white over?"
"Well she did mention learning a new trick." Sookie nervously shifts beside Eric and they watch you slowly come back to yourself, expression hardening.
Eyes completely white, you stare straight ahead as you lower your hand without any resistance from the spirits. "You dead fucks try that shit again and I will obliterate your fuckin' souls, and mark every soul in your goddamn family. Do I make myself clear?" You seethe. The dungeon gets chilly before the tension seems to suddenly dwindle. The whispers amp up before completely dying out and you stand a little taller. "Good. Now where is the money?"
Eric and Sookie patiently watch Y/N as she lazily glances back and forth before the white recedes from her eyes. Her shoulders sag and she meets Eric's gaze. "That Rafael guy had a building he was renovating over on.. over on.." she trails off, brow furrowing as she tries to collect her thoughts.
"I know of it," Eric says.
She sighs. "Well the money's in the wall on the second floor. Happy demolishing."
Then like a puppet with its strings cut, Y/N collapses right before their very eyes.
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A pounding at your temples is what wakes you and you groan as your eyes flutter open. You're apparently still at Fangtasia, back in Eric's plain office and laying on the most uncomfortable couch you've ever laid on.
"You're awake. Good."
You begrudgingly sit up, wincing as the throbbing persists. Glancing around, you frown as you notice you and Eric are the only two in the room. "Where's my sister?"
"Miss Stackhouse couldn't bother a mere hour in my presence so she went out front to pester Tara."
"You two exes or something?"
Not even close. "No. I admit I pursued her once, but it was only to satiate my curiosity about why she smelled so divine." Bill fuckin' Compton was also a cock block of epic proportions.
You snort. "Cock block. Who is Bill and why did he cock block you from Sookie?" Eric stills and he goes quiet. You frown at him and then between one blink and the next, Eric is kneeling in front of you.
Can you hear me?
"Um, yes?" You say. A moment passes and then you realize your slip-up. You groan. "Okay, so yeah. I can't read the minds of humans, but apparently I can read the minds of vampires. It only happens when I'm at my most vulnerable and being slightly possessed makes me vulnerable."
Eric slowly smirks. "Well aren't you my new favorite Stackhouse."
You fall back against the back of the couch, groaning. "Whatever. I don't have the energy to argue with you. Just please don't tell Sookie. She gets all huffy when I can do something she can't."
Another blink and Eric is sitting beside you on the couch. "Is there a reason why you can read vampires and she can read everyone else but vampires?"
"Your guess is as good as mine." You shrug. "I eventually came to the conclusion that we're just a part of different courts. She's Light Fae and I'm Dark. She flourishes under the sun and I under the moon. I don't really know."
"Have you tried getting answers from other Fae?"
"Yeah, no. I met a member of the Fae court and that's a hard pass. Those fairy fucks can keep their imposter foods. I like this realm just fine, thank you very much."
Eric's lips twitch. "If the vampires find out about your powers, they're going to fight to put their claim on you."
"Is that your not so subtle way in trying to convince me that I should ask you for protection?"
"I'm the sheriff of this area, sweetheart. You won't be able to find anyone better suited for the job."
You huff a quiet laugh. "Keep your fangs to yourself, sweetheart. I can take care of myself."
We'll see about that.
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Settling in at what was always known as Gran's house, you almost take Sam up on his offer to become a waitress or bartender at Merlotte's. But then a day after doing Eric a favor, a check arrives for you- a check worth thousands of dollars- along with an offer from Eric to work every other day at Fangtasia to read the vampires coming and going from his area.
You didn't get back to him right away, instead choosing to just keep to yourself for a bit and re-familiarize yourself with the town. And then just when you think you have a lid on things, a constant buzzing makes a home just at the back of your skull.
For days Eric tries reaching you through texts and calls, but you just don't have the patience to deal with him. The buzzing is non-stop, the echoes of the dead sound as if they're underwater, and you can't hold a conversation longer than a minute. Sookie seems to understand that you can't be around people, so she leaves you be for the most part.
Your sister is currently at work so you have the house all to yourself. You haven't been able to clear your head and the buzzing is only getting louder and louder. You're nearing your breaking point, so when there's a knock at the front door you try to ignore it.
The knocking persists so you reluctantly roll out of bed, frowning as you march downstairs and towards the front door. Through the screen door you can see Eric standing there. You scowl at him, he grins, and when you push open the door he's immediately leaning against the door jamb. "You've been ignoring me."
You sigh and cross your arms over your chest. "I haven't been feeling well. Something's.. off."
That causes his faint grin to drop. "Is it something serious?"
"I'm not sure. I just- it feels like something bad is on the way."
"Well in that case.." Eric straightens up and stares down at you. "You're going to invite me in so I can protect you-" you scoff, "-or have primal passionate sex with you. You pick."
Though your mind is on overdrive, you can't help but faintly grin at the tall vampire. "I'll take a raincheck on the sex, but if you still want to come in, then come in."
Eric smirks as he crosses the threshold of the house and you shake your head at him before turning around and leading him to the living room. You take a seat in the corner of the couch, curling up with a pillow in your lap, and Eric sits on the middle seat to be as close to you as possible. "How long have you been feeling like this?"
"Few days now," you tell him. "There's this.. buzz. It's constant and it just keeps getting louder and louder."
"And the voices?"
"Muffled. No matter how much I concentrate, I can't hear them clearly. It's like they're trying to tell me something, but I can't tune in to the right station. It's annoying." Eric hums in thought and you attempt to change the subject. "So what brings you down here to Bon Temps? Surely my first impression wasn't that memorable."
He smirks as his arm rests along the top of the backrest of the couch, his fingers tugging on a few pieces of your hair. "It's rare for someone to amuse me these days. And you weren't what I was expecting Sookie's twin to be."
"Between the two of us, Sookie got all the perkiness. I, uh, I got stuck with all the doom and gloom." Eric quirks an eyebrow at you and you chuckle, wincing a moment later as an lingering echo screeches in your ear. Your attention is immediately drawn towards the kitchen where you see a silhouette walk by and the buzzing amps up.
Without uttering a word, you get up and follow it.
Eric watches as Y/N laughs one moment and then in the next second her expression is completely blank and attention elsewhere. Normally he'd be offended, but after learning what he could from Sookie he knows to never bring Y/N out of a trance. So in order to protect this little fae that just continues to become more and more interesting, Eric gets up and follows Y/N through the kitchen and out the back door.
He keeps several feet between himself and Y/N, his curiosity piqued as he notices her stop in the middle of the field behind her home. She glances back and forth as if searching for something, slowly turning in a circle. She winces and stumbles back, eyes wide and heart pumping furiously. Whatever's going on, Eric's instincts suddenly kick in and he doesn't like it. He doesn't like the look of fear on Y/N's face.
One sudden stumble sends Y/N to her knees, hands clamping around her ears.
"No, no, no," you mumble. The buzzing is extremely loud now, voices are screaming but you're still unable to make out what they're saying. Rocking back and forth, you glance around and your heart sinks as you watch Eric standing there across from you. "Go. Get away. I can't-"
"What's wrong? I can help you."
You shake your head. "You can't. You need to go. Get away from me. Please."
Eric watches you and you whimper when you see his resolve strengthen. He's not going anywhere. Clenching your eyes shut against the onslaught of noise, you slam your hands down on the ground in front of you and your fingers dig into the earth. Your breaths come faster and faster, and when you can't take it anymore your eyes fly open as you open your mouth and scream.
Your scream drowns out the buzz, the voices become clearer and it's only there alongside your scream do you understand them. You don't know how long you scream for, but when you stop your throat feels raw.
"What was that?" Eric asks.
He's immediately kneeling before you, fingers under your chin to tilt your face upward. "What did you say?"
"My sister. She's not- she's not safe."
"She's at work under the ever watchful eye of the shifter."
"She is. Until she walks out back to take out the trash," you say. "Please," you beg. "Just.. just go check on her."
Eric continues to hold your gaze for a moment longer before he gives you a terse nod and then stands tall. Your eyes follow him as she lifts off into the air and it's like a weight is lifted off your chest. You sob in relief, curling in on yourself with your face in your hands.
"..inside.. safer.."
The hairs on the back of your neck stand up and your cries immediately cease. Sniffling, you sit back up and glance around the field you're in. Hearing the chirping insects and the ruffling of tree limbs puts you at unease, so you climb to your feet and hurriedly make your way back towards the house. You don't breathe until you're inside, behind closed doors, but even then you're still a little tense and wondering if your sister is okay.
The minutes tick on by as you pace back and forth in the kitchen, and you yelp when you turn around and Eric is standing right there. You raise a fist in order to punch him, but stop halfway there and instead poke his chest as you push him back a step. "Don't do that."
He smirks. "Sookie is fine. A couple of human junkies needed some money for their next fix. The sheriff is on the way to take care of the issue."
"Thank you." You sigh. As you move aside to take a seat at the table, you glance back at Eric and see a blood trail falling from his ear. Your eyes widen and you rush towards him, uncaring about boundaries when one hand lands on his chest and the other grasping his chin to turn his face sideways. "Your ear! I told you to leave before I screamed. Why didn't you listen?" You let go of his chin and then shove him a step back as you go back to pacing.
Eric chuckles. "You've been keeping secrets. You're not just Fae, are you?"
You shrug. "I'm not really sure what I am. I only found out I was part Fae because you guys told Sookie she was. The mind reading is from Fae abilities, but the screaming-"
"The wailing is a whole different breed."
You stop pacing and face him once more. "There's only one creature that wails," you say, "but I gave up on digging into our family history a long time ago."
"You truly are a rare breed, Miss Stackhouse. Half fae, half banshee. The vampires are going to be in a tizzy over you."
You groan. "A problem is inevitable until I agree to a claim, isn't it?"
"Aren't you a smart cookie."
You scowl at Eric then, holding his gaze until you sigh. "If I say yes to a claim, can I have your word that you won't take advantage?" He smiles then and though this vampire is ridiculously good looking, you rather not be someone's pet. But alas, you know he's right. "If the offer for a job at Fangtasia is still open, I'll take it. I don't plan to leave Bon Temps anytime soon and I'm going to need the cash."
"Sweetheart, if you agree to be mine I'll give you all the cash you could want."
Your nose wrinkles. "I'm so gonna regret this." There's a faint click! as Eric's fangs appear, his eyes darkening as he readily bites into his wrist. "Don't tell my sister."
Drink up, little one. We're going to have some fun.
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forlornmelody · 4 years
Kord Center Mall: Out In The Rain, In From The Cold
Rating: E (the nerdiest smut you’ll read all week.)
Fandom(s): DC Comics, Jack Nought from Mass Effect makes an appearance, but familiarity with the game is not important
Ship: Rose Wilson/Jason Todd, mentions of Jason/Roy/Jack
Linkage: Ao3
Summary:  Rose is finally ready to come clean with Jason, and admit the feelings she has for him. But is it too late?
Note: This is a cross over, mall-verse AU concocted by @scifi-ginger and myself. You’ve been warned. Also,  I just want to state, for the record, that I wrote this before Titans: E.L._.O. hit the internet. I have the Tumblr snippets to prove it.
The ground’s so dry when she leaves Cassie’s, Rose doesn’t even think to grab a jacket on the way. By the time she reaches Jason and Roy’s apartment, the sky’s dumping car-wash levels of water on the bus. Even though it only takes her five minutes to walk to the building, Rose’s clothes are sticking to her when she rings the doorbell. Lightning cracks in the clouds behind her. 
Opening the door, Roy’s face flashes bright and dark as the thunder rolls around them. “Rose.”
“Roy.” Rose takes a breath. “Hey. Uh--”
“Fuck off,” Jack calls from the couch. “Jason doesn’t want to see you.”
Yeah. She deserves that. “Could you at least tell him I’m here?” Rose says it to Roy, not Jack. 
Lighting flashes two more times before Roy sighs. “Fine.” He holds up a hand to keep Jack back. “But I swear if you hurt him again--”
“Fuck, Roy. I’m here to apologize.” Rose glances at Jack as she steps gingerly through the doorway. “Nice to see you, too. Jack flips a finger in response. 
Just as Rose knocks on Jason’s door, the power goes out. “Oh come on!” Jason yells from the other side of the door, and she hears the crash of a controller hitting the floor and the rolling of batteries as they fall out. 
Rose has perfect timing. She clears her throat, reaching to knock a second time when Jason opens the door. His cellphone casts soft grey light along his jaw and highlights the sheen on his nose. “If you’re an axe-murderer, I’ll--Rose!?”
“Hey,” she says softly, pulling out her own phone to cast some light---only to realize it died on the way here. “Shit.” Better not fuck this up. 
Jason lingers in his doorway, his eyes roaming over her like she’ll vanish any second. “Didn’t expect to see you.”
“Yeah. Me either.” Rose dares to step closer, looking up at him. “Can I come in?” Jason hesitates ever so slightly, but it’s enough to kick Rose in the gut. She deserves that, too. 
“Sure.” He steps to the side, swinging his arm wide. Jason never kept a tidy room. Rose would constantly remake the bed before she left. If she brought pizza, she’d have to clear off the beer bottles and carefully move the bong out of the way. But Jason always took care of his books--bookmarking them, closing them gently and sorting them on the shelves by genre, author, title, routinely cleaning them with a fucking feather duster. At this point, Jason doesn’t even have a bedroom--he has a personal library with a bed in it. Right now--it looks like a tornado had swept through the shelves. 
“Fuck.” Rose muttered under her breath, frozen in the doorway. 
“Did you come here to talk, or to judge me?” Jason folds his arms, and Rose notices the bags under his eyes for the first time. She’s reaching to push the hair from his eyes before she catches herself. 
“To apologize,” Rose says quickly, ducking inside before Jason can change his mind. She finds a Complete Works of William Shakespeare lying open in the middle of his bed. Obviously, it’s too dark to read, but she’d know the size and thickness of that book anywhere. One of Jason’s favorites. 
Rose sets it aside, sitting on the edge of the bed with one foot draped across her lap. Jason lingers by the door, but he does close it behind him. His eyes track the movement of the book before daring to glance at her again. “Why’d you come back?”
“I missed you.” Rose says. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry, she chants over and over in her brain, but “sorry” doesn’t feel good enough right now. Jason deserves the world, and Rose is just a tiny island wracked with storms. 
Jason’s eyes soften ever so slightly before they harden--cold as steel. “Missed what, exactly?”
Rose allows herself a small smile. Jason loves the big questions--meaning of life, origins of the universe, whether true love exists--he always has his head up in the clouds. Meanwhile Rose stands back on earth--rooted in doing things--going, doing, fucking, eating, breathing. The thunder outside nearly drowns out her words. “I missed the way your eyes change color when you’re angry, happy, or sad. The way you smile when you think no one is looking.” She itches to get closer to him--show him exactly how much he means to her, but it’s not her choice to make. “The way you forget the world around you when you’re reading.” Her voice thickens, with love or want--she isn’t sure. “The way your face lights up when Roy comes in the room.” 
Is it still raining? Rose isn’t sure. All she can hear is the thundering of her pulse in her ears and the sound of their breathing. Jason still hasn’t said a word or moved an inch--him and his fucking poker face. 
At first Rose thinks her eyes are straining to see him in the darkness, but then she feels a tear slip down her cheek. Damnit. This is why she doesn’t do this stuff. Love, real love, hurts. “I realized I didn’t want to live without that. I didn’t want to live without you. I don’t want to.” Jason probably can’t even understand what she’s saying at this point, with the way her breath keeps shaking her voice.
Jason finally looks away, and Rose nods to herself. Figures. It’s too late for them. It’s always too late. “Sorry,” she mutters, standing up and wiping her nose and eyes. It’s gonna be a bitch getting home in this weather, but she’ll manage. Rose always does. She’s halfway to the door when Jason grabs her hand. 
“Where’re you going?” he says softly, squeezing her hand. 
“I…” I’m going home, Rose says in her mind, but the words don’t ring true. She turns, daring to face him. “Not sure.” 
“Stay.” Jason tugs her ever so slightly, and she falls into his arms like she just jumped off a building. He reeks. Always has. Like dank weed and cheap beer. Rose wouldn’t have him any other way. 
“Jerk my arm why don’t you?” His laugh rumbles against her chest and she pulls back just enough to look at his face. Rose traces his features with her fingertips, reacquainting herself with the tip of his nose, the jut of his eyebrows, the firmness of his lips. 
Everything’s so desaturated in the dim room, but Jason’s eyes shine the brightest blue. “I love you, too.” 
Rose couldn’t tell who kissed who first. She’s too busy tasting his mouth and messing with his hair. Jason breaks for air, only to pay careful attention to where her jaw meets her neck. His hands roam her shoulders, arms, sides and stomach as if he can’t get enough of her. He has far too many clothes on. No zipper on Jason’s hoodie, so Rose lifts it to his shoulders, but he gets tangled in the sleeves. “Candles,” Rose says hoarsely. 
Jason peeks at her blankly through the bottom of his hoodie. 
“Please tell me you have some. Jack’s surely got enough to set the apartment on fire but I’m not keen on asking her tonight.”
“Be right back.” Jason frees himself of his shirt and hoodie, slipping out the door shirtless. 
Rose sits on the bed, unable to sit still, still humming with the thrill of his touch. She glances back at the Tome, and switches Jason’s phone’s flashlight on so she can finally read it. Jason has it open to Sonnet 87, 
“Farewell! thou art too dear for my possessing,
And like enough thou knowst thy estimate.
The Charter of thy worth gives thee releasing;
My bonds in thee are all determinate.
For how do I hold thee but by thy granting,
And for that riches where is my deserving?”
Rose swallows, reaching to close the book when Jason comes back inside--his arms full of candles. He freezes when he realizes what she's reading.
“Oh, hey. Lemme take care of that.” Jason sets the candles on his tv stand, reaching for the book.
Rose swats his hand. “Candles.”
Rolling his eyes, Jason replies. “Fine. Fine.” 
Leaning back, Rose watches as the candles, lit one by one, cast a soft glow along the lines of Jason’s body. She doubts she’ll ever tire of the view. 
Lighting the last candle, Jason whisks around, lighter still in his hand. He nods down at the book. “You weren’t supposed to see that.”
“Interesting choice. Real depressing.” Rose kicks her heels against his box spring. 
Setting the lighter aside, Jason grins slowly. “Actually. Hold on a sec.” He kneels, clearing a space on the floor. 
Rose stares at him. “No. Absolutely not. Your floor is a fucking mess.” 
“Don’t worry. You won’t be touching it.” Space cleared, Jason glances up at Rose. “Hand me Shakespeare.”
“Whatever.” Rose hefts it over, eyes widening as Jason sets it reverently in the space he cleared. “You’re shitting me.”
Jason snickers, shaking his head. “C’mon. The book may be hard, but the pages are soft.”
“Oh my god. I’m couching you for that.” Rose chides, but she gets down from the bed anyway. She glances at him one last time before sitting gently between the pages. 
“Better.” Jason’s eyes have darkened to a warm green. The fact that a dead playwright and poet makes him all hot and bothered never ceases to amuse her. “Lean back.”
Rose rolls her eyes, grabbing a pillow and stuffing it beneath her arms. 
Jason makes quick work of Rose jeans, shucking them off and tossing them across the room. Rose snorts as they take down a couple bottles in their fall. “Tell me if you’ve heard this one before.” His grins as he lowers himself to her neck. 
“What’s in a name?” Jason murmurs into her skin, his voice as reverent as a priest’s on Sunday. His fingers drag the zipper of her soaked hoodie down her chest, and goosebumps prick across her skin. 
“That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet.” Jason lavishes attention where her neck meets her shoulder, and Rose’s so caught up in his touch she almost doesn’t catch the reference. Almost. 
“Romeo and Juliet? Really?” she snorts, pulling back to give him a look of disdain. “Most overrated play ever.” 
“It’s a classic.” Jason pouts, his fingers edging underneath her t-shirt--a suitable challenge with the way the fabric sticks to her skin. He dives to kiss her collarbone. “And it has your name in it.”
“Jace, they off themselves because they’re impatient hormonal teenagers.” A moan slips from her mouth as he kisses from her waist to her chest, pushing her shirt up and out of the way. “It’s not romantic.”
Dragging the shirt and her bra up and over her head, Jason grins at her. Oh, he knows. “So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d.” 
“Do you put Jack and Roy through this? Or am I special?”
Jason doesn’t linger on her breasts, just moves her damp bra off her skin, hanging it on one of his bedposts. “Retain that dear perfection with he owes.” He plants a reverent kiss in the valley between them. 
“I am special, aren’t I?” Rose groans, for more reasons than one. 
Instead of answering, Jason snickers against her skin, breathing her in. “Without that title. Romeo doff thy name, and for that name which is no part of thee,”
Rose has another comeback coming, somewhere, but it’s hard enough trying to keep her breathing steady the farther south Jason travels with his mouth. He stops just north of her thighs, grinning up at her. “Oh, come on, already,” she groans again, letting her head fall back.
Jason wets his lips and tongue, waiting for her to look at him again. Once he has her full attention, he whispers, “Take all myself.”
Then he plants a kiss against her clit, and Rose shudders despite herself. “Really? You think some, some poetry is gonna, oh.” 
She can feel his grin as he toys with her licking gently around but never quite touching where she wants him most. His hair musses in her fingers as he kisses deeper, harder, licking her with nice, long strokes. Jason moans with her, the hum reverberating across her skin. Rose’s hips rise off the book and Jason holds her down with one arm. Pausing, Jason licks one finger, then another, and Rose can’t help but cry out his name as they thrust in and out of her while he lavishes attention on her clit. Fuck, she’s probably tearing his hair out, but she can’t help it. Now she’s so close she’s--
Jason pulls back, kissing her thigh, and Rose curses him and half his family. “I take thee at thy word:”
Fuck her, she’s pleading, pulling him back. “Jace, please. I need.”
Snickering, Jason plants a soothing kiss on her thigh before gathering her hands to her right side, holding them still. “Call me but love, and I’ll be new baptized;” he murmurs as he wets his lips again. Something in her belly roils as she realizes what he’s planning. 
Mm, yeah, Jack and Roy definitely heard that scream. Let them, Rose thinks, until she can’t anymore, so focused on Jason’s feather light touch against her clit. She’s so close to falling right off the cliff when he pulls back again. This time, Rose bites her tongue, shaking as she waits for him to continue. 
Jason watches her come down from the brink, his smile wide (and his lips covered in her slick), and his eyes bright. Part of Rose wants to hide from that look--she doesn’t deserve it--she’ll break his heart--he’ll find out what she’s really like and he won’t look at her like that any-- Squeezing her hands, Jason pulls Rose from her thoughts, and she swallows hard as she allows her walls to come crashing down. “Jason, I--”
“Shh. We’re almost there,” he whispers, kissing her hands, squeezing them again. Waiting until she’s relaxed again, Jason leans down one last time, his words barely audible, “Henceforth I never will be Romeo.” He brings her back slowly, using his fingers as well as his tongue, seemingly touching her anywhere and everywhere at once. Sliding one finger inside her, then another, he closes his eyes, gracing her with long, slow licks, pumping and curling. Rose isn’t even sure what sounds are coming out of her mouth anymore, as her hips rise and fall with his fingers.
Her world flashes whiter and hotter than lightning. 
Maybe seconds pass, maybe hours, when Rose finally opens her eyes. The candles have nearly guttered out, and Jason lies, with his clothed legs intertwined with her bare ones. Rose should pay him back for that--when she finds the energy. She leans her forehead against his, murmuring. “Power still out?”
“Yeah.” Jason reaches out, trailing a hand down her bare back. 
“You need to clean off the bed before the candles burn out.”
Jason groans, holding her tighter. “Fine.” He releases her standing up stiffly and reaching for the stuff scattered across his bed. “Love you too, Rose,” he muttered under his breath. 
Rose sits up quickly, grabbing his hand. “Wait.”
Looking down at her in exasperation, Jason asks blankly, “What?”
“I love you.” The words feel so strange coming off her tongue, but Rose knows them to be true. “Meant to say it earlier but you were too busy going down on me and quoting lines to listen.”
Jason pulls her to her feet, and into a kiss. “You can say it whenever you want.”
Rose’s so busy tasting herself on his lips she almost doesn’t notice the hiss of the guttering candles. “Shit.”
“What?” Jason pulls back, looking around at nothing. “Fuck.”
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hecohansen31 · 5 years
Hi ! If you still do requests can you do xavier x reader where the reader was his friend or best friend before he died at camp redwood and they come to the camp to pay respects but somehow find out he’s a ghost and the readers really sad for him because he’s stuck there forever and he comforts them but also the reader keeps going back there to hang out with him ? If so then thank you xx
(A/N): Hello there, lovely!
I keep this extremely platonic, because you said friend/best friend, but if you ever want to see something more romantic, as soon as I get better I might try to work onto a Latin Nerd! Reader and Xavier, if anyone is interested!
Plus I tried to keep the gender of the reader neutral, let me know if I sucked at it or I mgiht try again or any other suggestion!
Have fun reading and thank you for requesting, I honestly love writing for Xavier!
WARNINGS: Death, Loss, Grieving, Mention of Sexual Trauma (Xavier’s Tape) and Druge Abuse, Slight Description of Murder!
Tumblr media
Your best friend was an asshole.
But he was your asshole.
And when you had heard that he had lost his life in the Camp Redwood’s massacre your heart had stopped beating for one minute, before the glass of milk you had in your right hand escaped your hold and crashed to the ground.
At first you had thought it was a simple mistake and only when your roommate had cradled you in her arms, you had realized that he was truly gone and had screamed till your lungs had given out and exhaustion has passed over you.
You and Xavier were a rather unlikely friendship: you were the normal teen who had gone through high school being unnoticed, coming from a normal family.
You had met Xavier at an aerobic class, you had taken in college to meet other people.
Xavier was the popular guy, cooler than anybody, although he had a rather sordid past, which he had once confessed you about over too many beers and almost getting recognized from a guy at a party for his “tape”.
Your usually outgoing friend had paled and you had practically fought off the guy, after you had tried to hug your friend, and he had pushed you away, convinced that you hated him now that you knew all the truth and for the following days he had done nothing more than trying to convince you that you shouldn’t stick with him, anymore.
“I was a druggie, (Y/N)” he had mumbled, meanwhile you put all your aerobic things in your backpack, after your class.
“… Xavier you are not anymore and that is what matters” you had replied in your most sincere tone, not caring for anything but your friend being healthy and comfortable around you.
“I shot gay porn, (Y/N)” he had exclaimed once you were over at your house, since your roommate was gone and you were too scared to be alone at home, so you had invited him over, in order to have some take out and watch maybe some horror movies, since he liked so much “… and I am not even gay”.
“Xavier shut up and pass the pop-corn” and then you had heard him sniffling behind you, and when you had turned around to face him, you had found him crying with watery eyes and immediately you had moved from a sarcastic tone to a more comforting “… do you seriously think that I would judge you for something so stupid?”
“Well… everybody else would” he cowered a bit and you brought him in a sudden hug, trying to decide whether or not to tighten your grip onto him or not, whether it would scare him off or not.
But it was Xavier who gripped back into your welcoming hands.
“… I am not everybody else, Xavier” you had replied, meanwhile he had loaded his entire tears in your pretty pajama, but you hadn’t minded “… I am your best friend”.
“I know that…” he had mumbled, once he had realized you weren’t running already “… but I am a mess”.
“Well then…” you had pushed back a bit from the hug, seeing true fear in his eyes “… hi ‘I am a mess’, I am (Y/N)”.
That had gained you an elbow to your stomach, but it was worth it, just to see Xavier laugh himself silly.
Slowly you had broken apart, you hadn’t known what why and how, with certainty, probably the fact that with you both starting to work in different areas, you had found yourself around different type of people, although you would always find some time for each other, in your “busy” schedule.
That summer at Camp Redwood, you hadn’t thought it would end up so bloody and badly, although you had felt bad leaving your best friend go there alone, but you had had some work issues, which might bring you the promotion you had been aching for, since you had started your job.
“I’ll send you postcards” had smirked Xavier the day before he left for Camp Redwood, meanwhile you had just smacked his ass and told him not to get in trouble with the underage ladies.
“I am not going to be there to bail your ass out” you had promised him, before kissing his cheek goodbye and waving till his famous ‘vanta-c’ had disappeared from your sight.
Now, at his funeral, you hadn’t been able to fathom the fact that your last words to him had been that silly and halfway through the function you had to be escorted out because you had started puking, panicking, and you hadn’t even been able to utter your discourse for him.
In the end you hadn’t even known, if you would have been able to say it, since it held some kind of privacy that you weren’t able to explain to so many people who didn’t know Xavier, many, in the crowd, were strangers and some of aerobic teammates, but you were the only one who had known him, through everything.
And you hadn’t been with him that night.
Every time the Redwood massacre would come on the screen, the people around you would change channel, thinking that you didn’t want to be remembered of that, since he had been so dear with you.
What they didn’t know was that you were almost morbidly obsessive with every detail of his death, as if knowing could make you go back in time and bring him back.
It took you three years to go to Camp Redwood: the first year it had been too early, the second year you had buried yourself in your work not to think about it, and the third year you had once laughed at something because it had reminded you of something Xavier had said.
And when you had turned to tell him, you hadn’t found him.
You had cried all your tears, when you had come back home, and realized that he was gone.
Nothing for you to grip onto, and as a way to exorcise the hurt you had chosen to visit Camp Redwood, alone, at least so that you could give Xavier your own discourse and lay some flower onto the place he had died, which you knew from the obsessive attention that media and Margaret Booth, the only survivor of the carnage, had given it.
You had chosen for the bouquet of flowers red carnations, camelias and finally yellow cowslips, all flowers that you were sure Xavier would absolutely love, since they were almost as bright as Xavier’s personality.
You had wandered for the camp, feeling a sense of uneasiness, not only because you were on the scene of a massacre, but most importantly because you felt like you were being watched, the entire time, feeling the weird sensation of being constantly watched but whenever you would turn around worried, you’d see nothing.
You were just being paranoid.
When you had finally found the place of Xavier’s death, you were surprised that it held some kind of strange objects on it, almost as a weird collector’s treasure.
You had moved to remove something so that you could lay your flowers on the ground, but you had heard a shout, a rather familiar shout.
“Hey! Don’t touch my shit!”.
You remembered a similar phrase being uttered when you had once tried to clean Xavier’s room, since it had pizza’s crusts on his desk that he had once almost used it as a tissue.
You turned around, sure that you were having some trouble listening, a hallucination that went by the ears, since you had heard it happened both in desert and both when you… well…
When you were losing your mind.
But as you turned, Xavier stood in front of you, definitely much neater than a hallucination.
Although you had been the one shocked, Xavier looked at you confused, as if he hadn’t expected to see you again, not that you had thought about it, since well… he was supposed to be dead…
“(Y/N)?” he asked as if he was the one who was supposed to be surprised of seeing you there.
“You are dead” you mumbled, much more to reassure the concept to you than to actually state the obvious, meanwhile the flowers you had in your hand, fell to the ground, the beautiful petals ruining a bit, but you didn’t care, stepping closer, till…
… till you realized this wasn’t mechanically and humanly possible.
And you were more likely having some kind of psychotic breakdown.
“Yeah, I am pretty sure I am dead” he confirmed, and you were sure that whatever you had smoke on your way to the Camp Redwood must have been laced with some kind of hallucinogenic drug “… but what are you doing here?”.
Although this entire situation was impossible, the fact that Xavier was actually being a smartass about it was totally in his character.
“… you are a… ghost?” you couldn’t help but feel dumb, even more when Xavier raised an eyebrow at you in a “duh” kind of expression, meanwhile you were having an existential crisis, your knees buckling under you and you fell down, your best friend rushing to you, but not having any contact with you.
“Kind of, I mean… I did die and come back, but I am not anything like you see in those movies”.
“At least, you didn’t come back as Jason, in Friday the 13th” Xavier had forced you to watch that idiotic movie, meanwhile you screamed all your voice and Xavier giggled at your fear.
“That would have made a disservice to the world…” he replied cockily, nearing even closer once he saw that you were tearing up, his hands almost brushing next to your face, but you felt nothing more than cold air on your face, the obvious show that you it was just an hallucination “… (N/N) please don’t cry, you make an horrible face, whenever you do it and you might get wri…”.
“Xavier, did you kill the bitch that trespassed?” a female voice, announced Montana, Xavier’s ex-girlfriend, who you had a kind of stiff relationship, since she was low key jealous of your relationship with Xavier, no matter the fact that you didn’t have any romantic feelings for each other.
‘It would be like doing it with a brother’ you had mumbled once to her face, but she hadn’t looked too convinced, hence you had backed off.
You and Montana shared a tense look, meanwhile Xavier was caught between the battle, but didn’t backdown, almost shielding you with his body.
“Montana, it’s (Y/N), you do remember her, don’t you?”.
Of course, she did, and the fire in her eyes hadn’t dulled but you tried your best to smile, meanwhile you tried your best not to question what the heck was going on, meanwhile two of people you were sure were supposed to be dead were speaking in front of you.
“… what the heck are you doing here, (Y/N)?”.
You couldn’t help but wonder what was going on and feel extremely under her judgement.
“I thought about paying my respect to my best friend” you turned to Xavier, since his opinion was the only one that mattered, although you feared Montana’s initial words “… who I thought was dead, till a few minutes ago”.
“We all died” muttered Montana under her breath “… Brooke killed me”.
It surprised you greatly, because, although the jury had found Brooke’s guilty, you hadn’t, but if Montana spoke truly (and from the look of her angered face, she was)…
“Margaret killed me” rumbled Xavier and you were even more shocked, because Margaret had been the true final girl of the Camp’s massacre, and although you hadn’t liked that woman, you would have never thought she would have been able to kill somebody “… but you already know it, don’t you?”.
You were already shocked that they were alive, to think about that they didn’t know nothing about the outside world…
… it made it real.
Like it wasn’t you being crazy.
They were truly ghosts.
“… no, Brooke was framed for your murders, they said that she went mad and… “.
Xavier’s face seemed suddenly traumatized, meanwhile Montana smirked pleased.
“Well, she did stab me…”.
“But she didn’t kill us all, I can’t believe that Margaret went away that easily…”.
“I can’t believe that ghosts do exist” you complained, bringing both their attention to them and meanwhile Montana just sent you one last dirty look, before running away, Xavier looked at you surprised, and his own eyes were watery.
“… I… know that this is confusing…”.
“I am pretty sure that I am having a mental breakdown” you mumbled, meanwhile your hand went to your hair as you tried to calm yourself down.
“I was pretty sure I would never see you again” his words brought you back from the panic attack that you were having, and you saw sadness in his face, knowing perfectly what your best friend was feeling and wanting to bring him in an hug.
It was the first time ever you thought that maybe… maybe things were true.
Ghosts did exist.
“… after I died, I was in this state of constant limbo, I was unable to meet again with the others and the first thing that I thought about was you, how I would never hear you laugh at my clumsy accidents, or your sweet lectures… that I would never be able to meet you again”.
“Well, even Death didn’t get you away from me” you joked, and this time tears did fall from your face, and Xavier brought you in a hug.
But you didn’t feel hugged, although again some breeze did go through your body, and when you opened your eyes to look you saw Xavier’s limbs going through your body in a rather impressive vision that got you finally accepting the truth.
Ghosts did exist.
Your friend was one of them.
But… in all this, you had met your friend again.
You had spent the rest of that day catching up on each other (you had literally regretted that Xavier was a ghost now, because you couldn’t shove him off, when he asked about how many girls were crying at his funeral) and at the end, when night had come over, and even Xavier looked scared for you, he had pushed you to leave.
But how could you leave when now you knew all the truth and you had met your friend back, you had had him back, although you couldn’t hug him and physically touch him.
“(Y/N), you have to go back” but you didn’t want to, you never wanted to “… we are all ghosts here, who would you bone?”.
Again, you felt bad you weren’t able to wack him across the face.
“You are saying this just because you don’t want me to bone Chet”.
“I thought you had higher standard, (Y/N)” he had shot back, lowering his glasses.
“Don’t ‘higher standard me’ when you wanted to fuck Chef Bertie”.
“Chef Bertie is the true deal, babe” he commented simply, before becoming again serious “… but I am serious, you can’t spend your alive life with a ghost, I have seen movies about it and I don’t think that it never ever ends well… so please just live”.
“My life sucks without you, Xavier” you confessed, because yeah, your life had gone on, but you weren’t living, you were basically only surviving.
“I know babe, you lost the life of the party…” although his tone was meant to be lighthearted, his eyes weren’t “… but you’ll find someone, and we’ll still have Camp Redwood”.
“I can totally see why Bertie is the only person that can actually stand you, in this shit, if you quote Casblanca like that…” your eyes were teary, although your tongue spoke of sarcasm “… I am going to miss you, Xavier”.
“Well you know where to find me, babe, then”.
Through your life you had come back to Redwood many times, whether you felt bad or good, just to announce Xavier all the best news in your life, and more importantly so that he wouldn’t be forgotten.
But that day you knew that it was the last time you would ever see him.
Your eldest son had brought you on your request on the Camp Redwood limits, he had looked at you weirdly, mostly because he didn’t see what an eighty year old sick person might want to do in camp which was famous for its massacres, but you hadn’t cared.
“I need to talk with an old friend”, you had muttered before you sprinted off, knowing exactly where you would have found Xavier, although you were slowed down by your age.
Somebody came immediately to your side, and you saw Trevor and Montana taking one of your arms each, to help you since your legs couldn’t carry you on fast enough.
You had mended your relationship with Montana, after the entire “Billy Idol concert thing” in 1989 and Trevor quite liked you, mostly because you were the braincell that Xavier had lost since he had died.
He was low key tired of having to take care of your “serious method actor” by himself.
“He is waiting for you” mumbled Montana, meanwhile she helped you sit down on a log, in a secluded area, sprinting off after a kiss to your wrinkly face, gently accepting Trevor’s hand, which he held out for her.
“… thank you” you mumbled before they disappeared in front of your face and you laid comfortably onto the log, as much as your old articulation would allow it.
“… hey, (YN), is that you?” joked a voice, waking you up from your little slumber and although you knew that you weren’t yet dead, you felt Death gently embracing you like an old friend.
That was why you had asked your son to bring you here.
You had had the ideal life you could have had, moving on from Xavier, but now, you would share the rest of your existence with your friend, so that you could pick up from where you had left.
“… didn’t recognize you under all those wrinkles” joked your best friend, and, although you were a rather old person you managed to kick his shin enough that he let out an unglorified “OH” followed by some pretty extreme coursing, although he didn’t truly feel that.
“These are badges of honor” you replied, pointing at your wrinkles “… and you were the reason behind many of them…”.
Xavier just giggled, as he settled on the log so that he could have your back onto his front, his presence already bringing comfort to your aching arms, and you let yourself go, in those arms, knowing all too well that you would be ok.
Because now you were with Xavier.
And your new life with him would begin soon.
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iwritethat · 5 years
Jason Todd: Badass
A/N: Jason Todd back in his Robin day’s, inspired by the Titans TV Series to be quite honest.
They couldn't understand it, no one could. There was Jason Todd, Robin 2.0, renowned for his fiery temper and street thug background - which on his own was perfectly normal - but then there was you. Innocent, kind hearted and pure, beautiful you with a moral conscience to rival Supermans'.
It wasn't supposed to be a viable match but anyone could blatantly see Jason had a thing for you whereas you continued to be unreadable much to the surrounding heroes frustration. According to their knowledge, you were an extension of the Batfamily albeit not in the vigilante game but rather an associate and closest to Jason in particular. Origins remain unknown.
In retrospect they shouldn't have underestimated you from the start, possibly even delved deeper into why their resident cold hearted Robin was enamoured with a holy angelic soul such as yourself. Regardless, it was too late and as soon as you'd heard whispers of Robins capture echoing throughout Young Justice you found yourself standing before Nightwing and his selected Team within the hour demanding you go with them. Wally laughed, and Artemis immediately slapped him whilst Dick shook his head in disappointment.
"I'm going."
"I get you wanna protect Robin (Y/n), but it'd be safer for you here." West justified despite how adamant you were.
"Thanks for the concern KF but I can handle myself. When do we leave?"
"They’re right, it’s too dangerous, we’ll bring back Robin. There’s too many men to risk your life (Y/n).” Nightwing was correct, his tone more of an order even though you were not under his supervision by any means.
However, the one thing about knowing Nightwing was that he was Team Leader, essentially whatever he says goes - and this time that didn’t fall in your favour.
That's not how you found yourself staring up at Bane with Robin tied up a few paces behind you with blood dripping from his lips - no, you did that by disobeying orders and tailing the Team. It hadn't surprised you that Jason’s reckless headstrong attitude had gotten him stuck here in the first place but you couldn’t chastise him when you’d reinacted the same choices in order to save him. Meanwhile the rest of your unwilling squad were withheld by the threat of your safety - you're sure you could hear Batgirl and Kid Flash curse at your behaviour but you’d do anything to protect the people you care about.
"Bane right? How about I propose a deal, if I beat you senseless then we all go free and if you win, then you can do whatever you want." You playfully suggested, the less than intimidating stature you held and cherished smile encouraging his confidence. Even though he had the upper hand, it wouldn't be displaying the correct image to his employees if he turned down a challenge from the weakest opponent out there.
"I wouldn't Bane." It was a cough, a splutter from a smug Robin despite the unanimous glares/protests from the rest of your team.
"Bring it Pipsqueak!"
It was painful for all of them to watch, Kid Flash making visible movements towards you every time you took a hit only stopping himself when guns were aimed at your figure. You heard Artemis and Nightwing desperately call your name as you were slammed to the ground again, Banes hand tightly around your throat as you were pushed further into the floor with a groan.
"Stupid bet to make kid, but you and your friends will pay for it." He released his grip, allowing you to slowly get back onto your feet and wipe away the blood from your nose with a giggle. The villain immediately snapped to you, expressions of shock littered the room - all except the relieved smile of Jason because he knew you better than anyone ever could under the kindest smile known to man.
"I haven't lost yet~"
“Did you know that you pivot your right foot 45 degrees away from your target when you go for a left uppercut?” Your head tilted as he came at you, performing the perfect counter thus silencing the room.
“And you do not have your anger under control, therefore your movements become desperate and easier to predict. Much like now.” Your tone was informative, analytic and upbeat as you sent Bane to the floor again.
It was like something flipped, reality had been warped or some other inconceivable explanation was required - your movements had changed, now quicker and stronger than ever as you anticipated Banes every offence, mapped him out like a book and within 57 seconds the huge male was knocked unconscious on the cold concrete of the warehouse with you elegantly crouched on his chest with an innocent grin. In the midst of their awe, Nightwing managed to take an advantage whilst the guards were distracted enabling his team to make a clean escape too.
You delicately walked over to Jason, slicing his restraints with the male practically falling into your arms.
"I warned him, that was badass doll." Robin lowly chuckled, forehead resting against yours which displayed how grateful he was to see you. Normally affection would never be displayed in front of anyone else unless it was playful flirting but this? This was meaningful.
"You okay dork? You're bleeding a bit." You softly replied, thumb brushing across his lower lip to remove the crimson liquid and looking back up to be met with his admiring gaze.
It was no secret that he liked you, it was in the way he spoke or rather flirted - a characteristic of Robins as you'd discovered but it was genuine, you knew because he opened up to you - whether he had meant to or not. There were the sweet gestures where he forgot himself and the momentary lapses, where he remembered that he was Robin and dating you would be dangerous.
Yet in this instance he couldn't care, because danger was exhilarating and you would make everything worth it so he closed the distance a little further as if silently asking if you felt the same. You noticed, being attune to the way he thought made the whole ordeal easier and you couldn't help the sincere smile gracing your features at the action, taking it as a sign of approval his lips met yours in a slow chaste kiss.
It was over as soon as it got started, Robin not even thanking you as you glared up at the boy wonder before rolling your eyes and brushing past Kid Flash who could barely make sense with his frantic gestures. Artemis' gaze followed you out, opting to comment on what they were all thinking as Jason stood beside Nightwing.
"No wonder you like (Y/n) so much."
"Tch, yeah right. That badass nerd - hell no." Robin laughed, smirking proudly at his brother.
"You literally just kissed-" Dick began, already confused by Little Wings’ contradicting displays.
"Bro, you kiss girls all the time. Doesn't mean anything."
"You what?!" Barbara practically radiated rage at Jasons’ haphazard statement, Nightwing instantly paling at the revelation.
"Ah no, Batgirl not like that I - Robin!!"
"See ya, thanks for the assisted save because let's be honest (Y/n) woulda just come alone anyways!" Before his brother could finish, Jason had offered a salute and disappeared into the night leaving the ‘adults’ to resolve their issues.
Later that night, you found yourself in one of Gotham's many local bars leaning against the counter simply minding your own business when a bottle was slid in your direction. You directed your irises toward the origin, finding none other than Jason wearing his favourite hoodie under a casual jacket with a beer bottle in his hand.
"How was your night?"
"I saved a guy tonight, didn't get much thanks mind you." There was a tinge of venom in your voice but it was more exasperated than anything.
"Oh? A kiss and a beer not good enough, what sort of thanks were you expecting?" Jason was sarcastic on the other hand, leaning on the bar beside you.
"I don't know Jaybird, now Arty, Wally and Babs know what I'm capable of. I'm an asset to them."
"You're not, Dick wouldn't let that happen and you don't have to join the Team. But hey seeing you kick butt up close and personal was an experience." He was serious now, your companionship was important to him and he’d never let them use your abilities when you didn’t want part of his lifestyle. He’d promised that many moons ago.
"Oi! What the heck are you two doing in here, you aren't 21!" You both flicked to the outraged voice of Dick Grayson, the male standing at the doorway with Barbara in tow. It was a shock to Dick and Barbara when they caught you both at the bar, underage - how'd you even get in?Instantly Jason grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers with his own as you both laughed whilst dancing through the crowd toward the fire exit.
"Don't even think about it or I'm using this as blackmail!" Babs echoed, not so fluently managing to evade bodies due to her taller stature.
You ran, and you laughed, staggering onto his favourite rooftop of all Gotham - the one adorned with Gargoyles, his favourite perched proudly at the centre. You’d managed to lose the other two more experienced Bats much to your amusement. The wind graced your skin and your gaze shifted to the night sky admiring the rare clarity of the stars, however Jason came to a halt beside you, finding your fascination to be much more beautiful.
"It's funny, we're just a streetrat who needs adult supervision and a misguided teenager who can barely function in society. How did we make it this far?" You mindlessly stated, eyes embarrassingly directed toward the ground as you smiled.
Jason moved closer to you, lifting you chin with his finger to meet his irises before he spoke.
"Isn't it obvious? Because it's us, we're here together despite whatever our connection is." He was so gentle despite his contrasting occupation, closing the distance between your bodies as he went.
"I shouldn't have kissed you tonight." Your tone was lower, halting his actions and you missed the brief glimpse of heartbreak cross his features. However his tone was more confident yet soft as he replied working to hide his disappointment.
"I'm pleased you did."
"Ah classic Robin behaviour." You rolled your eyes, but he sensed the playfulness behind your comment.
"If you haven't noticed... I've got a little thing for you, it's been us as a team for a while that somewhere along the line I thought about 'us' as more. Sure you're no vigilante, but you're my friend and that means more than anything." It was enough, you could allow yourself moments like these to be forgotten with the wind. And you let him in once more, like you had done on multiple occasions before, you let him kiss you, with as much admiration he could display in such an intimate act.
You pulled away, breathless, enjoying the time you had knowing that every night he left could be your last - but for now, you had him.
"I'm glad it's you Jason."
"Me too (Y/n). Me too, until death rips us apart."
Little did you know how soon that would be.
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elareine · 5 years
I dream of our story (our fairytale) (JayDick)
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Sequel to In the Shallows.
Morning, babe <3
Jay: It’s 3pm here.
Jay: Good morning <3 Sleep well?
Better if you’d been here :(
Jay: Tell me about it.
When there’s fewer people around, you’ll even get a picture
Jay: Now that’s something to look forward to.
After the success of “A star is born,” Jason never took part in a movie again.
He had told Dick that honestly, it would need one hell of a fucking script to get him to do that again. If anything, he was considering maybe trying his luck at Broadway. But as long as people still filled stadiums and streamed his songs in their millions, he was going to keep making his own music. He was a song-writer and guitarist first, after all.
Dick, meanwhile, hugely enjoyed the freedom his Oscar had granted him. Next year, he would have a big, comedic action blockbuster (guess who was the new Batman, bitches? That was right, he was sitting right here enjoying his milkshake) and a quiet little family drama coming out. He still loved romance movies, though, and was currently reading a script that made his fingertips itch. He would need to audition for it, and there were several far bigger names talked about for the role, but Dick thought he could do it.
The downside to that was: He was constantly away from home. On set here, on promotion tour there. And when he was home, those rare, precious times, Jason was gone on tour. His new album had dropped six months ago, setting all kinds of new records.
If Dick had thought the US-and-Europe tours had been hell on them, he hadn’t experienced anything like a world tour. He’d seen Jason exactly once, and that had been five weeks ago when their schedules allowed for two days spent together holed up in a hotel room in Singapore.
Jay: I miss your arms
My arms?
Jay: Like, around me. In our bed, our house. Just you and me.
Soon <3
Jay: I miss the smell of your neck.
Dick frowned. If this were anyone else, he’d suspect they were drunk. But Jay wouldn’t do that.  
U ok?
Jay: Just tired. Feels like you’re very far away.
I’m not.
Call me later?
(After a nap!!)
Jay: Yeah.
That nagging worry wouldn’t leave Dick all day. Jason had sounded so exhausted last night, more so than his physical condition wanted. It echoed something in Dick that he had tried not to acknowledge but knew shone through in the way he snapped at people randomly, the impatience with which he regarded traffic, the many ways he tried to avoid his lonely bedroom.
They’d been apart before. Hell, most of the first year of their relationship had been spent traveling in different directions, continually trying to navigate time zones and figuring out how to discreetly sext on set.
Their relationship had changed since then, though. It wasn’t just about affection and sex anymore. Sure, all of that was still there in abundance; now joined by a sense of companionship, of going through life together. Even during their screaming arguments, of which there had been quite a few, Dick couldn’t help but want Jason close.
Maybe it was time to reconsider their priorities.
No, Dick decided. No ‘maybe’ about this.
First, he called his agent and Jason’s. Then he sent Roy a message.  
“Folks, we got’ a visitor today—stop looking so surprised, bro,” Roy told Jason to the laughter of the audience. He and Dick had planned everything, with Kori and Artemis doing most of the actual, you know, useful work.  
Okay, so a little bit of this was payback for Jason pulling him out on stage unprepared three years ago to the day. Dick could admit to being that petty.
Mostly, though, he just wanted to make sure his boyfriend knew where he belonged.
The piano started to play. That was his cue.
“Life is so simple,” Dick began, walking on stage and watching as Jason’s eyes grew wide.
It was a song he’d written for Dick back when they had been filming, before everything had changed. Dick had always loved it for its simplicity, and it had only gained meaning for him since then.
“Family dinners and family trees // Teachin’ the kids to say, “Thank you,” and, “Please”// Knowin’ if we stay together that things will be right…”
Dick knew that Jason wanted kids, though not right away. He did, too. They had talked about it and it had been one of those conversations that served to show Dick that this was  it . It was ironic, how Jason—the rock star he’d thought had been judging Dick at every turn when they met—made Dick feel like it was okay to be vulnerable around him.
“I want you to look right in my eyes // To tell me you love me // To be by my side // I want you at the end of my life // Wanna see your face when I fall with grace // At the moment I die // Is that alright?”
The moment those last lines left Dick’s mouth, he was being enveloped in a tight hug. The microphone fell to the ground with a resounding clatter.
“You fucker,” Jason murmured into Dick’s neck. “Did you just propose to me in front of seven thousand people?”
“There’s a ring in my pocket,” Dick told him in a low voice. “Marry me?”
“Fuck yeah.”
It wasn’t like Dick expected to hear anything else. He would never have gone through with this in public if he had. Still, he had to ask: “Yeah?”
“Yes.” Jason pulled back, pressing a brief kiss to his lips. “Yes, yes, yes. Hi.”
“Hi,” Dick giggled. He couldn’t help himself; he had to pepper Jason’s face in kisses.
“I think this a good moment for our break,” Roy announced into the microphone behind them, laughing. “Go piss, get a beer, and be back in ten!”
Even more important than the proposal—even more important than the fact that they were engaged now, Christ, Jason was his fiancé—was what came after.
Having Jason right next to him, no screen between them, just skin on skin… it was every Dick had been craving in more. He basked in it.
“You’re leaving in three days, aren’t’ ya?” Jason asked, sounding way too quiet.
Dick shook his head. “Nah. We’re not doing this shit again. That’s what that means.” He tapped the ring on Jason’s finger. “I go where you go. If that means postponing a shoot by a few weeks, I’ll do it. And then you can come with me.”
Jason frowned. “I’m supposed to—”
“Nope. Your schedule is cleared—mostly,” Dick added for honesty’s sake, “you’re still doing SNL and the AMAs, but I’ll travel with you. We’ll all have to sit together, plan it out, but. I told our managers that it’s a package deal now. I’m tired of being alone on shoots, and you’re not going on tour without me again.”
Despite his conviction that he’d done the right thing, Dick held his breath as he watched Jason process this. There was a certain amount of heteronomy in their lives, anyway; there was no way they would be able to do all the scheduling themselves, so they were used to going where their management pointed them.
Still. This was big. This was Dick saying: Let’s arrange our lives around each other, not around our careers.
Jason’s eyes closed. He looked more at peace than Dick had ever seen him. “Sounds good to me.”
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thecomicsnexus · 5 years
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Flashback to several months ago: Superman and Batman are standing on a Metropolis city rooftop during The Final Night event. As the two talk about the fact that Earth's sun has been extinguished, Superman feels as if something had been removed from him. Miles away in Seattle, Parallax stands over the grave of his best friend Oliver Queen. It is clear that Parallax's involvement will be integral to events that are to come.
The present: Many of the heroes whose lives had been affected by the first Green Arrow carry on with their regular activities. Connor Hawke continues praying for the soul of his father at the ashram. Arsenal takes down a room full of heroin dealers and Black Canary rescues the battered wife of a Russian mobster.
In Star City, an old man named Stanley Dover is walking down the street when a group of thugs attempt to accost him. A homemade arrow with a bleach bottle arrow tip strikes one down while another with a 40 oz. beer bottle affixed to the shaft takes another down. As Stanley turns to see whom his rescuer is, we find Oliver Queen, apparently back from the dead, dressed in tattered rags with long hair and a makeshift bow.
Star City councilman Freddy Dreyfus has a street pimp named Richard send a fifteen-year-old prostitute named Mia Dearden to his house for an evening of fun. Dreyfus proves to be creepy and abusive with the intent of hurting Mia save for the appearance of Green Arrow. Green Arrow beats up all of Dreyfus' goons and rescues Mia. He also exposes the fact that Dreyfus has been dipping into the local drug trade. Mia returns to her pimp. Richard has learned about what has happened and decides that he must kill Mia before Green Arrow comes gunning for him. But Mia evades Richard's attack and slices a tendon in his hand.
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Later we find that Ollie has moved in with Stanley Dover, an elderly man he recently rescued from some street thugs. Stanley is independently wealthy and has elected to become Ollie's financial benefactor as he resumes his career as Green Arrow.
In Gotham City, Batman monitors reports of the Dreyfus incident. Analyzing the data, he begins to suspect that Oliver Queen may still be alive.
Back in Star City, a serial child killer known as the Star City Slayer begins feeding a vial of blood to a creature that lies contained within a subterranean glass cage.
Green Arrow breaks into the office of Star City comptroller, Harold Leeds. He demands to know why Leeds authorized the closure of the Star City Youth Center. Leeds tells him that it was closed in order to safeguard orphans from the recent Star Slayer murders. Ollie demands to talk to Commissioner Elmer Durgin. Leeds tells Ollie that Durgin died years ago. Ollie now begins to realize that not everything in Star City is exactly how he remembers it.
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Later, Stanley Dover buys the Star City Youth Center. One of the first new employees is former prostitute Mia Dearden. Mia tells Ollie that she knows he is Green Arrow. She asks Ollie for a place to stay and he agrees to let her stay on with Stanley and he. Later, Stanley explains to Mia that Ollie is 'missing time'. He acts as if the last ten years of his life never even happened. He has no knowledge of his own death. To help Ollie's emotional state, Stanley has refitted his home with outdated appliances and conveniences.
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While the two enjoy dinner together, Green Arrow hits the streets. He busts up a crime ring over near the riverside docks. Suddenly, Black Manta and his submersible ship rises out of the river. Trailing directly behind him is Manta's arch-foe, Aquaman.
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Aquaman and Green Arrow are preparing to face off with Black Manta on the docks of Star City. Ollie tackles Manta, but Manta repels him with a haymaker. Arthur leaps on Manta's back prepared to kill him. But Ollie gets back up and sinks an arrow into Manta's helmet. Arthur removes the helmet revealing a very disfigured looking Black Manta. As the criminal is taken away, Arthur and Ollie finally get the chance to reunite with one another. Ollie doesn't understand the radical changes in Arthur's appearance.
Excited about Ollie's return, he brings him back to the JLA watchtower. Everyone is so surprised to see him, but quickly notice that he appears to be about ten years younger, and has no knowledge of things that have happened recently (Ollie can't understand why Hal Jordan isn't there to greet him). Batman arrives and punches the irate Ollie, knocking him out. He tells the League that he is taking him back to the Batcave for intense examination. Everyone is interested to learn how Ollie has returned from the dead. A little later, Oracle breaks the news to Black Canary.
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Jason Blood is leaving Gotham City for Star City. But he changes his flight plans at the last minute as a premonition indicates to him that the Star City flight will explode in mid-air. Meanwhile in the Batcave, Batman gives Oliver Queen a full physical examination while Spoiler observes his techniques. Batman notices that Ollie does not suffer any of the scars or burns that Batman knows Ollie should have. This observation casts Ollie's entire identity into question. Ollie wakes up and decks Batman. After picking himself up, Batman explains that Ollie may not actually be the true Oliver Queen. He decides to help him with Ollie's failing memory. Batman tells Ollie everything that happened during the Zero Hour and The Final Night incidents.
Batman takes Ollie to the remains of Queen manor in the hopes that it may jog Ollie's memory. But before they take two steps onto the estate, Etrigan the Demon appears and attacks them.
Meanwhile, Black Canary and Arsenal arrive in Star City to search for Ollie. Instead, what they find is Mia Dearden practicing archery on the roof of Stanley Dover's home.
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Batman and Green Arrow begin fighting against the Demon. As the Demon blasts them with Hellfire, he makes reference to the fact that Oliver Queen is a "quiver". Ollie shoots a fire extinguisher arrow into the Demon's mouth, which causes him to fall over. Batman convinces Etrigan to revert to his true form, Jason Blood. Blood elaborates on Etrigan's cryptic comment. Green Arrow is what is known in occult circles as a "hollow", which means he is a body bereft of a soul.
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Arsenal and Black Canary arrive, and Ollie and Dinah are reunited for the first since long before he had even died. They hop in the Titans jet and head back towards Star City. They go to one of Jason Blood's safe houses where Blood has Ollie stand in the middle of a pentagram while the others wait outside. He tells Ollie that a soulless body is too tempting for a demon that might wish to possess him. The only alternative is to kill Green Arrow. Blood turns into Etrigan and roasts Green Arrow with a blast of Hellfire. As Batman and the others burst into the room, they find nothing but a pile of ash.
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Right before the Demon is ready to turn Green Arrow into a pile of ash, the Spectre intervenes and teleports him out of Jason Blood's pentagram. Ollie now sees that Hal Jordan is the Spectre. Hal explains how he cloned Ollie from leftover DNA found on Superman's cape during the The Final Night incident. He pledges to take Ollie to someone who can help explain the loss of memory that Ollie has been suffering from. The Spectre takes Green Arrow to the gates of Heaven and blusters past the gates' guardian, the Phantom Stranger. Beyond the gates of Paradise are the souls of various individuals who have died including, the Flash, Robin (Jason Todd), Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King, Jr. But none of these are the ones that Ollie is to meet. The Spectre takes Ollie across a field to meet the soul of the man who can best explain Ollie's situation to him – Oliver Queen himself!
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Batman, Black Canary and Arsenal attack the Demon en masse for they believe he is responsible for the death of Green Arrow. But Deadman arrives and takes possession of Etrigan's body, forcing him to change back into Jason Blood. He informs the group that Ollie is alive and well and taking a tour of Heaven.
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In Heaven, Ollie is speaking to his older spirit self. The older Ollie explains that he had Hal recreate him with memories leading up to the best years of his life – the time that Ollie and Hal spent on the road. He goes on to say how his life for the past few years had been a shambles and he didn't want that aspect of his personality back on Earth – hence the ten year gap in Ollie's memory.
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Before soulless Ollie can get anymore answers, he finds himself booted out of Heaven and sent back to Stanley Dover's house. He tells Stanley that he is a hollow and that he has no soul. Stanley Dover then clubs him over the back of the head and brings him down into the basement. It is now revealed that Stanley Dover is the Star City Slayer! He gestures towards a glass enclosed pit containing a young blond-haired boy dressed up in a mock costume of a hairy purple monster.
Meanwhile, back at the Ashram, Connor Hawke, Oliver Queen's, son has a vision in which he knows his father is alive and in danger.
Batman, Arsenal, Black Canary and Jason Blood fly the Titans T-Jet back towards Gotham City. Arsenal mentions that Ollie has been staying with an old man named Stanley Dover. Jason Blood recognizes the name and frantically tells them to turn the jet around and go back towards Star City.
In Star City, Stanley Dover has Ollie and Mia tied down to altars in his basement. He is the Star City Slayer and has been keeping his own grandson (Stanley) trapped in his basement in a plan to gain eternal life. Stanley Sr. explains that in the 1950s, his wife and he had joined a Satanic cult. But while his wife did so only for the orgies, Stanley became a serious student of the occult. Years later, he found a tome called the Magdalene Grimoire which told of a Beast With No Name, a low-level demon that Stanley felt he could summon and control. As he grew older, he had children and ultimately a grandchild also named Stanley. Stanley Sr. would bring the infant Stanley to his demonic invocations in an effort to summon and bind the demon to Earth, but with no avail. What he never realized was, was that the Monster did appear on Earth, but was bonded to the younger Stanley, not the older one. It was only a year ago, that Dover learned that his grandson had bonded with the Monster and so he abducted him and began committing horrible child murders in the hopes of luring the Monster out of hiding. Recently, he recognized that Oliver Queen was a man without a soul and now seeks to enact a ritual that will place his soul into the body of Oliver Queen. From there, he will be able to commit more time and effort towards finding a way to control the Monster.
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Ollie tells Stanley that his friends will arrive soon to rescue them. But Stanley informs him that a Blood Seal has been placed on the premises. Only someone who is biologically related to either Ollie, Mia or himself can enter. As luck would have it, Connor Hawke (having received a convenient vision of his father's resurrection) has arrived at the Dover estate along with Eddie Fyers.
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Stanley is ready to sacrifice Ollie and take command of his body when an arrow comes from above and pierces Stanley's hand. Connor, being Ollie's biological son can pierce the Blood Seal keeping everyone outside of Stanley's house. In response, Stanley summons a horde of monsters to stop Connor. Ollie doesn't have the strength to break free on his own – so he mentally beckons with his soul in heaven to re-enter his body. Ollie's soul though reluctant, recognizes that Connor will die if he doesn't intervene. He rejoins with Queen's body back on Earth and Green Arrow now has his complete memories. He breaks free and takes Stanley down with a classic boxing glove arrow.
Connor calls for a nuclear strike from the JLA Watchtower but the strike is aborted thanks to the efforts of a new player in the arena. Ollie and Connor look around in shock as all of the demons suddenly disappear – all but one; Spot, young Stanley's demonic childhood Monster friend. Spot had sent the demons back to Hell and now reunites with little Stanley. He sends him outside pledging to wipe his mind of all memory associated with his captivity. He then grabs older Stanley and eats him. The Monster informs Ollie that Stanley left his entire estate to him as he had intended on subverting Ollie's identity anyway. With that, the Monster turns and leaves. Green Arrow is back for good!
I feel like this may have been one of the earliest signs of chaos for DC. Most the “dead” characters in this story would eventually come back to life in just a few years (Barry a bit longer). There was this need to go back to basics. This may have helped in sales, but I don’t think the quality was always there with these “rebirths”.
In any case, Quiver is a very popular story but it’s a bit hard to explain to people not familiarized with Zero Hour, Final Night, Connor Hawke and Judgment Day.
My main concern with resurrections is “was it worth it?”. I found Connor Hawke to be a very different Green Arrow and he added diversity to whatever team he joined. The main issue with his diversity is how often artists forgot about it and just made him look like Oliver (like in this story).
The story is fun to read (sometimes too much fan service in it), and brings a very unique Green Arrow, younger and less troubled (not sure if this changes after the last episode), I think it works. And father and son finally meeting is a plus. It’s also a very long story but has defined “episodes”. It could have lasted less than ten episodes, but I think the pacing is right, mostly to assimilate all the things that happened (in ten months you will accept all these things).
Phil Hester is not my favorite artist, this art team sometimes do a nice job, but other times looks a bit messy. I don’t think it looks bad, but I don’t know, it doesn’t look like the perfect fit for this story. I imagine that the reason they went for this team is to move away from the grim and gritty Green Arrow we were used to.
I give this story a score of 7.
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adamwatchesmovies · 5 years
American Pie (1999)
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American Pie is the poster child for teenage sex comedies. You have the gross-out jokes, nudity, frank talk about sex, a lot of laughs and just the right amount of heart to make it something you can enjoy even if it’s been many moons since you’ve had your first slice of the pie.
High school seniors Jim (Jason Biggs), Oz (Chris Klein), Kevin (Thomas Ian Nicholas) and Paul (Eddie Kaye Thomas) make a pact to lose their virginity by the time they graduate. For some, it should be easy. Kevin has been with Vicky (Tara Reid) for some time now. Oz shouldn’t have too much trouble either, he’s handsome, the captain of the lacrosse team and has some sweet one-liners to charm the ladies. Jim doesn’t have much going on, and his father’s advice isn’t helping at all, but he’s determined. Meanwhile, Paul is convinced that a suave attitude will eventually pay off. 
Aspects of this film have not aged well, but American Pie is nonetheless successful thanks to its balance. For every gross-out joke, you have moments of genuine honesty. For every instance of female nudity, one of the guys embarrasses himself so thoroughly he steals the spotlight. For every raunchy line, you have a funny moment that everyone can relate to (even if you are a virgin). Other R-Rated comedies tried to imitate this comedy by taking things further, but in doing so went too far. This one gets it just right. A perfect example comes in the form of the film’s most memorable character, Stiffler (Seann William Scott), a jock who fancies himself the ultimate player. He lays it on thick, promising to respect the women he’s preparing to bed as he mentally prepares to get rid of them once the deed's been done. He gets his comeuppance in a scene that builds and builds until its hilarious, revolting climax. Directors Paul and Chris Weitz tease you until the right moment and then spring onto you that nasty thing you prayed wasn’t going to happen, but does. The trademark cringe-inducing humor/second-hand-embarrassment also plays out the same way. You see how Jim or his friend could get out of the jam they’re in, but will they? Is it humiliation that awaits us, or relief? Instead of having the jokes show up front and center, they are wheeled out slowly and when it pays off, you’re thoroughly satisfied.
Complementing the humor are many surprisingly honest and often sweet stories about teenage sex. The boys are not horndogs that will do anything to get laid. The film is not mean towards the women they are setting their eyes upon. Along their journey, Jim and his friends learn about themselves and about relationships. As the prom approaches, both genders realize that having sex is a milestone, a life-changing event. The guys are insecure about themselves despite their constant reminders that they want to have sex. Although the picture's focus is on the men, it becomes clear that they are just as nervous about the big day as their dates, and that women want to get it on just as much as them.
You probably saw American Pie when it was first released and several times afterward when it first came onto home video. You remember the jokes. Stifler, Eugene Levy as Jim's father, everyone embarrassing themselves, the beer can, etc. What you've likely forgotten are the honest moments. The emotions that give weight to the story and endure even today. Every genre of film has that one perfect entry, the apex all imitators aspire to be. American Pie is THE teenage sex comedy. (On DVD, September 22, 2014)
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kayla1993-world · 3 years
This rural Alberta county has a first-dose vaccination rate of only 45%. Here's why
In the small Alberta hamlet of Skiff, Cade Hollingsworth and two of his co-workers are lying on the ground next to a grain elevator, watching the clouds go by.
They're waiting for a truck to be loaded up at the farmyard just across the coulee to the north. That will take as long as it takes — they're on farmer time.
Hollingsworth works for Forty Mile Rail, a short line railway that runs between the village of Foremost and Stirling, Alta. When the grain cars finally arrive, the trio will load it up before it gets shipped to the coast.
Just a little more than 25 kilometres up the road is Hollingworth's hometown, Foremost, a community with a population of just over 500. Hollingsworth graduated with 15 students in his Grade 12 class.
"Everybody's friends. Everybody knows everybody, which can be good and bad," he said. "I think the saying, "It takes a village to raise a child,' actually is very true in the village of Foremost."
Hollingsworth says he knows he's one of the lucky ones in the world -- he's kept his job throughout the pandemic. The fact that things seem unchanged might be why his county is seeing such low vaccination rates compared to the rest of the province, Hollingsworth figures.
"Nothing changed as dramatically as I can imagine it would have in one of the bigger centres, like Calgary or Edmonton," he said. As of Friday, only 45 percent of residents in Forty Mile County over the age of 12 have received their first jab, far below the provincial average of 82 percent.
"I guess [people in urban centres] probably think of us like country hicks that don't know what's going on," Hollingsworth said. "But from what we see, what is the point, I guess? Our lives didn't change."
Health officials say the remoteness of communities like those in Forty Mile County doesn't insulate them from the spread of COVID-19 and its potentially deadly effects.
As of Friday, the county had an active case rate of 733 per population of 100k, higher than the provincial active case rate of 456 per 100,000.
"The delta variant of COVID-19 doesn't spare anyone," said Dr. Vivien Suttorp, medical officer for health for Alberta's south zone. And the province's recent implementation of a vaccine passport system has made the issue of vaccination a lot harder to ignore for residents in Forty Mile.
Businesses and venues are allowed to operate without capacity limits and other public health measures if they require proof of vaccination or a negative test result from those who enter.
Up the road from Hollingsworth and his colleagues waiting for the truck to arrive, the community of Foremost is split on the issue. Many express feelings of distrust when it comes to government and health officials. Others say they feel mass media has sensationalized the pandemic. Meanwhile, some say their neighbours have bought into conspiracy theories they've read on social media.
Given that only 38.4 percent of residents here over the age of 12 are doubly vaccinated, the reality is that businesses implementing this program could stand to lose more than half their customers if the passport doesn't convince them to get the jab.
"To me, it's unfair," said Joanne Schmidt, owner of the Main Street Cafe. "I don't think I should have the right to say, "You have to be vaccinated to come into my business.'"
Schmidt isn't adopting Alberta's restrictions exemption program at her cafe at this time, instead opting to do take-out only. Part of that, she says, is because some of her staff haven't been vaccinated.
Crystal Jahn, a waitress there, says she doesn't trust how quickly the vaccines were developed and is distrustful of both the provincial and federal governments.
"I like to say that [Premier Jason] Kenney is a liberal dressed as a conservative," Jahn says. "He's a hypocrite, you know, saying he is going to do one thing and then veer off completely to the left."
Kenney's handling of the fourth wave of the pandemic in Alberta has been under fire in recent weeks, leading political scientists to speculate it may have hurt the federal Conservatives on election night.
Schmidt says she's unsure how her decision might affect her business moving forward. Work crews who used to come in for supper and beers won't be able to do so now that Main Street has gone to takeout only.
"But I don't think most of them have their vaccine, either, so they couldn't come in anyway," she said. A common refrain among residents is that to live in Foremost is to be part of one big family. If there's ever a crisis or tragedy in the community, residents pull together to lend a hand.
But since the pandemic hit, many say there's been a noticeable split in the population between the "vaxxers and the anti-vaxxers. You know, you've got the groups that think COVID-19 is a dark web conspiracy theory," said Foremost Mayor Lorne Buis.
"Well, you're going to read what you're going to read on the Internet. If you're not fluent enough to check the facts out that you're reading further … that's on you."
Part of the issue, Buis says, is the rumour mill that can sometimes bubble up in small towns.
"In my mind, it's misinformation. They read something, and that's the honest to God truth. They haven't looked it up to make sure it's true," he said.
"One guy says something. I tell friends and they tell friends and they tell friends... Well, by the time it gets to the second set of pals, it's nowhere close to the original story, right?"
Forty Mile County says it has been supportive of AHS in setting up vaccination clinics and in disseminating information on social media and online about the benefits of vaccination.
Stewart Payne, the county's director of emergency services, says it's unclear why the county ranks close to the bottom of vaccination uptake provincially.
"There's been no surveys. There's been no studies," he said. Suttorp, the medical officer officer of health, says though the vaccination rates for Forty Mile County are very low, it's key to look at the total number of unvaccinated people in southern Alberta.
People travel, shop and visit the doctor in other communities, Suttorp says, so it's important to recognize that very few human beings are islands unto themselves.
Suttorp says when it comes to small communities in southern Alberta, immunization rates for COVID-19 mirror the uptake for childhood vaccines.
"It is the communities with low immunization rates where we have vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks — you had measles, mumps, whooping cough," she said.
"The communities where we have more children immunized, in the schools where we have children fully immunized, we don't see the disease transmission in those communities.
"So the difference, or the heterogeneity between communities, is significant in southern Alberta."
For some business owners trying to follow the COVID-19 rules and keep their heads above water, the frequent implementations and pullbacks of restrictions in the province are frustrating.
At Bobby's Bar and Restaurant, owner Charlene Rosse says she's tried to do everything she can to keep her community safe, including requiring masks, hand sanitizing and checking vaccine passports at the door.
The bar is usually like the sitcom Cheers, she says, even though the arguments taking place around Forty Mile County about COVID-19 and vaccines have begun to flare up in her bar, too. She's had to "kibosh the COVID talk" in recent months when it gets heated.
Tonight, the regulars have started to file in. Rosse knows them by name and is run off her feet by drink orders, cracking open cans of Bud Light and Kokanee.
Rosse took over running the place in June after the bar's longtime owner, Robert "Bobby" Prest, passed away from lung cancer.
"He had a heart of gold. Most people loved him," Rosse said. Rosse worked with Prest for 25 years, and she says he became like a stepfather to her. The bar meant everything to Prest, Rosse says, so it's important to her to keep it alive.
Right above the bar at Bobby's, just steps away from a decoration that reads "it's best to let Bob win at crib," is a photo of the eponymous owner. Right before his death, Prest recorded a video expressing his concerns that COVID-19 was killing small business.
"Bob built this right from the ground up, this place. I don't want to let it go down," Rosse said. "That kinda wants me to fight to keep it going even harder, for him."
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ajp031215 · 3 years
12/31/2020: Janus then felt himself being carried away by an energy much stronger than he was. He found himself climbing a ladder. With each step onto a new rung, he saw visions of his life. Every person who came into his life that left was featured. It began with friends in kindergarten up to the present day. Lost friendships, lost loves, lost family members. Each individual was accompanied by a narrative of why their relationship ended. Janus became distraught over some of the people he saw. For some, he would advance to the next rung quickly, and for others, like his father, he would stay and watch longer. As he climbed higher and higher, he couldnt wait to see Artemis. He climbed what seemed like forever, and she never appeared. His motivation to see her kept him climbing.
Artemis was enjoying her time with nature. She proceeded to lock her heart back up. Whenever she would get a reminder of Janus, she would remove the reminder from her brain and encapsulate it in the clouds. As time drifted on, she soon forgot all about Janus. Her heart was locked up so tight that not even a glance by a man got her attention. She would spend the next period of time loving nature, and keeping herself busy with other things in her life. She never experienced anymore pain, and never heard from Janus.
Meanwhile, Janus kept climbing the ladder for what seemed like infinity, never seeing any trace of Artemis. It was as if she never existed at all. This made Janus hurt because he knew she was real by the impact she had on him. He tried climbing down the ladder but the resistance was too strong. He tried jumping off the ladder, but every time he tried, almost like a magnet, it pulled him back. Janus just wanted this to end and go find his Artemis.
He climbed so high that he reached the clouds. To his right, he saw in them visions of periwinkle colored dogs and crows, a domino board, and spiders and bees. To his left, there was a carousel, and beer steins and pens. Straight ahead there were movies playing, and monuments from what looked like Washington DC. As he went to reach for the visions, the clouds popped like balloons, making the memories fall to the earth below.
Higher and higher he climbed, and more and more clouds he popped. Chicken wings and many different color paints. Couches and paintings. Key lime pie and words written in Shakespearean dialect. One cloud even played the full song of Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran, and I Won't Give Up on Us by Jason Mraz. As these objects fell to the ground, Janus wondered why every rung had visions of people, yet these had wierd objects.
The objects found their way to Artemis down below. As each passed through her body she felt herself becoming weaker and weaker. She didnt like the feeling. She tried to fight it off but they were much too powerful for her. With her nature friends gathered 'round, they witnessed her falling to her knees. "Why is this happening?", she thought. "I want.. these memories.. DESTROYED!", she exclaimed. She then absorbed Beauty & the Beast pictures and grains of sand from the beach along with Christmas lights and balls. Cats and dogs, dippy eggs, and antiques. Just then she remembered the way Janus made her feel.
Id like to say that this story has a happy ending, or even a tragic one, but i got stuck writing this part. Will you help me write it?
Ending 1: Artemis' love for Janus grew and grew. She deeply missed him and searched for him to let him know that she wanted to make this work. She searched the entire land and just when she thought all was lost, she absorbed the words, "I love you more, I love you most and thats it". She looked up at the sky from where it fell when her heart cried out, "Janus!". At that same moment, Janus' heart opened up and exclaimed, "My beautiful lady, Artemis!". Her love led her to him and carried him down from his perpetual climbing. Their eyes locked onto each other. She said to him, "I love you and want to spend my life with you forever". Janus responded back, "I have seen the error of my ways. Come back to my home with me so i can destroy what remains because you are all that matters to me". They walked together until they reached their goal. Janus and Artemis got married and lived the rest of their days together with no more secrets, and no more impenetrable walls. From now on, their souls were one, and nothing could ever come between them, living happily.. ever after (in Artemis' forest).
Ending 2: Artemis continued to absorb the objects, seemingly becoming more and more vulnerable. She couldnt run from the objects falling from the sky. She closed her eyes and focused intently on her inner strength. Soon, she was able to overpower the items, and shield her heart once more, until they simply bounced off. She turned around and walked away, returning back to her life of solace. Her memory of Janus faded away over time, and she found comfort in her life. Janus meanwhile, kept climbing, continuing to see object filled clouds, bursting them as he ascended. With every rung, he hoped the next rung would contain his Artemis, but she never appeared. He will continue climbing for the rest of eternity, as a lesson to why people dont want him in their life anymore, and hoping to see his one true love again.
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xlijahsgirl · 7 years
I Will Show You Part 3 - FP Jones | Riverdale
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Requested by so many people and now that I am back, here is part three! Hope you enjoy it! ❤
Pairing: FP Jones x Female!Reader Fandom: Riverdale
Warning: Angst, Fluff and SMUT
Number of Words: 1250
My Riverdale-Story on Wattpad: DIRTY SECRETS
The fog was covering Riverdale's south side and the Sunnyside Trailer Park. After the long hot summer, the sun decided to take a break and left his friend rain and fog to do his job. The trailer park was not only open for tourists, who stopped coming after the tragic death of Jason Blossom, but for people who loved to live in a trailer. Many people prefer a house or apartment, but Y/N loved it. It did make her feel rebellious, but sharing these moments with FP made it loving as well. Her boyfriend's trailer may not be the cleanest one but it did not bother her. They did not stay long here over daylight, but she did not complain if they did. Her parents did not bother to even stop by to see where their daughter live. Those old grump people stopped caring a long time ago.
It was just another foggy midday, but for both Serpents, it felt like early in the morning. Y/N was still sleeping while FP just watched her. She, was next to his children, the best thing that ever happened to him. He always thought that he loved his ex-wife, but when he started to fall in love with Y/N, it was different. There was a deeper connection. Last night, they started to watch a movie, which ended with a hot moment. They left the TV on and he could hear something about bears. Much to his surprise, the front door of the trailer opened and he could hear an old beer bottle roll. He moaned and carefully moved out of Y/N's gentle grasp. FP tried to be as careful as he could to not wake her. He jumped into some clothes and took the glass with alcohol from the nightstand with him. Slowly, he walked through the small hallway towards the kitchen/living room area.
It was his son, Forsythe Pendleton Jones III or how everyone called him, Jughead. He gave out a cough as he walked towards him. "The Prodigal Son returns." He said and put down the glass on the counter after Jughead stared at him. It made him uncomfortable to let his son see him like that. "How are you doing?" FP asked his son, trying to break the silence, "You look good." "Hanging in there." His son flatly replied, who worn his usual grey crown-shaped beanie."Yeah?" He asked Jughead while looking for a new bottle of alcohol. "I came by to ask if you would consider going back to work with Fred Andrews."
Meanwhile, Y/N woke up by the voices. She stood up and pulled on some clothes from FP. The girl moved her hands in the air and stretched them and yawned. A small alarm clock showed her that it was already past lunch, but she did not care. It happens rarely that she would wake up before lunch after she graduated a few months ago. It was like, she finally found her happiness with FP. Y/N moved towards the door but stopped when she realised that it was Jughead, FP's son. FP looked surprised at his son, "Yeah, he called me. I said no. You know, he fired me, Jughead. You know, what kind of man would I be if I went back, hat in hand." "For starters? A man with a job, trying to fix his family-," Jughead was cut off by his father, "Talk to your mom." And with that, he shut the door of the wall cabinet in a fast move. "She is the one who gave up on us, took your sister."
"Can you please just go and see Mr Andrews? He is willing to give you another chance." Jughead told his father, trying to convince him. "Oh, he is willing, huh? That is generous of him after all the crap he pulled on me," FP said and sat down on a chair in the corner while Jughead came closer. "Dad, do you not want our family back together?" Y/N still listened and her stomach hurt when she heard Jughead's word. FP told her that he would not leave her for his ex-wife and she prayed FP would tell his son too. Maybe not about a teenager, his age, dating him, but that he is not interested in that woman anymore. "Mom and Jellybean could come home. I could come home," Jughead told his father and FP hoped Y/N was still asleep. She was not and was listening to the conversation. "It's not too late, except you started to love someone else," and with that Jughead left the trailer. Those words hit both of them hard. Jughead, the son of FP, knew about their relationship.
FP was not mad, but quite upset that Jughead had to find out like that. Y/N, on the other hand, was anxious. She redid her steps and laid back down. What if FP chooses the job and his ex-wife over her. She knew she would never be able to replace the mother of his children, but she wanted to believe that nothing could part them. She sighed and snuggled her head into the pillow. Heavy steps moved towards the small bedroom and the door squeaked as the man entered the room. He looked at the girl, not knowing if he should say something. Without thinking, he laid down next to her. Both were laying on their side, facing the each other. "Did you hear what happened?" Y/N opened her eyes at his question and nodded softly. FP gave out another sigh and pulled the girl with an arm closer to his chest. He nuzzled his face into her hair and kissed the crown. They were rarely, really soft to each other, but it did happen. Especially when it came to emotional things. This was one of them.
FP knew about her fear. Something that made her feel useless and not comparable to any other woman, he ever had feelings for. However, this girl was everything, he ever dreamed for. She was caring and able to love someone deeply without faking something. She was feisty and knew what she wanted. She wanted this. Nothing else. FP? He just wanted to be happy and he was happy with this girl. The Serpent moved hair out of her face and kissed her. Once his lips connected with hers, she closed her eyes and pulled him closer. His hands moved down her body pulling off the clothes, before removing his as well. FP began to kiss her neck while moving his tip in the front of her entrance. With a swift move, he entered her and both of them moaned. Their hips began to move in a rhythm and their bodies began to heat up.
Y/N gripped into his hair and pulled his head closers to her neck, once he found her spot. He began to suck, bite and lick the area and the girl began to moan harder and whispered, "FP." At the sound of his name, he growled and began to move faster. The Y/H/C-girl began to pant and was about to reach her climax. She moved his lips back to hers and they kept kissing until both of them came. In this moment, they were just two people who loved the each other. It was nothing special to most people, but that was all they wanted.
Tag-List: @preciousgalvan @sparklyaura (If you want to be tagged, message me!)
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Great Minds Think Alike (Riverdale - Jughead x OC) Part 7
Pairing : Jughead x OC
Synopsis : A new girl arrives in town around the time of Jason Blossom’s accident. That alone makes her suspicious and unlikeable to most people. Jughead has every reason to investigate on her, the timing is too perfect, right? And it has nothing to do with the young girl’s odd yet charming way of always seeming to find her way back to him, no matter the situation.  
Word Count : 2.7k
Part 6 <<< >>> Part 8
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“Okay-“ Iris trailed off, stretching the last syllable while squinting her eyes at Jughead. This wasn’t exactly what she expected when she came here. It was the opposite of what she expected honestly. “Now would be a good time to tell me how you know that information about me that I told absolutely no one,” she ended up saying.
“I hacked into your computer and stole all confidential data it contained,” Jughead said. His tone was sarcastic enough to leave no doubt about the fact that he didn’t, in fact, hack into her laptop. “No dummy, I saw it one your ID when you forgot it at Pop’s, remember?” He chuckled, enjoying Iris’ frown of confusion.
This incident had completely slipped her mind and she was stunned that he remember the date of her birthday even though at the time he found her ID they were barely acquaintances and nowhere near being friends yet.
“You don’t call people dummies on their birthday,” she simply said, crossing her arms on her chest. A stern yet playful spark illuminated her eyes as she gave Jughead a pointed look. “But thank you. For remembering, and for the ice cream. Care to share?”
“I wasn’t going to let you eat that all alone anyway,” he scoffed, faking to be offended that she even considered this possibility. “Make your damn wish so we can dig in.”
Iris’ gaze softened and a coy smile stretched her lips. Jughead identified the look on her face as a mix of sadness and fondness, and he couldn’t quite comprehend why these two emotions surfaced now. What did he say?
“I don’t believe in candle wishes, Jug,” she told him in a hushed tone. She sounded like someone who had been hugely disappointed in the past regarding wishes. “If I really want something, I go get it, I don’t wish on a star or a candle or because it’s 11:11,” she explained before blowing out the candle.
“On this joyful note, I suggest we eat,” Jughead said to change the subject.
“Yeah, sorry about my mood it’s been a long night,” Iris said with emphasis on the ‘long’. They both grabbed their spoons and started eating the mountain of ice cream in front of them. “I’ll fill you in later.”
“Later?” Jughead asked. “What do you wanna do later, I thought this was ‘later’?”
“No way I’m finishing the night sober,” Iris declared. “We take my car, go somewhere else and I’m not letting you leave before we finish my entire emergency pack of beer,” she said without leaving him a choice.
“Should I be worried that you have an emergency pack of beer in your car?”
“It does come in handy,” she nodded her head thoughtfully.
“Hey,” Jughead said to get her attention, his spoon still in his mouth. He played with it before sticking it out and taking a bit more of the chocolate chip ice cream. “I have to say- your outfit is on point tonight.” He chuckled when he saw the outrage on Iris’ face.
“Oh my god, shut up!”
As promised, Iris and Jughead went on their night drive the second they finished Iris’ monstrous birthday ice cream. She drove them but Jughead decided of the destination. Since she intended to get hammered and won’t be able to drive them back, they shouldn’t get out of town. In the end they settled for the Twilight since it was closed and Jughead had the keys – they could have their very own private projection and sit in the back of the pick-up.
They decided to watch Pulp Fiction but in the end they didn’t pay much attention to the movie and simply sat in the car, happily buzzed after a couple beers each. At some point Iris must have decided she was drunk and high enough to tell him tonight’s events.
“Betty spent the whole dance trying to subtly drop hints to Archie - who was too busy drooling over Veronica to realize his best friend is in love with him. Meanwhile Veronica clearly has a crush on sweet Betty and is trying really hard not to stomp on Archie's foot for being the lucky oblivious guy he is and I somehow ended up stuck in the middle of this infernal love triangle,” Iris explained as best she could without taking a breath and with grand hand gestures.
Jughead merely sat there, jaw hanging slightly open, eyes wide, listening intently to every word.
“I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but this thing switches off my brain to mouth filter-” she once again brought the joint to her lips. “-and I haven't known your friends long enough to feel guilty about spilling out some juicy info.”
“Everything you just said is wrong,” Jughead scoffed. “I don't know Veronica, I don't speak to Archie anymore and Betty I just know because she's lived here her whole life. And my classmates' romantic interests hardly classify as juicy info.”
“You're too hard on everyone, you know? That includes yourself. I'm sure if I asked Betty she'd say you're her friend, no second thought.”
“Yeah coz she's nice to everyone!” Jug's voice showed signs of annoyance now. “If I'm too cynical for you why don't you go back to the party and hang out with Mrs & Mrs Perfect?”
“I'm not interested in befriending people who are friends with just anyone. And in case I'm still being too subtle about it: I mean that I'd rather spend my time bickering back and forth with you than to hear one more conversation about Archie and his abs.”
“Is that really what girls talk about during their no boys allowed conversations? It's quite disappointing, I was hoping for something more thrilling, less predictable.”
“If it was up to me we wouldn't talk about any of Archie's body parts,” Iris said in a laugh which made her snort faintly, consequently stopping the laughter.
“Good to now,” Jughead simply commented. Clearly he was done talking about this. “Am I high or is there no sound to this movie?” He asked Iris, pointing at the giant screen.
“Yes to both, the sound's been off for ten minutes now,” she told him and started giggling for no apparent reason. “And I'm high too!”
“High enough to spill out all the shit you think of the people you've met so far,” Jughead pointed out. It made her feel bad all of a sudden, like he just flipped a switch inside her and her mood drastically changed. “Never thought you were one of those people.”
“I'm not! I'm trying not to be... anymore,” Iris protested, handing the joint over to Jughead. He distractedly took it but didn't bring it to his lips. “I didn't sign up for this shit,” Iris breathed out almost inaudibly but Jughead caught it.
She was referring to the beginning of drama that sparked tonight. Jughead let out a humorous chuckle before taking the joint from her hand.
“That's not how it works. If you want friends you've got to take it all, the good, the bad, the worse. You don't get to pick.”
“Please don't tell me you get all philosophical and deep when you're high,” she groaned.
“I wouldn't know, I've never smoked before tonight, not even a cigarette,” he chuckled.
Iris sat up straight and quickly retrieved the joint from between Jughead's lips right before he could take another drag, only to throw it away.
“What?” She squeaked out. “You should have told me! How many drags did you take?”
“I don't know? Two?”
“Ah,” she let out a relieved sigh. “How long in between?”
“How am I supposed to know that?” He grumbled – he played grumpy now that he took away his source of amusement. “Five, maybe ten minutes?”
“Good, when it's your first time you should wait a good ten minutes between each drag or you'll end up throwing up your guts.”
“Hey!” She said in excitement, already clutching his arm.
“I have no idea what you're about to say but I know I won't like it,” Jughead mumbled, letting himself drop against the car again.
“You Jughead Jones are the biggest buzz-kill I have ever met in my life!” She laughed. He scoffed but his lips were twisted in an amused half smile. “Okay, no drinking anymore for me tonight or I'll never be able to walk through the woods.”
“The woods? You want to go take a midnight walk in the forest while there's an abductor – and potential killer – on the loose?” Jughead asked her, dumbfounded. “No weed for you anymore either.”
“I already threw it away anyway,” Iris said. “And yes, I want to go to the river. It's my birthday you can't refuse me anything!”
“It's half past midnight, your birthday's been over for thirty minutes now,” he deadpanned but Iris didn't laugh. “Yeah, yeah whatever you want. We'll go to the river, but don't tell me I'm a buzz-kill anymore!”
She smiled and gently bumped hr shoulder against his.
“It's a terrible idea by the way. We're probably going to die painfully and slowly,” he declared dramatically.
“At least we'll end with a bang, not a whimper,” Iris giggled as she slid off the car and onto the floor. She tested her balance and seemed to be doing fine.
“T.S.Eliot probably does a back flip in his grave every time someone uses this quote incorrectly.”
“I know it's not the right quote, but in this situation I needed it to be this way around.”
She gestured him to follow her and once Jughead stood next to her, she looped her hand around his elbow and together they began to walk towards the edge of the forest. Neither of them knew how to get to Sweetwater river from the drive-in. They walked in a comfortable silence and followed the sound of the water hitting the rocks.
Iris' impractical dress sometimes got caught in bushes and stray branches – she tried to handle it with care since it was Veronica's, but it might already be too late. Same goes for her shoes which were slightly more brown than white at this point. She was a bit cold too but that wasn't a problem, Iris' excitement kept her warm.
“What's with your obsession with this river?” Jughead asked.
“I had never been to a river before. I'm a city girl remember? When I opened the window I heard car honks, not birds chirping.”
“You know most people living in small towns would sell their souls to leave this place and go to a big city, right?” Jughead said.
Iris stopped walking to answer him while looking him in the eyes.
“I'd gladly trade places with them. Moving here was difficult of course, I had friends, I had habits, a favorite coffee shop and a spot in the park  where I liked to sit and do homework during sunny days – but everything was artificial. I was artificial. I like myself better since I've moved here. And I love watching the river and listening to the water running.”
“In the middle of the night?”
“Yes. I've never been at this time of day. Come now.” She grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the path. “I think we're almost there.”
“There where?”
“Shh,” she hushed him. “For once in your life, stop talking. Even when you were all broody at our booth when we first met you couldn't keep your mouth shut.”
“Touché,” he said and clasped his free hand over his heart.
He realized they were now walking along the bank of the river and although he wasn't going to admit it, it was a very nice spot at night. There was something slightly off though, Jughead couldn't quite place his finger on it. The feeling didn't go away during the follow ten minutes of silence it took them to reach a place he finally recognized.
“Are you crazy?” Jughead asked in a whisper. He didn't know why he whispered but it felt wrong to talk out loud. He had pulled on Iris' hand to make her stop walking and she practically fell backwards but he caught her. “We shouldn't be here!”
She had brought them to the bullet tree. They had already been questioned once for hanging out there and Sheriff Keller grilled them and gave them his scolding paternal stare for being on a crime scene late at night. And that was the first time.
“It's a good spot and I've been here again since I found the bullet. They took it, now there's only a hole in the tree,” she told him along with a sad wince. “I promise there's no risk of being caught here.”
“You're a little bit intense you know? And that's coming from me,” Jughead told her, still not letting her go.
Iris placed her other hand over Jughead's and smiled softly, in a way that made it hard to believe she wasn't sober. For a brief second, Jughead thought she might have acted drunk before and actually wasn't.
“Never change anything,” he added with a grin. Iris smiled bigger and when his grip on her loosened she led them to their bullet tree. “I don't know who you were before coming to Riverdale but I like this version of you, so- I'm sure you changed for the better.”
“You like it?” She asked.
Iris said 'it' but they both heard 'me'. He didn't answer but his expression seemed to be eloquent enough. They didn't know why but they suddenly became hyper aware of the fact that they were still holding hands. Iris was the first to let go when the tension became unbearable. She turned around and made her way through the bushes and to the flat rocks next to the tree where she wanted to sit. The torrent was stronger here and louder.
Jughead was taken aback – he usually wasn't the one who craved contact, which made it all the more surprising that Iris pulled away. He sat down close enough to her that they arms and legs were touching. Iris didn't seem to mind and even leaned a bit against him, but this coziness was of limited duration. The warmth they found in each other was swept away by the scream that pierced the silence and made them jerk away from each other and jump to their feet.
“What the hell?” Iris cursed.
“We have to get away from here!” Jughead said, grabbing Iris' arm and pulling it.
“What?! No! What if someone's being attacked!”
“We'll call the cops, but we can't stay here! We don't know what's going on,” he insisted. If he were alone he would have gone but Iris and her tendency to dive head first in dangerous situations made him feel like it was his responsibility to keep her safe. Which was insane.
“No, Jughead!” Iris ripped her arm out of his grasp. “I'm going.”
“Okay, okay, I'll come with you. But we don't do anything stupid,” he warned her. “I'm going to regret this.”
Iris and Jughead silently ran through the woods, trying to find the source of the scream that made their hairs stand on end. Suddenly, she felt herself being pulled back again and Iris' back knocked against Jughead's chest. Just when she was about to ask what was going on he put his hand over her mouth.
“Don't say anything,” he whispered. “Look, down there.”
He carefully withdrew his hand from her mouth when he was sure she would stay quiet and she leaned over to see what he was talking about. She had to bite on her hand to muffle a scream and Jughead pulled her once again to his chest to keep her out of sight.
Down by the river, a few meters away from them, there was Kevin and Moose, shirtless on the ground and right in front of them, the visibly dead body of a young ginger man – whom Iris identified as Jason Blossom.
A/N: Do you realize that it's already chapter 7 and we only just reached the end of episode 1 in GMTA's timeline??? Rest assured that I won't follow everything of the Riverdale plot, there will be no Polly, this will strictly revolve around Jughead and Iris. But I needed to place them in context, and as you can see “placing in context” in my language means “writing a little less then 20k worth of 'introduction'.”
Taglist: @bathshebaa  @deanackles67 @myteenwolf-world @mumblr-of-tumbir @devilishcloe @bettysreid @angelicawastaken @rebellioncass @adorableninja @scattered-glances @ri-verdale @ice-wolfie @bubblegumcat229 @murderyoursoul @morixeddu @emptyporsche @lucifer-the-cuddler @challenge-accep-ted @scattered-glances @fantiomaticsupertolkienlover
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sueboohscorner · 7 years
#iZombie Season 3 Episode 12 "Looking for Mr. Goodbrain, Part 1," Recap/Review
Behold the second to last episode of the season and there are still so many questions!
Was Vivian actually killed in the helicopter crash? Who killed Wally and his family? How is the Weckler case connected to everything? 
and... just what exactly is Chace Graves up to besides looking incredibly hot?
Last week we found out Harley John’s was turned into a zombie during the scuffle and this week we join him in his bunker where Clive and Liv have secured him and are trying to feed him brains. He’s resistant to acting like the monster he's been turned into- but finally gives in which allows Major to knock him out so they can freeze him until they figure out what to do with him.
Over at the lab, Ravi shows Liv the front page with her face on it. Granted it’s a low-level trash rag but it’s enough to make Liv panic. Ravi gets a sudden visit from Katty, his old boss from the CDC, who is concerned about the article and lets him know as Liv hides under the desk. Katty tells Ravi not to focus on the silly zombie stuff, which apparently got him fired from his last job, and to focus on the new Aleutian Flu virus that’s becoming an epidemic.
Meanwhile, it seems every season is crap on Major season. This guy just cannot catch a break! We all know that Fillmore Graves is the only place the “chaos killer” feels safe ever since "Shady Shawna" posted all his goodies on the internet. Of course, Chace Graves has discovered he is not a zombie and Major gets fired. THANK GOD! Luckily, his boys do not turn against him and decide to throw him one last bro-bash!
“You might be human, but you’re one of the good ones!” -Justin
Peyton and Liv discuss the Weckler case and Liv’s new notoriety.
“A cute monster!” -Peyton (referring to Liv's cover girl look)
Which leads us to the unveiling of OG Liv!
Over at the lab, Liv is running late and Rachel (ugh) pays a visit to Ravi, actually trying to get more information out of him! The nerve of that girl! Ravi tries to get rid of her so she doesn’t see Liv but luckily, Liv arrives tanned and dyed!
The brains of the week arrive and at the crime scene, much to Ravi’s horror, the body of  his old boss Katty, the one that paid him a visit earlier is discovered. She was bludgeoned on the head and stabbed around the corner from a hotel that she possessed a key card to. Let the investigation begin!
Liv wants to know if there is anything weird she needs to know about Katty before she makes her tasty treat. Ravi says nothing except she might find herself attracted to him…Ravi had previously had some hate sex with her a few times.
“So much for nothing weird!” -Liv
Clive brings in Katty’s work things-she was in Seattle working on this flu outbreak thing. Apparently, much of her work is done in bars considering the amount of writing on cocktail napkins. Mostly she had been interviewing people on a flight from Paris to Seattle and there were four passengers she had not finished so it’s off to work for these three.
Ravi in concerned the outbreak may be cause by bio-terrorism and we learn Clive is a MAJOR germaphobe. It’s hilarious!
As they interview the first passenger, Liv gets a vision! It’s literally the best vision ever because it’s of sex-WITH RAVI! #teamravioli (look it up if you don’t get the reference). Awkward!
As sexy as Ravi is, I can see why Liv is disgusted!
The fun continues and she proceeds to gets another one and then she cannot dare look at him anymore.
“Oh, please for the love of all things good and holy just make this stop!” -Liv
The interview continues and we get some racist remarks about a passenger next to her being like Ravi (brown). Of course, when they bring him in he is like a pussycat. They interview him but now Ravi is forced to stand at the back of the room with Clive.
Over at Peyton’s office, Barracus offers Peyton his Chief of Staff position. Mostly because he knows that she knows about the existence of zombies. She is hesitant because she still thinks he might be a murderer but he manages to lower her suspicion.
Over at sulking Major’s, he receives a text from the beautiful Natalie who happens to be in town.
She asks him to meet him at the space needle, but she turns up at his front door wearing a "Chaos Killer" T-shirt and looking smokin’ per usual. Dare we be happy for Major again in hopes his luck will turn around?
“Oh, come on, like I’d be seen at the Space Needle with the Chaos Killer?” -Natalie
Anytime we see a smile like this it never turns out well for him.
So, of course, they sit on the couch and catch up on everything. Natalie thanks Major for saving her and I am sure is about to thank him properly here in the next half hour.
She is gorgeous…
Liv is out looking for clues while dressed to the nines at the hotel bar where Katty was staying. The brains she is on have made her into quite the flirt and she loses her head for a minute and almost goes to bed with a random guy at the bar! Liv!
Back at the lab, Liv still won’t look at Ravi while they are working.
“It’s not my fault we brain banged!” -Ravi        
Peyton stops by to inform Liv of her new offer and Liv encourages it.
Liv heads out to the hotel bar again and chats up a warm body. I am guessing Katty was not too picky about her conquests. She almost goes to his room as well but luckily stops herself. She calls up Justin to solidify their relationship status.
“I’ve been meaning to tell you…we’re zombies.” -Justin
After helping Natalie move, Major gets a rub down from Natalie and pulls a "Raider’s of the Lost Ark" move…nice one Major!
It works and Major and Natalie plan a happy future after she invites him to live with her in Italy. Happy ending?
Over at Harley’s compound, his idiot friends have let his body out of the ice box not knowing he is a zombie. He defrosts on the couch while they watch the news and…I don’t see this ending well for them.
And it doesn’t…
Clive takes Liv to the bar Katty frequented, hoping to spark a vision. She doesn’t tell him she’s been a bar fly there for the past few days but it becomes obvious when she is recognized. Clive doesn’t seem to notice but Liv does realize what she has been doing, and why, when she discovers Katty goes home with a different man every night.
Clive interview the last passenger and discovers a man switched seats with a man in coach so he could sit with his wife. It turns out to be the very seat Katty has scribbled on a cocktail napkin, 17D. Bingo!
Meanwhile, Major's going away party is in full swing and Liv is supposed to meet Justin there but the brain she’s on has other plans.
She actually tries to leave the bar when this happens…
Enough said!
So, the two have flirty drinks and Liv is acting like quite the little seductress. This time she doesn’t have to resist the urges because Chace is a zombie too. So of course, she doesn’t resist and honestly-I can’t blame her!
Meanwhile, Clive has discovered who was sitting in 17D-it just happens to be a friend of zombie child Tatum Weckler. Not only that, Patrice (the passenger on the Paris flight), also happens to be the daughter of Fillmore Graves brass, Carey Gold. This is just too much of a coincidence so I am guessing it’s NOT!
Back at party central, Major is being toasted in the sweetest way before Justin asks to talk to him outside. He’s worried about where Liv might be and well, he really should be.
Back in Chace’s room Liv is feeling a little guilty.
To quote my friend Allyson Alford, “this episode is worth it for the shot of Jason brushing his teeth alone.”
In lieu of more of my boring description of how incredible sexy Jason Dohring (Chace Graves) is, here are some photos for your viewing pleasure…
Chace chats as Liv starts to gather herself to leave. He even tells her he has been thinking about her since the Barracus fundraiser.
But Liv finds a cocktail napkin with Katty’s name and room number written down so…what the hell? Could Chace be the killer? I think Fillmore Graves is behind it.
Mmmm…tough to resist THAT offer!
Back at the party, the boys grow suspicious of a random dude drinking beer that does not seem to belong.
Turns out it’s Harley, fresh off his brain feed and ready to do some damage via suicide vest.
“Zombies are an abomination, that’s what we are abominations!” -Harley
And with that he blows the entire party into teeny bits-Major and Justin are still outside but everyone else (including a bunch of soldiers and Natalie) is inside when it happens.
Talk about going out with a bang!
I know its wishful thinking, but I hope Natalie got out someway! 
To be continued…
Episode Rating: 9 out of 10.
I want to give it a 10, but I am going 9. Only because I wanted to see more Ravi visions (although these was probably too much to cover in this episode so why not a longer season???) and Blaine was not in it which is always a minus in my book!
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aghostpost · 7 years
Heatwave Pt. 2 (Frank Castle x Reader)
A/N: Okay here’s part two (part one if you missed it)! Just so there’s no confusion this was only made to be a two part story so please don’t expect/look for a third part or more! Enjoy! ♥
Warning(s): NSFW, language
Word Count: 4088
What a rollercoaster of a visit this was. From arguing with me and my ex to fixing my air conditioner to now showering together. And let’s be real, showering was all we were doing since the space reduced to a quarter its size the moment he stepped in with me. Not to mention shower sex was impractical, uncomfortable as hell, and only happened in movies with the help of some Hollywood magic.
We started from the top and worked our way down, pouring shampoo in his hand. He ducked his head under the stream to wet it and worked a lather into what was now a grown out haircut. He was military, that much was painfully obvious, and when we first met his hair was low to the scalp. Now it had grown a few inches to a pile of short, dark curls. Meanwhile I took my time washing his back, my eyes on every soapy peak and valley of his muscles; if possible I’d do this forever. He turned around to tilt his head back and rinse, so I washed his chest but found it impossible to navigate around the mess of bruises. I didn’t know which were still fresh and tender, which ones didn’t hurt so much anymore. After running his hands through his now suds-free hair he stared at me, noticing my aversion, and took the cloth and soap from me to wash himself. He had less regards for his wounds than I did, washing without a wince as if he was in perfect condition and there wasn’t a wine-colored stain in sight.
It was my turn now. I stood in front of him so he wouldn’t block the shower spray and to also makes thing a bit easier for myself. I was doing a good job at keeping my eyes above the belt but I could only fight this internal struggle for so much longer. I felt a rough hand sweep across the back of my neck, brushing my hair towards my front and out of the way. It was the first time he touched me so softly, I couldn’t help but notice. A touch like that I would have remembered.
The time to battle with temptation was cut down to a third, and I wasn’t winning.
He poured some of my bodywash in the cloth and put it to my back. My eyes closed and I just basked in the moment, not remembering the last time I was touched this way. “I overstepped,” his voice seemingly boomed over the calm sound of the water, snapping me out of my reverie. “You’re right, it was none’a my business. I had no right stickin’ my nose in it.”  He took the cloth over my right shoulder and massaged the soap into my skin in circles, his hand firm and applying just the right amount of pressure. “... You gonna say somethin’ to me?”
After one final rinse of my face I was ready to get out. “You need to condition.”
I turned around, rinsing my back and handing him my bottle of conditioner. “You shampoo then you condition, unless you want dry hair.” I stepped out and grabbed my robe, leaving the towel I planned to wrap around my head folded by the sink for Frank. Walking to my bedroom I already noticed a difference in the temperature of the apartment, fucking thankfully. I went to the living room to close windows but Frank seemed to have taken care of it already, leaving the fan turned off and on the floor by its respective outlet. I cracked open the door to Landon’s room so it could cool off and noticed this window hadn’t been touched. He hadn’t bothered my son’s space out of respect. I looked around the room and felt myself smile at the drawings and toys strewn about. Never have I felt my heart swell with so much love for anyone, not even Jason. No, the love for my son was something else entirely.
After closing his window I headed back to my room, grabbing my brush before my hair could dry a tangled mess. I watched myself in the mirror, examined every crease and pore in my face. I looked stressed. The only thing I wanted right now was a plate of ribs, maybe two more beers and a nap. That sounded heavenly. The shower stopped running and when I looked to my left I caught Frank walking towards me with his clothes in his hands, towel wrapped around his waist.
“You hungry?”
He shrugged. “I could eat…”
After taking his clothes from him I went to toss them in the washer for a quick clean, since I didn’t tell him to shower just to throw on dirty clothes. And I didn’t have ribs, but there was some chicken I had marinating for me and Landon to have tonight. I got it into the oven and took out a bag of frozen green beans before heading back to my room, where Frank was staring out of the window.
“You givin’ someone a show?”
“Didn’t know you smoked.” He looked pointedly at the pack of cigarettes sitting on the windowsill and the small flower pot full of butts and ashes. There was an orange marigold in there at one point but it died many moons ago.
I shrugged. “Every now and then. I like to go out on the fire escape, clear my head at night.” He looked back out the window, cocking his head to one side. “You concerned about my health now?”
“Just makin’ observations. Gettin’ to know you and all, hm?”
I moved to stand behind him, wondering what he could possibly be looking at. I didn’t have much of a view from here unless I was out on the fire escape, so I couldn’t imagine what was keeping his interest. “What’re you looking at?”
“Not lookin’, listenin’.”
I understood that. I loved listening to the sounds of the city; the horns blaring and sirens passing by, music blasting in passing cars. Hell, even my neighbors arguing just to have makeup sex right after was a treat. My hand found its way to his hair as I successfully redirected his attention. “What do you hear?”
“S’at you tryna see if I, uhhh... conditioned?”
At that I cracked a grin. “Shut up,” I mumbled, fingering his hair for a moment more before dropping my arm, walking back to my dresser for a pair of underwear. I caught my face in the mirror again. I needed a reason to get pretty, to dress up and throw on more than just chapstick and mascara. It seemed like outta nowhere I was too busy with Landon, work, and the rise in temperature to fix myself up; too worried the heat would just melt off any makeup I wore. “How do I look, Frank?”
“Now Y/N, usually when a woman asks that it’s never a simple good or bad, fine, pretty… That’s a very loaded question.” He scratched the back of his head and turned from the window to look at me. “You want a certain answer in particular?”
“Just an honest one. If it’s one thing I know you can do it’s honesty.”
He folded his arms and leaned against the window frame, eyeing me up and down. “Fatigued.”
“Fatigued,” I repeated.
“Like you need a vacation.”
My brows shot up in agreeance, shocked at how spot on he was. “A vacation… Time away from Hell’s Kitchen? Sounds about right.”
“Where would you go?”
I sighed, sitting at the foot of my bed. “Someplace quiet. Not too hot, not too cold, no hustle and bustle of the city. I wanna smell fresh air; look up and see stars at night, not apartment buildings and smog.”
“Yeah? You know, sometimes I have dreams too,” he replied with half a smug grin.
“Such an asshole-”
“-Hey, you wanted honesty, didn’t you?”
“You shooting me down isn’t honest, it’s you being a wiseass.”
He sat on my windowsill and extended his legs before him, crossing them at the ankles and leaning back against the glass. We stared at each other silently before I looked away to focus on keeping my breathing even. “So… Is honesty the only thing I can do?”
“I said it’s one thing that I know for certain.”
“Hm,” he said with a nod to himself. “You sure about that?”
“Well, apparently you can fix an air conditioner.” I gave him a quick lookover. “Is there a specific compliment you’re fishin’ for?”
Back to staring in silence. He was very comfortable looking at me without saying a word for what seemed like hours. I on the other hand couldn’t stand being under his steel gaze. The silence wasn’t the issue, but looking at him and feeling him burn a hole through me? My thighs clenched. I cleared my throat. “You mind if I get dressed?” I rose and said no more, hoping he caught my drift. I was in a weird space right now with Frank. My upset from earlier was now only a lingering memory, overshadowed by my attraction to him in this very moment. Him, wrapped in a towel, half naked, dripping fresh from the shower, hair a mess, muscles and all. But I couldn’t let him get off easy, even if it meant a little sexual pain and suffering for myself. He stood and walked pass me as I dug for a pair of shorts in the dresser. I heard my bedroom door close and turned to my left, seeing him leaning against the doorframe.
“I don’t mind at all. Get dressed. Let’s see how far you get,” he challenged. That being said I knew I wouldn’t get far. The moment my hands went to the belt of my robe he pushed himself off the wall, but I shook my head and dissuaded him from making any further advances.
“You think I should have sex with you, Frank?”
“Is there something else you’d rather be doing right now, Y/N?”
“Yes, getting dressed. Enjoying cool air before that shitty AC breaks again. Lying down since, as you pointed out, I’m so fatigued.”
“Right.” My words fell on deaf ears. I knew I failed to convince him sex wasn’t an option because with Frank it was always an option; he was a hard man to say no to. He came to me and untied my robe, black eyes on mine. “You’re not very good at fighting this side of you.”
“Fuck you,” I shot back with very little bite, his close proximity making me nervous. I was pathetic and he probably knew it as an arrogant smile broke his lips. I was prepared to knock that arrogance down a peg by embracing some of my own.
Or at least faking it ‘til I made it.
I grabbed the tucked in edges of the towel wrapped around his waist, looking him in the face. He didn’t take my robe off but simply left it open and rested his hands on my waist. “I did use that conditioner shit, if you were wondering,” he admitted.
“I appreciate your candor,” I replied coolly, my eyes not breaking from his. “Can I offer my moment of truth now?”
“Don’t see why not.”
“... I hit you earlier.”
He nodded slowly. “Yeah, I was there. I remember it.”
“I should apologize, don’t you think?”
“I think you should never apologize if it isn’t genuine.”
“You wanna know what I think?” I pulled at the towel until it fell to the floor. He didn’t respond, but I knew I had his attention. “I think you liked it, Frank.”
“S’at right?” He spoke just loud enough for me to make out the words, stepping closer to me and challenging the authority I’d taken here. We were standing so close I swore I could feel the hairs on his legs tickling my exposed thighs. “If I did?”
“If you did,” I spoke, my fingers itching to reach out and grab at every inch of him, “then that speaks very interesting volumes about you.”
“Does it?” He pinched the back of my robe and slowly began pulling it away from my body, the thin cotton sliding at slug-like pace down my shoulders.
“Explains all the bumps and bruises you’re covered in. A human punching bag? Maybe you’re in some kinda fight club or somethin’...”
“Maybe. Maybe I manage to piss off women all throughout the city and these are my battle scars.”
“After today I’m almost inclined to believe you.”
He smirked and looked me up and down before sighing. “You ready or what?”
“Me to remind you of the other thing I can do for sure...” Whether I was ready or not didn’t matter since he didn’t wait for a response to tug my robe the remainder of the way off and flinging it to the corner. He held onto my waist as he turned to take a seat at the foot of my bed where his lips forcefully tangled with mine. My hands instantly flew to his freshly conditioned hair as I felt his lips burn holes wherever they landed; my lips, my jaw, my neck and shoulders. When his mouth found my breast my back arched towards him, pushing myself further into him and not wanting his tongue to ever lift from my skin. His dick was sandwiched between our bodies and I felt it begin to swell, and without a single doubt in my mind I was throbbing between my legs for him. It was funny and also incredibly annoying, how my pussy ached for Frank whether he was coming or going. It ached before sex in anticipation and it sure as hell ached after. He was vanilla through and through so he wasn’t necessarily rough with sex, but a man of his size, in body and dick, couldn’t help but naturally put an exhausting pounding on you.
A large hand crept up my neck and to my jaw before a finger slipped between my lips. His forehead pressed to mine as those obsidian eyes watched intensely as I sucked the appendage. After pushing a second finger in, his lips found the corner of mine, kissing me before moving to scrape his teeth along my collarbone. The hot air escaping him raised goosebumps on whatever stretch of skin it hit and I salivated as a result, from both pairs of lips. Without warning he removed the slicked fingers from my mouth and slide them inside of me, all the way to the bruised knuckles of his middle and index fingers. “Holy shit,” I breathed.
“Ride ‘em,” he commanded. He held his hand completely still as I worked my body up and down. I clung to him, wrapping my arms over his shoulders and burying my face in his neck. He smelled just like my shower gel; I smiled amidst the pleasure with a chuckle. “What?”
“You smell like me.”
“Is this a bad thing?”
“It’s… an odd thing.”
He smiled to himself and kissed me with an uncharacteristic sweetness. “Ride.” And ride I did. While Frank may not venture on the kinky side often, he knew more than enough about denying an orgasm. It’s like he had a sensor that went off the moment I even thought about cumming. Just as I reached the brink of climax he removed his fingers from me, returning them to my mouth. “Tastes like you too, huh?” I bit down at his arrogance and he laughed, pulling his fingers from my mouth and kissing me as he lifted me onto his now erect cock. Good thing too, I was getting bothered by it jabbing me in the gut. I sighed into his mouth as he proceeded to swallow my moans whole, his grip on my waist increasing as I eagerly bounced on him. Guess he wanted me to be as bruised as he always was, give me battle scars of my own.
And he couldn’t have been more right: this was without a doubt one thing I knew he could do. Fuck me into another plane of existence. He rolled me over onto the edge of the bed hooking my legs around his waist, driving himself deeper into me with each thrust. All ability to form words flew out the window since the most I could utter was extremely broken English and cries for anyone in the heavens to send help. I managed to pry my eyes open to stare at him; he was looking at my body like a vampire eyeing a throbbing neck vein. He wanted to sink his teeth in and drain me for every drop I was worth, but for whatever reason was exercising self control. The kinda self control you manage to develop after serving in the military with intense training. Part of me wanted him to lose control just to see the other side to Frank, but the other part, the one that took him in for his size and scarred body? That part warned me it was probably best I didn’t push him. “I’m sorry,” I managed to spit out.
“What?” he choked out between ragged breaths.
“Sss, for hitting you.” He paused, which I was somewhat grateful for because it gave me a chance to catch my breath. I looked at his confusion riddled face. “I shouldn’a done that. I crossed a- Frank!” With an eyeroll and a signature annoyed grunt he lifted me from the bed and I crashed against the wall. Quickly he resumed slamming himself into me, holding my thighs around his waist. The air conditioner hadn’t been running long enough to cool off my room, so in addition to the physical activity the beads of sweat travelling down his forehead made sense. My nails dragged across his back, surely vandalizing his body even further, but he didn’t seem to mind. Instead of complaining he hiked my legs up even higher, pushed himself deeper and harder.
“Don’t apologize again.” His voice husky and demanding, telling me and not suggesting.
No. In moments as such, rarely did Frank suggest things.
“F-Fine,” I moaned, my body working overtime to say just that one word. My hands tangled in his hair as I kissed him, tasting him and savoring the flavor. Hell, I savored every part of him that I could while I could. I fought to keep my legs tightly around him so I dropped one to the floor. He took the other and straightened it to rest on his shoulder, but at that angle and with that kind of access I instantly cried out. “Fuck!” It was entirely too much and there’d be no way in hell I would last more than two seconds. I buckled at the knees and fell, causing us both to collapse to the floor and taking the curtain rod on the nearby window with us.
“Shit,” I laughed, now on top of his chest, rapidly rising and falling as he panted.
“You pull a muscle or somethin’ there?”
“Fuck you, you were tryna split me in half.”
“And I thought I was outta shape,” he cracked with a grin.
“I can show you how outta shape I am…” I teased, sitting up and slowly starting to ride him.
He sent a sting to my ass with one powerful smack. “Show me...”
The wild origami position against the wall that hit every spot imaginable nearly killed me, but this? Cowgirl, I could manage. A position this simple gave me the sustainability I needed to deal with Frank, someone that seemed to last a fortnight. It was a welcomed change of pace for a while, but it bored me, and I knew he sensed that. He picked up on the fact I wasn’t as sexually reserved as he was. I liked sex and I liked it as hard as I could get it. From the very beginning I told him he didn’t have to be delicate. Maybe he thought he needed to hold back, him being so much bigger than me. But I wasn’t intimidated by it, which he found out very soon.
He shot up and winked before lifting me to turn my around. “On your knees.” Ah yes, the final blow. I grabbed my discarded robe and laid it down before me so my face wouldn’t touch the carpet. As soon as I was on all floors, a firm hand held the back of my neck and forced me down, my back concaving sending my ass to the ceiling. As Frank slowly pushed himself inside of me my eyes rolled back, my breathing stopped, and I believe a chunk of my soul escaped me. This was the vacation I needed. Good sex let me drift off to whatever utopian paradise I needed.
“S’at good?”
I nodded fervently. “Yes yes, it’s great. Oh fuck…”
“I can’t hear you,” he spoke as he slammed into me forcefully.
“Yes! Yes, I love it, Frank, I love it.” I mewled and cried for him on my bedroom floor for the next couple minutes, the hard, cheap carpet burning my knees as he grinded me against it. I wonder if the neighbors below could hear me howling through the floor, possibly into what was my guess their living room ceiling. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum!”
“Lemme have it,” he groaned, his pace quickening as he reached his own climax. But I learned that Frank was a visual man, and I knew the view of my back wasn’t enough to get him over the edge. And me, I wasn’t a selfish lover. So to help us both out I reached beneath me and began rubbing my clit. To the best of my ability I propped myself up on my arm and managed to look over my shoulder into those smoldering eyes, eyes that some might find frightening. To me they just showed how hungry he was for this, which was an enormous turn on. So much of a turn on that I came around his cock, clenching and tightening around him which in turn sent him stiffening and grunting. He quickly pulled himself out of me as I lay there gasping for air. I felt the splatter of something warm and sticky on my lower back, remembering we forgot to use a condom. Not my smartest moment, but everyone has slips in the heat of things.
“Stay still,” he heaved, rising from the floor. I heard him fumbling in the bathroom. When he returned, he bent down and wiped my back with a bit of toilet paper.
“What a gentleman.”
“I do my best.”
After regaining consciousness and coming back to earth I managed to sit up, every ball and joint feeling like they needed oil to work smoothly again. I managed to get up from the floor and pulled my robe back on, grabbed the panties I planned to wear and went to the bathroom myself for a post-sex pee and some clean up. “You know that chicken in the oven’s probably dryer than a bone now, right?”
“You still got beer in the fridge?”
“Uhhh yeah, maybe one or two cans.”
“Toss the chicken; I’m gonna grab a pizza  from down the street.”
“Your clothes aren’t even in the dryer yet-”
“-It’s fine. Hot as it is outside they’ll dry before I even get from in front of the buildin’...”
“Okay. Grab a twenty from the coffee table.” I knew he wouldn’t for two reasons: one, he never took money when I offered. Man of pride, has to care for woman and all the caveman shit. Two, it was the money Jason left, drug money, which he was clearly very adamantly against. As I washed my hands there was a knock on the bathroom door. I dried them on my robe before opening.
“I am sorry about earlier. Don’t think I tried to fuck you into forgivin’ me or anything like that.”
I nodded. “I know.” He pondered for a moment before turning away. “Hey, how come you can apologize but I can’t?”
He chuckled to himself, turning back to me. “Because I’m an asshole and you aren’t.” He kissed me and quickly nipped at my neck before walking towards the apartment door. “Put some clothes on or we’re in for round two when I get back.”
Yeah right. Clothes or not, we both knew round two was imminent probably the moment he walked right back through my door.
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actutrends · 5 years
Week 14 observations you can steal to impress your friends
Another week of NFL action is in the books, but what did we learn and what takes can you steal to impress your friends and co-workers?
With just three games left this year, we only have two teams officially in the playoffs. That means these final weeks will feel less like molding something out of clay and more like forging the playoff picture out of cold steel.
It’s going to be fun.
But beyond just the playoff picture, a lot of things are happening between the lines that are absolutely fascinating. Huge plays, bad calls, and loyal fans all defined this past week in the NFL and we have a lot to unpack.
So before we get too ahead of ourselves, let’s ponder what we saw and come up with some observations you can use around the water cooler to sound like the Lamar Jackson of your friend group.
Jimmy G answered the haters
For as bone-rattling as the San Francisco 49ers defense has been all year, the biggest question we had about their Super Bowl chances was Jimmy Garoppolo. Was he capable, when called upon, of getting into a shootout with Drew Brees or Aaron Rodgers and winning?
He proved as much on Sunday.
Robert Saleh’s vaunted defense gave up a season-high 46-points and allowed Drew Brees to score 5 touchdowns, but it was Garoppolo who executed the game-winning drive. San Francisco won on the road in the Superdome in a shootout specifically because of their quarterback.
Of course, with a huge assist from George Kittle.
Kittle optically put the team on his back, but Garoppolo did so in every other way. That throw to Kittle was a fourth-and-two play; the game — and any shot at the No. 1 seed in the NFC — was on the line. When Garoppolo threw that ball to Kittle the Niners were the fifth-seed in the NFC playoffs. Less than a minute later they owned home field advantage.
Garoppolo delivered that.
This was the type of game he needed to have in order to prove to everyone he wasn’t the weak link some may have thought he was. Maybe it doesn’t happen again, maybe the Niners lose in the playoffs because Garoppolo makes a mistake. Maybe they lose the top seed between now and the end of the season — who knows. What we do know is that until proven otherwise we have to operate under the assumption that if the Niners need him to, Garoppolo is absolutely capable of playing Big Boy football when it counts.
Mitchell Trubusky will be the Bears QB in 2020
Let’s just cut right to it: Mitchell Trubusky will be back as the Bears quarterback in 2020.
While everyone else in the NFL is spending their time slamming Jason Garrett and discussing his future, the Trubisky narrative quietly slipped out the back door and into the night. Now fans in Chicago are left with whatever the ramifications from this are.
For as bad as he’s been this year, it was going to take a lot for Ryan Pace and the front office to move on from Trubisky and very little to justify keeping him. Fans can throw themselves against a padded wall as much as they want but they weren’t the ones who traded up in the draft to take Trubisky.
Their legacy isn’t tethered to the success of Trubisky.
Even Pace outlasts Trubisky in Chicago, he needs him to play well enough now to keep the heat off until one of two things happen:
A) Trubisky improves and develops into a franchise quarterback B) Pace finds a replacement that is good enough to erase the bitter taste Trubisky is leaving
Option A is the best because it means Pace was right. It’s also the most dangerous because it means the pursuit of being right, something that has felled many general managers throughout the history of football.
Bears fans might not want to hear it but Trubisky is Pace’s guy, and it’s going to take more than one lost season to change that. How much long term damage this does or doesn’t cause is yet to be seen.
Patriots fans got a taste of their own medicine
Stop me if you’ve heard this before, but there was some fishy officiating in a Patriots game. The plot twist was that, for the first time in human history, the calls went against New England.
Usually, around this time of the year when the Patriots play an AFC team with something involving the playoffs on the line, a call happens that affects the outcome of the game. But it usually benefits New England, where on Sunday the calls helped Kansas City get hand Bill Belichick and Tom  Brady their first home loss since 2017.
The worst call was N’Keal Harry being ruled out of bounds short of the goal line when he absolutely was not:
Officials also missed a blatant pass interference call the drive after that:
There was also play earlier in the game where the Patriots clearly recovered a fumble and returned it for a touchdown, but the play was blown dead.
Three missed calls, all of which would have changed the course of the game.
Some of this is on Belichick, which is also incredibly shocking. Because the Patriots had lost two challenges before the fourth quarter even started, there was no way to review the Harry play or the missed pass interference.
No one is crying any tears for calls not going the Patriots way, but it was a stunning dose of reality that fans in New England aren’t often forced to swallow.
Lamar Jackson’s white glove troll is G.O.A.T.-worthy
Earlier this week San Francisco 49ers radio color commentator Tim Ryan was suspended for making comments about how the color of Lamar Jackson’s skin helps him disguise the ball on RPOs.
Richard Sherman said he wasn’t offended but thought there was a better way to have said it. Depending on what part of Twitter you wade into, it was either the worst thing ever said or the libs getting triggered. It was a deeply stupid thing to say, but Lamar Jackson had the final word.
Jackson started Sunday’s game in Buffalo with white sleeves and gloves and proceeded to do exactly what he always does — juke defenders out of their souls.
This isn’t the first time Jackson has quietly thrown u both middle fingers at his haters and it won’t be the last. Some folks still cling to the idea that he’s “athletic” but not a good quarterback — which is coded and thinly veiled racism — something that Jackson, the Ravens, and Ravens fans happily continue to throw back at everyone.
Meanwhile, here’s Marcus Peters maybe shotgunning a beer with fans after the game to serve as the latest exhibit in why you should be in love with this Ravens team.
Perhaps he was just letting out a joyous yell at the same time a beer was being poured near his face. The mere fact that we have to ask that but also don’t really care is why we should cherish this run Baltimore is on.
Cleveland needs Ron Rivera
Before Sunday’s game, there were rampant reports that Odell Beckham Jr wants out of Cleveland. After the game, Baker Mayfield attacked his own franchise by saying the medical team purposefully didn’t handle Beckham’s sports hernia and therefore derailed his season.
The Browns won on Sunday, for what it’s worth.
For all the hype the Browns had this offseason — all the Baker commercials and trash talk, the flashy trades and high-priced moves — this year has been a total wash. Bad decisions, drama, and losing have defined what we all thought would be a watershed season for a habitually horrible franchise.
What Cleveland needs is a culture change. Ron Rivera is the man for the job, and he happens to be looking for one at the moment.
To hire Rivera, the Browns would need to fire Freddie Kitchens which it doesn’t seem like they’re going to do right now. But if the Haslam’s are serious about getting something out of this Baker era, something drastic is needed. Rivera isn’t a flashy hire like Lincoln Riley would be, but he’s a culture guy who would instantly come in and change everything. People would point to his mediocre record in Carolina but what those people would be saying is they don’t watch football. Rivera took the Panthers from a middling franchise to one that was always in the playoffs — sometimes with a losing record. Oh yeah, he also helped develop the franchise’s star quarterback into a star while leading the Panthers to a Super Bowl less than a half-decade ago.
Cleveland has a ton of talent but has no rudder. Riverboat Ron is the perfect man to take the Browns and finally help them become something better than they are.
Raiders fans deserve better than this
Oakland lost by more than 20-points on Sunday, but that wasn’t the saddest thing that happened.
The saddest thing happened when Raiders receiver Rico Gafford scored a 49-yard touchdown and then leaped into a sea of black and silver behind the endzone.
That doesn’t look like a fanbase that has abandoned a franchise so badly that it needs to leave town — but that’s what’s happening. The Raiders will play one more home game in Oakland before leaving for Las Vegas next season, leaving behind the sort of atmosphere that Gafford launched himself into after scoring.
Whenever a franchise has packed up and left a city, the games are usually played in front of mostly empty stadiums and without much fanfare. But the Raiders were in the playoff hunt a week ago and played in front of sold-out crowds all season long.
If you’ve ever been to the Coliseum, it’s not the type of place you want to breathe through your mouth while you’re at let alone pay money to spend an entire afternoon there. Yet Raiders fans have filled a crappy stadium to cheer on a team that won’t be there next year. It was mentioned during the broadcast that Jon Gruden recognized faces in the crowd who were there during his first tenure with the Raiders all the way back in the 90s.
That’s not a fanbase that deserves to lose its team.
Meanwhile, amid the recognition of how loyal and hardcore Raiders fans are, there was a shot of Mark Davis, the man who so badly managed his money that he couldn’t afford to sign Khalil Mack, sitting in his owner’s box shit-eatingly laughing the afternoon away.
You don’t have to be a Raiders fan for that to make you angry.
The post Week 14 observations you can steal to impress your friends appeared first on Actu Trends.
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