misguidedasgardian · 6 months
The Hour of the Wolf (10)
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X. Lurking Shadows
Summary: Keep your friends and your husband close… and your enemies? Well…
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Targaryen!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, war, death, mentions of killings, genocide and war, threats, arranged marriage, SPOILERS for ASOIAF, and Fire & Blood, also, might spoil House of the Dragon, pregnancy!, fear of childbirth, discussing death in childbirth and all that comes with it, unrealistic birthing scenes, (I mean, what would I know really?) 
Wordcount: 3,4 k 
Notes: Sorry for the delay, I think I lost my connection to this story. I know some of you didn’t like where this was going, the reader being so “defenseless” without Cregan, I had to re-read the whole thing to truly return to it.
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Summary: Keep your friends and your husband close… and your enemies? Well…
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Targaryen!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, war, death, mentions of killings, genocide and war, threats, arranged marriage, SPOILERS for ASOIAF, and Fire & Blood, also, might spoil House of the Dragon, pregnancy!, fear of childbirth, discussing death in childbirth and all that comes with it, unrealistic birthing scenes, (I mean, what would I know really?) 
Wordcount: X k 
Notes: Sorry for the delay, I think I lost my connection to this story. I know some of you didn’t like where this was going, the reader being so “defenseless” without Cregan, I had to re-read the whole thing to truly return to it.
After that horrid and terribly realistic nightmare, you never saw your uncle again, neither in the realms of dreams nor the realms of men, so that was a relief
But how could you see him? He was dead, he couldn’t hurt you anymore…
It took you a while to fully comprehend that, the next nights were tormentous, but then, something happened that brought you back to reality…
Your baby started kicking
You smiled as you felt the little kicks inside of you and touched your belly, that certainly grounded you, it made you come back to reality as of sorts, and it made you more focused, you attended every meeting, you held audiences, and you even appeared more in front of the people of King’s Landing, that gathered every afternoon chanting for you.
You were blooming, and even though you had relayed in Cregan a lot, you were beginning to settle in your post, without a hand.
But you missed him, terribly, specially at night 
days turned quickly into weeks, and then into months, and soon you could barely move, you grew tired quickly, you devoured everything you could during meals, and your babe moved tirelessly inside of you, specially at night
It had moved so much last night, that today at the small council meeting, you were fighting to not fell asleep
You couldn’t help it, you closed your eyes for barely a second, and you managed to open your eyes again, your lords were looking at you with kind eyes and soft smiles
“I’m so very sorry”, you muttered, rubbing your belly, trying to accommodate in the uncomfortable wooden chair
“You have nothing to be sorry for, our gracious lady”, muttered Lord Lannister, “perhaps we should move the meeting”
“No! no”, you insisted, “please continue”
“A new prince or princess to the seven Kingdoms, heir to the Iron Throne will be born soon, is a matter of great celebrations, a ray of hope, an unmistakable sign that the war is over and new times are coming, a new era of dragons, we should celebrate”, Lord Redwyne was a great narrator
“I agree”, said lord Celtigar, “the people need new things to look forwards to, I can see it from reports all over the Kingdoms, everyone should know”
Celebrate an heir you still didn’t have in our arms, gods, it was almost too similar of the story of Queen Aemma, your grandmother, as was told by your mother
“He or she isn’t born yet”, you said softly, and you had come to terms with the fact that there is a big chance you would perish in childbirth, but you were hopeful
“We are aware your grace”, muttered Lord Lannister, “but… as Lord Celtigar said… the people need a reason to celebrate”
“That might be true but, what if we do it after? after the birth, we should send word all over the Kingdoms, and then… when we have her or him in our arms, then we celebrate”, your lords seemed to realize what you were implying, and they of course nodded understandably
“Have we received word from our Lord Cregan?”, asked the maester
“Only his weekly reports of advances in the restoration of the North”, said quickly Lord Celtigar, who was indeed seating in your right as he was the hand
“The one who keeps demanding an audience is still… Lord Corlys”, you looked away, not wanting to face the man, perhaps you were being childish, but… you could not face the man that was supposed to be your grandfather by name 
“I don’t want to see him”, you said shortly
“Very well”, muttered Lord Redwyne, “He has send his bastard son Adam, to the capital, to seek an audience”
“I’m sure he doesn’t actually need anything”, muttered Lord Celtigar, “he is looking for a way in”
“Perhaps a meeting with our own master of coin would ease him enough to stop bothering us?”, you tried
“That will do your grace”, muttered Lord Redwyne
“Any other news of importance?”, you asked after a long sigh, rubbing your belly, your back had started to hurt
“We have completely lost contact with the Citadel, and oldtown”, confessed the Maester, everyone looked at him, concerned
“Explain”, you demanded 
“The situation was delicate after the end of the war, I have trusted brothers with which I exchange letters and they have all stopped”, that did truly concerned you
“What about the Hightowers?”, you asked then
“The last report is that they received tons of grains from the Tyrells and then they… stopped sending reports as well”. You took a long breath
“Should we… send someone to Oldtown?”, you suggested
“That would be best”
“Escorted by an army and a dragon?”, you continued, the lords were nervous and they exchanged looks between them
“Your Grace has a point, to send only lords would be a mistake”
“We cannot jump to arms against Oldtown for no apparent reason”
“Keep trying to contact your people, anyone, inside Old Town, if in a moon we don’t get any more news, we will gather a small force, and choose an envoy”, you commanded, and they all nodded 
Finally they released you as the sun was setting, and you thought about taking a nap, but if you did, then you were not going to be able to sleep at night, so you decided to go to the gardens to enjoy the sunset 
You liked to think you didn’t need a master of whispers, that you knew fairly well what was happening in your Kingdoms, but apparently… not…
He came unannounced, one second you were watching a beautiful winter rose bush, and the other, a presence came rushing to you unannounced, you raised your eyes and you thought you were dreaming
Cregan, you gasped with a wide smile, but it wiped quickly when you saw his scowl
“I thought you were happy with me, with our marriage”, you frowned as you looked at him, this is the first words to you for months?, “I thought this is what you wanted”
“It is! I am happy!”, you said quickly
“You must despise it, despise me, if you kept this from me so…”, you took a step towards him and around the bush, he got quiet when he saw you, the roses were hiding your round form but now he looked at you with wide eyes and open mouth
You looked so, so beautiful, in his mind, he had never seen anyone so breathtaking as you
He quieted himself and jumped to grab you in his arms and kissed you hungrily, all his anger slipped away from his mind and from yours and he wrapped his strong arms around you and held you lovingly and tightly
“I fucking missed you, you resentful little creature”, he growled, against our lips, right before he nibbles on your lower lip making you whimper
“I missed you”, you whispered, kissing him back, “So much”, you promised, gasping desperately against his lips, against the short beard he was growing.
There was no more time for anything else… 
. . .
Soon he had you naked in your rooms, resting on his chest after he actually proved to you how much he had missed you, and grabbing you so tightly as a way of a small punishment
“how did you manage to come without being announced?”, you asked, hugging him tightly
“I have my ways”, he muttered back, “but I really need to know”, he said, his voice choking with worry, “why?”, he asked, still caressing you, “I’ve been going over it over and over and many answers come to mind, none of them pleasant”, he needed an explanation of why you kept this from him, and you understood that
“I wrote you a letter”, you defended yourself, he signed, “You didn’t receive it?”
“I did not”, he muttered
“It was moons ago, explaining why I didn’t tell you, told you I missed you and asking you to return, then I received a letter from you asking me to go up there, and I couldn’t, I didn’t want to chance it”, you whispered, he caressed your belly tenderly, and it felt as good as you imagined it, his big warm hand, your babe kick inside your womb, making Cregan chuckle
“Have you been able to sleep?”
“Not when I eat strawberry tarts after the tea hour, then… it moves a lot”, you answered, Cregan laughed softly
“Well, you are carrying a wolf pup in there”, he teased
“Or a dragonling”, you answered back.
“oh gods, how could you let me leave you like this”, he said, he truly, truly felt bad
“When you got sick, and were about to die”, you confessed, “you whispered your son’s name in your fever induced dream, and I realized that if you were truly going to die, you were never going to see your son again, if you knew I was pregnant, you wouldn’t have gone North for another year or so, and your people needed you”.
He thought about it for long minutes, thinking about everything you had told him. And he sighed
You were right
“But what if something… had happened to you?”, he asked then
“I devised a plan, and I made everyone swear on it”, you confessed
“Which was?”, he asked
“If I perished in the birthing bed… My brother was to be crowned King, with the same council, and four regents to rule in his name until he became of age… Jeyne Arryn of the east, you, from the North, Lannister from the West, and a Tyrell from the South”, he nodded, “if our child had survived me, regardless, I asked them to give him to you, with a dragon egg…”, you told him, he was resigning her own children’s crown only for him to go back home where he wanted to be
“Well, it was a good plan”, he whispered. But he felt chills at the very thought of raising a little dragon without her beautiful dragon Queen by his side. Without even realizing he held you more tightly against him.
“But we will not come to that”, he said severely, “but I will go with it, if anything happens”
“Alright”, you whispered, “good to know”
But he was back now, no harm was going to come to you as he remembered the tumultuous this last weeks had been for him…
It took him weeks, a whole moon, maybe two, to get back to King’s Landing, more than he ever thought possible, he had to move a big group of people and as such, it required time… You could have given birth by now.
He thought about it again and again, to where it might have gone wrong.
Well, he now knew the reason why you couldn’t travel up North to meet him, because you were pregnant, he really appreciated you were being careful, and if the reports from the small council had any truth to them, you were doing great in the command of the Kingdoms, without a hand to help you.
You were truly magnificent 
You had managed to send compensations and start reparations for everything that needed repairs after the war, even though some town were ages away from truly recovering, you had even started talks with Dorne
It was a new age, and you were shining like the fire your family incarnated 
He was truly proud
And as Cregan was in the White Harbor, trying to sail south despite the weather, he had to prepare his son and leave him to travel behind with a stronghold of his house to come with im, including maesters and cooks, anyhow, he rode his steed from Winterfell to the White Harbour, he was so desperate he made the trip in half the time it took him last time, and then he sailed on a small, faster ship, back to the capital, he wasn’t even announced, he traveled almost in hiding, hoping nothing bad was going to happen, and it didn’t
That is why he could travel so fast, like no man has ever done before.
In a moon, his son and a small army was going to reach King’s landing, but the important part is that he made it… you were still pregnant, and he could accompany you through the birth, and… he was going to be here, to be with you 
“Please don’t ever keep something like this again, I thought we were trough that”, he reprimanded, and you nodded
“Yes husband”
You promised, inside this room or when it was just the two of you, you were his wife, not his Queen, and… it was hard to balance both, but he was patient, and you were smart.
In the next day Cregan would spend his days trying to get ahold of the current situation in the Kingdoms, and he felt somewhat unneeded, you were doing great without him, but he was happy to be back to take over so you could rest, as he had been told that you were falling asleep sometimes.
He was very concerned about the situation in Old Town, truly concerned, that was dangerous, but at the same time, he didn’t want to risk anyone from the small council, good thing though they had the Lannisters on their side this time
“We should call in the Tyrells”, you muttered as you ate a strawberry miniature pie, “make sure their alliances are still with us”
“Good plan”, he said over breakfast, “that way they will know they are alienated”
You had a bad feeling over the Hightower situation, it made you truly nervous. Summing up to the fact that Cregan wouldn’t leave your side.
It's like he didn’t trust you anymore, he was looming over you, watching you closely. Whenever you had an audience or a meeting he was right beside you 
You had grown impossible bigger, you could barely move, you had to call in your maids and ladies in waiting again, for you couldn’t even put on shoes without assistance.
Your only consolation is that your baby was kicking wildly every morning, and according to the maesters, she or he was healthy and ready to come out at any moment. 
You had also seen them very nervous, consulting with the stars and other methods to calm the small council about your own wellbeing, nobody said it outloud, but you could see the worry in their faces
Also according to the maesters, it was a 50/50 chance that you’ll perish, taking into account your family’s history, but they were hopeful, because you, as Queen, as access to the best maesters, and as it was more at stake, they were going to take great care of you.
Besides, your mother had given birth to 5 healthy boys, and you, and survived seven pregnancies. 
But her mother didn’t
You tried not to think about it
The small council, despise it all, were hopeful and had huge celebrations planned for the arrival of the future Prince or Princess
You were concerned about the future, of you, and of your child, but that was reduced to nothing as suddenly, when you were getting dressed, you felt like a fountain inside of you collapsed, and you released a large amount of water
“The babe!”, cried your lady in waiting, “fetch the maester and the midwives!”, she commanded quickly
Cregan had left early to go on a mission deep in the city, and he wasn’t in the castle when the midwives came to you, changed your clothes to a simple nightdress, and laid you there in your own bed.
You started crying out in pain as the contractions began, and according to the midwife, it could take all day, the process was long
“Mmmmm”, you moaned in pain, “I need to be on my feet”
“My Queen!”, you wouldn’t take no for an answer, they help you up and you walked around the room, rubbing your back with one hand and your belly with the other 
You needed to obey what your body needed, and you felt relieved as you walked around, taking deep breaths
“You are doing great, your Grace”, they encouraged, the sweet ladies. 
Another construction swept over you
“Notify the small council, and please try to find my husband”, you begged them, and they nodded and one of them ran to fulfill your command 
But your sweet and calm disposition didn’t last long
“THAT FUCKING CUNT!”, you screamed, hours later, laying on your bed, legs spread wide open, “I fucking hate him for doing this to me”, the oldest of the midwives just smiled, having flashbacks of Rhaenyra when she gave birth herself 
“Not long now, sweet Queen”
The small council was gathered, nervously waiting for news of you, they had servants all placed from the small council chambers to your rooms, so they could know what was happening.
“I had commanded the high Septon to keep our Queen in his prayers for the last week”, muttered lord Redwyne, who was very devout, but, it was not of great comfort to the remaining men in the room
“She will survive this”, asserted Lord Celtigar
“The maesters and midwives agree that it was a easy pregnancy”, affirmed the Grand Maester
They didn’t know what else to talk about
“Where is Lord Cregan?”
“He reached the Queen’s chambers”, said the Lord Commander, entering the room
You felt so relieved when you saw Cregan entering your chambers, kneeling by your side
“Your Grace, is not customary for the King to be present during the Birth”, muttered the lead Midwife
“i don’t care”, he leaned in, kissing your sweaty forehead
“Are you alright my love?”, you barely nodded, grabbing onto him and the bedsheet, preparing for the next contraction that made your whole body tremble
“They are more close to each other, I think it's time”
“It hurts so much”, you cried, the grand maester showed up then, and made you drink the last of milk of the poppy that was allowed for pregnant women 
Cregan looked at the scene concerned, there was no blood yet, and it had been barely a couple of hours so, he was optimistic, you were in good health, and he was there by your side, it had to be alright, it had to.
“Alright, when the next contraction comes, your grace will start pushing, alright?”, you barely nodded, grabbing onto Cregan so tightly he was afraid you’d snap his hand, turning his bones into dust
And it washed over you, more intense and painful than the ones before, with a scream, you did exactly that.
You had never done it before, but it felt like your body knew exactly what to do 
But you have never been in so much pain in your entire life
“Again”, demanded the Midwife, and you were really losing it in the pain
“There's blood”, muttered Cregan, truly concern
“That is normal your grace”, the pain never left you now, it took ahold of you and wouldn’t let go
You started crying, you were in so much pain you feared that there was never going to be relief again.
“Don’t cry my love, you are doing great”, he whispered against your temple
“I’m scared!”, you cried
“Again your grace please, I can see the head”, encouraged the youngest and sweeter of the midwives
“Arrrggghhhhhh!”, you screamed at the top of your lungs
. . .
Fast steps could be heard against the stone walls of the Keep, resounding in the empty corridors
The sun was hiding in the horizon when a young boy interrupted in the small council chamber, where the men inside jumped at the intrusion
“What has happened?”, demanded Lord Lannister
“The Queen!”, he said hastily, there were the longest seconds as he regained his breath
“Well? SPEAK BOY!”, demanded Lord Redwyne, he took a long breath and then he finally managed to spoke
“She is well, and we have a Prince! my lords! a boy!”
They all jumped from their seats and hugged one another
“A prince! send the ravens to every corner of the Kingdoms!”
“Long live our Queen!”
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
The Hour of the Wolf
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"The war is over, King Aegon the Usurper is dead but also is Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, now the Kingdom submerges in chaos and uncertainty about who will be the next Targaryen who will sit the iron Throne. All eyes turn to the two survivors, Aegon the young and her older sister. In the midst of chaos, the wolf Cregan Stark takes command to bring justice to his late Queen, and help to put back together the pieces of what was the greatest dynasty this Kingdoms had ever seen, he never realized he was the one who was going to put together the young new Queen as well"
The wolf and the sheep
Snakes, wolves and dragons
The Tower
It is you
Fire & Ice
My love, my duty
Your obstacle
Lurking Shadows
A ray of Sunlight
881 notes · View notes
misguidedasgardian · 10 months
The Hour of the Wolf (5)
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V. Fire & Ice
Summary: You are settling in your throne 
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Targaryen!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, war, death, mentions of killings, genocide and war, threats, arranged marriage, SPOILERS for ASOIAF, and Fire & Blood, also, might spoil House of the Dragon, smut! finally, I’m calling dub-con, because its their first time and we are nervous, loss of virginity, a bit of blood, and all that comes with it… nothing too extreme
Wordcount: 4.3 k 
Notes: uffff things are getting heated
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“I want my hair loose”, you said faintly, as the maids nodded with shy smiles, as they brushes your silver strands 
Your dress was magnificent
A black background with red and golden intricate designs, open sleeves from your shoulders that had a beautiful drop, a low neckline.
The jewelry was exquisite, your neck was decorated with a golden dragon that curled around you, your wrists and fingers with gold as well, in your heart finger, you had a ring that belonged to your mother. 
“Your grace”, called in Ser Erryk, “the Lord hand and Lord Celtigar, both want to see you”, you barely nodded.
Both men entered the room and you watched them through the mirror, as they saw you they stopped in their tracks, their mouths open, but they regained their composure quickly
“In this day your grace, we have something for you”, said Lord Celtigar, who had brought a beautifully decorated box with him. You turned around in your chair, to be presented with said gift.
Cregan stood behind him, giving him space, as Celtigar theatrically bowed, and opened the box and showed you the insides
You gasped when you saw it, tears threatening to fall as you covered your mouth
“How? Where did you find it?”, you asked, your throat in a knot
“A low-life was trying to sell it in the docks of Claw Island”, he said softly
Your mother’s… and well… Jahaerys’ crown
When your mother rebels and traitors swarmed the capital and threatened the life of your mother, she had to flee and hide all over the Crownlands… and to be able to return to Dragonstone, she had to sell the crown
A sad tale… but in the end…
They had brought it back to you
“You will be crowned with the crown of the conciliator”, said Cregan, “with your mother’s crown, and King Viserys and King Jahaerys before her”
“Thank you”, you murmured, a single tear scaping you
“You look gorgeous, your grace”, said Reysen
“Thank you”
“I’ll give the crown to the master of ceremonies”, muttered Cregan, and you only nodded
They left once more, and the maids kept brushing your hair 
“More reason to have my hair loose”, you said softly and they nodded with wide smile on their faces
You were nervous, to say the least, it had been a long, nerve-wrecking week, in which you had met so many people you barely remember their faces, they had asked much things from you
And now you were getting crowned 
Once you were ready, you asked the maids to leave, and they did
You watched yourself in the mirror, as tears started pouring down your cheeks
“Gods!”, you cried, falling to your arms folded over the dresser
You would give all of this in a heartbeat to have them back… at least one of them… only one… luke…. or Jace… or your mama
The door opened but you didn’t want to see who it was, you waiting for whoever it was to leave, but that didn’t happen
You felt two strong hands grab you and turn you, and in a second your face was against a soft velvet vest, a hand in your hair
“Shhh, everything is alright”, you whined when you heard it was cregan, hugging you tightly, “it’s all alright, I’m right here, with you…”
“I wish they were here”, you whined like a little girl
“I know, I know”, he whispered against the top of your hair
“I would give everything”, you insisted, like he was the god of death capable of doing such exchange 
“I know”, he repeated softly, “they are ready for you, my sweet queen, it’s time… to make everyone proud up there, to shout to all corners of the seven kingdoms, that you, the last dragon, are still here, in honor of your mother, and your older brother”, you barely nodded, finally raising your head to look at him
“To tell all those sons of bitches that the blacks won. and you are alive and well, and they lost…”, you smiled as you wiped your tears. “I’m going to be there, by your side, or behind you, wherever you need me, i’m here…”
You needed him, Cregan realized, and not only to help you rule the kingdom, no, you needed him in a more intimate way… you were only a young woman, who lost everything, he had agreed to marry you, appealing to the power both of you held, but he could tell, that was not enough, in the intimacy you were both going to have, you were going to need more
So he leaned in, and kissed you
Just a peck, on the lips, as he held you softly by the face, caressing your cheeks with his thumbs, you leaned in gently, softly, and when you parted, he could see it in your eyes
In your still innocent eyes
You needed more from him…
You needed a husband, and a protector, a defender, a champion, a knight in shining armor…
And he was going to pick up that mantel
When Cregan stood up and give his back to you to open the door and start the procession, you touched your lips that were still warm, and smiled gently
Your first kiss… your first real kiss…
Cregan turned back to you and offered you his hand, you took it without thinking.
He had proved once again you could lean on him with ease, he was not going to turn on you, or judge you, or tell anyone… from this day forwards, he was in this with you, by your side… as your partner, as your King consort and Hand, as your husband in a few weeks, as your everything
The very thought frightened and excited you at the same time
He released you as soon as you came into the hallway, but you walked side by side, in complete silence, towards the throne room
The great doors were closed, and he looked at you intently
“I will take place by the throne, you will enter alone”, you barely nodded, “are you alright?”
“Yes”, you said shortly, he only nodded in turn, and he left you to enter the ceremony through one of the side passageways.
You just looked at the detail of the large wooden doors, playing with your fingers ahead of you
You were getting crowned, you were getting married soon, you were ruling a country because you were already of age… It was so many things… and you were alone at the top, with no senior to guide you, nobody you completely trusted… no… father or mother figure 
Only Cregan
You took a long breath
You weren’t even nervous… you were longing to get this over with, your hands were sweaty and your feet already hurt for the shoes even though beautiful 
Soon the music started, and the doors opened slowly, to reveal you to the room, people gasped and cheered for you, as you started walking slowly towards the end… towards…
The Iron throne
It was there, surrounded by spikes, melted swords of the enemies oft he house of the dragon
The cause of such bloodshed 
The cause of the annihilation of your family.
All those plots… from the greens, all that coin and gold, armies, and at the end
You smiled widely
The blacks had won, you had won, your mother’s blood will sit on the iron Throne
Screw them
If you could, you would dance over his graves… if only there were enough remains of them to bury…
You climbed both steps of stone before the throne, as discussed, and you turned to the people, a golden cape moving behind you
“Our new Queen!”, chanted Erryk
Your small council was there, the Grand maester brought, in a red velvet cushion, the golden crown of Jaehaerys The Old King
“With the crown of the conciliator, we crown you”, chanted the master of ceremonies, he took the crown, raised it for everyone to see, and then he turned to you and he placed it gently atop your head. It felt… good… the weight rather than bother you, it felt like it grounded you 
“Queen (Y/N) of house Targaryen, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and protector of the realm, the last dragon, the unkillable, and like your ancestor before you… the conciliator”, he said firmly 
People applauded, cheered for you, as Cregan Stark moved forwards and took your hand softly, helping you up the treacherous steps until you sat on the Iron throne 
The throne was cold and uncomfortable under you, but you sat straight, holding onto the arm rests softly 
“Long live the Queen!”, he demanded of everyone, and again, they cheered and chanted your name for long minutes you thought were never going to end
After that was done, they paraded you to greet the people of Kinglanding that were gathered at the gates, with chants of your name, and everyone wanted to reach out to you…
There were so many people there, in the throne room, lords from houses you haven’t even heard of before, and the streets were packed, so packed, so many people screaming, reaching for you.
It came out of nowhere, you lost your footing, but before you could collapse, Creganw as there to grab you from your waist.
“The Queen, and future King consort of the Seven Kingdoms, Lord Cregan Stark!”, presented Eryk and then the people really lost it, screaming in delight, as the lords gasped behind you inside the walls of the Red Keep
Soon the doors to the exterior closed, and you were again inside the safety of the castle, With Cregan by your side, grabbing you by the waist.
“The marriage will take place in a week”, said Cregan to the new founded court, and everyone clapped once again, some of themes haring looks of concern amongst one another
Then he looked at you
You haven't discussed this, not at all
He had made that decision for you 
You didn’t know what to think or feel 
“So soon?”, you asked when you had him by your side, in the banquet for the celebration of your coronation
“Yes, everyone is here”, he said gently, “there had been rumors… of me… of us, gathering at late hours, I think is better to do it as soon as possible”, he said gently, you barely nodded
You had barely turn ten and eight a few moons ago, alone, trapped in your room
You took a shaky breath
Yes, you needed to get married, but you never thought it was going to be this soon! You talked about it, you understand the need, and that night when you summoned Cregan to your rooms, you knew it was happening
But one week?
You only stole looks at Cregan and you nodded, you then turn to your left, to your baby brother, who smiled softly at you, but the smile, just like yours, didn’t quite reach his eyes
He had seen so much
You too
Aegon didn’t even let you cover his eyes when he had his dragon eat your mother alive before your very eyes, and his eyes
Your brother was traumatized for life and there was nothing you could do to help him
One time, a few days ago, you tried to take him flying with you…
You had to hide the claw marks he left in your arms. He had scratch you to release him, in the midst of screeches and cries as soon as he saw your dragon in the distance
He was terrified of them now
“What’s on your mind?”, you heard Cregan ask beside you, you barely looked at him
“My baby brother”, you confessed, there was no point in lying 
You looked around the room and you found all of the great houses dining and feasting, all of them but two
The Hightowers and the Velaryons
You took a long breath
Corlys as Baela had requested audiences with you, and you had denied them
You didn’t hate Baela, nor Rhaena, she had a dragon egg now… but…
It was bitter
You had lived with them since you were about ten, when your mother married Daemon, they were, for some time, your step-sisters, and even that, they were… your aunts? you didn’t even know… 
But seeing them got you a bittersweet sentiment, perhaps because they were the survivors of all this madness, alongside with you… but the truth you would admit to yourself late at night… is that you would have traded them for your brothers anyday
You were resentful, that they were the ones to survive and not your siblings…
They had a life ahead of them, a grandfather that literally killed a King for them, to guide them and protect them
A man that betrayed your mother
She had grown resentful and paranoid, yes, but he turned his back on her when she needed him the most
You didn’t believe you could forgive him.
You were not a Velaryon, not by blood, and now, that you become Queen, not by name either… he never treated you as one, so that was it
You wanted to keep him at arm’s length 
But you didn’t even realized… that there was another house absent front he festivities
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You were glad to see the capital boasting with life, like the days of old, like when you wee young and you were living in the good days of your grandfather King Viserys
A tourney had been organized, as competitions and festivities, and even though you found it dreadful, there you were… granting so many favoors you had your ladies and even servants braiding new ones each hour….
Perhaps all the knights in there, at least, most of them, asked for your crown of red roses and dark green leaves and golden feathers.
At the end, you were crowned the Lady of Love and Beauty by the winner, a Knight from the Vale. You watched your small council closely, and they all seemed pleased
Telling constantly how much the people were taking to you, how much they loved you even
Their new, young, beautiful Queen
The bards were singing songs about your beauty and your strength, no doubt they had been paid handsomely to do so
You felt… powerful
You sat in the most dangerous yet important seat of the realm, you had the last grown dragon on earth. 
You felt good, in control… until…
Until the day of your wedding.
Cregan had not accepted a marriage in the Sept, he did not follow the faith of the seven, and neither did you, so you accepted to be married in the godswood, by the heartree
It was going to create controversy, the small council said
But fuck the faith, the seven pointed star, and the heraldry that replaced all the dragons in the capital thanks to Alicent fucking HIghtower, and that you had already commanded to replace back to the likeness of your own dragon, and the three headed dragon of your house 
You were waiting for one word, one revolt, one bad new from the citadel to burn it to a crisp… luckily, it had been none
You thought they knew it as well, that you were looking for an excuse to do the same thing Maegor the cruel did
So the day of your wedding came quickly.
And as the maids braided your hair in a Northerner style, then, you felt nervous. Truly, nerve wrecking nervousness makes your hands shake.
You were about to be married… to Cregan Stark
A rough, authoritative man,a handsome and strong man, a man who was going to go back and forth and leave you for months at a time, perhaps years, but…
“Everything is going to be alright”, murmured the sweet maid, one that had served you since you were a child, manage to survive the Greens, she smiled at you through the mirror
“Thank you”, you whispered
“He is a kind man, and I have no doubt he will care for you”, she said with a complacent smile, and you only smiled widely 
“I know he will”
“If you’d allow me, your grace… your mother would have been proud”, she said then, and that brought tears to your eyes
“Thank you”, you cried with a smile on your face
You had married an entire continent last week, promising to give your life in service to the crown and the countries that were under your reign, and now… you were going to give your body… to another
To a man
Septas had taught you what you needed to know -according to them- about marriage, of how a woman must serve her husband, about you had to lay on your shared bed and let him do what he needed to do, bed you, breed you, how it was a woman’s job to have his husband’s children and heirs…
Of course you were nine at the time, your mother when she found out dismissed the Septa, fought hard with Alicent, saying that over her dead body she was going to allow the Old Queen to take charge of your education ever again
That was fun to watch, scary, but fun, to see your mother so protective and angry
And then you discovered “how babies were made”, by not by your mother in a nice chat or anything really, you discovered it the funny way, with your brothers and stepsisters, sneaking off the Castle in Dragonstone and going to the town, following soldiers to pleasure houses, then you were thirteen 
And then stealing racy books from the library 
But this was no time to think about that
You stood up, already dressed, your hair done, no much jewelry, only a nice beautiful white dress, yes it was the wedding of the Queen, but you had been celebrating your coronation for a week now, the Kingdoms had just been through a gruesome war, it was not fair, for them, for you to spend so much
Your wedding, a banquet afterwards, and baskets filled with food that were to be distributed through the streets of King’s Landing
And Cregan… well
He was nervous as well, more like, getting it over with already…
The sooner you settled in, with the throne and in your marriage, the better 
He fixed the silver velvet vest on him, and the large gold chain they had made him wear, it was a warm day, and his pants, he felt them too tight, as he was waiting for you in the Godswood. Was he doing the right thing?
He was going to be in the depths of one of the things he hated the most…
When he gathered his army and marched south in search of “justice”, this was not what he expected, to the the second most powerful person in all the realms
It was a constant thought, he never, in a million years, would hope he was going to end up here, waiting for…
He raised his head when they announced you
There you were
All his doubts disappeared
You looked… breathtakingly beautiful, positively godly
Not intimidating, like an empress of an old dynasty on the day of your coronation, now… you looked like the embodiment of a god of the waters or snow itself, made flesh… Dressed in a beautiful white dress, no much finery but only you, your hair arranged in a 
Northerner way that made him smile. Now his pants were truly tight
Tyland Lannister was escorting you
As soon as he had you within grasp, he grabbed your hands and accommodated you by his side, facing his commander of his army, an old man from house Mormont. 
“Who comes before the old Gods on this day?”, asked the tall man
“(Y/N), of House Targaryen”, presented Tyland, with his deep voice, summoning complete silence from everyone present. “She comes here to be wed. A woman grown, trueborn, and noble. She comes to beg for the blessing of the Gods, who is here to claim her?”, he asked almost defiantly, looking at Cregan, who took a step forward
“I Cregan Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, I come here this day before the gods, to claim this lady, who gives her away?”, he asked
“I, Tyland Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, and Warden of the West”, he said firmly, releasing you right next to Cregan, you both looked at him and smiled, and then turned to the man presiding the ceremony
“My lady, (Y/N) of House Targaryen, do you take this man?”, he asked
“Yes”, you answered, it came more gently than you expected, “I take this man”, you said loudly and almost enthusiastically, and you felt people chuckling, and bit your lip, embarrassed. But the man presiding the ceremony smiled at you, and your now husband, grabbed your hand in his big one
“So Cregan Stark, take your wife, Lady (Y/N) now, of House Stark”, he said, and Cregan was on you in a second, he cradled your face in one of his hands, you looked up at him and your eyes met his, just for a second before you closed them since he leaned in and trapped your lips into his. You tried to relax into the kiss, your second kiss ever, with now your husband
Those closest, members of courts and Lords and Ladies from the noblest houses applauded, the gardens filled with all of them, you separated from Cregan and greeted them 
“My beautiful lady wife”, he whispered in your ear, making you smile at him
Gods he was handsome, especially with hat devilish smile
And you were married to him
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Despite your secret wishes, the day went incredibly fast, and before you knew it, you were being led to your chambers… not the King’s… meaning yours, but others… Cregan’s… tonight, you were not a Queen, but a lady wife, the way it was supposed to be
The small council, and others Lords and Ladies followed you closely, but as soon as you were inside the room, Cregan stood up, shielding you from them 
“Out”, he demanded, surprising you
“But my lord… the bedding ceremony…”, stammered Tyland
“I don’t care”, he said, and you then stepped out…
“No bedding ceremony”, you said firmly, and that was enough for them to leave you alone
Alone with your husband…
You looked at him nervously, he turned softly, to look at you.
You looked around in turn, recognizing these rooms immediately, these were the rooms Cregan was using now, but before they belonged to…
He moved slowly, his eyes on you, you looked back at him
“If this marriage is going to work, I need to make something very clear”, he said seriously, he came at you quickly, and grabbed you, his hand was so big against you that with only one he placed it at the side of your neck and face, he grabbed you softly but decisively, and make you look at him, “out there, you are the Queen, but here? inside this room? as soon as you step inside, you are mine”, he growled, and he smirked when he saw your pupils enlarged, “you are my dutiful lady wife, mine to command, mine to guide, mine to bed, mine to breed, am I clear?”, he asked with an authoritative voice that made your legs shake, you nodded, your eyes not leaving his, but they betrayed you. You were a bit scared of his words. He caressed your cheek, “mine”, he said, this time more softly, “mine to cherish, mine to care for, mine to love, mine to make love to…”, your eyes shined with excitement then and you smiled brightly at him 
“Love?”, you asked as you were a little girl
“Would you like all those things?” He asked, his playfulness and rough eyes returning to him as he made you tilt your head back slightly. You managed to nod
 “Your words, my love”
“Yes Cregan”, you whispered 
“Inside this room, I’m your Lord husband”, he commanded severely
“Yes my lord husband”, you corrected quickly 
“Good girl”, he leaned on and trapped your lips on his on a fervent kiss, you were barely able to catch up, the third time you had kissed Cregan… this time was different, this time, there was nothing to prevent you from… escalating the kiss
“Do you want to consummate the marriage now?”, he asked, and you barely nodded, “your words wife”
“yes husband”, you barely said, looking into his eyes, he only smile, but didn’t kiss you again, his lips instead, traveled south 
You moaned softly, feeling his lips suck on a very tender spot in your neck
“In this room, we are husband and wife only, only us, two people, joined for life”
“Only us”, you whispered, with expert hands, he undoed your dress, letting it fall to the floor, he even undressed himself, as you didn’t even know where to start. He didn’t push you, he did all the work, as you were so nervous, terribly nervous.
He laid you on the bed covering you with his large body.
He kissed everywhere he could reach, he caressed your skin, making you shiver, moan, and spread your legs even further for him… You didn’t even know someone else could make you feel like this…
You tried to caress him in turn, his upper arms, his shoulders, his side, his mouth returned to yours, as his fingers worked you open for him…
The voice of the septa wouldn’t stop resounding in your head… you laid there, let him do his things, you wouldn’t know what to do anyways… and in turn… he made you feel the most exquisite pleasure… that you had never felt before…
When he entered you, you dropped a few tears from the sudden and sharp pain, but then, after he soothed you and gave you time to adjust to his size… he fucked you slowly, delicately, gently, holding you in his arms, and kissing all over your face and neck
You could tell he was holding up… from doing more things to you… but if only that night, he was exactly what you needed.
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@lyannesworld @tremendouswolfsaladranch @unlesshouse @mimsie95 @ostricx @amelia262006 @marihoneywk @ahristata @happinessinthebeing @dd122004dd
@lyannesworld @aestmilky @lightdragonrayne @delaynew @mxtokko @stargaryenx @lightdragonrayne @delaynew @mxtokko @good-night-starlight @yentroucnagol @beebeechaos @brakingboundaries
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misguidedasgardian · 9 months
The Hour of the Wolf (8)
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VIII. Your Obstacle
Summary: You want to get out of Cregan’s way
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Targaryen!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, war, death, mentions of killings, genocide and war, threats, arranged marriage, SPOILERS for ASOIAF, and Fire & Blood, also, might spoil House of the Dragon, pregnancy, sickness, pandemic, unrealistic timing and portraits of a pandemic, might miss some warnings
Wordcount: 3 k 
Notes: Now Reader and Cregan will be even... you might not like me after this 😬 anyways! Merry Christmas!
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“Arra”, you woke up as he was again lost in his mind, “Arra my love”, he was dying, his mind was delusional in fever and yet, you felt your chest tightening, “Rickon”, he only whispered the name of his first wife, his childhood friend, and the one of his son
“I will care for him”
He whispered 
He was burning up again, after getting better the day before when you got there to tend to him. You stood up, and searched for the Grand maester 
“I can’t lower the temperature of his grace”, you cried to the man all the way in the tower of the hand
“Your grace, you should be in your rooms”, he said urgently, “if you catch the disease, we are all lost”
“I need you to help me with Cregan, he caught it”, you cried.
The man and Arryk ran to your side, and towards Cregan’s rooms, he had not eaten not drink anything since the day before, no matter how much you tried to give him sips of water.
The Maester checked on him dutifully
“His temperature is great, your grace”, he said, in his eyes… you didn’t even want to think about it, you didn’t even want to think about what it meant
“No, do something! anything!”
“Let’s prepare him a bath”. The Red Keep had been deserted, but by a handful of servants that were obligated to stay in the palace ground and have no contact with the exterior, those helped you and Arryk make a bath for Cregan.
The maester placed his boney hand on the water, the other, on Cregan’s forehead
“It’s ready your grace”, both the water and Cregan’s high temperature being the same, Arryk, the maester and you grabbed Cregan and placed him on the water slowly
He whined and grunted
He was chanting another woman’s name in his fever induced dreams, and his son’s name. She had died in childbirth, or rather after, but his son? you had kept him from him, from seeing him and taking care of him like any father should
You didn’t know what to do about that, could it be that he dreamed of the life he once had rather than the one he had now? He hadn't muttered your name not once, and you tried to focus on rather doing whatever you could to help him instead of this… silly things
But you were his wife now, and you were expecting his child, even though you haven't confirmed it with the maesters, and… he didn’t know yet, but still…. would he hold you in his thoughts as he did his former wife?
After all, the child you were carrying was not going to be his, he belonged to the Targaryen dynasty, and the Iron Throne, it was not a normal child, his heir… was in Winterfell…
You hold him as he rested in the tub, the theory was that at matching temperatures, as the water started to get more tempered, so will he, his body temperature lowering
With a cloth you kept his forehead and head also wet, with the current temperature of the water.
As minutes trespassed, his face seemed more relaxed, his temperature was indeed lowering
Would he regain consciousness? would he ever look into your eyes and speak to you again?
You had to believe he was going to
As he grunted into consciousness, the maester made him drink some tea with other herbs, and he did, that itself was an improvement.
Once the water was cold, you removed him from the water, dried him, and even he himself stood, with your help, and you laid him back down on fresh sheets.
His fever was no longer there, almost, it had worked, but the Maester had given him milk of the poppy so now he had fallen on a thick sleep.
“There it is your grace, soon he will wake, and when he does, he most likely, left this disease behind him”, muttered the Maester, “if the fever doesn’t return, if it does, please, call for me”
“Thank you”, both men left you alone with your husband
You sat by his bedside, taken his hand on yours, scared his fever will raise again
The night fell over the Seven Kingdoms, and you were so tired, that you fell asleep, your head laying on the rough sheets by his side, his hand on yours
Sleep took you without you fighting it, letting you slumber in dark dreams as dark tides swallowed you whole.
You dreamt about being in one of the royal vessels, it wasn’t nighttime, but it looked like it, the clouds so gray, so dark, they could swallow you whole. The boat was at the mercy of the waves, the sea was wild and dangerous, you felt like you lose your footing on deck
There was no one in sight but you, but you felt ghosts of people all around you, moving the sails, working the ship
You knew you had a destination and that you had come from King’s Landing, but the uncertainty as you crossed the storm was making you tremble. You were alone, nobody you knew was in sight, and in your dream, you knew… Cregan was not there with you.
Behind the clouds, you could hear a dragon, it wasn’t Vhaelar, it was someone else…
You woke up because you felt a squeeze, a gentle squeeze, you opened your eyes, alarmed, and when you managed to focus them, some gray eyes were staring back at you
“What are you doing here my love?”, he asked, and you couldn’t help but cry out of happiness and relief, once you placed your hand on his head, making sure he was clear of the fever
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Two months, you had been battleting the disease that stretched out far and wide, but as it came, it went away… for those who survived…
Within the castle, it had taken many lords and ladies, but the most important within your circle was… Alicent and Lord Tyland Lannister.
The former, that sick woman, literally and figuratively, has snuck out of her rooms, sick with the winter fever, and tried to barge into the nursery, Jahaera and Aegon’s rooms. According to Arryk, she had screamed the name of your baby brother with “murderous intent”, she wanted to see him, to make him catch the disease as she screamed, scaring the children, which only worsened the situation because then the mad Queen was conscious that Jahaera was there… her only living descendant
She lost it then, but she was a sickly and weak woman, and once the soldiers gathered she was easily taken back and locked in her rooms.
She refused her green dresses, she wanted to jump off a window, in the end she died with sorrow on her face and your mother’s name on her tongue.
You felt relief, and you couldn’t hide it
But the loss of Tyland did strike you and your family. He had been there since you could remember, even if sometimes he was an idiot, he was there, and had been faithfully for you since Aegon died, probably poisoned with his help
Anyways, you were barely getting the hand of your small council.
But the Lannisters did not want to let the post go, so they were going to send Tyland’s cousin. You were looking forward to him, now with Tyland gone, and Jason dead in the war, the line had to change within the Lannister House, but it remained strong, as they assured you. 
You wanted to be so relieved that Cregan survived, but every time you saw his face, you were reminded of his face twisted in fever and agony, chanting another woman’s name like a prayer. 
You felt so terribly guilty for keeping him here.
So you… as soon as he was better… you demanded of him to go to Winterfell
“No, I’m not leaving you”, Cregan said, passing around the room
“You need to go home, Cregan, to aid in this crisis, the maester suggests that once you caught it and survive, you won’t caught it again”, you said quickly
“The disease is still raging, you are still…”
“I won’t catch it”, you said firmly, “I’m from the blood of old Valyria, blood forged with magic”, you said, he chuckled, mocking you, but you were not joking
“My love..”, he said condescendingly, but you didn’t budge.
“Tyland’s cousin is coming, the realms are at peace, it’s time”, you sentenced 
He didn’t fight you anymore, and it broke your heart even more to see the excitement in his gorgeous eyes. He might be trying to deny you, but he couldn’t hide it, he was excited to leave, and you couldn’t blame him
The mere thought of being without him for so long made your stomach twist, you hand instinctively went to your lower belly, Cregan noticed
“Are you well?”, he asked, you nodded
“I’m fine”, you said
“You look different”, he said with caution
“It was a hellish week”, you answered back
“I see”
You had yet to confirm your doubts with the maester, but you were certain
You were with child
And you were about to send the father back home for spite, well, not quite, but, you were pushing him away, to leave your side. Without him knowing.
So as Cregan was distracted with preparations for his departure, you went to visit the Grand Maester.
“Wonderful news, you are indeed with child your grace”, the old man said, he had been your mothers Maester, he probably aid in your own birth, his eyes filled with tears of happiness
“I’m so glad”, you muttered, “but we must keep this between us, it’s to soon”, he nodded eagerly
“Are you going to tell Lord Cregan?”, he asked
“I’m not sure”, you admitted 
“But the hand is leaving your grace”, he said softly. 
“I know”, you said shortly
Within a week, Cregan was ready to leave, and even though you wanted to cry and hold onto him, you stood in front of him in the Royal Harbor 
“If you take a lover, please be careful, and don’t let him plant his seed in your belly”, he whispered, you only looked at him
“The same goes to you husband, don’t plant your seed on another woman’s field”, you answered meaningly
“Wouldn’t dream of it”, he whispered
“Good”, did he really think you could take anyone who isn’t him? Now you wanted to cry even more 
You were angry, you didn’t even know why… Your heart was breaking at his departure, and you did not want to feel like this, you wanted to get it over with
Your marriage still did not feel concrete enough, he, Cregan, has as well been forced to marry you, nothing else, and even though he and you too have taken joy in bedding each other, there was nothing else there.
Yes he cared for you, but like a sworn sword would care for his princess, nothing else
He frowned when he saw how you evaded him with your eyes
“You are alright? I’ll be back before you even notice”
“You will lose the tide, my love”, you said soulesly, “you should go”, that would have offended him, if he hadn't seen you all angry and offended like you were. He only smirked.
You were angry because he was leaving 
And that made him glad somehow
You cared 
“I’ll be back before you know it, the small council already promised to keep you entertained”, he said softly
“Yes husband”, you muttered, not feeling it, you were like a little child, being comforted by a parent. 
“And I wouldn’t oppose a visit from you, on dragonback”, he teased, you barely smiled
“Very well”, you muttered
“I will arrive in Winterfell in three weeks”, he said with hope in his voice, you barely nodded, again, evading his gaze.
You weren’t angry at him, you were angry at the situation, but it still hurt, very much so, his departure, the thought of not having him by your side, in your bed, not waking him to his hand on your body and his lips on yours
But he had called another woman’s name on his sleep
He leaned in, grabbing your face on his hands softly, and he kissed you hungrily, with longing, you did as well
“Please send word, whatever happens, anything”, he demanded against your lips, you only nodded
“Yes my lord husband”, he gave you a last smile and nodded.
He was taking a grand part of his army with him, those who wanted to return home, but many stayed, in King's Landing or in the Riverlands. 
As you watched him go, you turned to the maester
“Your grace! you didn’t tell him”, he chided softly 
“What kind of wife would I be if I kept him from his son this long? the fever almost took him, what if he never saw his child again?”, you whined, but as you watched the boat sail away, you wiped those thoughts from your mind. You turned to the maester with a soft smile
“We shall tell the small council, that I am with child, now that my husband has just left, I will not give ground for doubts on the paternity of my unborn child as were my brothers”
“Never, my sweet gracious lady”, he said, “we shall tell them this very meeting later today”, you only smiled softly 
You summoned them as soon as the ship’s sails were no longer visible in the horizon
“Lord Cregan just left, we expect him to return in less than a year”, you said firmly, you didn't know where the strength came, you wanted to be curled up in your room, crying, hugging your pillow, your chest was constricted against the fabric of your dress.
You missed him already
You can’t believe he is gone, that you were not going to see him for the next year, or so… that you were expecting his child, and you were going to give birth to him or her… alone, completely alone, without your husband
But it was the right thing to do, you knew it, you couldn't be this selfish, he had a family of his own, a whole country that he needed to see. If you would have told him, he wouldn’t have left, another year far from home, another year away from his son.
You couldn’t have that
“The year will pass swiftly your grace”, muttered Lord Redwyne, “not to worry”
“There is something else”, you said, sharing glances with the Maester, “I’m with child”, there was a few awkwards silent seconds, and then the room exploded with cheers and words of encouragement
“That is great news, your grace!”
“A new prince or princess! A new era!”
“The country is flourishing again”
You only smiled
“Congratulations your grace”, said Lord Celtigar by your side, “But Lord Cregan just left”, he muttered
“Yes, in reality he does not know, and we must kept it that way”, you said firmly and the room was quiet, “he needed to go back home, to resolve some matters of the greatest importance, and he wouldn’t have gone if he knew the news”
“Very well, as your grace commands”, said Lord Redwyne
“This is for the greater good”, you assured them, and the men at the table changed their concerned looks.
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You didn’t even wanted to go back to your rooms, you wanted to keep yourself distracted, the castle was still in high alert because of the disease, but still, you finally were able to visit your brother Aegon and Jahaera, who, against all odds, had finally bonded in a somewhat sweet friendship.
They already know how to read, so all this time in confinement had allow them to read and read, history books, children’s books, books about animals, their minds were distracted and absorbed in other things, they had finally managed to reach some other emotions rather than sorrow, and you were so grateful
Their nannies were excellent and had aid them in that as well, keeping them distracted
But the night came anyways, no matter how distracted you kept yourself, and even though if for the past two months you had been sleeping alone, now that you knew Cregan was not even in the castle, that each passing second he was sailing further and further away… you couldn’t sleep
And when you did, terrible nightmares tortured your mind
You were again on that ship, Cregan was with you and… the waves and the storm dragged you to the bottom of the ocean, the waves tearing you apart. 
You were alone again, and it was of your own making.
Cregan could already feel the cold breeze hit his face, he was excited, he couldn’t wait any longer to get home… 
He looked over his shoulder, back towards King’s Landing, where you had remained, he had second thoughts about leaving you, he did, but he knew you were going to be alright, you had to be. You were stronger than you seemed
You were surely going to visit him in Winterfell, right?
You didn’t want to admit it, but you cared for him, you did, you had challenged a dangerous disease just to tent him, made sure he survived. Being with you strengthening your relationship was vital, but… either way, you were not yet with child, once you were, he was never going to part from your side, so it had to be now, that is what he thought
He didn’t need to stay one year away, he was going back home with news for his sister and to feel the current climate, that wat, he might even be able to return sooner to you, perhaps you even felt stronger to fly back to Winterfell to see him, that would certainly improve everything, he thought
When he came back, he was going to tell you to make a tour throughout the Kingdoms, they needed to see you, see their Queen.
He breathed in the fresh sea breeze, and smiled.
He was coming home to see his son, and yet, he couldn’t wait for you to see Winterfell, he couldn’t wait for you to meet his son… He couldn’t wait… for your future together.
He had survived, thanks to you, he had survived the deathly fever, for you, for his son, for the children he knew you were going to give him, for the future of the Kingdoms.
He just needed to… learn to combine his worlds together.
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@lyannesworld @tremendouswolfsaladranch @unlesshouse @mimsie95 @ostricx @amelia26200 @marihoneywk @ahristata @happinessinthebeing @dd122004dd @lyannesworld @aestmilky @lightdragonrayne @delaynew @mxtokko @stargaryenx @good-night-starlight @yentroucnagol @beebeechaos @brakingboundaries @duds31 @persophonekarter
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misguidedasgardian · 11 months
The Hour of the Wolf (3)
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III. The Tower
Summary: People are coming and going
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Targaryen!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, war, death, mentions of killings, genocide and war, threats, talks about bedding and non concensual sexual relationships, threats of mutilation, SPOILERS for ASOIAF, and Fire & Blood, also, might spoil House of the Dragon 
Wordcount: 4.6 k 
Notes: Sorry for the delay my loves! I’m travelling! and I’m so marveled by the things I see in real life that I’m having trouble entering into my magical world jeje
I must say… and warnings for spoilers for the chapter, but Maester Gerardys was brutally unalived by Aegon in Fire and Blood, yet I’m bringing him back to life because we need known faces in the keep! jeje I don’t want to made up so many characters! 
I did not double check this for mistakes
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So this is what she meant with “that could be easily arranged”, Cregan thought, as he saw his Queen petting the snout of her huge fearsome dragon
Vhaelar? She called it?
It was big, very big, not that he had many dragons to compare it to besides Jacaerys’ dragon, this one was much bigger
White, it was unusual, his scales lit up under the sun, giving him an unrealistic look, like the huge beast didn’t belong in this plain
He had just seen it burn eighteen men to dust and yet, the creature didn’t even spare him a look, he didn’t felt threatened by the dragon, like she wouldn’t hurt him, like she knew him
You were speaking to her, in a language he couldn’t understand, perhaps it was High Valyrian, only he heard you speak his name to the dragon
And then the beast directed her golden eyes directly at him. it was barely a second before she turned her whole attention back to you
You were speaking to her, and she understood you perfectly 
The last child of Rhaenyra, the young Queen, the last dragon
An impulsive, broken young girl, young QUEEN, had the last dragon, the only one left
He smiled widely
You had the anger, and the power to back it up, you were going to be loved by your allies and feared by those who weren’t, and that was the perfect combinations, loved by millions, feared by them too
The huge beast raised her head, growling, you took some steps back and she took flight, her huge wingspan making his clothes flutter like it was the wind. You walked towards him with a soft smile on your face.
But the smile didn’t reach your eyes, it never did 
“I thought the dragons in your family…”
“She didn’t rest on the pit, that is why she was spared from the traitor’s rage”, you referred to the common folk as traitors… 
“The trials have come to an end, your grace”, he said surely
“Indeed”, you muttered
“Yet, I have send ravens to all corners of the realm, people from all over will come to swear their allegiance to you, so… busy weeks are coming”, he warned, you barely nodded
“I’m glad”, you said softly
“But not only that… they will not only bring their oaths, they will bring their problems, I fear I must warn you, they will make demands of you, the entire continent was devastated by a civil war, every town, city and holdfast”. You heard him intently and nodded
“Yes, thank you, my lord Stark”, you offered a smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes, and he sighed barely loudly
Should he be scared of you?
He felt like he was very close to a wild animal, he would never know how or when you were going to react. He was waiting for the perfect moment for you to snap and turn on someone or something
He really hoped you wouldn't
But somehow… he hoped you would
He wanted to see the fire in you, he had to stoke it, because fire was better than nothing, fire was better than the remains…
You were sitting the most dangerous seat on the realm, he needed you to be dangerous, if only a little bit, he needed to see the fight in you, a passion of some sorts 
That night he found you in the library, to his great surprise, you were reading tomes about Jaehaerys and Aegon the Conqueror’s rule 
You were tired, but didn’t want to relent the story about how The Good Queen Alyssane prohibited the Prima Nocta and with which laws
The Lord Hand my Queen, introduced your Queen’s Guard, you smiled at the man as you closed the huge and dusty book
“My Lord Hand”, you greeted
“My Queen”, he said, “may I”, he said painting to the chair, you nodded
He sat slowly in front of you, he got rid of his cape, instead wearing a leather best instead
“What are you reading? if I may ask?”, he said softly
“Just somethings about the laws that were created by the Good Queen Alysanne”, you said dismissively, “you needed to speak to me, my lord”
“It’s time, imperative and time sensitive that we name the new small council, we cannot rule without one”, he said, you barely nodded, “we will need, A master of coins, a master of laws, a master of ships, a Grand Maester, and… a Master of whispers if you choose to have one, and of course, a Hand and the Lord commander of your Queensguard”, he listed
“We have you”, you said with a smile, and Cregan barely nodded, this was not the time to inform you he wanted to return to the North… he will give you more time, “And Lord Arryk”, you muttered, “we have mAESTER gERARDYS”
“You wish to name him Great maester?”, he asked, you nodded, “very well”
“I don't trust anyone else”, you whispered
“What do you mean?”, he asked, concerned
“Maesters come from the Citadel… of Oldtown… of the Hightowers”, you whispered, Cregan nodded
“Yes, I understand your concerns”, he said softly, “how about Lord Corlys?”, he said then
“He is old, and betrayed my mother”, you said quickly, “his time has passed”, Cregan nodded
“I’m not sure if antagonizing House Velaryon is a good idea”, he said gently
“We pardoned him, and let him keep his properties”, you muttered, “he will have to be contented with that and his granddaughters”, you muttered
“Very well”, he said
“No Velaryons, no Hightowers”, you said firmly
“Tyland Lannister”, he said
“Master of Coin”, you said with a nod, “he might be a Lannister but he served King Viserys and…. Aegon… loyaly, we need the Lannisters”, you admitted, he nodded
“After the war, who do you think has the greatest armada of the Seven Kingdoms?”, you asked 
“It has to be the Redwyne’s”, he said firmly
“Are they summoned to court?”
“Yes my Queen”
“Good”, Cregan smiled as you never stopped to surprise him
“They pledge for Aegon, but I’m sure under the right circumstances, they will bend the knee to you”
“Then we will make sure, that the Tarlys present themselves first”, you said, “the Lords of the Reach, and make sure we serve their wine at the festivities”, Cregan nodded 
“So, we have a grand maester, a Lord Commander, a Master of coins and luckily a master of ships…”, he listed
“We need a maester of Laws”, you said softly, “a strong, joust man…or woman”, you corrected, “someone who draws respect…someone who knows the real world, who has traveled and seen to the furthest corners of the Realm”
“You are describing Lord Corlys”, he said, concerned
“There has to be someone else”, you whined
“I might know someone”, muttered Cregan, “He served the blacks”
“Good”, you muttered with shy smile
“He is at court, he was summoned when I called for the remainder of your mother’s small council”. Yes, introducing you to important Lords and Ladies of the realm, he needed to ease you into politics, who to trust and who don’t
Making you Queen was not only for revenge, not because it was the right thing to do…
Were you actually good for this? where you meant for the throne?
“Even if we don’t need a master of whispers, I think we should have one”, he said softly
“Who that might be?”, you asked back
“I will look into it”, he was also going to look into who was going to replace him as hand when his inevitable return to the North comes to be, but he didn’t want to say that yet…
He needed you stable, and surrounded by people you trust first
“You should have some sleep my Queen we all need it”, he said gently, you nodded, and raised from your sit, “I’ll walk you to your rooms”
He had the rooms of the king ready for you, and it was a curious thing to sleep there, but you did, it had been two years since your grandfather, and your mother didn’t use the rooms, so… it wasn’t that odd.
They replaced the upholsterers, tapestries and paint, and it looked beautiful, filled with flowers and soft colors, you liked it, it was spacious
Cregan stopped at the doors
“Thank you, my lord Stark”, you didn’t know why, but you always felt relaxed and safe next to him, but now, you felt nervous
“You are most welcome my Queen”, he said softly, “tomorrow, I’ll introduce you to your prospect of Master of Laws”, he said softly, “we were made brothers at arms at a time in White Harbor when I was very young”, he said softly
“Good”, you said said with a soft smile, “If he is a friend of you, he is a friend of the crown”
“you are speaking like a true Queen”, he said with a relieved smile
“Good night, my lord hand”
“Good night my queen”. he said firmly, and you closed the door gently, as a guard was posted at your door
The Very next day, the sweet maids dressed you in one of your mother’s dresses, of when she was young, a reed dress with details of gold and a white collar that made you look truly regal, they fixed your hair and applied a soft powder in your face to even the colors on your skin
They even placed rings in your fingers and a necklace in your neck
Cregan thought a private introduction was better for you, so he ask you break your fast in the gardens, it was getting chilly, but the morning were still beautiful 
As you already had some buttered bread and fruits, Cregan nodded to the man beside them, both appearing  in the garden.
You were a bit startled when Arryk announced them, but smiled as you saw both men approaching
Of course you recognized Cregan, but the man besides him? Gods
He had a… singular… appearance, he was of a dirty blond hair, unruly beard decorated by silver beads, his hair was long thought trimmed in the sides letting you see the skin of his head, the hair that remained, in the center and top of his head was braided backwards by a long braid, he had tattoos in the sides of his skull, he was dressed in blue leather, and furs, high boots. 
He was… peculiar
“My Queen”, said Lord Stark, “may I introduce to you, Lord Reysen Celtigar”, he said, “Son or Bartimos Celtigar, your mother’s master of coins”
“Celtigar?”, you called, impressed
“My beautiful Queen”, he said, dropping to the floor in front of you, “You must not remember me, you were young, but in the years you lived in Dragonstone I visited a few times with my grandsire and father”, he said quickly, “I was, being the second son, send to travel the world, I was not here for the war, sadly…”
“Your house loyalty to mine is clear, my lord”, you said softly, “you should you join me for breakfast”
“You are too kind”, both men sat in front of you
“Lord Celtigar here has traveled far and wide, all over the Seven kingdoms, and even Essos and beyond”, said Cregan softly
“Really?”, you asked
“I shall tell you everything you’d like to know, my sweet Queen”
And Cregan Stark and Reysen Celtigar distracted you from the shadows lurking on the corners of your eyes.
Cregan saw how Reysen shamesly would court you in front of him, how your smile lit up the garden and how you’d giggle like the young women you actually were, this was going to be good for you, have men that are blindly loyal to you, rather by loyalty, or pure desire and love, but loyal in the end.
And that is how the Celtigar was named Master of Laws, he was young, yes, but he had seen things many haven’t yet, he was of Cregan’s age, and his elder brother was the Lord of Claw Island, fiercely loyal to you and your cause.
With a small council made up, people named, only Lord Redwyne was missing.
The Hightowers you hated… wholeheartedly, but you needed to rally the other most important houses of the reach, with the Redwyne and the Tarlys that was possible, assured also
In the coming days and weeks, the castle was brought back to life and filled with people oof all noble houses, the entire city was receiving thousands of lords, ladies and their people
And audiences needed to begin, people were going to swear their allegiance all over the week, they were going to make pleas and requests, and at the end, they were going to watch you being crowned, the location was yet to be disclosed, and Cregan feared you had to make this happen in Harrenhal, were it could held a host this big, but it was too late.
You were going to be crowned at the Throne room
And Cregan could see that your heart was not truly invested, but… today he had the maids dress you and fix your hair in a magnificent way, dressed in black and red and gold, your hair mostly let loose, decorated with golden treads, and a crown made by your own hair half of it braided in magnificent braids
Not a Queen, but you looked like an empress
the epitome of royal power
And the entire seven Kingdoms was going to see you like this. 
He escorted you, alongside your small council, and sat you on the Iron Throne, in front of the room filled with expectant lords and ladies 
“This day, we receive you most lustrous Lords and Ladies from all over the Seven Kingdoms”, presented Cregan, “for you to swear your allegiance to the new Queen and bring an end to the conflict that devastated our lands for two years”, he said out loud, “you stand in the presence of (Y/N) of House Targaryen, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms, and protector of the realm”
“All hail the Queen!”, chanted Arryk, and the room came alive with their chants
“Hail the Queen!”, it made you shake, grabbing tightly onto the throne
Your grandfather was right, this thing was truly uncomfortable 
“The audiences will begin”, presented Cregan Stark
“Allow me, to be the first!”, Cregan and Reysen shared concerned looks when the first one to step forwards, was, indicated by the embroidery on his clothes, a hightower. 
Your stomach dropped, you suddenly wanted to throw up
“Lyonel Hightower, my Queen”, you raised an eyebrow, not impressed with this pompous individual
“Of course”, you looked at Cregan, annoyed, who had decided to invite this clown into court
“This Kingdom had seen enough war”, he said easily, “let’s stop this animosity, let’s bend broken bonds”
“How do you suggest we do that?”, you asked 
“Through a marriage pact”, he said and you chuckled darkly, “let’s join our houses, my Queen”
“Yes, because that really helped my grandfather, did it not?”, you said with poison in your tongue, “worked so good the last time”, but this clown was clearly not reading the room. The throne room was deadly quiet, but he just kept talking
“I will bring this Kingdom back to glory, with all the power of Oldtown”, he just kept talking, “when I marry you, most gracious Queen, we will have the prowess to…”, he kept going on and on, and you only wanted to throw up, that is until… 
You saw her
Right then, hidden amongst other lords and ladies
Her hair was now tainted with gray, his face cut by age and stress, but she was there… dressed in light blue
Alicent hightower
When she met your eyes you saw her flinch, because they reflected what you felt about her…. utter and pure hate.
“...My aunt”, that is when your attention was returned, “the most gracious Dowager Queen is to be placed back in the citadel…”
“The only place she should be placed is deep in the black cells”, you barely whispered, but that sound alone made the entire court, even the pompous bastard, shut up
“My Queen…”, muttered Alicent, taking a step forwards, and everyone remained quiet
“What do you want?”, you asked, visibly shaking with rage
“I’m here to beseech you, to ask you to give me permission to be sent to Old Town…”
“Why?”, you cut her, “so you can plot on how to take the crown from my family again?”
“No…”, she said, shaking a smile, “I only wish to live the remains of my life in peace”, you scoffed
“My Queen, when we marry, our family…”
“I’d rather die alone than marry a HIghtower”, you said loudly, and you heard gasps and snickers alike, “you don’t understand what is going on, so let me enlighten you, you will surrender your entire treasury to the crown”, you said firmly, and the room was silent again as the color dropped from Lyonel’s face, “ten million golden dragons?”, you said
“But my Queen”
“The hightowers are enemies of the crown as it stands right now”, you said, “and the price to be considered members of the Kingdoms again is that one”
“You have two children, they will be my cupbearers, squires of court, here, in the Red Keep”, you muttered, and he nodded rapidly, “fail to meet my expectation, fail to jump when I say so, and I’ll make sure that I truly bring back this kingdoms to the glory they deserve because I will burn your High Tower and the Citadel to the ground, the last dragon is mine to command, remember that, a dragon is worth more than gold, and more than a thousand armies…”, the man shakily dropped to the ground on one knee
“Yes my Queen”
“… and you…”, you turned your rage to Alicent now
Cregan watched you from the corner of his eye, fearing the worst, he had advice you to leave her be, chained, but alive, but he was not going to refute you now, in front of the entire court, if you commanded your guard to slay the old Queen, the order had to be carried out, there was no other choice 
You only grabbed onto the throne tightly, trying to reign in your emotions,
“How dare you?”, you asked finally, the eyes of the old Queen snapped open, “I wanted to have you burn with the rest of the traitors, because you were the true orchestrator of the death of my entire family”, you accused, “YOU!”, you said, standing up, “you usurped my mother and threw the entire Kingdom into chaos, but I, decided to spare you, because of my hand’s advice, to ignore you, let you live the rest of your withered life in peace, yet you have the audacity of coming here and demand things of me”, you said fiercely
“No… I didn’t demand I… It wasn’t me!”, she ran over her own words, nervous
“Lord Hightower”, you called, now turning your attention to the old shivering men in front of you, “thanks to the audacity of your aunt, you will pay for her, five hundred thousand gold dragons, or else”, he opened his eyes widely, but lowered his head
“Yes my queen”
“And you, Alicent, it’s clear that we have been very indulgent, you are from now on forbidden to receive any visitors, and you better spend the rest of your miserable life avoiding me, or else I’ll have your head, because I’m sick of looking at it, I see it every night in my worst and darkest nightmares already”
“Y-your grace”, she trembled
“And everytime you see Lord Stark, you better fall to your knees and kiss the floor where he is about to walk, it is because of him you still draw breath, instead of my parents, my brothers, and your children”, you said with disdain
That is what it took for her to break in sobs, one hand trying to drown them, and the other clutching her chest
With only one look and gesture of hand of Lord Stark, two of your three Queensguards grabbed Alicent gently and removed her from the throne room
You took a long breath as Lyonel and all traces of the color green disappeared from the room. ou closed your eyes for a second, took one, two, three long breaths, and you opened them again, you saw your smile council, Cregan nodded at you, giving you his approval 
“So, who is next?”, you asked out loud, and the entire court seemed to take a step back. Except from one, old Lord, who stepped forwards, helped by a cane and the help of a royal guard
“Lord Bewford, of House Blount your grace”, the man introduced himself and you smiled softly, nodding at him and signaling to him to present his troubles, “I gave 500 hundred men to the cause of the righteous Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, is not much, but in that army where my two sons, they are both gone now”, he murmured, “Winter is coming, I need strong young men to help in the fields and around my household”, he said shakily. You nodded
“I will never forget what you sacrifice for our cause, good Lord”, you said, “I will cut off taxes for the coming season, and furthermore…”, the maester gave you a piece of paper, “I have news of the local orphanage, where girls and boys are in need of roof and food, I bet that with willingness, they can help you in exchange for a home”, you said softly, and the old man’s face lit up
“Thank you, your grace!”, he said, trying to kneel 
Cregan smiled widely, and the rest of the Lords and Ladies took that step forwards raising their hands wanting to be greeted by you. 
It was going to be a long day
But you held your ground with patience and grace, that Cregan thought you must have inherited from your grandparents.
Your rage dwindled as your tiredness grew, but the court did not witness more outbursts, your distaste and even hate for the Hightowers and exclusively to them, make the rest of the royal houses relax and bend the knee more easily, picking sides between the Targaryen Queen and the most hated house in the Kingdoms.
Cregan thought you were going to be met with more resistance, but he was surprised to see the ease with which the Lords and Ladies of the house directed themselves at you. He was amazed by how many marriage proposals you received, to which you made deaf ears to, but they were still there. He had a young page to write down the names, for him to study for future prospects. 
And when you offered Lord Redwyne to be your master of ships and he agreed with a laugh in front of the entire court, that sealed the day. 
The Keep was boasting with life, just as he wanted it to be, now that he didn’t met with incredible support of the houses, he had to separate the true loyal, with the ass licking ones.
He stopped the audiences at four hours after noon, to give you rest, and there were more things he needed to do. 
He had to speak to you about which houses you would like to invite to spend the season at court, to make your court.
He was met in the hallways by Arryk
“Have you done it?”, he asked, “have you looked for potential brothers at arms?”
“Oh yeah, my Lord, but we have a small, or rather… a large problem…” 
“What now?”, they both reached the second story balcony to the courtyard, and Cregan stopped in his tracks when he looked down and the courtyard was filled to the last inch with hundreds of men from all ages and sizes, soldiers, knights
“They all want to do the trials to belong to the new Queensguard”, said Arryk with a wide smile, and Cregan laughed
Of course everyone wanted to serve the young new Queen
“Alright, let’s start by sorting them by Kingdom, and if they have real battle experience”, Cregan commanded, with a smile, “have some fun”
“Yes my Lord”, said Arryk, almost laughing
But then, your new appointed small council called to Cregan Stark to an important meeting
When Cregan entered the small council room he felt the uneasiness, the nervousness of all the important men gathered there, and as he walked to the head of the table, all looks were on him
“Gentlemen”, he greeted, if there was something wrong, he wish they would tell him, “Please, let’s not waste any more time, tell me why we are here, why we are meeting without our Queen”, he said hastily, gods, he hated politics
“My Lord Hand”
“Why are we meeting without the Queen?”, he asked severely
“She is our Queen, yes, but she is young, and clearly unstable. The Hightowers decided to take it, yes, but what when they don’t?”, muttered Lord Redwyne 
“So…?”, he asked, “she is right, they are a haunted house, that brought down the House of the Dragon with their schemes, and their ambition”, he said angrily
“Lord Hightower has a point, the Queen will need a husband, we need security of the Line, and also… someone who will… help her…”, muttered Tyland
“Well, I came up with a list, and we present it to her…”, muttered Cregan
“It has to be you Lord Stark”, said the maester, that did took him by surprise
“No…”, he said
“You signed an alliance”, remembered Lord Lannister
“When I signed it, the Queen was still alive, Young Jacaerys, the heir to the Iron Throne was still alive…”, he said gently, “I was supposed to be married to a princess with five brothers, who was supposed to become the Lady of Winterfell, I was not supposed to become King consort of the Seven Kingdoms”, he said severely 
“It has to be you, Lord Stark!”, said Redwyne again
“How about you?”, he asked, looking at his friend, Celtigar, who had remained quiet, “I have a five year old son!”, he said, “alone in Winterfell, with no mother to care for him, I have to go back to him, I can’t abandon him”
“You can come and go as you please, your wife will have a dragon!”, said the Maester
“it can’t be me”, he repeated
“You are the most loyal and trusting, the one everyone will trust as a King consort”, fought Tyland
This is not what he wanted
He had come here because he had promised the Queen, because he wanted to bring justice, and even perhaps vengeance to the realm
But he had signed the pact of ice and fire…
“The North remembers my Lord, your name, is in that treaty”, said the maester, “I saw you sign it”
This is not what he sign up for
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I see you very quiet my Lord Celtigar...
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Ok so... this was another chapter of them being... accustomed to their roles... next one we will see more of reader's and Cregan's relationship and we will be more personal... we will also see Aegon again, poor thing... again... sorry for the delay
@lyannesworld @tremendouswolfsaladranch @unlesshouse @mimsie95 @ostricx @amelia262006 @marihoneywk @ahristata @happinessinthebeing @dd122004dd
@lyannesworld @aestmilky @lightdragonrayne @delaynew @mxtokko @stargaryenx @lightdragonrayne @delaynew @mxtokko @good-night-starlight @yentroucnagol
442 notes · View notes
misguidedasgardian · 10 months
The Hour of the Wolf (6)
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VI. My love, my duty
Summary: There is a fine line between protection and betrayal
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Targaryen!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, war, death, mentions of killings, genocide and war, threats, arranged marriage, SPOILERS for ASOIAF, and Fire & Blood, also, might spoil House of the Dragon, war, smut, might miss some warnings
Wordcount: 4 k 
Notes: Alright…. In the last chapter, I rushed it a bit… like I said… I’m traveling and it was getting late and I wanted to post it… but anyways… I’m here to write smut, angst and fluff and I will deliver! so hopefully from now on I can be more detailed jejeje
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“Are you alright?”, he whispered wetly against the side of your face, you barely nodded, trying to regain your composure…
It had been such a mix of feelings… nervousness, shyness, pleasure, then pain, sharp, blinding pain, then fullness, then pleasure again, and now, as your husband laid still on top of you… still inside you… you didn’t think you’d want to let go of him, this felt so right, like you were born to fit together that way.
But he retrieved himself from you slowly, making you wince when he released you, you felt so empty, you didn't like it, it showed on your face
“Are you alright?”, he asked softly, you barely nodded, he looked in between you, and rose from the bed, abandoning it and that made you shift uncomfortably, you grabbed the soft sheets and pressed them against your chest, suddenly conscious of your nakedness.
The candles were still shining brightly, and that made you and him able to see everything very clearly… he turned his back to you and you could see his toned muscles there, right down to his buttocks, that made you feel your cheeks heated
He was as handsome from behind as he was from the front.
You felt a tightness when he walked away from you… 
“Don’t leave me”, you demanded, it came so quickly you barely thought the words before they left your mouth, and you almost regretted them
“What did we just discuss?”, he asked, amused, turning to you, you looked down at the sheets, ashamed, “I wouldn’t dream of leaving, my love, I was just fetching something to clean you”, he said gently, grabbing a rag, and pouring water from a decanter in a bowl
“Oh”, you said softly, smiling silly
He returned to you, taking the sheet from your body
“Spread your legs wife”, he demanded in turn
“I already did”, you joked and he chuckled, placing his big hands on your thighs and spreading them softly. You couldn’t look away, as you saw his seed and your blood leaking from you. He took the rag, got it wet with a bit of water, and softly, placed it in your intimacy
You whined, pain and soreness blooming
“Sorry”, he said, cleaning you softly, “I don’t want you to be even more uncomfortable”
He finished with you, leaning in and kissing you in the inside of your thighs making you moan, and then he put those things away, to return to you after cleaning himself 
He accommodated himself under the cover after he made sure you were too, and then he surrounded your body gently with one of his thick arms and pulled you towards him. You hugged his side, resting your head on his chest…
Again… it felt like you were made to fit together
He leaned in and kissed the top of your head
“This was Jacaerys’ room”, you whispered sadly, looking around, Cregan did the same
“I didn’t know”, he said back, “I just took it because it was close to yours, and has a nice view”, the room itself was comfortable, painted in a deep red, it felt like home.
“My grandfather gifted this room, one of the nicest in the palace, to his favorite daughter’s first son and heir”, you said with a chuckle, he chuckled too
“Is it true that the King sometimes held him in his lap while he sat the Iron Throne?”, he asked then, you smiled
“It was”, you whispered
“He would be proud of you”, he assured you, caressing your back
“Thank you”, you said
You felt such a familiarity to him, you knew him for barely a moon, you had seen him naked for the first time an hour ago, yet… you felt like it had always been like this, this felt comfortable, and right, as you cuddled even more into him. He encouraged it, holding you even closer and caressing your skin with his rough fingers, the touch wasn’t rough though, it was so subtil and warm
You fell asleep in his arms… he didn’t want to disturb you, managing to fall asleep as well, letting the candles burn until they completely melted.
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You woke up feeling a warmth… a soft… wet… caress, when you came to your senses, Cregan was kissing your neck, and the side of your face, the sun wasn’t even over the horizon yet
“I want to have you again wife”, he purred, you managed to giggle to stifle a moan
“So soon?”, you whined childishly, but playfully
“Are you alright? sore? hurt?”, he asked, concern tainting his voice, you couldn’t see him, as you had turned in your sleep and now he was hugging you from behind
“No”, you admitted, you were a bit… but you also… wanted more. You felt his hand between your thighs, teasing your entrance again, making you moan, and relax in his hold.
In this position, it was a tight fit, but this time, pain was not there when he pushed himself inside of you, slowly and gently, caressing you softly and kissing the side of your face.
“Mmmmm Cregan”, you whispered like a prayer, as he retrieved himself from you, and then started thrusting into you, slowly but sensually, in one movement, the tip of his cock grazed a spot inside of you that made you whine, turning in his embrace, your eyes rolled to the back of your head
“Oh”, he purred, you could see the smirk on him, “there it is”, he said decisively, and now that he had found that special spot, he wouldn’t let go, fucking you in that angle that make you whine and toss in pleasure, loosing yourself in his arms.
But he gave no quarter, hugging you tightly and fucking you even rougher.
This position made it tighter, but more intimate, as his body was completely stuck to yours, he was holding you tightly, kissing the side of your face, you held onto his thick arms that were around you, trying to ground yourself.
You had touched yourself, you had made yourself feel pleasure…
But nothing like this
You cummed, hard, squeezing him so tightly that triggered his own orgasm.
His hand was placed on your lower belly
“I will give you my seed, and you will give me a child, right?”, he asked
“Yes”, you murmured
“Do you want that?”, he asked softly, “to have my babies?”
“Yes”, you whispered
“You sure?”
“Yes please”, you begged, as you came down from your high
He didn’t exit you, he stayed like that, inside of you, your bodies connected
“If you agree…”, he said softly, hugging you tightly against him, “I would like to share your chambers, I’m aware that those are the King’s chambers, and it’s not why I’m asking but rather… it is because I want to sleep every night with you, you being the first thing I see in the morning, and the last thing I see at night”, he whispered against your temple
“Are you sure?”, you asked, fearfully, “I’m afraid you’ll soon tire of me”
“Impossible”, he said, “the Lords and ladies of the realm do not need separate chambers, neither should we”
“You are right”, you whispered, he kissed your shoulder softly
“Now sleep, wife, you’ll need your strength”, he said cheekily, and as if he could control it, you fell asleep again immediately, as the sun was rising in the horizon.
. . .
It had been some sort of a blur, you weren’t quite sure of what day it was, or what time it was when you finally left Cregan’s chambers
Now you had a funny limp and a silly smile on your face, he had grumbled and whined about you leaving, but you had things to do
You needed to get back to being Queen, not only a wife
The Baratheon did not take kindly to your threats, but some sweet words and places for some of them at your court had soothe them, Jahaera was set to arrive in the Keep later this day, and you were so happy
That little girl, as did Aegon, had been through enough 
You went to your chambers to bathe and change, and then, you received the happy news, Jahaera had arrived
You dismissed all protocol and tradition, you went looking for her like you were a little girl, you received her as soon as she got out of the carriage, with the help of Baratheon soldiers
She looked everywhere, at everything, she was young, six name days, you didn’t know how far she could remember though. Her eyes finally landed on you and with only a look, the soldiers released her hands and took several steps back, nobody in the way of you and the little one
“Hello Jahaera”, you said gently, leaning down almost kneeling so you’d be in the same height as her, “remember me?”, you asked with a soft smile, you were speaking and moving as she was a scared little animal, she looked at you with her big violet eyes, and then, from one second to the next, she ran and hugged into your skirts with strength 
“mama!”, it was the only thing she said, you managed to grab her little arms and made her hug you around your neck, hiding her little face in it
“Shh, you are alright now, my love, you are safe with me”, you chanted into her beautiful silver hair, “my sweet girl, you are home now”, you said
She wouldn’t let go, so when you raised her and took her with you, she clung into you like a koala. You hugged her tightly securing her legs around your torso, so she wouldn’t fall, and you turned to enter again into the Red Keep
You shared concerned looks with Cregan who was walking to meet you, and then he looked at the little girl
“And this little one?”, he asked softly, Jahaera barely lifted her head to look at him but then she hid it again, growling.
“This is Princess Jahaera”, you said simply, but you just kept walking with difficulty, towards the old nursery that was now inhabited by Aegon, it was the only room that he liked to be in, two rooms, connected by a common space where there were childish drawings in the walls, and many toys for the children of the family… now to be Aegon’s and Jahaera’s rooms
You didn’t know it then, but Jahaera would clung into you, not ever wanting to leave your side
The first day you would understand, but as night came, and you tried to leave her abed in the company of the nannies and Aegon, she cried and shrieked when you intended to part from her side 
So you stayed, even in her sleep, her tiny hands wouldn’t release the fabric of your dress.
You managed to release yourself from her grasp, and exited to your rooms well past the hour of the bat
Cregan said nothing, but demanded your care, to satisfy his hunger for you.
You were woken in the middle of the night by sorry maids and a crying Jahaera who climbed onto your bed and into your arms, Cregan watched the scene mildly entertained. Luckily you had dressed back after your night activities 
She cuddled in between you two, finally calmed, hiding her little face in your chest, you only caressed her soft silver hair.
Many would be thankful of the little one, that kept you entertained from matters of grave importance, as when you were trying to make Jahaera sleep without you, nightly meeting were taken place in the small council chamber
“We cannot tell her”, demanded Cregan 
“The situation could be easily fixed”, said then lord Redwyne
“But quickly!”, demanded Jason, “it is the Westerlands those savages are pillaging”
Another house had not answered your call to sworn allegiance…
The Greyjoys
Who had taken to the seas and started raiding the Western coasts 
And the small council would not tell you after receiving alarming reports
“She will feel like they are questioning her instead of them being just… Ironborns”, said Cregan
“They were on Rhaenyra’s side, where they not?”, asked the Lord Reyne
“Rhaenyra, for their alligiance, gave them free reign upon the Westerlands who, on that time, where sworn to the Greens”, remembered the Maester, “but they never signed any pacts, the Ironborns are and always been… unpredictable and not worthy of trust of civil men”
“We need to end this swiftly, and rapidly”, demanded Cregan, “Lord Redwyne?”
“My fleet is the closest, and the mightiest on the West side, I will send word and have them take to the seas”
“Good”, muttered Tyland, “we shall asist you”
“She doesn’t have to know”, said Cregan
“This is a mistake”, muttered Arryk, the people of the small council looked at him, “She is the Queen! she has to be told of military action taken under her reign”, he said
“This will only worry her”, said Cregan, “and there is nothing she can do”
“She has a dragon”, muttered Arryk, “she might prove herself”
“Arryk, by order of this counsel, you will say nothing”, commanded Cregan
“As the Lord Commander of the Queensguard I too hold a place on this table, and I say, this is wrong, not telling the Queen about this urgent matter in her own kingdom”
“I agree”, said the maester, “she is no child”, he chided, “she is a Queen, a Targaryen Queen, a dragonrider, a wife now…”, he said looking at Cregan, “you will give her no credit”
“She is still filling in her role, I will not challenge her to take to the skies, to place herself in danger, and burn armadas to the bottom of the sunset sea”, said Cregan, “she is better now, better than when I found her, if we want her to keep getting better and more grounded, this is the way to go”
“This is why she chose us”, muttered Lord Redwyne, “to deal with situations like this”
Both men were outnumbered, so they kept quiet.
In the meantime
You were trying to keep the peace between your children
“Move!”, Aegon demanded, “she is my sister, not yours!”, he pushed Jahaera away who whimpered
“Hey, that was unkind”, you chided, “there is enough of me for the both of you”, both children climbed into your lap, hugging you tightly, cuddling into you
“I’m here, I will not leave, I will not abandon you”, you said softly, Aegon haden’t given you the time of day before, only now that Jahaera presented competition for your affections is that he was visibly annoyed with the girl
Now, as you tried to take counsel with Jahaera perched on your lap, your main focus on the weeks to come where her and Aegon, two small children who now the only family they have was you. The small council took confidence in their work, and lead amazingly, with you only being able to barely participate in the meetings 
You could tell that what Cregan found comical and endearing at first, now he found a bit annoying, as the little girl would not sleep without you, would cling to your side. You had barely been able to put on your night dress, and now Jahaera rested cuddled against you.
Cregan entered the chambers, and as soon as he laid eyes on you, he growled, you could tell he was frustrated
“I would like to bed my wife tonight…”, he said gently, looking sheepishly at the sleeping girl in your arms
“She wakes up in the middle of the night, and if she is alone, she cries”, you explained softly, “she needs me”
“Being a mother suits you wife, I’ll fill you with my own child soon enough”, he said, his voice made you tremble, “If I could breed you that is”, you sighed
“You should be softer to her”, you demanded
“Everytime she sees me, she growls and hisses at me”, he said, annoyed
“You have done nothing to earn her affection”, you chided 
“You made a promise to me, that as soon as you are within this walls, you are mine, my wife”, he said softly, “we need to discuss the fact of having someone else affecting our.. time together”
“I’m aware Cregan, but what would you have me do?”, you asked, “she is small and afraid”
“She needs to know there is nothing to be scared of”, he said, “how is she going to learn if you cuddle her so much?”
“I know she needs to regain her strength, but slowly”, you muttered
Cregan was frustrated, not only by the little girl who prevented him from bedding his wife, but also, from everything else.
The raids in the west had not dwindled, if anything, they have gotten worse, a small army from the Lannisters had been completely destroyed, and the Tyrells were getting involved, at the fear of being affected.
Now more than ever, it was too late to tell you, it had gotten so much worse, Lord Redwyne, soon, was going to need to go home to lead his armada, and he was going to go with him, he needed an excuse to leave your side, as did Tyland
So that, added to the fact that he was failing you as a husband not being able to bed you, yes, he was very frustrated 
Yes he was the biggest supporter in actually lying to you, but… his fear was true, if you believed that someone was causing rebellion against you… he didn’t know how you were going to react, so far, you had been good, you had been improving, he had managed to pull smiles from your lips and gleams in your eyes.
You were getting better, comfortable in your role
But you were not ready to deal with this.
He, was doing what he thought was best.
He wanted to protect you
You stood up grabbing Jahaera in your arms, and laid her in a small bed placed in the corner of the huge room, behind a screen, and then you looked at Cregan
“Better?”, you asked
“Yes”, he sighed, but smiling softly at you
“What’s on your mind?”, you asked, “you seem frustrated, and I doubt is all directed at me”, you murmured 
He stopped his movements, only looking at you softly
“I’m sorry”, he whispered, he walked towards you surrounding the bed, he grabbed you softly, leaning in and trapping your lips on his, “its not all you”, he teased. He led you softly to the bed, covering you both under the covers, hiding yourself.
He took you softly, slowly, quietly.
The very next day, when you woke up smiling in his strong arms, you realised Jahaera had slept trough the night, and that was an improvement
Another week had passed 
And between meetings and focusing on your children, time had passed fleetingly
But something was going on under false pretences and distractions, you couldn’t tell what exactly, so you found it strange when three of your small council members came to you with a request
“My army is sitting idle, I shall send them to secure the Hightower gold coming from Oldtown”, said Cregan, “I shall go with them”, you barely nodded
“Me as the master of coin, shall accompany him”, muttered Tyland, you looked at Cregan, the prospect of being without him did not appealed to you, but you didn’t want to show it
“Very well”
“Matters of importance call me home, your grace, I think is a fine opportunity to take to the roads with the rest of these noble men”
Who were you to deny them of such reasonable request?
“You leave me with only a Grand maester and Ser Arryk?”, you said aloud
“Many Lord from the main houses remain, everyone is returning home for the winter, we had just finished long weeks of audiences, I believe this is the best time”, said Tyland
“Very well, I shall see you in a moon’s time”, you demanded, and they barely nodded, evading your gaze
You didn’t understand why Cregan needed to go, or why you couldn’t go with him to organize his troops who had been camping and resting in the Riverlands, but you stayed within the Red Keep’s walls as requested, the people needed you here apparently.
So with a longing kiss, your husband left you, as did the majority of your small council, you felt sad as he left, but also relieved, thinking now you could aid Jahaera in getting better, teaching her how to sleep in her own chambers
But something was off, you didn’t want to think anything of it, meaning, you were no dreamer, you were not close to any gods for them to grant you special power to highten your senses, so, there wasn’t anything else… except… the looks of concern of Arryk and the Grand Maester in your first meeting after the rest of the council had left, after fourteen days
“What?”, they too avoided your gaze in shame, and now you were getting truly concerned as you stood seated in front of them in the small council meeting.
“Your grace…”, started the Maester.
He did not dare to speak the treason they had commited, but they had received pressing words of concern from the west
It was only two weeks after, not enough time yet, Dalton Greyjoy, the Red Kraken had savaged the Westerlands, not being able to gain entrance to Casterly Eock, he decided to pour his anger to Lannisport, and then, down the coast towards the Reach.
Tyland, Cregan and lord Redwyne we’re barely able to get to a vessel to face the most dangerous armada in the seven Kingdoms, the Arbour stood almost defenseless as the ships were not ready with the men to sail them. But took a ship downriver from Tumbleton managing to arrive in time to sail and meet their enemies
And yet, in a desperate attempt, with the army of the northerners not able to gather with the forces of the Reach… they were looking at a great defeat, a disastrous one.
“And you kept this from me?” You asked looking forwards, further than this very room
“We agreed we could handle it your grace, Ser Arryk and I were outnumbered, we did not want to concern you…”
“Yet my husband and Master of coin and ships… are in sure danger of death… sailing to their doom, Lord Celtigar in Harrenhal…trying to bring the castle and its habitants back into the fold… and I stand here, trying to put order into my own house”
The old man and your sworn sword stood quiet
“What will you do, your grace?”, you only looked to the dragon eye in front of you
“What are the words of my house, Gran Maester?”, you asked, slowly and calmly
. . .
Striking a deal, or bargain with the Greyjoys was like striking a pact with the sea itself.
That family, could not be trusting, they were like the tides, changing and ever turning.
No, there was only war they craved
It was only defeat they understood, for a generation at least
Cregan did not liked the sea in particular, he referred to keep both feet on land, and yet, here he stood, watching the sunset sea in front of him.
He never thought he was going to be this south
“The men are prepared”, he heard a commander of the Redwyne forces for heir lord
He had never even been on a war vessel before, the sigh was overwhelming
“Sails!” Someone’s screamed from the eagle’s nest, and soon enough, in the horizon, black sails, a red kraken flying over them
Dalton Greyjoy
“I hope wolves can swim, pup”, mocked Lord Redwyne as he saw how pale the Stark stood
“This is a mistake, if we fall… she will loose half her smallcouncil”
“That should be the least of your concerns, they just likely take us prisoners and make her pay the Hightower gold for our release” he said dismissively
The old man stood calm, as Cregan never saw him before and he didn’t know if it was because he was certain of their victory, or had given up to certain death…
The Greyjoy’s closed on them by the second, and the soldiers on boards began to prepare for certain colisión with the enemy, gathering long spears, hooks and swords, arches and everything they could arm themselves with
He unsheathed his long sword, delivering a small prayer to the old gods, wondering if their reach went this far…
They were going to die.
Did he managed to plant his seed in your belly? Were you going to be able to put together another small council? Lord Celtigar still was going to be there, as the maester and Lord Arryk, he wanted to believe you were going to be fine…
The last thing in his mind before facing death… was of your well-being…
And he really wished you were not going to be affected by his untimely departure, for a second he wished you had not developed affection for him… because he truly wished you were going to be able to survive this, yet, another loss in your…
The image of your face disappeared from his mind when he heard a screech.
It was far away yet… from one second to the next, everything was quiet…. And then it could be heard again, this time… closer
Cregan raised his eyes to the skies, it was midday, the sun shinning brightly at the top of the sky, it was clear, barely any clouds… and yet… a singular dot, coming down at high speed
“Gods!” Cursed Lord Redwyne
“Dragon!” Someone screamed when a screech turned into a loud growl, and the dot took shape of body and wings
“Take cover!”
Vhaelar took form, its unmistakable color making it shine like a field covered in snow under a winter sun
He flew diagonally, passing over the Redwyne fleet
“Dracarys!”, your form unmistakably upon her back
She breathed a column of fire so strong it broke the first Iron ship in half without much thought, it was so quick then when everyone realized what was happening a second and then a third where burning, people screaming, the Ironfleet, less than a kilometer away, started bursting into flames as the huge dragon dance above them, flying higher than what the scorpions could reach
“Our queen!” Screamed Tyland in the middle of nervous and relieved laughs, “Our Queen has saved us!”
The next thing Cregan heard above the screams and wood collapsing and burning, where people cheering.
His icy eyes followed every move of your dragon, guarding every bolt and arrow that was flying your way but none could reach you.
It took your dragon less than a hour to burn a hundred ships
You left but one, the flagship, where Dalton Greyjoy was, you let him live, because the Ironborn needed someone to guide them, to prevent them from rising again in rebellion, you hoped he learned his lesson.
And then, you flied home, away from your own fleet.
You did not had the strength to face your treacherous council yet, and they did not see your face, nor two weeks after, when they themselves arrived in Kinglanding
They entered the chamber as your were seated on the head of the table, lord Celtigar on his place, Ser Arryk behind you, and the grand maester on his seat.
Lord Tyland, Lord Redwyne and Cregan entered the room slowly, gazes down not daring to face you
As they saw no denial from you, they took a seat, you were deadly quiet, but let them.
“Your grace…” Cregan began
“Lord Redwyne”, you called, interrupting him, “I must thank you, it is a relief to know your armada can be assembled as quickly as you had proven it to be”, you said, ignoring your husband completely, “this will not be forgotten, the loyalty you had proven”
“Thank you your grace” he said shakily
“Your grace…”, called Cregan again
“Lord Tyland”, you called this time, sliding a parchment over the table to his surprise gaze, “the grand maester, Lord Celtigar and I had designed a plan to aid and help in repairing the damage made by the Ironborns in their raids, of course, is not only a monetary package, but resources from the adóbela de, from the tullys and the Tyrell’s that will aid in reconstruction”
“This is wonderful your grace”, he said, visibly relieved
“You are dismissed”, you stood from the table and walked towards the exit, but stopped in your tracks, “I assembled you to advice me, because I value your opinions above all others”, you said calmly but surely, “keep information like this away from me again, and I shall find advice I deemed even in higher steam , is that understood?”, you asked angrily, and they all, all those powerful men, just looked down at the table.
“Yes your grace”, you heard the Choris, and finally left the room.
You went to your own, because they was yet one person you needed to speak to, and you needed to do so on equal ground.
As expected Cregan entered right after yo
“You lied to me”, you accused
“I wanted to protect you, from exactly that! You flying into battle without even a strategy!”, he fought back, making you even more angry
“Don’t you dare turn this on me”, you said firmly, “you lied to me, conspired against me”
“I thought we could end this without making you worry!” He growled, “we could have defeated the Ironfleet”
“Yes sure”, you mocked, “people rises on rebellion against me, and you’d think you’d be best not to tell me!?”
“I told you I did not want to worry you”
“You wound me, it appears that not only half the lords of the realm, but also my own husband and hand doesn’t think I’m worthy of the throne!”, you said, eyes filled with angry tears
“You know very well that is not what I think!”, he said back, angry, not at you, but at the situation
“Then why did you intented to keep this from me?”, you insisted, “You don’t know what is like!”, you shouted, “that the kingdoms would rather go to war that surrender to your reign, for what you have between your thighs!”, Cregan sighed
“The kingdoms love you! They loved your mother”, he said, exasperated, “this is exactly why I didn’t tell you!”
“Not half the lords no”, you said bitterly, “If I was a man, nobody would have batted an eye!”, you continued, “everyone would have praised me for my valor!I would have been there leading the attack!”
“If you were a man I wouldn’t have cared!”, he exploted finally, grabbing you by your upper arms, “I wouldn’t be married to you if you were a man!”, he continued softly, and you gasped softly when you realized
“Oh”, you muttered
“What if something had happened to you? If an arrow had gotten to you? Jace died in the narrow sea, his dragon hooked like a common salmon…”
“I was better than him”, you said sadly, “my dragon is bigger… I flew higher…”
“I know that now” he said, “but the very thought of you, angry and worried because of those thick skull fucks, you leading the charge, in your dragon like you did, putting yourself in danger…”, you looked into his eyes and you saw desperation, “they would have risen against you, or Aegon the usurper, or your mother even with Daemon by her side, that is what these fucks do!”
You got quiet
“Don’t ever hide this from me again”, you demanded
“Don’t ever put yourself in danger like that again”, he growled , “I could not bare it, if something had happened to you”, he whispered leaning in
“How do you think I felt?”, you said more teasingly, “when I learn the danger my husband has put himself on”
The mood had lighten, you shared smirks
The line between protection and betrayal was very thin apparently
Lucky for you it was the first one.
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I did not check for errors, I’m writing this from my phone 🤭
@lyannesworld @tremendouswolfsaladranch @unlesshouse @mimsie95 @ostricx @amelia262006 @marihoneywk @ahristata @happinessinthebeing @dd122004dd@lyannesworld @aestmilky @lightdragonrayne @delaynew @mxtokko @stargaryenx @lightdragonrayne @delaynew @mxtokko @good-night-starlight @yentroucnagol @beebeechaos @brakingboundaries @duds31
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misguidedasgardian · 9 months
Hour of the Wolf (7)
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VII. Pestilence
Summary: Unbeatable, dangerous enemies make their way through the Red Keep
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Targaryen!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, war, death, mentions of killings, genocide and war, threats, arranged marriage, SPOILERS for ASOIAF, and Fire & Blood, also, might spoil House of the Dragon, SPOILERS IN WARNINGS, sickness, epidemic, people dying, angst
Wordcount: 5 k
Notes: Alright, so there had been a few times skips through the chapters, since they got married it’s been like 2 months, and in here trough outs like another two. Sorry for any mistakes I wrote this in notes and barely choked it
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“Anything else?”, you asked your council, “maybe something that you had been keeping from me?”, you were still punishing them with your tough words, even though it's been two weeks since the Iron Fleet situation
Tyland decided to chuckle, as to relieve the tension
“No your grace”
“There is something that had been brought to my attention, your grace”, muttered the Grand Maester, “concerning reports from the White Harbour”, Cregan raised his eyes, “just got the raven this morning… A strange disease has been spreading… people are getting shivers, fever, and then… perishing”
“How bad is it?”, you asked, then you looked at your husband
“The disease appeared first on the three sisters”, he said, “many are dead, half the population…”
“How come we haven’t heard of this before?”, you asked
“I do not know your grace, it appears the Vale wanted to keep it guarded, as they blame it on people from Ibbe, slaughtering the bunch, they did not want to raise alarms”
“For the gods”, you cursed, truly concerned, “I want you to keep communications open with theirs maesters, send them everything we might have on how to deal with this diseases, on the library, I will bet there is information”, you commanded, “also keep the line open with The Citadel, they must have even much information”
“Yes your grace”, said the maester, knowing that you did not said that lightly
“We will help as we can, but we cannot send help physically”, you observed
“Agreed, we need to discourage the spreading of the disease”, muttered Lord Celtigar, “In my travels, I witnesses many diseases, I shall help the maester on the gathering of information”
“That will be much appreciated”, you said, nodding your head at your maester of laws
“We must be careful of the ships and envoys that come from the Vale and from White Harbour, but at the same time, we must aid one of the most important trading points in the North”, determined Cregan
“I agree, with winter fast approaching, we cannot impair the North of their most important harbor”, you said, looking at the naked table in front of you, “how I wish we had the painted table in front of us”, you whispered
“I’ll arrange a well drawn map to be able to us here in the small council chamber”, muttered the Maester
“Thank you”, you said, relieved
“Lord Celtigar, I wish to know about Harrenhal”, you said, looking at your master of Laws
“I’m not gonna lie, events happened in that cursed place from which I have no explanation”, he muttered, “a man died in front of me, because the so-called Queen Witch of Harrenhal command it”, you frowned, thinking he was joking, but he was dead serious
“Some say it was a well time bolt that made that man’s head explode your grace, but, I did not see any arrows”
“What of her?”, you asked
“She presented me with a boy, with blonde hair, she claimed it is Aemond Targaryen’s son, and the rightful heir to the Iron Throne”
You chuckled darkly, the audacity of your uncle, of openly calling your brothers and you bastards, developing a hate that led him to kill your baby brother, only to bed none other than a Strong bastard, and siring a bastard himself, if he had lived, you would have killed him again.
Specially after what he did to you
“We surrounded the castle, took it by storm, killing all the traitors, but, when we storm what would be the royal apartments… she was gone, her and the child, we do not know were she is, or how she could have escaped”, he said, looking at your face for any indications of what you were thinking
“Be honest, should I be concerned?”, you asked then
“I do not think so, your grace, nobody would believe her, and even if they did… I don’t think so, you are well settled in your throne, and… even so… other than the Hightowers, nobody has real reason to raise against you”, you barely nodded, “nobody has the strength, the kingdoms are still healing, and will be so for at least the next five years”
“Raise alarms, in case she is spotted”, you said only, you wanted to eliminate all traces of your uncles, treachery, and war, “what else?”
“The Blackwoods request audience”, muttered Cregan, “Lord Blackwood’s eldest daughter Alyssane is seeking for a husband, let it be reminded the Blackwoods were great supporters of your mother during the war, thanks to them we defeated the Baratheon Army, eliminating Lord Borros, and… The Riverlands turned black because of them”
“And they are welcomed in my court, I shall receive them with open arms, and a banquet in their honor”, you commanded
“I’ll make the arrangements”, muttered Lord Redwyne
“The Iron Fleet, or what remains, the flagship has been spotted sailing here, to King’s landing”
“Have they made their intentions clear?”, you asked
“They wave white flags, request an audience”, you only scoffed, “they claim that, they want to gaze upon the Dragon Queen”
“Of course”, you muttered, “let’s welcome them then, we are home, they are but a few, we shouldn’t be concerned”
Nobody opposed the idea, so they barely nodded
“Of course prepare escorts, I would not let them be for a second while they are here, eyes on them at all times”
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Gazing upon the face of the Red Kraken himself gave you a sensation of… disappointment
You were disappointed of him, from the tales, stories of men that had faced him in open sea and also in lands, were the tales of a man that didn’t belong to the land of the living, rather, he had come from the darkest parts of the ocean ready to reclaim land back to the depths
A ruthless men, bloodthirsty, with no remorse or fear of death
“Your grace”, he greeted, bowing theatrically 
“Lord Dalton”, you greeted seriously
“The songs do not do justice to your beauty”
“Is that so?”, you did not like his tone, not the mock in his voice and features of his face 
“You are more than they say”, he continued
“And what else do they say about me, Lord?”, you asked mockingly, Cregan, by your side, glanced at you, clearly asking you to not engage
“They say men rule in your stead”, he said, you only smiled
“As I have proven, that is not entering true”, you smirked, he chuckled darkly
“That is true”
“So you raided one of my seven kingdoms… to prove me, test me”, you said, now more serious
“I wanted to see who sat the Iron Throne”, he said, “a dragon, or wolves and lions”
You grew bored of this character quickly looking for help in your small council and other lords gathered there
“now it’s clear to me, so I’ve come to offer… other services”, your eyes went back to him
“Services?”, you asked, you did not like the smirk of his face, “such as?”
“Well I’d offer my hand in marriage but… I see I’m too late for that…”, Cregan took a step forwards, anger taking a hold on him, “but I don’t mind being the second”
“You are overstepping”, your husband grunted.
He was not going to allow some guy just coming here and shamelessly think he could just… have you
“All Kings and Queens have lovers”, he said dismissively, “you don’t have to be the exception”
“right…”, you mumbled looking for the eyes of your Queensguard, to ask him to remove him, “I thought you seek audience to reintegrate yourself and your people to the rest of the realms, for the common fool, but you had just come here to make a mockery out of diplomacy”
“your grace you misunderstood, it is costumers for us ironborns to have salt wives… and rock wives”, he said, entertained, by you, you were getting angry, “together, we could have children not only with fire in their veins, but in their head as well”, people laughed, but Cregan was not amused, “worthy of the throne”
“That is enough”, you demanded, “I only need but one husband”, you said, and the court chuckled, “if you are here to mend bonds with the realm you might stay, Lord Dalton, otherwise and although I thank yo Igor your offering, I kindly reject it”, people laughed again and that did not pleased the Kraken, soon, he left and if he had his armada on its entirety, you would be weary, but he didn’t, so you weren’t.
The mood swiftly changed when another introduction was made
“The Lady Alyssane of house Blackwood” presented a guard, you’d think she would have come with the rest of her family, but she presented herself alone in front of you
She was one of the most beautiful women you had ever seen, also, her reputation precedes her. She fought in the war, she led armies, she killed hundreds with bow and arrow.
She was someone to admire
She was the head of her house until her little brother came of age
“Your grace, it’s an honor, thank you for receiving me”, of course she ceased the first word
“Lady Alyssane you are most welcome, I hope you find what you are looking for, you are welcome to stay at court as much as you need to”, she only smiled, bowing perfectly, she also looked at your husband and hand, but… you didn’t like I one bit.
Having the Ironborns at court was one thing, having the Blackwoods was another, it changed the dynamic in the entire court
The former were constantly and daily have dinner with you, and lady Alyssane would sit beside Cregan, and they would chat all night…
You didn’t like it, not at all
But it would be childish of you to chide Cregan for something he didn’t have power over, right?
“But I find that hunting with a spear… is it too slow” the woman giggled, and you could see the conversation had sparked something in Cregan, he was entertained, he was speaking of something he enjoys, a rare thing to find with him
Is not like you did not trusted Cregan, but it was still painful to watch, so you retired early, as many of the other women at court, and left Cregan, the men, and the lady Alyssane, drinking and laughing like old mates.
You were not worried or concerned, only tired by the events of the day.
Cregan though, as soon as you left, was left himself with a sense of emptiness, he found the situation uncomfortable, and soon, followed you
Cregan was on his way to your now shared chambers when he encountered little Jahaera walking in the same direction, a small red blanket in her arm, rubbing her tired face with the other 
“Little one, where are you going?”, as soon as she saw him she whined, hugging onto the hand of the nanny that was taking her
“I’m very sorry my lord, she woke up, and wanted to see the Queen”
“Leave us, I’ll take her”, he said, and she, with reluctance, let go of her tiny hand and walked away
He kneeled on the floor just in front of her, with a soft expression on his face
“Why can’t you sleep, little dragonling?”
“I don’t want anyone else to go away”, she whined, her teary eyes make him sad, “If I sleep, she’ll go away”, she explained
“What do you mean?”, he asked softly
“At night… my brother went away… then I went to sleep, and my mommy went away, and then my papa, he went away, when he went to sleep…”, she whined, bitter tears falling from her beautiful eyes
Cregan’s heart broke
“I don’t want my aunty mommy to go away too”, she said
“She won’t, I promise you”, he said
“How do you know?”, she asked, rubbing her eyes
“Because I will protect her with my life, us Starks, we always keep our word, did you know?”, he asked softly
“You will take care of my new mama?”
“I promise you little one”, he said, “and you know, I’m married to your mama, so..”, she only smiled, and hugged him. He hugged her back, stading up and carrying her to the chambers. “one more night you can sleep with your new mommy alright?”, he asked
Jahaera barely nodded again his neck.
She was already sleeping by the time he entered the chambers to find you looking at him with the softest eyes, and the most beautiful smile he had seen.
That little girl and your brother where your family, and he had married you so, they became his family, he needed to step up, and help you with those children
He was determined, he thought the very next day, as he finished his short prayers in the Godswood, he wanted to go back to the Keep, to speak to Ser Arryk about prince Aegon’s training, or the start of.
That boy was too very sad… he needed to look forwards, you needed to fill his mind with something more… history, philosophy, training, to keep him mind fed and occupied with something else.
He walked trough the beautiful garden, thinking about inviting you to eat something outside, that would make you happy
“I must say I’m dissapointed”, Cregan raised his gaze to meet the beautiful Alyssane Blackwood
“The Capital is not to your liking?”, he asked
“Well, no if the betrothal I was hoping to get is… already married”, now that surprised him, looking at her
“My Lady”
“You are a price I was hoping to catch”, she continued, smirking
“Well, you are too late”, he said, trying to make it lighter, with a smile on his face, but she was not releasing her predatory stance 
“A pity”, she muttered, looking mindesly at the flowers of the garden, “we could have been great you know”
“Probably”, he muttered
“Are you really happy here in the capital?”, she asked, “wouldn’t you have prefered a wife? A lady of Winterfell?”
“I would prefer no one but the one I gave my word to”, he said, now all serious, he was not going to be polite anymore, “and you are out of line, my lady”
“Just playing with what could have been”, she said, not altered at all by his serious words
“I thought the idea was to look for a match”, they both turned to see you approaching them, “not get into one”, you said bitterly
“Your grace”, she said, now alarmed, as she saw you approaching
“I think you overstayed your welcome, Lady Blackwood, since you found no prospects on this week, you best try somewhere else”, you said simply, standing by Cregan’s side.
She barely nodded, and bowed lightly
“Thank you for your hospitality your grace, but you are right I must take my leave, and hunt in other woods”, she muttered and then she left quite quickly.
You watched her lean and tall figure leave, she was beautiful, her eyes as green as forests, and her hair long, black and lustrous
“It is a pity, if she had been here sooner… maybe she would have managed to hunt you”, you whispered, and then walked on the other direction.
Cregan called your name, but you didn’t turn back, you just kept walking
Cregan haden’t entertained her, but her words still lingered in your ears. You had make him marry you, perhaps he would have preferred a real wife, a lady, a partner for him to take North and be a mother to his child and give him more, that supports him in leading his people, not all the way around
But it was too late now. 
What was done was done, is not like you threatened with your dragon for him to marry you, but still, the inavility of managing a match for yourself is what chained him to a life he didn’t even want.
You had commissioned a pathway from the gardens to exit the castle by a stone hallway, that led to the cliffs sorrounding King’s Landing, were your dragon rested, you wanted to see her, maybe even take a little flight. 
This stone hallway was tall, windy, and open, much like the one leading to the castle in Dragonstone, Cregan followed you closely
“I didn’t entertain her…”, he explained
“I’m aware”, you answered, but not stopping your movements 
“Cregan”, you stopped turning to look back at him, “I’m aware you didn’t entertain her, but she is right, I can’t help but think in the “what if”, you explained, “what if I didn’t make you marry me? you could have been back in Winterfell, with your child and your people”
“Yes maybe”, he growled, “but I married you”
“Because of a pact you made when my borthers were still alive”, you said simply, turning to keep walking, but he grabbed you
“Not only because of that”, he growled, looking into your eyes, “I wanted to marry you”, he said
“Why? because of power?”, you asked
“Not only that”, he said, looking intently into your eyes
“Because I’m broken?”, you asked then, “because I’m a danger to the country?”
“No…”, he said, you both into eachtoher’s eyes, he moved slowly, like you were some wild animal, and he palced his hand on the side of your face. “Because to me you are the most beautiful woman in the seven Kingdoms, because I desired you, you are what I have been promised”, you didn’t know what to say, “I will have half a life with you, and half a life away, but… at least I have something of you”, he said
You kept quiet, the world seemed to stop for a second, and all around you, only the two of you existed.
“I have never been much of a poet”, he said, chuckling darkly, “and I only must say, nobody would have make me marry you if I didn’t want you”, he said this time more darkly, you leaned in kissing him, he kissed you back, trapping your lips on his greedily
“I wanted you too”, you said, “because you and I… were ment to be together”, you said certainly 
“Fire and Ice”, he said, “nobody make us marry, we chose it, because we knew, together we could have everything”, he said with a husky voice, “power, love, a family”
“Together”, you confirmed, sealing your words with another longing kiss, “We need to settle in our roles as husband and wife”, you whispered with an entertained voice
“I’ll settle you in our bed as of right now”, he growled, “But I will settle for having you here…”
“No!”, you giggled as he grabbed you pulling you towards the grass on the other side of the passage.
He layed you down in the open, where anybody could see
“The nerve of that woman”, he growled over you, “of ever thinking I could have chosen her, instead of you”
“the audacity”, you chuckled 
“Perhaps we should have her watch as I ravage you”, he said opening the top of your riding gear, his mouth on the skin of your neck and collarbones
“Cregan Stark!”, you shrieked, “I didn’t know this side of you”, you moaned, as you spread your legs to fit his form between them. 
“We have the power, and our love… let’s make our family”, he whispered against your neck, “dark haired children worthy of the throne…” he mocked the words of Dalton
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Cregan and you shared looks over the table, little smirks, you two were like two giggly lovers from the stories
“Concerns about the desease are increasing, despise out best efforts, it’s coming trough the port…”, muttered the Grand Maester, bringing the attention back to the situation at hand, “there is no control…”, he was interrupted when Tyland coughed, trying to hide it in a hankerchief, now you noticed that… he looked sickly
“Are you well, Tyland?”, you asked with concern, as the man looked possibly ghostly, pale, heavy sweat on his forehead
“Forgive me your grace”, he coughed, “I do not feel well”
Cregan stood from the table like a spring, and grabbed you, pushing you gently backwards towards the window
“Get away, hold your breath”, he commanded, all the men stood from the table, taking steps back from Tyland
“I’m well”, he tried to argue, but Arryk grabbed your other side, using his cape to cover your face, making you blind, but both men led you out of the room.
“Is this necessary?”, you asked, concerned
“Very”, growled Cregan, “the Winter fever has reached the Red Keep, take the necessary measures, nobody meets anyone, people should stay in their apartments”
“Yes M’Lord”, muttered Arryk
They finally released you in your rooms
“Wait!”, you called as they left you alone and were about to close the door, “what about Aegon and Jahaera?”
“We need to keep you separated”, he said firmly, “in case…”, your eyes filled with tears
“Yes I understand”, you murmured 
“We will keep them together”, he assured you, “nobody will see them…”
“Wait!”, you called as he was about to close the door, “stay here with me”
“Someone needs to organize this”, he said seriously
“Not you!”, you called
“I have to”, he said seriously, and he closed the doors, trapping you inside 
You were loosing your mind….
You had books, they brought you food and Cregan would come at the door and give you updates twice a day…
You had done all you could, you had commanded medicine to be send, as well as the knowledge to help the cities fight this, but they wouldn’t let you out, you hadn’t seen anyone in weeks. At least half the Kingdoms had fallen into madness and sickness
“Tyland… didn’t make it” Cregan whispered against the door, “10 servants didn’t either”, you shed bitter tears at the other side of the door
“Gods… Tyland”, you whined
“Alicent has fallen to the sickness as well”, he murmured, but you heard him alright
“What about Aegon and Jahaera?”
“They ask about you constantly, yet… they are in good spirits, with their Nannies who had also scaped this”
“Good”, you whispered, “please send word to Casterly Rock”
“Already did, those lucky bastards weren’t hit by the desease, neither has the Reach nor Dorne, it seemed it is stuck in the Crownlands, the Vale and the North"
"at least some of us are spared"
"its been a moon since Tyland was sick, we will get trough this", he said, "the worst is…", he got quiet, and you whined when you heard a cough
"Cregan?", you asked
"I'm fine, some dust sneaked his way to my throat", he said lightly
“Are you sure?”, you asked, grabbing the knob of the door
“Yes” he said, “A message has arrived from the Citadel from the maesters, I should tend to it” he said
“Please come back”, you begged
“Always”, he said, and left you
The next day… he didn’t came back
“His grace has taken abed your grace”, said Ser Arryk, “the maester is tending to him”. You opened the door, to his surprise
“Your grace”
“If the maester falls sick we are all dead, I’ll tend to him”
“No!” He said trying to grab you, but only one look and he desisted
You ran down the hallways and entered his rooms…
Cregan laid in his bed, pale, you could see the sweat on his forehead, and the shivers running up and down his arms and his whole body. You were by his side in a minute, grabbing his hand
“Cregan”, you called, but to no answer, his eyelids fluttered, he seemed like he was going to open his eyes, but he didn’t, instead he just mumbled something, sounded more like a grunt.
The Grand Maester didn’t lie to you…
Most… almost all of those who catched the fever perished…
You needed to prepare for the worst… and yet, your eyes filled with tears and a desperation consumed you, as you started crying silently
“Please don’t leave me”, you cried, “please”, you begged, grabbing onto his hand tightly, “I don’t know what I’m going to do without you”, you admitted, he squeezed your hand a little
“Rickon”, he whispered, in his feverish dreams, “my son”, you frowned, concerned, at the worry on his features even in his sleep
He was calling for his son, the son you had kept him from, the only son he had.
You placed your hand on your lower belly, then you placed his hand there
“You need to get better”, you begged, “your son needs you, the North needs you… our baby needs you… I need you”, you prayed, his naked chest was pearled with sweat he was burning up. You stood up removed your clothes and laid by his side grabbing into him, making sure your body stuck to his as much as you could, so you’ll lower his body temperature with yours, after giving him the medicine indicated by the doctor.
It all depends on him, and the gods.
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misguidedasgardian · 5 months
The Hour of the Wolf (XI)
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XI. A ray of sunlight
Summary: You never thought you could feel like this 
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Targaryen!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, war, death, mentions of killings, genocide and war, threats,arranged marriage, SPOILERS for ASOIAF, and Fire & Blood, also, might spoil House of the Dragon, might miss some warnings, brestfeeding on this chapter
Wordcount: 3,4 k 
Notes: Alright… sorry for the confusion… There were three ravens, Reader first wrote to Cregan to confess to him that she was pregnant and she wanted him back and whatnot… that raven GOT LOST, got eaten by a snake… idk… she then received a raven from Cregan, who, as he never received anything, he wrote to her telling her he was fine and he would like her to visit him up North, reader thought he received the letter, and didn’t care, and it was answering to it, so she just wrote a letter telling him she couldn’t make the journey, that’s it!
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“Look at him”, you whispered, “he is perfect”, you admired his beautiful round face, his perfect little nose, his long eyelashes, his round squishy cheeks
“He is”, Cregan whispered, kissing your temple, “you had done so beautifully, my sweet Queen”, you looked into his eyes and you found content, and pride
But your eyes returned to your baby, your dragonling.
He had silver hair, beautiful silver hair, just like yours, and then when he barely open his eyes, he revealed them to be icy gray, like his father
He was so perfect, a perfect Targaryen Prince
The blood of Old Valyria and the blood of the first men run through his little veins.
You were so, so proud of him, of yourself, you had every maester check his health, and they all agreed, that the New Prince of Dragonstone was healthy, strong, and, as he had proven to you, had a strong set of lungs in him.
“My love”, called Cregan, but you only hummed, not letting your eyes wander from your newborn son, “there is people wanting to meet him”, he said softly, it was the middle of the next day, and you wanted to savor your alone time with him a little longer.
“Later”, you said simply
“They had been waiting since yesterday”, he said, kissing the top of your head again, “and we need a name”
“I just gave birth, can’t they please leave me alone for a bit?”, you asked, softly but angrily 
“This baby is the next ruler of the seven Kingdoms”, he said softly, “there are protocols…”, you looked at him severely
“Bring in my brother and Jahaera”, you conceded, he barely nodded, and went away, giving you a breath of relief. You didn’t want anyone else but your family in here
The children entered with big, curious, scared eyes, when they landed on you, they came to your side quickly, Aegon was sure to be right there next to you, to catch the closest and first look at his baby nephew
“He is a bit red”, it’s the first thing he mumbled, making you giggle
“He was just born”, you whispered, “it’s normal”, you explained softly, Jahaera didn’t say anything, but looked at the baby with big ghostly eyes, and for the very first time, you thought you catched a glimpse of a smile
“Jahaera? want to hold him?”, she seemed truly surprised, you just patted the bed right next to you, and she climbed to your side, when she was settled, you placed your baby in her arms, she seemed content, only watching him in her frail arms
“He is small”, she murmured, you only smiled, he was a bit small, and… “made of ice and fire”, she whispered
“What?”, you asked, but you were interrupted when Cregan opened the door, he stood there, with a warm smile on his face. 
You didn’t even know how you were going to name him, I mean, you had some ideas, and you were not even going to ask your husband, he, your firstborn, was of the realm, of the Iron Throne, he had to have a name of Old Valyria
Jahaera excuse herself, she had a lesson with her septa, but Aegon stayed, sitting there in the bed by your side, Cregan had left to gather the court
“Can I ask you something?”, your baby brother asked 
“Anything”, you answered truthfully
“Now that you have a son… will you… will you still love me the same?”, he asked, and his big eyes told you he was extremely worried. That truly surprised you, but you smiled softly nonetheless.
“Of course!”, you said with a big smile, “you are my baby brother, I will never stop loving you, and I will never stop caring for you, you heard me? you are stuck with me, and your little nephew for life”, you giggled
“Really?”, he asked, hopefully
“I promise”, you assured him.
Cregan came back, thinking he had given you enough time, Aegon as he saw him, he excused himself from the room, and left
“A name, wife”, he demanded. He was the father, but he is letting you name your child, the prince of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne
“Aerion”, you said with your son back in your arms, “of House Stark, until he ascends the Throne, as Aerion Targaryen”, you said firmly
“Good”, he said, “the small council is waiting”, he said, and again, he did not expect a no for an answer
“Very well”, he received your son, as you stood from the bed, the maids had placed you the “looser” dress you had, but not less impressive than any others, it was soft red velvet, with black and gold details. Your hair is barely arranged by two small braids arranging it off your face.
You barely let the maids touch your child, but they had dressed him too, in a simple golden attire. He was sleeping in his father’s arms, and you held onto him too, as you walked the hallways.
You had to present your son to the court
Not letting them see him, would awaken all sorts of gossip, that maybe there was something wrong with him, or he was weak, or any nonsense like that, this was going to make it clear to everyone…
The House of the Dragon stood strong, with you, your son, your brother, and your niece.
Especially with the silver hair on his head.
“You have done beautifully, wife”, Your husband said, as he saw you pondering, with your eyes lost in front of you
“Thank you husband”, you answered simply
You were already tired as you reached the huge doors, you hoped you didn’t have to sit on the throne today, you didn’t think you could handle it. You were still really sensitive.
“Lady (y/n) of House Targaryen, Queen of the Andals, the Roynar and the first Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms, and protector of the Realm, and her Lord Husband Cregan, of House Stark, Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North, and Hand to the Queen, would like to present to the court, Aerion, of House Targaryen and Stark, Prince of Dragonstone!”, you might as well announce it now, the shocked faces appeared before you, your son was the heir, and next King of the Seven Kingdoms.
The huge doors of the entrance of the throne room opened in front of you, you tried to smile as the entire court, your court, tried their best they could to catch a glimpse of the sleeping Prince in Cregan’s arms
You walked slowly to the front, smiling and nodding to everyone on their way
All the Lords and Ladies nodded at you, muttering words of kindness
“Congratulations my Queen”
“What a fine Prince your grace!”
“You had been blessed, and you had blessed us all”
And more
So much more
Your council had been waiting for your approval, to start the celebrations, feasts, tournaments, parties, the first ones since the end of the war
“Behold! Prince Aerion of House Targaryen and Stark!”, chanted Arryk, you faithful Queen’s guard. 
It was a tiring affair, you should be resting, and Cregan thought so as well, but you you a Queen, and if you wished to prove those who wouldn’t see your mother on the throne wrong, you have to stand there, with your newborn son, in front of the court as you barely gave birth the day before as the sun was setting 
“In the celebrations of the birth of my son, I announce a big tournament, to join all countries as one, and also, a big feast to go with it!”, you said loudly, and the entire room bursted in cheers and applause, making Aerion cry angrily, as he was startled by the loud noise
Cregan smiled grabbing him carefully with his strong hands and showed him to the entire room, shortly, then he cuddled him into his strong chest, he looked so proud 
The tournament was going to be held in two months time
This was a new era, you constantly had to be remained of
The kingdoms were still healing, you were still healing… you need this, you did
You were finally “allowed” to go back to your rooms, you dismissed the nannies who had offered to take your baby.
It was normal and customary, that you had a small army of women ready to take care of your child, but you didn’t want to let him out of your sight
Is not that you didn't trust them, it was just…
It felt odd
To be apart from him
You had them bring a crib by the side of your bed, as you watched him asleep tears fell down your eyes… oh how you wished your mother was there with you
You had cried for her in the middle of labor, how you needed her warmth, her maternity, her advice, all of her. She was an excellent mother, she adored each and every one of you, and you didn’t know how you were going to do this without her
You were so lonely
You had dismissed your ladies, and the nurses were unfamiliar to you
Because Aegon the Usurper killed your mother’s nurses when he took Dragonstone
You felt so lonely.
The all familiar pain that had installed on your chest came flourishing back again, and you realized it had never left, you just grown accustomed to it
Would she be proud of you?
You imagined your brothers coming to see your son, Jacaerys picking him up from his crib and raising him in his strong arms, you imagined Luke grabbing onto Aerion with gentle hands, accommodating him on his chest with his beautiful smile looking down at his nephew 
The guards outside your room presented Cregan who entered the room with scrolls on his hands
“Letters, from your cousins Baela and Rhaena, and one from Lord Co…”
“Dispose of them”, you demanded, you didn’t care
“I don’t care what those traitors have to say”, you said bluntly, he had caught you in a wrong moment
“Wife…”, he started carefully, “may I ask why…?”,  he asked simply, you guessed he wanted to hear your version of the facts
“Corlys Velaryon served my mother, until it suited him, when the ship was sinking, in the moment my mother needed him the most, he betrayed her, then served the usurper!”, you said bluntly
“He probably was the one who poisoned the usurper”, he said softly
“I guess, it didn’t suit him to keep serving him, I don’t care”, you said angrily, “if he had stayed at my mother’s side like he promised perhaps she would still be here”, you said, you could not forgive him, you wouldn’t allow yourself to
And Baela and Rhaena?
It just hurt too much
At one point they were like your sisters, like real sisters, you had lived together since your mother married Daemon, and… now it just hurts too much. They say Rhaena managed to hatch a dragon, a pink little thing
Good for her
But it just… it hurts… of all the people that could have survived… 
You felt guilty for only thinking about it
They were more Corlys Velaryon’s granddaughters that they were your sisters
“Can I read them?”, he asked, you looked at him
You wanted to say no, you did, but you were also terribly curious
Of what they might want or say… What if was indeed something important? and really, it was Cregan, he was the only one you trusted fully
“Yes”, you said shortly, “let me know if there is something important”. He sat by the window, to read the letter by the sunlight, Aerion began to get fuzzy, so you grabbed him gently and started to feed him
Something very frowned upon
Not even your mother had breastfeed her babies
But to your understanding… who better to feed a future King… than a Queen? his mother? You paid it no more mind as he latched onto you, Cregan didn’t even batted an eye
He was frowning a he read the missives 
“Is there something they need?”, you asked dismissively, “a threat to our Kingdom?”
“No”, he said simply, “just a call for you, their sister”, he said, he folded the letters and put them away, then he opened the one of Lord Corlys
“They wish you the best regarding the birth of your child and Prince of Dragonstone, and they wish to know that if there is anything they can do for you”
“No requests… that’s a new one”, you said sadly 
“Please, help me understand”, he pleaded once again, “what are you thinking?”
“They just keep wanting the fucking throne”, you said bitterly, “that is all this whole thing had been about, the Hightowers and Velaryons alike, each for their own side, sunk their teeth into the targaryen of their choice and bit, ripped and tear them apart for their own convenience, for the fucking throne, killing my entire family in the process, I am done with them”, you sentenced. 
“Very well”, he said, “I will stand by you”
“Thanks”, you said smiling softly, not wanting to discuss the issue further
Even if they were true, that they only were calling for you, their “granddaughter” and sister, how could you ever trust that? if you were not seated on the throne, would they still care for you?
You were convinced they only wanting to fall back into your good graces, the graces of the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and everything that meant
And the very fact that they knew about the birth of your son so soon unnerved you.
Of course they had spies inside the castle
Perhaps you should burn the letters publicly so words get to them
But it was of no consequence, because that very day, Cregan received important news
His son was arriving
He was in the Crossroads Inn, and he was dying to go and meet him
You allowed him to go with a small force, you had never seen him so happy and excited. He was on his way to meet his son
And taking advantage of that fact, that was going to take him a few days… You realized, thinking about Rhaena… 
Your son needed his egg
You had felt Vhaelar restless, and you needed to know if she had laid her clutch of eggs, or, egg
The very thought frightened you, what if it didn’t hatch? She as well could be the last Dragon, a grown, fertile dragon. You called in a Dragon keeper immediately, and he presented in front of you, the one that went inside the cave with you, the only one who could get close to your Dragon
“This is long overdue, your Grace”, he said with a soft smile
“I cannot go down there myself”, you explained softly, his face then changed. “What's the matter?”, you asked him
“Vhaelar laid eggs, we didn’t know how many, when the prince was born we adventure into the cave to find… one is gone”, it seemed like everything froze around you
“What?”, you asked
“One of the nests was… broken into”, he said
“Why wasn't I informed of this!?”, you asked angrily
“We found it this very morning”, he said quickly
“Raised alarms!”, you said
“The one that stole it… didn’t realize, she laid two eggs”, he gave a signal to Erryk who was at the door and he opened them to reveal two more Dragon Keeper, that brought with them the heating chamber
A sight you never thought you’d see again
They revealed the egg to you, and tears were brought to your eyes, it was golden, golden like the sun
Was it an Omen? Golden like Syrax… Golden like Sunfyre
Who could have possibly stolen my dragon’s egg?”, you asked him
We don’t know your grace, it must have been someone who knows the area, that its been heavily guarded, even though its against the sea, you had maintain guards around it, and over it, so we can’t understand…”, you kept quiet, you could barely go up stairs, you couldn’t go personally.
That is why she was so restless
Somebody stole her egg
“What if it hatches?”, you asked him, fright in your eyes, he didn’t know what to answer
“A dragon will only answer to a Targaryen your grace, in the worst case, it will grow wild, until we can finally know where it is”
“And in the best case?”
“It’s not normal for two eggs to hatch in the same clutch”, he said softly, “if the Prince’s egg hatches… then… someone still had a treasure in their hands but at least, it will not be a dragon”
It did not settle your nerves
You saw the beautiful egg, it seemed to move, you could feel it, the life within it
“Thank you”, you said finally, and they left you alone.
It wasn’t until a week later, as you fixed the skirt on your dress, that you finally realized how important this was.
Rickon Stark, Cregan’s son, was entering the city
Your husband’s child
Your own child, by marriage
A sweet boy of eight
Soldiers entered in front of the comitive, mounted men with the Stark sigil, and then, right after them, Cregan in all his glory, and at his side, on his own horse, a young boy, that even from afar, you could tell he looked exactly like Cregan, same shade of hair, and as they dismounted and walked towards you, you realized, he had his eyes
“Your Grace, my I present to you, my son and heir, Rickon Stark”, presented Cregan
“Your grace”, the boy greeted politely, his big eyes looking at you widely, even though he bowed. Cregan was by his side, looking at his son proudly
“My Lord, you are most welcomed to King’s landing, and to the Red Keep”, you greeted, amused, he smiled shyly.
“Thank you, your grace”, he looked at you with mistrust, and you could understand him, all of this was new for him.
You of course invited them in, the entire household he had brought with him was large, but, the more the merrier, and if having more of his people with him was going to make Cregan and RIckon feel more comfortable, they were most welcomed.
“There is someone I want you to meet”, you said happily, he only nodded, you looked at Cregan as you walked back to your chambers, and he seemed content, “Can I call you Rickon?”, you asked him softly
“Yes your Grace, of course”, he said simply
“Are you my new mommy?”, he asked bluntly, and you looked at Cregan, alarmed, he was amused, but didn’t say anything, you then looked back at the boy who was looking up at you with his big ghostly eyes
“I don’t have to be if you don’t want me to”, you said gently, and that seemed to relax him a bit, “but there is a place I’d like you to fill”, you said with a solemn voice, like you were requesting of him, you opened yourself the double doors to your room
“Which one, your grace?”, he asked solemnly
“How about.. big brother?”, you asked, inviting him to look inside the cradle where his baby brother was sleeping peacefully
“I’d like that”, he said, pleased, but frowned at further inspection of your baby, “why is his hair white?”, he asked, you giggled
“Because he got it from me”, you said softly
“I thought you had white hair because you were old”, he said simply, and you laughed, hard
The sound of your own laugh seemed so foreign to you
You haven't laughed in…
In a long time
“No, no my dear, I was born with my hair like this”, you explained softly, he only nodded, understanding clearly, “so… are you going to be Aerion’s big brother?”, you asked, and he looked at you with a true smile for the very first time, and nodded excitedly
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
The Hour of the Wolf (2)
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Summary: The trials begin
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Targaryen!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, war, death, mentions of killings, genocide and war, threats, threats of mutilation, death, I think is considered genocide because is a bunch of people, DRAGONFIREEEE. SPOILERS for ASOIAF, and Fire & Blood, also, might spoil House of the Dragon 
Wordcount: 3.7 k 
Notes: Reader has purple eyes and silver hair!
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They opened the door to your chambers slowly, to not scare you, to let you know of their arrival
“Lord Cregan Stark”, muttered the guard posted at her door
You didn’t even looked at him, you didn't care, you just looked over at Blackwater Bay, where hundreds of ships were making port, the banner of the House Arryn was waving in the highest masts
Too late
You thought
The Arryns, The Starks, the Tullys, all your mother’s bannermen had come to the capital, to you
Important, unprecedented, powerful
And yet
it meant nothing
it was too late 
Your mother, your father figures, your siblings, they were all dead, gone, killed, betrayed, slain, devoured, sunk
“Your grace”, the wolf called, “I have taken the city in your mother’s name”, he said firmly, “in your name”, he continued, “and if you allow me, I will bring justice to her”, you looked at him then, and only nodded.
“I need your words, your grace”, he was not asking, he was demanding, he was at your service, and yet, you immediately felt like you had to give him something in return.
He got to look at you then.
Like all the women in your family, and even some men, your beauty was beyond what words could describe, you were there, emaciated from years of trauma, death and war, and yet, you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Your beauty did not belong to this world, he thought, you were a goddess in human form, with those silvery strands and purple eyes
And he was the most imposing man you had seen in return, he felt like this… God, a god of war and justice, wisdom and prowess, like the colossus of Braavos, nothing could tumble him down, he had been here for hundreds of years, and he was going to continue there for hundreds more. it felt like with him by your side, nobody could hurt you, with him by your side, you were safe. Invincible 
Nobody needed to tell you who he was, just by looking at him you would have known, even though you had never seen him before 
“... And I need it in writing”, he said slowly and calmly, “do you trust me to seek justice in your name?”, did you? your brother befriended the man and after he came back, having promised your hand to him in marriage, he had say he was his best friend, and the most honorable men he had met, and that you were going to be happy and safe by his side
There was no one better than him
You went to the small desk in the corner of the room, parchment and quill in hand, you had no clue what you were doing, but you scribbled on the paper that you gave Cregan Stark the authority to act in your name, with long, pompous and unnecessary words of politics, those you knew well, your mother had make sure of it
“Cregan Stark”, you called, turning to him, your decree in hand, he stood still, raising his head and straightening his posture, “I command you to seek justice for my mother, the late Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen” you said, your voice sounds strained, just because you hadn't spoken in so long, “I command you to imprison the ones who conspired and usurped her, and to punish them in my name”, you said then, giving him the paper
“I will be the hand that brings justice, my queen”, he sentenced, reading your words, he nodded approvingly. And you could not hide your surprise
“They named… me?”, you asked
“We did”, he said, “The Tullys, the Arryns, the Starks, the Tarlys, Tyrells…”, you only nodded
“I will come after, to make the announcement of the trials and those who will be put to them”
“Should I go?”, you asked
“A queen should not concern herself with such matters of justice”, he said
“Very well”, he nodded, and just like that, he exited your chambers
With him on the helm, you would be safe
You were a Queen know
Rhaenys, the Queen that never was, and then your mother The Black Queen
They had failed
And now, here you stood
Were you going to fail too?
Cregan walked slowly, the people that came across him would move away from him, letting him passed uninterrupted, bowing their heads
It was a good sign
The castle that had looked like it was abandoned, was slowly returning to life, people from all the most important families were here, and the first thing he needed to do was to send even more ravens, to all corners of the realms.
There was a New Queen, and all the most important families and their banner men had to be here for her coronation
The staff, maids, servants, soldiers, they did not had armies to fight of gold to use, but they had access to places and that access could be bought by enemies still lurking in the shadows
He had to make sure everyone who was to inhabit the Red Keep was completely loyal to their new Queen. A queen who just turned into a woman, if barely, a broken young woman, who had seen the death of everyone in her family but her baby brother. He had more work than he thought. He came with the purpose of installing the princess on the throne, make her Queen, and then pursue those traitors and turncloaks with his army, lead them to the gates of the citadel itself
But he was starting to think that this was going to be more politics and ink that swords and blood
Cregan Stark needed to relegate, and for that, he needed trusted men, loyal men to the cause of the late Queen and the new one now
And this is how he was going to accomplish that
When he walked into the throne room 
The small council, and their families where inside
It was to his knowledge that Baela Targaryen was also in attendance. The betrothed of the deceased Crown Prince Jacaerys. He basically know the girl, because of how much Jace would talk about her
As he made his way to the throne, he opened the decree and show it to everyone
“I have in my hand a royal decree from the Queen”, he said loudly, “In it, she declared me as her hand to seek justice for the late Queen Rhaenyra”
“Seek justice?”, of course Corlys Velaryon was the first to contradict him
“I will hold trials for the traitors and turncloaks”, he said, and everyone in the throne room began to either whisper nervously, gasp audibly, or said lowly words of disapproval.
His men entered the room, alongside the three of the seven remaining white cloaks he had send for, loyal to Queen Rhaenyra
“Ser Erryk Cargill”, he called, the man stood in front of him with his brothers, “Ser Adrian Redfort and Ser Loreth Lansdale”, the three of them bowed his heads, “do you recognize the true line of succession?”, he asked out loud
“Yes M’lord”, answered Erryk
“Do you recognize Queen Rhaenyra’s eldest daughter as Queen of the seven Kingdoms?”, he asked
“Yes my lord!”, they chanted at the same time, “we swore towards the Queen!”
“Great, do you recognize me, by this decree, hand of the Queen?”, he asked showing them your words, they look amongst themselves and nodded
“Yes my Lord”
“Very well, today, as my first act as hand, I will hold trials, to apprehend traitors who conspired against the true heir, resulting in a bloodied civil war and the death of thousands, do you stand by me?”, he asked
“Then apprehend Lord Corlys Velaryon, Lord Tyland Lannister, Larys Strong…. for starters”, he muttered
The court was submerged in chaos 
And he didn’t stop there
He arrested twenty men, including Alard Baratheon, who was new to court and also Gyles Belgrave, former king’s guard to the usurper 
On charges of treachery, conspiracy against the rightful Queen, and other charges.
To every man he placed in chains, he held trails for.
Those on trial had the chance to defend themselves, justify their treachery, present witnesses and evidence of what they had done and why, and ultimately, offer their repentance.
It felt to Cregan to stand as judge, and sentence to death those who were found guilty 
The first day was slow, mostly sentencing, and organizing the witnesses and defenses. The night fell over the Keep rather quickly, soon all servants lit up the torches, as Cregan dismissed them all
He wanted to see you
Rather, he needed to see you
“Ser Erryk, it is to my knowledge that you had been a part of the Queen’s Guard the longest”
“Yes my lord”
“You are the new Commander of the Queensguard, when all of this is over, you alongside the Queen will choose another four to complete the brotherhood”
“It will be my honor, Lord”, he said firmly
“Good”, he said shortly, “one of your brothers will be posted with the Queen at all times, another with the prince Aegon”, he continued
The guard posted at your rooms nodded at his sight, and announced him, entering in your chambers
He found you with your baby brother, having supper.
It was the first time he got to see the young boy in detail, he was small for someone his age, but his ghostly eyes had seen things no child nor adult should ever seen, and he could tell just by looking at them, the pain and sorrow he suffered
“My Lord Cregan, please join us”, you invited him
You and your little brother, all that was left of the greatest dynasty of Westeros
He accepted your offer, sitting across from you. The small boy didn’t meet his eye, he was just playing with his food in front of him, he noticed than when he spoke, he shook like a leaf in the wind
“I made twenty arrests”, he said firmly, “Including Corlys Velaryon, Tyland Lannister and Larys Strong…”, you nodded, “not sure yet, but many are already too guilty, like Larys, or a former while cloak of the usurper…”
“Any hightower?”, you asked. Prince Aegon rose from his seat then, and walk silently to a small door in the other side of the chamber, disappearing from sight 
“Sorry about that”, you said, “he barely speaks to me, and I’m the only one who he talks with”
“He will heal, so will you”, he said, you nodded
“So what about the hIghtowers?”, you asked again
“Those who led armies… are dead… Otto Hightower, his sons, his brother and his oldest son as well…”, he continued, you took a sip of wine, trying to gain some courage 
“What about Alicent?”, you asked, he looked at you
“The Dowager Queen is in lockdown, in the Tower of the Hand your grace”, he said gently. You took a long breath
“I want her dead”, you said brokenly
“You want your first command as Queen to be the death of the former one?”, Cregan asked severely
“She is the cause of everything that happened”, you said, finally looking at him, “she hated my mother, she made her life miserable while we lived here as children, she filled my uncles with poisonous hate for me and my brothers, she turned the entire court against us, she called us bastards and made everyone else say it too, she manipulated her children to usurp my mother’s throne, she was the cause, of everything, I want her dead”, you said, and he looked back at you with warning
“Many would argue, that she herself was manipulated by her father, besides, your mother forgave her”
“I won’t”, you said, “and because she was a cunt and a fool everything should be forgiven? Ignorance is not a crime, but perhaps it should be, why should she draw breath while my entire family doesn’t?”
“I am your hand, your Grace, you wanted it so, so as your hand, my job, is to advice you”, he said gently, “and my advice is to imprison her, yes, but not execute her”, you looked at him with eyes filled with tears and he looked back at you, worried, “The Hightowers are decimated, yes, but they still remain a powerful family… one of the most powerful”
“That could be easily fixed”, you retorted, he frowned
“What do you mean?”, he asked softly, you kept quiet
“You said you wanted to bring justice to the realm, I want the HIghtowers dead, all of them”, you sentenced, “Lannisters, Velaryons… Baratheon… they all riled to Aegon’s side because of them”
Cregan looked at you, and you broke down crying in front of him
You tried to wipe your tears quickly, you held so strongly, but to no avail, you were crying in front of Cregan Stark
“I’m sorry”, you cried, wiping the tears that just wouldn’t stop falling
“I understand your anger, your rage”, he said softly
“My entire family is dead!”, you cried, broken, weeping, you had been holding onto your emotions for so long that now, that you felt safe, the fake wall you had sustained for all these tumultuous months as a hostage in the Keep finally broke down. You cried for long minutes, taking it all out of your chest, freeing yourself, even if just a little, of the sorrow of loss.
When you finally calmed down, reduced to only sniffles, Cregan dared to speak again
“My own uncle betrayed me and took my lands from me”, he confessed, you looked at him, barely able to see him
‘I was very young when my father died, he was supposed to act as Lord regent, but he usurped me as Lord of Winterfell”, he told you, “my cousins supported him”
“What did you do?”, you asked, more calm
“I gathered the great houses of the North everyone supported me, I stormed my home, took him prisoner, him and my cousins”, he looked at you softly, gently, “I decreed them traitors, and took their heads with the millennial sword of my house”
“You did?”, you asked
“He who passes the sentence must swing the sword, my queen”, he said gently, “but that applies only to Lords I’m afraid”, you smiled
“I don’t want them dead”, you continued, “I mean, I do, but, I understand why I shouldn't’...”, he smiled softly
“Good”, he said
“But I want them to think that I do, I want them to beg, I want them to empty their coffers to please me, to reinstate the treasury”
“That we can do”, he said firmly, “we will use them as examples, of what happens when you mess with the dragon”, you nodded, “I will call them to court”
Cregan wondered what you meant by “that can be easily arranged”, he also thought about his army, it was great, yes, but he wasn’t sure it was enough to fight the might of the hIghtowers, it had to be, he did plan on marching to Old Town
“Tomorrow you will tell me, how much time passed between now, and when she went to sleep alright?”, he asked your Queenguard on the door
His second in command Jon Dustin was waiting for him
“Tomorrow before the trials but after the young Queen is tended to, you will gather all the servants and maids, everyone who works in this castle, and you will bring them to me”
“Very well my lord”, he nodded 
You were worse than he thought, you were angry, understandably so, but he needed to find a middle ground, punishments hard enough to please your rage, but not that extreme that the Kingdoms start to rebel themselves against their New Queen
The next day, the second day at court, Lady Baela presented herself in front of the Wolf of Winterfell, to plead for her grandfather
“Your grandfather is being charged of Regicide, he is the main suspect of poisoning the Usurper”, he said firmly, “Even though we repudiate his reign, the murder of a monarch cannot stand unpunished”
“He did it to prevent the death of a thousand more my Lord! he did it to protect the Queen, the prince, and me”, she fought
Corlys Velaryon was pardoned after that day, thanks to Baela, and then you, who approved of such forgiveness. Even though you did not wish to see your named grandfather and cousin
Tyland Lannister came then, and the Lion knelt before the wolf. Rhaenyra had him severely tortured, and some words scape him, but he had returned the treasury in his entirety, and pleaded for a space in the small council
He had been good to you and your brother, and Aegon made you forgive him, and you did
In the fourth day of the trial, Alard Baratheon was forgiven too, he belonged to a lesser branch of his house, now the main thanks to the death of Lord Borros, he had no part in the Dance, and as such, he bend the knee to the New Queen’s rule 
The other eighteen men were not so lucky, they were all found guilty of treason,  on the fifth, sixth and seventh and final, including and especially Larys Strong, the maester, and others. 
And in all those days, you were receiving updates by Cregan himself, and you were… meditating
People were being trialed and sentenced to death, they were going to pay for what they had done, this was your comfort, justice, simple and pure justice, for your mother, for your family.
You had promised yourself that this was going to be enough
If you kept punishing these lords, the people was going to reject you as their Queen
And you couldn’t fail
You had seen what happens when you failed
So the sentence of these Lords, and then the Hightowers, and then, you had to calm yourself.
Wanting it or not, the crown had fallen on your head, against all odds, for better or worse.
But here is the catch, the crown was now attached to your head, loose one is loose both
And you owed it to your mother, Daemon, your father, whoever it is, to Jace, Luke, Rhaenys… you owed it to your family to keep your crown over your head, and your head over your shoulders.
So as the days turned long, you were preparing yourself too
You only appeared in court the seventh and last day of the trial
You wore black, you were still in mourning, it was a fearsome dress, you too it from your mother’s coffers, and a magnificent crimson red cape dances behind you as your walked
Your hair was braided with magnificent braids, instead of the crown
You entered the throne room, for the first time as Queen, everyone there bowed to you, everyone except those on trial
Cregan wanted you to take the oaths of House Lannister and Baratheon.
And both lords, Tyland and Alard bowed to you, kneeled in front of you, sincerely, atoning 
You gave him the pardon yourself 
The eighth and last day, you demanded those found guilty to be brought to the cliffs on the outside of King’s Landing
Ser Erryk was holding Blackfyre, right by your left side, and Cregan with his sword Ice, was standing in your right, soldiers, all of them wearing your colors, black and red, brought forth the eighteen men who had been sentenced to death
You could see in the small crowd those who had been pardoned as well, along all the great Lords and Ladies of your households who had sailed to the Capital from Dragonstone in the week after Cregan summoned them
“Pass me the sword Ser Erryk”, you commanded, he nodded, and passed you the sword of your family, it was heavy, you couldn’t raise it above your head to strike even if you wanted to
“My Queen, I can…” Cregan murmured
“He who passes the sentence should swing the sword”, you said firmly, looking at him, the exchange was only heard by you three, not loud enough for the others.
It was a windy day, and you could barely hear the voice above the whistling
“My Queen, I did not mean…”, with one look, he kept quiet, you grabbed the sword of the Conqueror in your hand. You turned to the men in front of you, Cregan moved away, just like Erryk to stand by the side. 
“You had all be found guilty of treason against the legitimate heir of the seven Kingdoms, you conspired against her ascent and work to usurp her”, you said loudly
“Aegon was the true heir!”, screamed Gyles Belgrave, “I'd rather die than serve a bastard! daughter of a whore! you are no true Targaryen!”, those screams and accusations didn’t even bothered you, not anymore
“Oh I am not a true Targaryen?”, you asked
The whistle of the wind was dimmed by a way more stronger, menacing sound
You saw, with pleasure, everybody shake in their places when they heard your dragon roar
“All the dragons were dead!”, cried that small man you didn’t even want to learn the name of. Even Cregan was surprised 
Vhaelar growled in the air, you heard the flap of her wings, and she landed heavily by your side. She roared loudly, menacingly. You felt her anger, or perhaps, what you were feeling was the mirror of your own emotions. 
You caressed the side of her face softly, Vhaelar purred
You saw how the former King’s guard peed his pants, shaking uncontrollably. Larys Strong, you alleged uncle, was only looking at you and smiling sickenly, 
“I Queen (y/n) Targaryen, Queen of the Rhoynar the Andals and the first men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms, and protector of the realm, sentence you all to die by dragon fire”, you sentenced, grabbing the pommel of Blackfyre tightly, you were nervous, but this was nothing you haven't seen before
This was it, this single act had to be the outlet of your rage.
Soon when you look at those men kneeled in front of you, they all took the faces of everyone you hated, Alicent, Aegon, Criston Cole, they were all there, dressed in green, looking at you in fear and reverence, kneeling on the ground 
“Dracarys”, you said firmly
You felt the joy of Vhaelar who set them on fire, you felt your skin getting warm by the heat of the flames
You saw the men turn to inhumane forms and then to dust
You saw it like that day in Dragonstone, and yet… now you felt nothing.
Only relief
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@lyannesworld @tremendouswolfsaladranch @unlesshouse @mimsie95 @ostricx @amelia262006 @marihoneywk @ahristata @happinessinthebeing @dd122004dd @aestmilky
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
The Hour of the Wolf (1)
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1. The wolf and the sheep
Summary: Cregan Stark takes the capital
Warnings: Cursing, war, death, mentions of killings, genocide and war, threats, threats of mutilation, SPOILERS for ASOIAF, and Fire & Blood, also, might spoil House of the Dragon 
Wordcount: 2.2k
Notes: Sorry for the delay people jeje, anyways, this is a warm up for the real thing, this is and will be very political, I hope it can go smoother than this
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King Aegon, second of his name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven kingdoms and protector of the realm, was dead
He had been poisoned by his own council
As Cregan Stark and an army of twenty thousand men strong, plus the survivors of the Riverlands, known as “the Lads”, and the Vale by the sea, all sieged the Capital in name of their late Queen Rhaenyra, he didn’t think of surrendering, he intended to keep fighting the war, killing hundreds of thousand more 
He was never going to surrender, and he was going to get himself, and everyone else on the Red Keep, killed
The king had grown mad in the last year
How couldn’t he? he had lost his entire family but his daughter, and his dragon, and he was the cause for millions of deaths all over the seven Kingdoms
It had finally catched up to him 
And he was going to harm the Princess, little Prince Aegon, and Baela Targaryen
Corlys Velaryon couldn’t let that happen 
So in the crack of dawn, the servants found Aeggon dead in his bed, he seemed like he had perished in his sleep, but he was still holding a cup of wine in his hand
People celebrated his death
And now people could call him the usurper out loud
Because everyone knows the truth…
Cregan Stark was coming
They were dark weeks in which the wolf was looming over the herd of sheep
And the remains of the small council were still discussing what to do, Larys Strong, Corlys Velaryon, Maester Olwyle, who was let out of his imprisonment by Rhaenyra, and Aegon’s former King’s guard, Gyles Belgrave,  and other Lords from higher houses, Borros’ younger brother
“Aegon the younger should be named heir”, said one
“King”, corrected another, “we are too late to name heirs, someone must sit the iron Throne”
“We have her older daughter” said Corlys, “if we don’t name her then all the war was for nothing, because we would be denying her in favor of the male heir”
“Let's marry them, they will rule together”
“Aegon is six, the princess is shy of turning eight and ten!”, fighted Corlys
“Aegon must marry princess Jahaera, to finally unify both fronts, and end this war once and for all”
“They are children”, fought another
“Addam Velaryon is alive, I will marry him to the Princess”, demanded Corlys
“Of course you will, so your bastard son will rule?”
“There is a inconvenience”, muttered maester Orwylde
“Which is?”, asked the Sea Snake
“According to the pact of Ice and Fire, a treaty signed by the late Prince Jacaerys and Cregan Stark, the princess is set to marry the Wolf of Winterfell” 
“That was two years ago”, said Corlys, “many things had happened since then”
“Stark is marching on the capital in revenge for his Queen!”, the old man fought, “as said treaty dictated”
“When he arrives… who will he find on the Iron Throne?”, asked Tyland, “his betrothed? or her six year-old brother?”
“It is dangerous to have Cregan Stark as a King consort”
“I think it’s exactly what we need”, muttered Corlys
“You just now wanted to marry the princess to your bastard!” 
“Where is the princess?”, asked Larys Strong, with a unsteady smile on his face
“She is her rooms”
“That girl is… she is not well!”, muttered Tyland
“She is traumatized…”, said another
“I checked her myself, she has no signs of being… unhinged nor unstable”, muttered Olwylde 
“Aegon made his dragon eat her mother alive in front of her”
“Aegon, a six year old boy was also there present, the one you would prefer to sit on the Iron Throne, a child!”
“She will seat the Iron Throne!”, said Corlys, “we must agree to it, don’t we?”
“Yes we have to” 
“Aye”, said Maester Orwylde 
“Has anyone spoken to her?”, muttered Tyland
“No since Aegon died”
“The usurper”, called Corlys
“We cannot call him that, we served him…”, remembered the Lannister 
“Cregan Stark, and the armies of the Riverlands are marching on the capital”, remembered the Sea Snake
“Do we know what his intentions are?”
“To take the capital for the blacks”, muttered Corlys, “and right now, we are all Greens”, the room was silent
“We have to please the wolf” 
“We have the Queen”
“We have to surrender the city to Stark”
Lord Baratheon just watched, amused, Larys had his eyes on him, curious about what he wanted to say
“Open the gates, we receive Stark”, he demanded, and everyone looked at him
“He will kill us all”
“Not if we don’t put resistance”, he tried, “the girl or the boy, whichever we place on the throne, is from Rhaenyra’s blood, not our Queen, but our enemy, Stark is coming here to kill us, and make sure one of them sits the Iron Throne, if you want to survive this week, i say we grab the kid, send him to the wolf and the Lads as a sign of good faith”
“What about the girl?”
“The road is no place for a princess”, he continued, “she should stay in the Keep, safe”
“As insurance”, mocked Tyland, “in case something happens to the boy”
“We send Aegon to The Lads, not to Stark”, said Alard Baratheon, “see if the Wolf takes the bait”
“She can’t know”
So the council grabbed Aegon the younger from his rooms, gathered a large caravan and delivered him to the Tullys, and leader of an army
While you… remained in your rooms unaware of what was going on.
. . .
The realms had been submerged in chaos for the last two whole years, brothers fighted sisters, kin usurped kin, dragons danced with dragons, and the results where incalculable loss of people, the fall of the greatest dynasty in Westeros, and the death of Dragons, the most incredible and powerful creatures
because dreams didn’t make the Targaryen Kings, Dragons did 
The Red Keep, House of the Dragon since a hundred years ago, had seen four monarchs in the last three years, people had come and gone, killed for their alliances, traded for others, like a mythological creature.
One man, with one monarch to serve lost his head, two more, following a different monarch rose on its place
Now the castle lay inert, quiet, those who followed Aegon had been decimated, those who had followed Rhaenyra were killed or chased away, now everyone who resided there seemed to be replaceable, taken for granted.
It wasn’t the home of the reigning family anymore
It was a carcass, waited to be filled by the next power who dared to take it for themselves, waited to be lived again by those faithful to the next Queen or King of the Seven Kingdoms
The castle was grim, silent, Viserys, Alicent, Aegon, Rhaenyra, and then Aegon again, all of them had tried to make his mark inside these walls, so now it had taken a form of some sort of Chimera, a monsters with a different head, body and feet, a part of each animal, a part of each monarch.
The colors gold, green, black and red, one started where the other ended, melted together sewing the bloody story of what it was about to be known like the Dance of the dragons, it was upsetting
Three survivors of what it once a big and powerful family
Three broken children
A empty castle
A divided Kingdom
An empty carcass, and no brave men left to fill it
None but one
Cregan Stark had come home after the defeat of the winter wolves, to gather a powerful army of forty thousand men strong.
The mission was to eliminate the remain of the Green forces, and strengthen the position of his Queen, Rhaenyra Targaryen
Even though as he gathered his army, his Queen had been assassinated by her brother
That did not deter Cregan Stark, if anything, it made his mission even more imperative, now, he was up for revenge
He knew Rhaenyra had two remaining children, her oldest and only daughter, and her son Aegon the younger. The first one, two years ago, he agreed to wed, back when she was the second older child, behind Jacaerys, and a princess with nothing to her name but to make alliances
It was for her he marched south, to keep his word to her mother
He planned in taking the capital, no matter the cost, he planned on killing every single last green, even though The Lads had gotten ahead of him, eliminating Borros baratheon and the remains of his army, the Green army
As he had no news of the capital since he left Winterfell, he knew the Usurper sat the Iron Throne, no, he didn’t actually, he sat on a wooden chair at the feet of it, since he couldn’t even climbed up the steps for it
He was going to surrender the city or die at his hands
He was the late Queen’s biggest supporter, and he failed her, he took too long, he had to make amends, make things right
He, and his army, was going to mach to all corners of the Kingdoms, until everyone was accounted for their part in the usurpation of his Queen
A rider reached his army when he was passing through Harrenhal
King Aegon the usurper was dead, killed by his own men
But this did nothing but to disgust the wolf
Snaked inhabited the capital, no one else
His new Queen, and his prince were there, in midst of traitors and turncloaks, so the news of the Usurper being dead only encouraged him to march south even Quicker
The Lads were ruling those zones, assumed to ambush everyone who passes through the king’s road, but even though his scouts encountered men from the Riverlands, they did nothing to prevent him from passing
A silent truce, and agreement, they were on the same size
They did not join one another, but The Lads let Cregan Stark pass through the RIverlands uninterrupted 
Independently from Aegon the younger traveling to Harrenhal to The Lads as a gesture of good fiat, even though the young prince was part of Cregan’s mission, his main goal was to bring justice to the realm
And to keep you safe
With prince Aegon in his power, and the main commanders of the Lads, Cregan reached King’s Landing on the twentieth day of the sith moon of the year 131 AC
He found the city gates wide open, waiting for him
He found the city completely ready for the taking, the people didn’t stop him, he couldn’t see soldiers anywhere, when he arrived at the Keep, the small council was right there, on the steps leading to the great Hall where the Iron Throne was.
“Lord Stark”, greeted Corlys
Cregan was still atop his horse, looking down at this.. things, more serpents than men
He dismounted, not even caring to respond to the calling, his household, his most trusted men entered the keep, swords in hand
“This city is now under my control”, he demanded, “I have taken it, in the name of Late Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen!”, he said out loud
The soldiers there did surrender their weapons, as the northerners spread all over the courtyard and the main streets of the city 
A pack of wolves in a hunt
Cregan paid no mind to the weakened remains of the Green council, and he found no real authority there, Cregan Stark started to give orders
“Send word to Dragonstone, to send whomever is left from Queen Rhaenyra’s council”, he said to the maester Orwylde, who just nodded and limped away to fulfill the order. “Including a new maester”, he said with a demanding look on his face 
Nobody questioned him
He was tall, and broad, long black hair secured by braids, two piercing eyes and a reputation in battle.
The wolf had come to the capital
He had taken the city without even shedding a drop of blood, without even unsheathing his sword 
He entered the throne room, and he was not surprised to see it empty, The Iron Throne right there.
A strange wooden chair with wheels at the foot
“Have that burned in the courtyard, where everyone can see”, he demanded to his second in command, he nodded and took three men with him to fulfill his order, “For every green dragon banner that I see I will behead a Lannister, a Baratheon or a Hightower!”, he said aloud, and at least ten men from the Keep ran to get rid of the sickening symbol
He took only one step up the Iron Throne, he only needed the one, he turn around, to meet the council of traitors and cowards 
“Where is she?”, he asked out loud
“Where is who, my lord?”, asked Corlys Velaryon
“Where is the Queen?”, his voice resounded en the entire Throne Room
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taglist! <3
@lyannesworld @unlesshouse @mxtokko
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
The Hour of the Wolf
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Summary: The dark hours before the end of Aegon Targaryen II
Warnings: Cursing, war, death, mentions of killings, genocide and war, threats, talks about bedding and non concensual sexual relationships, threats of mutilation, SPOILERS for ASOIAF, and Fire & Blood, also, might spoil House of the Dragon 
Wordcount: 1.2 k
Notes: A bit short, but I'm setting a tone here
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Corlys could sense the tension in the room, everyone, at least, the survivors, were dangerously quiet, they shared concerned looks between them all.
Alicent’s mouth always seemed to be twisted in inhumane ways, but now… the edges of her mouth almost falls down of her face by her chin
“All the traitors are going to die”, said Aegon, twisting his hands, playing with the rings he had placed in his fingers… trying to hide the fact that they were burnt, the skin melted. He used now high colored shirts and vests, but the still raw, tender skin that was never going to heal, could still be seen in the side of his face, no matter he had decided to let his wild hair ungroomed, fall long framed his chubby face.
“We will be overrun”, admitted Corlys, “A Northerner army, a big one, is passing trough Harrenhal right now, they had been joined by people in the Riverlands that still are faithful to Rhaenyra’s cause, and also from the Vale in the Narrow Sea, we will be defeated, and we will burn inside this walls”, he sentenced 
“I think the Velaryon Fleet needs incentive, Lord Corlys, to face the traitors of the Vale”, two years ago, the council would have laughed to the drunken fool’s face that called himself King, but as they looked into his wild lilac eyes… no one laughed
Corlys was the only one to dare directly into his eyes
In defiance
Say it
He begged him with a silent threat in his dark eyes
Do it
Threaten me
“I think we need to send a little message…”, he continued, “I want my little nephew’s cock on a platter, and that little whore… in my chambers by the time we finish here, maybe that way, if we send them a set of sheets with my niece’s maidenhead in them, perhaps we will tell the fucking traitors what will happen to them all”
“Take the black, your grace, step down”
“I will kill them, to every last trace of my cunt of a half sister, i will take away the reason for their rebellion, they were be no other contender to the throne but me, and I will marry Cassandra Baratheon, she will give me true, strong heirs, worthy of the Iron Throne” 
“Your grace”, he said slowly. “maybe, telling them of your marriage with the princess, instead of her bloodied sheets would be more effective”, he counseled
“He is right Aegon”, said Alicent softly, “an alliance between the two branches of the family will ease them, and Cregan Stark, when knowing Rhaenyra’s blood will sit on the Iron Throne one day, he will go back North”, she said hopefully, she placed her hand on his son forearm, but he pulled it, rejecting his mother’s touch 
“Bring her to my chambers tonight”, he said to the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, he didn't like it, but nodded nonetheless without saying anything
“Aegon”, reasoned Alicent, “she is very delicate, and an innocent in all of this”
“Isn’t she the daughter of my whore of a sister?”, he mocked, Alicent said nothing as she played with her fingers nervously, “isn’t she what you called her a thousand times over? a bastard?”
“That doesn’t mean… we will be surrounded”
“Call in Lord Borros then, they will attack the traitors from the back, and killed them against the city walls”, he mocked
“Lord Borros is dead your grace”, said Corlys, playing with the dragon eye in front of him, he then stopped, and look up at him, he found the twisted King looking back at him with a sick smile 
“Right, sometimes I forget”, he said dismissively, he took the chalice of wine next to him and took it to his lips
5 minutes without drinking
A new record 
“the Lannisters then”, he said
“By the time the Lannister piece together the scraps left of their army, our head will be at stakes at the gates of the city”, Lord Corlys debated, Larys Strong only got quiet, looking to the left and to the right, who was next to speak, who was next to loose his temper. It was truly entertaining 
“We hold the city”, he mocked, “we will close the gates and those savages will be scratching their heads, wondering how they could breach the walls, they don’t have siege weapons
“What they have is the rest of the country’s resources, while they starved us to death”, he fought again
“Not if your armada defeats the Arryn’s, as they should”
Then finally, his crazy, deranged eyes stopped at the face of Corlys Velaryon
“I will cut your granddaughter's ear and sent it to Alyn Velaryon, to go and encourage him to fight the fucking traitors”
That was it
“That is not going to be necessary, your grace, Alyn will fight the Arryn fleet, there is no doubt in my mind, I will send word to him personally”
“there shouldn’t be no need”, he snapped, “I am the King!”, he said, pointing to his own chest, “and they are loyal to me, they will fight”, Corlys nodded 
That was it then
They shared looks with Tyland Lannister
His fate was set 
The small council meeting was done, and everyone return to their chambers, it was already the hour of the owl, the Keep was dark, very lighten up, it lost ghostly, like it had been abandoned 
Corlys walked silently to his chambers, as a maid passed by him, he gave her a small sack and nodded, she barely looked at him and walked away
It was sealed 
“Where is the princess?”, he asked the guard posted at her rooms, he shook his head, the Sea Snake barely nodded, “keep her there”, he commanded, and kept walking
He needed his wits, he was going to need every ounce of diplomacy he still held to survive the coming weeks
A pack of wolves was coming
And they were going to ravage every Green that still drew breath
There had never lived a Stark who forgot an oath
Cregan Stark had promised Rhaenyra he was going to raise an army and march south to guard her and destroy her enemies that still were raising arms
Rhaenyra was dead
And yet the wolf was coming to fulfill his promise 
. . .
“Drakari pykiros, Tīkummo jemiros”, she sang softly, grabbing tightly the small incense in her hand, “Yn lantyz bartossa, Saelot vāedis”, she kept lighting up the candles, “Hen ñuhā elēnī, Perzyssy vestretis”, she wavered, looking up at the skull of Balerion, “Se gēlȳn irūdaks. Ānogrose, Perzyro udrȳssi”, she moved to the next table, lighting up the small candles one by one, it could be maddening, but she had been here every night, “Ezīmptos laehossi”, she continued, “Hārossa letagon, Aōt vāedan, Hae mērot gierūli”, she looked up at the huge skull again, hoping, praying for something, like he was going to brought the black dread back to life
“Se hāros bartossi, Prūmȳsa sōvīli, Gevī dāerī”, she finished the song with a single tear falling down her cheek
“Balerion, Jaes morgho, mazēdas ñuha lentor, sir gūrogon zirȳla, nyke jorepagon syt se morghon hen dārys”
[Balerion, god of death, he took my family, now take him, I pray to you for the death of the Usurper], she whispered 
She looked down at the candles, as she played with her fingers in the small flames, she could feel nothing, her skin didn't melt, unlike her sleeve
“Morghūljagon”, she whispered, extinguishing the flames from a simple blow of her lips 
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misguidedasgardian · 8 months
The Hour of the Wolf (9)
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IX. Longing
Summary: Your husband is away from you, and you are away from your husband
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Targaryen!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, war, death, mentions of killings, genocide and war, threats, allucinations, complications in pregnancy, arranged marriage, SPOILERS for ASOIAF, and Fire & Blood, also, might spoil House of the Dragon, might miss some warnings, this chapter might contain triggering content as its features threats to a pregnant woman, from someone who is supposed to be deceased, ghost much? jeje
Wordcount: 3,7 k 
Notes: I really want to think Northerners are not like they were portrayed in the last seasons of the Got shitshow. I did not check this for errors, I'm so excited to post it jeje sorry
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It felt like your baby knew, as soon as Cregan left, you started showing, you had been married to Cregan for more than six moons, but it was complicated to tell which of all those numerous times he bed you did the trick, but the Maester believed you were almost four moons now 
Further than you expected
But also, as Cregan left, you felt terribly lonely, especially at night, your treacherous mind would draw sinister figures in the corner of your vision. You had trouble sleeping, only able to do so if there was at least one fire lighten in your room
You didn’t want to feel like this, you really didn’t, you wanted to be relaxed, for your child’s sake 
But it was proven really difficult, your tricky eyes would draw shapes of people in corners that were not really there, when you turned too quickly or even in the corner of your eye. You besides dealing with issues of a healing Kingdom, you wanted to keep your mind busy 
“Have you seen Vhaelar flying over the city this past week?”, you asked Ser Arryk
“No, your grace”, he informed dutifully, as he was commanded to keep an eye on your dragon
“I want to see her”, you inform him, he looked at your belly doubtfully, but when he looked back into your eyes, and the decision made, he didn’t question you, he just nodded
“I’ll get the dragon keepers and some of the guards to escort you, your grace”, he said and almost ran to fulfill the command 
You could feel how nervous they were as you were walking dangerous steps amongst the coast of King’s Landing.
You had put on your riding gear, even though you weren’t sure you were going to actually take a fly, but it is the only “suit”, that allowed you to wear pants without looking strange, and boots so you won’t slip in the rock and hurt yourself
Vhaelar never liked the Pit, and now that it was mainly destroyed, she nested in the cliffs near the castle 
You could hear her even before you saw her, you looked back at your escort and they stopped moving to allow you to get close to the huge cavern she rested in
“Vhaelar!”, you called, and you hear her acknowledgement in form of a more soft growl, you placed your hand on your belly excitedly, as you took a torch a dragon keeper offered you and walked inside
The cavern was huge, dark and moist, humid, it hit you like a slap, the smell of hundred of dead animals, burnt, devoured by your huge dragon
it was an issue, before you paid farmers for cattle and the cattle was taken to the Dragon Pit to feed the dragons, but now that Vhaelar roamed freely, it was harder to paid the farmers back for their troubles, but the crown did
Vhaelar’s huge head appeared in front of you 
“Rytsas, ñuha dōna riña, emagon ao issare ruaragon?”, [Hello, my sweet girl, have you been hiding here?]
“issa verdagon iā lenton, aōha dārōñe”, [She is nesting, your Grace], muttered a brave Dragonkeeper that followed you inside, you looked back over your shoulder, he was one that knew Vhaelar and how to interact with her, so she didn’t even move a muscle
“verdagon iā lenton?“,[Nesting?], you asked, excitedly, the man nodded, your hand went to your belly, you looked back at your dragon and you found her huge golden eyes looking down at your belly, and then at you
“ñuha dōna riña”, [My sweet girl], you whispered, placing your hand in her snout, and petter her until she purred almost 
Your dragon was going to lay a clutch of eggs, or egg, for your baby, they were right, there was a special connection between dragon and rider, you smiled warmly at the very thought. It also wasn’t strange, there was still some dragons in Dragonstone, the Cannibal for example, dragons she can mate with. 
This had certainly lightened up your mood for the rest of the day, as your guards were relieved that you decided against taking a short flight.
Vhaelar was to be left alone if she was indeed nesting 
It is indeed a wonder she didn’t burn you to a crisp
But now… as soon as you entered the castle, you felt like a dark cloud was on top of you and wouldn’t let go 
Cregan had done all he could to make the place nice for you again, there was a few weeks in which he would walk by your side and watch you carefully, everything you looked at and flinch, he would change for something else, all the tapestries and furniture, all of it, he would trade it for others, he even went as far as commissioning paintings from Lys to change the colors of the rooms
But still, it was still an impregnable fortress. Designed to not let anyone in… or out…
You tried to go about your day, but it didn’t take long, as the sun was hiding, for the shadows to start taking shapes.
Oh how you wished Cregan was there with you
You placed your hand in your belly
Cuddling you every night, placing his big hand on your belly like you were doing now, to feel your unborn child
Protecting you, making the shadows go away
You dismissed your ladies as soon as they took out your dress, and you put on your night shirt. You felt skittish about people touching you in your condition, you felt like you were cheating on Cregan somehow, by letting someone else touch your pregnant body. 
You got on the bed, and drifted off to sleep strangely quickly 
You woke up in the middle of the night, without apparent reason, you didn’t remember what you were dreaming about, but you woke up distraught, relieved that you actually woke up… and even a bit disoriented… and then… when you looked in the corner of the room.
You gasped, a tall figure was there, with his usual pose, hand grasped behind his back, standing up really straight, his long hair combed to perfection,  his eyepatch seemingly cutting his face in half, his remaining violet eye looking at you, with malicious intent 
Aemond was there, a smirk on his lips.
“Aemond? you are dead”, you whined, your hand on your belly protectively. In a quick movement he unsheathed his dagger hanging from his belt and made the knife dance in his hand 
Why him? of all of them, why was he presenting himself in front of you like this? because it's probably a dream, it couldn’t be real, he was dead! He was dead, well, they never found his body but he was dead, Daemon took him out with him in an incredible battle over the God’s Eye
Then you saw it
Dark sister, the sword, hanging from his belt 
“You would like me to be, wouldn’t you?”, he asked, his eye then traveled down your body to your small baby bump. He chuckled darkly as he saw your protective stance 
“My my, my little bastard having bastards of her own”
“He is not going to be a bastard”, you defended, “I’m married”, he chuckled again
“Oh yes, married and ruling the seven Kingdoms… Would you look at my pretty little bastard niece, how far she’s come”
Your breathing got heavy, you tried to sit on the bed, you did so slowly, your eyes never leaving his form
This couldn’t be real, he wasn’t here, this was some sick nightmare
But why does the hot tear that fell down your cheek felt so real?
“What are you doing here?”, you asked shakily, still, not being able to believe your own eyes, this felt way too real to be a dream, but it had to be, right?
He was quick on his feet, he had always been and he ran towards you who couldn't get out of bed and grabbed you by the neck, the dagger still on his hands
“Guards!”, you screamed but nobody came to your rescue 
“Is of no use”. he mocked, shaking you, you only could grab into his wrist, your other hand still protecting your belly from his anger, “nobody will come to save you. not even your idiotic husband”, he mocked then
“Cregan!”, you cried, as he could hear you, but you had sent him away, thousand miles away
He chuckled darkly
“Nobody is coming”, he threatened, “this feels like just old times, doesn’t it?”, he kept teasing, mocking you, provoking you, he didn’t squeeze, but he had you on a chokehold, you wouldn’t move  as he threatened your cheek with his blade, “me, sneaking into your rooms, late at night”
“Fuck you”, you grunted, “nothing ever happened, you just wanted to torment me”, you recalled
“Mhm, just like now”, he purred, he really hasn't changed since the last time you saw him, the dinner? was it? He looked older, perhaps, more tortured 
“What do you want?”, you whined
“You dead, me sitting on the Iron Throne, as is my right, bastard”
“They will never take you”
“They took you, didn’t they?”, he mocked, squeezing. You whined, scared not of him, but for your babe, your unborn child
“My baby”, you whined
“Ah, don’t worry, I’ll carve it out and leave it for the Stark to find if it concerns you such”, now you whined and twisted in the bed 
“No! my baby, he isn’t at fault!”, you were growing desperate, you looked to the side and found a heavy looking chandelier in the night table by your bed, at arm’s reach, you tried to grab it, making it drop to the floor with a loud “clang”, he then squeezed, tighter, and tighter, until you couldn’t breath, you thrashed and pushed but he wouldn’t let go… and everything went black 
You woke up taking a huge breath, like you had been shaken awake
You look at all directions, scared out of your mind
Gods… were you dead?
No… you were still in your room
it had all been a dream, a nightmare more like it
A horrible, gut wrenching nightmare…
Gods, what were you thinking? sending Cregan away like this?
You had been childish, keeping this important information away from your own husband, you couldn’t be like this, he was never going to let you flight up there, but… you wanted to tell him, you missed him, and even though that by your calculations he had been back home for at least a couple of weeks, you really hoped deep down, and in a very selfish way, that he’d return for you, for your unborn child.
You hated yourself for being so weak, so dependent, but… you would not live with yourself if he came back a year from now to an already grown child, his child, which he didn’t know anything about. 
So you rose from the bed even before the maids got to you, took a quill to paper, and started writing a heartfelt letter to your husband. Revealing your state, telling him why you hid it from him, and promising, if he so wishes, to go visit him.
After you finished writing it, you took it to the Maester yourself to be send at the earliest convenience 
If only you saw the chandelier on the floor before the maids return it to its rightful place 
. . .
Cregan took a long breath as he looked down at Winterfell, he smiled brightly, it felt so good to be back home, he spurred his horse on and started galloping, he couldn’t wait no longer, he felt like a little kid
But is his own child he wanted to see
He sent word before his arrival, so it was to no surprise that the entire castle habitants were waiting for him in the courtyard
He was finally home
After a huge march, after a bloody war, after taking the freaking capital, after marrying the Queen of the seven kingdoms, after all of that… he was finally back home 
“Our Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North and King Consort to the Queen (Y/N) of House Targaryen, his Grace Cregan, of House Stark”, chanted a soldier and he felt goosebumps in his arms when he heard all those titles 
He tried to look solemn, not like a twenty four year old who just got home after two years away, but as soon as he saw them, his family, all the solemnity went away 
There, at the long steps that led inside the castle, was his sister, his bastard sister Sara, and by her side, holding her hand, was his son, Rickon. He was… so grown, taller, his face was the one of a boy, not a babe like the last time he saw him, his dark curls… his big grey ghostly eyes just like him… He looked like his mother. 
He jumped off his horse and went straight for him
The boy seemed skeptical of him, but he didn’t care and he grabbed him in his arms and hugged him tightly
He was barely a boy of 6 name days
He had him so young and yet… he was his son and heir, his blood
“I missed you my boy”, he whispered against his head
“I missed you papa”, he answered, his voice choked, and still the one of a child
He released him then, and turn to his loving sister
He greeted the rest of them, all of them, he knew every face and every name still, they were his people, and before he could finally enter his home, he looked over the walls of winterfell… The gray wolf on cream and green field was no longer alone. The three headed red dragon with four legs stood by its side.
As he walked amongst the hallways he noticed that everything stood the same, like it had been for the last thousand years and it surely will be for the next 1,000.
The first thing he did was talk to the maester, to see if he had received any ravens from the capital. He couldn’t hide his disappointment, he hadn't had words from you since he left a moon ago.
But to no matter, he was home now, he needed to focus on what he was doing, he couldn’t be with you wishing he was home, and then in his home wishing he was with you. Your beautiful, golden, resented heart probably still ached for his departure, he could understand that, he read you better than you ever believed he did, he was going to give you time and write to you himself. 
He called his sister Sara to his private audience room, he needed to get acquainted with everything that happened here since he left 
Sara presented himself shortly after, with a silly smile on her face, now, she was his sister, not the Lady Regent of Winterfell
But as he saw her face… he sighed 
“Why do I feel you are somewhat disappointed?”, he asked with a mocking tone
“Well, I’m not gonna lie, we wanted to see her”, she said with a smirk
“Her?”, he asked
“Our Dragon Queen”, Sara said with a smile, “and her Snowy dragon”, Cregan chuckled
“I wish she could hear you”
“Is she as beautiful as they say?”, she asked enthusiastically 
“She is”
“Is she as strong…?”, she asked then
“She is”, he said then
“Can her dragon burn people to a crisp?”
“She can”
“She is a girl? so amazing!”, she said, “So… how are things… King Consort of the Seven Kingdoms?”, it didn’t take her long to start teasing him
“They are still working on the title, they believe the husband of an acting Queen shouldn’t be named King, but merely Prince, or something else”
“Whatever they call you, you still married the QUEEN!”, she said with her eyes wide and her smile broad. Cregan chuckled
“I did”, he said with a smile.
“Do you miss her?”, she asked then, “Is she coming here?”
“I hope so”, he said with a sad smile, “and I do miss her”
“Auw! my brother is in looove”, she teased
“It’s too early to talk like that”, he said, trying to return to his more authoritative facade
“You are married to the Queen! is actually too late to talk about love”
“We need to discuss what is happening in my Kingdom”, he said then, “I might be the king consort, but… I’m still Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North”, he said with a short smile
“Well… let’s start with the fact we don’t have any more men because after the war they decided to settle in the Riverlands…”
So as soon as he arrived home, he started the long process of audiences and meetings with his lords to attend to the most urgent matters of the North…
So as days turned to weeks, he started to worry, he send a raven to King’s Landing, communicating you of his arrival safely to his home, and asking for your well being
He wanted to see you
Perhaps he was being selfish, but… he requested your presence, perhaps you could take to the skies and visit him, it was not a strange idea, you were his wife, you were a skillful dragon rider who assisted in the war and burnt armadas to the bottom of the narrow sea. And the sunset sea like when you saved him and the rest of your small council
You could easily pay him a visit, right?
So you were expecting his answer, and he was expecting yours, two ravens sent weeks away from each other, but only one was set to arrive at their destination, not the other.
It was a few weeks until Cregan received word back from the you
The letter was vague and distant, claiming you were not going to be able to travel North due to important matters that required your attention
He couldn’t prevent feeling truly disappointed, he wanted to see you
You in turn, thought he had received your letter, and gave no answer but a request for you to travel North, without even acknowledging what it would be the greatest news for your marriage and the future of The Kingdoms, so just answered back that you couldn’t make the journey
You were heartbroken, but understood that maybe he was angry with you, and he had the reason to. 
Another moon went by, and another 
Cregan was teaching his son how to use the bow, that he had commissioned specially for him, when he received a letter, not from King’s Landing, but from Driftmark
A letter from the Sea Snake himself
Cregan found it amusing, and was truly curious about what Lord Corlys may want
Searching for a way in? most likely
Did he want to propose a union between their houses? Did he have a young girl he wanted to present for his son’s hand?
But Cregan never would have expected the news that came inside that letter
He was livid
Why had Corlys Velaryon written to him, congratulating him for the unborn prince of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne?
Why would he be expressing his concern, chiding him as he was a child, of the dangers of his absence by his wife’s side?
Why was that nosy old bastard expressing his concern for the wellbeing of the royal marriage?
You were pregnant…
… With his child…
… You didn’t tell him…
… He was half the continent away…
What was he thinking? leaving you like this, without making sure you were not with child?
Why didn’t you tell him?
Why did you hide this from him?
You could have known after he left, but the thing is, you didn’t write to tell him…
What were you thinking? 
Allowing yourself to be left alone in these circumstances?
He called in Sara immediately
“Make preparations, I need to leave for King’s Landing as soon as possible”
“Did something happen?”, she asked, alarmed
“The Queen is heavy with child, my child, I did not know, I have to be with her by her side…”
“When do you want to leave?”, she asked, concerned
“As soon as possible”
“The preparations will take weeks”
“I’m aware, I will take Rickon with me too”
“Really?”, she asked, concerned, “But Cregan, there must always be a Stark in Winterfell”, he smiled, sliding a large parchment over the table towards her
“It’s going to be you”
It was a decreet, to make her legitimate, signed by you
He was going to return south, to you, and he was going to take his son with him, even though he didn’t think it was going to be a good idea, for his son to be influenced like this, but still, he wanted you to meet him, and if you were not going to come to him, he was going to take his son to you
Perhaps, he didn’t think he was going to be able to leave him again, not after everything, not after missing two years of his short life
Adding to the stress and problems he had at home, now he had to add his unruly wife, who hid her pregnancy from him, and a unruly Lord, who purposefully send him that letter with ill intent, passively revealing against them
Corlys Velaryon was acting with a spoiled child whom his parents paid no attention anymore
What was he to do with him?
What were you going to do with him?
As he looked out the windows of his rooms to the vast valley in front of him, his home, he couldn’t help but release a single tear that fell from his cheek.
He was overwhelmed, now sad, that you mistrusted him so much, you must truly hate him to keep your pregnancy from him
He was now himself divided, South and North, Lordship or Crown, his son or you and his unborn child
A child that was going to be the next Queen or King of the Seven Kingdoms…
and his people needed him too, so much, they were also healing from the war, and losing a great percentage of his male population.
But he then smiled
Oh his child, his unborn child, a baby, made from you and him…
He couldn’t help but giggle a bit 
Despite your beautiful, but resentful heart, oh he couldn’t wait to see you all fat for him, because of him, because of your and his child
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
Did I read an idea for a new Cregan Stark fic?!!!???!!?! YAAAAAASSSSSSSS
Oh yeah baby! jiji I'm writing the summary and doing the chapter outline as we speak! I'm excited to put my ideas in order for the prologue!
I was wondering if people would like to read an OC, I want to name this princess, for I grow tired of using (Y/N) is so anti-climatic! but I would choose a very "normal" valyrian name, nothing made up... and I wouldn't described aside from her silver hair... Anyways...
"The war is over, King Aegon the Usurper is dead but also is Rhaenyra Targaryen, now the Kingdom submerges in chaos and uncertainty about who will be the next Targaryen who will sit the iron Throne. All eyes turn to the two survivors, Aegon the young and her older sister. In the midst of chaos, the wolf Cregan Stark takes command to bring justice to his late Queen, and help to put back together the pieces of what was the greatest dynasty this Kingdoms had ever seen, he never realized he was the one who was going to put together the young new Queen as well"
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
Is the hour of the wolf still something you’re posting?? no rush, i just love the way you write cregan and i’m living on cregan stark crumbs🥺🥺
Oh yes, its on! let me share this inspired moodboard that I put together
The only thing that is stopping me is how to write Cregan, he is going to be the OG, the justice-seeker, green slayer, kinda tired Cregan, and yet he is the one that had to turn reader into a Queen, so... I need him a bit dark in the sense that he had to "manipulate" her, "train her", and I want to put some smut in there... So I want to push my own bounderies... do something incredible, it will be very polittical, not that much of angst, but it is going to be. abit dark... I mean Cregan would be a Gray character, not at all Good, but he means well, so no at all bad you know?
Anyways this is the Header....
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misguidedasgardian · 11 months
The hour of the wolf
I just wrote a part so sinful that I even feel bad hehehehe
Dom!Cregan is coming
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misguidedasgardian · 3 months
I have open 5 docs, I'm writing them all at the same time HAHAHA I'm demented, I want to update them all
Hour of the Wolf
I need to
Wild Cats
From the Ashes
The Lifeaters
I want to do this like marathon publishing spree or something, I hope i can pull it off
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