#my hero academia fanfic
sansfangirl24 · 20 days
When you and Bakugo got married, he made it very clear that he wanted a ton of kids. of course, you didn't want like 12 kids, and you told him that, but he completely ignored you and looked right at you and said "I don't care, you are my wife, and I expect you to give me some brats"
you were (rightfully so) offended by this and you countered saying: "well if I have to pop out a bunch of kids for you then I better be able to quit my job, and become a stay-at-home mom, and get my nails done and my hair done whenever I want. and I want you to pay for everything and buy me clothes and flowers and chocolates all the time" thinking it would shut him up about having a mini army
but your plan backfired and just like that you became a pregnant, stay-at-home mom with 4 kids, no responsibilities (other than the kids), and a loving husband who came home with gifts every night. and despite the smug grins from your husband and the stress of having a bunch of kiddos running around you wouldn't have it any other way
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itgetzweird08 · 4 months
“You shouldn’t be up this late”
Bakugo’s voice whispered, filling the silence in the dorm kitchen. He was right, and usually you weren’t. You valued your sleep, often being one of the first in the class to call it a night. But tonight was different. Your thoughts, your heart, was restless. Despite following your nighttime routine, which was curated specifically to help you wind down and rest, you still found yourself tossing and turning. Not even your ocean sounds could help you drift to sleep. Thats why when Bakugo spoke, you sighed heavily and let your shoulders droop.
“Yeah. I know.”
He took a few steps toward you, leaning against the countertop. “So what’s got you awake?” You shrugged at him, watching the water in the electric kettle begin to form small bubbles. “Dunno…just can’t sleep I guess.” You looked over to him, taking soft note of his tired eyes and disheveled hair. “And you? You aren’t usually awake at this time either.” He shrugged right back at you. “Dunno…can’t sleep I guess” he echoed your words, and it made you smile just a bit.
You both knew why the other was awake, or at least you both had some inkling. Between how the ambush attack played out and Midoriya running away, neither of you have had time to really process all of what has gone on. You haven’t had time to think about how your lives had been flipped one eighty. But since Midoriya was back safe and sound, and there was no real information on the League or their next move, everything was at a standstill. That meant your brain was finally coming up to speed on what had gone on recently…and it was overwhelming. It felt like your mind was in over drive, thinking so many thoughts at once that it was causing you to lose sleep.
“…There’s a lot of water in this kettle. Would you like some tea?” Bakugo didn’t answer, just walked over to the mug cabinet and grabbed both of your designated mugs. Yours had your hero insignia, and he had his. It was Nezu’s Christmas gift for all of the hero course students. Bakugo opened the tea drawer, grabbing you each a packet of sleepytime zen tea before walking back over to you. You worked in silence then, enjoying each other’s company as you made your own cups.
Your relationship with Bakugo was unique. You admired him, even when he was a bit of an asshole at the beginning of the school year. You’ve enjoyed watching him grow and working beside him as a teammate. You were inspired by his tenacity and drive. You liked how smart and witty he was, and how he could be funny even when he didn’t realize it. It also didn’t hurt that he was actually pretty cute. And all of the same things went for you in his eyes. He admired your kindness and your courage. He was inspired by the way you had such a big heart but you were no push over, standing up to him when he got too rough with his words or during training. In his eyes, it was like you were one of the only people to give him a chance, getting to know him past his rough exterior. You two had gotten closer during the year, training and studying together sometimes. You began to sit next to him for lunch, stealing small pieces of chicken from his plate while he stole beef from yours. You were the only one with that privilege. Eventually, you became this unlabeled, unspoken thing. You didn’t have to confess your feelings because he knew, and you knew how he felt about you even if he’s never admitted it.
You softly sipped your tea, allowing the warm liquid to run down your throat and causing you to sigh. He stirred his own cup, watching the spoon go around and around. Technically, there was nothing else for you two to do in the kitchen. Technically, you could’ve parted ways right here and drank your own cups in your rooms. But you couldn’t bear to leave him. Deep down, you both didn’t want to be alone tonight.
“Bakugo?” He looked up as you said his name. “Could I sleep over in your room tonight? I don’t think I want to be alone”
All he did was scoff, pick up his mug and began walking towards the staircase. When he realized you weren’t following, he scowled and turned to look at you.
“Let’s go brat. I’m missing out on my beauty sleep”
Part two
Ps: im starting to do requests! So if you have an idea for me, go ahead and put it in my asks <3
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kikyoupdates · 2 months
Rivalry | Bakugou Katsuki x F!Reader 
katsuki catches feelings for his new rival
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Bakugou Katsuki has a crush, and he refuses to admit it. 
There’s a girl in his class who drives him absolutely insane. All throughout middle school, he’s had the top grades. His attitude, foul mouth, and appearance may fool people into believing he’s a delinquent—and to some extent, he is—but the truth is that he has a rigid, early bedtime, he does all his homework diligently, he studies at great length for tests, and he’s never missed a single day of class. 
He’s the best student there is. Or rather—he’s just the best in general. 
But this year, everything changed. 
There’s something about you that seems to catch everyone’s eye. You showed up at the beginning of the school year, a new transfer student, and from that moment onward, Katsuki swears his life got flipped upside down. 
You’re gifted. You’ve got the best grades not only in the class, but out of everyone in the whole school. Every time exam scores are posted for others to see, Katsuki is forced to grit his teeth at the sight of your name at the very top, time and time again.
It’s not just your grades, though. You’ve got a powerful Quirk, too. It’s some kind of energy control that allows you to levitate objects, enhance your physical strength, and also defend against attacks. It’s strong and versatile. Perfect for becoming a hero—which is exactly what you plan to be. 
The final nail in the coffin is that you’re also popular. 
Katsuki is used to being the center of attention wherever he goes. He’s used to being complimented for his intellect, his talent, his strength, and the sheer magnitude of his presence. Thanks to everyone praising him to high heaven, ever since he was a kid, his ego has become massively inflated. 
So, when he realizes that people are paying more attention to you than they are to him, he doesn’t know how the hell he’s supposed to handle it. 
Katsuki finds himself glaring at you just about constantly. You’ve always got a group of students gathered around you. You’re always smiling and laughing, looking carefree as can be. You’re also the only person in the whole class who doesn’t treat Izuku like dirt—which just pisses him off even more. 
One day, you stop in front of his desk with a bright smile. 
“Here you go, Bakugou,” you say, handing him a cookie. “This is for you.” 
Katsuki looks up at you in disbelief. “Why would I ever want this shit?” 
“I dunno. It was my birthday recently, so I baked cookies to hand out to the class. Don’t you want one? I thought everyone likes cookies.” 
“I would rather die than eat that,” he snarls, and he angrily shoves the cookie back into your hands. 
He’s dramatic as all hell, of course, and that kind of vicious remark would have been more than enough to make anyone feel self-conscious. It was needlessly harsh. He obviously didn’t mean it. Given the option of eating your cookie or dying, he would definitely eat the cookie. 
Not that it really matters, though.
You’re completely unfazed. 
“Damn, I didn’t know you were deathly afraid of cookies,” you muse. “I’ll have to keep that in mind for next time. What about cupcakes? Are cupcakes safe for you to eat?” 
Katsuki’s entire face turns red. “That’s obviously not what I meant, asshole!” 
“I know,” you giggle, and for some reason, the sound makes Katsuki’s heart skip a beat. “Sorry for teasing. You’re really funny, Bakugou. I like you.” 
He parts his lips to respond, but he’s incapable of forming any words. It feels like whatever he was about to say just died in the back of his throat. All of a sudden, he’s frozen in place, brain running haywire. 
“I like you.” 
You’re making fun of him. You have to be. And why should he even care whether you actually like him or not? He doesn’t give a shit about you. He can’t stand you. You’re the bane of his goddamn existence. 
That’s what he keeps telling himself, but given how red his face is, it’s sounding harder and harder to believe. 
“I’ll make something else next time,” you beam. “I’m sure one day, I’ll figure out something you like. I’ve noticed you eat spicy food a lot. Maybe I should try making a curry. Ah, but if it’s good, you have to be honest with me, okay? You’re not allowed to lie.” 
Katsuki’s heart does another flip. It’s so stupid. He can’t believe his mind even bothered to read into it, but…
The fact that you know what kind of food he likes means you’ve at least been paying some attention to him, right? 
“I’m going to beat you,” Katsuki blurts. His voice wavers slightly, and he grinds his teeth together in embarrassment, but still, he persists. “On the next round of exams… I’m going to place first. Just you watch.”
Normally, Katsuki can’t stand to lose. He can’t stand the feeling of inferiority. The idea that someone else might be better than him.
And yet, despite his frustration, despite how much he claims you drive him up the wall, he actually doesn’t mind the challenge. It’s exciting. It makes him respect you that much more. 
“We’ll see about that,” you grin—and he’s convinced you have to be the prettiest girl he’s ever seen.
No doubt about it. 
Something about you just gets his heart racing.
Check out the author’s library!
Read more on Ada’s Quotev (Kikyo and Starflame), Ao3, and Wattpad (Kikyo and Starflame)!!
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thatnewweeb · 3 months
Drunk | Iida Tenya
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Summary | A drunk Tenya accidentally stumbles into your room and confesses his feelings for you
Content | Fluff, fem reader, drinking, drunk Tenya (which is out of character Tenya but it's fine cause it's cute), sharing a bed
Word Count | 1.2k+
A/N | I find the idea of drunk Iida so very cute for some reason
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It must have been almost 3am when you heard your dorm room open. That was odd. You must’ve forgotten to lock your door. Even so, why would someone be coming into your room at 3am? Perhaps it was just a breeze? Half asleep, you roll over in bed to see what caused it to open. From the small amount of light leaking in from the hallway, you can see the silhouette of your best friend, Iida Tenya, standing in the doorway. 
You rub your eyes, sitting up in bed a little. “Tenya? What are you doing here?” you ask quietly. It seems odd that he would be awake so late, even without having classes tomorrow. He’s far too responsible for that. 
“Y/N?” he sounds surprised, clearing his throat before speaking again. “I believe I may be a little drunk. I apologise. I thought this was my room.” 
Ah, he’s drunk. The peer pressure from certain boys in our class must have finally gotten to him. You bite your lip, trying to stop any sound leaving your lips, but you can’t contain your laughter. 
“What are you laughing at?” he asks you, sounding a little confused. 
“Even when you’re drunk, you still act so formal! And with your best friend too!” you laugh, slipping out of bed and walking over to him. You’re just thankful that you don’t sleep without clothes on. That would have been very embarrassing. 
He appears to be a little unsteady on his feet, so you hold onto his arm and guide him over to your bed, sitting him down on the mattress. 
“So, this is not my room?” he asks, looking up at you from his now seated position, making you giggle again. 
You go grab him a glass of water from your small kitchen area. “Correct, this is my room. Your room is in the same place on the opposite side,” he drinks the glass of water you handed to him without questioning you, draining the liquid quickly. 
“I apologise for barging into your room like this. Would you mind taking me back to my own room? I am not sure I trust myself to find the correct room, and I do not want to accidentally climb into bed with Kaminari.” 
You laugh softly, shaking your head. “Just stay here for the night. I don’t mind.” 
His eyes widen at your suggestion. “You want me to stay here? In your room?” 
You nod. “We’re best friends, Tenya. I don’t want anyone else to see me in my sleepwear, and I also don’t want to be responsible if you end up falling over.” 
He takes a moment to consider before agreeing to your suggestion with a nod. 
You smile and mess up his hair with your hands. “Make yourself comfortable.” 
He looks up at you with a smile on his face. You take off his glasses, placing them on your desk. “Thank you, Y/N. I love you,” he says, unbuttoning his shirt and folding it neatly. 
You freeze for a moment, both at what he said and what he’s doing. Surely he meant as a friend? And you have no idea why you’re so surprised that he’s taking off his shirt. Did you expect him to sleep in his school shirt? 
Turning away, you take a deep breath, preparing yourself. You suggested this, but you didn’t expect him to say something like that. It will take a little more to get through tonight than you expected. 
When you hear your sheets rustling, you turn around again. Tenya is under the covers, his shirt and pants neatly folded on the bedside table. You blush when you realise he’s now in his boxers, in your bed. 
Hesitantly, you climb in bed too, leaving plenty of space between the two of you. That doesn’t last long though. 
Before you know it, two arms have pulled you in closer, your body pressing up against a sturdy chest. A blush covers your cheeks as you look up at your best friend’s face. He looks so happy and peaceful that you can’t bring yourself to move any further away. 
“Goodnight, Tenya,” you smile softly. 
“Goodnight, Y/N. I love you,” he says, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead before closing his eyes, almost instantly falling asleep. 
It takes you significantly longer to get back to sleep, distracted by the situation you caused. 
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When you wake up, he’s still asleep. That isn’t all that surprising, he was up much later than usual last night, plus he did seem rather drunk. He acted rather differently last night, there is no way he would have usually done anything he did last night. 
His arms are no longer around you, allowing you to get out of bed. The first thing you do after getting changed is go to Tenya’s room to grab him a change of clothes. Thankfully no one sees you, so you don’t have to explain anything. 
Upon getting back to your room, you decide to make breakfast for the two of you, waiting for him to wake up. 
It’s significantly later than usual when he does wake up, sitting up and looking at you in confusion. When he realises he’s not wearing a shirt, he blushes and pulls the bedcovers up to hide his chest. 
“Y-Y/N? What are you doing here?” he asks, confused. 
You laugh. “Of course I’m here! This is my room after all.” 
He just looks even more confused at your answer, glancing around the room and realising that he is, in fact, in your room. “What am I doing here?”
“You came here drunk last night thinking it was your room and I didn’t want to be responsible for taking you to your own room, so I just let you stay in mine,” you smile, turning to hand him a glass of water, figuring his head probably hurts. 
You continue talking as he drinks it. “I got you some clothes from your dorm, go ahead and change in the bathroom. I made breakfast.” 
He grabs his clothes quickly and hurries into the bathroom. While he’s changing, you lay out breakfast for the two of you at the small table in your dorm. 
“What actually happened last night?” he asks, taking a seat opposite me. 
“Well, like I said, you came in drunk. Then you stripped down after I told you to stay the night, you told me you loved me, then we went to sleep.” 
His eyes go wide. “I did what? I told you what? I apologise, Y/N!” he exclaims, cheeks bright red. 
You laugh. “Tenya, it’s okay! We’re best friends, we may be the opposite gender, but it’s still okay!” 
“No! No, it is not! I should not have said that to you in such a state.” he seems embarrassed by the whole situation. 
Smiling, you stand up and walk around to him, hugging him. “Really, it’s okay,” you say gently. “I-” you hesitate for a moment. “I love you too.” 
He shoots up from his seat in shock, accidentally knocking you. “Ah, I’m sorry.” He grabs onto you to stop you falling, pulling you close to him. He looks away when he realises how close you are, cheeks red. 
Forcing himself to look back to you, he wraps his arms around you properly. It seems like he wants to do something, but is too nervous to do so. You decide to initiate instead, standing on your tiptoes and pressing your lips to his. 
His body stiffens momentarily, quickly relaxing and kissing you back. 
“I meant it, you know,” he says quietly. “I wish I hadn’t said it while I was drunk, but I do. I do love you.” 
With a large smile on your face, your hands gripping tighter onto his shirt. “I love you too.”
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maybe-its-5sos · 6 months
Try again (Toshinori Yagi Smut)
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Requested: no
Summary: You want to add another addition to the family, he’s unsure.
Word Count: 1695
Warning(s): Self-doubt, Smut
“So What I think doesn’t matter?” You question sitting down next to Yagi on the couch.
Tho you’d been with him for years and have 2 kids, he still occasionally gets into these strange thought patterns. Yes, his self esteem has been low ever since he lost use of his All Might form, but you thought that you having been with him for so long would be worth something.
“Of course it does, dear!” His eyes shoot towards yours, as if searching for something.
“Well then, listen to me, I married you because I love you, all of you. Furthermore I prefer you in your smaller form and I’ve told you as much as thousand times. I know it’s not easy, and I know you feel down, but you need to remember that people still love you no matter what!” You say, taking a sip of your tea, offering Toshi his own cup. He takes it, looking like he’s deep in thought.
“You’re right” he says looking at you again with a smile, but it seemed a bit hollow, like he didn’t truly believe it. You decided to not push the matter further for now as your 9 year old barges into the living room from his room. “ Dad! Look” he says excitedly, he had fashioned his blanket into a cape. You smile wiggling your eyebrows at your husband.
He goes to play with him and your 6 year old joins in, playing as a villain.
You thought the ruckus in your house would never stop as your family spent their day off playing heroes and villains and god whatever else came to their creative brilliant little minds. Your husband played along with all of it.
By the end of the night, the kids were so worn out, getting them to bed was a dream. They were sleeping pretty much the second their heads hit the pillow.
You were in your bedroom, getting ready for bed as Yagi joined you. “Hey, I wanna talk to you about something when you have a moment.” You tell your loving husband as you put on your baggy sleep shirt. “What’s on your mind, darling?” He inquired.
“ I want another kid.” You blurt out, looking away, worried about his reaction. A breath hitches in his throat causing him to cough. “Y/n, Im not sure that would be a good idea, the kids would have a pretty big age gap and I don’t know if I could keep up with another kid…” he says, nudging you to face him, putting a finger under your chin to lift it, getting you to look at him.
“I know… but I miss being pregnant” you trail off. “Why would you want another child with someone like me? When we had our boys I was still All might, I still had something to offer.” He confesses quietly. Doubts swirling in his mind. It was true, you had your youngest long before his quirk became nearly un usable. It always worried him, not being able to protect his family anymore, he also thought you would lose your interest in him. To his surprise you had stayed steadfast in your love and adoration for him.
You shoot him a glare, “I love you no matter what Toshi, You have so much more to offer than just being a hero and I still don’t care what form you’re in.” You tell him, giving him a reassuring peck. In all honesty, if you had the time and he had the energy, you’d have a gaggle of kids by now. You’d be jumping his bones at every and any opportunity. Sadly tho, with your family keeping both of you busy and his injuries hindering his sex drive, that hasn’t been a possibility.
“I don’t know” he says nervously. “Just think about it, even if the answer is no, I would appreciate you giving it a thought.” You tell him, looking at him with a slightly sad look. He caught it immediately but didn’t say anything about it, giving you a nod.
Getting in bed, you fall asleep tho a little restless, he on the other hand couldn’t sleep. Toshis thoughts were racing.
He wanted to give you want you want. He always had. But at the same time he was unsure if he could handle another kid. Yagi loves his boys and would do anything in his power for them. Could he have another?
Before he knew it, the blaring alarm, rays of sunshine and tussling from your side of the bed awoken him from a slumber he didn’t even realise he was in. He keeps his eyes shut, trying to get a little more sleep while you get out of bed and make your way to the kitchen.
Cheerful giggles fill your home and delightful smells of food tingle the nose. Toshi shuffles towards the kitchen, stopping when he sees you three. Playfully preparing breakfast. The youngest is holding the spatula, while the oldest is getting things out of the fridge to set on the table. You’re cutting up fruit as you giggle at your youngest making goofy faces.
They look so much like a younger version of their father. You always wonder where your genetics disappeared to.
The breakfast was delicious, even if Toshi couldn’t eat a whole lot and everyone was all giggles. Today was the end of the weekend, meaning the boys needed to clean up their rooms and do all their homework. And man does Yagi find it sexy when you go into teacher mode. You run a tight ship. The boys already know the routine.
Your husband’s heart flutters as he watches you help your oldest do his math as the youngest also listens tho he clearly doesn’t fully understand what you’re going on about. Maybe he truly does want another kid.
Getting back to the bedroom, the boys clean and in bed, getting ready to go to sleep yourself. Toshi comes out from the shower a beautiful wide sparkling smile on his face. “I think I’m okay with trying for another.”
“What?” You question, what he said not quite registering. “ I want another baby, unless you’ve changed your mind, dear” He explains, his smile slightly faltering. “Really?!” You whisper shriek. He nods, his smile even brighter than before, you swear that smile could make you melt if you looked at it long enough.
You smash your lips into his, pulling him into a passionate kiss as you pull him closer by the drawstrings on his pj pants. “Are you sure?” You say catching your breath. “Yes.” He chuckles. As you make your way towards your bed.
He gently pulls the shirt you just put on over your head, throwing it on the ground together with his pj pants. He’s already starting to pitch a tent in his underwear. He’s gently kissing down your neck as you gently play with his hair. He reaches your breasts, gently nuzzling one as he squeezes the other, a gentle hum escaping you.
“You’re so beautiful, y/n” he says, taking one of your nipples in his mouth. He gently suckles on in, soon switching to the other. “ I wish we had time to do this more often” you murmur. He chuckles lowly, kissing down your abdomen, getting closer and closer to your core.
He gently nibbles on the soft supple skin of your inner thigh, earning a slight arch of the back from you.
He gently removes your panties, rubbing a finger in your folds. Soon his tongue follows. He’s eating you out like it’s his last supper, earning moans and groans from you, your hand stuck in his hair unable to contain your pleasure. You can feel a mile on his face as he gets you this riled up. He knows he can’t last as long as he used to, so he makes sure you feel as good as possible before the main act.
Euphoria hits you as your muscles clench, begging for a release. His tongue hits your clit perfectly, throwing you off of the cliff, bliss clouding your mind.
“ I need you” you moan, as Toshi gets back on top of you while you try to push his underwear off. He assists you revealing his massive member. Even after all these years, you’ve still never quite gotten used to it. Didn’t help that he was gone so often. “ I love you, y/n” he tells you as he’s lining himself up, giving you a deep, passionate kiss. It feels like he needs you, in a way that could never be described. It’s so loving yet needy.
“ Are you ready, sweetie?” He groans. “Yeah” you moan in anticipation. He gently pushes into you, giving you a bit of time to adjust. You roll your hips into him, signalling for him to move.
The thrusts are slow, deep and sweet. He’s making love to you like it’s the first time, no matter how many times you’ve been in this situation. He’s always just so sweet and caring. His hips roll into yours so naturally, like you’re made for each other. Youre both trying to keep it down, but it feels so good that some quiet groans escape both of you. Yagis pace quickening as his climax is getting closer.
You pull him closer, your nails gently grazing his back. He’s kissing your neck, sucking on the skin here and there but not hard enough to leave marks. Your becoming more and more breathless as you get closer to your second cumming.
His thrusts become jagged and less rhythmic as you feel him twitch in you. A few more thrusts later, you climax again, him following shortly after. He stays inside as his seed shoots into you, his breaths short and body being held up by just his elbows. Yagi shoots you a bright smile, kissing your cheek. “Hopefully that did the trick” he chuckles, slowly pulling out and laying down next to you.
“I wouldn’t mind doing that again,” you beam, sending him a wink, a deep blush gracing his cheeks.
“I love you, y/n”
“I love you too, Toshi”
With love,
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manias-wordcount · 11 days
Dabi that gets a crush on quirkless reader that he inadvertently saves one day
Then they thank him not knowing he’s a villain like “ thank you you’re my hero”
And he just goes home and jerks off about it.
I also want to draw a character for you bc i feel silly rq more than once but not trading anything haha
Keep up the superb work 🤌🤌✨✨
Freak in the Streets (Dabi/Touya Todoroki x Reader)
𝗔/𝗡: 𝗶𝘁 𝘁𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗺𝗲 𝗳𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗵𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘇𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗲𝗻𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝘀𝗮𝗶𝗱 "𝗔𝗻𝗱 𝗵𝗲 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗴𝗼𝗲𝘀 𝗵𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗷𝗲𝗿𝗸𝘀 𝗼𝗳𝗳 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗶𝘁." 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗶 𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗡𝗢𝗧 𝘁𝗲𝗹𝗹 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗲𝘅𝗰𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗶 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗮𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁. 𝘀𝗼𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝗶 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗿𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝗰𝗮𝗽𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗮 𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝗴𝗲𝗻 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝗼𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗮 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗲 𝘀𝗼 𝗶 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝗶 𝗱𝗶𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗰𝗮𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝗶 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗽𝘁 𝗛𝗔𝗛𝗔𝗛𝗔
𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚: 𝘀𝗺𝘂𝘁!! 𝘀𝗼𝗹𝗼 𝗺𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗯𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻, 𝗱𝗮𝗯𝗶 𝗶𝘀 𝗮𝘄𝗳𝘂𝗹 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝗵𝗼𝗿𝗿𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝘄𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗻
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
𝙗𝙪𝙮 𝙢𝙚 𝙖 𝙘𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙚?
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He couldn't stop thinking about the way you looked at him.
Your eyes were littered with tears. Your mouth just barely parted as you struggled to breathe after being choked out by someone else. You have a few bruises. Scapes and cuts and bumps. Nothing that he couldn’t give you. But it was the fear and relief and anguish in your expression as he lit the jacket of some jackass that was in his way earlier on fire that drew him. You were just supposed to be some bitch tossed to the ground and out of the way until he finally dealt with you. Someone he was debating internally about when and how he should kill them. Someone whose face he should have forgotten already.
But then you looked at him.
Chest heaving. Eyes half-lidded. And body looking fucking amazing in whatever the hell you were wearing. You looked at him, and then at the man whose jacket was currently on fire. The guy’s screams were loud and obnoxious and distracting. Shrill and pained. It made Dabi’s blood boil. He didn’t need anyone else trekking down this alleyway and finding this scene. He didn’t need any heroes or police called. They would all just make a bigger mess.
But he couldn’t kill the guy. Because you were still in front of them. You were still looking at him.
It was obvious that you hated whoever Dabi decided to burn. That guy did something to you, so you hated that guy more than Dabi cared to know. But you were shaking. Quivering where you fell, and fuck, Dabi should kill you too just to get things over with. He shouldn’t even be looking back at you right now. He should be making you say your prayers and frying you alive. Hell, the other guy shouldn’t even be alive right now and desperately screaming as he tries to take off the piece of burning leather now singeing its way onto his body. 
But then you spoke. 
“Thank you,” You told him. Your voice sounded so weak. So pitiful. It was disgusting. That’s all he could think about. How disgusting you are. How worthless you are. How stupid you are. How could you not recognize the sight of the blue flames? How could you not recognize that he’s a villain? How could you not know that he’s seconds away from killing you too? But you decide to thank him? You choose to look at him like that thinking that he saved you? “Nobody ever helps quirkless people anymore. You’re my hero.”
He knows that. 
He kills people like you for sport. He kills people like you because it’s fun.
So why is he back at his apartment fisting his cock on his futon and trying to imagine what it would be like if your lips wrapped around his cock instead of his hand?
“Fuck,” Dabi let out a low hiss from under his breath. A long dribble of precum has been steadily leaking all over his hand. His tip looks an angry red color- almost akin to what his hair used to be. He’s more worked up than usual. He usually at least makes it to his shower before jacking off so he doesn’t have to bother with any cleanup. Or he at least finds some broad in the entertainment district to suck him off until he’s had his fill. But as he was unlocking his apartment door, he just couldn’t stop thinking about you. 
Your eyes. Your lips. Your body. Your voice.
Fuck, he shouldn’t have told you to get out of his way. He should have at least frisked you for your wallet. He could have had all the cash you were carrying and had your ID. He could have known your name. He could have had your address. He could be at your place right now, laying you out and fucking you nice and deep and fast like you’re some common whore. He’d make you his whore. He’d have you be his hole. And you’d like it. You seem like the type who would.
He should have killed you.
That’s all he can think about as he tosses his head back and pumps his cock even harder before. His groans have started to grow a little louder than what he’s used to. Usually, he doesn’t even make a sound. Usually, his balls don’t ache with the need to be in someone’s mouth as soon as possible. Usually, he isn’t left wanting for more or a specific person.  Nothing and no one has even been good enough for that. But if the very image of you with your face down and your ass up on his cock is starting to make him weak enough to consider looking for you as soon as he finishes here.
You’re supposed to be nobody special. You aren’t special. You’re not a model who’s too hot for words. You’re not some hero he wants to break. And fuck, you’re quirkless too. You don’t mean shit to him. You don’t mean shit to the world. You’re a bottom feeder. 
But he bets you’d look so pretty with a dick in your mouth too. He bets you’d whine all loud and needy like if he were to fuck your throat. He bets that he could make you cry while you take it all down and swallow his cum. It would probably be pretty easy for him to make you swallow all his cum too. He would just have to get a little rough with you. Push you around. Turn up the heat. Make you know your place.
Hell, that’s probably why that corpse was slapping you around earlier. Maybe you weren’t doing what he wanted. Maybe you weren’t doing what you were told. Nobody likes a pet that doesn’t listen. 
But not everyone is a good pet owner. Not everyone is deserving of that title. But he? He has experience. He’s strong enough to break you in. No matter how much work it’ll take. No matter how feisty or soft your spirit is, he’ll be able to take you. He’ll take you for sure. The body he left in the alleyway for someone else to find didn’t seem like the type to know how to get things done. But Dabi could. 
Dabi could get you crying and choking and swallowing down his cock in no time at all. Dabi could get you on all fours for him easily. Dabi could get you on top and have you ride and bounce off his dick until you could even stand. Hell, Dabi could he get you nice and creamy and ready for his cock every hour of every day if does everything right and steals you away from whatever shithole you crawled out and right back into his awaiting arms. Ready to seal away the lucky little prize you are for himself.
And he deserves it after all. After all the shit he’s been through. After all the shit he’s done. After all the work he’s done to be this powerful. To be Dabi. He deserves it. He deserves you. And you did say he was your hero, right? 
So how about he goes and finds you so you can thank him properly this time?
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todorokis-girl · 4 months
I Never Knew You Were Alive - Soulmate AU (IV) NSFW
Chapter IV: What are we doing?
No actual dabi in this one
Chapter I: So it starts Chapter II: A late arrival Chapter III: belive of be doomed Chapter IV: What are we doing? Chapter V: Last minute encounter Chapter VI: Deciding to fall in love with you
Next Chapter
This one is smut...there's really nothing else to say.... There's a lot of self indulgence here. I am so sorry.
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The following months were fraught with tension, especially whenever her missions hinted at any involvement with the League of Villains. The delicate and precarious relationship with Touya weighed heavily on her mind, and she was acutely aware of the potential danger it posed not just to herself but to civilians and fellow heroes. Despite her best efforts to avoid him, it was impossible to escape his shadow entirely.
Surprisingly, they bumped into each other a few times after their initial encounter. These meetings were fleeting, marked by brief, silent exchanges of glances rather than words or violence. The first time she saw him again was during one of her nightly walks. The city was shrouded in darkness, and the air was crisp and cold. She was passing through a dimly lit alley when she felt his presence and spotted him from the corner of her eye. Her heart raced as their eyes met. He stood at the far end of the alley; his silhouette framed by the faint glow of a distant streetlamp.
The second encounter was during a mission. She was part of a covert operation to gather intelligence on a rumored League hideout. The abandoned warehouse was eerily quiet, the air thick with anticipation. As she moved through the shadows, she sensed him before she saw him. He was watching her from a distance, his intense gaze burning into her. She froze, her heart pounding in her chest. But just like the previous encounter, he made no move to harm her. He simply watched, his eyes filled with a mixture of intensity and something she couldn't quite decipher.
With each silent encounter, the tension between them grew, a palpable force that was impossible to ignore. The air seemed to crackle with electricity whenever he was near, and she found herself both drawn to and terrified of him. The sexual tension was undeniable, a magnetic pull that she didn't know how to handle. She was even more confused, as along with this sensation, the threat he had made to her loomed over her every thought. 
Touya’s physical presence was overwhelming. His tall, lean frame exuded a raw, almost dangerous charisma. His pale skin contrasted starkly with his dark, tousled hair, which framed his angular face. His eyes, a vivid shade of turquoise, were piercing and intense, holding a depth of emotion that belied his villainous persona. The scars that marred his skin only added to his allure, a testament to the pain and suffering he had endured. There was a rugged handsomeness to him, a dark allure that was impossible to resist. His voice, low and husky, sent shivers down her spine whenever she heard it. She had no idea if to attribute these thoughts to the fact that they were fated for each other, or simple raw attraction. 
The way he moved was almost predatory, graceful and confident, like a panther stalking its prey. She couldn't help but be captivated by him, despite the danger he represented. Every glance, every fleeting moment they shared was charged with an intensity that left her breathless. The memory of his touch lingered on her skin, a reminder of the night he had threatened her.
This was definitely not something she could talk to Keigo about. It felt shameful to admit her attraction to a villain, but it was also understandable. Touya was her soulmate, her one true match. He was supposed to be the one person who could satisfy her and make her feel something real. The bond between soulmates was supposed to be unbreakable, a connection that transcended all else. But the reality of their situation was far more complicated.
She often found herself lost in thought, replaying their encounters in her mind. The memory of his touch, the intensity of his gaze, the way his presence made her heart race – it was all-consuming. She was caught in a web of conflicting emotions, torn between her duty as a hero and her undeniable attraction to him.
Late at night, she would lie awake, her mind racing with thoughts of him. She could still feel the heat of his hand around her neck, the way his breath had brushed against her skin. It was intoxicating, and she hated herself for wanting more. The thought of him consumed her, filling her dreams and waking moments alike. She yearned for him, despite knowing how dangerous that desire was.
He wasn’t just her soulmate, he was the enemy, the one threatening her students. What would Keigo think? Aizawa? Hell… what would hero society think if they found out? 
Yet, she couldn't deny the truth. Touya was her soulmate, and no matter how twisted their relationship, that bond remained. She could feel it in her very soul, a connection that refused to be severed. It was both a blessing and a curse, a source of both strength and torment. She was trapped in a dance with darkness, unable to escape the pull of the man who was supposed to be her other half.
As she navigated her missions and daily life, the tension never fully dissipated. It lingered, a constant reminder of the battle raging within her. She was determined to find a way to reach him, to make him see the truth of their bond. But each encounter left her more confused, more conflicted, and more desperate for answers. The path ahead was uncertain, and the stakes were higher than ever. But she couldn't give up. Not on him, and not on herself.
The last time before the cataclysmic event, she hadn’t gone out looking for him, but they found each other. She was returning from one of her rare midnight patrols, enjoying a can of iced coffee. The city was quiet at this hour, the usual hustle and bustle replaced by an eerie stillness. The streetlights cast long, dim shadows on the empty sidewalks, and the occasional car passed by, its headlights slicing through the darkness.
Tomorrow was Saturday, and she didn’t have to work, but she had a weekly meeting with her best friend and needed to grade some assignments. She sighed, knowing she needed a lot more than a can of iced coffee to keep her going. Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t notice the looming presence that had been tracking her.
She stopped in her tracks and slowly turned to look at the alleyway, carefully adjusting her vision to peer into the dark. The alley was narrow, lined with overflowing dumpsters and scattered debris, the smell of mold lingering in the air. After a couple of seconds, she could start making out his shape. His silhouette was unmistakable, even in the dim light. Then she saw his eyes, two burning points of blue in the darkness. They held each other's gaze, and she felt a lump form in her throat, a mix of fear and pent-up desire.
When she was about to step away, he finally approached her, stopping at the very edge of the alley, right at the line where he would be stepping out into the light. The faint glow from the streetlamp illuminated his features partially, highlighting the intensity in his eyes and the harsh lines of his face. His presence was imposing, and she could feel the heat radiating from his body even from a distance.
She took a sharp breath and braced herself, hoping today wouldn’t be the day she fought him, not in her current state. Her heart pounded in her chest, a rapid drumbeat of anxiety and anticipation.
“I’m not ready to talk, I don’t want to fight, I don’t trust you; I’m tired of the tension,” he said, his voice low and intense. His gaze held her captive, his eyes burning with unresolved emotions. Confused, she scrunched her eyebrows, wondering what she was meant to do. Her heart raced in her chest, the confusion still present.
“Let’s get rid of it,” he added, his words a dark, compelling command. Setting backwars into the alley, almost pulling her to follow him. 
And with that, she was convinced. She couldn’t deny the magnetic pull between them, the way his presence stirred something deep within her.
The narrow alleyway provided a cloak of secrecy, shielding them from prying eyes and the hustle of the city beyond. The faint glow of distant streetlights cast eerie shadows against the worn brick walls, adding to the clandestine atmosphere of their rendezvous. The air hung heavy with anticipation, thick with the scent of urban decay and the heady aroma of their shared desire.
The world around them disappeared as their bodies collided with a desperate need that had been building for months, probably years. The alley was a confined space, filled with the mingled scents of the city and their shared passion. The rough texture of the brick wall pressed against her back contrasted sharply with the heat of his body. His touch was both rough and tender, a confusing mix that left her craving more.
He roughtly pulled her sweater to rest above her breast and desperately pulled her bra downward to expose her breast, the sounds she made echoed in the confined space. At that moment, she couldn’t think even if she wanted to. Her mind was a haze of sensation and emotion, a whirlwind of heat and urgency. She could feel every scar, every line of his muscular form, and it drove her wild with a longing she couldn’t control.
Witth heavy breast and a hint of desperating, he lowered his pants to his waist and after urging her to be quick, grabbed her ass, and lifted her up to rest against the wall, held up by his arms; her legs around me. Her shorts and underware carefully dangling from her ankle. 
There was something taboo in this clandestine encounter, knowing they were not supposed to be together. She was his enemy; she was his soulmate.
His hand cupped her breast, his fingers tweaking her nipple. A gasp escaped her lips, a shiver running down her spine. It was as if electricity crackled in the air, the atmosphere crackling with tension and anticipation. Sweat dripped down their bodies, mingling between them, a testament to their overwhelming connection.
Heat pulsed through her veins, fueling the ravenous beast within. He whispered obscenities in her ear, probing her with his tongue, and she shivered at the filthy words.
"Fuck me, dammit," she cried out, her hips grinding against him. "Take me."
He echoed the sentiment, his voice raw and primal as he grabbed her and smashed her against the cold, unforgiving wall. The impact sent a jolt of pleasure through her limbs, echoing the primal core of their need.
His length throbbed between them, and with a violent thrust, he entered her. Their bodies moved in a syncopated rhythm, both in harmony and discord, a clash of need and fury.
"God, Touya," she moaned, her voice bouncing off the cold walls of the alley. Her head rolled backwards, hitting the surface with a dull thud. His name on her lips was a mix of love, fear, and lust, an intoxication that tasted sweeter than any drug could.
The pain of his grip on her hip, the primal frenzy of his thrusts as he invaded her: all of it fed that insatiable hunger within her. Her legs wrapped tighter around his waist as she took him deeper, each thrust forcing her closer to the edge.
"You like that?" Touya asked, his voice a low growl, savage and raw. The question sent a chill down her spine, and she couldn't help but nod eagerly. She wanted to give herself to him completely; she was beyond the point of shame or fear.
Her heart raced as he took her, his movements becoming stronger, urgent and intensifying with each passing moment. Her body shuddered around him, her walls clenching around his length as she met his rhythm.
Touya pulled on her hair, forcing her to arch her back, giving him better access to her heaving chest. He bent down to take a hard nipple into his mouth, sucking on it with a greed that made her cry out in pure bliss.
His other hand moved between their bodies, his thumb finding her swollen nub. Pressure and friction, a divine combination she couldn't resist. She bucked her hips, pressing herself harder against him, urging him on as her pleasure mounted.
"Don't stop," she panted. The sound of their bodies moving together reverberated through the alley, mingling with the distant sounds of the city.
Touya continued his sensual assault, driving her to the brink of madness. The tension built inside her, her core ached with anticipation. His moans on her ear were becoming maddening, aiding in the sensitivity and pleasure. 
Her body, wet and warm, clung to him. He groaned his satisfaction, his length fully sheathed inside her as he established a hard, insistent rhythm. She could hardly breathe, her ability to form words vanished as her senses heightened to a fever pitch.
The slap of their bodies echoed in the narrow confines of the alley, a reminder of their forbidden union. Her back remained glued to the icy bricks, while his hands roamed her body mercilessly. The mix of hot and cold on her skin sending her farther down her path. She was used to conflicting temperatures on her skin, but this time it made every inch of her body more aware. 
He cupped her breasts in his calloused palms, pinching her sensitive nipples with a cruel force that made her gasp. He growled, letting go of one nipple only to grip the other more fiercely. Her breathes quickened, each one panting out in rhythm with her growing need, she could feel herself getting closer, a white hot sensation running though up her spine skin. 
"God, Touya, I'm so fucking close," she cried, her voice hoarse. Her body trembled as her lips parted wider, gasping for air, her eyelids fluttering as the orgasm approached. Every thrust making her moans louder.
“Careful, someone might hear the little hero” He grinned, his lips curling up into a wicked smile, hearing her pleas drove him wild. Gripping her hips tight, he buried his thrusts deep inside her, relishing the sensation as his length pounded against her sensitive spot. Pleasure consumed her body as her walls closed around him, wet and greedy, demanding every inch he could give her. He felt her cum on his cock, and he saw her. Her eyes rolled back with one last moan, no, scream; twitching and she desperately looked for something to grab onto. 
He had no intentoon oh helping her lower her moans, it wasn’t exactly his problem whow saw. With a mischeavious lick of his lips he grabbed her hips again, knowing she hadn’t finished her orgasm and continued to thrust into her. 
He was close to his own orgasm, and he was gonna use her to finish even if she couldn’t take it anymore. He made sure to watch her, sounds wilder and louder as he speed up closing on his own high. 
With one deep groan, he attached his teeth to her shoulder, near the baase of her neck, bitting as hard as he could, finishing himself off deep inside her. 
"This. Is. Fucking. Insane," she managed to pant as she carefully attempted to catch her breath, she looked into his eyes studying him carefulluy "What are we even doing?" She didn’t understand what she was doing, and to be quite frank, she was yet to figure out how she felt about it… emotionally. 
"Savoring. Each. Other." He ground out in response, between his own harsh breaths. His tongue traced the shell of her ear before he nipped at her earlobe. She gasped, her body responding to his touch like he was a drug she couldn't get enough of.
"You liked that, didn't you?" he whispered, his voice thick with desire. She moaned, her legs involuntarily shuttering around him. He pressed himself against her, his hardness throbbing against her core, a reminder of the intimacy they shared and the larger connection that lay between them.
He took in the bite he had left on her, red and angry, and licked it. It was gonna leave a mar, and it was going to bruise; and he wasn’t going to let her forget any of this. 
She gruided her hands under his shirt. Her hands trailed between his toned abs and up to his broad shoulders, feeling the muscles underneath ripple. She took the moment, and the opportunity to study his scars, and soutures and how the alternating textures felt on her skin, allowig herself the oportunity to familiarize herself with the warmth of his body, almost memorizing his temperature; who knew when she’d have the oportunity to do this again (more like who knew, if she would allow herself to do this again). It was a moment of intimacy unlike any other, a fleeting connection between two souls bound by fate, one that she increasingly though would never stick. 
But even as she reveled in the sensation, permitting herself the moment of intimacy, a part of her couldn't shake the nagging doubt that lingered at the back of her mind. She knew what this was, and the moment he decided he got his fill, she had to run. 
She didn’t look up at him, but he studied her carefully, he was just as confused as she was. He had never felt the desire for anyone that he had felt for her, and he needed to know why. Now that he knew, it terrefied him, this wasn’t about love or even wanting to have anything with his soulmate; he just couldn’t stand the tension any longer.
As she leaned back against the brick wall, using it for support, Touya couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt wash over him. He had allowed himself to be drawn into this moment of vulnerability, to let down his guard and succumb to the allure of her touch. And now, as they stood there in the darkness, he couldn't help but wonder what it all meant.
She swallowed, her breath finally staying, as she quickly pulled on her clothes back on properly. She was moving quicker than she though she could and felt her eyes begging to water, finally, after a moment of calm the current reality swallowing her whole. 
“Thank you; for…” She used her hands to sort of half haeartedly signal to the encouter; and he looked at her uninterested. 
“Leave” he finalized adjusting his own clothes and began to walk away, she didn’t know how to feel or why; and as much as she expected and knew this would be the reaction, it still hurt her.
He himself was confused, but he knew, even if he wanted to belive her, even if he trusted her, even if he begged for it; they could never really be together. He didn’t know if she understood their circumstances, but one day it’s click. He was sure of it. 
tags: @staygoldsquatchling02
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kotton-kandy953 · 2 months
➛ yandere!shoto todoroki x fem!reader
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2,036 WORDS
⤷ ❝ 𝕾𝖔 𝖙𝖊𝖑𝖑
me, Shoto,"
Your mother smiled softly as she began asking the young man various questions.
You glanced over at your mother and father then sighed. You hated being here, you'd rather be at home than some formal family introduction.
Your subconscious began to tune out the unnecessary chatter around you. It wasn't as if you cared if this meeting were to go good or bad.
My parents are always trying to tell me what to do. What the hell do they not understand about me being an adult? You tried to mask your anger with a fake smile, but it was hard to keep up the front.
Your parents M/n and F/n L/n sat on your side, kindly making conversation with the richest, most intimidating family in all of Japan: the Todoroki's.
They specifically sat who we came here for, the youngest son of theirs, Shoto Todoroki, across from you. Great.
If you were to describe him, Shoto, by appearance, you would say "split in half." It was as if his right side was his mother and the left was his father.
Another thing about Shoto was that you couldn't help but notice how stoic his personality was. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but you've never met anyone so void of emotion like him.
When his cold, heterochromic, eyes made contact with yours you couldn't tell what emotion he was feeling then.
Is this guy seriously going to be my... my future husband? You pressed your lips together as you broke eye contact with Shoto.
Despite everything that you have mentioned so far, you found Shoto a very attractive young man; Although you wouldn't admit to that directly in his face.
Moving onto his family; There was his father, Enji Todoroki, also know as Endeavor, Japan's number one hero. It felt like every time he gave you a glance he was judging you. It made you even more nervous than before.
His mother, Rei Todoroki, was a kind, soft spoken woman. The complete opposite of Shoto's father.
The Todoroki's are... You glanced at Shoto then looked back down, something...
But you felt like you didn't have any room to judge here. Not all families are perfect, especially ones that are popular among the media, but seriously, there was something off-
"-Y/n would have to transfer to UA this coming school year?" Your father asked, catching your full attention.
Your lips parted in shock, What the hell were they talking about!? You looked over at your mother whom sat closest to you.
I only tuned them out for a few minutes!
No one noticed your change of demeanor, no one except Shoto.
Actually, ever since your family entered the room he has been stealing glances from your figure.
In contrast of what you thought about him, he found every aspect of you perfect.
Leaning in close to your mother, you whisper, "What do you mean, 'transfer to UA...?'" You cut your eyes at her with a frown. You didn't understand why they didn't tell you long before this!
"Oh, Y/n, sweetie, it must've slipped your mind, haha! We've been talking about this for months!" Your mother forced a fake smile onto her face as she pushed the lie through her lips.
'Sweetie?' She never calls me that. What the hell is she on about...?
You and your mother exchange glances with one another before you respond to her lie with yet another, "Oh... oh yeah, we have."
Your father then butted in, "We're going to have Y/n's dormitory set up tomorrow."
Tomorrow!? You almost shouted.
"Y/n is almost done packing up her things, actually."
You nodded, These bitches can't go two minutes without lying...
The parents in the room proceeded to converse amongst themselves once again, leaving you and Shoto to stare at each other in awkward silence once more.
Shoto noticed your nervous fidgeting, wanting to say something but he just couldn’t get his mouth to open.
After about 20 minutes of talking, your and his mother and father decided to leave the room so you both could get to know each other better.
You visibly frowned when your mother left your side, Their off to go fucking yap again... you thought angrily.
You peered up at Shoto, trying to tell by his body language how he felt at the moment. But to your avail he was harder to read than you thought.
All he did was sit across from you with a blank expression on his face. Was he thinking of something to say to start a conversation?
Trying to catch his gaze, you fiddled with your fingertips nervously.
"Uhm, Todoroki—“
"-Call me Shoto," He stopped your sentence, "since you will be my fiancé in the near future."
You stiffened at the word "fiancé."
You hated how you barely even knew this man but you and he are going to be sharing the title of fiancé.
It was like a spell your parents have placed upon you, cursing you both of being with each other until one of you die.
You began thinking of something to start a conversation with him, but what could you possibly talk about? He has no social media nor obvious interests.
Is his whole personality just being Mr. Perfect-
"-Would you like for me to address you as your first name as well?" Shoto suddenly asked, taking you by surprise.
You weren't expecting him to be the one to talk first, "Uh, Sure."
You reach to shake his hand, he glanced from your face down you your hand reaching across the table.
He reached out and grabbed onto yours firmly before you both simultaneously pulled away.
You failed to notice how he looked at his hand as if he was amazed or something. When you looked up at him again he had the same expressionless face as before.
His dead silence was very unsettling for you. The way his heterochromic eyes never ceased to staring at the table.
Was he... nervous?
What else would explain his quiet and reserved demeanor. Then again, he was harder to read than a foreign language.
Maybe he's just an introvert and hates being in social situations... you thought to yourself, honestly, I can relate.
As you were strategizing how you would start up a conversation with the seemingly dry male, he just couldn't keep his eyes off of you. He just found you very... interesting.
He couldn't explain it.
"Y/n," He spoke again, and you jumped slightly in surprise. "Ye- Yes, Shoto?"
He reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone.
Holding in our to you, he then proceeded to speak, "Could we exchange phone numbers?"
"I am aware that our parents are in contact with one another, but they haven't given me your contact information yet."
You thought about it for a second before handing him your unlocked cell phone, "Yeah, of course."
After a few moments you both swapped back phones and sat in that damn silence again.
Did he run out of questions or something? You cut your eyes at him, well I shouldn't be talking. I haven't said shit until he spoke first.
It wasn't long until both the Todoroki's and L/n's entered the silent room again.
"Well it was very nice having you all, Mr. and Mrs. L/n," Mrs. Todoroki gave a small smile as she shook your parents' hand's.
You and Todoroki stood up from your seats and said your goodbyes until you and your parents were in the car.
"Finally that shit's over with," your mother sighed as she slammed the passenger seat door. Your father turned up the cold AC in the hot car as he said, "But at least we've gotten one step closer to our goal."
He glanced up at the rearview mirror, making eye contact with you, "We just need that Shoto boy to marry our Y/n."
You diverted your gaze from your father's to the window. The Todoroki family's home growing farther and farther away in the distance.
The Todoroki's were pretty decent people... you shot dagger into the back of your parents' heads, They're the problem.
"I knew they'd love Y/n!" Your mother chimed as she pulled out a cigarette, "Her quirk is somewhat similar to that brain-dead son of their's. And transferring her to UA will be a breeze with their help."
"Then once they're married, all that money will be ours!" Your father stopped at a red light and looked back at you, "Isn't that right, Y/n?"
You nodded silently, not caring for their stupid rambling.
You had absolutely no say in any of the events building up to today despite being a grown woman.
Your parents are money-hungry sharks willing to do anything to get some change.
When you were still in elementary school, you overheard your parents plotting to sell your older brother before he ran away.
And allegedly got himself murdered.
But you refuse to believe that it wasn't your parents doing. Despite lacking solid proof or evidence.
With that in mind, you still have no idea how your parents got in contact with the Todoroki's.
You also don't know why they still believe you give a fuck about them.
You only still live with them because they refuse to let you out of their sight in fear of you running away like your deceased brother.
They're going to have a rude awakening when they find out that UA has a dorm-only policy, You smirked to yourself as you scrolled through the UA University website.
You silently looked through the website until suddenly receiving a text from an unknown number.
It's Shoto
At the last text it finally clicked, you both exchanged numbers.
>> contact name changed to "Shotodoroki" <<
Did you need anything ?
no, I was just making sure this was the right number
You frowned.
That was a waste of time.
「 EARLIER ᡣ𐭩 」
After your family had left the Todoroki family home, Shoto grabbed his things and began walking out of the house.
"Where are you going, Shoto?" His father asked sternly.
Shoto didn't even give Enji a passing glance as he spoke, "I came here to meet the L/n's. I did as you asked and now I'm going home."
Shoto put his shoes back on and opened the front door. His father was about to shout at his son before Rei quickly calmed him down.
Shoto shut the door behind himself without bothering to look back. He has never fully forgiven his father for what he's done, even after all of these years.
Shoto only agreed into going to his home again because he heard that his mother would be present.
He couldn't stand being alone in room with his father.
Getting into his car and slamming the driver seat door shut, Shoto drove back to college.
The only place he could truly call his "home."
He parked his car in the shade to block the hot rays of the summer sun. The campus seemed so dead when school was out for summer break, but it made no difference in his eyes.
He only had one on his mind at the moment.
Grabbing his phone out of his pocket, Shoto started texting an unregistered number in his phone.
>> contact name changed to "Y/n" <<
Immediately after sending the text he thought, Was that too vague?
It's Shoto
He waited no time for a response back. He desperately wanted to have a conversation with you.
Once reading your last text, he failed to think of a way to respond. So instead, he made up the excuse about verifying your number.
Knowing you'd believe it anyway.
Shoto got out of his car and shut the door behind himself.
It won't be too long until Y/n moves into her dorm here, He thought while locking his car door and walking away.
But that doesn't matter right now.
I know where she lives, anyway.
Back to Title Page?
Proceed to Chapter Two?
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eggtartz · 1 year
✧ 1st October ✧
All Might // Big Boy (f! civilian reader)
kinktober masterlist
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warnings : belly bulge, petnames, creampie, size kink
no matter in which form toshinori, his height and his size in general would always win againts you. despite being a plump one, your height isn't really helping (or it's just the fact that toshinori is almost seven foot tall) you couldn't compete toshinori in any way but the older man developed a kink over the state.
how he adores your hands in his big ones, your still small hands although he's in his skinny form. how you would struggle to reach out to kiss him, toshinori having to bend over every single time. how he loves the height difference and how it's obviously too.
how he enjoys how you struggle to take him during sex, how you need a lot of prep before having him inside because once he was too hasty and ended up hurting you. lube is a must, your juices are simply not enough for someone his size. it started as an observation, how small you looked while being under and soon he realized that's the exact thing that gets him busting a nut inside you.
it was an exhausting day for both you and toshinori as you two huffed on the couch, your body spread wide on his lap. "toshii..." you whined, pawing his hero costume that got his attention. he smiled knowingly, unzipping the suit for you two to share warmth and comfort. you hummed as your small hands rested on his enormous peck. he was content with how comfortable this routine felt, a quiet one after hustle and bustle of the day. however the content quickly turned into something else when he looks down and see how dainty you were. so small, fragile.
he stifled a groan when you accidently grind on his clothed cock, earning a small giggle. "y/n.. if you keep doing that, im gonna-" he let out a growl when he felt your hips grinding down, he almost came. He lifted your body with ease and placed you on his shoulder, slapping your butt as you yelped. "wanna get fucked so bad?" he asked dangerously and your cheeks were warm as you nodded.
he roughly dumps you on your shared bed "stick your dirty fingers in that pussy, i want it wet and prepped, you hear me?" he holds your chin to look up at him earning a nod. you hastily took off your pencil skirt while he teased you by slowly undoing his, making you whine as you plunged your fingers into your already soaking pussy. you used two fingers and whined again "toshinori, its not enough, need you to do it" he smiled, his top already off. "your fingers are not big enough, darling?" he purred "n-no.. yours are much bigger.. need it.."
"if you say so"
he was quick to place two fingers inside to stretch your gummy walls earning a wanton moan from your lips, his hands grabbing two tits in one hand that showcased how big his hands are. he whispers sweet praises into your ear that went his fingers went to flicked your clit, you were already having an orgasm
"my sweet girl. you think you can handle more?" he asked gently, nudging the mushroom of his cockhead at your salivating pussy. "yes please..." you asked oh so sweetly, he'd be a horrible person to decline.
He inserted slowly, enjoying how your small body clung on him as you scratched his back with pleasure. making small thrusts, he took one boob in his mouth as you squeezed your eyes tight "ah.. so... bignnh" you slurred as his tongue lapped on your nipple "but you can take it right? take everything, sweetheart" you panted as he kept pushing inside, venturing to places so deep inside you. your breathing hitched when you finally felt his hip and his balls against your ass. "toshi,, please.., fuck m-" you screamed as he thrusted violently as he panted "damn it.. so tight," he muttered under his breath as you moaned his name. "gotta make sure i fuck you daily, get this hole loose" he grunted as he pressed you down the bed. he easily lifts you as you lay sideways and uses your arms as levers to thrust in deeper. "o-oh.. fuck.." you were getting dizzier as he thrusts with force and nibbles on your earlobe. "i'm gonna cum.. fuck, fucking look at you.. so pretty, so small. fuck!" cum spurted inside you as you lay down feeling already full.
"you didn't think we're finished did you?"
how delicious it is seeing the slight bulge of his cock inside of your stomach makes him groan at how small you are compared to him, so small and vulnerable. so easy to just toss you around and use like a doll. "yeah.. one more.." he coaxed you into another orgasm, you were drooling on the bed sheets "t-toshi.. so full.." you mumbled, feeling stuffed and filled to the brim with how much he has came inside you.
he pulls you up, his chest on your back as he used your arms as support, thrusting inside you in a slow and sensual pace "shit.." his american accent came out "you feel too good, darling.. need to fill you everyday, would you want that?" he whispered againts your ear as you moaned, feeling lightheaded and full of pleasure. "yes.. everyday.. mmh.." your tits bounced as sweat and saliva coated your skin and his. he groaned again and came with a shiver, thrusting his cum slowly into your weeping pussy. you collapsed on the body and twitched, cum oozing out frok your exhausted pussy.
again, toshinori is fascinated to see such a small body is able to keep in so much cum.
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animeaandp · 1 month
[Emptying drafts-87 left]
(Lost the direction I wanted to go in with this)
MHA Prompt
Warning: smut, swearing, violence, angst
Dabi x pregnant civilian reader
You're Dabi’s neighbor in the crap-box apartments he lived in before joining the league. You were homeless for a while before landing a job selling your quirk's essence. It's hard to produce and sell on your own at first, but big surprise that the criminal world was happy to help. So you became a milking cow metaphorically and sort of literally; you created a product for others to sell and in return you get some of the profit. It’s just enough to get by but without any other prospects or desires that’s fine with you. Nothing wrong with a simple life.
Whenever you’d cook too much food you offered it to Dabi, or on occasion asked if he wanted to join for a movie night; just trying to make friends with your neighbor. He usually brushed you off and if he wasn’t interested then that’s okay. You stopped knocking on his door so much.
The walls are paper thin though so he knew plenty about you without having a single proper conversation. He knows you grew up in an orphanage before aging out with no one and nowhere to go. Dabi learned your favorite movies and shows, that you were actually a really good cook who learned most of it from the cooking channel, your favorite color was green and apparently everything in your apartment was some shade of the color. You loved snakes and were allergic to strawberries. Your best friend was someone named Maddie and you always spoke too damn loud on the phone with her. Telling you to shut the hell up was one of the only reasons Dabi ever spoke to you.
One day you’re confused to see him standing at your door bc you weren’t on the phone or being loud in any way. He wasn’t here for that; it was his first time realizing what you did for work and wanted what you sold. Zero intention of paying for it of course, but before he can threaten you you’re shoving a bottle into his chest and telling him it’s on the house.! It just made you so happy he finally talked to you. Dabi manages a “thanks” then goes back to his apartment.
The stuff worked like a charm and became the source of your interactions with Dabi from then on. Usually you just gave him a new bottle but on occasion he’d throw some money at you before leaving. It was his way of ‘treating you well’ and making sure to never owe you shit.
One day there’s no answer, even though he knows you’re inside; he heard the door slam shut earlier. He pounds on the door shouting at you to open up but no response. The only reasonable option is to kick down your door and interrogate you as to why you’d ever ignore him. But he walks into a mess and blood. Dabi listens but can’t hear anything, and again there’s no response when he calls your name. Flames tickle his fingers just in case as he continues further into the space. The door ahead has a huge blood splatter on it and already cracked open. Dabi pushes through, it’s a bedroom, but still doesn’t see anything, “y/n…i know you’re in here….come on don’t make me start a fire to sniff you out.” The trail continued to the bathroom, and it had to be where you were. Closed but not locked, Dabi opens it and doesn’t understand what he’s looking at. ‘Is she dead.? Was she murdered??’ You’re slumped against the side of the tub, stripped naked, covered in blood and bruises. You’re not moving. Dabi’s not sure if he can see you breathing either, what’s in front of him is such a mess.
...should he leave you?
Or hide your body? If the police found out everyone would think he did it. There were enough bottles in the corner of your bedroom to last him forever as well. He could just close the door, loot your stuff, and get back to his own life.
He could leave
He could walk away right now
Close the door and never look back
‘Just leave’
“…This bitch is gonna owe me big time.”
You wake up the next morning tucked into bed with your injuries tended to and bandaged. The television is on and an overwhelming scent of bleach makes you want to hurl. You sit up coughing and cry in pain immediately. “Lay down idiot before your stitches-WHOA! TF!? HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?!!”
“Drop the fucking knife-you’re enough of a pain in the ass as is.!”
“Wha-AH!!?” You collapse to the floor gripping your stomach now that the adrenaline of the moment has subsided. Davi kicks the knife across the room and stands over you, “Looks like you’re back to being a helpless damsel in distress. Good. You’re a real bitch when you’re injured.” He tried to pick you up but you slap his hands away with whatever strength you have left. He snarls at you, "now what.?? What are you crying about?”
“Don’t touch me again…please.”
"…Ah, I get it…a boyfriend? Or some stray who couldn’t keep it in his pants.?” You clawed your way back towards your bed, trying not to cry anymore, “Please don’t make fun of me. Not right now.” He rolls his eyes walking towards you “You sure you don’t want help.? You look pathetic.” You ignore Dabi’s jabs while trying to pull yourself back into bed. Laying there you didn’t look much better; like a dying fish gasping for water on the sidewalk. Dabi crouches down beside you. “Feeling better puppy??” Usually you found his snarky comments funny enough to at least smile, but your eyes look right through him. “What happened; when did you find me? How? What did you do-?” “My my y/n, you’re awfully chatty when you're about to die. Maybe I shouldn’t have helped you.”
“Why then.?”
“…..I need your shit.”
“……ha, haha…”
“whatever. Don’t get up again, my sutures aren’t very professional but you should live. You might look like me, but…..that’s the part where you flatter me.”
“I’d rather bleed out.”
“Yeah, keep it up with that smart mouth then.”
Dabi opens a window to air out the bleach he used to clean up most of the blood. He’d found your medicine cabinet and gives you a handful of pills before going to lounge on your couch and watch tv.
A few hours later and Dabi’s freely going through all of your things again, taking advantage of your lack of mobility. “Remind me; why’d you try and slit my throat earlier.?.” You laid in bed staring up at the ceiling as Dabi ransacked your place there was nothing interesting to find anyways. “I thought you were him.” “The guy who did this?” “Mhm. It was just a reflex; sorry.” Dabi gives up his explorations to lay beside you You were right there wasn’t any good shit in your apartment. “Save it. I doubt it’ll be the last time. I’m still waiting for your answer; who was it?….no, no no puppy don’t start that sniveling crap again. Forget about it then. Just stop crying.” "O-Okay…"
Over the next couple of weeks, at least once a day, Dabi invited himself into your apartment to check on you. He always helped himself to whatever suited as ‘payment’ for his aid and you never bat an eye. But it’s been a month now and you weren’t feeling any better. Your body had healed well but you still felt like you’ve been hit by a truck every day. Dabi didn’t remember you being so crabby before your incident or remotely so emotional.
You were becoming a real pain in the ass but it's hard to take his insults to heart when his cheeks are stuffed with a third serving of the dinner you made him. You reassure him though, “I'll find a doctor to go see soon. Promise."
Bad. Veryyy bad. The worst bad-nothing could be worse-the very worst very bad thing was happening and it was bad bad bad.
"You need to move. Now."
"Wha-No fucking way, I was here first; you move jackass!?"
"First you inconvenience me by getting knocked up and now you want to make me move??"
"No but just get over it!"
"I'm not listening to you and your bastard baby cry every day y/n!! MOVE.NOW.!"
You don't move but you don't see or speak to Dabi after that day. You barely let him hear you make a sound to prove that you were even alive. Dabi had the peace and quiet he demanded but it' too boring now. And he's hungry.
Eventually he bangs on your door and shoves a raggedy teddy bear into your chest, swearing that he wasn’t changing a damn diaper. You fiddle with the toy, still finding it perfect as is despite the damage. “I’ll call you Dabi.” Dabi growls at your little jest and pushes his way into your apartment, “just make us some dinner already I’m fucking starved.” “Of course” you steal a quick hug from him as he passed “I’ve missed you too” and he’s disgusted that he allowed such things from you.
His disgust grows as he finds himself walking with you to run errands, building furniture, and even reading a damn book on how to parent for dummies. “This is such bullshit, why do I have to read this crap to you�� he tosses the book and rolls over to hug your pillow, too tired to keep looking at that boring book. You find it so cute how grumpy he gets when he’s tired. “Go home then. Get some sleep, you’ve been up with me all day.” He grumbles his usual swears at you while digging himself further into your bed, “I’m sleeping here. Deal with it.” “…happy to.”
A couple months pass by and Dabi is so full of it. You listen to him gripe on and on about how much pregnancy is ruining your body and what an ugly whale you were now, yet he can never keep his hands off your belly for more than a moment. He’s entirely fascinated by it all but every time you tease him he says something rude and snarky about what an eye sore you were. “These aren’t so bad though” “!?DABI..!!?” You flick his forehead but can’t stop giggling as he rubs his face in your cleavage. You didn’t mind it or anything about your life right now. Taking care of this freeloader made you the happiest you’d ever been.
People like you didn’t get to stay happy though. What a fool you were to forget that. You and Dabi.
Dabi woke up one morning to find a note saying you ran to the store and would be back soon. He looks out the window to see it’s raining before crumbling the note and setting it on fire with a sigh. He really hated how much of a not-completely-horrible-person you were turning him into. Sick. He snatches your umbrella and heads out to find you. “I swear if that whale catches a cold…”
His footsteps come to an abrupt stop. That last splash under his shoes wasn’t water. It was something thicker and red flowing out of the alleyway. Dabi follows the trail “son of a-“ and rushes to check for a pulse. It’s faint but just enough that you might live if he hurries.
Dabi wouldn’t be there when you woke up in the hospital but he was waiting once you got back home. He already knew what the doctors were going to tell you, that you’d be going home alone. A week later you trudge through the door but Dabi thinks he might be seeing things. Like a ghost you don’t make a sound, or blink. You don’t react to Dabi’s presence at all until he knocks your purse out of your hand and yanks you in by your neck. “Answer me when I’m talking to you brat. Tell me what you need already.” But your eyes don’t sparkle or look mischievous looking back at Dabi. You’d gone numb. So Dabi silently took care of you (to the best of his abilities) until you go from numb to grief stricken.
It was such a headache. The tears, crying and wailing over a half folded pile of baby clothes, or into Dabi’s shoulder once your crying woke him up and he needed you to settle down. He’d drag you into his arms, ignoring your shouting to piss off, and force you back into bed. Then keep you trapped in his full embrace until you exhausted yourself and passed out. Dabi complained constantly but regardless he was there with you.
Finally, Dabi walks in one day to see you packing up the last of the baby junk. He squats down beside you to start throwing in the last of it into the box. You no longer got sad or angry at him for doing such things, you knew it was his way of trying to help you move on. “It’s just…I found something that made me look forward to living…” Dabi rolls his eyes, “pleaseeee no more waterworks I JUST got here.” You chuckle and punch him in the shoulder, “You’re such a heartless asshole.” “and the only reason you’re alive.” He pushes you back and goes to place the box in storage as you plopped down on the couch. You recline comfortable and welcome Dabi slithering over on top of you. “Besides, at least now you’re not a whale anymore and, thanks to whatever fucked up god is out there, these two are still here.” You laugh tugging on his hair trying to pull his face out of your chest. “You’re too old to be acting like this!!” “Shut up and respect your elders you little rat.” He slaps your hand away but eases up; resting his head on your cleavage as his arms coiled around you. “You’re young. You have plenty of time to crap out another baby, assuming you can stay out of trouble long enough to.” You tickle his back with a fond smile, “If only I could.”
“…???….what are you doing??” “Smelling you.” “Uh huh, yeah I got that. Wanna tell me why though??” Dabi drags his face over your chest and up your neck, taking deep breathes all the way to your ear and into your hair. “I’m committing you to memory.” You grip onto his shoulders when he suddenly pushes up and his knees force yours to spread under him. “W-Why???” He scoffs in your ear and whispers “you don’t really expect me to stick around to help raise my own child do you?” “What are…nghh…Dabi wait…” He continues nibbling your ear though as his hands roam to places they haven’t been before. “Wait for what. You want a baby so I’m gonna give you one” “Wh-“ “Maybe two.” ‘Two’?!!” “Mhm. Depending on how good this is.” You feel a growing heat that you weren’t afraid of being consumed by. “This is a horrible idea” you whisper lifting your hips for him “what if I do expect you to stick around?” “Why would you expect that?” “I don’t expect anything from a person like you” you hike your leg up and shiver feeling his lips drag down it “but I’d want you to.” He furrows his brows trying to control himself but this is already more patience than he’d typically exercise. “I don’t want that.” “Do it anyways.” “I don’t wanna.” “Fine. Good luck finding someone else to put up with you, or feed you.” “Hmmm, good point” Dabi’s mouth moved hungrily down your thighs, digging his fingers into both as he went, “a few more and maybe I’ll stick around til their first birthday.” “T-There’s a Christmas turkey in it for you if you stick around for their second.!” “Where’s a rat like you finding something like that” he mumbles between licks before you tense up “From wherever a villainous lowlife like you can steal one from!.Fuck…” “ha ha that’s my girl.”
All your free time is spent rolling around with Dabi, listening to him growling and grunting in your ear, reminding you how he swears to never change a single diaper or be forced to do anything. You try asking him why he’s doing this then and finally he says “You wouldn’t stop crying about wanting a damn baby so I’m giving your needy little cunt one. That’s it.! Just feeding your greedy greedy body what it wants..” and he fucked you with that need. His hands and mouth are never not on you and it’s unsurprising how his lack of shame extended into the bedroom. You think once the pregnancy test says positive it’d all stop but “no way I’m passing this up.” You’re confused and trying to slow him down as he throws you on your bed. “Pass what up? I thought you’d never touch me again now that I got what I wanted?” “No. Because now it’s my turn to get what I want.” He pushes your body into the position he likes and wastes no time. “Nine months without having to waste my time and money on condoms? Absofuckinglutely.” “Wait that’s not entirely true and you never paid for-!?“ “oh shut up, I’m breaking in my new toy.”
True to his word you’re run ragged by his infinite libido. Even after he joins some villain group he comes running to get between your thighs every chance he gets, including when he shouldn’t. One day there’s some loud banging on his door and he slaps his hand over your mouth, refusing to pause his ascent. Then the banging is on your door and you panic hearing shouting for Dabi to open up. “Not a fucking sound” he barks down at you before picking up his pace, ignoring the person’s demands that he not be late to another meeting. You do as you’re told and bare his forceful climax by biting your pillow. Your voice shakes as you try to find it “I…I’m in no condition to be handled like that..” “You’ll take whatever the fuck I give you.” He pulls the sheets over you and dips his head to kiss your cheek goodbye before getting up. You’re too exhausted to care about the arguing and shouting when he finally opens the door to let in whoever it was. You close your tired eyes and just hope Dabi finds all his clothes quickly so they all leave. Then you get a well deserved break while Dabi ran off with his buddies to go do bad guy shit. “*sigh* not a bad life for us at all..”
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sunny-and-moonbow · 2 months
A Night To Remember
Fumikage Tokoyami x Shy Alt Reader
Word count: 1279
Warnings: self depricating thoughts, pining, reader being excluded/ avoided, general fluff, reader is gender neutral
Summary: You've had a crush on your feathered schoolmate for over 2 years, what happens when you run into each other at a concert. Inspired by @faulty-writes Tokoyami x Goth Reader headcannon.
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Many people overlooked the feathered hero in training, setting their sights on the flashier students such as Bakugo and Midoriya. But you had your sights set on the quiet, dark boy. His fascinating quirk, his laid back attitude.
As a member of general studies, there weren’t many chances for you to talk to him. Not that you would be able to anyway, having been a stuttering mess the first and last you’d tried to talk to him in the hallways, asking him to move so you could get past. Even if you could talk to him, why would a future pro hero want someone like you, not even nobel enough to try out for the hero course.
He was so amazingly unique and interesting and you were just you, who gets shunned by your classmates for the way you dress, accessorise your uniform and even the music you listen to. You had to buy heavy duty headphones to listen to your music in the dorms without getting dirty looks and angry visits from your classmates telling you to ‘turn that shit off’ no matter how quiet it was playing. You know for a fact that you watch the same show as a few of them, having overheard them talking about it but been too anxious to interrupt, afraid of being judged. They weren’t mean per say, but they were always a little standoffish with you, like they expected you to pounce on them at any moment. You were able to work civilly on group projects, but they never tried to connect with you like they did with each other, and you were too nervous to start the conversations on your own.
The first time you saw Tokoyami was in the sports festival in your first year, watching with awe as he kept his team in the running during the cavalry battle and how well he had fared in the one on one battles. His quirk fascinated you, the gorgeous abyssal creature that resided within him, dark shadow, was so complex in nature. All you wanted was to sit and listen to Tokoyami tell you all the details of his companion and how his quirk worked.
But alas, you could never work up the courage to talk to him, and there's no way he would have noticed you during the sports festival, your healing quirk being useless against the robotic enemies and placing you as one of the last to finish and immediately eliminated. 
The last thing you expected was to run into him at a concert, dressed for the occasion in a singlet with frayed sleeves, patch pants and a spiked choker with matching wrist cuffs to complete the look. You had waited out front of the venue for hours to get a close spot on the floor, one of your top ten bands finally visiting your state, the lead up to the concert was agonising, time passing as slower than ever. You had your outfit mapped out the second you had bought the tickets, anxiously awaiting your chance to see them play live at last. Your eyeliner had taken you over an hour, your trembling hands having made getting a smooth shape nearly impossible.
It took you a moment to get your jaw off the floor, realising that he probably wouldn’t remember you from your one interaction and would think you were just some creepy loner who only came to gawk at all the attractive concert attendees. All the blood drained from your face when he made eye contact with you, immediately rushing straight back to your cheeks, you silently prayed that your makeup would hide your blush, but the slight twitch at the edges of his beak tells you otherwise. You quickly avert your eyes to the ground, avoiding that piercing stare and instead becoming suddenly very interested in the tips of your shoes. Your soul leaves your body when you feel a hand rest on your shoulder, whipping your head up to see Tokoyami. Just centimetres away from you. Touching you.   
You could faint.
His hand slides off your shoulder, having successfully gained your attention.
You shakily respond.
Before either of you can say anything else, the lights dimmed, indicating the opener was beginning their set. You both eagerly turn, you forgetting any self-consciousness at the exciting prospect of hearing music you love around people that also love it. The movement of the crowd shoves you into his side, and him into yours. Both choosing to just accept the circumstance, as it is part of concert culture, and continue screaming your throats raw. 
By the end of the opener you were loosened up and excitedly babbling at him about how amazing they were and how exciting it all was while he just smiled and the great contrast from the half an hour ago. His staring brought you back to earth, stammering out the end of your sentence about how cool the band outfits were, conscious of the fact that you were talking to the guy you have had a raging crush on for the past two years and never spoken to.
‘[Reader]? Right?’
‘Uhh yeah.. Yeah! That's me!’
You tried, and failed, to respond normally. How did he know your name? Why does he know it? Did he hear the rumours about you? Does he already have a tainted view of you? Was any chance you may have had with him already gone? What if he told everyone at school that you were some weirdo that stared at him and couldn't talk to him norma-
‘I’m Tokoyami Fumikage.’
‘I know…I mean, like I remember you from the sports festivals…and..all that.’
Shit. You were blowing this majorly. He was so cool and you were acting so lame. A ridiculous stuttering mess.
‘I see, that’s good then.’
‘Um, yeah…how are you liking-’
Your attempt at communicating was interrupted by the main band finally beginning to play. Your attention instantly shifts away from Tokoyami and onto the large elevated stage, missing the way his eyes linger on you, soft smile on his beak. You push onto your tiptoes to peer around the mass of heads and phones obscuring your view.
After the lengthy experience of leaving the venue, you and Tokoyami file in with the crowds to the train station, ambling along and engaging in quiet and short, but sweet and reminiscent conversation that you know you’ll wish you savoured more after the night ends. 
As you try not to fall asleep in your seat, your head lulls from side to side with the sway of the train. It was a miracle you had snagged a seat at all and you didn’t want to risk missing your stop. In your delirious sleepy state you barely register the large hand that guides your head to the side, urging it to rest on his shoulder. 
‘I’ll wake you at your stop’
That's all it takes for you to turn your body towards him and push your forehead into the crook of his neck.
As promised, he shakes you awake as the train pulls away from the stop before yours, allowing you the chance to wake up enough to walk without stumbling.
As the doors open, you reluctantly stand from your cosy spot. Making a split second decision, you bend over and place a chaste kiss against the side of his beak, spinning on your heels and speeding out of the train just in time before the doors shut. You were definitely never forgetting tonight. 
And maybe, just maybe, if you hadn’t been so nervous around him at school, you would have seen the way he looked at you.
A/n-this one was so fun to write!-sunny🧡🌞
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sansfangirl24 · 17 days
Bakugo to me is the type of person who when you visit him on his patrols, he'll do something to piss you off or scare you
like he'll pretend to be stabbed and horribly injured on the phone, or something then laugh at you the whole time when you tell him you ran halfway across the city just to see him with some food in his hands perfectly fine. Or if your heroes together, he'll call you and say that there was freak accident, and he needs back up and when you get there the villain would already be defeated and everything looking perfect and he would like idk be there filing his nails, sitting on the villains back with one leg crossed over the other and he would look at you with the most judgmental look ever even though he didn't need any help in the first place and he would be like "I thought you loved me. now I know me and the safety of others isn't important to you"
definitely the worst thing he would do though is push you off a building only to use his explosions and save you, knowing he would never let you actually get hurt (he'd unalive himself if you got hurt because of something he did) and he would be laughing and snickering the whole time you're hitting him and calling him a jerk. I never really liked the idea of prankster Bakugo but scaring you half to death because of something Bakugo to me is *chefs kiss* perfection
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itgetzweird08 · 4 months
“Damn- already Bakugo? The movie isn’t even over!”
Denki whined, grabbing the remote to pause the comedy that was playing on the tv. It was movie night in the dorms, a way for the class to bond and decompress after classes. Everyone was huddled together, wrapped in blankets and sharing snacks. All accept Bakugo, who scowled at his yellow haired friend.
“It’s my bed time. I’ll see you nerds in the morning.” Denki huffed, crossing his arms as he muttered about Bakugo’s old man behavior. But Kirishima smiled, giving him a short wave and a “sleep well Baku-bro!”. The rest of the class also sent their goodnight wishes as Bakugo headed to his room.
It was only 8:30, which was a bit early even for Bakugo. He usually headed to bed around 9, but tonight was special.
When he got to his room, he locked his door and walked to his mirror, making sure his hair was to his liking and that there was no popcorn in his teeth. When he caught himself fretting over his appearance, he rolled his eyes and scoffed, wiping his sweaty palms on his jogging pants. ‘The fuck am I worried for? It’s just a Skype call’. And while he was right, it was just a call, it was a call with /you/.
You and Bakugo had been dating long distance for the past year and a half.
You met at the I-island convention, where you two got into a friendly competition at one of the challenges. After you managed to beat him at his own game, he recruited Mina to find you on social media. Anyone who could beat him was special..and it didn’t hurt that you were gorgeous to boot. However, his heart sank when he found out that you didn’t live in Japan. Still, he decided to follow and dm you anyways..which you promptly answered. The two of you have been talking non stop ever since.
What was just messaging turned into calling, then FaceTiming, to full on movie nights where you would count down to try and start the movie at the same time. And while it was inconvenient, it was fun. He wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Which is why he was always promptly on time for your calls. You had both been busy that week, so you weren’t able to talk as much as you normally did, which is why you scheduled the call. With the time difference, you would be slowly waking up to get ready for school while he was going to bed. He was able to tell you about his day, while he watched you get ready for yours.
The time difference was a hard challenge to navigate, but you made it work. Talking to eachother was the high light of both of your days. You loved seeing his face and hearing his voice, even if it was virtual and he loved the same. You were both very meticulous in nature as well, making sure that your times were aligned to get the most out of your talks as possible. That way, it always felt like enough.
And while it would be nice to hold him, to see his face in person, to kiss him..this was enough for now.
Bakugo hopped into his bed, plugging up his phone before pressing call and waiting for you to answer. And when you did, he was met with sleepy eyes and a warm smile. He could’ve sworn his heart was doing actual backflips.
“Hi Kats..”
“Morning dumbass”
You smiled at him, your heart fluttering at his teasing. And just by seeing your smile he knew, that until he could get to you, this would be enough for him.
Ps: im starting to do requests! So if you have an idea for me, go ahead and put it in my asks <3
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kikyoupdates · 2 months
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NSFW Alphabet | Bakugou Katsuki
NSFW Bakugou Katsuki x F!Reader
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Katsuki may not seem like the type, but he’s actually pretty attentive with his aftercare. He wants sex to be an enjoyable experience for you, as much as it is for him, and that extends to after the deed is done, too. He wants to make sure you’re not feeling any pain or discomfort. He’ll also wipe down the parts of you that he got dirty (which there’s always a lot of, because he loves to cum on you). If there’s anything you need, like a glass of water, or maybe for him to grab you some clean clothes to change into, he’ll do it. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Katsuki’s favorite part of himself would have to be his arms, and that also extends over to his hands. His hands are the source of his Quirk, his power, and he puts in a lot of effort into training and maintaining his physique. It proves how dedicated he is, and he can’t help but be proud of it.
His favorite part of you is your face. He just loves looking at you, to be honest. He firmly believes you’re the prettiest girl in the world. He also really loves your ass. Your face is still his favorite, but he’ll grab and slap your ass just about any chance he gets. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He tries to keep a good diet because it affects his health, and therefore, his performance as a hero. If his cum ever has a pretty distinct taste, it might be because he really likes spicy food. It’s normally nothing noticeable, though.
He loves to finish on you, and adores the sight of his cum dripping down your breasts, ass, face, etc. If you let him finish inside of you, and grace him with the sight of his seed spilling out of your pussy, he will be very, very happy.  
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He’d like to start a family one day, so he often fantasizes about impregnating you. However, he would never willingly bring this up. At least, not until the two of you have had a proper discussion about whether or not you want kids. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He isn’t experienced. It depends on when you got together, but if you met him while you were at U.A, then that means you’re his first partner. Of course, he likes to act like he’s experienced, all confident and cocky, and since he’s such a quick learner, you probably wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. He picks up on what you like very fast. He’s Bakugou Katsuki, after all. Everyone knows that he won’t settle for anything other than being the best. Sex is no exception. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
His favorites are missionary, doggy style, and mating press. He’ll usually go for doggy style if it’s a quickie, or if he’s just in the mood for rougher, more fast-paced sex. He loves being able to grass your ass and watch as his cock disappears inside of you. He does also really enjoy seeing the expressions you make during sex, which is why he likes both mating press and missionary. He can face you in either of those. Although he’ll pick missionary if he wants the moment to be more intimate. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Not usually goofy, but there are definitely moments where you might get him to crack up. He can actually be pretty playful in bed at times, so it’s not impossible that you might hear him let out a chuckle or two. If you’re acting super cute, or bratty, he’ll find it difficult to suppress his smile. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Not completely shaven, but definitely well-groomed. He doesn’t have a ton of hair growing down there to begin with, and it’s a fairly light shade of blond, similar to the hair on his head. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Sex is one of the times when Katsuki allows himself to be more vulnerable, and while he definitely loves for it to be fast-paced and aggressive, there are also times where he’ll take it slow and be more gentle with you. Even if he’s fucking into you without abandon, he’ll still make sure to tell you how much he loves you, and he’ll praise you near endlessly. There’s never any doubt that you mean the world to him. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He’ll jack off semi-regularly, but it’s mostly for stress relief, or in the moments that he isn’t able to be with you. He has a collection of nudes (and possibly videos, if you let him record you) of you on his phone, which he’ll jerk off to repeatedly. But he’d definitely much rather just have sex with you instead. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Dirty talk, hair pulling, overstimulation, spanking, and he also has a praise kink. 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Anywhere at home, where he knows the two of you are in private. This can be the bedroom, up against a wall, on the couch, with you flattened onto the kitchen table, it doesn’t matter. Just as long as he knows that no one else will see you. He hates the thought of anyone else seeing you naked, exposed, or making those gorgeous expressions that are supposed to be reserved only for him. Just the thought of it pisses him off. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Anytime you compliment him and make him feel good about himself. Even though he tries to hide it with his ego, there are moments where he feels really insecure. He’ll often initiate sex because he’s crazy about you, but there’s just something about you coming onto him and telling him how handsome he is, how he’s an amazing hero, and so on and so forth… it just really gets him going. 
Also, he loves it when you wear skimpy clothing. Not in public, because he’ll get jealous that other people are staring at you, but if you’re just walking around the house with half your ass out, it’s guaranteed to get his dick hard. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
He’s okay with biting, scratching, hair pulling, and even tying you up if you ask, but he’ll never do anything extreme that involves serious pain. He’s also extremely possessive and hates the idea of anyone other than him seeing you naked, or being able to hear you moan. So, he will outright refuse any form of public sex. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Katsuki prefers receiving oral over giving. It’s not that he doesn’t enjoy going down on you. He’ll gladly eat you out as if he’s starved for a meal, and he can never get enough of your sweet moans and the way you start shaking when you’re about to have an orgasm, but even so, watching you suck him off is probably one of the hottest things he’s ever seen. He doesn’t dare look away as you desperately try to stuff his cock in that cute little mouth of yours, and every time you strain to look up at him, with tears in your eyes, he has to resist the urge to finish right then and there. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Sex with Katsuki will usually be pretty fast-paced, and more than likely on the rougher side, too. He’s a very passionate guy, and sex is one of the ways that he conveys that. However, he’ll try to adjust his pace according to your preferences, and there are moments where he purposely slows down, because he wants it to be more intimate and sensual. 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Katsuki doesn’t mind quickies, although he’d prefer to take his time with you. Still, being a pro hero is a busy job, and there’s bound to be moments where he’s in a rush, but you just look too damn good for him to keep his hands off you. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He doesn’t mind experimenting. As long as you don’t suggest anything that goes against what he strictly refuses (inflicting serious pain or having sex in public where others might see you), he’ll definitely keep an open mind. His goal is to make you feel good, after all. He can’t enjoy sex unless he knows you’re enjoying it too. 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
This guy has virtually unlimited stamina. He’s one the most powerful heroes ever, and his diligence and determination is second to none. Not to mention that sex is different from fighting. He’s enjoying himself too much to worry about getting tired. Sometimes it’s actually a bit of a problem, and you end up having to beg him to stop. Even if he has to get up early for work the next day, he’ll gladly stay up all night fucking you. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Katsuki doesn’t own toys, and he doesn’t particularly like them either. He will refuse to ever let you use toys on him. There’s virtually no chance. Still, if there’s something you really want to do, he’ll try them out on you. Again, he wants to make you happy. If you’re super into toys in the bedroom, then he’ll make an effort to accommodate you. He just doesn’t want you to prefer toys over him. His ego wouldn’t be able to handle that. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He can definitely tease quite a lot. He likes dirty talk. Nothing too foul, but definitely some filthy words here and there. He won’t ever degrade you to the point that he feels disgusted by the words coming out of his own mouth, though. He’s often mistaken for a shitty person, and he doesn’t want you to think that of him. If you reassure him ahead of time that you’re okay with him saying some more extreme things, then he’ll probably do it. He just doesn’t want to take things too far and upset you. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He isn’t extremely loud, but he’s not that quiet either. You’ll hear him biting back moans and gasping between grunts. He’s also very vocal when it comes to dirty talk, praising you for how beautiful you are and how good you make him feel, etc. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
There are times when he goes out of his way to make the moment more romantic (like using scented candles, booking a fancy hotel room, preparing a nice meal for you afterwards, etc.) and he always gets a little embarrassed, worried that you’ll think it’s dumb. Which, of course, you never do. 
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s above 6.5 inches long, close to 7, and impressively thick, too. When he gets excited, he’ll drip a lot of pre-cum, and his cock is just slightly curved upwards, which helps to hit that sweet spot inside of you. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Very high sex drive. He’s the type of person who isn’t particularly sexually driven until he gets into a relationship and has someone he cares about. But since he loves you, he’ll want to fuck you every day. Multiple times, if possible. He won’t ever pressure you into having sex with him and he knows to back off when you’re not in the mood, though. 
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He tries to stay awake for as long as he can, but realistically, he’s pretty quick to fall asleep. Especially at nighttime. He has an absurdly early bedtime, after all. He loves cuddling with you afterwards, though, so even if he falls asleep before you, you’ll always have a place in his arms. 
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🗡️ main masterlist ♡ oneshot masterlist
Read more on Ada’s Quotev (Kikyo and Starflame), Ao3, and Wattpad (Kikyo and Starflame)!!
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thatnewweeb · 2 months
HIS SISTER?! | Denki Kaminari
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Summary | Denki met a cute girl in the support course with red eyes and blonde hair. What will happen when they go back to his dorm and he founds out who her brother is?
CW | None really, protective brother Bakugo maybe
Word Count | 1.2k+
A/N | This is an idea I thought could be funny. I wrote this like probably more than 2 years ago on a different site originally. I might rewrite it at some point
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"Here it is!" You say excitedly, holding out the device to the blond boy. "This goes on your arm, like you requested." You help him put the device on, showing him how he should put it on. "If we go outside, I can show you how to use it?"
"Wow, thank you!" Denki looks down at the new equipment strapped to his arm before looking back at you.
You laugh a little. "You're welcome! It's only a prototype, so let me know if there's any changes you want, other than appearance, that isn't done yet. Feel free to tell me any extra requests you have regarding that, by the way."
The two of you walk through the corridors, out to the grounds of the school. You continue to walk for a while to get away from the main campus, not wanting anyone to get caught up in the tests.
"Okay, so all you need to do is point to where you want the discs and shoot." I tell him, gently tapping on the trigger device. "Go ahead and try it. Aim at that tree."
He watches as you step back, waiting for you to nod to let him know you're far enough out of the way. He presses down on the trigger, jumping back a little at the kickback from the device, not expecting it, pointer missing the tree.
"Ahh, I missed!"
"It's okay! That was your first try, you'll get better with practice! The aim can be a little bit tricky at the start, don't worry about it!" You try to offer a little comfort as you jog over and retrieve the disc. "There will be more discs in the final, I have only made one for practice so far."
You take his arm and show him how to reload the discs into the pointer, him looking between the device and your face, trying to focus on what you are showing him, but getting distracted, lost in your bright red eyes.
"If you don't remember, that's fine! Like I said, it's only a prototype, it may work a little differently in the final design." When you look back at him, there's a soft blush on his face, which he quickly manages to shake off, thanking you.
He tries again, this time hitting the tree, the disc sticking into it.
You make a small, excited noise, happy that he managed to aim it properly and that the disc actually embedded itself. "The glasses will show you where they are, and there will be a dial in the final design that'll allow you to choose which disc your electricity will be targeted towards." You explain. "For now, just check that the disc does attract the electricity."
You step back, putting several meters of space between you and Denki for your own safety.
When he releases his Quirk, it gets targeted to the disc as it was supposed to.
You and Kaminari immediately look at each other, excitement evident on both your faces. Your arms wrap around him, his wrapping around you as you both jump a few times, celebrating.
A moment later, you realise what you're doing and let go, both looking away, a little embarrassed.
"Um, I was wondering, if you would like to go on a date with me sometime?" Kaminari asks, sounding a little shyer than you would have expected from him.
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He had been so excited for your date, telling his friends about his plans and how much he likes you. Well, telling the friends that would listen, at least. Bakugo Katsuki had no interest or patience with his stupid friend's adventures in love.
You had spent hours together, significantly longer than you had planned. It was an amazing time, and when curfew was coming around, you didn't want to leave each alone, so he invited you to the Class 1-A dorm for a while, which you agreed to.
You knew it probably wasn't the best idea, but you figured you would need to tell him at some point anyway, and it may as well be early.
Unexpectedly, many of Kaminari's friends were waiting for him, wanting to ask how it went. Even more shockingly, Katsuki was there, apparently either not realising that Kaminari was even gone, or maybe even actually being interested in how his friend's date went.
Seeing the spiky-haired boy sitting on the couch made you stop in your tracks. Even though you thought you might see him, you didn't actually expect it to happen.
Kaminari looks at you, confused, placing his hand gently on the back of your head, playing with your straight blonde hair.
"Are you okay, Y/N?"
As soon as he says that, Katsuki's head snaps up, his signature 'hah?' leaving his lips.
"You? It's you? You went on a date with that idiot?" He asks, standing up and walking towards you.
Everyone else looks confused. "You know each other?" Denki asks you.
You sigh. "Unfortunately, yes."
"What do you mean 'unfortunately?' You should be honoured!" Katsuki almost shouts at you.
You roll your eyes. "Oh, shut up, dumbass!" You shout back.
Kaminari, and everyone else, stares at the two of you as you argue back and forth, confused.
"Are they... related?" Kirishima asks quietly, making Kaminari's eyes go wide as he has a big realisation.
Your similar facial features, your blonde hair, your red eyes... it would make sense.
Deku happens to walk into the communal area on his way to the kitchen as this is happening.
"Midoriya!" Kaminari calls out to him, running over. "Are they related?" He asks, knowing that, having grown up with Bakugo, he'll be the person in the class that'll have an insight into Bakugo's family life.
"Yeah, they're twins." He responds. He smiles a little, looking over at you. "You can really see the similarities when they're with each other can't you?"
"I'll kill you, damn nerd!" Both you and Bakugo shout at him at the same time, making Kaminari chuckle nervously. Deku has no reaction, used to this behaviour.
"Yeah, definitely." Denki says quietly, unsure how to react.
"Katsuki, I'm done here. I'm spending time with Denki right now, I'm not here to argue with you." You say before running over to Denki, grabbing his hand, flashing Izuku a smile, and dragging the blond boy towards the elevator.
Once you're away from everyone, you turn to him and sigh. "I'm sorry I didn't mention that. I don't like people knowing about that straight away. People have opinions of my brother that sometimes get transferred to me when they find out."
He smiles and takes both my hands, squeezing them softly. "Hey, it's okay. I understand."
You look a little surprised by his understanding reaction. "So, you don't mind? You're still interested in me?"
He nods, pulling you against his chest and wrapping his arms around you, your hands getting stuck between you and his abdomen. His hand comes up your back, stopping against the back of your head and bringing it softly to rest against his shoulder.
After a moment, he pulls back a little to look at you. "You're really beautiful, you know that?" He whispers softly, leaning in and pressing his lips against yours softly.
Your hands grip onto his shirt, standing on your tiptoes and leaning against him a little, his arms moving to wrap around your waist.
"Get off of my sister, idiot!"
You and Denki startle and quickly break apart when you hear that, looking over at Bakugo, who is still with small explosions going off in his hand.
"You have five seconds to run." He glares at Denki, who yelps and runs. You run over to Bakugo and grab onto his shirt to slow him down, laughing the entire time.
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anonymous-vr · 2 months
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Water Nymph Part 1
You never thought going to the surface would actually have consequences.
Word Count: 3k
FantasyBakugoux Waternymph/fem/reader
Eventual Smut
Authors Word:
Thank you all for the love! A full author's note is at the end.
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As the rain poured down, the creek fell still. Other life forms rushed to get out of the rain and find shelter while water nymphs rose from the hollow of the enchanted spring. The splash of water harmonizes with raindrops punching the large body of water. The remaining population of nymphs resided in a spring deep within the trees, a place no human was meant to find. This was done for a reason.
Long ago, water nymphs and humans lived in harmony, relying on each other's strengths. Most water nymphs offered healing properties, while humans possessed skills that allowed nymphs to live comfortably. The nymphs were worshipped as healing goddesses, and this mutual respect maintained a stable world. But it only took one human to shatter this relationship, driving others to madness. They believed that drinking the blood of a healing water nymph would grant them powers. This delusion led to the slaughter of many nymphs. Some were even forced to breed, resulting in a new generation of powered humans.
The remaining nymphs fled to a hidden spring in the woods. For generations, humans searched for them but found nothing. To cheer the surviving nymphs, the gods blessed the spring with new water nymphs. Among them, only one had the power of healing—you.
"Come on Callirrhoe, why am I the only one banned from the surface?" "It's to keep you safe from those deranged humans." In human years you were twenty-two, the youngest of ten. Throughout your life, you've heard this answer countless times. "I know, I know. If the humans somehow find our spring, they'll be able to recognize my power and steal me away. It just doesn't make sense to me though! Humans haven't found us since you and your sisters made this spring, and you guys are generations old!" Callirrhoe sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "y/n, you will not be joining your sisters at the surface. Understood?" Her tone was harsh, threatening even. You were tired of being kept underwater. Your sisters always spoke about how nice it was to breathe "air" and lay on the "soft grass". Frustration made your eyes water as you quickly turned away and retreated to your room.
Hours passed before your sisters finally retreated back into the water. The spring filled with chatter as you swam to meet them. They caught you up on all the details of the surface—the leaves were finally growing back after a chilling winter, the air was warm, and flowers bloomed around the spring. "I wish I could see." You spoke softly, your sisters all gave you a sympathetic look. "We wish you could too, but you have to stay protected. You being the last power-wielding nymph, we can't assume safety. I don't want you killed or bred, you've heard Callirrhoe's stories, humans are barbarians. Better safe than sorry." Your brows furrowed at your eldest sister's words. "So what, I'm meant to stay underwater throughout my existence? Because it's 'better safe than sorry'? Why have this stupid power if I can't even use it? It's not like you guys get hurt. Besides, it's been generations since humans killed nymphs, who's to say they haven't changed."
This conversation was nothing new, your sisters knew you were a lost cause. "Believe whatever you want y/n, you aren't going to the surface land though." At that, determination boiled inside of you.
As the waters grew dark, rain continued to echo throughout the spring. Feeling rebellious, you decided to stay up late to get a taste of land. Your heart pounded as you silently swam to the top of the spring. Your now-weighted hair clung to your wet head and face as you nervously looked around. The air was strange; it took a few seconds to get used to it. Leaves brushed against the rain, creating a magical ambiance. "Wow," you breathed quietly, beginning to move around in the water. You hesitated as you reached the dirt, slowly gripping a chunk. The soil was rich and brown, completely different from the rocks beneath the water. After some self-encouragement, you finally pushed yourself out of the water and onto the land. Your skimpy clothes did nothing to guard you from the night breeze that brushed your wet body. Your body suddenly weighed you down, and you stumbled around before catching your balance.
"Wow," you repeated again, this time with excitement as your feet gripped the ground. You couldn't understand what danger could come from you being on the surface, it was so peaceful. You giggled to yourself before rushing around the spring, feeling whatever you could get your hands on. Eyes looking up, you were enchanted by the sight of the stars and the moon. You had never seen them before, but your sisters described them perfectly. You all told stories about how the stars, sun, and moon were where the Gods lived.
As you began to relax, squatting down and taking in your surroundings, the sound of a twig snapping alerted you. Freezing from shock, your head darted in the direction of the noise. A small butterfly flew past you. Uneducated on the surface land, you giggled as you couldn't understand how something so small could've broken something as thick as a twig. The moment was cut short though as footsteps responded to your laughs. Voice catching in your throat, you rushed to hide behind a tree.
"I know I heard something from over here, I promise I did!" A deep voice echoed through the trees before three giant humans came into view. You quickly ducked back behind the tree, hoping you weren't seen. "If you're wasting my time again, I'll have your head on a fucking stick Denki." The second voice was mean, scary even. You couldn't help the frightened squeak that fell from your lips. All movement stopped; you knew they'd heard you. "I told you I heard something."
Your body froze in fear, you wanted to believe that humans had changed but the stories you'd been told instantly rushed to the front of your brain. "If you reveal yourself now, we won't hurt you." A third voice spoke reassuringly. You bit down on your tongue, mentally cursing yourself for disobeying the nymphs. You knew the gods above were disappointed in you. Hands gripping the tree, you naively decided to reveal yourself. If you came clean, you believed they wouldn't hurt you. Maybe you could introduce them to your sisters to prove that humans were no longer a threat.
After a few seconds of silence, you slowly moved from behind the tree. On the other side of the spring stood three men. The first had golden hair that glistened even in the dim light, and he stood tall and full of energy, an aura of warmth surrounding him. Next to him was an even taller man with spiky red hair that seemed to bristle with intensity, his presence slightly intimidating. But it was the third man who made you want to shrink away. His untamed blonde hair framed a face with piercing carnelian eyes that scrutinized you intently, making your heart race with unease.
"Holy shit." The golden-haired man spoke as they all stared at you. After a beat of silence, the redhead took a step forward. Scared, you took one step away.
Bakugou had been ordered to find the long-lost nymphs, in an attempt to heal his extremely sick mother. With her being the queen, and his mother, he had no choice but to listen. He thought it was ridiculous, to wander the woods to find the mystical creatures in every child's story book. He did as he was told, taking his trusted men with him. Bakugou never thought he'd actually find a nymph though. It was obvious what you were, your features matched those of the story descriptions. Long hair, enchanting eyes, pointy ears, and an alluring beauty. He took in your appearance; wet body covered by a thin fabric. Even in tattered clothes, you were enticing.
After a few seconds, you took a hesitant step toward the spring. You thought that if you moved quickly, you could retreat back underwater. "Move another inch and I'll kill you." Bakugou's words were fierce, his voice deep and gruff as he pointed his sword at you. From your point of view, your heart fell to your toes. From Bakugou's point of view, he knew he was bluffing, he needed you alive. "So, you can understand what I'm saying?" You swallowed thickly as you stood frozen in place. Maybe it was a good thing you didn't retreat to the spring, that would've put the others in danger.
Within seconds, the blonde nudged his head towards you and the buff redhead began approaching. It took only a few strides for him to reach you. Reacting quickly, you grabbed a stone from the ground and smashed it against his forehead. Your quick reflexes surprised the man as he groaned in pain. Taking this opportunity, you spun around and ran from the spring. These humans were barbaric just as your nymphs had said. You had to get them away from the spring and you knew they'd follow you.
Feet pushing you through the trees, the sound of bodies following you began to get louder. You lasted a few more seconds before you were tackled to the ground, a groan leaving your lips as you smashed against the dirt. Strong hands wrapped your arms behind your back before forcing you up. You were immediately met with the angry red eyes of who you presumed to be the leader. "I've learned about you nymphs in story books, never did they mention how much of a pain in the ass you'd be." Furrowing your brows, you tried to yank from his grasp. Pain fell over your body though when something hard smashed against the back of your head. You immediately saw black.
In your sleep, you could feel the disappointment from the other nymphs. You knew once they woke up and realized you were missing, they'd know you disobeyed the rules and got yourself in trouble. Your dreams were filled with nightmarish scenarios of what may happen to you. You were stirred awake though as water enveloped your body. Was this all a dream? Am I still underwater in the spring? Eye's slowly opening, you were disappointed to see a group of individuals staring up at you. It only took a few minutes for you to understand what had happened.
"She's got a strong arm, the nymph hit my head hard enough to draw blood." The muffled voices caught your attention as you swam to the glass containing you. "You're in this compartment since you can't keep your hands to yourself miss nymph. Bakugou said that you could understand us when we speak. My name is Kirishima." Your eyes softened from guilt as you looked at the bandaged area on his head. "Yeah, you hit me real good back there." The last thing you'd ever wanted to do was act barbaric like the humans, you couldn't control yourself though as you tried to protect your family.
An apologetic smile fell on your lips as your hand pressed against the glass where his hand lay. Kirishima couldn't help but admire you. The way your hair floated in the water, your eyes seeming to draw him in even further. "Y'know, the stories don't do you justice." Your head tilted in confusion before the golden-haired boy rushed to the glass. "My name is Denki; I was there when we captured you." Kirishima nudged him, shaking his head at his disregard. Before you could react, the doors swung open and Bakugou waltzed in. The two men immediately left the glass. "You think the Queen will let us use her for personal reasons?" Kirishima smirked as he nudged Bakugou's shoulder. "Fuck off, told you to stop speaking to me like that in the open. One day I'll be forced to put your head on a stick." "Well, today is not the day. That was a genuine question though. That is unless you want her of course." Bakugou shoved his friend away as Kirishima chuckled and left.
You floated hesitantly as Bakugou made his way in front of the glass. You could remember how rough he had been with you, treating you as though you were a man his size. His body finally met yours on the other side of the glass. He held a soft scowl as he watched you steady your body in front of his. "I wouldn't have had to knock you out if you wouldn't have run." he got straight to the point as you stared at him with animosity. You didn't reply, watching as he tried to find words to say. "You're in this tank until I can trust you. I also wasn't sure if you'd survive being out of water for too long." You were definitely a sight to be seen, a woman like no other. He wouldn't allow himself, or anyone else, to indulge though as you were here for a purpose.
You'd heard stories about the human men, how big and intimidating they were. There were no male nymphs, however, older nymphs intermingled with these men. Due to this, nymphs eventually changed genetically. This gave them the necessary body parts to reproduce with human males. You never understood how any of it worked; you couldn't imagine what made human males so different from females. Bakugou standing in front of you though, you completely understood now. The man oozed masculinity, his presence demanding your submission.
"I know you can understand what I'm saying, can you speak though." He asked as he studied your face. Truthfully, you could understand everything. Underwater, you couldn't speak in the human tongue though. Nymphs had their own ways of communicating underwater. You learned the human tongue from your sisters though. There was a small air pocket underwater that they'd take you to so you could learn. This was done under the circumstances in which you were possibly kidnapped.
Slightly shaking your head 'no,' you watched him debate internally. If he wanted you to use your powers, he needed to converse with you directly. He didn't have time to wait for your cooperation; his mother was approaching her final days. Without your help soon, she would pass prematurely. "If I let you out of this tank, will you survive?" he asked, his tone urgent. You nodded yes, raising an eyebrow at his sudden change of mind. "Will you be obedient? You'll rot in here if you try some cheap tricks again." His eyes bore into yours, seeking assurance. You hesitantly nodded yes before moving back from the glass. He moved to the side of the tank and pulled a lever, causing the water to begin draining. Avoiding the drain, you lifted your head, the first part of your body to be free of the water. You watched curiously as he monitored the process. As the water receded, the man continued to scrutinize you, his golden hair gleaming under the dim light.
Finally free from water, your clothes stuck to your wet body as you pushed your hair away from your face. Bakugou finally pulled the heavy door open, standing to the side so you could exit. Your heart thumped as you stepped out of the tank. The situation you were in was weighing heavily on your mind. You knew your nymphs were most likely losing their minds right now. With you being the last power-wielding nymph, they'd lost their greatest treasure. Despite the nymphs doing everything to keep you safe, you'd been disobedient and ruined everything for them.
As soon as you crossed through the door, Bakugou grabbed hold of your arms and pulled them behind your back again. Becoming frantic, your head spun around as you pulled on his hold. "Relax, I'm not letting you walk around without restraints. You busted my right-hand man's forehead open." Your guilty eyes avoided his as you finally stood still, allowing him to tie your hands. "Walk forward."
Bakugou walked you like a dog to another strange room. You took in all the details, still new to the surface land. You looked in awe. Your nymphs never mentioned how talented humans were. Stones, sticks, and a weird adhesive combine to create a large enclosure. Bakugou watched you skeptically as you gushed over his castle. "You got a name?" His voice broke the silence. "Yes." Your voice was soft, shy even, something unexpected as he hadn't believed you could speak. Your short answer made him raise an eyebrow. "...what is it?" Your head turned slightly to meet his gaze as you continued to walk. "My human name is y/n"
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Thank you for reading! This is just part one of this fanfic. It was meant to be only one part, but I couldn't help myself. I love details so you guys have plenty of imagery, so I stretched this one. I'm also working on a second part of "Self- Discipline" as it was requested by a few people in my notes. That should also be out soon! I appreciate the support and I hope you all stick around. I've got plenty of ideas to write out. I'll also be accepting requests eventually.
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