#myseter tropes
twilightarcade · 1 year
IDK YOUR CHARAVTERS IM SO SOR but yknwo that oen drawing you did of the character where theybwere wearing purple and they were holding books and theyr in the library and you captioned it books!
at character eith Find and name at least one trope from tvtropes.org that fits your character (or the plot surrounding them.)
Really struggling with this actually. Ive been looking through it forever and I don't exactly vibe with any of them really. theyre all sorta off,,, starting off with a healthy evil all along, and following that up by saying that its not really,, true? In some capacity yes , but i couldnt make it any better with any sub troupes so im going to tack on broken pedestal for a combo move and say that its still not exactly right but somewhat closer. what if i just made up my own tv trope. what if its secretly very clearly one but im being STUPID about it
some other guys undercut
because im good at it IGNORING x completely, this somewhat sums up why xe works here to begin with,, it offers a stable living environment n somewhere to sleep. bordering on punch clock villain but also not really. yk? like shes not out here killing people for fun but its also not just like,,, a job? to xem. i think they enjoy it enough that its not just "part of the job" or whatever. also deceptive legacy but in a more overarching and relevant way
Nevaeh Thompson- honestly she was a bit hard. theres some that somewhat fit but not really exactly. She reminds me of an angel though actually.
Jake "your name is Jacob." Mulligan- big brother instinct pretty much what it says on the tin. hes goofy and i like him but also he has seen The Horrors but he wont tell you thay
Bunsen/Beatrix/h2so4 lady/Lilith/i cant decide on a name/boss type lady- ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm something that says stinky bad liar face. yk.
#asktag#caustic corp#i am so s.lweepy and yawning and not thinking this out very wel;#thast said im not going to sleep and your stuck wuth me#whats the trope for sme guy has ben lying to everyone ever to various degrees for multible years and has some sotra fucked up god complex t#that the writer ints even sure what to do abotu and is beggeing the m to stop but they wornt stop so the writer has to go alkng with it ad#theyre mad about it and that s not eben toucjing o n the main conecernt of the freaking myseter y thta the writer is sittiing here stilltry#ing to solve for themselves because that seems prettu ompotant but actually it all the to be super intercomected and cool so despite the id#ea alreadly being layeb out i t could change atht e drop of a cat becausey its stupid actuallyand its stupod and the writer acoulally hates#storyetlling but thats actually the biggest lie in histroy because the author actuallly lovbes sotry telling but stucks ass at pittinh it i#inot coherent words on a piece of paprer that connect together and make a satistyinhg pice of paper for people to read and go woah that was#a good piece of paper the narrative sure natibved i suere like dd how the narritive did the nartive thing and it progressed and the things#like connected as they do in a narative and it was delibverd in a satisyfying manner and it was prettu cool and i dont hate it and wabnt to#kill who webvr wrote these words on this piece of paper with hammer s for beomh an absolute bafoon who cant put togeterh a simple story
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absolutebl · 4 years
Manner of Death - It’s A Murdery Series
Episode 1 Analysis
I’m not sure I can do my normal flippant BL tropes analysis + pop culture crit with Manner of Death. Because: 
This is not BL, it’s romantic suspense 
Different tropes for different folks 
We are also in cozy mystery city, sweetheart
Or should I say cozy mystery small town?
Romantic Suspense in a BL blog? 
This is MaxTul and I have been waiting YEARS for them to appear in something decent, so sure, here we go...  
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What’s romantic suspense? 
Romantic suspense is a literary sub genre of romance fiction in which both the romance AND the suspense/mystery/thriller elements are integral parts of the plot. This means that if you remove the romance thread the story would fall apart. And/or if you remove the crime element the story falls apart. It’s primarily consumed by romance readers. 
Why do I think Manner of Death qualifies as Romantic Suspense? 
Well at first I thought we were getting a cozy mystery with a gay romance sub-plot. (Which means if the romance element is removed, the story could still occur.) But after watching episode one, I think it’s actually romantic suspense because:
So much of this episode was built using romance tropes as well as mystery tropes. 
The gaze of the filming lens was very romance-driven in terms of lingering on longing glances and shirtless Dr Bun. 
We followed Dr Bun into his bed. Suspense (even cozies) rarely follows the protag into household intimacy zones in the first episode. (Victims = yes, protags = no.) Romance almost always does. 
Finally, we have got a kiss in the first installment for Dr Bun, plus a lot of screen time spent on their meet cute, and that kind of pacing indicates romance. 
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Why is it EXCITING that Manner of Death is romantic suspense? 
Well, romantic suspense is a HUGELY hot genre amongst readers that has gotten VERY little attention from Hollywood. (Something like True Romance qualifies as do a few others but there isn’t much out there...) There’s also little to NO queer rep in suspense films in general (except as plot drivers and victims). 
Generally speaking, the Hollywood film industry prefers straight up suspense in which the heterosexual love story, while it can be present for the protagonist, doesn’t drive plot and usually doesn’t end happily (think Mission Impossible franchise). Or the alternate which is cozy mystery TV series, which I’ll address in a moment. 
In short? This is a massive untapped market in visual media. 
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Cozy Mystery 
Cozy mysteries, AKA cozies, are a sub-genre of crime fiction in which:  
sex and violence usually occur off stage (AKA don’t be too graphic)
the detective is an amateur sleuth 
the crime and detection take place in a small, socially intimate community.
While I think Manner of Death is demonstrating all core elements of a cozy, I don’t think it is going to be a cozy because they wouldn’t have hired MaxTul if they weren’t going to give us some serious skinship (violating the too graphic rule above). And it has already gotten a bit violent for cozies. 
That said, it’s a REALLY smart thing to put a romantic suspense into a cozy framework because...
Cozy mysteries are SUPER popular, often times with exactly the same demographic that tends to watch BL and read romantic suspense. Which is to say: mostly straight women of a certain age. (What Hollywood calls the apple pie demographic. Don’t blame the messenger.) 
Also cozies are more popular as TV series, rather than one-off films. And what do we have with Manner of Death? A SERIES! 
So I’m calling Manner of Death as:
A gay romantic suspense series in a cozy mystery framework. 
And if they can stick to that, and have done their marketing properly, they could have a run away hit on their hands. 
There are some things to be wary of: 
The lingering gaze and romantic lens can upset mystery watchers, who are probably going to be coming to this show fresh (expecting a cozy) not understanding what it is. 
Also the captioning of the medical terminology and awkward phrasing of certainly dialogue may turn these viewers off. They are less forgiving than BL watchers. 
The director is going to have to tread a VERY thin line with romantic suspense to keep new (non-BL) viewers. As is the script - the mystery is going to need to be executed well. Finally, much as we like Dr Oak and the comedic element, that style of humor probably won’t translate well to a mystery audience, so I’m hoping they pull back a bit on that. 
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Some stuff I really loved? 
The soundtrack. It’s way more mature than BL and I am really happy to hear music that doesn’t interfere with my enjoyment or beat me over the head with its mistrust of the actor’s ability to execute emotion.
The filming style, they have left off triple shots and other BL fillers. 
The lack of comedic sound effects. I have learned not to mind them in BL romantic comedies but they have no place in romantic suspense. 
Lack of product placement. Although I worry about how they are funding this baby. 
Tul’s acting. I seriously did not think he had it in him and I am really excited to see him carry this thing. I was confused as to why they gave Dr Bun to him and not Max, but now I totally get it. Tul has a soft sweetness to him that Max doesn’t and it’s perfect for this character. I am already very worried about him. That’s one of the dramatic tensions of a cozy - fish-out-of-water driven concern for the protagonist. 
My Feels?
This is going to be a wild, crazy, sexy ride. Even if it jumps the shark I’m excited to see where it fails. And I mean that lovingly. 
From a purely academic perspective it’s so cool to watch something totally new, yet based on so much trope-riddled history. 
And on that note... TROPES! 
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Mystery & Suspense Tropes  We Got In Episode One 
Opening on a murder
Fridge girl (see women in refrigerators) 
Nosy reporter 
Medical evidence explained 
Female friend in danger
Amateur sleuth 
Small town sins AKA the dark underbelly  
Public argument
Zoom in on clues 
I know the victim 
Murder disguised as suicide 
Love interest is a suspect 
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Romance Tropes We Got In Episode One 
Meet Cute 
Sexual tension 
Secretive brooding love interest 
You can’t go home again 
Witty banter & innuendo 
Everyone wants the protagonist 
Get his shirt off ASAP 
First kiss in under 10%
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BL Tropes We Got In Episode One 
(what you thought I’d just forget my one true love?) 
Faen fatal 
Baby is a floppy drunk 
Proximity alert 
Post-it love note 
Touch my lip and think of kissing
Head touch (the ”you have something in your hair” variant) 
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In conclusion Manner of Death may be the death of me, but what a way to go. 
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