#nameless ghoul mountain
robsdoodlebook · 2 months
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for fun I made 'ghoul charts' as if written by some enemy organization drafting info-sheets; whoever drew them cute it probably gonna get questioned lmao.
ID is in ALT text, and I included the charts for my own ghoul + the blank one under the cut for anyone to make these if they want to! (just credit me if you use it)
charts for my ghoul:
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plus the blank one:
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pepperediris · 5 months
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More doodles of mountain
+ a little sodo
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bon-nobody · 7 months
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Mountain ghoul!!!, but he's coquette ☺️⛰️
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idkhowbut-art · 2 months
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Mountain likes to cook
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purlty23 · 3 months
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I think Mountain gets a little possessive over the new water ghoul during Dew’s first rituals. Luckily there’s always post ritual showers where he can re-stake his claim >:3c Support my Patreon for more like this! ✨ | Ko-fi | Pillowfort
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arcaneacolyte · 8 months
Mountain Ghoul chopping wood shirtless with overalls unclipped and dangling around his hips.
That's it, that's the vision.
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sophiasharp · 1 year
Man I don’t think we talk enough about the fact that in the wildly accepted fanon, the ghouls were like. Creatures pulled out of a primitive society full of bloodshed and danger. These guys were just chilling in hell, fighting for their lives every day like you do, and now they’re on Earth, expected to figure out Earth manners and technology and how the fuck anything works. I’ve been thinking about it, though. Let me walk you through my thoughts
- Bull in a China shop
- Big man has gotten very good at controlling his strength over the years. That control was NOT there at first.
- Bumped into fucking everything too. Dude’s used to being in the wide open abyss the quintessence ghouls occupy. Suddenly having to learn special awareness was. A hurdle of his.
- He broke a lot of tables. And chairs. And plates. Mugs. One Sibling’s arm. He got there eventually but Omega had to walk him through how fragile everything on Earth is compared to their ghoulish strength.
- Part of his habit of jumping up and down also comes from how different Earth is to his home environment. You mean you can go up and then you’ll come down again? Automatically? What a concept! Gravity is so much fun!
- Still gets some sense of novelty out of electric lighting. Being able to just. Make the dark go away? Whenever? Amazing.
- He keeps a night light on in his room. The last person to make fun of him for it mysteriously ended up with 3rd degree burns.
- Skittish little fucker
- Kinda like that one video of those weird crabs reacting to the diver
- Dew, poking at a toaster: Friend? Friend? Friend? Big noise! Scared! Scared! Scared! Scared! … Friend? Friend?
- Fucking LOVED blankets and coats and jackets and robes and honestly just anything that will keep him warm. He was used to the cold, sure, but if he had a choice between that and being cuddled under 5 different comforters, possibly with another ghoul for extra body heat? It wasn’t even a competition.
- Still had to often be reminded to wear clothes. “We’re in a hellish commune, does anyone really care about one ghoul being naked?” “It’s not so much the nakedness as much as the being out and about without your uniform.”
- Warm food blew his Fucking mind. Coming from the frigid arctic, whatever warmth you’d get from your food’s internal temperature was short lived. Microwaves? Ovens? Tea Kettles? Marvelous. Truly a gift from the Dark One
- Got REALLY into cooking. Dude is a wizard in the kitchen. Watched so many kitchen shows once he figured out how TV’s worked and started replicating the really fancy meals they were creating on screen with whatever he could find around the Abbey and what the kitchen staff were willing to give him. Now, whenever there’s a big occasion, he’s the one asked to oversee the food.
- weirdly calm and placid about everything despite not knowing how literally anything worked.
- Just casually curious about everything. Was always asking questions. Not in an annoying way, but just politely inquisitive.
- There was like a 50/50 chance he was actually listening to you at any given point in time. I mean, there are so many new sights, sounds, smells to experience! Can’t expect him to be 100% there when there’s still so much new splendor all around!
- If ever he was confronted with something new but no one was around to explain what it was, he would instead try to just. Figure it out on his own using his best judgement.
- This is how he once ended up straight up eating someone’s phone. This was very early on, mind you, but it was so smooth and shiny! And the precious metals inside were so tasty! He knows better now, of course. But there are some days where he’s tempted to give his ministry-issued smartphone a nibble…
- Figured out his love of gardening pretty damn fast considering that’s what he was originally summoned for. However, aside from tending to Primo’s garden, he found himself still going out to tend to the plants even in his free time. It’s calming to him, reminds him of home. When things get overwhelming, the plants are there to let him channel his worry into something producing.
- His first personal plant was a small pot of rosemary. He kept it in the window of his room and took *such* good care of it. It’s still there to this day, nestled among the other plants he’s accumulated of the years.
- he is so excited about everything!!!!
- He has to be touching all the new things all the time! What does it do? How is it made?? Can he eat it??? A lot of things that were small enough went straight into his mouth. Copia needed to keep a spray bottle on him at all times to make sure he didn’t hurt himself.
- Of course, when he was around the other ghouls, he played it cool. Have to make a good impression on his new (and hopefully permanent) packmates after all. He reeeaaaally didn’t want get sent back to the pit so getting in good with the rest of the band was TOP priority!
- In fact that need to be liked was bordering on unhealthy and sort of sabotaged himself a bit. Acting all suave and cocksure when the entire rest of the band was on high alert does that.
- Most of the ghouls regarded him with a hefty amount of distrust at first- being the first summon of the new boss came with a LOT of baggage -but Cumulus saw straight through him. He was just a silly little guy! She became his first real friend amongst the pack.
- The two became menaces together, exploring the abbey and messing with shit they probably shouldn’t have. Primo’s garden was a favorite of theirs, much to Mountain’s chagrin.
- Was just SOOOO fascinated by this new body he’s been put in. Unlike most the other ghouls, he didn’t have a physical body he inhabited back in hell, only being given one when he was summoned to the surface. Flesh! If feels funny! What does this thing down here do-
- was honestly kinda scared at first, what with the whole mood of the pack being out of wack.
- Apparently their new boss might have killed someone? That’s the guy that summoned them? Uh oh!
- Stayed glued to Cirrus in the beginning. Being summoned together meant having a strong built-in bond with each other, always having access to what the other is feeling. Being together offered a much-needed sense of comfort to Cumulus. Getting to spend time with a really pretty girl wasn’t bad either.
- Swiss was the one to bring her out of her shell, imbuing her with confidence through his own fake bravado. They came to rely on each other in that sense. When Cumulus was scared to do the things she wanted, Swiss would convince her of her capability. When Swiss was anxious and felt like a fraud, Cumulus would remind him of his sincerity.
- Was very curious about how her magic worked on the surface versus how it did in the pit. Back home, she was used to having to beat against the constant winds of the first layer of hell. Now that she’s on Earth, her powers are much more powerful than she ever expected them to be!
- LOVED textiles. She surrounded herself in all things soft and fluffy. Her bedroom (and most nights Cirrus’s as well) is just so Fucking cozy. Blankets and pillows everywhere. Her stuffed animal collection is unmatched. Will cry if even one of them ends up on the floor.
- Dew was the one to help her start her collection. To this day they are each other’s #1 cuddle buddies.
- Stone cold badass front to hide how nervous she was.
- VERY protective of Cumulus in the beginning. She could feel how scared she was and felt the need to step up and protect the both of them from any threat this new environment may have… even if the perceived threat is a bit stupid.
- She once kicked in the washing machine cause it made a sound once it was done and it startled her. Not her proudest moment.
- Was almost OVERPROTECTIVE of Cumulus at first, even, doing even the simplest of tasks for her to prevent risk of injury. That was until she watched her kick a sibling straight in the nuts for making snide remarks about Cirrus in front of her. Cirrus had never fallen in love faster.
- Took a LONG while to warm up to the others. Constantly felt like she had something to prove, like she needed to show that she wouldn’t buckle under pressure. Everyone (but Cumulus) was a threat.
- Adores weather on Earth and how it isn’t just WIND 24/7. She loves all the different shapes of the clouds, how dark they get with moisture, the gentle snowfall or the needle-like rain. Really puts her at peace to be out on a rainy day
- S C A R E D
- Everything is new and bright and cold and heavy and loud and- and- and-
- Yeah he barely left his room for a week, didn’t talk to anyone for anything. Not shy, necessarily, but just freaked the fuck OUT. They were starting to think he was nonverbal cause man refused to use his voice. In his defense, talking outside the water feels very different when you’re used to your vocal cords wiggling in water all your life.
- In my brain the first time he did speak was to Copia after he did his lil oopsie with the rest of the pack. It’s like a day later and Copia’s tryna plan how he’s gonna make it up to the ghouls when rain cornered him in a dark hallway, made direct eye contact, and in the softest voice went “I wouldn’t go near the lake if I were you. It’s hard to hear screaming underwater.” He then left a completely stunned and freaked tf out Copia standing alone in the hall like it never happened.
- He kinda regrets letting his first words on Earth be a threat now but the rest of the pack is flattered, although they do still sometimes tease him for it.
- Really started coming out of his shell when Dew made dinner for him. Dew was in the same shoes as him once and, although his relationship with the new water ghoul was complicated, he still felt obligated to help his new packmate adjust to life on Earth.
- Bro went through the trouble of showing Rain what every little thing in the kitchen did so he wouldn’t be scared to make his own food anymore, all while making him some grade A gourmet dining. Dew didn’t know it at the time but that’s when the heart-eyes started.
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library-ducky · 3 months
Ghouls on vacation
Totally not inspired by me going to the seaside over the weekend. Not at all.
gets everything set up
if there's a Papa nearby, he will make him sit down and rest, no buts
he'll go swimming, but will not put his head under the water. And he'll do at least one dive-bomb to soak any unfortunate soul who is close enough
he'll read crime mistery books while lounging on a deck chair (bonus point if there's a beer in his hand)
he has the Dad™️ fit: flip-flops, swimming trunks (with palm trees or dolphins or pineapples on them), an open hawaian shirt and the sunglasses and baseball cap combo
knows how to surf
idk how or when or where he'd learn, but he DOES
also the sun brings out his bioluminescent spots (the biology probably doesn't check out but idc, I headcanon that he has bioluminescent freckles and the sun brings out freckles so)
(in his human glamour), he doesn't tan a lot (I might be projecting but it's *MY* headcanon and *I* get to choose the bitch that will simply not tan 😤)
if possible, he'll unglamour just to dive as deep as he can go
he's the bastard that brings out the pretty rocks and seashells
might also befriend a fish or two while he's at it
he pulls the "my hair is wet so I have to shake the water off OH NO I WAS STANDING TOO CLOSE AND SOMEONE GOT SPRAYED this surely was not on purpouse I would never 🥺👉🏻👈🏻"
he'd be a bit scared to go in at first, but ultimately would get coaxed into it
he swims by doggy paddling for the better part of his time at the beach. He knows how to swim, that's just more fun to him
builds sandcastles (and honestly slays at it)
hates the feeling of salt in his hair after it dries, so Cumulus brings a water bottle along so he can rinse it out when he gets out of the sea
he gets HUNGRY after a swim
tries to dive along with Rain, but isn't able to go as deep since he's not a water Ghoul. He will, however, make it his job to point out pretty seashells and demand Rain gets them for him
an absolute heathen in the water
he'll creep up behind people (mostly Dew or Phantom) and push their head under the water
he steals a bucket from Phantom and uses it to absolutely SOAK Aurora with the water he scoops from the sea
he tans both in human glamour and in actual Ghoul form
also knows how to surf (dude bro energy fr fr)
he'll be a menace and playfully tease and torment everyone but as soon as someone tells him to stop, he'll be on his best behaviour
reminds everyone to drink water (resorted to throwing a bottle at Rain's head one time cuz he would ignore him and refuse to stop swimming. Rain listened immediately)
hair in a high bun IMMEDIATELY, will NOT let them get wet
unless Swiss pulls him under, but that usually warrants Swiss getting chased up and down the beach for 15 minutes with a fuming (HAH) Dew behind him
he'd bring a sunshade umbrella to stick in the sand (and then not use it cuz he likes to bask in the sun)
he'd also join Phantom in his sandcastle endeavours by digging a moat around the structure
will swim, but only for a little bit, he'd rather make himself sizzle in the sun
he doesn't really tan, but also doesn't get a sunburn (something something fire Ghoul)
Cumulus still manhandles him into putting on sunscreen (as she does with everyone)
usually throws his hair into a haphazard bun and leaves it like that for the entire time
he jumps into the water EXCLUSIVELY by diving headfirst
he doesn't mind the salt on his skin after he dries off, he's used to the grime from the greenhouse and the gardens anyways
he tans, and the freckles on his shoulders/back/collarbone get much more visible as well
his cheeks also get a bit pinker from the sun and everyone calls him adorable because of it
will observe the local flora and fauna, he just can't help himself honestly (and he WILL tell Rain all the sea life fun facts he knows)
drinks only water, but occasionally he'll treat himself to a pre-mixed cocktail if Cumulus brings any (she always does)
mom friend fr
brings an extra tube of sunscreen (both for the body and the face) just in case someone forgets
manhandles EVERYONE into putting it on
also brings some extra towels in case someone gets theirs wet by accident or forgets it completely
she packs snacks and fruit, as well as drinks (the cooler bag carried by Aether, of course)
she likes swimming, and doesn't mind diving or getting her hair wet (her hair gets really curly and fluffy when it's dry and everyone thinks it's the cutest thing ever)
reads romance novels
she steals the sunshade from Dew, he doesn't need it anyways
helps people to brush out their hair if they need it after a swim
the only person who could convince Rain to get out of the water immediately
Rich Wine Aunt energy and she shows it
black bikini with a black sheer robe over it
big sunglasses and a big ass hat as well
she doesn't really go swimming a lot, she preferes to tan
reads horror novels on the beach
usually drinks a cosmopolitan cocktail while she lounges, sometimes (although rarely) a beer
she keeps her hair down for the added Dramatic Effect
she keeps everyone (or at least the Ghouls not in the water) cool with her air magic (Dew asked her to stop doing that for him cuz he likes burning in the sun)
will not tolerate being bothered in her peace (she will, actually, but she'll be extremely annoyed about it)
much like Dew, she loves to bask in the warmth of the sun
her hair gets hella curly and bouncy from the salt water
she has a whole "after tanning" routine so her skin won't get messed up
also she tans quite a lot
uses a tanning jam
likes to nap under the sunshade with Cumulus
she puts on headphones, plays some music aaaaand she's dozing off
makes necklaces out of the shells Rain picks up (if she manages to convince him to give some up)
star shaped sunglasses
helps Phantom build sandcastles
also brings pretty rocks (and steals shells from Rain when he's not there) to decorate them
she LOVES swimming and diving
"her hair turns bright pink in salt water" ~@ligovskaya (okay Barbie mermaid toy moment 💅🏻✨️)
she does her nails on theme (either to do with the sea, the beach, fish, so on and so forth)
is in the process of learning how to surf and is being taught by Sunshine
she likes to listen to music but like on an ipod shuffle with wired headphones
has heart shaped sunglasses (got them from Sunshine cuz she decided that she's adopting Aurora as a sister, therefore they have to match)
she has the cutest, frilliest pink bathing suit (she's a pink girlie to me)
uses a tanning jam as well, but mostly because it smells nice
okay, this is it for now, I will gladly do other Ghouls or Papas if you guys want, you can pop into my ask box as well :3
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ reblogs are appreciated ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
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ghost-in-the-hall · 1 year
Kinktober Day 4: Bondage (Mountain x Fem! Reader SMUT)
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Day 4 of Kinktober! I love my big boys, Mountain is absolutely divine in every way, this was so fun I hope you enjoy! 🖤
WARNINGS: 18+, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, ADULT CONTENT, Bondage, soft dom Mountain, praise, fingering, pussy eating, multiple orgasms, size kink if you squint, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, aftercare, Fem! Reader, AFAB! Reader, use of good girl, swearing, I think that's it, let me know if I missed any!
My Masterlist! ~ AO3 Link!
You squealed at the feeling of Mountain's enormous hands sliding over the curve of your ass, you pulled the collar of his shirt to bring him closer for another kiss. You sat straddling his lap, the movie you had put on long forgotten background noise as the two of you made out in his dimly lit quarters. You hum seductively as you roll your hips against the growing bulge in his pants, earning a soft groan from your partner. "Someone's getting excited." You giggle, wiggling your hips in a way that makes Mountain's breath audibly catch.
"Can you blame me?" He asks, his eyes dark with lust. He gives your ass a gentle squeeze, hungrily eyeing you. His lips trail over your neck, the feeling of his hot breath against your skin causing you to shiver. "You always make it so fucking hard to keep my hands off you Sunbeam." He groans. You moan softly as he nips at your skin, taking his time to stop and leave a trail of dark love bites in his wake. "Such a pretty little thing you are, and you're all mine." He remarks with a pleased sigh. You squeak as he effortlessly flips you underneath him, capturing your lips in a heated kiss. Your hands slip under the hem of his shirt, your fingers gently running over the soft skin of his stomach with familiarity. You smile against his lips as you trace down his happy trail, the metal button of his jeans cold against your fingertips. He pulls back slightly with a chuckle. "Now who's excited, hm?" You couldn't help but blush at his teasing tone.
"I want you." You whined, looking up at him with pleading eyes.
"So impatient Sunbeam." He pretends to pout. "How am I supposed to have any fun with you?" Despite his playful demeanor it was importable to miss the mischievous glint in his eye. He gently caresses your face, his claws sharp as he holds your chin in his hand. "If only there was some way to ensure you keep your hands to yourself." He pretends to think. You feel your heart start to beat faster, looking up at him seductively.
"Any ideas, Mount?" A smile slowly spreads across your face as you feel a vibe start to wind its way around your ankle.
"Maybe one." He admits coyly. "Sunbeam?"
"Green light." You chirp.
"Remind me of our safe word." He instructs with a soft kiss to your forehead.
"Cosmos." You smile.
"Good girl," he grins down at you. "Let me know if any of these get too tight, sweetness." Mountain focuses, using his Earth Ghoul magic to cause vines to grow in his room. They wrapped around your wrists and ankles at a tantalizing pace. Seemingly satisfied with his work, Mountain asks you one more time for your color before getting started. His hand ghosts over the inside of your thigh, the tiny shorts you had on giving him unrestricted access to your soft, pillowy skin. You couldn't stop a shiver from running down your spine as his lips brushed over your leg, placing delicate kisses everywhere he could reach. He pushes up your shirt, kissing a trail up your stomach, in between the valley of your breasts, and over your collarbones. He removes your clothes as much as he can in your restrained position causing you to laugh. His eyes meet yours, both of your faves cracking into bright smiles as you giggled together.
"It doesn't need to come off, it just needs to be out of the way." He reminds you of his usual mantra whenever you are tied up, both of you are too impatient to take the time to remove your clothes. "You look so pretty all spread out for me." He coos with a sharp smile.
"Can I kiss you?" You ask softly. Mountain obliges instantly, leaning down so his lips could meet yours. You nipped at his bottom lip, he chuckled at your playfully defiant action. Kisses trail along your jawline as he runs his massive paws over your exposed torso. Mountain's hands were warm, a delightful contrast to his slightly chilly room, as they massaged the muscles in your thighs. Your back instinctually arches off the bed aa his hot breath fans over your chest. You could tell from his slow, languid movements that he was planning on taking his time with you, planning on driving you almost to the brink of insanity before fully enveloping you in pleasure only he could provide. He drags a claw through the valley of your breasts, tracing along one of their curves before taking it in his hand. You moan softly as Mountain gently pinches the sensitive bundle of nerves between his fingers. You squirm against the restraints, trying to push your body further into his, desperate to touch him.
"My poor baby." Mountain chuckles, pushing your hips down into the bed as he drops his mouth to your breast. You gasp at the feeling of his tongue swirling around your nipple, soothing the dull ache from his fingers. He pulls off of you with a soft pop, blowing softly on the damp flesh causing you to whine at the sensation. "I hate to break it to you, Sunbeam, but you have a long night ahead of you if you're already this worked up." He returned to assaulting your senses, delighted by the soft cries that fell from your lips as he covered your body in love bites. He squeezes your thigh, fingers trailing up the inside of your leg until he is aggravatingly close to your soaked core before moving them away again.
"So mean, Mounty." You pout, knowing your attempts were futile.
"Uh-uh, little one," he tuts, grabbing your face in his hand. "You know you're not going to get rewarded acting like that." His threat only caused you to become more aroused. He smirked as he watched you try and pull your legs together, desperate for any type of contact. He situates himself between your legs, sliding his arms around your hips to keep you exactly where he wanted you. He places sloppy, open mouthed kisses to your bare skin, alternating with a few bites here and there to ensure no area was left unmarked. You cry out as he licks one firm, long stripe over your clit without warning, your back arching off the bed as he still held your hips completely still. Mountain let's out an obscene groan as the taste of you coats his tongue. Your eyes meet his, the sight of his blown pupils making his normally warm brown gaze pitch black as his senses are entirely consumed by you. He doesn't hesitate before diving back in, one taste of you alone enough to drive him over the edge. He roughly sucks your clit into his mouth, drawing various shapes over the bud with his skilled tongue. Your first instinct was to reach down and tangle your fingers in his hair, only to be snapped back in place by the wines that held your wrist. Mountain growled, your focus returned to him with a whine. You knew that look he had. That look meant that you're not going anywhere until he's finished with you. He teased your entrance with his fingers, humming against you as he felt how utterly soaked you were. "So pretty, my Sunbeam." He lays his head on your pillowy thigh, your arousal dripping off his chin. He drank in the sight of you; your face flushed, your hair sprawled haphazardly across the pillows, your chest rapidly rising and falling as you tried to slow your breathing, Mountain couldn't remember a time when you had looked more beautiful.
"Mounty," you whine, "please."
"Have you been good, Sunbeam?" You nod, his sharp fangs glint in the soft light. He notices tears of frustration pricking at the corners of your eyes. He sunk his long fingers into you, you keened at the sudden fullness, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. He watches your expression carefully as he gives you a few preliminary pumps, prepping you to take all of his massive length. He presses one of his large hands flat against your pelvis, allowing him to assault the soft spot inside you that had your vision going black around the edges.
“Mountain.” You sob his name as you feel pleasurable pressure building in your core. You strained against the vines that held you in place. Mountain’s praise crackled like static in your ears as your climax ripped through you, you screamed in pure ecstasy as his fingers fucked you through your high. Mountain was an absolute master at his craft. Expertly tipping you over the edge repeatedly until he reduced you to a sobbing, writing mess beneath him.
You feel his thumb run softly over your bottom lip, puffy from a mixture of his ferocious kisses and you biting at it to attempt, and fail, to keep quiet. “My beautiful Sunbeam, you look just about spent.” He chuckles, caressing the side of your face. You sleepily shake your head.
“Not until you’re satisfied.” You try your best to wink at him, both of you a mess of flustered giggles. You feel the vines loosen around your wrists and ankles, Mountain carefully massages each spot, checking to make sure you’re alright.
“Think you have one more in you, love bug?” You hum softly, reaching out and finally taking your lover in your arms. Your voice cracks in a moan as he eases himself into you. “Fuck you feel so good.” He groans, placing a kiss on your forehead. Your fingers tangle into his hair, hiding your face in the crook of his neck as he slowly fucks you. Mountain was a moaning mess in seconds, repeatedly telling you how good you felt and how well you were taking him. You pressed soft kisses to the side of his face, your soft gasps only edging his own climax closer. He was so gentle with you, a sharp contrast from the man who just had you cumming on his tongue and fingers for the past hour. His pace slowly increased until his hips suddenly stuttered to a stop, you moan at the feeling of him finishing inside of you. You hiss slightly as he pulls out of you. Mountain collapses on the bed next to you, opening his arms for you. “Come here Sunbeam, I’ll help you clean up in a minute. You nuzzled into his warm chest, the smell of warm musk and damp earth filling your nose. Mountain strokes your hair as he holds you close to him, you find yourself completely relaxed as you listen to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. “I love you sweetheart.”
“I love you more, Mount.” You smile up at him.
“I love you most.”
Tag List: @spookyghostjelly @ramblingoak @kissingghouls @mustluvecho @the-hole-in-terzos-shoe @belnovacaine @iamsarahsaysso @ghuleh-recs
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can-of-pringles · 2 months
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Finally, my new ghoul designs have been finished!! And now I must rest my wrist 😅
I'll explain my designs from top left to bottom left (if that makes sense)
I didn't change my color palette for Dew from my old design. I gave him slightly thinner longer horns, some more facial hair, a septum piercing, fire slight scale patterns, and his ears are more fin-shaped to show some of his lingering water ghoul features. I also put a light blue ring around both of his irises (again, a water ghoul trait left over)
Rain is literally just Dev Patel but merman 😅 because I had to. He also has the water ghoul blue ring around the irises.
I didn't change much of my old Phantom design either but I updated the white patterning on his face and slightly bat-shaped ears. I gave him bangs because I think it's cute.
Swiss is very feline-inspired, cat nose, cat eyes, and ears. Paws! Also lots of rings and earrings.
Cirrus was actually the first one I redesigned. Since she's an air ghoul, I gave her some avian traits like the feathers on her face and her ears. As well as the peacock-inspired colors. (Actually unintentional before I realized) she has white cloudy stripes to represent cirrus clouds.
Cumulus is also similarly inspired, though this time she's based on a barn owl.
Aurora is very Last Unicorn, Disney-esc, fantasy equine, almost slightly 80s anime-inspired. Sort of almost alien-looking.
Mountain is sort of based on a lot of fanon ideas, goat-inspired eyes, and ears. His horns are sort of moss-like and have vines and flowers growing on them. I also gave him freckles :)
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Mountain is an astrology/crystal nut. Whenever mercury's in retrograde he puts rocks and incense in everyone's rooms and they all make fun of him but he's all like "these fools. they don't understand the truth." Swiss loves it and finds it adorable
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pepperediris · 4 months
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i need to post all my doodles so bad my queue is full of them and its bothering me grrrrrrrr
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mancer-in-the-abbey · 3 months
Thinkin bout relationship dynamics amongst the ghouls. Who do you think is the designated Tech Ghoul, as it were? The one that the others go to when they have no idea how this earth technology works?
I think it’s Rain. Dude speaks to me as the kind of guy who would enjoy learning Python and how to build your own pc.
I especially like comparing him to Mountain “Ancient Unknowable Horror” Ghoul who took a bite out of a smartphone once and has been itching to ride the same high ever since. Mountain doesn’t have the first fucking clue how the microwave works, much less the TV, but he loved watching his favorite water ghoul absolutely crush at Mario Kart.
… I also think Swiss knows how tech works. He would be curious and dedicated to the bit enough to read every computer manual he found just to make it the other ghouls’ problems. He sabotages shit knowing the others will call Rain to fix it. It’s a form of flirting at this point.
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undyingghoul · 7 months
Valentine's Ghoul/Ghoulette Headcanons
Hey, look, content! I am so tired and cannot think at all but I am doing this anyway. happy early valentine's day you guys, i hope it's good for you all <3 ~~~~~~~~~ Dewdrop- He won't let anyone know he enjoys it, not even his dear valentine. He's secretly very into the holiday but lucifer forbid he let it show in an obvious way. Flowers? Nah, he'll give you a nice bouquet of nothing. Chocolates? Overrated, overdone. He hisses at even the thought of giving them to his valentine. There will be a nice card though, entirely handmade. He'll also make a coupon booklet... Except it's not entirely hugs and kisses, if you catch that drift, but those are included for the sake of fluff and wholesome purposes. He's a sucker for that secretly too. He won't do a fancy smancy dinner, but rather get a takeout dinner of your choice (he'll ignore Swiss puppy dog eyeing it and whining for some from the kitchen entirely by the way). Overall, he has his own special way of celebrating, but he still makes an effort for it to be as perfect as possible.
Mountain- Flowers. Right off the bat. The minute he sees his valentine? A nice bouquet of flowers tailored just for them in a fancy vase. He'd also get you a small basket filled with your favorite snacks, drinks, small items, and a card. Mountain is very traditional when it comes to this holiday but he wouldn't have it any other way. He'd spend the entire day by their side, doing what they want when they want, how they want. He'd end the day with a nice candlelit dinner in the greenhouse with your chosen dinner he cooked just for his valentine. And of course some snuggles and cuddles. That is a must you know.
Rain: The lake is the hit spot for Valentine's day. Rain planned out an entire day at the lake, getting Dew in on the fun by helping keep things warm if it gets too cold. Dew agreed to help because he knew how much Rain was worried about this day. He wanted to help Rain have it be as smooth as possible. Rain also may or may not have gotten help from Mountain in decorating the lake with pretty plants. And the picnic on the dock was just amazing even though Rain fell into the lake at one point from tripping over his tail. Perhaps he was a soggy boy, but a happy soggy boy.
Swiss: At first Swiss didn't know what to do. Everyone else had grand ideas, but then he remembered how busy the local shops were this time of year. It was almost like the universe wanted this to happen. He took his valentine to the shops with maybe too much money, but what better way to spend than spending it on someone you love and cherish, right? He bought some cupcakes, cookies, and brownies to share, salty and savory things, and way too many physical items. That one wrap he had at an American food stand really hit the spot for him though. After the day was done he came back with his valentine carrying so many bags Phantom nearly passed out from laughter- apparently, he looked a bit ridiculous to the young quintessence ghoul with the amount of bags, a furiously wagging tail, and a stupid grin on his face. But it was all worth it in the end.
Phantom: Oh LORD did he go above and beyond. When he found out this holiday was a thing he maybe got excited. Too excited. He may have collapsed from dizziness from how excited and riled he was. After Aether forced him to chill out for a bit he sprung into action, prepping everything for his valentine. Outfits, dinner, things to do- He had it all planned. He picked a nice outfit for him and brought his valentine to a local clothing store to get some clothes they wanted. After that, he spent time with them at the small library. He had somehow convinced the library to let him rent it for the day and he had used one of the corners to set up a cozy little nest area to read, chat, and snack in. He read books to his valentine, ones he knew they'd been meaning to read, and just soaked in the calming aura and presence. A nap was in order for a few hours but afterwards Phantom cleaned up their corner and took his valentine back to the Abbey for a nice dinner in the dens (it took some convincing but had the ghoulettes back him up to get it cleared for an hour or two). Needless to say he was in bed with his valentine and sound asleep before the rest of his pack came back.
Aether: He kept it on the down low. He didn't go above and beyond but didn't make it a sad holiday either. A card, a thoughtful and colorful flower bouquet, a small thing of candy and chocolates, and an adorable stuffed animal. He spent the day with his valentine entirely, watching cheesy romance movies, feeding them some chocolate snuggling up to his valentine under a nice cozy blanket, and ending with a nice pasta dinner. Though the day was not very busy it was still enjoyable and a good day. Cumulus: This ghoulette was prancing around in joy when she woke up. She fluffed up her hair all nice, put cute bows and ribbons in it, dressed in a nice casual yet alluring outfit, and sprayed some perfume on her. When she saw her valentine she was over the moon. Greeting them with a hug and a kiss on the cheek she quickly pulled them out to the gardens for a nice, slow walk. Talking, laughing, playful smacks and shoves- Oh how she loved it. Seeing her valentine smile and laugh made her purr and tail wag. She picked berries earlier from the fridge and brought them on the walk, sharing them and basking in the wonderful taste. It wasn't long before one naughty joke was made about that wonderful taste that had her cackling. At the end of the day she made a thoughtful dinner of all her valentine's favorites, along with some fruit on the side and a nice cold glass of soda. Cirrus: She made little puffball clouds for her valentine in the shapes of hearts as they woke up that morning. With a giggle escaping her she led her valentine to wonderful breakfast variety, filled with many options of sweet, salty, and savory. After a filling breakfast she took her valentine to the rooftops and made the clouds dance in the sky as the sun rose. The clouds reflected the colors: oranges, yellows, reds, purples, and pinks all seeming to mix into the clouds as they danced. She moved a cloud or five around her valentine slowly, letting it grace their skin to feel the cool sensation. After puffing the clouds back into place in the sky she just enjoyed time on the rooftop and its view with her valentine, talking about anything and everything until night hit and it was time to eat some dinner. Something easy was made that night but it was a very calming way to end the day.
Sunshine & Aurora: These two tag teamed it. Sunshine was experienced, and Aurora was beyond nervous. Sunshine agreed to help the new ghoulette traverse this holiday. Guiding Aurora carefully while her valentine was so incredibly patient and understanding, Sunshine couldn't help but smile. After some time Aurora became more comfortable and relaxed, easing into the holiday slowly. She paired with Sunshine to help put on a small show of fire and water with a touch of air. Sunshine swirled fire streaks through Aurora's clouds and through the center rings of water, letting the gentle burning fire swirl around her valentine. In the middle of the day it was declared by Aurora that she would share her valentine with Sunshine because she didn't want her to feel left out. Sunshine puffed a plume of smoke from her nose in excitement. The trio spent the day doing whatever they could find, even some arts and crafts that turned out to be an absolute blast. To end the day, Sunshine fried some fish in a pan and served some rice to go with it. Aurora added a small salad bowl and a fruit bowl into the mix. It was a delicious dinner and the best way to end the holiday.
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harpieunion · 2 years
TOO many people see mountain as reclusive and/or the serious. I love big gruff brooding ghoul as much as the next person!!! I do!!! But if you pay attention…
he’s a major fucking GOOF. He’s a silly guy!!!!
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I still agree that he’s allowed to be introverted! Stage presence and off stage presence can conflict and that’s more than okay. I just think that if he wasn’t stuck behind his drums the during the rituals, I’m 110% sure that he would be messing around with everyone else on stage. Just look at how he acts post-show up there! Tossing his drumsticks and bein a dork.
But because I’ve looked into this too deep I’ve found the worst yet most fitting comparison.
Mountain is the shy theater kid that is happiest when performing. Neeeeerd
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arcaneacolyte · 6 months
I think Mountain likes to make Epsom salt concoctions for all of his packmates, and especially ones with chronic pain.
He likes to mix and test and create on a good day, splicing flowers and plants together and seeing what effects he can create. He just loves botany and what he can get his element to give him, so it makes sense that making bath salts would be so fun for him.
Working out formulas for everyone's specific needs is so enjoyable too; be it migraines, anxiety, aches and pains, relaxation. He just thrives in the throws of *creation* and also problem solving. The fact that it will end up helping his packmates is a huge bonus too. The sparkling eyes and bright smiles he gets from them when he pulls the perfectly packaged salts from behind his back--with self made paper bags and labels to boot, Mountain doesn't do handmade gifts by halves--makes the long hours it takes to get the recipe just right for their needs worth it.
He always asks for a report back on how this batch works, and if there's anything he can do to improve it. The other Ghouls don't tell him, but he gets so cute like this, genuinely eager to provide but also improve. Really the mixes are all perfect already, but the wide forest green eyes and not-so-subtly wagging tail behind the giant is enough for them to tell a little fib and come up with something arbitrary, but will make Mountain double his efforts.
He loves his pack, he loves his element, and he dives straight back to work so that the next batch is all ready to just as soon as this one runs out.
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