#ngl i knew it was you but i really thought tumblr was glitching on me for a solid minute
yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
...mais non mais non ce n'est pas une chanson monotone 🎶
You shouldn't have called me oldie
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blue istfg i almost had a heart attack when i saw the 60+ notifications in my inbox and i will NEVER ever forgive you for this >:'(((( <33333
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ground-muttmeg · 4 years
I think I may have sent an ask in error--I thought I saw a reply from you on one of my magnus archives posts but it turned out to be Tumblr glitching again. Sorry about that.
Oh no worries! Yeah I don’t really know anything about Magnus Archives, but when I saw the ask I went and looked into it a bit (lmao literally anything put in the context of HeiEd/Ed and Alfons in general is quality content to me skdkfd-), ngl it sounds like a great concept for an AU omg- Only wish I knew more about it or I’d be so down to rp 👊😔
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nancydfan · 3 years
When I finished RE7 the first time I really didn’t like Mia. She annoyed me and I kinda thought she was too whiny lol. Flash forward to this year I played the game again and man I love her. Idk what changed in me tbh maybe I wasn’t paying close enough attention the first time haha. Anyway, here’s the thing- when I disliked her I knew that that was MY opinion, and was absolutely fine with people loving her because that was valid. I recognized that my thoughts were not the end-all-be-all, and was not offended at all when I saw people talking about how much they loved her. Obviously now I really like her, but still I wish people would be more like “hey I personally don’t like this character, but if you do thats fine!! That’s just how I feel.” Instead of just attacking others for liking a character ya know? (This goes for everyone in resident evil not just Chris and Mia)
Yo I was typing this up and tumblr glitched so here’s take two 🤪
I’m totally there with you! This may surprise some people but I wasn’t actually the biggest fan of Mia during my first play through. I didn’t hate her but I wasn’t a Stan by any stretch of the imagination. I’ve joked in the past I spent so much time in Ethan’s head trying to learn everything about him that I ended up falling in love with Mia 😆 and through that I actually spent time with her and saw the value and worth of her. And now I love her too.
There’s a very popular iconic Star Wars character and I hate them lol but it’s fine that people love them. I’ve almost always been in the you do you boo category so it’s fine to vibe w different characters. Makes the world interesting.
I wish people were more like you ngl! We’d have more peace for sure.
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