#oc: daianira
commander-krios · 5 months
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The new patch added Episode 1 content and I had to choose this path 😂 a very Daianira response if I ever saw one
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cursedvessels · 8 months
⁂ ❀☀ 》 𝐿𝐼𝒦𝐸 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝓅𝑜𝓈𝓉 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝒶 𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓇𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒻𝓇𝑜𝓂 𝒟𝒶𝓎 《 ⁑⠐⢾░▒▓█
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commander-krios · 5 months
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Oh Aya, Cal is going to absolutely love Daianira.
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commander-krios · 1 year
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I got this amazing piece of art of my A6 Kitalphan Traveler, Daianira Peg'asi, and her Captain, Calderon Lynch, from the fabulous @emedeme. Thank you so much, dear. The colors, the mood, the way he holds her chin, it's all so perfect. <3
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commander-krios · 1 year
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More gorgeous portraits from @deli-cious-arts <3 This time of my A6 travelers, Daianira and Maris!
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commander-krios · 1 year
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Headshot commissions from @needlesslycryptic of my A6 travelers: Astrea, Daianira, and Maris. Thank you so much! They are gorgeous!
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commander-krios · 11 months
Some Harmless Fun
Fandom: Andromeda Six Pairing: Calderon Lynch/f!Traveler, Damon Reznor & Calderon Lynch Rating: Teen Summary: Damon is bored and when he's bored, things happen. Like driving his favorite Captain crazy. It's even more fun when he has a willing participant in it. Words: 2355 Additional Tags: Kitalphin Traveler, Pole Dancing, Temporary Amnesia, Pre-Peg'asi Reveal, Teasing, Jealously
Read on AO3
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Damon watched with lingering amusement as the stowaway walked away from the bar, spine straight as she ducked beneath the curtain that separated the main bar from the strip club section of the Arc. Once she disappeared beneath the tattered cloth, Calderon’s shoulders tensed more than he thought was possible. The girl was driving their dear Captain insane and Damon didn’t think it was only because of her attitude.
Like a shadow, he took the empty seat beside Calderon, motioning the bartender for a refill. Tense silence settled between them so thick that Damon was positive he could cut it with a knife. Glancing out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that the Captain ignored him, that perpetual grimace on his face.
“Looks like Red gave you a piece of her mind. Gotta say, surprised the girl has that much spirit.”
Cal glanced at him sharply, the beer in his hand hovering a few inches from his lips. “What did you call her? You know what, I don’t want to know.” With a sigh, he set the drink down, rubbing a hand down his face. “What do you want, Reznor?”
Damon tried to ignore the jab, a flash of irritation disturbing his otherwise jovial mood. “I want to know why you’re letting Her Majesty get you all riled up. I thought you wanted her gone.”
Calderon pinched the bridge of his nose, his distress only fueling Damon’s need to get under his skin. “Ayame… convinced me to keep her aboard.”
Damon snorted, burying his face in his glass when Cal shot him a glare. Oh this was just too easy. “So you like her?”
“I don’t like you but I still keep you on the ship.”
“You pay me.” Damon reminded him, his mind already building the next part of the plan. If Aya was willing to fight for the girl… “Besides, you’d be bored if I wasn’t around.”
“Bored? With Aya and Bash? I think you’re drunk.” Calderon scoffed before taking a sip of his drink, looking briefly disgusted by the taste. “The girl can stay as long as she’s useful.”
Damon’s lips curled, a predatory grin he couldn’t hide. “Oh, I’m sure you have many uses for her.”
The muscles in Cal’s jaw flexed, his hand curling dangerously around the bottle. “If you don’t get away from me-”
“Fine.” Damon said, putting his hands up in surrender, as if he ever would give up teasing Calderon. It was too much fun. “I know when I’m not wanted.”
Calderon rolled his eyes, ignoring him when Damon took his drink and headed to the exact place where Daianira had disappeared a few minutes before. With a glance at the Captain, noting that he was still moping at the bar, Damon ducked beneath the curtain, ready to carry out part two of his devious plan.
The strip club portion of the Arc was already rowdy, a crowd growing near the tiny illustrious pilot as she swung around a pole. June was standing off to the side, frowning as he watched the men surrounding Aya, ready to step in like the guardian he was. Too bad for him, Damon didn’t intend on leaving them at a mere rowdy.
Fiery and stunning Daianira stood next to June, watching the scene with her arms crossed over her chest. He noticed how her eyes swept over the occupants of the club, gaze not on the lovely show in front of her, but scanning for threats. There was something about her, something that said she’d lived in darkness before and knew how to find it.
If Calderon wasn’t so clearly flustered by her, Damon would’ve been tempted to see how that darkness tasted.
Taking a sip of his drink, he approached quietly, not that the two of them would be able to hear him coming with all of the catcalls and shouts aimed at Aya. Or the blaring music from the speakers. Or the fact that Daianira’s turquoise eyes were making daggers at anyonne who got too close to the stage.
Sidling up to the stowaway’s side, Damon nodded to where Aya was spinning around the pole, one side of his mouth curling into a grin. “Looks like fun.”
Daianira raised an eyebrow, giving him a look that screamed that she was considering committing him to an asylum. “Then why don’t you get up there? If it looks so fun.”
He leaned against the wall, crossing his arms casually, his smile only widening. “Why? Did you want me to?”
Daianira rolled her eyes, turning to June in a feeble attempt to ignore him. She really didn’t think it was going to be that easy, did she? He moved behind them, threw an arm around her shoulders and leaned in, blowing a raspberry against her cheek.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“It’ll piss the Captain off.” He muttered, noting the weird look June threw in their direction. Oh if June only knew what he was thinking in his twisted head. “What better reason to do it?”
That caught her attention. He knew it when her mouth twitched, her eerily vivid blue eyes widening, that he’d hooked her. Now all he had to do was close the deal, sweeten it enough that she would gladly throw herself up there even if it would embarrass her because the temptation of getting on Calderon’s nerves was too great.
“I may not remember more than my name at the moment, but I’m positive I don’t know how to dance… like that.”
Damon squeezed her tight against his side, ignoring the tension in her shoulders. She was too uptight, too much like Calderon. This would benefit her just as much as it did him. “Aya is a great teacher. Let her help you. At the very least, have some fun. You do know how to do that, right?”
She rolled her eyes, taking the challenge and stepping up to the side of the stage. Damon couldn’t hear whatever it was to she said to Ayame, but he recognized the gleeful look in the pilot’s violet eyes. She was teasing her and the stowaway had no idea how to react. At least he wasn’t the only one enjoying this.
Daianira climbed onto the stage with a bit of help from Aya before the two of them began discussing the finer points of pole dancing. Damon didn’t care how it was done, as long as it was done right. Because if his little stowaway caught on quick enough, there would be one hell of a roaring crowd to greet the Captain when he eventually stumbled in.
“Let me show you.” Ayame wrapped her hands around the pole, waiting for Daianira to study the grip. “Just hold on like this.”
Daianira tightened her hands around the pole and Ayame frowned. She reached forward to adjust the fingers, trying to pry them from the metal.
“No, that’s too tight. Relax, will you?” Aya’s eyes widened in concern, squeezing Daianira’s shoulders gently. “You’re as fucking tense as Calderon.”
Damon saw as the stowaway chewed on her bottom lip, frowning. She was still tense, but there was a fire in her gaze, a look of annoyance at being compared to the Captain. He smiled, filing the look away for further inspection later. At least, he can find a way to use this later, when one of them irritated him. Ayame gave her a few more pointers on how to swing without falling off of the stage before stepping away, leaving plenty of room for her to attempt it. Daianira swung around the pole slowly, her hand getting stuck a few times. She paused briefly, cursing under her breath, wiping her palms on her pants.
Damon leaned on the stage below them, smirking up at the amnesiac woman when she noticed him standing there. “Nervous, Princess?”
“Damon, leave her alone.” June said from behind him.
Damon chose to ignore his advice. Where was the fun in that?
“Maybe you should get Calderon up there, Aya. It might be what he needs to loosen the stick up his ass.”
Aya snorted, flashing him a grin before going back to teaching Daianira the secrets of pole dancing. Somehow, she managed to get her around the pole without stopping for a few spins.
“You’re a quick learner.”
Only a few more turns before Daianira managed it on her own, Ayame’s assistance no longer needed. As she spun around the pole, he caught a glimpse of a real grin on her pretty face, cheeks flushed with exhilaration, her rose gold hair flying in all directions. Ayame joined her a moment later, the two of them taking turns around the metal pole, getting the crowd riled up at the sight of the two beautiful Kitalphans.
Damon caught a glimpse of June’s face out of the corner of his eye. The cowboy’s cheeks were flushed red, those perceptive eyes wide as he watched Aya and her new partner in crime twirling like a couple of circus freaks.
He snorted, waiting for the crowd’s noise to draw the rest of the crewmates. Bash appeared first, curiously ducking beneath the curtain only to pause just past the threshold, blinking dumbly at the sight in front of him. He recovered quickly, putting his hands in the pockets of his pants and approaching where Damon and June stood.
“What prompted this?” He asked, managing to tear his eyes away long enough to look at them.
June sighed, running a hand down his face. He almost felt bad for torturing the cowboy, but sometimes sacrifices had to be made for the greater good. “Damon happened.”
Damon’s lips turned up. “You can thank me later.”
Bash rolled his eyes at the same time June groaned in mortification. Damon figured the cowboy was going to have a bad time with what he knew was coming. Because Calderon would hear the ruckus and come investigate, he wouldn’t be able to help himself. And that’s when the fun would begin.
“Where’s Ry?” He asked Bash, grin widening as Daianira took another turn around the pole, having the time of her life by the looks of it. “She’s missing quite the show.”
“The noise was too much for her. She stepped outside for a bit.” Bash chuckled as the crowd started to cheer loudly, Ayame and Daianira both getting into the groove of dancing together. “I think we’re in trouble with these two on board.”
“I hope so. Need to liven the ship up a bit. Especially with Calderon’s moodiness lately.” The subject of his conversation entered the strip club as if the mention of his name had pulled him in. Damon motioned towards the Captain. “Speak of the devil…”
“And the devil appears.” Bash agreed, shaking his head at the setup. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”
“You can’t seriously be asking me that. Because we both know I like to live dangerously.” Damon watched as Calderon’s eyes immediately went to where the girls were, sapphire going to slits, jaw clenching and shoulders stiff as he stomped closer, intent on stopping the show. If he was a cartoon character, Damon imagined there would be smoke coming out of his ears.
Once they were in earshot, Calderon waved angrily at the scene, turning on Damon immediately. “What the fuck is this?”
Damon raised an eyebrow, trying to be unaffected by his friend’s seething rage, but his mouth twitched with a smile. “The girls wanted to burn off some steam. I can’t deny there are worst ways to spend my time.” Nudging the Captain in the arm with an elbow, his smile only widened. “I know you agree with me, Cal.”
“I told you to stop calling me that.” Calderon’s sharp gaze was on Daianira as she spun, laugh echoing over the din. His cheeks almost looked pink but in the dark club, it was impossible to tell. Damon swore he was blushing. “She’s going to break her neck.”
“And it’s such a pretty neck. Isn’t it, Captain?”
Bash snorted behind him, but covered his mouth with his bionic hand, eyes moving anywhere but at Calderon who shot him a sharp look. June, on the other hand, had purposely moved away from the three of them, conveniently placing himself out of range of Calderon’s hands. Not that the Captain had even glanced his way.
“Maybe it’s your neck you should be thinking about, Reznor.” Calderon grumbled under his breath, rubbing the back of his neck with a hand. “Get her down. We’re leaving. Now.”
“You’re no fun.” Damon pouted, hands in his pockets as he leaned against the wall behind him. “If anyone needs to relax-”
Calderon’s murderous expression cut him off before he made a mistake. Damon shrugged in an attempt to let it go, knowing that there was only so far he could push the Captain before someone got hurt, but he knew that dark look in his eyes. There was something about the girl that put him on edge. And he would find out what it was.
“Get Daianira down. We don’t know who she is. If someone recognizes her-”
“Worried about her?” Damon teased, enjoying the way Calderon’s nose scrunched in disgust. Oh yes, there was definitely something there.
“I’m worried about us. Now do it.”
Calderon shoved past a couple standing off to the side, not even bothering to apologize. Damon shook his head, eyes flashing towards Bash who still stood beside him.
“He’s got it bad.” The bionic said with a deep laugh, gaze settling on the girls still having the time of their lives on stage. “How long do you give it before he explodes?”
Damon snorted, the bet already made before he opened his mouth. “Not even a week. The stowaway likes to piss him off. He won’t be able to hold back.”
Bash only responded with a full bellied laugh, knowing there was no way Damon was going to lose a bet when he could just fix the win. Which, seeing as if benefited everyone if Calderon got laid, he figured the odds were in his favor.
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commander-krios · 1 year
A Friend Among Tyrants
She was escaping. He had no idea why or how she did it. All Vexx knew was one second she was sitting quietly in her bedroom, door shut as she brushed her hair or played the harp or made awful art. She was quiet, barely speaking or even looking at him, walking from her quarters to her social obligations and back without a single fuss. By the third week, he realized what was happening.
Rating: Teen
Characters: Vexx Serif, f!Traveler
Word Count: 4208
Notes: Pre-Relationship, Pre-Romance, Friendship, First Meetings, Eventual Romance, Loneliness, Flirting, Swearing
Read on AO3
“Princess Daianira is a bit… difficult.”
The words pulled Vexx Serif’s gaze from his surroundings: beautiful trellises and impenetrable stone walls, fountains that were big enough to be swimming pools, flowers blooming every two feet and he still hadn’t found a single vantage point for a sniper perch. The Captain of the Guard hadn’t said a single word most of their stroll through the gardens, deciding now was a good time to discuss Vexx’s new charge.
Princess Daianira Nikolle Peg’asi.
When there was no follow up, Vexx reigned in a sigh. “Difficult, sir?”
The Captain didn’t bother to hide his displeasure at having to explain. He sighed loudly, looking every bit his advanced age, wrinkles pulling tight on his face. Vexx might’ve felt sorry for him, but he found he couldn’t find that particular emotion. Not with his parents suffering in the Orionite mines thanks to King Fenris. And definitely not when he was going to be following around the youngest obnoxious child of Fenris and the Lunar Queen, Nikolle.
“She’s run off all of her guards in the last year. Too impetuous, too stubborn.” A pair of tired grey eyes met his. “Her last guard was set on fire.”
Vexx swallowed down the wave of fear that threatened to choke him. What sort of royalty lived within these walls? Maybe Zovack was right… maybe they needed to take out the entire family. At least then, another little tyrant wouldn’t rise to power.
“I would love to say that her twin brother is worse, but he’s had the same guard for the last year.” They paused near one of the enormous fountains and the Captain turned to him, raising an eyebrow. “Be on your guard, Serif. And don’t let her out of your sight.”
“Sir.” Vexx gave a nod, but worry coiled in his gut. The little princess was going to make his job even more difficult. Great. 
“You’re responsible for her safety, Lieutenant.” The Captain continued, eyes trailing over the fountain, a mosaic of blue and sea green reflecting the sunlight, nearly blinding in its radiance. “I don’t have to tell you what’ll happen if any harm comes to the King’s children.”
No, he didn’t.
The surface of the water broke, a shock of rosy golden hair the first glimpse of Princess Daianira he got. She was treading the deep water of the fountain, a pair of hard turquoise eyes peering up at them. 
The Captain bowed at the waist briefly, motioning to Vexx who did the same. No use in getting started off on the wrong foot. “Princess, I have your new guard for inspection. Lieutenant Vexx Serif.”
Her eyes snapped back to his and he noticed the gill scars along her neck. Kitalphan, then. At least it was something they had in common. “Princess. It’s a pleasure.”
Her mouth turned down slightly, clearly not pleased with his presence. Or maybe something else about him bothered her: his hair, the way he stood, the way he looked. Who knew with these royal brats?
She stared at him a moment longer before she ran a hand over her slick wet hair, turning her nose up in the air. “He’s decent enough.”
Decent enough? Where the hell did she-
He swallowed down the flare of anger at her dismissal, watching as she dived below the water again, disappearing as quickly as she’d appeared. 
The Captain of the Guard sighed, rubbing the spot between his eyes. “As I said, please don’t take your eyes off of her. She’s quick and clever.”
Vexx nodded, not trusting himself to speak. 
This was just great.
She was escaping. 
He had no idea why or how she did it. All Vexx knew was one second she was sitting quietly in her bedroom, door shut as she brushed her hair or played the harp or made awful art. She was quiet, barely speaking or even looking at him, walking from her quarters to her social obligations and back without a single fuss.
At first, he thought that maybe the Captain had been wrong about her. How could these boring walks be anything more than a dreary experience, with the same colorful flowers and fountains, with the same dark halls, the same faces day in and day out. He spent weeks in the same monotony, following Daianira at a distance while she did her rounds, only ending the day at her closed door until he was relieved by a different guard while he got some sleep.
He wasn’t allowed to wander. The Captain drilled that into his brain within week one and when he wasn’t shadowing the princess, he was sitting in the barracks, staring at a holo-pad or training. How was he supposed to map out the palace, to find out information to aid Zovack’s grasp for power, when he was stuck staring at a fucking wall?
By the third week, he realized what was happening.
Daianira was traipsing around the gardens or swimming in the fountains or, as he found out on day fifteen, running wild through the city. On that particular day, the Captain had returned her back to the room, Vexx still standing at the door none the wiser, an exasperated look on his face and a grin that could charm the most coldhearted of men on hers.
That day, her dazzling eyes alighted on him, a secret smile curling her lips before she brushed past, door clicking softly behind her.
It took him another two days before he figured out how. There was a trellis a few feet from her bedroom window, covered in roses and wisteria, that led to the safety of the courtyard. Vexx had no idea how she even reached the trellis considering her small stature. Not to mention the thorns when all he’d ever seen her wear were full gowns. 
It was day eighteen, a full three weeks since he started the damned job, when he finally got his answer. 
Vexx leaned against the wall opposite the trellis, a smirk on his face as she released her hold on the vines, dropping a few feet to the ground, landing easily as if she did this every day. Who was he kidding, she did. The Captain was right to warn him not to let her out of his sight. No wonder so many guards had gone through here. She was probably getting them thrown in the Orionite mines for this headache.
He ignored the painful twinge of his heart at the reminder of why he was here. His parents. Shoving the thought away, stuffing it back in the box it’d escaped to be reflected on later, he stepped forward out of the shadow of a willow tree. With arms crossed over his chest, he raised an eyebrow at this tiny nightmare of a woman.
“Well, I didn’t know rock climbing was in your skillset, Princess.”
She jumped, cerulean eyes widening as she turned to face him, shock warring with frustration as she spied him watching from the shadows. “Who gave you permission to lurk there?”
Vexx laughed, the question as absurd as the past few weeks. She was a spry one, that’s for sure. Scaling the castle wall until she reached the trellis. Then taking the vines down, careful to avoid catching her gown on any thorns. He’d never seen anything like it.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
Daianira smoothed her gown down, eyes downcast. There was no way he was falling for the demure princess act. That ship had sailed four days ago. “For a walk.”
“A walk?” He repeated, unable to hide his disbelief. She was trouble and if he wasn’t here on a mission… Vexx would be tempted to explore how much trouble she really was. “Well, considering I’m supposed to be protecting you-”
Her eyes slanted dangerously and for the first time since arriving, Vexx knew why the Captain was wary. She wasn’t physically dangerous. Vexx had at least a good foot of height over her, and much more muscle, but there was something dark lurking in her gaze. He’d seen that same look in his own eyes before. It was the type of darkness that said a person had nothing to lose.
Daianira stepped closer, the sound of her gown swishing against the stones, and he could feel his heart thundering against his ribs. A breeze blew through the garden, the scents of wisteria and lavender tickling his nose, but there was one scent that stood out among the rest. Cinnamon. 
Her scent.
She approached like a lioness stalking her prey: silent, cautious, deliberate with each step. When he was within reach, Daianira brushed a hand softly against his jacket, eyes roaming his body as if she was finally ready to give him that inspection. “I’m not the one who needs protection, Lieutenant.” Her dazzling eyes met his and Vexx felt his mouth go dry. 
Was she flirting with him?
She plucked a wisteria petal from his shoulder, examining the color as she twisted it between her fingers. “You’re smarter than the last guard.”
He didn’t know how to take that. So he stupidly muttered, “Thank you, Princess.”
Her lips twitched as if she was fighting a smile. “It’s not much of a compliment, Serif. He got himself set on fire. I’m sure the Captain told you that.”
No, he said you did it. 
He didn’t dare reveal that tidbit so instead, Vexx snorted, in awe at how little propriety a damned princess had. “Did you skip your lessons the day your tutors taught humility?”
He realized too late it was a completely inappropriate thing to say to the girl who dictated whether or not he was in the palace at all. Would Zovack kill him when he came back empty handed… after being a Royal Guard for a fucking single day? Maybe the King would do the honor himself for insulting his youngest daughter. 
Princess Daianira stared at him with a blank expression, millions of thoughts swirling behind those turquoise eyes. He steeled himself for the inevitable slap to the face when she surprised him.
She laughed.
Not a giggle or titter either, but a full bellied laugh that echoed around them in the small courtyard. Vexx felt his cheeks flush, a nervous fluttering in his chest as he watched her, rosy cheeks that nearly matched her rose gold hair, noticing little details he hadn’t during their first meeting: like the smattering of golden freckles on her nose, a small white scar above her lip, ginger eyelashes settling against her pale skin. She was beautiful and it hit him how beautiful she was at that moment.
She opened her eyes, a shrewd gaze aimed at him, a smirk still on her red lips. “You’re funny, Serif. It’s against my better judgment, but I think I may actually like you.”
He hated how his body responded to her words, a hunger gnawing in his gut as he watched her turn away, gold dress billowing out around her, a gorgeous enigma that he clearly wasn’t prepared for. He’d expected a brat, a demanding and cold princess who he’d easily grow to hate until he finally returned to Zovack. And that was easier, better. Emotions complicated things and Vexx didn’t like complicated.
Instead, he found Daianira, a woman who had the fire of a thousand suns burning beneath her skin and eyes full of unrestrained laughter. Though she tried to hide it, there was also a sadness lurking beneath her smile that he doubted he’d ever be able to pierce.
Vexx realized a heartbeat later that she was leaving him in the dust. “Wait- what are you-”
When she didn’t respond, pause, or even acknowledge him, he hurried to catch up before he lost her in the maze of gardens. Jogging beside her to keep pace, he raised a curious eyebrow. “Where are we going?”
Patting the bag that was slung over her shoulder, the one he hadn’t even noticed being so distracted by the princess herself, she gave him a grin that could only be described as feral. “I have a gift for my brother.”
Why did he think this gift wasn’t going to be well received?
Vexx noticed the golden violet hues of the horizon, the sun nearly disappearing from the sky. It was well past dinner time, nearing the hour when most people would be readying for sleep. What the hell was she up to? 
“Why not? This is Arlo’s favorite time of the evening.” Daianira twirled around, glittering fabric tenting around her, and she laughed again, light and free and altogether mesmerizing. 
“Don’t you have to… you know, get pretty for bed or whatever it is that princesses do?” 
Daianira threw a sly smile over her shoulder at him. “Thinking about me in bed, Serif?”
He nearly stopped in his tracks, managing to keep the shock from slipping onto his face. He’d definitely walked into that one blindly, but now he knew how she played the game. If she thought she could throw him so easily, fluster him, she was going to be mistaken. Vexx had an arsenal that could disarm and dazzle. When he wanted it to. 
Without thinking of the consequences of such an action, he reached out, fingers hovering just out of reach of her arm. He wasn’t touching her, but his fingers burned as if he was. “Is that what you want, Princess?”
She laughed again, a little breathlessly perhaps, and Vexx tried to calm the way his heart danced to the sound. He thought he might become addicted to hearing her laughter if he wasn’t careful.
Somehow, he managed to restrain himself and dropped his hand to his side, continuing on in silence, footsteps muffled against the cobblestone walkways. 
This was a terrible idea. Vexx was certain that encouraging the princess in these escapades was going to get him thrown out of the palace, maybe worse, but curiosity got the better of him. 
He followed without protest. And perhaps a little excitement.
It wasn’t much longer before Daianira paused, glancing up at a partially open window of blue and green glass about eight feet from the ground. Biting her lip in concentration, she glanced around as if inspecting the area. For weaknesses? Or an easy way inside? 
Was this a forbidden area of the palace that she liked to explore? Or maybe a secret he could exploit?
Less than a minute passed before she smiled and reached into the bag at her side, rifling in it for something.
When she finally found what she was looking for, she let out a relieved huff, pulling a long cylindrical tube from the bag, something familiar that tickled at the back of his brain, a memory from when he was a child.
“Is that a smoke stick?”
Daianira turned to him, an impatient look on her face. “How is your throwing arm?”
She clucked her tongue, clearly not happy with his delayed response. “Fine, I’ll do it myself.” She twisted the object, black smoke following a moment later, acrid and decidedly pungent. Lifting the hem of her dress in her free hand, she climbed atop a small bench below the window, trying to find her balance as she looked for the best angle to throw.
Vexx didn’t think, again, and stepped forward, hands gripping her waist so that he could lift her slightly, making it easier for her to reach the windowsill. With a gasp, she glanced down with wide eyes. Eyes that felt like drowning whenever she looked at him. 
“Need help, Your Highness?”
She laughed quietly this time and his heart squeezed tightly, a darkness descending on him as he remembered his true goal. Maybe… maybe the entire Peg’asi line didn’t need to go down with Fenris. Maybe there was something good to be salvaged here.
He shook the thought from his head as she tossed the smoke stick into the open window, tapping his hand twice to let her down once she finished.
Vexx dropped her and she shrieked, clinging onto him before he suddenly caught her, cradling her against his chest. She let out a breath, fingers clutching at his shoulders, nails digging into the fabric of his jacket. Her hair tickled his cheek as she pressed her face into the crook of his neck, breath puffing against his skin as she laughed softly.
“I didn’t scare you, did I, Princess?”
She pulled back slightly, lips twitching as if she was trying not to laugh again. Her attempt to suppress it was almost as attractive as her actual grin. “I don’t scare easily, Lieutenant.”
He opened his mouth to respond, a million snarky responses on his tongue, when a bloodcurdling scream interrupted them.
Vexx’s eyes shot up to the window where the black thick smoke had filled whatever room was there, escaping through the space left for the cool night air and curling harmlessly into the sky. The sound of coughing was followed by the sight of a golden visage. The Prince, no doubt about it, even with his lack of clothing.
Daianira fussed with the folds of her dress briefly, feigning shock when she glanced up at the image of her twin hanging out the window above them, gasping for air. 
Vexx stifled the grin that threatened to expose him. 
“Hello, Arlo.” Daianira said in a sweet delicate voice, so unlike herself that Vexx nearly barked out a laugh. “Having a good evening?”
Suddenly, Arlo Peg’asi wasn’t alone, a young woman with ebony waves and not a stitch on pushing him out of the way, nearly falling over the windowsill to catch her own breath. Vexx glanced away immediately at the implications of what they’d interrupted.
Of what Daianira had clearly intended on ruining for her brother.
Arlo slanted his eyes at his sister, venom dripping from his mouth as he hissed. “I’m going to-
Daianira stood straighter, expression cold as she regarded her twin, all pretense of kindness gone. “You’ll do nothing. Because if you do, next time it’ll be a bomb. Leave my guards alone.”
An unsettling grin curled Arlo’s lips. “But it was so fun to hear him scream-”
Vexx’s eyes widened, an unsettling realization in his gut. Daianira’s last guard, the fire- 
By the slant of his eyes and the smirk on his face, Prince Arlo Peg’asi was as vicious as his father. Maybe more so by how unchecked his actions were. 
Evil little prick.
Vexx glanced at Daianira and nearly missed her flinch, Arlo’s words striking her worse than any physical attack could. But she didn’t falter, didn’t hesitate as she clenched the folds of her dress, knuckles white as she stared at the man responsible for her hell on earth.
“I’m warning you, Arlo. You won’t like what happens next if this continues.”
Arlo sneered at her, sea green eyes glancing in Vexx’s direction briefly before returning to her. “This one will be fun to break.”
She was shaking, every part of her body shivering with barely suppressed rage. Vexx approached quietly, placing a hand on her shoulder and squeezing gently. He hoped it gave her some strength to know she wasn’t alone.
With a deep breath through her nose, she managed to speak without her voice quivering. “I won’t let you hurt him.”
Vexx felt his stomach twist further, guilt warring with the warmth her words sparked. She was protecting him. Why? Why did she feel the need to save him from a man playing at being a tyrant? Certainly Vexx was capable of handling this shithead.
And why wouldn’t she tell the Captain, or her father for that matter, that Arlo was playing dangerous games.
The asshole in question scoffed, roughly shoving his lover back inside his quarters, the smoke finally clearing. “You won’t do anything, Nira. You’re too afraid of Father. So you know what that means? I own you.”
Daianira said nothing, turning on her heels and disappearing into the gardens, the only sound left in her wake was Arlo’s disgusting laugh as he returned to his previous activities. Vexx stood still in the aftermath, unable to come to terms with the facts that one- Daianira Peg’asi was probably the best of all of the Royal family, two- Her twin was a threat, not only to Daianira and the Guard, but to everything, and three- the princess thought she was protecting Vexx from the most awful thing she could imagine, a cruel brother who enjoyed tormenting her.
And here was Vexx, plotting the downfall of her entire family.
Of plotting her death along with the rest of them.
Vexx found the thought didn’t sit as well with him as it had nearly a month ago.
It took a few minutes, but he found her sitting beneath a willow, her back pressed against its trunk with her legs pulled close to her chest. Her face was buried in her gown, sobs shaking her body as he approached. With a lump in his throat, guilt crushing his chest, Vexx sat beside her in the grass, stretching his legs out in front of him.
An uncomfortable, tense silence greeted him, but he wouldn’t leave her like this. And not because it was his job to stay at her side. 
But because she was a better person than him. And he didn’t know what to do with that.
“Why are you protecting him?” He couldn’t help but ask when she hadn’t acknowledged him, watching as her shoulders tensed at the question. “He’s willing to harm others to hurt you. You don’t owe him anything, Princess. Certainly not because he’s your brother.”
Daianira lifted her head to glance at him, eyes shimmering with unshed tears, cheeks stained with those she had cried, pretty mouth in a hard line… too grim for one so young and beautiful. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, Lieutenant, but I’m pretty much alone.”
He shouldn’t have asked, not when Vexx knew what the consequences would be. Zovack wouldn’t spare her. He wouldn’t spare anyone. No matter how kind or generous she was, Daianira was still a Peg’asi. Still a threat. He couldn’t care about her… shouldn’t.
When he didn’t speak, she sighed, closing her eyes and taking a calming breath. “I don’t want you to get hurt.” When she noticed the shake in her voice, she gritted her teeth, determined to not be weak. He knew what that felt like. “I won’t let Arlo hurt you.”
“Not to be ungrateful, princess, but you know nothing about me. Besides, it’s my job to-”
He paused, the lie dying on his tongue. No, his real job wasn’t to protect her. And he needed to stop forgetting that.
“Protect me?” An unhappy laugh left her mouth, her lips twisting in a wry grin. “Yes, Lieutenant, I am aware. But let me ask you this: what protections do I need in solitude? No one can reach me here and even if they could, I would welcome the chance to escape this place.”
Daianira brushed a hand through her rosy waves, curling a strand around her index finger.
“Sometimes, I imagine what it’d be like… to not be Fenris’s daughter. To be a person capable of making her own choices. To be free.”
The longing in her voice nearly undid him. “Maybe one day, you can be.”
“My father would never let me be anything more than a bargaining chip… something to marry away for an advantage. For money. That’s when he even remembers I exist at all.” She turned her face so he couldn’t see the fresh tears.
The fountains bubbled in the distance, a calming lullaby that was nothing more than an interloper in a vulnerable moment. Vexx could feel the brush of a breeze, the scent of the flowers, the laughter of the nobility as they walked by, unaware of the saddest princess in the galaxy and her guard.
Sometimes a palace could be a prison, the ethereal beauty nothing more than a mask to hide the cruelty and pain beneath.
Vexx swallowed painfully, his throat dry and his eyes prickling with tears. He didn’t know if he could save her from what was coming, didn’t know if he wanted to if he was honest, but sitting here with her, he could ease her pain. If only for a time.
Resting a hand softly on her arm, he waited until she glanced at him curiously. “What is it that Daianira wants? Not the princess, but the girl?”
She smiled then, as bright as the sun and as blinding. If he was anyone else, he might’ve thrown himself at her feet, willing to do anything to see her smile like that again. But reality wasn’t a fairytale. And not everyone got a happy ending.
“To see the stars. Really see them. And to have a friend to share it with.”
The words were the hardest he’d ever said, the lie burning his tongue before he opened his mouth. “Well, if you’ll have me, I’d be honored to be your friend.”
Vexx felt his heart break at the breathtaking smile on her face, turquoise eyes shining with a happiness she probably hadn’t felt for most of her life. It did little to ease guilt.
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commander-krios · 1 year
A Promise
Fandom: Andromeda Six Pairing: Calderon Lynch/Traveler Rating: Mature Summary: Daianira Peg'asi loves teasing Calderon. In fact, it might be her favorite thing to do. The playfulness in their banter, it was everything. But something was tugging at the back of her mind, something she couldn’t ignore anymore. Words: 2689 Additional Tags: Post-Orion, Flirting, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Intimacy, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Established Relationship
Read on AO3
Her nose was stuck in a book when Calderon came to visit, his perfectly pressed jacket gone and a black shirt in its place. When Daianira glanced up, she could see the rings of his arm tattoo just peeking out from below the shirt sleeve and her mouth twitched with a grin.. It was always a relief to see him standing before her, strong and sure, and so fucking irritating.
Running her gaze over his body, Daianira waited for him to see her smirk. His only response was a raised eyebrow.
“You’re overdressed, Captain.”
“Very funny, smartass.” Sitting on the side of the bed, he tilted his head to read the cover of the book. “Is that one of Damon’s?”
“No.” She tried to shift the book out of his eyeline, but he snatched it out of her hands before she had time to register the movement.
He flipped the book around to read the name scribbled across the cover. Calderon met her gaze, unamused at the attempted lie. Though, to be fair, it wasn’t a good attempt to begin with. “When were you going to tell me you’ve changed your name? I have to say, it fits you perfectly.”
Tearing the book from his grip, she flopped against the pillows, ignoring the victorious smirk on his lips. “Hilarious. Remind me to have Damon drop in on you later.”
The threat was empty and Calderon knew it.
“Damon’s preoccupied with that stupid cat you helped him smuggle aboard.” He said with a chuckle, brushing a hand through his golden hair, settling against the pillows opposite her. “You only have yourself to blame.”
Daianira did the only thing she could in retaliation. She stuck her tongue out at him.
“Cute, Daianira. Not at all childish.” Without a word, she threw a pillow at him that he easily dodged. “Seriously?”
“You’re interrupting me, Lynch. What do you want?” She met his eyes over the top of the book, her stomach nothing but butterflies and molten lava whenever he looked at her.
The intensity of Calderon’s gaze was usually too much to take on any normal day, but today, his eyes softened. “I wanted to spend time with you. It has come to my attention that I don’t do that enough.”
Daianira couldn’t stop the grin. “Ayame got on you to come here, didn’t she?”
Calderon glared at her, but his lack of a response was answer enough.
“I’ll have to thank her.” Putting the book aside, she stretched her arms overhead, not surprised to find Calderon glancing at the strip of skin that showed when her shirt came up. “My eyes are up here, Lynch.”
Instead of giving her the signature unamused expression he seemed to wear most days, Calderon smirked, putting his hands behind his head. His own shirt rode up, skin tantalizing against the black fabric. 
Her own eyes darted to his midriff and she couldn’t help the blush that burned her cheeks. She loved teasing him, took pride in being able to push his buttons, but the man took pleasure in doing the same. 
Daianira, however, didn’t concede victory easily.
Tapping her finger to her chin, she tucked her legs underneath her body, lounging on one of the pillows closer to Calderon. He raised an eyebrow at the movement, eyes intensely watching her. Her free hand trailed along the outside of his leg, her fingertips burning as she drew a pattern against his pants, waiting for his reaction. He didn’t even twitch. 
“You should tell me about your Guard days.” She prompted, shifting her body so he had a perfect view down her shirt, her wavy rose hair brushing against her breasts. “You worked with my brother?”
Calderon cleared his throat, glancing away as his face darkened slightly, the pink only making him look adorable. For a man who was so focused, so in control of himself, it made Daianira wonder what would happen when he finally let go.
“Sorenn. Yes. He was a friend.” He rubbed the back of his neck with a hand, letting out a tight sigh. When he finally looked at her, he almost looked sad. “You remind me of him a lot, actually.”
That caught her attention more than a book ever could. Calderon had known Sorenn on Goldis. Daianira loved Sorenn best of all her brothers, but to know someone else who’d known him, someone outside of their family, it was a lifeline she couldn’t let go of. And the fact that it was Calderon of all people… somehow that made it more special.
“He was stubborn at times, but he had a good heart.” He looked uncomfortable at the turn in conversation. A flash of pain crossed his face that he couldn’t hide and she felt guilty at making him relive something they both wanted to forget.  “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to-” 
Daianira reached forward to squeeze his leg, smiling at him, understanding how hard it was to think about someone you cared for, knowing they were no longer there. That all you were left with were memories of a happier time. “I shouldn’t have brought him up. I’m sorry.”
Calderon covered her hand with his own, comforting and soft despite his strength, her proud Captain. “I’m surprised I didn’t notice it before, when you first came aboard. You look so much like him, it’s eerie.” His hand came up to twirl a piece of her rose gold hair between his fingers. “Your hair color was similar, not exact, but enough to know that you’re related. And your eyes-” Cupping her face, he brushed a thumb against the spot below her eyelid. “You have the same eyes.”
A turquoise as clear as the seas of Kitalpha, or so her mother had once told her.
“But these-” He ran the tip of his finger down her nose, mapping the golden freckles there. The ones she got from practically living in the sunlight for years. “These are all you.”
Her heart felt like it wanted to escape her chest when he gripped her chin, running his thumb against her lower lip. Daianira loved when he let his walls down, when he let her see this softer and kinder side of him. It was like a gift, one she wouldn’t give away for anything.
“This scar… what happened?” Calderon brushed the spot above her lip where a tiny white scar broke her otherwise unbroken skin, nearly invisible unless she let someone close enough to see it. 
His touch left her burning and she inhaled suddenly, missing his searing heat as soon as it was gone.. Everything about Calderon was always too much and yet she found she couldn’t get enough: the cold exterior he exuded while on duty, the fire that would rise when he had something to protect (even if she was over his self-sacrificing), the tenderness in his touch whenever he trailed his fingers down her arm.
The possessiveness in his kisses. The very thought made her shiver and she glanced away briefly, feeling her cheeks heat under his heavy stare.
“It was an accident.” She said, taking his hand in hers and pressing a kiss to his palm. “I told you I wanted to join the Guard. Sorenn… tried to train me. In secret.”
Calderon’s eyes widened slightly. Not much surprised him and she felt a thrill of victory that she could. “I’ll be honest, Daianira. Sorenn doesn’t… didn’t seem the type to break the rules.”
A laugh burst from her even as her heart clenched painfully at his use of the past tense. “He wasn’t. I lied to him.”
Calderon chuckled quietly, flipping his hand around to grip her by the wrist, pulling her closer. She collided with him, not surprised to find his body was hot everywhere. She rested her head against his shoulder, feeling solid muscle against her hand as she ran her fingers down his chest. Splaying her hand across his chest, where his heart should be. It beat steadily, strongly, and she was once again grateful of Zane’s timing on Orion.
“Why does that not surprise me?”
Daianira smiled at him, hearing what he wasn’t saying. “Are you implying that I’m always a liar, Captain?” 
“No.” He said, a grin pulling the corner of his lips up. He was such a damned tease. “I only noticed you get into a lot of trouble. And drag unsuspecting victims into it.”
She huffed a laugh, not willing to give him the pleasure of an argument. Instead, she gripped the front of his dark shirt, pulling him closer, his body flush against hers, his breath fanning across her lips. “Are you volunteering to be my next victim?”
Calderon’s hands gripped her hips, fingers slipping beneath the hem of her shirt, his touch scalding as they danced across her skin. “I think you severely overestimate your abilities, stowaway.”
“I told you not to call-”
He cut off her protests with his lips at her throat and she gasped, clutching at his shoulders while he moved tortuously over the sensitive skin of her neck, lingering briefly at her gill scars before continuing to her jaw, finally settling near her ear. His breath ghosted across her skin, hot and she felt a chill pass along her spine. 
With a breathless laugh, he whispered, “Do you know what you do to me?”
“What-” His body was pressed tantalizingly against hers and she couldn’t tell where she ended and he began. She clung to him, refusing to let his heat go, to let him leave her wanting. “What were we doing?”
“Whatever you like.” He murmured, his hands sliding farther up her shirt, fingers pressing into the muscles of her back. “Or if you had something else in mind, I’m open to ideas. There was talk of… being overdressed.”
She lost the ability to respond when he dipped his head to her neck, his teeth grazing against her skin. “Fuck.”
Calderon laughed, the rumble in his chest nearly setting her alight, her nerves singing with every brush of his hands, every touch of his mouth. “What was that?”
Biting her lip, she attempted to make sense of her muddled thoughts. It was so hard to concentrate on anything with the man’s mouth on her, his chest pressed against her, his hands exploring and squeezing every part of her that he could touch.
With a happy sigh, she caught hold of something that she might be able to use. It might confuse him enough to let her gather her senses. It might even piss him off.
“Cal? I need to ask you something.”
When he pulled back to meet her gaze, she thought she’d be able to get a lungful of air, but the hunger in his sapphire eyes nearly undid her again. Her cheeks were already flushed, but she swore they must’ve darkened as he stared down into her soul. 
When he spoke, she couldn’t help the thrill that went through her. “Anything you want.”
A breathless laugh left her. “You make that sound like a threat.”
“It’s a promise.”
One that she was willing to take up at another time, in another place, when they weren’t dealing with the aftermath of Orion and Vexx. She slipped her hands up his shirt, tracing the strong muscles of his chest, memorizing the way his jaw tensed, pupils blown wide.
It was on the tip of her tongue, a joke about Sorenn and him during their time in the Guard.
But… she couldn’t do it. Not because she didn’t love teasing him. There was nothing she loved more. The playfulness in their banter, it was everything. But something was tugging at the back of her mind, something she couldn’t ignore anymore.
He was here with her. And he shouldn’t be. She shouldn’t even be here. She belonged with Nerissa and Sorenn and Elettra and her mother. Fucking hell, even Arlo.
She should be dead.
Sensing her hesitation, possibly even reading something in her gaze, Calderon’s face fell slightly. “Hey, come here.”
Daianira settled against him, his arms coming around her protectively, his fingers brushing through her hair with a gentleness she wasn’t expecting. Each time he ran his hand over her locks, she felt content, his soothing touch easing her into relaxation. She hadn’t felt like this in so long. Not since before the coup. Not since Vexx.
This thing with Calderon was different. Better. Safer. And she wanted it so badly that it terrified her.
Silence fell, tension slipping away from her as he rested against the pillows and blankets, Daianira cuddled against his body, his warmth filling every dark part of her. She drank it in, his support and understanding more than she could’ve hoped for. But her heart was broken and she didn’t know if anything could fully mend it.
“Do you sometimes wish… that it was Nerissa who survived the coup? Or Sorenn?” She paused, tongue feeling thick and unwieldy, almost stopping her next words from following. “Instead of me?”
Calderon froze, his fingers stilling in her hair. “How could you ask that?”
“I’m not- smart enough for all of this. Nerissa was always better at being a princess. Being the heir. I have no idea what to do and-” Her words broke off on a sob and she closed her eyes, trying to fight the tears that wanted to spill down her cheeks.
He hooked a finger beneath her chin, tilting her face so that she didn’t have a choice but to meet his eyes. The haunting anger that burned there stole her ability to think. He was devastatingly handsome, this man who had thrown himself in front of the K’Merii, Wren, and one day most likely Zovack himself, to protect those he loved. And somehow, Daianira made the list even when she felt she’d done nothing to deserve it. 
“Daianira.” He cupped her face, thumb running gentle circles against her cheek. “Daia. I might not be the best at handling things out of my control. And I’m sorry for what a dick I was when we first met. But- I won't ever say I regret that you’re the one who’s here. Because I don’t. I can’t. And what kind of man does that make me?”
Blinking away tears, the ache in her heart eased a little. “It makes you a good man. Despite what you’ve been through, you’re loyal and protective of your friends. It’s what I love about you.”
Calderon leaned closer, pressing his forehead against hers, gaze focused and shining with an affection she was still getting used to. It made the butterflies come back worse than before. “You’re not teasing me, are you?”
A breath of a laugh escaped her lips. “Not this time, Cal.”
His lips were soft against hers, a kiss much more chaste than the one they’d shared on Orion. Amidst death and destruction, adrenaline high after a life or death fight. But here, they were safe, they were together. And she knew without a shadow of a doubt that she was in love with Calderon Lynch.
When he pulled away, a finger trailed over her lips. “Will you promise me something?”
“What is it?”
“If you feel scared or need someone to sort through all of this shit with, come to me. Day or night. For you, my door is always open.” 
Something about his words pulled at her heart and she had to keep from throwing herself at him. He was so sincere and earnest. How could she not agree to anything he said?
A smirk curled her lips and she playfully nipped at his finger, enjoying how his sapphire gaze sparkled with laughter. “What if I don’t want to talk?”
Calderon raised an eyebrow, his hands trailing along her arms. “Even better.”
She wouldn’t take him up on that, not now at least, but knowing he was there if she needed him, it was enough. “Thank you, Calderon.”
He pressed a quick kiss to her nose, a smile in his eyes and on his face. “Anything for you, stowaway.”
For once, she let him have the win.
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commander-krios · 1 year
Wherever You Lead
Fandom: Andromeda Six Pairing: Calderon Lynch/Traveler Rating: Teen Summary: Goldis is back in the hands of the Peg'asi monarchy, but big changes are coming to the planet and the rest of Seleota. At least Calderon gets one night of peace with the princess he's fallen head over heels for. Words: 4882 Additional Tags: Royalty, Politics, Ballroom Dancing, Sexual Tension, Romance, Kitalphan Traveler, Post-Game, Post-Canon, Game Spoilers
Read on AO3
The hallways in the south wing were quiet, the damage nearly gone thanks to the servants and artisans who had cleaned and reconstructed anything destroyed in the fighting. The war to take the throne from Zovack was won nearly a month ago, a tense peace brokered between those who still stood. Now, it was time to decide what the future held for them all.
Calderon Lynch stood outside of one of the royal suites, staring out of the window at the gardens below. The palace was another world entirely, gold and glittering and its people ignorant of the struggles of those in the districts. At least, it had been. He hoped with Nerissa as the figurehead, something would change. That the blood he and the rest of his crew had given would mean something.
The suite’s ornate door opened to reveal a tiny person with greying dark hair, a beautiful face lined with slight wrinkles, but they wore their age with dignity and grace. Fleur was always radiant, even when Calderon was a child, but there was something humbling about seeing his mother against the ruined backdrop of palace walls. The knowledge that despite the horrible circumstances that brought them here, they were safe and that they were here. His past collided with the present in a strange limbo that still made him feel small and insignificant. That made him feel unworthy of the life he’d been given.
Fleur stepped out of the room, closing the door behind them with a click, only to throw their arms around his middle, hugging him with as much strength as their small form allowed. He didn’t hesitate to return the embrace, pulling them tight against his chest. 
“Calderon, there are no words to describe how happy I am to see you.” They whispered, pulling away slightly to smile at him, tears sparkling in their eyes. They brushed a hand down the elaborate navy jacket he wore, gold embroidery reflecting the light. “I knew you would look so handsome in this.”
“You’re never wrong.” He replied, a soft grin crossing his lips. 
They sniffed, taking another step back, examining the rest of his attire with a critical eye. Clearing their throat, they straightened his cape, smiling through their emotions. “I’m so proud of the man you’ve become, Calderon. You’ve come a long way from the young boy who ran wild through the streets.”
He snorted, remembering those days with Jasper, back when they were nothing but Gold District kids who had big dreams. “I expect you never imagined I’d end up here. Especially after joining the Guard.”
Fleur smiled fondly, meeting his gaze with a love that he missed on his darkest days while on the run. “Considering how you got on with little Nira as children…”
“You mean how we nearly came to blows as often as she did with her twin?”
“Arlo.” Fleur chuckled, running a hand over their hair, taming a few stray strands, memories dancing in their eyes. “He was always a shit, but you had her back when he took things too far.”
“I didn’t even remember who she was when she walked on my bridge.” Calderon admitted with a sigh, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. “She… hasn’t let me live it down.”
Fleur laughed in that soft way they always managed. “She wouldn’t, would she? Princess Daianira was always a handful. But seeing you so happy… It’s what I always wanted. What your mother and I always wanted. No matter what choices you made in the past, you deserve to be happy.”
“Thank you.”
Daianira had told him, back on Tilaarin, that he deserved more than he thought he did. For the first time since Jasper’s betrayal, he actually believed it.
“Now,” Fleur began, smoothing their hands over their own attire, mind clearly elsewhere. “The coronation starts in an hour. The princess should be nearly ready, but she’s a bundle of nerves.”
Calderon raised an eyebrow, concerned for the first time since stepping foot in the palace that morning. “Is she alright?”
“Oh, she’ll be fine. It’s been a while since she’s attending anything more formal than tea with her mother. She’ll get back into the swing of it, I’m sure. Besides, she’ll have a handsome guard to escort her.” Fleur winked at him and he knew his blush was fierce in response.
“I don’t think I can be considered a guard anymore.” He sighed, the fluttering in his chest at the thought of being on Daianira’s arm too tempting. It was dangerous territory to explore when the future was so uncertain. “But I’ll do my best to help.”
Fleur raised an eyebrow, barely hiding their suspicion as they watched him. “Of course you will.” They paused briefly before pointing a finger into his chest. “You better not be late, Calderon.”
“I’m not going to ruin Daianira’s evening, mother.” 
“It’s not her evening I’m worried about. It’s mine.” They teased him. “I’ve worked hard on the gowns for the coronation and I do not intend to let one of them waste away on the floor.”
Calderon didn’t get embarrassed often, but the way his mother was staring at him, he couldn’t help but glance away with a nervous laugh, face heating at the thought of skipping the entire ceremony to spend the night locked in Daianira’s private suite. “That’s not going to happen.”
“Mhm. You haven’t seen her yet.” 
He managed to swallow around the lump that’d appeared in his throat, giving his mother a tight smile. “We’ll be there.”
Fleur smiled, placing a hand on his arm. “I’ll see you soon then.”
The sound of their heels echoed down the hall as they made their exit. Calderon took a deep breath, filling his lungs until they felt like they’d explode before releasing it through his nose, trying to find a calm amongst his turbulent emotions. The anticipation over the coronations, his nerves concerning seeing Daianira dressed like a real princess for the first time, and the fact that they were finally free: from Zovack, from running. Once they made it past Nerissa’s coronation, they could work towards a better future for the entirety of Seleota. 
When he finally managed to get the courage, Calderon knocked against the door to Daianira’s suite, the sound reverberating in the quiet. It took only a few seconds before she called out for him to enter. Taking another quick breath, hoping it would calm him, he pushed the door open.
The room appeared empty, the sun pouring through the open windows, birds singing as they flew past, a beautiful Goldis summer day that he never expected to see again. He’d never been in many of the palace’s suites before. Only on the rare occasion when Fleur was requested to dress the Stellar Queen for a royal function and he tagged along.
The room was designed like many other sections of the palace, in burgundy and gold, chestnut moulding and furniture, the entire scheme too dark for his tastes. The carpet beneath his feet was plush, muffling his steps as he walked in, the door clicking shut softly behind him. The sun did little to brighten the interior, but the room still had some charm. Roses in shades of cream and pink sat on the table in front of a sofa, their fragrance mixing with the warm breeze.
A pair of pearl combs sat on a dresser, discarded amongst other items: A silver handled brush, a pink sequined scarf that glittered in the sunlight, a clearly loved book with a tattered leather cover. He trailed a finger over the cover, reading the title and not recognizing it.
“Calderon?” Daianira’s voice was small and he nearly missed it.
“I’m here. Are you ready to leave?”
“I…don’t know.” Her voice trailed off, catching his attention. She never lacked confidence. It was inspiring though it exhausted him at times, the two of them butting heads over the stupidest things, but he always loved how she knew who she was, what she wanted, and had no hesitation in making decisions. But this wasn’t the Daianira he was used to hearing: this one sounded terrified.
“Is something wrong?”
A sigh met his ears and he had to stop from smiling. She sounded so frustrated that he could already see the scrunched nose, the slanted eyes, the downturn of her lips. “Just… don’t laugh.”
“I would never.”
Stepping from behind the dressing curtain, Daianira faced him, her hands clutched nervously in front of her, eyes downcast, tracing the patterns in the carpet with her gaze. It was odd to see her so quiet, so unsure of herself, but he couldn’t find the words to speak. Not when she looked like that in a dark gold gown that spilled in soft waves around her, a sweetheart neckline that plunged low enough to see the top of her breasts. A cuffed choker dripped diamonds across her collarbone, sparkling as she moved into the sunbeams. Her rose gold hair was pulled up into a simple tucked bun, a few pieces of hair curling around her face, framing the beautiful turquoise eyes now lined in gold and burgundy.
Calderon lost the ability to breathe at the sight of her standing there, looking every bit the princess that she was born to be. “You…”
She sighed, fingers itching her nose as she tried to hide her irritation. “I look ridiculous. Like a goddamned porcelain doll.”
With three quick strides, he crossed the distance between them, afraid to touch her but his hands twitched with the need to. He hooked a finger under her chin, tilting her face so that she met his eyes. “You look bewitching, Daia.”
She scrunched her face at him and he almost laughed at how disgruntled she looked. “Is that some new kind of insult?”
Calderon shook his head, fingers trailing across her throat, brushing gently over the necklace. She tensed at his touch and he felt like he was touching fire. She burned every part of him, whether she realized it or not. “I don’t need a fancy way to insult you, smartass.”
She swatted at him, a smile twitching her lips. He wrapped his fingers around her wrist before she could make contact, lifting her hand slowly and pressing a kiss against her palm. Her cheeks flushed slightly, biting her lip as she met his gaze. “You know…”
“Don’t even think about it.” He chided her, huffing a laugh. “We don’t have the time.”
“Oh come on. You can’t tell me you didn’t think about it for a second.” Daianira rested her free hand against his chest, eyes burning with a passion she only looked at him with. A passion that he returned a thousand fold. “You want to rip this dress off of me and I won’t stop you.”
Calderon scoffed, pressing a kiss to her hair, the smell of her favorite cinnamon tea lingering between them. His fingers trailed down her arm, leaving goosebumps behind, and she trembled against him. “I’m not going to risk the wrath of my mother. Or your sister.”
She sighed, toying with the fringe on his cape. “Coward.”
He stilled her fingers, squeezing them affectionately before dropping their hands to his side, entwining his fingers with hers. When she met his gaze again, her eyes had softened, affection shining so brightly there, the walls she usually kept built high crumbling the moment he smiled at her.
“Fine. But you better make it up to me later.” She stood on her toes, brushing a kiss over his jaw. He tensed slightly, his hands sliding around her waist, squeezing her sides gently, possessively. Her breath warmed his skin when she lingered, lips tempting him to turn his face and claim them. Somehow, he managed to beat down the desire to a simmering flame.
When she dropped back to her heels, Daianira searched his expression, a grin tilting her lips at whatever she saw. “Good boy.”
His hands dropped away as she turned her back on him, but Calderon refused to yield just yet. He reached out to circle his fingers around her wrist, stopping her from moving more than a few steps. When she glanced back, he could see the laughter in her eyes, a teasing smirk aimed at him. He pulled her closer until she collided with his chest, letting out a breathless laugh, her fingers curling in his jacket.
Dipping his head, he pressed his lips against her gill scars, feeling her melt against him, her hands slipping into his hair, gripping the strands hard and he had to bite back a moan. “This isn’t over, stowaway. Not by a long shot.”
“Sounds like a threat.” It came out as a whisper, her voice straining with the passion she felt. 
“A promise, sweetheart. One I’m happy to keep.” As much as he didn’t want to, he forced himself to step back, breaking the hold he had on her hips. Offering his arm instead, Calderon sighed, his smile lighter, happier. It was the happiest he’d been in a long time. “May I escort you?”
Daianira laughed again and his heart soared on the sound. She slipped her arm into his, tilting her head so she was resting against his shoulder. “I’d be honored.”
The coronation had been long and dull, like he’d expected, although there was a decent distraction in the form of a princess sitting in the front row. She’d pretend to inspect the stained glass windows and statues that surrounded the throne room, only for her eyes to land on him, a devious smile curling her lips. Once she turned away, eyes focused on her sister taking her vows, he thought he’d imagined it.
After the third time, Ayame nudged him in the arm, drawing his attention. He was met with the sight of her wagging her eyebrows at him, a conspiratorial grin on her face. 
“What?” He muttered, trying to concentrate on the ceremony, but Aya laughed quietly next to him, her giggles shaking her tiny body. “Shut up.”
Ayame leaned closer to whisper in his ear. “You��re blushing.”
“I am not.”
Aya laid a hand on his arm, smiling at him with sincerity. Or as much sincerity as she could muster while still laughing at him. “It’s nice to see you happy, Calderon. I didn’t think you were capable of smiling so much.”
He swallowed nervously, ignoring the obvious jab at his normal grumpy countenance, but knowing he should say something. “Thank you, Aya. The same goes for you and Khadar. You two seem to be keeping each other company a lot lately.”
She flushed, shifting closer to Ryona on her other side, refusing to look at him again. He felt a laugh in his chest, but he stifled it when Daianira glanced at him again. His skin itched, the desire to skip the rest of the night and take her back to her suite making him tense, but he knew it wasn't an option. So he tried not to fidget as he sat next to his crew, watching Nerissa Peg’asi be made Queen.
After the coronation concluded, they were whisked away to a ballroom where Daianira and Nerissa were immediately swept onto the dance floor, twirling with the rest of the nobility of Goldis. With a sigh, he situated himself in a quiet corner away from prying eyes, content to watch as his princess enjoyed her evening.
Calderon wasn’t one for small talk so he avoided most of the guests, especially those he wasn’t particularly fond of, nursing a glass of wine and keeping out of the eyeline of his mothers. The last thing he needed was either one of them getting on his case about being a spoilsport.
Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to keep hidden for the entire night.
“Why are you sulking over here while my sister is dancing with one of your crewmates?”
Calderon froze, the gentle sound of Nerissa’s voice jarring him from his thoughts. He glanced to the side, not surprised to see she’d somehow sneaked up on him. He’d been distracted all evening, mostly by Daianira and her habit of making him smile despite his surroundings. She’d even managed to drag Damon out onto the dance floor and after a few minutes, he was dipping her and making her laugh. 
At the moment, June had her in his arms, an enormous grin on his face before he spun her, that golden dress that his mother sewed billowing out around her, glittering under the lights. She was gorgeous, always had been even in the crew’s second hand clothes when she’d first come aboard the Andromeda Six. But now, seeing her in her old life, he felt a twinge of regret at how nothing would ever be the same again. They’d both lost so much and he wasn’t entirely sure what was next.
Rubbing his neck, he sighed, eyes sliding to Daianira again of their own free will. “She’s having fun and I… am not a fan of dancing.”
Nerissa made a noise that he swore was a sigh but it was too soft to tell. She stood next to him, her eerily violet gaze on the scene as well, watching with affection as her youngest sister laughed. “She’s right. You’re stubborn as hell.”
He couldn’t help the snort that escaped. “I’d like to think I’m the least stubborn out of the two of us.”
Nerissa laughed quietly, as reserved as ever. “Considering she finally got her wish, I’d say you have a point in your favor.” She trailed off, her smile disappearing, eyes turning sad as she watched June dip Daianira, her hair nearly touching the ground. “I’m going to miss her.”
Calderon glanced at her, his attention diverted completely now. “I’m not sure what you mean.”
“She’s withdrawn from the line of succession. After tonight, she’s no longer a princess.” 
When his eyes found Daianira again, she was standing off by the refreshment table, chatting with Ryona and Bash, an excruciatingly beautiful smile on her face. He felt peaceful seeing her so at ease, so free from the pain that crushed only her months ago. “She didn’t tell me.”
“We only decided on the details this morning. She’ll represent the throne as an ambassador to Cursa for the time being. Working with Alisa and Zane to establish an alliance, trade routes, and the planet’s future. Which includes independence. In time.” Nerissa sighed, glancing at her hands, lost in thought for a moment. “She wants to be free from the burden of the throne and I envy that. She deserves to be happy.”
On that point, Calderon could agree with her.
“So, since you didn’t answer my earlier question, I’ll ask you again: Are you going to stay in the corner all night or are you going to ask Nira to dance?” 
Nerissa nodded her head at where he’d been staring, only to see that Damon had whisked Daianira onto the dance floor again, looking strangely at ease with the movements. Calderon huffed through his nose, realizing how much it irritated him to see Damon make her laugh. It should be him there with her. 
Nerissa laid a hand on his arm briefly, but he found he couldn’t bother looking at her. Not with the way Daianira was smiling, like the sun on a hot afternoon: altogether too bright and beautiful. “It’s her last night here. It should be one to remember.”
The new queen walked away after that, her heels clicking in a steady rhythm as she began to mingle with the uppercrust of Goldis. Smoothing the jacket he wore, he made his way across the dance floor, somehow dodging the waltzing dancers with quick steps, only to come face to face with Daianira and her dance partner.
Damon smirked at his appearance, blue eyes sparkling with mischief. “Oh, look who decided to take those difficult ten steps over here. Jealous?”
Calderon’s jaw tensed, but he managed to keep a lid on his anger. “You’re delusional.”
Damon’s grin widened, stepping away from Daianira. Calderon expected him to return to whatever the hell he was doing before the dance, but he bowed over her hand instead, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. When he spoke, it was clearly to Daianira, but his eyes were on Calderon. “Let me know when you want to go for round three, sweetheart.”
“Keep flirting and I’ll let Alisa know where you keep that damned cat.” She crossed her arms over her chest and Calderon thought it was the sexiest thing to witness whenever she handed Damon his ass. “And don’t go crying to Zane. He’s just as much Alisa’s bitch as you are.”
“You’re no fun.” He muttered, but the smile on his face said otherwise. “Good night, Princess. Cal.”
Damon disappeared into the crowd at the edge of the dance floor, probably to find some unsuspecting idiot to badger. Calderon grinned as he watched him leave, feeling like a battle had been won, but when he turned to speak to Daianira, she was watching with a cold expression.
“What is this?” Her arms were still crossed over her chest and he only noticed in the light of the lanterns overhead that there was glitter dusted across her collarbone and breasts, sparkling each time she caught the light at the right angle.
His mouth went dry, tongue useless in his mouth as he stared at her, mesmerized by the anger scrunching her nose, her full lips pulled tight, the fire in her turquoise gaze. She was ablaze on that dance floor, pink and gold and glittering. Beautiful and dangerous, a woman whose only fear was losing him to the war they’d fought. She was giving up her life of safety and comfort to make sure her friends, the people she cared for more than any riches in all of Seleota, got their fair chance.
The woman he loved more than anything in the galaxy.
“Who threatened you? Because I know you didn’t come to dance of your own free will.” She glanced into the crowd, looking for Nerissa or perhaps one of his moms. It didn’t matter because she wouldn’t find them. They were too smart for that. “It was N, wasn’t it?”
Calderon sighed with a roll of his eyes, pulling her into his arms before twirling her along with the music. She gasped, but fell in sync quickly, the dance coming as naturally to her as breathing. She clutched at his shoulder, her hand tightening against his almost painfully, but he could handle her rage as long as she’d let him kiss her breathlessly after.
His hand flexed against her waist, feeling ridiculous as he moved around the dance floor, even if it was with her. He could feel eyes on them, burning a hole in the back of his head, and he flushed, wishing the floor would open up and swallow him. Clearing his throat, an uneasiness settling over him, he met Daianira’s turquoise gaze, feeling his heart stutter in his chest at her smile, all hints of anger gone.
“I need to talk to you.”
She tilted her head, face softening as her hand slid from his shoulder to settle against his neck. “I’m not stopping you.”
A sudden, breathless laugh left his mouth. “I meant somewhere that doesn’t include your sister, my moms, our entire crew, and half of Goldis staring at us.”
A sly grin curled her lips. “Why? Is this talk actually code for something else?”
“If you want it to be.” He promised, resting his forehead against hers, the press of her body along his promising a passion that he always happily fell victim to. “But I do want to talk first.”
“I’m listening, Calderon.”
And she was, her attention solely on him, the other dancers and guests only background noise to what went on between them. She squeezed his hand softly, waiting for him to speak.
“So… Ambassador?”
She flinched slightly, such a small thing that he was certain no one else noticed it but him. He shifted closer to her, her chest pressing against his, and he was certain she could feel his heartbeat through his jacket. “Nerissa told you.”
It wasn’t a question, but if it wasn’t public knowledge, very few people knew about it which meant her guess was going to be correct. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Daianira glanced away, biting her lip. After a few moments, she sighed. “You were so happy about being back home, I didn’t want to ruin that for you.”
Her selflessness never ceased to amaze him. “Daia-”
“This isn’t my life anymore, Calderon.” She wouldn’t meet his gaze and it hurt to see that even now, she was afraid of failing everyone else. “I was never good at it to begin with.”
Taking her chin between his fingers, he forced her to look at him. “Whatever you choose, I know you’ll be amazing at it.”
Her hand left his neck to rest against his chest above his heart. “Flatterer.”
It didn’t take much more prompting to get her to finally leave the dance floor and wander out into the gardens, the scent of thousands of blooms in the air. The moon lit their path as they walked in silence, Daianira on his arm, heels clicking softly on the pavers. It felt like a fairytale, being outside after the stifling air in the ballroom, with the princess on his arm, but nothing in their lives had been so simple.
They paused near one of the fountains that King Fenris had built for the Lunar Queen, Nikolle. One of Daianira’s favorite places in the palace. Or at least, it used to be. Her arm was still snugly tucked into his, her eyes on the glow of the moon overhead. His gaze was only for her, the golden beauty that somehow broke down the walls that guarded his heart.
She still managed to shock him after all of the time they’d spent together. Even with all of her discussions about removing herself from the line of succession, Calderon never expected her to follow through. Not with how convincing Nerissa was.
“I’m proud of you, you know.” 
Daianira leaned her head on his shoulder, hair brushing his neck as she sighed softly, a happy sound. “You are? You don’t think I need to do what’s best for Goldis?”
“The last few months helped you figure out who you are. And who you’re meant to be. Not what other people wanted for you. If that means you aren’t royalty anymore, it doesn’t change what I think of you.” 
It didn’t change how he felt.
“And being an ambassador is important. There are so many people out there that need you.”
She was quiet, glancing at the fountain in front of them. The water poured from the sculpture of a mermaid holding a vase, her eyes fixed on them as they stood there in the darkness. 
“And what about you?” She turned to face him with worry and something else lingering in her gaze. Something that he’d be able to read even if he didn’t know her so well.
Do you need me?
Entwining his hand with hers, he tugged her closer, wrapping his arms around her waist. “Who is going to keep you out of trouble on Cursa? Damon? We both know he’s the cause of most of it.”
“I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.” She said, wrinkling her nose in irritation, stubborn to the end. “I thought Nerissa offered you the command of the entire guard.”
Calderon shook his head, this woman driving him insane every day of his life. But, despite how much she might get under his skin, he would still choose her after everything. “I’m not a guard anymore, Daia. I haven’t been in a long time and I can’t go back.” Not after everything he’d been through. “Besides, being an ambassador means you’ll need transportation. Luckily, I know a Captain who will take a stowaway.” 
His heart felt like it was in his throat, but he managed a smile. She stared at him, expression clear, and he found for the first time since they met he didn’t know what was going through her mind. And that scared him to death.
What Calderon wasn’t expecting was for her to throw her arms around his neck, pulling him down into a kiss that scorched him down to his soul. His fingers curled into the folds of her dress, getting lost in the feel of her heat against him, her mouth dancing against his, the slide of her tongue between his lips. He drank everything she gave him and he wanted more.
Somehow, Calderon managed to break contact, forehead falling against hers, their breaths intermingling in the space between them. “You’ll be the death of me.”
She laughed, fingers brushing the nape of his neck, sending shivers through his body. “Well, I haven’t felt this alive in a long time.”
A growl rumbled in his chest, something primal, needy and brushed his lips against her neck, feeling her fingers tighten in his hair. “Did you want to test that claim?”
Daianira opened her eyes, blinking briefly before meeting his gaze. “I’ll go wherever you lead, Captain.”
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commander-krios · 1 year
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commander-krios · 1 year
Another WIP? More likely than you think 🤔
“This scar… what happened?” Calderon brushed the spot above her lip, the tiny white scar that was nearly invisible unless she let someone close enough to see it.
His touch left fire in its wake and she inhaled suddenly, missing his searing heat as soon as it was gone. When Daianira glanced up, she saw his face soften despite the intensity of his gaze. Everything about Calderon was always too much and yet she found she couldn’t get enough of him. Of the cold exterior he exuded while on duty, the fire that would rise when he had something to protect (even if she was over his self-sacrificing), the tenderness in his touch whenever he trailed his fingers down her arm.
The possessiveness in his kisses. The very thought made her shiver and she glanced away, feeling her cheeks burn under his heavy stare.
She noticed the slight curl of his fist, fingers tense as they gripped her blanket. Her hand covered his gently, squeezing some comfort into his skin by force alone.
“It’s not like that.” She promised him, searching his smoldering sapphire irises until he relaxed. “I told you I wanted to join the Guard. He… secretly tried to train me.”
Calderon’s eyes widened, all heat vanishing at her words. Not much surprised him and she felt a thrill of victory that she could. “I’ll be honest, Daianira. Sorenn doesn’t… didn’t seem the type to break the rules.”
A laugh burst from her even as her heart clenched painfully around her brother’s name. Sorenn was one of the only siblings she truly loved, truly trusted with her wellbeing. “He wasn’t. I lied to him.”
Calderon chuckled quietly, flipping his hand around to grip her by the wrist, pulling her closer. She collided with him, not surprised to find his body was hot everywhere. She rested her head against his shoulder, feeling solid muscle against her hand as she ran her fingers down his chest.
“Why does that not surprise me?”
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commander-krios · 1 year
I have a WIP I've been writing today and I'm pretty proud of it. New fandom for those expecting the usual. Andromeda Six, with my traveler and her unwanted best friend, Damon.
Turning a page, she found herself at the end of a chapter. It was as good a place as any to pause so she folded the corner down, leaning forward to toss it on the table. A sudden shadow moved out of the corner of her eye. It was too much hope that he wouldn’t seek her out.
She’d promised Calderon that she wouldn’t immediately resort to violence where Damon was involved, and she was trying dammit, but there was something so irritating about the smirk he always wore. The assassin knew exactly how to push her buttons and while she usually enjoyed their banter, she was too tired to argue with him.
“What do you want?” She muttered, resting against the threadbare cushions, closing her eyes in exhaustion. 
Silence met her words, and she waited, knowing Damon was going to do his best to find something to piss her off. He always did.
When he finally responded, it came in the form of him throwing himself onto the couch, landing hard in her lap, nearly sending the breath from her lungs. Pain exploded, from her thighs to her hips, the weight of the impact crushing her legs beneath his fat ass.
Her eyes snapped open, fury curling in her stomach, warring with the pain in her body. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
Daianira reached forward, hands on his shoulder before shoving with all of her strength. Damon went tumbling over the edge of the couch, but caught himself easily, feet on the floor in seconds. His eyes sparkled with mischief, a laugh leaving his mouth in a harsh bark.
She fucking hated him sometimes.
“Someone’s grumpy.” His voice was smooth, taunting, and she rolled her eyes, trying to calm the desire to throttle him. 
A pair of warm blue eyes flashed in her mind. Calderon. She would not kill him because Calderon asked her not to. 
The things she did for that man.
When she finally got her anger under control, she managed to speak without heat. “Is there something you wanted or was your intention to piss me off?”
“That’s an extra perk.”
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commander-krios · 1 year
WIP Whenever
Sooo I might've written 2k on this WIP today, after obsessing about the idea all morning. Post-Game Calderon/Traveler.
Stepping from behind the dressing curtain, Daianira faced him, her hands clutched nervously in front of her, eyes downcast, tracing the patterns in the carpet under his feet. It was odd to see her so quiet, so unsure of herself, but he couldn’t speak. Not when she looked like that in a dark gold gown that spilled in soft waves around her, a sweetheart neckline that plunged low enough to see the top of her breasts. A cuffed choker dripped diamonds across her collarbone, sparkling as she moved into the sunbeams. Her rose gold hair was pulled up into a simple tucked bun, a few pieces of hair curling around her face, framing the beautiful turquoise eyes now lined in gold and burgundy.
Calderon lost the ability to breathe at the sight of her standing there, looking every bit the princess that she was born to be. “You…”
She sighed, fingers itching her nose as she tried to hide her irritation. “I look ridiculous. Like a goddamned porcelain doll.”
With three long strides, he crossed the distance between them, afraid to touch her but his hands twitched with the need to. He hooked a finger under her chin, tilting her face so that she met his eyes. “You look bewitching, Daia.”
She scrunched her face at him and he almost laughed at how disgruntled she looked. “Is that an insult?”
Calderon shook his head, fingers trailing across her throat, brushing gently over the necklace. She tensed at his touch and he felt like he was touching fire. She burned every part of him, whether she realized it or not. “I don’t need a fancy way to insult you, smartass.”
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commander-krios · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
My Andromeda Six WIP has taken on a life of its own. Enjoy!
Chrono buzzed with an energy that Daianira hadn’t seen since Terranium. People flocked to stalls and vendors, looking for parts, food, clothing… anything they needed or wanted to spend their money on. She could be out there with Ryona and Ayame, shopping for new clothes, or helping Bash get some much needed ship parts for the maintenance. 
Or irritating Calderon.
Instead, she was standing in the creepiest corner of the space station with the most annoying person she’d ever met, arms crossed over her chest and her back pressed against the metal wall behind her, a blaster strapped to her thigh. Damon brushed some hair out of his face, sapphire eyes settling on her, a wicked smirk on his lips.
“Nothing.” He said, too quickly for her comfort. He was plotting something else in that disgustingly attractive head of his. A knife twirled between his fingers lazily. He watched her with a gleam of poorly disguised laughter in his eyes. “Why do you think the worst of me, Red?”
“Because you are the worst, Damon.”
With his free hand clutching his chest, he gasped in horror. If he wanted to play that game, she’d gladly punch him. “You’re hurting my feelings.”
She wanted to respond with her usual ‘you don’t have feelings’ but she refrained, instead securing a foot against the wall and rolling her eyes. Her gaze drifted across the crowd, looking for whoever they were waiting on, wishing their operation was over with so she could finally get that damned drink Damon had promised her.
Which led her to another thought: how the hell were they getting an animal on the ship? Calderon was definitely still on board somewhere. It took a lot to get the man to relax, let alone leave the ship. It wouldn’t be much of a success if they were caught halfway through.
“You think too loud. Shut up.” He muttered a few minutes later, back to playing with his throwing knives. He wasn’t even looking at her, the son of a-
“You shut up.”
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commander-krios · 1 year
Damon convinces Ayame to teach the stowaway how to pole dance at the Arc lol
“Just hold on like this.”
Daianira tightened her hands around the pole and Ayame frowned. 
“No, that’s too tight. Relax, will you?” Aya’s eyes widened in concern, squeezing Daianira’s shoulders gently. “You’re as fucking tense as Calderon.”
Damon saw as the stowaway chewed on her bottom lip, frowning. So she didn’t like being compared to the Captain. Ayame gave her a few more pointers on how to swing without falling off of the stage before stepping away, giving her room to attempt it. Daianira swung around the pole slowly, her hand getting stuck a few times.
Damon leaned on the stage below them, smirking up at the amnesiatic woman when she noticed him standing there. “Nervous, Princess?”
“Damon, leave her alone.” June said from beside him. 
Damon chose to ignore his advice. Where was the fun in that?
“Maybe you should get Calderon up there, Aya. It might be what he needs to loosen the stick up his ass.”
Aya snorted, flashing him a grin before going back to teaching Daianira the secrets of pole dancing.
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