#off the clock
detective-brackette · 2 months
[Status 1 and 2 randomly teleport into your office.]
whathathwahtashtshawht aarese awe wdoindojn ghereh againgain
i'm gonna be honest we don't have any business being here i just like to hit random numbers on the teleporter machine and then launch the two of US out there. just to feel som-
You sure are, buddy.
[When you arrive, Brackette can be seen at her desk looking over several stacks of paper. They look even more exhausted than usual, which is almost impressive.]
no logical reason for it to- what the fuck.
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I think someone sent their ip address to my ask box or they got really confused when they tried to dox me cause this string of numbers sure ain’t mine.
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hypnogogyc · 9 months
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theoriginalladya · 1 year
Off The Clock
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Title: Off The Clock
Characters: Kaidan Alenko, Reyes Vidal
Relationship: Kaidan Alenko/Reyes Vidal
Tags: romantic fluff, domestic fluff, writing prompt, kissing, mass effect/mass effect andromeda crossover
But as Reyes saw it, there was something to be said for down time despite Kaidan’s arguments against it, and when it came to getting what he wanted, Reyes was a determined son of a bitch.  “Reyes –” Reyes kept his smile in place as he sighed.  It was a good thing he was determined.  Kaidan was the most stubborn man he had met in two galaxies. “Don’t Reyes me, mi amor,” he murmured, voice warm as it dropped to a slightly playful tone.  “I have plans for you tonight and you are, as they say, ‘off the clock,’ are you not?”
This started as a prompt response to the prompt: flirty kisses, but no sooner had I started writing than Reyes took control and, well, 2k+ words later, there ya go! lol I have to admit, he surprised me here twice, so I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I did!!
It also gave me a chance to work in the gorgeous artwork that @me1onmi1k did for me a while back! Thank you again!
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Hey miracleborg! *gives fanart of them that i posted* enjoi1!1!
Received. 🩵
•• Will appear in Ch. 3 (reasoning under the cut)
(at the moment he doesn’t quite look like that yet, as according to the story he won’t cross the event horizon until silence (ch.3)! that’s their appearance once they do, but atm they still look like regular borg bc they have yet to do that- i’d hate to ‘let him see it’ now and spoil it for himself and confuse the poor thing,, they have enough going on as it is!
but oh oh… you will get your reaction alright :] ty for being the first one !!!)
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timelykatheliz · 9 months
alright guys you gotta promise to not burn ne at the stake when i post this next timely kath. alright.
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goldenguillotines · 6 months
6, 14, 20, 27, 34, 44 Off the clock <333
Who cleans the most? Contrary to that, who is the messiest?
I genuinely think Vankit is the cleanly one of them? Valeti does give me the type to be cleanly as well but despite their opposite roles.. Vankit has learned to not leave a mess in his wake. He does actually value things being clean and kinda neat to a degree.. Doesn't mind the mess though!
Who gets cold the easiest?
Neither count? LMAO I feel like they're the "A hoe never gets cold" couple, Vankit can regulate his body tempature really well and often doesn't need a ton of layers even in the winter time.. Valeti's attire definitely makes me think she's more on the side of "Stays warm 9/10" .. I'd like to think they also are both don't get too uncomfortable with a lot of heat either so they just perpetually take the other excess heat
Do they give each other nicknames?
Vankit calls Valeti: Vale, Leti, V, Babe, Darling and Sugar
Valeti gives me the type to call him: Kit, Van, Vannie..
What is their ideal vacation?
RAVE/MOSH TOUR.. Wherever the riots and parties go. Following a band across Alternia, hitting party capitals and just forgetting about everything and having fun. Enjoying the views, the eats and the shit to do .. Only to go out and party! I think it would have been Vankits favorite vacation ever..
What do they do when the other is stressed?
Vankit 🤝 Valeti : I shall be face planting into your boobs
Despite both of them handling and managing their stress really well.. I think they both indulge in the slow and calm the other brings in those moments. Watching shitty shows on TV, napping and snuggle complaining together. Fast food or dipping to go crash a club.. Whatever the mood calls for and helps the most..
How are the holidays spent?
Well... I know Vankit uses them as excuses to just do fuckin' nothin. He doesn't like the fluffy implications of most but if Valeti wanted to enjoy them.. He wouldn't be apposed! He's fine with putting on some festivity for her.
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venusdemaddie · 2 years
An emo fuckboi and his goth girl against an absolute slacker and with his facepaint-wearing, magic-using weirdo by his side — this is the most Portland main event we could have come up with.
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sarahsmi13s · 11 months
I cannot tell you how much I love 'Off the Clock'! It's just... ahhh, perfect! I have been pretty sleep deprived for the last few years and had moments when I honestly was concerned that the exact same scenario that happened to Charlie would happen to me too - never did, thank goodness, but anyways, I just have such a strong emotional connection to both Charlie and the reader's character at the same time, and the way you write how Charlie feels about trying to hide his exhaustion and lack of sleep and his insomnia caused by the stress while the reader is being concerned, and knowing this is a really bad habit is amazing and it's like reading exactly how I was feeling. So all in all, this story is really close to my heart and you did an incredible job describing each and every feeling in it! It is so realistic and truthful and I love it!
Sorry about the rambling and for not making much sense! Thank you for sharing this masterpiece!
Lots of love!
oh my... nonny my darling dearest 💜 i'm very glad that what happened to Charlie didn't happen to you!
but i am so so happy that you love it! it is such a compliment to hear that i was able to capture something accurately and i don't think you understand how much that means to hear 💜
i just... thank you so much 🥹🥹
lots of love to you nonny!! 💜💜💜
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jcbrewer · 2 years
My ass bout to eat a burrito in the tub and soak while watching Jersey Shore family vaca ....them fresh off a 11hr shift vibes
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[Brackette is taking a walk around the open, trying not to think about the current case.]
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Good news, headache gone!
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hypnogogyc · 10 months
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Hypothetically is there anyone missing from that list
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gumsbiter · 8 months
On twt now too
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timelykatheliz · 1 year
welcome to timely katherine elizabeth
for a guaranteed katherine elizabeth doodle at irregular times – because making it daily is too much of a commitment at the moment but it'll sure be timely!
but i do wanna aim for a frequent posting sched as i made this to get better at art by being gay about katherine so ^-^
❥ my art style is not that consistent, as previously stated i'm here to maybe do something about that with the power of lesbianism
❥ requests are welcome and encouraged so long as they are obviously requesting a katherine of any variety, and you can also request a katherine with another guy or even a ship
❥ speaking of, i may post ship art which will be tagged accordingly as #empiresshipping, #mcytshipping, etc. and just a general #ship art tag
blog run by @yawningawning
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