salome-c · 1 year
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Just two best friends making their dreams come true.
Pedro Pascal and Oscar Isaac hosting SNL (February, 2023 || March, 2022)
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jake-g-lockley · 2 years
Did You Mean It? (Poe Dameron x reader)
Masterlist | Playlist
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.3 k
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A/N: Short lil thing I wrote spontaneously out of a lil thought, Poe my beloved <3
Your eyes are trained intensely onto the monitor before you, your hands pressing down on the earmuffs of your coms. His face was illuminated by a big blast as a victorious smile bloomed. A joyous laugh rang through your ears, turning your stomach into an unstable rollercoaster.
“YOU SAW THAT Y/N?!” he yelled. “YOU OWE ME DRINKS!”
Commander Poe Dameron never failed to make your heart skip its way straight to oblivion. From the first second you met him, his aura drew you to him and his character made you stay. Every single day with him was like a new adventure and you wouldn’t miss it for the world.
Your admiration for him turned into love before you could stop yourself from falling into the abyss that was your feelings. You repressed everything, worried that if you had let anything slip out it would ruin you. He is your commander, your squadron leader, your best friend. You are his flight lieutenant, a pilot to him, a soldier of the rebellion.
The pain of wanting to maintain everything to be strictly professional and platonic was absolutely unbearable. People would shoot you with knowing looks when Poe would casually wrap his arm around your shoulder, bring you a plate of food or even joke with you. You reciprocated everything, casually of course, until people stopped batting their eyes at the both of you.
Internally, you couldn’t get enough of him. His laughter was your drug, his smile your light, his warm embrace your oxygen. You needed him to thrive, to stay alive. You tried going on dates with random people you knew, you tried meditating the feelings away and you even tried avoiding him but in the end, you would always still want to run your hands in his stupid crown of curls.
You switch to a private channel and roll your eyes at the pretty commander. “Maker, I’m never gonna hear the end of this aren’t I?”
“This is why you never make bets with the best, my girl.” he retorted cheekily.
My girl.
Ignoring the blatant thudding in your chest from his casual cuteness, you replied, “Ugh, could the next bet be something that I’m good at for a change? Let’s bet on the fact that you’ll clean your room if you lose, Commander Stinky.”
The Mess of Poe Dameron’s Quarters was a tale known amongst many at base. It all started when BB-8 blew a fuse and Poe had insisted he would fix him all on his own. It only took three explosions and two fires for him to finally let you come over and fix the poor droid.
“Deal. Mainly because we all know I’m good at everything. Get your cleaning supplies ready Y/N, you’ll need to clean my X-Wing too!”
“HEY! THE X-WING WASN’T PART OF THE DEAL!” you yell into the coms.
“Fine. Just the room. Then maybe you’ll start visiting me there more often?” Poe wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at the camera.
Your face burned at the thought but you brushed it off as quickly as the speed that the statement left Poe’s mouth.
“Maturity is unfortunately not your strongest suit, Commander.” you said grimly.
“So I have been told. Landing in a bit, see you then for the debrief?” he winked, flashing you his beautiful smile.
“Copy that, see you at base. Love you.” you say hazily, smiling at him.
You froze as your mind blanked out and your dopey smile dropped. Your brain replayed what you said over and over again like a broken record and you sank far into your seat.
Your brain literally couldn’t believe how badly your tongue betrayed you. Your hands started to shake and you felt cold sweat beading on your forehead. Your breath started coming and going in short puffs as you tried to gather your bearings.
Scrambling back up, you pull the mic close to your face.
“Commander?” you say shakily.
No answer.
“P-poe?” you whisper.
Poe had already shut his coms off and you heard cheers erupting as you presumed his arrival at base.
He might not have heard you right?
You straightened your uniform and slowly made your way to the main meeting room where Poe Dameron marched in from the other side, in all his piloting glory. You froze again in shock as you caught the emotionless expression he wore. You averted your eyes from him as he took his place beside you.
You could only hear the blood roaring thunderously in your ears as Poe headed the debrief. You wanted nothing more than to run to your room and hide under your covers. Once you saw people moving around, you realized that everyone has been dismissed. You were going to attempt to make a beeline for the exit once everyone was gone but a strong hand powerfully gripped your wrist and pulled you back.
You found yourself crashing right back into Poe. His free hand steadied you and adjusted you so that you were standing in the middle of his two feet.
“Didn’t say I was done with you.” he whispered. “What did you say right before I cut off coms, Y/N?”
You were shaking, your mind raced to the worst of conclusions and you realized that today might be the day you lose your friendship with Poe Dameron.
The hand at your snaked up your arm and cupped your jaw, tipping your face so that you were facing him. His eyes softened as he gazed into yours, your heart melting at the sight of the lovely brown orbs.
“What did you say?” He repeated, a little louder this time and your heart skipped a beat.
“Commander, it was a slip of the tongue, just an accident.” you pleaded, trying not to let your heavy breathing get the best of you.
“Did you mean it?”
“I said, did you mean what you said over coms?”
Fuck it.
Yet again, your tongue betrayed your brain as fast as lightning, terrorizing your mind.
“Yea.” you whisper.
“Oh Maker…” Poe sighed.
He leaned into you and pressed his forehead to yours, your eyes fluttering close as you felt yourself slowly going into cardiac arrest.
“Say it again. Say what you said over coms again. Please?” He whispered.
“I love you.” you whisper back, in a trance.
“Again.” Poe said, let out a shaky breath.
“I love you.” you swayed with him as he caressed your cheek.
“One last time. Please.” he was the one pleading now, his voice desperate as he pulled away to look at you.
“I love you. I love you. I love-”
Poe cuts you off with a breathtaking kiss. If he wasn’t holding on to you, you would be best friends with the floor. You melt into his touch, binding yourself with him as your thoughts struggle to comprehend what was happening. He kissed you like you were water and he was a man lost on Tatooine.
“I. Love. You. Too.” he breathed out the second his lips left yours.
Your face erupted into a symphony of emotions and you wrapped your arms around Poe’s neck, hugging him close.
“I could sit here and give you a billion reasons why I do but I’d bore you to death. What do you think happened to poor BB?” Poe sheepishly said into your shoulder.
“WAIT! BB fused that chip because you were talking about ME?” you gasped, appalled.
“You’re a menace, Dameron.”
“I’m your menace.” He said pulling back to look at you again.
Nothing mattered then. Your Poe was now yours and you had everything you wanted. Except-
“This isn’t a coup for me to clean your room right?” you checked.
“Huh, should've thought of that.” Poe says thoughtfully, earning himself a punch. “Okay! You win this round, I’ll get the cleaning supplies.”
“That’s more like it, Dameron.”
Tagging: @ahookedheroespureheart @mintpurplemnm @delightful-kiwi @p0edameronswife @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @cherryesskisses @einno-arko
Reblogs are appreciated <3 love you all so so much *muah*
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meep-meep-richie · 1 year
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I get it internet; that would have been hot
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basilstitt · 2 years
after a lot of thought i think the main flaw in moon knight was making the villain a world-level threat. i think the supernatural stuff is cool, i think harrow the 'psychiatrist' is a cool concept, i just think the high stakes kind of take away from the intimacy and intensity of the systems disorder. imo it makes the story seem more like a 'we have to help ourselves for the good of the world' rather than a 'we should help ourselves because we want to and we have to for our health's sake'. and the former only comes across as more goofy cause its a giant alligator theyre fighting.
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nesnejwritings · 10 months
going to rebrand my profile but keep to my OIsaac theme, probably. I'm still coming up with ideas for my profile layout, if anyone has any advice to offer, please comment cause I'm open to all ideas
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nicholasmillergf · 2 years
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Ethan Hawke and Oscar Isaac for British GQ (2022)
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fratboykate · 4 years
Lol! Finally an "Oscar" that Papi cares about ... to the point of wanting to treat him as a tootsie roll pop XD
i dont like tootsie rolls but i do very much like popsicles....
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chyertiii · 5 years
girls don’t like boys, girls like girls*
*and oscar isaac 👌🏼
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aboutstark · 7 years
You know who deserves the “Sexiest Man Alive” title?
Jason Momoa
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Oscar Isaac
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Matt Bomer
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Rami Malek
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Chris Pine
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Sebastian Stan
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Chadwick Boseman
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Tom Hardy
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Idris Elba
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Chris Hemsworth
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Jensen Ackles
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Like these are just a couple of examples. I just. I can’t.
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vivienvalentino · 2 years
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OSCAR ISAAC Sucker Punch, 2011
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stuckinreversemode · 3 years
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OSCAR ISAAC & REBECCA FERGUSON by Julian Ungano for Entertainment Weekly | October, 2021
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salome-c · 1 year
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Steven Grant, is that you?
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jake-g-lockley · 1 year
Seven Lives (Steven Grant x reader)
Masterlist | Spotify Playlist
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A/N: I watched Chennai Express again somewhere last week and decided to write this drabble, added my favourite place on the planet + my favourite person on the planet. I also cried writing this so-
Word Count: 783 words
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
You stared glumly up at the set of stairs in front of you, angrily nibbling at the lime ice cream in your hand. The limestone caves above you looked magnificent and you were so tempted to go up and explore the intricately carved temple, it had, after all, been years since you did. You glance up at the big statue beside the stairs and frown. 
“I’d go up but this little fella won’t let me,” you mumbled to the golden-faced God, rubbing at your swollen tummy. 
Your grandma had forbidden you from going up due to your pregnant state. She had been wary since you expressed interest in taking your husband there, saying that he would appreciate the beautiful architecture and history. 
“What are we looking at, darling?” your husband whispered and you turned to frown at him.
“Aw love, what's wrong?” He said taking your face in his hands.
“I wanna go up.” You said, nodding towards the stairs.
“Your ammamah is not gonna be happy, my sweet wife.” He frowned back, eyeing the stairs with you. 
“Hey! You’re the one who did this to-” you say a little too loudly and Steven clamps a hand onto your mouth.
“Holy place!” he hissed through a smile.
The both of you stood there a little longer, watching people walk up and down the colourful concrete staircase. You loved this place, it gave you peace and tranquillity like no other and you felt amazing. But it truly did make you sad that you couldn't waddle your way up the stairs. 
“Alright, you know what…” Steven Grant folded the sleeves of his kurta and suddenly scooped you up into his arms bridal style as if you weighed like a feather.
“NOOO STEVEN PUT ME DOWN!” you squeal, grabbing onto the edge of your saree.
“Come on love, what kinda superhero doesn’t do superhero things for his wife?”  Steven winks down at you and kicks his shoes off.
You hide your face behind the long edge of your saree as people begin to stare and point the second Steven started walking up the stairs with you. The arm that is hooked around Steven’s neck was already a cry for help, but part of you really did want to go up to the cave. 
“Steven, there are people watching.” you mumble and hang onto him tightly.
“Let them watch, keep your eyes on me, love.” He whispered back, watching his footing. 
“Two hundred and seventy two steps, Steven.” 
“I’ve done more.” 
“Yea, without your pregnant wife in your arms!”
People around you started to coo and shout praises, all which Steven nodded politely to. You watch your husband’s face for any sign of a strain, his jaw set in concentration and the feeling of being rocked in his arms easing out all of your anxieties. Steven’s hands on you grounded you to him, and you held to that feeling like it was your life line. 
“Did you know that the cave is 400 million years old?” Steven says, as he continues to take step after step.
Steven continued to dish out facts and you listened intensely, nodding at each of them despite already learning all of the facts by heart. You watch him say hi to a monkey and your eyes shift to the vel-shaped entrance of the cave. Your heart swells with pride as people around you cheer and clap as Steven slowly sets you down slowly before kneeling down and adjusting your saree’s pleats. 
You were in your favourite place on Earth and all you could do was look at your husband. You can’t help feeling lucky and loved. You teared up as elderly folk swarmed Steven, touching his head and giving him their blessings. Once the crowd cleared, Steven reached out to grab your hand, pulling you close. He set a hand onto your tummy and knelt down again, pressing his ear against you. 
Was it really possible to fall in love with the same person again and again?
“Your mummy is very spoiled, little one, I’d do anything for you and for her.” You smacked Steven’s head and he laughed, getting up and encasing you in an embrace. 
“Thanks, Steven, I love you.” you mumble in his chest while he fixes your hair. 
The seven-lives bond that people always talked about when it came to marriage didn’t seem true to you then. You’d hate to see someone else with Steven in his eighth life. But you’d have seven lifetimes to ponder over that. Now, you held onto Steven’s hand tightly as he led you to the cave temple, Steven chastising you to watch your step as he stirred you around puddles. 
ammamah: grandma
kurta: a loose collarless shirt or tunic worn in many regions of South Asia
Vel: is a divine javelin or spear associated with Murugan, the Hindu god of war.
Saree: a women's garment from the Indian subcontinent,that consists of an un-stitched stretch of woven fabric arranged over the body as a robe, with one end tied to the waist, while the other end rests over one shoulder as a stole (shawl), sometimes baring a part of the midriff
Tagging: @mintpurplemnm @pakhiya
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meep-meep-richie · 3 years
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𝗧𝗿𝗶𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝗙𝗿𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗲𝗿
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basilstitt · 4 months
STOP POSTING about basil stitt COCK . ENOUGH !!!
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ingridbergman · 5 years
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So which one of us is the sociopath, brother? Mojave (2015) dir. William Monahan
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