#poly skz
ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕡𝕒𝕔𝕜🧸
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ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟: Sleeping beauty
Word count: 4094
Summary: In this chapter, Y/N wakes up after three and a half days of sleep, prompting concern from the pack, especially Chan and Changbin's mom. While the boys handle rehearsals, she cares for Y/N, ensuring she feels safe and nourished. When Chan decides to stay with Y/N, they discover her scent has returned, signaling her recovery. Y/N feels guilty about her omega duties, but the boys reassure her that her well-being comes first, leaving her eager to connect with her new family.
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Y/N slept for an impressive three and a half days, a fact that didn't surprise anyone, especially Chan. Omegas usually 'hybernate' whenever they did something that tired their bodies. It was normal for them to go to sleep for days.
Day One:
On the first morning of her extended nap, the boys rose early at 6 AM, gathering their things for rehearsals. Before they left, they waited and made sure Changbin's mom had arrived safely before they could leave for work.
"Hey, Ma!" Changbin greeted his mother with a respectful bow before pulling her into a warm embrace.
"Hello, baby! How are you? How are the boys?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she stepped into the house.
"We're all doing well, thanks to you for helping us out," Changbin replied, planting a gentle kiss on her cheek as he led her into the living room where the rest of the boys were lounging.
"You don't have to thank me, dear. I'm just so excited to meet her!" she exclaimed, her enthusiasm filling the room.
"Mama Bin!" Lee Know jumped up from the couch, his smile brightening at the sight of her. "Thank you so much for doing this!"
"Oh, Lee Know! You all really don't have to thank me!" She beamed, wrapping him in a quick hug. She went around the room greeting each member that was present before she realised one was missing, "How have you all been? Where's Chan?"
Just then, Chan emerged from upstairs, his hair tousled and a sleep-deprived smile on his face.
"Did you give her her medicine?" I.N asked, noticing Chan's entrance with a raised brow.
"Yes, my love—oh! Hey, Mama Bin!" Chan replied, visibly relaxing as he spotted her.
"Christopher!" she exclaimed, her voice bubbling with joy.
"How's my favorite son-in-law doing?" she teased, causing the rest of the pack to shout a collective "Hey!" in playful protest.
Chan laughed, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "Just trying to survive, honestly," he admitted, and they all chuckled.
"How are you? Did you get here safely?" Chan asked, grabbing his jacket off the couch.
"Yes, I did, love! Where's the new addition to the pack? Let me see her," Changbin's mom said, placing her bag on the counter and looking around expectantly.
"She's asleep right now. She might be out for the next couple of days, so she won't be any trouble, honestly," Changbin explained, while Han set out breakfast for her on the table.
"Thank you, my dear," she said, her attention briefly shifting to Han before returning to Changbin. "Why is she going to be asleep for so long?" A frown crossed her face as she picked up a mug.
"She was a ring omega," Changbin admitted, a nervous chuckle escaping him.
"Oh dear!" she gasped, placing the mug down with concern. "Is she okay? Is she in a subdrop? Oh, the poor little thing!" Her frown deepened, making Chan feel more confident about leaving Y/N with Changbin's mom, given how delicate and caring she already was.
"She's not fully in a subdrop; she's just really quiet and doesn't have a scent at the moment. She's also quite small for her size," Changbin huffed, glancing around for support from the group.
"Yeah, but the point is," Lee Know interjected, "we need you to just watch her and feed her lunch and dinner if we're not home early today. She might be fussy at first, but she's a really good girl. She'll listen to you."
"I already told her you're coming, and I gave her her medicine. She took her pills, but for lunch, just give her her pills again, and I'll apply her cream at night. She doesn't really like people touching her," Chan added, looking serious.
"Alright, alright. I've got this! You guys don't worry about me. I've been a mom for years; I can handle this without a hitch. Just get to work before you're late!" Changbin's mom said, playfully shooing them off.
"Please call us if she needs any of us," Felix said softly, guilt weighing heavily on him. He wanted so badly to crawl into bed with Y/N and nestle beside her, but he knew they couldn't do that.
"Don't worry, Felix, I will. I promise," she assured him, her heart warmed by his concern as the boys headed out.
Once they left, she decided to check on Y/N, wanting to make sure she was doing alright. Climbing the stairs, she moved quietly, the soft carpet muffling her footsteps. As she approached Felix's room, she hesitated for a moment, her heart fluttering with excitement and maternal instinct. Gently pushing the door open, she peered inside.
There, in the center of Felix's cozy nest, Y/N lay peacefully asleep, her hair splayed like a halo around her. She was completely enveloped in the soft blankets, looking utterly serene. The sight made Changbin's mom smile. "You are so gorgeous," she whispered, admiration lacing her voice.
Stepping closer, she adjusted the pillow beneath Y/N's head, ensuring it was positioned perfectly so that she wouldn't wake up with a stiff neck. Then, she dimmed the lights, casting a warm, inviting glow that enveloped the room. It was a small gesture, but she hoped it would make Y/N's rest even more comfortable.
Satisfied, she quietly closed the door and made her way downstairs, her mind already shifting to the next task at hand: cooking. As an alpha, she had always been more comfortable with physical tasks than culinary ones, often struggling in the kitchen compared to the innate skills many omegas possessed. Nevertheless, she approached the kitchen with determination.
Gathering ingredients, she decided to make a comforting pasta dish, knowing it would be filling and warm. As she chopped vegetables and stirred the sauce, the familiar rhythm of cooking began to calm her. The rich aroma of garlic and herbs filled the air, creating an inviting atmosphere.
As the pasta boiled, she took a moment to pause, leaning against the counter. A sense of nostalgia washed over her as she remembered times when she had cooked for Changbin and his lovers, their laughter echoing around the house. She chuckled softly, recalling a particularly chaotic dinner where Felix had accidentally spilled sauce all over himself, earning him playful teasing from the others.
With the pasta nearly ready, she turned her attention to the big-screen TV in the living room. Flipping through channels, she settled on a light-hearted cooking show, letting it play in the background. The host's cheerful banter and culinary tips provided a soothing soundtrack as she worked, and she found herself laughing at their antics. It reminded her of the joy of cooking—not just the food, but the memories made around the table.
Once the meal was ready, she plated the pasta, garnishing it with fresh basil and a sprinkle of parmesan. The vibrant colors and inviting scents brought a smile to her face. Just as she was finishing up, she heard a soft sound from upstairs—Y/N stirring in her sleep.
"Maybe I should prepare something for her too," she thought. After a moment's hesitation, she decided to whip up a small serving of pasta for Y/N, wanting to ensure she felt cared for and welcomed.
With Y/N's plate set aside, she finally allowed herself to sit down at the table, enjoying the warm food and the satisfaction of having created something special. As she ate, her thoughts drifted to Y/N—wondering about her past and what brought her to Felix and their pack. She hoped Y/N would feel safe and loved here, just as Changbin had always made her feel.
After finishing her meal, she decided to tidy up the kitchen. As she washed the dishes, she caught sight of the clock and realized time was slipping away. "I should check on Y/N again," she said to herself, drying her hands and moving back upstairs.
Entering Felix's room once more, she found Y/N had shifted, her face now slightly illuminated by the soft light. She looked so peaceful, and a wave of affection washed over Changbin's mom. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she took a moment to simply watch her, feeling the warmth of her new role in this little family.
She leaned down to brush a stray hair from Y/N's forehead, feeling a protective instinct swell within her. "You're part of our family now."
With a final glance, she quietly left the room, closing the door gently behind her.
When 3:00 PM arrived, Changbin's mom made her way upstairs, her heart full of care for the young omega resting  She gently opened the door and approached the bed, where Y/N lay completely passed out, her chest rising and falling in a slow, peaceful rhythm.
"Y/N?" she called softly, shaking her gently but carefully, aware of the girl's sensitivity to touch. "Y/N, you have to wake up so you can eat a bit and take your pills." She kept her tone soothing, not wanting to startle her.
After a moment of silence, she called out again, a little louder this time. "Y/N?" This time, the sound stirred Y/N from her deep slumber, a soft groan escaping her lips.
"Hmm?" Y/N mumbled, her eyes fluttering open. Panic flickered across her face when she saw a stranger hovering nearby. Still heavy with sleep, she didn't have the energy to react.
"Hey, I'm Changbin's mom," she said with a warm smile, hoping to put Y/N at ease. "You need to eat something before you can go back to sleep."
"I don't wanna; I wanna sleep," Y/N groaned, her frustration evident as she rubbed her eyes. Her body ached, and her eyelids felt like lead weights, the side effects of both the medication and her omega powers beginning to settle in.
"I know you don't want to, pup, but you need food. Otherwise, your body won't function properly," Changbin's mom explained gently, trying to convey the importance of nourishment.
"Where's Channie?" Y/N asked, her irritation bubbling under the surface, desperate to return to her dreams.
"They all went to work, but they'll be back soon. Here, eat this for now." With that, she offered Y/N a small bowl of pasta, watching closely as Y/N hesitantly took a bite. She could tell the girl was hungry, despite her complaints. Y/N occasionally drifted off mid-bite, only to wake up moments later, groggy yet determined to finish.
"You must be so exhausted, pup," she cooed, her heart swelling with affection as Y/N swallowed her pills and leaned back against the pillows, a soft hum escaping her lips.
"I'll be back around dinner, okay?" Changbin's mom said, watching as Y/N's eyes fluttered shut once more, the exhaustion pulling her under like a gentle tide. Satisfied that she had taken care of her, Changbin's mom quietly closed the door behind her and made her way downstairs.
In the kitchen, she set about washing the dishes, the rhythmic sound of water splashing against porcelain a calming backdrop. After finishing, she settled down in the living room, turning on the TV to a light-hearted show. The laughter and chatter from the screen filled the space, as she waited for dinner time.
As the hours passed, she found herself occasionally glancing upstairs, wondering how Y/N was doing. The young omega was a delicate flower, and Changbin's mom felt a protective urge swell within her. She wanted to make sure Y/N felt safe and loved.
When dinner time rolled around, she prepared a warm, hearty meal, her thoughts focused on Y/N's needs. After everything was set, she returned to the room, softly knocking before entering. Y/N stirred, her eyes slowly opening as if awakening from a long dream.
"Hey there, sleepyhead. It's time for dinner," Changbin's mom said gently, placing the food on the bedside table.
Y/N groaned softly, but the enticing aroma of the meal seemed to pull her from her drowsiness. "Do I have to?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Yes, you do, Just a little more, and then you can sleep again," Changbin's mom encouraged, knowing how important it was for Y/N to stay nourished.
As Y/N sat up slowly, she took a few bites, the food seemingly recharging her. Each spoonful was met with a small smile from Changbin's mom, who felt a sense of joy at seeing Y/N eat.
After finishing her meal and taking her evening pills, Y/N leaned back against the pillows, looking more comfortable yet still weary. "Are the boys coming?" she said softly, her eyes pleading.
"Of course. They'll be back soon, and they'll be so happy to see you," Changbin's mom promised, tucking the blankets around Y/N snugly. With a final reassuring smile, she left the room, closing the door gently.
As she returned to her own evening watching TV in the leaving room and slowly drifting off to sleep.
"We're home!" a cheerful voice rang out from the front door, breaking the quiet of the early morning. Changbin's mom groaned as she woke, glancing at the clock that read 3:45 AM.
"Ugh, why do you guys always come home so late?" she muttered to herself, stretching her limbs before sitting up on the couch.
"Mum? Where are you?" Changbin called, his voice echoing through the house as he removed his shoes. The other boys followed suit, dropping their bags on counters and hooks, their energy unmistakably low.
"In here!" she called back, still shaking off the remnants of sleep as she tried to gather her thoughts.
"Hey, how was practice, you guys?" she asked, her voice warm and welcoming as they started to separate. Some headed for the fridge to grab leftover pasta, while others flopped onto the couch or hung up their coats, each greeting her with affectionate hugs.
"It was so tiring, like usual, but we managed to get everything done," Hyunjin groaned, yawning widely. "I'll see you in a few hours, Mama Bin." He kissed her forehead and made his way up the stairs, clearly ready to collapse into bed.
"Can I sleep with you tonight, Jinnie?" Felix called from the kitchen, his voice laced with a hint of exhaustion.
"Yeah, babygirl, just come in whenever you're ready," Hyunjin replied, quickly disappearing down the hallway.
"How was it? Did she behave?" Chan asked, settling onto the couch and taking a long sip from a water bottle.
"She was good. She slept most of the time but only woke up to eat," Changbin's mom explained. "She kept asking for you all. I made her the pasta like the meal plan said. I hope it's good."
"This is some good-ass pasta!" Seungmin exclaimed, his cheeks smeared with sauce as he devoured a bowl. "I'm not complaining!"
"I'm glad you like it. You lot should head to bed; I'm going to crash too," she said, grabbing a cozy blanket from the couch. With a warm wave, she made her way to the guest room.
"I'll go check on Y/N. I'll sleep with her tonight," Chan announced after a moment of contemplation, almost considering the couch due to how tired he was.
"Hyung, no!" Seungmin growled, his irritation flaring up. "You always sleep with me!" He pouted, his frustration evident as he wiped sauce from his face.
"Yeah, babe, but you can sleep with Changbin or Lee Know tonight. I don't want to leave her alone," Chan replied, trying to keep his tone calm despite the rising tension.
Seungmin's growl deepened, and Chan winced as he felt the hot wave of anger radiating from him through their bond. "Stop being petty," he hissed, fatigue creeping into his voice. "It's just one night."
Chan was honestly running on autopilot, exhaustion weighing heavily on him. "It's 3 AM; I'm going to bed," he grumbled, frustration bubbling to the surface. With that, he stormed off, leaving the remaining boys in the living room, still debating their own plans for the night.
As Chan climbed the stairs, he couldn't shake the lingering annoyance in the air. He understood Seungmin's feelings but also felt a protective urge toward Y/N that he couldn't ignore. Pushing the door open to Felix's room, he peeked inside to find Y/N peacefully sleeping in her nest.
She looked serene, and for a moment, all his frustrations melted away. "Just one night," he whispered to himself, closing the door softly as he slipped under the covers beside her, ready to ensure she felt safe and cared for.
Day two:
It wasn't just one night. Chan had ended up crashing with Y/N on the second day of her sleeping coma, and of course, Seungmin wasn't happy about it again. But honestly, Chan was tired of his drama.
The day had already been stressful; they were running on just about three hours of sleep, and on top of that, they had twelve grueling hours of dance practice ahead. Every muscle in Chan's body ached, and his head was pounding like a drum. Seungmin had been giving him the cold shoulder all day, still sulking over the previous night's events. Chan was just done with the nonsense.
As he walked down the hallway toward Felix's room, he could feel the weight of Seungmin's frustration hanging in the air like a thick fog. "What's his problem?" Chan muttered under his breath, shaking his head in annoyance.
When he pushed open the door, the sight of Y/N sound asleep in her nest brought a wave of calm over him. She looked so peaceful, her soft breaths matching the gentle rise and fall of the blankets. Chan's heart swelled, reminding him of why he had wanted to sleep beside her in the first place. Here, everything felt right. The stress of the day began to dissolve as he wrapped his arms around her, drawing her closer.
"Just a little longer," he whispered, resting his head against hers. The warmth of her body soothed his frayed nerves, making the chaos of practice and the tension with Seungmin feel like distant memories.
But then, a knock on the door broke his moment of peace. Seungmin entered, his expression a mix of anger and hurt. "What are you doing, Chan?" he snapped, arms crossed tightly over his chest. "This again?"
Chan sighed, frustration creeping back in. "I’m just keeping her company, Seungmin. She needs it."
"You always say that! It’s like you don’t care how it makes me feel!" Seungmin shot back, his voice rising. "I’m starting to think you only want to sleep next to her to rub it in my face."
"That’s not true! I care about her just as much as i care for you!" Chan countered, the exhaustion in his voice palpable. "You need to stop being so dramatic about this."
Seungmin's expression darkened. "Dramatic? You think I’m being dramatic? Maybe you just don’t want to admit that you’re being selfish."
Chan clenched his jaw, feeling the heat of the argument rise. "Selfish? Really? I’m trying to be there for someone who’s hurting, and you’re making it all about you!"
"Maybe you should think about how I feel for once!" Seungmin shot back, frustration etched on his face. "I’m tired of feeling like I’m competing for your attention."
With that, Chan turned away, running a hand through his hair. "It’s not a competition, Seungmin. You can sleep with someone else tonight. I’m not leaving her alone."
Seungmin scoffed, his arms dropping to his sides in defeat. "Fine. Do what you want. Just don’t expect me to be okay with it."
With that, Seungmin stormed out, leaving Chan feeling drained. He couldn’t shake the lingering annoyance in the air. He understood Seungmin's feelings but felt a protective urge toward Y/N that he couldn’t ignore.
"Just one night," he whispered to himself, closing the door softly as he settled under the covers beside her.
He couldn’t help but hope she would wake up by morning, that they could share the moment of relief together. In this space, wrapped in her presence, Chan felt grounded and sane, as if all his worries could fade away, even if just for a few hours.
Day three:
Chan jolted awake to the sound of his alpha howling in distress, his heart racing. "What the heck?" he murmured, groaning as he rubbed his eyes and held his head in his hands.
The voice echoed in his mind, Omega! Sweet omega. Please...
With a sigh, Chan looked over at Y/N, who was peacefully asleep beside him. "What time is it?" he huffed, reaching for his phone. That's when he caught a whiff of something heavenly—her scent. His breath hitched, and he couldn't help but smile. What the heck?
Curious, he leaned a little closer, inhaling deeply and enjoying the comforting aroma. "Her scent is back?" he wondered aloud, furrowing his brows. He quickly texted Minho and Changbin, asking them to come to the room.
Just as he was savoring the moment, Changbin burst through the door, followed closely by Leeknow, who bumped into him.
"Dude! Ow!" Leeknow groaned, rubbing his nose. But as soon as he caught a whiff of Y/N's scent, he froze. "Oh..."
Changbin's eyes widened. "Her scent is back?"
"Yeah! I woke up because my alpha was going wild, and then I realized it was her!" Chan grinned, feeling a mix of excitement and disbelief.
"Jesus, she smells amazing! I might just melt!" Changbin exclaimed, earning a hearty laugh from Chan.
"No way she smells that good!" Leeknow said, inching closer to the bed, a playful grin on his face.
Just then, Y/N stirred, blinking awake to see Leeknow leaning in with wide eyes. "What the...?" she groaned, and before he could react, he stumbled back, almost falling off the bed.
“Oh no, Y/N! I’m so sorry! I promise I’m not being weird!” Leeknow exclaimed, his cheeks flushing a bright pink as he regained his balance, wide eyes darting to Chan and then back to her.
Y/N couldn’t help but giggle at his flustered state. “You’re adorable, you know that?” she teased, stretching her arms overhead and letting out a loud yawn that echoed in the cozy room.
“Welcome back,” Chan said playfully, pulling her body close to his, the warmth of his presence wrapping around her like a soft blanket.
“Hey, Channie,” she mumbled, burying her face in his neck, inhaling his comforting scent. “How long was I out for?” She felt a mix of curiosity and embarrassment.
“About three days,” he replied softly, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead, his touch igniting a spark of affection.
“Three days?” she gasped, her eyes widening in disbelief. “Oh no! I’m so behind on my omega duties, aren’t I?” Her brow furrowed, anxiety creeping in despite the relief that coursed through her. She felt great—no aches, no exhaustion—but guilt nagged at her.
“Cupcake?” Changbin’s voice chimed in as he climbed onto the bed, leaning in to give her a quick kiss on the cheek. “You don’t have any ‘duties’. Plus, you don’t need to apologize. You look more healthier. You smell so sweet, happy and relaxed”
“i smell so...Sweet?” She furrowed her brows, searching her body before gasping. “My scent is back?” Excitement bubbled up within her as she sat up, touching her glands and releasing a wave of pheromones that filled the room with a delicate, inviting fragrance.
“Okay, okay! I know you’re excited, babe, but don’t choke us with it!” Leeknow coughed dramatically, waving a hand in front of his face as if to fan away the air.
Y/N giggled, lightly tapping his back. “I’m sorry! I just haven’t smelled like me in ages!”
“And you smell absolutely amazing,” Chan added, fingers playing gently with her hair, his touch soothing her frayed nerves.
“Thank you, Oppa,” she smiled, her heart swelling with warmth. Her gaze drifted around the room, taking in the piles of bags and clothes. “What have you guys been up to?”
“Practicing and practicing and practicing,” Changbin growled, rubbing his shoulder with a playful wince. “You know, the usual.”
“It’s been so boring without you,” Leeknow chimed in, crossing his arms dramatically. “At least we don’t have to go in until 3 PM today.” He laid back down on the bed and started to type on his phone before Chan started to speak.
“Speaking of which, Y/N,” Chan said softly, a hint of authority in his tone, “I need you to start unpacking your room and all these bags. This mess is driving me crazy.”
“Okay oppa,  Can you show me where my room is?” she asked, her voice brightening. “And do we have anything planned for the day?” She felt Chan begin to massage her shoulders, easing the last remnants of tension.
“Yeah, I’ll let Felix and Han help you out. And you’re coming with us to the studio later; Mama Bin is leaving today,” he replied, a soft smile on his lips.
Y/N’s eyes sparkled with excitement as she turned to Changbin. “I need to meet her and thank her for taking care of me. She was so nice.”
“She’s downstairs, cupcake. Go ahead whenever you’re ready,” Changbin encouraged, his grin infectious.
“Okay, I will,” she said, already feeling the anticipation bubbling within her as she hopped off the bed, eager to start her day.
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Taglist: @ihrtlix@bowsnbang@katsukis1wife@thegingerthatwaited@thicccurls @xxeiraxx @paleangelsweets @klaydohart @eastleighsblog @ivrespace @galaxy4489 @purplepursepaint @catlove83 @sillystormsstuff @iwuberic @cocofia143 @royal-shinigami @virluna148 @galaxycatdrawz @memersanonymous @skz-stay13 @seungminsbest @hogwartslife64 @sinfulfic @hyunnesblog @maisyyyyyy @cluelessred3 @leezanetheofficial @cocofia143 @lemonn015 @kkamismom12 @mei0packet @igetcarriedawaywithyou @hyuneyeon (open: i believe i've added everyone but if you don't see your @ please comment down below)
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woncon · 14 hours
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part three: sex on the beach
pairing: poly!stray kids x gn!reader
You only have one fan at home. It's a cruel thing. But the water is for everyone! The lake water is cooling, and you can relax with your boys. You can lay out on the mat, compete in swimming, or even make offers that wouldn't be appropriate for a grandmother swimming nearby to hear. There's a lot going on this day: injuries, bets and a kiss fest. The nine of you brushing the edge of indecency, like waves on the rocks off the shore. It's really wholesome.
genre: mini-series, fluff, suggestive, crack/humor, summer fic, established relationship, polyamory, a day on the beach
warnings: minho finally gets sex on the beach, making out as a problem-solving technique, more kisses, jeongin likes to ask questions today
word count: 5K
a/n: yay! it's done! thanks for @honeytwo for her committed work, and of course, thanks to all of you for reading this summer fic! <3
[part 1] / [part 2]
summer go loco / stray kids mlist
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While you were sliding into the water, Hyunjin attacked Chan not far away.
"Ah! Hyunne, no!" spat the older man, gasping. "I'm drowning in your spaghetti hair!"
"Oh, no!" giggled Hyunjin as he swung away with his tines flapping like mops. "If you really want to drown, drown in my love for you!"
Chan made a suffering sound and hid his face in his palms.
"Chan is weak when it comes to compliments," Seungmin stated in a whisper, having been given the humble role of Jeongin's pusher. "He's weak at other times too. Like when I loaded his barbell. He couldn't lift it because he's old."
Jeongin couldn't take it anymore, he asked.
"Do you really have a granddaddy kink?"
"No, I just like to tease Chan. Who told you that?"
"I'm gonna fuck his gossipy ass."
"You'd have to get him to talk to you first, wouldn't you?"
As if sensing that the conversation was about him - and his butt - Hyunjin glanced towards them. He smiled affectionately at Jeongin, but looked gloomily at Seungmin, and then took his gaze away. 
Jeongin patted Seungmin on the shoulder.
"Shall I throw you in the water?"
Jeongin immediately withdrew his hand. "Why?"
"Maybe that would cheer me up." Seungmin made a thoughtful, questioning face.
"I'd rather climb off the mat willingly then." Jeongin did so. When he felt safe, he added, "Asshole."
"Now I'm an asshole?" asked Seungmin, looking shocked. "I wasn't an asshole this morning. Then you called me a-"
"You didn't want to throw me in the water this morning to make yourself feel better." Jeongin was pushing the Monster can again. "Did you learn nothing from what happened between you and Hyunjin hyung?"
"You're right, Innie-ah. It was a stupid idea." He pushed the mattress in the boy's direction. "You can climb back in."
Jeongin grimaced.
"I don't trust you."
"At least let me make it up to you... with a kiss?"
"Isn't the point of atonement to get me something I want?" Jeongin lazily tossed the Monster can into the air, then caught it.
"You don't want my kiss, huh?" The other didn't answer that. Seungmin crept closer to him. "Am I really such a bad kisser that you'd rather throw yourself on the pebbles?" He made a curious face, showing no other emotion.
"It's not about that. I hate it when you come at me in groups."
"And now?" Seungmin bit his lip and swam even closer to him with the mattress like a cargo merman. "We're on our own. Just you and me. Do you want it now?"
Jeongin looked up at the clear blue sky as if the answer was written there.
"Maybe? What does it take to get the answer to be yes?"
"Answer a simple question."
Seungmin nodded in agreement.
"Are you quite sure you're not interested in grandfathers?"
Seungmin laughed incredulously. And swimming just a short distance away from them was a grandmother and grandfather duo with two grandchildren.
"I swear to you. I like my own age group... And Chan hyung... Okay, maybe I'm interested. But only in Chan hyung."
"Last night for some reason you didn't mention how old he is... When you bit his abs... Several times. And everything."
Seungmin narrowed his eyes. "You said not to talk about last night."
Jeongin shrugged, a small smile hiding at the corner of his mouth.
"Give me my kiss."
"Did I also say you'd get it now?"
"I should have pushed you into the w-"
Jeongin grabbed the back of Seungmin's head, kissed him hard, then let go.
"Here's your kiss."
Then he swam away. Seungmin watched his receding figure. Two canoeists passed him, and even Chan was asking if he was okay when he regained consciousness. "Fuck," he muttered.
Jeongin was not even within earshot, but you and Felix immediately approached him. For the time being, it looked like he would be safe here. Felix had never kissed his face or cooed at him, and you had never cooed at him as often as Hyunjin or Changbin. He obviously didn't know what interesting things were happening while he was chilling with the others. He probably had no idea that there would be a lot of kissing in the middle of the lake. Nor did it occur to him that you were largely planning how to make it the most super day for him.
Right after you met him halfway, Hyunjin arrived in a breaststroke. With a devilish half-smile on his face, by the way. When he spoke, Jeongin's potential security was shattered.
"Innie-ah? Can I ask you something?" Hyunjin leaned his head on the boy's shoulder. "Please don't take off your shirt. If you do, I'll cum right here."
"Oh, my God." Jeongin massaged the bridge of his nose. "Can we please not talk about sex all the time? Just a little?"
"We're sexually frustrated adults. Most of us are half naked and flirting. What did you expect?" asked Felix.
Jeongin mumbled something under his breath.
"Oh, Innie," you clung to him affectionately. "Your poor innocent soul... and your poor feet."
"Stop that. I'm not a little child."
"But you are a baby. Our baby." You kissed him all over his cheekbone. Maybe all of you took it a little too seriously when you had the opportunity to bathe Jeongin in love.
 "And you need to relax."
"I'm relaxed," he said, as he was like a log in your arms. Or a hot guy in the shape of a blown-up float.
"Come on!" Hyunjin poked his nose. That wasn't the switch on the slackness function, unfortunately. "Last time I saw you smile was when the fan was running."
"And when you groped me," you reported. "If that's what it takes to make you happy, I'm here."
Jeongin's Adam's apple did a wild dance.
"As I just alluded to, I don't want it to be all about sex."
"Sex? Who mentioned sex?" Hyunjin narrowed his eyes, then glanced over at your form. “Was it you?"
"I sure wasn't."
"I don't even know what the word means."
"Get lost." Jeongin tried to shake you off, but you were like Chan in the morning. A real cuddly koala.
"Come on, Innie. You're living with Minho and you still think groping is exclusively sexual?" Felix ruffled the younger's hair. You were amazed at how eager Jeongin was to indulge in his touch, even while he was droning on and in the middle of a minor argument.
You recalled what you had said to Felix minutes earlier. Maybe there's someone who needs your kiss more than I do. Not exactly your kiss. More like something to cheer him up. When you're with him, he's usually happy.
He didn't need much convincing. He also wanted Jeongin to be happy on this sunny day with his wholesome partners.
"Whatever it is, I don't want to do it. And I don't want to hear about him or Chan's bite marks or Jisung's hip-"
"What was that?" interrupted Hyunjin.
"What was what?"
Your boyfriend grinned. "That's what you were doing with your hand," he pointed out the tiny, grabbing motion, "when you mentioned Sungie's hip."
"I'm sure I didn't," Jeongin denied.
"Three credible witnesses say so."
"Only two," you corrected Hyunjin, still clinging to Jeongin. "I haven't been sane since Lix's mouth touched me."
Felix caressed the back of your neck.
"Two witnesses then. The point is the same. You want all of this. Jisung, Chan, maybe everyone. You want it so bad you're about to explode. All this frustration is not good for you. Not for you, not for us. We're here to have fun, Innie. Why are you resisting?"
"What if he doesn't want to?"
"Who? Sungie? Pff." Hyunjin sneered. "He'd feel like heaven if you got close to him."
"Anyone would feel like that," you added.
"That's stupid."
"No. That's the truth," Felix assured him. He pressed a kiss to Jeongin's temple. "We're starving for you, baby."
"There's a difference between someone saying they want to kiss you and sitting on your lap and actually doing it. They're just words. And you're always messing with me and each other. When can I take it seriously?"
"Naive boy..." mumbled Felix. "We're not messing with you."
"Didn't you know? All offers are deathly serious," Hyunjin continued. "If you say yes, it's yours."
Jeongin really did stiffen in your arms this time. You were thinking of recalling in your mind all the offers he'd received in the last few days, maybe even specifically that day. It must have been quite a lot based on the fact that you had talked a lot about Jeongin, not only in person but virtually, and how much you adored him. You had your private fan club.
"Just think about it, okay?" Hyunjin pressed a soft kiss on the back of Jeongin's head.
You let go, so he could think about what was going on without any extra weight. You didn't expect him not to know the rules of the game. You all thought that he just liked to give you the unattainable, or that he just didn't desire your advances.
All of you swam back to the big mat like a couple of cooling fish, and got caught in the middle of a conversation.
"Your feet hurt, your back hurts," Minho listed to Jisung. "Doesn't your mouth get lonely, jagi? If so, I can help you with that, and I can take your mind off the other two. Just saying."
"Can we do it like they did?" He pointed in your and Felix’s direction.
"Oh, we can do better."
"Wanna bet?" Felix was really sexy as he challenged Minho. And Minho greeted him with a sexy smile. Jisung was sexy too, as he scratched his head and lay on the mattress like he was waiting for his dream make-out session. Everyone was sexy. You saw the world, or more accurately your boyfriends, through overly sexy lenses since Felix's mouth touched yours.
"Let’s bet."
After being flooded with mattress memories, you realized what was happening.
Oh my goodness, how many dishes you've washed and vacuumed dust bunnies for betting with Felix! If you were forced to bet, you'd bet with anyone else, even Hyunjin, who bets in vile values, just not Felix. The guy's a master, and you've learned that the hard way.
"Are you sure, hyung?" asked Hyunjin, putting the pink sunglasses back on, not just resting on the top of his head. "You already lost one today. You want to do two penalties in one day?"
"Don't worry about me, Hyunne. I'm unbeatable at kissing Sungie."
"You're not going to kiss Sungie this time," Felix indicated. "This time you're going to kiss like,” he said your name with an impish smile. “and me. Or so you want to. Can you do that?"
Minho licked his lips.
"What do you give when I do?"
"Okay, okay, stop it." Jeongin stepped between Minho, who was leaning against the mattress, and Felix. "What now? A summer mating battle? I don't know exactly what Felix and they did, but I'm sure it won't be repeated here."
"If you're playing Chan today, what will you give us to stop?" asked Jisung slyly, elbowing up. "Scrambled eggs for breakfast? A cuddle afternoon? Kisses?"
It was pretty clear that Chan was spoiling you.
"I can give kisses. To everyone," Jeongin said. He was tense, judging by the way he was playing with the squashed Monster box. 'First thing you'll do when you get out of here is throw away the metal and replace it with a hand. If you can't use your own, you can use someone else's. "Behind the willow tree on the beach."
Jeongin turned and headed for the stairs.
Silence. Even the seagull raiding the beach fell silent at Jeongin's offer. So did you. You restored Changbin's fallen chin, who then looked at you with sparkling eyes.
"Jeongin offered his mouth. All my dreams have come true."
"Wow," Jisung also acknowledged what had happened. "I need to get to shore as soon as possible. Can you push me out, jagi?"
"Sure," nodded Minho. He quickly forgot about the bet. "As fast as I can, no question."
"Let's go until he changes his mind," Felix nodded as well. "I'll go quickly and tell the others. Will you be alright?"
"Of course," you assured him. "I'll kiss Jeongin so hard that- Hey, Minho! Wait for me! I'm getting on!" The mattress was pushed that day, perhaps never before, with the vehemence that Minho and Changbin were pushing it.
It's a wonder they waited. Or maybe it was just a testament to how much they loved you that they were able to wait for you with the promise of an Innie kiss before them.
The willow tree Jeongin picked was huge. Chan could have fit twice its length behind it. It was shady and hidden from prying eyes. It was a feature that caught the eye of others, because in the grass was a suspicious resemblance to a used condom. Fortunately, when it was your turn to follow Minho and Changbin, you weren't concerned with what was down below.
Jeongin gently pushed you against the trunk of the tree. The rough surface peeked through your towel and pressed against your shoulder, but you didn't give a damn.
"Is that how you want it?" Jeongin hummed at your question. "With ants?"
The boy rested his hand next to your head. This gesture was cringe-worthy in many places. However, this time Jeongin did it. If he was going to do the same to Chan, you hoped the poor guy wouldn't get too dizzy.
"There are none. I just have questions."
"Questions? I thought you had kisses. For me."
"Just take a turn. Questions first, then kisses."
"Fine. What do you want to know?"
"How would you like it? Slow and gentle, like Binnie hyung? Or hard, like Minho hyung? Shall I bite your mouth?"
Oh, fuck.
"Whatever. Just keep your mouth on mine." You traced your fingers over the carotid artery, one of his sensitive spots, and with the same vigor he sucked in air sharply, he leaned in to take your mouth.
It's an established fact that he's got you on the edge. And he kissed you fantastically, just the way you like it. You wouldn't have minded ants dropping on you.
Jeongin gasped out your name in a breathy whimper, eyes clouded with haze. He leaned away from you, when you were in the middle of working to rip off his soaked T-shirt.
"Sorry. I just thought you might catch a cold. Besides, Hyunjin's not here to come in his pants if he sees you half naked."
"Don't bet on it. I think he's always watching." Jeongin grabbed your wrist and untucked it from his shirt. Then he surprised you by reaching back to pull it off himself.
Before you could fall like wow, Innie had just grabbed his shirt off you, his palm sliding down your side and settling on your waist. He gently pulled you to him.
"Happy now?"
You nodded enthusiastically.
You touched his bicep. "May I?"
"You may."
You touched every nook and cranny of his exposed skin. Jeongin watched softly, then nuzzled into your neck.
"You're just like us," you said.
"The most you've ever seen me pinching cheeks is in your dreams," he immediately countered.
"You hunger for intimacy as much as we do. You're just as completely in love. That's what I meant. Am I wrong?"
"You like it when you're right, yes?"
"Who doesn't?"
Jeongin, a confident, grown man, stuck his tongue out at you. You, also an adult, and often recorded as Felix's baby, stuck yours out too and smiled. Of course, when Jeongin wanted to kiss you again, you didn't resist. You pulled him close to you and enjoyed that he wanted you.
Finally, you stumbled out from behind the willow tree with a happy grin. Although it would be more accurate to use the term, dizzy out. You sat down on the blanket opposite the water. Everything about you, even your soul, tingled at Jeongin's nearness. You spread his wet shirt on the grass to dry. Sometimes you tilted your head as if you were looking at a trophy. When someone came close enough to you, you'd show it off.
The next eager volunteer behind the tree was Hyunjin, who spent a few seconds blinking exclusively as Jeongin remained half naked.
"What? Did you cum in your pants?" The younger one leaned against the tree.
"D’you want me to?"
"I want your kiss. Or would you rather have mine?"
"Then I'll kiss you all over." As Hyunjin eagerly stepped closer, Jeongin stepped back.
"That's not a fundamental right, hyung. Especially not today."
"You want me to beg for it?"
"Would you?" Jeongin smiled devilishly. "Would you beg for my kiss?"
"You little demon..." Hyunjin held out his hand in fascination, but the other didn't even let it touch his shoulder.
"Maybe you should beg to touch me first."
Hyunjin licked his lips.
"Please, muse. Let me touch you. That's all I want. Please let me. I promise I'll treat you well, and you'll enjoy it too."
"Close your eyes, hyung, and wait."
Hyunjin obeyed.
From the looks of it, Jeongin had indeed decided to become Chan for a while, taking some of the conflict management upon himself, because while Hyunjin closed his eyes and his full lips were ready to kiss the hell out of Jeongin, Jeongin led Seungmin in on the other side of the willow tree. Then he made him face Hyunjin. Seungmin made a puzzled face, but Jeongin persuaded him with nods and various hand gestures urging him to get closer. Seungmin finally stepped in front of Hyunjin and kissed him. Hyunjin threw himself into his neck and was determined to swallow the boy he thought was Jeongin.
He didn't realize the folly until Seungmin moaned into his mouth. Then he pulled away, blinking round-eyed at Seungmin and at Jeongin, who stood a few steps away, smiling contentedly.
"I'm sorry, Hyunne." Seungmin turned the older man's face towards himself. "I'd be Innie for you, if that's what you want."
"Don't be stupid." Hyunjin frowned.
"But I am your stupid."
"Don't embarrass yourself in public, Minnie." Hyunjin pressed one last kiss to Seungmin's lips and held his cheek in the palm of his hand. "I've already forgiven you. I'll wash my hair again tomorrow."
"I'd be happy to help you."
"Will you also help me get Jeongin's promised kiss?"
Seungmin grinned. "Of course."
As soon as the last of the satisfied men came out from behind the willow tree, Hyunjin and Jeongin went upstairs to buy cocktails. They argued that it was for Minho's betting punishment. They said no more. Jisung and Seungmin badgered Minho to tell them the secret, then gave up and took revenge by laying down on top of him. Chan and Felix played Uno. Changbin lounged beside you, and you watched the swans with their chicks as they swam among the stones. There were no bird feeders in the area, so you could only watch them.
"When you kissed Felix, it was very hot," Changbin noted.
"And you're just saying that out of the blue?"
"I can't think of anything else since."
"You're cute." You took the opportunity to pinch his chubby cheeks. It was a good thing he was so muscular. His body was a great pillow and his face was chubby, really chewy. "Who did you imagine yourself to be?"
"Is that a serious question?" he got embarrassed almost immediately.
"Both, then."
"Of course, both. There is no other answer that is correct."
"Actually... there may be. If you imagine yourself as a third party."
Changbin moaned and leaned back on the grass. "Don't do this to me! The way you torture me is unhealthy."
You smiled and followed his example, resting your head on his shoulder.
"I didn't say think about it."
"It's like the purple elephant. Once you say it, there's nothing to do but think about it."
"I'm sorry." You planned to gently pat his stomach as a sign of regret, then somehow your hand stayed. It stayed there, like the thought in your head of how nice it would be to kiss Changbin.
As usual, you promised yourself that you would change your kissing habits and become more resistant to the stimulus. Like Minho, or even Jeongin. Of course, that was easier said and promised than done. Especially under the circumstances: you have Seo Changbin lying half-naked next to you, and he's practically pouting as he tells you how sexy you were kissing Felix.
You looked around. As time went on, there were fewer and fewer people on the beach. A couple of fishermen farther away, young people were picking their beaching supplies, and you overheard snippets of conversations in which participants planned to stay and watch the sunset. Families with young children had already left, probably for dinner. The youths were lost in their own world, the others were preparing for the sunset, and the fisher uncles were hopefully waiting for the catch, not how long you have to feel Changbin's chest to elicit a groan. Brilliant.
You took the towel off your shoulders, then spread it over your head.
"What are you up to?"
"Well, you don't have to just think about it." You snuggled closer to him on the blanket, one leg draped over his hip. His warm palm immediately found your thigh.
"Uno!" shouted Felix.
"Lix, if you win this round, can you come here?" you asked.
“Persze. Nem adok esélyt Channak, hogy visszavágjon, mint múltkor… És nyertem!”
"Sure. I'm not giving Chan a chance to fight back like last time... And I won!"
While Felix carried himself over to your blankets, Changbin showered you with kisses. Slow, sweet kisses. First on the tip of your nose, then on your forehead, temple and cheek.
"You really are sweet," you smiled.
"I'm not sweet, just weak. Weak for and from love."
You stroked his cheek. You didn't exaggerate with your words. He nuzzled into your palm and continued to watch you lovingly. He deserved that kiss.
"Are you holding a secret council?" joined Felix under your towel. Luckily, it was big enough to fit all three of you underneath. He nestled himself next to Changbin, resting his chin on the boy's shoulder. "What is there to talk about?"
"We don't want to talk, do we, Binnie?" you caressed his mouth, and his lips parted instantly.
"Oh. So that's why you've been hiding."
"Poor thing couldn’t get our kiss out of his head."
Changbin nodded. Felix ran his fingers through the other's hair, playing gently with it. "Is that what you want, Binnie? That kiss?"
"Y-yes. I liked it a lot."
"You know we can't say no when you're so desperate," Felix whispered. He kissed the sensitive skin behind the boy's ear, then glanced at you. You understood what he wanted. You didn't hesitate any longer. You cupped Changbin's chin to stop him moving and leaned into his mouth. You didn't kiss him yet, just took his bottom lip between your teeth, like Felix did with you. Then you licked his lips. Changbin moaned and trembled. He threw himself after your mouth, and that was a good thing, because when Felix grabbed his pecs, you were lucky that your mouth absorbed the passionate sound Changbin made.
He probably would have given himself to you right there and then if you'd wanted all he had. He always loved to give.
He grabbed your thigh and refused to let go. You didn't want to go either. Felix covered Changbin's neck with kisses. It was the last thing you noticed before you fell into the act of kissing with one of your boyfriends again that day.
By the time Jeongin and Hyunjin returned with four cocktails, the three of you were hugging and panting with numb mouths. As the ice cubes clinked softly in the glasses and straws danced along the lemon rims as the two boys prepared the ground for punishment, Jisung grinned and leaned over Felix.
"I'll be next, okay?"
"I never thought you'd like it so much when I kiss our lovers."
"There's something special about it." Jisung sat down next to you. "Ultimately, I'm glad Innie didn't let us bet. Don't tell jagi, but I think we would have lost."
"I think he knows," Changbin said, glancing toward Minho. You lifted your head from his chest to take a look for yourself at the aforementioned. He watched your little grouping with a penetrating glance. He was so hot-
No. Pull yourself together. Your lips can't take any more kisses.
Instead, you looked towards Hyunjin and Jeongin, who were fiddling with the glasses and for some reason pulled out Felix's sleeping mask. Whatever they were up to, Seungmin was smiling contentedly beside them like he was having a great time. Chan was unaware that the punishment was happening now because he had fallen asleep after the Uno party. He still had the cards under his head, but no one had the heart to wake him up and you just let him sleep. On the other hand, you couldn't be sure he wouldn't object to what the bet winners were planning to do.
The rest of you were slowly gathering around the events. Hyunjin handed Minho the sleeping mask.
"Are you going to poison me?"
"Just a little."
Minho grimaced in displeasure.
"Let me remind you that you invented this punishment. Take it." Hyunjin patted Minho's cheek, then retreated. As soon as Minho had the mask on properly, Jeongin and Hyunjin began to cavort. Soon the four different cocktails had turned into one glass of disgusting-coloured, mixed-up mess, and another glass of a clearer colour.
"Open your mouth, hyung!" Jeongin approached with the first glass. He did not hand it to him, but carefully poured a sip into his mouth. Minho spat.
"What the fuck is this?"
"Cocktail." The boy ran the juice around the side of the glass. "Bottoms up!"
"I hate my bets," he sighed irritably.
Finally he drank every disgusting drop. You wouldn't have wanted to be in his shoes. The first glass was empty, the second came. Hyunjin held it up to Minho's mouth. After the first sip, the boy grunted and moaned.
"It's-it's delicious. What did you mix?"
"It's just plain sex on the beach. Jeongin told me how much you wanted it. Don't tell us we tortured you the whole time."
Minho drank that in with more enthusiasm. The last sip rolled down to his Adam's apple.
"That's your punishment." Hyunjin lapped up the tiny drop, happily swallowing it. "You have fulfilled it."
You congratulated him. Jeongin collected the glasses, Seungmin put the sleeping mask away. You helped gather Jisung's dry clothes, because he was getting cold, and accompanied him to the dressing rooms. Finally, once you were there, you went in with him. It seemed like a good idea at the time.
"Anyway... Get ready."
You hung your towel on the rack and turned to the boy with a questioning look. Jisung grinned, and that only made you more curious.
"Huh? What for?"
"I'm going to kiss you so hard you won't want to do anything else for hours."
"I wish, but right now we barely have minutes. Sometime when you're not expecting it." When did Jisung's hand come to your side? "I want to hear the sound you made from Felix's mouth."
"That sounds good." You took the opportunity to touch his hip. "Maybe I can get you to make the sounds you make when you kiss Minho."
Then you quickly got dressed, knowing that Jeongin was in the next stall and would quickly put a stop to any inappropriate action as Chan's responsible deputy.
You yourself shed the slightly damp swimsuit and took a dry seat on a less damp corner of the blanket. Behind you on the air-scoughing mattresses, Changbin issuing instructions. In front of you, the water, bridged orange by the light of the setting sun and the lapping sound of the waves as they crashed against the stones.
Jeongin settled down beside you. He leaned his head on your shoulder.
 "Did you have a good time?"
"Yeah," he nodded. "It was pretty good after all." He smiled broadly. Cheerfully, sincerely, and before the sunset. Your heart beating feverishly, pride embraced you. "I had a good time today."
"I'm glad." You tilted your own on top of his head, and together you watched the sun go down. A tiny sliver was still visible on the horizon when Minho held out his hand.
"Come on. The day is over. Let's go home."
"Let's go home," you nodded, letting him pull you up off the ground, and then Jeongin. The others competently packed up your stuff so you could be rascally donkeys again on the way back. Chan would have fit right in as a sleeping rascal donkey. Hyunjin assured him that he would drive and Chan should sleep peacefully in the car. Chan smiled gratefully at him. Then he tried to kick Seungmin in the butt, who said something about the need for elderly people to sleep. Seungmin laughed and ran forward, only to suffer a slap on the back of the head from Felix.
You had two bags slung over your shoulders when Minho slapped you on the ass with a snap.
"Hurry up, we're being eaten by mosquitoes!" he smirked.
You laughed in disbelief, then followed him down the path. In revenge, you stuck your hand in his back pocket and didn't take it out until you reached the car.
It was a hot day. Really hot. A real heatwave day, when everyone turns into a walking ice cream cone. But a really exciting, good day to spend with your boyfriends, swimming in your own chaos, and in the water.
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stay taglist :: 💕@lemonn015
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bandgie · 6 months
Would you maybe be interested in this?
a/n: (link) I am yes BUT you know I have to add my own twist
Synopsis: You never expected to run into three terrifyingly handsome men the night you ran away on your wedding, but you didn't expect them to be so inviting either.
warnings: MDNI 18+, fem!reader, 4some, jerking off, multiple orgasms (f!), light pussy play, PIV, cumming inside, no protection, lots of boob play, overstim (f!), GUN INVOLVEMENT (not nsfw), kidnapping?? (kinda), prolly missed more lmao
4.3k words
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"Don't scream," you hear a deep voice whisper in your ear before your mouth is covered. "Unless you want metal in your head."
Your small whimpers muffle in his hand, but you nod. The man with chubby cheeks gives you a sympathetic look and frowns at the one holding a gun to your head. "Do you have to say that? You're gonna make her cry."
"Jisung," a cat-like man says his name sternly. "We don't have time for this, let's go."
Jisung grumbles while they lead you to an alleyway away from the main street. The tall man behind you keeps the gun to your head, guiding you to follow them. There are hardly any lights this deep into an alley, but the moon provides enough to help you spot a parked car.
They're taking you back. The thought of your arranged marriage makes you cry, weeping in the hands of your kidnappers. Tears seep through the man's fingers and you taste the saltiness on your lips. Your chest heaves as you try to catch your breath, but the hand on your mouth prevents you from properly inhaling.
You shake your head back and forth, trying to escape from his grip. "No," you sob. "I don't wanna go back. Don't send me back. Please."
The man with the cat eyes unlocks the car and opens the backseat door. "Damn Hyunjin. What'd you tell her?"
"I didn't say shit!" Hyunjin has to bump you toward the car as you try to escape. "She just started crying. Are you sure we have the right girl?"
It takes Hyunjin and Jisung to put you in the car. To ensure your captivity, each of them sits beside you, thigh to thigh. The other one sits in the front, roaring the car engine to life. "All I was told was that she had white heels. That's it."
You're still crying, hiccuping as Hyunjin keeps the gun pointed steadily at you. Jisung takes a comforting approach, opting to hold your shaky hands and smooth over your skin. "Nothing is gonna happen, okay?" He smiles wearily at you. "Just a few questions. That's all."
No way that's all. If your fiancé sent them, they'll do more than just ask questions. "D-don't lie to me," you say through your tears. "You're gonna send me back to h-him and make me m-marry him and you'll kill me if I don't." You expect them to keep feeding you lies in an attempt to calm you, but Jisung's expression is utterly confused.
"Marry? Marry who?" It's the driver who asks. He hasn't put the car into gear yet as he turns to look at you. His face is more terrifying when he's pissed. "Who are you?"
Shouldn't you be asking them that?
But you tell them. You tell them how you were set up for an arranged marriage with a man whose name you don't even know. You tell them that tonight is the night you ran away from your wedding. You're sure he's sent people to find you, and since Hyunjin had that god-forsaken gun, you thought they were the ones.
"Holy shit," Jisung swears when you finish your story. "Chan is gonna kill us."
You're not sure who Chan is, but you're not eager to find out. "Don't tell him! I promise I won't say anything. I swear. I'll pretend like nothing happened and...and I'll give you anything you want! I have money! I don't care how much you ask for, just don't hurt me." Your bottom lip trembles.
Han shares a look with Hyunjin who looks at the man in the front for directions.
"Listen," the driver speaks softly. "We aren't gonna hurt you. We weren't even thinking of it. We were supposed to question a different girl but someone got it wrong." He shoots a look at Jisung. "But I promise, pretty, nothing's gonna happen to you, okay?"
He sounds sincere, and whether he means it or not, it makes you feel just a little better. You nod and wipe the tears sliding down your face, trying to control your breathing. Hyunjin seems to have long abandoned the gun and Jisung’s hand moved to your knee. Suddenly, it’s not too scary having them pushed against you.
"See?" Jisung gives you a sweet smile. "You're gonna be okay. Minho looks all mean, but he's not too bad."
Minho grunts.
"Okay, maybe he is a little bad, but he's not all bad." Jisung gives a reassuring squeeze.
You nod, trying to smile but the need for air is more important. You're still in your wedding dress with a huge coat over it. With the two men sitting hip-to-hip with you, it's starting to feel hot and uncomfortable. You try fanning yourself with your hand, but it's not enough. Deciding it’s better to remove your coat, you slowly shrug the material off. It slides down your shoulders to reveal the dress you tried so hard to conceal. 
It's beautiful, much to your dismay. A corset wrapped tightly at your waist so your breasts overfill at the top. It's loose on the bottom, with a slit starting at your upper thigh to expose your leg. It makes you look accentuated, yes, but it's a reminder that you were a pawn. You wish you could remove it entirely.
"Oh wow," Jisung can't help his shock. His eyes lock at your chest before traveling up to your neck. "You look...you look...I mean you were getting married, I know, but-"
"You look beautiful," Hyunjin saves Jisung from embarrassment. You discard the coat on the floor of the car before looking at Hyunjin. Maybe it's because he's no longer threatening you, but he looks charming under the car lights. His eyes remind you of how the crescent moon looks high in the sky. Though his lips seem to demand your attention from his smile, you can’t help but be drawn to the shining metal on his eyebrow. 
"I uhh...thanks," you aren't sure which enchanting features to look at. “You look…good too.”
"Thank you," he giggles. "So is this what you were gonna wear for a man you've never even met?" Hyunjin gestures at your dress. Your smile falters and you nod. "What a waste," he places his large hand on your face, thumb stroking your cheek. "Such a pretty thing like you deserves so much more. Don't you think, Ji?"
"So much more," Jisung scoots closer to you. His hand goes to your knee while leaning into your neck. "So pretty." His breath is warm on your skin. His body heat feels like an inviting blanket you want to wrap yourself in. Though you haven’t spoken to Jisung much, he seems to be the ‘nicest’. He was the only one who made an effort to calm you down, even if it didn’t help much at the time. 
You can tell Jisung wants to touch you more. He's practically vibrating with need, but he holds back. The only sign he gives you is the hand on your leg. It never travels up, but his fingers make small circles on your skin. His hesitation only works you up more. Feeling his hand on your knee is only a hint at what you might endure tonight. You're surprised to see how much you want to feel all of them touching you.
Still, you have the mind to remember how scared you were moments ago. “I don't- I don't think-" You're cut off by Hyunjin tracing his thumb on your mouth. He taps your bottom lip, pulling it down to reveal your lower teeth.
"Don't think, angel," he sounds like a dream. "You're safe with us, that's all that matters."
Safe? That you aren't too sure of, but you don't try to stop Hyunjin when he leans in. His hand is steady on your cheek while his lips meet yours. The kiss is soft, a gentle mingling to let you know he wouldn't do anything you're not ready for. You tilt your head up to get more of his taste. A specific flavor of coolness meets your mouth, he must wear chapstick.
Mint, you think.
The kiss deepens and his tongue swipes against your lip. You debate on it, unsure if you're really wanting to fuck the same guys who scared the shit out of you minutes ago. But everything just feels so good. Hyunjin's mouth and Han's inching hand. You're already on the run from your finance, what's the harm in fucking up more?
You part your lips, inviting Hyunjin's tongue. He inhales and grunts at the wetness of yours. They slide together and mix, twisting into an open-mouthed kiss crudely.
Hyunjin properly reattaches his mouth to suck on your bottom lip, pulling the skin in a way that makes you whine. Jisung takes the opportunity to slide his hand up the slit, finding home at your inner thigh. You feel his mouth attach to the exposed part of your neck. His tongue is hot on your skin, licking and sucking until your throat turns a bright shade of pink.
"Are you guys seriously gonna fuck in my car?"
Oh. Right, there's another person here. Hyunjin slowly pulls away from you. The lack of kissing has you chasing his lips, blindly following the sensation.
Han whines in the crook of your neck, sparing a look at Minho who looks both irritated and aroused.
"But Minhooo..." Jisung pouts. "She's so pretty."
"So pretty," Hyunjin parrots.
"And we weren't very nice to her at first. This is us making it up! This is the least we owe her, don't you think?" Jisung must have Minho under some type of spell because his features soften. There's a brief moment of silence that's nearly deafening. The attention shifts from Minho to you, and you can hardly stand the tension.
"I...I want to."
"Oh, you do?" Minho doesn't sound too friendly. "Alright then. Go ahead." He twists his body so it's fully facing you and the other men. You hear Hyunjin groan and Jisung giggle. They waste no time in getting back to their original position, though Jisung seems eager to spread your legs wide this time.
The feeling of two hot mouths lands on both sides of your neck. You gasp, fists gripping their pants.
You lock eyes with Minho to see a smirk on his lips. "You're...you're just gonna watch?"
Minho's smile widens, "Why? Is two not enough for you?"
Hyunjin laughs against your skin while you blush. "That's not what I meant," you whimper when Jisung bites down on your flesh. "I just...I don't want you to-"
"He's a big boy, angel," Hyunjin picks up his head from your neck. "If he wants to watch, he can watch you cum on my dick, okay?" You turn redder, hand coming up to cover your bashful expression.
It's a good thing you've got something covering your mouth because Jisung has managed to infiltrate your underwear amidst the conversation. He massages your cunt through the material in slow circles. You hum and widen your legs while Hyunjin helps to hike the dress up to your waist.
"No, she’s gonna cum on me first!” Jisung pouts. “I wanna be the first one.” To drive his point home, Jisung moves your underwear to the side. He spreads your lips to show the arousal collecting somewhat proudly. “I did this! It’s not fair that Hyunjin calls the shots when I’m the one who got her wet! And I was the only one nice to her!”
Ah, that’s true. Even if Han’s throwing a bit of a tantrum, you can’t help but find it somewhat cute. The points he makes are valid, and if he wasn’t as welcoming as he was in the beginning, you would probably be doing something very different than what you are now. 
Though Han’s directing his whining at the others, you nod. “I…I don’t mind if Jisung goes first.” Your words quiet the car before Jisung looks at you with an endearing smile. “Really?!” He claps when you nod. 
“See!” He looks at Hyunjin. “You don’t get to get everything just ‘cause you’re handsome.”
You giggle as Jisung grabs you by the waist to hover you a few inches off the seat. He slides underneath your ass and wiggles his pants down, using a hand to free his cock. Hyunjin still keeps the dress at your waist so you’re able to see Jisung spring-free when you look down. 
It’s a lot thicker than you thought. It flushes a deep color while the head of his cock is even darker. A few small veins trail along his length, but one along the sides has you already lowering yourself down in anticipation. 
“Whatever. You’re just opening her up for me,” Hyunjin grumbles. 
His words are lost to you and Jisung as he taps his tip on the front of your pussy. Jisung swivels his hips so he’s able to smear his pre-cum over your cunt. You match his movements, grinding back and forth so your clit can catch his flared tip. It’s hard to steady yourself while wearing heels, so you find leverage by hanging onto the headrests of the front seats where Minho sits. 
“Can’t forget about these,” Minho hums to himself as he reaches for your corset. He loosens the top part of your dress before spilling your breasts out, cupping and groping them. He flicks your nipples in an attempt to get them to harden. With his thumb and forefinger, he pinches the buds until you squeal. 
Hyunjin can’t contain himself anymore. He watches as Jisung gets to rub his dick all over your pretty cunt and as Minho plays with your tits. Finding a solution, Hyunjin bunches the material of your dress in one hand behind your back so a newly free hand can finally touch you somewhere. And that somewhere is your cunt. 
“Don’t you want Jisung in your pussy already? Hm?” You feel Hyunjin slide his long fingers to Han’s cock so he can push it up. The tip slightly breaches your entrance, but there’s not enough force for it to go in all the way. Still, you can feel the warmth of it, of all of them. Minho’s soft yet ruthless hands twisting your nipples until they blossom with pink; Han’s hot dick sliding across your pussy; and Hyunjin’s warm fingers guiding the cock where it should go.
You nod, though you aren’t sure if he can tell. 
Hyunjin grabs the base of Han’s cock and angles it to your cunt. “So wet already, it should slide in real good.” He tugs the back of your dress as a sign to lower yourself. Hyunjin is careful to make sure Han’s cock stays perfectly aligned with your hole despite how much he’s moving. Your lower lips spread as the head of his cock breaches your entrance, a whine leaving you. Inch by inch, you take Han’s length inside of you, thighs burning as you slowly make your descent.
Minho’s hands travel from your chest to your shoulders, helping you fully settle on Han’s cock. “Shit, look at that,” he laughs breathlessly. “Pussy opens so good for him.” You whine at Minho’s praise, finding the motivation to finally sink fully into his cock with a moan.
“Gotta fuck you,” Jisung whimpers from behind. His hands find the curve of your hips before he thrusts upwards. You squeal at his intrusion, thighs shaking. “J-Jisung! Can’t- I can’t- Just wait let me-” But he doesn’t wait and a bigger part of you is glad. You can feel his thighs slapping against the bottom of yours, how he’s whining just behind your ear with soft apologies. 
“So, so good. Pussy so good to me, baby. I- fuck- ‘m sorry. I’ll be slower next time, mkay? I promise.” Jisung opts to wrap his arms around your middle torso to properly fuck up into you. Your tits bounce at his harsh thrusts and Minho doesn’t hesitate to get back to work on them. He takes hold of your nipples and pulls, watching your back arch forward. The whimper that leaves your mouth is heavenly, and Hyunjin can’t help but grow restless. 
The taller man moves his hand to rub on your clit, moving the flesh in wide circles. Your jaw drops and you tilt your head to look at Hyunjin, eyes glazed with tears and arousal from the overstimulation. He gives you a dazzling smile, “You should see how you look, angel. Gettin’ all worked up over one dick. It’s so cute.”
Your styled hair must be a mess from the way Jisung keeps pounding into you. Your dress is wrinkled and damn near disheveled at the top because of Minho’s persistent groping. And you’re sure the expensive makeup can only last so long. So to hear Hyunin call you cute seems like it should be impossible, but the look on his face screams authenticity. You mean to thank him, to say anything that could describe how grateful you are for all of them making your night, but the moment you open your mouth, it’s moans and cries that sound instead. 
“Fuck! Her pussy,” Jisung groans. “Gonna make me cum. I can cum in you, right? Can I?” The desperation in his voice makes you want to agree, but it’s Minho who answers him. “You get to fuck her first and cum in her? That hardly sounds fair.” Even though you can see the smirk on Minho’s lips, Jisung cries out as if he’s been wounded. His embrace around you tightens and his thrusts grow sloppy. Despite that, your cunt hugs his cock eagerly, begging for his cum. The walls of your pussy feel stretched and used, but you can feel your womb aching to be filled.
“Want it…” you moan. “All of it. I want all of it.” 
It’s as if you’re Jisung’s savior. He can’t help but laugh, looking at his hyungs with triumph. “Heard that? You heard that, right?” He kisses the exposed part of your neck tenderly. “Thank you, baby, thank you. Imma fill you up nice and full. Gonna be leaking with my cum for weeks.”
“Gross,” you hear Hyunjin grimace. There’s not a chance to glance at him before Jisung bucks up into you with fervor. You gasp, leaning forward towards Minho so Jisung can have full access to your pussy. It’s wet, it’s lewd, and Hyunjin only makes the sounds louder as his fingers flick back and forth against your nub. 
You’re reminded of how tired your legs are in this position, but that thought is distracted by a warm mouth enveloping your breast. You look down to see Minho peering up at you through his lashes, your nipple between his teeth. He gently bites before sucking it back into his mouth, letting his tongue graze the bud repeatedly. He hallows his mouth to make a powerful suction and leans his head back, taking your tit with him.
It’s no shock when you cum, but it is sudden. You’re not sure which action made you finally tip over, but Jisung can feel the gushing of your cunt and the squeezing of your walls on his cock. Hyunjin can feel how much wetter your clit has gotten, how it twitches in his hold. Minho only giggles when your entire body vibrates, tits jiggling in his mouth. 
Han whines, “Is she cumming? I can feel her pussy creaming all over my cock. Shit, feels so good baby. Gonna make me cum.”
“Mhm,” Hyunjin looks at your wrecked state that barely manages to keep you upright. “She’s cumming all right. Don’t think she can take much more, Ji. Hurry up or she’ll pass out on my turn.”
The thought of having Hyunjin fuck you makes you clench on Jisung’s cock. It seems like he appreciates this, moaning before spilling hot cum into your pussy. It floods your cunt in streaks, finding a place deep in your womb. Your knuckles turn white from the grip you have on the headrests, teeth digging into your lower lip just to keep yourself from being too loud. Jisung groans and rests his forehead on your back, giving you tired thrusts to ride out his high. 
“God- fuck! You put a spell on this pussy or something? Squeezing me so tight like it doesn’t wanna let me go.” Jisung struggles to pull himself out of you. He adjusts his hands back to your hips so he can lift you, slowly dragging his cock against your walls. You moan at the feeling of him sliding out. It’s cautious and slow, a good alternative from how roughly he was fucking you. The two of you let out a loud whine when he’s fully out.
“About time,” Hyunjin pushes Jisung out of the way. Jisung frowns, “Hey! That’s not very nice.”
Hyunjin laughs, shaking his head as he adjusts himself to how Jisung was. “Shut up. Just hold her dress up.” With grumbles, the younger man listens and bunches your wedding dress in his fists. Hyunjin slides the tip of the cock on your pussy, sending overstimulating shocks throughout your body. 
“Make it fast,” Minho directs his attention to Hyunjin. “We’ve overstayed.” Hyunjin nods, but not without a few mumbles under his breath before sinking himself inside of you.
You’re not sure what you were expecting, but it wasn’t this. Han’s cock wasn’t the longest, but it hardly lacked the thickness to stretch you out. With Han, it felt like you were being lolled around, but with Hyunjin, you can’t help but still. His cock goes deep, a never-ending feeling of being probed. You throw your head back, uncaring for how loud your moan is. Hyunjin shivers under you, hands shaky as he quickly finds a pace to fuck into you.
Minho has a front-seat view. It’s an understatement to say he’s amazed at how well you’re taking Hyunjin. Your cunt flutters open perfectly for him, clit swollen from being rubbed. Minho watches the inches upon inches being slammed into you before being pulled out. You can’t blame him when you see him sneak a hand to undo his jeans before pulling his cock out. 
“Shit! Can’t believe you got to fuck this pussy first,” Hyunjn moans out to Jisung. “Still so tight.”
Jisung is wiggling in his seat despite already cumming, Like Minho, he’s slowly stroking his soft cock at the sight. “Mhm. Tight little pussy. He’s fucking you real good, huh?” He doesn’t expect you to answer, you’re too busy trying not to scream at the bruising pace Hyunjin’s set. If you thought Jisung was rough, then Hyunjin is brutal.
“T-too much!” You yelp when Hyunjin finds a certain spot in your cunt. He feels your walls clench so violently that Jisung’s cum leaks onto his cock. “N-not there,” you whimper. “Can’t take it.”
“But it feels so good there,” Hyunjin retaliates. For once, his hips slow to purposely drag his cock across that spot. You squirm and hiccup in his hold, squealing at how overwhelmingly blissful it feels. Jisung wipes the corner of your mouth, collecting the drool that’s begun to seep through your lips before popping it in his mouth to suck.
Hyunjin drives his cock deep inside, “You feel that?” He pulls a few inches out and grinds in again. “That’s where I’mma put all my cum. Right in here.” You shiver at his words, nodding mindlessly. He smiles at your pliant state though you can’t see. “Good girl.”
“And you called me gross,” Jisung rolls his eyes, thumb still in his mouth as he watches Hyunjin desperately get himself to cum inside you. His words are hardly noticed though amongst the sound of skin and moans. All you can focus on is how close Hyunjin can bring you in such a short amount of time. He’s focused on fucking you right and you can feel how hot his body is. He brings you back down on his cock with such vigor that your entire body jiggles at the force. Minho’s eyes switch between your cunt swallowing Hyunjin’s cock to your breasts. You wish you could reach over and replace his hand with your own, but Hyunjin has a strong hold on your body for his own use.
His cock twitches in your pussy and he groans. Hyunjin’s hips have started to falter, but you’re hardly upset about it. Your cunt feels beyond abused, leaking with Jisung’s cum every time Hyunjin fucks into you. The familiar feeling of euphoria builds in your stomach and you feel it grow with every powerful thrust. You’re so caught up in the sensation of your approaching orgasm that you almost miss Hyunjin announcing his own high.
“Oh, angel. I’mma cum in you. You want my cum, yeah? Say it. Fuck. Say how much you want it.”
Hyunjin expecting you to talk despite pounding himself into you is comical, but you manage to squeak out small words. “So bad. I need it, Hyunnie. I- I wanna feel it inside me, please.” Your babbling is more than enough for Hyunjin to unload. He shivers and stills his hips flush against your ass, letting his cock pump you full of cum. 
You can feel his tip pressing against your cervix. His cock is rubbing against your gummy spot so perfectly that you cum seconds after him. Hyunjun moans at the feel of your walls clamping down on him. 
When he slips out of you, your thighs fold until you collapse on his lap wetly. Your legs tremble both from exertion and the pleasure coursing through your body. You rest your head on the middle console, wrapping your arms around your torso in an attempt to stop yourself from shaking. Hyunjin soothingly runs his hands up and down your back, cooing at how well you did with Jisung chiming in with compliments.
It takes you a moment to recognize the wet sound of Minho stroking himself. You tiredly pick your head up just in time with his orgasm. Minho’s cum shoots so far that a few strings of cum land on your face. You blink and flinch at the warm substance, automatically using your tongue to swipe off the gooey liquid. 
“Oops,” you can see Minho trying his best not to laugh. “Uhh…let’s take you to Chan’s now.”
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bluejutdae · 4 months
Heey I love the way you write, always hits the spot it needs to hit 🫶
I came here with the request today: OT8 when you have a really bad migraine not necessarily poly obviously but that’s all I have in mind. Recently had a p bad one and wanna see that written.
Hope you are well take care and much love 🫶
Migraines are the worse, I hope you’re feeling good.
Take care of yourself 💕
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Group chat with poly!OT8 when you have a migraine | poly!OT8 x you
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jinnie-ret · 4 days
cover me
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poly!stray kids x fem reader
genre: angst, fluff at the end
content warnings: stress from uni/work
word count: 1.5k
summary: money, work, school. it was only a matter of time before the boys would see her crumble, and be there to pick up the pieces
requested: @straykidsnerd255
Every time she tried to take one step forward, something would ultimately knock her back twice as far. Finally having a very generously paid job as an intern at a big company was serving her well, yet with the return of going back to university, finding a work-school balance was becoming difficult.
Truly, that was the hardest thing. She had great people around her, those being her uni friends or her loving boyfriends, the renowned Kpop band, Stray Kids. The way they cared for her and each other with such strong morals and support meant that surely it would be easy to confide in them.
Not always, especially in this case.
Other times she would be thankful for the fact that her partners all had a longer practice at the company, not to their own detriment of course, but because it gave her more time to get herself together and paint on a calm picture of 'I'm definitely not struggling right now and on the brink of my second breakdown of the day'.
However, this time she really needed them. The stress had amounted to such a level that she felt it right through to her bones, and so she found herself crying over the smallest things, which in turn let out the release of her biggest pain.
"Stupid shoes, why aren't they organised, there's too many," she sniffled, sat on her knees by the front door as she began to cry at shoes. Yes, shoes. Her boyfriends' shoes to be specific. She would have thought at least Seungmin would have berated the others for their lack of organisation at this point but even his were out of place.
"They didn't even match them back up," she cried, and more tears spilled out, "oh, why am I even crying right now?"
Sometimes being in such a state meant that it was hard to understand your own feelings, your thoughts far too occupied with the wants of other people to be able to manage the basic needs of your own.
Eventually she gave up on the shoes and wiped her tears, walking slowly over to the sofa and letting her body fall into it with a soft thump. She tugged a soft velvety blanket over herself, one that Felix probably picked out due to it's plush exterior, and instinctively cocooned herself. Her heart felt heavy, her eyes hot and burning as the tears kept falling. All it took was a reminder on her phone for a work assignment, and a uni assignment, to trigger a sob to catch her throat.
"Too much," she sobbed to herself, trying to muffle the sounds even though there was no one else to hear them, "it's too much."
She was wrong. Not about her feelings, gosh, no, but the fact that she thought she was alone.
"Hey, hey, what's going on?" Hyunjin was crouched down right in front of her trembling form, almost hidden if it wasn't for the blanketed lump that had been shaking so much it couldn't have been natural.
His hand brushed her hair back and his thumb rubbed under her eyes, catching the tears that seemed to keep appearing. Hyunjin watched on in deep concern, just like their other boyfriends did the more they realised something was wrong.
"What? When, when did you get back?" she gulped down her sobs, or attempted to, even though her words still came out messily. She sat up, the blanket falling off her shoulders and resting around her hips.
"Don't worry about that, love. Just tell us what's going on, yeah? What's wrong?" Chan held her against him immediately, taking a seat ñext to her. The only time his arm that was wrapped around her moved away, was to let Jeongin lift the blanket back up to keep her warm.
"I don't know," she sniffed indignantly, coughing lightly through her cries when she tried to clear her throat. Her arm pressed against the lower half of her face.
"You're getting yourself in a state now, come on, move your arm, you know you don't have to hold back in front of us," Seungmin sighed sadly, seeing his girlfriend so stressed. He pulled her arm towards her lap which he was sat in front of, holding her hand with one of his own and the other rubbing her knee.
"Thanks," she said sarcastically at first, until hearing the rest of what he had to say and tilting her head up to the ceiling to blink away the rest of her tears.
Chan pressed a kiss against her forehead, and everyone was around her to offer comfort, Felix and Changbin in particular wanting to jump out of their seats on the adjacent sofa to take all the pain away.
"What's got you to upset, jagi?" Jisung pouted, his own eyes glistening as he saw how upset you were.
"It's stupid, really," she began, rubbing at her eyes roughly, Hyunjin subsequently tutting at her and pulling her other hand away that Seungmin wasn't occupying.
"We're not doing that, jagi," Minho shook his head, brows furrowed, looking down at the floor with his hands folded together, "if it's upset you, it's not stupid."
"Exactly, please just tell us, you know we just want to help, that's all," Felix quickly pitched in, face crumpled sadly much like your own.
"There's just too much going on really. You know? Like, oh-" she had to cut herself off when her voice cracked with emotion again.
"You're ok, take your time," Jeongin gave a small smile and nod to reassure her.
"We're listening, baby," Changbin's raspy voice rung out.
"I've got a good job right? Like, it pays so well, but now with going back to uni it's just like I don't have time for anything. I-i'm having to squeeze in hours where I don't have them because my boss won't help me work around my timetable," she explained, the clashing of two parts of her life and time issues being what was clearly causing so much turmoil.
"I'm sorry, darling," Chan tugged her closer to him, a frown on his face.
"Don't be sorry, not your fault, is it? I'm just so tired, I'm exhausted," she admitted, pressing her lips together and taking a deep breath in order to not cry again.
"We'll help you figure this out, ok?" Hyunjin leant his head against her shoulder.
"Ok, ok," she let out a deep breath and nodded.
"I think you need to focus on uni, love. If work can't meet you in the middle then, it's hard," Seungmin trailed off, not wanting to fully leave her in the dark but not wanting to be too blunt.
"What do you think, jagi?" Jisung wondered, curled up against Minho, one leg hanging over the older's lap.
"I don't know. I don't even wanna make any decisions right now," she shook her head tiredly, blinking a couple times.
"That's understandable, baby, how about we just relax for now, ok?" Changbin suggested.
"And if anything else is upsetting you, please tell us," Chan huffed with a knowing smile.
"Ok, promise," she grinned.
She must have fallen asleep without realising, as she found herself waking up to Jeongin and Felix giggling over something on the latter's phone.
"What's going on?" she murmured tiredly, pressing her face deeper into... Jisung's chest, it took one whiff of his cologne to be able to tell it was him.
"Had a good sleep then, hmm?" Minho poked her forehead, slow blinking at her.
"Mm, yeah," she nodded, "Lixie, Innie, what's funny?"
The two froze, looking at her a bit guiltily.
"Well, umm, you know we have that camera in the hallway, just in case for security, like if someone broke in or-" Jeongin began to ramble awkwardly,
"I know, yeah," she nods, adjusting her head against Jisung's chest as he loosely keeps an arm around her, securing her to him.
"We're actually sorry for laughing, babe, it's just... You were crying over our shoes earlier?" Felix can't even keep eye contact as he explains.
Jisung stifles a laugh and so she slaps his chest playfully through her mild embarrassment, making him yell out dramatically.
"What's Sungie done now?" Hyunjin asks as he flops onto the sofa, entering the room again after leaving Chan, Seungmin and Changbin to managing the cooking.
"It's more about what our jagi did," Minho teases, looking at her with a smug grin.
"Guys, I was stressed, leave me aloneeee," she huffed, but it didn't stop the light laughter that filled the room knowing that she wasn't completely upset about it.
"Sorry, but..." Jeongin chuckles again, "the way you throw the shoes away from you is so funny!"
"What did our shoes do to you?!" Felix laughed again as he watched the video on replay.
"They smelt bad," she grinned happily, teasing them back as revenge, "specifically Ji's."
Jisung gave her a noogie, keeping her trapped in his arms. He couldn't let her discredit him like that.
"Sorry! Sorry! Hahaha!"
listeners: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @kpopmenace143 @haodore @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @his-angell @2minstan @skzoologist @lovingchan @atinyniki @writingforstraykids @minholing @lilmisssona @astraysimp @lixie-phoria @theo4eve @linoalwaysknows @royal-shinigami @jolly04 @turtledove824 @yangbbokari @thisrandomgoofy15 @lieslab @hannamoon143 @arumlilyeclipse
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captain-joongz · 8 months
fanfiction recommendations/my favourite reads in 2023
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♤ in pursuit of wedded bliss by @fantasyescapes17
regency au, each members has his own story, but they're interconnected
choi seungcheol
◇ push it down (sooner or later it all comes out) by @dontflailmenow
camboy!seungcheol, ex's best friend!seungcheol, enemies to lovers
♧ down bad (so so bad) by @lovelyhan
idol!seungcheol x pet sitter!reader
☆ always only you by @honeyhotteoks
brother's best friend!seungcheol, friends to lovers
♤ caught in a trap by @cheolism
brother's best friend to lovers au
kim mingyu
☆ a sheep in wolf's clothing by @rubyreduji
virgin!mingyu x experienced reader
♤ creep by @smileysuh
serial killer!ghost!mingyu, touch starved!mingyu, halloween fic
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◇ skz drabble by @leviackermanscleaningbuddy
a/b/o, cnc, primal play
♧ sharing = caring by @cbini
bf!chan sharing you
☆ camcorder by @tasteracha
bf!minho x reader x chan, a little pervy chan
♤ five for five by @bh-archive
chan x hyunjin x hongjoong x san x juyeon x reader
◇ some things are better left unknown by @roseykat
chan x felix x reader, threesome
lee minho
♧ dilf!minho by @cinhomi
dilf!minho x baby sitter!reader, breeding kink, pregnancy talk
bang chan
☆ bad idea by @hyunsvngs
step dad!chan, getting together, infidelity
hwang hyunjin
♤ dressing down by @jl-micasea-fics
best friends to lovers, mutual pining
lee felix
◇ best friend felix by @ddyskz
best friends to lovers, fluffy smut
♧ felix + thigh riding by @straykeedz
☆ cockwarming by @dreaming-medium
coworkers au, secretary!felix, office sex
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♤ shadows we trust by @remedyx
supernatural au, mystical creatures!bts, dark circus au
◇ masked miracles by @remedyx
hybrid!bts, detective!reader
♧ stay alive by @staytinyville
mythical creatures!bts, supernatural au
☆ trouvaille by @spookyserenades
hybrid!bts, witch!reader, supernatural au, some horror themes
♤ eternally theirs by @imnotlauriane
dragon!bts, soulmates au, knights au
◇ the lucky seven by @riphobisbraces
hybrid!bts, princess!human!reader
♤ emerald gem by @sweetlyskz
hybrid!bts, reader has a farm, strangers to lovers
♧ oh, little red by @jincherie
wolf!yoongi x reader x wolf!jimin, red riding hood au
min yoongi
☆ celestial ruin by @remedyx
fallen angel!yoongi x angel!reader, corruption arc
♤ fxck a fxckboy by @yoongifis
fuckboy!yoongi x smartass!reader
kim taehyung
◇ isn't that what brothers do? by @aris-ink
step brother!taehyung, forbidden romance, dub con
♧ black swan by @aris-ink
step dad!taehyung, manipulation, corruption, cheating
☆new flame by @gimmethatagustd
alpha!taehyung x omega!reader, heat sex
jeon jungkook
♤ family secrets by @aris-ink
step brother!jungkook, dry humping
◇ icarus by @aris-ink
step brother!jungkook, risky/sneaky sex
♧ close by @aft3rhrs
step brother!jungkook, forbidden romance
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choi soobin
☆ let's play a game by @anyamaris
soobin x reader x yeosang (ateez), friends to lovers, primal play
♤ closed doors by @last-words-ofashootingstar
soobin x reader x hongjoong, idol au, obsessed!soobin
◇ super shy! by @fairyofshampgyu
shy virgin baker!soobin x experienced reader
♧ i &lt;3 nerds by @enha-cafe
nerdy!soobin secretly a sex god au
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multiple members
☆ drippin' by @ncteez
'00 line x reader, friends to lovers, birthday orgy
♤ cookie jar by @neopuppy
step brothers!jeno and jaemin x reader, stuck in a dryer au
♧ sos by @neopuppy
a/b/o, sex pollen au, pollen induced heat/rut
lee jeno
☆ shameless by @neopuppy
step son!jeno x step mom!reader, infidelity, very dub con
♤ hand kink by @jaylaxies
roommates au, hand kink
lee mark
◇ i can help by @recklessmark
step dad!mark, corruption, manipulation, infidelity
ATEEZ rec list pt. 1 | pt. 2
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minminyoonjii · 2 months
Hiiiii. This is a request you don’t have to answer but I would like to know your thoughts on. I know you’ve done a few scenarios where ot8’s little gas a nightmare but what about the caregivers aka skz having a nightmare about their little ( ie like their little finding a better cg etc.) and how they would smother their little with affection and love and wouldn’t want to let them go after it.
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❤️Ultimate Masterlist
💜Rules and Guidelines
🧡Stray Kids Scenarios Masterlist
Wholesome Sleepy Boys|Hurt/Comfort|Domestic Settings|Fluffy|Soft Reassurance Fic|Crying|Panic Jolts|Tooth Rotting Sweet
💌 This is a work of fiction, I by all means don't force ship anyone. They have the right to love whomever they want.
🍄Wordcount: 1.4K
Bang Chan
Chan furrowed his eyebrows, tossing and turning in his sleep, "Don't take them," he mumbled, reaching out his hand. "Hah," Chan gasped, his eyes blown open but his mind was disoriented. He pushed himself out of his bed and stumbled his way towards your room. "Please be sleeping," he mumbled, hoping his dream was just a dream. Your soft snores instantly reassured him. Chan exhaled deeply, "Thank god," he whispered, walking towards your sleeping figure. You stirred awake, "Daddy?" you yawned, rubbing your eyes. "Shh, shh. Go back to sleep, little one. Daddy just needed to see you," he whispered, stroking your hair. You shifted aside, "Cuddle?" you asked, making grabby hands towards him. Chan chuckled, laying himself next to you as he pulled you close to his chest. The sound of your heartbeat against his body gave him a big relief. You figured out that something was wrong but it was too late in the night to think, "Daddy safe," you whispered, burrowing your face between his pecs. Chan chuckled, kissing your forehead, "Daddy's always safe when you're here, my sweet little one," he said, wrapping his legs around yours as you both drifted back to sleep.
Lee Minho
Minho groaned, clenching his hands into fists, "Get your hands off them," he grumbled in his sleep when Doongie swatted at his hand. "Ah?" he gasped, rubbing his eyes to see Doongie's dilated eyes. Minho chuckled, scratching under his neck, "You scared me, Doong Doong-ah. I almost decked you," he said, pampering kisses on Doongie's face. Minho pushed off his blanket and walked to your room, "Cupcake? Are you awake?" he whispered, moving closer to your bed. A subtle smile etched his lips at the sight of you snuggling Dori, "Can you come out?" he whispered, seeing Dori squirm. You shifted your position and eventually released Dori from your clutches. Minho chuckled and pulled you onto his lap. You stirred awake, "Hhgh," you whined, nuzzling closer into his chest. Minho buried his face into your hair, "Hah," he sighed, nosing your hair and face. You whined at his ministrations, glaring at him sleepily. Minho smirked, kissing your nose, "Go back to sleep, cupcake. Mama just needed you close," he whispered, rocking your body softly.
Seo Changbin
"Agi, please come back," he whimpered, dread filling his sleeping mind. Changbin jolted awake, his heart pounding in his chest. "Where's my agi? Uri agi," he slurred, wobbling to your room. Changbin swung open your door, flinching you awake. Your lips wobbled, hating the feeling of distortion. Changbin swooped you into his arm, "My agi," whispered, sniffling into your hair. Tears pooled up in your eyes, overwhelmed from being forced awake, "Baba," you hiccuped, gripping his tank top. Changbin bounced you in his arms, "Shh, shh, shh. Baba's here, agi. He's never letting you go even if you try," he whispered, pressing his forehead against yours. You sighed in relief, melting yourself within his arms. Changbin sniffled a weak smile, "Just the thought of losing you agi broke me to tears, he whimpered, pampering wet kisses all over your face. He exhaled a shaky sigh, "I'm never letting you out of my sight," he said, swaying with you cosy in his arms.
Hwang Hyunjin
"My head," Hyunjin groaned, sitting up with his eye mask. A brief moment of his nightmare flashed within his mind. "Love!" he exclaimed, ripping off his eye mask and sprinting towards your room. "Lovely?" he whispered, hearing your soft subtle snores. Your face was burrowed into Jiniret. The sight itself made his heart swell. "You're here," he whispered, sitting on the edge of your bed. Hyunjin ran his hand up your calves, "Pretty love. So so precious to me," he whispered, kissing the top of your palm. You whined in your sleep, jutting your lips into a sulky pout. Hyunjin chuckled, lying next to you. He gently took Jiniret from your hold and gently set him aside, "You don't need him for now. Papa's here," he whispered, pulling you closer to his chest. You snuggled against his warmth, a soft smile etched on your lips. Hyunjin leaned forward and kissed your forehead, "No nightmare will ever come between us, love," he whispered, drifting off to sleep.
Han Jisung
"Sweetheart, please. I can do better I promise," he begged, tears streaming down his cheeks as he tossed and turned from his nightmare. A broken sob escaped his lips as he flinched awake, "Sweetheart," he sobbed, getting up from his bed and towards your crib in his room. You blinked at him, sleep coating your eyelids. Jisung carried you up and cradled your body close, "You're okay, sweetheart. Appa just had a bad dream," he whispered after hearing your distressed whimper. Jisung carried you back to his bed, "You're sleeping with Appa tonight," he whispered, placing pillows on your side of the bed just in case you accidentally rolled off. You suckled your pacifier and stared up at him. Jisung cooed, patting your tummy, "Appa woke you up, huh? Look at your pretty eyes," he whispered, stroking your cheek. You nuzzled his palm, a yawn muffled around your pacifier. "You're right, sweetheart. We should go back to sleep," he whispered, shifting you on him. You laid your cheek on his chest, sleep coaxing you deeper and deeper. Jisung kissed your hair, "Sweet dreams," he whispered, sleeping right after.
Lee Felix
"No, no, no," Felix grunted, his hair matted with sweat. He jolted upright, "Hah, hah," he gasped, tossing off his comforter. He looked around, "My sunshine. I need my sunshine," he whimpered, standing up with wobbling knees. Felix sniffled, using the walls as support as he made his way to your room. "Sunshine," he whispered, seeing you sleeping peacefully. You lifted your head, eyes shut closed. Felix chuckled wetly, "It's just me, sunshine. Mommy's here," he whispered, sitting by your face. You nuzzled against his waist, relaxed after knowing who came in. Felix smiled, kissing your ear, "Sunshine, can I ask you something?" he asked, gently rubbing your ear. You nodded, sleep still coating your mind. Felix exhaled shaking, "Am I a good Mommy to you, sunshine? Have I ever made you sad?" he gulped, remembering the words you said in his dream before you left. You shook your head and wiggled yourself onto his lap, "No. You're the best Mommy. My only Mommy," you whispered, placing his hand on your head. Felix smiled, soft tears dripping down his cheeks, "Thank you, sunshine. I love you so so much," he sniffled, stroking your cheeks. You wrapped your arms around his waist, "Love love, Mommy more," you giggled, nuzzling his torso.
Kim Seungmin
"You're mine, munchkin. You think you can just leave?" he grumbled, clenching his jaw in his sleep. Seungmin's eyes blew open, hurt and anger simmered within his chest. "Munchkin," he whispered, getting off his bed and making a beeline towards your room. Seungmin opened your door, and your soft snores sent an odd conflict within his chest. "It's just a dream. They're still here. It's just a damn dream," he grunted, trying not to project his anger towards you. "Dada, don't go," you sniffled in your sleep, tears slowly drenched your pillow. Seungmin felt his heart clench, "Oh, oh no. Dada's here, munchkin," he whispered, brushing your hair back. You melted into his touch, his presence itself made you feel safe. Seungmin smiled, "Little munchkin thought about me too," he cooed, wiping your tears. He chuckled softly and lay next to you, "You can't live without me as much as I can't live without you," he whispered, cuddling you close.
Yang Jeongin
"I'm sorry, angel. I didn't mean to wash Foxi.ny," he mumbled, rubbing his eyes as he stirred awake. The guilt clenched his heart. "I have to see my little," he slurred, getting up from his bed. Jeongin stumbled his way into the hallway. "My poor angel. I shouldn't have washed Foxi.ny," he mumbled, not realizing it was just a very vivid dream. He opened your door and beelined towards your bed. Jeongin cupped your face and sniffled, "Ninnin's sorry, angel," he whimpered, waking you up. "Huh?" you whispered, squinting at him. "I'm sorry for washing Foxi.ny," Jeongin repeated, the sleepy guilt overwhelming his brain. You nuzzled his palm, "Foxi.ny is right here," you said, holding the familiar skzoo. Jeongin tilted his head, "Oh," he whispered, wiping the snot dripping down his nose. You giggled, and wiped his nose with a tissue, "Ninnin, huggies?" you asked, wanting to go back to sleep. Jeongin blinked, "Okay, angel. Yeah. Huggies," he whispered, pulling you onto his chest. You burrowed into his hold, "Night night, Ninnin," you yawned, snuggling close. Jeongin yawned back, "Good night, little angel," he whispered, drifting off.
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linlinaert · 9 months
The last soulmate : chapter 2
Yandere! ot8! Skz x soft! fem! reader
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Minho's POV:
We took off into different areas, aiming to find our last piece, and as I went into the direction I aimed for, I felt as if a piece of me is drifting little by little, that led me to know that they are not here, I tried so hard to hold myself from sprinting in another direction to look for them. I interacted a little with the fans then went to hannie. A bit later Chan hyung came looking on edge, it doesn't appear too much on his face but I can pinpoint it when his angry or stressed or any other emotion, cause that's what we're here for after all.
He came to where I was standing and laughed with the fans a little bit, he then came closer to me and whispered in my ear.
"I've found her, min." Chan whispered which made my eyes widen for a fraction of a second then quickly composed myself, remembering that I'm still Infront of fans, then I looked at him.
"Her? She? A girl?" I asked cautiously as if someone will hear us and understand, it was shocking to me to hear that our last piece was a girl, cause we just predicted that since the eight of us are males, the last one would also be a he, but i guess fate has other plans, and I was getting exited.
"Yes, min." Chan-hyung said, he smiled at me, "she's over there, go and see her and I'll tell the rest, and she doesn't know that we're soulmates, she didn't understand the pull, oh, and I'm warning you, she's too beautiful you might get blind" he added, then I raised my eyebrows at him, he's already smitten, even though he didn't even get to talk to her yet. I nodded then took off into the direction he came from, as he went to hannie and the rest.
I stopped and waved to the fans, I felt it, she was here, I looked around and saw it, the most enchanting (e/c) orbs I've ever seen, there she was, our last piece, she looked at me with a cute little frown on her pretty face, oh god does she look so innocent and pure, she looks like the type to get hurt from even the wind, how did she survive in this cruel world without us, i can't believe she lived all those years without our protection and care, I can't imagine how many hopeless guys tried to court her, I felt a vein pop in my head, she's always been ours, even if we weren't there with her, no one has the right to be near her, then I saw a hand wrapped tightly around her shoulders, my eyes widened, i looked to her side only to see a guy in his twenties glaring at me with his hand around MY soulmate, MY GIRL, how dare he, the audacity he has to glare at me while touching our girl, i glared at him back, then a hand on my shoulder brought me back to reality, I turned to see changbin and Felix, who looked at me with a look that says "don't forget that we're in a concert", so I turned back then posed with them for the fans, as they looked at her, they had the same reaction as me, who can blame them, no one expected our last soulmate to be a beautiful lady, i helped them to stay in touch with reality and not get too carried away, and one by one we all had seen her, and we all had one thought in our mind, what the hell is that guy to her?
Y/N pov :
As the concert went on I was certain that all eight of them had eye contact with you, I can't help but think that they are coming in this direction way too much, but maybe I'm only overthinking, but whenever they came this way, my heart feels like a ball of emotions, I feel so happy, and whenever they made eye contact with me, I felt like blushing and hiding somewhere.
Through out the concert, I felt jack's hand wrapping tightly around me, I looked at him, I didn't know why he was acting like this, but maybe it was because of the stares I was getting from the boys, he brought my head to lay on his shoulder or chest more than once, not that i complain, it was comfy.
After the concert ended,we headed home, we ordered dinner and ate, and the next morning, we went to the fanmeeting, jack was tagging along with us, me and Lucia were discussing yesterday's performance, with jack laying his head on my shoulder, and playing with my fingers.
The fanmeeting started and we were going down the line to get to the boys, my turn came and I sat Infront of the first one that I had learnt his name was Han Jisung, he was looking down at first, and then when he looked up and looked me straight in the eyes, I felt as if my whole body was on flames, beautiful flames, electric shocks went down my body, i couldn't take my eyes off of his, they looked like they hold the whole universe and more, Jisung was like me, but he looked like he knew what was happening, he then smiled softly.
"Hi there, pretty." He said softly, getting me out of my daze, I blushed hard making him chuckle, and I looked down.
"Hi" I whispered, as he took the album from my hand to sign it.
"And what is this beauty called?" He asked looking at me smugly, and I blushed, it's so hard not to when a handsome man is flirting with you like that.
"Y/N" I said, then he quickly signed it writing a bit more on the page then proceeding to close it and put it aside, while I was playing with my fingers, he then looked at me and took my hand in his, this sent a jolt of electric shocks through me, I looked at him shocked, and he only smiled.
"So Y/N do you have a boyfriend?"
Jisung's POV :
"Bye~~~" I said to one of the fans as she moved to hyunjin beside me, I looked down at my bracelet playing with it a little until I felt someone sitting Infront of me, I looked up only to freeze, it was her, our last piece, our girl, she really came, we were going to go look for her after the fanmeeting, but she's here now, I felt my body burning up in flames as her beautiful orbs stared into mine, she's more beautiful up closer, I smiled softly at her.
"Hi there, pretty." I said with a soft tone, unlike the hyper tones I use most of the time, something in me is telling me she's a big sensitive softie, she blushed, oh my gosh, she's so cute, I couldn't help but chuckle at her cuteness, I'm barely containing myself from getting overhyped as to not scare her away, my leg is bouncing under the table from my excitement, then I heard a small voice, and i realised it's hers, and oh my god isn't it so sweet.
"Hi" she said barely as a whisper and I literally felt myself melting, I gently took the album from her hands, I opened it to sign then I realised that I still don't know her name, so I looked at her and asked her for her name flirtatiously.
"And what is this beauty called?" I looked at her waiting eagerly to know the name of my last soulmate, I saw her blush and say "Y/N" I didn't waste time and signed the album for her, our Y/N, even her name is beautiful, I felt someone glaring daggers at me so I subtly glanced at my right side only to find that it's the same guy from yesterday, the one who dared to put his hands on our girl, I returned the glare without anyone but him noticing then I wrote my number on her album with a "your handsome soulmate" on the side then I closed it and looked up at her again, she was playing with her fingers on the table, not looking at me, ah i think I'm gonna die from her cuteness, I took her little hand gently in mine, and I instantly felt as if I was in heaven, she looked at me shocked so I smiled at her, then I felt the glares again so I asked her, hoping that I get a negative answer.
"So Y/N do you have a boyfriend?" I said knowing that her being alone for too long, could make her think that she's alone and she could get a boyfriend, and the thought alone makes me rage, but who can blame her, the blame is on us for not finding her earlier and on the said boyfriend, if there's any, to think that he can take somebody else's soulmate.
I felt hyunjin's leg hitting me underneath the table, but I didn't care, not when that damn motherfu-ker has the audacity to touch my girl and challenge me in public, I heard her pretty voice denying that she has any.
"N-no, I don't, why are you asking?" She said softly, her eyebrows frowning in confusion, then I smiled, thinking of how to break it to her.
"I wouldn't want my sweet soulmate to have a boyfriend now would I ?, and neither would want the rest of us" I said winking, and I saw her stop functioning for a second, then she blinks and looked at me with a shocked face
"What---" she said but she was cut off by the manager as he said that the time was up, and ushered her to hyunjin a bit harshly making both me and hyunjin glare at him, but before I opened my mouth to knock some sense into his head, another fan sat Infront of me, so I forced a smile on my face and made a note to talk to him later.
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Author's note : hi there everyone!!! It's a little chapter showing our dear minsung's thoughts 🤭🤭, I feel like it's a bit plain but I really hope you will like it and love you all 💕
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ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕡𝕒𝕔𝕜🧸
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Summary (Short series):
The story follows an omega, enslaved and owned by JYP, who encounters Felix, a kind-hearted member of the SKZ pack. Felix feels sympathy for her and decides to bring her back to his pack, only to discover she is the last remaining soulmate. While Minho shows a protective side toward her, Hyunjin and Seungmin are openly hostile, leading to tension within the pack. As the omega grows closer to Han and distanced from Felix due to the negativity, Felix becomes affected by the situation.
The plot thickens with Felix’s impending heat and a studio lock-in with Chan. After winning an award, Hyunjin’s rejection of the omega drives her to isolate herself, exacerbating her discomfort. A vacation to the cabins sees new threats as wolves attempt to kidnap Felix, the omega, and Han. The situation leads to intense heat cycles, and the pack dynamics become even more strained. I.N struggles with his feelings towards the omega, bound by pack rules that only Bangchan can mark her first.
Despite challenges, including social media backlash against Felix and overwhelming experiences in public, the omega finds solace in gardening and caring for animals. The story resolves with pack members addressing their conflicts, accepting one another, and finding a balance in their complex relationships.
𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕘𝕦𝕚𝕕𝕖🧸
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕠𝕟𝕖: Love at first site
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕨𝕠: Why is she here?
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖: Rules of the pack
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕗𝕠𝕦𝕣: "who used my kitchen?"
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕗𝕚𝕧𝕖: Soft pillows
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕚𝕩: short skirts and pretty omegas
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟: Sleeping beauty
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woncon · 2 months
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➳ like a rainbow
➶ stray kids ot8 x gn!reader 。˚ °
-ˏ` ✎﹏ sometimes it just hurts and you need to cry it out. but don't worry, your boyfriends are here to help you through it.
➴ genre: angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort, fluff in the end
: ̗̀➛ warnings: crying, emotional pain
⌨ :: 1.2K words ♡ ︵ . .
⁀➷ i had a sobbing afternoon the other day. i wrote this as a therapy session, and now I'm dedicating this to all the dear Stays who need it! <3
⁀➷ thanks to @wonsheep for helping me fix my grammar mistakes and for giving me advice how to convert a whole story into another language precisely °♡̷•.
➳ stray kids masterlist | main masterlist
You retire to the bedroom. You don't even bother to close the door. You just throw yourself on the bed, and the tears are already flowing. You curl up in a ball and let your heartache take its course.
Today seems to be one of those days.
A day for crying.
You're too weak to get up. You're too tired to think. You’re just hurting and you let it hurt. Maybe if you use up all your tears, it'll be easier.
You embrace your body. Your shoulder shakes. Your whole being gives way to desperate cries. You close your eyes because you see nothing but your own tears, endless. Your heart is pounding loud, crumpled in its cave.
You don't even hear when someone enters the room.
Chan calls you by name, softly and quietly, but as soon as he realizes you aren't sleeping, but instead hiccupping from sobs, he is not subtle, he repeats your name in terror and comes to your side.
"What happened? Who hurt you?" He grabs your face. "My baby? Baby, talk to me. What hurts?"
You cuddle up to him, bury your head in his chest and shake it. You can't talk about this now. You have no words now, only tears, but you cling to Chan's body to let him know that even if you can't articulate it, you need him here. So you don't dig your fingers into the fabric of your sweater, but hold Chan close to you.
Meanwhile Chan is stroking your back, rocking you slowly, trying to soothe you with his kind words, you are still crying bitterly, your own chest unable to suppress the grief that is welling up inside you.
Soon Felix sticks his head into the room. His incomprehension quickly gives way to worry. His eyes widen, his mouth clenches helplessly, and every bitter sound you make creates another crack in his heart. He wants to climb on the bed, cuddle up to you, touch you reassuringly, hoping that his touch, his presence, will go some way to soothe your suffering.
But before he can do that, Chan whispers something to him. Felix doesn't understand at first. He shakes his head.
"Blanket. Hot chocolate. Music. Netflix. Dori," repeats Chan.
Felix nods vigorously, and heads out of the room to hand out tasks to the others. Everyone is committed when they find out how bad of an emotional state you are in. They are eager to do something to cheer you up, if only a little.
Seungmin looks for your favorite blanket. Felix makes the hot chocolate while Hyunjin roasts marshmallows. Jisung and Jeongin take care of the music, one brings the speakers from Chan's studio, the other your favorite playlist. Changbin's forearm disappears into the sofa as he searches for the remote control. Minho lures Dori into his lap to bring him to you.
When their duties are done, they all go to the bedroom and shower you with their kindness. You crawl out the cover of Chan's chest and sit up. You are so struck by all these hopeful faces and loving little things that for a moment you completely forget the pain you have felt, and the mere purpose of your existence is the vibrant gratitude you feel for them. A visceral gratitude for their kindness and love.
"See, little one?" Chan says with a half smile as your boyfriends flood the bed. "You are not alone. You are never alone. If you need it, you can cry on everyone's shoulder because we're here to take care of you."
Chan pulls out a tissue from his trousers and hands it over. You blow your nose. Seungmin spreads the blanket on your legs. Jisung turns on the speaker, then puts it on the nightstand. Jeongin starts the music, and the bedroom fills with rippling melodies instead of your inconsolable crying noises.
"Here." You get the hot chocolate in your hand from Felix. 
As you sip the sweet drink and eat the marshmallows, you feel warm inside. Your tears slowly dry up. 
You feel safe in the ring of your boyfriends on your huge bed as they quietly watch and listen to your wishes and reactions. They do their best to make you feel better, and their efforts alone make you feel better. By being here, being with you, and wanting to help, you know that no matter how much it hurts, they will try so hard to make you not suffer. They will listen or silently embrace you, whatever you need, they will want to give it to you, but they won't let you wallow alone, helpless.
Felix clears the empty mug up with a broad smile. As soon as your hand is empty, Minho immediately puts Dori in your lap. The cat instantly curls up on your blanket-clad thigh, settling into regal comfort.
At times, Dori specifically likes to be around those who aren't exactly in a good mood. He makes it almost a mission to cheer them up. Even now, as you run your fingers through his fur and he purrs contentedly, it's enough to bring a small smile to your tear-streaked face.
"You're like a rainbow now," whispers Hyunjin. You look at him. His eyes are bright with wonder, lips slightly parted. "Your tears fall, but your smile shines. Your face is a rainbow."
Embarrassed, you wipe away the remaining tears with the sleeve of your sweater before they dry completely on your face.
"Thank you," you say. "For taking care of me."
"Of course, beauty. We love you," replies Changbin, handing over the remote. You hold it with the hand you're not using to stroke Dori's soft fur. "We love you so much, you can choose the movie. If you want."
"But we can do other things if you feel like it," Felix adds, caressing your hand. "Anything that makes you happy."
"It's nice like this. Can we stay a little longer here?"
Everyone nods.
You scratch the base of Dori's ear.
"Thank you, really," you whisper emotionally.
"No need to thank us." Much to your surprise, Minho is lying down on your other side, resting his head on your shoulder and sliding up. You put the remote next to Dori and stroke Minho's hair with your free hand, and it seems as if he purrs too. You enjoy that this time you don't have to fight with his tsundere self to get him to cuddle up to you. 
Then your hand is snatched out by Hyunjin, who settles down behind Minho. He plays with it, drawing little hearts on your palm.
“Grandpa, space please!" Seungmin pushes Chan aside so that he can lie at your side. Chan snorts, Minho giggles and you smile.
"My seat's taken," Jisung snorts sadly, nudging Dori, who's sprawled on your stomach.
"You have other seats, Sung," Seungmin mutters, who no longer has such a problem because he's found his place next to you.
“Right!" Jisung gets excited. In the next moment, he leaps at Minho, who moans angrily for a second, but lets Jisung sprawl out and nestle on top of him.
Chan, Jeongin, Changbin and Felix form the other pile. 
You wish you had eight arms like an octopus to touch them all and pull them to you. And then Jeongin smiles sweetly at you, Changbin looks at you lovingly, and you understand that you don't need eight arms, because they are all in your heart, as you are in theirs, be at arm's length, cities or continents apart.
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bandgie · 8 months
Who Dun It?
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
warnings! MDNI18+, fingering!!, (rough/soft) clitplay!!!, poly!skz, 4/8skz, hyung-line, slight mindbreak/subspace, super slight PIV
synopsis: After vowing to find the stranger who was tragically ripped away from you that unfortunate night, your simple plan turns messy when eight men claim to be the one you're looking for. Seven are surely lying, but what's the harm in indulging in all of them?
2.9k words
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The cushions of the couch mold the shape of your body as you sit upon it. You find yourself picking at the loose strings anxiously, staring at the eight men who argue amongst themselves.
"He's lying!" It's Hyunjin who's shouting, a finger pointing at his younger frat brother. "He wasn't even there that night! He told me he had an essay due and couldn't come!"
Seungmin, as stoic as ever, rolls his eyes. "I finished early. I said that, like, 10 times. Are you stupid or something?"
It looks like Hyunjin might burst a vein from his neck, but Chan, the president of the frat, places a hand on Hyunjin's slender shoulder. "I don't think yelling will get us anywhere. Seungmin was there; He was fashionable late." He flashes a dimpled smile at you. "But you don't need to worry about who was there and who wasn't, baby, it was me."
Minho scoffs, "As if last I recall, you were too busy getting plastered to remember how to even finger someone."
You shift in your seat, drawing the attention of Felix who glances at you. He eyes you for a moment before wearing a look of sympathy on his face. "You don't have to stay here if you don't want to," his deep voice rings in your ear throughout the commotion. "I know the boys can be a little much," Felix gives a friendly smile. "We can always pick up where we left off next time." He finishes with a wink.
There's hardly any time to respond when Changbin loudly shouts, "Yah! Yongbok is cheating! He's putting fake memories in her head!"
Felix quickly puts his hands up in defense, "I was just saying she can leave if she feels uncomfortable. You guys aren't even letting her talk." Upon hearing his words, all the men quiet their bickering and finally give attention to you. All of a sudden, you rather liked it when they didn't have their focus on you.
"Are you? Uncomfortable I mean," Jisung frowns.
You shake your head, "No! No, I'm just nervous, I guess. I didn't think you guys would get so worked up over this. I thought one person would say it was them. Not...all of you."
This makes Chan laugh, crossing his arms over his broad chest. "Yeah, well, you got more than you bargained for." A few of the men chuckle. "What do you think we should do then?"
"Me?" You point at yourself. 
It's Jisung that speaks, "Duuhh, you. You're the one who came here asking for your fingering prince. It's only fair you make the rules."
You can feel your face heat up at Jisung's joke, but he's right. The eight of them can argue all they want, but it's you who has the reins. One by one, you scan them. There are only vague memories from that night, and you can hardly tell who it might be just by looking at them. 
And it's then that an idea pops into your head. 
"I don't think I can make a decision just by looking at you guys," you admit. "I think it's better to replicate what happened."
"Replicate?" Jeongin raises an eyebrow and looks amongst his older frat brothers. "What do you mean?"
A sly smile makes its way on your already blushing face, "I think you know what I mean."
It makes sense to go from oldest to youngest. 
Chan did the honors of getting you nude waist-down despite Jisung's complaining. You spread your legs, placing your heels on the edge of the cushions with your back flushed against the couch. It's intimidating to see their eyes on you, traveling to your exposed cunt to your embarrassed expression. 
"You don't have to be shy baby," Chan smoothes his hand over your thigh. "Got such a pretty pussy. You should show it off all the time."
He laughs at your whine, finding his place beside you as he looks down at your nakedness. Chan hums, fingers traveling lower before going towards your knee again. You appreciate how he works you up. How he takes his time to make sure your hips try to maneuver for his hand to brush against your folds. 
Chan is experienced, that's for sure. Even if you can already tell he's not the one from that night, you don't dare tell him. It feels too good to stop what he's started.
"What do you think baby, hm?" He looks at you. "Is this enough to admit it was me? Or do you need a little more?"
You nod, "I think I need a little more." Spreading your legs as further instruction, you gasp when Chan finally makes contact with your heat. He smiles at your slack jaw, opting to kiss your neck and rub soft circles on your clit.
"Feels good, huh?" He mumbles in your ear. "Just tell them it was me, baby. We both know how badly you want to finish." 
It's true, you do want to finish. It's why your hips have picked themselves up from the couch and started rutting against his hand. Chan lets your wet folds run over the ridges of his fingers, pressing down more forcefully to add pressure. 
"Hey, you can't cum that quick!" Changbin protests against your arrival. "Just hurry up and say if it was him or not!"
You keep quiet, save for the breathy moans and hard breathing. If you do tell the truth, Chan will stop on the brink of your orgasm. But if you lie, everything will come to a stop.
"It's...it's," you shamelessly try to hump his hand, but the impatient look on the seven other guys makes you confess. "It's not."
There's a part of you that thinks Chan might keep going and just let you finish, but he pulls his hand away from you instead. His body completely withdraws from your own as he tuts, shaking his head. "Should've just lied. I would've let you cum as many times as you wanted."
You watch as he puts his soiled fingers in your mouth to suck on, earning a moan from your lips. 
Minho takes a different approach, opting to kneel before your spread legs and place his soft hands on the inner of your thighs. His sly eyes look up to your aroused ones as he smiles, "I'll be honest, it wasn't me. But you'll let me play with your pussy anyway, right?"
"No, she won't!" Hyunjin pouts, "You're wasting time! Shoo!"
While Hyunjin's long limbs flail in protest, you keep your attention on Minho. His tongue swipes over his bottom lip, waiting for your response. Minho's warm breath sends chills when it comes into contact with your skin, and you find yourself nodding as you grip the undersides of your thighs.
He giggles, "Good girl."
You expect to feel his hot mouth, but you're surprised when he moves his hand to quickly rub against your clit. The sound of your wet folds reverberates throughout the apartment. Your clit is far too sensitive to be played so roughly with, but the sensation brings you back to the edge once more. 
Minho watches as your back arches off the couch, how you've thrown your head completely back in pure ecstasy. He leans down to peck the top of your pelvis, a contrast to his relentless rhythm. 
"I'm gonna cum," you whine. "Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum."
Minho smiles, "All over my fingers huh? Little pussy can't handle all this, can she?" He slows his past momentarily to move his other hand towards your entrance, dripping a finger into your pulsing walls. The combination of the rubbing and thrusting has you trembling, hips bucking wildly until Chan has to hold the top of your shoulders from behind to keep you still.
"Stay still baby, you're moving so much." 
"So good," you look up at Chan. "Can't stop."
Chan watches as your face contorts into pleasure. Blinding heat fills your stomach and floods your pussy. You distantly hear Minho and a few of the other guys gasp when you cum. Arousal drips down Minho's wrist, pouring out from where his finger is inside. 
Finally, you pick your head up to look at the mess, surprised to see Changbin striding to where Minho sits. 
"Move move move! It's Binnie's turn!"
You whine when Minho removes his finger, but judging from the look on his face, he isn't too happy about it either. "Impatient ass," he sneers at Changbin, standing up. "I just started."
Changbin doesn't respond, too preoccupied with finding his place between your legs and tapping his cock on your swollen lips. 
You gasp, looking down to see the heaviness between his legs, standing unashamed and proud. 
"Gross dude!" Jeongin scrunches his nose in disgust. "Pull your pants up. I can see your ass hanging out."
Hyunjin and Seungmin laugh, but Changbin pays no mind. You've been told he has a hard time concentrating on more than one thing at once, but you didn't think he would zone in on you so quickly.
"Let me put it in," Changbin begs, rubbing the head of his cock up and down your slit. "It'll just be the tip, I promise."
You're just about to agree before you remember why you're here. How would you know if Changbin is the one if he doesn't use his fingers? You bite your lower lip, looking between his short fingers to his chubby cock. 
"Binnie..." you pout at him. "Those aren't the rules."
He whines, humping his hips quicker as if it could change your mind. "Pleeease! Just one time, let me put it in one time and-"
"Bin," Chan's authoritative voice comes from above you. You feel him tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, reassuring. "Gotta listen to the boss here man."
Changbin looks dejected as his lower lips jut out, but he withdraws his throbbing erection obediently. His solemn expression fills you with pity and you wrap your legs around his waist to keep him from leaving. 
"Let's make a little deal, yeah? Tell me the truth if it was you at the party, and I'll let you put the tip in. Okay?"
His eyes lit up a little too quickly, and you repeat yourself. "Just the tip, okay? Only the tip."
"He's not gonna listen," Seungmin shakes his head. "He only thinks with the head between his legs."
The jab has Changbin frowning again, but you tighten your grip around his waist for encouragement. "No, Binnie's a good boy. You'll listen to me, won't you?" Changbin nods, still looking somewhat sulky as he repeats, "Binnie's a good boy." This has you smiling, settling further into the comfortable couch. "I know. So tell me, Binnie, was it you?"
"Fucking liar," Seungmin swears. "He's full of bullshit."
"Yeah, he's lying!" Hyunjin joins in. "It was me!"
Seungmin moves his cold stare to the taller man, "Why are you so persistent? It was not you." Hyunjin looks like he's about to argue again, but Jisung beats him to it, "Fuck you guys both! It's me!"
You have to tune out their arguing, looking at Changbin who behaves suspiciously. He has a ghost of a smirk on his lips, his eyes can't maintain eye contact longer than two seconds. The cherry on top is his blushing face, red with guilt.
"Binnieee," you drawl. "Are you lying to me?"
With eyebrows raised, you watch as his small smile falls. His lips pucker into something like a scowl, but he looks hopeful. Stupidly hopeful. Changbin shrugs and finally meets your eyes, "Maybe, but that doesn't matter!" 
You frown, "You lied to me- oh-" Changbin cuts you off by dipping the fat head of his cock into your entrance. It's so warm, so thick that your cunt wraps around it snugly almost immediately. He rolls his hips to thrust shallowly, feeling your walls try to suck him in deeper. 
"That's...That's cheating," you manage to say. 
Changbin smiles, pulling his head out to slap it on your clit. "It feels good though." 
He places his hand on the base of his cock to aim at your pussy, this time with no scolding from you. Before his tip has the chance to sink back into your heat, Hyunjin yanks him by the shoulder. 
"Ya! What are you-"
"You broke the rules," Hyunjin reminds him. "You don't get a turn."
"But she-"
Minho looks rather pleased as he drags the sulky Changbin away from you, mostly likely happy he got his revenge. Though you wave Changbin a pitiful goodbye, your body begins to vibrate with excitement at the arrival of Hyunjin. As beautiful as all the men are, Hyunjin seems to match the brief descriptions you have of your mystery man that night. Long fingers, long hair, and a height that seems to fit. 
Hyunjin takes his place next to you, smiling innocently to where you can see his dumpling cheeks and crescent eyes. "How are you doing, beautiful?"
The attention makes you blush, shyly hiding behind your hair as you answer, "I-I'm fine. I...I really wanna cum."
"Again?" He laughs, "You're barely halfway there, you know?" Despite Hyunjin's teasing, his hand travels down your inner thigh to your soaked folds. You gasp at the contact, looking down at his slender fingers rubbing you in circles. 
"Mmm, that feels good," you sigh.
Though you aren't looking, Hyunjin beams at the compliment. "Good huh? How about familiar? Does it feel like that too?"
To that, you aren't too sure. Hyunjin is gentle, reassuring, and caring. Even as his digits travel lower to plunge into your cunt, it's still different from the night before. The mystery man was rougher, demanding. Telling you to spread your legs rather than the gentle voice Hyunjin uses. 
"Just like that, pretty," Hyunjin whispers in your ear. "Such a good angel for me." Two of his fingers easily slide in and out of you, making you clench and writhe on the couch. His other hand palms his erection at the sight of you and the sound of your moans. 
You can feel the men staring at the two of you. Changbin and Jisung have their cock out, stroking at the same face that Hyunjin finger fucks you. Felix seems eager to shove a hand down his pants, but his concentration is glued to your exposed cunt. Minho is whispering something to Jeongin who also can't take his eyes off you, nodding mindlessly to whatever his hung tells him. Chan's heavy hand pats the top of your head, comforting and somewhat wholesome. 
"So," Seungmin crosses his arms against his chest, ignoring the raging boner in his pants. "Hurry up and say it's not him."
This makes you shake your head, content with finishing your second orgasm on Hyunjin's hand. His palm slaps against your cunt, briefly coming into contact with your clit. It's so good, so good that you might lie and say it was Hyunjin that night. 
"Don't stop," you whine, pleading with Hyunjin. 
He leans down and places a chaste kiss on your lips. His lips are plump, full, and wet with salvia. Your mouth chases his when he pulls away, earning a chuckle from him. "Wasn't planning on it."
Hyunjin slows his pace to add another finger, stretching you with three digits before he's pumping again. You squeal at the speed, hands grasping onto the cushions to ground yourself. Your entire body feels hot, overstimulated to the point of fainting. Your heels dig into the couch as your high builds throughout your body. 
To make your climax powerful, Chan reaches down and flicks your clit rapidly. A mixture of a scream and a moan tear through your chest and you bury your face in Hyunjin's neck to conceal your embarrassing sounds.
"She's gonna cum again," Felix notes, eyes wide. 
The men watch as your body begins to convulse once again, arousal dripping further onto the couch and some to the floor. 
"Whatever," Minho snorts. "I made her cum first."
"Yeah, with my help," Chan looks up to narrow his eyes accusingly. 
It's in the midst of their banter that you cum, shaking and filled with burning pleasure. Hyunjin's fingers hardly slow their pace, but Chan hears your muffled cries and slows his rubbing. Your drool begins to seep onto Hyunjin's expensive shirt, but he pays no mind to it. He's too caught up in the way your sensitive body jolts and quivers with every thrust. 
He only stops when he feels warm tears soak his shirt. His fingers slip out of your cunt, taking a few strings of arousal with it. He cradles your face in his hands, looking worried. 
"Oh, my sweet angel," he coos. "Was that too much for you?" 
You're still vibrating with pleasure, jumping when Chan tenderly grips your neck.
"G-good," you manage to choke out. "S-so good. More, more. Wanna keep cumming."
The anxious expression on Hyunjin's face fades, and you hear a few of the men chuckle at your admission. 
"You can cum many times as you want, baby," Chan confirms. "But we need to know, was it him?"
For a moment, you're confused. Was what who? Who was what? Your brain flicks with thinking before the light bulb goes off.
"It wasn't him, was it?" Jeongin hopes, eyes shining with hope and arousal.
Your mind is half-broken, barely managing to say, "Not...not him." Hyunjin groans in frustration, throwing his head back dramatically. "Fuck! I so thought she was gonna say it was me. Didn't think her brain would still work after all that!"
Hyunjin stands up, defeated. The space next to you feels cold and empty, but Chan's warm touch keeps you feeling floaty and safe. You reach up to grasp onto his form, mewling and pawing at any physical contact you can get. 
"Shhh, everything's okay baby. We're right here," Chan leans down to whisper in your ear. "You're halfway there."
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a/n: holy shit this is taking me soooooooo long so I decided to break it into parts lmao I apologize. *slightly* proof-read ill be honest. tell me how you like it! taglist: @hyunjinhoexxx, @sharonxdevi, @thexemyy, @linocvp1d, @nahimgoodmom, @oddracha, @ihrtlix, @soobin-is-squishy, @kwanisms-replies, @scrumptiousbasketballranchalien, @got-me-seein-stars, @mkbum(also if you guys want to keep up with fics just tell me you wanna be tagged in the comments or something)
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felixsramen · 10 months
A little sneakpeek of the poly skz oneshot I'm still working on and hope to have out sometime this week.
"Kissing my girlfriend?" Jisung bites his lip at Chans words looking down. Chan picks up Jisungs chin to look at him. Chan smirks when Jisung eyes meet his.
"Pretty boy. You could've just asked and I would've let you." Jisung eyes wide in surprise. "Where's the guy who just kissed my girlfriend seconds ago? What about me? Don't I deserve a kiss Ji?" Chan says faking a pout.
Jisung nods and Chans fake pout drops. "Good boy." Chan says softly and Jisung kisses him. You can't help but watch mesmerized.
You're eventually pulled out of your trance when Minho brings a hand to your face to look at him. He gives you a fake pout. "Too mesmerized by our boyfriends kissing? Forgot I exist?" Minho asks you and you shake your head. "Couldn't ever forget you exist Min." You say absentmindedly as Minho lets out a chuckle.
"You're so cute. I don't know how Chan doesn't bend you over the couch and fuck you everytime you open that mouth of yours. I guess I'll just have to shut you up with my mouth tonight." Minho clicks his tongue and immediately goes in for a kiss.
The kiss is heated and filled with need. You can't help but want more of him. You need more of them. Eventually though Minho pulls away and his eyes fall behind you. You look behind you and look at Jisung whose glasses are now on the coffee table. Your eyes fall on your boyfriend though.
"Maybe if you guys weren't tipsy we could have some fun all together." Chan tskks and Minho chuckles. "Maybe some other time then. It's getting rather late isn't it Chan?" Minho says and Chan smirks.
"It is Min. I think you guys should get home soon." Jisung whines at your boyfriends words. You can't help the small pout that comes to your face.
"Careful Ji or I'll have to punish you when you get home." Minho says and Jisung immediately shuts up. Minho grabs your chin to look at him. "This isn't over yet sweetheart. It's just best if we do it all with sober minds." Minho says making you feel slightly better. You nod softly and Minho kisses your lips once more.
You look at Jisung who looks more upset than you. You can't help but kiss the pout off his face and he smiles softly. "So cute." You say and he giggles.
"Let's get going Ji." Minho says softly and Jisung nods grabbing his glasses off the table. "So unfair. Stupid wine." Jisung grumbles before being led out the door.
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jinnie-ret · 7 months
perfect night
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poly!stray kids x idol!reader
genre: fluff
content warnings: none
word count: 1k
requested: @whoswony
summary: in which stray kids are watching the opening show of their girlfriend's tour, sonder, and they come to realise a song is dedicated purely to them
Oh how smug you felt, that a song you had written that was purely dedicated to your boys, could still be released and put onto your latest album, Sonder. Truth be told, it was masked as a song to all your 'girls' out there, about spending time with them being your most favourite thing in the world, and not needing anything else. That was how it actually made it onto the album. But you knew who you really wrote it for.
You wrote the song for Chan, who dedicated his life to protecting each of his partners and prioritising them over himself.
For Minho, who willingly let you read him like a book and get to know him because he wasn't scared of opening up to you.
For Changbin, who often indulged in late night deep conversations with you, whether they were trivial matters that you spiraled deeply into, or more serious ones that helped each of you lift the weight off of your shoulders.
For Hyunjin, whose dramatic antics yet romantic attitude always made you swoon, no matter how goofy he would suddenly become.
You wrote it for Jisung, who always managed to keep you on your toes, whether it be from him bursting into song, his sleep clinginess or his rambles about his new favourite anime that inspired him to write a song or two.
For Felix, who was your constant source of happiness, smiles radiating sunshine and reflecting his light across your shadows, forever brightening your day.
For Seungmin, your cheeky yet very emotionally intelligent partner in crime who helped you stay rational in times when all you could see was doom and gloom.
And finally for Jeongin, who always insisted his admiration for you, was levels above your own for him, because he couldn't believe that it was possible for anyone to be more adored in this world than you.
They were all you needed. And you couldn't wait to show them that, and finally be able to express that to them through the other thing you all loved - music.
Gorgeous yet eery piano notes echoed across the walls of the stadium as you made your entrance, like you were a mystical being that your fans laid their eyes upon.
"She's so hot," Jeongin sighed as he leant across the railings.
"Real," Hyunjin nodded, tongue grazing his upper lip.
"Stop perving on our girlfriend," Seungmin sighed and whacked them on the backs of their heads.
Your boyfriends were sat on an upper tier of the seating in the stadium, safely away from fans and any possible suspicions to why they were there. Luckily, if that case was ever made, fans would be sure to defend you, knowing that you and Jeongin were friends at SOPA.
If only they knew that the two of you were way more than friends. As well as his seven other band members.
Suddenly a new track they hadn't heard started playing, some calming guitar sounding out before a drum track starting kicking in and their girlfriend's poppy voice blended perfectly with the music.
"Come and take a ride with me, I got a credit card and some good company..."
"Wait, that's about us, right?" Chan's eyes widened and a big grin appeared on his face.
"She literally said her girlies," Minho said bluntly, making Chan laugh.
"We're sort of the girlies," Han shrugged.
"Yeah Jisung you do give baby girl energy to be fair," Felix laughed.
"So does Binnie," Jisung added on, smiling as their girl performed.
The fun, light-hearted choreography made you shine with your bright energy.
"I feel so proud, wahhh," Changbin held his hand over his heart, bopping along to the music much like his other boyfriends.
"Quick, let's head backstage!" Felix pushed his other boyfriends forwards down the stairs in pure excitement as the concert came to an end.
Stretched out on the sofa in your dressing room, sipping from some water, you nearly choked on your mouthful as the door burst open with eight men pouring through.
"You were so good!"
"That song was about us right?!"
You giggled as you were quite literally smothered in their love, kisses being peppered across your face, your neck, your hands, swallowed up in the arms of your boyfriends.
"Yah! What if I was getting changed?" you gasped playfully as you pushed them all away.
"I wouldn't be complaining," Hyunjin smirked before getting a neck slap from Minho.
And on they went playfully fighting as Chan gave you one of his hoodies he brought with him, just for you.
"Thanks love," you smiled fondly, pulling the fluffy black hoodie over your head as Jeongin tugged you into his arms.
"You really wrote a song about us?" Felix grabbed your hands to gain your attention.
"How could you tell?" you pushed your lips together, trying not to let any words spill out straight away. You'd keep them guessing just that bit longer, that was your game.
"Credit card and some good company? You literally said that to us one time," Seungmin shrugged knowingly, with shake of his head to get the hair out of his face. He had been growing it longer recently - no objections from you.
"That could just be about my friends," you feigned ignorance.
"No way!"
"Hey I have friends!" you stood up, folding your arms and detesting their claims.
"We know you do, we know love," Changbin back hugged you tightly.
"But you also have us, hmm?" Minho smirked, tickling under your chin like you were one of his cats.
"And we're way better company!" Han declared, from his spot sat on top of Jeongin as he teased the younger and cooed like you all normally did with the maknae.
"I think Jeongin would disagree," you said dryly.
"I would!" the fox boy choked out, nearly sounding suffocated with distraught as he wrestled the older boy off of him.
"But you wouldn't, would you? Don't deny it, that song was for us," Seungmin pointed out.
"Mmm, sure, whatever you want to believe," you looked down at your feet shyly, knowing there was no turning back from here. They had caught you out. But you didn't mind anymore, you were happy because they were too.
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @kpopmenace143 @sakufilms @kai-lee08 @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @cheesemonky @his-angell @turtledove824 @2minstan @royal-shinigami @yangbbokari @skzoologist @crabrangoongirl25 @atinyniki @writingforstraykids @minholing @lilmisssona @astraysimp @j-one25
774 notes · View notes
jeonginstulip · 19 days
Mine ♡︎
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Pairing: Felix x Fem reader
genre: soft smut?
wc: 3.2k
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
a/n: hey, guess who’s back! Told myself to not continue to finish this ff, but here I am posting it. I’m also thinking of making this into a series (hopefully) dude, I swear I think that when I started making this I was half asleep and horny. But anyway please enjoy my smut debut! -🌷🎀
(Sorry in advance if any errors!)
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"It's amazing.." Hanji says caressing her cheek. “She leaves me speechless." Felix says as he tucks your hair behind your ear as he admires you. Changbin, Seungmin, I.N, Hyunjin,Minho watch. Felix's fingers brush against your skin, the touch sending a shiver down your spine.
You slowly stir and open your eyes, groggily realizing you're the center of attention. You're still somewhat inebriated, which leads to a goofy smile that appears across your face. You then yawn, “Hey... guys... what are you staring at?” Chan chuckled as you slowly woke up, his eyes filled with admiring affection. "You fell asleep on the couch last night after the club. We were just admiring how beautiful you look even when you're asleep."
Hyunjin nodded in agreement, his gaze fixed on your smile. "You look like an angel." They still are in awe at your beauty. After you wake up Felix can't help but to pull you up into his lap. Felix's eyes lit up with affection as he eagerly pulled you into his lap, wrapping his arms around you with a smile. "You look even more beautiful up close."
Hyunjin chuckles at Felix's eagerness, a hint of playful jealousy in his voice. "Hey, don't hog her all to yourself now." As you adjusted in his lap you felt something in his pants and whispered to him “Felix, are you okay?” Felix's face suddenly reddened, realizing what you had felt. He cleared his throat awkwardly and tried to play it cool. "O-oh, that? Don't worry about it. I'm fine."
Changbin, who was nearby, couldn't help but smirk at Felix, noticing the situation. Jeongin, who was sitting next to Changbin, nudged him and snickered. Meanwhile, Chan, Hyunjin, and Seungmin watched with varying expressions of amusement. She then whispered again “baby, you’re hard..” Felix's face somehow turned an even deeper shade of red, now clearly embarrassed. "I-I... um... I can't help it, okay? You just look too beautiful and... yeah..."
Hyunjin and Jeongin burst into laughter, unable to contain themselves at the situation. The other members watch the exchange with a mix of amusement and surprise. She then said in his ear “I’ll help you tonight, just the two of us. Nobody else okay?” Felix's eyes widened at your offer, his heart racing with anticipation. He nodded eagerly, his voice shaky with excitement. "Yes, please. Just the two of us, tonight."
The other members exchanged glances, some surprised, some amused, and some clearly slightly envious. Chan chuckled, shaking his head at Felix's eagerness. Seungmin chimed in with a grin. "Looks like someone's getting a private session tonight." Hyunjin and Jeongin teased Felix, making jokingly envious comments, while Minho chuckled at the situation. Changbin couldn't resist adding a comment of his own. "Just make sure you don't break her, Felix." Felix rolled his eyes, his cheeks still flushed.
"Don't worry, I'll be gentle." She then blushed and carried on with the conversation of the rest of the members. The conversation continued, the other members continuing to talk amongst themselves. However, the atmosphere remained tinged with a hint of flirty energy, with occasional glances and playful comments thrown in.
Felix attempted to join in, but his mind was clearly preoccupied with the thought of what was to come later that night. Later, everyone went to their rooms and luckily you and Felix shared a room together in the dorms, As the others headed to their rooms, you and Felix entered yours. The tension was palpable as soon as the door closed behind you.
"It's just the two of us now.." he said, stepping closer to you, his eyes filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness. “It looks like it still hasn’t went down, were you waiting?” She says with a smile. Felix chuckled, his cheeks reddening once again at your comment. He nodded, a hint of sheepishness in his expression.
"Yeah, I was waiting... ever since we talked earlier, I've been thinking about you. I couldn't... calm down." He stepped closer to you, his eyes locked onto yours. "You have no idea how much I've been looking forward to this, being alone with you." You both then locked lips, Felix taking the lead as always. Felix's lips met yours in a passionate kiss, his hands gently cupping your face.
He deepened the kiss, his tongue exploring your mouth with eager desire. His body pressed against yours, the intensity of his touch a testament to how much he had been waiting for this moment. You then feel his hand on your inner thigh and trying to get into your shirt. Felix's hand moved up your inner thigh, his touch sending a shiver down your spine. His other hand began to slowly lift your shirt, his fingers tracing the edge of the fabric as his lips continued to explore yours. He broke the kiss to whisper in your ear, his voice low and husky.
"I want to see all of you.. feel all of you." “I want you Lix, please…” she cried softly as she let him take her shirt off. Felix's breathing hitched at your words, his eyes roaming over your exposed skin. He quickly removed your shirt, his hands gently caressing your bare skin. His touch was soft and reverent, as if he was worshipping your body. "You're so beautiful... so perfect."
He whispered, his lips moving down your neck, leaving a trail of kisses along your collarbone and down your chest. He continued trailing his kisses down your body, his hands exploring your curves, his touch soft and deliberate. He wanted to commit every inch of you to memory, every reaction and every sound you made.
He looked up at you, his gaze filled with a mix of desire and adoration. "I want to make you feel good, only want to make you feel good..." “I need to take care of you first..” she says going down trying to get him out of his bottoms. Felix's breath hitched as he saw you moving down towards his pants. He let out a shaky breath and nodded. "Please..."
He was clearly enjoying your eagerness to take care of him, his hands clenching the edge of the bed as he watched you. He helped you slide his pants down, his eyes never leaving your face. His hands reached out to hold your shoulders, gripping them lightly as he watched you, his body tense with anticipation. She then started to move her hand along his length letting him enjoy himself before anything else happens.
Felix gasped softly at the feel of your hand on him, his eyes shutting momentarily as the sensation overwhelmed him. He leaned his head back, his breaths coming in short, shallow gasps as you began to move your hand. "This feels... so good... don't stop..."
He mumbled, his hands clenching in a fist as an attempt to contain himself. His body trembled slightly under your touch, his head rolling back by the pleasure. He looked down at you again, his eyes darkened with desire and need. He reached out, his fingers running through your hair as he tried to maintain some measure of control, even as his body responded to your touch. "You're... so good at this... so good to me..."
He whispered, his voice strained with pleasure. His hands gripped the sheets tighter, his body tense with anticipation as his pleasure built. He was lost in sensation, his focus entirely on the feeling of your touch and the building pleasure. *He bit his lip again, stifling a moan as he tried to contain himself, his breaths coming in shorter and quicker, his body arching slightly in response to your touch.
"I... can't... hold back much longer..." *The tension coiled within him, his breaths coming in shorter, shallower gasps. He was getting closer to the edge, the pleasure building with each movement of your hand, with each stroke of your touch. He gripped the back of her head tighter, as if holding on for dear life. "I'm... close... don't stop... don't stop..."
He panted, his eyes meeting yours, his pupils dilated with pleasure. A smile then appears on her face as she still looks up at him and puts his mouth on his length, he closes his eyes as a wave of pleasure hits him, and leans back, grabbing a tuft of her hair. He feels a bit of his soul leave his body as she starts using her tongue in unexpected ways.
Felix then starts to groan as a sign that he’s getting close to finishing. She then notices and goes back to using her hand on his length. “You can do it, I believe in you baby..” Felix then proceeds to finish and come in her hands. She then licks the warm come off her hands “you taste so good my love..” Felix looked down at you, his eyes still darkened with pleasure, but now a hint of disbelief mixed with desire.
"You're so... so amazing. That... felt incredible... I can't even find the words..." He panted softly, his chest rising and falling with his heavy breaths. He leaned down, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead before pulling you up into his arms. "Now it's your turn..." He wrapped his arms around you, gently maneuvering you so you were lying on your back, his body looming over yours. His hands were now free to explore your body, his touch reverent and gentle.
"I want to make you feel as good as you made me feel... no, even better than that.." He pushed your hair away from your face, his eyes raking over your exposed skin and curves with hunger. His fingers traced along your collarbone, then down to your chest, lightly caressing your skin as his gaze flicked back up to meet yours. "You're so beautiful... I don't even know where to start..."
Felix then decided to undress you and only have your undergarments on. Felix took his time undressing you, his fingertips running lightly over your skin as he slowly bared you to him. His eyes roved over your exposed body, taking in every curve and contour with a mixture of admiration and desire. "You're... absolutely perfect..."
He whispered, his voice low and husky with need. You softly whimper at his words, Felix leaned down, his lips ghosting over the skin of your neck, leaving a trail of light kisses in his wake. His hands continued to roam over your body, his touch becoming more insistent, more deliberate. He wanted to memorize every inch of you, to explore every part of you that he could access. "I want to hear you... I want to hear how good I'm making you feel..."
You then say softly “I don’t wanna wake the guys” Felix chuckled softly, his breath warm against your skin. "We'll have to be quiet then... can you do that for me, my love?" He murmured, his lips gently nibbling on your earlobe, his hands continuing to caress your body with a possessive touch. He moved his lips down to your neck, pressing soft, gentle kisses to your skin. His tongue grazed over your collarbone, his teeth lightly nipping at the sensitive spot where your shoulder meets your neck. He wanted to taste every part of you, to make you forget about everything else except him and how he was making you feel.
“Felix…” You moan his name as he hit the sweet spot on your neck. Felix smiled against your skin, pleased with himself upon hearing you moan his name. He continued to focus on the sweet spot on your neck, his tongue and teeth working together to elicit more of those sweet, sweet sounds from you. "You sound so good when you say my name like that... moan it again for me... I want to hear more." He moved his lips back up to your ear, his hot breath sending a shiver down your spine. One of his hands moved down to your hip, his fingers gently grasping the edge of your underwear, as if he were contemplating taking them off.
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"Can I take these off, my love? I want to touch you... everywhere..." She nods quickly wanting to have Felix all over her. Felix lifted his head from your ear, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. He sat back on his knees, his hands moving to the edge of your underwear. "You're so eager... I love it. You're so responsive... so beautiful."
He grabbed the edge of your underwear, slowly sliding them down your legs, his eyes never leaving yours. Then you two pull each other in a kiss before he started your pleasures. “You can do anything you want to do with me Lix..” He looked a little surprised that you consented before he could even say anything. “Okay love, are you sure?” She then nodded “Yes I’m okay with everything” He of course would never wanna hurt her so he said one more thing.
“You remember the safe word right?” Felix said reassuring. “Lavender..” She said with a smile. As that happened they continued. Felix nodded, a serious but affectionate look in his eyes. "Lavender. If it gets too much, or if you want me to stop for any reason, just say the word and I will. I don't want to do anything that makes you uncomfortable, okay?"
He caressed your face, his gaze soft and loving. Then he went down to her entrance and let his tongue go in lightly pressed against her. Felix's tongue softly pressed against her, his touch gentle yet deliberate. "You taste so good... so sweet... I could do this forever…” She hissed at the feeling and started to enjoy the feeling. Felix continued, his tongue pressing deeper, his hands holding onto your hips to keep you still. "You sound so beautiful when you moan like that... I love how responsive you are... how you respond to my touch."
He mumbled against you, his words sending small vibrations up through your body. “Felix..” She moaned, Felix continued his onslaught with his tongue, the feel of his name on your lips spurring him on. He wanted to hear more, to hear every gasp and moan he could pull from you. "Say my name again... I want to hear how good I'm making you feel..."
He said, his voice low and heated, against you. His hands gripped your hips tighter, keeping you in place, holding you, as he worked your insides. She then started whimpering, Felix noticed your soft whimpers and took that as a sign to continue, his tongue relentlessly working against you, his touch growing more deliberate, more intense, as he drank in every sound you made.
"That's it... don't hold back... let me hear how good this feels, my love..." He whispered, his lips so very close to where he wanted him to be, making sure it sent another wave of vibrations through you. You are to your climax “Lix I’m gonna..”Felix heard your warning and slowed for a moment, lifting his head slightly to look up at you, his eyes filled with heat and need.
"I know... i know... but not yet... not yet, my love... hold it for me... just a bit longer..." He whispered, his voice dark and low, his eyes roaming over your naked body with need, but also a hint of a challenge. She whined as she moaned “Felix I’m going to come..” Felix smirked up at you, his eyes dark with desire and a hint of a challenge. "Not yet, my love... I want to see how long you can hold out... can you be good for me, and wait just a bit longer?" Felix then inserted his digits into her, she then gasped, Felix smiled against you. "Just a little longer, my love... you're so close, I can tell... but I'm not ready for you to finish yet..." He said, Felix inserted two digits into you, moving them slowly, his other hand steadily holding you. Felix's fingers continued to work you, his pace steady and relentless.
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"Can you be good for me and hold on just a little longer? Can you do that, my love?" He asked again, She nods. His words soft and gentle, but with a hint of command in them, as if daring you to see how much longer you can hold out under his touch. He knew he was pushing you to your limits, but he also knew that you wanted to please him, that you wanted to be good for him, and that you would try. His pace with his fingers picked up, his other hand moving to your hip, his grip just a bit tighter, as if he was holding you in place, his touch both possessive and authoritative.
When you finally reached your climax, Felix's lips curled into a satisfied smile, his hand still moving gently, slowly helping you come down from the high. "Good... that's a good girl." He murmured, his voice still low and dark, but with an affection and tenderness. He removed his fingers from you, his touch gentle as he traced them along your thigh, his eyes on your face, watching your expressions as you came down from your high. "You were so good for me, my love. So good. How are you feeling?" Her body squirmed, Felix leaned forward, gently placing kisses along your neck, his hands gently roaming your body, caressing and soothing you, as you came down from your climax. "Shh... breathe for me, my love. Are you okay? How are you feeling now?" She gives a reassuring smile.
He continued to place soft kisses on your neck, his hands still gently roaming your body, his touch still affectionate and tender. He wanted to make sure you were okay, that he hadn't been too rough with you or pushed you too far. “Your never dominant my love, what changed that?” She says softly out of breath, Felix chuckled softly against your neck, his lips still gently kissing your skin.
"Nothing's changed, my love. I just wanted to try something a little different tonight. I wanted to see how you would respond. And I have to say, I enjoyed seeing you this way, so eager to please me, so responsive to my touches..." He murmured, his hands still roaming over your body, his touches still gentle and affectionate. He pulled back slightly, so that he could look at your face, his eyes roaming over your features, taking in your flushed cheeks and slightly disheveled hair, a satisfied smile on his face.
"You look beautiful like this, all flushed and satisfied. You make it so hard to resist you, you know that?" She says finally catching her breath “Well you and only can make me feel like this, don’t tell the rest of the guys..” She then giggles. Felix chuckled, his voice low and affectionate.
"Oh, don't worry, my love. I won't tell the others a thing. This side of you, this submissive side, is for my eyes only. I don't want anyone else seeing you like this, all flushed and satisfied, my touch all over your body. Your mine, and mine alone."
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minminyoonjii · 6 months
I've read your little reader posts and I'm addicted. I haven't been able to find a single other writer for things like this and your writing is just *chef's kiss*
I loved the nightmare one and I was going to ask about little reader having a nightmare with a different scenario where little reader wakes up from a nightmare and sneaks(or "sneaks") into bed with their cg for better sleep.
Love your work, hope your day/night is amazing. If you don't want to write this for any reason, I won't be offended.
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❤️Ultimate Masterlist
💜Rules and Guidelines
🧡Stray Kids Scenarios Masterlist
Wholesome|Hurt/Comfort|Domestic Settings|Fluffy|Soft Reassurance Fic|Tooth Rotting Sweet
💌 This is a work of fiction, I by all means don't force ship anyone. They have the right to love whomever they want.
🍄Wordcount: 1.1K
You whined, holding your plush close to your chest. Fear seeped into your mind as you tried to coax yourself back to sleep. Thoughts taunted each time you closed your eyes. "Caregiver Title," you sniffled, rubbing your eyes with your plush. The silence felt eerie and you wanted nothing more than your caregiver with you. "Need you," you whispered, crawling off your bed, clutching your plush. You patted the walls in the hallway, finding your way to your caregiver's room.
Bang Chan
"Daddy," you whispered, hearing snores coming from the bed. You huffed, crawling onto his bed, "Daddy," you repeated, patting Chan's chest. Chan furrowed his eyebrows, "It's still early," he grumbled, trying to roll aside. Your lips wobbled, "Daddy," you sniffled, holding his cheeks. Chan's eyes flew open, "Little one, why are you crying, hm?" he asked, slightly disorientated. Tears dripped down your cheeks, and silent cries escaped your lips. "Daddy got you, little one. Daddy's silly for not waking up properly," he cooed, rocking your body. You sniffled, burying your face into his chest, listening to his heartbeat. Chan sighed in relief the moment sleep caught up to you. "I'll always be right here," he whispered, chuckling softly at his pounding heart.
Lee Minho
Your lips pursed into a pout, crawling onto Minho's bed, "Mama," you said, nosing his neck. Minho gruffed as he was used to his cats sleeping on his face. You whined, nipping his cheek, "Mama," you whined, tears threatening to spill. Minho jolted in his sleep, eyes squinting awake, "What are you doing awake, cupcake?" he asked, stroking your hair. A whine escaped your lips as you relaxed your weight on him. Minho chuckled, kissing your forehead, "Did you have a bad dream?" he asked, shifting to pull the blankets over you. "It scawy, Mama," you sniffled, tears dripping onto Minho's skin. He cooed, tucking you in with him, "Mama's going to have to protect his little cupcake," he said, giving you a tight reassuring squeeze. You giggled, melting in his arms.
Seo Changbin
"Baba, uppies please," you whispered, shaking Changbin's sleeping body. He groaned, accidentally shifting you with him. You squeaked, knocking his headboard with a thud. Sobs wasn't hesitant to escape past your lips. "Baba!" you exclaimed, flinching Changbin awake. "Agi? Agi-ah what's wrong?" he panicked, sitting up to hold you close. You whimpered, bringing his palm to the owie on your head, "Huwts," you cried, holding your plush towards your chest. Changbin felt his heart drop, "Don't worry, hm? Baba's kisses have magic powers," he coaxed, wiping your tears. You hiccuped, looking up at him with sorrow-filled eyes. Changbin cooed, kissing the area you held, "Baba will kiss the pain away, agi-ah" he said, smooching your owie.
Hwang Hyunjin
You whined, crawling into the space next to Hyunjin. "Up, Jinnie," you whispered, poking his cheek but to no avail. You huffed, wiggling under the comforters covering him. Hyunjin instinctively, wrapped his arms around you, tucking you against his chest. A yawn escaped your lips, the fear of your nightmare no longer plaguing your mind. Hyunjin groaned, scrunching his nose, when your hair brushed his lips. You yawned once more, pressing your plush against your cheek as you squirmed to get yourself comfortable. Hyunjin tightened his hold, sleepily rocking your body, "Sleep," he mumbled, kissing your forehead. A final yawn escaped your lips as you shifted, pressing your back against his chest. Hyunjin smiled in his sleep, "Sleep good," he whispered, holding you tight.
Han Jisung
"Appa," you grumbled, climbing onto his bed. Jisung woke up from the motion, "Sweetheart?" he slurred, sleep still coating his mind. You huffed, plopping onto him. Jisung felt the air get knocked out of his lungs, "What was that for, hm?" he chuckled, wrapping his arms around you. "Bad dweam," you sulked, pressing your face further into his chest. Jisung cooed, kissing your forehead, "Aww, sweet thing. You just couldn't sleep after that, could you?" he asked, running his fingers through your hair. You shook your head, turning to press your cheek on his shoulder. Jisung hummed, sitting up with you in his lap, "Let's get comfy and sleep, hm? It's quite early, sweetheart," he whispered, pulling the blankets over the both of you.
Lee Felix
You tiptoed into the room, expecting your Mommy to be in deep sleep when you heard the crudes of slurs. "Mommy?" you questioned, walking towards the sound. Felix screamed when you poked his shoulder. You flinched, tripping back on a misplaced carpet. Felix's eyes widened, "My sunshine!" he exclaimed, quickly tugging off his headset to pick you up. Tears spilt down your face as the dull sting from the fall ached your bottom. Felix whimpered, pampering kisses all over your face, "Oh, oh, my precious sunbeam, you gave Mommy a big scare you know that," he said, holding you close. You sniffled, trembling in his arms. "Aww, sunshine. I'm not mad. Mommy's not mad," he said, wiping your tears. Felix sighed, kissing your nose, "Come on, sunshine. You can sleep on Mommy's lap while he plays," he said, getting himself comfortable with you cosy on his lap.
Kim Seungmin
"Dada, help," you whispered, nudging Seungmin's arm. You sulked, raising to smack Seungmin's face with the plush when he stopped your plush. "Are you trying to murder Dada while he's sleeping, munchkin?" he rasped, sitting up. You sniffled, "Dada, hug," you whined, crawling into his lap. He chuckled, rubbing your tummy, "Did you have a nightmare?" he questioned, smelling the traces of baby shampoo. You nodded, nuzzling his shoulder, "T'was scawy," you mumbled, yawning at the warmth. Seungmin nodded, "We should go back to sleep, munchkin," he yawned, kissing your forehead. You yawned back, getting comfortable in his hold. Seungmin chuckled, patting your bottom, "Scoots aside," he said, cuddling you to his chest.
Yang Jeongin
You quietly snuck your way into Jeongin's bed, tucking yourself under his blankets. Jeongin flinched at the movement, "Angel?" he questioned, facing you. "Ninnin," you whined, nuzzling into his back. Jeongin chuckled, setting his phone aside, "You're lucky I'm still awake," he said, wrapping his arms around you. "What's keeping you awake, my sweet little angel?" he asked, booping your nose. You sniffled, hiding your face behind your plush, "Nightmawe," you slurred. Jeongin frowned, kissing the top of your head, "Aww, my precious. You're safe now, Ninnin's got you right here," he chuckled, rubbing your back. You yawned, melting into his touch, eyes getting droopy by the second. Jeongin hummed, "Big squeeze," he whispered, holding you tight.
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2baabbies · 8 months
🖤 Everybody Wonders (hyunchanlix x reader, skz x reader; part 2)
Crossposted under 2Babbies on Ao3 <3 (also split into 3 parts to make it easier to read)
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 (WIP)
Pairings: established relationship bangchan x reader, established hyunlix, exploring/developing hyunchanlix x reader (they’re official now y’all), established background minsung, unmentioned various skz pairings and crushes happening but not important to this fic
Words: 12700
Summary: Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you; except for your boyfriend Chan, and his group members who were lucky enough to have caught your eye (inspired by Gold Rush by Taylor Swift; quote at the beginning is also from this song).
Fluff + Smut + Humour + Slight Angst
CWs: nsfw (obvi!!), one lame religious pun courtesy of minho, swearing and insults as a form of flirting, felix says cunt, insecure hyunjin (a little ittle bit of angst but there’s comfort), slight feminization (malewife, boygirlfriend), drinking alcohol in the background/i.n and jisung are drunk, sexualization/inappropriate jokes courtesy of jisung, minho hits jisung for being a freak
Smut Tags: hot tub sex, unprotected sex, messy sex, chanlix anal, handjobs, fingering, hyunjin eating reader out, teasing, begging, playful/joking sex, dom/sub dynamics (subby hyune, dom chan, kind of switch felix + reader), dacryphilia, intercrural sex, praise, spit, bit of oral fixation, felix boobs in mouth, dirty talk
Taglist: @rylea08
Reposting this fic to other platforms, including as a translation, is expressly prohibited. Do not copy, alter, or claim this fic as your own. Absolutely no permission is given to anyone to post my works, even with credit, and this fic should only appear on Ao3 or Tumblr under my accounts. Reposting is not only plagiarism, but a direct violation of my wishes as the original writer and owner. Please respect writers and don’t steal!
Likes, reblogs, asks and comments are very welcome and appreciated <3
‘Gleaming, twinkling,
Eyes like sinking
Ships on waters.
So inviting,
I almost jump in.’
The evening wind rushes against you, skimming the water and carrying the salty seabreeze with it. You shiver, the day is fading and you are admiring the last glimmers of light before night falls. There is still some warmth lingering in the sand, but not for much longer. You can feel the cool winds from the sea washing in with each passing moment, and seeping in through your baggy sweater. You shiver again, more out of anticipation than from the cold when you hear footsteps behind you. Your eyes remain trained on the lulling waves as a warm hand comes to rest in the small of your back, then a soft voice speaks in your ear.
“I told you to bring your coat.”
You snort and turn to look at Chan as he drapes his jacket over your shoulders. He is still wearing a thick black sweater, so you let him guide your arms through the sleeves of his jacket and zip you up without protest. He pecks your forehead then chuckles as you shuffle closer and rest your head on his chest. His arms close tight around you and he sways a little as you resume watching the sea.
“S’not that cold,” You mumble, your cheek is pressed against his chest.
“Oh, shush,” You giggle at his teasing words, “You just like to argue.”
“Not true.”
He kisses the top of your head then buries his nose there with a hum.
“Sure, babygirl.”
You sigh and shut your eyes, enjoying the sound of the ocean and Chan’s heart under your ear. Your current visit would only be brief, and you are savoring it while it lasts. The boys chose this spot for their break, finally finding time to rest between all their busy schedules. It would not be much of a vacation, but you were still thankful for the time to spend with your boyfriend and close friends.
“Oh my God,” Jisung shrieks in the distance, “I found a crab!”
“Give it to me,” Changbin demands immediately.
“Leave it alone,” Seungmin shouts over the chorus of excited responses, “Put it back! You’re scaring it!”
“Crabs don’t know fear,” Jeongin argues, “The only thing they fear is God!”
“How do you know? This one might be a crustatheist,” Minho’s joke is met with a mix of silence and groans of anguish.
You and Chan laugh together at the chaos as their voices ramp up again. You both turn to watch where your friends are gathered further down the beach. Chan slides one arm around your shoulders and pulls you in before you begin making your way towards them.
Changbin and Minho are squatting near the ground, eyes trained on the sand where a tiny crab is burrowing. Jisung steps behind them anxiously, teeth gritted and fingers curled in distress as Changbin tries to coax the creature onto a flat rock. Jeongin watches with a relaxed smile as Seungmin stands beside him while looking unimpressed.
“He doesn’t want to go on the rock,” Changbin complains.
“Leave him alone,” Seungmin mutters.
Minho roots his fingers in the sand then raises his hand, presenting the crab with a triumphant smirk.
“Got him.”
He holds it up to Jisung, who backpedals and falls gracelessly with a scream. Seungmin rolls his eyes as Changbin and Jeongin move closer to inspect Minho’s catch. Chan lets out a fond huff as Jisung recovers and scrambles over to see as well. Past the group, skipping rocks across the water, stand Felix and Hyunjin. Chan follows as you continue on towards them, arm securely pinning you to his side as a sharp breeze cuts through the otherwise calm air.
Felix notices you first and grins as you come to a stop beside him. Hyunjin’s stone plunks into the water after one skip and he whips around in a huff.
“You almost did it that time,” Felix comforts.
“Almost. Almost he says.”
Chan chuckles and steps away from you to join the game.
“I’ll teach you, Jinnie.”
“I know how to do it.”
Felix shakes his head and you giggle as Chan begins coaching Hyunjin anyway. You move closer and Felix meets you to take his spot at your side. His arms slide around your waist and pull your back to his chest as he rests his chin on your shoulder. You wrap your arms around his and you lean back as you watch your boyfriends. He squeezes you and nestles his face in the side of your neck as Hyunjin fails another attempt. You giggle as Hyunjin sits in the sand and buries his face in his hands. Chan pats his head as he laments his defeat.
“I hate rocks.”
“Rocks aren’t the problem,” Felix quips.
“Yes they are.”
You yelp as Changbin barrels into you and Felix, then throws his arms around the two of you. The three of you erupt into laughter as he spins you then buries his face in your neck. Your instinct is to shy away, but you can only fall further into Felix’s arms. He staggers but finds his balance to support the two of you as Changbin pulls back with a grin. His arms retract only for a moment, then his fingers delve under your layers to target your sides. You collapse and cackle maniacally as he tickles you relentlessly, and Felix tries to keep you on your feet.
“Cha-Changbin! What the He-ell!”
Felix eventually lets you fall so he can rescue you from Changbin’s torment, and you heave in another broken laugh as Felix traps him in a tight hug.
“What the Hell, Changbin,” Chan whines, mimicking your surprised voice.
“Shut up!”
“Changbin, what the Hell,” Hyunjin repeats, adding his own dramatic flair to his performance.
“Ugh, you all suck.”
Felix rests his head on Changbin’s shoulder and snuggles in.
“Hey, I saved you.”
“You’re snuggling with the enemy.”
“I’m not the enemy,” Changbin protests, “And you could never stop our snuggling.”
“I’ll find a way.”
“Get a room!” Jisung taunts from afar.
“What did you say?”
Changbin separates from Felix to chase after his new target, and Jisung sprints away when he realizes this. Chan flops down beside you and lays flat in the sand, his eyes falling shut as you admire him quietly. Felix comes to stand beside him as Hyunjin wanders around you aimlessly.
“Are you alright, Chris?” Felix asks softly.
“I’m perfect, Lix.”
You roll onto your side and prop your head up as Hyunjin takes a seat on the ground. He gently lifts Chan’s head onto his lap and brushes his fingers through his hair.
“Look, you got sand in your hair.”
Chan hums and smiles as Hyunjin sweeps his fingers gently over his cheek. You lay your head in Hyunjin’s lap as well and smile up at him. The wind tousles his locks as golden light shines above him, and he returns your fond gaze. Felix joins last; he sits beside Hyunjin and loops his arms around his waist, then rests his head on his shoulder. You lean up just enough to check where the rest of the group has gone, their voices fading as they wander down the beach, and Felix pats your head when it returns to Hyunjin’s lap.
“It’s so beautiful,” Hyunjin murmurs.
“Yeah,” You agree softly.
Chan opens his eyes and looks up at the sky. The blues and oranges have already begun to melt away into deeper hues and the light has dimmed. You watch his eyes search the clouds before he turns his head to look at you.
“It’s getting late.”
“Mhm,” You nod and let your eyes fall shut, Felix is petting your head in a soothing rhythm, “It’s pretty dark…”
Chan sits up and pauses before suggesting, “It looks like the boys have gone pretty far. Reckon we head back now?”
“Without them?” Felix asks as you sit up and stretch.
“Sure,” Chan answers, “It might be the only chance we get to spend some time together.”
Felix and Hyunjin stare expectantly so you add, “Alone. Just us.”
“Oh,” Hyunjin gasps, “R-Right.”
Felix looks in the distance for any signs of the other members.
“Only if you two want to, of course,” Chan assures, “If you two prefer sneaking around while the others are home, we’re certainly game. You’re pretty cute when you’re trying to keep quiet, Lixie.”
“Shut up,” Felix replies playfully, and his cheeks flare as he stands, “Keep it in your pants, old man.”
“Oh, I need to keep it in my pants? Maybe we’ll just play without you, then.”
“Don’t be a cunt.”
“Wow, don’t be a what?”
“You heard me.”
Chan pulls himself to his feet and grins as Felix runs off towards the beach house. He stalks after him calmly as Felix giggles mischievously and jogs backwards.
“You better apologize.”
“Make me.”
“Oh, I will,” Chan answers as he finally breaks into a run.
Felix yelps in response and scrambles to pick up his speed. Hyunjin laughs softly and stands, extending his hand to help you to your feet as well. He keeps his hand gently locked with yours as you begin following the others. His shoulder presses against yours and the contact makes your stomach flip. You both sneak a look at each other and you smile with anticipation. He looks away, but you still catch the embarrassment heating up his cheeks. You rest your head on his shoulder and give his hand a squeeze as you watch Chan catch Felix and swing him off his feet.
“Thank you for coming out here with us,” Hyunjin whispers, making your head perk up, “I’m really glad you could make it.”
“You don’t need to thank me, Hyunjin. I’m happy to be invited.”
“Sure, but you’d probably prefer just to be with Chan if you could. You’re stuck with all of us too.”
You shake your head.
“I don’t see it that way. I love spending time with all of you. Besides, how I see it is you’re all stuck with me, too.”
You giggle and grin up at him as he smiles shyly.
“I don’t think any of us mind being stuck with you. I know Felix and I don’t. And Chan is always a little better when you’re around.”
“Yeah? I think he does fine without me.”
“No,” He argues gently, “It’s different. You don’t see it like we do. Chan looks so happy when he’s with you.”
You look to where Chan and Felix are embracing ahead of you. Felix is whining as Chan peppers unforgiving kisses over his freckled cheeks.
“He looks happy when he’s with you too.”
Hyunjin huffs gently and pecks your temple. You rub his arm and snuggle against him with a pleased hum.
“Not feeling shy, I see,” You tease.
Hyunjin laughs.
“I-I am…”
“It’s okay, Hyunjin. I know you’re more comfortable when the others aren’t around.”
He ducks his head.
“I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to be sorry. It’s okay to want some privacy.”
“I know… I-I know they know… I just don’t want to have to explain anything to them.”
“That’s okay, you don’t have to explain it to us either. We already talked about it, right?”
“Hey,” Felix calls, he and Chan have paused to allow you to catch up, “Is everything okay?”
“We’re good, just chatting,” Hyunjin answers.
Felix comes to walk with you, ducking under Hyunjin’s arm and wrapping his arm around his waist. Chan joins at your side, placing his hand on Hyunjin’s back and leaning close so you are wedged between the two of them.
“Lix had a good idea, want to hear it?” Chan purrs.
“Of course,” You reply, still caressing Hyunjin’s arm where your hand is gripping his bicep.
Felix tilts his head to meet your gaze then smirks at Hyunjin.
“There’s a hot tub in the house. I think we should enjoy it while the others are gone.”
“That sounds nice,” Hyunjin agrees.
“I didn’t bring a swimsuit,” You inform.
“Oh, I didn’t either,” Hyunjin realizes.
“Oh, that’s a shame,” Chan coos, “I wonder what we’ll do about that.”
You peer suspiciously as Felix shares a knowing smirk with Chan.
“You didn’t bring one either,” You say to Chan.
“Hm, I wonder if we have another option, then?”
You look at Hyunjin, who is glaring at Felix through the darkening night.
“You two are perverted.”
Felix flusters as the realization dawns on you.
“Skinny dipping? Really you two?”
“You don’t like the idea?” Chan asks.
“I didn’t say that.”
You feel Chan’s arm brush you as he pats Hyunjin’s back.
“What are you thinking, Jin?”
He grimaces as you all turn your attention to him.
“That’s… really dirty.”
“Are you embarrassed, babe,” Felix teases, “Not up for the challenge?”
Hyunjin rolls his eyes.
“No… I’m just worried about the others coming back…”
“They won’t come back for a while,” Chan reasons.
“You and I can do something else, Jin,” You offer, “Watch a movie or something.”
“No… I want to do it.”
“Do you want to?” Felix asks.
“Yes, as long as we’re all comfortable.”
“We’ve all been naked in front of each other before, and quite comfortable last I checked,” Felix teases.
You reach in front of Hyunjin to pinch Felix’s side and he yelps as he catches your wrist. Chan takes advantage of the distraction and presses a kiss to the nape of your neck. You moan as he lingers there, hot breath washing over your skin and raising hairs, then you pull away from Felix to lightly elbow your boyfriend.
“Don’t tease me.”
Chan presses another kiss under your ear and brushes his lips against your jawline. He gently grabs your arm and guides you away from where you are stumbling into Hyunjin.
“Watch where you’re going, babygirl.”
“Shut up.”
Hyunjin tuts and takes his hand from yours to wrap it around your middle.
“Getting flustered?”
“Aw, baby,” Felix interrupts, “You don’t have to be nervous.”
You shrug them off and jog forward as you arrive at the house. You turn around and point your finger in an accusatory stance.
“All of you, behave.”
Felix blinks his eyes innocently as Hyunjin bows his head with a guilty smile. Chan steps up in front of you with a smirk.
“You like it when we’re bad, baby. Then you get to put us in our place.”
He steps past with the keys to unlock the door and you smack his bottom.
“Fuck yeah, I do.”
Felix and Hyunjin laugh as they follow you and Chan into the house. Felix jostles you playfully as you take off your shoes and outside clothes, and you turn to attack him with a hug when you finish. He giggles and pecks your face while wrapping his arms around your waist. You gently capture his chin and guide his lips to yours to share a teasing kiss. He tries to slip his tongue in your mouth and only manages to lap at your lips before you pull away.
“Hah,” His hips press to yours as he murmurs, “You’re so cute.”
Hyunjin comes to stand behind you, his chest pressed against your back as he speaks in your ear.
“I hate to break you two up, but didn’t we have a plan?”
You turn your head and giggle as Felix pecks your neck. 
“Mhm, I don’t remember,” He sighs into your skin, “Refresh my memory?”
Chan is watching you with a lazy smile as he speaks, “Hot tub. Skinny dipping.”
“Ah, right.”
You giggle as Hyunjin physically redirects Felix away from you and down the hall, then you turn to Chan. He moves closer and pecks your cheek before nodding after them.
“Go on, I’ll be right there.”
“What are you doing?”
He holds up his phone and winks.
“Just making sure we get our privacy.”
You raise your eyebrow.
“Alright, don’t keep us waiting.”
“I won’t.”
You take your time undressing in your’s and Chan’s shared room and don a towel before padding down the hall. It seems Felix and Hyunjin have taken their time as well, since you are the first to arrive at the hot tub. It is running in a private room on the bottom floor of the house. You take a seat on the edge and dip your hand in the water. Your head perks up as Felix enters the room in a robe.
“Where did you find a robe?”
He fluffs the collar and does a pose.
“Yeah, you should take it off.”
He sputters and unties the belt as he crosses the room.
“Very forward. How’s the water?”
“It’s good, not too hot actually.”
Felix takes a seat next to you and tilts his head as you run your hand over his chest. Your damp fingers dip beneath the fabric and draw it open as you run your hand over his skin. He sucks in a breath as your fingers trace down his sternum and open his robe further. His lips part to let out a shuddery breath and you feel his body shiver under your touch.
“Oh my God,” Your hand pauses on Felix’s abdomen as Hyunjin speaks up from the doorway, “And you two think Chan is the horny one.”
You laugh and run your hand back up Felix’s front. He smirks and leans in to share a heated kiss.
“Can’t help it,” Felix pants against your lips.
“Trust me, I can tell,” Hyunjin assures.
You giggle and indulge Felix with a few more kisses before turning to face Hyunjin. You meet his gaze bravely as you grab the front of Felix’s robe and slide it off his shoulders. Hyunjin’s eyes widen as Felix mouths at your neck and you let his robe drop from your hands. Felix slides his hands under your towel to grasp your thighs as he sucks a hickey into your throat. One hand slides up to pull your towel down as he draws your thigh over his lap. You follow his lead and look over your shoulder at Hyunjin as he watches you straddle his boyfriend.
Chan leans in the doorway and cocks his eyebrow, then looks at Hyunjin where he stands unmoving in front of him. Felix’s hands roam over your bare back and one slides down to grope your ass as you settle in his lap. His cock jumps against your abdomen as he litters more wet kisses over your neck and chest. Your eyes flutter and you hum approval as he leans down to suck at your breasts.
“Enjoying the show?”
Hyunjin gasps and clutches his robe, over his heart, as he turns to Chan with a frustrated sigh. Felix chuckles and raises his head as Chan struts into the room and asks:
“What’s wrong, aren’t you going to join them, Hyune?”
Hyunjin huffs and crosses his arms.
“You first.”
Chan finishes crossing the room and drops his towel before easing into the hot tub. He meets your gaze and lounges against the side with his arms spread across the ledge. He nods at Felix and makes a beckoning motion, which you respond with by standing from his lap. Felix whines and pouts up at you as you brace your hands on his chest. You wink and shove him back to be caught in Chan’s waiting arms. Felix makes a surprised sound when he splashes into the water then laughs as Chan pulls him into his lap. Chan nips at his ear and rubs his chest as he melts into his form.
You turn to face Hyunjin, still observing in silence where he stands. His eyes flit over your nude body before he shyly turns away.
“Jinnie,” You sing, “Aren’t you going to join us?”
“Come in, babe,” Felix urges, Chan is still hungrily mouthing at his neck and shoulder.
You step into the hot tub and sink down with a moan. The water immediately begins to ease your muscles and lull you into a relaxed position. You look at Chan and Felix, who have paused, then turn your head to look at Hyunjin. His fingers fumble with his robe and he avoids meeting your eyes.
“Are you alright, Jinnie?” You ask sweetly.
“I’m fine…”
“Don’t be shy, babe,” Felix begs.
“I can’t strip when you’re all staring at me.”
“Aw, why not?” Chan whines.
You and Felix giggle as Hyunjin glares in response. You turn and cross your arms on the edge of the tub, then rest your chin in your arms. You look up at Hyunjin and smile from where you slouch in the water.
“Hyunjin? Don’t you want to join us?”
He nods and tucks a strand of hair behind his ear, then watches you extend one of your hands.
“Come here, sweetheart. I’ll help you get undressed.”
He comes forward and takes your hand, then gasps as you pull him to sit on the edge of the hot tub. You giggle and rest one hand in his lap, blinking up at him seductively as that hand roams over his clothed crotch. He swallows and tries to muffle a moan with his hand as you palm him lazily through the robe. Your other hand deftly undoes the tie keeping it closed and you smirk up at him. His eyes dart away and he sighs.
“Would you two… stop ogling me?”
“Nope,” Chan replies simply.
“We’re admiring you, love.”
“Don’t look at them,” You demand, turning Hyunjin to face you by cupping his chin, “They’re not the ones touching you, now are they?”
“Right. So if you want me to keep touching you, you should keep your eyes on me.”
“Damn,” Chan hisses, and Felix shushes him.
Hyunjin’s eyes flutter and he quivers at the demand. He looks away for a second, before taking a deep breath and braving your gaze. Your expression turns ravenous as you caress his chin and run your hand down to his chest.
“Good boy.”
He nods, biting his lip as your hand slips under his robe to touch him directly. Soft groans slip from his lips as you stroke his length. His eyes follow yours through his lashes as you part his robe and let it fall open. He whimpers as you spread his legs and rest your cheek against the inside of his thigh. You look at his cock and drink in the sight of it hard and throbbing from your touch. You look up and tsk when you see his eyes are tightly shut, then draw your hand away. Hyunjin bites his fist to muffle his cry of frustration as his hips jump in desperation for your touch.
“B-Baby, pl-ease,” He hiccups.
“Look at me.”
“I-I’m not going to last…”
He looks down at you, eyes tearing up as your hand brushes the inside of his leg. You rise to stand between his legs and cup his cheeks as he frowns at you.
“Come in, baby. I’ll take care of you.”
You giggle and help him slip out of his robe, then slide your arms around his shoulders as he falls into the water with you. His lips slot against yours as you thread your fingers through his hair, and his cock ruts against your thigh. You break the kiss and huff softly.
You gasp as strong hands grab your waist, and Chan pulls you back into his lap. He pecks your shoulder and motions Hyunjin to follow you.
“Come on, Hyune. Be a good boy for her.”
Hyunjin cries out softly and falls into your waiting arms. You kiss his cheek and swipe your thumb over his bottom lip as it quivers.
“Close, baby?”
Felix settles next to you in Chan’s lap, and chuckles as Hyunjin sucks your thumb into his mouth.
“Hyunjin, baby,” Felix groans, “You look so good right now.”
“Stop,” Hyunjin cries.
“Stop what,” Felix breathes, “You’re gorgeous.”
You reach between your bodies and resume stroking Hyunjin, which quiets his embarrassed protests. His face flushes and his eyes tear up as your hand teases his cock beneath the water. Hyunjin muffles his needy sounds by shoving his face into your shoulder and Chan pecks a sweet kiss to the crown of his head. You cup his neck and hold him to you with adoration.
“There you go, Hyune,” Chan praises, “You’re such a good boy.”
Hyunjin nods and thrusts into your hand. Felix finds a place on his shoulder to begin littering little kisses and whispers soft encouragement to you both.
“There you go, feels good, right? Gonna come? Be a good boy and come. You’re treating our Hyune so well, darling. He’s so lucky to have your pretty hands on his cock.”
Chan draws Felix in for a sloppy kiss before they return their attention to you. Felix lovingly pets Hyunjin’s back and kisses his neck where he can reach it. Chan hums into your hair and slides a hand around your waist, between your legs to slip two fingers into your heat. You jerk at the intrusion and knock your head against his chin. Chan grunts and you sputter when he burrows his face in the nape of your neck.
“Well, don’t just- a-ahh!”
Your hips roll to chase the feeling of Chan’s fingers curling inside you, putting just enough pressure on your sweet spot as his thumb rolls over your clit.
“Don’t what? Hm? Use your words, babygirl.”
“You’re mean,” Hyunjin chastises, the rhythm of your touch breaking from Chan’s distraction, “Hah, too rough with her.”
You warble in agreement as you try to focus on stroking Hyunjin. Chan easily keeps the pace of fingering you as his other hand seizes your wrist. Hyunjin whines and butts his face into your neck as your hand is forced to still.
“I could be a lot meaner,” Chan whispers as he releases his hold on you, “Besides, she’s more than ready for it. Touch her, Lix.”
You resume stroking Hyunjin, his short grunts and breathy moans telling you that he is close. Chan’s fingers leave and Felix’s replace them. Although his are smaller, he makes up for this by immediately delving three of them deep into your heat. You mumble a string of curses into Hyunjin’s hair, clawing your fingers down his back as Felix fingerfucks you steadily.
“Wet and loose. Can’t get enough, can you? Hm?”
You moan and nod dumbly. Chan chuckles and lifts Hyunjin’s chin to look at him.
“And you think I’m the mean one?”
Hyunjin shakes his head as Chan pushes his thumb into his mouth. He swipes it over his tongue and presses it to the inside of his cheek. Hyunjin’s eyes flutter and his mouth opens in a broken moan as he comes from your touch. Felix chuckles, kissing the marks you left on Hyunjin’s back as he retracts his hand from your core. You sigh at the loss of contact and watch the tears slip down Hyunjin’s cheeks as your touch overstimulates him. Slowly, you cease touching him to let him recover from his high. Chan removes his thumb from his mouth and uses the spit-laden appendage to wipe the tears from Hyunjin’s cheeks. He sniffles and leans dazedly into Chan’s touch, cheeks flush and slick.
“Still good, baby?” Chan asks softly, “You with us?”
Hyunjin nods and looks over his shoulder as Felix kisses his cheek.
“You did so well, gorgeous,” He praises.
Hyunjin turns to you and presses a hot kiss to the corner of your lips. You giggle and meet him properly for the second one. He parts his lips and lets you slip your tongue inside for a messy kiss that leaves a string of saliva between your lips when you part. He groans and ducks his head before facing you again.
“I just realized… how gross this is.”
Chan chuckles and tauntingly strokes the inside of your thigh.
“What? Spit?” Felix asks as he wipes your chin clean.
“No… We’re sitting in my… cum.”
“Yeah, that’s pretty gross,” You agree as Chan nibbles your ear.
“Felix, don’t tell me that got you hard,” Hyunjin snaps as Felix laughs into his back.
He looks at you with a salacious grin and props his chin over Hyunjin’s shoulder.
“Listen, babe, just because you’re having post-nut clarity doesn’t mean we have to.”
“You should, you degenerate.”
“Well, you’re welcome to leave-”
“As if.”
You giggle and let Chan maneuver you to lean against the edge of the tub. He settles himself between your legs and traps you against the wall with his arms as he slowly leans in with a greedy stare. You sigh and lean your elbows back on the ledge, offering a challenging smirk as he moves in. Felix snakes his arms around Chan’s middle and blinks at you affectionately as your boyfriend presses his forehead to yours. You giggle and reach up to run your fingers through his hair, then reach past him to cup Felix’s cheek. You tilt your head to the side, away from Chan, to meet Felix’s gaze.
“You’re so pretty, Lix.”
“Thank you.”
Chan sets his jaw and brushes his nose against your cheek.
“Is that how it is?”
You thread your fingers in Felix’s hair and watch his eyes roll when you tug. You turn to face Chan with faux concern as he glares at you softly.
“I’m just worried Lix isn’t getting enough attention, Channie.”
Chan shudders then turns to watch you slide your hand down and wrap it around Felix’s throat. He groans when your grip tentatively tightens and guides him closer, between you and Chan. His eyes flutter open and he shoots Chan a smug look. Chan responds by grabbing the back of Felix’s head and pushing his face into your breasts. You scoff and share a look with Hyunjin, who is lounging against an edge with his elbow propped to hold his head up. He tilts his head to watch Felix suck your nipple between his lips. You moan and drape your arm lazily over his shoulders as he laps his way to your other breast.
“I think he gets plenty of attention,” Chan mumbles.
You laugh and slide your foot against the inside of Chan’s leg. He moves closer to pin Felix between both of you and chuckles at your airy moans. Felix lets out a muffled hum before licking a filthy stripe over your sensitive bud.
“I disagree,” He murmurs, “I’m feeling so neglected.”
Hyunjin speaks up from his spot, “It’s hard to feel bad for you when you have tits in your mouth.”
Felix looks up at you with his round eyes and sighs.
“God gives his hardest battles to his sexiest soldiers.”
“So true, baby,” You coo.
Chan snickers and Hyunjin rolls his eyes as Felix eagerly returns to suckling on your breasts. Chan glances at Hyunjin as needy sounds spill from your lips, and leans back to acknowledge him.
“Feeling left out?”
Hyunjin shakes his head.
“I’m good. I’m enjoying the view from right here.”
You keen as Felix nips the soft underside of your breasts and exhales hotly on your sensitive skin. He kisses lower, giving testing licks as he travels to your stomach. Chan reaches around to clasp Felix’s jaw and pulls him back. Felix’s eyes roll from the pressure on his throat and he grunts as Chan presses his lips to his ear.
“Aren’t you such a good boy for her?”
Felix nods, watching you through his lashes as Chan ghosts his hand down his front. His cock jumps when Chan’s hand slides over his abdomen and pauses there. You sigh and watch impatiently as Felix bucks his hips.
“Chan, please.”
“What’s wrong? You don’t want to be my good boy?”
“I-I do…”
“Not fair,” You whine.
Chan kisses Felix’s neck and chuckles.
“I’m just giving Lixie some attention. Wasn’t that your suggestion?”
You click your tongue and sit up.
“I didn’t say to tease him.”
“But isn’t he so cute like this?”
“Yeah,” You muse as you admire the shuddering of Felix’s toned chest, “He is pretty cute.”
Chan roughly gropes Felix’s inner-thigh and groans as he squirms in his arms.
“Excited, are you?”
“You’re one to talk. Fuck, you’re so fucking hard Chan.”
You giggle as Chan blushes and releases Felix. He drops in front of you and leans into your welcoming embrace with a soft groan. You feel his cock press against you as he kisses you fervently, his arms pulling your bodies tight together as your hands run over his back. 
Chan leans one hand on the ledge beside you and traces a finger slowly down Felix’s spine. He shivers and whimpers into your mouth as Chan’s touch dances over his freckles, drawing invisible constellations as the two of you share lazy kisses. Felix breaks the kiss and you take the opportunity to peck his forehead as Chan traces his spine again. Felix arches his back and groans at the friction of your hips coming together.
“Chris,” He cries, “Wh-What are you-”
Chan teases his fingers over Felix’s hole and slots his cock between the younger’s shaking thighs. You feel the drag of it against the tangle of your legs and bite your lip as you meet Chan’s gaze. He smirks and presses closer, forcing Felix’s chest flush to yours as he moves in. Felix moans and looks down as Chan ruts his cock under his, then looks at you as one of Chan’s hands roam over his chest. You contrast Chan’s sloppy thrusts and slow groping by sweetly tucking Felix’s hair out of his face. He inhales shakily as Chan slips a finger over his hole again.
“God, just put it in,” Felix growls.
You giggle and cup his face as Chan’s hands slide down to his hips.
“Don’t be so hasty, love,” Chan whispers.
“You’re a tease.”
“I just want to make sure you’re wet, darling.”
“We’re in a fucking hot t-UB!”
Felix jerks as Chan spreads his cheeks and spits into his open hole. Felix thrusts again, chasing the friction of his cock against your abdomen, before quivering and collecting himself. Chan spits again then pushes one of his thumbs into Felix’s puckering hole. You moan and roll your hips up for some stimulation as you stroke your thumbs over Felix’s defined cheekbones.
“That’s better,” Chan decides, admiring Felix’s slick hole.
“You’re disgusting,” Felix groans.
Chan fucks himself between his legs and you assist by closing your legs around Felix’s thighs, creating a tighter slit for Chan to slip between. Felix whines as it becomes harder for him to move his hips, and follows Chan as his hand comes around his throat again. Your core pulses from watching Chan hold him up, then he tugs Felix’s hands from your body.
“Arms. Now.”
“Chaaan,” Felix protests, but folds his arms behind his back for Chan to grasp in his other hand.
“See? Was that so hard?”
Felix whimpers as you begin running your hands over his pecs and pressing kisses to his chest. Chan is still lazily grinding between his thighs, frotting their cocks together from behind.
“You’re so pretty, Lix,” Hyunjin compliments, his voice low and ragged.
You drag your lips down Felix’s abs and look up as you place an open-mouthed kiss just below his belly button. Felix fights to look down at you as Chan tilts his head back.
“You want her mouth so bad, huh? Think you deserve it?”
“I do,” Felix argues.
“Oh yeah?”
Chan pauses as you close your hands around both of their cocks and Felix makes a relieved noise. You stroke them slowly and look up with a sigh.
“For the record, I don’t think either of you have done much to ‘deserve’ it. The only thing you’ve been doing is teasing me.”
“A-And what do you think he’s doing to me?” Felix sobs.
Chan chuckles and nuzzles his nose against Felix’s cheek.
“But Felix, you’ve been such a good boy.”
Felix rolls his eyes then makes a choked sound as you squeeze the tip of his cock. He thrusts into your hand and Chan pulls him back.
“Come on…”
“Beautiful,” Hyunjin calls, stealing your attention, “Why don’t you let them play together and I’ll take care of you?”
“No…” Felix pleads as you draw your hands away.
“You’ll be fine,” Hyunjin dismisses as he watches you wade your way over beside him.
Chan chuckles and finally releases his constricting grip on Felix. You let Hyunjin lift you up on the edge of the hot tub as Chan sits across from you. He beckons Felix closer and guides him to sit in his lap as Hyunjin ducks between your legs. You watch him pull your thighs over his shoulders and move in to lick between your folds. You are so pent up from watching the others you fail to suppress the high-pitched sound that he draws from your lips. Felix and Chan are both facing you, admiring you, as Chan hikes one of Felix’s legs over his arm and begins fingering him open. Felix lays like a ragdoll, letting Chan touch him and move him as he pleases as he watches you through half-lidded eyes.
Hyunjin barely swipes his tongue into your heat, choosing instead to focus on lapping at your clit and flicking it around your folds. You are too needy to complain, just sighing and moaning as he latches his lips to your clit and sucks. Chan hurriedly preps Felix and guides himself into his spread hole. Felix makes a wrecked sound as Chan’s fist closes around his leaking cock and he thrusts up to the hilt. Your fingers clench on the edge of the tub and you watch them desperately as your climax approaches. You wiggle and Hyunjin clasps your hips, allowing you to grind your pussy on his lips until you reach your high. You laugh breathlessly and release a series of pitchy moans as he devours you happily, letting you use him until you are satiated. You continue through your orgasm until the overstimulation has you trembling.
Hyunjin reaches up to catch you in his arms as you drop back into the water, still a bit shaky as you come down from your high. Your arousal is smeared on his lips and he licks them clean before kissing you. It is endearing, even when you taste yourself on his tongue and feel him half-hard between your moving bodies, your heart swells at his kiss. You blame Chan and Felix for leaving you untouched, but secretly know there is something special about Hyunjin that is drawing this reaction from you. He cups your cheeks and kisses you, soft and slow, drawing it out as long as he can until you are panting beneath him.
“Hah,” You respond, dazed as you look up at him, “Yes?”
“Are you okay? You’re shaking, sweetheart.”
Your heart stutters at his tender expression, and you nod quickly to settle his nerves.
“Good, I’m good. Still coming down, that’s all.”
“Alright. Do you need a break?”
“No, n-no. We can just sit here.”
“Alright, baby,” Hyunjin smiles, patient and fond, before pecking your forehead, “Sit with me. Let’s just watch for a bit.”
You follow Hyunjin down to lounge in the water and find your core winding up at how he secures his arm around your shoulder. His movements are slow, hesitant, as he pulls you close and gently caresses your arm with his thumb. He brushes stray hairs from your face and runs his thumb under your jawline with loving attention. You look up and feel safe, warmth pooling in your stomach, when you meet his doting gaze. His serene smile is still there as he glances over at Felix and Chan.
There is something remarkable about Felix’s flexibility, it must come from years of training and dancing. Chan has his leg held up in a way that looks painful, but you trust that if Felix did not want it that way he would have spoken by now. Chan is jerking him off hard, and thrusting up with no control. The scene looks pornographic, and the sounds spilling from Felix’s mouth sound even more so. You can tell he is close from the volume of his desperation.
“Ch-Chan! Chan- Chris- fuck! Please please, oh my God, fuck! Yes, please-”
Hyunjin keeps stroking your arm, pulling you in to snuggle against his chest. You sink down and feel his cheek nestle against the top of your head. Felix groans, loud enough that you would worry about someone else hearing if you were not the only ones in the house. His cum shoots up his front, painting his chest and abdomen with thick streaks as Chan fucks him through his climax. It dribbles down his cock as it falls soft against his stomach, and he groans lowly as Chan keeps fucking him. Chan’s hand has slipped to hold the inside of his thigh, keeping his legs spread by digging his fingers into the tight muscles.
“That’s good, so good, Lix,” Chan praises, “M’gonna keep going, can I cum- cum inside? M’so close, baby.”
“Uh-huh,” Felix mewls, voice airy as Chan fucks another groan out of him, “Inside, yeah…”
“That’s messy,” Hyunjin teases, “You made a mess, Lix.”
“S’good, feels good,” Felix babbles, making you both laugh.
Chan giggles into Felix’s neck and whispers his own mindless stream of groans and praises as he finds his release. He knocks his hips up, pushing himself deeper inside as he cums. Felix twitches as Chan’s cock throbs inside him, and cum begins to spill out of his plugged hole.
“Yeah, yeah Lix, milk it. Fuck, you take it so good.”
Felix nods, eyebrows pinched in pleasure as his mouth falls open.
“Ch-Chan, f-fuck it’s hot. You’re so hot.”
“Yeah? You love it, baby?”
Chan kisses his neck sweetly and slowly eases Felix off of him. The younger groans and falls bonelessly into the water, letting Chan in behind him to scoop him into his arms. Chan hums and peppers kisses over his face, neck, then chest as Felix’s head lolls back. Chan giggles and nudges his nose against Felix’s chin.
“I fucked you that good?”
“No, not that good.”
Chan punishes Felix with a bite to his jawline and he yelps.
Felix makes a noise of disagreement as he drowsily meets Chan for a kiss. Chan grumbles something but Felix muffles his words with lazy pecks.
“Now they’re going to make-out for like an hour,” Hyunjin mumbles.
“No,” Felix says, “Not that long…”
“Just until he passes out,” Chan murmurs.
“And then you make-out some more when he wakes up,” You say as their kissing resumes.
“Mhm,” Chan defends, “S’called aftercare. I do it because I care about him.”
“You’re obsessed with me,” Felix jokes, “You act like you’re in love with me or something.”
“Because I am.”
Felix’s eyes widen and his cheeks flush at Chan’s words. His reaction goes unnoticed, but not to you or Hyunjin. He shifts beside you, his fingers twitch as Chan’s hand cups Felix’s neck and pulls him in for another kiss. His eyes flutter shut and he melts into it, not noticing how your hand takes Hyunjin’s under the water or when you look up because you hear his heart pounding in his chest. He meets your gaze and relieves your worries with a smile. He looks unsure, but not upset. There is a glimmer of desire in his eyes when he looks back at Felix and Chan, sharing deft touches and needy kisses.
You giggle and sarcastically muse, “Wow, Chan. Just go ahead and say Felix is your favourite.”
Chan breaks away and looks at you with a soft glare, while Felix whines and nuzzles his cheek.
“I don’t have a favourite.”
“You love us all equally?” Hyunjin clarifies.
At this, Chan hesitates to answer. He shares a look with you then carefully replies:
“Yeah, I love you all. You mean the world to me.”
Felix successfully coaxes Chan into giving him another kiss, and when they pull apart holds Chan’s cheeks to maintain his gaze.
“Don’t be so casual about it.”
Chan chuckles.
“I can’t say I love you?”
“You love me because I take it up the ass for you.”
“That’s not true. I want to fuck you in the ass because I love you. There’s a difference.”
“There’s a difference,” You repeat with an unconvinced lilt.
“So,” Hyunjin concludes, “Felix lets you fuck him in the ass and becomes your favourite. I see how it is.”
You cackle as Chan rolls his eyes and Felix raises his eyebrows.
“Sure. Felix is my favourite. For that reason.”
“That’s okay,” You hum, “Hyunjin is my favourite.”
Hyunjin physically jumps with surprise at your confession and looks at you with disbelief. Felix chortles at his reaction and accepts the kisses Chan meticulously presses to each of his freckles. Your boyfriend is entirely unbothered by your comment, failing to justify Hyunjin’s reaction with even a sideways glance as he stares expectantly at him. Then, he stares at you.
You shrug, feeling drowsy and a little high off the hint of curiosity in Hyunjin’s voice.
“I just like you. I like how you watch out for Channie. I like how you take care of Felix. I like the way you fall in love.”
Hyunjin’s eyes soften at your inviting smile.
“Oh. I love you too.”
“I know.”
Hyunjin splutters as you look back at the others nonchalantly, although you are horribly suppressing your sheepish reaction. You avoid looking at him and pointedly turn away as your cheeks flush and a grin breaks out on your face.
“Baby? Baby, wait, look at me.”
“B-But- please?”
You shake your head as Hyunjin’s arms come around you from behind.
“You made her shy, Hyunjin,” Felix comments.
“I’m not shy,” You argue as you let Hyunjin turn you around.
Your breath catches as you watch him. His brows are furrowed with determination and his plush lips are pressed into a tight line. He cups your cheeks and leans in, lips hovering over yours as he chooses the right words.
“Y-You’re not going to say it?”
You grin.
“Say what?”
He looks helplessly at Chan and Felix. 
“Aw, babe,” Chan scolds, “Don’t be so difficult.”
Felix yawns then adds, “He deserves an ‘I love you’, he ate you out.”
“He wanted to do that.”
“You don’t want to say it?” Hyunjin questions.
You sigh and throw your arms around his shoulders.
“Hwang Hyunjin,” He nods, listening intently to your words, “I promise, one-hundred percent, without a doubt, that I love you. And I will say it as many times as you need to hear it.”
“B-But… do you…”
“For the record,” Chan cuts in, “I love you too. I loved you first, actually. She just copied me.”
“I did not copy falling in love with Hyunjin, you bitch.”
Felix’s head is resting on Chan’s chest, held close with one hand while the other points accusingly at you.
“You didn’t like him until I liked him.”
“I didn’t like him until I started dating you, I didn’t even know him.”
“Yeah, so, I win.”
You shake your head then return your attention to Hyunjin.
“What were you going to say, baby?”
“Um… So do you like me- like, love me or… just, you know…”
“Babe,” Felix murmurs, “What do you think?”
Hyunjin looks pained as he considers the options, but you quickly relieve his stress by answering his question.
“I don’t just like you in a ‘friend’ way. I cherish every second I get to spend with you, Hyunjin. I need you and I love you.”
Hyunjin nods.
“Me too. I-I love you, too.”
“I love you too,” Felix offers, “Just so you know.”
You roll your eyes.
“I love you too, Lix.”
Chan chuckles and smiles at you.
“Chan… you’re just alright,” You quip.
“Well, you’re sexy and amazing. See how I didn’t stoop to your level?”
“Chan,” Hyunjin says, “I don’t want to interrupt, but Felix is falling asleep on your chest and I think we should clean him up.”
Chan looks down to Felix drooling on his chest and hums as he gently shakes him.
“So he is. You’re right, but shouldn’t we say ‘I love you’ first?”
Hyunjin nods shyly and Chan glances at you before you move over to take Felix into your arms. He stirs when he falls against you and you scoop some water over his dirty chest. He mutters something, maybe a thank-you, as Chan comes to Hyunjin and pulls him into a kiss. Hyunjin returns it eagerly, allowing Chan to dip him slightly to deepen the kiss. Hyunjin pulls away first, and giggles as Chan pecks all over his face.
“I love you, Chan.”
“I love you too, baby.”
You smile at them as Chan lets Hyunjin straighten again.
Hyunjin and Chan help Felix out of the hot tub and dress him in his robe, before he eventually gives up on standing and Chan has to carry him out of the room. There are two bathrooms in the house. Hyunjin runs a bath for Felix in one of them, while you start a shower in the other. You hear the door open a few minutes into your shower, then Chan’s soft voice shortly after that.
“It’s me, babe.”
“Are you coming in?”
“Yeah, I just had to do something.”
You poke your head out of the shower curtain and smile when you see Chan has brought clean towels and pajamas. His head perks up as he drops his towel and he smirks at you.
“Wow. Couldn’t help yourself? Had to take a peek, you little minx?”
You giggle and push the curtain open as he steps in. You share a quick kiss as he shuts the curtain behind himself and steps under the water with you.
“I want to know where they found robes. How come all we can find is towels.”
“I don’t know, love. I’m sure they’re around somewhere.”
“How is Lix doing?”
“He’s good. Hyunjin’s in the tub with him. He’ll take a nap and go back to being a menace again.”
You nod and giggle as Chan pulls your body to his. Your hands rest on his shoulders and you gaze up at him as you sway under the water.
“You tired?” He asks.
“Kind of, getting there.”
He pecks your forehead.
“Let’s get you cleaned up, babygirl.”
“I love you.”
He smiles, that eye-pinching grin that melts your heart every time.
“I love you more.”
“S’not,” He protests with a soft pout, “I do.”
“You’re just gonna have to prove it to me, I guess.”
He chuckles and kisses you, leisurely and chaste.
“No problem. You’re easy to love.”
“Mhm, be quiet,” You complain.
You finish your shower laughing together. Chan steps out first, throws on his towel then takes yours and begins helping you dry off. You throw your arms up and let him pat you down, then squeal when he throws it over your head and squeezes your sides.
You pull it down with a huff that gets interrupted with a kiss. He smiles against your lips when you lightly hit him with the towel.
He giggles.
“Mhm, okay.”
He pecks your nose and finishes patting you dry, then gives you your space so you can get dressed. The clothes are your comfy underwear, favourite bedtime shorts, and one of his black hoodies. You pull it on then hold the material up to your nose to inhale his scent. Chan pulls on his boxers then pauses partway through donning his sweatpants to observe you. You smile with your eyes, nose and mouth covered in the soothing material. He finishes getting dressed, having opted to stay shirtless, and tilts his head at you.
You shuffle into his arms and he welcomes you with a hug. He buries his nose in your hair and you let the fabric drop as you peck his chest.
“Let’s go, babygirl.”
You shriek as Chan picks you up by your thighs and brings your legs around his waist. Your arms close tight around his neck and you cry out in protest.
“Chan! Don’t do that!”
He laughs and carries you out of the bathroom, down the hall to the living room. Hyunjin and Felix are already there, lounging on the couch in their matching pajamas as they choose something to watch. Felix is sipping a glass of water, tucked into Hyunjin’s side as he scrolls through the options. Chan drops you on the couch and catches your ankle when you try to kick him.
“I know your tricks, sweetheart.”
Hyunjin makes his decision and watches Felix hold his empty glass out to Chan.
Chan sighs and takes it, then leaves the room to refill it for him. Felix shoots you a satisfied smirk and you shake your head.
“Get your own malewife.”
“I want yours.”
“I heard that!”
“No you didn’t,” Felix teases, then looks expectantly at Hyunjin.
“Stop looking at me like that.”
Felix pouts.
“You don’t want to be my malewife?”
“Hyunjin is so boygirlfriend, actually,” You murmur.
“Oh yeah, he so is.”
“I don’t know what those words mean but I feel like I should be offended. Stop it.”
Chan returns with a fresh glass of ice water and presses his cold hand to the back of your neck. You curse and twist away from his touch as Felix takes his water and sings:
“Thank you, Chan.”
“You’re welcome, little bastard.”
“I love when couples have pet names,” Hyunjin jokes.
“It’s not a pet name, that’s Lix’s species,” You add.
“I’m not a creature.”
“You act like one,” Chan mutters.
Felix holds his glass out and Chan lets out a long sigh before reluctantly taking it.
“Getting fucked in the ass doesn’t make you incapable of taking care of yourself.”
“Yes it does.”
“Lix is a babygirl, he can’t help it,” You defend.
Felix nods sagely and Hyunjin tsks, before Chan replies:
“If babygirl means spoiled princess, then it definitely suits the two of you,” He pauses, “Three of you.”
Hyunjin ponders then shrugs, yawning instead of trying to muster up an argument against Chan’s logic. Chan sets Felix’s water aside, giving you time to crawl between Hyunjin and Felix and cuddle into a comfortable position. Hyunjin lets you rest your head in his lap, even tucking a throw pillow beneath to better support it. Felix lays somewhat on top of you, partially wedged between you and the couch so he can put his head low on your chest and slot one of his legs between yours. Chan assesses the situation then settles himself on top of you. His head rests on your stomach and he tangles himself around Felix. Felix welcomes him in by wrapping his arms around his shoulders and pecking his forehead.
“You weren’t planning on going anywhere, right?” You ask Hyunjin.
He snorts.
“Not anymore.”
Hyunjin lazes one arm over the back of the couch and lets his other rest on the armrest. Chan tugs a blanket up over himself and Felix and hums contently. Felix shimmies lower and tilts Chan’s head up to give him a kiss. You reach over your head to grab Hyunjin’s hand and bring it to your lips, brushing a sweet peck over his knuckles. He makes a soft sound and smiles down at you, then begins brushing his fingers over your cheek. He carefully traces over your cheekbones, eyelids, down the bridge of your nose. He pauses on your lips, slips his finger between them gently, then moves to your chin and jawline. You watch him intently, then let your attention shift to Chan and Felix where they trade kisses beside you.
“I told you they would start making out again,” You whisper to Hyunjin.
“I’m not surprised.”
“You’re just jealous,” Felix decides.
“Are you jealous?” Chan asks, his voice slurring with exhaustion.
“No,” Hyunjin assures, “I love seeing you two together.”
“Simp,” Felix replies.
You place your hand between their faces and laugh as Felix whines and tries to see Chan around it.
“Baby, please,” Chan begs.
You sigh and move your hand to play with his hair. Hyunjin continues stroking your cheek with his thumb as he turns his attention to the television. Felix reaches up to tug on his shirt.
“Hey, you’re good, right?”
“Why wouldn’t I be good?”
“I mean… You didn’t really believe them earlier.”
Hyunjin looks annoyed as you and Chan both look at him with concern.
“It’s not that I didn’t believe them! I just want to make sure we’re all on the same page.”
“Why wouldn’t we be on the same page?” You ask gently.
“I don’t know… People say things in the moment and…”
“Hyunjin,” Chan says, dozy and a little sternly, “Do you think we didn’t mean it when we said we love you?”
“I know you love me. I just also know how Felix loves me, so I don’t want to assume you mean it the same way.”
“Oh,” You breathe, “You’re afraid we’re not in love with you, right?”
“You don’t have to be…”
“Then what can we do to show you we are?” Chan asks.
Hyunjin falters then Felix speaks up for him:
“Putting a label on this might help? There hasn’t really been much talk of commitment since we started seeing each other’s partners. Maybe… we stop wondering how long this will last and… finally make it official?”
You grin at Felix, his words are clearly thought out but his tone is hesitant. Voice a little shaky, eyes a little watery. Hyunjin lets his hand fall from the back of the couch to rub Felix’s back in soothing circles.
“Alright, let’s make it official,” Chan decides.
“Wha- just like that?” Hyunjin yelps.
You giggle.
“Channie doesn’t fuck around with labels.”
“I don’t. Tell us what you want. Let’s get it all worked out right here.”
Hyunjin swallows and looks at you.
“What… would you call this?”
You blink in surprise then contemplate the question with a quiet hum.
“Well… Chan is my boyfriend, obviously… but I would even call him my soulmate if we’re getting specific with things. And I don’t see why I couldn’t use that word to describe you guys, too.”
“S-Soulmates,” Felix questions, “You really feel like we’re your soulmates?”
Your cheeks heat up and you nod shyly.
“W-Well… If that’s okay? I mean, I guess, to me a soulmate isn’t necessarily a romantic partner. They’re just… someone you need in your life. But I don’t see why we can’t be soulmates and lovers, you know? Or, soulmates and friends if that’s… better, like…”
You feel wetness fall on your cheeks and trail off as you wipe it away. Another drop, and you look up to see Hyunjin crying above you. Your eyes widen and you reach up instinctively, hand resting over his heart as he tries to muffle his sobs into his palm.
“Hyunjin, what’s wrong?”
Felix clambers up when he realizes what is going on, and Chan follows. This gives you the opportunity to sit up, and you slide into Hyunjin’s lap as Felix’s arms come around his shoulders. The position is awkward, but Chan pushes himself in as well. His arms come around Hyunjin’s waist, and Felix leans back just a bit so Hyunjin can tuck his chin over Chan’s shoulder. He cries openly, tears stream down his face before being wiped away by Felix’s delicate hands. Felix pecks his forehead as Chan rubs his back lovingly.
“I-I’m sorry, I-I don’t-” He chokes on his tears between words, “I don’t even believe Felix wants me sometimes. I-I just expected you two would get bored of me soon.”
Chan’s eyebrows pinch and he sighs softly before answering:
“I know what you mean, baby, but trust me: we’re never going to get bored of you. We love you.”
You pet Hyunjin’s hair and nod in agreement as he leans back to look at Chan.
“Yes,” Chan exasperates, “Sweetheart, when I said you’re my world I meant it. I love you.”
“Oh,” Hyunjin laughs sadly, “Oh.”
“You’re so foolish, Jinnie,” You murmur as you kiss his cheek, “Silly boy. Thinking we don’t love you and Felix.”
Felix is still teary-eyed, and the tender kiss Chan presses to his cheek does not help.
“We didn’t want to get our hearts hurt,” Felix explains quietly.
“That breaks my heart,” Chan replies, “I don’t know how we could be anymore in love with you. Isn’t it obvious?”
“Except,” You cut in, “For actually putting a name to it.”
“Oh, whatever. I don’t look at anyone else but you three. I let you in bed with the love of my life. You should’ve gotten the hint.”
Hyunjin wipes his tears away and turns to you as you cup his jaw.
“Does that help, Hyunjinnie? Do you know your answer now?”
“Yes… I think we’re soulmates too, and I want us to all be together.”
You share a kiss and giggle when Felix butts his face into Hyunjin’s neck.
“What’s wrong, Lix?” Chan asks softly.
He raises his head, freckled face burning as your attention falls on him.
“I agree but… could we pick something a bit less intense for when we tell the guys? Like, partners, or lovers even?”
“You think ‘lovers’ is less intense?” Hyunjin questions.
“I don’t know…”
“I like it. Lovers is serious, but not as dramatic, and still a little soft,” You decide, “I also like the idea of calling you three my boyfriends.”
“Isn’t that a little… casual?” Hyunjin retorts.
“Calling someone your boyfriend is casual,” Chan remarks in disbelief, then looks at you, “Apparently we are not taking our relationship as seriously as we should be.”
You giggle and Hyunjin rolls his eyes.
“Th-That’s not what I meant… We’re just going to go from being close friends to suddenly… her boyfriends, and that seems like we’re not acknowledging the way our relationship has developed in private. I-I think we’re more serious about each other than… just dating… R-Right?”
“Again, dating is too casual now?”
You hit Chan lightly then turn your attention to Hyunjin and Felix.
“Why don’t we call each other whatever is most comfortable, and if the boys have questions we let them know that we’re taking it day-by-day. But yes, Hyune, we’re serious about this too.”
You make soft noise as Felix leans closer and guides you into a tender kiss. You accept easily, warming at how his hand slides around your waist and his bangs brush against your cheeks. He parts and grins at your blissed out smile.
“Sorry, lovely. I just felt the need to do that right now. Love you.”
“I love you too, Lix.”
Chan smiles, still looking tired, and lets you and Felix pepper chaste kisses to his cheeks.
“You need to rest, Channie?” You ask.
“Yeah, I do,” Chan looks at Hyunjin and gestures for him to hug him again, “Come here, baby.”
Hyunjin falls into his arms with a little sigh and lets Chan comfort him. Felix uses the moment to settle in a sitting position at the other end of the couch, and pats his stomach patiently. Chan takes Hyunjin with him as he falls between Felix’s legs, heads resting on his chest as the two continue sharing little pecks. You smile, throw a blanket over the three of them, then grab your own before curling up on top of your boyfriends’ legs. Chan and Hyunjin both reach down, Chan takes your hand and Hyunjin plays with your hair as you look up to admire them. Felix has one arm around Hyunjin’s shoulders and the other folded behind his head as he watches the two on top of him.
“Ugh, I just realized something,” You whisper.
“Mhm,” Is Chan’s half-conscious reply.
“What, babe,” Hyunjin inquires with Chan’s mouth smushed lazily against his lips.
“I’m going to have to share my sugar daddy.”
They all laugh and Felix answers:
“I like how you decided we would all be mooching off Chan, as opposed to you gaining two more sugar daddies.”
“Ooh wait, I like that better.”
Felix laughs, shaking Chan and Hyunjin with the force of it. Both are exhausted now, and as they succumb to sleep their kisses dissolve into slow brushes of their lips instead of actions with any force behind them. You smile at the way their noses brush, how one will slip back into consciousness enough to kiss the other and receive a delayed peck to reciprocate the action. You look up to meet Felix’s eyes as he mirrors your fond smile. He whispers, but Hyunjin still stirs slightly at the rumble of his voice.
“They fit so well together.”
You hum in agreement.
“Chan thinks the same thing about me and you.”
Felix chuckles.
“Must be true, then.”
Your smile widens as you regard your boyfriends’ one last time. Chan’s cheek is smushed into Felix’s chest, Hyunjin’s breathing has finally slowed, and Felix’s eyes flutter shut as he lets his head fall to the side. You close your eyes and nestle in to fall asleep with them.
The sudden sound of excited voices pulls you awake before the front door even opens. When someone, presumably Minho, manages to win the fight with his keys and push the door open the volume increases exponentially. You groggily sit up and look over the back of the couch, down the hall where you cannot see the others but their voices swim in and out of your hazy senses. You look down; Chan and Hyunjin are in the same position as earlier, asleep and sharing air with little space between their lips. Felix is rubbing the sleep from his eyes and stretching out his arm, no doubt cramped from being tucked under his head.
“You guys here?” Changbin calls out.
“We’re in here, Binnie,” You manage, voice straining from underuse, “We were sleeping.”
You can hear Jeongin and Jisung cackling down the hall, their voices the loudest among the others. You cannot make out what they are saying as they wander somewhere else in the house. Changbin enters the room, still wearing his black puffer jacket. He comes around the couch on Felix’s side and ruffles his hair.
“Cold, Bin?” Felix purrs, his voice deeper with sleep.
“Not really. You look cozy.”
You watch Changbin’s expression as he seems to register the scene before him. You yawn and sit up properly, and notice how Chan’s hands are barely clutching the front of Hyunjin’s pajama shirt. In return, Hyunjin has his arm draped around Chan’s body. Maybe you imagine it, but Changbin’s gaze seems to linger on the proximity of their parted lips before he wanders over to you. He pets your hair, no doubt tousled from sleep and your earlier escapades, and tilts your head up gently to face him.
“Tired, honey?”
You smile.
“A little. Did you guys have fun?”
Changbin nods and drops his hand.
“We walked down the shore, then we went into town and looked around until we found somewhere to hang out. There was a nice restaurant, so we went there and I.N and Han had a couple drinks. Then we walked around some more before we got back here.”
You giggle.
“No wonder they’re being so loud…”
“I can quiet them down for you.”
“No, it’s okay. We’ll wake Chan and Hyune up soon and go to bed.”
“Alright, you just let me know if you need anything, babe. I’m going to my room.”
He passes by Felix again and offers a gentle caress to his cheek.
“Goodnight, Yongbokkie.”
“G’night, Bin,” Felix yawns between farewells, “Sleep tight.”
You offer Changbin a small wave and watch him leave. Your attention piques as Seungmin shuffles in, still dressed in his slacks and a too-big flannel. He looks over the back of the couch with a blank expression.
“Did you have a good night, Min?” Felix asks.
He comes around the couch on your side and hesitates at the end. You tuck your legs up, careful not to disturb Chan or Hyunjin, and pat the space next to you.
“You can sit here, Min,” You offer softly.
He drops into the bit of space next to you and leans his head on your shoulder. You throw your blanket over the two of you and tidy his bangs where they have fallen in his eyes.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m sorry you guys stayed out so long,” You sympathize, “You can sleep here for a while.”
Seungmin nods and nuzzles closer. You look at Felix, who smiles and lets his eyes fall shut. You turn your attention to the television, still playing whatever Hyunjin chose earlier to occupy the silence. Seungmin’s hand finds yours under the blanket and you lace your fingers together. You spend a few minutes watching the show, before your eyelids droop shut. Your head falls against Seungmin’s and he grunts softly, but does not move.
Your peace is interrupted shortly after when you hear poorly concealed giggling, and look over to see Jeongin and Jisung leaning on the back of the couch.
“Hey, you two,” You whisper, peering suspiciously at their troublesome grins, “What is it?”
They share a look and giggle some more before Jeongin answers, “We know what you did.”
You smirk and reply, “What?”
Jeongin laughs then stage whispers, “You had seeeex.”
They both erupt into laughter, startling both Seungmin and Hyunjin to alertness. Seungmin sighs and nuzzles his face into your shoulder as Hyunjin blearily sits up. Felix snickers and soothes Hyunjin gently as he collapses back on top of him with a groan. Chan is surprisingly dead to the world despite the increasing disturbance caused by Jisung and Jeongin.
“Is that all,” You mutter, unimpressed, “That’s what’s so funny.”
Felix chuckles as Jisung leans over the couch and taps Hyunjin’s arm.
“Hey Jinnie, hey Jinnie.”
“Look look,” Hyunjin obliges and glares as Jisung insists, “Look.”
“I’m looking.”
Jisung makes a ‘v’ with his fingers and licks his tongue between them, making Jeongin howl at the gesture. Felix groans and Hyunjin slaps Jisung’s arm.
“Stop that, you freak!”
���Yeah? Am I right, though?”
Jisung looks at you and you cock your eyebrow up.
“You’re not wrong.”
Hyunjin covers his face and Felix laughs suddenly, as the boys become frenzied at your admission. Minho enters the room in his pajamas and frowns at Jisung and Jeongin’s shenanigans.
“Ji, are you coming to bed or not?”
“For the love of God,” Seungmin groans, “Please take him. He’s disturbing the peace.”
“Your face disturbs the peace,” Jisung shoots back.
“Wow. How will I ever recover from that one?”
You giggle then jump as Jeongin stumbles over and slaps his hands down on the couch behind you. You tilt your head back to face him, allowing Seungmin to hide his face better in the crook of your neck.
“Enjoying the cuddle pile, puppy?” The youngest teases.
Seungmin scoffs.
“Mind your business.”
“You know,” Jisung teases, “Maybe if you ask nicely, one of them will suck-”
Minho cuffs the back of Jisung’s head before he can finish the sentence, which makes him fall to the floor with a shout. Chan finally awakens and takes in the scene before him: Hyunjin hiding his face in Felix’s chest, you and Seungmin cuddling at his feet, Minho lifting an indignant Jisung off the floor, and Jeongin grinning over it all. Minho successfully hauls his boyfriend to his feet then begins herding him out of the room, patting his bottom along the way.
“Miiiin, that huuurt!”
“You know what else hurts? The consequences of your actions. Stop running your mouth before you regret it.”
Jisung continues to complain as they leave down the hall. Jeongin leans over Seungmin’s shoulder and smirks as he refuses to leave your neck.
“Fuck off.”
“I’m not doing anything,” Jeongin whines.
You reach up and gently shove him away.
“Leave Min alone. Go to bed, drunkard.”
“I don’t want to…”
“Too late,” Chan grumbles, half-asleep, “Leader’s orders. Go to bed.”
Jeongin pouts and makes a point of poking your forehead before leaving.
“Hey! Brat!”
“And drink some water!” Chan yells after him.
“Alright, dad!”
You giggle as Chan eases himself up and scratches his neck. He pats beside him aimlessly and ends up touching Hyunjin’s hip. Hyunjin looks up at his touch, face still flushed with embarrassment. Felix yawns and begins sitting up.
“I think we should go to bed, yeah?”
You pat Seungmin’s chest gently, fingers still curled together under the blanket.
“You sure you’re okay, Minnie?”
He nods.
“Don’t feel great.”
“Were you drinking?” Hyunjin asks.
He shakes his head. Chan rises and brushes Seungmin’s bangs back to press the back of his hand to his forehead. Seungmin flinches then relaxes as Chan ruffles his hair.
“You’re a little warm. Come here.”
You and Seungmin pull apart as Chan leads his arms around his shoulders. He slips the younger member into his arms bridal-style and carries his limp body off to his room. 
“Poor, Min,” You murmur.
“I think he’s just tired,” Hyunjin assures.
Felix nods in agreement then says, “I’ll check on him later. He’ll be okay.”
“We should go to bed, love,” Hyunjin suggests as he stands.
You nod then pause to contemplate. Felix leans forward to lightly pinch your cheek, and smirks at your startled expression.
“What are you thinking about, babe?”
“Well- is our bed bigger, or is yours?”
Felix’s smile intensifies and he closes the distance to give you an eager kiss.
“S’cute,” He murmurs as he moves into your lap, “My cute baby. Can’t get enough of you.”
You squeal in delight as you and Felix fall down together on the couch.
“You two,” Hyunjin exasperates, “Someone’s going to see you.”
Felix turns his head to look at your, plural, boyfriend.
“Isn’t that the point? So they know she’s mine?”
“Oh,” Chan remarks as he returns to the room, “She’s yours now, is she?”
Felix blushes and smirks down at you.
“Yeah. Right now she is.”
You hum and bump your nose against his shyly.
“I’ll be yours, Lixie. Anytime.”
“How about all night?”
You blush and giggle in response, mind going to putty at his flirtatious gaze.
“I want to sleep tonight,” Hyunjin huffs.
“And I don’t think you can keep it up all night, frankly,” Chan jabs.
“Don’t call me ‘frankly’, my name is Felix.”
The ridiculous joke shocks a laugh out of you and you quickly become breathless as Hyunjin groans and stomps away.
“I’m done.”
“Babe, please! Come back!” Felix pleads.
Chan stands, still and silent as he watches Felix with an intensely disappointed glare. You are still laughing when Hyunjin stomps back.
“You’re lucky you’re cute.”
Felix winks then helps you sit up.
“It wasn’t that funny,” Chan chastises.
“It wasn’t funny at all,” You reply breathlessly, “That’s what makes it hilarious.”
Felix purses his lips.
“It was a little funny…”
Chan leans over the couch and pecks Felix’s cheek.
“Come on. Let’s head to bed, Frankly.”
“Don’t you start,” Hyunjin sighs.
The two stand together, waiting for you and Felix to untangle from each other and stand up from the couch. You all walk to yours and Chan’s bedroom, sharing light touches and warm smiles along the way. When you enter the room, Hyunjin dives onto the bed and yelps when Chan falls on top of him. You laugh and follow Felix as he takes a seat on the bed and leads you to sit in his lap. You gasp as he rolls over, pinning you between him and Hyunjin as he nuzzles his face into your chest.
He chuckles and looks up with dazzling eyes.
“Yes, lovely?”
“I love you.”
“Oh, I love you too, baby.”
Hyunjin turns to tuck his face into your shoulder and pull your arm over his hip. You laugh and give his bottom a loving pat as Chan squeezes himself into the space under your arm and uses your shoulder to rest his head.
“I love both of you too,” You whisper.
“M’love you too, beautiful,” Chan replies, his face squishing with force as rubs it into his own sweater.
Hyunjin throws an arm over Chan’s shoulders and Felix links their fingers together where they rest between your bodies.
“We love you too,” Hyunjin says, “Both of you. So much.”
Felix hums and sleepily pulls the blanket over all of you, before you drift off to sleep.
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