#ps i don't like to talk about it . it is my medical information. but before you ask. yes this is about being on the spectrum
inkskinned · 1 year
because sometimes there are invisible tests and invisible rules and you're just supposed to ... know the rule. someone you thought of as a friend asks you for book recommendations, so you give her a list of like 30 books, each with a brief blurb and why you like it. later, you find out she screenshotted the list and send it out to a group chat with the note: what an absolute freak can you believe this. you saw the responses: emojis where people are rolling over laughing. too much and obsessive and actually kind of creepy in the comments. you thought you'd been doing the right thing. she'd asked, right? an invisible rule: this is what happens when you get too excited.
you aren't supposed to laugh at your own jokes, so you don't, but then you're too serious. you're not supposed to be too loud, but then people say you're too quiet. you aren't supposed to get passionate about things, but then you're shy, boring. you aren't supposed to talk too much, but then people are mad when you're not good at replying.
you fold yourself into a prettier paper crane. since you never know what is "selfish" and what is "charity," you give yourself over, fully. you'd rather be empty and over-generous - you'd rather eat your own boundaries than have even one person believe that you're mean. since you don't know what the thing is that will make them hate you, you simply scrub yourself clean of any form of roughness. if you are perfect and smiling and funny, they can love you. if you are always there for them and never admit what's happening and never mention your past and never make them uncomfortable - you can make up for it. you can earn it.
don't fuck up. they're all testing you, always. they're tolerating you. whatever secret club happened, over a summer somewhere - during some activity you didn't get to attend - everyone else just... figured it out. like they got some kind of award or examination that allowed them to know how-to-be-normal. how to fit. and for the rest of your life, you've been playing catch-up. you've been trying to prove that - haha! you get it! that the joke they're telling, the people they are, the manual they got- yeah, you've totally read it.
if you can just divide yourself in two - the lovable one, and the one that is you - you can do this. you can walk the line. they can laugh and accept you. if you are always-balanced, never burdensome, a delight to have in class, champagne and glittering and never gawky or florescent or god-forbid cringe: you can get away with it.
you stare at your therapist, whom you can make jokes with, and who laughs at your jokes, because you are so fucking good at people-pleasing. you smile at her, and she asks you how you're doing, and you automatically say i'm good, thanks, how are you? while the answer swims somewhere in your little lizard brain:
how long have you been doing this now? mastering the art of your body and mind like you're piloting a puppet. has it worked? what do you mean that all you feel is... just exhausted. pick yourself up, the tightrope has no net. after all, you're cheating, somehow, but nobody seems to know you actually flunked the test. it's working!
aren't you happy yet?
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2frosty4you · 1 year
Can I maybe get some hcs of engie and medic both falling for their friend, reader as she pursues a degree in phytotoxicology. (Not at aaaaall because that's my degree or anything:))
Ps, I just found your Tumblr and I looove your writing<3 /take care darlin'
Falling for a friend pursuing Phytotoxicology [Engineer/Medic Headcanons]
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MedicxReader / EngineerxReader | 612 words | masterlist | Ask/Request
Phytotoxicology is the study of poisoning humans/animals by plants
(ps. I hope i got the information on phytotoxicology right, i couldn’t find a lot on it qwq. But thank you for enjoying my writing anon!!) 
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The two of you have been friends for a few years, with your garden on the outside of his lab he likes to chat with you out his window. 
Since you work with plants and their toxins he likes to listen to you talk about the poisons and the effects they have on living organisms 
Lets you ramble while he sits there with his head in his palm giving you a large maniacal smile. 
He is a deranged man so he is VERY interested with the effects some of these plants have on humans, if you dare mention something that could be used as a weapon against humans he is whipped and looking at you with large sparkling eyes.
You have a lot of poisonous plants in your greenhouse, and some in medic’s lab as decoration (be it they’re safer to be around) 
Medic accepts any gifts like this with open arms and a large maniacal smile on his lips
Would buy you books on plants, and like A LOT of books
Lets you use body parts for your studies, or just straight up enemy teammates he took from the battlefield for you.
 “Oh Ja! before i forgot here :)”   “Medic is that the blu scout”  “Ja :)” 
You two work together with his syringe guns and you make them more deadly, so he can actually protect himself. 
Things like cardiac glycosides from foxgloves you would coat the syringes in and gift them to him and medic would give a large goofy evil smile.
If you haven’t finished your degree he aids you in studies (he had a medical license.. once) 
Confesses his love to you with a bundle of foxgloves, yellow oleanders, euphorbia and calla lilies (don't worry hes wearing gloves)
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Engineer and you have been friends for a while, and after a few drinks you mention your degree that you are pursuing. 
He gives you snacks and drinks while you are studying.
He’s got 11 phds of course he’s going to help you.
Even if he hasn’t done anything within the realm of plant toxins he tries to help, makes you a small greenhouse which you can customize and change the environment within to grow more of these plants. 
“Engi!? This is so cool, holy shit!” “Well thanks darlin’, all the best for you” 
Still a hc of mine he calls you darlin’, sugar and other pet names while hes crushing on you.
Listen, he may be a southern gentleman but he is a maniac who cut off his hand. He will first ask you if you need any human parts for your studies, if you say yes he’s on a mission to get the enemy spy. Listen, it's killing two birds with one stone.
You two work together in a comfortable silence, apart from the occasional radio or pyro’s muffled speaking it’s full of you studies your plants and engineer tinkering (and studying you) 
Plays his guitar for you, and gets you away from work when you’re too stressed. 
He will look up types of toxic plants and will give them to you, more the seeds if anything. 
Lets you ramble about your studies, he sits next to you with a beer in his hand and his guitar in the other. Strumming it softly as you rant about your work, smiling as you talk passionately about it.
Loves to spend quality time with you, doesn’t matter if you two are silently working on two separate things he loves that he’s around you. 
He confesses one night, while the sun is setting around the campfire he would remove his hard hat. Smile and with a stutter he confesses his love to you.
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Thanks for reading, if you have any requests or anythin else send them here -> Ask-Box
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blood-feathers · 27 days
Spy, what do you think about medic? He's told us that his reputation isn't quite good (ps. What kind of information do you want?)
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What I think is that he's fuckin' insane. And yeah, ruining everyone's lives irreparably is kinda social suicide in most people's eyes. Half the people 'ere lost their families, the ones that still had 'em before at least. Mo's family won't speak to him, same thing with Dicky, and Ray's been too pussyfoot to tell his folks about it. Reese's parents got real weird about it, but at least they still talk to him, so we don't have a third sad sack 'a shit mopin' around actin' like the world's over. Mark's Ma still talks to him too, thank fuckin' god. But I wouldn't say causin' all that's gonna make a guy real popular with his coworkers, yeah. Not to mention the whole not being able to walk out into regular society shtick. The batteries in my watches only last so long.
I'm not picky on the info. Anything I don't already know, which is to say, anything you haven't told the bird. Though I'm contractually obligated to ask for any information you have on BLU. Whatever you're gonna tell me though, hurry it up, because you're runnin' out of free gammin' sessions.
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katsy-kitty · 4 months
ok I'm gonna be vulnerable for a moment
I'm prescribed Xanax* and while I know it can cause amnesia when taken in too large amounts, what happened yesterday is a bit different
I took one pill in the late evening because I'd only slept for less than 3 hours the night before and wanted to fall sleep earlier and also was feeling anxious. I waited for some time and decided it hadn't done that much of a difference, so I took two more. So, three pills in total - not that much.
Well... I don't really remember going to bed, but:
I woke up in my bed fully clothed - not bad; I sometimes do that even when sober
I left the computer, music, the TV, and the bathroom light on - not THAT hard to imagine; has happened before when sober
I apparently forgot to take my daily evening medication, which is a bit of shame because it improves my sleep quality and also should be taken daily
THE MILK WAS OUT OF THE FRIDGE EVEN THOUGH I DIDN'T EVEN USE IT (also it was my last one and I doubt it's still good so RIP milk...)
THE MICROWAVE DOOR WAS OPEN BUT I DON'T REMEMBER MICROWAVING ANYTHING (I WOULD have noticed because the light is on in the microwave when the door's open and I have a long corridor leading to the kitchen with the microwave at the end of it - that's how I noticed IN THE MORNING WHEN IT WAS LIGHT, so at night it would be extra visible)
I'd opened a pack of crisps, left one on the countertop and just left the rest OPEN on the countertop without eating almost any of it (I know this one doesn't seem that bad, but I'd never leave crisps wide open because they get stale)
THANKFULLY, when I checked in the morning, I DIDN'T MAKE ANY TUMBLR POSTS WHILE BEING A ZOMBIE (so all the deranged posts from yesterday are just me)
1.5 year ago, when I was doing reeeaaally badly, I took way more and then went to a birthday party of a person close to me, where I met some of his friends whom I'd only heard about before and had been excited to meet, AND I DON'T REMEMBER ANYTHING ABOUT THAT PARTY OR THE PEOPLE I MET EVEN THOUGH I ACTED AND TALKED NORMALLY AND IT WASN'T APPARENT TO ANYONE THAT I WAS FUNCTIONALLY A FUCKING ZOMBIE. And I cannot ever recover these memories afaik. Do you know how fucking scary it is to not remember what you did the night before? What if I did something reprehensible? What if I was outside and broke the law and got arrested? What if I did something extremely reckless? I DON'T KNOW WHAT KIND OF PERSON I WAS WHEN THIS WAS HAPPENING. I DON'T KNOW IF I WAS MYSELF AND HAD MY NORMAL VALUES AND OPINIONS OR IF I TURN INTO A DIFFERENT KIND OF PERSON. All I know, because someone close to me has told me, is that I am meaner and more egocentric. I DON'T WANT TO BE MEAN
btw for anyone wondering: amnesia IS a legitimate side effect of Xanax and not something specific to me. I'm not sure if all leaflets list it (I'm not in the US), but you can check Wikipedia for more info
*generic Xanax, to be exact, which is the same in effect btw
PS. I don't abuse Xanax anymore and even when I did, it didn't ever any feel-good effects for me; I only used it to numb myself / make myself go to sleep. I don't even see why people use it recreationally (apparently) because if I wasn't extremely anxious, like having a panic attack, it wasn't very helpful or pleasant to take.
All of the above doesn't mean that I am against Xanax. I think it's a great medicine for panic attacks because it (a) works, (b) acts extremely fast for something that's a pill ingested through the mouth.
But it's extremely important that people don't abuse it, and that's why doctors should be responsible when prescribing it and inform patients of the side effects and the harms of abusing it.
Xanax is also very addictive and the addiction is hard to break (not from personal experience this time). And abusing it can lead to long-lasting (I'm not saying "permanent") cognitive impairment even once you've stopped taking it.
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ram-bam-writes · 4 months
1. Holy shit, thank you: I actually wanted to read it, but assumed you wouldn't drop the essay. Lovely piece of work, especially the poem. Kind of gives me insight on how you view him.
2. Even if you are over it--sending you love and healing. I was also a medically neglected kid, and it's a feeling to hear other's experiences. Not sure what to name it yet still.
3. Bio bitch, as a term made me laugh. It was unexpected and apt! A new one.
4. I love your humour--your writing belies your personality, which very faceted (this is a compliment, idk if it comes across the way I intend) and a mix of humour, weathered-hey-so-it-happened-and-I-survive, and reason.
5. "I blame circumstance for it all" gasping at the brevity and impact.
6. The way you weaved in mental health with this? Immaculate. It's a perspective I haven't even thought of before, and thank you for sharing that, genuinely. It was lovely, and one of the nicest I've came across this year.
7. Thank you for tagging me! I might have missed it, I wasn't checking my notifs. Very kind of you :)
8. Ps-- "I need this man to fuck me through the mattress " and subsequent notes? I hope both sides of your pillow remain cold.
1. Ehehehe, I'm not shy about posting my work. I like sharing things I've written, especially like that one, because there's more to it that I think is important. And thank you! I think I've written over 8 pieces of poetry for/about him, now. I truly am obsessed.
2. I think that's the biggest part of why I wanted to share it. So much happens to people as a kid, and sometimes it's easy to self-blame or even believe you to be the only one. I like sharing experiences so people know they ain't alone, even if that's not necessarily a good thing (if that makes sense, given we shouldn't have gone through it I'm the first place). I think one reason I'm happy I'm comfortable talking about it is for that reason. I want people to feel safe around me, and I reckon they can do it easier if they know I've been through hardships similar to theirs. Might make them more comfy talking to be when they need help
3. One of my personal fav's :>
4. Writing was actually what helped me get through it all (I suppose over-it might be the incorrect word, since it's less about getting 'over' what happened, rather getting through/past it and accepting what happened was bad and continuing to thrive in the face of hardship). I'm in love with that analysis; I hadn't noticed I had such a style, but the more I think about it, a lot of my work flows that way (I've done an informational one on explaining what watercolors are and the tools involved, while slipping in a few narrative paragraphs about how it brought be out of my SH and depression.
5. :>
6. As someone who was actually tested for DID and Schizophrenia because of how *badly* I'd dissociate to these worlds of characters, I figured it was something to point out, especially with how it started and what it turned into. Once my therapist made the connection after ripping open my childhood with such precision, I felt like it was something that needed to be expressed. I think there can be guilt to loving a character (especially if the Fandom has bad people in it), and I don't want there to be. I think the characters you like may reflect what you didn't have as a child, or the exact opposite, and sometimes is needed to have a sense of... completion within yourself. Characters you love can be a big part of your identity, I reckon, too.
7. I figured you might wanna see it :>
8. I've never heard this turn of phrase so I pray this is a good thing... ehehehe
Much love 🩶🪽
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skullamity · 2 years
TLOU finale thoughts: Seeing a lot of people arguing about whether Joel made the right decision, or that it is indesputable that he made the wrong decision, and listen, listen...
I have not played the game, I haven't had a PS since the PS2 and my computer can't handle modern games. That's fine. I'm just saying that I don't know how the game presents it, but the show did a fairly good job of convincing me specifically that there's never going to be a cure for this.
In the very first episode, a foremost expert in this field is offered literally any resource by her government to work towards a vaccine, and what does she tell them? You can't make one, that's not how cordyceps and how we interact with them (or aren't supposed to be able to interact with them) works. And when she is offered all the resources they can offer, she opts to go home and spend however long she has left with her family. The episode really fucking sold me on this point.
Fast forward, and we have Dr. NoHypocraticOath lying to a child so he can give her brain surgery that will kill her on purpose. Is he the foremost expert on this shit in North America? Well I don't fucking know--if he had a name I don't recall anyone saying it. Didn't get to see much of his face, but he didn't look Joel's age. It's been 20 years since the apocalypse, does he even have a medical degree? Did he make one up? Did he read some books and decide that he was an expert/had a degree? And even if he does have a medical degree, what does he know that that FOREMOST EXPERT IN EPISODE ONE DID NOT, EVEN WITH UNLIMITED RESOURCES OFFERED?
And let's be real, since we are talking about resources. Expert in episode one was like...the amount is NONE. NONE resources will be required because we are literally all going to die, you can't make a vaccine for this shit. Would she have changed her tune if Ellie had been alive then and available? I'm not sure the answer is yes!
But Dr. Childmurder is like yeaaah I think we can pull this off in this extremely unsanitary operating room in this burnt out pediatrics ward using equipment that may not even run properly because anyone who knew how to service it is probably dead. DOUBT!
Now, I guess you can argue that Joel doesn't know about that lady in episode one. He was on the other side of the world and never met her, probably wouldn't have even seen her on TV because she was spending her last moments with family. He's running on limited info, you could say, and I suppose you could argue that because he doesn't know this, he's in the wrong because for all he knows, maybe Dr. Stabbington McBraintheif had the right idea! He should have believe Marlene when she said it was for the best!
And to that I say...again, no. Joel's maybe not a rocket scientist, but he is a survivor before anything else. Even if he wasn't emotionally compromised and his ability to not crumble wasn't all in on Keeping This One Kid Alive, he's been built up to be competent enough to sniff out shoddy reasoning, bullshit and decisions made out of desperation rather than sense. If I can look at this shitty hospital and these garbo conditions and these desperate people who have elected not to inform someone volunteering to help that they've decided to just kill her and hope this works and think that that's super fucking suspicious, then Joel can too, and should have, and did.
Do I agree that lying to Ellie was the best way to cap that off? No. Their entire relationship has been based off of being truthful even when the truth was mean, and being real and him not treating her like an actual child. Whatever's going to happen in season 2 is probably going to be super fucked up, it's probably going to hinge on that lie, and it probably could have been completely avoided if Joel had just said, "I woke up and Marlene wouldn't take me to you. She proceeded to tell me that she'd tricked you into thinking you were having some tests done, but that they were literally just going to kill you. Maybe you would have wanted that, if they'd asked you! But that was the biggest fucking red flag, and there were A Lot of red flags, from the Doctor willing to just flat out murder you looking not old enough to have gotten his pediatric brian surgery degree before colleges stopped being a thing to the shoddy equipment to the fact that they literally tried to bribe me and when I was like absofuckinlutely not, she started to march me out to the highway and told them to shoot me if I at all deviated from that path. Isn't that completely fucked up?" Because even if Ellie was mad about that, she has generally respected Joel's opinions on people and things and probably would have forgiven him eventually for killing them.
But yeah--maybe it's different in the game and for all I know someone does manage to synthesize a vaccine form Ellie's brain at the end of the second one. But the show? Has made it pretty clear that Marlene's cure was a last ditch attempt to find a cure and there was zero guarantee it went anywhere. I see a lot of people addressing this like the cure would have definitely been able to be made, but there was like...zero evidence to suggest that this wouldn't have just been a total waste that also killed a beloved child, and making the call Joel did was objectively the right decision based on the info he had at the time, and based on literally everything else the plot has told us about cordyceps for the entire season.
If you were for some reason convinced that the cure had even a tiny chance of being synthesized form this, you're welcome to explain it to me. I just can't see it!
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iankarlo · 3 years
Hopeful in Hopeless Times | 59 Days Before Christmas
Today is Wednesday and I feel less sleepy today. I was so focused at work and aiming to finish my jobs this week though it sounds impossible but I am really hoping that it will work and I can fit it in.
I managed to finalize my model and I had a lot of discussions with my project managers. I did all my best to fix it.
I worked back and forth to my jobs and I feel okay about it. Like, it feels good to be this busy. However, while I was working my keyboard suddenly malfunctioned. So, I immediately informed our office and I had to go there to pick up a new keyboard. It was good but I still try to get familiarize with the keyboard because I already used to what I had before.
It was too hot when I went out of my apartment. I was planning to roam around the mall but its already late and I still have a lot of tasks to do. So, I went home straight and just rest a little so I can take a bath.
I realized that most of our common friends knew about his plans and he even sent and called them to show it to them, but he didn't even sent one to me or anything. I just felt jealous and I don't know what happened to him as we were very close before and we even inform each other ahead.
I don't know but I just felt sad about it. But, I used to it so, I tried not to think of it a lot.
Anyway, just to set aside that bad feeling, I had a dream last night with my facebook friend, his name is Ian too, he is a medical writer and he is really cutie and popular guy, I guess, he work as a professor too and he is teaching Pharmacy students.
Last night, I dreamed of him. He picked me up in Bataan and we went out for roadtrip somewhere in Bataan and we are like a couple. He even so sweet to me and I even hugged him. We stayed in a house far enough for me to recall. We stayed there and he is really cute. I woke up with good smile in my face and I chatted him immediately. He had a short talk because I know he is busy working or maybe teaching.
I just felt good. It's been a while since the last time I feel this way. I hope I could feel this again a better feeling. I hope that he will not bother me anymore so I can move forward.
PS: I did my make-up again to prepare for Friday's Halloween Party.
Good night.
Love always,
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saskaykun · 4 years
Taka’s members’ bond with Sasuke. (For Taka team’s stans, this one’s for you.)
I don't think there's any point in introducing the Taka team again.
But as today's point is to prove the link as a point of complementarity with Sasuke. I'm going to take a look at the personal lives of each of them. 
Ps: sorry for the typos, english is not my mother tongue.
We are going to start with Suigetsu, like Sasuke, Suigetsu had a big brother, pretty strong and skilled because Mangetsu was the only one of the 7 swordsmen of the mist to master the 7 swords of Kiri. Suigetsu's dream was to become as strong as his big brother to enter the 7 swordsmen assassins club, whom he admired a lot, but Mangetsu died rather prematurely while protecting his little brother Suigetsu. Suigetsu trained hard to barely match half of his big brother's sword skills. He also comes from a known clan from the village of Kiri, the clan Hozūki, and owns a Kekkei Genkai, which allows him to liquefy his body from flesh to water. Pretty handy for a swordsman, isn't it?  No blade can pierce his body. That's also why Orochimaru was interested in him and kept him prisoner in his laboratories for so many years. Doesn't that remind you of Sasuke? The story of the big brother to be surpassed in abilities, even though he was so admired by the little one? Sasuke had to kill Itachi because he had to avenge his clan, Suigetsu had to become much better than Mangetsu because he promised him before Mangetsu died, that he would take back the title of "Kijin no Sairai" - "the second coming of the demon" (as far as my translation is concerned), so he got it into his head to collect all the swords from Kiri village, in order to take back his brother's inheritance. It's rather cute when you think about it. Suigetsu, in spite of appearances, is not a deeply evil person even if he spent most of his life training to become an assassin. Of all the times he made fun of Karin for her feelings towards Sasuke and Karin hit him, he never twisted back once. Suigetsu doesn't have a family anymore, like Sasuke, he's the last survivor of his clan. Moreover, I wanted to add that Suigetsu, sometimes appears like a coward but is actually very competent, and he is certainly a better swordsman than Sasuke. At the same age, (at 16 years old) Suigetsu had already done 2 - D rank missions, 33 - C rank missions - 40 - B rank missions, 13 - A rank missions and finally 4 - S rank missions originally reserved for jônin, can he be considered as such?
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What do we know about Karin?
At first, not much is said, except that she is a very competent sensory ninja, that Sasuke, with Suigetsu came personally to look for. He chose her, among many other competent ninjas. He acknowledged her as the best in her field. That's a canon fact. 
Another true thing, Sasuke, who came personally to pick her up, confessed that he needed her to reach his goal.
"I need you, Karin", really happened. 
He wasn't forced to do it, on the contrary, Suigetsu, who wasn't a big fan of Karin, spent his time dissuading Sasuke from going to pick her up and take her on the team, but Sasuke insisted.
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They saved each other's lives several times. Karin healed him with her "Heal Bite" and he during their fight against Killer Bee, awakened a new power from his Mangekyō Sharingan: Kagutsuchi. He was able to extinguish the flames of the Amaterasu that had touched Karin. His face, scared of losing his teammate, proves how much Sasuke cares about his Taka teammates but especially about Karin. After I will not go on betting that he cares about her, romantically or just friendly because that's not the point and nothing in the manga proves that he did it romantically or kindly, I just want to emphasize this point: he was willing to die, and put Juugo's and Suigetsu's lives in danger in order to save Karin.
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We learn a little more about Karin, during the Edotensei scene with Itachi and Sasuke against Kabuto. Kabuto then talks about Taka team members and reveals to Sasuke that Karin is indeed part of the Uzumaki clan, like Naruto, and that's why she has a huge chakra cluster. She regenerates quickly her own wounds but she can help others to regenerate and heal themselves by sharing her chakra, by biting her because it's the fastest way: in fact, the injured person drinks Karin's chakra and regenerates herself/himself in a few moments.
Besides the fact that Karin was used by Sasuke to locate Itachi through her powerful chakra and to warn him of his possible enemies, and of course to heal him in case he would be seriously wounded, she is not an exceptional ninja in combat, she must even very often be saved either by Sasuke or by Suigetsu. Sasuke knew that very well. He was never shocked that Karin might be a weight for them in their adventures. He chose her by himself, nobody forced Karin to be there and decided to protect her.
The scene where Sasuke "sacrifices" Karin to kill Danzō is totally a scene to be taken with extenuating circumstances. Sasuke finally being in front of the person who ruined his life, who ordered the massacre of the Uchiha clan, he couldn't do otherwise, he was forced by all means to kill him. Karin being in his field of action because she wanted to help him, was also pierced by Sasuke's chidori blade. Don't forget though, that he didn't really sacrifice her because she didn't die, since he didn't aim at Karin's vital points.
I still want to thank Sakura for helping Karin with her medical ninjutsu, she is still part of Karin's healing process, without Sakura's intervention, she might have had a hard time healing this time.
I also wanted to point out, on the scene following Karin's famous "sacrifice":
Karin thus finds herself on the ground, dying slowly, Obito then proposes to Sasuke to finish her off, properly because she knows too much about their plan. Sasuke doesn't even take the time to answer him. During this scene, Sasuke takes an exceptional time to load his chidori, giving Team 7 time to arrive on the scene, another proof that deep down he really didn't want to kill her. It is finally on Sakura that Sasuke decides to use his chidori, and not on Karin. Karin then dissuades him... but Sakura is really not far from being killed this time by Sasuke.
This scene is powerful, but it shows the total disinterest of Team 7 in the eyes of Sasuke, at least the disinterest he has in Sakura's life. Sakura being a burden, and considering her as the enemy, had to be eliminated as soon as possible. He was also never afraid to confront Kakashi. The only one for which he has doubts, a certain apprehension that he tries indirectly to hide, remains definitely for Naruto, but again, he does not hesitate to threaten him if Naruto still chases after him.
To finish with Karin, she is part of the Uzumaki clan, one of the oldest clans in the Shinobi world, and derived from the Senju clan, there are not many members of the clan left, at least to our knowledge except Karin, Naruto and Nagato. At the end of the war, only Karin and Naruto remain. She shares this fact with Sasuke. She also had lost her entire family during the previous war, her mother was used for medical purposes, literally having her chakra sucked until her death. She became an orphan at a very young age, left to live on her own, abused by others until she met Orochimaru. She has no one left.When she meets Sasuke, she falls in love with him for his beauty, he is pretty handsome, but as a sensory ninja, she found that he has a beautiful and attractive chakra, she realized right away that Sasuke is not as bad as he pretends to be. She took a close interest in him, and I think the interest was mutual.
Jūgo, is certainly the only member where we are poorly with information about him.
Jūgo is a deeply kind and loving boy but is possessed by a heavy weight that overwhelms him: the cursed seal. He is the first holder of the cursed seal, it is with his DNA that Orochimaru started his experiments. The poor man, being unable to control his murderous impulses, preferred to die rather than to leave his cell when Sasuke, Suigetsu and Karin came to get him. Sasuke promised to hold him, Jūgo, usually not confident, agrees to come with them because Kimimaro had acknowledged Sasuke. Jūgo, in addition to his incredible physical strength when possessed by the cursed seal, is able to communicate with the birds. Sasuke uses Jūgo through this ability so that his birds can locate the Akatsukis' hideout and that he can create a map from the information transmitted by these birds. Also, Jūgo is an orphan, and since Kimimaro died, he was literally alone in the world. He has no known family, and his affiliation to a particular clan is unknown. Another peculiarity that Sasuke shares with his teammates.
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I consider Jūgo as Sasuke/Suigetsu/Karin’s big brother. He took care of them. There also is a scene where he puts Sasuke in his futon after having treated him and bandaged him, because Sasuke had fallen asleep sitting, from exhaustion.
This boy is soooooo cute and gentle. His bipolar side contrasts enormously. His murderous personality with his soft and wise side.
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                 Well, Sasuke's plan was perfect and well thought out.
 To answer the question I was asked, "What do they do as Team Taka, besides help Sasuke enter into darkness?"
I, for one, don't hold Team Taka members responsible for Sasuke's entry into the darkness. Far from it. Sasuke was motivated by his hatred for killing Itachi, and after the final battle with his brother, motivated by revenge for those who led to his downfall. Don't get me wrong, I always feel that when it comes to Sasuke, the people who interact with him are responsible for his actions. No, Sasuke most certainly suffers from PTSD, living in unresolved grief since the death of his family, in hatred and constant pain, doesn't need anyone to think for him. He's an intelligent boy, he knows his purpose, he knows he would sacrifice himself to restore honor to those he has lost. His goal was just that. I sincerely think that deep down Sasuke wanted to change the Shinobi world, build new foundations, and achieve peace, so that what he experienced would never happen again, but it was a kind of pipe dream because he really thought he would die in his next confrontation with Naruto. He expected no less.
It really pisses me off that people think that Sasuke is acting according to the actions of others. I don't remember hearing Suigetsu, Karin or Jugo suggest a plan of action to kill someone or do something. He was the leader of this team. The others were acting on his behalf and not the other way around. He was the one who came to find them, he was the one who surrounded himself with these shinobis to help him achieve his goal. You let yourself be influenced by Naruto “talk no jutsu” in Gaiden who dares to tell the Taka team to mind their own business when he himself spent years to mind Sasuke's business, without even understanding the reason for his actions.
Gaiden makes the Taka team look like the villains who helped Sasuke carry out the actions of his hatred, but look closer, they did nothing so exceptional except help him find Itachi and obey Akatsuki's orders to attack Killer B.
It even seems to me that the Taka team were, in the end, the only ones who listened sincerely to Sasuke, to meet his expectations, to try to understand him. 
A non-canon fact unfortunately, in a novel about Sasuke, after Itachi's death, Sasuke makes a kind of pilgrimage to learn more about his brother, during his Akatsuki period, and then meets two brothers, who were preparing drops for Itachi's eyes, and they make him think about him and Itachi when they were kids. ... I'm going to skip over the real story of this novel, although it's very well written for a non-canon novel, and we find Sasuke on his scene, by the sea, where he desperately lets go of all his pain in a torrent of tears, and decides to rename Hebi team into Taka team.
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Karin, Suigetsu and Jugo were present during one of the worst moments of Sasuke's life: Itachi's death and thus the mourning of his older brother.
In spite of Itachi's terrible actions and choices to raise Sasuke's power, Sasuke still considers him as his beloved older brother who sacrificed himself for a village that never gave them the chance to live, properly...
Again, as I already said in another post, I truly think that all the people close to Sasuke tried to control his choices and his life, without asking his opinion.
Itachi made it clear that he tried to trace Sasuke's life from his childhood to what he became and finally disappointed to have failed... but what the hell did he expect?
Naruto, who absolutely wants Sasuke to go back to Konoha, but why? He knew very well that the people in Konoha would bully him for his actions, when he was already bullied enough to be an Uchiha in Konoha. So Naruto claims to know what's best for Sasuke. What?!
Sakura... is Sakura.
Kakashi and Jiraya tried to dissuade Sakura and Naruto from desperately pursuing a guy who clearly wanted to get the hell out of this village: Sasuke is not worth it.
Decidedly, Sasuke doesn't get much grace from people. Between those who think he's a sulky, who always makes moods because he has some problems in his life and those who judge him without knowing a second of his existence and his journey, he's really badly surrounded.
The Taka team is the only one that hasn't gone into the details and is following Sasuke, even before he decides to explain to them the reasons for this gathering.
I like their complicity. I like their dynamics. They help each other.
Team Taka is the one that Sasuke chose on his own, Team 7 is the one that was imposed on him. Don't forget that.
At least, I didn’t even use your post, but thank you again @justsasuke​ ! It was kind of you :)
                Ps: I found this pic very cute. They are all awesome. 
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oopcio · 4 years
henlo! I'm asking from my main but i have an ask for the arcana. How would the Main 6 react to an MC that's a Fae, like how would they see them as a person? would they trust them? I'd like to know! you don't have to do this immediately, you can take your time! - alegna-thefool
hhhhhhhh oh please yes this is so adorable tysm!!!! 💖💕💜✨🥰✨💜💕💖
ps i’m picturing this as the fae from wiccan/pagan folklore 👉🏻👈🏻
his first impression is wary, since he’s been told all his life that the fae aren’t always as friendly and kind as they seem, and that they cannot be held to human standards. maybe it started out as something as simple as losing a charm he uses often, only to find it a few days later in the backroom where he reads cards, a place he often visits. he had to be cautious while expressing his thankfulness, seeing as he didn’t want to unknowingly put himself in a contract with the fae. however, the first time he actually found you, looking around the shop at all of the potions and the crystals, his heart stopped. he spent days and weeks talking to you about all the stuff in his shop. “yes, i actually made the cards myself! ah, you really think so? why, thank you!” it was only a matter of time before he found himself thinking that maybe he could trust you, if none of the other fae. it was quite obvious to him that you weren’t like the others, you were not looking to make contracts and gather offers, you were interested in all the things that decorated the store. soon enough he wasn’t thinking of you as a fae he had to pick his words carefully around, you were just another person intrigued in his knowledge of spells and tarot. he even started to leave you offerings, even if you explained you didn’t need/want them. he’d put cute little shells, small flowers, pretty rocks, tiny crystals, pretty much anything that was small and reminded him of you. “yes! i saw this when i visited the market the other day, and i thought it’d look so adorable on your offering table. oh, please, just accept it! i got it just for you.” sure, he’d went against everything he was ever told about the fae, but he quickly realized he had no regrets about doing so, and he’d do it all over again if he had the choice.
nadia is the type of cautious that you’re unaware of. she’s so careful in displaying her apprehension that she does it in a way you wouldn’t notice, and, the way she sees it, anything other than such would seem rude. “milady! someone is in the palace!” a servant would alert her, tension in all points of their body, proceeding to tell her that they were spotted heading into her quarters. she advised them to calm down and sent them away, claiming she’d handle it. she headed into the baths, and, sure enough, there you were, letting your legs dangle in the water as you take in the view. her intuition had immediately told her that you were no threat. in fact, she knew exactly what you were as soon as your eyes met. “i can’t seem to recall having business with anyone in my private bath,” she smiled, watching as you stride towards her. you were definitely charming, but that was to be expected. she easily loosened her stance, with her newfound peace of mind. you grab her hand gently and place a jade necklace into it. you explain that this was merely a impromptu visit, as you were here to return the necklace that rightfully belonged to her. all the other fae were far too scared to come return the pendant once they had realized that what they’d taken belonged to the countess, so you came in their stead. needless to say, nadia began to trust you almost immediately, and she even let you clasp the necklace around her, as well. “why, thank you. i apologize for all the commotion you must have faced as you tried to come into my quarters.” you told her it was certainly no trouble at all, and that it was all worth it for this moment. “i’m glad to hear that this feeling is mutual. after all, i quite enjoy your company. shall i leave offerings for you, should you wish to return?” no matter what you tell her, it will become a daily routine to have her servants place only the finest jewelry and gems as offerings for you. even if you ask for something simple, she will insist on spoiling you. “well, i’d like for you to know that you’re welcome in my quarters at any time,” she adds, the faintest blush covering her cheeks.
he’s been quite interested in things like the fae and whatnot ever since mazelinka would mention them when he was younger, and it really sparked again when asra would sometimes make a passing comment about them when they used to work together. but the poor thing is oblivious, so when his pens and notebooks start to disappear and show up again, only a few days later, at a place he frequently went to, he figured it was just himself simply misplacing his belongings and forgetting where he put them. it was nothing too worrying. well, not until he seen somebody with an incredible energy surrounding them in his office, about to place one of his medical notebooks in his drawer. “who are you? how did you get in here?” but it didn’t take long for the dots to connect in his mind - in fact, it was almost like the moment he seen your eyes, he knew what you were. but, he still had to be careful; that much he knew. you held up the notebook, lightly waving it around in answer. he let out a quiet ‘oh’ and simply took a seat, waiting with his hands outstretched for the book. you pull it back and watch all the blood rush to his face, patiently waiting for you to give it to him and hoping that you don’t open it. all hope was quickly lost, though. you open it in search for one specific page, and once you find it, you show it to him with a proud, mischievous grin. it was a drawing of a fairy, albeit not correct at all, with plenty of notes and scribbles. there was a lot of care on this page, especially, you noticed. “h-hey! i know what you’re trying to imply, but!... i’ll have you know that is... a medical... diagram...” each word got quieter and quieter, and eventually, he gave up on the explanation. you simply giggled and placed the book back in his hands, done with the teasing. “how am i supposed to make a diagram if i didn’t know what a fairy looked like until now?” he huffs, a blush spreading over his cheeks to the tips of his ears. you grin, leaning back against the wall as you seat yourself on his desk and offer to help him with his diagram. and, well, it ended up looking more like you than a general fae. hey! it was the betterment of science and medicine... and it also didn’t hurt to have you keep coming in for health check-ups.
he first found a fairy ring in the forest, not too far from his hut, but he knew far better than to step foot inside of it. however, just because he knew better, didn’t mean he couldn’t accidentally stumble into it... hey, don’t look like that! it wasn’t his fault! he didn’t mean to! he just had a misstep! what he didn’t expect - never in a million years, in fact - was to come home one day (from trying to set protections against the fae, ironically) and find a fae in his hut. even when inanna tried to walk forward to greet this being (which, she never did, by the way), he was cautious. “why are you in my hut,” he would ask, doing anything and everything he could to avoid your eyes. you’d explain to him that you come to try and help him set protections against the other fae, since you knew how they could be and how to properly do so. a whole evening later, spent putting up the protections and complimenting his handiwork around the hut just to see how adorably flustered he’d get. then he realized it’d be a real shame if he had just put up a protection against you, especially with your help, but how could he say that in a way that wasn’t weird? “..........hey, um......... does this keep you out, too?..........” his eyes quickly widened. “not that i want to keep you out!.....” he huffed, getting all flushed again, and you smiled. you explained that if he wanted, he could set up a small offering table for you. you wouldn’t ask for much, and you didn’t want to trouble him. you just didn’t want this to be the last time your paths crossed. and then began a tradition! each day he’d place a small flower or blade of grass he found on a table inside the den of the hut, and when you came around, you’d sometimes help him place protections or even weave flower crowns with him. sure, he acted like he absolutely hated it, and he’d cringe when you placed the forget-me-nots on his head, but he’d always get flushed and turn his head to hide the smile that threatened to creep up on his lips. you even made inanna one to match with muriel!
she definitely had no prior knowledge about the fae. she thought they were just made up, but she was familiar with the little fairy houses some people put in their gardens, and she thought that was just so cute! even pepi might enjoy it, so, when she made one, she thought nothing of it. but as soon as she found a fae, a real one, she was caught waaay off guard. because she didn’t know anything other than the made up bits, she will definitely ask a lot of questions. “so, can you really fly around? do you carry little pouches of fairy dust around with you? ooh! can you put some on my garden?” you explain to her, telling her what is myth and what is fact. while you’re at it, you cautiously (and politely) warn her of the dangers of attracting forces you don’t know a lot about, and she takes the information to heart. “i swear on pepi i’ll never do something so silly again!” she beams at you when you do offer to help her with her garden, and you even make it a bit of a routine. you playfully take turns pushing flowers in each other’s hair until it seems there are more flowers than hair. she takes great care of the fairy house from this point on, decorating it with little rocks and plants in case you ever want to stay there. if you ever tell her, though, that it might be better if she takes it down so none of the other fae can take advantage of her kindness, she will listen to you and take it down as soon as possible. she greatly enjoys your company and soon enough, you spend many mornings drinking tea together in the cottage while the both of you cuddle and pet pepi.
“what do you MEAN my exotic golden spoons and forks are gone?! i had them RIGHT HERE!!!” he notices that his priceless belongings keep going missing and he blames it on the servants at first, only to find them a few days later. still doesn’t stop him from damning everyone and everything he comes into contact, though. “where is my EYELINER?!” he shrieks, only to find an ethereal looking being in his quarters, placing his stolen goods back on his dresser. they look back and smile, quickly apologizing for their friends who seem to get a kick out of taking his belongings (but, like, who doesn’t?). the absolute charm and the energy this being carries has him literally swooning, bending over backwards to insist it was no trouble at all. “oh don’t worry!!! when you’re this charming you can get away with sneaking into my room anyday.” he takes great interest in the fact that there is what is known as a ‘fae’ in his room, a term he’s only heard a handful of times in stories growing up, as he’s roamed here and there. expect many questions coming your way. “do you have wings?! can you make yourself small? like, the size of my pinky?!” he’d definitely start to leave offerings of lots of gold and expensive things, even if you asked for something simple, but he’d always make note that it was for you only. he’s definitely angered the other fae by now, though. you better prepare him for many misfortunes.
(a/n: woa these ended up coming out really long, sorry!!!! i really enjoyed writing these, esp muriels 👉🏻👈🏻 hope you don’t mind!!!)
- jiah 💖
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keenmindspodcast · 7 years
About Tom death and casual fans who don't belive in his death. I wish they kill him in more convincent way: blown him away, put 20 bullets. That nobody have doubts he is dead. I wish it was Liz in morgue not Harold. We still don't know forwhat was 10 months gap. I don't want find out reading interviews. When I watch show normaly don't do that.
Hi friend.  I agree with Jen, all of the casual fans I know do not believe in Tom’s death. True, most of them do not follow any of the actors or writers or TPTB in twitter or Facebook, so they do not know about 2 cakes, or even about Ryan Eggold being cast in another show as the lead. (a  NBC’s show set in NYC)
Jen approaches Tom’s death from her perspective of character analysis, and she feels (I think I correctly interpret her feelings her but feel free to correct me Jen) cheated of a show that has hope because Liz has lost her dream.  Red failed his daughter by not going to extreme measures to protect Tom. 
In many ways The Blacklist is a show about families and love. A family love story.  
One thing that is most unbelievable to me about those who hate Tom is that they treat Red as a god, someone whose words must be followed as gospel.   And that is very funny, because I have strong suspicions  that they never listen to their parents, and went out with the boy or girl they parents told them not to, smoke or injected what they were told not to, and had sex when and with whom their parents told them not to.  Yet they expect Liz and Tom to blindly follow what Red tells them to do. Even when Red admits to Dembe that he does not know why he cannot be honest with Liz and accepts Dembe’s accusation that he is still lying to both Liz and Tom.
At the end the most difficult thing about parenthood, and I speak of this from a distance, as I myself am not a parent,  but I am a daughter, so perhaps I have a less involved perspective, is letting go.   Is accepting your child has grown up, and doing a leap of trust to treating them as adults.   Red has made some headway:  he tells Kate that Liz is who she is, and she has chosen to remain close to the criminal side, even as she is on the other side. He calls her Elizabeth, instead of Lizzy.  And he has begun to treat her chosen life partner with a semblance of civility.  
And perhaps the most difficult thing to do for a parent is to accept a child’s chosen partner. To accept that regardless of such acceptance, this person is now part of ones family. That person is never who the parent would have chosen, but it is not the parent’s choice.  Once children are born, that link closes. Even if the in-law leaves, the child creates a bond for life. 
The wise parent accept the choice and welcomes the person into the fold.
So we know that Red could have trusted Tom as being a family member.  He could have shared the identity of the bones, or he could have at least told him why he needed to keep that secret.  
I do not count: 
Your curiosity is understandable. A mysterious suitcasebequeathed to you by a dying woman who insists that Elizabeth must be apprisedof its contents. But what if instead of happiness or closure,giving it to her has the opposite effect? 
the “what if” there pretty much sell it as a clever turn to phrase that allows Red to be honest and avoid the truth.  Like “the way Sam told the story”, and denying he is Liz’s father because Sam is, yet Liz is his daughter.  being honest and being truthful are not the same thing.
The reasons Red gives for not trusting Tom, that he married Liz because he fell in love with her, are very shallow, coming from a man who in appearance fell in love with a soviet soy and had a child with her, carrying the affair for at least 5 years and in theory abandoned his wife and child, and betrayed his country,
But then again, Red has apparently only trusted fully Dembe. Not even Kate knew it all: She did not know that Red is Liz’s biological father and she did not know about Dom, which means she did not know Katarina’s real identity and possible her real relationship to Red.
At the end, it was precisely that which created the big problem, because Kate thought Red was acting above his rights as Liz’s protector, not as her father. 
Red has trust issues, which work perfectly well for his endeavors, but which are not good for family matters.  I suspect part of Red’s secret has to do with shame or fear, which @schadenfreudequeen ‘s excellent Jungian analysis confirmed.  
Most of what Red saw and feared with Tom had less to do with Tom himself, that with his feelings and unresolved issues with Katarina.  Even before we learned that Katarina was a soviet covert agent, a honeytrap, I already was suspecting that Red’s feeling about it were a lot more personal than care for Liz.
Tom was a walking, talking parallel to Katarina.  The show went to great lengths to pummel  these parallels:
Tom is assigned to Liz.
Tom falls in love with Liz and marries her
Tom makes believe his new employer that he did so as a job, masking his true feelings
Liz finds out and stays in the marriage, doing her own spying
Liz and Tom get back together, have Agnes.
Tom is drawn into the suitcase’s business by Mr. Kaplan. He is eventually killed.
Liz finds out when she recovers from her extensive injuries that Tom is dead. 
She feels unable to be a parent, consumed by anger, wanting revenge, and worried about the wellbeing of her child.  She places Agnes with Scottie.
In the midst of her recovery Liz has an incident that propels her forward, one in which she has to resort to extreme violence, and continues forward.
The show also has gone to great lengths to show a fundamental difference between Red and Liz: Liz believes in getting even, and then moving on. Red cannot: he functions in that respect as a binary being: he kills or he does not.
Betraying Red carries death, or in the case of people closest to him, banishment.  Liz, in a trait she shares with her mother in law, believes in punishment appropriate to the offense, and moving on.  She broke Tom’s thumb, shot him 3 times, and she imprisoned him  in a filthy and cold boat for 4 months, exchanging blankets and medical attention for information, and then she was able to move on.  Scottie had Solomon beat him up.
I kept him prisoner in the hull of a ship andtortured him for two months, so in my book we’re even.
Can the score be even now? Can this be over? 
So, where am I going with all this?
To a point that I have tried to make many times.  The parallels work even better if we ask ourselves three questions:
Why is Dom’s identity such a close guarded secret?
Why does Dom have NO pictures in his house?
Why does Red have no pictures anywhere of both the blond child and of Liz?  It is one or the other.
The key to the show resides in those 3 questions.  Because the real identity of Katarina, her real name are of paramount importance.
I think most people imagine that Katarina is not dead.  So, we have 2 fundamental aspects in which Liz’s story deviates from Red’s:
Liz was married to Tom
Tom is dead
So, can I go back now to Cape May?  In his hallucination, when forced to explain the second dish on the table, he says is his wife.  When he is watching Liz as Bubble girl, we have a woman seen from the waist down. Why? Why is there no residence in which Red indulges by having pictures of the blond girl, the one in the swing and of Liz?    He obviously cares about both, Jennifer and Liz?   Red has stressed that biological links are unimportant, that is caring for a child that makes a father, so how could be so detached from Jennifer?
And when we start to think of Dom’s relationship to Red, it is inevitable to me that we arrive at a relationship that most of us know well: in-laws. Either we are an in-law, we grow up seeing our parents relate to their in-laws, we have in-laws.  Forget about the noise of the plot and watch the performance.  Ask a total stranger to watch Red and Dom scene and ask them what he think the relationship is.
And so, I suspect Red was married to Katarina.  Red experienced the betrayal of a spouse but was not able to move forward.  Red believes that Liz is playing house with Tom, when she had him on the boat.   So, watch the scenes with Carla, again forgetting about the plot.  Add that they cannot express any of their real feelings and issues because they are witness.  They have a few moments alone that we see: in the cabin, when we start by Carla punching Red in the mouth.
Now: If Carla is one of Katarina’s many names, then she is most certainly alive, and Red knows where she is.  And Red had prevented her from coming into Liz’s life via their agreement, something Liz calls unforgivable: keeping her from her mother.
And if so, we know that Red believed her dead at some point, in all he tells Ressler and Liz, and that Katarina thought he was dead.  We have a Romeo and Juliet situation.
And so now we have Liz waking up to learn Tom is dead.  Do we have a direct knowledge?  No. It was Harold whom we see in the morgue. We have a tombstone that reads Keen Tom.
And we have a character who learned almost all of the big secret, if not all.
Tom may be alive, and kept away for various circumstances,  But if he is, he will not come back until close to the end, because he learned it all.
So the question is, is The Blacklist close to the spy genre, in which almost inevitably romance and love does not bear well, the very traits that makes a spy good prevent them from that happy family life.  Or will the show be a brilliant caper, in which the protagonists will eventually walk away with the treasure?
That I do not know.
But I would say you are correct in discarding anything you have not learned from watching the show as it aired.  
PS. I am sure Jen will have a different answer than mine.  I hope she answers it too.
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