#queer feedist
weirdw00d · 21 days
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Before and after a trip to the night market where I completely gorged myself 🥰 I think these pics also really show off the ten pounds I've gained during this visit with my partner 😇 I've been feeling so massive.
Also no joke, when I was walking into the night market I almost got stuck in one of the turnstiles 😳 so embarrassing but sooo hot 😩
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fatguarddog · 8 months
It's the idea of someone finding the fat on my body so irresistible, so delectable and plush that they cannot help themselves when they see me, they have to grab and shake and jiggle and grope and stuff me even fatter regardless of what I want or say (mostly moaning)
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wumbowitch · 3 months
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I was feeling SO soft shooting my weigh in and measurements last night 💗 dropping on OF shortly!
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overstuffd · 3 days
No baby, of course you can't eat a whole cake.
Just have as much as you want now, and we can save the rest for later.
Here I poured you a glass of milk to wash it down with too.
I cut you a couple slices - well you always get a second one anyway, I thought I'd save you time.
Gone already? Let me grab another piece - no, I insist. You deserve to indulge yourself a little.
How much have you had? Why are you worrying about a silly thing like that. Here, this is just a small piece, I'm sure you have room.
Come on cutie, don't act shy - I know you want to ask for more. Here, I won't even cut a piece, just break off a little morsel and feed it to you.
See? That was easy to gulp down wasn't it? I bet you can eat another little piece like that.
And another.
And another.
Come on now, be a good pet and finish the last piece, you're so close now. It would be a shame to leave such a little bit left over. There you go, slump back gorgeous and feel your gut spread. You did so good for me.
I knew you could do it. That's why I got another cake for tomorrow - just in case there weren't any leftovers.
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tteessiiee · 16 days
Can you tell I've gained a bit? ✨
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It always surprises me how little is enough to make me look way fatter. That is just 14 kgs! Slowly gained 14 kgs. I don't think I can stop gaining 🥺 It is less then 4 kgs per year! How could i gain even less?? I can easily gain that in 2 months if I try to. 🥺🥺
I will be well over 90 (200 lbs) in next 5 years like that 😭 Even if i don't give in to my feedee tendencies!
Can you imagine how fat I gonna get if I do it intentionally? 😏
Btw belly sure, fat all over sure, buttt - the double chin? ✨
(My OF here)
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butchbear-in-progress · 9 months
They're called love handles because I love to handle them
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weirdw00d · 2 months
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The real star of the show is my big heavy belly 😌🌟
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fatfundiplover · 2 months
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May or may not be built like this 😵‍💫
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fatguarddog · 9 months
You're the heir to the royal family of a kingdom besieged by demons and during a surrender, are offered up to one of the Demon Lords as a prize of battle. Don't worry, he assures you with a warm yet devious smile, you'll soon 'grow' to love your new life with him
You're taken back to his manor and draped in a lavish, yet skimpy outfit, one that really shows off your body and highlights the slight curves of your features. Your new Lord sits you down at a huge banquet table and takes his seat across from you. All manner of succulent and delicious foods are lined up before you, you take a moment to really take in the size of this hulking, handsome demon and assume he must eat like a beast. But when his impish servants are done setting the table, he just brings his elbows onto the table to rest his head in his hands. He smiles at you,
"You've nothing to fear. Eat."
His voice is so commanding. Nervously, you load up your plate with foods that seem the most familiar to you. Roast chicken, potatoes, various vegetables and a bread roll. It's delicious. With the effect the war has had on your kingdom, you can't remember the last time event he royal family could assemble such a sumptuous selection to feast upon... so you end up forgetting yourself a little and eating until you're quite stuffed. You lean back in your chair and graciously thank your Lord for the meal, shyly paying your compliments to the chef
"Good," he smiles wider and snaps his fingers. "Eat."
A surge of warmth courses through your body. With some demonic intervention, everything you'e just eaten rapidly digests within you and you feel hungry again. Your frame even grows a little bit softer, though not enough for you to notice just yet. You blush and oblige his order, you brain trying to rationalise what's happening. A display of dominance, perhaps? Or did he notice how much you were enjoying the food after having had so little for so long and just wanted you to get to enjoy that more? Was something bad coming after this, or was he actually a good demon somehow?
All of your questions seemed to melt away as you dug in to the feast again, this time trying the honey roasted ham, sweet fruits, leg shank and more. Once again you eat until you feel completely stuffed. Once again you thank your Lord for such a wonderful meal... and once again he smiles at you with fiery eyes from across the table, his own plate still empty and untouched,
"Good," another snap of his fingers. "Eat."
That familiar surge of warmth strikes again, but this time you notice how much plumper you look after, especially in your skimpy clothes. You look up at your Lord in shock and confusion, but he just gestures to the food in front of him. You timidly shake your head, yet your stomach growls audibly in the large dining hall
"Perhaps you'd be more in the mood for wine and cheese?" the demon snaps and the feast before you changes to a decadent cheese plate with crackers and dried meats abound. "Or would my royal prize prefer dessert?" Another snap and the table becomes stacked with cakes, pies and pastries alongside jugs filled with custards and creams, all so sweetly mouth watering The look of disbelief doesn't leave your face. Your stomach growls louder, more painfully as your owner laughs
"Better not to ignore your hunger, my dear. It'll be much more pleasurable for you if you just. Eat."
The command rings through you and sends shivers down your spine, you want nothing more than to stuff your face with every dessert in sight. Your hands reach forward greedily and you begin to eat your fill as your Lord looks on, almost lovingly at you
"So good, so obedient, I'm going to like you a lot," he stands and gently makes his way all around the table to your side, his towering form standing behind you, gently rubbing your now slightly pudgy shoulders. "I'll spoil you so much, feast after feast, night after night of pure pleasure to make you into the perfectly fattened up image of hedonism," his hands feels so good and warm on your soft skin as you gorge yourself. "Just think how demoralising it'll be for your kingdom, to see how easily their royal heir fell to demonic corruption... but I must say from a personal standpoint, I do just think you look so beautiful enjoying yourself like this. I'll have a bath ready for us after I think you're done here, there we can really relax and get to know each other, my dear. But for now, please keep eating. I told you you would grow to love it here."
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pocchari-hime · 2 months
🍒 ❤️ 🍒 ❤️ 🍒 ❤️
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A true shame my matching necklace isn't visible in any of the pictures.
🍒 ❤️ 🍒 ❤️ 🍒 ❤️
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overstuffd · 12 days
It's about always encouraging you to have that extra treat.
Stopping at every bakery that catches your eye to get you a little something sweet.
Bringing you a comforting coffee in the morning, and maybe another as a pick me up in the afternoon.
Fixing you a hefty plate of cheese, crackers and grapes when you finish work to keep your strength up.
Pouring that second glass of wine at dinner, and topping it up for you.
Cutting you an extra- large slice of cake afterwards, then encouraging you to finish mine.
Making sure you're always taken care of, you're always spoiled and you're always full.
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tteessiiee · 5 days
Omfg my belly got FAT 😳 Whennnn? How???
Does this shirt still fit me though? I used to wear it to school but probably won't anymore... ✨
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My poor stuffed belly when i chugged 0,5 l on top of all the food 🥺👉👈✨💕
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(Gonna post a 2:35 min video drinking the soda and rubbing my belly on my of tommorow 😊 Gifs are made from the vid)
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butchbear-in-progress · 6 months
Congratulate me for hitting one year on T
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Feedists only, we aren't doing that shit again
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growmydarling · 9 months
I've seduced you into greed, and from there you became addicted to stuffing yourself silly and becoming a big round ball of a person. I did this to you 💖
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queercoshon · 8 months
A Kept Play Thing Pt. 2
(You can read the whole story at once on my deviantart, feedtheboi)
Now the tray contains 6 breakfast sandwiches on vanilla glazed doughnuts instead of english muffins, enough hashbrowns to feed 4 people with no other sides, a container of strawberries with yogurt dip, and 2 milkshakes that you don't know are spiked. The pineapple coconut has 3 shots of rum and a shot of coconut liqueur, and the chocolate one is infused with THC.
You get to work right away. You suck down half the pineapple milkshake and 3 of the sandwiches in the blink of an eye, completely overwhelmed by the need to consume. You throw back more beer and use the carbonation to dislodge a string of heavy burps.
Now you are so drunk things sway a little. You giggle as you reach for the bong and miss it the first time before lighting up and taking a long draw. Olivia was so good at keeping it clean and freshly packed for you. You manage to grab the tin tray of hashbrowns and load them with ketchup and cheese curds. Then you turn what little attention you had to the TV that was constantly on, putting your eating on autopilot.
You mindlessly shovel loaded potato after potato into your mouth, sometimes taking a good drink of either milkshake, and of course more beer. Your head is sooo fuzzy and your body so warm. You feel like you were watching your body expand with every bite. You couldn't stop yourself from eating when in a trance like this.
You hit your first wall with maybe a fifth of the tray left. Your gut gurgles testily, absolutely stretched out and burbling with fatty foods and booze. Your upper belly juts out further than the bottom of your belly hang and is as hard as a rock under the inches of flab. Your breath hitches and your pray you didn't get hiccups. Those were painful at this stage.
You sit back and moan, rubbing your gut as gingerly as possible. In your state, it is not very gingerly. And this far gone, you can't help give it a few jostles to bounce it on your crotch. You gasp and automatically reach for a milkshake, finishing off the chocolate flavour entirely.
Now you're so inebriated you feel like you phase in and out of existence. The weight of your stomach pins you down, and all you can do is stare at the ceiling, glassy-eyed and drooling a little. Your hands keep working at your flabby gut, releasing belches that just fall from your mouth.
Some amount of time passes, you have no idea how much, and you start to come back to earth a little. You look back at your tray and light another hit of your bong. Your mouth should never be idle.
You look at another beer, but the thought of it makes your belly flip, so you suck back almost all of the last milkshake. A new round of drunk washes over you, and you start working through those sandwiches and strawberries.
Now you're much sloppier. You have to really focus on getting the next bites into your mouth. Some yogurt dip ends up on your face, but it's impressive you can even you can coordinate picking up the strawberry, dipping it, and bringing your hand to your mouth at all.
You get through all of the strawberries, the last of the milkshake, the rest of the potatoes, and 2 of the sandwiches. One sandwich left.
You feel like you can hear your stomach creaking now. Every breath is a struggle. Every burp and drunken hiccup makes you fear vomiting everything back up. Sweat drips down your forehead, and you find you can't lean forward to get the last sickly sweet sandwich. Once again, you are pinned to your spot.
Your eyes feel swollen they're so dry, and cottonmouth is taking over with the milkshakes gone. You only have beer left, but you're so drunk your chin has started falling to your fat chest if you stop focusing on keeping your head up. Your overburdened body feels so light and so heavy at the same time. You try several times to reach for the beer, but you can't lift your arm much higher than the crest of your belly before you lose control and it falls back down. You are truly gone. Stoned out of your mind, too drunk to form a coherent thought, and so stuffed one wrong move could make you burst. Completely helpless.
It can't have been more than five minutes of suffering in your semi-catatonic state when you somehow register the click of the front door. Like a summoned angel, Olivia has arrived in your time of need.
You can't look up without the world spinning, but you know she's entered the room by the sound of her chuckle.
"Oh, piggy. You were so close. A little bit too full?"
You let out a rumbling burp in response.
She starts dragging her nails over your taut flesh, and it's like sparks dance across your skin. You try to hold back a high-pitched gasp, but it's jostled out of you along with several burps as Olivia adds pressure to your gut. You devolve into pained and desperate moans burps and hiccups, making all of your fat jiggle constantly.
"So tell me, baby, why is there food left?" She plants kisses on your belly, and the feeling lingers on your skin, making every nerve jolt awake. You can barely think as it is, and now she expects a verbal answer.
"I -hic- couldnn reachit -hicURP-" your chin lulls back down, and your hiccups start in earnest. Your gut moves as one giant orb now, bouncing on your crotch. Had you tried, you would have realised this was the first time you couldn't reach around your belly to get off.
Her eyes glint as she kisses up your many necks and flicks a nipple, making you gasp and throb.
"Oh? Did piggy get beached? Did I put it too far away?"
You try to nod, but you get one head motion before it falls back down. Fuck you are so drunk your body won't follow any direction at all.
"I'll put it closer to you next time. Now, let's get the rest of this in you." Olivia shoves the last sandwich in your mouth as you once again fire off a burp. You're taken completely by surprise, and while your body won't obey you, it will certainly obey her, so you take a massive bite and swallow. Your moans and grumbles of weak protest are silenced by another bite.
It takes about ten minutes, but she gets the rest of the sandwich in your mouth. You pant, hiccup, and burp, a cacophony of hedonistic indulgence.
Olivia straddles one of your meaty thighs and begins to rub your belly in earnest, but letting her hands wander to whatever fold of fat she felt like fondling.
"You've been such a good piggy today. Look at you. Completely stuck. You could burst." She lifts your chin up to meet her gaze, and her eyes are dark. "How do you feel, pig?"
She wants you to answer verbally. Your slurring and struggling is enough to make her start dripping. Right now you don't know if you can form even a full word.
Her nails dig into your stomach and you wince.
"Answer me."
You moan and try. "I'm sho -hic- full, Liv. It -burrp Hic- hurts to -hic- breave." You belch and she drops your chins. As your head falls to the side, she becomes ravenous, and suddenly her rubs, grabs, and kisses get desperate.
"You're such a desperate hog. Always gorging. You haven't been sober since the day you moved in."
Her tongue traces along your purple hued stretch marks, and she grabs your love handles and shakes, making your entire body wobble. Your gut slaps your thighs and crotch, and you see stars.
"Liv, -UUrapp- pleash -hic-"
She rubs your fat chest, her eyes glinting. "What do you want, pet?"
"I want...-hic- mae me huuge. Just a -hUrrp- ball... urr plaything."
Olivia moans and grinds down on your meaty leg, pressing her lithe body into your pillowy excess. Every movement is shaking burps out of you. Heat pulses from your crotch, to your finger tips and toes, to the tip of your head and back of your eyes, to the center of your beyond aching gut.
She breathes in your ear and her hands work down your flab. "What was that, pig?"
"Mmmm, fuck -urrrp- fuck me!"
Finally, she obliges.
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weirdw00d · 2 months
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Ever wondered what it looks like when an emo turns to food to eat their feelings? They explode, go from a size 16 to 26, and gain well over a hundred pounds. Now you know 😌🖤
Keep up with my gaining journey
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