shinayashipper · 2 days
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I thinkk of themm
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selestral · 4 days
I find it sad sometimes to come across rivalshipping (and sometimes prideshipping) fanfics that would bash Anzu to justify the ship. She’s an amazing character in her own right and there are much better ways of portraying that things didn’t work out between Yugi and Anzu but they still remain best friends after everything they went through, than to write her off as a selfish/jealous b**** by playing up her crush on Atem as someone who would ignore and take Yugi for granted.
Sad thing is that this type of bashing is pretty prevalent in other fandoms for female characters that had canonically shown love interest or gotten together with male characters that are super popular in M/M shippings.
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gx-gameon · 5 days
Aside from rivalshipping and spiritshipping are there any other Yugioh ships you enjoy?
I am the worst multishipper in the galaxy. Like truly.
I grew up loving Joey and Mai but now that I’m older and I know the actual age gap it’s hard to still be for it. If it does happen it happens way later in life. Right now they are just really good friends
The DM crew is so friendship based it’s hard for me. I’ll dabble in wishshipping or puzzleshipping (I get where they are coming from and when done right it’s done right) but I set this au as rivalshipping and rivalshipping it will stay.
I could see Tristian and Miho.
Atem is different because I think he’s just interested in games here. Or pinning over Mana or Mahad which ever way you want it to go.
Now the Gx cast…
I can go anyway.
Chazz x Alexis or Chazz x Atticus is always fun
But then again so is
Zane x Atticus of Zane x Aster (when their grown up)
Jim x Alexis is cute and then you have the Dino duo is Jim x Hasselberry.
Bastion is down bad for Tanya but I would like to know her age please and thank you.
And while I’m a hard Spiritshipper Yusei x Jaden when done right is done right. And I can understand where Jaden x Alexis are coming from even if it’s not my favorite.
Honestly they are a group of teenagers on an island who are just figuring themselves out. Thank goodness the writers didn’t do romance because the amount of break up and different relationships you could have is wild.
I’m focusing on Rivalshipping and Spiritshipping here because I prefer them.
Anyone else will probably be in passing. The story is Jaden focused and I don’t think Jaden paid much attention to dating at duel academy. I can absolutely see his friends being in a relationship flying right over his head until they break up and he’s like “woh why is X sad all the sudden?”
He’s emotionally smart but also very focused on friendship and dueling.
I haven’t made and decisions on side pairing because I like to leave options open. If you think these two people should be together that’s great and if you want to see that in this story even better. I probably will keep most of the relationship age for that reason.
I have my to main ships and if I feel like adding another pairing I will but right now the DM crew are young adults raising a child (18 year olds raising a 4 year old) they have pleanty of time to figure out their lives.
And when Jaden goes to school his friends are all teens. There are messy crushes and relationship but it’s rare for any of them to stick. (Example Chazz and Alexis might go on one date and decide to be friends afterwards. Zane and Atticus might have had a thing their first year before Atticus went missing and it takes them a while to find their groove again or they date other people) it’s all fluid right now.
I have options
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chaoscheebs · 13 days
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Oh hey it's Yugi's birthday again, so he should get another little gift.
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qyza8kcq4x6udjq · 15 days
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valentinbelleyh505 · 16 days
Funfact: i love Rivals to Lovers ships
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gem-zed · 21 days
Down Bad
Yugi knew diving into their fan base would only lead to disaster, but when a gaggle of fan girls at last week’s dueling tournament told his naive self about ‘rivalshipping’; he couldn’t stifle his curiosity.
A short rivalshipping oneshot inspired by this post.
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greetings-fiends · 1 month
I think Seto & Yugi could show up to a comicon and they're both wearing Shadow the hedgehog shirts.
It would be a scandal if it were the same kind of shadow shirt. and less of a scandal in comparison if they're different.
the scandal being they're twinning. (not on purpose)
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setokaibasblimp · 1 month
explaining to my friend my puzzleshipping x rivalshipping (yugi-centric flareshipping?) vision and she hits me with this
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jansjo · 2 months
nobody's coping harder than the people who think kaiba tops
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shinayashipper · 13 days
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I hope I will be seeing more Rivalship for Yugi's Birthday (04/06) and he's getting his Kisses becase thats what he deserves!!
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selestral · 4 days
Came across a ygo dsod video recently and have been binge-watching yugioh dm/surfing compulsively online in the fandom for nostalgia reasons.
I remember my favorite shippings were Rivalshipping and Prideshipping (especially after DSOD and seeing Yugi growing into his own person) but for some reason I’m only into the platonic version when comes to Puzzleshipping lol. That made looking for related posts very difficult because even in Flareshipping, I see the dynamics in it lean more towards Prideshipping and Puzzleshipping.
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olddirtybadfic · 2 months
You Got Played: Bandit Keith Howard Must Die Inside (Part Five of Five)
In which I turn a Yu-Gi-Oh fic into a cheesy teen movie (that most teens wouldn't even be allowed into without a fake ID).
Part one is here. Part two is here. Part three is here. Part four is here.
This fic contains: Teen!me laboring under the delusion that Bandit Keith is the same age as Yugi and company; song lyrics inserted into the prose; mpreg (bonus “even pregnancy of the male variety does not work that way” content); Bandit Keith being a prick; all the characters are kind of idiots; author’s notes to give track listings; cheating; terrible OC; terrible OC slut-shames Kaiba; Noah Kaiba somehow being alive and bizarrely invested in his brother’s romantic life; Yami/Atem is corporeal for some reason; artistic liberties taken with medical technology
Meanwhile, Kyra had her own plan.
Kyra didn’t care that Keith had sex with Kaiba; hell, she had cheated a few times, too. But for Kaiba to just steal Keith from her like that—that was completely unacceptable by her standards. She wasn’t going to let any trenchcoat-wearing, Blue Eyes White Dragon-loving freak steal her man.
So that afternoon, when she spotted Kaiba walking down the street, little brother in tow, she grabbed him by the arm and dragged him into an area surrounded by bushes and trees. Mokuba saw her grab Kaiba and followed them.
“What the hell?!” Kaiba exclaimed. As Kyra stopped dragging him, he tripped and ended up on the ground. Kyra looked down at him as if she was an arrogant princess and he was a lowly peasant.
‘No matter what you do, He’ll never wanna be with you. He’s into what he’s got (and that’s me), He loves me, He loves you not.’ (author's note: He Loves You Not - Dream)
Kaiba got up, brushed his clothes off, and glared at Kyra.
Kyra had heard Kaiba’s outburst about Keith cheating. She didn’t appreciate Kaiba’s attempt to get his man back.
“What is your problem?!” Kaiba shouted.
“I don’t appreciate you moving in on my man,” Kyra said, evilly, yet seductively.
“What?! He cheated on me with you!” Kaiba retorted.
Kyra shook her head. “Kaiba, you’re so wrong, you’re right. Don’t you realize that Keith never thought of you as a boyfriend? He looks at you as a whore.”
“Don’t call me a prostitute.” Kaiba’s voice got low and threatening, which would be pretty freaking scary if he snuck up on you in a dark alley. “I don’t go sleeping around with everyone and I didn’t get paid for what I did.”
“Well, I’m not gonna let a whore like you steal my boyfriend just because your damn condom popped!” Kyra shouted.
“Well, maybe you should because I had him first!” Kaiba retorted.
“That’s a heaping pile of bullshit! I had him first! I’ve had him for a whole month!” Kyra shouted.
Kaiba’s eyes went wide. Kyra sensed weakness and went in for the kill.
“So, how long have you been dating Keith, Kaiba?” Kyra asked.
Kaiba said nothing.
“Come on, Kaiba, tell me how long you two dated!” Kyra pressed, still smiling evilly.
“That is none of your business, Kyra,” Kaiba growled.
“Why don’t I go ask Keith myself? I’m sure he’ll be happy to tell me how long you two dated. Or should I ask Noah? And he’ll surely want to hear what you did with Keith after he tells me, won’t he?” Kyra taunted.
Kaiba turned red. “Do not test me, Kyra.”
“Then tell me how long you and Keith dated, damn it!”
“We dated for two weeks. Then he started to ignore me.”
“I knew it! I knew he couldn’t have been with you for that long! He only stayed with you long enough to get in your pants, which, since you’re such a whore, obviously wasn’t long!” Kyra laughed evilly.
“Hold up!” Mokuba walked into the clearing. “I don’t know much about this whole situation, but it seems like you two are getting mad at each other for no reason. I mean, you didn’t know that Seto was dating Keith. And Seto didn’t know that you were dating Keith. It seems to me that the real bad guy here is Bandit Keith. He played both of you like Nintendo 64.”
Kaiba and Kyra looked at each other, in silence, for a moment. Finally Kaiba spoke. “What do you propose we do about it, Mokuba?”
“I propose that you play him back.”
A few minutes later, Keith was walking through the park when he saw the most repulsive thing ever (in his opinion).
Kaiba and Kyra were French-kissing on a bench.
“What the fuck is this?!” Keith shouted when he saw them.
Kaiba and Kyra looked up at Keith, then turned back to each other and continued kissing.
“Don’t you turn away from me!” Keith pulled Kyra off of Kaiba. “What the fuck are you doing with my girlfriend, Kaiba?!”
“We’re kissing. Couldn’t you tell?” Kaiba deadpanned.
“Kaiba, there are a million other girls in Domino. Why’d you have to choose my girlfriend?!”
“He chose me because we’re both tired of getting played by you,” Kyra answered.
“What?!” Keith tried to play dumb.
“Don’t act like you don’t know, Bandit Keith. You made both of us believe that we were the only one you were dating. You just wanted to get in both of our pants and feel like you were some kind of sex king for it,” Kaiba said.
“But why are you complaining, Kaiba? You know you liked it,” Keith said, trying to grab Kaiba’s butt again. Kaiba not only pulled away violently, but kicked Keith off of himself. Keith grabbed Kaiba and, before Kaiba could do anything about it, he began to kiss Kaiba on the lips. Kaiba pulled away and spat on the ground.
“You taste like shit!” Kaiba shouted.
Keith only laughed at this. “I love it when you’re nasty, Kaiba. You’re so sexy when you’re mad.”
“Then I must be really sexy now, because you’re really pissing me off!” Mokuba had to hold Kaiba back before Kaiba could cause any bodily harm to Keith.
Then Kyra turned to Keith. “Y’know, you’re a real pig. First, you cheated on me. Then, you tricked Kaiba into sleeping with you and you treat him like a cheap whore. Then you plan to dump him when he’s having your kid. Pardon my French, but you’re an asswipe!” Kyra shouted.
“Well, you shouldn’t be complaining either. You’re a whole lot hotter than Kaiba, so I’ll always come back to you,” Keith said smugly.
“Not this time, Keith! You know that little thing between you and me that’s called a relationship? Yeah, about that: it’s over!” Kyra shouted.
Keith’s jaw dropped at least two inches. Kaiba walked over to him.
“Bandit Keith, if you play with fire, you just might get burned,” Kaiba said.
After Keith had walked off, stupefied by what Kaiba and Kyra did, Mokuba, Kaiba, and Kyra shared a victory high-five.
“That was so great! You two really put Keith in his place!” Mokuba cheered.
“We sure did,” Kaiba said.
“Kaiba, I’m sorry I called you a whore. I didn’t mean it, you’re really not a bad guy,” Kyra said.
“It’s okay,” Kaiba said. “And I’m sorry I almost stole your boyfriend.”
“It’s okay, you didn’t know he was dating me.”
As Kyra turned to leave, she said, “And you’re not a bad kisser either.”
Kaiba blushed. “Thanks.”
Later that day, Kaiba was walking down the street, alone. He was happy that he had put Keith in his place, but he was sad that Keith wouldn’t ever want to be with him. A part of him hated Keith and wanted him to drop off the face of the earth, yet another part of him wanted Keith to come back and take responsibility for his actions.
“What am I supposed to do with his child? I can’t raise it all by myself,” Kaiba thought. “And why would Keith want to do what he did? Why would he just take my virginity, then dump me like that? How could I be so stupid?!”
‘How you gonna up and leave me now? How you gonna act like that? How you gonna change it up? We just finished making up. How you gonna act like that?’
Kaiba reached his home. He went up to his room and lay down.
‘How you gonna act like we don’t be making love? You know we be tearing it up, breaking stuff, and getting rough. How you gonna trip, How can you forget? How you gonna act like that?’ (author's note: How You Gonna Act Like That - Tyrese)
Mokuba went into Kaiba’s room. He found Kaiba lying on the bed, staring into space.
“I can’t believe Noah was right, Mokuba. I acted like such a pompous idiot. He kept trying to warn me and I wouldn’t listen,” Kaiba whispered.
“Seto, you’re not an idiot. You were just being protective of your boyfriend because you loved him. It’s not your fault that Keith was a low-down cheater. You deserve someone better than him, anyway, so forget about him,” Mokuba said.
“But how can I forget about him?! I’m having his kid!” Kaiba growled.
“Don’t worry, Seto, we’ll figure something out. Everything will be okay,” Mokuba said, hugging Kaiba.
Noah heard their conversation and entered the room. “Are you okay in here?”
“Noah, you were right. I should’ve listened to you when you said that Keith was cheating on me. I’m a jerk,” Kaiba said.
“No, you’re not a jerk. I didn’t want to be right. I just didn’t want you to get hurt. I only wanted you to be happy,” Noah said.
Kaiba’s exhaled heavily. “Thanks,” he said, starting to smile again.
“But you say you’re having Keith’s child. How can you break up with him?” Mokuba asked.
Noah took a second to recover from this shocking news, then he responded, “He can’t, Mokuba. I’m going to go to Bandit Keith and force him to take responsibility for what he did.”
“You can’t do that, Noah. He’ll only end up cheating again,” Kaiba said.
Then, Mokuba thought of something that changed everything. “What if it’s not Keith’s?” he mused to himself.
He didn’t realize that Noah had heard him. “What did you say?”
Mokuba realized that he had said it out loud. “Uh, nothing?”
“It’s okay, Mokuba, he’d find out sooner or later, and I’d rather it be sooner than later,” Kaiba said. “I did it with Yugi, too.”
Noah stared at Kaiba in shock. “Did it ever occur to you that it could be Yugi’s child?”
“No, it didn’t. Because I started getting the symptoms after I did it with Keith. It couldn’t be Yugi’s kid,” Kaiba stated.
“Well, just to be sure, I’m taking you to the doctor to find out,” Noah said.
Due to amazing advances in technology (and the fact that this is just a fictional story), a machine had been invented so an expectant mother could tell who the father of the child was. All they would need was a sample of Yugi’s DNA.
They had their sample; it was a few strands of Yugi’s hair, taken from Kaiba’s trenchcoat. They knew it was Yugi’s hair because it was tri-colored and they made sure it was Yugi’s and not Yami’s.
“I’m telling you, it’s not Yugi’s child. You’re wasting your time, Noah,” Kaiba said, as they went to the doctor.
“I just want to be sure, Seto,” Noah said.
After the test, the doctor showed them the results. “Seto Kaiba, I have determined that the father of your baby is Yugi.”
“I knew it,” Noah thought.
“I can’t believe it,” Kaiba thought.
That night, Kaiba reflected on the events of the day, as he lay in bed. He had put his cheating boyfriend in his place, successfully broken the news about his situation to Noah, and found out who the true father of his child was.
“But will Yugi even look at me after I ran off yesterday? I bet he’s already moved on. He thinks that it’s Keith’s child. He probably thinks I’m a freak. That Blue Eyes underwear was a little weird,” Kaiba thought.
As Kaiba drifted off to sleep, he thought, “Where do I go from here?”
The next evening, Yugi decided to go to the park to listen to music. It was a nice, quiet day. The setting sun painted the sky brilliant shades of red and violet. Yugi listened to his portable tape player, admiring the nature while running through the park.
Kaiba, who had decided to stop moping around the house and go outside, was walking through the park, too. He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn’t even notice the sunset that much.
It was getting dark. Yugi was wearing black as he walked toward Kaiba. Kaiba didn’t see Yugi and Yugi wasn’t really watching where he was going. The two ran smack into each other, knocking them both over.
“Oh, crap! I’m so sorry, Kaiba!” Yugi exclaimed, running over to help Kaiba up.
“Yugi, we’ve gotta stop meeting like this,” Kaiba said, smiling as he got up.
“I keep knocking you off your feet,” Yugi commented.
“In more ways than one,” Kaiba thought silently. He said out loud, “Yugi, I have to tell you something.”
Yugi looked up with interest. “So do I.”
“I love you, Yugi,” Kaiba said quickly.
Yugi stared at Kaiba. “That’s certainly different.”
“If you don’t love me back, I’ll understand,” Kaiba said, turning away.
“No, I do. That’s what I wanted to tell you. I love you, too,” Yugi said.
“Really?” Kaiba asked.
“Really,” Yugi answered.
Yugi and Kaiba hugged.
“Yugi, I have something else to tell you. I’m pregnant with your child,” Kaiba said.
“But, I thought it was Keith’s child,” Yugi said.
“No. I was wrong. It’s yours,” Kaiba said.
“Then, maybe we can get married,” Yugi said.
They sat down on a bench.
“Do you wanna listen to music?” Yugi asked.
“Sure,” Kaiba answered.
Yugi took out the tape player, put a tape in, pressed play.
As they listened to the music, Yugi remembered something that had happened in PE class. “Remember in PE when we had to learn the tango?”
Kaiba chuckled. “It was disastrous. The teacher paired us up and I was too tall to dance with you properly.”
“And I kept stepping on your feet,” Yugi added.
They listened to the music for a while. Suddenly, a song came on that got their attention.
‘Watch the band, Through a bunch of dancers. Quickly, Follow the unknown.’
“Our song is playing,” Yugi joked. “Let’s dance.”
“You think our dancing will be any better?” Kaiba asked.
“Well, I’ve gotten taller and I’ll try not to step on your feet,” Yugi said. “Let’s try the tango.”
“You don’t wanna do such a dance with me. I can’t,” Kaiba said.
“You’ll be fine,” Yugi said.
They began to dance. Kaiba was surprisingly good at it.
“You’re really good at this,” Yugi said.
Kaiba smiled. “Thanks, Yugi.”
They continued to dance in the final twilight of the setting sun.
‘Courage, my word, didn’t come it doesn’t matter. Courage, couldn’t come at a worse time.’ (author's note: Courage - Sarah Polley (I heard it in an episode of Charmed))
Moral of the story: If you're going to two-time a guy, make sure he's not better at card games than you.
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chaoscheebs · 27 days
A thought on the Greater "Seto Kaiba Is Always Freezing" Cinematic Universe, feat. Rivalshipping:
Yugi, bless his heart, wants to be the cool boyfriend who can just casually throw his jacket/hoodie around Seto's shoulders, but he is at least one size smaller than him, if not two, so it just looks a little silly.
Solution: Yugi gets hoodies that practically drown him. He gets to be Cool Boyfriend and have sweater paws while wearing them, it's win-win.
(Seto is weirdly charmed by the sweater paws but will not admit it under threat of death.)
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qyza8kcq4x6udjq · 15 days
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romanceddawn · 2 months
seto catching yugi checking him out and trying to fluster him by smirking and saying, "like what you see?" but it backfires because yugi just smiles back and gives him a slow look up and down before saying, "yeah, i really do." so now seto's the one blushing
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