#ruben dias
72 notes · View notes
tchouameninga · 17 hours
Where's this pap pic if John and ruben??
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tell me this picture isn’t illicit affairs coded
19 notes · View notes
blush-pedri · 2 months
fans are assholes | r. dias
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summary: fans compare your pregnancy to fellow wags, leaving you to feel not so good.
notes: as requested! i don’t think i specified that it was twins but it still works. dad!ruben has to be my fav genre 🤪 i hope you all enjoy, some very cute at moments 💘 let me know what you all think! <3
IT WAS MATCH DAY, and although you were feeling rough like you had done the last 7 months, you had promised your fiancé you would make it to today’s knockout game rather than watching from home. he wanted you to support from the stadium, but he also wanted to get you out of the house too.
you were 32 weeks along and feeling very heavily pregnant.
yeah, it’s all fun and games when dating a tall man until you have to grow his unnecessarily large children.
all you wanted to do was lie down and moan this entire trimester, having nothing but a hard time with this one you were growing. you’d had every bad symptom imaginable, from the nonstop sickness and heartburn, to back and hip pain, difficulty sleeping and sore boobs, and now in the final stages you were experiencing braxton hicks, so yeah - all you did want was to lie down and whine. more than ever, you just wanted to stay in the comfort of your own home and nest.
“—you’re not even nesting though! you’re sitting here watching tv all day! get up and get ready!” rúben had said to you just yesterday morning after you’d told him you were too busy nesting to grab a coffee with him before training.
“mama, i think you should go tomorrrow . .” another sweet voice said from the sofa, glancing sympathetically in your direction.
your sweet boy, elias, didn’t want to offend you and make you feel like a slob, but he really wanted you both to go to his papa’s games. with school, you didn’t allow him to go to any late night matches which were always the majority, but tomorrow’s kickoff was 3:30pm and when he pitched the idea, you felt awful for feeling like you’d deprived him of some fun memories.
you really didn’t want to go, but your baby boy deserved it. he’d been working so hard in the last weeks of school and rúben would agree that you needed to take him - he wanted you both there just as much but he also knew not to tell a pregnant woman what to do - he wasn’t the one carrying an 8lb baby around in all summer.
“you nearly ready, baby?!” you called from your room, trying your best to look acceptable for today’s outing. you couldn’t remember the last time you’d done your makeup and styled your hair so neatly, baby dias was really kicking your butt that you hardly had any energy after a shower, let alone doing your makeup and hair.
you really needed them out so you could go back to your old self.
you didn’t remember pregnancy being this hard with eli. with him, you were able to get through the rest of school with him growing in your belly! taking notes and listening in class. sure, you had sickness and a sore back but that was really only at the start and at the end. given, you were younger and full of energy.
eli came along in the last of your teen years but you wouldn’t change anything for the world, same with rúben. he blamed that baby boy for being the reason he pushed himself so hard to get where he was today. he was such an easy pregnancy, and an easy kid.
being honest, you felt more unprepared for this new baby as a grown adult than you did as a teenager back in 2016.
with a few thuds across the landing and a solid jump at your bedroom door, you turned to see your 8-year-old all ready holding two thumbs up. with a man city kit on and trainers, he looked like rúben more than ever. seriously, if you got a photo of rúben back then, it was like looking at eli with a slightly different haircut. it scared you so much. “ready!”
traffic was always bad no matter what time you left, but you got there in one piece and already left eli with one of your closest friends and bernardo’s wife, ines, while you had to run to the bathroom even after such a short journey. jeans were longgg out of the equation so you’d gone with some loose, white trousers to go with the blue football shirt, hoping they didn’t wrinkle too much but still looked good with the outfit. “you are glowing!”
“no, it’s probably just my highlighter,” you pointed to your cheekbone as ines laughed cheerfully.
“no! you look amazing, what are you talking about?! i have missed you!” she couldn’t help but hug you again. “you’re ready to pop!”
she felt your bump and you huffed a sigh, pulling your sunglasses down, “i know, it feels like it.”
you didn’t really like being out this far along, not because you were afraid, but you were at that stage were you were starting to feel gross. like, you looked like a whale no matter what you wore or styled yourself to look like. realistically – you were one of the most beautiful pregnant women the internet had saw. truly, you may have felt like an elephant, but you were still posted on WAG accounts, getting shared by millions of women who begged they could only look as good as you when pregnant or better - envied you for still looking so hot while suffering the struggles of pregnancy.
how?! 😭❤️
life’s not fair!!!! 😫
what’s her secret?!!! 😍😭🙏🏼
but you could have gotten a thousand comments like that . . but all it took was the one bad one.
fucking hell, keep her inside 😂🫣
who is that??
a lot of the time you didn’t care because you knew how the internet worked, and you know the majority were sad-little-pathetic-football-fan men. they barely impacted you.
when it was women on the other hand . . .
“i just can’t believe one woman would say that to another woman,” you tilted your phone to show ines the replies. “what happened to the whole ‘girls help girls?’” you had to put your phone down before you ended up on a gossip page for arguing with people in your comment section.
“it’s always down to jealousy, babe. they hate you ‘cause they ain’t you,” she pointed, the same thing you had told her when she got her first negative comment, and you smiled at her attempt of making you feel better. she was such a good friend.
the internet was a weird place. your life was a weird place, you didn’t think there’d be a day people hated you for simply being with a person. you found it weird paparazzi followed you around when rúben was the famous one. you found it weird there were accounts dedicated to you when you didn’t do anything. it caught you off seeing people notice every little thing about you or knew things you forgot you’d explained. it did add a little bit of pressure knowing you were being watched and most likely compared to other beautiful WAGS. you’d be lying if you didn’t say you’d put on makeup in fear you’d be posted all over those news articles and WAG accounts.
you forgot how stressed matches made you until kickoff, two minutes in and already overthinking how this would go down. rúben had your heart fluttering nontheless with how he ran up and down the pitch, giving orders all sweaty and even repping the captain band for a bit. it made you feel real good about your baby daddy.
“come on, pa!” your son would shout when a bit of a ruffle would occur, his father speaking passionately to the ref with frustrating hand movements.
the halftime whistle blew and you let out a breath, fanning yourself as your body relaxed for a small moment. 0-0. “ma, i need to go to the bathroom.”
“me too, let’s go!”
perks of dating a footballer? renting out their own box for friends and family - including the private bathroom. no queues around hereee.
walking through the rows and steps, you couldn’t help but feel eyes pinned to you. ines would tell you because you’re a WAG of a player (you regret ever educating her on that term) but really you felt like it was because you looked like a whale making her way through the stands.
eli convinced you to do a lap of the stadium just once to ‘stretch your legs’ when really it was something he always liked to do as he believed it ‘made halftime pass quicker’. so hobbling around with few staff members recognising the kid (or rather seeing the clear evidence he was a mini rúben) , you strolled around the packed building, trying to squeeze past football fans, getting stopped once for a picture.
“thank you so much!”
“no worries at all,” you waved to the two girls, shooting them your kindest smile. they were so lovely, and even complimented you for ‘pulling off pregnancy so well’.
“you’re sLayiNg” eli mocked them, taking your hand.
“shut up,” you tutted. you appreciated being told you were still slaying.
the 8-year-old suddenly bolted to a familair security guard in a neon vest who was delighted to see the boy. “my man!”
you didn’t bother rushing over, you were out of breath as it was and decided to just lean on the wall while elias got his quick catch up, waving at matt instead. halftime was almost over. you should be heading back now.
“—not the best one though.”
“—no, sasha is definitely the best wag.”
i swear, the word ‘wag’ triggers you like nothing else.
you tried not to look around, but to your left, you could make out two bodies mingling with each other. both wearing light blue tops with stylish jeans and trainers, the two girls waiting outside the bathroom, trying to talk quietly between then in a mumbled manner.
you were a mum - you had mastered your hearing to hear the grass grow.
“–but sasha’s not pregnant?”
“–but if she was, she’d have a cute bump, not . . ”
their silence had you believe they’d glance in your direction, and it took every bone in your body not to stare dead on at them with a smile to let them know you heard every word - but you didn’t. you played oblivious and stayed watching eli, a forced sweet smile on your lips.
“–foden’s girl always has a cute little bump too!”
“–oh my god, yes. she’s stunning.”
“–he’s stunning too, to be fair.”
“eli, come on son!” you wanted to bang your head on the wall not wanting to endure the conversation anymore. now you’d tune in, you couldn’t tune out.
“–ok. bye matt! see you later,” he didn’t waste a second to return to you. “see you soon, buddy!”
you waved at matt and led him through the crowds, not meaning to hold his hand so tight until he pointed it out. “ow, ma, you’re hurting me.”
“sorry baby.” you didn’t sound sorry but you felt utterly hot and bothered. and not in the good way.
for some unreasonable reason, a small line of carts drove through the halls, and you stood against the wall as they passed by, holding your son by his shoulders. you could hear a small utter of whispers from your side but refused to turn your head. you really needed to fucking sit down.
“—dias’ girl! look at the size of her!”
“–rob that’s so mean! she’s pregnant!”
“WOW!” eli stole your attention as he almost stepped out in front of a last minute one zooming by. you smiled, and quickly manoeuvred him on your way.
“keep going, keep going,” you shuffled behind him in the stands, but stopped amidst a waiting line as someone caused hassle. your foot kicked something. “oh i’m so sorry!”
you accidentally tapped your foot to a lady’s handbag, but she smiled and waved you off. “you’re alright, don’t worry!” shortly adding, “i’m not surprised!” glancing to your belly.
it wasn’t malicious, but it was about to be the last straw of some floodgates. “ha! i know . . I’m like a whale.”
“how far along are you?” her friend asked.
“about 7-8 months,” you smiled sweetly, ignoring the fact they didn’t assure you that you didn’t look like a whale. thanks.
“oh wow!”
“i know,” you fake laughed. why wasn’t this line moving?
“is it twins or just the one?”
you tried to stop your eye twitching. who in the right kind said that?! was that . . a backhanded compliment?! what that even a compliment?! or was she genuinely asking in a stupid and nosey manner? “no, but it feels like it,” you fake laughed, and they did too. twats.
“oh my! you’re so big!”
“he or she will be a big boy or girl,” the other corrected with her pint in hand, knowing her friend’s words had just flown out of her mouth.
“yeah . .” you were done with this conversation but you didn’t dare be rude. thankfully, the line moved, and they waved goodbye. “congratulations!”
“thank you!” you replied, turning back around, mouthing absolute knobheads.
“mum, i don’t think you’re a whale,” eli’s hand patted your own that rested on his shoulder, bringing you back down to earth.
your heart thumped and although he didn’t look at you, your heart melted to a puddle as you squeezed his shoulders and ruffled his hair, knowing you’d embarrass him with a kiss. “thank you baby. you’re always to sweet to me.”
and he was. you actually . . wanted to cry. shock.
“hey!” ines greeted. “where’d you guys go?”
you only shook your head and nodded to you son who was standing again, ready and recharged for more yelling. you felt ines squeeze your hand and you looked at her, “are you ok? you look . .”
“yeah, i’m fine,” you dabbed your eyes and put your sunglasses back on. “just . . stupid stuff, and then e said something really sweet and i just,” you held your heart which made her laugh and reassure her for the time being. “ok, but . . you can tell me, y’know?”
“just being emotional,” you said the obvious, making her laugh as you leaned into her for support.
you would tell her later, but right now, you were going to use the rest of the game as your excuse to start screaming.
the game ended on a win. you saw rúben briefly when the players walked around and applauded, and eli mirrored his excitement and happiness, waving and calling to him as he spotted you guys. he was ecstatic you could make it.
it was after 6 by the time you got home and settled. you were about to order food when you second guess your options, today’s events replaying in your mind:
look at the size of her!
sasha would have a cute bump.
you’re so big!
you knew you were pregnant but there were far nicer things to say to a pregnant lady. what a bunch of assholes.
instead, you cooked some carbs up for eli and made yourself a seperate dinner, feeling the need to watch what you were eating now - you’d be giving birth soon and all those pregnancy cravings didn’t just leave when the baby came. you weren’t silly - you weren’t going to deprive yourself of food, but maybe they had a point - why wasn’t your bump considered cute? was it hard to tell you were pregnant? what were you doing differently?
you were on the verge of calling sasha and asking her what she put in her green smoothies when the door opened.
“meu amor?”
“in here champ,”
something rúben didn’t expect to see what you lying on the couch with a salad balanced on your bump, and you munching away like it was a 5-star dish. “what’s this about . . ?” he smiled sceptically, dropping his bag to the floor.
“what’s what?”
“that.” he nodded to your plate.
you shrugged. “took a notion for it.”
“for . . a salad?” he clarified, looking down at you, entertained in some sense.
your craving for the last 5 months had been anything with chocolate frosting on it. rúben had watched you talk yourself out of buying a tub of it on its own because you knew if was weird and would have to bake go use it.
to be fair, the salad was tasty, and you were enjoying it but . . at 7 months pregnant? rúben tilted his head. “where’s eli?”
“is his room.”
“he had salad too?”
“he had pasta and garlic bread.”
now he knew something was up. you? not eating garlic bread? italian in general?
someone had said something to you.
he looked at you concerningly, but he was too afraid to ruin the peaceful moment. you seemed calm. he had won a game and you were in a good mood today. baby boy or girl mustn’t be giving you too much trouble so that was a win in itself. so he just leaned down and kissed you lovingly. “hi.”
“hi,” you smiled, pecking him three more times before he rose again. “well done today.”
“thank you,” his hand touched your belly for about two seconds before you swept it off smoothly with your own, squeezing it instead. you smiled up at him again, “love you.”
he kissed you again trying to hide his confusion – but something was up. you were being odd. “love you too.”
and he left and headed for eli’s room, leaving you to let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding before slouching again and continuing with your dinner.
the rest of that evening, rúben was correct. you weren’t yourself.
your mind was somewhere else, and your head wasn’t out of your phone. constantly scrolling, you had overanalysed every picture captured of you today and tried not to nitpick. reading comments. comparing yourself. he wondered what you were doing.
but everyone else did have small bumps. everyone’s looked so cute. they didn’t use pregnancy as an excuse to eat whatever they wanted or slack with self-care. they still wore tight clothing. they still looked gorgeous. you began to compare yourself to all these other wives and girlfriends on the page, wondering how on earth they looked that good.
ummmm, ‘cause maybe they’re 12 weeks along and you’re triple that?
the next morning, rúben kissed you in the kitchen before leaving. “what’s that?”
“that,” he nodded to the drink in your hand.
“a smoothie?”
“for breakfast?”
“well yeah,” you furrowed your brows, and he immediately shook his head, pulling that judgemental, disapproving look you sometimes wanted to punch. “no, no, come on, don’t be silly, now,” he almost laughed, “you need to eat something proper.”
“it’s a smoothie, it has everything i need in it?”
“y/n, make something to eat. you’re almost 8 months pregnant for crying out loud,” he looked at you seriously. he didn’t want to sound like he was scolding you or making you feel stupid but you knew he was worried about the lack.
overprotective rúben had always been a constant in your relationship but when you were pregnant — phew, “you got my baby in there.”
“–and he or she is looked after, it’s a healthy drink—”
he took it from your hand and kissed your cheek in the process, taking it with him to training with a smirk, “stop being lazy and cook.”
you were furious. you were actually annoyed that he had taken the drink himself and didn’t find it funny. he kissed eli’s head and the door closed, and you were left highly irritated.
you couldn’t see eli shrink, but he did, looking wide-eyed at the table as he considered his dad a brave brave man in that moment to do that to you - considering the look of your face.
and as a pregnant woman with her emotional struggling to stay in check - you lost it as they all blended together once eli was dropped off at school, sitting in a car park of a café you regretted going too now that you sat with your decaf latte and triple-choc muffin. the frustration quickly turned to tears as you had a moment, eyes in your hands, thinking over everything the last couple days.
yes you were pregnant, but was there a need to be that big? were you even that big compared to others? were you really that bad to look at? that unflattering? did it even looking like you were pregnant? the loose clothing probably didn’t help, but who wanted to wear tight clothing? pregnancy was hard - it was hard to glamourise it all the time!
you’d never cried over looking bad the first time you were pregnant, maybe once or twice when a pair of jeans didn’t fit or you couldn’t reach your shoelaces, but never over the way you felt about yourself. you actually were starting to feel disgusting, and it was embarrassing because you let randomers make you feel this way!
. . and then the pathetic-ness turned into anger because why were people such assholes?! how can they not keep an opinion to themselves?! making you feel bad about your baby!
. . and then the anger turned to guilt because your sweet little baby was just trying to grow and be healthy and you were upset over it. tears again.
you didn’t know how to fix it. the damage was already done, you had a month left, there was no going back now with salads and smoothies, you yanked your paper bag with your muffin off the floor, eating your money’s worth. rúben subconsciously popped into your head as he was probably eating some fruit salad or nutritious sandwich at this time.
oh rúben. you wished he was here but you also knew you wouldn’t want him near you at the minute, not when you weren’t feeling yourself and you had people in your comments telling you he was on his way of replacing you.
he would call you stupid, but rúben just wouldn’t understand. he wouldn’t get being on the other side, the built in competition that automatically comes with being a woman, more than ever with this lifestyle he had given you. one where you’re compared left right and centre with a certain standard to achieve.
you bet every handbag you owned, he’d screw his face up and go ‘are you serious’ if you told him your issue. he knew you were above anyone commenting stupid things on your posts and found it immature of you in a way if you did take those things to heart - i mean they were nobodies! jealous nobodies! but that’s easy for him to say, his comments are flooded with never ending support, guys praising him for his talent, physique and hard work and most girls telling him to hurry up and leave you. spamming with flame and tongue emojis, thirsting over your man just the way you did, only boosting his ego more which rúben did not need.
so you just felt silly, and picked at your muffin, accepting your were going to be a whale wag.
you felt like a slob when you got back home, staying on the couch after cleaning, and then crying except you were watching a movie to blame it on that.
you still couldn’t get comments out of your head, i mean what was an ‘expired wag?!’ or a ‘busted oven?!’ what did that mean? and why always the skull emojis?!
scrolling once again through photos of comparison, you scrolled onto a beautiful pic of your beautiful bestie, ines, and straight away phoned her. “hey.”
“hey! what’s up! what’s going on? why do you sound you out of breath?”
“why do you think?” you laughed.
“girl are you crying again?!”
and you started talking. you had to get things off your chest and you needed ines to make you feel better, to assure you and let you rant, and she happily did, after all, you’d always been there when she was having a moment.
“–what did rúben say?”
“nothing, i haven’t told him anything. he’ll just tell me i’m being ridiculous.”
“he won’t!”
“ines, he would, he’s not like bernardo. rúben’s harsh!”
“so are you! which is why i can’t believe you’re still crying over this!”
he was harsh in the good way, in the same way you were. you were both practical. real. realistic. you picked each other up and told each off when you were being ridiculous. pulled each other out their asses. brought you back down to earth.
but you just needed comforted at this current moment by your girl.
as you continued to chat and laugh more than you thought, the front door opened without your acknowledgment and rubes stepped through. freshly showered after a long morning of training, he instantly heard your voice rambling over the phone. he took notice of the tissue also crumpled on the floor by the door (you’d been carelessly tossing them for dramatic effect) and paused after he thought he’d heard a sad sniffle. he closed the door quietly and crept near the living room.
“i can’t help it, i do just feel . . blegh,” you felt like you were being ridiculous but you couldn’t help it. “like, why does everyone keep making a big fuss about it? am i really that massively huge or am i just not liked?”
he heard another woman’s laughter on your phone and recognised her as soon as she began talking to you, “y/n, i promise no one is making a fuss of it, it probably just seems in your face all the time because you keep going back to check. i promise the world is not broadcasting you,” ines chuckled sweetly, which followed your sad laugh also.
“well the wag world does!”
“y/n!” she laughed, “you’re overthinking it. i promise you have nothing to worry about. the only person who’s opinion should matter to you is rúben’s and everybody knows he has you on a pedestal!” rúben found himself smiling. he’d always been a fan of ines. “he’s called you his wife since you came to manchester! he’s always been proud to show you off, you look good - you look amazing! people are just saying that stuff about you to make themselves feel better.”
“mm, i guess,” you sniffed, holding your forehead. “i don’t know, it’s just been getting to me . . and i’m not saying to rúben because he’ll tell me i’m being stupid. i wouldn’t be surprised if he was leaving an hour earlier in the mornings to get away from me. it’s not like my looks can make up for my psycho-ness anymore,” you joked.
“y/n!” she tried not to laugh. “though, pregnancy psycho-ness is definitely real.”
it is, rúben mentally agreed also, though his heart still sank further as he heard you talk about yourself in such ways. he didn’t want to call you ridiculous but come on, you were pregnant! didn’t they all count as compliments to a pregnant lady?!
“it is,” you let out a sigh, “i wouldn’t want to be around me either, just this big angry rhino walking around the house,” you laughed together, “he goes to a paris event on friday anyway, he’ll get a break and have plenty of french models to—”
a clear of a throat had you whipping your head to the door, seeing rúben’s hard stare. your mouth went dry. “uhhh, ines i’ll call you back.”
you felt bad hanging up as she was speaking back, too shocked you’d been heard rambling for the last couple minutes. or probably longer! how long had he been standing there?!
“french models?! french models, y/n.”
“rúben, it’s not in context—”
“oh i heard the context, i heard everything,” he came in the room, not one spot of happiness found on his face. he was fuming. you could tell, and disappointed too, you felt like eli getting told off by him, throwing yourself back into the couch as he stood with that gruff, intimidating look, hands shoved in his pockets.
“you don’t get it—” you could already feel the tears welling in your eyes, though a pit of frustration was brewing in your chest hot and fast. this was going one of two ways.
“what don’t i get? you don’t tell me what’s wrong when i ask you!”
“‘cause you wouldn’t understand!”
“ok but what i do understand is my wife accusing me of what? getting to pick which ‘french model’ i want to take home next week?”
now your face fell flat, realising how ridiculous and cruel that sounded. you shouldn’t accuse him of that kind of stuff.
“rubes, i just—” your mouth felt dry again. tears brimming again, you could feel how hot they were. the words were on the tip of your tongue but you didn’t know how they were gonna come out.
“what is it? tell me,” he pushed, eager for you to actually get out what you wanted to say so he could help sort it. “i’m here to listen.”
and you did, you unleashed it all. “people are assholes. your fans are assholes. i’m sorry but i cannot believe the stuff people have no issue saying to other people - pregnant people at that! as if the 9 months aren’t hard enough, i have this mob of men and women on my back, judging and critiquing my every outting. i can’t do it anymore, it’s actually ruining whatever self-confidence i have left!” the tears were streaming as you began your rant, choking down sobs as you moved your hands, a fury behind all the sadness.
rúben crouched down, wanting to be nearer as you let it all out. “every day, every hour, i have someone online, reminding me off how big i am, how unflattering my paparazzi pic is, how whale-like i am! how hard it’s gonna be to shift this baby weight! i’m getting put in competition with every other pregnant wife and girlfriend of your teammate and showed how much better they pull it off! how gorgeous they look all the time! how their bumps are ‘cute’ and small and ‘suits them.’ i heard it myself at your game the other day! it’s like they’ve never seen an un-photoshopped pregnant woman before!” you met his eyes, realising you were probably being silly and that there were bigger problems in the world. “i just feel disgusting, rúben. i never felt like this with eli, i was in this perfect little bubble but this time so different. i don’t want to leave the house when i know a monstrosity of photos are getting taken of me, pointing out every flaw. i don’t have a cute, small bump! i do look like a whale! i can’t dress sexy! and i get what people are saying when they say it’ll be a bit before you can look at me again ‘cause god knows—”
“shh,” he quickly silenced you, placing a finger to your lips. his brows were furrowed as yours did, fed up of hearing you ramble about all the bad things about yourself. he felt pain in a way. he just couldn’t believe you actually thought these things about yourself. “wha— . . . are you being serious?”
“OH MY GOD!” you threw your arms up. see!
“i’m sorry, i’m sorry, meu amor,” his big hands softly caressed your legs in front of him, along your smooth thighs to stop you from exploding again, “i’m sorry. it’s just . . i . . it annoys me that you let these things get to you, these random, strange people that you don’t even know. you take their opinion over mine. so mine doesn’t matter, it doesn’t count?” he looked you deeply in the eye, “how does that make sense? explain that to me.”
your head hit the cushion as you groaned but rúben held your hands comfortingly. he didn’t want to make you feel stupid, but he wanted to hear your thought process. “to me, it’s like . . you have the choice of walking into a room full of all these people who hate you, and you know the hate you, after being in one full of people you love . . and you go into the hateful one and are surprised that all these people are saying all these bad things about you when you could have just left it alone and focused on the lovely ones - from people who matter to you! who are actually in your life! do you understand?”
you nodded along, entranced by his eyes and how they were able to ground you alone. “you know that i think you’re the best thing in the world. you know i would love you if—” he thought off the top of his head, “you had 10 extra toes. a third eye. if you had a cow nose. elf ears!” your hair slipped silkily through his fingers, “you know i think you’re the most beautiful woman ever even dressed in a trash bag. i would still love you if you did wear trash bags. if you had a cow nose. if you weighed the same as a cow. if you weighed the same as a baby cow,” you broke a chuckle at that. “i’ve loved you through our ugly teen years, when i shaved my hair and your eyebrows were stick thin,” you laughed more as he let out a breath of relief, “i loved you when with vomit down your shirt and your hair dyed that weird colour—”
“rúbennn . .”
“what? and i loved you when you had eli in your stomach, and he was big baby,” his hand touched your belly, moving it in the same motion he always did because that’s when he got to feel the small kicks of this baby dias. “i loved you even more even when i saw how he came out,” he shot you a wildered look.
you facepalmed, dragging your hand down dreadfully at the thought of having to relive that moment all over again in over a months time.
his features turned as his thoughts turned sour, “why are you letting stupid fucking people affect you?”
“i don’t know . . i guess ‘cause so many people are saying it i . . it must be true to some extent—”
“seriously, rúben. i don’t have a cute, small bump. ines and rebecca are always such sweet—”
“Y/N! have you SEEN the size of bernardo and phil next to me! is it any wonder they’re small! their child comes out the same size as them!�� his hand shot out with passion.
now your head was in your hand with muffled laughter, caught off guard by his statement. “seriously! seriously, now you’re supposed to be the smart one,” he tried to look at you, that loving smile shining your way as his heart sang at the sound of you laughter. “you’re shocked that me, that we, have big babies . . that ines has a much smaller bump than you . . are you serious? that rebecca has a smaller bump than you? rebecca, phil and elway stacked on top of each other wouldn’t even reach the height of me!”
“rúben,” you laughed, feeling an actual blush of embarrassment coat your face at how stupid he’d made you feel, but in a good way.
he was so right. what were you thinking?
“i’m like, the biggest guy on the team! sorry i didn’t realise that was gonna be a problem for you,” you lightly hit his shoulder to wrap up the sarcasm, still giggling. he looked at you from the floor, his hands still on you, on your leg on bump — the bump that he did make look small next to his hand. “and please remember you’re a month away from giving birth, you’re supposed to be a healthy size. and i been going to training an hour earlier ‘cause i know when this one comes along, i’ll not want to go as much and i’ll want to stay with you both. i’ll start working on my dad bod . .” he felt the small, subtle movement happening inside, but he could feel them if he kept still enough.
“you’d look good with both.” you rolled your eyes.
“and you’d still look better. y/n, you’re not a whale. please stop saying that,” he finally crept to his feet, climbing on the couch on top of you, leaning his arm behind your head. “you are the most beautiful-est woman to me and no-one, NO-ONE can convince me otherwise. you’re my standard of perfect, of gorgeous and sexy and all the rest of it. i’ve found you sexy before this baby, during this baby, and after this baby — i still get comments of people telling me how ugly i look when you’re next to me! you bring my value down!”
his arm wrapped around your neck while the other threw itself over your bump, shifting and snuggling into the sofa more comfortingly, you relaxed alongside him, the tears no trickling down but with good reason behind them as you were shocked to find your love growing even more for rúben when you thought it was impossible. “i don’t know what comments you’re seeing because all i see are the ones calling you a milf, and it takes too much time to try and report them all.”
you held his hand at your shoulder, his lips kissing your cheek repeatedly, over and over again. you knew how much he loved you. “yeah, you’re right. fans are just . . assholes.”
“fans are assholes,” he agreed, stroking your cheekbone, “. . don’t listen to them. you think i listen to everything they say about me?” he perked a brow.
sometimes! you wanted to say but knew better. it was rhetorical question, and you knew his sweet intentions.
“alright? i don’t so why should you? you’re hot stuff babe,” he looked at the side of your face, inspecting every little freckle and faint scar, he just wanted to never stop kissing you. “i love you the way you are. eli loves you for the way you are, and this baby,” he rubbed circles on your belly, “he or she is going to be so unbelievably lucky when they see who they have as their mam. i know it’s not the smallest bump but i think it’s the cutest i’ve ever saw, with my baby girl or boy in there,” he kissed the size of your stomach. he grew more and more excited each day as he got a day closer to meeting who was inside. he couldn’t wait. “. . who they get their good looks from and skill and personality - well, i mean i would like to take some credit for the both of those ‘cause i mean their daddy is pretty c—”
you playfully jabbed his side, making him laugh. “yeah, he’s the hottest one on the field,” you glanced at him, kissing his cheek.
one thing about him, he’d always blessed you with beautiful children.
“yeah, and their mum is coolest one at the school pick up,” his lips trailed along your cheek to your jaw, the slight scruff of his beard tickling you. “you’re the biggest milf to walk the planet–”
“rúbennn,” you chuckled, blushing at his words whilst trying to push him away.
“i’m serious,” he proceeded, peppering kissed down your neck, “and she’s coming to paris with me for the weekend so she can outshine me like she does at every event she comes to.”
you laughed at that, smiling dreamily as he proceeding to love on you.
“and eli?”
“elias gets to stay with his favourite uncle who owes a favour,” he winked.
“hmm. ok.”
“and i’ll give her a reason to cry if she starts thinking like that again,” he whispered in your ear.
your heart slipped a beat. “oh yeah?”
“ohh yeahhh,” he nodded, standing to his feet, not before a loud ‘smack’ echoed the room as he mimicked what your poor backside would get if you kept up that kind of behaviour. “see you upstairs, mama.”
you blew your hair from your face, heart thumping, your hands slowly crept up to your adorable little bump where you caressed it gently as he headed for upstairs, whispering softly, “you are soo lucky he’s your papai.”
your heart raced as he peeled his hoodie off, back muscles staring right at you as he headed for your room, you felt your insides begin to sizzle.
— but you were even luckier he was your husband.
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yutofia · 2 months
Such A Mess - RD
summary: ruben inspecting your pussy after giving you a creampie
warning: smut obviously
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You and ruben have been fucking none stop for numerous rounds now, making your pussy filled with his cum. He pulls out of you slowly and sits back on his haunches. He looks down at your cum-filled pussy and groans. "You look so fucking hot right now mami, stuffed full of my cum." You moan in response, unable to form any coherent sentences as you were absolutely fucked out by him. He looks at your reaction and starts spreading your pussy lips, looking at the mess he's made. He reaches over to the nightstand and grabs a mirror, positioning it between your legs so you can both see your cum-filled pussy.
He spreads your lips open with his fingers again and starts to examine you, his eyes roaming over your glistening folds. "Look at how full you are, Princess. We've made such a mess together" You grin like a dumb whore at the sight, still panting at the aftermath of your crazy sex. His thick white cum is oozing out of your used and stretched hole. His gaze flicks up to meet yours, his eyes dark with lust. "You like this, don't you? Watching daddy inspect your dirty little hole, seeing how much cum he pumped into you." He starts to gently probe your entrance with a finger, feeling the warmth and slickness of your inner walls. You let out a soft whimper as you nod, your eyes fixated on the mirror. "Mmm, feel that, Princess? Your cunt is still clenching around my finger, trying to keep all my cum inside. You're so greedy for it, aren't you?" He slowly pushes a second finger inside you, scissoring them to stretch your pussy further. Your head falls back, a desperate and shameless moan escapes your lips. You love seeing your pussy covered in his slickness, it's the hottest, most taboo thing ever. He removes his fingers from your used hole, the wet sound of it being so sexy that it makes his cock throb. "Look at that, baby. You're so beautifully fucked." You look down at the mirror again and let out a moan at the sight, you indeed were beautifully fucked by his thick cock.
Sweat is forming on your forehead again, your hole clenching around nothing as you find his exploration extremely arousing. He takes your hand and places it over your mound, encouraging you to feel the wetness and mess he left inside of you. "Feel that, Princess? Feel how fucking wet and sloppy you are for me. Go on, rub yourself with my cum." Your eyes widen as you look at him. He has a smirk on his face, the softness of his eyes replaced by nothing but lust and hunger. Sensing your hesitation, he takes your fingers and uses them to smear his seed over your swollen nub, feeling you tremble at the sensation of it. "Oh fuck!" You moan at the over stimulation. He watches intently as you start to rub your clit with his cum, a low groan escaping his throat at the sight of you pleasuring yourself with his seed. You slowly slide your finger inside, letting out a shaky moan as you do so. "That's it, bebé... work it into your little pussy. Get it nice and deep so you can feel me inside you for hours." You moan loudly, trying to keep your eyes on the mirror. The sheets beneath your ass are soaked now. His hard cock throbbing with need as he watches you finger yourself. "Fuck, baby... you're so sexy like this. Playing with my cum like it's your own personal lube." You feel your body weaken as you physically can't move your hand enough to fuck yourself. "P-please i need your fingers in me" He quickly obliges, sinking two fingers back into your wet heat. "Like this, Princess? You want my fingers pumping in and out of your greedy pussy, stretching you open? Want me to fuck my cum back into you?" He starts to move them in a steady rhythm, curling them to hit that sweet spot inside you. "Yes yes yes!" You cry out like a porn star, your back arching as your eyes roll back, fingers clenching the bed sheets. He smirks, feeling your body trembling under his touch. "Cum for me, Princess. Cum hard on my fingers like a good girl." Ruben speeds up his movements, making you writhe in pleasure as he sends you spiraling towards your release.
You feel like your body is on fire. "Ruben Ruben Rubennn!" You scream his name over and over again like a mantra as you cum. His rings are drenched in your arousal as he watches with a satisfied smile on his face. You ride out your orgasm, his fingers never stopping their movements until he knows you're completely spent. Slowly pulling his fingers out, he brings them to his lips and sucks them clean, savoring the taste of your mixed arousal. "Mmm we taste so good together" You lay there panting, your ears ringing from the intense orgasm as you watch him with hazy eyes. He looks at your pussy one more time, admiring the sight of your puffy pussy as it twitches....
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aeribbon · 3 months
lunch or launch ? | rúben dias
summary; just you and your boyfriend soft launching your relationship until your bf hard launch one day out of boredom
pairing; rúben dias x influencer!reader
warnings; swearing ? english is still not my first language ahaha
an; didn't see a lot of content for one of my fav player like i never knew he was (i would say idk ?) underrated so here is a smau with loml rúben dias
fc; natasha aris
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liked by rubendias, bffusername and 176k others !
yourusername sunday stroll ft frank ocean
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username that fit DHAJKA
username owner of street ootd
username sheeshhhhh
username mother ate but who’s that guy
username oh to be this cute on a sunday morning
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liked by yourusername, johnstones5 and 145k others !
rubendias you showed me looooveee
view all comments
username man’s listening to frank ocean🧎🏻‍♀️
username he’s an art boy now
username who is he talking about tho
johnstones5 that drip !!!!!!!
username fine as hell
username y’all it’s me im the one he’s talking about and behind to camera 🤗
username oh to be his girlfriend 😖
username ok but y/n lurking in the likes don’t be shy comment girl 🙏
yourusername - ibiza, spain
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liked by rubendias, bffusername and 161k others !
yourusername sunset in a dress
view all comments
username oh no soft launch today :(
▮ username check her story 💔
username GORGEOUS
username love orange on you ! it suits you so well
▮ yourusername thank you so much love
bffusername and to think i wasn’t invited on this trip 😠
▮ yourusername girl you know damn well
▮ username fr 💔
username just wow
yourusername just posted a story
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💌 bffusername responded to your story
damnnnnn i hope you're enjoying those vacations
would be better with me but only the two of us tho 🙄
💌 username responded to your story
rubendias - ibiza, spain
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liked by yourusername, timowerner and 333k others !
rubendias always a pleasure ibiza
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username damn vacations and all 💔
username alexa play you belong with me (ts' version) by taylor swift 😠
timowerner a well deserved rest i see
▮ rubendias !!!
username ok but i'm dying to know who she is
username you know who else was in ibiza ? y/n y/l/n
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liked by rubendias, bffusername and 204k others !
yourusername monaco ily especially during the gp :)
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username mother
username you ate that paddock down
charles_leclerc you're welcome every day in monaco
▮ yourusername oh trust me i'll be back ahaha
▮ landonorris we'll definitely go clubbing together
▮ yourusername ahaha whenever you guys want
▮ username ok hold on what if the guy she's been soft lauching is one of the drivers
▮ username it could be but it's their first time interacting
username i'm just loving y/n's travel era lately like mother is everywhere and i'm here for it
username ok now i'm gonna need you to attend every gps please !
maxverstappen1 aye that's my car right there
▮ yourusername ofc ! i was cheering for the best driver on the grid
▮ landonorris ok y/n you're uninvited to go clubbing with me
▮ maxverstappen1 i think she already has someone to go clubbing with !
▮ username ayyoooo what do they know
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liked by yourusername, ivandias5 and 234k others !
rubendias race weekend ! 🏎
view all comments
username y'all he's sooo fine
username rumor has it he was hanging out all weekend with y/n 😖
username lindo homem (pretty boy)
carlossains55 hope you had a good time mate, you're welcome again !!
▮ rubendias ohh don't tell me that im gonna be here at every races from now on 😂
yourusername enjoyed the race ? 🤓
▮ rubendias oh definitely
▮ username WHAT
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liked by rubendias, bffusername and 127k others !
yourusername he said he needed a ride ⛳️
view all comments
username how many other likes ?? 127 (LIKA A STICKAA)
rubendias very much needed, indeed
username so pretty
bellahadid gorgeous
bffusername all those activities without me, you starting to forget your own bff 💔/j
▮ yourusername the perks of having a boyfriend and your minuses of being single, sorry babe
▮ bffusername YOU CUNT
username oh she's so mother
username y'all can hard launch ! 😄please or else
rubendias - mykonos, greece
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liked by yourusername, bffusername and 435k others !
rubendias lunch or launch ?
view all comments
yourusername BABE WHAT
▮ rubendias out of boredom ? 😅
▮ rubendias i wanted to show that you're mine 😠
▮ yourusername okay sorry babe ily
username they were so (not) discreet
bffusername finally
jackgrealish it was time lovebirds
username *quick lets all act shocked*
yourusername - tulum, mexico
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liked by rubendias, bffusername and 354k others !
yourusername when i'm better at hard launching than him 🤓
view all comments
rubendias you're fr the prettiest woman i've ever met
▮ yoursername awww ily
username alexa play that should be me by justin bieber
username i bet they've been dating for like several years and decided to hard launch their relationship just today
▮ yourusername actwwwually 🤓☝️ it's been three years during the trip in mykonos lol
▮ username THE HELL ??? Y/N???????
▮ username HOLD ON NOW WHAT
username it's always been the other MAN 😡
username i would kill to date THE y/n
landonorris i've waited for three and half years, that portuguese man did it in one week 😣
▮ rubendias boy ?
▮ landonorris ahaha im joking rúben 😅….
▮ carlossainz55 im snitching she was his celebrity crush LOL
▮ rubendias well too bad for you little boy 🤓
▮ landonorris i’m not a little boy rúben…😖
yourusername posted a story
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rubendias posted a story
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464 notes · View notes
wonderjinx · 3 months
this is the most important thing that happened this year
363 notes · View notes
I feel like we’re all thinking the same thing here
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libraryofloveletters · 7 months
Helping Hands
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Ruben Dias x Fem!Reader
Warnings: ruben and reader have a kid! (he's 5), boy dad!ruben, most of the man city squad is in this (kalvin too even tho he's not here anymore lol), mr pep makes an appearance, birthday surprises (yes I know ruben's birthday isn't until may lol), sweetness all around, reader and the guys have a good relationship, one big family vibes.
Word Count: 1.9k
Author's Note: is it really a big shock that this one is for @themandaloriansdiaries - I only ever write ruben when she asks lmaooo.
"Mama! Come on!" Chris, your son, tugged on your hand as you carried the bags.
Ruben's birthday was today and the two of you had gotten up to wish him happy birthday before he left, even making sure to make birthday pancakes - Chris's request, despite it being his father's birthday.
Your husband had gone in for training today and he wasn't aware that the two of you were coming with a special surprise for him. Once you're checked in at the front, Chris makes a beeline for the stairs, running up and straight to the office of none other than Pep.
You didn't get a chance to stop him before he opened the door, not bothering to knock as he knew he had Mr. Pep - his nickname for the man- wrapped around his finger.
"Chris!" The man smiled when he saw the little brown-haired boy running into his office. He picks him up, giving him a good squeeze before putting him down.
"Hi Mr. Pep! Do you have any candy?" The boy looks around, peeking into a bowl on the desk. "Check the drawer, kid." He retells him, walking over to hug you hello.
Chris had made himself comfortable in Pep's chair, munching on a Kit Kat while spinning around.
Pep's hand rests on your arm, smiling at you. "What brings you two in today?"
"Just setting up a few things for Ruben's birthday. Chris wanted to celebrate with him and the guys."
"Oh," Pep nods. "Do you need help? Do you want me to get some of the stuff to help you?"
"No no, that's okay. Don't disturb them, it's just hanging up a few balloons and a banner Chris made, we got it. Right buddy?"
Chris nods, giving you a thumbs up with sticky, chocolate covered fingers.
Pep laughs, walking over to wipe Chris's hands with a tissue. "Okay, let me know if you need anything."
You and Chris were off to the cafeteria, taking the long way around as you knew Ruben would be in the gym right now. Chris sits himself down by the window, looking out in the pitch as you unpack the stuff from the bags, passing the balloons to him to start blowing them up; it would keep him occupied for long enough that you could set up whatever else you needed too.
As you tried to unravel the banner Chris was making at home, you heard footsteps behind you and Chris got up, running over to whoever was over there. You turn to see John, balancing the cake in one hand and rubbing Chris's brown hair with the other hand.
"Hi uncle Johnny!" Chris smiled at the man, John smiled back at him. "Hi buddy, how are you?"
"Good! It's daddy's birthday today!"
John nods, "I know, I got the cake, see?" He bends down to show Chris the cake before taking it into the kitchen to put it in the fridge so it doesn't melt.
"Thank you for picking it up," you tell him when he comes back, Chris holding his hand and bringing him over to the table where he was sitting.
"Help me blow up balloons, uncle Johnny!" Chris passes him a handful of balloons, sitting on his chair as he starts on his own.
Despite having to get to the gym, John sat with Chris and blew up all of the balloons. For every 6 balloons John blew up, Chris blew one. The boy passed the slobbered covered balloon to his uncle who happily tied it; even if he had to wipe his fingers off on his pants after each one.
Once they're done, John gets up. "I have to get to training, buddy. I'll be back at lunch time and I'll bring your dad with me, okay?"
"Okay!" Chris gave John a five high before turning his attention back to the balloons. You wave John off as you start to attempt to bundle the balloons together.
"Baby, why don't you finish up on your banner for daddy? The crayons are in the green bag over there." You nod towards the bag on the chair, Chris nods and walks over to get the crayons before sitting where you had spread out the banner.
You managed to get a few balloons bundled together before you started on the arch, your back was turned to the doorway and you hadn't heard anyone come in.
Kyle had seen Chris about to get up and signalled for him to stay sitting and to be quiet, pointing to you and motioning surprise with his hands. Chris got the just of it and nodded, his little hand covering his mouth to stop him from giggling.
The cold fingers pinch your shoulders, causing you to jump. "What the f- fudge!" You stopped mid swear, shouting before turning to see who it was. Both Kyle and Chris were giggling now, you smacked Kyle on the head with a balloon.
"You're so annoying, Kyle." Groaning, you turn your attention back to the balloon arch you were assembling. The man ignores your comment, making his way over to Chris at the table.
His arms on either side of Chris's chair as he stands behind him, his chin on the boy's head. "Whatcha working on, bud?"
"A banner for daddy! Look how cool my football is," he points towards the football he had drawn in the corner.
"That's really good, I couldn't even draw a circle." He laughed. "Who are these guys?" Kyle asks him, pointing out the few guys Chris had drawn around the ball.
"Well this one is Eddie," he points to the man by the net, wearing bright green. "This one is daddy, uncle Jack, uncle Johnny and this one is you, uncle walks." He points to the one on the left.
Kyle stifles a laugh. "Chris, why is my head so big?"
"Because mama said you have a big head." Chris shrugs, going back to working on his drawings.
The man looks over at you with a raised eyebrow, and you shrug just as Chris did. "It's true, now come be useful and hold this." You stuck the end of the arch out to Kyle, the man coming over to hold it as you filled in the extra balloons that needed to fit in.
He helps you get it up and over the window, along with the streamers before you thank him and climb down from the chair. When you turned around, you found more of the guys had come in as it was pretty close to lunch time.
Jack was sitting with Chris, the two of them chatting about some cartoon they both watch when Jack comes over while Kalvin helped to colour in the letters that Chris had traced.
Everything was coming together, all that needed to be done was put the banner up and get the cake out from the fridge. Erling had come in with Kevin and Kevin offered himself to get the cake as he knew Erling and Jack would probably start bickering about something as soon as he saw the taller man make a bee line for his friend.
Ederson and Stefan were the next two that came in. Erling and Stefan hung the banner up, Jack handing pieces of tape to Chris to stick on the banner. Ederson had Chris up on his shoulders so he could reach it and Rodri gave them thumbs up of approval, letting them know that the banner was hung straight.
Kevin sets the cake on the table, taking it out of the box while you search for the candles in the bag. "Oh crap, I forgot the candles at home."
"I think we have some from John and Kyle's birthday last week," Nathan tells you, walking over to the cabinet to search for them. He returns a moment later with a half pack of candles and a lighter.
Chris helps Nathan stick the candles into the cake; all 27 which is how old he was turning this year.
Everything was set, the rest of the players had come in and even pep had made his way down for the little celebration. All of you were by the window, waiting until you heard someone coming to light the candles.
The big banner above you read happy birthday daddy! in several different coloured crayons, all coloured in and out of the lines - depended on who coloured it.
You look at Chris, fixing his shirt as Ederson held him and you made sure he looked okay. You brushed away the cookie crumbs from earlier before looking around to make sure everyone was there. Jack, who was beside you, also had the same cookie crumbs on his shirt and you brushed those off too.
The sound of John's laughter came from the hallway, followed by the clicking of Bernardo's slides as he never wore them properly. That meant Ruben would be right behind them.
"What are you recording for?" You hear your husband's voice, one of his friend's had their phone out as they were coming in.
Bernardo and John push the double doors open, John stepping into the room to catch Ruben's reaction.
"Surprise!" Everyone shouts, the boys cheering, clapping and whistling for their friend.
Ruben stood there shocked, taking it all in. The handmade banner, streamers, balloons, the cake, all his teammates and most importantly, his wife and his son.
Ederson put Chris down, the little boy running to his dad who picks him up. "Do you like it?!" Chris practically shouts in his dad's ear. Ruben chuckles, nodding. "I love it, Chris. Thank you."
He gives him a hug, putting him down. "Do you like the banner? And the colours I picked?"
"You used all my favourites." He ruffles Chris's fluffy brown hair, identical to his own. Chris clapped, grinning at his father as he ran over to Jack. "Told you!" You hear Chris tell Jack, the two of them laughing.
You walk over to your husband, hugging him. "Surprise, baby."
Ruben kisses your head, "thank you, babe. You didn't have to do all this, you know."
"I know," you say. "I had some help." You nodded towards his teammates behind you.
Ruben leans down to kiss you, his hand on your jaw as he does. "Okay okay, break it up." Kevin calls for you two, "the candles are gonna melt."
You hold Ruben's hand, bringing him over to the table with the cake, Chris standing on the chair on the left to his dad and you're tucked under Ruben's arm on the right. All of his teammates on the other side of the table, John was still recording as Jack started the horribly off key rendition of happy birthday, which was being sung in at least 5 different languages at the moment.
Ruben pulls you and Chris with him, blowing out all 27 candles on the cake. "Happy birthday, babe." You kisses his cheek, Chris swiping some frosting and rubbing it on the other side of his dad's face.
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i9messi · 10 months
I want a baby — Ruben Dias
Meeting his friend’s baby triggers Ruben’s desire for a baby, turning him into a cute, baby fever-filled mess.
Word count — 1k
ruben's masterlist
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It all started when one of his friends had his first child. You and Ruben went to meet the baby for the very first time and both were practically fascinated with the child. Your boyfriend held the baby in his strong arms, holding him like it was fragile, something he had to take care of and protect.
The vision shocked you. You and Rubén had never spoken before about having children, but to see him that way, with a baby in his arms, an instant feeling made you ask yourself what if you and him were parents someday. The idea wasn't so terrible after all.
"Look how small it is. Did you see his little hands?"
His brown eyes met yours and you couldn’t help but smile.
"He’s so cute."
"Our babies would be cute." Ruben said casually, totally sure of what he thought.
Oh, did Ruben think about you and him having a baby?
"Can’t you see us doing that?"
You smiled at your boyfriend’s question.
"Actually, I can."
That was just the beginning. As the days went by, he constantly sent you cute baby videos and photos. You couldn’t stop smiling and thinking that you wanted one, that Ruben was the right man to have your first baby and that maybe, you were ready to start trying.
One day your friends needed your help to babysit their baby. Ruben was practically already knocking on the door of his friends' house. While you were babysitting, you both looked at each other and took care of the little boy. It was a whole new experience, giving the bottle to the baby, playing with him and singing lullabies. At the time of changing his diaper, your man volunteered and made no complaint about anything at all. That proved your suspicions that Ruben would be an amazing father.
"I could do this with our baby."
You smiled, "You would be a great dad, a great one."
"I think you’d be an amazing mother. I can’t wait to have a baby of our own."
The talks about having children became a topic of conversation before bed. You had come out of the bathroom and settled into his arms, with your head on his chest. Lying next to him was amazing, but lying down and touching his skin, listening to his heart and having him so close was your drug. Kind of like heroin.
"I want a baby."
The silence was interrupted by his voice and his statement. There was a moment of silence, until you reacted and realized you hadn’t imagined it. You raised your head to look at his face. He was totally serious.
"Ruben, are you serious?"
"I’ve been thinking a lot lately about having kids and I think I’m ready. I want a baby. I want to hold our baby in my arms, I want her or him to look like you and me, to be a constant reminder that we are a family. Because that's what I want, I want a family with you. But I really don’t want to have kids with someone other than you, I want you to be the mother of my babies."
Your heart was beating like never before. Your cheeks were red and you wanted to kiss him. So you did, you didn’t control yourself anymore. Your lips joined together, Ruben kissed you back as euphoric as you. His hands went up to your hips, where he held you close to his body. He just separated to keep talking about the baby.
“Would you want to have a baby with me?”
“I’d love to have your baby, Ruben.”
That same night you started your try to have your first baby. A few weeks later, Ruben came home and found you in the bedroom.
"I haven’t looked at it yet. I was waiting for you."
Both approached the bathroom, totally nervous about the result of the pregnancy test. You didn’t dare look at it, so you let Ruben look at the evidence. It was the first attempt, the first time you checked on the pregnancy test, so there might be a chance you weren’t pregnant yet.
Ruben had read a lot, had been informed about how the pregnancy process would be, and had even seen videos of couples discovering they were pregnant. So when you saw him stay quiet you didn’t know what to expect.
"You’re pregnant."
"Wait-we’re having a baby?"
You couldn’t believe it, your eyes filled with tears and he came to you. You both hugged and began to understand that in nine months, your baby was going to be born.
“Eu te amo, eu te amo…” he repeated, his face full of happiness.
Ruben always placed a hand on your lower abdomen, even though the pregnancy wasn’t showing yet. Just thinking your baby was there was enough to keep him happy as ever. He was the happiest man in the world, you had made him the happiest man in the world.
When Ruben was not training or at his matches, both shared time at home, talking about the baby and all your plans about the future. He would buy any cute article of baby clothing that he saw, and do a mini haul of what he bought for your baby. That meant he had already brought your baby a City jersey with his number on it.
He also tried to figure out the baby's gender by analyzing your symptoms with old wives' tales.
"I feel like a fat cow."
"Well, you're the most beautiful cow I ever met.”
But your insecurities continued, having a baby in your belly made you feel much more emotional than usual. Maybe it was the pregnancy hormones, but once you found yourself crying and seeing your body in the mirror. Ruben came closer to you and put both his hands in your belly.
"I think I’ve fallen more in love with you being pregnant."
The day he met his baby, Ruben knew that baby was all he needed in his life. That you and your baby were your family, two people he would love forever. The child was finally born and you were both crying.
"I am so grateful to you for loving me and allowing me to be a part of this family with you."
You loved him. You were both new at this, but were excited about your upcoming adventures as parents.
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strawberryblue-blog · 28 days
Ride on me —Ruben Dias.
summary: Ruben asks you to ride his face.
warnings: YES. +18. SMUT. (face riding, f oral, spanking, p in v, unprotected sex)
words count: +2k
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A sigh escaped your lips as the kisses on your neck began licking, biting and tasting your skin delicately. Ruben's hands squeezed your hips as yours sought contact on his muscular back.
The kissing session had begun with some innocence and sweetness as you cuddled in bed after dinner and ready to rest but had become wilder and more passionate as time went on. His lips bit the skin of your neck as your moans escaped your mouth, enjoying your boyfriend's touches.
Your fingers stroked the strands of his hair, combing and tousling it as you stroked his silky scalp and then did it again. Your body fully extended as his body hugged yours on top, one of your legs wrapped around his ass and back, holding him tight. His face would travel down your chest, leaving little soft touches of kisses on your skin and your hands would embrace every part of him. Ruben would caress you with his lips until he reached your breasts, where he gently caressed them, wrapping them in his palm and squeezing them until you gasped, pressing him against your body.
He was too playful tonight. Your eyes focused on his precious gaze as his mouth moved to one of your nipples and wrapped around it, licking it. You arched your back in pleasure but you couldn't because he was all over you and went back to sucking on your mound. Your crotch was on fire with Ruben's every action, so you sought some relief by moving your hips against his abs. Your boyfriend smiled mischievously.
His hands slid down your legs caressing your soft skin, feeling it tremble each time he got closer and closer to your center. A gasp escaped your mouth as his fingers made contact with your lacy panties underneath your short dress type nightgown not at all sensual (but which was comfortable for being at home). His fingers groped the area, moaning as they made contact with your wetness.
"Damn, baby" he whispered against your lips when he could tell how wet you were even without touching you directly.
"You're so wet for me" he gasped.
You bit your lip as you felt his fingers run down your panties and for this time, he did caress your hot center. He ran up and down your entire slit, up and down, getting wet with your wetness.
"And that was just a few simple kisses, baby" he teases, laughing as he strokes your clit a little.
Your back arches and you slap your chest against his, feeling your nipples rub against your clothes and his hard muscles, making you gasp loudly. You were too horny and yes, it had only been a few kisses but you can't blame yourself. It's his fault for being so damn horny. Anyone who had someone like Ruben Dias as a boyfriend would be horny all day long. Especially if he kissed you or touched you.
"I don't even have to touch you to know you're spliced to shit" you mumble teasingly too.
Although you don't touch him directly, you can feel him on your thigh as his bulge begins to grow with each rub. Your fingers stroke the beginning of his hair at the nape of his neck playfully, wanting to get his attention to kiss your lips.
"Guilty" he whispers licking his lips with a smile that melts.
He takes the opportunity to settle into your legs, spreading them with his large hands and you lift your hips, feeling his swollen crotch come into contact with yours, testing your theory. His clothed bulge caresses your clitoris and you both gasp.
His cheeky grin is the last thing you see as his lips impact yours again and kiss fiercely as his hands begin to lift your nightgown, removing it from your body along with his t-shirt, which fly somewhere across the room. Ruben removes his pants himself as you watch him with your bare chest rising and falling, licking your lips at the sight of his erect bulge in his black boxers.
When he comes back to you, his hands take the sides of your panties and he pulls them down your legs sensually, slow and torturous, kissing your thighs first, then down your legs as he watches you from below. His dark glowing gaze looks down at you and you smile up at him as you feel his body boil with heat.
"I want you to ride my face" he says as he gets on top of your body again.
At that moment your heart stops, your throat hides a gasp that makes you gag but you disguise your surprised reaction. Your stomach churns and you bite your tongue. That's a higher level. You're speechless. It's not like Ruben has never given you oral but sitting on his face is another level.
"What?" you ask confused and a little embarrassed.
Honestly you've never had someone ask you something like this before, you weren't embarrassed about sex, much less with your boyfriend of almost two years now. You hadn't seen or heard much of this, though it was probably more normal than you expected. You had seen it in porn once, it turned you on but you never thought it could happen with you. Ruben was magnificent in every sense of the word but you were just a little surprised.
"I want to eat your pussy while you're sitting on my face, baby" he says shamelessly.
A gasp comes out of your mouth as you hear how dirty that sounded, the expression on his face is mischievous and hot. You can feel the wetness welling up in your legs with every word and you swallow saliva.
"I could crush you, Ruben" reply with a nervous chuckle. "What if it's uncomfortable...?" He denies grabbing your thighs to pull you closer to him.
"No you won't" he denies with a little pout.
You stare at him for a while biting your lip somewhat embarrassed. Ruben's wet dog look makes you want to kiss him and hug him, you know you won't be able to handle it. You're too horny and you want him to touch you, even if it's on top of his face.
"Come on baby, I promise you'll love it" he clicks his tongue in amusement.
The fire inside your chest burns and you almost have a psychological orgasm just thinking about it. Riding his face. The thought alone makes you swallow saliva. Damn. That will be something unusual and you love experimenting with Ruben. His expectant eyes watch you as his big hands rest on your belly.
"Okay" you agree with red cheeks. Ruben smiles and kisses your lips then settles back on the bed.
You rise from your spot until you sit on your bed as you fill with courage and bite your lip anxiously. When Ruben is lying on the bed, you approach him slowly, your hands caressing his chest while he smiles at you in complicity. You take the time to kiss him, softly at first, gently and delicately. Ruben's hands help you sit astride his body and when he pulls away from you, he helps you settle on his face.
Your heart is pounding, you don't know if it's from anxiety or embarrassment. You are a little afraid of what might happen but at the same time you are anxious to feel his mouth. When you are at face level, you sigh nervously, without doing anything yet. Ruben's hands encircle your thighs and he pulls you closer to his face, not quite touching you, his breath playing a little with you, blowing your inherent heat. You gasp, biting your lip.
The sound of a slap sounds in the silence as his hand stamps against your ass and you cry out moaning but hold your breath as at the same time his tongue licks your slit.
Fuck, that was pleasurable. Too pleasurable.
Ruben tastes your juices as he licks your entire slit again, while his hands draw you to him and then sucks on your swollen clit. Your hands grasp his soft head, entwining your fingers in his hair to hold you. You relax your lips sighing as you feel the heat increase, as your eyes quiver with his touch. He does it once more and you growl needily. He's toying with you, you can tell when he lets out a little giggle. Or he's trying to make you go crazy.
"Damn it, Ruben, get the fuck over with" you moan with a groan as you feel him lick you again without touching you.
"Your wish is my command" he murmurs into your core making you bristle.
And then his tongue penetrates your hole making you jerk your head back as you scream his name tearing at your throat. Then he returns to your clit and presses it, biting a bit into your skin. The touch of his beard on your inner thighs make you tingle and the friction of his nose on your pubic makes you shiver, as he continues to lunge his tongue into your cavity over and over again. He releases one hand and slaps your ass again, making you jump in a scream.
How have you never tried this before? You can't believe someone can feel this level of pleasure riding a face. It's fucking hot. You're so horny you're afraid you'll reach orgasm without passing out.
"Fuck, Ruben!" you squeal as your hips start to move on his face.
Watching him under you is so glorious that if you don't come to orgasm with his tongue, you'll come from just seeing him there. Completely at your mercy, working his tongue for your pleasure, caressing you with his big hands while you are all that matters today.
You need more, you need to feel more pleasure, you want to feel it all. And you transmit it to him as your face becomes disfigured with pleasurez your mouth opens in an 'O' and you have to hold back to hold on a little longer. Ruben catches your clit and sucks it quickly, holding you by your ass, while he squeezes it with his remaining hand, kneading it.
"Fuck, yes. There, Ruben" you murmur as his eyes meet yours.
His tongue works wonders on your body and you're going crazy as you beg for him not to stop. You don't want him to ever stop.
Your fingers keep tugging at his hair as now one of his hands penetrates you with two fingers in your hole. You gasp as you feel another finger enter you and you begin to see stars. You are so tight, so hot for him, that when he hits your G-spot, you have to let go of his hair and grab hold of the back of the bed, holding you so tight as your hips move like crazy in his face. He hits once, twice, three times and you lose count as you feel all the pleasure.
Your thighs burn and you begin to tire but you can't stop riding his face as his mouth bites and licks your clit and his fingers fuck your center. You gasp and moan and scream. You scream and scream, not caring if anyone can hear you. You can't shut up, you don't even make the attempt but you know you couldn't handle this new thing you're experiencing.
The pleasure begins to build up in your belly as Ruben keeps pounding you hard, the pressure on your legs making you want to ride harder and move like crazy. You are desperate and your back arches as your toes curl, you need to hold on because you will fall into deep limbo. Ruben knows this, because you hear another little chuckle echoing in your cavity and with his loose hand he caresses your inner thigh.
You have never felt anything so desperate. You can feel your body levitate as your thoughts escape your mind. Your throat hurts from screaming so much as you feel your orgasm approaching from the way your body is uncurling.
"I'm about to... come, Ruben" you say barely as you gasp.
The moment Ruben bites down on your clit and speeds up his fingers, reaching deep inside you cry out desperately feeling your orgasm. You close your eyes tightly and see little flashes in the darkness that make you think you might pass out. You are dazed and your vision blurs as his thighs want to clench but Ruben holds you as he continues to penetrate you hard and suck your clit roughly. Your nipples ache and burn but you can't let go to caress them because you'll fall on his face as you feel the most powerful orgasm you've ever had.
"Fuck!" you scream again as you feel your belly contract and your fluids spill over your thighs and Ruben's face.
Finally his fingers stop and you gasp at the feeling of relief, still holding onto the backrest. You gasp for air as Ruben plays with your liquids on your skin, smiling proudly.
"That was hot, baby" he murmurs as you fall to his side still dazed and off balance. "You cum all over me" he moans pulling you closer.
You're so sensitive that when he brushes against your legs you gasp again. You can't even find the words.
"You taste so good, I'd eat you every day" he whispers in your ear making you bristle.
"Damn, Ruben" you sigh laughing. "You're the best with your tongue" you teasingly praise him. You know it will feed his ego and be more fun.
"Oh I know, baby. You say that every time I fuck you" he teases laughing as he positions himself between your aching legs again.
The grimace on your tired face makes him laugh. But his intentions won't go away. His wet kisses return to your neck, leaving hot trails that make you sigh. You really don't know if you can, you're too sensitive and sore. You know that tomorrow you will have difficulty walking and you won't even be able to get out of bed after tonight. Ruben has no mercy on you and will fuck you as many times as he wants.
"I know you're tired but I need some more of you, baby" he murmurs as he removes his underwear, freeing his erection. "Show me you can take me one more time, baby" he gasps as you stroke his cock with your red, swollen lips.
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melanieph321 · 1 month
Ruben Dias x Reader - Drunk
Ruben, on his way to pick up a drunk Y/N 😅
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Ruben picks reader up after a night out with her friends, and the two of them get into a slight argument.
"I'm drunk."
"Yeah, I figured."
You didn't have to wait long outside of the club before Ruben's car pulled up. He was there to pick you up just minutes after you hung up the phone.
"Did you circle around the block?"
"What?" He pushed the car to a start and drove away. "I know you would need me as soon as your friends got picked up by their boyfriends. Let's just call it me being one step ahead."
"Yes, but their boyfriends don't drive a prosche with tinted widows and a license plate that says "TREBLE" on it."
Ruben grinned behind the wheel. The one grip he had around the steering wheel, shifting it slowly from side to side, did something to your insides.
He caught you staring.
"No, tell me. Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Well, if you most know...." You paused to hick up. "Fuck."
Ruben laughed.
"It's not funny."
Another hick up. Ruben's laughter increasing.
"Stop it, Ruben, it's not funny."
"It really is. How much did you have to drink tonight?"
"A lot, so slow down the car if you don't want me to ruin it."
Ruben did so with ease. Pressing down on the breaks with his foot, smoothly slowing down the vehicle. "Like that?"
"Much better." Your head fell back against the headrest. A sigh.
"How's Tina?"
"Ugh." You groand at the mentioning of the reason for your troubles.
"What?" Ruben's eyes left the road.
"She's the one that got me this drunk, you know."
"On purpose?" A dent appeared between his brows.
"It's not like you think."
"No? Because it sounds pretty bad."
"Yes, but she knows guys don't hit on me anymore, so she wanted to have a singles girls only moments with me while the other girls—"
"But you're not single." Ruben's eyes had returned to the road. However, the look on his face was still intense.
"No, I'm not single, Ruben." You placed a calming hand on his lap. "But like I said, guys don't hit on me anymore, so Tina saw it as an opportunity for the two of us to enjoy ourselves. Which we did."
"Why don't guys hit on you anymore?"
You sighed at the fact that that seemed to be the only thing that Ruben got out of what you just said.
"Huh?" Your thoughts had drifted. Clearly, to Ruben's annoyance.
"Why don't guys hit on you anymore?"
"Well, duh. I have a boyfriend, don't I?" This was half the truth. The truth was that you used to be a bit of a party girl in your younger days. Younger, meaning before you started seeing Ruben. Your favorite go-to place used to be the club you were just at tonight. The Varsity. You and your friends used to go there all the time at university, so much so that you started getting your own reputation amongst your fellow club goers. But that reputation remained only at The Varsity. However, your friends would bring their friends, which included guys looking to party. And soon you had admires from all over Manchester city, coming to find you where you spent most of your nights, on the Varsity dance floor. Luckily, your reputation died out once people found out that you were dating Ruben Dias. Too many people started making preassumtions about you without having met you, which made it harder for you to make friends these days.
"Why do I feel like you're not telling me all there is." Said Ruben, his eyes still pierced on the road.
"Please baby, don't be mad."
"I'm not mad." He said. However, the rest of the ride was spent in silence.
Once you arrived outside of Ruben's flat, he made sure to round the car and hold the door open for you. You had taken your heels off in the car, and so to protect you from stumbling upon something sharp, Ruben had picked you up and carried you inside bridal-style.
"Baby." You blushed. "You can put me down in the elevator, I'm not that drunk."
"Fine." He slid your legs back onto the ground. And for some reason, the way he had done it, with such stiff mannerism, felt just like a punch in the gut.
"Are you hungry? Do you want me to cook you something to eat?"
"No, thank you. I think I'm just gonna hop in the shower and go to bed." You mumbled as the two of you stepped into Ruben's tidy apartment. It was dimly lit at this hour, the city lights twinkling outside of the windows.
"Alright, I'll be right there with you. I just have to prep my meals for tomorrow."
"Okay." You made your way down the hall towards the main bathroom. However, just upon entry, you changed your mind and slid into Ruben's bedroom since the shower inside his joint bathroom had the best water pressure. You decide to wash your hair while you are at it, taking the time to wash away your sins.
It felt like you had done something wrong enjoying a night out with your friends. You understood Ruben's frustration with you being careless with your alcohol consumption, but never did you think he would judge you for that.
"I brought some Gatorade."
"God, Ruben, you scared me."
"Sorry." He chuckled.
You had stumbled out of his bathroom with a towel wrapped around yourself. Ruben was sitting on the edge of his bed, near the nightstand that held a bottle of strawberry Gatorade, along with two white pills.
"For your headache....tomorrow." He said.
You made your way over to his closet, grabbing one of his t-shirts to wear for bed. Your mind was less foggy after your shower, realizing that Ruben bringing you Gatorade was probably his way of wanting to ease the tension between you.
"Thank you." You turned around quite swiftly, in a way that left Ruben raising his brows. "For the Gatorad, I mean. And the pills...for my future headache."
His smile warmed your heart. "If you drink your Gatorade, I bet it won't hit as hard."
"Yes, sir." You saluted and to Ruben's amusement made your way over to the nightstand, grabbing the bottle of Gatorade, however struggling with its lid.
"A little help, please." You handed the bottle over to Ruben, who efortlessly spun open the lid.
"My hero." You said before grabbing the bottle, tilting half of its content into your mouth. It wasn't the classiest thing to burp once you finished, but mind you that you were still a bit tipsy.
"Time for bed?"
Ruben nodded. "After you."
He let you crawl into his bed and under the covers. There, you sat back and watched your boyfriend undress. Ruben draped his shirt over his head, revealing a firm set of washboard abs.
"A strip tease. Just for moi?"
Ruben chuckled, his jaw sharp under the dimly lit room. He turned the lights on completely after dropping his pants, folding the neatly in his closet before joining you in bed.
You clung to him immediately, invading his side of the bed like a real cover hog. You kissed his face, his nose, and then his lips. Ruben's stubble tickled your finger tips, however, you groaned at the fact that he wasn't returning the love back to you.
"Not tonight baby. You need to rest."
Please, I'm not even that drunk." You said, "Besides...." Your hand slipped in between the sheets, revealing Ruben's secret. "I know how much you want me right now."
Ruben grunted with your touch, your hand squeezing his groin, challenging his self control.
"I'd let go if I were you."
Or what?" You said, nipping his lip with your teeth.
"I'm warning you Y/N."
"Yes, warn me before you punish me."
Ruben cock strained against the fabric of his underwear, growing stiff in the palm of your hand.
"Please, Ruben I need you inside of me."
"Oh, yeah?"
"Yes." You sighed, your voice high pitched.
"How about I used my hands instead."
"Yes, your hands, your dick. Anything Ruben, just fuck me already."
His large hands joined yours under the covers, slipping under his t-shirt that you wore, resting at each side of your hips. "Are you ready for me, baby?"
"Yes, Ruben I'm—" You screamed. Ruben's hands squeezing your hips, shocked your very core, knowing damn well that that was your worst tickling spot.
"Stop it Ruben, I...can't...breath." You squirmed below him, his laughter dimming your cries for help.
There was a tousle of the bed. Not one you originally wish for, but one that left you equally as exhilarated and exhausted. In the end you and Ruben lay on your backs, panting and laughing. Perhaps the way every night out should end from now on.
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gadriezmannsgirl · 2 months
dad!ruben plissss🥹
You ask and I deliver😌 However, I'm sorry if this not what you wanted nor expected, did this at 3am😭 sorry. Let me know what you think, please!
O Meu Pai -R.D3
Summary: Vitória is daddy's little girl and her daddy, Rúben, loves her
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"Toya, c'mon baby" You spoke lightly "C'mon we've to get you ready para irmos ao aniversário da avó Bernadette!" (so we can go to grandma Bernadette's birthday!)
"Are you and Pai matching?" You smile nodding
"And so are you, dear" You kiss your babygirl's four years old hair before getting out of her closet a light blue dress to match outifts with you and your six years husband, Rúben.
You listen to her sing some children's songs as you got her clothes on her, as soon as you turned around to grab her shoes a knock on your door came in.
"Como estão as minhas meninas?" (How are my girls, doing?) Rúben asks pecking inside the room "Meu Deus!" (My god!) He gasps "You are so pretty!"
"Pai!" Vitória yelled in your ear as you were putting her shoes on
"Don't yell in mamã's ear, baby" You tell her with a small smile getting behind her to do her hair
"Sorry, mommy" She said softly kissing your hand.
You smile looking at Rúben who has a loving look on his face, whenever he tells you "Sorry" he gives a kiss on your hands or cheeks and your daughter picked up on it.
"No worries, baby" You kissed her cheek too and start working on her hair.
"Vitória, did you get your present for avó Bernadette?" Rúben asks, sitting next to her
"I did! I did a drawing for her!"
"Where's is it? Let me put in the bag so we don't forget about it"
"Right there!" She lifts her arm and points to her small table.
Rúben gets up from the floor and goes to her table to grab the drawing she made, you see the smile on his face and instantly smiled to yourself. You finished her ponytail and secured the small braid you did at the side.
"Vitória, baby. Why don't you go to the living room and play for a bit with Simba and Nala?"
"Is everything alright?" She asks seeing her dad silent
"Yes, babygirl." You say "I gotta talk to daddy really quick"
"But make it quick 'cus we're going to be late!" She says before getting out of her room.
"Just like her dad" Rúben laughs softly "Everything good?" You get up and stand right next to him
"I just can't help but think our baby's growing so fast. She used to draw the big and happy sun at the side of the paper, now she does it on the middle!"
"She's still young, Rú" You giggle "Also, she's learning that the sun comes out from one side and hides from the other, maybe she drew this in the early afternoon?"
"Or maybe she's just growing up?"
"Well, that's life and it's cyrcle" You kiss his shoulder "You're still going to be the man of her life, always. You know it, right?" He nods
"Until she gets married"
"No. You'll still be" You shake your head "But there's a long way until that happens. So let's enjoy her and her early life before she turns 18, starts brining guys home and wants to do a piercing"
"That will not happen!" You laugh kissing his lips
"You're cute. C'mon, grab the drawing and let's go. We'll be late if we stay here and missy Vitória Y/L/N Dias, doesn't like being late"
"She really doesn't"
"I'm telling you, just like her dad" He wraps his arm around your waist, pull you closer to him and kisses your lips softly
"You look gorgeous"
"And you look extremely handsome, love"
"My wife picked this outfit for me"
"She's a fashionista" You whisper before kissing him once again
"Mãe! Pai! Hurry up, we'll be late!" You open the door from her room as you both went out
"Toya, come on babygirl! Let's get to grandma's!" Rúben says before you hear a small "Finally!"
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"A mãe e o pai estavam a demorar muito tempo!" (Mom and Dad were taking too long!)
"Guys" Iván, your brother in law says looking at you and at Rúben "Keep it in your pants"
"Jeez, we weren't doing anything!" You reply "We were actually talking about Vitória's boyfriends?"
"Do you have boyfriend's, Vitória?"
"No! They are little ugly monsters who will only infect me!" She said before running to her dad's legs
"That's right, baby" Rúben says, you give him a look but he doesn't act on it
"Boys will not infect you, Toya" Beatrix, one of your in-laws, says with a small smile
"Either way! I don't wanna be contaminated" Toya says nuzzled in her dad's shoulders, her small arms wrapping around his neck
"Jesus Christ" You mumble to yourself before taking a deep breath
"That's my girl!"
"Rúben!" All of you scolded him as he opened his eyes and mouth
"My daughter, my ways to evite her heartbreak"
"Filho" (Son) Joao, Rúben's dad, says softly with a small smile "You're just like me"
"Like father, like son" Bernadette says making you all laugh.
"Hey, Vi" Carolina asks "Want for me to paint your face?"
"No. Pai"
"C'mon, minha filha" (my babygirl) "I bet you'd look pretty with a pretty drawing and some glitter on your cheek. Would you like that?" She nods
"But I want to cuddle with you, pai"
"You behave like a good girl with your tia and then we will cuddle while watching some cartoons and eating some food mamã and avó did, what do you think?"
"Yes, please" Rúben put her down watching Vitória run towards her tia and then laughing with her.
"I think she's too spoiled by you" Your voice comes in through the now empty living room
"Nah, I don't think so" Rúben smiles "She's just my babygirl"
"And you're her pai. She definitely preferes you over me"
"That's not true" You give him a look and after some silence he answered. "She's just a daddy's little girl, that's normal"
"She is"
"I love it"
"I know you do"
"I love you"
"And I love you too, Rú" You smile
"Can we start practicing for a sister or brother for her?"
"You want another one? Right now?"
"I do" He nods "You?"
"I do" He smiles getting closer to you so he can kiss your lips "How do you think she'll react to a sibling?"
"Mad because you are hers, I'm hers and nobody else's"
"We will have to explain that to her" You nod
"But let's wait 'till baby is in the oven" You mention your tummy "once that happens we can start planning everything"
"You're getting lucky as soon as we're getting home" You laugh blushing. Thank heavens you were the only ones in the room.
"Mãe! Pai!" Toya's voice gets closer "Look at the bee, tia made!"
"You look so pretty!" Rúben says impressed "So you're the queen bee, right?"
"I'm princess Bee, mãe's Queen Bee and you're King Bee, pai" She gave you a kiss on the cheek and a kiss to her dad.
"That's correct, love" Rúben kisses her non-draw cheek. "Ready to cuddle for a bit? What do you want to watch?"
"Barbie Princess and the Pauper!"
"You always know my favorites, don't you?" Rúben asks underneath his breath as he gets into the couch finding a nice and comfy spot
"That's why I ask for them, they're our favorites!"
"We need to sing our hearts out!" Toya laughs shaking her head
"Pai, this isn't our house to yell"
"Well, I'm sorry. But we can't watch a Barbie movie without feeling it at it's fullness"
"You're right, pai; so let's sing it then!"
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Taglist: @gaviymarcsbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela
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sakasinterlude · 7 months
passionfruit | ruben dias x fem!reader
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its summer vacation and you and ruben share some quality time on a yacht.
nsfw 18+, contains smut, ends with fluff!
a/n: i wrote this a while ago and decided it deserved to be read by someone other than me, so enjoy. definitely not a city fan, but ruben is just so sexy.
“I think this is my favourite place.”
“You love Greece that much?”
“No, I meant in your arms.” You give Ruben a playful shove of the shoulder as the soft bounces of the waves below keep you distracted.
It was another warm afternoon on what felt like a never-ending vacation with your boyfriend Ruben. Everyday consisted of beautiful views, delicious meals, and the warm company of your partner. The mornings blended into nights, as you had lost track of the days you had spent away from home, using blissful orgasms as the only unit of measurements. Twelve, not that you were complaining.
You reach for the fresh fruit cut up in a small bowl to the right. You take a big bite, savouring the sweet juice of the mango, a soft hum leaves your lips.
“Here.” Offering the other half to Ruben whose eyes stay closed lying beside you, still covered by his sunglasses. He absent-mindedly opens his mouth accepting your offering, not without playfully nipping at the tips of your fingers.
“So sweet.” He mummers, pulling your leg closer across his body, drawing random shapes on the hamstring of your leg. You two had been intertwined like this for so long you almost forget where he begins and you start, with your hand wandering from his wet locks to broad strong shoulders to his tan waist.
You prop yourself up on your elbow so now you are on your side facing Ruben, leg still over his waist.
“What will we do when we go home?” You ask into the wind, letting the Mediterranean air roam through your damp hair, lightly stroking his jaw with your free hand.
“What are you talking about? This is home.”
A cheeky smirk adorns his lips as his arms wrap tighter around your waist. You can just barely see the crinkles on the corner of his eyes, assumed by his own joke.
“Don’t stress minha querida, (my dear) I just want to enjoy the last moments of peace we have before everything gets crazy again.” You know all too well the hectic schedule of your shared life back in Manchester. A mixture of stolen kisses in the morning as you depart for work well before he even wakes up, catching up over lunch where your eyes dart between his facetime call and your latest work assignment, to late night baths together where you both are too exhausted to speak, just soft hands running over the others limbs. It was difficult to find any uninterrupted time together back home.
“Your right.” You sigh bringing you bodies impossibly close.
“I am. Now it’s been way too long since I’ve made you cum.” With that his quick fingers are already pulling at your bikini strings, making their way between your legs.
If Ruben was anything as a lover, it was a tease. He loved having you on a string, bringing you oh so close to the edge, just to yank you right back with a devious smirk. And of course, despite all the love making done this trip he still never got sick of this cat and mouse game.
His mouth plays connect the dots, finding all the little nips and love marks he made previously. The sensation gives you chills in the best way, you swear you can feel it in your toes. His hands stay busy not even entering you yet, just playing with the wetness surrounding your lower lips.
“So needy aren’t you? Just dying for my fingers I’m sure.” The feeling is so sweet you can barely speak just letting out the softest yes in reply.
“Here, its your turn for a taste.” His face is so close to yours as he removes his fingers to run them along your bottom lip. With two soft taps your mouth is open, accepting his two fingers covered in a sinful mix of both of your cum, and the fruit from earlier that day.
“You love that shit, huh gato?” (sexy)Ruben was also cocky, very cocky. He knew exactly what buttons to push, using the sweet nickname that was reserved only for the most intimate moments. You close your eyes and hum, relishing in his slender fingers, sliding digit by digit into your mouth.
With little hesitation, Ruben removes his fingers sharply, making their way down under. He curls in his finger, just one at first, before rolling it out slowly, so you can feel every curve, intentionally done to manifest the most pleasure. Again, repeatedly with an additional finger, in and out, sinfully, painfully good. You hid your face within his shoulder.
“C’mon, let me see that face.” He pushes even deeper, how you are not even sure. “Let me hear that sweet voice.”
You let out a loud and long moan into the open air around you. You and Ruben often engage in shameless sex, not caring for the cries and whines created, just the pure pleasure produced. Memories of rushed moments in the bathroom of dinners, handsy uber rides, and banging neighbors in hotel rooms bring a smile to your face. This was probably the most ideal setting for the two of you to be wrapped up with each other, not a soul as far as the eye can see, nothing but endless blue water meeting endless blue skies.
Your high creeps up quickly as all you can think you is “how can he make me feel this good?”. The want and need to finish forces your legs shut, the sensation is just so strong.
Ruben’s strength quickly forces your legs flat and flush with the flimsy mattress below you, spreading your legs wide.
“I’m close, really close.” You barely have the power to say the words. Ruben removes his fingers, not for long as he moves to play with your clit. Your mouth gapes open, looking between his messy fingers at work, and his big smirk. He knows exactly what he’s doing. He places all four fingers over your bud, rubbing back and forth easily thanks to your cum. You grab at his tan veiny forearm, not to stop him, just to feel his sharp movements, wrapping yourself around his arm. You can’t take it anymore, tossing your head back, arching your back, finally cumming.
“Yes, yes, yes!” He chants right up against your ear, his words muffled and merged together into incoherent nonsense. You whine and cry, twist and curl, all while Rubens hands stay overstimulating you completely.
“Good girl, yes gato, your good, so so good.” His hand now out from your legs and  wrapped around your head, pushing your damp hair away from your face, pressing kisses and sweet words into your skin.
You look up at his soft brown eyes, they have a sparkle to them almost, maybe from the sex, maybe from the sun, but regardless you can’t look away, only pulling your face close to his. You bring your nose right up to his, maintaining eye contact, rubbing yours against his, a silent thank you of sorts. You two had many non-verbal forms of communicating, this being one of them. Ruben lets out a sigh, coupled with a dopey smile.
“There is nowhere else in the world I’d rather be.” He says sincerely, looking deep into your eyes. Eyes he’s met before hundreds of times, eyes he could write pages on the exact hues and undertones they possess. You blush deeply, bringing your hand to brush at his beard.
“I feel the same way, amour.” (love) His turn now to mimic your same blushing cheeks. “But please let me put my bottoms back on before the crew comes looking for us.”
He laughs, untangling his arms from around your body. The thought of the outside world not even crossing his mind in this moment of bliss.  
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It’s me I was the interviewer he was intensely staring at!! Purple looks so good on him
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doinggreat · 3 months
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RUBEN DIAS Portugal - Slovenia | Euro 2024 (July 1st, 2024)
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luvgavii · 5 days
color me jealous - (pg8)
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summary: jealous pedri featuring rúben mf dias ;) (model!reader)
dedicated to all the pedri girls <3
You were smiling at your phone while you sipped on the expensive champagne, replaying your Instagram story over and over again, the imagine you posted of the flowers your boyfriend sent to your dressing room before your modelling show never failing to spread a smile to your face. But of course, your happy moment had to be interrupted.
Turning on your heels, a strong scent of perfume met your nose as two arms wrapped tightly around you, the elder woman air kissing your cheeks.
“you were absolutely beautiful up there, y/n!” The lady, one of whom dresses you wore tonight spoke in an elegant voice yet thick accent you could only recognise as french.
“thank you! the dress was beautiful,” you smiled brightly, the woman giving your hands a squeeze, whispering another few rounds of praises before disappearing somewhere in the gallery to mingle with the rest of the stuck up, posh people. You knew you had to join them, but your thoughts were filled with one person only.
You looked around, your eyes scanning every table, every single corner of the big gallery for Pedri, yet you could not spot him anywhere.
A frown crept to your face, a thousand thoughts filling your mind.
‘did he leave early?’
‘why would he leave before coming up to you, kissing you and telling you he’s proud of you?’
‘maybe he had a football emergency?’
‘football emergency this late?’
“I saw Pedri outside taking a phone call a few minutes ago,” the familiar voice of Rúben Dias came from behind you, making your eyes widen as you whipped your head around, meeting Rúben’s warm smile and eyes.
“Rú? What are you doing here?” You asked, a chuckle escaping your lips as you went in to hug the tall man.
Rúben laughed, wrapping his arms around you before speaking, “As if I’d miss out on seeing you on that runway,” his smile could almost reach his ears as he looked down at you.
While any other girl would absolutely melt under Rúben’s eyes, you always made sure to keep a respectful distance, first because you had Pedri who was your person in every possible way and second because you didn’t want to fuel into Rúben’s flirting too much. You were loving the attention, though.
“thank you! I appreciate it,” you smiled, you were happy to see him, the last time you two had hung out was a long time ago when you were modelling in England, but the Man City player always seemed to have some interest in you, even before you started going out with Pedri a few months ago.
You and Rúben have always been friendly, sure, he was always playful flirting with you, but whatever attraction you had felt for the portuguese has quickly disappeared when you met Pedri. As soon as Rúben had posted a picture of the two of you at the gala, arms wrapped around your shoulders as your hand rested on his chest, the fans and media went wild.
It didn’t take long for the fans to figure out where the location of the after party of your modelling agency took place, and while Pedri was on the phone with his manager, he couldn’t help the frown on his face when the fans a few feet away were chanting Rúben Dias’ name.
You met Pedri almost six months ago when your best friend insisted on going to a Barcelona game, and while you didn’t know much about football at the time, your interest was quickly growing when you saw the man who wore number 8. With the help of a friend of a friend, who happened to be married to one of the players, you stuck around long enough to meet them after the game and you and Pedri became inseparable ever since.
He was confused as to why in the world there were people holding Man City jerseys, chanting the name of another football player, until he checked Instagram and saw the photo that was now on every gossip page. People were speculating, asking if you and him had broken up so short after hard launching your relationship and Pedri hated that more than he liked to admit. He hated being in the spotlight with things like these but he hated even more the way Rúben fucking Dias held his arm around you.
Back inside, you were laughing at whatever Rúben had said, your head falling back and your nose scrunching in that adorable way Pedri always said he adores.
Pedri, Pedri, Pedri, Pedri, your mind repeated over and over again.
Your eyes met across the room, his brown eyes softening when your gazes locked. His eyes hid some kind of harshness in them, and you could immediately tell that there was something bothering him, and that something happened to start with an ‘R’ and end with an ‘úben’.
While it was morally wrong to fuel Pedri’s jealousy, you couldn’t help yourself and keeping your boyfriend on his toes wouldn’t hurt.
Your palm pressed against Rúben’s bicep as you leaned up to whisper something in his ear, Pedri’s eye twitching while he watched from afar, wondering what the hell you could’ve said that got Rúben smiling so brightly. He clenched the glass of whiskey harder in his hands until his knuckles turned white and for a second Pedri considered calling Gavi to help him commit murder, knowing his best friend would definitely help dig away the body.
“you’re really trying to tick Pedri off, huh?” Rúben laughed, making you chuckle and making Pedri picture his murder in graphic detail.
“he’s really sweet, I like it when he gets a bit rough and jealous sometimes,” you laughed, shaking your head at Rúben, your eyes meeting the familiar chocolate brown orbs.
“what, like, throw you to the wall rough?” Rúben raised an eyebrow, but couldn’t help the smile that spread to his lips.
“no, not like that,” you laughed knowing you were not about to discuss your sex life with Rúben, at the after party of your show.
“mi amor?” you heard the soft, familiar voice calling out for you, both you and Rúben turning to see Pedri.
He looked almost sad, and you couldn’t help the pain in your chest when you saw that disappointed glimmer in your boyfriend’s eyes which was probably because you barely got to see him after the show. The quicky in your dressing room before hitting the runway was good tho.
“can I talk to you for a second?” Pedri dragged his voice, his eyes falling from Rúben to you, not caring how rude the other football player might consider him, “alone.”
You nodded and bid Rúben goodbye, thanking him for coming. Pedri was still a golden retriever, so even if he was slightly pissed off because you paid so much attention to Rúben, he still shook his hand.
“looking forward to that friendly,” Rúben said with a slight tease in his voice, making Pedri clench his jaw, he barely recognized himself, he was never this jealous.
“I’m looking forward to rearranging your jaw—“ Pedri muttered under his breath as you and him walked away, his words caused you to laugh and hit his shoulder.
“can you not? he was nice to you,” you chuckled, stopping in a secluded spot in the gallery.
“by flirting with you all night? damn, we have different definitions for ‘nice’,” Pedri huffed, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked you in the eyes.
Jealousy, rage and so much love and affection was in them. No matter how much you annoyed him, Pedri never seemed to be able to lash out at you and that was the greenest flag you could think of.
“you did that on purpose didn’t you?” he asked, raising an eyebrow when you smiled cheekily, your arms wrapping around his waist and your chin resting on his chest, “you’re so annoying,” Pedri mumbled when he realised all that overly friendly stuff with Rúben was an act.
“you love meee,” you chuckled, laughing at Pedri’s narrowed eyes, knowing he was either plotting your murder or thinking of how to get you back.
His lips curled into a grin, his nose rubbing against yours as he spoke against your lips, “too much, mi estrella.”
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