sanchoyo · 4 months
despite not having played it since middle school im getting the intense urge to play the oregon trail game 🤔
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sanchoyoscribbles · 3 years
I just wanted to say welcome (and thank u!!) to new followers really quickly because I’ve received. A Lot of very nice messages and questions about Madame Chérie and I’m very grateful!! 🥺💕 I don’t often make text posts on this blog but I just wanted u guys to know I appreciate it and I’m drawing and queueing up answers to every question I get and having a lot of fun with it! 😌
That being said, I’m currently unemployed and just got denied disability/social security a while ago. It’s not an emergency or anything so don’t feel obligated, but if you enjoy my art or ocs and would like to support me, I have a kofi! It means the world to me and would help with dental work I need and also help me with my pets <3
(also, I’ll be opening commissions within the next two months, if anyone would like to keep their eyes open for that! ^^)
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sanchoyowrites · 4 years
I'd like for bakugo to kinda be held accoutable for his bs, like I get that he got a little bit better, and now he is reluctanly willing to do team work, but still, he is too much of a gary sue for me to like him. Like he treats everyone awfully and still has a big group of friends ???
Oh, I agree to a point? It’s a controversial topic, I do feel like he’s a love or hate him type of character... I prefer that his character growth has been slow actually, I don’t think the manga’s even close to be over, so I think it’d be boring if he was Suddenly Super Kind. I feel like his character is less of a bully now and more of a tsundere...him interacting with the kids during the remedial arc, and also the 1A VS 1B stuff showed a lot of growth imo! I would like a genuine apology from him to Izuku at some point, but they’re both still kids, and they’re getting along amicably now, and Izuku, having grown up with him, knows he’s more of an apology through actions rather than words. I feel like bakugo vs deku part 3 will be inevitable, and they’ll go thru More Growth...n help each other grow. Him and deku aren’t foils so much anymore as they are hero rivals, at this point he’s outgrown the foil, and tbh Shigaraki is more of a direct foil anyway for narrative themes.
And as for him having a big friend group, I feel like he’s gone out of his way to help Kiri, seek out his company/help and such and they don’t have that past he and Izuku have, so them being friends isn’t a stretch in my mind. I don’t exactly think he treated them ‘awfully’, maybe at the start of the manga, but not much anymore? The others in the ‘bakusquad’ are all pretty social and easygoing enough to put up with him and enjoy teasing him, and I think it’s good for him to have friends. I would like to see him interact with them more tho. Like a mini bakusquad arc or smth. 
And you have to try and get in the mindset of people in the BNHA world to understand why people put up with him/why he consistently has friends, actions put aside for a minute. It’s a lot of the same reason the villains are..well. Villains. He’s got a strong, flashy quirk. It’s why he won the sports festival (kind of. Shoto probably would’ve won if he hadn’t been having..person issues...or. uh, if the whole thing had been written realistically, Uraraka probably would’ve won, but with the girls treated as they are, fat chance..) people hear and see about his quirk and have a natural positive bias towards him and that’s not me justifying it, or condemning his friends for it, but to an extent they’ve all been raised in this world where Quirks Determine Your Fate and how you’re treated. They’ve all experienced it, being able to get into the hero course of a good school because of it... 
I do hope they interact with the villains more and explore those biases, but Bakugo will never be treated too badly or face harsh consequences, bc he’s got a good quirk and got praise for it, like, ALWAYS. It’s the same issue with Endeavor (and. if we’re talking about things we’d like to change, how in the WORLD did I forget how HIS “”redemption/repentance”” arc has been going bc. THATS a shitshow worth a million words...its..not good so far. I’ll leave it at that.)  in this world it’s a flaw of the system that very violent, aggressive people with strong quirks get praised and their flaws get ignored. I do think because Bakugo is young, he’s actively getting better, and hopefully will continue to do so. There’s plenty of time for more growth!
(I..don’t have strong feelings about many of the UA kids tho, ngl everyone knows which characters I spent most of my time thinking abt ;v; )
This wasn’t me saying your feelings on it aren’t valid, tho! If you don’t like him as a character, I totally get it. I wouldn’t like him as a person, but as a character I do find him interesting. But he’s done enough shit each reader can form their own opinion about him and I’ll think ‘yeah. that’s fair.’  :”)
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sanchoyo · 1 year
the most IMPORTANT tmmn alien lore from the new ep was the earrings. no not the story behind them or the power. the SHAPE. look at the shape of the clasp. look at the placement on the ears.
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the aliens don't have earlobes. or at least not ones that are pronounced enough to notice or commonly pierce? (I mean, cartilage CAN be pierced obviously, but it's a bit more painful than lobe piercings, and considering these were at the lil vendor booth, I assume they're the popular style?)
...they use clip ons. the aliens use clip ons!!! that are clipped around the lower/middle part of the ear!! not the bottom! so these earrings are actualllllly: ear CUFFS!!! which are an actual thing that exist you can get. it makes perfect sense for the aliens to use these, because they're meant to wrap around the cartilage of your ear without needing an actual piercing, and their ear faces down, rather than sideways like our Human Ears do! so! they'll stay on easier with just a cuff!!
see, same ball clasps to hold them in place as above!
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so. hear me out...I bet if they like earrings but piercing isn't common, and cuffs are the Style, that they'd LOVE wrap around cuff earrings like these!!!
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(x) (x) (x)
Also...all of Madeline's dolls/plushies/figures had ears. ears are clearly like, a Defining thing for the aliens within their own culture. So for fanfic concepts...earrings!!! as courting items!!! or in the place of wedding rings!!! Would love to see these concepts 👀
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sanchoyo · 2 months
feel like ive complained about this before but I hate how when you go to the store there's a billion fun coffee flavors like hazelnut, mocha, dark chocolate, caramel, ect but like. with hot cocoa mixes its just. regular. extra marshmallow, and MAYBE white choco peppermint seasonally.
and same with cafes, they have a ton of fun coffee options like lattes and stuff with all kinds of syrups and toppings but (1) hot cocoa thing, and its usually so mid and watery it feels like an afterthought. (and before anyone says well just get decaf like..yes I cant drink caffeine for medical reasons so decaf would probably be fine to have, but I kinda just dont LIKE the taste of the coffee. I want the coffee completely GONE but still desire a fun and cute beverage with whipped cream and syrups at coffee shops and not always have to make it at home DIY style or ask the employees to change menu items to fit my needs.)
my dream is a hot chocolate cafe that has a billion fun flavors and variations of hot choco with all sorts of milks too for lactose intolerant ppl. no coffee on the menu. do u guys see the vision
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sanchoyo · 3 months
now that art fight has announced teams and I picked one (i am extremely predictable and this theme feels tailored very To Me so no surprise which I picked kajhdsfkj) i need 2 fill out the cute lil profile card and...god picking 5 ocs to feature is HARD they are ALL my blorbos. do I do exclusively tm2 ocs or spread it out across my other series?? 😭
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sanchoyo · 4 months
mewtuals why do we think lettuce could telekinetically control water? None of the other mews could control the elements like that (although I wish they would’ve. Would’ve loved if zakuro was just hurling fireballs around actually) 🤨
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sanchoyo · 4 months
watching a lot of cooking videos lately (great for background noise while working) and just saw one where a cat hops on the KITCHEN COUNTER while the lady is cooking 🤢 that is disgusting do ppl rly let their animals up there!! that kitty has stepped in its litter box maam!!! or it could shed on that counter!!! and you're prepping food up there rn!! ew!!!
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sanchoyo · 1 year
Tokyo Mew Mew AU where instead of looking like a generic black cat in her cat form, Ichigo actually looks like a real iriomote wildcat.
Masaya, upon encountering her in her cat form for the first time, gets SUPER concerned that this incredibly endangered cat is just. wandering the busy, high-traffic suburban area and might get hurt or worse, and resolves to take it to the proper experts instead of home. Cue Ichigo having to frantically escape a LOT faster than she did in the series.
After they start dating and he Knows she's a mew mew it's a funny story looking back, and going forward he tries to help her keep her secret!
...But Ichigo's school friends catch him carrying her in her cat form around school (trying to find a more private place to help her get back to human form) and they tearfully approach her like, hey, Ichigo, we don't know how to break it to you, but...we think the reason your boyfriend is so knowledgeable about the environment? He's smuggling animals or something. he was sneaking around with one and acting really sketchy. Your boyfriend is an endangered animal smuggler 😔
And they take her being really defensive of him as Denial. Masaya thinks this is HILARIOUS and assures her that its fine with him if they think that about him so long as her secret stays safe. Ichigo def ends up telling Moe and Miwa that she's a mew mew in this AU to clear Masaya's name in the end, though. They're mortified they accused him of that, but he assures them he appreciates their efforts to make sure Ichigo is dating a decent person and not like. An Animal Smuggler.
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sanchoyo · 5 months
today is world donkey day apparently, so I was going to draw a lil doodle of mira with her donkey right. so I go 2 google it (have not googled her specific donkey type, the woolly páramo donkey, since I made her possibly, in like, ..2014?? usually I just type in baby donkey for refs, lmao)
and ive gone down a rabbit hole.
bear with me.
this is going to be a Long One.
there's almost NOTHING abt the 'woolly paramo donkey' on the internet. there's a blogsite from 2011 saying "Another endangered species of donkey is the Woolly Paramo Donkey. It can be found in high elevations of up to 3,000 m altitude and the permanent snow line of about 5,000 meters. It can be found in Colombia." which, I assume in 2014, when making Mira, I googled 'endangered donkeys' and this popped up. And I did not look further. until now.
if you google that passage, or anything related to páramo woollies, they just. don't seem to EXIST???! there's one page that copy and pastes the above paragraph word for word, but it was published in 2015, so. it also just scrubbed info from the aforementioned blog that seems to be run by a rando with no...sources or expertise at all....fabulous. okay. kept digging.
this page cites the pictured donkey as a woolly páramo donkey, except, that is in Ireland. not anywhere near páramo! (and sure, exporting animals is a Thing, but...the caption says its a subspecies of the paramo donkeys???!) (and, for the record, were going with the wiki's definition of paramo here: "A narrower term classifies the páramo according to its regional placement in the northern Andes of South America and adjacent southern Central America.") so we're looking for donkeys around there. more on that later.
but for now, The ENGLISH wikipedia page for Páramo (region) does not include ANYTHING about donkeys. which. if it was an endangered species, wouldn't it be notable?? however, the image the first blog uses...IS on wikipedia, and is cited. as being taken in 2007, possibly one of the earliest pics of said donkey type, and was in Chimborazo, Ecuador which iS IN THE PARAMO ECOSYSTEM OKAY WE'RE GETTING SOMEWHERE. RIGHT. THERE'S DONKEYS THERE. I knew that from looking up travel iteraries around Columbia's paramo. what I need to know tho is...ARE THEY A SPECIFIC, ENDANGERED SPECIES/SUBSPECIES/ RARE BREED?! ANYTHING???
The guy who's credited with the photo...unless its a case of the same name (which would be a hell of a coincidence, in this case) has scientific papers out about the paramo region! but...I have to request access to them, and most of them are in spanish, and who knows if they mention donkeys at all or the guy just put pics of them on wikipedia to be nice. like, I know donkeys do live there, but it doesn't seem to be a specific species, more like this is 'a woolly donkey of the paramo region' from the translation of the title of the photo. woolly donkeys can be anywhere!
WELL. the wikipedia photo is used on the ITALIAN WIKIPEDIA PAGE FOR PARAMO. and it lacks info which makes me scream. just calling it a 'woolly paramo donkey' and not elaborating is EVIL is it a reg donkey or NOT
looking into woolly donkeys alone, which I KNOW are a thing, this page cites the miniature woolly variation as rare, saying there are only 400-ish in the US. cool, that's a rare breed, if true. different from being an endangered species, though!!! totally different thing!!! and that linked page is from a breeder with no cited sources, and their last news update was...2019.
the smithsonian estimates miniature donkeys in general to at 10,000-20,000, so 400 of those being woolly seems to be..lowballing the amount of woollies? possibly? seems very low...esp for something with high cuteness appeal that would be a hit at fairs, competitions, or petting zoos. but if true thats at least...a rare breed... which is something...
(there are Poitou donkeys, if nothing else, which are confirmed to be a Thing, woolly, and endangered. quite frankly if I was going to change her to any other donkey, this would be it. its not on the red data list, but it is on the FAO endangered list, which is like. close enough yk?)
back to the paramo donkeys specifically. in my desperation, I asked bing's AI to scrub the web for ANYTHING about them. not that AI is always right, but it is Fast. it said "There is no scientific record of a species known as the “Woolly Paramo Donkey” living in high altitudes or near permanent snow." which...yeah. starting to Doubt it's existence. by this point.
just when I thought 'this thang isn't real, oh god I might have to pick a new donkey for Mira.....' I Found it somewhere unexpected.
a blog post about farmville 2. yeah the old facebook game! why is it here???! the game came out in 2012, so it had to be pulling the name from an earlier source, and was not where the blogs were getting their info (and thank god for that) but...even looking into reputable sources for THAT is hard to find??! its not on the farmville 2 wiki (LMAO) there's other species of donkey on the game, but none matching these low res pics that pop up on random cheatcode blogs when I look for possible sources?
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both of these images/img descriptions call it the woolly paramo donkey. and seem to be reasonably well rendered, and can be found across a few other farmville 2 blogs/guides... (the first img being a baby, the scond being adult vers) I can't really imagine boomers who play farmville going to the effort to photoshop fake upgrades in 2012 for farmville 2... but its not on the fan wiki, which usually cite their sources. I am not playing farmville 2 to investigate this further, but its WEIRD!!! esp since farmville does have woolly donkeys, and the above are NOT just colorovers of them! where...where was farmville drawing the "woolly paramo donkey" name from.
anyway, enough about farmville it really isnt THAT important but it blows my mind the name woolly paramo donkey slipped into there somehow. how. who. & its supposedly in a game called 'island paradise' but I couldn't find pictures of it. but its got its own wiki fan page as well...??
so, anyway, back to the actual research, here's a map of where the paramo ecosystem is. and a map from 2018 on a reputable government website regarding donkey populations. (most recent study I could find, unfortunately!) there could very well be an endangered or at least rare subspecies/breed of donkey around there! (by the way, there ARE woolly MONKEYS around the area. surely no one with dyslexia like me read monkeys as donkeys and ran with it right. RIGHT.)
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but...there's not one listed under the red data list's website under the name paramo or even any woollies. tbf, the red data website is moreso for wild animals, rather than rare domestic breeds). so I thought hm. okay. time to try something else. I checked for endangered south american donkeys in general. narrowed it down by possible countries. I checked every search engine I have bookmarked, including one that searches for scientific articles/books exclusively. I checked the dang wikipedia list of donkeys. (which, by the way? severely lacking info in general)
NOTHING. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS THE WOOLLY PARAMO DONKEY BREED, EXCEPT CITED ON THOSE RANDOM BLOGS, AND THAT SINGLE WIKIPEDIA PHOTO. unless...the region it would be in would be spanish-speaking.... there MIGHT be websites on it that I can't even read or find because I'm not using the right terms...OOF. I tried a few words for donkey (burro, burra, burrico,) paired with paramo, and I just kept getting a book result. Pedro Páramo by Juan Rulfo. not related at all, sadly, just includes a donkey in the story and the word paramo in the title.
I guess u could say the woolly paramo donkey was just a mirage? :) (loud booing)
anyway, all of this to say, the breed is most likely not real, or if they are, not documented online. from what I can tell, it seems to just be that woolly donkeys in general are rare, and while they do live in that area, are not proper endangered animals/species if we want to get hung up on semantics. but I'm not changing it for the comic. having her be a (possibly) fake donkey breed is objectively kind of funny, and it was already mentioned in chapter 1!
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unless shirogane has decoy DNAs in the event of a break in and that was one of them. oops, all placebo. her mew power comes from, like, the power of belief or whatever. joke joke joke this is not lore its a joke
whatever. I had fun digging for a while! happy world donkey day. petition for a donkey emoji btw ^_^
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sanchoyo · 5 months
anytime I have to scroll thru a big fandom on ao3 there’s always dozens of chat fics and it makes me sad bc 9 times out of 10 they don’t have plots or are too ooc for me to want to read and it sucks bc I feel like the concept of an epistolary story told with only text messages is so fun!! Accounting for the diff ways characters would type/use emojis/emotes, how fast they would respond (if they have time stamps in the story) who’s getting left on read, trying to extrapolate what’s going on behind the texts, how a plot could progress in a text only format… it has so much potential yet usually it’s only lolrandom type meme stories which don’t scratch that itch for me 😔
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sanchoyo · 19 days
trying to do truly deranged new things I haven’t tried before with coding after not practicing for a while is so painful 😔
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sanchoyo · 2 years
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LITERALLY HOW ELSE could ANYONE take this besides ...well you know.
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I don't think you need to know anything about flower language to know what a red rose means!!! and giving someone a card!!! in yugioh!!! doing a silly little hair flip too...!!! then calling her brilliant!!!! even in front of her dad!!!! my god masumi!!!! gay asf to have a rival!!!!!
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sanchoyo · 3 months
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saw this floating around and like...want to do it 🥺 reply to this post or send asks? 👉👈
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sanchoyo · 1 month
as far as I can recall, the only time in the ygo anime anyone ever destroyed cards was 1. kaiba ripping the blue eyes and 2. say goodbye to exodia and like. why was that not a strategy more. from the enemies obviously, but also in very dire situations the protags shouldnt have been above this as a strat
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sanchoyo · 2 years
i made a mew mew generator that gives u a mew food name + animal :) can be used to make tmm ocs or a mewsona!!! ✨
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